organ (zion) evangelical lutheran church  · web view2018-07-08 · 8:30 a.m. worship old church....


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Page 1: ORGAN (ZION) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH  · Web view2018-07-08 · 8:30 a.m. worship old church. 10:30. a.m. worship. new church. sunday, july . 1, 201. 8. sixth. sunday after pentecost




Page 2: ORGAN (ZION) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH  · Web view2018-07-08 · 8:30 a.m. worship old church. 10:30. a.m. worship. new church. sunday, july . 1, 201. 8. sixth. sunday after pentecost


ORGAN (ZION) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH1515 Organ Church Road, Salisbury, North Carolina 28146

Rev. Carlin Ours, Pastor & Vicar Jordan Davis

July 1, 20188:30 A.M. / 10:30 A.M.


Welcome and Announcements

8:30/ 10:30 Hymn: “O Beautiful for Spacious Skies” Page 7


P: In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, C: Amen.


P: Almighty God, our Maker and Redeemer, C: We poor sinners confess to you, that we are by nature sinful and

unclean, and that we have sinned against you by thought, word, and deed. We flee for refuge to your infinite mercy, seeking and imploring your grace, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

P: The Almighty and Merciful God grant to you, being penitent, pardon and remission of all your sins, time for amendment of life, and the grace and comfort of his Holy Spirit. C: Amen.

FIRST READING: LAMENTATIONS 3: 22–3322The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; 23they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 24“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” 25The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. 26It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. 27It is good for a man that he


Page 3: ORGAN (ZION) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH  · Web view2018-07-08 · 8:30 a.m. worship old church. 10:30. a.m. worship. new church. sunday, july . 1, 201. 8. sixth. sunday after pentecost

bear the yoke in his youth. 28Let him sit alone in silence when it is laid on him; 29let him put his mouth in the dust — there may yet be hope; 30let him give his cheek to the one who strikes, and let him be filled with insults. 31For the Lord will not cast off forever, 32but, though he cause grief, he will have compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love; 33for he does not afflict from his heart or grieve the children of men.

SECOND READING: 2 CORINTHIANS 8: 1–9, 13–151We want you to know, brothers, about the grace of God that has been given among the churches of Macedonia, 2for in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. 3For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own accord, 4begging us earnestly for the favor of taking part in the relief of the saints — 5and this, not as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then by the will of God to us. 6Accordingly, we urged Titus that as he had started, so he should complete among you this act of grace. 7But as you excel in everything — in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all earnestness, and in our love for you — see that you excel in this act of grace also. 8I say this not as a command, but to prove by the earnestness of others that your love also is genuine. 9For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich. 13For I do not mean that others should be eased and you burdened, but that as a matter of fairness 14your abundance at the present time should supply their need, so that their abundance may supply your need, that there may be fairness. 15As it is written, “Whoever gathered much had nothing left over, and whoever gathered little had no lack.”

GOSPEL: MARK 5: 21–4321When Jesus had crossed again in the boat to the other side, a great crowd gathered about him, and he was beside the sea. 22Then came one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name, and seeing him, he fell at his feet 23and implored him earnestly, saying, “My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay your hands on her, so that she may be made well and live.” 24And he went with him. And a great crowd followed him and thronged about him. 25And there was a woman who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years, 26and who had suffered much under many physicians, and


Page 4: ORGAN (ZION) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH  · Web view2018-07-08 · 8:30 a.m. worship old church. 10:30. a.m. worship. new church. sunday, july . 1, 201. 8. sixth. sunday after pentecost

had spent all that she had, and was no better but rather grew worse. 27She had heard the reports about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his garment. 28For she said, “If I touch even his garments, I will be made well.” 29And immediately the flow of blood dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her disease. 30And Jesus, perceiving in himself that power had gone out from him, immediately turned about in the crowd and said, “Who touched my garments?” 31And his disciples said to him, “You see the crowd pressing around you, and yet you say, ‘Who touched me?’” 32And he looked around to see who had done it. 33But the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came in fear and trembling and fell down before him and told him the whole truth. 34And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.” 35While he was still speaking, there came from the ruler’s house some who said, “Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further?” 36But overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not fear, only believe.” 37And he allowed no one to follow him except Peter and James and John the brother of James. 38They came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and Jesus saw a commotion, people weeping and wailing loudly. 39And when he had entered, he said to them, “Why are you making a commotion and weeping? The child is not dead but sleeping.” 40And they laughed at him. But he put them all outside and took the child’s father and mother and those who were with him and went in where the child was. 41Taking her by the hand he said to her, “Talitha cumi,” which means, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.” 42And immediately the girl got up and began walking (for she was twelve years of age), and they were immediately overcome with amazement. 43And he strictly charged them that no one should know this, and told them to give her something to eat.

