our town november 14, 1946

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 14, 1946

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    Dr. J. Bu g E ~ e l 1 \ 1 ' e i n . a former,r es ident of !\ a r be rt h and a wel lknown author, editor and lecturer,died suddenly at Springfield H o ~ .pital. Springficld. l\I:tss.. October31, i twa s l ea rned here t hi s week.Dr. Esenwein. who was 79. hadl ived on \Voods ide Ave .. Narberth,fo r t en rears e ar ly in t he centuryand had moved to Springfie ld about30 years ago.'When h e li ved i n Nar be rJ h, hewas editor of the old Lippincot tMagazine. He wro te t e x t b o o k ~ 011short story writing. and had beenpresident of Albl'ight College, Reading. Pa .He t augh t at ,I'el1nsylvallia ~ I i l i : 'tary College. Chester. and was prcsiden t o f Springfield Correspondence'School at the t ime of his death. Hewas a memberof the Browning So-ciety. 'He is sur\ived by his widow,Mrs.Carrie M. Esenwein. of Springfield.Funeral s er vi ce s w er c h el d i nSpringfield, November 3. and i n t e l ~ l11ent was in t he famil y p l ot a t L ebanoD, PII., ,Nove,mber

    ','" -' .;;, :l. 1

    JOHN: B E ~ L , JR.

    N".',. ,O .,..'--.:" , ,.' ~ ~ ~ ' 1 t .". "'. ,BSDAY, N O v E ~ E B . 14,


    taken over. t he management of e , 0 ynnew'oo, ay" Dr. Esenwe.nMARY VALENTINE'S FLOW- I; S ~ d S ~ O b ~ ' ~ ~ t ~ : I ~ ~ : ~ ; S ~ : : d ~ : Be Next Attorney Genera Dies at 79lives.,in Ardmore. Lieutenant Governor John C. Bcll,W 'II 's s 'ng Mary there but Jr. , of Hathaway and Mansion Lancs,e nu s ~ e l . ,she's devoting herself to being' a Wynnewood, may be named StateAtt omey General by Governvr-El ec thousewife." James H. Duff.Congr at ul at ions t o Barba ra Whi le Duf f has a s yet gh' cn no in-Woodrow and, John Webster, dicat ion of his choice to fill the 1110stwho announced their engage important cabinet post, political specument last weekThey are lation in Philadelphia and Harrisburgboth students at Drexel now, has c en te re d on Bel l s ince May whenand Bar ba ra i s t he d au gh te r o f D uf f w a s elec ted organizat ion gub-the George WoodroW', Sr.,fam- ernatorial candidate.,ily of Grayling Ave. The Wynnewood man, a p rominent* * Philadelphia a ttorney, has himselfHeard that was qui te a par ty the twice been considered for-the Gover

    SeniorBoard of the Women's Com- nor's chair-this year and i n 1942 bemunity Club of Narber th gave for fore now-Senator-Elect Edward rethe Junior Board Wednesday ceceived the G . O . P. nomination fornhe .. . It was a "poverty par ty" governor.with eve,one's coming in her ' o ld - The l ie ut enan t governor' s onl y pre est clothes. Refreshments were vious pol it ic al j ob was a s Sec re ta ryspaghet ti and tossed salad. More of Banking in the cabinet of formerthan- 50 people were guests, includ- Governor Arthur-H. James. He is iog Senior chainnan, LOU member of the 1946-1948 Executive:UcCARTNEY an d the Junior Commi tt ee of t he Republi ca n S ta tec h a i r m a n . , ~ R S . LARRY GREY.. Committee.

    . '.'

    . NARBERTH, PA.,, '.

    Narberth GroupWill DiscUliSchool Program

    P . - T ~ A. ;BO'RO MAY LOSE $6000. ~ : : : : l d I S T A I E _ . A ~ P _ ~ O P R I A T I O N

    j. Five Students Escape Death IStudents .:Can't R ~ d e'L ..M. Buses


    Officers Sent ToTrafJice School AreRiding Motorcycles

    , .


    Site on Main Line May Be Selected asP e ~ m a n e n t United Nations HeadquartersPoli t ical observers in New York lo ng been p re ss ed b y R ob er t G ra y a re a o f a pp ro xi ma tel y te n ,quareand Philadelphia this week were d is - Tay lor, o f Media , c ha irman of, t he mile s.cussing the. possibility that a Main D e l a w ~ r e Valley Association for Vni. The decision by the U. N. AssemLinesite might be selected a s a perma_ ted Na ti on s H ea dq ua rt er .. ' b ly to allow the site to be selectednent headquarters for theUni ted Na- 'Taylor has for month. been t ravel- anywhere inthe United States was retions. Philadelphia region a "SO-50 chance" sis ted by the U. S. delegat ion whichThe speculat ion was touched off by ing between NewYork and Washing- wanted \ )nly the New York and San

    the action Saturday of t he U. N. As- ton interviewing r e p r e s e n t a t i ~ e s of Francisco areas considered.sembly in widening the choice for a. .. Th B" h d 1 . 1 d b S'h d t . th t U ' ed Umted Nat ions ' cOWltr le. lobbYingfor e r lt ls e egatlon, e y Ire aqua re r s s it e to e en r e IIIt . .. t f' h h'chS the selection of a Suburban Phdadel - Har t le yShawcros s, e d t he Ig tw It a t ~ s . phia site. _ made any place in thiS country eligible,Dr. Robert L. Johnson , preSi dent S 'f' II T 1 h ff _.I winni ng t he vot e by 28-15 wit h t hef T I U , 'd S da h pecl Ica y, ay or as 0 p,r"" to ,o enlp e n1verslty, sal un y e 11 ld di I 'b l I support of France and Russia againstf I th I U N d .. th le w or . p o mats .seven POSSI e 0 -. 'et a tt Ie eClSlon gave e. th " th H the U S and Chinaof being named as the s ite. cations, among em Sites In ,e av- . '. ., J.. erford-Bryn Mawr IIrea, at Nl'wtoD Phdadelphla was la ter Speci fica llyW h ~ l e Dr. ~ o h n s o n , .who heads a Square and at Sycamq,..: Mills. mentioned by Si r Hart ley, a long wi thcommittee.seeking to bring U. N. Taylor has assured them that pub- Boston, as, places that might be "more

    h ~ r e , stated he personally ~ r e f e r r . e d 'lic opinion in the neighborhood of the desirable."e ither the Belmont Plateau, 111 Fal l: - s it es he has named wil l not be ad- The victory of the Brit i sh in thismont Park, or Roxborough, he con: verse to selec tion of a locat ion near dispute nul li fied months of work byc eded i t was pos si bl e t hat t he Mai n t he ir homes a s t he nelv "worl d ' c ap- a spe ci al U . N. commi tt ee ,whic hLine might receive the choice. 'ital." chose alternate areas in WestchesterThe case for t he Mai n L ine and Tho . Headqua rt er s COI luni ss ion of COlmty, N. Y., and Fairfield County,other Philadelphia suburban site. baa U. N. has specifiedthat i t requi res an Conn.I

    Community Chest D r i v ~ Leaders

    RADIO EXECUTIVE Roger W. Clipp, of 172 Whitemarsh Rd. M e r i ~ n GolfManor, Haverford Township,General Mana'gllr of Station WFIL (above, right), receivest h e R ed Feather , C ommuni ty Chest campaign symbol,from James M. Skinner , Community Chest executive.Clipp is vice chairmall of the Industry and Finance Department of the drive, which opened officially Thursday.

