origin of continents and planets book

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  • 8/14/2019 Origin of Continents and Planets Book



    The Origin of Continents and Planets

    Scientist. G.Ponmudi

  • 8/14/2019 Origin of Continents and Planets Book




    To My Mother

    Smt. Ayesha Ganapathy

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    Lands are rising and the rising of land is responsible for earthquake.

    The earthquake that shook the new Madrid city from December 1811 to

    February 1812, still remain a scientific mystery.

    Currently researchers believe that earthquake is an effect of rubbing of

    moving continental plates.

    But the problem is the city new Madrid is located at the central part of

    the North American continent.

    During the earthquake rising of some section of land created six foot

    waterfalls in the Mississippi river . And the land in the nearby

    city called as Tennessee uplifted, about 50 kilometers long and 23

    kilometers wide.

    This rising of land changed the course of the Mississippi river


    Therefore I conclude that the earthquake was caused by the rising of the


    sinse the earthquake zone is situated at the central part of the continent

    the so called moving of continental plates can not be said as an


    it should be noted that when an earthquake occurred on 30.09.1993 in thekillari village which is located at the central part of the peninsular

    India , land has been raised up to three feet hight and the rising of land

    has been observed up to two kilometer distance.

    Therefore the rising of land is the only reason for the earthquake.

    I would like to thank the researches whos research work mentioned in the

    reference list.

    Yours faithfully




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    Part I

    Continents are not drifting, but rising.


    1. Dinosaurs fossils Challenge Drifting Continents Theory 6

    2. Did Stone Age people undertake Sea Voyage? 9

    3. Twenty million years ago, the sea level had been ten

    Thousand five hundred feet lower than it is now. 13

    4. The Ice age myth 26

    5. A submerged continent discovered under the Indian Ocean 29

    6. From where did the sea water originate? 31

    7. Islands are rising 35

    8. Continents are rising 39

    9. Rocks that formed on the sea floor found on land 47

    10. Researchers Opinion 52

    11. Land is rising 55

    12. The Islands of Indonesia are continuously rising 59

    13. Rising of the earths crust is responsible for

    Earthquakes 61

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    Part II

    Our earth is a dead star


    14. Birth of a planet 65

    15. Diamond Planets 73

    16. Ideas About Planet formation 78

    17. Giant Extra Solar Planets 84

    18. Intermediate Stars and Giant Planets 92

    19. Planet formationTheoryChallenged 100

    20. Changing Stars 107

    21. Dying stars finally becomes planets 113

    22. Jupiter like climate on an intermediate star! 118


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    Continents are not drifting, but rising

    1).Dinosaurs fossils Challenge Drifting Continents Theory

    South America and Africa are separated by the Atlantic Ocean . But,

    in both these continents the bones of the giant sized lizard, Mesosaurs

    which is a variety of dinosaurs are found.

    Based on this, Albert Wagener, a meteorological researcher raised a

    question as to how the same type of animal could be found in different

    continents when they are separated by oceans and concluded that previously

    they should have been one single continent. But, at that time this idea was

    vehemently opposed.

    In the Bering Strait which separates North America from Russia s

    Siberia , the land rose first and served as a bridge of land for all

    animals like woolly mammoth, wild buffaloes, lions, bears rabbits and cave


    To support this theory, in Siberia, in the Yana river valley, the

    Stone Age tools used by man and numerous bones of animals were found.

    The bones of the dinosaur, Sauropods which lived much before this

    period were also found in numerous quantities.

    Like this land bridge which is known as Beringiathere should have

    been many land bridges between continents, through which the dinosaurs

    would have moved and spread. Researchers said that other than this it was

    not possible for the continents to move.

    Wagenerrefused to believe the concept about land bridges but argued

    that continents are moving. 200 million years ago, a huge continent named

    Pangaea got divided in to two continents called Laurasia and Gondwana. 150

    million years ago the continent Gondwanabroke in to many pieces and formed

    South America, Africa, Australia and India .

    Among this, India moved in a north eastern direction, crossed the

    equator 45 million years ago and collided with the continent Asia . On

    account of this, the Himalayas were formed. Wageneralso said that this was

    cause for the earthquakes to occur there.

    The dinosaurs which were the proof for Wageners concept of moving

    continents have today become the opposing features.

    The recently unearthed skull of dinosaur at the riverside of

    Narmadha, when studied has been found to have existed 95 million years ago

    and its close relatives have been living in South America and Africa.

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    Professor Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago has said, We

    cannot get the closely related species without transport.

    The problem here is that according to Pangaeas concept, all these

    continents got separated 150 million years ago and have been isolated by

    the seas and oceans. So, the question now is that, how a species which

    evolved after that period spread to other continents.

    Is the Pangaea concept true?

    According to the Pangaea concept, India was an island continent 65

    million years ago. Dinosaurs which evolved during that period and lived in

    the other parts of the world had no opportunity to enter India . It was

    because, India was surrounded by sea. But, the skeletons of dinosaurs have

    been found in many parts of India . Taking this into consideration, and

    according to the Pangaea concept that continents keep moving, India had

    never been an island continent. It is proved that as at present; it had

    joined Asia. Only if it had happened, the dinosaurs could have come into


    Now Wagners followers have explained that, the continent Gondwana

    should have got separated at a later stage about 100 million years ago and

    even after that there should have been many temporary land bridges between

    continents for a period of time, through which the dinosaurs would have

    traveled to and fro.

    But, the full opposing factor in this case is the dinosaur,Sauropods

    which evolved 65 million years ago. This dinosaur which lived in many parts

    of India and its close relatives had been living in South America andMadagascar Island in Africa .

    According to the Pangaea concept, India was a separate island

    continent which had detached it self from Africa and moved thousands of

    miles and was near the equator. It had not yet come near the continent of

    Asia . There had been sea in between India and Asia . How could the

    dinosaurs,Sauropods have reached India ?

    Professor Jeffery Wilson of the University of Michigan has said, The

    statement that India had moved has not been substantiated with direction

    and time.*(1)

    But, Paleontologists have said that, fifty million years ago that is

    even before Mount Everest came into being Sauropods dinosaurs had entered

    India from the North. According to this theory, it is proved that India had

    always been part of the continent, Asia .

    (*See References)

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    Dinosaurs have lived in Antarctica and Australia . Similar to the

    land bridge which was formed in Bering Strait area due to the rising of the

    land which made the sea recede and paved way for animals to move from one

    place to another, there is a possibility that, there could have been many

    land bridges between continents through which the dinosaurs could have

    migrated to various places.

    Hence, the continents did not move; it is only the animals which

    moved from one place to another. When the land rises, the sea recedes in

    that area and using the land that is visible, the animals move from one

    continent to another.

    If continents do not move, how do earthquakes occur? Earthquakes

    occur only due to the rising of the land from below the sea above sea

    level. The fossils of sea animals that are found on thousands of feet high

    mountains including the Everest are the best examples for this.

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    (2)Did Stone Age people undertake Sea Voyage?

    Sandwiched between the continents of Asia and Australia , islands of

    Sumatra, Java, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores , Timor etc. are situated in a

    long strip. The caves of the island of Flores were inhabited by 3-foot

    dwarfish Stone Age humans, perhaps as early as 1..8 million years ago,

    whose bones and the stone tools used by them have been unearthed by the

    archeologists of Australia during an excavation.*(2)

    The bones of the Stone Age humans who lived forty thousand years ago

    in this region, have already been unearthed by the researchers from Timor

    Island situated near the island continent of Australia .

    It is not an easy task to reach the islands of Flores and Timor .

    Specifically, the islands of Sumbawa, Flores and Timor are found in

    the ocean region which has a depth of four thousand feet. Lombok Island in

    particular, is thirty kilometers away from the island of Bali . A dangerous

    strait called Sape is running between these two islands. Hence, ships

    with sails and motor boats alone can cross this sea strait. This has given

    rise to controversies and arguments among the scientists as to how the

    Stone Age man could have crossed this dangerous region between the Flores

    and Timor islands.

    The bones and tools of Stone Age people have been unearthed in India

    and Sri Lanka which are separated by a six hundred feet deep sea.

    Researchers are of the opinion that, ten thousand years ago, when the sealevel was six hundred feet lower than the present level, Stone Age people

    should have migrated from India to Sri Lanka .

