our town december 23, 1932

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 23, 1932


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 23, 1932











    j '1'.

    December 23, 1932

    -At Narberth's Cut PriceRexa/ l Drug Store


    CutPricesOn A ll

    Perfumes . . . . 25c to $12.98Toi let Waters . 49c to $3.75Perfumc Sets .. 25c to $4 .98Manicure Sets .. 2Sc to $3 .89Atomizers 59c to $4 .00Soaps 5c to 45cBath Powders an d

    Bath Salts " SOc to $2.50Compacts ..... 89c to ;;2.50Fountain Pens . 98c to $5 .00Flashlights 79c to $1 .49Toasters $2.98Incense Burners,

    98c to $2.98Playing Cards .29c to $1.98Heating Pads .. , . . . . $3.98Hot Wa te r Bottles,

    59c to $1.98Lotions 25c to $1.89Face Powders .. 25c to $2.00Whitman's Fresh

    Candies . . . . 25c to $3 .00

    tt_And Finally,as Christmas d ra ws n ea r, m1helpers an d I ar e comple t ing ou rlists w i th a ll s or ts o f moder a telyp r ic e d g if t s an d g i ft w r ap p in g s- a t Shea's."


    ( ) A V I ~2 2 4 Hav e rf o rd Avenue -Narbe r th 4035

    2 4 6 Hav er f or d Ave . - P hone Narberth 2900

    IDa2 DECEMBER. IDaR.u N NON ",6 II2'D 7PU ,IU .sAT

    - S u c h as CIGARS an d CIGARETTESat Down Town Prices

    CANDIES In holiday g if t b ox es , i n a l a rge , de li c iousselection, 2 5c u p


    ~ ~ A n d So Forth"MEANS SOMETHING4.T ()4.V I ' ~

    (All Prices Include Tax)C"mels. Chesterfields, Old Gold. 1 25Luckles, Raleigh .: c ar to n, ChesterfieldS, Old Gold, 27 cLuckles flat ftftlea,Habanello or Optlmo,box of 25 $1.88. $2.48, $2.98Blackstone, box o f 25 $1.88White Owl, box o f 25 $1.25Antonio ?nd Cleopatra.b ox o f 25 $2.98, $3.69 , $3 .98Rol-ert Burns. box of 25 $1.90EI Producto, box o f 25 $1.90S ~ n t 1 e l l a . box of 50 $1.98Bold. box of 25 $1.00Reoall, box of 50, .. , $1.59

    We've a la rge , low-priced l ine o f To y s, Smokers ' Goods , Candie s, Chr istmas Wrapp ing s ,Re d Candles , Art i f ic ia l Trees, ETC. Comein an d see t ha t we have so much on displaythat we c a n b es t i nd ic a t e i t s variety by sayin g "and so fo r th ."Tree Ornaments

    Lower Prices Than Ever BeforeNO BALLS OVER IO cTREE SETS OF LIGHTS:

    Indoor , 29c, 3 9c a nd 8 9cFo r Outdoo r Use, 9 8 c

    Wes t inghous e bu lbs , 5 c e a chJa p bulbs, 2 fo r 5c

    Lit t le Houses fo r Christmas Tree Lights5c , IOc an d I5 c each

    Season's Greetings).). SKELTON &, SONCOAL FUEL OIL COKE



    220 Haverford Avenue At the Narberth StationWe Deliver-Phone Narberth 2838

    I-And so, a s T iny T im observed, "Godbless Us , Every One."

    iTo Discuss P lan t Diseases !a t Lloyd Esta te TuesdaY;:1 ~ ~ ~ i i i i i i ~ ~ ~ i ~ i ~ ~ i i ~ ~ i i ~ =The control of diseases on plants iI

    grown in greenhouses wil l be d iscuss ed by Dr. R. S. Kirby , Extens ion Pathologist of the Pennsylvania StateCollege, at a meeting in the greenhouse o f the Horat io G. Lloyd estate,Coopertown road, Haverford, on Tuesday, at 2 P. M.

    Detailed methods of preventing the"damping off" of seedlings will be described. This disease i s o ne that allgreenhouse operators dread. Dr.Kirby, through his experimental work,has found prac t ica l ways of keeping Ithe disease under control. ~ r r a n g e - :ments for t he mee ti ng h av e been Imade by Fred H. Moore, gardener of ith e Lloyd es ta te, and Charles K. Hal-'lowell, Philadelphia Extension Rep- iresentative o f t he Pennsylvania State iCollege. I J ] ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = : = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~

    O UR T OW N



    Enjoy O"C No":!'!


    RADIOS',: MADE T O .. WORKZ / ! I I I I . ~


    Hobson & Cain

    Suzanne GuaranteesYour Mid-SeasonPermanent

    and to t ho se who a re not ourpatrons - we ext end b es twishes for a

    BEAUTYSALON216 Dud ley Ave .. Nalb. 2324MON.-TUES..WED. SPECIALS

    Merry Christmasand a Happy New Year


    Our Odd ~ ~ ' Ipi ec es of f ur ni tu re , If _etc., make fine gifts. "We're open unt il 9 .30 Ithis week-end. Come" 'inl105 N. Narberth Ave.Ph. Narberth 2340


    will make C/,ristmas happier andbrighter for your homeFor anything electrical-salesor repairs--see us

    Shull Lumber Company

    1L, -::::=S:'4. ' ~ ~ OA..A: 0. . . . . .--.To All OurPatrons--

    W h ~ < ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ " ' h " R e n : ' t ~ ~ = ~ n In the M a i l b a g ~ : ~ t ~ G ~ ~ ~ i Igood things-home-made and Ires!, Meruer Committee Reproved I ,;;;;,: 0 _ araenjj II-iPlcluding: - r ~ ( Y " ~ r 1-F. M. M i lw a rd O l iv e r Head s Bi g To t he E di to r o f "Our Town:" I l : i ~ , ~ JPfefferneusse, Springerle, Be Drive to Rou t Unem- Last week I commented on your edi-j ..-. . r Jth e finest FRUIT CAKE t or ial o f the 9t h and conc luded byon th e Main Line. ployment Evil promising comment on Mr. Burns' let- By ROBERT J. EDGAR

    Chocola tes a n d C a nd y The leaders of the "Renovize Phil- te r in the same issue. I t is not r,ny A lighted candle-.. . purpose to clutter your paper with 'Canes an d Ribbon adelphia Campaign" ar e mappIng I argument on a subject which, when In your window--A T REDUCED PRICES their territory, marshaling theirIanalyzed, r ea ll y doe sn 't mer i t a rg u- J.

    I O i 4 H g ' i ! i i ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ t V C ~ ~ M Iorces, and planning their s trategyfor I~ e n t . (Not that there are not two On Christmas Eve! 'the b ig e igh teen-day drive which has sides t o t he m er ge r proposal, but a J.WHITE'S for its objective t he r ou ti ng of t he Ireasonable study soon d i s p o s ~ s ~ thc Peace on Earth, Good Wil l t o Men ISHOP .. . .. , need for argument.) Nor IS It my h 11\. SWEET unemployment eVil In this VICInIty, or d' t . . t l 't ' h' h - the gardener's creed - the Wo.eI eSlre 0 InJec persona l ies, w ICat l eaRt a very material reduction in, surely are beside the issue, and tht:re year through. A garden is a peaceful219 Haverford Ave. Ih the ranks of the unemployed. are no personalities i nt ended. How s po t, whether it be o f t re es , o f l aw nP h o n e . : . . ~ a r b e r t ~ 0 ' ' ' ' i i i i i i i i i i i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ; ; i ; ; ; i i i i i i i i i i i i i i _ ' I 'I By January 3d it i s expec ted that \ ever, interested as I am in maint ain- a nd hedges, or of trim beds and bor-