    T H E S P EC T A TO R


    19 Main Liner. GetLeague Nominationl

    P ro mi ne nc e o f M ai n L in eresidents In the 'social andeconomic life of the Philadelp hi a Met ro po li ta n A re a w assymbolized Monday night witht he n om in at io n o f n in e l oc alm en o f a possible 21 as directorso{ the Union League.Th ' n in e a re : D . W eb st er

    of .City Line Ave. and BlancoydRd., Merion; John A . Brown ,o f Rai lr oad Ave., Haverford;DeHave Develin, of 118 Crosshi ll Rd., Carrol Park; HenryR. HaloweU, of Greystone andBancoyd Rds. , Merlon; ArthurLittleton, of Newfield Way,Cynlwyd; Phil l ip E. Lueders,of 375 Aubrey Rd., Wynnewood Frank H. Mancil, of394 N. Latches Lane, MerioD;George P. Orr, or OrchardWay, Berwyn,. and L. AlanPassmore, of BrynMawr Ave.,Penn Valley.Brown, Littleton, Lueders

    Mancilland Passmore a re i n-More Than150Attend Boro's ~ : : b ~ : : : . 9 . E l e C t i O n a will be GalaArmisticeDay Banquet . /_'Nai'berth's Armistice Day banquet Monday night was in Speclo IStScompetition with what was described as the most a ~ t i v e d i ~ - R .ner night of theyear;with every 0':le of the large .Phl1adelphia emaInanhotels catering to some kind of importan t o c c ~ s l O n .. Several Iof them,had :i particular call on residents of tIllS section. R t J bNevertheless, more than 150 were present at the Bala- au Ine aCynwyd Junior HighSchool, a third of.them women,. t : ~ ef irs t t ime the dis ta ff s ide has had a look-m on the Legionsannual celebration.The food was good andthe program unusually attractive.William H. Banfield, new Post Commander, veteran of WorldWar II, made a forthright speech. W h a ~ he said, andthe manner i n which h e s aid it, enabled the audience to agree thatthe local Post had made a capable selection.

    $: * ..

    Auto Rustling R i s k y in BoroTwo Philadelphians have learned

    that automobi le rust ling in Narberthis risky business.Edward A. Boldino, a seamanin the

    Navy, and Williams Ward were convic ted last Monday by a Montgomery

    jury of taking an automobilein Narberth October 6 without the:onsent of the owner.The s ai lo r, who was convi ct ed i n

    N'orristown last February on a similar. vi ii b e t ur ne d ove r to t he Navy t o" ac e court mar ti al . \Va rd was sen:enced to a term of four months in the:::ounty Prison.Thc twomen werecaptured by three

    ~ a r b e r t h veterans who spot ted themtamperingwith an automobile on Forr es t Avenu e n ear S t. M ar ga re t' sSchool. ,Dick C ~ b r e y , former ArtilIeI')' 'Captain, Ton; Ferguson. ex-B-29pilot and Jack McKeown, former Army medic , ' l:hascd the rust lers and

    (Continued on page Z)

    '11 ,'! ,_ : : ' , ~ ; . ' : \ ,-, ", . " ' : - ~ : . ' ' : , ' ,I." >_~ \ ' O '.: :. . . . . . :::..:; .. '-'.., ..,,_ ::",' , L i 1 " " ~:.;u::r TV LIBRARYAVE,PA.


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 14, 1946



    29-oz. 20C..an

    3tali 99:can, @)112lb.3itepkg.pkg. l i te

    2 pkgs. lB e

    dor . l ge6"0". bag 27 e

    larg& ,folk ISe2 lbs. 2ge

    12 for S7C

    l : k : ~ ' 20 e10 individual 24ecorto/. '2 ~ : " 21e16_C!

    23 e

    Sirloin or Round


    Florida. JuicyThin Skinned

    GradeAA and A


    PASCALCELERYANJOUPEARSYELLOW ONIONS ~ ; . s ; S lb. bog 17eSWEET POTATOES ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ n d 3 Ib , .25eFRESH SPINACH, 2 lb.. 15eGRAPEFRUIT Extra Larg& 3 for 2ge

    KEEBLER Buffer Flavored Thinsf!UAKER PACK.O.TENAPPLEBUTTER White Hou.eWHITE CORN Toste Best Cr&om StyleTAK HOME PAC 6 individool pkgl

    Peanut Butter Waf&rs and Chocolata Wafers

    933 Mont!!omerv AvenueNARBERTH

    New Low Prices for Porle LoinsFRESH HAMS Whol& .or either ha!f Ib 4geOn& pflc&--None higher LOINEND PORK ROAST Ib, sSeRIB END PORK ROAST lb. S3e


    A & P Quality Sea FooJLarge ShrilDp lb. 6geFRESH OYSTERS for st&wing clO'l. 21eFRESH OYSTERS fry,'ng ,ite clor.' 35eCOD FILLETS or Finnon H o d d i l - $ m o ~ t c l lb. 4Se

    Today, a s a lways, the Mea tDepar tment of your A & PSuper Mar ke t c ar ri es onl yGrade AA and A cuts. Thereare none finer . none moretender, juicy and f1avorfullThese top-quality meats . p rope rl y t rimm ed be fo r eweighing cost much leslthan you'd expect. In fact, A& P's price s a r e so low tha tour profit is actually smallerthan ,vhen meats were underOPA price control . S top intoday . and savel,

    ,A-,. A l l e n an ( fohn Speaks to Scout 0 inner B : : ~ :.':':'::- 201 Lont"", n:. in = : : , ~ ~ ~ = . n d o ! P h N.Y.;M.... G; N. di s.tvo 0' G,od., .t How'" C,m" '" , Ch...I"o;, P":;m D , R ~ I . ' f C7 t" J . CI b ' Lane, Nar be rt h. was guest speaker Cha lf on t, d ied at her home in New .- , . ", ac(J.)ride lia.h Jro h UnlOT U A record nUltfber .of 274 Scouts a t a mee ti ng o f t he Bal a-CynWYd-,Mi l io rd , N . J . , Sunday . She was 69. ' ., .(J. tended the annual dmner of the Mam N b h R Cl b h Id T d She was the widow of the late . : I. . ".',:,. ., h ld I Th ar ert otary u e ucs ayV P A al F I Lme DIstrict Scouts east urs-. Rev. Harry M. ChaIfront, andhasl,Homer ' E, Allen, of Penn alley; Ian nnu orma daynight in the Radnor High School. atfernoon at the Overbrook Country If I 'd d ' N b th f 15Penn Jlalley Couple Leonard Borkland, of Ridley Park; D N b 30 " . h' CI b ormcr y res I c 111 ar erorAance ovem er ; A . Mor se B ak er , D is tr Ic t c a lr - u. Iycars at 126 Chestnut avenue. They Acme HasWed Saturday Eve Russell Medlock. of Arizona, and Ticket Sale Limited man, who act ed as mas te r ?f c e r ~ - A veteran of World War. I II. movcd awayten years ago. LOWIn Bala-CY"ltiwd Rubert A. Gilbert, of Penn Valley. ;monies, introduced the followl11g umt ICooke served as a ca ptam In thc Sh' 'd b f ' d ht Da . ." ." . . ", e IS survIve y lve aug ers,A reccption a t the home of the J. Wallace Ransom, PhlJadelplua leaders: Chma-Burma-Indlan Theatcr .for.l\I All G d M C I EATM' Mary Blythe Allen daughtcr .. I d ' I At h . rs. an wynne an rs. ar MISS 'h r ide 's mother followed the ceremony FBI agent. spoke on the orgal1lzallon The Rev. RIchard T, L yfo rd, B al a t l rce years u rmg t l e wa r. tae - r f f B t M' IDo th . . "Mrs . Frank Berry Allen, of Flat l .. I h V' d f t' f th FBI a t l as t T roop 1 Pack 79 and Explorer Post: ed to the engineer'intelligence corps, ,"op, 0 oson i ISS ro y\!ter a weddmg trIp t Iroug Ir- an unc Ion 0 e " . . I '1 I ; ; ; = = ~ ; ; ; ; ~ ~ ~ ; ; ; ; ~ ; ; ' Ick Rd. , P enn Val ley, and t he latc,' . .. , . 23 9; D r. R cx S. Clell1cnts, of Bryn hc told of Ius experIences wu e on ll---,-. Allen became the hride of John ginia, the young couple WIll reSide m Thursdays meetmg of the Narberth Mawr Troop 1 a nd P os t 1 9; Fath- duty in South China. .PRle'.,' H . I I J ' Wo ' Club There were ' A .-:.MacBr ide, son o f Mr. and Mrs .,Ros lyn c l g h t s , ~ . . nmor mens. er Cunningham, o f Roscmon t Troop At a boa rd o f d ir ec to rs ' mec ti ng , ccura'cyald S. MacBride, of 428 Wcll ing- Among the out -o f- town guest s at over 150 at the meeting. I, and Pack 210 i t he Rev . Eve re tt L . he ld bef or e t he r cgul ar meet ing, o f- Like so many others you will