    Researchers believe that later the ice which was above the land

    should have melted and raised the level of the sea level for about six

    hundred feet. But it is a surprise that how the Stone Age people went to

    Flores Timor islands and the continent of Australia , which have been

    separated by a four thousand feet deep sea.

    Researcher Tim White says that, Stone Age dwarf people might have

    been brought from Bali Island to Flores Island by Tsunami waves.

    But researcher Robert Bednarik says that the currents that are

    running between the Indonesian islands can only be crossed over by boats

    made of wood like catamarans using oars. He not only said this, but also

    tests his idea by traveling from Bali Island to Lombok Island a few times.

    This voyage in catamarans was made into documentaries by BBC News Channel

    and National Geographic Channel. *(3)

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    The catamaran should be made by stone tools was the condition. But,

    when bamboos were cut by these tools, they developed cracks. If a catamaran

    was made with such bamboos, instead of floating it would sink in the sea.

    Hence, this important condition was overlooked and the catamaran was made

    by using iron tools. In the same way, using stones, it was impossible to

    make even a single oar.

    Once the catamaran was ready, early morning at 6.30 am it started

    from Bali Island surrounded by security ships with twelve crew members.

    Initially only three people were rowing. Within three hours, when they

    became tired, the next three took over and continued rowing. When they too

    became tired in the midday sun, the next three started the work. At the

    same time, the catamaran reached the deepest part of the sea. The

    catamaran which was proceeding forward till now was pulled sideward by the

    water current.

    When vigorous rowing was continued against current, one of the

    sailors fainted. A person who came from the assisting ship continued

    rowing. But, by this time, the current had changed the direction and had

    taken the catamaran far away and the island which was visible before was

    last from view. So, the catamaran was brought back to the previous spot and

    rowing was continued.

    But, the catamaran moved inch by inch. In this situation,

    unexpectedly the direction of wind changed and using this opportunity, as

    the catamaran proceeded, it reached Gili Island which was situated before

    Lombok Island in the evening at 6.30 pm. The people who rowed the catamaran

    were panting for breath when they said, Even if we had taken one or twominutes of rest, we would not have been able to reach the shore. Hence,

    even after rowing continuously for twelve hours, the idea of reaching

    Lombok Island did not succeed.

    How could have Stone Age people crossed the sea which was not

    possible even by the present day men?

    Referring to this, researcher Loin Davidson says that from the past

    two and a half lakh years to seventy thousand years, there has not been a

    large change in the stone tools that have been used by the Stone Age men.

    They seem to be similar. Hence, the intelligence level in these men might

    not have undergone much of a change. This proves that the Stone Age men

    would not have planned long sea voyages using their limited intelligence,

    says Davidson. *(4,5)

    Moreover, the continent of Australia is thousand kilometers away from

    Timor Island and is not visible from Timor Island . Hence, would the Stone

    Age men venture a sea voyage towards a destination that was not visible? In

    addition to this, it took six days for the Robert Bednarik group to cross

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    the deep sea between Timor Island and the continent of Australia . Would

    the Stone Age men have ventured a similar day and night sea voyage? What

    would they have done for food and water for six days?

    Barbarians did not undertake any sea voyages. It was the sea that was four

    thousand feet lower at that time?

    Hence, the finding of bones and stone tools of Stone Age men who

    lived forty thousand years ago in the continent of Australia, which was

    separated from the continent of Asia by a four thousand feet deep sea,

    proves that forty thousand years ago, the sea level was about four thousand

    feet lower in the Indonesian region.

    Hence, forty thousand year ago, a land connected the continent of

    Asia and the continent of Australia . Through this strip of land, the Stone

    Age people of the continent of Asia went by foot to the continent of

    Australia . Later, when the sea level rose, the land also split in

    different places and rose up along with the rising sea which resulted in

    the formation of many islands. On account of this, the Stone Age men were

    unable to leave the islands and were isolated there.

    Why did the land rise? Why did the sea level rise?

    The molted rock material found inside the earth gradually cooled down

    and hardened to form rocky plates in different layers. On account of this

    phenomenon, water, gases and oil were separated from the molten rock which

    reduced the thickness of the rocky plates. As the thinner rocky plates

    formed from the thick molten rock moved upwards, the land surface also

    rose. At the same time, while the molten rock cooled, the water which wasseparated from it, formed hot water springs under the sea, which raised the

    sea level up to four thousand feet.

    When the land surface rises suddenly from the sea floor, natural

    disasters like earthquakes, landslides and Tsunami are caused.

    It is incorrect to say that the continents are moving

    When the sea level was by many thousands of feet, the continents were

    inter connected by land. Through this passage, animals migrated from one

    continent to another. Later, when the sea level rose, the continents were

    separated by the sea.

    The reason for the discovery of the same species of animals found in

    different continents separated by the sea proves that the sea level was

    lower many thousands of years ago. But, some researchers says that once

    upon a time the land surfaces found now formed a single continent and later

    it split into many pieces of land and that is the reason for the presence

    of the same type of species of animals on different continents and islands.

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    The discovery of the bones of the terrestrial animal Mesosaurus in

    South America and Africa which are separated by the Atlantic Ocean is

    explained by the theory that, once upon a time these two continents were a

    single land and later got separated is incorrect.

    But in reality, the land is rising due to which earthquakes are


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    (3)Twenty million years ago, the sea level had been ten thousand five

    hundred feet lower than it is now.

    In1835, Charles Darwin, a scientist visited the Galapagos Island

    which is situated about thousand kilometers from South America in the

    Pacific Ocean .

    On the island, he saw a number of giant tortoises. He was surprised

    as to how these creatures came to that island. It was because each tortoise

    weighed two hundred and fifty kilos and looked like rocks. They would be

    unable to float on water even for a second.

    Researchers are of the opinion that these tortoises could have climbed on

    the branches which were carried away by sudden floods in the river and

    forced them into the sea. They would have traveled for about two weeks and

    reached the island.

    But, the branches will not float in a manner suggested by them. They

    usually keep turning and rolling. These tortoises have no toes and their

    legs resemble that of the elephants. Hence, it would not have been

    possible for them to travel without rolling and falling into the sea when

    the branches were rolling and tossing.

    The important question is how they survived for two weeks without

    food and water. Researchers say that sufficient fats and water were stored

    in their body which would have helped them to live without food for two


    But, Trevor Worth, a research scientist found the jaw bone and thethigh bones of a rat like animal which could have lived nineteen million

    years ago in New Zealand, a place two thousand kilo meters away from the

    continent of Australia.

    Michael Archer, an ancient Zoologist is of the opinion that as

    the upper part of the thigh bone is broader than the lower part, this

    animal would have been hopping and moving and would not have been able to

    travel on a floating branch to reach the island. *(6)

    Researchers say that traveling to Galapagos which is nearly thousand

    kilometers from South America on a floating branch would take two weeks for

    the tortoises to reach there. When this is the case, to reach New Zealand

    which is in Australia about two thousand kilometers away by traveling on a

    floating branch will take a minimum four weeks. Could a small rat like

    animal have survived without food and particularly water, for such a long


    To be specific, the island of New Zealand is situated in a place

    where the sea is of ten thousand feet depth. So, as the sea level had been

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    ten thousand feet lower, there had been some connection between the

    continents and using this, these animals must have reached here from the

    continents by way of walking. Later on the sea level could have risen.

    Moreover, bones of dinosaurs have been unearthed in the island

    Chatham , *(7) which is close to New Zealand . As the sea level had been

    ten thousand feet lower, even dinosaurs could have migrated from continent

    to continent.

    Instead of this, researchers say that all the continents were

    together before and then slowly moved away from each other is incorrect.

    The reason for the rising of the sea level about ten thousand feet

    high is the continuous flow of water from hot water springs found under the


    The molten rock found in the center of the earth gradually cools and

    hardens to form rocky plates. The water which is eliminated during this

    process only comes out through hot water springs.

    As the water gets separated from the dense molten rock, it gets

    converted into rocky plates which are of lesser density and these start

    rising upwards there by making the continents also to rise. When the rocky

    plates in a particular area rise like this, they rub against the adjacent

    plates and this only results in an earth quake in that area.

    Only the rising of the rocky plates causes earth quakes

    Animals on remote islands is a puzzle

    Chameleons are animals which originated twenty million of years ago.