    i f - ! ! ~ ~ ! S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ l l la c orp s of at least 5,000 volunteer i ng t he i de nt it y a nd i nt eg ri ty o f o ur ders-or mayhap a quiet poel. Every:men and women workers from Phila - local Borough s ta tus , a nd knowing d II P E th A d I. . . h ga r e n s pe s eace on ar . ...n Idelphia a nd n ea rby towns wIll have that many residents a ve n ot a s y etbeen wel l drilled in th e business of been approached directly by either of gardeners? Do theynot say-Goodpromoting the repair , remodeling and Is id e, I must insist that in workingIWil l To Men? See my garden, feast Irenovation of homes and buildings in\ a bo ut t he t own i n an effort to obtain on its beau ty, enjoy its fragrance,Ithe Philadelphia region in the in ter- s igna tures to an anti-merger petition' take of my blossoms and take a partest of trade recovery and prac t ica l! I have found a condition to exist whi ch o f my garden to your garden that we IIunemployment rel.ief. No. funds wi ll l by no means squareS" with ~ h state- may s ~ a r e e ac h o the r' s t r ea su res . Ibe collected in thiS campaign. House- iment of t he Me rg er Committee that Good WIl l to Men and Peace on Earth i.holders and build ing owners w il l b e i ~ t eft'orts ar.e d i ~ e c t e d to the present- - the message o.f t he g ar de n a nd of Ia sked t o sign pledges, commensurate Img of a fair picture based on true those who tend It.with their financial circumstances, for: facts. Fo r that reason t ho se o f our isuch renovation and modern iza t ion :res idents who hav e not as yet been Chris tmas Time seems to be t h e : 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! : t ' "George Albert, Proprietor as their p ropert ies may need. iapproached on the subject, if asked to turning point in the gar den year.; I2 5 0 Hav er f or d Ave. At the h ea d o f t h e a rmy of volun-: sign a petition in favor of the mE'I'- Time t o l ook back ove r the past gea-Iteer workers, who wil l make a house- I gel', should demuruntil they have had son a nd t im e t o look forward to the,

    PHONE NARBERTH 2348 t ~ - h o u s e callva.ss armed With. " r e ~ o - ian op!JOrtunity to "listen f u r t ~ e l ' . " . s e ~ s ~ n to come. Gardeners are OPti_ 11lec tric T ra in PariS a nd Repairs v lz e" p le dg es , IS Commander-Ill-Cluef I It IS not unsual to h ea r I t nnd. IUlstlC folk. The y h av e t o be! Per-Also T re e Lig ht Sets a nd Bulbs F. 1\1. Milward Oliver, of St. DavidR, i "But we w il l save 25 per c en t. t o haps they ask a little too much of i

    I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ I ivice-president and general manager of. 30 per cent. of our t ax es . On e r es i- Nature sometimes - or perhaps the tI ....._--__-.---,! the Philadelphia Gas Worl,s Company. I dent claimcd having been t ol d the weather was not favorablc. Howev'"r I!The generals o n h is staff are G. E. I tax saving would be $50.00. (Thi,.; 3,-1Richard L. Timm 11780.00.) I309N. Narb. Ave.-Narb. 4089W Jl J i ! ! ! ! i i i ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ - ~ ' 1 1 Read the advertisementsI

    Page Tw o

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 23, 1932


    Page Three

    2 YearstoPav

    o. ~ 1 4 2 E T

    Installation Freeb CI ' T d t h e Church Chorus an d also by the fl - i' II 1alrnlen lles ay I . O' . , . I d nbe th e guests of l \l r. and 1\lrs. Jus- Junior Church, who wil l worship WIth ."= ur en t i re or ganiza tion WIS 1es you an yours v ~eph R. Clausen, of Meeting Hom'e us. l 1 i ~ happiness at t hi s C h ri st ma s t im e, f or i f we attain hap-A me eti ng o f a ll t he c ha ir me n o f ;Q iane, for the h ulidays. , the various departments o f t he Wom- 6.45 P. l\I.-Speeial Christmas prO-I piness, ou r desires ar e fulfilled.Mrs. C, Alfred PeeJley, o f E lm Tel" en's Community Club of Narberth will grams b y t he Intermediate and Sen-' ( _race, entertained the nwmlJ er s o f IH'r b I II T ' I t tl h t ior Chris t ian Endeavor Societies, The ~ 1 l ! I ie le! on ues! ay a Ie ome 0 ". v . Sincerely a nd G r a te f ul l y You rs , . . . -lub at luncheon and bl' ldge on Tues- th I . I t 1 \1" J h A HOll I ' ,Junior SOCIety WIll meet Il1 the large i ..""211"""""""".. ne Jl eSI< en " I ~ o ~ e p . g el , . ' (} ,_ Cl day. on : \l er ion a ven ue. F ol lo wi ng t he Social Room. There WIll be reclta- - f l i 'Mr . a nd l \l rs . ! ' eeney awl l\lrs. t' "1 H I 'II t t ' tl'ons and carols by the children. Dor- .... Hmvard F. Cotter., . . mee mg" ~ , r s . ong er W1 en er am . . i'eenev smother, l\lr,. A1Ic(; II a 1,1111 , t I I lb' I o thv Hav il eek and Henry SmIth, Jr,. ", - i" . . . a unc leon ane rJ{ ge. . . ,wlil s))(;n([ the Chl"lstllHls aLd .,eW . will playa duet on the vlOlms, and ",v I 1'1 . v I' L . On Tuesday January 3 there WIlli . ' iear 10 J( a y In I or , and a l l c a ~ t e I , " '" :\lrs. Hervey Irw1l1, of Cynwyd, WIll fl' C 'M k t-a b e a mee tl l. g o f t he b oa rd of dlrec-, b . h Ch" t . > b '1- t t (4" , ' '" I tors at 10.30 A. :\1. followed by a, l'Ing e liS mas. m ~ ..age y I 0 e r s a r e 1 1 MIS. II. C. I 'cnno, o f !'-'"I'X .Ive- . ' " lustratlOn. l\1rs. Irw1l1 IS very popu- i'. ' T luncJll 'on and brIdge. ."nul', IS leav1I1g t uday fur . North 'iar at chIldren's gathermgs; she gIves iAdams, l\la::s., where "1,,, wdl spend i an i l lus t rated talk every Sunday af- ..the h o l i l ~ a ~ ' s with ,hl.i" 1;1Oth:r. l\!r. Overbrook Youth ~ ' i n n e r i ternoon at t h e Chi l dr en 's Hospi ta l. r 1 EIGHTEEN YEARS OF C ONT INUOUS SERVICE-AS NEAR AS Y O UR P H ON E iFenno WIll SIJelHI Chnstmas In Plam o f Rhode s S c ho l ar sh i p I All are invited to this meeting. Jel l NARBERTHfield, N. J ., w it h hi:; father. I 7.45 P. 1\L-Evening Worship. A Have r f o r d Avenue , Na rbe r t h ust a 2250 D ~ and :\Irs, G a r t ~ l Buerkkl', of Lewi;; H. Van Dusen , Jr. , son of: s.ervice o f t he music and message of ~ ) . < V 2 / . i ' ! : ) . Q . U " ' / ~ ) . l l . . a e : . . J g . P . { ~ ) . Q . t l < : e H I~ 0 9 . { g . . f l . { " l : ) I l . Q . o : e l l l . ! t ) . Q . t Z { ~ n l u Z { ~ ) . l l a ' e ) . Q . t ' l { ~ ) . Q . q i e ) ~ e t ) l l . J ! 1 i ~ ) ~ ~ ) . i J ~ ~ l n . I U U ~ : : ;h.el1llworth road, :\111 1l\l1, an ' l'ntl'r- Judge Van D u ~ e n , of Overbrook, ha;;1 Chr is tmas . Ther e will be special mu- ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 I " ' : l ~ ~ ~ ~ l i ~ ~ " " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l S ' 1 l ~ ~ " " ~ ~ ' ~ ~ l S ' t l o . ~ ~ ~ ~ l f " l i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ l i ' \ ; l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l S ' l i ~ ~ ~ ~ I : l l . . ~ ~taining at a party on Christmas Eve. been selected as a Rhode s scholar to sic by b ot h t he Ch ur ch Ch or us a ndDr. and l \ I r ~ . Boericke wil l a lso en- Oxf or d U ni ve rs it y, E ng la nd . A a Chi l dr en 's Cho rus, w it h o rgan andChristmas i n New Yor l" where thl'J' graduate of P ri nc et on , h e i s one o f o r che st ra l a ccompaniment . D r. Vanwill be t he guests o f Dr . BOl'ril"ke's four college s t udent s and graduates Nes s w il l bring a brief message el lb ro ther -i n- law and s is te r, :\11'. ami chosen ~ the Scholar!.'hip Committee "Making Room f or t he Babe of BethMrs. Lawrence Metcalf Symnll's, and for the second d i st r ic t o f whi ch Penn- lehem."abo o f h is brother and , ~ i s t e r - i n - I a w , sylvania is a part. ' I Next Tuesday E v e n i n g ~ C o m m u n i Mr. and Mrs. Fa y ~ o e r l e l ' : ' Van Dusen is among 32 s t udent s t y Bible Class, taught by Mis s Han'i-Dr. ond Mrs. Boencke wIll also en f rom th e United States w ho wil l son.