The Children’s Sermon Jordan Davis

SERMON Pastor Ours

8:30/ 10:30 Hymn: “Let Us Break Bread Together” Page 8



Page 5: ORGAN (ZION) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH  · Web view2018-07-08 · 8:30 a.m. worship old church. 10:30. a.m. worship. new church. sunday, july . 1, 201. 8. sixth. sunday after pentecost

NICENE CREEDC. We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven

and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally

begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father. Through Him all things were made.

For us and for our salvation He came down from heaven; by the power of the Holy Spirit He became incarnate from the virgin Mary, and was made man. For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered death and was buried. On the third day He rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; He ascended into heaven and isseated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son He is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through the prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life ✠ of the world to come. Amen.

THE THANKSGIVINGP: Let us pray. Blessed are you, O God, maker of all things. Through your

goodness you have blessed us with these gifts: our selves, our time, and our possessions. Use us and what we have gathered, in feeding the world with your love, through the one who gave himself for us, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. C:Amen

P: (Words of Institution) In the night which…

C: THE LORD’S PRAYER:Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into


Page 6: ORGAN (ZION) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH  · Web view2018-07-08 · 8:30 a.m. worship old church. 10:30. a.m. worship. new church. sunday, july . 1, 201. 8. sixth. sunday after pentecost

temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.


P: The body of our Lord Jesus Christ and his precious blood strengthen and preserve you to eternal life.

C: Amen


8:30/ 10:30 Hymn: “My Country Tis of Thee” Page 9

P: Go in peace and serve the Lord C: Thanks be to God


Page 7: ORGAN (ZION) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH  · Web view2018-07-08 · 8:30 a.m. worship old church. 10:30. a.m. worship. new church. sunday, july . 1, 201. 8. sixth. sunday after pentecost


Page 8: ORGAN (ZION) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH  · Web view2018-07-08 · 8:30 a.m. worship old church. 10:30. a.m. worship. new church. sunday, july . 1, 201. 8. sixth. sunday after pentecost


Page 9: ORGAN (ZION) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH  · Web view2018-07-08 · 8:30 a.m. worship old church. 10:30. a.m. worship. new church. sunday, july . 1, 201. 8. sixth. sunday after pentecost



Page 10: ORGAN (ZION) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH  · Web view2018-07-08 · 8:30 a.m. worship old church. 10:30. a.m. worship. new church. sunday, july . 1, 201. 8. sixth. sunday after pentecost

THIS WEEK AT ORGAN TODAY: Sunday, July 1, 2018 (Communion)

8:30 am Early Service /Old Church9:00 am Chat-N-Chew9:30 am Sunday School

10:30 am Worship Service11:50 am Thrivent Meeting

Monday–Wednesday, July 2–4, 2018Church Office Closed.Thursday, July 5, 2018

9–10:00 Food Pantry/ Clothing ClosetNext Sunday, July 8, 2018

8:30 am Early Service /Old Church9:00 am Chat-N-Chew9:30 am Sunday School

10:30 am Worship Service7:00 pm Paint Class

SPECIAL PRAYERS FOR David Wilson Renee WrightFrank Brady Jackie Brown Louann Shive Cherry FunderburkLarry Castor Ann Donahue Sandy Campbell Floyd GoodmanRay Fryer Larry Brown Fred Basinger Colleen FespermanKaye Hirst Jack Artz Nancy Lyerly Scarlett LivingoodKay Lambe Elvira Linder Kevin Lynch Fran FespermanLinda Pless Gene Ray Clarence Miller Karen StirewaltAshley Sapp Coy Shive Wendy Sifford Donald WilhelmScott Shoe Anna Kahl Maurice Staley Bill ThompsonCarolyn Bost Erin Hardee

ALL THRIVENT MEMBERS are asked to attend a meeting held today after church. If you are interested in Thrivent you may attend.THE ALTAR FLOWERS are given to the Glory of God for Hubert & Vera Goodman’s 65 wedding anniversary by their Children & their children’s families. Congratulations Hubert and Vera! (They were married on the 4 th

of July.)