    Rd . Penn Valley, in a p rc tt y th c wcdding wer e Admir al and Mrs . He said that'thc bureau. which was Washburn, of Wayne Pack 100; Mrs. f icials of thc organization accepted find a check of th e Acme : :in St. Asaph's Church, Bala-, Ben Roreel, of New York; Mr. and organized i n 1908, was a scr vi ce f or A. C. Fer ry , o f Ardmore Troop 4 the r es igna ti on of their presidcnt, AND YOUR Meat Price List showsAcme '.Saturday c V f f i c n ~ n g ' d The Rev . Mrs Gco rge D il li ngham, o f Pel ham. t he pub li c and t ha t t he pub li c should Har ri s, o f Wayne Troop 5; f F ~ t f h c r Raymond L. Wil liams, of Pcnn Val- Whelan PharmacistT. Lyford 0 Clatc. ,. " ,. . F' h take advantagc of it. During thc and Pack 74; W. R. Hyde, 0 ",' cr- Icy. prices ar e lower t h an those'd I . - N 1. Mr, and Mrs. George IS er, . TId R L Lehman of W'II' 'd ' J I f Wh nywhere fo r SIKh highThe bn e, w 10 was gl\'en In mar. . , . war. he said thc FBI received as Ion roop ,a n " I lams, prcsi ent SIl1CC u y, re- Th e accuracy 0 your e- aage by her unc le , Mr. Wil li am l?1 of S ~ l l I 1 s g r O v e , Pa.; Mrs . Geo rge many as 2000 caI ls a day throUghout Narbcrth Pack 212. signcd because of all health. He will Ian Pharmacist go es f a r be- quali ty meats.of P.ittsburgh, gowned mI Andersun, of New Preston, Conn.; the country. Every cal l is always in- Thc foI lowin, : .appointmcnts. \ ~ e r e Ibc succeedcd by Richard Gillis, of ~ 4 6 : YDnd t h e o r di n ar y me an i nglVOr): satin.model which \\:as fasll-I ~ [ r . and Mrs , Ral ll h M. Rush, of vcstigated, he sai d, and a good many announced by offiCIals of the DIstrict: ~ u d l c y Ave.,. ~ a r b e r t h : f o r m c ~ selUor I of the word. It is part andned witha Ing-h rouud neckhne, long Pittsbnrgh, and Mr.and Mrs. William lof t hem arc f ound to be sent in by L. B. Curtis, former dist r ict and dIrector. \VJlhams Will contmue to parcel of h i s p r of e ss i on a lI . I . I t ftted 'b b f I CI b code. It i s y ou r safeguard!ecves Wit 1 tmy )ll tons, a I ID B"k I f l >'tt b I cranks with a grudgc against somc- ficld commi ss ione r was named to t he e a IlIcm cr 0 t le u . .. . I I . I I ' . IC e, 0 I S u rg 1. , . In Whelans hosp ita l whitea nd a pcplnll1 e{ gcon, .i11 : , . : " " C I , ~ l e Ich as e a v ic tr ol a f or t he N ar be rt h a mi ns tr el s how by Pack 33 of Penn c ~ : r : : ~ t h D : ; ~ e rCOUSIl1 (II the b n d ~ " p ro fc ssor a t t hc Templ c UIl1VCrslty, Youth Dances. \Vynne, a dcmonstration .of the Scout I ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :All were gowllcd. ill R r ~ e n fai lle School ui Medicinc, will. be gucst! A represcntative oi thc Commun- Investi ture ceremony by the R a d n o ~ IIn ~ a d e on ~ I I l 1 P . l c hnes w it h: speake r a t t he r egul ar mec ti ng o f t he i ty Che .t madc a pl ea f or con tr ibu- Troop , a demonst ra ti on o f t he openred skirts. T h ~ 1 1 ' t)owcrl'd.b;.lII- arberth \ \ 'omen's Community Club t ions, ano Mrs, Harry Bcnne tt made i ng ce remony o f t he \Va}' lC Seaux matched thelr hOllquets 01 lall . I I b a c oll ect 'ou f or t hc N ar be rt h B ra nc h Sc ou t s hip a nd a t al k by Arnold C.1 I I .- I' 'I I ,. . . to be held November 19 at tIe c u - I . , , .la< e< c lr),aIllICmums, am tIt') \IUre, Nccdlework Guild. Sorenson, Vallcy Forge CDlmc11 Exe-cllow silk glovcs, housc, fIG . I . t cutivc pra is in g t he wor k o f t he Di s-, .,. I . .'. , . }. rs. .arry "rey, preSl{ ent, 111 ro- , ' ' OTTO 17LAUSChnstme Allcn nH'ce 01 thc hl' ldc, ' Vocat ional a

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 14, 1946


    AnI. 1910

    For Xnuu

    - Featuring. cOATS

    Jewelers Since 1888

    ST. JAMES PI .






    1420 Walnut S t ., PhUa.KIngsley 3.()lM

    ot fine woolen fnbr let - Classic and .. Dressmalter

    39 Coulter Ave., ArdmoreArdmore 3,l4,8

    Alicia Marshall, Inc.

    Children'. WearFoundation GarmentsLingerieJunior D r ~ s s e s

    45 COulter Ave.

    Cleaners Since14 COULTER AVE.ARDMORE (JUT

    13l U W . GmARD AVB.STevenlOll 4.8700


    Subarbaa Squaro morchants aro reaG,. to .. no f.a. Yow"find U a .. at ju t to look and _ tho InterMtlne arra,.o f n ew qaallt,. merebandl.e tbe,. havo prepareG for ,.oal'.eleetloa. A treat multlplleG b,. manf fillo .t,nl.. . . . .eoarteoDS dore .."lee. Come and lbo, .here IIle. . . .nt cODvenlent economical.MERCHANTS OF SUBUBBAN IQUAIl'

    rLEANINGFor Particular PeopleeTOWNSn lP~ L E A N E B S48 at. GewceI BeL &rd. 5'110285 Moat. Aft" CpwJ-4 ....14U au Uae TriDlV 'I-7IA


    TIl. Fi...., MOlt CHt,r.teCHIRAOil '

    PrescriptionsPhone Ardmore 2442.' 69 Sf. James Piaci

    ~ m J J p z(/)1LlUp.J 9Jl.

    GLASSStore I.Suburfl.. .AMlllc., D,li.,,,, ./I,w1""I G I L M A ~ Inc.[+7 St. Georl.IR... Ald. 0'10ARDMOR ...... =

    FeatQ.l'lqCopper Basket.. Bow" orBuM with VlniDr PlantsFrom $500013 Sf. Jam.. PI. ::Ul.

    THEARDMOIEBOOK SHOPIIC.TIMES MEDICAL BLDI., ..... Ar4Mn 4114 I~ ~ - -- - - J - - ' L ~ I ~ ~ ~ , I , ' D O R F N E'IlJl "Everything':LiJJ:lJl JiD.u.u. Photographic"


    Featul 'ingFLEECENAP

    Plain Colors$t.75Fanc;r Designs$5.50

    .A 11luJi

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 14, 1946




    FEATURING: A distincmestock of cwtstandingly ff...handkerchiefs ideally sui#edfor the practical gift.


    Rittenhouse 6-0379

    1714 CHESTNUT STREiTRIttenhouse61321

    Preparenow for the changes to come.Write today foe free booklet,or ~ p h o n e


    IndiTiduals deskiog to be professiottal aft- 'isu in radio,television or stage-whowish tobecome directors, tead1ets,- or who prefeJ:the fine cultural background so helpfltl 1ftattaining the heights of business and socialsuccess, are DOC: overlooking the ~ i g h qualityteaching staff. of The Emilie Krider Norri.School, oldest established school. in Philadelphia,for a souod commercialand educatiooaltraining.

    .Never has there beeft so great a demand lot.developed ski lls, nor the opportunity fortheir profitAble employment so prevalent, asexist5, today.

    PersfaR-is a Pretty Fur. Persia takeson freshfashion i m p o r t ~ e , especiallf., 'when designed by Louis J. Shapiro.

    Comein andseeour wellstyled Persiancollection. We're sure you'll be

    pleased with yourself this winterand for winters to come.

    JWilke, tl !fJlf Dil!...


    fieEMILIE 111111 MIUS SCIt8L

    Outs 9. Sf.-apteo1714 WALNUT STREET

    .. '-

    Personalized Instruction toDevelop Your Dance TalentThe finishing school of Philade lphia , unde r the directionof Pete Conlow, offers distinctive instruction in

    ~ a t t a * 7eJe7ap* ? ' I ~In addition to accreditedteachers' cou rses . For com'plete information consult .


    ' .Iephone RIH au.. 6-1533


    THE2edtt1712 Locust Str.etPhllad.lphla 3, Pa.BOOK SHOP



    New and Unique Ideasof Children'sCreative Expression

    in Cultural Activities

    Tel. Kingsley 5-0129

    For Compl.t. InIor..ati_,relopltoft.LOcust 7-6708

    The Arts Correlated ThroughPAttI. . . . .



