old pronunciation pinyin

Baxter-Sagart Old Chinese reconstruction, version of 20 February 2011 William H. Baxter (白一平) and Laurent Sagart (沙加爾) order: alphabetical by pīnyīn The following table presents data for some 4,000 items with Old Chinese reconstructions in the Baxter-Sagart system, as of the current date, in alphabetical order by pīnyīn romanization. There are accompanying tables in the following orders: (1) Middle Chinese initial, final, and tone; (2) Middle Chinese final, initial, and tone; (3) Grammata serica recensa numbers, and (4) radical and stroke numbers. A full introduction and explanation of the Baxter-Sagart system is currently in preparation. The columns are as follows: character (traditional form) pīnyīn standard pronunciation in pīnyīn romanization MC ASCII-friendly Middle Chinese transcription MC analyzed Middle Chinese analyzed into initial, final, and tone (A, B, C, D) OC Old Chinese reconstruction in the Baxter-Sagart system, in two forms: (1) a convenient, user-friendly form that omits information about uncertainties in the reconstruction, followed (where necessary) by (2) a reconstruction in curly brackets which indicates more explicitly which parts of the reconstruction are less secure. For some items there are remarks about possible dialect developments. gloss a simple gloss intended for identification only; for more accurate information about meaning, one of the large standard dictionaries should be consulted. GSR the letter and number of the item in Karlgren’s Grammata serica recensa; items which do not appear in GSR are usually assigned an appropriate number, without a letter. Unicode hexadecimal Unicode for the character in the UTF-16 encoding All data are in UTF-16 encoding (little-endian). The Times New Roman font is used except for the column, which uses SimSun (Founder Extended), and the OC column, which uses Doulos SIL (available from www.sil.org). Our data are certain to contain some errors, which we will attempt to correct in subsequent versions. We will be setting up a website soon to receive comments, questions, and suggestions for corrections. Baxter-Sagart Old Chinese by pinyin, 02/20/11: page 1 of 187

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Page 1: Old Pronunciation Pinyin

Baxter-Sagart Old Chinese reconstruction, version of 20 February 2011

William H. Baxter (白一平) and Laurent Sagart (沙加爾)

order: alphabetical by pīnyīn

The following table presents data for some 4,000 items with Old Chinese reconstructions in the Baxter-Sagart system, as of the current date, in alphabetical order by pīnyīn romanization. There are accompanying tables in the following orders: (1) Middle Chinese initial, final, and tone; (2) Middle Chinese final, initial, and tone; (3) Grammata serica recensa numbers, and (4) radical and stroke numbers. A full introduction and explanation of the Baxter-Sagart system is currently in preparation.

The columns are as follows:

字 character (traditional form)

pīnyīn standard pronunciation in pīnyīn romanization

MC ASCII-friendly Middle Chinese transcription

MC analyzed Middle Chinese analyzed into initial, final, and tone (A, B, C, D)

OC Old Chinese reconstruction in the Baxter-Sagart system, in two forms: (1) a convenient, user-friendly form that omits information about uncertainties in the reconstruction, followed (where necessary) by (2) a reconstruction in curly brackets which indicates more explicitly which parts of the reconstruction are less secure. For some items there are remarks about possible dialect developments.

gloss a simple gloss intended for identification only; for more accurate information about meaning, one of the large standard dictionaries should be consulted.

GSR the letter and number of the item in Karlgren’s Grammata serica recensa; items which do not appear in GSR are usually assigned an appropriate number, without a letter.

Unicode hexadecimal Unicode for the character in the UTF-16 encoding

All data are in UTF-16 encoding (little-endian). The Times New Roman font is used except for the 字 column, which uses SimSun (Founder Extended), and the OC column, which uses Doulos SIL (available from www.sil.org).

Our data are certain to contain some errors, which we will attempt to correct in subsequent versions. We will be setting up a website soon to receive comments, questions, and suggestions for corrections.

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Page 2: Old Pronunciation Pinyin

字 pīnyīn MC MC analyzed OC gloss GSR UTF-16

埃 āi 'oj ('- + -oj A) *qˤə dust 0938b U+57C3

哀 āi 'oj ('- + -oj A) *ʔˤəj to pity; sad 0550h U+54C0

隘 ài 'eaH ('- + -ea C) *qˤ<r>ik-s {*qˤ<r>[i]k-s} a narrow pass 0849h U+9698

愛 ài 'ojH ('- + -oj C) *qˤəp-s {*[q]ˤəp-s} to love; to grudge (< ‘draw close to oneself’?)

0508a U+611B

僾 ài 'ojH ('- + -oj C) *qˤəp-s to pant, lose the breath 0508d U+50FE

艾 ài ngajH (ng- + -aj C) *C.ŋˤat-s {*C.ŋˤa[t]-s} Artemisia; moxa 0347c U+827E

安 ān 'an ('- + -an A) *ʔˤan {*[ʔ]ˤa[n]} peace(ful) 0146a U+5B89

安 ān 'an ('- + -an A) *ʔˤan {*[ʔ]ˤa[n]} how 0146a U+5B89

鞌 ān 'an ('- + -an A) *ʔˤan {*[ʔ]ˤa[n]} [place name] 0146 U+978C

鞍 ān 'an ('- + -an A) *ʔˤan {*[ʔ]ˤa[n]} [place name] 0146 U+978D

按 àn 'anH ('- + -an C) *ʔˤan-s {*ʔˤa[n]-s} repress 0146d U+6309

案 àn 'anH ('- + -an C) *ʔˤan-s {*ʔˤa[n]-s} stool; tray 0146e U+6848

黬 àn keam (k- + -eam A) *kˤrəm {*[k]ˤr[ə]m} black blot 0671k U+9EEC

豻 àn nganH (ng- + -an C) *m-ɢˤar-s {*m-[ɢ]ˤa[r]-s} wild dog 0139d' U+8C7B

岸 àn nganH (ng- + -an C) *ŋˤar-s {*[ŋ]ˤa[r]-s} (< uvular?) bank of a river 0139e' U+5CB8

卬 áng ngang (ng- + -ang A) *ŋˤaŋ high; lift high 0699a U+536C

熬 áo ngaw (ng- + -aw A) *ŋˤaw fry, roast (v.) 1130h U+71AC

媼 ǎo 'awX ('- + -aw B) *ʔˤuʔ old woman 1244e U+5ABC

澳 ào 'awH ('- + -aw C) *ʔˤuk-s bay, cove 1045b U+6FB3

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Page 3: Old Pronunciation Pinyin

奧 ào 'awH ('- + -aw C) *ʔˤuk-s southwest corner of a house 1045a U+5967

豝 bā pae (p- + -ae A) *pˤra sow, pig 0039d U+8C5D

巴 bā pae (p- + -ae A) *pˤra snake 0039a U+5DF4

巴 bā pae (p- + -ae A) *pˤra [place name] 0039a U+5DF4

八 bā peat (p- + -eat D) *pˤret eight 0281a U+516B

茇 bá bat (b- + -at D) *m-pˤat halt in the open 0276g U+8307

拔 bá beat (b- + -eat D) *bˤrot {*(Cə.)[b]ˤrot} uproot 0276h U+62D4

茇 bá pat (p- + -at D) *pˤat halt in the open 0276g U+8307

把 bǎ paeX (p- + -ae B) *pˤraʔ grasp (v.) 0039b U+628A

罷 bà beaX (b- + -ea B) *bˤrajʔ {*[b]ˤrajʔ} stop, cease 0026a U+7F77

霸 bà paeH (p- + -ae C) *pˤrak-s have hegemony 0772b U+9738

白 bái baek (b- + -aek D) *bˤrak white 0782a U+767D

百 bǎi paek (p- + -aek D) *pˤrak hundred 0781a U+767E

敗 bài baejH (b- + -aej C) *N-pˤrat-s {*N-pˤra[t]-s} suffer defeat 0320f U+6557

稗 bài beaH (b- + -ea C) *C.bˤre-s {*C.[b]ˤre-s} weed resembling grain 0874s U+7A17

