one day mr. wolf noticed he had no friends so he went on a search for some new friends. now being a...

The three little pigs (real story)

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Post on 20-Jan-2016




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The three little pigs(real story)

One day Mr . Wolf noticed he had no friends so he went on a search for some new friends. Now being a wolf it is not easy to get friends because every body thought he was going to eat them. Then he saw not 1, not 2 but three pigs building houses so he went go help them.

The first house he came to was getting made out of straw , Mr . Wolf had bought some tools . To the pig they looked like carving knifes so he ran in to his house and then it collapsed on him. So the wolf moved on to the next house.

The next house he came to was made out of sticks, the wolf asked the pig if he could help and the pig said yes so he got a welding kit to weld a gas heating tank to the house. Then when he was welding a little fire started so he went to get some water to put it out, but when he came back the house and the pig were on fire. He did not know who to put the water on. By the time he had decided both the pig and the house were embers. So he moved on to the next house.

The next house was made out of bricks so he went and asked if he could help and the pig said yes so he brang a wheelbarrow to load the bricks on. When the wolf was making the chimney he fell in and land on his neck which just about killed him, then he went back on the roof to finish the chimney then when he was smoothing the in side of the chimney he fell again and landed on his neck again which killed him in one second flat so the pig said well I cant let this go to waste so he ate him. He got all his pig friends and family round for a feast of wolf.