    THE CHILDREN'Ss ~ ~ ~ ~

    Eftt'oR Your Child Now IAGES-FIVE YEARS AND OYER*THE D. ROY MillERchilJrelt', Fire. Art School132 South 18th Street

    ' Z ) ~ *Daily atLInLE JOHNNY'SMusical Bar anc/Resfoc.Jrant of Dimnd;onOn 19th St. at Cheshtvt(Next to the Aldiwe T.........)Ample bOflqllet a n d p ar tyfacilities available for tfJatspecial affair.



    ?/eIJIUe SHOPAn ample stock of first qual- * , For GiftsUNIFORM ity White-Street Wea r -Black 30 Denier .. . 51 Gauge of Distinction. 'HOP Sizes 8 Y2 to 11 Wedding Gift.1718 SANSOM STREET Shorf and tMdi,,," ' ' ' '9tft . Party PrizesLOcust 7-5951 C!hristmas Giltsand Cards

    Wide selection of best mate- MARY.ANN SHOP *rials in uniforms for Doctors, 266 1/2 South 20th Street 223 South 18th StreetNurses, and Maids. Philadelphia 3, Penna. Philad.lphla 3, Panna.

    All the newest, books o n a llsubjects, including gift boolcs,children's books, and handsomely bound books.

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    -Square Storesand Services'

    for DiscriminatingPatrons


    , , ,

    Telepbone LOeaai '7-J017

    You Gre cordially Invited to I A_rico'.line.t furnlfure - forevery room-ot price.lor below th. quality.Sulfe. and occa.ionalpiece

    'XCLUSIVE H ~ I R D R f S S I H G

    For Appointment Contact

    BEB DUBINHou.. 01 DlsthtctlYe AnflqiHJ Va" ' ,

    272 South 20th Street at Spruc.


    SOPHIE ZEFF\. 1704 WALNUT STREET2nd floor-'-Rear Kingsley 5-9482

    THURSDAY; NOVEMBER 14, 1948\

    FRIDAY IXHIIIT HOURS PROM 11 A. M. THRU .. p, M.(No Telephone Call., Please)


    Beginning Friday 15th and each succeedingFriday thereafter The Florence Tricker Studioof Art will offer for your consideration a limi ted number of f i n e ~ o r i g i n a l works rangingfrom antiques to landscapes. As a special fea-Itureto the purchaser,any workselected will berevised within any practical degree, includingcolor scheme, to satisfy any individual taste,


    ad Sewtee4


    For your protection and satisfaction reduce excess f a t the mode rn w ay . A va n yourself of .the Reducevac system, t he s af e ,quick, effective system that helps maintain fo.!m attractivenessin the 'very spots you personal ly desire. No drugs-dieting-orstarvation are needed wheh youuse Reducevac, the stimulatingvacuum method.



    FEATURING . A RARE HAND-CARVED~ U U I ' , U ' U " # t Q t . '6

    Truly an aristocrat of old, pr iceless in this mechanical day, itstands in tribute to a painstaking ar t long since dead. AristocraticaJIy inspiring, standing, nine feet in height, and containi ng a ll the rich, enchanting carvings, perfection of movement,the deep.toned, captivating Westminster Chimes, and suchother fascinating effects symbolic o f t he old masters ~ I d o massociated with other than a ctual museum pieces. Now , while the opportunity prevails we il"IVite y ou t o inspectthis truly individualistic appointment.

    Hour. from 11 m. ibroulb 5 It. m.

    Lieuteual lt David H. Hcnderson,USN, son of Captain and Mrs.George Henderson, of \Vyunewood. DEVINEY-FLAHERTY

    Mr. and Mrs . Joseph M. F lahe rt y,of 236 Bala A ~ e . , Cynwyd, have an-Inounced the engagement of theirdaughter, Miss Rosemary VirginiaI1 ~ l a h e r t y . to Frederick A. Deviney.sll /\ 'of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. be-I;viney, of \ V ~ n n e f i e l d . , ---------



    MR. AND MRS. ROLAND TRAYNOR-whose marriage took place Saturday evening, October5, i n the Llanerch Presbyter ian Church. Mrs. Traynor isthe former Miss Jane Hummel , daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Albert Hummel, of Llanerch.


    ANNA LIDYAMARTU C- ' - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - 'of Ardmore , and Mr. and Mrs .Saraceni, spent last week-end at

    Md., w h ~ r e they visi tedh ipman Pet er Sar acen I. Misstucci attended the hop at the U.Naval Academy Saturday evening. COMMANDER

    MRS. EDWARD B. HERN.3d, have announced the birth

    daughter, Julia Ann Herndon. 011S. Mrs. Herndon i ser Miss M a r i a n ~ l \ Gilliland, 01 R. AND MRS. NORMANo f Haver fo rd Mansions,ford, are receiving congratulas uponthe bir th ofa son,Timothyon Bemis, on November 5. Mrs.s i ! t he f ormer Miss Dorothyl Wagner, daughter of Mr. a ndEarl Gordon Wagner, of "Hm-k,': Penn Valley. S . CARL E. LUDOVICI, ofOwen Rd., Wynnewood, enterat a luncheon and shower Satafternoon in honor of MissLouise Kline, daughter of

    and Mrs. Loren E. Kline, of ov.,ook, whose engagement to JohnWehner, Jr., of Haverford, was r " " " ", " " " '( ,nced recently..'"S . GEORGE WHITFIELEof 357 Aubrey Rd., Wynne, will leave by plane on Monday,25, for California, wherewil l a tt end the mar ri age o f herh te r, Mi ss E li zabe th Thereses, to \Valter B'onner Kegerreir,pensburg,which will take place

    November 27, in Susan.Cali f.

    '. ." " , . , ,. " , ~ , . , ~ ,main Jlne Social nolej~ . . . . . . , . . ..,. .............. ~ . ~ . . . . . , . . " ~ ....,.",,...........,..................

    bee, daughter of :Ur. and Mrs. Franlj Willets, of Overbrook; Mr. JosephJ. Bisbee, of Jenkintown, and Harr] Diamond, of Wayne , and Mrs . Mil .F. Smith, Jr ., of Whitemarsh, fol low- lard T. Staples, of Drexel Hil l. II '" 1..- ..1

    REV. AND IIIRS. GIBSON i ng the r ehea rsal f or t he ir mar ri ag l All Main L ine women Int er es ted in ~ ~ = = = ~ ~ ~ = ~ = = = = = ~ = = = = = = = = = = = ; ' IL, of "The Rectory", \Vynne- which wil l take take place the fol low ; the act ivit ies and welfare of Lafayette rof Mr . and Mrs . Wil li am ingday. ICollege are cordially invited to at-

    entertained at a dinner at the '" tend.Golf Club Thursday evening. I IUSS :UARJORIE BEATRICEI ,. '" ,nor o f Miss :Uoua Townseno, /WOLFRETH, daughter of Dr. and 11R. AND :MRS. JOHN F.P . Townsend , o f 109 Woodside Mrs. Charles C. Wol fr et h, o f 28:SAYERS , JR. , of. 1214 Manor Rd.,Ardmore, and their grandson, Roynham Rd., Merion, will be gUest,L.lanerch Manor, have announced theon Be ll Kennedy , son o f Mrs . o f houor at a luncheon and shower, b Ir th o f a son , John F . Sayer s, 3d,B. Collins, Jr., of Wynnewood, to be gil 'en by Mrs. Wilf red Fry, 01 on November :4, in Delaware CountyIIfr. Albert E: Kennedy, Jr., fol- Ardmore, 'vVednesday, at the Cosma- Hospital.ng the r ehea rsal f or t he ir mar - pol it an Club. Miss \Volfreth's mar. which wil l t ake p lace F ri day in r iage to John Campbe ll Crosby, o f :MRS. A. F'. SCHWARTZ, of 347h's Church, BaJa-Cynwyd. Oconomowoc, 'vVisc., will take place Kenmore Rd., Brookline, attended the r '" Saturday afternoon, December 7, in 135th annual convention of the 'vVom-1AND MRS. NORMAN K. Al l Saint s' Chu rch, Wynnewood . en' s L eague of Gettsburg College inERMAN, of Haverford, arc ! fRS. OWEN B'IDDLE , o f Gol f Get ty sbur g l as t Thu rsday and Fri-Iest s o fMr. and Mrs Newel l J Honse and Andover Rds ., Haver fo rd , day . She i s a delegate of the Dela-Jr., of Middl ebu ry, V a; will n tc rt ai n at a shower Wednesday, ware County Branch of the League. in hOllor of Miss Margare tCurt is Whi le t he re she v is it ed her daugh -!

