our savior’s lutheran church june 2015 permit 50...

Page 16 June 2015 Messenger Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Cloquet, MN Permit 50 Address Service Requested June 2015 OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 615 12th Street Cloquet, Minnesota 55720-2321 Phone: 218-879-1535 www.oursaviorscloquet.org Page June 2015 Messenger To know Christ and have Others know Him!” June 2015 Messenger Small Groups 2 Facts & Figures 9 Gifts & Memorials 10 Volunteers 8 Birthdays insert Calendar insert Sunday School 13 & 14 NHCP 3 Youth 5 & 6 VLM Camps 5 Mission Planning insert The Inside this issue: Our Savior’s Shared Journey The Future Starts To Take Shape The numbers in attendance that Sunday were not huge. The requested responses were not as plentiful as one might have expected. But a more refined shape for our Mission Plan is beginning to emerge. We took some quality time on May 17 at both worship services to ask those in attendance what they would support in our mission planning. Now, we need your response too. Already OSLC leadership has begun to move in directions that are obviously supported by your input. For the shaping of our mission to continue, how- ever, you need to tell us more. Look for the “Mission Planning Worship Event” yellow sheet included in this Messenger. It is your op- portunity to continue to be involved in the conversation about “What is God calling us to do?” Please put your name on it, and your contact information. It is important that moving forward the conver- sation remains open and honest. We will not consider anonymous feedback. So, if you have already filled out this sheet on May 17, thank you! If you have not, after you have put your name on the sheet, look it over carefully. Then pray that God’s Spirit will guide you and encourage you, just as God has abundantly promised. Then, you will see a number of general areas and some broad specifics with 4 columns of re- sponse boxes. The first is a general “Do it” indicating you think it is a good idea, that we should pursue the idea and move forward. The next set of boxes would indicate a commitment on your part to pray for this particular ministry and mission growth. The next choice is a desire on your part to actually do some- thing to help that mission grow, to volunteer your time and mind. The final option is to commit to be open to financial support to make the idea take real shape in real ways. Mark your responses in the boxes that best fit God’s leading in your life. Then bring this yellow sheet back to church and make sure your leaders get it. Mail it to the Church office; drop it in the office; whatever it takes. Where will it lead? We have some general idea already. There is support for moving forward with Multi- media in the worship space, for example. With some existing dedicated memorial funds and a recent gen- erous memorial we will be replacing an aging piece of sound equipment and finding another $5000, we hope to have a basic projection system in place by Rally Day (Sept. 13). There is also awareness that our connections with you and all our members need diligent attention, specifically in visits and keeping our caring connections vibrant and making those connections even more meaningful. To that end, after the retirement of Peggy DeCaigny (thanks to her for her excellent work over the years !) we modified that staff position to include supervising and empowering others to visit and bring communion to our mem- bers who need it. We Pastor Karen Linneas our part-time Visitation Pastor to fill that revised position. In the coming weeks and months the conversation will continue. We need to ask the community around us about how we can work together to meet the needs we see in our town and world. We know some kind of “Ministry and Capital Fund Appeal” will be necessary, after we have finished paying off the boiler loan. There will be the existing roof loan to finish paying and more roof replacement to finance. There may be other building needs and other ministry growth and renewal to support. This yellow sheet and more future conversations will help shape the extent of that support. Thank you for prayerfully being a part of the mission renewal, of God’s Work our Hands, through Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. I am on that journey with you! Pastor Chris

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Page 16 June 2015 Messenger

Non-Profit Organization

U.S. Postage Paid

Cloquet, MN

Permit 50

Address Service Requested

June 2015

OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 615 12th Street Cloquet, Minnesota 55720-2321

Phone: 218-879-1535 www.oursaviorscloquet.org

Page June 2015 Messenger

“To know Christ and have Others know Him!”

June 2015


Small Groups 2

Facts & Figures 9

Gifts & Memorials 10

Volunteers 8

Birthdays insert

Calendar insert

Sunday School 13 & 14


Youth 5 & 6

VLM Camps 5

Mission Planning insert


Inside this issue:

Our Savior’s Shared Journey

The Future Starts

To Take Shape

The numbers in attendance that Sunday were not huge. The requested responses were not as plentiful as

one might have expected. But a more refined shape for our Mission Plan is beginning to emerge. We took

some quality time on May 17 at both worship services to ask those in attendance what they would support

in our mission planning. Now, we need your response too. Already OSLC leadership has begun to move

in directions that are obviously supported by your input. For the shaping of our mission to continue, how-

ever, you need to tell us more.

Look for the “Mission Planning Worship Event” yellow sheet included in this Messenger. It is your op-

portunity to continue to be involved in the conversation about “What is God calling us to do?”

