our emails to bofa ceo brian moynihan (2010)

Print Loan Modification From: Isabel Santamaria (isabel-TlB@hotmail.com) Sent: Mon 4/19/10 11:44 PM To: [email protected] Good evening. This email is just to advise of how much I am disgusted with your finaneial institution. My mortgage was sold to BOA in August and ever since then it's been pure hell to say the least. Almost all of 2009 we have been struggling to make payments and we were asking for personal loans from family members to be able to pay our loan every month. We were not able to pay November and we definitely needed to lower our payments. My husband's job gave everyone pay-cuts as of 2008 and I am barely working part-time and I will no longer have work after April 25th. We have a child with autism and another with asperger's syndrome and it is very expensive. We have submitted all info for a loan modification with BOA about 3 months ago. We have received ridiculous calls and letters stating that we owe over $6,000.00!! I WTF!! I I only owe one month and it turns into a $6,000+ debt. Every time I call I speak to 10 different people that tell me about 20 different things. I have been told that I owe one month and that very same day I am told that I owe four months. I have high-blood pressure and every time I speak to BOA my blood pressure rises so much that my husband wants to take me to the hospital (which we can't afford since we have a $3,000 deductible). I really thought I almost suffered a stroke reeently while on the phone with one of your reps. I have also been told that we owe on escrow when in reality we are owed money. We paid most of 2009 and before for our old property taxes with our mortgage which were much higher. As of Nov 1st my mortgage payments were reduced due to the new property taxes. It was confirmed that I actually had almost $900.00 left over in escrow which I have no idea what you have done with our money, I don't even see it being applied to our mortgage payments. We have been asked all over again for the 3rd time to submit information that we already sent. I truly believe that you are prolonging this to eventually foreclose on our house. Since we really want to keep our house, we have hired an attorney that will be able to unmask all the illegal working going on with our loan or at least get our payments reduced or even better, have our loan sold to a reputable and at least semi-decent mortgage company. "I support John Wright vs. BofA Lawsuit!" Sincerely, Close Hotmail has tools for the New Busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox. Learn more ; •/

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Echeverria vs Bank of America, et al Several emails were sent to Bank of America CEO Brian T. Moynihan in 2010. Instead of these emails being handled by Bank of America's higher office, they were sent to Bank of America's contracted co-conspirators Urban Lending Solutions (ULS) aka Urban Settlement Services and Carlisle & Gallagher Consulting Group, Inc. who were fraudulently disguising themselves as Bank of America's "Office of the CEO and President". In Bank of America's system, communications such as these which ended up being elevated to this so-called Office of the President due to homeowner complaints filed with governmental officials and regulator agencies were labeled as "OOPS" in the customer/homeowner's Bank of America's computer system. We complained and requested help with a loan modification numerous times as seen in these emails but instead, Bank of America continued their destructive warpath of fraud against us with no abatement or repercussions to this very day due to our corrupt judicial system.


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    Loan Modification

    From: Isabel Santamaria ([email protected]) Sent: Mon 4/19/10 11:44 PM To: [email protected]

    Good evening. This email is just to advise of how much I am disgusted with your finaneial institution. My mortgage was sold to BOA in August and ever since then it's been pure hell to say the least. Almost all of 2009 we have been struggling to make payments and we were asking for personal loans from family members to be able to pay our loan every month. We were not able to pay November and we definitely needed to lower our payments. My husband's job gave everyone pay-cuts as of 2008 and I am barely working part-time and I will no longer have work after April 25th. We have a child with autism and another with asperger's syndrome and it is very expensive. We have submitted all info for a loan modification with BOA about 3 months ago. We have received ridiculous calls and letters stating that we owe over $6,000.00!! I WTF!! I I only owe one month and it turns into a $6,000+ debt. Every time I call I speak to 10 different people that tell me about 20 different things. I have been told that I owe one month and that very same day I am told that I owe four months. I have high-blood pressure and every time I speak to BOA my blood pressure rises so much that my husband wants to take me to the hospital (which we can't afford since we have a $3,000 deductible). I really thought I almost suffered a stroke reeently while on the phone with one of your reps. I have also been told that we owe on escrow when in reality we are owed money. We paid most of 2009 and before for our old property taxes with our mortgage which were much higher. As of Nov 1st my mortgage payments were reduced due to the new property taxes. It was confirmed that I actually had almost $900.00 left over in escrow which I have no idea what you have done with our money, I don't even see it being applied to our mortgage payments. We have been asked all over again for the 3rd time to submit information that we already sent. I truly believe that you are prolonging this to eventually foreclose on our house. Since we really want to keep our house, we have hired an attorney that will be able to unmask all the illegal working going on with our loan or at least get our payments reduced or even better, have our loan sold to a reputable and at least semi-decent mortgage company.

    " I support John Wright vs. BofA Lawsuit!"



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    R E : Loan #: 225563127 Abdiel Echeverria/ Isabel Santamaria

    From: Isabel Santamaria ([email protected]) Sent: Mon 7/19/10 11:36 PM To: [email protected]

