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    Oracle Order Management

  • 8/3/2019 OM Reference 1159 Global


    Order Management



    Document Purpose..........................................................................................................4Future Business Process Model ...................................................... ............................... 4Business System Test Script .................................................. ......................................... 4High Level User Manual ....................................................... ......................................... 4

    Key Stroke Notation ................................................... ........................................................... .5

    Oracle Toolbars and Keyboard Shortcuts............................................................................6

    Toolbar ........................................................ ........................................................... ........... 6Toolbar Icons....................................................................................................................6Keyboard Shortcuts.........................................................................................................7

    Order Management Processes Summary Diagram............................................................8

    Order Management Processes Overview ....................................................... ..................... 9

    Order Management Day End Process.............................................................................12

    Order Management Month End Process ..................................................... ................... 13

    OM M0.0 Order Management Maintenance..............................................................14OM M0.1 Create Salesperson...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...... 14OM M0.2 Create Tax Codes and Rates .................... ...................... ...................... .............. 15OM M0.3 Define Quick Code........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................. 16

    OM M0.4 Define Transaction Type ................... ...................... ...................... ..................... 18

    OM M0.5 Define Document Sequences ................... ...................... ...................... .............. 21OM M0.6 Assign Document Sequences............... ...................... ...................... .................. 22OM M0.7 Create Orderable Items ..................... ...................... ...................... ..................... 23OM M0.8 Create Customers......... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................... 24OM M0.9 Define Holds... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............. 31OM M0.10 Define Freight Carrier...................... ...................... ...................... ..................... 33

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    OM 2.0 Manage Sales Returns ........................................................ ............................. 62OM 2.1 Create Return Material Authorization..................... ...................... ...................... 62OM 2.2 Process Return Material Authorization ................... ...................... ...................... 64

    OM 3.0 Access Information..........................................................................................65OM 3.1 Process Information Inquiry............. ...................... ...................... ...................... ... 65

    OM 4.0 OM Day-end Process.......................................................................................66OM 4.1 OM Day-end Process....... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................... 66

    OM 5.0 Month-end Process..........................................................................................67OM 5.1 Month-end Process ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... .......... 67

    OM 6.0 Report Printing.................................................................................................68OM 6.1 Print Reports.................. ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... .. 68

    Appendix A Input Source Documents............................................................................69

    Appendix B - Key Output Reports.....................................................................................70

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    Order Management


    Document PurposeThis RapidSTART document provides a detailed description of the generic, core business processes supported bythe Oracle Applications Order Management module.

    The Process Summary diagram details the high level tasks that can be performed within this module. Wherenecessary, the frequently used tasks are diagrammed in more detail in the Process Flow diagrams.Finally, the textual Process Steps section details how to perform the business process using Oracle Applications.Reference numbers used in both the summary and detailed diagrams and in the process steps are common

    throughout the document and provide a link between the 3 levels of detail.

    This document is generic and represents Core Oracle business processes. This document serves three purposes:-

    Future Business Process Model

    This document details the RapidSTART Core business processes. These provide the foundations for a companysimplementation of this Oracle Applications module.

    Business System Test Script

    When RapidSTART has been implemented and set up completed by the Customer, it will need to be tested toensure it will satisfy their business processes. Business System Testing (BST) should be based around livesample documents collected by the implementing company (see Appendix A).

    For each business process, this document details how to verify the results of the process (either by a screen

    inquiry or via a report) and also provides a link to a Core functionality Acceptance Certificate that can be signedwhen the process is tested successfully. When all appropriate Acceptance Certificates have been signed and nomajor issues documented, the modules implementation is deemed complete.

    This document is intended that it satisfy 80% of the Customers testing requirements (excluding supportingmanual processes, destructive testing and security requirements).

    High Level User Manual

    Subsequent to implementation and setup this document can be used as a high level User Manual.

    The Summary and Process diagrams provide a numbered reference to the text that describes how to perform abusiness process. In some cases (for more infrequently used processes), the text detail simply provides thenavigation path to the required form and a reference to the Oracle User Manual (if required). For Core processesthe text describes the navigation path plus details on how to perform the task once the user enters the form

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    Order Management

    Key Stroke Notation

    Within this document, specific keystroke notations have been used in order to simplify the text. These keystrokesare very specific to actions within Oracle and will become clear after Oracle training. If you have any questionsregarding these notations, please feel free to contact a DBA Consultant.

    Navigation, Input and Output

    (N) Inventory > Setup > Templates To Navigate to the Inventory Main menu, Setup sub-menu,Templates form.

    (Input) Item Master file Listing Input source document used in the process.

    (R) Receiving Transaction Register Output report name**Refer To: Reference to Oracle manuals.

    Conventions:a) > for navigator menu levelsb) [ ] for form actionsc) { } for form iconsd) for selections

    e) for user entered informationf) ( ) for commentsg) Field names are written with no modification

    Examples:a) [ ] for form actions

    [Button] Open represents a button option[Tab] Lines represents a tab (alternate region)[Menu] Tools \Cycle Count Scheduler represents a menu\submenu selection

    [Row Select] would be used to select a row of data[Select] Conversions: Both would select a radio button choice in a window

    labeled Conversions[Click] Item would activate a selection menu from the field ItemStockable [Check] means theStockable check box has been marked

    b) { } for Oracle form icons{Save}, {Find}, {New}

    c) for user entered informationName Item

    d) for selections[Select] Min Max would select the Min Max option from several available options

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    Order Management

    Oracle Toolbars and Keyboard Shortcuts

    Oracle Applications can be driven by a combination of Menu selections, Toolbar Icon selections and Keyboardshortcuts. This section describes the Toolbar icons and keyboard shortcuts you will need to use the Application.For further information please refer to the Oracle Applications Users Guide.


    The Oracle Applications toolbar is shown belowNote: Icons may change and become enabled/disabled depending on the context.

    Toolbar Icons

    New opens a new record in the active form.

    Find Displays the find window to retrieve records

    Show Navigator Displays the Navigator Window

    Save Saves any pending changes in the active form.

    Next Step Updates the process workflow in the navigator by advancing to the next step in the process.

    Print Prints the current screen that the cursor is in. In some cases it may print a report associated withthe current data.

    Close Form Closes all windows of the current form.

    Cut cuts the current selection to the clipboard.

    Copy copies the current selection to the clipboard.

    Paste pastes from the clipboard to the current field.

    Clear record erases the current record from the window.

    Delete deletes the current record from the database.

    Edit Displays the editor window for the current field.

    Zoom Invokes customer defined zoom (drill down behaviour).

    Translation Invokes the Translation window.

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    Order Management

    Keyboard Shortcuts

    Function Keyboard Shortcut

    Block Menu Ctrl+B

    Clear Block F7

    Clear Field F5

    Clear Form F8

    Clear Record F6

    Commit Ctrl+S

    Count Query F12

    Display Error Shift+Ctrl+E

    Down Down

    Duplicate Field Shift+F5

    Duplicate Record Shift+F6

    Edit Ctrl+E

    Enter Query F11

    Execute Query Ctril+F11

    Exit F4

    Help Ctrl+HInsert record Ctrl+Down

    List of Values Ctrl+L

    List Tab Pages F2

    Next Block Shift+PageDown

    Next Field Tab

    Next Primary Key Shift+F7

    Next Record Down

    Next Set of records Shift+F8Previous Block Shift+PageUp

    Previous Field Shift+Tab

    Previous Record Up

    Print Ctrl+P

    Return Return

    Scroll Down PageDown

    Scroll Up PageUp

    Show Keys Ctrl+KUp Up

    Update Record Ctrl+U

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    Order Management

    OM Reference-1159-Global

    Order Management Processes Summary Diagram

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    Order Management

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    Copyright 2002, DATAMAT DBA Company Ltd. All Rights reserved

    Order Management Processes Overview

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    OM Reference-1159-Global

    1 Process CreditChecks

    Completed SalesOrders (or

    Backorder Sales


    OM 1.8Process OrderConfirmation

    OM 1.3 ProcessManual Order


    OM 1.9Process Invoice


    Process OrderHolds

    Processes Overview (cont.)

