operating instructions viscosity measuring unit viscoclock · operating instructions viscosity...

17 Operating Instructions Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock TA B L E 0 F CO NT E NT S PAGE 1 Properties and range of use of the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock 18 1.1 Description 19 Declaration of conformity , , 20 Technical data of the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock 21 1.2 Warning and safety information : 22 2 Unpacking , 23 3 Initial operation 24 3.1 Selection of the viscometer 24 3.2 Preparation of the sam pie 25 3.3 Insertion of the viscometer into the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock 25 3.4 Insertion of the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock into thethermostat bath , 26 3.5 Connecting the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock 26 3.6 Connecting the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock to a computer (P) or printer ~6 3.7 Preparing the Viscosity Measuring UnitViscoClock für measurement 27 3.8 Starting the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock , 28 3.9 Reading the flow time "..., ,., ,."." ,."",..,.., "..., 28 3.10 Switching the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock off , 28 3.11 Viscosity calculation ,.,..., ",.,.,.,.,.""",..,.., ,.,., ", 29 3.12 Evaluation example ~ 29 4 Maintenance , 30 4.1 Cleaning 30 4.2 Inspection 30 4.3 Repair 30 4.4 Disposal 30 5 Accessories and spare parts 31

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Page 1: Operating Instructions Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock · Operating Instructions Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock TA B L E 0 F CO NT E NT S PAGE 1 Properties and range of use


Operating Instructions Viscosity Measuring Unit



1 Properties and range of use of the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock 18

1.1 Description 19Declaration of conformity , , 20Technical data of the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock 21

1.2 Warning and safety information : 22

2 Unpacking , 23

3 Initial operation 24

3.1 Selection of the viscometer 243.2 Preparation of the sam pie 253.3 Insertion of the viscometer into the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock 253.4 Insertion of the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock into thethermostat bath , 263.5 Connecting the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock 263.6 Connecting the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock to a computer (P) or printer ~63.7 Preparing the Viscosity Measuring UnitViscoClock für measurement 273.8 Starting the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock , 283.9 Reading the flow time "..., ,., ,."." ,."",..,.., "..., 283.10 Switching the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock off , 283.11 Viscosity calculation ,.,..., ",.,.,.,.,.""",..,.., ,.,., ", 293.12 Evaluation example ~ 29

4 Maintenance , 30

4.1 Cleaning 304.2 Inspection 304.3 Repair 304.4 Disposal 30

5 Accessories and spare parts 31

Page 2: Operating Instructions Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock · Operating Instructions Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock TA B L E 0 F CO NT E NT S PAGE 1 Properties and range of use



1 Properties and range of use of the Viscosity Measuring Unit

ViscoClockThe Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock, an electronic, automatic flow-time meter, can be used in combinationwith a SCHOTT Ubbelohde, aMicro Ubbelohde and a Micro Ostwald viscometerforthe automatic measurementof the flow time of a liquid at temperatures from -40 °C up to ~ maximum of + 150 °C.

The Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock automatically measures the time which a liquid requires to flow fromthe upper to the lower measurement mark of the measurement bulb through the capillaries of a SCHOTTviscometer.

The accuracy of 0.01% of the measured flow time for the calculation of the kinematic (absolute) and relativeviscosity 1s indicated in terms of measuring incertainity with a reliability level of 95%.

The device can be used for any liquid for wh1ch the viscometer is suitable according to its operating instructions.

'" The relevant regulations regarding the handling of the substances used have to be observed: The~ decree on hazardous matters, the Chemicals Act and the rules and information of the chemicals trade.

For the measurement of the relative viscosity, all calibrated or uncalibrated DIN, ISO, ASTM, Micro Ubbelohdeand micro Oswald vis;cometers can be used.

For the determination of the kinematic (absolute) viscosity, only SCHOTT viscometers, calibrated for automaticmeasurements, can be used. As a principle, the measurement of the flow time should be performed in atransparent SCHOTT thermostat bath in which the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock is fixed by the manualmeasurement insert of the bath and which is suitable for the intended temperature range (product information:SCHOTT thermostats).