    Chameleons cannot swim. But, they are found not only in the continent of

    Africa, but also in the islands of the Indian Ocean such as Madagascar ,

    Sussex and Comoros . These islands are situated at a distance of ten

    thousand five hundred feet (two miles) in the sea.

    Hence, twenty million years ago, as the sea was ten thousand

    five hundred feet (two miles) lower than it is now, from the continent of

    Africa, chameleons spread by way of land to Madagascar , Sussex and Comoros

    which are islands formed by volcanoes.

    In the same way, in many islands found in the middle of the sea,

    frogs, lizards and snails which cannot swim in the sea are found and this

    proves the fact that, twenty million years before the sea was ten thousand

    five hundred feet (two miles) lower than it is now.

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    Lizards and frogs.

    As frogs live both on land and water, they are known as amphibians.

    But frogs mostly spend their life time near water bodies. The main reason

    for this is, the first life which originated in the sea had to undergo a

    lot of evolutionary changes. Frogs were breathing with the help of gills in

    the tadpole stage but, developed lungs in due course to lead a terrestrial

    life. But, the reason for frogs to live near water bodies is that, unlike

    snakes and lizards, frogs eggs are smooth and slimy and are laid in

    shallow waters. If these eggs were exposed to wind or sunlight for a long

    time the water content in them will get evaporated and the embryo in the

    eggs will die.

    Similarly, the skin of the frog is very thin and moist and so the

    frog always avoids windy and sunny places. Hence, frogs come out during

    rainy season and reproduce. The most important thing to be noted is that

    the frog cannot survive in sea water. It is because, when the excess salt

    from the sea water gets into its body, the frog will die.

    Under these circumstances, the reason for the presence of frogs on

    islands is that, twenty million years ago the sea level was two miles lower

    than it is now.

    When compared to frogs, we can say that lizards are a slightly

    advanced group of animals because they lay eggs which are protected by

    shells. Hence there is no necessity for the eggs to be laid in the water or

    near water.

    Moreover the body of lizards and garden lizards are covered with dry

    scales. This prevents the water in the body from being evaporated. So these

    animals have spread out far from water bodies.

    The toes of lizards and garden lizards are capable of holding on to

    the branches of trees but are not designed to swim. So, the reason for wild

    lizards and garden lizards to live on many islands is that the sea level

    was two miles lower, twenty million of years ago. It is not possible to say

    that man would have taken them there, because on each island, the wild

    lizards are of different kinds. Likewise, after millions of years new

    species will evolve.

    Hence, as the lizards and frogs are different from each other, it

    clearly shows that before man could inhabit those islands, these animals

    have gone there. So, the reason for wild lizards and frogs which cannot

    swim to live on many islands in the middle of the sea is that, the sea

    level was two miles lower, twenty million years ago.

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    How did field frogs cross the sea?

    After harvest, in paddy fields a species of frog commonly called as

    Rice Frog and scientifically known as limno nectus limcharis are spotted.

    These frogs are not only found in the island of Srilanka and Indonesia but

    also on the islands of Japan and Philippines .

    In the same way a kind of lizard called Aranai in Tamil and

    scientifically known as Tiliqua Gigas with a blue tongue is found in Papua

    New Guinea , Guam, Aru and Bismarck islands. Similarly, a kind of lizard

    with a blue coloured tail and scientifically known as Emoia caeruleocauda

    is found in Malaysia , Indonesia , Philippines , New Guinea and Solomon

    Islands . To be specific, these animals cannot swim in the sea. The reason

    for their presence in these islands is that, the sea level was two miles

    lower, twenty million years ago.

    Chameleons on Seychelles Island

    For example, the species of Tiger chameleon found on Seychelles

    Island in the Indian Ocean, one thousand kilometers on the eastern side of

    the continent of Africa are seen in Africa also.

    Chameleons are animals which first originated twenty million years

    ago. There are one hundred and twenty five species of chameleons. All these

    species originated from a common ancestor.

    The most important thing to be noted is that the depth of the sea

    between Seychelles Island and the continent of Africa is ten thousand fivehundred feet (two miles). But, chameleons cannot swim in the sea because

    their two toes are joined together and face the front where as the other

    three toes are joined together and face the back side like tongs to enable

    them to hold on to the branches of trees firmly.

    Seychelles Island and the continent of Africa are ten thousand five

    hundred feet (two miles) away from each other and how could the ancestor of

    chameleon have reached there? The reason for their presence on this island

    is that the sea level was two miles lower twenty million years ago and the

    ancestorof tiger chameleon must have reached there by land.

    Giant tortoises on Seychelles Island

    Researchers are of the opinion that from Africa these chameleons could have

    climbed on the branches which were carried away by sudden floods in the

    river which forced them into the Indian Ocean and would have finally

    reached Seychelles Island.

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    But on Seychelles Island more than a lakh of giant tortoises are

    found. These tortoises would be unable to float on water even for a second

    because each tortoise weighed three hundred kilograms (the weight of three

    men) and looked like rocks.

    But, tree branches will not float like a boat. They usually keep

    turning and rolling. These tortoises have no toes and their legs resemble

    that of elephants. Hence, it would not have been possible for them to

    travel without rolling and falling into the sea and most of all surviving

    when the branches were rolling.

    Leaf shaped snails in the continent of Australia .

    In the island continent of Australia , yellow colored shell

    less snail is found. This species of snail is also found in Papua New

    Guinea islands, on the Eastern side of New Zealand and on the southern

    side, island Macquarie . A researcher, T.W Burton of Victoria University

    has stated The spreading of these snails from the continent of Australia

    to the nearby islands cannot be determined using the knowledge available

    at present. *(8)

    It is important to mention that the frog Litoria eucnemis is also

    found in the continent of Australia , Papua New Guinea islands and

    Indonesia . How did these frogs reach Papua New Guinea islands and the

    continent of Australia ?

    Lizards on islands:

    Mourning Gecko a species of lizard is found in India , Srilanka,

    Andaman , Japan , Indonesian islands like Borneo and Sulawesi, in

    Philippines , Guam Marcos and in the centre of the Pacific Ocean, Solomon ,

    Fiji and Samoa Islands . How could these lizards have traveled to these


    Partula snails

    Snails that live on land breathe through lungs. These snails cannot

    swim in the sea. But, Partula Gibba, a species of snail lives in Guam

    Mariana and the other nine volcanic islands found on East Asian island area

    of Philippines . How could a terrestrial snail reach the volcanic islands

    found in the centre of the sea?

    The other species of the same snail are found on the islands Samoa,

    Tahiti and Marcos, situated in the centre of the Pacific Ocean which is

    eight thousand five hundred kilometers on the western side of Philippines

    Island . Researchers say that these snails could have reached there by air

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    or by the sea water currents. But, as the earth is rotating from west to

    east, the wind blows from west to east in the Pacific Ocean area.

    Similarly, water currents are also running from west to east. In this

    situation, therefore the question raised, how could the snails have

    traveled from Philippines which is on the eastern side and reached the

    islands, Samoa and Tahiti which are situated in the centre of the Pacific

    Ocean , on the western side through air?

    Hence, when the Pacific Ocean was ten thousand feet lower, there had

    been land connections between the continents and the islands and using this

    link, these snails must have reached the land in the centre of the ocean.

    Later when the land rose, these land areas were surrounded by sea water and

    they shrunk into islands.

    Amber snails on Hawaii Island

    On one side of the spherical earth, continents are situated and the

    other side comprises of the Pacific Ocean . Surrounding the Pacific Ocean,

    the continents of North America, South America, Asia and Australia are

    found. The volcanic island of Hawaii is situated in the central part of the

    Pacific Ocean , more than two thousand kilo meters away from these land

    areas. But the amber snails which are in the color of amber and found in

    North America, South America, Asia and Australia are found on this island


    Definitely these amber snails could not have reached the volcanic

    island of Hawaii situated in the central part of the Pacific Ocean , more

    than two thousand kilo meters away from these land areas by wind or water

    currents. Hence, these amber snails also prove that the Pacific Ocean hadbeen lower before.

    The extraordinary journey of snails

    In the continent of Europe , Balea snails which have a very small nut

    like shell are found sticking to the trees. These snails are found on

    Azores, a volcanic island which is in the central region of North

    Atlantic Ocean, one thousand five hundred kilo meters away from the

    continent of Europe .