    OM 1.6 CancelSales Orders

    Calculate ATP

    OM 1.5 Change

    Sales OrdersInformationthe order

    on hold ?


    OM 1.4 ProcessRelease Order

    HoldOM 4.1 OM Day-

    end Process*

    OM 1.7Process Order


    2Drop- ship Order


    Order Entry

    Shipping/ Rerceiving

    Sales Orders

    OM 1. 2 CreateSales Orders

    OM 1.3 ProcessManual Order


    OM 2.1Create Return


    OM 2.2Process Return


    OM 1.4 Process

    Release OrderHold

    Sales Returns

    the orderon hold ?


    Completed SalesReturns


    Sales Returns

    OM 5.1 OMMonth-endProcess*

    OM 1.10 MaintainSales Orders



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    OM Reference-1159-Global

    2OM 1.11 Purchase

    Release Process

    Ensure that thegoods/ services


    Manage SupplierReceipt

    Create AP Invoice

    Create PurchaseOrder

    Processes Overview (cont.)

    Requisition ImportProcess


    Order Entry


    Shipping/ Receiving


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    OM Reference-1159-Global

    Order Management Day End Process

    see list of reports:

    Print day-end


    OM 4.1 OM Day-end Process

    (R) Hold Source Activity Report (R) Order on Credit Check Hold Report (R) Outstanding Holds Report (R) Order Summary Report (R) Backorder Details Report (R) Backorder Summary Report (R) Shipping Exceptions Report

    Verify and follow-up, if required

    OM 1.7 ProcessOrder Picking

    OM 5.1Month-end


    see list of reports

    OM 1.4 ProcessRelease Order Hold

    OM 3.1 OM MaintainSales Orders

    Activities, if required

    Backorders, if foundthat the items have

    been replenished

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    Order Management Month End Process

    see list of reports:

    Print month-endreports

    OM 5.1 OM Month-end Process

    (R) Unbooked Orders Report (R) Cancelled Orders Report (R) Cancelled Orders Reason Details Report (R) Order Invoice Summary Report (R) Order by Item Report (R) Salesperson Order Summary Report

    Follow-up, ifrequired


    see list of reports

    OM 4.1 OMDay-endProcess

    OM 3.1 OM MaintainSales Orders

    Activities, if required

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    OM M0.0 Order Management Maintenance

    Process and steps Verify Results Acceptance Certificate Name

    OM M0.1 Create Salesperson

    A salesperson is required when creating a sales order.

    1) (N)Order Management > Setup > Sales > Salespersons2) [Button] New3) Category[ Select] Other4) (Salesperson) Name 5) (Salesperson) Number 6) Start Date [Select] required Date7) Role Type [Select] required Role Type8) Role [Select] required Role9) [Tab] Receivables10) Date Active from/to [Select] required Date from/to

    11) Sales Credit Type [Select] Quota Sales Credit12) [Region] Territories13) Territory Flexfield [Select] required Territories flexfileds

    (optional)14) Start Date [Select] required Date15) {Save}

    Verify that a Salesperson has been created:

    1) (N)Order Management > Setup > Sales >Salespersons

    2) Salesperson Name [Select] Salesperson nameor Salesperson Number[Select]Salespersonnumber

    3) [Button] Find4) Verify all entered information, as required

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    Process and steps Verify Results Acceptance Certificate Name

    OM M0.2 Create Tax Codes and Rates

    (Copied from BP080Account Receivables: ARM 2.2 Manage TaxCodes)

    Tax is imposed on the value added to goods or services at each stage oftheir supply. The VAT charged on a customer invoice is referred to asOutput Tax

    Use Tax Codes and Rates form to enter and maintain your tax codesand their associated tax rates.

    To create a new tax code:

    1) (N) Order Management > Setup > Tax > Codes2) Tax Code 3) Tax Type [Select] Value Added Tax4) [Select] Before Discount or After Discount for Taxable Basis

    5) Tax Rate 6) Sign [Select] Credit or Debit (to indicate whether this tax code

    is positive or Negative)7) [Tab] Control8) [Select] Output for Tax Class9) Adhoc [Check] (if you want to have ability to change a Tax Rate)10) [Button] Tax Accounting (to manage input the appropriate GL

    accounts for the tax code.)

    11) {Save}

    Verify that your tax codes was created:

    1) (N) Order Management > Setup > Tax > Codes2) {Find} [Select] Tax Code you want to verify3) Verify Tax Code Information4) [Button] Tax Account to check the account

    code for this tax code.


    (R) Tax Code Listing (AR Responsibility)

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    Process and steps Verify Results Acceptance Certificate Name

    OM M0.3 Define Quick CodeTherere several Quick Code types as follows:

    - Cancel/Audit Codes- Credit Cards- Freight Terms- Hold Types- Note Usage Formats- Release Reasons-

    Sales Channels- Shipment Priorities

    1) (N)Order Management > Setup > QuickCodes > OrderManagement

    2) {Find}3) [Row Select]4) [Button] OK5) [Row Select]6) {New}7) Code, Meaning,

    Description, Effective Date From/To[Select] required effective date

    8) {Save}

    Verify that a Position has been created:1) (N)Order Management > Setup > QuickCodes

    > Order Management2) {Find}3) [Row Select]4) [Button] OK5) Verify all entered information

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    O d M

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    OM Reference-1159-Global

    Process and steps Verify Results Acceptance Certificate Name

    OM M0.4 Define Transaction TypeOrder Management allows you to define order and line transaction types.Transaction types provide various controls for order and line leveltransactions. In addition, transaction types serve as defaulting sources forvarious attributes on the order header and line.Order transaction types can be defaulted from the Customer, Ship-To,Bill-To, and Delivery-To site. Line transaction types can be defaultedfrom the order transaction type.

    When an order type is created, Order Management automatically createsa Document Sequence Category of the same name for you. You can thengo an assign a document sequence that you have defined for ordernumbering to this document sequence category.

    1) (N)Order Management > Setup > Transaction Types > Define2) Operating Unit3) Transaction Type4) Description5) Order Category [Select] required Category (see details belows)

    a) Order Types: Order or Mixed (allows an order to have bothkinds of order and return lines)

    b) Return Types: Return or Mixed6) Transaction Type Code [Select] ORDER (for order header),

    LINE (for order line)7) Effective Dates [Select] required effective Dates8) Order Workflow [Select] Order Flow - Generic (for order

    header only)

    9) [TAB] Main10) Agreement Type [Select] required Agreement Type (only if you

    require to use Pricing Agreement in this transaction type)11) Default Return Line Type [Select] required Return Line (if

    Return or Mixed Transaction Type is selected)12) Default Order Line Type [Select] required Order Line (if Order

    or Mixed Transaction Type is selected)

    Verify that a Transaction Type has been created:1) (N)Order Management > Setup > Transaction

    Types > Define2) {Find}3) [Row Select]required Transaction Type4) [Button] OK5) Verify all entered Transaction Type, as


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    Process and steps Verify Results Acceptance Certificate Name

    13) Agreement Required [Check] (if you wan to specific that thisorder transaction type has to have agreement created before)

    14) Price List [Select] required default Price List15) Enforce List Price [Check] (if you do, you cannot apply discounts

    to the order line list price when you use this order type and youcannot override the selling price, unless the profile option OM:Discounting Privilege is set at the appropriate level.)

