operational manual of xjtlu fee payment platform manual of xjtlu fee pay… · please note that it...

Operational manual of XJTLU Fee Payment Platform 西交利物浦大学收费平台操作说明 Local Masters Applicants are required to login to “XJTLU Fee Payment Platform” to pay deposit and PSE fees. 研究生申请人(国内)须登录西交利物浦大学收费平台支付定金或语言班费用。 Contents: Part A. About login the platform 关于平台登录 Part B. About fee payment 关于费用支付 Part C. How to do when forget password 忘记密码的操作 Part D. Other notes 其他事项 Part A. About login the platform 关于平台登录 1The entrance of the platform 平台入口 Website 平台网址: http://szzx.fw135.com:8003/Home/item/133 It firstly goes to the home page (guidance page) of the platform. Please read the announcements and the notes carefully. 首先进入平台主页(引导页面),请阅读相关通知公告和注意事项。 2User login 用户登录 Please use Application Number: as the login account and the initial password is “111111”. 请用申请号作为“用户名”登录,初始密码为“111111”

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Post on 15-Feb-2021




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  • Operational manual of XJTLU Fee Payment Platform


    Local Masters Applicants are required to login to “XJTLU Fee Payment Platform” to pay deposit and PSE fees.



    Part A. About login the platform 关于平台登录

    Part B. About fee payment 关于费用支付

    Part C. How to do when forget password 忘记密码的操作

    Part D. Other notes 其他事项

    Part A. About login the platform 关于平台登录

    1.The entrance of the platform 平台入口

    Website 平台网址: http://szzx.fw135.com:8003/Home/item/133

    It firstly goes to the home page (guidance page) of the platform. Please read the announcements and the

    notes carefully.


    2.User login 用户登录

    Please use Application Number: as the login account and the initial password is “111111”.



  • 3. Student information verification 信息核对

    At the first time of login, student information verification is required. Please fill in the name and the

    email account(in lowercase letters) which registered in the Master Online Application System,then click

    “Check” to verify student information.



    4. Reset password 重置密码

    Then go straight to the function of Reset Password and please reset it for safety.


  • Part B. About fee payment 关于费用支付

    Please click the tag of “Waiting payment information”


    Find the payment item, then choose “Online Payment” or “Offline Payment”


    1. Online Payment 线上缴费

    There are three methods of online payment available in current stage: ShuangQian payment (E-bank

    payment platform), WeChat payment and Alipay payment.


    The payment limit information for above three method is available for reading in the tag of “Waiting

    Payment Information”.


  • Please click “Online Payment” to view and check the order information.


    If you prefer fully payment, please click the button of “Order Submission” to the next steps. If fully

    payment is unsuitable due to the payment limitations, you may split the payment up to five times.



    Split payment operation: Click the button of "Edit Amount", modify the amount in the field of “Payment

    Amount”, then click the button of "Order Submission" to pay. And to repeat the same operation until

    the payment of remaining amount is completed. However, at the 5th time of split payment, the amount

    will be automatically set as the remaining amount and editing is not allowed anymore. Please note that

    if the split payment order has not been paid successfully, the payment amount will be recovered for

    further operation.


    击“提交订单”进行支付。对尚未支付完成的部分,重复该项操作,如果分笔次数已达 5 次,最



  • Below please find the operation steps for each payment method:


    ①ShuangQian payment (E-bank payment platform)双乾支付(网银支付平台)

    Please click the chart of “Bank card and payment limit” first to view relevant information. There are

    kind reminders for 1) the payment limits indicated in the chart are transaction limitations set by the

    bank, however, personal payment amount setting of individual bank card will be effective as well in the

    transactions. 2) in current stage, only debit card is allowed for payment.




    Click the button of “Next step” to go to the E-bank platform for payment.


  • Please select the bank and click the button of “To Pay” to enter into this bank’s E-banking home page.

    Below example is for Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC). In case there are problems in

    online bank payment, please consult the customer service hotline of relevant bank.



    ②WeChat payment 微信支付

    Choose “WeChat payment” and click “Bank card and payment limit” to find the limitation details for

    WeChat payment.

    选择“微信支付”, 可先点击“查看银行支持限额”查看微信支付限额。

  • Then click the button of “Next Step” and find the QR code for the payment.


    ③Alipay payment 支付宝支付

    Choose “Alipay payment” and click “Bank card and payment limit” to find the limitation details for

    Alipay payment.

    选择“支付宝支付”, 可先点击“查看银行支持限额”查看支付宝支付限额。

  • Then click the button of “Next Step” and find the QR code for the payment.


    After the successful payment, you can find the record in “Paid Record”.


  • 2. Offline Payment 线下缴费

    “Offline Payment” means to transfer the fee to university’s account if you could not us the online

    payment method to pay the fees. Please Click the button of “Offline Payment” and read the notification

    to find the details. Please note that it is necessary to send the picture or scanned copy of bank slip to

    the mail box of [email protected] for the payment reconciliation.



    [email protected] 以便核对收款信息。

    mailto:[email protected]:请将银行回单照片或扫描件发送至学校邮箱:[email protected]:请将银行回单照片或扫描件发送至学校邮箱:[email protected]

  • After university received the fund of bank transfer successfully, we will change the payment status on

    the platform accordingly. The student may find related information in “Paid Record”.

    学校收到线下支付的款项后,会在 2-3 个工作日内更新平台信息,学生可以在“已缴费记录”中


    Part C. How to do when forget password 忘记密码的操作:

    If you forget the password, please fill in your Application Number firstly then click the button of “Forget

    Password” on the login page.

    如果你忘记了密码,请先在登录页面录入你的申请号 XJxxxx,再点击“忘记密码”。

  • Related email will be sent to your email account automatically, please click the link in the email to reset

    the password.


    Part D. Other notes 其他事项 In case there’s no operation for a long time, the platform website may jump to the following page.

    Below steps may help to return to the home page of the platform


    1) Click the icon of “XJTLU” under “International School and University”.


    2) Or fill in the Chinese name of XJTLU in the query box.
