oracle crm on demand for partner relationship management

CRM On Demand Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A March 2010

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  • 1. CRM On Demand Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuration GuideRelease 17 Rev. AMarch 2010

2. Copyright 2005, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error- free. If you find any errors, report them to us in writing.If this software or related documentation is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable:U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS. Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S. Government customers are commercial computer software or commercial technical data pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, the use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation shall be subject to the restrictions and license terms set forth in the applicable Government contract, and, to the extent applicable by the terms of the Government contract, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software License (December 2007). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.This software is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications which may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy and other measures to ensure the safe use of this software. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software in dangerous applications. The Programs may provide links to Web sites and access to content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle is not responsible for the availability of, or any content provided on, third-party Web sites. You bear all risks associated with the use of such content. If you choose to purchase any products or services from a third party, the relationship is directly between you and the third party. Oracle is not responsible for: (a) the quality of third-party products or services; or (b) fulfilling any of the terms of the agreement with the third party, including delivery of products or services and warranty obligations related to purchased products or services. Oracle is not responsible for any loss or damage of any sort that you may incur from dealing with any third party. 3. Contents Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuration Guide 1 Chapter 1: Whats New in This ReleaseChapter 2: Overview About Partner Relationship Management9 About This Guide9Chapter 3: Getting Started Provisioning Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management11Chapter 4: Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for PartnerRelationship Management Upgrading From Previous Releases13 Upgrading PRM Partner Records 13 Manually Migrating Fund Requests 15 Migrating Registration Information from Opportunity to Deal Registration17 About Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management18 Roadmap for Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management 19 Setting Up Page Layouts19 Page Layout Configurations for the Channel Manager Role22 Page Layouts for the Channel Manager Role 22 Page Sections for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts 23 Field Layouts for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts 26 Related Information Sections for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts34 Page Layout Configurations for the Partner Sales Rep Role36 Page Layouts for the Partner Sales Rep Role 36 Page Sections for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts 37 Field Layouts for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts 38 Related Information Sections for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts44 Setting Up Access Profiles for Partner Roles 46 Access Profile Settings for the Channel Manager Role47 Access Profiles for the Channel Manager Role 47Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management3 Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 4. Contents Access Levels for the Channel Manager Role 47 Access Profile Settings for the Partner Sales Rep Role 47 Access Profiles for the Partner Sales Rep Role 48 Access Levels for the Partner Sales Rep Role 48 Creating Partner Roles 53 Role Settings for the Channel Manager Role 55 Record Type Access for the Channel Manager Role 55 Privileges for the Channel Manager Role 55 Tab Access and Order for the Channel Manager Role 56 Page Layout Assignment for the Channel Manager Role 57 Role Settings for the Partner Sales Rep Role 57 Record Type Access for the Partner Sales Rep Role 58 Privileges for the Partner Sales Rep Role 59 Tab Access and Order for the Partner Sales Rep Role 60 Page Layout Assignment for the Partner Sales Rep Role 60 Privileges for the Partner Administrator Role 61 Adding Partner Users 61 Process of Configuring Books and Workflow Rules for PRM 62 About Using Books and Workflow Rules for PRM 62 Creating the Partner Organization Book Type 67 Configuring Workflow Rule Actions for Partner Account Synchronization67 Viewing Workflow Results 72Chapter 5: Managing Partner Relationships About Partner Account and Profiling Management76 Guidelines for Working With Partner Accounts76 About Book Management 77 Example of Creating Partner Accounts78 About Partner Program Management 80 Defining a Partner Program (Channel Manager) 80 About Lead Management 81 Example of Managing Leads81 About Managing Deal Registration82 Example of Managing Deal Registration 84 Deal Registration in Prior Releases 87 The Deal Registration Process884Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 5. Contents About Fund Management 89 Example of Managing Funds (Channel Managers) 89 About Fund Request Management90 Example of Managing Fund Requests (Partner Users) 90 About Fund Request Claims Management 91 Example of Managing Fund Request Claims 91 About MDF Request Management92 Example of Managing MDF Requests (Partner Users)93 About MDF Claims Management93 Example of Managing MDF Claims 94 About Special Pricing Request Management95 Example of Managing Special Pricing Requests (Partner Users)95 About Special Pricing Claims Management96 Example of Managing Special Pricing Claims96 About Applications 97 Example of Managing Applications (Channel Manager) 98 About Partner Content Management 98 Example of Managing Partner Content 99Index Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management5 Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 6. Contents 6 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 7. 1Whats New in This Release Whats New in Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuration Guide, Release 17 Rev. A Table 2 lists changes described in this version of the documentation to support Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management. Table 1. Changes in Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management ConfigurationGuide, Release 17 Rev. A Topic Description Upgrading PRM Partner Records Updated steps for upgrading PRM partner records. Table 2. New Product Features in Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide, Release 17 Topic Description Provisioning Oracle CRM OnAdded the following record types to the list:Demand for Partner Relationship Deal RegistrationManagement Deal Registration Product Revenue MDF Request Special Pricing Request Special Pricing Product Price List Price List Line Item Upgrading From Previous ReleasesAdded information on upgrading partner records, migratingfund requests, and migrating registration information fromopportunity to deal registration.Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management 7Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 8. Whats New in This Release Table 2. New Product Features in Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide, Release 17 Topic Description MultipleAdded new record types to many of the field, page, and tablayout tables. Managing Partner RelationshipsAdded the following processes: About Managing Deal Registration Example of Managing Deal Registration Deal Registration in Prior Releases The Deal Registration Process About MDF Request Management Example of Managing MDF Requests (Partner Users) About MDF Claims Management Example of Managing MDF Claims About Special Pricing Request Management Example of Managing Special Pricing Requests (PartnerUsers) About Special Pricing Claims Management Example of Managing Special Pricing Claims About Applications Example of Managing Applications (Channel Manager) 8Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 9. 2Overview This chapter provides an overview of Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management. It includes the following topics: About Partner Relationship Management on page 9 About This Guide on page 9About Partner Relationship Management A partner, partner channel or partner organization is an external company or a person at a company that sells or services products belonging to the brand owner. Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management supports brand owners in managing their partner relationships, by improving the brand owners ability to manage partners, programs, leads, opportunities, funds, fund requests, and collateral.Using Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management, you can manage the following: Partner accounts and profiling Partner programs Leads Opportunities Deal registrations Content (solutions) Market development fund requests Special pricing authorizations and requests Partner self administrationAbout This Guide This guide describes how to configure Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management and provides details of suggested page layouts and roles that you can set up to support partner relationship management (PRM). Your companys requirements might differ from the settings suggested in this guide.This guide also provides examples of tasks and processes that are typically performed by end-users in Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management. Your company can customize the tasks and processes to support your business requirements.For more information about administering and using Oracle CRM On Demand, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help. Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management9Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 10. Overview About This Guide 10Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 11. 