    16) Credit Check Rule-Ordering [Select] required Order Status

    (Booking or Picking)17) Credit Check Rule-Shipping [Select] required Order Status(Booking or Picking)

    18) {Save}19) If Transaction Type in no.6 is selected to be ORDER, then perform

    no.20-2620) [Button] Assign Line Flows21) Order Type [Select] the entered Order Type22) Line Type[Select]required Line Type

    23) Process Name [Select]required Process Name**Refer to: Oracle Order Management User Guide, Overview ofWorkflows, Seeded Line Flows

    24) Start Date [Select] required Start Date25) End Date [Select] required End Date26) [Button] OK27) [Tab] Shipping (to set default parameters when you using this

    order type)

    28) Warehouse [Select] required Warehouse29) Shipping Method [Select] Shipping Method30) Shipping Priority [Select] required Shipping Priority31) Freight Terms [Select] required Freight Terms

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    Process and steps Verify Results Acceptance Certificate Name

    32) [Tab] Finance33) Invoice Rule [Select] required Invoicing Rule (it controls the

    amount and timing of your invoices)34) Accounting Rule [Select] required Accounting Rule (it controls

    the amount and timing of when you recognize revenue)35) Receivable Transaction Type [Select]required Transaction Type36) {Save}

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    OM Reference-1159-Global

    Process and steps Verify Results Acceptance Certificate Name

    OM M0.5 Define Document SequencesYou can define document sequences that automatically generate numbersfor your orders and returns as you enter them. You can define a singledocument sequence to assign unique consecutive numbers to all yourorders and returns, or you can define multiple document sequences thatare assigned to different order types. In the latter case, an order or returnis uniquely identified by its type and its number, since orders and returnsof different types may share numbers. Order and return numbers cannot

    contain alphabetic characters.

    1) (N)Order Management > Setup > Documents > Define2) Name3) Application [Select] Oracle Order Management4) Effective Date [Select] Effective date from/to5) Type [Select] Automatic, Manual or Gapless (in order to support

    legal and audit requirements for order number to be contiguous,furthermore system also prevent you to deletion of orders that

    have been numbering sequence)6) Initial Value 7) {Save}

    Verify that a Document Sequence has been created:1) (N)Order Management > Setup > Documents

    > Define2) {Find}3) [Row Select] 4) [Button] OK

    5) Verify al entered information, as required

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    Process and steps Verify Results Acceptance Certificate Name

    OM M0.6 Assign Document Sequences

    To associate Order Document Sequence with Order Category.

    1) (N)Order Management > Setup > Documents > Assign2) Application [Select] Oracle Order Management3) Category [Select] required Category name (OM order type

    name)4) Set of Books [Select] required Set of Books

    5) Method [Select] Automatic or Manual (Leave the default asNull)6) [Tab] Assignment7) Start Date [Select] required Start date (it has to be the same date

    in the Order Type)8) Sequence [Select] required Document Sequence9) {Save}

    Verify that a document sequence has beenassociated with the required order type:1) (N)Order Management > Setup > Documents

    > Assign2) {Find}

    3) Application [Select] Oracle OrderManagement4) Category [Select] required Category name5) [Button] Find6) Verify all required information

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    Process and steps Verify Results Acceptance Certificate Name

    OM M0.7 Create Orderable Items(Copied from BP080-Inventory: INV M.3 Create an Item Definition)

    Note: It is strongly recommended that all items be created using itemtemplates. These templates can be customized according to yourbusiness requirements prior to defining items. Examples of thetemplates can be found in:(N) Order Management > Setup > Items > Templates

    To create a new item:1) (N) Order Management > Items > Master Items2) Item , Description

    ,3) Unit of Measure: Primary [Select] required unit of measure

    (Select the appropriate unit of measure IMPORTANT: This valuecannot be changed after {Save})

    4) [Menu] Tools \ Copy From5) Template [Click] (Select the appropriate item template see

    following note)6) [Button] Apply7) [Button] Done8) (Verify/make required modifications to any fields)9) {Save}10)[Menu] Tools \ Organization Assignment (The Organization

    Assignment window appears)11)In the Assigned column check which organizations can use the


    Assign an Item to a category:1) [Menu] Tools \ Categories2) {New} (Assign the item to as many categories as required)3) Category Set [Select] required category set4) Category [Select] required category5) {Save}

    Verify that an item was created:1) (N) Order Management > Items > Master Items2) {Find}3) Item [Click] (Select the item just entered)4) [Button] Find

    Reports:(R) Item Definition Detail (INV Responsibility)->


    Items From (this iscase sensitive)To Click one of the attribute fields to Yes

    (R) Item Definition Summary (INV


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    OM Reference-1159-Global

    Process and steps Verify Results Acceptance Certificate Name

    OM M0.8 Create CustomersYou can set up your customers with as much or as little information asyou want according to your business needs. Customer information canconsist of only a name, number, address, and business purpose, but youcan enter more detailed information such as profile classes, bankaccounts, payment methods, and addresses.

    (Input) Customer Master file (Customer / Employee Information)

    The system lets you enter new and modify existing information aboutyour customers. You can enter multiple addresses and assign abusiness purpose for each, and define contact people, bank accounts,payment methods, telephone numbers, and relationships for eachcustomer. You can also change a customer's status from Active toInactive, and specify variable tax information.

    To enter basic information for a new customer: (Type: Organization)

    1) (N) Order Management > Customers > Standard2) Name 3) [Button] Find4) [Button] New (to create a new customer)5) Customer Type [Select] Organization (for a company that buy

    you products or/and services)6) If you are not using Automatic Customer Numbering

    7) Active [Check] (to indicate the status of the customer)8) (Optional) Tax Payer ID 9) [Tab] Classification10) Profile Class [Select] Profile Class (to assign to your customer)

    for example, you assign Excellent profile class to your customer

    To verify the customer was created:

    1) (N) Order Management > Customers >Summary2) {Find} [Select] Customer Name or Number

    that you want to verify3) [Button] Find4) [Button] OK (to check customer information).


    (R) Customer Listing Detail (AR Responsibility)(R) Customer Listing Summary (ARResponsibility)

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    11) (Optional) Class [Select] Customer Class (to indicate yourcustomer industrial)

    12) (Optional) Category [Select] Customer (to indicate yourcustomer group)

    13) [Select] Line or Header (for Tax Calculation)14) [Select] Nearest (for Tax Rounding)15) [Tab] Addresses

    16) [Button] New (to enter a customer address)17) Address 18) , such as Province, Postal

    Code and City.19) [Tab] Business Proposes20) Assign a Business Propose to your Customer21) [Click] Usage22) [Select] Bill to (For sending invoices to this address)23) Primary [Check] (if this address is a primary contact)

    24) [Button] Open25) Tax Code [Select] Require Tax Codes (that you usually

    calculate for this customer)26) Payment Terms [Select] Require Payment Terms (that you give

    a credit for this customer, such as 30 net or cash)27) (Optional) Assign Sales Territory (Sales Areas) to this customer

    [Select] Require Sales Territory28) (Optional) Salesperson [Select] Require Salesperson (for this

    customer).29) [Select] Line or Header (for tax calculation).30) [Select] Nearest (for tax rounding)31) (Optional) If your company Implement Oracle Order

    Management, you have to complete Order Management TabRegion information

    32) Order Type [Select] Order Type (to which you will assign forthis customer)

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    34)33) Price List [Select] Required Price List (that you will assign to

    this customer)34) (Optional) If you use a freight terms [Select] Freight Terms (for

    this customer)35) (Optional) [Select] Warehouse (to indicate that you will order,

    pick and ship product from this warehouse)36) {Save}

    37)(Optional) [Menu] New (for create new business purpose for thiscompany address)

    38) [Tab] Details [Click] Usage39) [Select] Ship To (to send your products or services to this

    company address). (The Ship-To address can be different fromthis customers Bill-to address)

    40) Primary [Check] (if this address is a primary contact)41) [Button] Open42) Bill To Location [Select] Require Bill To Location

    43) Tax Code [Select] Require Tax Codes (that you usuallycalculate for this customer)

    44) Payment Terms [Select] Require Payment Terms (that you givea credit for this customer, such as 30 net or cash)

    45) (Optional) Assign Sales Territory (Sales Areas) to this customer[Select] Require Sales Territory

    46) Salesperson [Select] Require Salesperson (for this customer).47) [Tab] Order Management