Please put your name on it, and your contact information. It is important that moving forward the conver-

sation remains open and honest. We will not consider anonymous feedback. So, if you have already filled

out this sheet on May 17, thank you! If you have not, after you have put your name on the sheet, look it

over carefully. Then pray that God’s Spirit will guide you and encourage you, just as God has abundantly

promised. Then, you will see a number of general areas and some broad specifics with 4 columns of re-

sponse boxes. The first is a general “Do it” indicating you think it is a good idea, that we should pursue

the idea and move forward. The next set of boxes would indicate a commitment on your part to pray for

this particular ministry and mission growth. The next choice is a desire on your part to actually do some-

thing to help that mission grow, to volunteer your time and mind. The final option is to commit to be

open to financial support to make the idea take real shape in real ways. Mark your responses in the boxes

that best fit God’s leading in your life. Then bring this yellow sheet back to church and make sure your

leaders get it. Mail it to the Church office; drop it in the office; whatever it takes.

Where will it lead? We have some general idea already. There is support for moving forward with Multi-

media in the worship space, for example. With some existing dedicated memorial funds and a recent gen-

erous memorial we will be replacing an aging piece of sound equipment and finding another $5000, we

hope to have a basic projection system in place by Rally Day (Sept. 13). There is also awareness that our

connections with you and all our members need diligent attention, specifically in visits and keeping our

caring connections vibrant and making those connections even more meaningful. To that end, after the

retirement of Peggy DeCaigny (thanks to her for her excellent work over the years!) we modified that

staff position to include supervising and empowering others to visit and bring communion to our mem-

bers who need it. We Pastor Karen Linne’ as our part-time Visitation Pastor to fill that revised position.

In the coming weeks and months the conversation will continue. We need to ask the community around

us about how we can work together to meet the needs we see in our town and world. We know some kind

of “Ministry and Capital Fund Appeal” will be necessary, after we have finished paying off the boiler

loan. There will be the existing roof loan to finish paying and more roof replacement to finance. There

may be other building needs and other ministry growth and renewal to support. This yellow sheet and

more future conversations will help shape the extent of that support.

Thank you for prayerfully being a part of the mission renewal, of God’s Work our Hands, through Our

Savior’s Lutheran Church.

I am on that journey with you!

Pastor Chris

Page 2: OUR SAVIOR’S LUTHERAN CHURCH June 2015 Permit 50 …storage.cloversites.com/oursaviorslutheranchurch... · 2015-06-02 · Page 2 June 2015 Messenger Small Groups Our Savior’s

Page 2 June 2015 Messenger

Small Groups

Bible Study

Every Wednesday at 10am-11am

Room 3-4-5

Read and discuss the text

for Sunday

This group is led by Pastor Chris

Open for both men and women



Thursday, June 11, 4 pm-7 pm

Friday, June 12th, 8am-4 pm

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church

615 12th Street -Cloquet



Directory Update

If you would like a directory and have not yet picked one up, they are available in the office. We have had a family photo that was submitted to me but did not get in the directory. We have also had several church members who would have liked to be in the di-

rectory but were unable to get a family photo to us for inclusion in the directory before it was submitted for print. We would like to continue working toward a more complete photo directory of our church family.

The directory can be a great tool to help us keep up to date with our church family. To support continuing to keep current

information available to our members, we plan to provide updated insert sheets for the directory as we get additional family photos We will print an additional sheet when we have 6 to 8 additional or updated photos. Please drop photos off at the church office.

Include the names of those in the photo, as well as address and phone contact information, in case we have follow up questions. If you would like someone to take your photo, let the office know and we can arrange a "photo session" before or after one of the

church services. Thanks for your help.

WELCA Board meeting: Monday, June 1st

9:30 am in the Kitchen

Sunday Sept. 13, 2015

The dedicated day of service is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America—

one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.

Whether it’s gathering food items to fill shelves at a local food pantry or advocating for peace and justice in communities, your service activities offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most basic convictions as Lutherans: That all of li fe in Jesus Christ—every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life—flows freely from a living, daring confidence

in God’s grace.

Visit www.ELCA.org/dayofservice and get started on your planning today!

Page 15 June 2015 Messenger

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church

615 12th Street

Cloquet, MN 55720-2321


Office: (218) 879-1535

Pastor: Pastor Chris Hill (ext 11)

[email protected]


Youth Director & Small Group Coordinator: Christina Kadelbach (ext. 12)

[email protected]


Visitation Pastor: Pastor Karen Linne

Administrative Assistant: Connie Reinke (ext. 10)

[email protected]

Bookkeeper: Sara Lamb

Sr. Choir / Praise & Worship: Ryan Hanson, Director

[email protected]

Church Website: Administrative Assistant

New Horizons Christian School:

Director: Kristina Remus 879-7138

[email protected]

Teacher: Thera Wiersma (ext. 24) or 879-7138

[email protected]

Church office hours:

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: 8-3

Wednesday: 8-2

Thursday: 8-3

Friday: 8-12 (staffed by a volunteer)

Regular Worship Times:

Sunday :

Summer Service . . . . . . . 9:30 am

Wednesday: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 pm

W E ’ R E ON TH E W EB !

w w w . o urs a vi o rs c l o q ue t . o rg

The Messenger Schedule: Deadline for submitting articles is the 15th of the month. Articles submitted after deadline will be published in the next issue. If possible, e-mail your articles to: [email protected]

July 2015 news deadline: June 15 by noon.