    Dr. Richard Breeze of Cambridge University says that these snails

    could have stuck to the legs of birds and reached the island. This

    explanation sounds extraordinary because birds are in the habit of cleaning

    themselves often. *(9)

    The same species of snails which are found on the northern hemisphere

    on the island, Azores situated in between North America and Europe in North

    Atlantic Ocean is Also found on the volcanic island of Tristan de Cunha

    in the southern hemisphere between the continents, South America and South

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    Africa in the central part of South Atlantic Ocean which is nine thousand

    kilo meters away from Azores .

    So, the explanation which states that these Balea snails would have

    stuck to the legs of birds and reached Azores becomes questionable. It is

    because, the theory of Balea snails had moved from one island to another by

    following the same method of clinging to the legs of birds sounds


    Then how could these snails have spread in both the islands?

    To be specific, both these islands are the highest peaks of a

    mountain range which starts from the northern hemisphere and extends to the

    southern hemisphere below the sea and protrude above the surface of the

    Atlantic Ocean .

    This under sea mountain range is eight thousand feet above the

    sixteen thousand feet deep sea bed of the Atlantic Ocean . But, it is six

    thousand feet below the sea level.

    As already known through different kinds of evidence, twenty million

    years ago when the sea was ten thousand feet lower than it is now, this

    under water mountain range was four thousand feet higher. So, Balea snails

    found on Azores, a volcanic island which is in the central region of

    North Atlantic Ocean, traveled by land and reached the volcanic island of

    Tristan da Cunha in the central part of South Atlantic Ocean.

    After this, as the sea level rose ten thousand feet, the mountain

    range which was above sea level got submerged in the sea.

    So, Balea snails did not cling to the legs of birds and reach the

    island by air but in fact, twenty million years ago they traveled on the

    Atlantic mountain range which was above the sea level and reached the

    island of Tristan da Cunha from the island of Azores .

    The Extraordinary sea voyage of frogs.

    From the body of the thin skinned frog, water will get easily

    evaporated. This will cause the death of the frog. To prevent this, the

    skin of the frog will always be moist. In spite of this natural protection,

    the frog comes out only in the rainy season. It always lives in wet shady

    areas and avoids too much of sun and windy places. To be specific, frogs

    will not move far away from water bodies.

    When it is so, Dr. Blair Hedges of the Pennsylvania University has

    found out through DNA test that, the frogs found in the Caribbean Islands

    had their ancestors in the continent of South America .

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    But, these ancestors would have traveled from South America to

    Caribbean Islands on sea plants which was washed out into the sea by the

    force of rivers and they would have had insects to eat and water to drink

    on those sea plant says Hedges.*(10)

    But, as the Atlantic Oceans level was ten thousand feet lower, the

    frogs have traveled from South America to the Caribbean by land through the

    connection that existed then. After the land rose, South America and the

    Caribbean also rose.

    Warrah, a continuing puzzle:

    Warrah (extinct now), a type of barking hyenas lived on Falkland, an

    island situated five hundred kilo meters from South America and ten

    thousand feet deep in the Atlantic and till this day, nobody is able to

    explain how they would have reached the island. This puzzle can also be

    answered with the theory that twenty million years ago the sea was ten

    thousand feet lower than it is now.

    Giant earthworms on Borneo Island

    Earthworms cannot swim or fly. The important thing to be noted is

    that the skin of the earthworm is very thin. So, earthworms cannot cross

    the sea. But, on the mountain region of Kinabalu situated in Borneo on the

    seas of Indonesia , giant earthworms which grow up to seventy centimeters

    are found. Usually from an existing species a new one will evolve after

    millions of years. So, this giant earthworm has evolved from an earthworm

    which went from Asia to Borneo many millions of years ago.

    So, it is proved that many millions of years ago the island of Borneo

    was connected to the continent of Asia by land. Later the new rocky plates

    that were formed below the continuous land surface of Indonesia rose

    individually thereby breaking the land into pieces. The sea level also rose

    simultaneously, surrounded the pieces of land and created many islands.

    Like the giant earthworm found in Borneo, a unique type of centipedes

    are found on Hawaii islands.

    Why does an earthquake occur?

    When the molten rock gradually gets cooled and hardens to form rocky

    plates, the water that escapes comes out through deep sea hot springs and

    gets mixed with the sea which results in the rising of sea level up to ten

    thousand feet high. Moreover the dense molten rock produces new rocky

    plates which are less dense and these plates rise upwards. This results in

    their rubbing against the neighboring plates causing earthquakes.

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    Animals on islands-a mystery

    The reason for the fossils to be found on the mountains is that, all

    the land had once been under the sea bed and later rose above sea level.

    But, what is the reason for the animals which are found on the

    continents to be also present on the islands which are hundreds of miles


    The tiger which is found in Asia is also present in Sumatra and Java

    islands. Similarly, the short tailed foxes found at California in North

    America are also found in Santa Barbara , Santa cruse, San clement and

    Channel Islands situated in the Pacific Ocean .

    It is said that these short tailed foxes could have reached here 8000

    years ago during the ice age when the sea was frozen to ice and appeared as

    an ice desert. In the same island, the bones of cold region animal, woolly

    mammoth which was of the height of a horse were also found.

    Moreover, the rats found in Europe are also found in Cyprus situated

    in the Mediterranean Sea . Man visited this island only 6000 years ago.

    But, the rats from Europe had arrived on this island 9000 years ago.

    In 1931, when Charles Darwin visited the Falkland Island in the

    Atlantic Ocean, situated 500 miles away from South America , he found a new

    species of hyenas moving about freely without any fear on the island and he

    was surprised.

    The hyenas gave them surprised looks as if they had never seen human

    beings before.

    Till this day, it has been very puzzling as to how these creatures

    came to be on that isolated island.

    Similarly, on the island Tasmania near Australia , animals called

    Tasmanian devils are found.

    How did these animals reach those islands? To be specific, the white

    nosed bears found in India and the opossums found on Western Ghats are also

    found in Srilanka. The snow monkeys found in the Himalayan region are also

    found in the volcanic island group, the Japan Island in the Pacific Ocean .

    Orangutan and Gibbon are also found in Java and Sumatra Islands .

    These island groups are found on the sea bed called Sunda which is at

    300 feet depth below the sea level. It is believed that during ice age when

    the sea level was 300 feet lower, animals would have come to these islands.

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    Can animals cross the ocean?

    Animals which have pouches to carry their young like the kangaroo are

    called marsupial mammals. As the fossils of these marsupials were found in

    the continents of North America, South America and Antarctica, it was

    concluded that these animals migrated from North America through the

    continent of Antarctica to Australia . But, recently the bones of the

    ancestors of kangaroos which lived 125 million years ago have been

    unearthed in China .

    Researcher Tom Rich of the Victoria museum of Melbourne city says

    that this opens a new vista regarding the evolution of mammals. This

    strengthens the view that from China these kangaroos could have gone to

    Australia and the sea level had also been very low to help these animals to

    move from one continent to another.

    Did monkeys cross the Atlantic Ocean ?

    According to Wagners theory of moving continents, it was believed

    that 150 million years ago South America was detached from the continent of

    Africa , moved towards west and reached the position in which it is now

    situated. Researches show that only 3 million years ago the land of Panama

    appeared between North America and South America and united both these


    Wagners theory states that till then South America was an island

    continent. Recently the jaw bones of a monkey which lived 20 million years

    ago have been found in Andes Mountain at South America . After examiningthe teeth, researchers have stated that this species of monkeys originated

    in Africa .

    At present, the DNA tests conducted on the monkeys living in South

    America also showed that their ancestors reached there from Africa .

    (Researcher Diane Rowe of Massachusetts University said that even the

    rabbit like animals living at present in America traveled on the Atlantic

    using floating plants and logs and reached here from Africa ).

    The problem here is, researcher John Flynn of the Chicago city museum

    states that the ancestors of these monkeys traveled on floating plants and

    logs 20 million years ago and crossed the 2000 miles broad Atlantic Ocean

    and reached here. Moreover we were under the impression that the Andes

    Mountain originated 100,000,000 years ago.