    48) Order Type [Select] Order Type (to which you will assign forthis customer)49) Price List [Select] Require Price List (that you will assign to this

    customer)50) If you use a freight terms [Select] Freight Terms (for this

    customer)51) (Optional) [Select] Warehouse (to indicate that you will order,

    pick and ship product from this warehouse)

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    52) {Save}53) (Optional) If you send a statement to this customer address, you

    have to create statement for business purpose54) [Menu] New55) [Select] Statements (to send your customers statements to this

    address)56) [Tab] Order Management57) Over Shipment Tolerance (optional for backorder

    purpose)58) Under Shipment Tolerance (optional for backorderpurpose)

    59) Over Return Tolerance (optional for backorderpurpose)

    60) Under Return Tolerance (optional for backorderpurpose)

    61) {Save}

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    To enter basic information for a new customer: (Type: Person)

    1) (N) Order Management > Customers > Standard2) Name 3) [Button] Find4) [Button] New (to create a new customer)5) Customer Type [Select] Person (for a Person that buy your products or/and

    services)6) Prefix [Select] Dr., Miss, Mr., Ms., Mrs., or Khun

    7) First Name 8) Last Name 9) [Select check box] Active (to indicate the status of the customer)10) (Optional) Tax Payer ID 11) [Tab] Classification12) Profile Class [Select] Profile Class (to assign to your customer) for example,

    you assign Excellent profile class to your customer13) (Optional) Class [Select] Customer Class (to indicate your customer

    industrial)14) (Optional) Category [Select] Category (to indicate your customer group)15) [Select] Line or Header (for Tax Calculation)16) [Select] Nearest (for Tax Rounding)17) [Tab] Addresses18) [Button] New (to enter a customer address)19) Address 20) , such as Province, Postal Code and


    21) [Tab] Business Proposes22) Assign a Business Propose to your Customer23) [Click] Usage24) [Select] Bill to (For sending invoices to this address)25) [Select check box] Primary (if this address is a primary contact)26) [Button] Open

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    27) (Optional) Tax Code [Select] Require Tax Codes (that you usually calculate

    for this customer)28) Payment Terms [Select] Require Payment Terms (that you give a credit for

    this customer, such as 30 net or cash)29) (Optional) Assign Sales Territory (Sales Areas) to this customer [Select]

    Require Sales Territory30) (Optional) Salesperson [Select] Require Salesperson (for this customer).31) [Select] Line or Header (for tax calculation).32) [Select] Nearest (for tax rounding)

    33) (Optional) IF your company Implement Oracle Order Management, you have tocomplete Order Management Tab Region information

    34) Price List [Select] Require Price List (that you will assign to this customer)35) (Optional) IF you use a freight terms [Select] Freight Terms (for this

    customer)36) Order Type [Select] Order Type (to which you will assign for this customer)37) (Optional) [Select] Warehouse (to indicate that you will order, pick and ship

    product from this warehouse)38) {Save}39) (Optional) [Menu] New (for create new business purpose for this company

    address)40) [Tab] Details [Click] Usage41) (Optional) [Select] Ship To (to send your products or services to this company

    address). (The Ship-To address can be different from this customers Bill-toaddress)

    42) (Optional) Primary [Check] (if this address is a primary contact)43) (Optional) [Button] Open

    44) (Optional) Bill to Location [Select] Require Bill To Location45) (Optional) Tax Code [Select] Require Tax Codes (that you usually calculate

    for this customer)46) (Optional) Payment Terms [Select] Require Payment Terms (that you give a

    credit for this customer, such as 30 net or cash)47) (Optional) Assign Sales Territory (Sales Areas) to this customer [Select]

    Require Sales Territory48) (Optional) Salesperson [Select] Require Salesperson (for this customer).

    49)[Tab] Order Management

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    50) (Optional) Order Type [Select] Order Type (to which you will assign for this

    customer)51) (Optional) Price List[Select] Require Price List (that you will assign to this

    customer)52) (Optional) If you use a freight terms [Select] Freight Terms (for this customer)53) (Optional) [Select] Warehouse (to indicate that you will order, pick and ship

    product from this warehouse)54) {Save}55) (Optional) If you send a statement to this customer address, you have to create

    statement for business purpose56) (Optional) [Menu] New57) (Optional) [Select] Statements (to send your customers statements to this

    address)58) {Save}

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    OM M0.9 Define Holds

    You can define holds to halt processing of your orders, returns,and their lines. Since orders and returns are not affected by holdsuntil they are applied, you can define all the holds you use inyour business at one time. You can define holds that are effectiveonly at certain steps of the order cycle as well as holds that applyregardless of the stage of the order cycle. For example, you maywant to apply an item hold to prevent order lines for a particular

    item to be released for shipment. Any orders that are not readyfor shipment or any orders that have already been shipped arenot affected by this hold. You can also define a hold that affectsall orders for a given customer, no matter where the order is inits cycle. When this type of hold is applied, it is effectiveregardless of the order's position in the cycle.

    For each hold, you can specify hold security by responsibility tocontrol which responsibilities have authority to apply or removethe holds you define.

    Attention: Holds are not effective between Pick Release and ShipConfirmation. If you want to prevent an order or order line fromshipping, the hold must be effective for no cycle action or thecycle action of Pick Release.

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    1) (N)Order Management > Setup > Orders > Holds2) Name, Description, Type [Select]required Typea) Credit Checkb) Order Administration Holdc) Configurator Validation Hold Typed) Electronic Payment

    e) GSA Violation3) Responsibility [Select] required Responsibility(You can give some responsibilities the authority to apply a hold,other responsibilities the authority to release it, and others theauthority to do both. If you do not specify a responsibility for ahold, anyone can apply or release it.)

    4) Authorized Action [Select] Apply Hold or Remove Hold5) Repeat no.3-4, if you want to assign more responsibilities

    Verify that a Hold code has been created:

    1) (N)Order Management > Setup > Orders >Holds

    2) {Find}3) [Row Select]4) [Button] OK5) Verify the entered Hold, as required


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    OM M0.10 Define Freight Carrier

    A freight carrier is a commercial company that provides internalshipments between organizations and shipments to and from customersand suppliers need to define a freight carrier (supplier) before you cantender a load or create delivery for that carrier. You must associate ageneral ledger account with each carrier to collect associated costs. Youcan assign a carrier to each inter-organization transaction.

    1) (N)Order Management > Setup > Shipping > Freight Carriers,Cost Types > Freight Carriers2) Carrier Name, Short Name 3) {Save}4) Service Level [Select] required Service Level5) Mode [Select] required Mode6) [Button] Organization Assignments7) Assigned [Check]

    8) [Button] Done9) [Menu] Tools \ Distribution Accounts10) {Save}

    Verify that a Freight Carrier code has beencreated:1) (N)Order Management > Setup > Shipping >

    Freight Carriers, Cost Types > Freight Carriers2) Verify all entered information, as required

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    OM M0.11 Create Price ListPrice lists are essential to ordering products because each item in anorder must have a price. Each price list contains basic list informationand one or more pricing lines, pricing attributes, qualifiers, andsecondary price lists. Basic information includes the price list name,effective dates, currency, pricing controls, rounding factor, and shippingdefaults such as freight terms and freight carrier.Order Management allows you to have another price list, Secondary

    Price Lists. Itll be used when it cannot determine the price for an itemusing the price list assigned to an order. Primary and Secondary pricelists have the same currency. Some important things that are related asfollows:

    - You can assign the same secondary price list to multiple pricelists

    - If the item that you are ordering an item is not in the primaryprice list, the pricing engine uses the highest-precedencesecondary price list (the secondary price list with the lowest

    value for the precedence field)- Line level discounts and modifiers that apply to the primary

    price list do not apply to the secondary price listType of Prices are as follows:

    - Unit Price: a fixed price- Percent Price: A price which is a percent of price of another item- Formula: Multiple pricing entities and constant values related by

    arithmetic operators.