敗 bài paejH (p- + -aej C) *pˤrat-s {*pˤra[t]-s} defeat (v.t.) 0320f U+6557

拜 bài peajH (p- + -eaj C) *C.pˤrot-s {*C.pˤro[t]-s} bow, bend (v.) 0328a U+62DC

頒 bān paen (p- + -aen A) *pˤ<r>ən {*pˤ<r>ə[n]} (F!) distribute 0471p U+9812

朌 bān paen (p- + -aen A) *pˤ<r>ən {*pˤ<r>ə[n]} V! distribute 0471y U+670C

板 bǎn paenX (p- + -aen B) *C.pˤranʔ plank, board 0262j U+677F

阪 bǎn pjonX (p- + -jon B) *panʔ {*pa[n]ʔ} slope, bank 0262g U+962A

伴 bàn banX (b- + -an B) *C.bˤanʔ {*C.[b]ˤanʔ} comrade 0181c U+4F34

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Page 4: Old Pronunciation Pinyin

辦 bàn beanH (b- + -ean C) *bˤren-s {*[b]ˤren-s} manage, deal with 0219f U+8FA6

半 bàn panH (p- + -an C) *pˤan-s half 0181a U+534A

邦 bāng paewng (p- + -aewng A) *pˤroŋ country 1197e U+90A6

蚌 bàng baewngX (b- + -aewng B) *bˤroŋʔ {*[b]ˤroŋʔ} oyster, mussel 1197d U+868C

蜯 bàng baewngX (b- + -aewng B) *bˤroŋʔ {*[b]ˤroŋʔ} oyster, mussel 1197g' U+872F

傍 bàng bangH (b- + -ang C) *bˤaŋ-s {*[b]ˤaŋ-s} beside; assist 0740m' U+508D

榜 bàng paengH (p- + -aeng C) *pˤraŋ-s oar 0740p' U+699C

謗 bàng pangH (p- + -ang C) *pˤaŋ-s slander 0740k' U+8B17

包 bāo paew (p- + -aew A) *pˤ<r>u wrap, bundle 1113a U+5305

胞 bāo paew (p- + -aew A) *pˤ<r>u womb 1113b U+80DE

苞 bāo paew (p- + -aew A) *pˤ<r>u reed mat for wrapping 1113c U+82DE

褒 bāo paw (p- + -aw A) *pˤu praise (v.) 1057h U+8912

雹 báo baewk (b- + -aewk D) *C.bˤruk {*C.[b]ˤruk} hail 1113n U+96F9

寶 bǎo pawX (p- + -aw B) *pˤuʔ precious thing 1059a U+5BF6

保 bǎo pawX (p- + -aw B) *pˤuʔ protect 1057a U+4FDD

暴 bào bawH (b- + -aw C) *bˤawk-s {*[b]ˤawk-s} violent 1136a U+66B4

抱 bào bawX (b- + -aw B) *m-pˤuʔ carry in the arms 1113j U+62B1

瀑 bào buwk (b- + -uwk D) *bˤawk {*[b]ˤawk} waterfall? 1136c U+7011

報 bào pawH (p- + -aw C) *pˤuk-s repay 1058a U+5831

悲 bēi pij (p- + -ij A) *prəj sad 0579u U+60B2

陂 bēi pje (p- + -je A) *paj {*p(r)a[j]} river bank; dike 0025i U+9642

碑 bēi pje (p- + -je A) *pre pillar 0874d U+7891

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卑 bēi pjie (p- + -jie A) *pe low, humble 0874a U+5351

杯 bēi pwoj (p- + -woj A) *pˤə cup 0999o U+676F

北 běi pok (p- + -ok D) *pˤək north 0909a U+5317

備 bèi bijH (b- + -ij C) *brək-s {*[b]rək-s} complete (adj.) 0984d U+5099

被 bèi bjeX (b- + -je B) *m-pajʔ {*m-p(r)ajʔ} cover self with 0025e U+88AB

孛 bèi bwojH (b- + -woj C) *bˤut-s {*[b]ˤ[u]t-s} comet 0491a U+5B5B

悖 bèi bwojH (b- + -woj C) *bˤut-s {*[b]ˤut-s} confused 0491d U+6096

背 bèi bwojH (b- + -woj C) *m-pˤək-s turn the back on 0909e U+80CC

偝 bèi bwojH (b- + -woj C) *m-pˤək-s turn the back on 0909f U+505D

倍 bèi bwojX (b- + -woj B) *bˤəʔ {*(Cə.)[b]ˤəʔ} double 0999c' U+500D

背 bèi pwojH (p- + -woj C) *pˤək-s the back 0909e U+80CC

奔 bēn pwon (p- + -won A) *pˤur run (v.) 0438a U+5954

本 běn pwonX (p- + -won B) *C.pˤənʔ {*C.pˤə[n]ʔ} tree trunk 0440a U+672C

祊 bēng paeng (p- + -aeng A) *pˤraŋ temple gate 0740j' U+794A

崩 bēng pong (p- + -ong A) *Cə.pˤəŋ collapse (v., of a mountain) 0886m U+5D29

堋 bèng pongH (p- + -ong C) *pˤəŋ-s put coffin in grave 0886k U+580B

偪 bī pik (p- + -ik D) *prək to press, urge 0933n U+506A

逼 bī pik (p- + -ik D) *prək urge, press 0933p U+903C

鼻 bí bjijH (b- + -jij C) *Cə.bit-s {*Cə.bi[t]-s} smell (v.t.) 0521c U+9F3B

鼻 bí bjijH (b- + -jij C) *m-bit-s {*m-[b]i[t]-s} nose 0521c U+9F3B

鄙 bǐ pijX (p- + -ij B) *prəʔ border town 0983e U+9119

筆 bǐ pit (p- + -it D) *p.rut {*p.[r]ut} (borrowed as *prut from Qin dial.) writing brush 0502d U+7B46

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彼 bǐ pjeX (p- + -je B) *pajʔ that 0025g U+5F7C

比 bǐ pjijX (p- + -jij B) *C.pijʔ compare 0566g U+6BD4

匕 bǐ pjijX (p- + -jij B) *pijʔ ladle, spoon 0565a U+5315

匕 bǐ pjijX (p- + -jij B) *pijʔ spoon 0566a U+5315

秕 bǐ pjijX (p- + -jij B) *pijʔ chaff; petty 0566q U+79D5

妣 bǐ pjijX (p- + -jij B) *pijʔ deceased mother 0566n U+59A3

辟 bì bek (b- + -ek D) *bˤek {*[b]ˤek} inner coffin 0853a U+8F9F

邲 bì bit (b- + -it D) *brit {*[b]ri[t]} [place name] 0405 U+90B2

避 bì bjieH (b- + -jie C) *bek-s {*[b]ek-s} avoid 0853u U+907F

庳 bì bjieX (b- + -jie B) *N-peʔ low, short 0874m U+5EB3

婢 bì bjieX (b- + -jie B) *beʔ {*[b]eʔ} female slave or servant 0874l U+5A62

敝 bì bjiejH (b- + -jiej C) *bet-s {*[b]e[t]-s} destroy; worn out 0341a U+655D

幣 bì bjiejH (b- + -jiej C) *bet-s {*[b]et-s} offering of silk 0341d U+5E63

斃 bì bjiejH (b- + -jiej C) *bet-s {*[b]e[t]-s} fall down (from wound or illness) 0341f U+6583

邲 bì bjit (b- + -jit D) *bit {*[b]i[t]} [place name] 0405 U+90B2

嬖 bì pejH (p- + -ej C) *pˤek-s favorite (n.) 0853v U+5B16

閉 bì pejH (p- + -ej C) *pˤit-s {*pˤi[t]-s} close (v.); obstruct 0412a U+9589

壁 bì pek (p- + -ek D) *C.pˤek house wall 0853l U+58C1

毖 bì pijH (p- + -ij C) *prit-s {*pri[t]-s} cautious 0405k U+6BD6

柲 bì pit (p- + -it D) *prit {*pri[t]} shaft, handle (of a weapon) 0405j U+67F2

碧 bì pjaek (p- + -jaek D) *prak light blue 0782s U+78A7

臂 bì pjieH (p- + -jie C) *pek-s arm 0853s U+81C2

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Page 7: Old Pronunciation Pinyin