    The recently discovered bones have made us understand that it

    originated later and the theories about the formation of Andes have

    completely changed. But, as the sea level was very low, there is a

    possibility that from Africa these monkeys could have reached South America

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    by land. Moreover the DNA tests conducted on monkeys found on Jamaica also

    revealed that they were from Africa . So, it is clear that the sea level

    had been very low many million years ago.

    Penguins are birds which cannot fly. But these birds are found not

    only in the continent of Antarctica but also in South America, Africa,

    Australia and a few other islands. The reason for these birds to be found

    in all these continents and islands is that, 60 million years ago the sea

    was up to 2000 feet lower and many islands were above sea level at that


    Ramas Bridge which was used by animals and humans

    Below the sea, connecting India and Srilanka for about 30 mile length

    there is a bridge like structure made of limestone which was revealed by

    the photograph taken by the American space research center NASAs

    satellite. These under sea rocks which are called as Ramas bridge have

    been formed seventy thousand years ago. Such limestone rocks, sea plants,

    eggs of turtles and the fossils of ammonites have been unearthed in many

    places in Ariyalur, at Trichy.

    Hence, it is proved that all these land areas were once below the sea

    and have risen up. Though this bridge is below the sea, six thousand years

    ago it had been five feet above sea level.

    Through this bridge, people have been able to go to Srilanka from

    India by walking. The thin variety Opossums which at present live in

    Western Ghats and the Opossumswhich live in Srilanka have been proved to

    be close relatives through DNA tests. So, even animals have used thisbridge to reach Srilanka from India . Similarly, the existence of animals

    in totally water surrounded islands has attracted the attention of the

    researchers for a long time.

    For example, on island Madagascar situated in the Indian Ocean, 250

    miles away from the continent of Africa , a rare variety of monkeys called

    Lemur are found. On the volcanic island, Comoros which is 100 miles from

    here, including monkeys, wild cats called Civets, and insect eating animals

    are found. A new debate has begun at present as to how these monkeys

    reached this island.

    Albert Wagner, a researcher said that, this island was initially

    united with the continent of Africa and later around 160 million years ago

    detached itself from there and moved in an easterly direction and became an


    Based on this theory, it was explained that when the island got

    separated and moved, some monkeys also came along with it. But zoo

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    researchers have found out that these monkeys have evolved only 60 million

    years ago.

    It was informed that even 60 million years ago that is, before the

    evolution of these monkeys, Madagascar got separated from the continent of

    Africa and reached the place where it is situated now.

    Then, how these monkeys managed to cross the ocean and reach this

    island? Now, the new explanation given is that the ancestors of these

    monkeys would have reached here from Africa on floating plants.

    Is it possible for small chunks of land from continents to get

    detached to from islands and larger pieces of land to get separated from

    mainland and move away from continents?

    Is it true that animals could cross oceans on logs and floating

    vegetation? The answer to this question has been obtained now.

    The Island New Zealand is situated 1250 miles away from The land of

    Kangaroos, Australia. This island is called The land of Birds. It is

    because only birds live on this island. Apart from opossum which was

    brought here by man, there are no more animals here.

    So, the birds were able to live happily without any disturbance, lay

    eggs raise their young and multiply in number.

    But, researcher Wagner who put forth the concept of moving continents

    has stated that this island was formed after it got separated from the

    continent of Australia 80 million years ago.

    The surprising feature here is that, 100 million years ago kangaroos

    ancestors and many other mammals had lived in Australia . If it is true

    that, this island had got separated from Australia 80 million years ago as

    per Wagners statement, why is it that these animals did not move along

    with the island?

    So, it is revealed that, this island did come into being by detaching

    itself from the continent of Australia. Moreover, from the mountain hare

    and Perth in Australia, including the bones of Baleen whales, many more

    fossils of sea organisms have been unearthed. So, the continent of

    Australia and New Zealand are continuously rising upward from the sea.

    A researcher by name Trevor Worth has unearthed the jaw and thigh

    bones of a rat like animal which lived nineteen million years ago in the

    central part of the island, New Zealand. This rat does not match with any

    other animal found in Australia and so, this rat is considered to be a

    separate animal species.

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    Michael Archer, a researcher has said that this animal should belong

    to those that hop and move after inspecting its thigh bone which was

    broader on the upper side than the lower side. He also said that, this

    animal could not have reached the island on floating plants or logs.

    But, in the island Papua New Guinea which is near New Zealand , rats

    are found. Moreover, both these islands are volcanic islands. When the

    volcanoes rise from below the sea, the surrounding land is also raised.

    This causes cracks on the earths crust and through these cracks, the

    molten rock is emitted. When this molten rock cools down, the water, other

    gases and oil are separated which results in the formation of rocky plates

    with less density.

    The ice which is formed from water is of low density and floats on

    water. In the same way, the rocky plates which are of a lesser density than

    the molten rock rise to the upper region. As the newly formed rocky plates

    rise upwards, they rub against the rocks inside the earth which results in


    by making use of the land bridges that rise from below the sea,

    animals move from one place to another and make their habitat. Apart from

    this it is not possible for continents to move or for animals to cross the

    oceans on floating plants.

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    (4)The Ice age myth

    Similarly, ice age is mentioned as a reason for the rising of the sea

    level. It is believed that 12,000 years ago most of the land was covered by

    layers of ice and snow and later when it melted and flowed into the sea,

    the level of the sea rose.

    The reason for the occurrence of ice age was believed to be the

    changes that took place on the orbit of the earth. When the earth moved a

    little away from the sun and revolved around it, the temperature decreased

    and layers of ice were formed and when the earth moved closer to the sun

    and revolved, the temperature rose and this resulted in the melting of the

    layers of ice. The contradiction is that, when the earth moves away from

    the sun and the temperature falls, the evaporation of sea water will also

    be reduced. So, the water which is already on land will only turn to ice.

    Similarly when the earth moves closer to the sun, the temperature

    will rise and at the same time, both the melting of ice as well as the

    evaporation of sea water will take place simultaneously and so, no

    noticeable change will take place in the level of the sea.

    Moreover, as the bones of dinosaurs found in the continent of

    Antarctica match with the bones found in the continent of South America and

    the continent of Australia , we come to know that dinosaurs had begun their

    journey from South America, traveled through Antarctica and reached

    Australia .

    These continents are separated from each other by the sea which is upto two thousand feet deep. So, 65 million years ago if the sea level had

    been 2000 feet lower, these dinosaurs could have migrated from one

    continent to another.

    What could be the reason for the sea to rise 2000 feet high?

    Definitely it cannot be attributed to ice age. It may be because, 700 600

    million years ago, during ice age not only the land but also the sea was

    covered with thick layers of ice which extended to a height of many kilo

    meters says the ice age theory. But the recently discovered proofs have

    made these theories questionable.

    Researcher Blair Hedges and his group from the University of

    Pennsylvania wanted to find out when plants first appeared on earth with

    the help of DNA tests and this group has declared that even before 700

    million years ago non green plants like fungi have lived on earth. This

    clearly shows that during this period of time, the earths crust was not

    covered by Ice.*(11)

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    Similarly, a group of researchers headed by Dr. Dan Condon of the

    University of St. Andrews have stated that based on the fact that the

    fossils of animals which lived 600 million years ago found in the rocks of

    West Scotland, Namibia and California, the sea in this area could not have

    been covered with ice during that period.*(12)

    Similarly, researcher Allison Alcott of South California University

    says that the earth was not covered with ice 600 million years ago after

    seeing the fossils of living things in the slates found in Libya , Canada ,

    Australia and Brazil which had been photosynthesizing using sun light.*(13)

    Moreover, Phillip Alan, a professor of London College and a

    researcher, after conducting research on the rocks and finding out the

    Chemical reactions that took place due to the weather conditions which

    prevailed 850 544 million years ago at Oman, states that there had been

    no ice age at all!*(14)

    If it is true that the whole earth had been covered with ice many

    kilometers high, where did all that ice disappear? If such a huge quantity

    of ice had melted and turned in to water, no part of earth would be visible

    above the earth now. So, ice age is just an imaginary theory.

    Hence, ice age is not the reason for the sea to be two thousand feet

    low at a point of time and later rise upwards. In fact, thousands of hot

    water springs which are under the sea and letting out?

    Hydrothermal vent Water even today is only responsible for the rise

    in the sea level.

    During the Ice age also the sea level has risen.