    vitations have,been issued by the Bookmyer, daughter of Mrs. Curt is ter , Miss Dorothy Schwartz, who wasSCHOOL ASSOCIA- Booklllyer, of 715 Panll lureRd., Hav- formally ini t iated into Kappa Delta iand Miss Rosamond Cross for erfonl, and ~ [ r . Roy T. Bookl ll ye r, o f Eps il on , a nat iona l f ra te rn it y f or Ia a nd cocoa par ty to oelebrate Overbrook, whose marr iage to Joseph Ivomen, on Thursday. Miss Schwartz,:formal opening of the Esther M. Roberts Clausen, Jr., of Philadelphia, a graduate of Haverford Townshipe Memorial Crafts Room, 011 will take place on December 7. High School, is a j un io r i n t he c ol-

    y afternoon, November 19, * 'lege.3 : 30 to5 :30 o'clock. MR. AND MRS. REEVES * WETHERIl.L, of 925 Glenbrooke MR. AND MRS. GEORGE F.. AND MRS. STANLEY G Ave., Bryn lI[awr, will be the guests HORNER, JDR., of 1837 Rose TreeJR. , of 451 Latches Lane, nf ! lf r. and },f rs. Robert Marvel, of Lane, Westgate Hil ls, are receivingentertained at a buf fe t supper New York, t he week- end o f Novem- congr at ul at ions on the b ir th of ay evening in honor of Mr. and ber 23. d au ght er, Mar y Rut h Hor ne r, on

    .Edmund L. Swan, of Overbrook '" '" November 3.Swan is the former Miss Caro, ArR. AND MRS. FREDERICK B. MR. AND MRS. ROY UAC-M. Huber , daughter of Mr. and I STIMSON, of 334 Fai rh il l Rd. , DONALD, o f Bri sbane, Aus t ra li a, .Nelson C. Huber, of Ardmore. IWynnewood,.will entertain, at a dinnerIhave announced the engagemcn t o f i * * ,Frida}' ewcnmg, December 27, at the their daughter, Miss Betty MacDon-,S S J EAN G. MADDOCK, Acorn Club before the Assembly Ball aId, to Da\' id M. Crawford, of Newhter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy G at the Bellevue-Stratford. York, son of :Mr. and Mrs. Thomas609 Zollinger Way, Merion, ,. * ,F . Crawford, of 108 Golfview Rd.,guest of honor at a lunchean giV-1 lim. AND MRS. T. JEFFERSON M ~ r i o n Golf, Manor.Miss Rea F iske , o f Mer ion, a t CASPER, of the Wynnewood Park * Union League Saturday. 'Mis, IApartl11ents,\Vynnewood, have .an- The annual meeting and elect ion ofock's engagement to Ralph Me. 'nounced the bir th of a son, Jeff rey new off icers of the Gardcn \VorkersArdmore,was announced reo Don:tld Casper, on November 5. Mrs. Club wil l be held November 18 atICasper is the formcr Miss Geraldine 2 :30 P . M., at the Sedgely Club, '" 'Stone, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

    AND MRS. JOHN I! Donald Stone, of 300 Bowman Ave. , Hos tesses wil l be Mrs. Harryof Levering Mill and Ou ~ { e r i o n . Haa s, ' M rs . Howar d Yoc um, a ndMer ion, have announced the '" '" * Mrs. John Carter.o f a son, J oh n J . O 'K ee fe , J r. , MR. AND } 'I RS . WEBSTER K. '" t ob er . M rs. O 'K ee fe is the WETHERILL, of 220 Glenn Rd., MR. AND :MRS. E. D. CROCH-er Miss Virginia Scott , daughter Ardmore, have returned from EagleIERON, of 409 Dudley Rd., Narberth,. Joseph L. Scot, a lsoo f Mer i. Point P lant at ion, G louces te r County, had as t he ir guest s l as t week- end,Va. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brentlinger, and * their chi ldren, David and Dale, o fS. W. RALSTON RODGERS MRS. ,JOHN B. THAYER" of Atlant ic City, formerly of Narberth.

    of 219 Val leyRd. ,Meri on , ent er - Grays Lane, Haver fo rd , who sai led Mrs . J3' rent li nger was f ormerl y aat a luncheon and bridge Sat for England recently, is now in Lon- member of t he N ar be rt h J un io rat the Merion Cricket Club, ill don. She wil l return home before \Vomen's Community Club.of Miss LynneRepkie, d a u g ~ l t e r Thanksgiving. ,.. and Mrs . Charl es A . Repki e, The Women 's Aux il ia ry o f Laf ay - lfISS CHRISTINE LIVING-way, N. J., whose marriage to Irtte College will hold a t ea Tuesday STONE SCHAEFER, debutanteson , Wal te r Rodgers , 3 rd , w il li ~ f t e r n o o p f rom 2 to 4 :30 o'clock, at" daughter of Mr. Stanley \V. Schaefplace on Saturdayafternoon, De- the Colonial Dames" 1630 Latimer er, of Wyncote,. and MISS ANNIE21. St .. Philadelphia. K. VAUCLAIN, debutante daughter The guest of flOnor will be Mrs. of Mr. a nd Mrs. Jacques L. V au -

    NANCY SUPPLEE, Ralph Cooper Hut ch in son, wif eo f, t he c la in o f Haver fo rd , w il l have asof 72 E. Levering Mill Rd.. I president of Lafayet te College, and their guests in the proscenium box atguestof honor at a luncheon Sat. ipresident of t h . ~ ~ a t i o n a l Auxiliary. the Phil,adelphia La ~ c a l a Opera, given by her sister-in-law, Mrs. The hostesses will mclude Mrs. Ralph Companys performance m the AcadE. Supplee, of Philadelphia C. Nash, of 1\Ier ion; Mrs. Markley emy of Music, on Thursday evening,R ee d' s m ar ri ag e to A ar on I re . r Stevenson. of Haverfor

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 14, 1946






    ROOF REPAIRS.COI)ller' Guttel'S & spouts

    Wm . B . Y OU N GHII,LTOI' 2867.1\1 1526 Furlong Av e. - Manoa


    NAPPERTJ. A.696 Washington Ave.

    Manoa Hilltop 6987-J

    RADIO-ELECTRICALBICYCLE REPAIRSTHE FIX IT SHOP308 Levering Road(2nd floor)BALA CYNWYDOpen Dally to G and '1 10 0 D. .PhoDe: Cynwyd 7909

    Painting * Paperhang ingGeneral ContractingGet Ou r EstimateH. EARl.. HUSTON

    929 A n d ~ r s o n Ave . D:exe l H i llI Sunset 3277


    12 to 2 P. M.




    GrandfatherClocks Repaired

    B .. r C TM Fi1l6Bt Food at AU TimaD o n o _ h D " ~ 812.. I WALIUT srI.Delicious Home-Cooked Meals

    ATTHEWINDSOR.ESSEX 438 Montgomery Ave.Windsor &: ES8e:e Avu. HaverfordTeL J : : ~ 9256 Te L Ardmore 5027Breakfas ' - Luneheoa DinnerW. cater to special partie, 101" all Occasiona

    JI. (F ! e : IY ~ ! ~ ! : ! e ~ ~231 BALA AVE., CYNWYD, PA. CynwYd 3250

    same a ge a nd wei gh t fr om West and Rober t Quillen will accomplinyB'ranchYMCA. . t h e Main Line boys. This invitation'

    Th e g am e w il l be played at 10 A. came f rom Will i am Ranisayer, Boys'M. at Drexel F ield . W i ll i am Seery SecretarY of West Branc:h YMCA.

    AI well as English, French and SWiss Clocks.Clocks called for !Ond delivered. Estimates givenand all work guaranteed.,.---- WE RESTRING PEARLS --- .We wl11 be rrlad to restring Your pearls. Just llut themIn an envelope and bring them In.