The following tempering liquids (tempering range: -40 to + 150 °C) are permitted (:> operating instructions forthe SCHOTT transparent thermostats):

-Water~ Alcohol-water (e.g. ethanol, methanol)

-Glycerine-Paraffin oil-Silicone oil


There is no experience on hand as to the use of the Viscosity Measuring UnitViscoClock for other purposesor for its use with other tempering liquids!

Misuse prohibitedThe Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock must not be used for other work than the above-mentioned. Themanufacturer will not be liable for damaged resulting from such use.

Requirements tor the user's stattThe Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock must only be used by authorized persons whose training or knowledgeand experience ensure proper operation of the device and who are informed about the dangers. It has to oeensured on the side of the user that the persons entrusted with the use of the Viscosity Measuring UnitViscoClock are experts in the handling of substances used in the environment and in the ViscoClock or thatthey are supervised by specialized persons, respectively.


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19 I

1.1 Description

The Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock automatically measures the f/ow time of a liquid in a SCHOTTviscometer to determine the relative and kinematic (absolute) viscosity.The time measured is the time which a liquid requires to f/ow tram the upper to the lower measurement markot the measurement bulb through the capillaries ot the viscometer. Measurement is done in a SCHOTT,thermostat bath (SCHOTT product information), e.g. transparent thermostats ot the CT 52 type series. Thethermostat change is done outside the thermostat bath.

The Viscosity Measuring Unit Vis~oClock consist ot a stand tor accommodating the viscometer and theelectronic measuring unit. The two measurement marks are integrated in the plastic stand (PPA). The electronic

Imeasuring unit is built into a polypropylene casing. Owing to the use ot heat-carrier liquids as bath media,colour changes may occur on the stand wh ich, however, do not affect the measurement accuracy.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

15 16






11D10 17

95 Centering prism tor positioning and holding the viscometer6 Stand

8 7 Lowermeasurementmark

8 Upper measurement mark9 Guidance plate tor viscometer centering

7 10 Fixing plate tor positioning and holding the viscometer

11 D Silicone plug tor tilling tube tor pushing operation11 S Silicone plug tor capillary tube in sucking operation

12 Handle plate13 Electronic measuring unit

6 14 5-digit LCD display in seconds

15 push button <START>16 Membrane rod tor closing and opening ot the venting tube17 Silicone membrane tor closing the venting tube -

18 RS-232-C socket tor connecting a printer or computer (PC)19 Socket tor mains jack plug20 TZ 1848 powersupply/230V-, 40/60 Hz

TZ 1859/115V-, with USA plug



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Wir erklären in alleiniger Verant- We declare under Gur sole res- Nous declarons sous notre seulewartung, daß das Produkt ponsibility that the product responsabilite que les produit

Viskositätsmeßgerät Viscosity Appareil de MesureMeasuring Unit de la viscosite

ViscoClock ViscoClock ViscoClock I


auf das sich diese Erklärung be- to which this declaration relates auquel se refere cette declaration I'zieht, übereinstimmt mit dem nor- are in conformity with the norma- est conforme au document nor-mativen Dokument live document matif

Technical data

Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock

20. May 1997

SCHOTT-GERÄTE GmbHIm Langgewann 5

0-65719 Hofheim am Taunus

Deutschland, Germany, Allemagne

20. Mai, May 20th, 20 Mai 1997AGOFS 0000-A048-00/970520

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Page 5: Operating Instructions Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock · Operating Instructions Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock TA B L E 0 F CO NT E NT S PAGE 1 Properties and range of use

Translation of the legally binding german version.

Technical data of the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock Version May 20, 1997

< E -Sign according to the Council Directive 89/336/EWG (electromagnetic compatibility);generic emission according to standard EN 50 081, part 1generic immunity according to standard EN 50 082, part 2according to the Council Directive 73/23/EWG of the (Iow-voltage directive)last modified by the Council Directive 93/68/EWGtesting basis EN 60 010, part 1. ~

Country of origin: Germany / Made in Germany

Measurable time: up to 999.99 s; resolution: 0.01 S

IAccuracy of time measurement::t: 0,01 s /:t: 1 digit; but not more accurate than 0.1%, .indicated as a measurement uncertainty with a reliability level of 95%.

Viscosity measurement range: 0.35... 10 000mm2/s (cSt)Absolute, kinematic viscosity furthermore depends on the uncertainty of thenumerical value of the viscometer constants and the measurement conditions,especially on the measurement temperature.