    Price List Maintenance- manually add lines to price list- copy price list lines from one price list to another- add a new group of inventory item to price list by specifying a

    range- add a new group of inventory item to price list by specifying an

    item category

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    1) (N)Order Management >Pricing > Price Lists > Price List Setup2) Name, Description, Currency, RoundTo,Effective Dates, FreightTerms, Payment Term< Payment

    Term>, Freight Carriers< Freight Carriers >3) [Tab] List Lines4) Product Context [Select] Item5) Product Attribute [Select]Item Number, Item Category,

    ALL_ITEMS6) Product Value [Select] required Item code or Item Category

    (depends on selected value)7) UOM [Select] required UOM8) Primary UOM [Check]

    (if this price list line unit of measure is the primary pricing unit ofmeasure for the item for this UOM:For example: a price list has two prices list lines for item A11111,one with unit of measure EA-the primary UOM-and one forboxes. Then the pricing engine receives an order in unit ofmeasure CS, it accesses the unit of measure conversion tables toconvert CS to EA)

    9) Line Type [Select] Price List Line

    10) Application Method [Select] Unit Price(for inventory item) orUnit Price or Percent (for service items)

    11) Value12) Start Date [Select] required Start Date13) {Save}

    Verify that a Price List has been created:1) (N)Order Management > Pricing > Price Lists

    > Price List Setup2) {Find}3) [Row Select]4) [Button] OK5) Verify all required entered information


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    OM M0.12 Update Price ListsOracle also provides you to modify the existing price list details byadding new item in the existing price list and/or update some enteredinformation, as required.

    1) (N)Order Management >Pricing > Pricing Lists > Price List Setup2) {Find}3) [Row Select]4) [Button] OK

    5) Description, Currency, Round To, Effective Dates, Freight Terms, Payment Term, Freight Carriers< Freight Carriers >

    6) [Tab] List Lines


    [Row Select] and {New} (ifyou want to create a new line)8) Product Context [Select] Item9) Product Attribute [Select] Item Number, Item Category,

    ALL_ITEMS10) Product Value [Select] required Item code or Item Category

    (depends on selected value)

    Verify that a Price List has been modified:1) (N)Order Management > Pricing > Pricing

    Lists > Price List Setup2) {Find}

    3) [Row Select]4) [Button] OK5) Verify all required entered information

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    11) UOM [Select] required UOM12) Primary UOM [Check]

    (if this price list line UOM is the primary pricing UOM for theitem for this UOM:For example: a price list has two prices list lines for item A11111,one with unit of measure EA-the primary UOM-and one forboxes. Then the pricing engine receives an order in unit ofmeasure CS, it accesses the unit of measure conversion tables to

    convert CS to EA)13) Line Type [Select] Price List Line14) Application Method [Select] Unit Price (for inventory item) or

    Unit Price or Percent (for service items)15) Value 16) Start Date [Select] required Start Date17) {Save}

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    OM M0.13 Define ModifiersModifiers enable you to setup price adjustments such as discounts,surcharges and freight and special charges that the pricing engine appliesimmediately to pricing requests or accrues for later disbursement.Modifier lists contain one or more modifiers. Modifiers have list leveland line components. Each list level must have one or more linesassociated with it.Modifier List Types:

    - Discount

    - Surcharge

    - Freight/ Special Charges- Promotion- Deal

    Modifier Line Types:- Discount- Surcharge- Freight/ Special Charges-

    Price Break1) (N)Order Management > Pricing > Modifiers2) [Tab] Main3) Type [Select] required List Type4) Number 5) Name 6) Currency [Select] required Currency code7) Start Date [Select] required Start/ end date8) Description

    9) [Tab] Modifiers Summary10) Modifier Number (normally itll be

    generated automatically)11) Level [Select] Line or Order12) Modifier Type [Select]Discount, Price Break Header or

    Surcharge13) Start Date [Select] required Start/ end date

    Verify that a Modifier has been created:1) (N)Order Management > Pricing > Modifiers2) {Find}3) [Row Select]4) [Button] OK


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    14) Automatic [Check] (If you select it, the pricing engineautomatically applies this modifier. If you clear it, someone mustmanually apply it to an order.note: check for each line appears as selected but you can changeit. You can allow manual application of discounts, surcharges,and freight and special charges line types.)

    15) Override [Check] (indicates whether or not for allow changing toeach order)

    16) Product Attribute [Select] Item Number, Item Category or

    ALL_ITEMS17) Product Attribute Value [Select] required value (depends on

    Product Attribute selected)18) Volume Type [Select] Quantity or Amount (depends on

    Modifier type)19) Break Type [Select] Point or Recurring (depends on Modifier

    type)20) Operator [Select] = or BETWEEN (depends on Modifier type)

    21) UOM [Select] required UOM22) Value From (depends on operator

    selected)23) [Tab] Discount/Charges24) Application Method [Select] Percent, Amount, Lump sum or

    New Price (depends on Modifier type)25) Value (depends on the Application Methods

    selected)26) {Save}

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    OM M0.14 Define Payment TermReceivables let you define standard payment terms for your customers.Payment terms can include a discount percent for early payment and youcan assign multiple discounts to each payment term line. You can defineproxima terms to pay regular expenses like telephone bills and creditcard bills that occur on the same day each month. You can also createsplitpayment terms for invoice installments that have different duedates.You can also use your payment terms to determine the amount of each

    installment. Receivables lets you either distribute tax and freight chargesacross all installments, or allocate all freight and tax amounts in the firstinstallment of a split term invoice. Receivables displays the activepayment terms you define as list of values choices in the CustomerProfile Classes and Maintain Customer Profiles windows.

    1) (N)Order Management > Setup > Orders > Payment Terms2) Name, Description

    3) Base Amount(The base amount is the denominator for the ratio Receivablesuses to determine the amount due for installments of invoices towhich you assign this payment term. The sum of the relativeamounts for all of the payment schedules that you define forthese payment terms must be equal to the value that you specifyas a base amount)

    4) Credit Check [Check] (to allow automatic credit checking)5) Allow Discount on Partial Payments [Check] (if you wan t to let

    your customer take discounts for partial payments on itemsassociated with this payment term)

    6) Discount Basis [Select] required Discount Basis(Invoice Amount,Lines Only, Lines, Freight Items, and Tax or Lines and Tax, notFreight Items and Tax)

    Verify that a Payment Term has been created:

    1) (N) Order Management > Setup > Orders >

    Payment Terms2) {Find}3) [Row Select]4) [Button] OK

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    7) Effective Dates [Select] required Effective Date from/to8) Installment Options [Select] Allocate tax and freight or Include

    tax and freight (This indicates how Receivables will allocate thefreight and tax charged to transactions using this payment term)Relative Amount

    9) Due Days 10) Due Date

    11) [Button] Discounts12) %13) Days < number of days that you give to customer in order to get

    discount>14) Date 15) {Save}

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    OM M0.15 Define Item Picking RuleYou can define the default values for basic shipping information such asunit of measurement,, pick release rules, weight and volume calculation,and delivery grouping rules.

    1) (N) Order Management > Shipping > Setup > Picking > DefinePick Slip Grouping Rule

    2) [Press] CTRL+F11 (to retrieved an existing data, then you canverify which rules has been define).