Deadline for articles for Sunday bulletins is Wednesday by 9:00 am. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Please keep in your thoughts and prayers for our members of our congregation currently serving in the military. Please contact the Church office for any other members we may have missed or if any of these names should be taken off.

Skylar Scheer Tony Gist Alex Lingren Jess Roen Dane Kiehn Tim Schlenvogt

Please remember the following members of our church throughout the year:

Sunnyside Health Care Center

Dennis Sorenson

Jane Lovstad

Connie Beck

Evergreen Knoll

Joyce Fuller

Edna Hage

Grace Caffey

Larson Commons

Jean Sather


Mariam Hella

Eleanor Jania

Jeanette Ferguson

Laureen Harris

Aspen Arms

Flo Gerhke

Mary Warner

Inter-Faith Care Center

Alice Toone

Russ McKibbon

Ellen Yetka

Pineview Estates

Lempi Mattson

Evergreen Cottages

Becky Ekes

John Manisto

Safe Transitions

Vicki Diver

Diamond Willow

Millie Johnson

Dwayne & Char Hagen

Lawrence Yetka


Stella Olson

The Radio Broadcast is broadcast on WKLK at 10:00 AM on Sundays.

The Cat 7 Broadcast is every Sunday at 3:30pm & Wednesday at 3:30pm

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Page 14 June 2015 Messenger

Page 3 June 2015 Messenger


Notes from the Director…

We’ve completed another wonderful year at New Horizons. 16 children walked across the bridge at our

Spring Graduation program. God has blessed us so much this year!

I want to thank you, our church family, for all your support this year. Thank you to our preschool board

for your time, talents and dedication to this outreach ministry. Thank you to Pastor Chris for chapel time on

Wednesday/Thursdays. Thank you to Thera and Angel, our wonderful teachers, for sharing your energy,

creativity, dedication and love with our preschoolers. And last, but not least, Thank you to our preschoolers

for sharing your songs, stories, energy and hugs all school year!

We are still taking registrations for the 2015-16 school year. Please help me spread the word in our commu-

nity, so we can reach as many families as possible! I do not have many office hours in the summer, so please call

me at 218-393-8542 if you want to visit the preschool, have questions or would like to enroll your child.

The Minnesota Department of Human Services, licensing division, paid us a visit this month. We are pleased

to share with you that we were awarded a PERFECT inspection. I have been told many times by other center

and preschool directors that this is very hard to accomplish, and now we have done it twice in 3 years! The

Holy Spirit is definitely working within our little preschool!

Just a reminder ~ we are a 4-star rated program through Parent Aware. How does this benefit families

with preschoolers in our community?

1. Our preschool uses the very best practices to prepare children for Kindergarten and a love of learning.

2. Families of enrolled preschoolers have a support system through the preschool. We are able to help

you connect with state and county programs that provide assistance for a variety of needs.

3. This gives families in certain income guidelines, the opportunity to receive Early Learning scholarships

to send their children to preschool. Please call me if you would like to look at this option! The sooner, the bet-

ter; funds are limited for state scholarships this year.

As we head into summer, I have a request of our church families with young children. To better serve you, we

need to know what it is you look for in a preschool? What needs to be in place for you to consider New Hori-

zons for your child? Please call or email me. I would LOVE your feedback!

From all of us at New Horizons ~

Have a wonderful Summer!

God’s Blessings,

Kristina Remus, NHCP Director


[email protected]

SUMMER PICNIC AND OUTDOOR WORSHIP The Fellowship Team will be hosting our summer picnic and outdoor worship service on Wednesday evening July 29 th at Our Savior’s.

Bring your lawn chairs or blankets. We will have this event rain or shine. In case of rain, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall.

5:30-6:30 picnic and fellowship

(hot dogs, hamburgers, beans, potato chips, coffee and lemonade)

6:30-7:00 informal worship service

Ice cream will be served immediately after the service. There will be a free will donation for the picnic.

Come and join us! Bring the whole family.

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Page 4 June 2015 Messenger

Church News

~Fair Trade Store~

WHERE: Church Library

WHEN: Most Sunday mornings and during

weekly office hours.

We offer cards and gifts for all occasions.

Choose gifts that make a difference! Shop for beautiful Fair Trade home décor, accessories and other unique hand crafted items made by marginalized artisans and farmers living around the world. Your purchases help them gain the income and skills they need to feed their families and send their children to school.

Coffee with a Lutheran Flavor

The LWR Coffee Project is a partnership between Lutheran World Relief and Equal Exchange.