    Even in Ice age, it has come to our notice that there have been a lot

    of differences in the sea level within a short period of time.. This too

    has surprised the scientists. Due to change in the temperatures in the

    polar areas, the snow layers keep melting and when there is snow fall

    again, the snow layers keep forming again which produce differences in the

    level of the sea. Usually, this rise and fall will be 100 feet in one lakh

    of years.

    Scientists are of the opinion that this change in the level of the

    sea would have taken place in one lakh of years due to the changes that

    occurred on the orbit on which the earth revolves around the sun. Other

    than that, the scientists were under the impression that twelve thousand

    years ago the level of the sea in Ice age was stable.

    When this was the prevailing condition, two scientists of the

    Columbia University, William Thomson and Steven L Goldstein have discovered

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    a new method in which, by studying the amount of radio active uranium

    present in the fossils of the sea moss deposited on the land, we can find

    out accurately how the level of the sea had been thousands of years ago.

    On the basis of this when they conducted a research; it had been

    found that, in Ice age also huge changes have occurred in the sea level.

    There had been changes in about 30 meters height. This is an unexpected and

    surprising happening. This event has taken place between 3000 to 9000

    years. *(15)

    In Ice age where the temperature does not fluctuate, what is the

    reason for the variation in sea level? This indicates that the so called

    ice age does not happen.

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    (5) A submerged continent discovered under the Indian Ocean

    An American researchers haves discovered a submerged continent, at a

    depth of two kilo meters, in the southern part of the Indian Ocean .*(16)

    The volcanic island, Kerguelen is found near the continent of

    Antarctica, seven thousand kilo meters away on the southern tip of India .

    This island was discovered in 1772, by a French sailor named

    Kerguelen. Hence this island is named after him.

    As seals are found in abundance surrounding this island, only seal

    hunters were using this island. At times researchers also visited the

    island and conducted researches.

    Though this island is situated at the extreme end of the Indian Ocean

    and nearer to the continent of Antarctica, the flora found in this island

    is similar to that found in the continent of South America which had been a

    puzzle for a long time.

    This puzzle is solved now.

    The submerged continent

    The island, Kerguelen and the surrounding three hundred tiny islands

    are situated on a plateau which is two kilometers below sea level.

    On the center of this submerged plateau, volcanic lava has flowed andcooled to form fossils in which the burnt parts of trees, seeds and pollen

    grains were found by researchers.

    Moreover researchers have found that these fossils were formed twenty

    million years ago.

    Based on these findings, researchers have discovered that twenty

    million years ago this plateau had been above the sea level as a continent

    with dense forests.

    Twenty million years ago, when the sea level was two kilometers

    lower, there had been land connecting the continents and pieces of land

    which islands are at present. Through this connecting land, animals like

    the Dinosaur and the flora had spread from one continent to another and

    also the islands.

    On account of this, the flora found on the island of Kerguelen is

    similar to those found on the continent of South America .

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    Later, the sea rose up to two kilometers. This rise in the level of

    the sea resulted in the submerging of the continent which was once above

    the sea level.

    This continent which is three times larger in area than Japan is

    named by researchers as the Continent of Kerguelen.

    What is the reason for the rising of sea level up to two kilometers


    There are thousands of hot water springs below the sea. Through

    these springs, water from the interior of the earth is pushed out and

    continuously mixing with the sea. This water is formed when the molten rock

    from deep earth cools down and hardens to form rocky plates. This water is

    known as Molten Rock Water.

    The water separated from the molten rock is expelled through the hot

    water springs and gets mixed with the sea, resulting in the rise of the sea

    level. When the sea rose two kilometers high, many islands and plateaus

    were submerged in the sea.

    For example, researchers have discovered three volcanoes in the

    Pacific Ocean which were submerged two thousand feet deep in the western

    side of North America .

    The research conducted with the help of deep sea robots showed that

    the rocks eroded by waves, caves formed in the rocks by waves and pebbles

    were found near the under sea volcanoes.

    Moreover, through research we come to know that due to the action of

    the wind on the volcanic lava, once upon a time, these rocks must have been

    thrown on the land which was situated above the sea level.

    Hence, the researchers are of the opinion that the volcanoes which

    are now submerged two thousand feet below the sea level had been in the

    past beautiful islands with seashores above the sea level.

    This submerged volcanoes proved that twenty million years ago, the

    sea level had been lower than it is at present.

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    (6) From where did the sea water originate?

    The sea was formed only due to the water which came out of the hot

    springs that are found under the sea.

    The molten rock which is inside the earth has nearly 14 percent of

    water. When this molten rock gradually cools and hardens, rocky plates are

    formed. When the molten rock of higher density cools hardens and forms

    rocky plates, water, oil and other gases get separated from it and so,

    rocky plates of lesser density are formed.

    Rocky plates which are formed from the higher density molten rock are

    of lesser density and rise upwards forming the Under-water Mountains on the

    sea bed.

    Moreover from the hot water springs found on these mountains, air

    comes out as bubbles. Near most of the hot water springs, the molten rock

    which comes from inside the earth forms a layer on the sea bed. Along with

    the water of these springs, including nitrogen sulphide, chemicals like

    magnesium and iron oxide are also emitted.

    These chemicals react with the sea water and form deposits near the

    springs. This gives rise to chimney like structures around the springs and

    they keep growing.

    These chimneys can grow up to one or two centimeters per day. So, in

    due course, chimney- like towers are formed near the hot water springs. In

    America , in the state of Virginia , two hot water spring towers are

    situated side by side in a park. So, the land has risen from below the seabed, above the sea is clearly understood. *(17)

    Moreover, some microbes like the bacteria, which are capable of

    producing the energy needed for living from the sulphide which is

    eliminated from the hot water springs also spread on the sea bed near the

    hot water springs and live there. The sea worms, crabs, snails and fish

    which depend on these bacteria also live near the springs.

    Recently it has been found out that, continuous tremors are produced

    by these hot water springs. Sometimes, when these springs dry up, the

    living things relocate themselves to the next hot water spring by following

    the tremors emitted by it.

    Scientists are of the opinion that, the first living being on earth

    evolved near the deep sea hot water springs. A spider which lived under the

    sea 425 million years ago got buried in the ash of an undersea volcano and

    had turned into a three dimensional fossil and has been unearthed by the

    scientists of England .*(18)

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    Similarly, the fossils of pre historic living creatures are found in

    Oman, Russia, New Brunswick, Canada, Alaska and Cyprus.

    Moreover, on the rocky bed of South Africa, not only many holes of

    hot water springs are found but also the chemical substance, iron oxide is

    Found which clearly shows that this area has been under the sea and has

    risen above the sea level and that, many millions of years ago the hot

    water springs have been pumping out water.

    Similar to the pump sets used in fields to pump water, from each hot

    water spring 1135 liters of water comes out per minute with great force.

    *(19) Moreover as there are hot water springs near many under water

    volcanoes, it is clearly understood that this water comes out from the

    molten rock.

    The fossils of the arthropod, Trilobite which lived 500 million years

    ago have been discovered in black color in the sea side rocks of Mistaken

    Point at Greenland.

    Moreover as the sea here is rough, with leaping waves, researchers

    say that, this arthropod got buried in the ash of the volcanoes and it

    explains why their fossils are black in color.

    Even today the hot water springs are spewing out water under the sea

    and this alone causes the level of the sea to rise continuously.

    Recently, a research team, headed by Dr. jochen j.Brocks of Americas NASA

    has taken out some green colored and light red colored fibers from the oil

    deposits found on very old rocks in the McArthur basin of Northern

    Australia and conducted a research. These were green and red coloredbacteria, which with the help of sun light did photosynthesis with these

    fibers. *(20)

    As these bacteria have been using the chemical substance, sulphide

    for getting energy to live, he also says that in this area the sea had been

    once shallow.

    Moreover as the hot springs keep letting out chemicals like this

    sulphide, the reason for the formation of the shallow area in the sea are

    only due to the hot water springs.

    So, all the water that is found in the seas had come only from the

    hot water springs. Likewise, many thousands of hot water springs have let

    out water for millions of years which resulted in the formation of the


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    Salt in sea water a contradiction

    It was believed that the hot planet earth was lashed with rain for

    millions of years and this resulted in the formation of the sea.