GOES TO Organ’s Outreach Ministries


Page 11: ORGAN (ZION) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH  · Web view2018-07-08 · 8:30 a.m. worship old church. 10:30. a.m. worship. new church. sunday, july . 1, 201. 8. sixth. sunday after pentecost

SHIPWRECKED VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is July 9–13, 2018/ 6:00–8:00 p.m. Each day a meal will be served at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. For more VBS information contact Rita Ramsey.

AGAPE CAMP counselors will arrive on Sunday evening July 22. A cook-out is planned for 6:00 p.m. Agape Camp begins Monday, July 23 at 9:00 a.m. --ending at 3:00 p.m. Please confirm you are coming to Agape by turning in your application and paying $35 NOW! Contacts: Laura Brooks (704-857-9256) or Joyce Misenheimer (704-279-3166).

THE ORGAN COMMUNITY SENIOR CITIZENS GROUP have a trip July 18 to the ALL-A-FLUTTER BUTTERFLY FARM in High Point, North Carolina. They plan to leave at 8:30 in the morning.

THE O-WINGS are collecting items for the consumers at Rowan Vocational Opportunities.  Items needed include: soap, deodorant, washcloths, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and gallon Ziploc bags.  We will be delivering these items and taking a tour of the facility on Thursday, July 19 th

at 10:00 a.m.  Please place your donations in the appropriate boxes in the breezeway by Sunday, July 15th.  We would like to encourage the children of the church (ages 5 and up) to join us again this year.  If you and/or your child would like to go with us or if you have any questions, please contact Cindy Miller at (704)213-1046.  Thank you.

DON’T FORGET YOUR JULY ORGAN CHIMES NEWSLETTER!EARLY SERVICE in the Old Church is at 8:30 a.m. and continues through August. Chat-N-Chew will follow in the picnic shelter area. Sunday School begins at 9:30 a.m. and a shorter service for the summer is at 10:30 in the new church.

WRITE PASTORIAL CONCERNS (prayers needed or sick folks etc.) on the sheet in the narthex for the Pastor to see.

THANK YOU, Margaret Fisher for playing for Early Service and Sharon Sapp at 10:30 this morning.


Page 12: ORGAN (ZION) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH  · Web view2018-07-08 · 8:30 a.m. worship old church. 10:30. a.m. worship. new church. sunday, july . 1, 201. 8. sixth. sunday after pentecost

REMEMBER the 5 & 10 challenge. By giving $5–$10 extra dollars a week, we could greatly expand our reach as a church. Think of the impact we could make if everyone did this!

If there any children going into the 7 th or 8 th grades this year, (These children will be our new confirmation students for the 2018, 2019 year.) please let Teenie McCullough or Pastor Ours.

FAITH, N.C. 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION––Friday, June 29–July 4th

includes the carnival rides, idol contest and food booths in the park. The July 4th Parade begins at 10:00 a.m. The Patriotic Program at Faith Baptist Church begins at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, July 1. The Rowan Big Band performs first followed by a choir composed of local choir members, including Organ Church at 5:00 p.m.

JESSE’S RIDE is Saturday, September 22, 2018. Jesse’s Ride is an event that will be held September 22, 2018 here at Organ. We will have food, venders, games and lots more fun things. Rockie Lynne & Band will be here. Come out and support this great event to raise money for PTSD AND HELP FOR OUR VETERANS.

OUR SYMPATHY IS EXPRESSED to the family of Margaret Barger (mother of Terri Morgan) upon her death June 23, 2018.OUR SYMPATHY IS EXPRESSED to the family of William Artz, Sr. (father of Buddy Artz) upon his death June 23, 2018.

OUR SYMPATHY IS EXPRESSED to the family of our member, Hilda Overcash Anthony upon her death on Sunday, June 24, 2018 at the Meadows of Rockwell. The funeral was Wednesday at Powles Staton Funeral Home. Burial followed in Organ Cemetery.