蔽 bì pjiejH (p- + -jiej C) *pet-s {*pe[t]-s} cover (v.) 0341h U+853D

辟 bì pjiek (p- + -jiek D) *pek ruler, prince 0853a U+8F9F

璧 bì pjiek (p- + -jiek D) *pek circular jade insignium 0853d U+74A7

庇 bì pjij (p- + -jij A) *pij cover; protect 0566p U+5E87

比 bì pjijH (p- + -jij C) *pij-s combine; all 0566g U+6BD4

庇 bì pjijH (p- + -jij C) *pij-s cover; protect 0566p U+5E87

妣 bì pjijH (p- + -jij C) *pijʔ-s deceased mother 0566n U+59A3

畀 bì pjijH (p- + -jij C) *pik-s {*pi[k]-s} give 0521a U+7540

彃 bì pjit (p- + -jit D) *pit {*pi[t]} shoot 0407i U+5F43

篳 bì pjit (p- + -jit D) *pit {*pi[t]} wattle 0407j U+7BF3

蹕 bì pjit (p- + -jit D) *pit {*pi[t]} prohibit 0407l U+8E55

必 bì pjit (p- + -jit D) *pit {*pi[t]} necessarily 0405a U+5FC5

畢 bì pjit (p- + -jit D) *pit {*pi[t]} wooden fork 0407a U+7562

畢 bì pjit (p- + -jit D) *pit {*pi[t]} bird-net 0407a U+7562

韠 bì pjit (p- + -jit D) *pit {*pi[t]} knee cover 0407m U+97E0

畢 bì pjit (p- + -jit D) *pit {*pi[t]} finish (v.) 0407a U+7562

邊 biān pen (p- + -en A) *pˤen {*pˤe[n]} side 0224c U+908A

編 biān pen (p- + -en A) *pˤen {*pˤe[n]} plait, weave 0246e U+7DE8

鞭 biān pjien (p- + -jien A) *pen {*pe[n]} whip (n.) 0221c U+97AD

編 biān pjien (p- + -jien A) *pen {*pe[n]} plait, weave 0246e U+7DE8

� biān pjien (p- + -jien A) *pen {*pe[n]} whip (n.) -- U+204E5

扁 biǎn penX (p- + -en B) *pˤenʔ {*pˤe[n]ʔ} flat and thin 0246a U+6241

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貶 biǎn pjaemX (p- + -jaem B) *promʔ {*pr[o]mʔ} diminish 0641d U+8CB6

貶 biǎn pjemX (p- + -jem B) *pomʔ {*p(r)[o]mʔ} diminish 0641d U+8CB6

釆 biàn beanH (b- + -ean C) *bˤrer-s {*[b]ˤre[r]-s} discriminate 0195a U+91C6

弁 biàn bjenH (b- + -jen C) *C.bron-s {*C.[b]ro[n]-s} cap 0220a U+5F01

卞 biàn bjenH (b- + -jen C) *bron-s {*[b]ro[n]-s} law 0220b U+535E

辨 biàn bjenX (b- + -jen B) *brenʔ distinguish 0219b U+8FA8

辯 biàn bjenX (b- + -jen B) *brenʔ dispute (v.)) 0219e U+8FAF

便 biàn bjienH (b- + -jien C) *ben-s {*[b]e[n]-s} comfortable; advantageous 0221a U+4FBF

諞 biàn bjienH (b- + -jien C) *m-pʰenʔ-s {*[m-pʰ]enʔ-s} glib-tongued 0246m U+8ADE

諞 biàn bjienX (b- + -jien B) *m-pʰenʔ {*[m-pʰ]enʔ} insincere words 0246m U+8ADE

徧 biàn penH (p- + -en C) *pˤen-s {*pˤe[n]-s} (go) all around 0246b U+5FA7

變 biàn pjenH (p- + -jen C) *pron-s {*pro[n]-s} change (v.) 0178o U+8B8A

表 biǎo pjewX (p- + -jew B) *pawʔ {*p(r)awʔ} exterior 1153a U+8868

鱉 biē pjiet (p- + -jiet D) *pet turtle 0341k U+9C49

別 bié bjet (b- + -jet D) *N-pret be separated (intr.) 0292a U+5225

別 bié pjet (p- + -jet D) *pret separate (tr.) 0292a U+5225

賓 bīn pjin (p- + -jin A) *pin {*pi[n]} guest 0389a U+8CD3

冫 bīng ping (p- + -ing A) *p.rəŋ (dial. > *prəŋ) ice 0899a U+51AB

冰 bīng ping (p- + -ing A) *p.rəŋ (dial. *p.r- > *pr-) ice 0899b U+51B0

兵 bīng pjaeng (p- + -jaeng A) *praŋ weapon 0759a U+5175

并 bīng pjieng (p- + -jieng A) *peŋ combine two things 0824b U+5E76

禀 bǐng limX (l- + -im B) *p.rimʔ rations 0668b U+7980

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稟 bǐng pimX (p- + -im B) *p.rimʔ (dial. > *primʔ) receive 0668a U+7A1F

稟 bǐng pimX (p- + -im B) *p.rimʔ (dial. > *primʔ) rations 0668a U+7A1F

禀 bǐng pimX (p- + -im B) *p.rimʔ (dial. > *primʔ) rations; receive 0668b U+7980

丙 bǐng pjaengX (p- + -jaeng B) *praŋʔ 3d heavenly stem 0757a U+4E19

邴 bǐng pjaengX (p- + -jaeng B) *praŋʔ (place name) 0757j U+90B4

秉 bǐng pjaengX (p- + -jaeng B) *praŋʔ grasp 0758a U+79C9

並 bìng bengX (b- + -eng B) *bˤeŋʔ {*[b]ˤeŋʔ} side by side, together 0840b U+4E26

病 bìng bjaengH (b- + -jaeng C) *braŋ-s {*[b]raŋ-s} extreme illness 0757k U+75C5

枋 bìng pjaengH (p- + -jaeng C) *praŋʔ-s handle (n.) 0740k U+678B

柄 bìng pjaengH (p- + -jaeng C) *praŋʔ-s {*[p]raŋʔ-s} handle (n.) 0757h U+67C4

棅 bìng pjaengH (p- + -jaeng C) *praŋʔ-s a handle 0758d U+68C5

并 bìng pjiengH (p- + -jieng C) *peŋ-s combine two things 0824b U+5E76

番 bō pa (p- + -a A) *pˤar martial 0195b U+756A

剝 bō paewk (p- + -aewk D) *pˤrok ~ *mə-pˤrok cut, flay, peel 1228a U+525D

撥 bō pat (p- + -at D) *pˤat spread out 0275d U+64A5

帛 bó baek (b- + -aek D) *bˤrak {*[b]ˤrak} silk 0782f U+5E1B

薄 bó bak (b- + -ak D) *bˤak {*(Cə.)[b]ˤak} thin 0771p U+8584

艴 bó bwot (b- + -wot D) *bˤut {*[b]ˤut} annoyed looks 0500p U+8274

伯 bó paek (p- + -aek D) *pˤrak father’s elder brother 0782i U+4F2F

博 bó pak (p- + -ak D) *pˤak broad 0771a U+535A

胉 bó phak (ph- + -ak D) *pʰˤak shoulder blade 0782q U+80C9

跛 bǒ paX (p- + -a B) *pˤajʔ walk lame 0025m U+8DDB

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簸 bǒ paX (p- + -a B) *pˤajʔ winnow (v.) 0025n U+7C38