    3) [Menu] New (to create a new rule)

    4) Use default vale of Pick Methodology5) Rule name Setup > Shipping

    Parameters2) [Row Select](if you open at the first

    time, you have to select the required organization in case thereremore than 1 organization)

    3) [Tab] Pick Release

    Verify that a Pick Slip Grouping Rules has beencreated:

    1) (N) Order Management > Shipping > Setup >

    Picking > Define Pick Slip Grouping Rules2) [Row Select](select

    the required organization if therere more than1 organization)

    3) {Find} [Select] Rule Name4) Verify all entered information, as required

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    4) Pick Slip Grouping Rule [Select]a rule that you just define asthe above step.5) {Save}6) {F4} to close the form

    Verify that a Shipping Parameters has beenchanged:

    1) (N) Order Management > Shipping > Setup >Shipping Parameters

    2) [Row Select] (selectthe required organization if therere more than1 organization)

    3) Verify all entered information, as required

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    OM 1.0 Manage Sales Orders

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    OM 1.1 Create Customer Agreement

    Oracle Pricing allows you to establish agreements with your customerthat define the prices, payment terms, and freight terms that younegotiate. You can:- Define your agreements using customer part numbers and inventoryitem numbers

    - make revisions to the original terms and maintain these changes andtheir reasons under separate revision numbers- Attach an already existing price list o the agreement or define newprices.- Assign optional price breaks by quantity. Price lists are exclusive byagreement.- Set effectivity dates for agreements terms.- Set payment terms including the freight carrier.

    - Apply agreement terms to sales orders by reference agreements.Type of Agreements:- Standard agreements- Pricing agreements

    1) (N) Order Management > Pricing > Pricing Agreements2) Agreement Name 3) Agreement Number, Revision 4) Revision Date [Select] required Date5) Customer [select] required Customer name6) Cust Number [select] required Customer number7) Agreement Type [select] Government Service Agreement,

    Standard Terms And Condition or Volume Purchase Agreement8) Effective Date from/to [Select]required Date9) Sales Person [Select] required Salesperson name10) [Tab] Pricing

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    11) Price List Type [Select] required Price List Type12) Price List [Select] required Price List13) Freight Terms [Select] required Freight terms code14) [Tab] Payment15) Payment Terms [Select] required Payment terms code16) {Save}17) [Button] Pricing Attributes18) Pricing Context 19) Pricing Attribute 20) {Save}

    Verify that a Customer Agreement has been

    created:1) (N) Order Management > Pricing > Pricing

    Agreements2) {Find}3) Agreement Name [Select] required

    Agreement name4) [Button] Find5) Verify the entered information, as required

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    15)[Tab] Line Items16) [Tab] Main

    17) Ordered Item [Select] required Item code18) Qty 19) UOM [Select] required UOM code20) Unit Selling Price (usually generated from

    specified Price List and it can be changed if you have authorizedby setting profile option: OM: Discounting Privilege)

    21) [Tab] Pricing

    22) Price List [Select] required Price List (if you want to havedifference price list from the order header because normally itllbe defaulted from the order header)

    23) Payment Terms [Select]required Payment Term24) Agreement [Select] required Agreement Type25) [Tab] Shipping26) Warehouse [Select] required Warehouse code (if Source Type =

    Internal or blank)

    27) Receiving Org [Select] required Organization (if Source Type =External or blank)28) Source Type [Select]Internal or External (External means drop

    shipment)29) Promised Date [Select] required Promised Date (date that you

    promise whether customer will receive the ordered goods orservices.)

    30) Shipping Method [Select] required Shipping Method31) [Tab] Address

    32) Ship To [Select] required Ship To address33) Bill To [Select]required Bill To address34) Repeat no.17-33 if you have more than 1 order line35) [Button] Book Order

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    OM 1.3 Process Manual Order HoldsOracle Order Management provides you with the ability to release holdson orders, returns and lines and release hold sources. In addition, you canrelease holds for existing or future, single or multiple orders, returns andlines.

    1) (N) Order Management > Orders, Returns > Sales Orders2) {Find}3) [Tab] Order Information4) Order Number [Select] required Order Number

    5) [Button] Find6) [Button] Open order7) If you want to hold the entire order, perform no. 8-158) [Button] Actions9) [Row Select] 10) [Button] OK11) [Tab] Hold Name12) Hold Name [Select] required Hold Name

    13) Hold Until Date [Select] required Date(leave it blank, if youwant to release manually, and specific date that you want to letthis hold be released automatically)

    14) [Button] Apply Holds15) [Button] OK16) If you want to hold some specific order line(s), perform 17-2617) [Tab] Line Items18) [Row Select] (that you want to apply hold)19) [Button] Actions

    20) [Row Select] 21) [Button] OK22) [Tab] Hold Name23) Hold Name [Select] required Hold Name24) Hold Until Date [Select] required Date25) [Button] Apply Holds26) [Button] OK

    Verify that hold has been applied:

    1) (N) Order Management > Orders, Returns >Sales Orders

    2) {Find}3) Order Number [Select] required Order

    Number4) [Button] Find5) [Tab] Summary (if you want to verify the

    order header level, then perform no.6-10)6) {Folder Tools}7) {Show Filed}

    8) [Row Select]9) [Button] OK10) Verify that the order has been applied hold

    successfully by looking at On Hold check box.It has to be checked.

    11) [Tab] Lines (if you want to verify the orderheader line(s), perform no. 12-16)

    12) {Folder Tools}13) {Show Filed}

    14) [Row Select] 15) [Button] OK


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    16) Verify that the order has been applied holdsuccessfully by looking at On Hold check box.It has to be checked.

    Another way to verify is by printing reports:(N) Order Management > Reports, Requests > RunReports(R) Outstanding Holds Report(R) Hold Source Activity Report

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    p y p

    OM 1.4 Process Release Order Holds

    Oracle Order Management provides you with the ability to release holdson orders, returns and lines and release hold sources. In addition, you canrelease holds for existing or future, single or multiple orders, returns andlines.You can release holds on specific orders, returns, or lines, release a holdsource that holds many orders or lines, and view information about holdsthat you have already released. If a hold was defined with specific hold

    authorizations, you must already released. If a hold was defined withspecific hold authorizations, you must be logged in as one of theresponsibilities permitted to remove this hold.

    1) (N) Order Management > Orders, Returns > Sales Orders2) {Find}3) [Tab] Order Information4) Order Number [Select] required Order Number5) [Button] Find

    6) [Button] Open order7) If you want to release hold the entire order:, perform no. 8-138) [Button] Actions9) [Row Select] 10) [Button] OK11) Reason [Select] required Reason code to release the hold12) [Button] Release13) [Button] OK14) If you want to hold some specific order line(s), perform no. 16-21

    15) [Tab] Line Items16) [Row Select] (that you want to release hold)17) [Button] Actions18) [Row Select] 19) Reason [Select] required Reason code to release the hold20) [Button] Release21) [Button] OK

    Verify that hold has been applied:1) (N) Order Management > Orders, Returns >

    Sales Orders2) {Find}3) Order Number [Select] required Order

    Number4) [Button] Find5) [Tab] Summary (if you want to verify the order

    header level, then perform no.6-10)6) {Folder Tools}7) {Show Filed}8) [Row Select]9) [Button] OK10) Verify that the order has been applied hold

    successfully by looking at On Hold check box.It has to be unchecked.

    11) [Tab] Lines (if you want to verify the orderheader line(s), perform no. 12-16)

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    12) {Folder Tools}13) {Show Filed}14) [Row Select]15) [Button] OK16) Verify that the order has been applied hold

    successfully by looking at On Hold check box.It has to be unchecked.

    Another way to verify is by printing report:

    (N) Order Management > Reports, Requests > RunReports(R) Hold Source Activity Report

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    OM 1.5 Change Sales Orders InformationOrder Management allows you to modify or update any orderinformation as required.