Viscometer types: DIN, ISO, ASTM Ubbelohde viscometers; Micro Ubbelohde viscometersand micro Oswald viscometers

Display: 5-digit LCD display 20 x 48 mm, digit height 12.7 mm,seconds display with two decimal digits behind the decimal point, resolution 0.01 s

Connections:Voltage supply: Low voltage: U 9 V -

Plug connection: Socket für low-voltage connection -jack plug -

Positive pole on the pin contact, internal contacts = 2.1 mm,

USA/Japanfür connecting a 230 V-, 50/60 Hz TZ 1848 power supply ora 115 V -50/60 Hz TZ 1859 powe r supply

RS-232-C interface: For connecting a printer with serral RS-232-C interface ora computer (PC) für documenting the data

Plug connection: 4-channel DIN mini round plug

Configuration of the RS-232-C interface, firmly set:4800 baud, 7 bit ward length, 1 stop bit, no parity.The measurement value is automatically transterred after each measurement.The character string consists of 4 characters ahead of the decimal point,the decimal point itself, 2 characters behind the decimal point and the finalcharacters CR and LF.

Power supply: Corresponds to protective system 111, protection class for dust and humidity IP 50.TZ 1848 power supply for 230 V-, 50/60 Hz or .TZ 1848 power supply for 115 V-, 50/60 Hz including USA plug

Material: Stand made of Polyphalamide plastic; sealing membrane and plugs madeof silicone; casing of the electronrc measuring unit made of polypropylene.

Dimensions: Approx. 490 x 95 x 50 mm (H x W x 0)

Weight: Approx. 450 g; power supply approx. 220 9

Environment: Not suitable für use in hazardous environment!Ambient temperature: + 10°C ...+ 40 °C for storage and transportationOperating temperature: Stand: -40 °C ...max. + 150 °C

electronic measuring unit: + 10°C ...max. + 40 °CAir humidity: acc. to EN 61 010, part 1Max. rel. humidity80% for temperatures up to + 31°Clinear decrease down to 50% rel. hum. at a temperature of + 40 °C

The viscosity measuring unit ViscoClock is suitable für all transparent thermostats bySCHOTT.

~1 AGQFS OOOO-AO48-00/970520 ;;~~1 ,c~:f*, ~ =

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1.2 Warning and safety information

The Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock corresponds to protection class 111, was manufactured and tested

according to OIN EN 61010, part 1, protective measures für electronic measurement devices, and hag lett the

company in an impeccable conditionas concerns safety technology. In order to maintain this condition, the

user should observe the notes and warnings cöntained in the present operating instructions.

Please note also the corresponding operating instructionsfor the devices to be connected. Oevelopment and

production is düne within a system corresponding to the OIN EN ISO 9001 standard.

A\. The relevant regulations regarding the h~ndling of the substances used have to be observed: The

Lb decree on hazardous matters, the Chemicals Act and the rules and information of the chemicals trade.

It hag to be ensured on the side of the user that the persons entrusted with the use of the Viscosity

Measuring Unit ViscoClock are experts in the handling of substances used inthe environment and in

the ViscoClock or that they are supervised by specialized persons, respectively.

A For reasons of safety, the Viscosity Measufing Unit ViscoClock must only be opened by authorized

ill persons; thismeans, e.g., that work on electrical features must only beperformed by qualified elec-


In the case of nonobservance of these provisions the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock may constitute a !

danger. ',,: "'-.-E!ectrical accidents of persons or fire hazard! ~%:

-Moreover, in the case of unauthorized intervention in the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoCJock as weil ~as in the case of negligen~ or deliberate damage, the warranty will become void. i

Prior to switching the device on it hag to be ensured that the operating voltage of the TZ 1848 or TZ 1859

power supply of the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock matches the mainsyoltage. The operating voltage

is indicated on the power supply. Nonobservance of this provision may result in damage to the Viscosity

Measuring Unit ViscoClock.

If it hag to be assumed that safe operation is impossible *), the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock hat to beput out of operation and secured against inadvertent putting to operation. -

.Switch the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock off and pull the power supply out of the mains socket.

.Remove the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock from the place of work.