簸 bò paH (p- + -a C) *pˤajʔ-s winnow (v.) 0025n U+7C38

播 bò paH (p- + -a C) *pˤarʔ-s to sow, winnow 0195p U+64AD

哺 bǔ buH (b- + -u C) *bˤa-s {*[b]ˤa-s} food held in the mouth 0102i' U+54FA

補 bǔ puX (p- + -u B) *Cə-pˤaʔ to patch 0102c' U+88DC

卜 bǔ puwk (p- + -uwk D) *pˤok divine (v.) 1210a U+535C

步 bù buH (b- + -u C) *mə-bˤa-s {*mə-[b]ˤa-s} step 0073a U+6B65

簿 bù buX (b- + -u B) *bˤaʔ {*[b]ˤaʔ} register (n.) 0771o U+7C3F

部 bù buwX (b- + -uw B) *bˤoʔ {*[b]ˤ(r)oʔ} lead (v.), govern 0999z U+90E8

不 bù pjuw (p- + -juw A) *pə not 0999a U+4E0D

布 bù puH (p- + -u C) *pˤa-s cloth 0102j U+5E03

布 bù puH (p- + -u C) *pˤa-s cloth 0102j U+5E03

裁 cái dzoj (dz- + -oj A) *Cə.dzˤə {*[Cə.dz]ˤə} cut out clothes 0943c' U+88C1

材 cái dzoj (dz- + -oj A) *Cə.dzˤə {*[Cə.dz]ˤə} timber 0943g U+6750

才 cái dzoj (dz- + -oj A) *dzˤə {*(Cə.)[dz]ˤə} talent, ability 0943a U+624D

財 cái dzoj (dz- + -oj A) *dzˤə {*[dz]ˤə} wealth 0943h U+8CA1

采 cǎi tshojX (tsh- + -oj B) *N-sˤrəʔ colorful 0942a U+91C7

彩 cǎi tshojX (tsh- + -oj B) *N-sˤrəʔ colorful 0942a U+5F69

採 cǎi tshojX (tsh- + -oj B) *m-sˤrəʔ gather, pluck 0942d U+63A1

采 cǎi tshojX (tsh- + -oj B) *m-sˤrəʔ gather, pluck 0942a U+91C7

蔡 cài tshajH (tsh- + -aj C) *s.r̥̥ˤat-s (name of a state) 0337i U+8521

菜 cài tshojH (tsh- + -oj C) *m-sˤrəʔ-s vegetables 0942e U+83DC

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參 cān tshom (tsh- + -om A) *N-sˤrum {*N-sˤr[u]m} three 0647a U+53C3

驂 cān tshom (tsh- + -om A) *m-sˤrəm {*m-sˤr[ə]m} team of three horses 0647c U+9A42

參 cān tshom (tsh- + -om A) *s-l̥ˤum {*s-l̥ˤ[u]m} accumulate 0647a U+53C3

參 cān tshom (tsh- + -om A) *tsʰˤum {*[tsʰ]ˤ[u]m} straight 0647a U+53C3

慙 cán dzam (dz- + -am A) *dzˤam {*[dz]ˤam} ashamed 0611c U+6159

殘 cán dzan (dz- + -an A) *dzˤan {*[dz]ˤa[n]} injure; remnant 0155c U+6B98

蠶 cán dzom (dz- + -om A) *C.dzˤəm {*C.dzˤ[ə]m} silkworm 0660i U+8836

粲 càn tshanH (tsh- + -an C) *tsʰˤar-s {*[tsʰ]ˤar-s} bright and white 0154b U+7CB2

倉 cāng tshang (tsh- + -ang A) *[s.r̥]ˤaŋ tshang-kaeng 'oriole' 0703a U+5009

倉 cāng tshang (tsh- + -ang A) *tsʰˤaŋ {*[tsʰ]ˤaŋ} granary 0703a U+5009

凔 cāng tshang (tsh- + -ang A) *tsʰˤaŋ {*[tsʰ]ˤaŋ} cold 0703c U+51D4

蒼 cāng tshang (tsh- + -ang A) *tsʰˤaŋ {*[tsʰ]ˤaŋ} deep blue or green 0703e U+84BC

藏 cáng dzang (dz- + -ang A) *m-tsʰˤaŋ store (v.) 0727g' U+85CF

操 cāo tshawH (tsh- + -aw C) *tsʰˤawʔ-s {*[tsʰ]ˤawʔ-s} (what is grasped:) principles 1134m U+64CD

操 cāo tshawX (tsh- + -aw B) *tsʰˤawʔ {*[tsʰ]ˤawʔ} grasp (v.) 1134m U+64CD

曹 cáo dzaw (dz- + -aw A) *N-tsˤu come together; pair 1053a U+66F9

草 cǎo tshawX (tsh- + -aw B) *tsʰˤuʔ {*[tsʰ]ˤuʔ} grass, plants 1049b U+8349

册 cè tsrheak (tsrh- + -eak D) *tsʰrek {*[tsʰ](ˤ)rek} tablet, records 0845a U+518C

策 cè tsrheak (tsrh- + -eak D) *tsʰrek {*[tsʰ](ˤ)rek} tablet, record 0868l U+7B56

栅 cè tsrheak (tsrh- + -eak D) *tsʰˤrek {*[tsʰ]ˤrek} hedge 0845g U+6805

廁 cè tsrhiH (tsrh- + -i C) *tsʰrək-s {*[tsʰ]rək-s} latrine 0906g U+5EC1

測 cè tsrhik (tsrh- + -ik D) *tsʰrək {*[tsʰ]rək} fathom (v.) 0906f U+6E2C

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側 cè tsrik (tsr- + -ik D) *tsrək {*[ts]rək} slanting, oblique; side 0906c U+5074

參 cēn tsrhim (tsrh- + -im A) *tsʰrum {*[tsʰr][u]m} uneven 0647a U+53C3

層 céng dzong (dz- + -ong A) *N-s.tˤəŋ double 0884i U+5C64

曾 céng dzong (dz- + -ong A) *dzˤəŋ {*[dz]ˤəŋ} (adverb indicating past time) 0884a U+66FE

差 chā tsrhae (tsrh- + -ae A) *tsʰraj distinction; to select 0005f U+5DEE

插 chā tsrheap (tsrh- + -eap D) *mə-tsʰ<r>op {*mə-[tsʰ]<r>op} insert 0631b U+63D2

臿 chā tsrheap (tsrh- + -eap D) *tsʰ<r>op {*[tsʰ](ˤ)<r>op} pestle 0631a U+81FF

秅 chá drae (dr- + -ae A) *dˤra {*[d]ˤra} a certain number of sheaves of grain 0780f U+79C5

槎 chá dzrae (dzr- + -ae A) *dzˤraj {*[dz]ˤraj} cut trees 0005h U+69CE

槎 chá dzraeX (dzr- + -ae B) *dzˤrajʔ {*[dz]ˤrajʔ} to cut trees 0005h U+69CE

察 chá tsrheat (tsrh- + -eat D) *tsʰˤret {*[tsʰ]ˤret} examine 0337j U+5BDF

差 chāi tsrhea (tsrh- + -ea A) *tsʰraj {*[tsʰ](ˤ)raj} distinction; to select 0005f U+5DEE

差 chāi tsrheaj (tsrh- + -eaj A) *tsʰraj {*[tsʰ](ˤ)raj} distinction; to select 0005f U+5DEE

祡 chái dzrea (dzr- + -ea A) *C.dzˤre {*C.dzˤre(j)} firewood 0358v U+7961

儕 chái dzreaj (dzr- + -eaj A) *dzˤ<r>əj {*[dz]ˤ<r>əj} category, equals 0593z U+5115

豺 chái dzreaj (dzr- + -eaj A) *dzˤeaj {*[dz]ˤrə} wolf 0943t U+8C7A

蠆 chài trhaejH (trh- + -aej C) *mə-r̥ˤat-s {*mə-r̥ˤa[t]-s} scorpion 0326a U+8806

幨 chān tsyhem (tsyh- + -jem A) *tʰam {*[tʰ]am} cut out, cut loose 0619d U+5E68

襜 chān tsyhem (tsyh- + -jem A) *tʰam {*[tʰ]am} apron; shake, move (skirts) 0619e U+895C

廛 chán drjen (dr- + -jen A) *dran {*[d]ra[n]} farmyard 0204a U+5EDB

躔 chán drjen (dr- + -jen A) *dran {*[d]ra[n]} tracks; orbit (v.) 0204b U+8E94

纏 chán drjen (dr- + -jen A) *dran {*[d]ra[n]} bind, wind 0204c U+7E8F

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蟬 chán dzyen (dzy- + -jen A) *dar {*[d]a[r]} cicada 0147z U+87EC