    tertain at an Ope n Hou se on Ne'l\' stud\' at Oxford during the next two Next \Vednesdey Evening-PrayerYe ar 's Day from thre

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 23, 1932





    Ardmore, Pa.


    December ,23, 1932"

    J. G. M.

    1 ! : : f ? : Y ~ . . . . p ~ : Y ~ j . I ! . .~ ~ _ . ~ ~

    Ralpll S. Dunne

    NarberthCoal CompanyDistributors Jeddo-Highland Anthra

    c : t ~ e r b r o o k to Wayne

    Christmas, you say,It isn't the sameAs in the old daysWhen it first got i t 's name.Why, what d'you mean? There 's the holly as green

    And t he fir treesAs s ta te ly a s eve r wer e s een.Th e )ule logs as sturdyA s in days of yore,Th e Christmas lightsShining as never before!So say not againChristmas isn't the same,- I t ' s just as you take it -Cheer up, and be game!


    An Original and Different Comedy for the Family

    Matinees Every Day NextWeek at 2.15

    This Friday and SaturdayRichard Dix: "THE LOST SQUADRON"AND BURNS & ALLEN COMEDY

    George M. Cohon, Claudette Colbert, "Schnonle" Durante

    To all of our friends and patrons weextend the greetings of the seasonand our sincere good will

    The Only Certified Laundry on the Ma;u Line

    ~ M a d i s o n Square Garden'Laurel &, Hardy: (SCRAM'

    St. Mary's Laundry, Inc.

    Jack Oakie, Thomas Meighan, Marian Nixon, William Collier, Zasu Pitts,William DOid, Lew Cody and well-known ring fighters.Wednesday and Thursday

    Friday and Saturday:~ P H A N T O M PRESIDENT'


    Monday and Tuesday Next:

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Harold Lloyd: (MOVIECRAZY'

    Saturday Matinee: "Freckles Spehr" of "Our Gan;" Comedy Fame. in Person.Songs llnd Dances


    Added: Frank Buck's

    Laurel arid Hardy i"

    ~ ~ B R I N G 'EMBACK ALIVE"Warner Baxter inH6 Hours to Live"Wednesd"y "nd Thursday

    Next Monday and Tuesd"y

    ~ ~ G R A N D HOTEL"

    Friday &. Saturday Evening


    Saturday Matinee: James Dunnein " SOCIETY GIRL" a nd T imMcCoy in "DARING DANGER"

    /o"n and Lionel Barrymore, GretaGarbo, Lewis Stotle, Joan Crawford,WaUace Beery

    Narber tHTHEATRE


    O P'lI1 ~ \ ' { n ~ : T I \ I Mrs. F. Coleman Starr, o f Haver -lJR JL0 W J. ~ The Literary Inquest i Shreds &' Patches .eocal CJr10vies I' "d , will ,nt, , , , in n t , b,idg. party H a ~ . s ~ ~ a : : ~ L ~ : : : ! . ~ ! : , . c k e dI Ion Tuesday in honor o f her daugh- UNITED SHOE REPAIRA Co'opeTative ClImmunity New,papeT.! Iounded In 1914 by the Narberth Civic I Conducted by Yeats Talks Egyptian Has Week o f ter, Miss Mary Starr. The gue st s Narb. Ave. Near TheatreAssociation, and published eVeT'J Friday II Ri h d P ell William Butler Yeats recently came Outstanding Good Films '11 b f th h I t Let Us Repai r Your Shoes:at NaTbenh. Pa. I c ar ow. . , . . . ., : IWI e rom e sc 00 se . Be.lt L e a t h e T - ~ u i c k SeTviceI Mostrevicwers, includmg ourselves, Io a girls college to l e c t u ~ e and .La \, E x c l t l n ~ , ~ n d m t e r e s t m ~ , , T.he Los I i : = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Philip Atlee LI\'lllJ.(slon, ~ ' u h l i ..her I"hy away from the detective story. It Vagrante went to hear hIm t akmg Squadron, IS at the EgyptIan m CynRohert 1\100"" Clilllerun. bditor 1- ' . . . , Inne M"rt:;an llobel't.s. ~ o e l a l I.:dltor 'i s unfair to div ul ge m uc h of their Ialong The Vagrant, like the Hesperus' Iwyd .thlsweek-end, WIth RIchard DlxTholln." A, 1':lwoorl, Ar1vertlsing Managpr ' . 'd h' f T Iheadmg a capable cast. Also on thep lo t a nd there is n ot muc h t o be sa id skIpper s aug ter, or company. he , . . B d Al__, I i program IS an a mu sm g u rn s a n - ,Ollice-258 Haverford Ave., Narberth I except that such a one is good, bad,: gathering was l ar ge ly and app ropr i- l ie n comedy. Saturdays' matinee feat ITe,ephone-Narberth 2545; If no answer, I . 'rdmore 3100 or indifferent. However, there are c er - a te ly female, youug female, WIth only: ures Freckles Spehr, of "Our Gang" i_ I tain definite conventions a n a ut ho r , here and there a mature faculty male II comed ie s, who w il l sing and dam'c 1SUbscription price $2 per year In advance I th t_ Imust obscrve in writing a detcctive Ior a youthfu l escor t of a col lege girl. ' on e sage.1 ~ l l l p l ' " , l n" Rp"OIl(I-cla" .. matter Octo-. story' it i s pos si bl e to c ri ti ci ze h is , Yeat s was worth hear ing , of course.! Three pictures given highest rat~ : ~ t I ~ ~ ' 1 ~ ~ . l , l I , ' I ~ : l e \ ~ J e t h ~ O ~ , , ~ f ~ ~ er . ~ : r d ~ l 1 ~ ~ I s u c c e ~ s in fulfi l l ing them. Fo r t he! He e h o s ~ to be p.ret.ty serious and to ings for entertainment V ~ l u e ~ r e1 8 7 ~ purpose of comparison we ar e using- i devote h J l ~ s e l f prmclpally to the t e ~ s e I l l c h ~ d u l e d for next week, mcludmg_ \s. S. Van D in e' s "Gr ee ne Murder Ia nd t ra gI c background f rom whIch, matmees every day at 2.15. The fol- IFriday, December 23, 1932 Case" (the bes t de tect ive s tory that the. modern Irish l i t ~ r a r y spirit has! l ~ w i n g e r i t i c i s ~ s are q u o ~ e ? from com- i=============== I we rccall) and assuming that Van Iderived. He was r Ip e a nd mat ui 'e 'l bme d expressLOns of opmlOn o f s ev -,. !Dine scored 100 in every department.! but ~ o dull n ~ uni nt er es ti ng . He l eral n ~ t i o n a l women's and o th er or-Th e ChrIStmas Story \Following this we shall don car-muffsItalk m that vein through t o th e end ganzatLOns: \Of all the fest.ivals i n t he round to s hu t o ut t he howl of protest over,of his prepared.address, and, a lt ho u. gh "Movi e C ~ a z y " next Monday andof the veal ' Christ .maR makes t he ou r choice and grading . I .e . read s e l c ~ t l O n s . fr om o ther I r l ~ h TUc.sday, WIth Harold Lloyd, Con-I. . I "No Wit ne ss ," by Co rt la nd Fitz- wrIters, .he dld not Include any ~ hiS stance Cummings, Kenneth Thompson,stronge.'lt appeal. I t comes t.o lIS I . (S t k $2 P bl' h d N own. Fmally he surrendered hImself Mary Doran, Louise Closser Hale,!sImmons. 0 es. . u IS e 0-l ad en w ith m em or ia ls old in t he Ivember 10.) t o h is a ud ie nc e b y indicating that he Robert MeWade, Lucy Beaumont and