*) Examples für the assumption that a safe operation is no Ionger possible:

-the package is damaged,

-the Viscosity Me~suring Unit ViscoClock shows visible damages,

-the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock does not function properly,

-liquid hag penetrated intp the casing of the electronic measuring unit.

.Use original SCHOTT viscometers and thermostat baths only.

.Operate the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock only with the original SCHOTT Tl 1848 power SUPPIy für 230 V-,

50/60 Hz Of SCHOTT TZ 1859 power supply für 115V-, 50/60 Hz.

.Store and operate the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock only tn dry rooms (::> chapter technical data:

environment)..Protect the power supplyfrom humidity. A moist power supplyor lack plug/mains plug must not be usedagain

prior to belng inspected by a qualified electrician.

.00 not use the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock in explosion-proof rooms.

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.When working with aggressive or health-endangering measurement liquids, personal protective equipmentsuch as eye protection, protective gloves, laboratory coat and breath protection has to be warn.

.ft.. IObserve the safety data sheets of the manufacturers! I

.When handling solvents please observe the pertinent memorandums of the employer's liability insuranceassociations (VBG 1 and VBG 113).

.When using alkaline laboratory cleaners there is a danger to health(caustification, damage to skin and eyes)!Please observe the memorandums of the employer's liability insurance associations and the safety datasheets of the manufacturers.

.When using tempering liquids with a temperature above 50°C the is a danger of getting burnt when touchingthe thermostat-bath cover!

.Please observe the standard regulations and standards for capillary-viscosity measurements.

.You can obtain a list of the national and international standards from SCHOTT.

2 Unpacking the Viscoslty Measuring Unit ViscoClock

.Check packing for damage. In case of damage contact your supplier.

.Remove the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock and the TZ 1848 or TZ 1859 power supply from thepacking. r

Scope of delivery: Please refer to packing list.

NOTE: The seope of delivery does not include viscometers.

.Place the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock in a dry environment on a plane surface.Ambient temperature: + 10°C ...+ 40 °C(::> chapter 1.2, technical data).

Owing to the small stand foot and the relatively high center of gravity we recommend to store the ViscosityMeasuring Unit ViscoClock in a horizontal position.

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3 Initial operation

3.1 Selection of the viscometer

.Select a suitable viscometer. The flowtime of the liquid to be measureddepends on the size of the capillaries.The capillary size of the viscometer should be selected in such a manner that flow times> 200 s result. Youwill find assistance in the viscometer catalogue of SCHOTT.

NOTE: Please use original SCHOTT viscometers only.

List of viscometers für selecting viscometers which are suitable für measuring the flow times für the applica-tion and viscosity determination using the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock:

V .. t T un- calibrated tor measurements Viscosity determinationIscoslme er ype no. I 'b t d I t ti .ca I ra e manua au oma c relative absolute

DIN-/ISO-Ubbeloh'de 532..: --X' -X

DIN-/ISO-Ubbelohde 501...*) -X -X , -

DIN-/ISO-Ubbelohde 530... X --X -

ASTM-Ubbelohde 525... -X -X -

ASTM-Ubbelohde 526... X --X "

Micro-Ubbelohde 537... --X -X

Micro-Ubbelohde 538... X --X -

Micro-Ostwald 517... --X -X

Micro-Ostwald 516... --X X -

*) Exception:Owing to their constructional shape the type 501 41, type 501 43 and type 501 50 viscometers are notsuitable.

Prior to the first operation we recommend acleaning process according to DIN 51 562.Subsequently, the viscometer hag to be dried and free of dust!

3.2 Preparation of the sampie

Prior to measuring, low-viscous sampies should be filtered using a SCHOTT glass filter porosity 2 to 4(10... 1 00 ~m), whereas high-viscous sampies should first pass through a sieve with a mesh width of 0.3 mm(test sieve 0.2 according to DIN 4188). Sampies with a setting value orpour-point wh ich is not at least 30 °Clower than the test temperature according to DIN 51 583 or DIN 51 597, respectively, have to be heated up to50 °C prior to the measurement..Fill the measurement liquid through the filling tube (3) into thestorage container.

:=> Viscometer operating instructions.