單 chán dzyen (dzy- + -jen A) *dˤar {*[d]ˤar} in chan2yu2 0147a U+55AE

產 chǎn sreanX (sr- + -ean B) *s-ŋrarʔ bear (v.), produce 0194a U+7522

諂 chǎn trhjemX (trh- + -jem B) *qʰromʔ flatter (v.) 0672l U+8AC2

讇 chǎn trhjemX (trh- + -jem B) *qʰromʔ to flatter 0672p U+8B87

幨 chàn tsyhemH (tsyh- + -jem C) *tʰam-s {*[tʰ]am-s} overcoat 0619d U+5E68

長 cháng drjang (dr- + -jang A) *Cə-N-traŋ {*Cə-[N]-traŋ} long (adj.) 0721a U+9577

場 cháng drjang (dr- + -jang A) *Cə.lraŋ arena 0720x U+5834

腸 cháng drjang (dr- + -jang A) *lraŋ intestines 0720y U+8178

嘗 cháng dzyang (dzy- + -jang A) *Cə.daŋ taste (v.) 0725f U+5617

常 cháng dzyang (dzy- + -jang A) *daŋ {*[d]aŋ} constant 0725e U+5E38

裳 cháng dzyang (dzy- + -jang A) *daŋ lower garment 0725d U+88F3

惝 chǎng tsyhangX (tsyh- + -jang B) *tʰaŋʔ despondent; scared 0725l U+60DD

敞 chǎng tsyhangX (tsyh- + -jang B) *tʰaŋʔ open, spacious 0725m U+655E

鬯 chàng trhjangH (trh- + -jang C) *tʰraŋ-s aromatic spirits 0719a U+9B2F

悵 chàng trhjangH (trh- + -jang C) *tʰraŋ-s disappointed 0721l U+60B5

唱 chàng tsyhangH (tsyh- + -jang C) *mə-tʰaŋ-s to lead (in singing) 0724d U+5531

倡 chàng tsyhangH (tsyh- + -jang C) *tʰaŋ-s to lead (in singing) 0724c U+5021

超 chāo trhjew (trh- + -jew A) *tʰraw {*tʰr[a]w} leap over, surpass 1131j U+8D85

潮 cháo drjew (dr- + -jew A) *N-t<r>aw {*[N]-t<r>aw} morning tide 1143d U+6F6E

朝 cháo drjew (dr- + -jew A) *m-t<r>aw {*[m]-t<r>aw} (morning) audience at court 1143a U+671D

巢 cháo dzraew (dzr- + -aew A) *dzˤraw {*[dz]ˤraw} nest 1169a U+5DE2

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車 chē tsyhae (tsyh- + -jae A) *t.qʰa {*[t.qʰ](r)A} chariot 0074a U+8ECA

撤 chè drjet (dr- + -jet D) *m-tʰret {*m-tʰr[e]t} remove, take away 0286b U+64A4

徹 chè drjet (dr- + -jet D) *m-tʰret {*m-[tʰ]ret} penetrate 0286c U+5FB9

坼 chè trhaek (trh- + -aek D) *Nə-qʰˤ<r>ak split (v.i.) 0792d U+577C

撤 chè trhjet (trh- + -jet D) *tʰret {*tʰr[e]t} remove, take away 0286b U+64A4

徹 chè trhjet (trh- + -jet D) *tʰret {*[tʰ]ret} penetrate 0286c U+5FB9

瞋 chēn tsyhin (tsyh- + -in A) *tʰin {*tʰi[n]} glare (v.) 0375g U+778B

沈 chén drim (dr- + -im A) *lrəm {*[l]r[ə]m} ~ *m-lr[ə]m sink (v.) 0656b U+6C88

沈 chén drim (dr- + -im A) *lrəm {*[l]r[ə]m} sacrifice in which gifts are sunk in water 0656b U+6C88

沈 chén drimH (dr- + -im C) *lrəm-s {*[l]r[ə]m-s} sacrifice in which gifts are sunk in water 0656b U+6C88

塵 chén drin (dr- + -in A) *drən {*[d]rə[n]} dust (n.) 0374a U+5875

陳 chén drin (dr- + -in A) *lrin {*lri[n]} arrange 0373a U+9673

煁 chén dzyim (dzy- + -im A) *dəm {*[d][ə]m} small furnace 0658b U+7141

忱 chén dzyim (dzy- + -im A) *t.ɢəm {*[t.ɢ][ə]m} sincere 0656h U+5FF1

諶 chén dzyim (dzy- + -im A) *t.ɢəm {*[t.ɢ][ə]m} reliable, to trust 0658c U+8AF6

辰 chén dzyin (dzy- + -in A) *dər {*[d]ər} 5th earthly branch 0455a U+8FB0

晨 chén dzyin (dzy- + -in A) *dər {*[d]ər} part of Scorpio; morning 0455h U+6668

臣 chén dzyin (dzy- + -in A) *gin {*[g]i[n]} slave, subject 0377a U+81E3

晨 chén zyin (zy- + -in A) *sə.dər {*sə.[d]ər} part of Scorpio; morning 0455h U+6668

瞠 chēng trhaeng (trh- + -aeng A) *tʰˤraŋ look straight at, stare 0725f' U+77A0

䞓 chēng trhjeng (trh- + -jeng A) *t-kʰreŋ red 0831x U+4793

稱 chēng tsyhing (tsyh- + -ing A) *tʰəŋ weigh; evaluate; call 0894g U+7A31

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� chéng draeng (dr- + -aeng A) *m-tˤ<r>aŋ serve as support for 0725u U+2397A

澄 chéng dring (dr- + -ing A) *drəŋ {*[d]rəŋ} limpid, clear 0883m U+6F84

懲 chéng dring (dr- + -ing A) *m-trəŋ reprove; punish 0891b U+61F2

程 chéng drjeng (dr- + -jeng A) *C.lreŋ Chéng (a surname) 0835t U+7A0B

呈 chéng drjeng (dr- + -jeng A) *lreŋ to manifest 0835r U+5448

城 chéng dzyeng (dzy- + -jeng A) *Cə.deŋ {*Cə.[d]eŋ} city wall 0818e U+57CE

誠 chéng dzyeng (dzy- + -jeng A) *deŋ {*[d]eŋ} sincere 0818h U+8AA0

盛 chéng dzyeng (dzy- + -jeng A) *deŋ {*[d]eŋ} put in (a receptacle) 0818i U+76DB

成 chéng dzyeng (dzy- + -jeng A) *deŋ {*[d]eŋ} to become (v.i.) 0818a U+6210

成 chéng dzyeng (dzy- + -jeng A) *m-deŋ {*m-[d]eŋ} to complete (tr. v) 0818a U+6210

承 chéng dzying (dzy- + -ing A) *dəŋ {*[d]əŋ} receive 0896c U+627F

丞 chéng dzying (dzy- + -ing A) *m-təŋ assist 0896g U+4E1E

塍 chéng zying (zy- + -ing A) *Cə.ləŋ raised path between fields 0893n U+584D

乘 chéng zying (zy- + -ing A) *Cə.ləŋ ride (v.) 0895a U+4E58

騁 chěng trhjengX (trh- + -jeng B) *l̥reŋʔ {*[l̥]reŋʔ} gallop 0817a U+9A01

逞 chěng trhjengX (trh- + -jeng B) *l̥reŋʔ {*[l̥]reŋʔ} to run after; gratify one’s desire 0835x U+901E

稱 chèng tsyhingH (tsyh- + -ing C) *mə-tʰəŋ-s steelyard 0894g U+7A31

离 chī trhje (trh- + -je A) *C.r̥aj {*r̥aj} mountain demon 0023a U+79BB

魑 chī trhje (trh- + -je A) *r̥aj demon 0023b U+9B51

螭 chī trhje (trh- + -je A) *r̥aj (E. dial. *r̥- > trh-) demon 0023c U+87AD

鴟 chī tsyhij (tsyh- + -ij A) *tʰij owl (鴟鵂 tsyhij.xjuw) 0590s U+9D1F

治 chí dri (dr- + -i A) *C.lrə regulate, arrange 0976z U+6CBB

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持 chí dri (dr- + -i A) *drə {*[d]rə} grasp, hold 0961p U+6301