    It was thought that, the salt deposits in the rocks were dissolved by

    rains and was brought by the river water to the sea and later due to the

    process of evaporation, the water alone goes up and the salt is left

    behind. When this happens continuously for millions of years, the sea water

    becomes saline.

    Why is sodium chloride abundant in the sea?

    But, river water contains more of calcium and bicarbonate salts. Sea

    contains enormous quantities of sodium chloride which is used by us for

    cooking. That is, there is a lot of difference between the salts found in

    the river water and the sea water.*(21) so, how did the excess sodium

    chloride get into the sea?

    In the beginning, our earth was a planet of molten rock and

    volcanoes. As it cooled gradually with the help of sedimentary rocks, the

    earths crust was formed.

    Similarly, when the rocky plates were formed from the molten rock,

    the water got separated and came out which formed the sea. In the

    beginning, the sodium chloride salt which was inside the earth came out

    through volcanoes in the form of gas and this is the reason for the sea

    water to contain excess of sodium chloride salt.

    Io the moon of Jupiter which is made up of molten rock is in

    support of this theory.

    Io has on its surface, volcanoes which are hotter than those found on

    the earth. Darrel Strobel, a researcher belonging to the John Hopkins

    University of America, has found out that from these volcanoes, including

    sodium and chloride, other materials needed for making salt are spewed out

    on the moon. *(22)

    Through the telescope, in 1974, a researcher by the name Bob Brown

    had declared that there were thin clouds of sodium in the atmosphere of Io.

    But, this surprised many researchers because there were no deposits of salt

    found anywhere onIo.

    The puzzle of thirty years has been solved now by Darrel Strobel, who

    has found out that from these volcanoes, including sodium and Chloride;

    other materials are spewed out in the form of gases.

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    Moreover, once upon a time when our earth was a planet of molten

    rock, the volcanoes in the same way, were spewing sodium chloride and other

    salts which resulted in the excess of sodium chloride found in the sea.

    As Io is a moon of molten rock at a very high temperature, its outer

    surface has not yet cooled and become rocky. When Jupiter revolves on an

    elongated path of its orbit and comes closer, Io which is spherical becomes

    slightly elliptical in shape due to the gravitational pull of Jupiter.


    Io also has a gas called silicon mono oxide. This gas is also found

    in some of the less hot stars atmospheres.

    Similarly, sodium gas is found in the atmosphere of Osiris, a giant

    comet like planet which is 220 times larger than earth and is revolving

    around the star HD 209458.*(24) So, it is clear that after their thin

    atmosphere gets evaporated the stars only become planets with their raw

    materials which do not get evaporated easily.

    Based on the molten rock moon, Io which has a very high temperature

    and salt volcanoes, it becomes clear that once upon a time even our earth

    had volcanoes that emitted sodium chloride. Similarly, based on the fact

    that the less hot stars, theOsiris, a giant comet like planet which is 220

    times larger than earth and Io have sodium, it is also become clear that

    the stars only become planets.

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    (7) Islands are rising

    The mystery of missing water

    I will disclose another important matter. In the year 1990,

    environmental scientists released a very important report. In that they had

    stated that the atmosphere is heated too much and so the glaciers are

    melting and due to this action, within ten years the sea level will rise.

    They warned that when this happens, all the nine tiny islands like

    Tuvalu and Vanuatu will get submerged in the sea. Immediately, the

    President of Tuvalu which is in the Pacific Ocean wrote a letter to the

    president of New Zealand .

    He had stated that as per the calculations of the environmentalists,

    their island will get submerged in ten years time and in case such an event

    takes place, shelter has to be provided on compassionate grounds to the

    inhabitants of the island as environmental refugees.

    Ten years passed but, no island sank! At the same time, the

    scientists of NASA had found out through research that in the polar region,

    ice has melted and fifty billion tons of water had mixed with the sea.

    Though enormous amount of water flowed into the sea why the islands did not


    Interestingly, when the level of sea was checked near the islands,

    the sea level was found to be two and a half inches lower than before.*(25)

    This incident clearly shows us that the islands are rising.

    Isle of the Dead is continuously rising.

    There is another very clear proof to show that the islands are

    rising. On the world map, near Antarctica Ross Sea is marked. Captain Sir.

    James Clark Ross went on an expedition from Britain to Antarctica in two

    ships during 1841 and it is named after him.

    After his expedition in Antarctica, Captain Ross on his way to

    Britain rested for a while in Tasmania Island which is near Australia .

    Along with Thomas Lempriere, a researcher carved a 20 centimeter

    length benchmark of a rising sun on a rock on the sea shore to mark the

    average level of the sea and to signify that they were conducting a

    research on the level of the sea water. As they did not want anyone to

    erase it, they chose the Isle of the Dead which was a deserted spot.

    This island is near Tasmania . As this island was used to bury only

    dead people, it was called Isle of the Dead. They chose a rock where there

    was not much of waves and carved a straight line on which they drew like

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    the rays of the sun diverging from it. This symbol was carved on the 1st of

    July in the year 1841. To be precise, 160 years ago from this day the

    symbol was carved. *(26)

    Today, the level of the sea is 30 centimeters lower than the symbol.

    Hence, this incident also makes it clear that the land is rising.

    The sea caves indicate Andaman Islands are continuously rising.

    In the same way, near the islands which are situated in the sea near

    Australia also the level of the sea has been found to vary in different

    places. The main reason for the difference in sea level is that these

    islands are rising in different speeds.

    In the small streak like Andaman Island in the Indian Ocean , many

    sea caves are found. Below these caves, tourists go on boat rides. The sea

    caves upper curve is in such a height.

    The reason for the curvature of the caves that were formed due to

    erosion by the sea to be found at such a height is that Andaman Island is

    rising from the seashore.

    It is not possible for the Indian Ocean which is surrounding the

    Andaman Island to suddenly decrease. There is one more proof to show that

    Andaman Island is rising: the snake basalt rocks which are formed under the

    sea are found on Andaman Island .

    Only due to the rising of Andaman Island from the sea bed,

    earthquakes often occur there. The rising rocky plates edges below theisland rub up and down against the non-rising neighboring earth plates

    which results in earthquakes.

    Therefore, the reason for the earthquakes is only the rising of the

    land and for the land slides also only the rising of the land is


    When a part of the land rises, below the surrounding land areas an

    open space is created. When it rains, the rain water fills up this space

    which makes the soil marshy and results in land slides.

    The caves which are found on the edge of the seashore become caves on

    mountains when the land rises.

    In the mountainous region of Srilanka, many spherical caves have

    formed. The spherical caves show us clearly that while Srilanka was rising,

    these caves were formed due to the erosion by the surrounding sea water.

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    The most important thing to be noted here is that the lands

    surrounding these caves have only encountered severe land slides which are

    clearly shown by the map. So, when the land and mountains rise, land slides


    Sea caves indicate that the continents are rising.

    On all the continents found on earth, caves are seen on the sea

    shore. To be specific, surrounding the continent Europe , there are

    numerous sea caves. These sea caves are formed due to the erosion caused by

    the sea. The roofs of caves thus formed are 20 or 30 feet above sea level.

    Small ships can travel through most of the caves. How could have the

    roofs of caves which were formed due to the erosion by the sea have gone up

    to such a height?

    Many sea caves are found on the sea shore many hundreds of feet away

    from the sea and many feet high from the sea level. Many sea caves are also

    found dry without water.

    All these caves, the islands on which they are situated, the land

    surfaces and the continents show us clearly that the land is continuously

    rising from the sea.

    They say that when two land surfaces collide with each other,

    mountain ranges are formed. But, the Crete mountain region shows clearly

    that it did not form by the collision of a land.

    Rising of sea level is different in different places!

    Similarly when the sea level surrounding Europe was monitored by

    satellite for a long period, it has been found out that the sea level is

    rising at different rates in different places.

    How the same sea level can be low at a particular place and rise at

    other places? The sea level is measured in comparison with the nearby land

    level. That is, the waves that are got back from the satellite are sent

    back on the land and the sea at the same time.

    When these waves collide with the land and the sea bed and return,

    from the difference in speed with which they return helps us to calculate

    the level of the water in the sea.

    With the help of the details thus collected and compared, it has been

    found out that the sea level is different at different places surrounding

    the continent of Europe . *(27)

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    Though it has been said that the reason for this is that the land in

    that area is higher, researchers are of a different opinion.