    1) (N) Order Management > Orders, Returns > Sales Orders2) {Find}3) [Tab] Order Information4) Order Number [Select] required Order Number5) [Button] Find6) [Button] Open order

    7) [Tab] Order Information8) [Tab] Main9) Customer [Select] Customer name10) Ship To Location [Select]required Ship To Location and

    Address (normally generated automatically from setup of theCustomer Master)

    11) Bill To Location [Select]required Bill to Location and Address(normally generated automatically from setup of the Customer

    Master)12) Order Type [Select] required Order Type13) Date Ordered [Select] required Order Date14) Price List [Select] required Price List15) Salesperson [Select] required Salesperson16) Currency [Select] required Currency code17) [Tab] Others18) Payment Terms [Select] required Payment Term19) Warehouse [Select] required Warehouse code

    20) [Tab] Line Items21) [Tab] Main22) Ordered Item [Select] required Item code23) Qty 24) UOM [Select] required UOM code

    Verify that entered order information has beenupdated:

    1) (N) Order Management > Orders, Returns >Sales Orders

    2) {Find}

    3) Order Number [Select] required OrderNumber

    4) [Button] Find5) Verify entered information as required6) [Button] Open order (if you want to modify

    some order information)

    Another way to verify is by printing reports:

    (N) Order Management > Reports, Requests > RunReports(R) Order / Invoice Detail Report(R) Comprehensive Order Detail Report(R) Sales Order Acknowledgement


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    25) Unit Price (usually generated fromspecified Price List and it can be changed if you have authorizedby setting profile option: OM: Discounting Privilege)

    26) [Tab] Pricing27) Price List [Select] required Price List (if you want to have

    difference price list from the order header because normally itllbe defaulted from the order header)

    28) Agreement [Select] required Agreement Type29) [Tab] Shipping

    30) Warehouse [Select] required Warehouse code31) Source Type [Select] Internal or External(External means drop

    shipment)32) Promised Date [Select] required Promised Date(date that you

    promise whether customer will receive the ordered goods orservices.)

    33) Shipping Method [Select] required Shipping Method34) [Tab] Address

    35) Ship To [Select] required Ship To address36) Bill To [Select] required Bill To address37) Repeat no.22-36 if you have more than 1 order line38) {Save}

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    OM 1.6 Cancel Sales Orders

    Perform the following activities when you want to cancel sales orders.

    1) (N) Order Management > Orders, Returns > Sales Orders2) {Find}3) [Tab] Order Information4) Order Number [Select] required Order Number5) [Button] Find6) [Button] Open order

    7) If you want to cancel the entire order, perform 8-148) [Button] Actions9) [Row Select] 10) [Button] OK11) Reason [Select] required Cancel reason12) [Button] OK13) [Button] OK14) If you want to cancel some specific order line(s), perform 16-22

    15) [Tab] Line Items16) [Row Select] (that you want to Cancel)17) [Button] Actions18) [Row Select] 19) [Button] OK20) Reason [Select] required Cancel reason

    Verify that hold has been applied:

    1) (N) Order Management > Orders, Returns >Sales Orders

    2) {Find}

    3) Order Number [Select]required OrderNumber

    4) [Button] Find5) [Tab] Summary (if you want to verify the order

    header level)6) Verify that the order has been cancelled

    successfully by looking at Status that must beCancelled.

    7) [Tab] Lines (if you want to verify the orderheader line(s)8) Verify that the order line(s) has been cancelled

    successfully by looking at Status that must beCancelled.

    Another way to verify is by printing reports:(N) Order Management > Reports, Requests > RunReports

    (R) Order / Invoice Detail Report(R) Comprehensive Order Detail Report(R) Sales Order Acknowledgement

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    OM 1.7 Process Order Picking

    Pick Release finds and releases eligible delivery lines that meet the releasecriteria and create move orders. You can pick release by order, trip, stop,container, delivery, warehouse, customer, schedule, or requested dates,shipment priority or combinations of the above criteria. The defaultrelease criteria is setup in Shipping Parameters, but you can override thedefault criteria in the Release Sales Order window at pick release.The move orders create a reservation, determine the source, and transfer

    the inventory to staging areas. Pick Slips can be created after the detailingprocess completes, and the quantity and source can be manually verifiedat pick confirm. Detailing and pick confirmation can be manuallytransacted through inventory or setup in Shipping Parameters to occurautomatically at pick release.note: If you perform Pick Release, the specified inventory will be reservedthat you can se by viewing Material Transaction Inquiry window. Thenafter that you perform Pick Confirm, the reserved inventory will bemoved to staging area. Finally, you must perform Ship confirmation inorder to check it out from staging area and ready to deliver to thecustomer.The following shows how to perform Pick Release and automatically Pickconfirm.

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    1) (N) Order Management > Shipping > Release Sales Orders >Release Sales Orders

    2) [Tab] Order3) Orders [Select] All4) Order Type [Select]required Order Type (blank for all)5) Order Number [Select] required Order Number (blank for all)6) Customer [Select] required Customer (blank for all)7) Scheduled Ship Dates from/to [Select]required Scheduled date

    from/ to (blank for all)

    8) Requested Dates from/to [Select]required Requested date from/to (blank for all)

    9) [Tab] Shipping10) Autocreate Delivery [Select] Yes11) [Tab] Inventory12) Pick Slip Grouping Rule [Select]required Pick Slip Grouping

    Rule13) Auto Allocate [Select] Yes14) Auto Pick Confirm [Select] Yes15) [Button] Online16) [Button] OK > Add this lineAfter you performed all steps above, system will automaticallygenerate report:

    (R) Pick Slip Report

    Verify that the order has been shipped:

    1) [Menu] View \ Requests2) [Button] Find3) [Row Select]

    (you can see the number at Parameterscolumn)

    4) [Button] View Output5) Verify pick information, as required via report

    (R) Pick Slip Report

    Another way to verify by printing report:(N) Order Management > Reports, Requests > RunReports(R) Comprehensive Order Detail Report


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    OM 1.8 Process Order Confirmation

    Ship Confirm is the process of recording that items have shipped. Whenyou ship confirm a delivery, Shipping Execution confirms that thedelivery lines associated with the delivery have shipped.The options in the Confirm Delivery window provides flexibility forautomating many tasks associated with processing deliveries with manydelivery lines. For example, when the Ship Entered Quantities,Unspecified Quantities Ship option is selected at ship confirm, theshipped amounts are automatically processed so that each delivery line

    with NULL value displays as fully shipped. This saves you frommanually entering each item as fully shipped.During ship confirm, you can also automatically create a trip and relatedstops for a delivery that has not been assigned to a trip.

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    1) (N) Order Management > Shipping > Transactions

    2) [Region] Search for3) [Click] Lines (B)4) [Tab] Lines5) Organization [Select] required Organization code 6) Status [Select] required Status or blank for all statuses7) Order Number [Select] required Order Number or blank for all

    statuses8) [Button] Find

    9) [Tab] Lines/LPNs10) [Tab] Delivery11) [Region] Actions12) Actions [Select] Ship Confirm13) [Button] Go14) [Region] Ship Options15) [Click] Ship Entered Quantities (check the box in front of this

    line)16) [Click] Create Delivery for Staged Quantities (check the box in

    front of this line)17) [Region] Auto-create Trip Options18) Actual Departure Date [Select] required date19) [Click] Set Delivery In-Transit (check the box in front of this line)20) [Click] Close Trip (check the box in front of this line)21) Document Set [Select] required Document Set name22) [Button] OK23) Message windowswasdisplayed

    24) [Button] OKAfter you performed all steps above, system will automaticallygenerate report:(R) Packing Slip Report and (R) Commercial Invoice.

    Verify that the order line(s) have been shipped


    1) (N) Inventory > Transactions > MaterialTransactions (Inventory Responsibility)

    2) Transaction Dates [Select] requiredTransaction date from/to

    3) Item [Select] required Item code4) [Button] Find

    5) [Tab] Transaction ID6) Verify that this inventory has been shipped by

    looking at Transaction Header. It must beshown the order number

    Another way to verify this transaction by printingreports:

    (R) Packing Slip Report(R) Commercial Invoice

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    OM 1.9 Process Invoice Interface

    (Copied from BP080-Account Recevable: AR 3.3 Generate AutoInvoice)This step is to generate Invoices and credit memos that already fulfillfrom Order Management. To be able to generate Invoices or CreditMemos from Order Management, the Order Status line has to = closed

    Note: If this program is already generating in Order Management, youdont need to do this step in Accounts Receivables.