坻 chí drij (dr- + -ij A) *drij {*[d]rij} islet 0590l U+577B

蚳 chí drij (dr- + -ij A) *drij {*[d]rij} ant egg 0590m U+86B3

遲 chí drij (dr- + -ij A) *lrəj {*lrə[j]} slow 0596d U+9072

池 chí drje (dr- + -je A) *Cə.lraj pool (n.) 0004t U+6C60

踟 chí drje (dr- + -je A) *dre {*[d]re} *[d]re.[d]ro walk hesitatingly 0863e U+8E1F

馳 chí drje (dr- + -je A) *lraj {*[l]raj} gallop 0004x U+99B3

篪 chí drje (dr- + -je A) *lre a kind of flute 0870c U+7BEA

弛 chí syeX (sy- + -je B) *l̥ajʔ slacken (a bow) 0004a' U+5F1B

恥 chǐ trhiX (trh- + -i B) *n̥rəʔ {*n̥rə(ŋ)ʔ} shame; ashamed 0959a U+6065

哆 chǐ tsyhaeX (tsyh- + -jae B) *t-l̥ajʔ {*[t-l̥]Ajʔ} large 0003k U+54C6

侈 chǐ tsyheX (tsyh- + -je B) *t-l̥ajʔ extravagant 0003i U+4F88

尺 chǐ tsyhek (tsyh- + -jek D) *tʰak {*tʰAk} foot (measure) 0794a U+5C3A

齒 chǐ tsyhiX (tsyh- + -i B) *t-kʰəʔ {*[t-kʰ]ə(ŋ)ʔ} front teeth 0961l U+9F52

翅 chì syeH (sy- + -je C) *s-kʰe-s wing 0864e U+7FC5

勅 chì trhik (trh- + -ik D) *r̥ək {*(m-)r̥ək} correct (v.); to arrange 0917b U+52C5

㡿 chì tsyhek (tsyh- + -jek D) *t-qʰak {*t-qʰAk} salty soil 0792a U+387F

赤 chì tsyhek (tsyh- + -jek D) *t-qʰak {*[t-qʰ](r)Ak} red 0793a U+8D64

斥 chì tsyhek (tsyh- + -jek D) *tʰak {*tʰAk} rebuff; salty soil 0792b U+65A5

厈 chì tsyhek (tsyh- + -jek D) *tʰak {*tʰAk} rebuff; salty soil 0792c U+5388

熾 chì tsyhiH (tsyh- + -i C) *tʰək-s blaze 0920l U+71BE

舂 chōng syowng (sy- + -jowng A) *s-toŋ hull grain, beat (v.) stick for beating (n.) 1192a U+8202

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憃 chōng syowng (sy- + -jowng A) *s.toŋ stupid 1192d U+6183

憃 chōng trhaewng (trh- + -aewng A) *qʰˤ<r>oŋ {*[q]ʰˤ<r>oŋ} stupid 1192d U+6183

忡 chōng trhjuwng (trh- + -juwng A) *tʰruŋ grieved, agitated 1007n U+5FE1

衝 chōng tsyhowng (tsyh- + -jowng A) *tʰoŋ rush against 1188j U+885D

充 chōng tsyhuwng (tsyh- + -juwng A) *tʰuŋ full, fill 1011a U+5145

重 chóng drjowng (dr- + -jowng A) *m-troŋ {*[m]-troŋ} repeat; double 1188a U+91CD

蟲 chóng drjuwng (dr- + -juwng A) *C.lruŋ insect 1009a U+87F2

崇 chóng dzrjuwng (dzr- + -juwng A) *dz<r>uŋ {*[dz]<r>uŋ} exalt, honor 1003h U+5D07

寵 chǒng trhjowngX (trh- + -jowng B) *r̥oŋʔ favor, grace 1193p U+5BF5

抽 chōu trhjuw (trh- + -juw A) *l̥ru take out, pull out 1079f U+62BD

瘳 chōu trhjuw (trh- + -juw A) *r̥iw recover 1069k U+7633

稠 chóu drjuw (dr- + -juw A) *driw {*[d]riw} dense, thick 1083l U+7A20

綢 chóu drjuw (dr- + -juw A) *driw {*[d]riw} bind round 1083m U+7DA2

疇 chóu drjuw (dr- + -juw A) *dru {*[d]ru} in the past, yesterday 1090l U+7587

疇 chóu drjuw (dr- + -juw A) *dru {*[d]ru} plowed field 1090l U+7587

愁 chóu dzrjuw (dzr- + -juw A) *dzriw {*[dz]riw} grieved 1092i U+6101

讎 chóu dzyuw (dzy- + -juw A) *du {*[d]u} pay back; enemy 1091a U+8B8E

丑 chǒu trhjuwX (trh- + -juw B) *n̥ruʔ {*[n̥]ruʔ} 2d earthly branch 1076a U+4E11

醜 chǒu tsyhuwX (tsyh- + -juw B) *t.qʰuʔ ugly; evil 1089a U+919C

醜 chǒu tsyhuwX (tsyh- + -juw B) *t.qʰuʔ category 1089a U+919C

臭 chòu tsyhuwH (tsyh- + -juw C) *t-qʰu-s {*t-qʰu(ʔ)-s} odor, to stink (intransitive)? 1088a U+81ED

臭 chòu xjuwH (x- + -juw C) *qʰu-s {*[qʰ]u(ʔ)-s} odor, to stink (intransitive)? 1088a U+81ED

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臭 chòu xjuwH (x- + -juw C) *qʰu-s {*[qʰ]u(ʔ)-s} odor, to stink (intransitive)? 1088a U+81ED

初 chū tsrhjo (tsrh- + -jo A) *tsʰra {*[ts]ʰra} beginning 0087a U+521D

出 chū tsyhwit (tsyh- + -wit D) *t-kʰut go or come out 0496a U+51FA

除 chú drjo (dr- + -jo A) *l<r>a remove 0082m U+9664

廚 chú drju (dr- + -ju A) *dro {*[d]ro} kitchen 0127m U+5EDA

躕 chú drju (dr- + -ju A) *dro {*[d]ro} drje-drjo walk hesitatingly 0127n U+8E95

鋤 chú dzrjo (dzr- + -jo A) *Cə-l<r>a (MC reflects *s-l<r>a) hoe (n.) 0046p' U+92E4

鋤 chú dzrjo (dzr- + -jo A) *s-l<r>a to hoe 0046p' U+92E4

芻 chú tsrhju (tsrh- + -ju A) *tsʰro {*[tsʰ]ro} grass for fuel or fodder 0132a U+82BB

楚 chǔ tsrhjoX (tsrh- + -jo B) *s.r̥aʔ thorns 0088a U+695A

楚 chǔ tsrhjoX (tsrh- + -jo B) *s.r̥aʔ {*[s.r̥]aʔ} arrange in order 0088a U+695A

楚 chǔ tsrhjoX (tsrh- + -jo B) *s.r̥aʔ name of a state 0088a U+695A

杵 chǔ tsyhoX (tsyh- + -jo B) *t.qʰaʔ pestle 0086a U+6775

處 chǔ tsyhoX (tsyh- + -jo B) *t.qʰaʔ be at 0085a U+8655

豖 chù trhjowk (trh- + -jowk D) *tʰrok hobbled pig (SW) 1218a U+8C56

畜 chù trhjuwH (trh- + -juw C) *qʰ<r>uk-s nourish 1018a U+755C

畜 chù trhjuwk (trh- + -juwk D) *qʰ<r>uk nourish 1018a U+755C

黜 chù trhwit (trh- + -wit D) *t.kʰ<r>ut expel 0496f U+9EDC

處 chù tsyhoH (tsyh- + -jo C) *t.qʰaʔ-s place (n.) 0085a U+8655

觸 chù tsyhowk (tsyh- + -jowk D) *tʰok knock against 1224g U+89F8

俶 chù tsyhuwk (tsyh- + -juwk D) *tʰuk commence 1031h U+4FF6

揣 chuǎi tsrhjweX (tsrh- + -jwe B) *s-tʰ<r>orʔ to measure; to estimate 0168q U+63E3

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嘬 chuài tsrhwaejH (tsrh- + -waej C) *tsʰˤrot-s {*[tsʰ]ˤrot-s} bite, eat 0325d U+562C