The LWR Coffee Project unites you with farmers who labor to fill your cup. Buying Fair Trade gives coffee farmers steady income to sent their children to school, make sure their communities have clean water, and protect their environment. Lutherans and coffee… the two come together when neighbors gather at church for fellowship. Fairly traded coffee shares more of the bounty of the crop with those who grow it. Improved incomes and trustworthy partners enable small farmers to build a better future for their families and communities. The LWR Coffee Project is a way to reach out with what we spend on something as ordinary and wonderful as coffee. It’s Good Coffee for a Good Cause.

Every Sunday we enjoy fair Trade coffee following worship services in the Narthex.

OSL’s Fair Trade Store has many varieties of coffee, tea and chocolates as well as baking cocoa, hot cocoa, almonds, olive oil and olivewood carvings. Stop in the office during regular hours or visit us on Sunday’s between worship services.


The new Church Directories have arrived!. Are you in any of the many candid shots in the activity pages?

Do you know the history of our church? Check out the new directory.

If you had a photo taken by Lifetouch or a photo included in the directory, one copy of the directory is for you. Please cross

your name off of the list that is in the box when you pick up your copy from the narthex. A few copies will also remain

available on the bulletin board pocket as a ready resource for our members. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this

resource available for our church family


Donation Drop Off Information Deliver your items to Fellowship Hall

Monday, June 8th through Wednesday June 10th

Between 8am and 4pm

Items should be clean and gently used

We will not be accepting…

anything broken or damaged Car seats High Chairs

Computers Televisions

Pack and Plays Cribs

Large Appliances (Stoves, Refrigerators, Washers, Dryers) Exercise Equipment

Page 13 June 2015 Messenger

Christian Education

Christian Education Team



August 9-13:


Vacation Bible School! Join us August 9-13 for an icy expedition to Everest!

We will hold VBS in the evenings from 5:30-8:00pm Sunday – Thursday. Dinner will

be included for the kids and will start promptly at 5:30.

On our journey, kids will experience God's Word in surprising and unforgettable ways!

Each day, we reinforce one simple Bible truth—which makes it easy for kids to

remember and apply to real life!

To register, please use the registration form inside the messenger and return it to the

church office.

If you can help with VBS, please let Juli Lattner know at sunday-

[email protected] or 218-391-0501.

We will need teachers, helpers, set designers, etc…

Do you have ideas or suggestions for Christian Education? Please feel free to talk to

any member of the Christian Education team.

Juli Lattner – Team lead

Harper Green

Kate Jorgenson

Christina Kadelbach

Megan Kazmierczak

Sara Lamb

Jana Olson

Gina Painter

Curt Skowlund

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Page 12 June 2015 Messenger

PPC Minutes

Worship, Arts and Music - Music groups will wrap up for the summer at the May 17 services. The summer single service format will begin at 9:30 on Sunday May 31 and continue through September 6. Rally Sunday is scheduled for September 13, which is also “God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday. The original soundboard system is failing and needs to be replaced. The multimedia component is a separate system and would require several months for installation. It needs to be user-friendly in order to be run by volunteers. Some money is available now and the Team would like to make some changes before the end of the year. We would need another $5000 to be close to completion. The need for multimedia capabilities was frequently mentioned in the Mission Planning surveys and could be dovetailed with a capital improvement plan. ▪ Old Business – Adult Forum likely will not be held during the summer, but will begin again in the fall. The Council set the agenda for the semiannual meeting on April 26. ▪ New Business – Mission Planning – Mary Krohn provided several sheets of information summarizing and organizing the responses from the yellow Mission Planning Survey sheets. These responses will be duplicated as handouts for the April congregational meeting. From the surveys, the ‘things we appreciate and want to continue’ receiving the most responses were (1) being a welcoming church, open to the community (2) youth programs, (3) music ministries (4) Sunday school (5) our caring staff and volunteers. This was followed by a list of more than 40 other comments. Thank you, Mary, for your expertise in analysis and your hours of work put into these summaries!

The next PPC meeting is on Tuesday, May 19, at 7:00 in the Fireside Room.

2015 Bluegrass Festival :

A Concert and Fundraiser

Saturday, July 25, 2015 from 1-7


Camp Vermilion, 2555 Vermilion

Camp Road, Cook, MN 55723 Entry is FREE for everyone! Bring your own chair.

No outside coolers please.

Join us for great music, great food, and great family fun

in God’s great Northwoods! Activities for kids. Silent

and live auction. Bucket raffles. And more!

This event is a fundraiser to help MAKE CAMP

HAPPEN. No one is turned away from camp regardless

of their ability to pay. Your support makes it possible for

EVERYONE to come to camp!

For more information about the Bluegrass Festival, Call

Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry at (800) 331-5148 or visit


Raffle tickets can be purchased in the church office.

Zion/Our Savior’s Day Camp! August 3 – 7, 2015 on the Zion Campus

Preschool to 6th Grade

The Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry Day Camp program is designed to intro-duce the Bible camping experience to youth of the congregation. Geared

towards children who have completed kindergarten through fourth grade,

Day Camp provides a congregation with a quality Christian experience at

their own site.