    To generate AutoInvoice

    1) (N) Receivables > Interfaces > AutoInvoice2) [Click] Single Requests3) [Button] OK4) Name [Select] AutoInvoice Master Program5) Fill in Autoinvoice master program parameters:6) Invoice Source [Select] ORDER ENTRY or the relate source that

    your define your own to meet your business needs.7) Default Date that you would want to display in

    Invoice Date. (Depend on the transaction source setup)8) The other criterias are optional, you can specify to your own

    requirements.9) [Button] OK10) [Button] Submit11) [Button] No if you dont want to submit another request.

    Verify that Invoices and Credit Memos has beenimported to AR:

    1) (N) Receivables > Transactions > TransactionsSummary

    2) {Find} (To bring up the find popup form)3) Enter selection criteria such as Customer Name

    or/and invoice date.4) [Button] Find5) [Row select] (The appropriate invoice record)6) [Button] Open (To view the details invoice

    header7) [Button] Line Item to review Invoice Lines



    (R) Transaction Register(R) Incomplete Invoice Report


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    OM 1.11 Process Purchase Release

    In case you create drop-ship order(s), you have to perform this step inorder to process eligible lines with a source workflow type of Externaland pass information to Oracle Purchasing.

    1) (N) Order Management > Orders, Returns > Purchase Release2) Order Number Low[Select]required lowest Order Number3) Order Number High [Select] required highest Order Number4) [Button] OK

    5) [Button] Submit6) [Button] No (if system prompts you to submit another request)

    Verify that the order has been released:

    1) [Menu] View \ Requests2) [Button] Find (look at your concurrent request

    named Purchase Release until Phase is turnedto be Completed and Status is turned to beNormal)

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    OM 2.0 Manage Sales Returns

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    OM 2.1 Create Return Material Authorization

    In case customer(s) wants to return your goods or services, OrderManagement also provides this functionality to perform by creating asales return order. It can be applied for both inventory related (physicalgoods returned) or non-inventory related (e.g. decrease debt value receivable purpose only) by specified workflow in it.

    1) (N) Order Management > Orders, Returns > Sales Orders2) [Tab] Order Information3) [Tab] Main4) Customer [Select] Customer name5) Ship To Location [Select] required Ship To Location and

    Address (normally generated automatically from setup of theCustomer Master)

    6) Bill To Location [Select] required Bill to Location and Address

    (normally generated automatically from setup of the CustomerMaster)7) Order Type [Select] required Order Type (Order Type must be

    either Order or Return)8) Date Ordered [Select] required Order Date9) Price List [Select] required Price List10) Salesperson [Select] required Salesperson11) Currency [Select] required Currency code12) [Tab] Others

    13) Payment Terms [Select] required Payment Term14) Warehouse [Select] required Warehouse code15) [Tab] Line Items16) [Tab] Main17) Ordered Item [Select] required Item code18) Qty 19) [Tab] Returns20) Return Reason [Select] required Reason code

    Verify that a Sales Order has been created:

    1) (N) Order Management > Orders, Returns >Sales Orders

    2) {Find}3) [Tab] Order Information4) Order Number [Select] required Order



    [Button] Find6) Verify entered information as required

    Another way to verify the return order by printingreports:(N) Order Management > Reports, Requests > RunReports(R) Credit Order Detail Report(R) Credit Order Summery Report

    (R) Return by Reason Report


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    21) Line Type [Select] required Line Type (see Return Line Type as

    follows:)- Return- Return (Approval)- Return (Receipt & Approval)- Return (Receipt)

    22) Reference Type [Select]required Type (see Reference Type asfollows:)- Customer PO

    - Invoice- Sales Order- Serial NumberNote: Please verify Qty again

    23) Additional Line Return Information (more information mayrequires, which depends on which type has been selected e.g.system prompts Order Number&Line if you Sales OrderReference Type)

    24) [Button] OK25) [Button] Book Order

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    OM 2.2 Process Return Material Authorization

    After you created a sales return and the returned goods have beendelivered to your warehouse, you have to perform receiving process inorder to receive the returned goods into your warehouse.

    1) (N) Inventory > Transactions > Receiving > Receipts2) [Tab] Customer3) RMA Num [Select] required Sales Return number4) [Button] Find

    5) [Click] Receipts window6) [Click]required returned line(s)(select by clicking the box in

    front of each required line)7) Quantity 8) Subinventory [Select] required Subinventory9) [Menu] Window \ Receipt Header (go to Receipt Header

    window)10) [Click] New Receipt (to indicate that this returned transaction(s)

    will be created a new receipt)11) Receipt Date [Select] required date12) {Save}13) {Close Form}

    Verify that returned information has been recordcorrectly:

    1) (N) Inventory > Transactions > Receiving >

    View Receiving Transactions2) [Tab] Customer3) Receipt [Select] the Receipt number4) [Region] Results5) [Click] Header (to see the receipts header)6) [Button] Find7) Verify all information entered, as required8) [Button] Transactions9) Verify all information entered, as required.

    The result would be shown 2 transaction Typesas follows:- Receive- Deliver

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    OM 3.0 Access Information

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    OM 3.1 Process Information Inquiry

    The Order Organizer allows you to easily manage existing orders andreturns in your systems. Using this window it is easy to find your recentorders, order past their requested shipment date, orders on particularhold, or orders foe an important customer.

    1) (N) Order Management > Orders, Returns > Order Organizer

    2) Enter only required specific criteria that you want to inquiry fromthis window since therere several searching criteria provide asfollows:[Tab] Order Information- Order Number [Select] required Order number- Customer [Select] required Customer name- Sales Person [Select] required Salesperson- Order Date [Select] required Date- Status [Select] required Order Status[Tab] Holds Information- Hold Name [Select] required Hold name- Held By [Select] required Held name

    3) [Button] Find4) [Tab] Summary (to see summary information by using horizontal

    scroll bar to go between the desire left and right columns)5) [Tab] Lines (to see the transaction detail lines by using horizontal

    scroll bar to go between the desire left and right columns)

    Another way to verify is by printing reports:

    (N) Order Management > Reports, Requests > RunReports(R) Order / Invoice Detail Report(R) Comprehensive Order Detail Report(R) Sales Order Acknowledgement(R) Order Discount Detail Report(R) Order Discount Summary Report

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    OM 4.0 OM Day-end Process

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    OM 4.1 OM Day-end Process

    At the end of day, you should print Order Management reports tofollow-up (e.g. outstanding sales orders), analyze (e.g. return reason),monitor and control your business operations. To do these activities,Order Management also provides you many useful reports as follows:

    Printing Order Management reports as follows:(N) Order Management > Reports, Requests > Run Reports(R) Hold Source Activity Report(R) Order on Credit Check Hold Report(R) Outstanding Holds Report(R) Order Summary Report

    See printing instructions in OM 6.1 Print ReportVerify information, as required

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    OM 5.0 Month-end Process

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    p y p

    OM 5.1 Month-end Process

    At the end of month, you should print Order Management reports tofollow-up (e.g. outstanding sales orders), analyze(e.g. return reason),monitor and control your business operations. To do these activities,Order Management also provides you many useful reports as follows:

    1) Printing Order Management reports as follows:(R) Unbooked Orders Report(R) Cancelled Orders Report(R) Cancelled Orders Reason Details Report(R) Order Invoice Summary Report(R) Order by Item Report(R) Salesperson Order Summary ReportSee printing instructions in OM 6.1 Print Report

    2) Verify information, as required

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    OM 6.0 Report Printing

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    p y p

    OM 6.1 Print ReportsOrder Management allows you to print many kinds of reports andlistings.

    1) (N) Order Management > Reports2) [Select] Single Request3) [Button] OK

    4) Name 5) Parameters [Select] required parameters6) [Button] OK7) [Button] Submit8) [Menu] View\ Requests9) [Button] Find10) [Row Select] 11) [Menu] Tools\ Reprint12) Copies 13) Printer 14) [Button] Ok

    Verify report details, as required

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    Appendix A Input Source Documents

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    The following is a list of documents that are used by many organizations in managing their busine