    f I't h 1 I would reply to questions, "rel ig ion ami Spencer Chat res : "Delicious comedy, ihistory 0 t le race, y

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 23, 1932



    Page Five


    A DAY




    For t he Monthly Ratescall or inquire at theBUSINESS OFFICEor ask any Bell employee

    You can havea telephonein yourhome forless than10cents a day!


    Great Valley MillsPAOLI, PA.

    'rei. Paoli 2401

    The Exhibition of work byNICOLA 0 'ASCENZO inthe Shull Gal leries, No. 25Bula Avenue, Bala-Cynwyd.Rooms open 8.30 to, 5 Po.Mo,Wednesday E v e n i n g ~ 8 t o 1 0and Sunday 2 to 5 P. M..

    E ~ the right foods ~ n maintainyOllr he11th It is pleasan t to ea tw h ~ t you lik e. b ut It Is more I ,nportant to e at w ha t Is good foryou, Proper e limina tion of was teproducts Is y.>ur problem. IncludeIn you r d ie t whole g ra in foods.Use o,'tme11 or whe"tmelll as cooked cece11s, DeVitalized foods provide little nourishment. Eat foodsthat produce Instead of consumingenergy.Enjoy health and keen mentalityby .e.e t lng foods which supply theneeis of you r body. Help buildr es 's t: l' Fe to di se"se by usingwhole (I,"ln f lours and meals Inw:,lch tile vital elements placed Inthe grain by N ~ t u r e h;t.ve been re t:llned. GU:lrd you r h ea lt h. It Isyour greatest asset.You may bUy our products at thebetter (I oce:-s In your vicinity.

    Main Line's Newest RestaurantiKrllerlOsQj}lb iEuglislJ lUltWhere Cit)" Line crosses HaverfordRo a d " . Dine In the Atmosphereof Ol d Englandspecial Chr is tmas and New Yea rDinnersTurkey with all the Flxlnll--.1.25Chrl&tmas Eve and New Year's EveSPecial Menu and EntertainmentMake Reservations EarlyNo Cover ChargeDance to the Music of Keller'sSouthern LadsPhone Ardmore 1744Parking for 100 Cars

    Adjoining the Inn is the00lilaIuriollity ~ 1 1 0 PThe markets of the wor ld madetheir contributions to our interesting stock of Gifts

    'Tll December 31st


    W. LANCASTER AVE., WAYNE, PA.Authorized Producers and Distributors

    'Phone Wayne 1121 for Trial Order

    ADVICE t o = = = = ~ ~ ~~ . I 0 T H E . R S - - - - - -ndGfcciJenb happen in

    everlJ family !~ s u m m o n a i J

    wltlzoul JelmjlJou neeJa

    TELEPHONEin lJour home !



    The .Golden Guernsey Trade-Mark on the Bottle Cap i s your guarantee ofgenu.tn.e GUERNSEY milk and i s used under Royal ty Supervision only byauthority of the American Guernsey Cattle Oub.Brookmead has been the pioneer in offering Guaranteed GOLDEN GUERNSEY to the households of the Main Line for nearly twenty years . In addition to Golden Guernsey Quality, our Service is second to none.

    L:-.ying New Gas MainReinforcement of the gas supply

    of the Overbrook, Merion, Bala andCynwyd a re a, t hrough lay in g of ane ight -i nch ma in on C i ty Line avenuefrom west of Haverford r oa d t o L an caster pike, is u nd er w ay by thePh il ad el ph ia E le c tr ic Company . Thework wiII c ~ s t $23,000 a nd i t providesfull time emploJ'ment for forces whichhave been on r cduced hours for sometime. All pipe a nd mate ri a ls usedwere manufactured in the Philadelphiaarea.

    J, L. McCRERY, Cashier,01-6-33

    Night Before C h r i s ~ ~ ~ I

    NOTICE OF MEETING'fhe Annual Meetlng of the stockholdersof t he Nar be ,' th Nat io na l Dank wi ll beheld 011 Tuesday, Janual')' lOth, 1 ~ 3 3 , at5 1', 1\1.

    PIANO TUNING and repairing In yourtown cos t much less. Send pos ta l. QIUbertl, 223 Williams avenue, Narberth.o-tfG O T T L I I ~ B ESSLINGI':lt, carpenter. jobbillg, alterations, Danett AsphaltS h l l l ~ l e s . 122 COllway; Narberth 3748-1l.01-20

    Garagt's for RentSINGLE 01' double space. Convenient tocen te rof town, nor th s ide. Phone Nar-herth 2813. 01-6

    COCKER SPANIEL pupe; ped. a ndregstd, Ideal g-Ift. Reas. 220 Rockglenrd. , Pennw)'nne, Pa, Ard . 1687-R.omb12-23

    'Twas the n ight before Christmas and And then , in a twinkling, I heard onall th rough the house t he roo fNot a creature waS s t irr ing , no t e ve n T he pranc ing and pawing of each lit-"a mouse; tle hoof.

    The s tockings were hung by the c him- A s I drew in my head and waS turningney with care, ar01.mdIn the hope that S t. N icho la s s oon Down the chimney St. Nicholas camewould be there; with a bound.

    The children wer e nes tl ed a l l snug in He was dressed a ll i n f ur , f rom histheir beds, head t o his foot,While visions of sugar-plums danced And h is c lo th es wer e a ll t ar ni sh edin their heads with ashes and soot;And mamma in her 'kerchief and I A bundle o f toy s he had slung on hisin my cap. backHad just settled ourselves fo r a long And he looked like a peddler justwin te r 's nap opening his pack;

    When out on the lawn t h ere a ro se His eyes-how they twink led ; h is dim-such a clatter, pIes, how merry;I sprang up from bed to see what wa s Hi s cheek s were l ik e r os es , h is lipsthe matte r . like a bow,

    Away to the w in dow I f lew like a And t he b ea rd on his chin was asflash, white a s t he snow;Tore open the shutte rs and t hr ew u p T he s tu mp of a pipe h e h el d tight in

    the sash. his teeth,The moon on t he c re st o f the new fal- And the smoke it encircled his head

    len snow. like a wreath;Gave t he lus tr e of midday to obj ec ts He had a broad face and a littlebelow, round belly,When, what to my wonder ing eyes That s ho ok w hen h e laughed like ashould appear, bowlful of jelly,But a miniature s leigh and eight' tiny H e w as ch ub by and plump, a right

    reindeer, jolly old elf;With a little old driver, so l iv el y a nd And I laughed when I saw him, inquick, spite of myself,I knew in a moment i t m us t be St. A wink of his eye, and a twist of hisNick. head,More r ap id tha n e ag le s h is coursers Soon gave m e t o k no w I had nothingthey came, to dl'ead, -And he whi st le d and s ho ut ed a nd H e spoke not a word , butwents tra igh tcalled them by name; to his work,Now Dasher! now Dancer! now Pran- And filled all the s tockings, then

    cer and Vixen! tu rned with a jerk.On, Comet! on, Cupid! on, Dunder and And laying his fingCl' aside of his IBlixen! n o s ~To the t op o f t he porch! to the t op o f And ,,)..-inE: a DGd, up t:lC dlimncy he IIthe wall! rose. IINow d as h a wa y! d as h away! dash He sprang- to the sleigh, to h is t eamaway, all! gave a whistle, I I

    As dry leaves that before the wild And away they all flew like down off 1 Ihurricane fly, a thistle;

    When they mee t w it h an obstacle, But I hea :"d h im exclaim. as he drovemou nt t o t he s ky , out o f s ig ht .So up to the house-tops his coursers I"Merry Christmas t o a ll , a nd to all athey flew good night!"