Day Camp is a unique blend of outdoor ministry and congregational ministry.

The VLM staff brings to the week their own enthusiasm and leadership/

teaching style, which local volunteers enhance with similar gifts as well as knowledge of the community needs and resources. Together they make Day

Camp an exciting and enriching experience.

Day Camp is relational. Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry will seek to provide a staff to youth ration of 1:10, in addition to congregational volunteers.

Day Camp is renewal. The experience is renewing not only for the youth, but

for the adult volunteers as well. Day Camp can also revitalize a Bible School or Sunday School with new ideas and energy.

Day Camp is outreach. The week can be an outreach into the local commu-

nity as well as the congregation. It can also be an ecumenical experience.

Day Camp is not Bible School. It is important that the congregation not ex-

pect a similar experience to Bible School. It is not intended to replace VBS

or any other program, but to enhance congregational ministry. Helpers of all ages welcome

Please consider providing “campership” financial aid so more area children can take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.

Page 5 June 2015 Messenger

Youth News VLM News



AUGUST 2rd - AUGUST 8TH, 2015

Please fill out a camp registration form (available in the church office or online) and return to Our Savior’s with your non-refundable $100 deposit (make checks to Our Savior’s). Approximate cost for canoe country is $300. Fundraising opportunities available.

Questions? Please contact Christina Kadelbach 879-1535

[email protected]


Many parents ask what to do if they can’t afford a trip for a student. We can do a few things. We can always work out a payment plan. We understand life itself is expensive and that sometimes it gets a little tight. There are several fundraising opportunities throughout the year which with your efforts can provide a $100 scholarship. Feel free to let us know what you need and we will work with you the best we can!

Dig Deep and Rise Up:

Several youth and adults from Our Sav-ior’s and Zion will be taking the NE

MN Synod Journey to the 2015 ELCA National Youth Gathering in July 11-20,


There will be many opportunities to support our Youth Gathering

representatives in the coming year.

In the meantime, please keep them in your prayers for a safe, life-changing,

faith forming event!

Christina Kadelbach

Laura Mills

Anna Buskala

Mykayla Laurie

Cisco Garcia

Claire Palmquist

Kayla Napper

Kali Kadelbach

Gabby Napper

Haley McCauley

Mackenzie Stevenson

Kobe Kadelbach

Morgan Wefelmeyer

Digging deep together on a faith journey to... KNOW the Story BE the Story TELL the Story

Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry

..in God’s Great Northwoods!

Camp Hiawatha ~ Camp Vermilion

www.VLMcamps.org • [email protected] • 800-331-5148 • 218-666-5465

Camp Hiawatha, 36944 Camp Hiawatha Rd., Deer River, MN

Camp Vermilion, 2555 Vermilion Camp Rd., Cook, MN

Register Today!

Summer is coming and we want to see you at Camp Hiawatha or Camp Vermilion! Invite a friend and register today for the best part of your summer vacation - a week of learning, meeting new friends, swimming, playing, singing around the campfire, and praising God.

Information on how to register, camp fees, and program details can be found on our website - www.VLMcamps.org - or by contacting the camp office.

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Page 6 June 2015 Messenger

Youth News

Giving back to your community

never tasted so delicious

Thank you for your ongoing support. Schwan’s Home

Delivery offers over 350 delicious foods, flash-frozen at the peak of freshness and conveniently delivered to your door. Through Schwans-Cares.com, you can order from Schwan’s Home Delivery and help Our Savior’s Youth meet its

fundraising goals. Schwan’s will contribute 5% of all orders to our Youth Fund for the rest of 2015!

Here are two ways to support us!

Order Online:

1. Visit Schwans-Cares.com

2. Enter Campaign Name or ID 14754 into the search box located in the upper right hand corner then click to open cam-paign.

3. Click the “Buy Now” button to purchase an eCertificate or “Shop Now” to place a product order.

Order by Phone:

Call 1-855-870-7208 and provide Campaign ID: 14754

Proceeds help support Our Savior’s Youth Activities –

(Bible Camps, National Youth Gathering, Mis-sion/Service Trips, and Canoe Trips)

Thank you for your support!

Camp Noah is a locally hosted event for elemen-tary-age children whose communities have been impacted by disaster. Camp Noah provides a safe, caring and fun environment where children build resiliency skills within the familiarity of their own communities, using a proven curriculum designed to help children process their disaster and/or trauma experience through creative activities and play. Camp Noah celebrates every child as special. In this safe and supportive setting, children are en-couraged to face their fears, grieve their losses, identify and share their unique gifts and talents,

and plan for an amazing future.

Disaster changes lives-especially for children. And whatever type of disaster or trauma they have ex-perienced, children often need support to process what has happened. During Camp Noah, a team of Certified Camp Staff accompanies campers through an intentional process that enables the children to process their disaster and gives them the space and time necessary to tell their stories

and build resiliency skills. And Camp Noah is FUN!