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3.3 Placing the viscometer into the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock

.Press the fixing plate (10) upwards against the handle plate (12), :> Exhibit 3. -

The following applies to Ubbelohde viscometers:-Insert the viscometer tram below in an angle through the guidance plate (3), then insert it vertically into

the centering prism (5).

The following applies to micro Oswald viscometers: i.-Insert the micro Oswald viscometer into the stand (6) ofthe Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock in such

a manner that the capillary tube is located as is shown in Exhibits 3 + 4, but the filling tube is insertedinto the oblong hole of the guidance plate (9). In this position the filling tubeof the viscometer is locatedunder the silicone membrane (17). The membrane rod (16) is located in its upper position -filling tubeis open.

.Lower the fixing plate (10) -the viscometer is fixed :> Exhibit 4. .

.Check proper seating of the silicone plug on filling tube (3) (11 D) andcapillary tube (2) (11 S).

Fig. 3 Fig. 4



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3.4 Insertion 01 the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock into the thermostat bath

The transparent thermostat has to be equipped with a VZ 5402 manual measuring insert in order to accom-modate the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock.

.The Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock, with filled viscometer, is inserted into the manual measuring insert (22)of the thermostat bath.

Fig. 5 /' ~ --,




Thermostat bathsurface


3.5 Connecting the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock

CAUTIONPrior to plugging the power supply (29) into the socket, make sure that the mains-unit voltage matches themains voltage..Plug the 9 V jack plug (19) into the back panel of the electronic measuring unit..Plug the TZ 1848 power supply für 230 V-, 50/60 Hz, or the TZ 1859 power supply für 115 V-, 50/60 Hz,

into the mains socket. I!i

3.6 Connecting the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock to a computer (PC) or printer

There is an RS-232-C interface (18) on the rear side of the electronic measuring unit (13)..If desired, connect a computer (PC) or printer für documentation purposes.

Plug connection: 4-channel mini DIN round plug. ,Required data cable, which is not included in the scope of delivery, :> accessories, chapter 5. l

Fig. 6 The transfer parameters of the RS-232-C interfaceare firmly set:-4800 baud-7 bit ward length-2 stop bits-no parity


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3.7 Preparing the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock tor measurement

.Allow für the tempering time, depending omhe application.

.Push membrane rod (16) downwards.-The silicone membrane (17) shuts the venting tube (1) (applies only to Ubbelohde viscometers).


.Manually place the adapter (21) (not included in the scope of delivery) onto the silicone plug (11), either-suck at the capillary tube (2) through the silicone plug 11 S) (::> exhibit 8) or-push at the filling tube (3) through the silicone plug (11 D)until the upper reservoir of the viscometer is at least half filled (::> viscometer operating instructions).

Fig. 8 CAUTION IIn the ca se of foaming and etching measurement rliquids use sucking operation only!



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3.8 Starting the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock

.Remove the adapter (21) from the manual pump; considering that the measurement liquid will immediatelystart flowing down, the <START> key (15) has to be pressed immediately.

-The display will be set to zero.-The membrane rod (16) will lift up and releases the filling tube (1) (applies only to Ubbelohde

viscometers).-The measurement is triggered.

Fig.9NOTEDo not touch the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock duringmeasurement since the shock may cause erroneous measure-ments!

When the meniscus of the measurement liquid flows-through the upper measurement mark (8), the time measure-

ment starts, and when it flows-through the lower measurement mark (7), the time measure-

ment ends.

3.9 Reading the flow time !!

The Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock takes the time as soon as the meniscus of themeasurement liquidflows through the lower measurement mark (7)..Read the flow time in terms of seconds on the display (14). If a computer (PC) or a printer is connected, you

can furthermore document the measurement value.

The displayed measurement value remains on the display until-the start key (15) is pressed again or-the power supply is interrupted.

Fig. 1 0 ~ ---NOTE

11 11 1 11 1 The flow time is evaluated according to ~ chapter 3.22, 3.12,1- 1 11-1 1- -I operating instructions für SCHOTT viscometers, and if required

taking info account the fahles of the Hagenbach corrections.

CAUTIONAccording to DIN, the next measurement must not be starteduntil the capillaries are drained off. Otherwise there is the dangerof formation of bubbles, hence of erroneous measurements!

3.10 Switching the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock off

.You switch the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock off by unplugging the power supply (20) from the mainssocket.