    With a sleigh full of t oy s a nd St.-Nicholas, too. I CLEME!'JT C. ! ' fOORE.








    TOTAL LIABILITIES $516,772.81Less-Offsets and secured liabilities.Offsets and secured deposits (to be deductedfrom deposit liability) . . . . . . . . . . . . .$147,177.01Other secured liabilities (Bills payable)... 125,392.00

    Total Deposit Liability $373,086.43Bills Payable ,. $125,392.00Reserve fo r Title Insurance 455.09Other liabilities 816.40

    As In ...entory Lists Counties' LiabilitiesCOUNTIES TITLE AND TRUST CO.

    LIABILITIESPreferred Claims $17,022.89Deposit Liability;

    Demand deposits $169,405.21Time deposit s 50,581.07Certified checks 0 u t-standing .Xmas club checks out-

    standing "Xmas club, 1932 .Accounts payable, set-tlement dept. ., 145.44Commonwealth of Pa. 15,000.00U. S. Post Office Dept.,

    checking account"Trus te es ' Pos ta l S av -ings system . . . . " 124,126.10Bank drafts outstand-ing (U. S. PostOffice) .Due to Pennsylvania

    Company .Due to City National

    Bank .

    December 23, 1932Real E t t H ldbe i Counties t he re w as a 64 per cent.S a e e y ountles Ilihrinkage, as compared to a 61 perT. 1 Sh i cent. s hr ink ag e in th e Merion.It e ows Heavy Shrlnkage l One of the investments m a d ~ wasI$10,000 in the Suburban Company.

    I This is given a b oo k va lu e o f $9,775In ...entory Values Real Estate Carried at $165 , 113 . 9 1 at $4j :by t h e b ank, a nd i s a pp ra is ed at ~ 2 , -Loans Show Shrinkage of 71 Per Cent. 1000 b y t he S ta te . Fo r all practical. ,! purposes the Suburban Company hasIn ...estments Shrmk 64 Per Cent I been considered as an interlockingIbuilding cO!1struction enterprise withDetails of real estate manipulations, furniture and f ix tu re s. The Count ie sIthe bank.

    investments and loans are included in valued their furniture and fixt.ure!' at I The Counties T it le h ad i ts doorsthe inventory of the Counties Title $ 2 7 , 2 0 ~ . 7 4 , butthe State appraIsement Iclosed by the State July 25, 1932. Ofa nd T ru s t Company filed i n N or ri s- c ut thIS down to $1,487. \ ficers o f t he b an k at t he t im e of t hetown by the State Banking Depart- The loan l is t, s ecur ed and unse-!closing were Ledyard Heckscher pres-ment. c u r ~ d , pre.sents another pictur: of Iident; Henry B. Reinhardt, v i c ~ - p r e s -The inventory is s igned by Frank shrmkage In bank funds. The dlffer-, ident a nd a c tin g t r ea sur e r; F . Von

    Glatfelter, special State deputy i n e nc e between the book va lu e o f l oans IA. Cabeen, Jr. , secretary, and Albertcharge o f t he a ff ai rs o f t he Counties and the appraisement figure in the I Smith, assistant secretary.and Merion T it le a nd Trust Com- inventory i.s $160,249. This repre- Directors were Wiliam C. Alf'xanpanics. sents a shrmkage of 71 per cent., as Ider, Jr. , F. Von A. Cabeen, Jr. , M. Ver-As indicated in the inventory filed compared to a shrinkage of 64 per non Coates, Edward C. D ixon Fredlast week t he p ayme nt t o depositors cent. in the Merion Title and Trust I e ri ck W . Dreher, David A. ' Fretz,

    w il l b e apprOXimately 8.5 cents on Company loans. Charles W. Gamble, H. Lester Haws,th e dollar. Although the loan list and the size Ledyard Heckscher, Ledyard H. Heck-The inventory goes further in in- o f l oans look negligible alongside the scher , H. T. B. Runk, George R. Sin

    (Heating how heavy losses wer e i ncur - Mer ion T it l e l is t, it must be not ed n ic ks on , A. A. Stevenson, Alfred W.r e d f rom a seepage of deposits with in tha t appra ised asse ts of the Counties Swa r tz a nd CarlWeiham.t h e Nor th Ardmo re institution. wer e onl y one-tenth a s l ar ge a s ap 'Although the b ank was smal l a nd Ipra ised assets o f t he Merion. Main Liners Active in

    ha d few holdings, the percentage of The outstanding loan in the demand St. Nicholas Day Nurseryshrinkage in real estate was enor- secured l i s t is a l oan t o Francis Von - ' --mous. Whether these losses are to he A. Cabeen , Jr., secretary and a di- i S t. N icho la s Day Nursery, 2218.attributed to inflated real estate, mort- rector of the ~ a n k , of $8,000, apprais- . Lombard street, Phi ladelphia , spongage placements o r t he n orma l de- cd at $1. ThIS loan, b y t h e way , was I sored by many prominen t Main L in cline in realty values wiII be deter- secured with 600 shares of the Urban ers, held i ts Chris tmas en terta inmentmined by t he S tat e Banking Depar t- a nd ~ u b u r b a n Real Es ta te Company. on Thursday afternoon. A turkeyment. On tIme loans, unsecured, Cabeen is dinner wi ll be served t h is F r id ay .The shrinkage on t he r ea l estate down fo r a $475 loan, appraised at Nex t Tue sd ay afternoon there will

    holdings o f the Counties,including the $1. also be another entertainment by thebanking house, was 99 per cent. In Anthony L. A ff, former treasurer children.other words the Count ies ' d i rec tors, of the bank, who is now serving a Mrs. Humbert B. Powell, of Devon,on their books, listed ownership of prison t erm fo r embezzling f rom t he is t he p re si de nt o f t he organization,rea l es ta te at $165,113.91. The State Counties, is credited with a demand while Mrs. Isaac H. Clothier , Jr., ofBanking Department gave this only loan secured for $1,750, that is ap- Radno r , i s the f i rs t v ice-president .a valuation of $5. All proper tic .; I praised at $200. He was also granted O th er s o f the executive board arewere heavily mortgaged. a time loan, unsecured, for $1,%0. Mrs. Edward S. Leiper, of Wayne;H er e a rc t he real estate h o l d i n ~ s This loan is appraised at $193. Mrs. C. C. Nor r is , o f Haver ford;