Page 13: ORGAN (ZION) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH  · Web view2018-07-08 · 8:30 a.m. worship old church. 10:30. a.m. worship. new church. sunday, july . 1, 201. 8. sixth. sunday after pentecost

SALEM LUTHERAN CHURCH (churches involved in Lenten services)



JULY 28, 2018 (3:00 pm––5:00 pm)RSVP

VOLUNTEERS FOR JULY 2018Head Usher: Tim BollingerDate Ushers Tellers Greeters1 Com. 8:30 Terry Shive

Mitch EidsonKathi LingleJoyce MisenheimerLaura Brooks10:30 Jimmy & Denene

Brown, Marlin & Judy Parker

Carl & Marvene Alexander

8 8:30 Terry ShiveMitch Eidson

Kathi LingleJoyce Misenheimer


June 24, 2018 TELLER REPORTNeeded for weekly 2018 BUDGET: ($5,737.88)8:30 General Fund $ 1,406.0010:30 General Fund $ 1,371.00Building & Repair $ 160.00Direct Deposit $ 225.00Use of Fellowship Hall $ 25.00Chat-N-Chew $ 25.00AGAPE campers $ 70.00AGAPE donations $ 200.00Picnic Shelter Fan $ 300.00H. Ray Fesperman Memorials $ 20.00Sunday School Attendance 68 $ 39.008:30 Early Service 6310:30 Worship Service 107Children’s Church (Adults) (Children)

Page 14: ORGAN (ZION) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH  · Web view2018-07-08 · 8:30 a.m. worship old church. 10:30. a.m. worship. new church. sunday, july . 1, 201. 8. sixth. sunday after pentecost

Laura Brooks10:30 Jimmy & Denene Brown, Marlin & Judy Parker

Carl & Marvene Alexander

15 8:30 Terry ShiveMitch Eidson

Kathi LingleJoyce MisenheimerLaura Brooks10:30 Jimmy & Denene

Brown, Marlin & Judy Parker

Carl & Marvene Alexander

22 8:30 Terry ShiveMitch Eidson

Kathi LingleJoyce MisenheimerLaura Brooks10:30 Jimmy & Denene

Brown, Marlin & Judy Parker

Carl & Marvene Alexander

295th Sunday

8:30 Terry ShiveMitch Eidson

Kathi LingleJoyce MisenheimerLaura Brooks10:30 Jimmy & Denene

Brown, Marlin & Judy Parker

Carl & Marvene Alexander

Date Acolytes Crucifer Lector1 Com. 8:30 Kellin Ours Coy Shive

10:30 Mallory BentleyCaylee Fleming

Mark Brown

8 8:30 Jordan Cress Pat Shive10:30 Camrie & Celia Sifford Alvin Park

15 8:30 Kellin Ours Heather Coleman

10:30 Hunter HillZeke Brown

Lane Brown

22 8:30 Jordan Cress Jerry Lambert

10:30 Owen & Will Kesler Jimmie Morgan

29 8:30 Kellin Ours Kaye Hirst

10:30 Jacob PostonZeke Brown

Trudy Overcash

Date Communion Assistants Communion Helpers1 Com. 8:30 Jimmie Morgan Terri Morgan

10:30 Steve & Tammy YatesMargaret Fisher

Tommy & Laura BrooksJoyce MisenheimerClancy Fleming


Page 15: ORGAN (ZION) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH  · Web view2018-07-08 · 8:30 a.m. worship old church. 10:30. a.m. worship. new church. sunday, july . 1, 201. 8. sixth. sunday after pentecost

JOIN US ON OUR TRIP TO NIAGARA FALLS TO CANADA AND LANCASTER, PA. We need more people for the trip to Niagara Falls (6 Days: July 15–20, 2019).

PRICE PER PERSON BASED ON 40 OR MORE PASSENGERS:Double Triple Quad Single$1319 $1185 $1115 $1759

DEPOSIT: $350 per person is due at time of booking.FINAL PAYMENT DUE

Linda Austin (704-213-7685)Laurie Shuping, Shuping Travel (1-877-771-5556)

LESSONS FOR NEXT WEEK:Ezekiel 2:1-5; Psalm 123; 2 Corinthians 12:1-10; Mark 6:1-13

You’re Invited to Come Sail Away with Us!!

Join us for the BEST week of

summer! New friends Creative games Surprising adventures

Amazing experiments Tropical treats

Incredible music15

Page 16: ORGAN (ZION) EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH  · Web view2018-07-08 · 8:30 a.m. worship old church. 10:30. a.m. worship. new church. sunday, july . 1, 201. 8. sixth. sunday after pentecost

Organ Lutheran Church1515 Organ Church Road

Salisbury, NC 28146704-279-3096

Monday, July 9 –– Friday, July 13, 2018VBS 6:00 pm––8:00 pmMeal at 5:30 each day