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3.11 Viscosity calculation

For the calibration of a viscometer, please read the sheet with the heading "Viscometer within quality as-surance systems" which is enclosed with each SCHOTT viscometer.

Viscosity is a "classical" parameter of liquids. The result obtained using capillary viscometry is kinematicviscosity, measured in the unit of mm2/s (formerly Centistokes, cSt). Considering that viscosity is highly de-pending on temperature,the measurement temperature has to be maintained accurately and included in theresult.

The number of seconds identified für the various capillaries in the tables für Hagenbach corrections have tobe subtracted from the determined flow time. Intermediate values may be interpolated.

In the case of absolute measurements the corrected flow time will directly result in kinematic viscosity in (mm2/s)by multiplying the corrected flow time by the constants identified on the viscometer (determined at 23 °C).

v = K (t-~)

Relative viscosity is the quotient of the viscosities of a solution and the pure solvent. It is especially of majorimportance in the food industry andthe evaluation of large polymers. After Staudinger detected the contextsbetween the average chain length and viscosity, polymers were increasingly evaluated using viscosity de"termination. In practice, relative viscosity is used für the calculatory derivation of further parameters, such asspecific and inherent viscosity and the viscosity J number and the k-value.

3.12 Evaluation example

Ubbelohde viscometer type no. 501 10, applicable to manually calibrated viscometer

Capillaries no. IConstant = 0,01000Flow time (averaged) = 180,00 s

Hagenbach correction für 180,00 s ~ = 0,30 s (;:) correction -table in viscometer operating instructions)Kinematic viscosity v = K (t-~)

= 0,01. (180,00 -0,30)= 1,797 mm2/s*

* formerly Centistokes [cSt]; 1 cSt = 1 mm2/s

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4 Maintenance

/w\ When using alkaline laboratory cleaners there is a danger to health (caustification, damage to skin and~ eyes)! Please observe the memorandums of the employer's liability insurance associations and the

.safety data sheets of the manufacturers.

NOTEThe cleaners may atlack the glass of the glass of the viscometer.

.Please use personal protective equipment such as eye protection, protective gloves, laboratycoat andbreath protection.

..,804.1 Cleaning

.After each use you should clean the stand (6 using a moist cloth and a commercially available cleaning agent.

.Use a fine, dry brush to clean the upper (8) and lower (7) measurement plane (transmitter and receiver areopposed to each other). Accurate measurement is only possible with clean measurement planes.

.The viscometer should be cleaned according to DIN 51 562 part 1. Subsequently, the viscometer must bedried and free of dust!

4.2 Inspection

.Check Gable and plug contacts für mechanical demage and corrosion.

4.3 Repair

.For repair, please send the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock to SCHOTT.

4.4 Disposal

At the end of its usefullife the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock has to be disposed of according to thenational regulations.

.When disposing components of the Viscosity Measuring Unit ViscoClock please note:-Metal parts should be channelled towards recycling-Plastic parts should be channelled towards recycling-Electric/electronic components should be channelled to be reused in electronic devices.


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5 Accessories and Spare Parts

Accessories: TZ 3095 1.5 m data cable RS-232-C with plug for connecting a printer:1 st end: 4-channel mini DIN plug2nd end: 25-channel sub-Miniatur-D plug

TZ 3096 1.5 m data cable RS-232-C for computer (PC) with 25-channel plug:1 st end: 4-channel mini DIN plug2nd end: 25-channel sub-Miniatur-D socket

TZ 3097 1.5 m data cable RS-232-C for computer (PC) with 9-channel plug:1 st end: 4-channel mini DIN plug2nd end: 9-channel sub-Miniatur socket

TZ 3098 data-cable set:1.5 m data cable RS-232-C 1 st end: 4-channel mini DIN plug

2nd end: 9-channel sub;'Miniatur-D socket9-channel plug -+ 25-channel socket

Manual pump with VZ 6550 adapter setCT 52 transparent thermostatVZ 6553 drip-off device

Spare parts: 5 VZ 6551 silicone plug5 VZ 6552 silicone plugTZ 1848 power supply tor 230 V-, 50/60 HzTZ 1859 power supply for 115 V-, 50/60 Hz incl USA plug


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