    of t he b an k o n whi ch h ea vy losses The highes t individual loan, c!assl- Mrs. Edward C. Cassard, of Chestnutoccurred. fied as time and unsecured, went t o H iI l; Mrs . A be l P . Wetherill, who isA second mortgage on t h e p rope rty J ames K. Stone, a former director of c ha irman o f the Chr i stmas purch as at 120 East Lancaster avenue, Ard- the bank. It w as f or $9,500. Thc i ng commit te e; Mrs . C. Merri tt Taymore, in t he n ame o f E l iz abet h M. State appraises it as worth $1. lor, of the Co-Opera tive Shop; Mrs.Kyle, an employee of the bank. This Carl F. Weihman, another director Michael M. Riter, o f Ardmor e, whomortgage was guaranteed by Will iam of the bank, rece ived a l oa n o f $6,- is the chairman of this s hop ; Mrs .Alexander, James K. Stone, Frank 575. It is appraised at $1,000. William T . Pl ummer , o f Rosemont,Von A. Cabeen, Jr., C. E. Goodman, Other individual loans, outstanding social service; Miss Marion Calloway,Anthony L. Afr, Leonard W. Will iams because of their size and low appraise- of Merion; c ha i rman o f e nter t ainand David A. Fretz. Those guaran- ment, include a $7,675 loan to Stanley ment, and Mrs. H. Tatnall Brown, ()fteeing the mortgage were members of Smith , va lued at $1, t ime l oan uns e- Haverford, who is also on the en te rthe Counties banking group. Officials cured, and a $6,125 l oan t o Frank S. tainment committee.of the bank gave th is mortgage a v al - Gentry , va lued at $1, t ime loan, un- Other membe rs o f the board areue of $75,000 in th ei r l a st s t a t ( ~ m e l 1 t . secured. Mrs. Henry A. Adams, of Bryn C. Dearden, Jr., of Wynnewood; Mrs.The State appraises it at $1. Another in terest ing i te m is fou r Mawr; Mrs. Herbert W. Warden, Jr., J. S. C. Harvey, of Radnor; MissThe bank building, at 55 Anderson loans to the Elec tric Time Co rpo ra - o f Haverford; Mrs. Edward E. Ball,avenue, as listed i n t he inventory, is tion totaling $14,200. The S ta te a p- o f H av er fo rd ; M rs . W iIl ia m M. Eleanor Paul, of Devon; Mrs. Will iam

    given a book value of $95,645.49. praises t he se l oans a re wor th $83. Prizer, of Haverford; Miss Dorothy L. Nevin , of Radnor; Mrs. Agnew T.F rom t hi s a first mortgage of $40,- This corporation, a Philadelphia con- Bad ge r, o f Wayne; Mrs. J. Heron Dice, o f t he Barclay, and Miss Jane000 is deductible, leaving a b oo k v al - cern, has Kern Dodge f or i ts pres i - Crosman, Jr., of Ardmore; Mrs. Paul Eglin, of the Hamilton Court , Ph ila-ue of $55,645.49, whi ch i s appraised dent and treasurer. Clayton, of Haverford; Mrs. Edward delphia.at $1 by the State. The Knox-Mariani Company, a road ~ ~ " , " ~ " ' . , ; o ' ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . . .~ ~ ..tores and offices at 53 Anderson construction organization, that did I Iavenue, carried at $59,600.52, and sub considerable w or k i n t ?e N or th Ard-I CLASSIFI 'BD AD J'ERTISEIJIENTSjeet to a first mortgage of $23,500, are more development, receIved four loans I :Jappraised at $1. totaling $7,887, appraised at $1'010'11The property at 51 Anderson ave- The re a re o th er f ac to rs that con- Gelleral Notice - Clnsslfled AdvertIsements wm be "harged onlyo res iden ts of t he Mai n L in e whose n an te snue, carried at $35,288.16 and sub- t r ib ut ed to the Counties' shrinkage \ appear In the telephone directory; to persons maintaining nn account withject to a first mortgage of $11,500, IS of asse ts. IIlE' or to r rg ll ia r subscribers to e ither THE MAIN LINER OUR TOWN orEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD. .,ppraised at $1. Two exceptional overdrafts ar c Iist-At 311 East Lancaster avenue, Ard- ed i n t he inventory. Onc i s an over-I Rates-.- 10 c en ts a l ine In each paper; 25 c en ts a li ne In all t hr ee.

    th' Minimum charge, 3bc In oDe paper; 75 cents Ina l l tbree AV-

    more, e property is carried at $109,- draft In f av or o f Harry McCaugheyI l " l l ~ e of five words to the l ine. No blackfllced type used.279.74. This book estimate, however, for $2,036.86, and appra ised at one ~ i s l es s a $40,000 first mortgage and c en t. Another overdra ft IS fo r the I Deadl,ne fo r Illserllons- ClaMMlfled advertisements wil lhe 'l

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 23, 1932


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~Page Si x O UR T OW N

    December 23, 1932


    ICEocal &.ReliableService

    B r 0 S .

    Narberth-Menon-Penn Valley


    CHESTER G. JONES200 Woodb in e Ave . Nar b. 4 058

    F or 5 0 'c ck s s ta rt iu g flO' ,

    YOU RECEIVE ..... $12.50....... 25.00.... 50.00.. 100.00., ., . '. ' . , 250.00 , ., ., , .. 500.00

    25 cSOC$1$2$5$1 0

    Member Federal Resene System0l'l'n 8 A. M. dai ly for your COll\ll1ilnCl"

    and a lso Frida}' evenings f rom 7 to 9

    Ca r r o l l

    Merry Christmas to You!

    228 Hal'erford A l'e/llle-Narberth 2852

    Here are the Classes of Membership:

    - i s the Wish of YOllrcommunity' s bank.

    - th i s year and next


    The NarberthNational Bank

    Your joys will b e g r ea t er next Yule t ide , if yo u becomea memb er n ow of th e 1933 Ch r is tma s C l ub . Only asmall amou n t e a ch week - and e ar ly n ex t D ec em b er as ubs tan t ia l check ! Let 's s tar t now!

    Fo r many h ome s t h is Christmasis mad e mo re j o yf u l b y t he $25,00 0 in checks mailed members oft he 1 93 2 Chris tmas Club.

    Ou r u su al mod er at e p ri ce s p re va il f or t he b es t of TURKEYSand o th er good th ings , including fine f ru it s , vegetables, fish,and CHRISTMAS TREES, etc.

    An d permit us to express ou r appreciation of t h e l a rg e mcasurcof support givcn us this year b y t he g oo d p eo pl e of Narber th.

    That Your ChristmasMay Be a Merrry One

    Penalty of 5 ~ will b e a dd ed o n B or ou gh t a xes rema iningunpa id January 1, 1933.School , County an d Personal Taxes ar e no w p as t d ue an dp ena l ty o f 5 ~ ha s been added.T he T ax Collec tor will be at th e Narberth National Bank, IF r id a y , D e cemb er 30th , from 8 A. M. to 3 P. M . a nd f ro m7 to 9 P. M. 011 Saturday, De cemb er 3 1 st , f r om 8 A. M It o -12 noon . IIEDWIN P. DOLO I

    Tax Collector

    tions took into consideration economicconditions and did not include requirements taat would impose f inancial hardships on the pasteurized milkdistributors.