Every child receives 30 hours of therapeutic play-focused creative activities with a ratio of 3-4 chil-dren for every Certified Camp Staff member. Meals and snacks are provided. In addition, all campers receive a paintable ark, a t-shirt, a fully-equipped backpack, all the supplies necessary to complete the creative activities during camp, a handmade

fleece blanket, and multiple craft items.

Camp Noah is open to all elementary-age children (kindergarten—6th grade) in the community who would benefit from learning resiliency and disaster preparedness skills—in other words, EVERY


Camp Noah will be at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church

June 22-26 Register your child by calling the church office at 879-5135.

Resiliency and coping skills are valuable for ALL children.





Kali Kadelbach

June 6th, 1:00 - 4:00pm

603 Chestnut St.

Page 11 June 2015 Messenger

PPC Minutes OSLC Parish Planning Council (PPC) Meeting Highlights for Tuesday, April 21, 2015

▪ Treasurer’s Report

For March, revenues were up, bringing us to $1,741 over budget for the first quarter of 2015. Expenses were under budget, reflecting the lack of snow plowing expenses and salary not paid out for the chaplain position. Natural gas ex-penses were higher, even with the new boiler system. YTD figures show us nearly $6,000 ahead of budget! The loan bal-ance is at $71,000 - $30,000 for the roof and $41,000 for the boiler with $17,000 yet to be brought in by pledges. The an-nual roof inspection is due in May

▪ Pastor’s Report –

† Ministry Summary: Please lift up in prayer the family of Lawrence Yetka (Diamond Willow) and

Ellen Yetka (Inter-Faith) newly transferred to these nursing home facilities. Nine 3rd graders and

one 7th grader have completed the Pre-Communion experience. Communicants will notice the

change in communion flow approaching the altar. This accommodates people wanting to kneel and

pray at the rail. The ushers and WAM team welcome feedback.

† Emerging Opportunities for Ministry:

∙ A site coordinator is urgently needed for Camp Noah, a 5 day training program open to

K-6 children in the community who would benefit from disaster preparedness skills in coping with

crisis. The dates are June 22-26. There is a $1500 stipend available for the coordinator.

∙ In our location across the street from Washington Elementary School, is there an opportunity

for an after-school welcome program for that school community?

∙ Kid’s Church: Volunteer help is needed to continue this children’s ministry for summer worship


† Staff: Sara Lamb is in the process of training Bruce Larson as our new bookkeeper. Pastor Karen

Linnѐ has been hired for our Visiting Chaplain position. She will have a flexible schedule for visitation

and will be working with our visitation volunteers.

† Mission Planning Review: “The Three Great Listenings”: What is God calling us to do? What are the

wants and needs of our Church? The yellow sheets surveys have been organized and results

available. What are the needs in the Community? What can we do about them? Who do we ask?

▪ Team Leader Reports

Church Properties – Saturday, May 2, has been set for the spring cleanup and work day. Volunteers are needed. The team

is working on cleaning up the various storage areas in the church, starting with inventories, labels and items earmarked

for recycling or the dump. Some items may be suitable for the Youth Rummage sale in June.

Deacons - The board membership has been filled with the addition of Kathy Rye, Roy Ober and Duane Buytaert, who will

begin their 3 year terms in May.

Evangelism - More volunteers are needed. The Greeters Ministry has been well-received. The team is encouraging the use

of name tags for the benefit of new members and visitors, especially during the summer service

Fellowship Team – The team will be serving the pizza lunch before the semi-annual meeting on April 26 and will be clean-

ing up afterwards. The next event planned is the summer outdoor service and picnic, with the date set for July 29.

Youth/Small Group Ministry – Easter Sunday breakfast attendance was about 700, down from last year. The youth will sponsor a rummage sale on Thursday June 11 and Friday June 12. Items can be dropped off earlier in the week. Baccalaureate service will be on May 27 at 7:30 at Cloquet High School. The May 31 Sunday worship service will in-clude recognition of our graduating seniors. Confirmation will be ending April 29. Middle School Lock-In is scheduled for May 24-25. Voyageurs Lutheran Ministry will be celebrating their 25th anniversary at an event on Saturday, October 3 in Hibbing.

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Page 10 June 2015 Messenger

Shiny paper recycling Remember to bring in your old magazines to recycle. All the profits go to our New Horizons Christian School. They also are accepting white paper too! There is a bin under the bulletin board in the Narthex. It can also be brought to the Preschool area.

Radio Broadcast Sponsorship

The calendar for the 2015 radio broadcast sponsorship is up near the Fireside room. When signing up for a date, remember to pay the office. The rate for a sponsorship is $52.50. In order to keep this service, we need more sponsors. Thank you!


Many coffee varieties available. Decaf, whole bean and ground. Not a coffee drinker… We carry a variety of tea and hot cocoa mix. Every time Lutherans use Fair Trade coffee in congrega-tions, sell it to members and drink it at home, they minis-ter to their coffee—growing neighbors around the world.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment.