    ,...- "Oldeal ill !M Cit Jl " -: VENETIAN BUNDSfN lNDOW SHADESCLEANED

    Telephones:Alleghell7 4-1668Newtown Square 0381Paragon Co., Inc.u to 15 8. 56th Street5 6 t h " Market St&.PHILADELPHIA

    __ Oldu'_'IS fM CftJl" _

    CUSTOM MADEFLEXIBLE '-TEELVENETIAN BUNDSBonderlRd aDd r us t pr oo f towblte or Ivof1. Enclo sed bead ,worm .'e&I', to& ac t ion . baked

    I eqameled flnIab.I Free EstimateI 100., DeliveryIlIaJI lII1d Phone Orden "IlledI Haddon Carpet Co.

    506 S. 8th st . . PblladelpblaLombard 13332



    __ .P.lL__

    R O O F ~ N GA s ph a lt , S l ag , S l at e,Tile , . Canvas , Meta l

    SHINGLINGBr ic k , Asbe s tosand Asphalt Sid ing

    lncII fi n l ie _ _ fin IScCodcI4U H _ . 3 co 6 p, M.


    JOHN McCANNS4-S6 W, RitteI ihouse St .PhHadelpllia, Pa.GErmantown 80411

    No j o b t oo la rge or too small.As long as three )'ears to pay.Est imates Free . Established66 ) 'eal'S in one place.

    REFRIGERATIONSERVICEDomest ie-& Commercia l I

    HILLTOP 1564Used Refrigerators BOllght& Sold.1J. R. HAMILTON. 111 Harvard Rd.,Brook1lDe




    Y. M.C. A.NOTE,S

    SERVICE DIRECTORY- Sta te Inspection S t a ti o n Numbe r 6625 -Have Your Car Inspected Early


    Thomas-Coult, Inc.Dodge Plymouth Sales & Serviceon City Line at 52nd St.CYNWYD 5422

    Our most modern Service Department, (is now ready to take care of all serviceand repair work. on .Dodge, Plymouth,Chrysler, DeSoto and all other make carsand trucks.We have a compl et e Parts Departmentfor Dodge, Plymouth and all other

    ! Chrysler products.

    ! . ! ! . ! ! : . ! ' A _ _ _ _ ~ . ' ! : . f ! ' _ . " ! : _ . ' :..

    Your auto need not b.tied up whll. our workIs belnl don

    90.Da, Guarant..Complete Stock of ParisEssex .Repair Shop

    lo t ESSEX AVE.NABBBBTB 1111


    Prompt ServiceSkilled Men -ReUable Work .Get Our Estimate

    For Work of Distinction JOSEPH B. MacVeaghMA.STER PA.INTER


    I BElgrade .6-2826 . 6072 Upland S tree tPhiladelphia 42 I, I. I 4

    H. L. YOUNG & CO.17 Myrtle Ave. Chatham VillageHavertownGRanite 2-7020 Hilltop 2384


    . ... .THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 14, 1948, . .



    G IRLS


    EARNINGSCompare with Be8ti n Your Community



    fo r Advancement andDevelopment


    KELL'W ArO.

    TOP-RANKING POSITIONSi n Communi ty Serv ice


    in Telephone Work

    We are now pa;vJnr tbe world's bldles t prices ror DIamond.. You aresure to receive tbe t rue and bones tvalue for your diamonds wben YOUde al w lt b t bl s ol d reU abl a finn.Establisbed 49 year..

    Room 315, McClatchy Bldg69th and Market Streets

    Upper Darby

    L. M,-Radllor TicketsOn Sale November 18

    Last of RadnorConcerts Nov. 17The last of the Fall series of free

    concerts sponsored by the Tri-CountyConcerts Association will be he ldSunday, November 17, a t R ad no rH j ~ h School, \Yayne.Scheduled for 3 ;30 'Po >.r., the concert will feature t he Gulct StringQuart e t. The ir p rog ram will include:the Mozart C. major quarlet,' Beethoven's Opus 59, No.2; and theQuartet in F majo r o f Ravel.Bombers and StagsPlay Warriors Here

    Captain W. E. S ch ae ff er , o f t he The Rev. Eugene A, Kel ly a nd I I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ! ~ ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~Lower Merion Township Detective Wilfred J. Quigiey l ed a di sc uss io n - I ):Force, will be guest speaker at a on socialized medicine at the monthly .. " '!.I. . DINE OUT1.. ..meeting o f t he Y ou ng A du lt Forum'. . of t he M ai n L in e Y MCA M on da y meetlOg o f t he .Rebglon a nd L a bo rNovember 18, at 6 :30 P: M. ' Group following dinner at the Y

    Captain Schaeffer will speak on Tuesday evening. i"Cooperating with Local Police Agen- * * * -- .cies." The meeting will be' held at Saturday morn ing the Main , L in e : PLENTY :the Ardmore headquarters of the or- YMCA will be represented by t h e : _.. DOIDlna.ED PARK ING S PACE :ganization. . following boys: Arthur Daly, BUI The p ro gr am committee of the Long, Gene Hughes, Joe Delaporta;

    COOPER & SMITH group includes Wayne Roth , Jean Jack, Dolan, Lee Calihue, Joe Quinn, : :PLUMBING & HEATING Awkcrman, Mrs. C. M. ' T ra cy , a nd D ic k Quillon, B il l O rr , Jack Kel ly, : HOWARD JOHISON'S .:Regfetered Arthur Kelly. 'Gene Kelly, and Dave Boyd in i. :COPPER TUBING A "Come and See Tour" of branch football game wtih boys of about the : RESTAURANT' AVAILABLE YMCA 's o f Philadelphia and vicini ty: :

    FOR I'MMEDlATE INSTALLATION has been a r ranged by the Pub l icRe-: :17 E. Marthart Ava. South Ardmor. lations Department under AIl!5cander alt LI . I Haverford An :PHONE HILLTOP 8001 Corson. The tour will leave Central A eRA. IP01'10: , II

    REPAIRS Branch, 1421 Arch St., at 9 P. M., rJ } : :CHAIRS RECANED promptly. CaUed for next Thursday. From t he re t he y . ()If.:::z;Huj : LUNCHEONS DINNERS :and delivered. Also seats for Dining will v is it t he following brand . : Room chairs, etc. Phone Deca'hr 1403.J. North, Christian Street, West, Park.:. -Ti l .,1. . . .lnt18- : WINES LIQUORS :S ~ % : ~ ~ ~ : : : I ~ ~ : ~ ~ : ~ e d b ~ t : W : : : side and end t he t ri p at Main Line SUIUI141 D4rl : _. FOUNTAIN SERVICE :Sewing Machine Co., 57 E. Lancaster with a luncheon. I_A'-'-ve-'-'....;..A-,:rd""m,....0c,:.re::-:O:::-'25_6==-:c-=-=--__ 1 OPEN DAILY 11.30 A.M, TO MIDNIGHT

    RADIO REPAIRS and Cocktail lounge : :Arena Mat WIndups REPAIRS - Radios, appliances, recorda.General contractIng . HOME IM -PROVEMENTS. MAIN LINE SUPPLY Another all-headline wrestling show~ ~ . , ( 5 a e ~ ~ ~ t g f = r y P ~ : t ' J : l ~ ; ~ y = : will be presented by Promoters EddieWYD om. , Gottlieb and Jules Aronson this Fri-

    day n igh t at the Arena. In one halfof the windup, Don Evans wil l o ppose Bobby Managoff, and in a teammatch, Wally Dusek and Rudy Dusekwill oppose Larry Moquin a nd V ic iHolbrook.


    1631 Arch StreetPhiladelphia






    l i P H O L S ~ R I N ~



    Alterations ... AdditionsThomas E. Bressi

    Building Construction1468 Hampstead RoadPenn Wynne, Phila., 31ARDMORE 0503W

    MORTGAGESProperly Management

    IHENRY FRIEDMAN IARDMORE 4700Ardmon Theatre Blq.

    AMOSITE DR IVEWAYSStone & Cement Wor1tExpert ly done byRALPH RUSSO & SO N


    CLEANEDA ls o C oa l Heaters Cleaned24 hour servIceArdmore 4769-J


    VACUUM CLEANING, RE PAIRING GA S PROOFINGCrescent Furnace Co.Call GRanite 2-6581

    UPHOLSTERING "N D REPAIRINGBllrlnllll of three-lliece suits rellalred.'10 .00; chalra recovered . t5.oo GoAnyWnere. CaU LEWIS. Wayne 14116227 East Lancaater Avenue. Wayne.