    Mr. Moynihan,

    This is my second email to you. 1 believe you are probably aware of my case since 1 had contacted the Attorney General of Florida a few months ago to advise of Bank of America's fraudulent practices with loan modification and payment/escrow fraud as well. 1 never got a response from you from the last email I sent you but at least this email will be additional leverage for my Attorney in my eventual lawsuit/case against your deceitful financial institution to prove that nothing will be done to help us. 1 have been trying to get a loan modification since December 2009 for which I was only one month behind (November 2009) mainly because your reps told me that I had to be behind on my mortgage to qualify for a loan modification. Now magically I am not one month behind, 1 am now four months behind as per your "system". There is fraudulent postings on my account and it was your representatives that told my Attorney over a week ago that they do not have proof on their system that I paid those months. We can't even get a clear answer of which are those so-called months in question. I have all documentation and my Attorney has it also for those payments. I am being jerked around for over six months regarding a loan modification which 1 submitted documentation over and over again. 1 was never told that 1 was denied or approved but 1 sure do receive those "Letter of Intent to Accelerate" with quite frequency via certified mail once or twice a month. 1 also get those ridiculous payment statements which say my payment is over $1,600 when my regular payment is $1,215.76.1 guess your bank has no problem sending threats via mail but never a follow-up regarding a crucial situation like a loan modification or never correct the millions of mistakes being made. Every month that passes by is crucial because we cannot afford our regular payment and it will cause us to default deeper and deeper due to a snow-ball effect. 1 still do not have the full amount to pay this month, no one can lend us the money either. Well Mr. Moynihan, I guess that's the plan all along, right? Take long on the loan mod and eventually these desperate homeowners will default more and lose their house or agree to any bogus pre-payment plan you can offer so that they don't lose their homes and then take it away. Also, put us in a "trial Modification" so we can continue making payments thinking we are going to keep our house and then get slammed with a foreclosure notice a few months later and then be told that those trial months we paid we cannot get back because they are being applied to your foreclosure attorney fees, right? This is a sad story for many people. Our intention has always been to pay our house. We were never late once before this all happened. 1 should have just stopped paying all together i f I would have knovra 1 was being repeatedly lied to. 1 would have had a few thousand dollars in the bank by now for at least a deposit on a rental house. 1 truly believe that BAG practices go against "The Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practice Laws" and "The Truth in Lending Act". As 1 research the HOEPA (Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act), there is truly deception. 1 have documented every email, every conversation possible to prove no help is really being otfered My Attorney General asked me to update a few days ago i f anything has been done and 1 of coarse said "NO". 1 will forward this letter to the Attorney General and my attorney as well. I will continue to be a pest because I have a disabled 6 year old son I have to look after and a 9 year old daughter. This problem with your institution

  • is causing me health problems and even strain on my marriage. Al l 1 do is breathe, eat and think about Bank of America and it is becoming a huge problem. The uncertainty^ of losing your house is a traumatic experience. 1 sometimes wish we would lose this house so we can break all ties with Bank of America because 1 would never want BOA as my loan provider ever again. 1 will tell you this, 1 will not be robbed by this financial institution anymore especially when we do not even have a penny to our name and have nowhere else to live. Futhermore, our air conditioning just broke and 1 am at wits end trying to come up with the money to fix it. We live in Florida for goodness sake, it's hot. I would hate to invest one more cent in this house so you can just take it away along with all the other upgrades we did to it with our own money when our situation was mueh better but I have no choice because of our kids. I f you do want to contact me, send me an email or contact Angela Sigman at my attorney's office at: (321) 255-7200 since I had my home phone disconnected due to not being able to afford it.


    Loan # 225563127 Property Address: B B B H H B B B

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    Loan Modification Negligence, Payments and Escrow money missing

    From: Isabel Santamaria (isabel-'*[email protected]) Sent: Sun 8/01/10 10:39 PM

    To: Brian Moynihan ([email protected])

    Mr. Moynihan, This is my fourth email and of coarse I have never received a response. Of coarse, your

    representatives only want to speak over the phone and not give a response by email just in case it can be used against them due to all the lies that have been said to me and many others. Sadly, my loan was sold to Bank of America in August 2009 from Taylor, Bean and Whitaker. We had an extremely rough year last year and this year as well. We have sold jewelry, personal belongings and have asked for personal loans from relatives to cover our loan for months and months due to our high expenses especially with a disabled child and my income was drastically reduced as well. We continue to ask for money here and there and will have to pay all that back of coarse. The longer your company has taken in modifying our loan, the deeper we are in personal debt among other things. We applied for a loan modification back in December 2009 and everything has happened since then. Papers have been lost by your company many times, I have been advised that they were received many times and I have also received notices of incomplete documents. I am not an idiot! I have worked as a secretary, file clerk and anything that implies documentation or paperwork for many years and I know how to make copies and make sure that all documents have been sent. Of coarse, since this is all a scam it is very convenient to blame the borrower. I was told by mail and by your reps that the loan mod process would take 45 days. What a crock of lies! I have spoken to someone who works in a home retention program for another bank and she told me that it is easier and faster to do a loan modification than an actual loan or refinance which usually takes 30 days or less. There is not even a credit check involved for goodness sake. It is very difficult for your bank to answer questions when pressured but there sure isn't any difficulty sending Notice of Intent to Accelerate with quite frequency. I guess you guys aren't too busy for that right? I have money missing and erroneous and fraudulent postings on my account as well. I have escrow money missing. This is the most horrible bank I have ever dealt with. When I used to bank with Bank of America, I lost over $1,600 in overdraft fees. My husband's direct deposits were being held until purchases were made so we can get over drafted. The reps would tell me that what I saw on my online banking screen was very dilferent to what they were seeing. How convenient. I never got a penny in return. The funny thing is that after I closed my account with your fraudulent bank, I was never over drafted again with my current bank even though we have had at times about a dollar left before we got our deposit. Wow, and we make much less money too. Hmmmm. Bank of America stole my money then and they are stealing my money again and I will not bend over and take it or roll over and let you guys beat us to a pulp. I have to look after the interest of my family's well being. I am at my wits end and this situation with Bank of America has caused us great suffering. I know this email will once again never be read because you obviously do not have a heart but i f you ever do want to make things right, you have this email where you can reach me or also my attorney's info is on file.


  • Isabel Santamaria

    Loan #22563127