3Getting Started This chapter describes the initial tasks that must be completed before you begin to configure Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management. It includes the following topic: Provisioning Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementProvisioning Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management If your company plans to use Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management, your first task is to contact Customer Care and ask them to set up your company to use Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management. The initial setup process, which is referred to as provisioning, exposes Web pages, record types, features, and fields which can differ from the standard application, but are relevant to your business.When Customer Care provisions Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management for your company, they add the following record types to your application: Deal Registration Deal Registration Product Revenue Partner Program Fund Fund Request MDF Request Special Pricing Request Special Pricing Product Price List Price List Line ItemCustomer Care also creates the PRM Administrator access profiles and the PRM Administrator role, and assigns this role to your company administrator. This role gives company administrators the privileges and access options that they need to configure the application, create other roles, and grant the same privileges and access options to other roles, as required. These configuration tasks are described in Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management on page 13Customer Care can also set up other features in your application, including the following: Custom objects and company branding How your company accesses Oracle CRM On Demand Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management11Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 12. Getting Started Provisioning Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management How your company manages large volumes of data 12Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 13. 4 Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management This chapter describes how to configure Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management (PRM).It includes the following topics: Upgrading From Previous Releases on page 13 Roadmap for Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management on page 19 Setting Up Page Layouts on page 19 Page Layout Configurations for the Channel Manager Role on page 22 Page Layout Configurations for the Partner Sales Rep Role on page 36 Setting Up Access Profiles for Partner Roles on page 46 Access Profile Settings for the Channel Manager Role on page 47 Access Profile Settings for the Partner Sales Rep Role on page 47 Creating Partner Roles on page 53 Role Settings for the Channel Manager Role on page 55 Role Settings for the Partner Sales Rep Role on page 57 Adding Partner Users on page 61 Process of Configuring Books and Workflow Rules for PRM on page 62Upgrading From Previous Releases When upgrading from previous releases to Release 17, there are several tasks you should perform. They include: Upgrading PRM Partner Records on page 13 Manually Migrating Fund Requests on page 15 Migrating Registration Information from Opportunity to Deal Registration on page 17 Upgrading PRM Partner Records When upgrading from previous releases to Release 17, customers who have implemented PRM will need to manually upgrade their PRM Partner Records. This process should be done for all PRM Partner Records. Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management13 Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 14. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Upgrading From Previous Releases 1Validate that all Partners currently in use in the system have their Partner Organization Statusset to Active. For any Partner that doesnt, set Partner Organization Status = Active.2Add a custom field of type check box, called PreUpgradeActive, to the Partner object and exposeit in the layout used by the user executing the following steps.3Query all PRM Partners in a list from the Accounts tab (Account Type=Partner).4Export this list, with only the following fields: Account Name, Location, Owner.5Mass update the list and set Managed Partner Flag=Y for all the Partners.6In the CSV that was exported in Step 4, change the value of Owner Alias to the value of the UserSign In ID for the same User (it is possible that the two values may be equal, but if not, it mustbe ensured that the value is that of the User Sign In ID). Import the CSV as Partner records (inthe Import drop-down chose Partner). Details of the Import mapping and options to be selected are given in Table 3.Table 3. Import Mapping Details Account Field to beIn the Third Step of the Import Corresponding PartnerExported Tool, the Fields appear asFields to be Mapped Account Name Account NamePartner Name Location LocationLocation Owner (change to value ofOwner Alias Ownersame users User Sign InID) In the first step of the import tool you must select the option values shown in Table 4:Table 4. Option Values to Select When using the Import Tool Option Value to Select Select the method Import should use to uniquely identify matchingOn Demand Predefinedrecords. You can use either the External Unique ID or On Demand RowFieldsID or the following On Demand predefined fields: Partner Name,Location If the unique record identifier of the record being imported matches a Overwrite Existingrecord already in On Demand: Records If the unique record identifier of the record being imported does notCreate New Recordmatch a record already in On Demand: The import process may encounter field values that do not match theDon't Import Fieldpicklist values for fields in Oracle CRM On Demand. Please decide howValueto resolve these conflicts: 7Go to the Partners tab and get a list of all active Partners (Partner Organization Status = Active).8Mass update the list and set PreUpgradeActive=Y.14 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 15. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Upgrading From Previous Releases 9 Go to the Partners tab and get a list of all Partners where PreUpgradeActive=Y. Mass update the list and set the value for the Partner Organization Status field to Inactive.10 Go to the Partners tab and get a list of all Partners where PreUpgradeActive=Y. Mass update the list and set the value for the Partner Organization Status field to Active.Step 8 and Step 9 allow the books that are automatically created in Release 17 to support the Partner Relationships to be created. For more information on this functionality, see the Partners section in Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.11 For each Partner in the list, verify that a book called (for example, if Company Identifier=1QA2-ONQWR Partner Name=Partner1 the book name would be 1QA2-ONQWR Partner1) is added to each Partner Record.12 For each Partner in the list, go to a list of Users with Partner Organization=. You can export the list and use it to add each of these users as members to the book mentioned in the previous step, through the quick add applet for adding Book Members on the Book Administration screen. This is required to ensure that all these Users can see their own Partner as well as all Partners related to their own Partner, in places where they use Partner lists (for example, fields for configuring Multi-tiered Partnerships for Opportunities). Manually Migrating Fund Requests Two new record types are introduced in Release 17: Special Pricing Requests and MDF Requests. These two record types can replace the existing Fund Requests (type SPA or MDF). If you have been using Fund Request before Release 17, you have the option after the upgrade to either continue using them or migrate manually to the newly introduced Special Pricing Requests and MDF Requests.The manual migration can take place either directly after the upgrade or at a later time, depending on your needs. After the migration is performed, you must not use Fund Requests in parallel with Special Pricing Requests and MDF Requests, because this will be problematic. You will be able to access existing Fund Request records through the new record types.The manual migration to the new record types will involve a number of steps using the Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management user interface and the batch update capabilities (no script is being provided). Before the migration, all of the Fund Requests that will be included in this process should have Type defined (SPA or MDF). The detailed steps are described in the following steps:1 Define Principal Partner Account for each migrated record (for example as the Partner Organization of record owner, and so on).2 Migrate Fund Request Status field to the Special Pricing and MDF Request Submission Status, Approval Status, and Claim Status fields as described in Table 5: Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management 15 Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 16. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Upgrading From Previous Releases Table 5. Status Mapping for Migrating Fund Requests to Special Pricing and MDF Requests Fund Request Field Special Pricing or MDF Request Field StatusSubmission StatusApproval Status Claim Status In ProcessNot SubmittedBlank Blank Pre-ApprovalSubmitted (set SubmissionPending ApprovalBlankSubmitted Status to Not Submitted, (this status is setsave record and then set itautomatically afterto Submitted)updating the Submission Status) Pre-ApprovalSubmitted (set SubmissionRejected (set BlankDeniedStatus to Not Submitted, Submission Status,save record and then set itsave record and thento Submitted)update Approval Status) Pre-ApprovedSubmitted (set SubmissionApproved (set In ProgressStatus to Not Submitted, Submission Status,save record and then set itsave record and thento Submitted)update Approval Status) Claim Submitted Submitted (set SubmissionApproved (set Claim SubmittedStatus to Not Submitted, Submission Status,save record and then set itsave record and thento Submitted)update Approval Status) Claim DeniedSubmitted (set SubmissionApproved (set Claim DeniedStatus to Not Submitted, Submission Status,save record and then set itsave record and thento Submitted)update Approval Status) Claim ApprovedSubmitted (set SubmissionApproved (set Claim ApprovedStatus to Not Submitted, Submission Status,save record and then set itsave record and thento Submitted)update Approval Status) NOTE: Accurate migration of status fields is critical, as these fields drive the logic for the Fund rollups.3Removed Fund Requests from User Roles, Access Profiles, Related Item lists, and so on. Replacethem with the Special Pricing or MDF Requests accordingly. 16 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 17. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Upgrading From Previous Releases After the manual migration, the Special Pricing and MDF Request fields should map to the corresponding Fund Request fields (depending on the Type of Fund Request) as follows:Table 6. Field Mapping for Migrating Fund Requests to Special Pricing and MDF Requests Fund RequestField Special Pricing Request Fields MDF Request Fields Pre-Approval Req. Total Amount Requested Amount Requested Granted Total Amount AuthorizedAmount PreApproved Claim Req.Total Claim Amount Req.Total Claim Amount Requested ApprovedTotal Claim Amount ApprovedTotal Claim Amount Approved Pre-Approval Date N/APre-Approval Date Migrating Registration Information from Opportunity to Deal Registration In previous releases, Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management supported Deal Registrations through the use of PRM-specific fields such as Registration Status, Approval Status on the opportunity record. In this release, Deal Registration is a full-fledged functional area with its own record types, pages, analytics, and so on. Consequently deal registrations are implemented differently in the current release and you are strongly encouraged to manage your deal registration process using the new approach. Deal registrations can still be managed and tracked as before (that is, by using the PRM-specific fields on opportunity), but this approach is not recommended unless you have compelling business reasons to do so. In such cases, do not adopt a mix-and-match strategy of using both approaches to manage deal registrations, especially for the same set of users.As part of the upgrade to Release 17, any opportunity record that contains registration information automatically results in the creation of a deal registration record. Registration information from the opportunity is copied across to the newly created deal registration. Additionally, the deal registration record is also linked back to the original opportunity record.NOTE: The registration information on the original opportunity is left untouched, so that customers who wish to continue using the older approach are not affected.For upgrade purposes, an opportunity record is assumed to contain registration information when any of the following fields is not blank: Registration Status Approval Status ApproverOracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management17Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 18. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management About Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management When you create a deal registration record, the fields are populated based on the information on the opportunity record as indicated in Table 7:Table 7. Fields on the Opportunity Record that Affect Deal Registrations Deal RegistrationColumn Opportunity ColumnComments Name NameNone Principal PartnerPartner No registration record created if Partner is blank. Approval StatusApproval Status None Submission StatusRegistration Status For Registration Status of Expired or Registered, the Submission Status is set to Submitted. Approver ApproverNone About Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management for your company involves setting up user roles, users, books, and workflow rules. This chapter provides suggested configurations for two PRM-specific roles (including page layouts and access profiles for those roles), and describes how to configure books and workflow rules for PRM, and how to add users for PRM management (partner users). Your company requirements might differ from the settings suggested in this chapter.The PRM administrator can set up as many PRM-specific roles as are required to support the brand owners business processes. The configuration settings described in this chapter are the suggested settings for the following PRM roles:Channel Manager role. The Channel Manager role is typically given to one or more users in thebrand owner company who are responsible for maintaining the relationship between the partnerorganizations and the brand owner company.Partner Sales Representative role. The Partner Sales Representative role is suitable for end-users who are members of partner organizations. Users from partner organizations typically haveaccess only to records that relate specifically to their partner organization.Partner Administrator role. The Partner Administrator role is usually given to one or moreusers in a Partner organization. These users have the responsibility for creating and editing thepartner users of the CRM application. We are recommending this role be set up as a Partner salesrepresentative role with some additional access. Some Brand Owners will choose not to use thisrole.Your company might require roles other than those described here. 18 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 19. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Roadmap for Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Before you begin your configuration tasks: Contact Customer Care to have Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management provisioned for your company, as described in Provisioning Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management on page 11. Determine the fields, page layouts, access profiles, and roles that you need to configure to support your company's business needs. Your company requirements might differ from the settings suggested in this chapter.Roadmap for Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management To configure Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management, perform the following processes and tasks:1 Setting Up Page Layouts on page 19.2 Setting Up Access Profiles for Partner Roles on page 46.3 Creating Partner Roles on page 53.4 Adding Partner Users on page 615 Process of Configuring Books and Workflow Rules for PRM on page 62Setting Up Page Layouts It is recommended that you set up page layouts for each role that you intend to create in Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management.When setting up a page layout, you can create a new layout, or you can copy or edit an existing layout. You can add fields to the page layout as well as to the sections within the page, and you can also expose the related information in the page layout.PRM administrators typically set up page layouts for the following record types for the Channel Manager role: Deal Registration Fund Fund Request MDF Request Special Pricing Request Special Pricing Product Price List Price List line ItemOracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management19Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 20. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Setting Up Page Layouts LeadOpportunitySolutionApplicationPRM administrators typically set up page layouts for the following record types for the Partner Sales Rep role:Deal RegistrationFundFund RequestMDF RequestSpecial Pricing RequestSpecial Pricing ProductLeadOpportunityPartner - Oracle recommended that Partner Pages are not given to Partner Sales Reps.Partner ProgramSolutionApplicationComplete the steps in the following procedure for each page layout that you want to set up. This task is a step in Roadmap for Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management on page 19.NOTE: Some of the suggested page layouts for the Partner Sales Rep role are copies of the page layouts for the Channel Manager role. Complete the setup of the page layouts for the Channel Manager role before you copy the Channel Manager role page layouts for use in the Partner Sales Rep role.To set up a page layout for PRM 1In the Oracle CRM On Demand application, click the Admin link and navigate to ApplicationCustomization.2In the Record Type Setup section, click the link for the required record type. For example, click the Opportunity record type. See Page Layouts for the Channel Manager Role on page 22 for details of typical page layoutsfor the Channel Manager role. See Page Layouts for the Partner Sales Rep Role on page 36 for details of typical page layoutsfor the Partner Sales Rep role. 20 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 21. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management SettingUp Page Layouts 3 In the Page Layout Management section, click the link for the required page layout type.For example, click the link for the Opportunity Page Layout.4 Perform the following steps:a On the record type Page Layout page, click Copy (the link next to a layout) to create a new layout based on an existing layout, or click New Layout on the title bar to create an entirely new layout. b In Step 1 of the Page Layout wizard, enter a name for the layout and (optionally) a description.c Click Finish to save the layout.NOTE: You will return later to the Page Layout wizard to finish setting up the page layout.5 On the record type Page Layout page, click the Edit Sections link for the layout that you want to configure.6 In the Section Names Setup page, enter the labels for any new sections that you want to set up on the page layout. Refer to Page Sections for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts on page 23 for details of typical page sections for the Channel Manager role. Refer to Page Sections for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts on page 37 for information about typical page sections for the Partner Sales Rep role.7 Click Save.8 On the record type Page Layout page, click the Edit link for the layout that you want to configure.9 In the Page Layout wizard, go to Step 2 (Field Setup), and specify the field setup for the page layout.For each available field, select either the Required or the Read-Only check box as needed to support your business processes. Refer to Field Layouts for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts on page 26 for details of typical fields and field layouts (including details of required fields) for the Channel Manager role. Refer to Field Layouts for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts on page 38 for details of typical fields and field layouts (including details of required fields) for the Partner Sales Rep role.10 In the wizard, go to Step 3 (Field Layout), and configure the field layout for the page. Use the arrows to add fields to the various page sections, and remove any fields that are not needed, by moving them from the page sections to the Available Fields list. See Field Layouts for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts on page 26 for details of typical field layouts for the Channel Manager role. See Field Layouts for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts on page 26 for details of typical field layouts for the Partner Sales Rep role. Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management 21 Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 22. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Channel Manager Role 11 In the wizard, go to Step 4 (Related Information), and configure the related information that isavailable on this page. Use the arrows to add fields to the appropriate sections. The options are Additional Informationand Displayed Information. Refer to Related Information Sections for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts on page 34for details of typical related information sections for the Channel Manager role. Refer to Related Information Sections for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts on page 44for details of typical related information sections for the Partner Sales Rep role.12 Click Finish.Page Layout Configurations for the Channel Manager Role This section describes the page layout modifications that PRM administrators typically configure for the Channel Manager role. It contains the following:Page Layouts for the Channel Manager Role on page 22Page Sections for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts on page 23Field Layouts for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts on page 26Related Information Sections for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts on page 34 Page Layouts for the Channel Manager Role Table 8 shows examples of specific layouts that support the Channel Manager role.NOTE: The Channel Manager role is based on a copy of the PRM Administrator role so the layouts are already preconfigured. Table 8 provides specific layouts used to create and then alter the role definition to add them to what already exists. The other Record types Page Layouts should only be changed if your business requires it.Table 8. Page Layouts for the Channel Manager Role Record TypeCopyRename to Lead Lead Page Standard Layout Lead Page Channel Manager Layout OpportunityOpportunity Page Standard LayoutOpportunity Page Channel Manager Layout Solution Solution Page Standard Layout Solution Page Channel Manager Layout Deal RegistrationDeal Registration Page Standard Deal Registration Page Channel LayoutManager Layout 22 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 23. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Channel Manager Role Table 8.Page Layouts for the Channel Manager Role Record TypeCopy Rename to Fund Request Fund Request Page Standard LayoutFund Request Page ChannelManager Layout MDF RequestMDF Request Page Standard Layout MDF Request Page ChannelManager Layout Special PricingSpecial Pricing Request Page StandardSpecial Pricing Request PageRequestLayout Channel Manager Layout Special PricingSpecial Pricing Product Page StandardSpecial Pricing Product PageProductLayout Channel Manager Layout Price List Price List Page Standard LayoutPrice List Page Channel ManagerLayout Price List Line Item Price List Line Item Page Standard Price List Line Item Page Channel Layout Manager Layout ProductProduct Page Standard Layout Product Page Channel ManagerLayout PartnerPartner Page Standard Layout Partner Page Channel ManagerLayout ApplicationApplication Page Standard Layout Application Page Channel ManagerLayout Page Sections for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts Table 9 describes the sections that company administrators typically set up for page layouts for the Channel Manager role.Table 9.Page Sections for the Channel Manager Page Role Page Layouts Page Layout Existing Section Name Rename To Fund Request Page Key Fund RequestDo not renameChannel Manager InformationLayoutFund Request Detail Preapproval InformationInformation Additional InformationClaim InformationAvailable Section Additional InformationOracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management23Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 24. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Channel Manager Role Table 9. Page Sections for the Channel Manager Page Role Page Layouts Page LayoutExisting Section Name Rename To Lead Page ChannelKey Lead InformationDo not renameManager Layout Opportunity Related Do not rename InformationAdditional InformationOwner InformationAvailable Section Additional Information Opportunity Page Key Opportunity Do not renameChannel ManagerInformationLayout Sales Detail InformationDo not renameAdditional InformationOwner InformationAvailable Section Additional Information Solution Page ChannelSolution Detail Information Solution Detail InformationManager Layout Additional InformationAdditional Information Fund Key Fund InformationDo not renameAdditional InformationDo not rename Fund Request Key Fund RequestDo not rename InformationFund Request Detail Preapproval Information InformationAdditional InformationClaim InformationAvailable Section Additional InformationDeal RegistrationDeal Registration Key Do not rename InformationOpportunity Information Do not renameCustomer InformationDo not renameApproval InformationDo not renameAdditional InformationDo not rename MDF RequestKey MDF Request Do not rename InformationMDF Request DetailDo not rename InformationClaim Information Do not renameAdditional InformationDo not rename 24 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 25. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Channel Manager Role Table 9. Page Sections for the Channel Manager Page Role Page Layouts Page LayoutExisting Section NameRename To Special Pricing RequestKey Special PricingDo not rename Request InformationSpecial Pricing RequestDo not rename Detail InformationClaim InformationDo not renameAdditional Information Do not rename Special Pricing ProductKey Product InformationDo not renameSpecial Pricing RequestDo not rename Detail InformationSpecial Pricing RequestDo not rename JustificationAdditional Information Do not rename Price List Key Price List Information Do not renameAdditional Information Do not rename Price List Line Item Key Product InformationDo not renameKey Product Line ItemDo not rename InformationAdditional Information Do not rename ApplicationCompany ProfileDo not renameApplication Submitted By Do not renamePartnership InformationDo not rename Additional Information Do not rename PartnerKey Partner InformationDo not renameProfile InformationDo not renameAdditional Company Profile Do not renameAdditional Information Do not renameOracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management 25Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 26. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Channel Manager Role Field Layouts for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts Table 10 shows the field layouts that company administrators typically set up for page layouts for the Channel Manager role.Table 10. Field Layouts for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts Page LayoutPage Section Layout MDF RequestKey MDF Request InformationRequest IDCampaignRequest NameMarketing PurposePrincipal Partner Account RegionFundCategorySubmission Status Partner ProgramDue DateMDF Request CurrencyExpiration DateMDF Request Detail InformationStart DateRequest DateEnd DateSubmitted DateAmount RequestedPre-Approval DateAmount PreApprovedApproverApproval Status Last Approved By Reason CodeClaim InformationTotal Claim AmountClaim Status RequestedTotal Claim AmountClaim Decision Date ApprovedAdditional InformationOwner Owner Partner AccountModified Description Deal RegistrationDeal Registration Key InformationNameID 26Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 27. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Channel Manager Role Table 10. Field Layouts for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts Page LayoutPage Section LayoutTypePrincipal PartnerSubmission Status Principal Partner LocationExpiration Date Partner ProgramSpecial Price Reqd. Support Reqd.Opportunity InformationAssociated OpportunityClose DateNew Opportunity Product InterestCurrencyNext StepDeal SizeCustomer InformationAssociated Customer Associated ContactNew CustomerNew ContactCompany NameMr./Ms.Country First NameAddress 1 Middle NameAddress 2 Last NameCityJob TitleProvinceEmailPost Code Telephone # Cell PhoneFaxApproval InformationApproval Status Submitted DateCurrent ApproverApproved DateFinal ApproverReject ReasonAdditional InformationOwner CreatedOwner Partner Account ModifiedOriginating Partner AccountDescription Special Pricing RequestKey Special Pricing Request Information Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management27Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 28. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Channel Manager Role Table 10. Field Layouts for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts Page LayoutPage Section LayoutIDOpportunityRequest NameEnd CustomerPrincipal Partner Account Originating Partner AccountSubmission Status Deal RegistrationDue DatePartner ProgramFundCurrencySpecial Pricing Request Detail InformationStart DateRequest DateEnd DateSubmitted DateTotal Amount RequestedAuthorized DateTotal Amount Authorized ApproverApproval Status Last Approved ByReason CodeClaim InformationTotal Claim AmountClaim Status RequestedTotal Claim AmountClaim Decision Date ApprovedAdditional InformationOwner Owner Partner Account ModifiedDescription Special Pricing ProductKey Product InformationProduct Product: Part #Product: Product Category Product: TypeQuantityProduct: StatusCurrencyMSRPSpecial Pricing Request Detail InformationPurchase Cost Requested AmountRequested CostRequested Discount PercentRequested Resale PriceAuthorized Amount 28 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 29. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Channel Manager Role Table 10. Field Layouts for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts Page LayoutPage Section LayoutAuthorized Cost Authorized Discount PercentSuggested Resale PriceSpecial Pricing Request JustificationCompetitor Name Competitive PartnerCompetitor ProductOther Competitive InformationCompetitor Product PriceAdditional InformationCreated ModifiedDescription Price List Key Price List InformationPrice List Name TypeEffective FromStatusEffective ToCurrencyAdditional InformationCreated ModifiedDescription Price List Line Item Key Product Line Item InformationPrice ListProduct: Part #Product Price List Effective FromList PriceEffective ToAdditional InformationCreated ModifiedDescription Fund Request Page ChannelKey Fund Request InformationManager LayoutRequest IdOpportunityFund Request Name Opportunity AccountFundDue DateTypeFund Request CurrencyStatusOracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management 29Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 30. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Channel Manager Role Table 10. Field Layouts for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts Page LayoutPage Section LayoutPreapproval InformationPre-Approval ReqBegin DateGranted End DatePre-Approval DateClaim InformationClaim Req.Request DateApprovedClaim Decision DateAdditional InformationOwner Channel ManagerOwner Account Approver Lead Page Channel ManagerKey Lead InformationLayoutMr. MsPrimary Phone #First NameCellular PhoneLast Name Work Fax #Company EmailJob Title Never EmailCreated ExternalModified ExternalOpportunity Related Information StatusLead CurrencyRatingSourceProduct InterestCampaignPotential Revenue IndustryEstimated Close DateAnnual RevenuesNext Step Number of EmployeesOwner InformationOwner Full Name Owner AccountOwnership StatusChannel ManagerReassign OwnerSales PersonAdditional InformationAssociated AccountBilling 30 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 31. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Channel Manager Role Table 10. Field Layouts for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts Page LayoutPage Section LayoutAssociated ContactWebsiteAssociated Opportunity Opportunity Page Channel Key Opportunity InformationManager LayoutOpportunity NameRevenueAccount Partner ProgramSales Stage Close DateNext Step ForecastRegistration Status Opportunity CurrencyApproval Status TerritorySales Detail InformationStatusProbability%PriorityExpected RevenueLead Source Source CampaignOpportunity TypeReason Won/LostProduct InterestRegistration InformationRegistration Status Registration ExpiresRegistered PartnerRegistered Partner Location Owner InformationOwner Owner AccountOwnership StatusReassign OpportunityApproverChannel Account ManagerAdditional InformationModified By:Modified: Date ExternalCreated By: Created: User Page Channel ManagerLayout Partner Page Channel Key Partner InformationManager LayoutPartner NameMain Phone #Primary Partner TypeMain Fax # Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management 31Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 32. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Channel Manager Role Table 10. Field Layouts for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts Page LayoutPage Section LayoutLocationWeb SitePartner Organization Status Price ListMaximum Number of UsersNumber of Active UsersProfile InformationDescriptionAdditional Company ProfileBilling ShippingCompany IdentifierExpertiseAnnual Revenues RegionNumber of Employees Partner CurrencyIndustryAdditional InformationCreated Modified ExternalOwner Channel Account ManagerOwner Partner Account Principal Partner AccountOriginating Partner Account Solution Page ChannelSolution Detail Information:Manager Solution ID Status Title PublishedProduct Publish to PRM UsersProduct CategoryExternally PublishedSolution Rating Service Request CountNumber of Ratings Created ExternalModified External NOTE: The Effective From date on the Price List Line Item page layout does not automatically default to the Effective From date of the associated Price List. The ability to default the Effective From date can be provided though through configuration. 32Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 33. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Channel Manager Role Fields in the Registration Information section under the Opportunity Page Channel Manager Layout will be populated only if you use the Deal Registration record type to manage your deal registrations. These fields will NOT be populated if you continue to use Opportunity record type to track and manage your deal registrations. In such cases, you can safely remove the Registration Information section from the layout. Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management 33 Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 34. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Channel Manager Role Related Information Sections for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts Table 11 shows the related information sections that company administrators typically expose (that is, move to the Displayed Information section) in the page layouts for the Channel Manager role. Table 11. Related Item Information sections for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts Page LayoutDisplayed Information Fund Request Page Channel Manager Layout AttachmentsNotesOpen ActivitiesCompleted Activities MDF Request Page Channel Manager LayoutActivitiesBooksMDF Request Teams Deal Registration Page Channel Manager Deal Registration TeamsLayoutSpecial Pricing RequestsActivitiesDeal Registration Product Revenues Special Pricing Request Page Channel Special Pricing ProductsManager LayoutActivities BooksSpecial Pricing Request Teams Special Pricing Product Page Channel NoneManager Layout Price List Page Channel Manager Layout Price List Line Items Price List Line Item Page Channel ManagerNoneLayout Product Page Channel Manager LayoutPrice List Line Items Applications Page Channel Manager Layout Activities Application TeamsBooks Partner Page Channel Manager LayoutPartner Type 34 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 35. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Channel Manager Role Table 11. Related Item Information sections for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts Page Layout Displayed Information Partner Relationships Partner User Roles Addresses Applications Deal Registrations (as Appropriate) Lead (As appropriate) MDF Requests (As appropriate) Special Pricing Requests (As appropriate) Notes Books Partner Organization Books Lead Page Channel Manager LayoutLead Partners Open Activities Completed Activities Attachments Lead Qualification Scripts Opportunity Page Channel Manager Layout Opportunity Partners Leads Opportunity TeamContacts Product Revenues Notes Open Activities Completed Activities Opportunity Competitors Attachments Books Deal Registrations (As appropriate) Special Pricing Requests (As appropriate) Audit Trail Solution Page Channel Manager LayoutRelated Solutions Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management35Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 36. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 11. Related Item Information sections for the Channel Manager Role Page Layouts Page LayoutDisplayed InformationService RequestsAttachments NOTE: The Standard Related Items Layout for Price List Line Items that is provided preconfigured should not be used for the Product Page Channel Manager Layout. A new Related Items Layout with name Product Price List Layout should be defined for Price List Line Items on the Product record type and the following fields should be added to it: Price List Name, Price Type, List Price, Currency, Effective From, Effective To, Price List: Status. This new Related Items Layout should be selected on the Product Page Channel Manager Layout for Price List Line Items.Page Layout Configurations for the Partner Sales Rep Role This section describes the page layout modifications that are suggested for the Partner Sales Rep role. It contains the following sections:Page Layouts for the Partner Sales Rep Role on page 36Page Sections for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts on page 37Field Layouts for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts on page 38Related Information Sections for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts on page 44 Page Layouts for the Partner Sales Rep Role Some of the suggested page layouts for the Partner Sales Rep role are copies of the page layouts for the Channel Manager role. You must complete the configuration of the page layouts for the Channel Manager role before you copy the layouts for use in the Partner Sales Rep role.Table 12 shows the page layouts that company administrators typically set up for the Partner Sale Rep role. Table 12. Page Layouts for the Partner Sales Rep Role Record TypeCopyRename to Fund Fund Page Standard Layout Fund Page Partner Sales Rep Layout Fund Request Fund Request Page Standard Layout Fund Request Page Partner Sales Rep Layout LeadsLead Page Channel Manager LayoutLead Page Partner Sales Rep Layout 36 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 37. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 12. Page Layouts for the Partner Sales Rep Role Record Type CopyRename to Opportunity Opportunity Page Channel ManagerOpportunity Page Partner Sales RepLayoutLayout Partner Partner Program Page Standard Partner Program Page Partner Sales RepProgram LayoutLayout SolutionSolution Page Channel Manager Solution Page Partner Sales Rep LayoutLayout DealDeal Registration Page Standard Deal Registration Page Partner SalesRegistrationLayoutRep Layout MDF Request MDF Request Page Standard LayoutMDF Request Page Partner Sales RepLayout Special Pricing Special Pricing Request PageSpecial Pricing Request Partner SalesRequest Standard Layout Rep Layout Special Pricing Special Pricing Product Page Standard Special Pricing Product Partner SalesProduct LayoutRep Layout Page Sections for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts The suggested page sections for the Partner Sales Rep role are the same as the page sections for the Channel Manager role. When you create the page layouts for Partner Sales Rep Page role by copying the page layouts for the Channel Manager role, you do not need to configure any additional sections for the page layouts for the Partner Sales Rep role. Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management 37 Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 38. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Partner Sales Rep Role Field Layouts for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts Table 13 shows the field layouts that company administrators typically set up for page layouts for the Partner Sales Rep role. It is recommended that you change the fields that are preceded by an asterisk (*) to be read-only fields (in the field setup section of the wizard). It is recommended that all other fields that are read only by default remain as read-only fields. Table 13. Field Layouts for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts Page LayoutPage Section Layout MDF RequestKey MDF Request InformationRequest IDCampaignRequest NameMarketing PurposePrincipal Partner Account RegionFundCategorySubmission Status Partner ProgramDue DateMDF Request Currency* Expiration DateMDF Request Detail InformationStart Date* Request DateEnd Date* Submitted DateAmount Requested* Pre-Approval Date* Amount PreApproved* Approver * Approval Status * Last Approved By* Reason CodeClaim InformationTotal Claim AmountClaim Status Requested* Total Claim Amount* Claim Decision Date ApprovedAdditional InformationOwner Owner Partner Account ModifiedDescription Deal RegistrationDeal Registration Key Information 38Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 39. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 13. Field Layouts for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts Page Layout Page Section Layout Name ID Type Principal Partner Submission StatusPrincipal Partner Location Expiration DatePartner Program Special Price Reqd.Support Reqd. Opportunity Information Associated Opportunity Close Date New OpportunityProduct Interest Currency Next Step Deal Size Customer Information Associated CustomerAssociated Contact New Customer New Contact Company Name Mr./Ms. CountryFirst Name Address 1Middle Name Address 2Last Name City Job Title Province EmailPost CodeTelephone #Cell PhoneFax Approval Information * Approval StatusSubmitted Date * Current Approver Approved Date Final Approver * Reject Reason Additional Information OwnerCreated Owner Partner AccountModified Originating Partner Account DescriptionOracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management 39 Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 40. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 13. Field Layouts for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts Page Layout Page Section Layout Special Pricing Request Key Special Pricing Request Information Request ID Opportunity Request Name End Customer Principal Partner AccountOriginating Partner Account Submission StatusDeal Registration Due Date Partner ProgramCurrency Special Pricing Request Detail Information Start Date * Request Date End Date * Submitted Date Total Amount Requested * Authorized Date * Total Amount Authorized* Approver * Approval Status* Last Approved By* Reason Code Claim Information Total Claim Amount Claim StatusRequested * Total Claim Amount * Claim Decision DateApproved Additional InformationOwnerOwner Partner Account Modified Description Special Pricing Product Key Product Information ProductProduct: Part # Product: Product CategoryProduct: Type Quantity Product: Status Currency * MSRP Special Pricing Request Detail Information Purchase CostRequested Amount Requested Cost Requested Discount Percent 40 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 41. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 13. Field Layouts for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts Page Layout Page Section Layout Requested Resale Price Authorized Amount * Authorized CostAuthorized Discount Percent * Suggested Resale Price Special Pricing Request Justification Competitor NameCompetitive Partner Competitor Product Other Competitive Information Competitor Product Price Additional Information CreatedModified Description Fund Page Partner Sales Rep Key Fund InformationLayout Fund ID* Type * Fund Name* Fund Currency * Status * Start Date * Allow Negative Balance * End Date Additional Information Owner ModifiedFund Request Page Partner Key Fund Request InformationSales Rep Layout Request ID Opportunity Fund Request NameOpportunity Account Fund Due Date Type Fund Request Currency Status Preapproval Information Pre-Approval Req * Begin Date * Granted* End Date * Pre-Approval Date Claim Information Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management41 Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 42. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 13. Field Layouts for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts Page Layout Page Section Layout Claim Req. Request Date * Approved * Claim Decision Date Additional Information OwnerChannel Manager Owner Account* Approver Lead Page Partner Sales Rep Key Lead Information Mr. Ms.Primary Phone # First Name Cellular Phone Last NameWork Fax # CompanyEmail Job TitleNever Email Created External Modified External Lead Convert Opportunity Related Information Status Lead Currency Rating Source Product Interest Campaign Potential RevenueIndustry Estimated Close Date Annual RevenuesNext StepNumber of Employees Owner Information Owner Full NameOwner Account Ownership Status Channel Manager Reassign Owner Sales Person Additional Information Associated Account Billing Associated Contact Web Site Associated Opportunity Opportunity Page PartnerKey Opportunity InformationSales Rep Layout Opportunity Name Revenue 42 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 43. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 13. Field Layouts for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts Page Layout Page Section Layout AccountPartner Program Sales StageClose Date Next StepForecast Registration StatusOpportunity Currency * Approval StatusTerritory Sales Detail Information Status Probability% Priority Expected Revenue Lead SourceSource Campaign Opportunity Type Reason Won/Lost Product Interest Owner Information OwnerOwner Account * Ownership Status Reassign Opportunity * Approver Channel Account Manager Additional Information Modified ByModified: Date External Created By:Created: Partner Program PageKey Partner Program InformationPartner Sales Rep Layout * Partner Program name * MDF Allowed * Status * Special Pricing Allowed * Begin Date * Deal Registration Allowed * End Date Program Details * Description Additional Information CreatedModified Owner Full Name Solution Page Partner Sales Solution Detail InformationRep Layout Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management43 Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 44. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 13. Field Layouts for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts Page Layout Page Section Layout Solution IDPublished TitleSolution Rating ProductCreated External Status Modified External NOTE: For multi-channel scenarios the page layout for the Partner Sales Rep for Special Pricing Requests and Special Pricing Products may need further customizations, depending on the visibility requirements. Related Information Sections for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layouts Table 14 shows the related information sections that company administrators typically expose (that is, move to the Displayed Information section) in the page layouts for the Partner Sales Rep role. Table 14. Related Information for the Partner Sales Rep Page Role Page Layouts Page LayoutDisplayed Information Deal Registration Page Partner Sales Rep LayoutDeal Registration Product RevenuesSpecial Pricing RequestsDeal Registration TeamsActivitiesFund Request Page Partner Sales Rep Layout AttachmentsNotesOpen ActivitiesCompleted ActivitiesAudit Trail MDF Request Page Partner Sales Rep LayoutActivitiesBooksMDF Request Teams 44 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 45. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Page Layout Configurations for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 14. Related Information for the Partner Sales Rep Page Role Page Layouts Page Layout Displayed Information Special Pricing Request Page Partner Sales RepSpecial Pricing ProductsLayoutActivities Books Special Pricing Request Teams Special Pricing Product Page Partner Sales RepNoneLayout Application Page Partner Sales Rep Layout None Fund Page Partner LayoutFund Requests (as appropriate) Fund Request Page Partner Sales Rep LayoutAttachments Notes Open Activities Closed Activities Audit Trail Lead Page Partner Sales Rep LayoutLead Partners Open Activities Completed Activities Attachments Lead Qualification Scripts Opportunity Page Partner Sales Rep Layout Opportunity PartnersLeads Opportunity Team Contacts Product Revenues Notes Open Activities Completed Activities Opportunity Competitors Audit Trail Books Deal Registrations (as appropriate) Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management 45 Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 46. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Setting Up Access Profiles for Partner Roles Table 14.Related Information for the Partner Sales Rep Page Role Page Layouts Page LayoutDisplayed InformationSpecial Pricing Requests (as appropriate) Solution Page Partner Sales Rep Layout AttachmentsSetting Up Access Profiles for Partner Roles You must set up two profiles for each partner role. The profiles are:Default access profile. This access profile sets the access levels for records not owned by theuser (or by the user's group).Owner access profile. This access profile sets the access levels for the records owned by theuser, by the user's group, or by someone who reports to the user (if manager visibility isenabled).Complete the steps in the following procedure for each required access profile. This task is a step in Roadmap for Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management on page 19.To set up the default access and owner access profiles for a partner role 1In Oracle CRM On Demand, click the Admin link, and navigate to User Management and AccessControls, Access Profiles view.2Click the Copy link on the appropriate profile, as follows: If you are setting up a default access profile, click the Copy link on a default access profilethat is similar to the one you want to set up. If you are setting up an owner access profile, click the Copy link on an owner access profilethat is similar to the one you want to set up. For information about which profiles you might copy for the new page layouts, see the followingsections: Refer to Access Profiles for the Channel Manager Role on page 47 for details of typical accessprofiles for the Channel Manager role. Refer to Access Profiles for the Partner Sales Rep Role on page 48 for details of typical accessprofiles for the Partner Sales Rep role.3In Step 1 of the Access Profile wizard, enter a name for the access profile. For example, enter Partner Sales Rep Default Access Profile or Partner Sales Rep Owner AccessProfile.4Go to Step 2 (Specify Access Levels), and change the access settings for the top-level profile andthe related information settings for the role, as necessary. 46 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 47. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Access Profile Settings for the Channel Manager Role Refer to Access Levels for the Channel Manager Role on page 47 for information about typical access settings for the Channel Manager role. Refer to Access Levels for the Partner Sales Rep Role on page 48 for details of typical access settings for the Partner Sales Rep role. 5 Click Finish.Access Profile Settings for the Channel Manager Role This section describes the access profile settings that are suggested for the Channel Manager role. It contains the following sections: Access Profiles for the Channel Manager Role on page 47 Access Levels for the Channel Manager Role on page 47 Access Profiles for the Channel Manager Role For the Channel Manager role, you create a copy of the access profiles used for the PRM Administrator role.Table 15 shows the names of the access profiles that PRM administrators typically configure for the Channel Manager Role. Table 15. Access Profiles for the Channel Manage Role Copy Name of New Access Profile PRM Administrator Default Access Profile Channel Manager Default Access ProfilePRM Administrator Owner Access Profile Channel Manager Owner Access Profile Access Levels for the Channel Manager Role You do not need to change any of the settings in the new Channel Manager access profiles (copied from the PRM Administrator access profiles), unless your company has a requirement to change the settings.Access Profile Settings for the Partner Sales Rep Role This section describes the access profile settings that are suggested for the Partner Sales Rep role. It contains the following sections:Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management47 Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 48. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Access Profile Settings for the Partner Sales Rep Role Access Profiles for the Partner Sales Rep Role on page 48Access Levels for the Partner Sales Rep Role on page 48 Access Profiles for the Partner Sales Rep Role For the Partner Sales Rep role, you create a copy of the access profiles used for the Field Sales Rep role. Table 16 shows the names of the access profiles that PRM administrators typically configure for the Partner Sales Rep role. Table 16. Access Profiles for the Partner Sales Rep Role CopyName of New Access Profile Field Sales Rep Default Access ProfilePartner Sales Rep Default Access Profile Field Sales Rep Owner Access ProfilePartner Sales Rep Owner Access Profile Access Levels for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 17 shows the access levels for the top-level profile that PRM administrators typically configure for the Partner Sales Rep role. Table 17. Access Levels for Top-Level Profiles for the Partner Sales Rep Role Record TypeDefault AccessOwner Access Activity ViewView BooksRead-Only Read-OnlyCampaign Read-Only Read-Only ContactRead-Only Read/Edit/Delete Forecast Read-Only Read/Edit Fund Read-Only Read-Only Fund Request Read-Only Read/Edit/Delete Deal RegistrationRead-Only Read/Edit/Delete Deal Registration Product RevenueRead-Only Read/Edit/Delete MDF RequestRead-Only Read/Edit/Delete Special Pricing RequestRead-Only Read/Edit/Delete Special Pricing ProductRead-Only Read/Edit/Delete Lead Read/Edit Read/Edit/Delete OpportunityRead/Edit Read/Edit/Delete48 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 49. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Access Profile Settings for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 17. Access Levels for Top-Level Profiles for the Partner Sales Rep Role Record Type Default Access Owner Access Partner Read-OnlyRead-Only Partner Program Read-OnlyRead-Only Partner Program MembershipRead-OnlyRead-Only Service Request Read/EditRead/Edit/Delete SolutionRead-OnlyRead-Only To set the access levels for the related items, click the Related Information link next to a record type. Table 18 shows the access levels for the related information items that PRM administrators typically configure for the Partner Sales Rep role.Table 18. Access Levels for Related Information Partner Sales Rep Role DefaultRecord Type Related Information Access Owner Access FundActivitiesView View FundAttachments No AccessNo Access FundAudit Trail No AccessNo Access FundBooks No AccessNo Access FundCredits No AccessNo Access FundCustom Objects (All)No AccessNo Access FundDebitsNo AccessNo AccessFundFund RequestNo AccessNo Access FundNotes No AccessNo Access FundParticipantsNo AccessNo Access FundPartner No AccessNo Access Fund RequestAttachments Full Full Fund RequestAudit Trail Read OnlyRead Only Fund RequestCompleted ActivitiesView View Fund RequestCustom Objects (All)No AccessNo Access Fund RequestNotes Full Full Fund RequestOpen Activities View View FundMDF RequestsNo AccessNo Access FundSpecial Pricing RequestsNo AccessNo AccessOracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management49 Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 50. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Access Profile Settings for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 18. Access Levels for Related Information Partner Sales Rep Role DefaultRecord Type Related Information AccessOwner Access MDF Request ActivitiesViewView MDF Request Books Read Only Read Only MDF Request MDF Request Teams Read Only Full MDF Request Custom Objects (All)No Access No Access Deal Registration Deal Registration Product Read Only FullRevenues Deal Registration Special Pricing RequestsViewFull Deal Registration ActivitiesViewView Deal Registration Custom Objects (All)No Access No Access Special Pricing Request ActivitiesViewRead Only Special Pricing Request Books Read Only Read Only Special Pricing Request Partner Special Pricing No Access No AccessRequest Special Pricing Request Special Pricing ProductsRead Only Full Special Pricing Request Special Pricing Request Read Only FullTeams Special Pricing Request Custom Objects (All)No Access No Access LeadAttachmentFullFull LeadBooks No Access No AccessLeadCompleted ActivitiesViewView LeadLead Assessment No Access No Access LeadOpen Activities ViewView LeadPartner FullFull Opportunity Deal RegistrationsViewFull Opportunity Special Pricing RequestsViewView Opportunity Attachments FullFull Opportunity Audit Trail Read Only Read Only Opportunity Books Read Only Read Only Opportunity Completed ActivitiesViewView Opportunity ContactsFullFull Opportunity Custom Objects (All)No Access No Access 50Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 51. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Access Profile Settings for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 18. Access Levels for Related Information Partner Sales Rep Role DefaultRecord Type Related Information AccessOwner Access Opportunity Leads FullFull Opportunity Notes FullFull Opportunity Open Activities ViewView Opportunity Opportunity AssessmentNo Access No Access Opportunity Opportunity Competitors FullFull Opportunity Opportunity PartnersFullFull Opportunity Opportunity TeamFullFull Opportunity Opportunity RevenuesFullFull Partner Account No Access No Access Partner Accounts [Partner No Access No AccessAccount Originatingpartner] Partner Addresses No Access No Access Partner ApplicationsNo Access No Access Partner Attachments No Access No Access Partner Books No Access No Access Partner Completed ActivitiesNo Access No Access Partner ContactsNo Access No Access Partner Custom Objects 01 No Access No AccessPartner Custom Objects 02 No Access No Access Partner Custom Objects 03 No Access No Access Partner Deal RegistrationsNo Access No Access(Principal Partner) Partner Deal Registrations (Owner No Access No AccessPartner) Partner Deal RegistrationsNo Access No Access(Originating Partner) Partner FundNo Access No Access Partner Fund Requests No Access No Access Partner Fund Requests (OwnerNo Access No AccessPartner) Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management51 Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 52. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Access Profile Settings for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 18. Access Levels for Related Information Partner Sales Rep RoleDefaultRecord Type Related InformationAccessOwner Access Partner Fund requests (Principal No Access No AccessPartner) Partner Lead No Access No Access Partner Leads (Originating No Access No AccessPartner) Partner Leads (Owner partner)No Access No Access Partner MDF Requests No Access No Access Partner MDF Requests No Access No Access(Originating Partner) Partner MDF requests (PrincipalNo Access No AccessPartner) Partner NotesNo Access No Access Partner Open ActivitiesNo Access No Access Partner OpportunitiesNo Access No Access Partner Opportunities (Owner No Access No AccessPartner) Partner Opportunities (Origination No Access No AccessPartners) Partner Partner Organization No Access No AccessBooks Partner Partner RelationshipsNo Access No AccessPartner Partner Special PricingNo Access No AccessRequests Partner Partner Team No Access No Access Partner Partner TypesNo Access No Access Partner Partners No Access No Access Partner Policies No Access No Access Partner Program MembershipsNo Access No Access Partner Special Pricing Requests No Access No Access Partner Special Pricing Requests No Access No Access(Owner Partner) Partner Special Pricing Requests No Access No Access(Principal partners) 52 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 53. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Creating Partner Roles Table 18. Access Levels for Related Information Partner Sales Rep RoleDefaultRecord TypeRelated Information Access Owner Access Partner Program Membership AttachmentRead OnlyRead Only ProgramOpportunity No AccessNo Access ProgramBooks No AccessNo Access ProgramProgram MembershipNo AccessNo Access ProgramFund Requests No AccessNo Access ProgramMDF RequestsNo AccessNo Access ProgramSpecial Pricing RequestsNo AccessNo Access ProgramDeal RegistrationsNo AccessNo Access Solution Attachments Full Full Solution Custom Objects (All)No AccessNo Access Solution Related Solutions Full Full Solution Service RequestsFull Full Solution Solution ProductView View ApplicationActivitiesNo AccessNo Access ApplicationApplication Teams No AccessNo Access ApplicationBooks No AccessNo AccessCreating Partner Roles Complete the steps in the following procedures to create a partner role. This task is a step in Roadmap for Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management on page 19.To create a partner role 1 In Oracle CRM On Demand, click Admin, and navigate to User Management and Access Controls, Role Management view.2 Click the Copy link on an existing role that is similar to the role you want to create.For example: To create the Channel Manager role, copy the PRM Administrator role. To create the Partner Sales Rep role, copy the Field Sales Rep role.The Role Management wizard opens.3 In Step 1 of the wizard, enter the role name (for example, Channel Manager) and a description.4 In Step 2 of the wizard (Record Type Access) adjust the settings for the role as necessary. Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management53 Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 54. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Creating Partner Roles Refer to Record Type Access for the Channel Manager Role on page 55 for information abouttypical access settings for the Channel Manager role. Refer to Record Type Access for the Partner Sales Rep Role on page 58 for details of typicalaccess settings for the Partner Sales Rep role.5In the wizard, go to Step 3 (Access Profiles), and select the access profiles that you createdearlier for the role.6In the wizard, go to Step 4 (Privileges), and adjust the settings for the role, as necessary. Refer to Privileges for the Channel Manager Role on page 55 for details of typical privilegesettings for the Channel Manager role. Refer to Privileges for the Partner Sales Rep Role on page 59 for details of typical privilegesettings for the Partner Sales Rep role. 7In the wizard, go to Step 5 (Tab Access & Order), and adjust the settings for the role as needed. Refer to Tab Access and Order for the Channel Manager Role on page 56 for information abouttypical tab settings for the Channel Manager role. Refer to Tab Access and Order for the Partner Sales Rep Role on page 60 for details of typicaltab settings for the Partner Sales Rep role.8In the wizard, go to Step 6 (Page Layout Assignment), and assign a page layout to each recordtype. Refer to Page Layout Assignment for the Channel Manager Role on page 57 for details of typicalpage layout assignments for the Channel Manager role. Refer to Page Layout Assignment for the Partner Sales Rep Role on page 60 for details of typicalpage layout assignments for the Partner Sales Rep role.9In the wizard, go to Step 7 (Search Layout Assignment), and assign a search layout to eachrecord type. For information about setting up search layouts, see Oracle CRM On Demand OnlineHelp.10 In the wizard, go to Step 8 (Homepage Layout Assignment), and assign a homepage layout foreach record type. For information about setting up homepage layouts, see Oracle CRM OnDemand Online Help.11 Click Finish. 