    GLASS & MIRRORSGlass & mirrors for all purposea.Old mirrors remodeled & resllvered.T l C : h ~ l r r o r s made } f o ~ ~ A R D '3Oll27315 West Chester Pllte


    6623 Haverford Ave. Tickets for the Lower Mcrion-Rad-Phlla. 31. Pa. nor foothall game, 10 be played Sat-Telephone: GRANITE 2-1879 mday, November 23 at the VillanovaMACADAM DRIVEWAYS, naiBtone. Stadium, may b e 5 ecur ed Monday,c emen t wor k, g en er al excav at in g. November 18, at bOlh the schools.road build ing . Roller for h ire. D'AN- ''rONIO CONSTRUCTION CO . INC., 123 At Lower :Merion High School,: ~ h " : , n Ave., Manoa. PHONE HILLTOP they may b e pur ch as ed in t he e m-ployment office, directly acr05S from

    the l ib ra ry o n t he f ir5 t f loor , from8 :3 0 A . M. to 4 ;30 P . M.STEEL-A. S. M. E .BoUers with S. W.Hookup. ImmediatelY D e l l v e r ~ ' , Direct Factory price. LOmbard 3-5252.MAITH ENGINEERING603 Wood Street Phlladelphia, Pa.

    TOP SOILForLawns andV i c ~ o r y Gardena'" Per LoadjApproldmatel7 .. TonIJalllS P. Gallagher

    l 'etnlOn "ft. BroomalL .. .lDunedJate DeUftrIIPilon! NIWta_ IIQaare

    ; m = p ~ r : ~ & ~ ~ ~ i t ~ : E CASHLocust 7-2134. II.PIANOS I OlAMON ISBll: SMART. everybody ca11ll PhUa:sl ar ge st l ll an o d ea le r when tbeY a rtready to sell their plano. SpeclaUzlnr IIn Stelnways & better make Pianos: DIAMOND JEWELRYPHILA. PlANO EXCHANGE, 5110 Germantown Ave., GERMANTOWN 6-3200. Ii

    PAINTERS and paperbangers. estabUshed 1920, estimates cheerfully give II.Ad41son and Company, 4010 Berry ave.Drexel Hili. Clear_rook 6046.

    PAPERHANGING, expert workmanship.reasonable prices. No j ob too sma ll .Estimates cheerfUlly given. THOMASH. BURROWS, 136 OAKLEY RD.mGRLAND PARR, SUNSET 6161.



    . WANTED TO BU YVETERAN PAYS TOP DOLLARS 1"ORMEN'S AND W OMEN 'S C LOTHING .SUITS. OVERCO/.T8, SHOES. FURS.EVENING WEAR, RIDING APPAREL.LUGGAGE. ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT.ARMY GOODS. INSTRUMENTS OPWHAT HAVE YOU. WILL CA.LL INPRIVATE CAR (COURTEOUS SERVICE)HARRY, 4048 MARKET ST., PHILA..EVergreen 63166.VETERAN PAYS UP TO 830 PaBSINGER SEWING MACHINES, DROPHEADS . S I5 FOR LONG SHUTTLES.ALSO ANTIQUES, MARBLE TOP ANDHORSEHAffi FURN., FEATHERS, BAIR,OSED FORN. CUT GLASS STEINS,RUGS, SILVER, JEWllLRY, MUSICBOXES. OIL LAMPS, PAINTINGS.VASES. PLATES. FANCY FIGURES.OLD BUTTONS. ANYTHING OVER 50YEAR S. B . C. COLEMAN, 907 N. 'ITBST., PHILA., LO. 3 -9332.SCHAEFFER PAYS fnGHJ!8T 'PRICEfor furniture, household goods, china,brie-a-brae. estates. llianos, antique&.1----------- - -......-1 Off to a f ly in g starl ill the Basket-e ~ ~ ~ t a 4 ! : : 3 ~ L O C U S T 7-11174 INSULATION 11all Association of America, the5728 Sansom St. 2132 Market SC. PREPARE for wInter by Insulatii\gliiid Philadelphia \Varriors will play twoInstalling combination Storm Windows. t o u ~ h \Vestern r ivals next week.ROOFING. all types. Work guaranteed.n o d own payments. 36 months. JOE E. St, Louis Bombers , t hi rd p la ceFOX. Hllltop 3788-W. team in the \Vestern Division, clash

    wilh t h e \Var r io r s a t the Arena nextTue5d ay , Nov . 19 , whi le the secondplace Chicago Stags will ap pe a r o nt he same court, Thursday, November

    LEE1329 Pine Street Philadelphia SEWING CLASSES now being held atKINGSLEY 5-4130 SInger Sewing Machine C o. , 5 7 E . Lancaster Ave. Call for information. Ard-MARTIN'S buys men's, women's elotblng'l __m_or_e_02_5_6. _shoes. furs. Sporting goods. musical instruments, tools, typewriters, addlDCmachlncs and general merchandise, 40lillMarket St. Phlla. BAring 2-8116.

    METAL REFlNlSHlNG & LAQUERlNO.Brass f ireplace equipment, laDlII80antique & ornamental objects made tolook llI te new. Work I\III1"BIIteed. CallNARBERTH 2147.



    Lost and Found

    "P. B. A."6502 N. 8th St., Phlla . 26, Pa.WA. 4-4657Help Wanted Male


    LOST Ur.WRELLA, b lue s il k, s tr ai gh thandle. VIcinIty Cricket and LancastllrAve s. t o Wynnewood. Please call Ardmore 1123, McClay.

    CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING D E C ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I N G25 WORDS FO R SOc (I n One Paper) $1.40 F OR F OUR P A PE R S . 4 8 -HR . SERVICETHE MAIN LINER, HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP NEWS, SHANJtIN- iSIs SON 5705 MASTER ST..OUR TOWN, BALA.CYNWYD & MERION NEWS .TRinity 71441PAINTINGYou maY lend money order, stamps or penonal C h e ~ ~ ~ p s : . all llllIDJIluntcatloDll to lDwer Merion N,wBlla_ PAPERHANGING

    (Spec1a1 Monthly B a ~ ) PR E HOLIDAY SPECIAlL.CALL Room. lIapered $15 up. Labor and materialArdm or e 5720 GReenwoo d 3-7740 Hilltop ~ 6 0 0 Included. Finest selectlons and good work' " : = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ = = = ; : ; ; ; : ; : : : ; ; ; ; ; : : = = ~ = = ; ; ~ ~ ; : ; ; ~ ~ ; ; ; ; : guaranteed. PAINTING f ro nt and b ack , '"":"' ,--------------- of house, 2 coats - $125. Estlmatescheer-REAL ESTATE GLASS &: MIRRORS fully given. Go anywhere.Call HOward S-6C1'

    EMPLOYMENT OFFI-9EHelp o f .11 kind. House wo rk , d ay'Sworknnd couples. Refcrence Investigated.PllOne Ardmore 6084.E:-"CPLOYMENT; finest type domestic help. References thoroughly ID_\"e'llgated. BAring 2-7632, E. LOUISEEDWARDS. Mgr. (

    YOU med competcnl, rcllable factory.restaurant or hOllSC\dJl'kPofS? MeCORlIllCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY.N. a\"c. POplar 5-1486.CON DIES EMPLOYMENT SERVICEensed and bonded tlUPERIOR belp.sehold, Industrial, .hotel, domesticmaintenance Walters. H. YOUD&

    4540 Boulevard 2830FURNISH the blghest type daworkers. part f in d f ul l t ime work.& female. APplicants thorougll1y\"est lgated . DINA'S Employment2116 N. 17tb St., Phlla . POplar

    RANGE-fair condition $15. Icebox. porcelain inside $12. Set Micrometers 0-1 Inch depth gauge. completewith e.n'e $18. Phone Hilltop ';;;ll-R.O P1ECE living room suite. good condition. Phon" Hilltop 1831-M3YnEED porch set. D a v e n ~ o r t , rock_chair , arm chair and table. Good $10.00 TO $90.00condition. Phone Hilltop 0771-R. For your old Singer drop head sewingA - : ; N ~ Y . ; - - - ; b ; ; c e ; ; ; ; d : : : r o " ' o - : : m . . . : . : . . s ~ u l ; : = t e " ' , -t:-'w-'Iu:- Imachine. Also wanted: China, Crystalbeds; French design liVing room suite; Chandeliers, Silver, Brle-aBrae. All typeaneedlepoint chairs. small dinette set; 100 Furniture. one Item or entire estates,piece fine China dInner set and more(too numerous to mention. Leaving towndue to denth in family. Mr. DreUsh, 29-AMorton Hand. Bryn Mawr.