川 chuān tsyhwen (tsyh- + -jwen A) *t.l̥un {*t.l̥u[n]} (MC -jwen is irregular) stream, river 0462a U+5DDD

穿 chuān tsyhwen (tsyh- + -jwen A) *tʰon {*tʰo[n]} bore through 0232a U+7A7F

巛 chuān tsyhwen (tsyh- + -jwen A) *tʰun {*[tʰ]u[n]} (MC -jwen is irregular) stream, river 0422a U+5DDB

傳 chuán drjwen (dr- + -jwen A) *Cə-m-tron transmit 0231f U+50B3

椽 chuán drjwen (dr- + -jwen A) *lron beam, rafter 0171e U+693D

船 chuán zywen (zy- + -jwen A) *Cə.lon {*Cə.lo[n]} boat 0229e U+8239

舛 chuǎn tsyhwenX (tsyh- + -jwen B) *tʰonʔ {*[tʰ]o[n]ʔ} oppose, contrary 0233a U+821B

喘 chuǎn tsyhwenX (tsyh- + -jwen B) *tʰorʔ to pant 0168j U+5598

窻 chuāng tsrhaewng (tsrh- + -aewng A) *s-l̥ˤ<r>oŋ window 1199l U+7ABB

䆫 chuāng tsrhaewng (tsrh- + -aewng A) *s-l̥ˤ<r>oŋ window 1199m U+41AB

創 chuāng tsrhjang (tsrh- + -jang A) *tsʰraŋ {*[tsʰ]raŋ} wound (v.) 0703l U+5275

瘡 chuāng tsrhjang (tsrh- + -jang A) *tsʰraŋ {*[tsʰ]raŋ} boil, tumor 0703n U+7621

撞 chuáng draewng (dr- + -aewng A) *N-tˤ<r>oŋ {*[N-t]ˤ<r>oŋ} strike 1188f' U+649E

牀 chuáng dzrjang (dzr- + -jang A) *k.dzraŋ bed 0727r U+7240

創 chuàng tsrhjangH (tsrh- + -jang C) *tsʰraŋ-s {*[tsʰ]raŋ-s} begin 0703l U+5275

吹 chuī tsyhwe (tsyh- + -jwe A) *tʰoj blow (v.) 0030a U+5439

椎 chuí drwij (dr- + -wij A) *k.druj hammer 0575r U+690E

垂 chuí dzywe (dzy- + -jwe A) *doj {*[d]oj} hang down 0031a U+5782

捶 chuí tsyweX (tsy- + -jwe B) *tojʔ to beat 0031i U+6376

吹 chuì tsyhweH (tsyh- + -jwe C) *tʰoj-s musical concert 0030a U+5439

出 chuì tsyhwijH (tsyh- + -wij C) *t.kʰut-s bring or take out 0496a U+51FA

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䡅 chūn trhwin (trh- + -win A) *l̥run {*[l̥]ru[n]} ornate band on axle-cap of wheel (K) 0462b U+4845

輴 chūn trhwin (trh- + -win A) *l̥run {*l̥ru[n]} funeral car 0465d U+8F34

春 chūn tsyhwin (tsyh- + -win A) *tʰun springtime 0463a U+6625

純 chún dzywin (dzy- + -win A) *dun {*[d]un} pure, unmixed 0427n U+7D14

淳 chún dzywin (dzy- + -win A) *dur {*[d]ur} a pair 0464e U+6DF3

淳 chún dzywin (dzy- + -win A) *dur {*[d]ur} simple, unadorned 0464e U+6DF3

淳 chún dzywin (dzy- + -win A) *dur {*[d]ur} ample 0464e U+6DF3

鶉 chún dzywin (dzy- + -win A) *dur {*[d]ur} quail 0464j U+9D89

脣 chún zywin (zy- + -win A) *sə.dur {*sə.[d]ur} lip 0455u U+8123

躇 chuò trhjak (trh- + -jak D) *tʰrak jump over, pass over 0045o' U+8E87

綽 chuò tsyhak (tsyh- + -jak D) *tʰawk indulgent, gentle 1126g U+7DBD

啜 chuò tsyhwet (tsyh- + -jwet D) *tʰot taste, eat, drink (v.) 0295c U+555C

差 cī tsrhje (tsrh- + -je A) *tsʰraj uneven 0005f U+5DEE

慈 cí dzi (dz- + -i A) *dzə loving, kind 0966j U+6148

祠 cí zi (z- + -i A) *sə.lə sacrifice 0972h U+7960

辭 cí zi (z- + -i A) *sə.lə words 0968a U+8FAD

詞 cí zi (z- + -i A) *sə.lə utterance 0972j U+8A5E

此 cǐ tshjeX (tsh- + -je B) *tsʰeʔ {*[tsʰ]e(j)ʔ} this 0358a U+6B64

泚 cǐ tshjeX (tsh- + -je B) *tsʰeʔ {*[tsʰ]e(j)ʔ} clear (adj.) 0358h U+6CDA

賜 cì sjeH (s- + -je C) *s-lek-s give 0850t U+8CDC

次 cì tshijH (tsh- + -ij C) *s-n̥ij-s {*[s-n̥]i[j]-s} lodge (v.) 0555a U+6B21

次 cì tshijH (tsh- + -ij C) *s-n̥ij-s {*[s-n̥]i[j]-s} put in order; second 0555a U+6B21

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朿 cì tshjeH (tsh- + -je C) *tsʰek-s {*[tsʰ]ek-s} sharp point, thorn; pierce 0868a U+673F

刺 cì tshjeH (tsh- + -je C) *tsʰek-s {*[tsʰ]ek-s} sharp point, thorn 0868d U+523A

刺 cì tshjek (tsh- + -jek D) *tsʰek {*[tsʰ]ek} pierce, stab 0868d U+523A

蔥 cōng tshuwng (tsh- + -uwng A) *tsʰˤoŋ {*[ts]ʰˤoŋ} onion 1199g U+8525

聰 cōng tshuwng (tsh- + -uwng A) *tsʰˤoŋ {*[tsʰ]ˤoŋ} hear well; intelligent 1199f U+8070

從 cóng dzjowng (dz- + -jowng A) *dzoŋ {*[dz]oŋ} to follow 1191d U+5F9E

取 cǒu tshuwX (tsh- + -uw B) *tsʰˤoʔ take 0131a U+53D6

粗 cū tshu (tsh- + -u A) *N-sˤra coarse, thick (as hair) 0046h' U+7C97

徂 cú dzu (dz- + -u A) *dzˤa {*[dz]ˤa} advance, go to 0046i' U+5F82

趣 cù tshjowk (tsh- + -jowk D) *tsʰok {*[tsʰ]ok} urge, hasten, press 0131g U+8DA3

竄 cuàn tshwanH (tsh- + -wan C) *tsʰˤon-s {*[tsʰ]ˤo[n]-s} hide; flee 0176a U+7AC4

崔 cuī dzwoj (dz- + -woj A) *dzˤuj {*[dz]ˤuj} high, rocky 0575d' U+5D14

縗 cuī tshwoj (tsh- + -woj A) *N-s.rˤuj {*[N]-s.rˤuj} mourning clothes 0355e U+7E17

衰 cuī tshwoj (tsh- + -woj A) *N-sˤruj mourning clothes 0355a U+8870

催 cuī tshwoj (tsh- + -woj A) *s-tʰˤuj urge, repress 0575j' U+50AC

萃 cuì dzwijH (dz- + -wij C) *dzəp-s {*[dz][ə]p-s} collect, crowd 0490m U+8403

毳 cuì tshjwejH (tsh- + -jwej C) *tsʰop-s {*[tsʰ]op-s} fine hair; felt 0345a U+6BF3

倅 cuì tshwojH (tsh- + -woj C) *tsʰˤut-s {*[tsʰ]ˤu[t]-s} assistant 0490d U+5005

啐 cuì tshwojH (tsh- + -woj C) *tsʰˤut-s {*[tsʰ]ˤu[t]-s} taste (v.) 0490e U+5550

淬 cuì tshwojH (tsh- + -woj C) *tsʰˤut-s {*[tsʰ]ˤu[t]-s} dip into a fluid 0490f U+6DEC