    They call this rise as Glacial Isostatic Adjustment.They say that,

    previously layers of snow was exerting a pressure on Europe and that, now

    these have melted and so the land is rising further .specially they say,

    Scotland, which is on the northern side of Europe is rising fast and is

    gaining more height than South England .

    But, this is not a proper explanation. The fossils of the arthropod,

    Trilobite are found in Dudley, situated in central England . So, including

    England the whole of Europe has risen from the seabed 500 million years ago

    and is still rising.

    Iceland surfaced only 12 thousand years ago. But the fossils of

    Trilobite assure that 500 million years ago the continent of Europe had

    started rising and is still continuing to rise.

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    (8) Continents are rising

    Why should the rocks on the sea shore shiver?

    The reason for this is, when the continents rise, the rocky plates

    which are below the continent rub up and down on the adjacent rocky plates

    which are not rising causing the rocks to vibrate. The frequent turbulence

    of the sea at Kanyakumari is due to the tremors caused by the rocky plates

    rising below it. Moreover the frequent occurrence of the mud slides and the

    rocky landslides in the mountain regions of Ooty and Assam are attributed

    to the rising of those mountains.

    Shivering borders of sea shore

    86 percent of the thousand one hundred mile length of the Californian

    sea shore is shivering due to land slides. Land slides continue to take

    place even in dry seasons.

    Previously people used to compete with each other to buy the houses

    situated on the sea edge facing the sea. But now, many houses have been

    affected by land slides. Some houses are hanging dangerously from very high

    rocks and some have fallen in to the sea and have caused the lives of


    So the real estate people who build houses in this area are forced to

    guarantee that this place will be stable for 100 years.

    But, the insurance companies have announced that they will not cover

    land slides in insurance. Similarly in Britain s Yorkshire area, within 10years, 50 million pounds had to be spent to prevent land slides on the 72

    kilometer length of Biles bayregion. As the land slides often take place

    during the night, steps have also been taken to monitor continuously with

    the help of satellites.

    For this purpose, 2 satellites, E.S.A. and E.R.S. have been fitted

    with Kodak D.C.S. =600 digital cameras and a micro light with G.P.S.

    receiver and is being monitored. Similarly on the sea shore of Scotland ,

    12,000 forts have been affected. Among these, more than hundred have

    historical importance. These are also notable national attractions which

    lure tourists and help to earn foreign exchange.

    Why the houses, forts and light houses have been pushed to the stage

    of crumbling? The reason is, all the continents are rising from below the

    sea and coming above the sea level.

    Once upon a time our earth was a planet of molten rocks which cooled

    down gradually, due to which the surface of the earth had numerous

    sedimentary rock ridges which constituted the crust.

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    As the molten rock, magma contains 8 to 14 percent of water, when the

    earths crust was formed the water got separated and formed the sea. Later

    when the molten rock inside the earth got cooled and hardened, larger rocky

    plates were formed.

    As the ice which is of lower density floats on water, these rocky

    plates which are of a lower density than the molten rock, rise up to the

    surface of the molten rock and pushed the rocky crust already formed and

    this made the large land surfaces called continents to rise above sea

    level. We are living on this land surface. This land is rising once in a

    while due to which earthquakes occur.

    Is it only because the level of the sea dropped those fossils of sea

    animals are found on the land and mountains?

    90 percent of the ice on the earth is found on the continent of

    Antarctica. These ice sheets have remained without melting for thousands of

    years. Even if all these ice sheets melt completely and become water and

    enter the sea, the sea level will rise only (61m) 200 feet high.

    Next is Greenland Island with maximum amount of ice. Even if all the

    ice melts completely and enters the sea, the sea level will rise only (7m)

    20 feet high. Even if all the ice found on the whole of earth melts and

    flows into the sea, there is no possibility of the sea level rising more

    than 240 feet high.

    The Australian continent is rising

    Robert backer is a research scholar in the New England University ofAustralia.

    Every Sunday to take rest, he used to visit the Sydney Harbor where

    he once played and enjoyed with his friends when he was young.

    Incidentally one day, on the rocks he saw many nests made of lime and

    those resembled the nests of wasps. These nests were the nests of tubeworms

    which live in the sea. But, seeing it at such a height was something

    abnormal. The nests were about 7 feet above sea level where much erosion

    had not occurred.*(28)

    These tubeworms need to be in water for at least six hours for

    survival. Under these circumstances, what could be the reason for the nests

    being built 7 feet above sea water level?

    Backer was able to arrive at only one explanation. That is, the sea

    level in Sydney harbor has decreased by seven feet. And this must have

    taken place recently. If it had happened long before, the nests would have

    been eroded to a greater extent.

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    Immediately he conveyed the information to Professor Peter flood and

    Dr. Bob Haworth and they decided to conduct an elaborate research.

    Subsequently, they went to the island New Caledonia which is 600

    miles away from Australia and searched for the nests of the tubeworms.

    Curiously, there also they found the tubeworms nests at a height where the

    sea waves could not touch them.

    Next, in island of Madagascar found near Africa in the Indian Ocean,

    in South Corona on the border of North American sea shore, and in South

    America on the sea shore of Brazil, they found the insects nests at a

    height above the sea level and based on their findings of 8 years, they

    finally announced that the sea level has fall down up to seven feet around

    the world.*(29)

    But, they did not reveal why it has dropped. Where did all the sea

    water go? What happened to it? There was no explanation for these. It is

    more than three billion years since the seas were formed.

    It is not possible for the sea to reduce its level throughout the

    world. So, only the continents have risen. This is the reason for the

    insects nests seen at a height above the sea level.

    The South American Continent is rising.

    Similar to the finding of fossils in the deserts, huge deposits of

    salt is also found.

    The largest salt deposit of the world has been discovered in thedesert region of Uyuni which is situated on the south western side of

    Bolivia in South America . This salt desert is of an area of 4600 square

    miles. Ten billion tons (1 billion = 100 crores) of salt is found


    This place is situated 11 thousand feet high from sea level. When

    seen from there only salt is seen in all directions as far as the eye could

    see and so this area appears as a white region.

    Similarly in Kavir desert in the Plateau of Iran, Death Valley in

    the central part of North America, Atacama Desert in South America, Great

    Victoria Desert in central Australia , Kalahari Desert and in Botswana in

    South Africa and Sahara Desert in North Africa , large deposits of salt are

    found. How could have salt of such magnitude be formed in deserts?

    Already the fossils of sea organisms have been unearthed in

    deserts. So it is confirmed that all these deserts had been under the sea

    once upon a time and later have surfaced above from below the sea.

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    When the sandy area rose above the sea level, some areas were lower

    and the sea water which stagnated in due course got evaporated and the

    large deposits of salt were formed.

    The Antarctica continent is rising.

    In March 2002, on the eastern corner, peninsular area, in the

    continent of Antarctica situated at the South Pole, the ice sheets which

    form on the land and extend on the sea suddenly broke into hundreds of

    pieces and were thrown in all directions.

    This incident surprised and stunned the scientists. Geologist Eugene

    Dumac of the Michigan University stated This is a new event which has

    never happened before. David Wagon, a research scholar of the British

    Antarctic Research center has stated, It is difficult to believe that 500

    billion ton of glacier had disintegrated in thirty five days. *(31)

    Generally, due to the changes in temperature the layers of snow and

    ice at the poles melt very slowly into water and mix with the sea.

    To discuss the reason for the sudden breaking of the glacier on 4th

    and 5th April 2002, more than 60 scientists from 12 countries assembled in

    Hamilton College and discussed. It was announced that, the defective

    formation of the glacier was only responsible for its disintegration.

    Why should the formation of the glacier suddenly disintegrate?

    The layers of ice are spread out continuously on the land as well as

    the sea. The truth is when the peninsulararea of Antarctica rose upwards,

    the formation was affected and it broke into pieces. This part ofAntarctica is under the British and hence the arthropod Trilobites fossils

    have been found. So the reason for the sudden breakage is that this

    particular continent is rising.

    Similarly in Greenland at North Pole, sheets of ice covering the

    island had long cracks and these started sliding faster than before.

    In the North Pole area near the border of Ellesmere Island is an ice

    shelf called Ward Hunt on which many cracks have formed during 2002.*(32)

    Appearance of cracks on the ice shelves and these crac