54 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 55. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Role Settings for the Channel Manager Role Access Profiles for the Partner Administrator Role To create the Partner Administrator role, you create a copy of the access profiles used for the Partner Sales Rep role. Table 19 shows the names of the access profiles that PRM administrators typically configure for the Partner Administrator role. Table 19. Access profile names for the Partner Administrator role Access profile to copy New access profile name Partner Sales Rep Default Access Profile Partner Administrator Default Access profile Partner Sales Rep Owner Access Profile Partner Administrator Owner Access profileRole Settings for the Channel Manager Role This section describes typical role settings for the Channel Manager role. It contains the following sections: Record Type Access for the Channel Manager Role on page 55 Privileges for the Channel Manager Role on page 55 Tab Access and Order for the Channel Manager Role on page 56 Page Layout Assignment for the Channel Manager Role on page 57 Record Type Access for the Channel Manager Role You do not need to change any of the settings in the record type access for the Channel Manager role (copied from the PRM Administrator role), unless your company has a requirement to change the settings. Privileges for the Channel Manager Role The Channel Manager role is copied from the PRM Administrator role, and therefore the Channel Manager role initially has the same privileges as the PRM Administrator role. For the Channel Manager role, company administrators typically change some of the privilege settings. Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management55 Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 56. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Role Settings for the Channel Manager Role Table 20 shows the privilege settings that company administrators typically change for the Channel Manager role.CAUTION: Do not alter the settings for other privileges on the role (copied from the PRM Administrator role) unless it is a requirement for your company. Table 20. Privileges for the Channel Manager Role Category Privilege Assign Customization: DataCustomize Application - Manage Custom Not Selected Object 01 Customization: DataCustomize Application - Manage Custom Not Selected Object 02 Customization: DataCustomize Application - Manage Custom Not Selected Object 03 Customization: DataCustomize Application - Manage Custom Not Selected Object 04-10 Customization: DataCustomize Application - Manage Custom Not Selected Object 11- 15 Customization: LayoutCustomize Application - Manage DynamicNot Selected Layouts Customization: LayoutCustomize Application - Manage Homepage Not Selected Customization CustomizationCustomize Application Not Selected PRMConvert Deal RegistrationsSelected Tab Access and Order for the Channel Manager Role You do not need to change any of the settings in the tab access and order for the Channel Manager role (copied from the PRM Administrator role), unless your company has a requirement to change the settings. 56 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 57. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Role Settings for the Partner Sales Rep Role Page Layout Assignment for the Channel Manager Role Table 21 shows the page layout assignments that company administrators typically configure for the Channel Manager role. Table 21. Page Layout Assignments for the Channel Manager Role Record Type Page Layout Name Fund RequestFund Request Page Channel ManagerLayout LeadLead Page Channel Manager Layout Opportunity Opportunity Page Channel Manager Layout SolutionSolution Page Channel Manager Layout Deal Registration Deal Registration Page Channel ManagerLayout FundFund Page Channel Manager Layout MDF Request MDF Request Page Channel ManagerLayout Special Pricing Special Pricing Request Page ChannelRequest Manager Layout Special Pricing Product Special Pricing Product Page ChannelManager Layout Price ListPrice List Page Channel Manager Layout Price List Line ItemPrice List Line Item Page Channel ManagerLayout Application Application Page Channel Manager Layout Partner Partner Page Channel Manager LayoutRole Settings for the Partner Sales Rep Role This section describes typical role settings for the Partner Sales Rep role. It includes the following: Record Type Access for the Partner Sales Rep Role on page 58 Privileges for the Partner Sales Rep Role on page 59 Tab Access and Order for the Partner Sales Rep Role on page 60 Page Layout Assignment for the Partner Sales Rep Role on page 60Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management 57Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 58. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Role Settings for the Partner Sales Rep Role Record Type Access for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 22 shows the PRM-related record type access that company administrators typically configure for the Partner Sales Rep role. Table 22. Record Type Access for the Partner Sales Rep RoleCan Read AllRecord TypeHas AccessCan Createrecords AccountSelectedNot selectedNot selected Activity SelectedSelectedNot selected Assessment SelectedSelectedNot selected AssetSelectedNot selectedNot selected BooksSelectedNot selectedNot selected Campaign SelectedNot selectedNot selected ContactSelectedSelectedNot selected Forecast SelectedSelectedNot selected Fund SelectedNot selectedNot selected Fund Request SelectedSelectedNot selected Deal RegistrationSelectedSelectedNot selected Deal Registration ProduceSelectedSelectedNot SelectedRevenue MDF RequestSelectedSelectedNot selected Special Pricing RequestSelectedSelectedNot selectedSpecial Pricing ProductSelectedSelectedNot selected Partner Special PricingNot selectedNot selectedNot selectedRequest HouseholdNot selectedNot selectedNot selected Lead SelectedSelectedNot selected OpportunitySelectedSelectedNot selected PartnerSelectedNot selectedNot selected Partner programSelectedNot selectedNot selected Partner Program Membership SelectedNot selectedNot selectedService RequestSelectedSelectedNot selected Solution SelectedNot selectedSelected Applications Not selectedNot selectedNot selected58 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 59. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Role Settings for the Partner Sales Rep Role Privileges for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 23 shows the PRM-related privilege settings that company administrators typically configure for the Partner Sales Rep role. Table 23.Privileges for the Partner Sales Rep Role Category PrivilegeAssign AnalyticsAccess Analytics DashboardsSelected AnalyticsAccess Analytics Reports Selected AnalyticsAccess Analytics Reports View Prebuilt AnalysisSelected CRM:MarketingArchive LeadsSelected CRM:MarketingConvert LeadsSelected CRM:MarketingPartner OfferingsSelected CRM:MarketingQualify LeadsSelected CRM:MarketingReject Leads Selected CRM:Partners Manage Fund Requests AccessSelected CRM:Partners Manage Fund Access Selected CRMShare Calendar Selected Customization:Layout Personalize HomepagesSelected Data Management: ExportList ExportSelected Data ManagementMass UpdateSelected Desktop/Mobile Enable Offline AccessSelectedDesktop/Mobile Enable PIM Sync Access Selected Desktop/Mobile Outlook/Notes Email IntegrationSelected Integration:WidgetsEmbed CRRM OnDemand WidgetsSelected My Setup Reset Personal PasswordSelected PRMManage PRM Books and WFSelected PRMConvert Deal Registrations Not Selected PRMManage PRM AccessNot SelectedOracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management59Configuration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 60. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management Role Settings for the Partner Sales Rep Role Tab Access and Order for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 24 shows the tab access and order settings that company administrators typically configure for the Partner Sales Rep role.Table 24. Tab Access and Order for the Partner Sales Rep Role Tab Move to HomepageSelected Tabs CalendarSelected Tabs Leads Selected Tabs Opportunity Selected Tabs FundSelected Tabs SolutionSelected Tabs Partner Program Selected Tabs Partner Not Selected Deal RegistrationsSelected Tabs SP Requests Selected Tabs MDF RequestsSelected Tabs ApplicationsSelected Tabs Page Layout Assignment for the Partner Sales Rep Role Table 25 shows the page layout assignments that company administrators typically configure for the Partner Sales Rep role. Table 25. Page Layout Assignment for the Partner Sales Rep role. Record TypePage Layout Name Fund Fund Page Partner Sales Rep Layout Fund Request Fund Request Page Partner Sales Rep Layout Lead Lead Page Partner Sales Rep Layout OpportunityOpportunity Page Partner Sales Rep Layout Opportunity Product RevenueOpportunity Product Revenue Page Standard LayoutProductProduct Page Standard Layout Partner ProgramPartner Program Page Partner Sales Rep Layout Solution Solution Page Partner Sales Rep Page Layout 60 Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship ManagementConfiguration Guide Release 17 Rev. A 61. Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand for Partner Relationship Management AddingPartner Users Table 25. Page Layout Assignment for the Partner Sales Rep role. Record Type Page Layout Name TaskTask Page Standard Layout Deal Registration Deal Registration Page Partner Sales Rep Layout MDF Request MDF Request Page Sales Rep Layout Special Pricing Request Special Pricing Request Page Sales Rep Layout Special Pricing Product Special Pricing Product Page Sales Rep Layout Privileges for the Partner Administrator Role Table 26 shows the PRM-related privilege settings that company administrators typically configure for the Partner Administrator role. Table 26. Privileges for the Partner Administrator Role Category PrivilegeAssign PRMManage Users within the P