*For Church related cancellations due to bad weather, announcements will be made on WKLK, B105, and Mix 108 radio stations, and also on Duluth TV stations Notifications will also be on our website: Www.oursaviorscloquet.org. If Cloquet schools are closed or have a 2 hour late start, New Horizons’ Christian Preschool is closed for the day.

Prayer Chain

Please call the Church office with your prayer chain requests.


For those of you who use Simply Giving for your offering, there are pink cards available in the pews for you to use. How it works: To show your support of using Simply Giving, place the card in the offering plate. It’s that easy. This gives other members a visual and reminder of the Simply Giving program. If you are not enrolled in Simply Giving, and would like to be, there are forms in the office, in the Narthex, and on our Church website. www.oursaviorscloquet.org

Gifts and Memorials

May Radio broadcast sponsors:

Beryl Rodin


Bonnie & Ralland Lurken in thanksgiving to the


Joyce Jerde in memory of daughter, Laurie Ann


Gifts & Memorials

Cliff Svedahl, in memory of Kay to Christian Educa-tion and Boiler Fund

Richard Jackson, in memory of Betty Manisto

Ray Manisto, in memory of Patsy to the Sound Board

Jim & Linda Boyd, in memory of Lee Obermiller to Altar Paraments

Pat Johnson, in memory of Ron (BoBo) Johnson to the ELCA National Youth Gathering

WELCA, in memory of Jim Christopherson to Altar Paraments

FOOD FOR 5 MEALS - $1.00 The first Sunday of the month is designated as Food Shelf Sunday. We realize that it is easy to forget to bring items to church. In order to make this easier we suggest that a monthly monetary collection be taken on Food Shelf Sunday. This money can be used to help the Salvation Army Food Shelf in Cloquet or 2nd Harvest Food Bank in Duluth. Just $1 can provide enough food for 5 meals through this 2nd Harvest program. We would encourage each family to contribute at least $1 on Food Shelf Sunday. This program is a bargain that every family can be a part of. May we share our blessings with those in need. Thank you, Katie & Jerry Nisula Co-chairs May’s Contribution was $371.

Page 7 June 2015 Messenger

Summary of OSLC Semi-annual Congregational Meeting - April 26, 2015

Following a lunch of Sammy’s pizza, salad, soft drinks and dessert served by the Fellowship Team, President Jon Lamb

called the meeting to order at 12:35. Fifty-four (54) persons signed in as voting members, exceeding the twenty-five mem-

bers necessary for a quorum. Minutes of the January 25, 2015 meeting were reviewed and approved.

▪ Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Bruce Larson gave a verbal year-end review of 2014, citing an $18,000 loss, leaving only a $22,000 balance in the

reserve fund, which had formerly been in the $60,000 range. He emphasized the need to balance the budget in 2015 and

to build up our reserve. For the first quarter of 2015, revenues were up by $2,000 and expenses were down by $4,000,

putting us $6,000 ahead of budget! Expenses were down primarily due to the vacancy of the chaplain position, the lack of

snow plowing and a lower electric bill, although the gas bill was higher, even with the new boiler system. In comparison

with 2014, we are $12,000 ahead of YTD figures.

Loan balances total $71,000 with $41,000 remaining on the boiler and $30,000 remaining on the roof loan. The boiler

loan has about $16,000 in pledges not yet received, with a year to go. $24,000 in loan pledges have been received but not

yet used to pay off loan balances. We have a single 10 year loan with the Synod Mission Investment Fund and make a sin-

gle monthly payment, although our bookkeeping system shows separate loan balances for roof and boiler. The roof fund

has a balance of $8,500.

▪ Audit Committee Report

The Audit Committee, composed of Rick Raun, Jeannine Nordin and Bruce Larson reported that the audit of the General

Fund, Gifts and Memorials and Mission Endowment Funds are all in order.

▪ Election of Officers, Ministry Teams/Team Leaders & Synod Assembly Voting Members

Pastor Karen Linne, our new Visitation Chaplain was introduced and welcomed. She spoke briefly about her background

and the role she will fill here at Our Savior’s in a 10 hour/week position focusing on visitation ministry.

Installation of New Leaders - Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 2015-2016 Ministry Team Members handout was presented

to the congregation and is available in the church office. Officers for the coming year (Council Advisory Team/CAT) include

President – Mary Krohn; Vice-President Cindy Haglin; Secretary – Curtis Skowlund and Treasurer – Bruce Larson. Ministry

Team members and other congregation committees and organizations are listed on the handout. Pastor Chris conducted a

short installation service for these individuals.

▪ Old Business

Mission Planning:

Mary spoke about where we are in the mission planning process, as we continue to listen to God and our church family.