    Clcal1crs, Dyers, finricrs.'f ai l"ri l lg . Pressing

    Adelizzi102 Forest Av e . Narb. 2602

    238 Bala Ave., Cyn. 928


    III All I ts BrallchesGe t our priceson s to rageGoodyearSpeedway andPathfinder TiresAmerican an d

    Amoco Ga sWashing and GreasingNARBERTHBridge Garage

    Narberth Avenue at t he B ri dg e

    713 2177175 511159 46382 316104 347180 501


    840 73!) 2387]61 151 454150 222 504168 125 448180 211 579175 147 322 :

    704 734 700 2138

    - - - - - - - - i735 834 859 2428



    Pilots Defeat Lions an d

    753 693I Meteors'H. Humphries ., 162 157G. Davis 176 195H. Smedl ey 194 218J . Humphries 137 201

    : B ry n Maw r Co ll eg eI Eject s Li fe TrusteeII T he B oa rd o f Trustees and D ir ec tors of Bryn :l\Iawr Co))ege, at its

    q u a r t e r l ~ ' meet last week at the homeof the president, Marion EdwardsPark, electd as a life trustee MiIIicellt Carey McIntosh, the wif e o f Dr.Rustin McIntosh, of New Yor k C it y.Trustees, according to the will of thef ounder o f Bryn Mawr Co))ege, mustbe members of the Socie ty of Friendsand serVe for l if e. 1\1rs. McIntoshwas Associate in Eng l is h and ncting'dean of Bryn :\lawr College and is.headmistress of the Brearhy School,!,

    . Xe\\' York Ci ty .i The Board also eleeted as AlumnaeDirector on the recommendat ion of THE WASHINGTONthe Alumnae Association, to serve forli\'e ~ ' e a r s , Mrs. Alfred B. Maclay, of I MEMORIAL CHURCHINew York C it y. I YARD, Valley Forge

    Forstall Wrestling Coach I PI d IThe Haverford College wrestling I I Unique Site. Luts anne an,P l a n t ~ d for Beauty.'squad, coa ch ed by \Valton ForstalJ, I C'Oletl' ry dai ly filled with th eJr., of Rosemont, has b een pr act ic in g- : l\lusic of t he Bells of Vall.,yfor the past th ree weel:puan Theatre, Cynwyd, 1O,:lta-tions wiIl be given the winners to be guest s, Without charge. a t the . E g ~ . " t ~ a n .Emmett Welch's Minstrels wiIl be on the stage and the new mOVie, LittleOrphan Annie," will be shown, Monday and Tuesday, January 2 and 3.

    Real Es ta t e Ho ld i ng s Responsible fo r B igge st Share

    of Shrinkage

    Assets of Ardnl0reBank Book Value

    "It's a sad, sad story."With t h es e wo rd s an e x e c u t i ~ O fthe State Banking Department com- issue. BOOSTERS 2-COLTS 2While loans to officers and direc- D tple ted his discussion of the appra ise - 005 ersment of the Counties Title and Trust to rs appear on the itemized statement H. Hamer . . . . . 121 108in some number, they do not compare J II I"? ')16Company, filed in Norrlstow1" ewe . . . . . . . . . ,,- - )in number or magnitude with the l ist .Tcnkins 159 150The figures show that out of every in the Merion Title r epor t. The loa ns ,Wa rd 170 181$1 00 on d cp os it in t he ins ti tu ti on of some o f t he se men bear a val u e o f Davis .when it closed its doors July 25th, I I 155$1.00, a lthough the s ec ur ed o an s t o S ig el .the depositor n l l l ~ ' expect to lose I b tdirectors appear to lave een gran - Handicap$!H,46. cd on collateral now worth full value.The appra ised value 01 the bank's The report shows no fabulous bor-

    assets are less t ha n h al f those car- rowing. no wholesa le loans t o d ir ec ried on t he b an ks books. "'hen pre- tors and their relatives, nor many Brenn anferred liabilities, offsets and prefer- of the ea rmarks which distinguishedd d .1 th ,Haws .r ed depos it s are e ucteu ere re- the ::'Ilerion T it le c ra sh . T he princ)-

    t tMeehan . . . . . , ..

    mains but $19,302.35 to mee. a ne pal loss, according to the appra ise rs , L2 094? acey .depo" it l ia bi li ty o f $ 25,9 . _. l ie s i n the real estate in which t he But l er .L oans have been written down bank was a heavy participant, d ue t o

    from $272,280.06 to $112,031.49. In- i t s posi t ion as a part of the highly:\'estments carried at $:308,136.nO are speculat ive Montgomery avenue busi - ,valued now at $176,715.78. The bank- ness district promotion. This $160,- BATTLERS 4-l\lARATHONS 0ing house at Montgomery and Ander- 000.00 write d own in real estate is: Battlersson avenues carried on the books at the bigges t s ingle loss. . I W. D. Smedley . 123 140 152 415$95,645.4fl, less a mortgage of $40,000, Liquidation will not be expensIve,:Keim 134 149 146 429i s v al ue d b y the appraisers at $1.00. b ~ n k i n g o ~ c i a l s s ta te , a nd salv.age iMauljek ., , 122 14G 112 380A similar sad story i s t ol d by the ImIght p o s s l b l ~ e;,ceed the a p p r ~ l s e d . De Mott 170 138 163 471other real es ta te ca rried on the books figures. If thIS IS the case , a shght-! Blind 110 116 82 308 'of the bank. T hi s w as listed at Iy higher percentage will accrue to i Handicap 58 58 58 174$204,468..12, less mortgages of $95,- the depos itors . . If .not, t he t ot al i _000.00. Four dollars is a)) the ap- amount a depOSItor WIll get eventual-: 717 747praisal allows for this $109,468.42 as- Iy wi)) be 8.54 per cent. : l\Iarathons.....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1iButera 158 178'Rice 161 143Narl'igan 110 124

    Van Sant 127 116Hoyle 148 173

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 23, 1932


    Page SevenOUR TOWN

    And all the Autocar people-Officers, Executives, Department Heads,

    sincere Good Wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

    local affairs.Ardmore it has been able to meet the etnergency in a manner befitting its large size in theof its comparatively small place in the industrial life of the Nation, is proud that here in

    ~ O M M U N I T Y strength is merely the total sum of the vitality, the skill and the resources of its members. The Autocar Company, modestly and in full recognition

    tion at its uninterrupted activity and continuing payroll.ing home have viewed the Autocar plant in a new light and have expressed their satisfac-tories, whose appearance indicated a long period of total suspension and neglect, on com-people, who in their travels this year have seen mal1Y idle and practically abandoned fac-

    ~ H E R E has been no week during the present depression when the Autocar plant hasnot been in operation, usually in all departments, although the diminished volume

    of general business has at times compelled a reduct ion in the working time. Ardmore

    new products that is more than abreast of the changing times.Autocar Factory with the result that the Company will enter the New Year with a line of

    ~ H I L E manufacture and sales are always proceeding on current products, experimentation and development of new models is a normal and constant occupation at the

    wholly owned, manned and operated by The Autocar Company throughout the UnitedStates.

    cabs are produced in five sizes and types.

    IJN addition, the Autocar Blue Streak Six-cylinder Engine is completely manufac9m2 tured here in four sizes, each of which is in effect, an individual product, and Autocar

    [J;}HESE products of a managerial, engineering and production skill that is resident inm Ardnl0re, are sold, not only in combination, but individually, through FiftyBranches,

    ~ H E R E are more than 60 ditlerent models in the modern line of Tmcks, Tractors andLorries, all manufactured at the Autocar plant here in Ardmore

    !I!iI!!II!!!iI!"I"!!'!II!!!III Foremen and Employes-gladly take this opportunity to extend to their Home Town ,

    iI i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    23, 1932 ~ ~ ~ f t 1 e ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W B W M ~ : ~

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town December 23, 1932








    3 Ib.,25c


    . - . --

    "The response wa s t he best duringmy experience a s Bu rges s, " Henr y A.Frye stated. His duty it is a s chi efadministrative officer o f t he Borough.to see that t he ordinance requi ringremoval of snow from sidewalks within 24 hours after it ceases falling, isenforced.Eight extra m en a nd two trucks

    were k ep t b us y removing the snowf ro m th e s t ree ts and cleaning sewerentrances under the supervision ofGeorge B. Suplee, superintendent ofpublic works.

    . Dec,ember.. 23, .1932

    Visits Former Par i shThe Rev. Charles Townsend, Jr .

    f orme r r ec to r o f t he Chu rc h o f theGood Shepherd, Rosemont , and nowrector of St. Stephen ' s Episcopa lChurch , P rovi dence, R . 1., officiatedat the morning services Sunday i n h isformer diocese. The Rev. William P.S. Lander, who recently accepted acalI to t he r ec to rs hi p o f t he GoodShepherd, will officiate as rector forthe f ir st t im e o n Sunday, January 1.