    EMPLOYMENT SERVICK.F in es t t yp e h elp o f a ll k in d. Hou se rk, day' . work. couples . References6027 Race St., PhUa.

    dining ro om Maple extension table.excellcnt condillon, Reasonable, Call Hilltop 3389-W.a""r"'oo:"n-,..,.lc-o-p-ar-:d,..t,....r.,...lm-.. . . , h : - a . . , . t - o - : : f . . , . c - o - a ~ , . . 1material t o matCh , princess style, wornsix times, size 14-16 price $80.Powdcr blue dInner gown , s ize 16, hat,gloves, and b ag t o m at ch , w or n o nc e.price 585. Call Hllllop 2376.c . : : . : : . ; g a ; : . ; s - w - : a " . t e - r . . . , h - e - ' a t ' - -WE WILL POSITIVELY top any oUD'for Antiques, furniture. china, vases"cr. th ir ty gallon capacity, used !If teen fIgur ines . br ic-a-brac old lewelry . Bemonths. Also Helical tlcd call spr ing fore semng, CaIJ GErmantown 8-9547.doub le b ed s ize . Call Hilltop 8006 after PALMER ANTIQUES, 15 E . CoUlt er5 p. m. Street, Phlla.28" Boy'. TRU-SPORT. In goodconditlon. $20.00. Phone Hllltop 7383 ANTIQUES, IMMEDIATE CIIIlh. old flJrD-

    ; : : : a : : : ~ : : : l ~ ; - : : = ~ ~ c : ~ u = m : : - : ; c l - : : c a ~ n ~ e = - r . - : M ~ e ' " : " t a : - : 1 " " f : - : o l ' " " d I n : - - g s l l ~ ~ : ~ r c ~ J b t r i ~ O ~ d . t 1 W J : -cot and Maple colored oak chIna c l o s e ~ Johns . Glen Loch. Fa PIJone BnaDand Morris chaIr, Call Narberth .;l399-J_ 790-W or Allegheny "-906D.SPRING, double bed mattress, GIrl's ANTIQUES WANTED - PUn11t11ft. WHlTlNG BROTHERScoatset, blue, fur trimmed, size 3. Phone g la ss . o ld eblna , v as ea , b rl c- a- br ae , E SPR ING AVE., Ardmore. TrucltlnaHilltop 2739. figures, eoppsr & brasa. It you have h"Ullng. IIgbt moving, cleaning eel: : 7 : : : - ~ " " " " : - - " " " ' - : - - " " " " - : : -__ 1anytblng o ld , c al l THB s PI NN ING IU5, removing ashes, taking ol furCOI_'r, fuU length, size 14. Per':' WHEEL, WAYNE 2347 naCES. Also fireplace wood, mushroon.ian Lamb coat, three quarter length. 1-"-==:- ' : ' :==::"": :=-------16'111. manure. to ll soU for anIe. CaLize 14. Both in excellent condition. Call LAMPS Ardmore 3806.after six P. m. Sunset 0994. 1;;;;;;==:....::='----------

    L TOP desk and chair . Suitable for BEAUTIFUL LAMPS FLOORINGor home. Perfect conditIon. $35.Phone Hilltop 4151. ' FLOORS 5/16 & 3/16 blocks, lumber InU ; ' ; ; r . ; - ; l . : . : C ~ L ~ E ; : ; / _ : ; ; N ; ; ; E ; ; ; R : : i S c : . . j ; : : u ~ s t : - : : a r : : r : : : l v : : ' e d ~ A - : - : f ; - e w : : 'IDon't take a ebanceWi th you r v a lu ab le s to ck . O ld f lo or s & stairs sanded &Singer Vacuum cleaners and hand ~ : ~ : s i l l ~ R ~ ~ ~ ; ~ l l t ~ c : l l o r ~ g , ~ R = finished or cleaned & sbellacked. Purocuums for Immediate delivery. CaU Them Into B ea ut if ul L am ll s. w hi te s be ll ac . Wo rk g ua ra nt ee d. C al la -

    : ~ h ~ ~ r c ~ e , : ; ' ; : ; ; ~ a ~ ~ n E . S I : ~ ~ COMPLETE LINE OF LAMP PARTS : : ; n E : ~ ~ t Y B ~ ~ : ' \ e a u t y your floorsAve.. Ardmore. NICHOLAS SMITH at a reasonable-price. &anded. shellack-BLENDED muskrat fur coat, size ed, cleaned and waxed. loure white shel-$60. Very good condition. Call Ard- Lamll Maker & Electrician Since 1llOlI lao used. Work guaranteed. Free estl-i r e ~ 1 6 ; ; 4 ; ; : . I . i m = ; ; ; ; ; ; : ; - - ; ; ; : = - = - - - = - : : " = " " ' = = : ,11th and Arch Sts., Phlla. LOmbard 3-0521 mstes given Boulevard 5835-M. 603SUPPLIES. Pins, car seren Timberlake Road, Upper Darby.m et al a nd p la st ic f or c er am ic We Will maket al . Sbe ll wood and Plexo-gIasa A BEAUT FU L Mt s. P ri ce l is t on request. Ph11a. I LA PCo., 1007 Filbert. from your favorlta vaseIs the time to order.cord wOOd. or antique figure

    any length. Call CYnwYd 0984. KANIG ELECTRICT OP S OI L F OR SALE Establfebed over 20 narl$11.00 per load Complete line of lamp partsAt l ea st 5 1-2 t on s I n load 44 North11thStreet, Phtladelllhla, l'a.hand loaded Pbone/.150 mushroom & cow manure WALnut 2.1515Reasonablel oad o r p ar t l oadPHOSE, A R D ~ I O R E U61W MISCELLANEOUSOWNYOUR OWNWURLITZER

    JUKE BOXThe life of the partyin any home. B UY B AR TR AM: BLINDS. A880rted.cd ':VURLITZER . tapes & cords. Metal enclosed tops,v aul omat ic p hone- baked DuPont enamel. BlIDda retaPed.for Dell or Rumpus Room reconditioned & laundered, BARTRAM:I I . . MFG. CO., 5809 WOODLAND AVLy reconditIOned. and refinish- PHILA. BEllll'1lde 6-2233 _ &-2158.

    b y f a ct o ry t r ai n ed technicians. VENETIAN BLINDS beautlfU11J n-}? t 24 R d ~ ' r o d I naln'ted, new tapes and- corda ID-0 ecor.LV e S stalled. colored tapea aVallable, 10 dUa\ Fully Selective service. a1llo new metal custom .__bllnda. Acme. Everueen 6-7370.PR ICED FROM $175.00 V ENET IA N B L IN DS

    EMBY mST . CO., INC. CUSTOM MAD'" R....518 N , B RO AD STREET WORK B E A O T x F U i . L ~O OL OR C OR DS A ND TAPES -NBWPHILA. 21, P A. BLINDS AT SHOR.T NOTIC& ESTl-POpla r 5-6400 MATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. SlD'8VENETIAN BLIND SmVICE:.WANTED TO RENT FULTON 9-3351(urnlshed room for business wom- H. K, M.. Ncar C ~ ' n w y d R. R. Station. Excel- VENETIAN BL IND CO.t reference. Write R. J. B ox 3 50 ,Pa. VENET IAN BL INDSRE\YARD by &Qyone supplying. In.. CLEANED - REPAINTEDmation leading to my renting a 6-8 RETAPED REPAIREDhouse In west SUburban area. WI11 QUICK SERVICE-FREE ESTI"'m$100 or more a month. Write C. E. ......B ox 350, Ardmore. Pa. . CALL ARDMORE 5932middle a ge d A rmy Omcer A SK r Dr MISS KAYwife urgently need furntshed house VENBTIAN BLINDS REPAlNTlIlD. OQL.apartment. No children or pets. WI1l ORS MATCHED. FINE WORK NEWr e f or p la ce l ik e own home. Write TAPES AND CORDS. W R. READINO",A;;. ..;;A..;;r.;;,dm;;;;.;;;or;.;;e;..' ..;;;p..;:a.;.,......._ 1 PHONE BIT. 6-9140 OR. EVE 6-8llOC. 'r ef ined couple and young daughter Window Shade_Venetian Bl1DdIIst t ransfe rred f rom S chnectady, urge nt- Li nole umneed two bedroom npartment (furnlsb- BOBSON & OWll:NB or unfurnished) or small house. Call 1015-1017Lancaster A V ! ~ . ! l l ' J D Mawr.J. HannlfiD, PJ!lnDypaclter 69000. Phone: Bl'JD Mawr or 1121