The many survey results that were turned in have been organized and summarized. One of the largest “Core Values”

stated was “ ….strengthen our membership by building a loving family, work together, love and support one another;

maintain a warm and welcoming atmosphere that is inviting to people looking for a church.” As we continue to concen-

trate on the survey results, there will be two Adult Forum conversations, beginning on May 17 between worship services.

New Business:

∙ Volunteers are needed for:

Camp Noah Coordinator, June 22-26. Our facility will be used and a stipend of $1500 is available

for an on-site coordinator.

Church News

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Page 8 June 2015 Messenger

Volunteers for June

Greeters: 7th 9:30 Youth 14th 9:30 Kathy and Ron Hanson 21st 9:30 Connie Reinke and Kathy Sarkela 28th 9:30 Judy and Ray Wiles Communion Servers (Deacons):

7th 9:30 Ron Stahl, Linda Bush, Bruce Spetz 14th 9:30 Marty Rye, Rob Macaulay, Denny Painter 21st 9:30 Jim Boyd, John Hedquist, Pat Elling-Morris 28th 9:30 Katie Bailey, Rich Krikava, Shannon Krikava

Coffee Servers:

7th 9:30 Jen Behrens 14th 9:30 21st 9:30 28th 9:30


7th 9:30 Cale Prosen & Joel Lembke 14th 9:30 Connor & Laura Hecht 21st 9:30 PJ Affias & Olivia Macaulay 28th 9:30 Jacob Vanderpool & Sam Buytaert

Sound Board Operators: 7th 9:30 Randy Schmidt 14th 9:30 Arlin Debele 21st 9:30 Sharon Tobias 28th 9:30 Dave Templeton Readers: 7th 9:30 Duane Buytaert 14th 9:30 Cindy Haglin 21st 9:30 Irene Rudnicki 28th 9:30 Karen Smith Ushers: Sign up sheets are in the usher’s room Altar Guild 7th 14th 21st 28th Evangelism: 7th 14th 21st 28th

Church News continued from previous page

Liaison for OSLC-chartered Cub Scout Troop – Keith Matzdorf is serving as an interim person, but

a permanent leader needs to be identified to maintain our charter.

∙ Proposed Amendment to Mission Endowment By-Laws - the congregation approved several deletions

of term limits in the By-Laws in order to keep the continuity in team leadership. On behalf of the

Committee and the Congregation, Curt thanked Attorney Dave Lingren as he steps down from his

years of service and gratis legal work on behalf of Our Savior’s.

∙ Mary Krohn, incoming President, summarized the changes in staff and leadership, thanking those who have served Our Savior’s– the Kadelbachs (Custodians), Peggy DeCaigny (Visiting Chaplain), Don Unulock (Lock-up Volunteer), Pam Huhta (Administrative Assistant) Sara Lamb (Bookkeeper), Curt Nelson and Sue Stahl, (Past-Presidents), Jon Lamb (outgoing President) and Linda Holmstrand (outgoing Secretary). ▪ Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 1:20 pm with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted,

Linda Holmstrand, Secretary for the Congregation

Page 9 June 2015 Messenger


In updating our church roster data, we sent letters to a

number of our church family members when our phone

contact information appeared to be outdated. Thanks to

the many folks who responded. However, we did receive

back several “keep us in the roster” letters and four

“remove us from the roster” letters with no names on the

form. Consequently, if you are still receiving this Messenger

and had requested to be removed from the roster, please

contact the church office to leave your name and facilitate

this change in our records.

Sunday Readings for June

1st Lesson 2nd Lesson Psalm Gospel Lesson

7th Genesis 3:8-15 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 Psalm 130 Mark 3:20-35 14th Ezekiel 17:22-24 2 Corinthians 5:6-10; [11-13] 14-17 Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15 Mark 4:26-34 21st Job 38:1-11 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32 Mark 4:35-41

28th Lamentations 3:22-33 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 Psalm 30 Mark 5:21-43

The Sunday Service May or May Not Be Using All Of These Texts.













$26150 $26116 $90858 $87446



$1397 $923 $6260 $4523



$27547 $27039 $97118 $91969

Expenses $25164 $29338 $101866 $113389

Church News

Baptisms Austin Christopher Gamache

son of Jason and Danielle Gamache Zachary James Gamache

son of Jason and Danielle Gamache Odin Dammer Escobedo

son of Eric Escobedo and Kristin Dammer Viola Mae Schlenvogt—daughter of Stephen and Charlene Schlenvogt

Weddings Jennifer Johnson and Jeremy Huhta


Stuart Swanson

Please remember to call the office if you would like to schedule a meeting in the church so we may put it in the church calendar. Thank you.

Date Attendance Offering Offering Needed

May 3 79/98 7001 4600

May 10 63/13/8 4749 4600

May 17 86/140 4245 4600

May 24

May 31




MONTHLY BIBLE VERSE 4 May you always be joyful in your union with the

Lord. I say it again: rejoice! 5 Show a gentle attitude

toward everyone. The Lord is coming soon. 6 Don't

worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God

for what you need, always asking him with a thankful