    Closed MondayPost offices, banks , and most bus i

    ness houses and off ices wi ll be closednext Monday in celebration of Christmas.

    for yourturkey fillingHOUSE

    PEARS - - - - 5 for 25c




    TANGERINES - - 12c doz.

    JonathanAPPLES, 12 for 25c





    Luscious BoscD'Anjou


    F ri en d' s C en tr al h as one of thesmoothest t eams i n t he s ub ur bs t hi sy ea r. E ve ry m an on the s qu ad i s acapable performer.

    To the rcade')'s of Tommy's Col-umn fl'om Bala to Bee1'sheba andf1'om Nal'belth to County Line, anWI've/ollS Chl' istmas and a joy-O1IS and ]Ilcntiful N cW Year.

    209 Haverford Avenue

    Open for your convenience to 8 .30 P . M. F ri day

    Avocado Pears, Cumquats , Okra, Celery,Cabbage, Pomegranates, Persimmons


    ~ ~ ~ ? ' a p p l e 0 RANGES - - - - - 19c doz.Juicy GRAPEFRUIT, 4 for 18c

    Fancy FloridaTOMATOES, 2 lb., 25c

    Heavy Snow Brings Joyto Kiddies With Coasting

    ~ ~ t 1 ~ W ! ~ i ~ : : T ~ : G ~ ~ : JalltBu t L et Sound Judgment Determine Ou r Fate.Th e Year's Ha d Its Problems,It's Now T ime F or Che er .' 33 Wi ll O ' er s hadow, i f W e But Dispel Fear.Tramping Ever Onward Wi th Deep Sincer ityWill Bring To All-Happiness and Prosperity.

    (Contlnupd from Page Oneldriven by Wil li am B . D 'Ama to , ofDevon, collided on Lancaster pil,e atSt. Davids, with a ca r oper:\ted b ~ Louis Harris, of Wayne. T he onlyinjury sustained was a bruise on thehead by a n o cc up an t o f t he sled.Last week-end's storm came on the

    45th anniversary of a bl izzard whichparalyzed the sect ion in 1887. At thattime 21 inches of snow fell.Householders in Narberth shoveled

    their walks wi th unusual a l acr ity af ter the snowfal l. Only eight properties, exclusive of vacant lots or vacant houses, remained uncleaned byMonday and, upon notification, thesewere cleaned at once.


    Upper DUI'by took the measureof the championsh ip Haverfm 'dfive last we ek on the former 'sflool'. With th ree minu tes t o go,the Hnverfol'd team had an eightpoint lead, but the Upidah's wonou t b y thrce ]Joints. Plank is thehigh scol'ing sta1' fOI' Havcl"!m'din t he ear l y s e a . ~ o n games.


    The Maroon team has an outs t anding defensive team again th is season,and one that will win a lot of games.If Hange r and his running mates atforward can start scoring accordingto their abilities, Anderson will haveanother championship five.* * '"

    Mikc Zengel broke into thelineup at Lansdowne f or t he jirstt ime th is season for any length oft im e. T hc team started clickinginwwdiatdy, and it seems thathis teammates l ik e t o have himin there. Zengel has a lo t of abil-it y as an all arol/lld player, andif h e c an iron out his WCflkncsseso n d ef en se , h e w il l m ak e a wo n-daful ]Jlauer faI' Coach Andcl'-son.


    '"The coaching staff of the Leop-al'ds has a lal 'ge sqad of p"omis-ing bous to choose /I'om in an ef-f rwt t o m ln /l d a winning combina-tion. lVith three bOllS ove1' si.:tfeet in height and man y othel's01'( '1' jil '/ , feet, ten inches, thel'cwill be lJlenty of s iz e on the f loor .

    * * *Frank TalIey played t he be st gameof his c a re e r F r id ay night againstNorristown. The h us ky center heldhis opponent to four points and registered thirteen himself.* *

    Lower Merion Junior High Schoolcompleted her pre-Christmas scheduleof three games with victories overChadds Ford High School, Montgomery School, and Clifton Heights Junior High. Following the holidays theteam will face one of t he ha rd e stschedules in history with teams ofabil i ty f rom ValIey Forge Mi li t aryAcademy, Haverford School, Friends'Central, Edi son, Wes t Junior Highof Lancaster and o the r s.


    (Continued from Pal\'e One)



    CYNWYD 742


    Belmont A venu e a t O ve rh il l R o ad

    We DeliverAnywhere

    Ar e a merr y t hought f or Christmas, t o s ur pr is e your hostess, toc harm your l a dy friends, to pleaseyour mother or even to amazeyour wife. Flowers speak a universal language of thoughtfulness.Us e t h em in sending a token.

    P la n New Ye ar 's E ve SupperMl. and Mrs . R ob er t L ca mi ngMontgomery, of "Ardrosson," ViIIanova, have i ssued i nvi t at i on s for asupper on New Years night in honoro f M is s Catherine de Saint Phalle,daughter o f M rs . Francois de SaintPhalIe, of Elkins Park, and MissAnne L. Munson, daughter of Mrs.Edgar Munson, of Wayne" debutantesof the season.

    Sincerely,Frank Schrepfer.

    Xmas Play Given atMontQOlllerV SchoolI I ~ O l l t i l l u e ( J lI 'orn- Page Onel

    C. Wheeler , Jr., Richard H . Kimbe r,William W. Montgomery, 3d, JohnN. Swar t ley, J. Ewing Walker, Ahbatt Head, J . J a rd en Guenther, Jr .Samuel Baugh, B. Reginald Bishop, Eckley B. Cox e, 4th, John N.

    Curtiss, George 1\1. Harding, Jr., Pe rcival van R. Harris, Jr., Alfred J ohllstan, J. Prentiss Kent , S tephen D.Calhoun, Jr., Cli ff or d W. Brooks,Pemberton H. Dri nker , J . BentonMcCalI, 3d, W. D. Winsor PhiIler, T.Leaming Smith, Jr. , Gibson BelI Kennedy, Benjamin H. LeBoutillier, Jr.,Thomas W. Sears, Jr., Matthews Williams, J. Price Craze I' , C li ff or d B .Haw le y, J r" W il li am Hewso n Bal tzel l, 4 th.

    Youngest College StudentBeing a col lege student at 15, is

    the proud boas t of Charles Kain, 862N. 27th street, Phi ladelphia. Charlesis the youngest student e ve r t o beadmit ted to Vil lanova College and isa freshman at the School of Technology. Graduating f rom CatholicHigh School wi th highest honors inhis class, he was awarded a scholarship at Villanova.

    Chairman Reports onSale of Xmas SealslCo l l t l l lued tl'om P ag e O ll e)

    providing care for the patient withtuberculos is precaut ions must be ta ken to s af egua rd t he hea lt h o f o th ermembers of t he f ami ly so that theydo not develop this dread disease. Th,public health nurse instructs those incontact wi th the tuberculous patienthow to protect their health.Visits are a ls o mad e b y t he n u r s e ~to i nf an t a nd pre-school children to

    give inst ruct ions in met ho ds o f p re venting disease and promoting health.A total of 5,564 child heal th supe r vision v is it s have been made duringthe past twelve months."According to a recent report from

    the Pennsylvania Department ofH ea lt h, " s ai d M rs . Caldwell, "therehas been a decided increase in malnutrition in children this year comparedw it h l as t. T he c hi ld re n o f our community mus t b e g iv en a c ha nc e t ollevelop healthy bodies and minds.They g row up only once. The helpof t he r es id en ts o f the Main L ine isneeded t o c on ti nu e this valuablework."

    France , the t radi tiona l e n e m y ~ Eng- in keeping football clean, and changesland t he commere ia l aod temp1re-..made in the rules t o k ee p the gamebuilding rival; Russia, the tool of the j J p - , t o ~ d a t e , are promising signs thatB ri tis h. I ta ly i s dismissed as an amateur . spor ts wi ll f lour ish ," he said .unstable quantity at all times.. B