焠 cuì tshwojH (tsh- + -woj C) *tsʰˤut-s {*[tsʰ]ˤu[t]-s} burn 0490g U+7120

毳 cuì tsrhjwejH (tsrh- + -jwej C) *tsʰ<r>op-s {*[tsʰ]<r>op-s} down, fine hair 0345a U+6BF3

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存 cún dzwon (dz- + -won A) *dzˤən {*[dz]ˤə[n]} exist 0432a U+5B58

刌 cǔn tshwonX (tsh- + -won B) *tsʰˤunʔ {*[tsʰ]ˤu[n]ʔ} cut, chop 0431c U+520C

忖 cǔn tshwonX (tsh- + -won B) *tsʰˤunʔ {*[tsʰ]ˤu[n]ʔ} measure, consider 0431d U+5FD6

寸 cùn tshwonH (tsh- + -won C) *tsʰˤun-s {*[tsʰ]ˤu[n]-s} thumb; inch 0431a U+5BF8

磋 cuō tsha (tsh- + -a A) *tsʰˤaj {*[tsʰ]ˤaj} file, polish (v.) 0005j U+78CB

差 cuō tsha (tsh- + -a A) *tsʰˤaj {*[tsʰ]ˤaj} rub, polish, file (v.) 0005f U+5DEE

撮 cuō tshwat (tsh- + -wat D) *tsʰˤot {*[tsʰ]ˤot} pinch; a pinch 0325e U+64AE

鹺 cuó dza (dz- + -a A) *N-tsˤaj {*N-[ts]ˤaj} salt 0005m U+9E7A

瑳 cuǒ tshaX (tsh- + -a B) *tsʰˤarʔ white and brilliant 0005i U+7473

錯 cuò tshak (tsh- + -ak D) *tsʰˤak {*[tsʰ]ˤak} slanting 0798s U+932F

措 cuò tshuH (tsh- + -u C) *tsʰˤak-s {*[tsʰ]ˤak-s} place (v.) 0798x U+63AA

剉 cuò tshwaH (tsh- + -wa C) *tsʰˤoj-s {*[tsʰ]ˤoj-s} cut 0012e U+5249

達 dá dat (d- + -at D) *Cə.lˤat arrive at 0271b U+9054

答 dá top (t- + -op D) *tˤəp {*[t]ˤ[ə]p} answer 0676a U+7B54

荅 dá top (t- + -op D) *tˤəp {*[t]ˤ[ə]p} small bean 0676b U+8345

大 dà daH (d- + -a C) *lˤat-s (F!) big 0317a U+5927

大 dà dajH (d- + -aj C) *lˤat-s {*lˤa[t]-s} big 0317a U+5927

汰 dài dajH (d- + -aj C) *lˤat-s {*lˤa[t]-s} wave 0317g U+6C70

袋 dài dojH (d- + -oj C) *Cə.lˤək-s bag 918 U+888B

代 dài dojH (d- + -oj C) *lˤək-s replace 0918i U+4EE3

隶 dài dojH (d- + -oj C) *m.rˤəp-s reach to 0509a U+96B6

逮 dài dojH (d- + -oj C) *m.rˤəp-s reach to 0509c U+902E

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待 dài dojX (d- + -oj B) *dˤəʔ {*[d]ˤəʔ} wait on; depend on 0961g' U+5F85

殆 dài dojX (d- + -oj B) *lˤəʔ danger 0976l' U+6B86

迨 dài dojX (d- + -oj B) *lˤəʔ come to 0976n' U+8FE8

詒 dài dojX (d- + -oj B) *lˤəʔ deceive, cheat 0976v U+8A52

帶 dài tajH (t- + -aj C) *C.tˤat-s {*C.tˤa[t]-s} girdle, strap 0315a U+5E36

貸 dài thojH (th- + -oj C) *l̥ˤək-s borrow; lend 0918p U+8CB8

戴 dài tojH (t- + -oj C) *Cə.tˤək-s carry on the head 0943e' U+6234

擔 dān tam (t- + -am A) *mə-tˤam carry on the shoulder 0619k U+64D4

單 dān tan (t- + -an A) *Cə.tˤar single, simple 0147a U+55AE

丹 dān tan (t- + -an A) *tˤan cinnabar 0150a U+4E39

鄲 dān tan (t- + -an A) *tˤar {*tˤa[r]} place name (han.tan) 0147j U+9132

耽 dān tom (t- + -om A) *t-qˤəm {*[t-q]ˤ[ə]m} take pleasure 0656l U+803D

膽 dǎn tamX (t- + -am B) *tˤamʔ {*[t]ˤamʔ} gall 0619l U+81BD

亶 dǎn tanX (t- + -an B) *tˤanʔ {*tˤa[n]ʔ} sincere, truly 0148a U+4EB6

啗 dàn damH (d- + -am C) *m-rˤamʔ-s eat, swallow 0672k U+5557

憺 dàn damX (d- + -am B) *lˤamʔ {*[l]ˤamʔ} calm 0619m U+61BA

澹 dàn damX (d- + -am B) *lˤamʔ {*[l]ˤamʔ} calm 0619n U+6FB9

啖 dàn damX (d- + -am B) *m-rˤamʔ eat 0617n U+5556

啗 dàn damX (d- + -am B) *m-rˤamʔ eat 0672k U+5557

彈 dàn danH (d- + -an C) *Cə.dˤar-s {*Cə.[d]ˤar-s} pellet 0147n U+5F48

但 dàn danX (d- + -an B) *dˤanʔ {*[d]ˤa[n]ʔ} only 0149e U+4F46

禫 dàn domX (d- + -om B) *N.rˤumʔ {*[N.]rˤ[u]mʔ} sacrifice at end of mourning 0646g U+79AB

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窞 dàn domX (d- + -om B) *lˤomʔ {*rˤomʔ} in 坎窞 khomX-domX hole or pit 0672i U+7A9E

萏 dàn domX (d- + -om B) *rˤomʔ (in a binom) homX.domX lotus flower 0672j U+840F

擔 dàn tam (t- + -am A) *tˤam-s {*tˤam} burden 0619k U+64D4

擔 dàn tamH (t- + -am C) *tˤam-s {*mə-tˤam-s} burden 0619k U+64D4

旦 dàn tanH (t- + -an C) *tˤan-s {*tˤa[n]-s} dawn 0149a U+65E6

當 dāng tang (t- + -ang A) *tˤaŋ match (v.) 0725q U+7576

黨 dǎng tangX (t- + -ang B) *tˤaŋʔ 500 families; relatives 0725r U+9EE8

碭 dàng dangH (d- + -ang C) *lˤaŋ-s veined stone 0720f' U+78AD

蕩 dàng dangH (d- + -ang C) *lˤaŋ-s throw out, purify from 0720p' U+8569

愓 dàng dangX (d- + -ang B) *lˤaŋʔ extravagant 0720e' U+6113

當 dàng tangH (t- + -ang C) *tˤaŋ-s suitable 0725q U+7576

刀 dāo taw (t- + -aw A) *C.tˤaw knife 1131a U+5200

道 dǎo dawH (d- + -aw C) *lˤuʔ-s show the way 1048a U+9053

導 dǎo dawH (d- + -aw C) *lˤuʔ-s to lead 1048d U+5C0E

倒 dǎo tawX (t- + -aw B) *tˤawʔ turn upside down (v.i.) 1132c U+5012

盜 dào dawH (d- + -aw C) *dˤaw-s {*[d]ˤaw(k)-s} steal 1133a U+76DC

悼 dào dawH (d- + -aw C) *dˤawk-s {*[d]ˤawk-s} sad; pity 1126l U+60BC

道 dào dawX (d- + -aw B) *kə.lˤuʔ {*[kə.l]ˤuʔ} way 1048a U+9053

稻 dào dawX (d- + -aw B) *lˤuʔ {*[l]ˤuʔ} rice, paddy 1078h U+7A3B

到 dào tawH (t- + -aw C) *tˤawk-s {*tˤaw[k]-s} arrive 1132a U+5230

倒 dào tawH (t- + -aw C) *tˤawʔ-s turn over, invert; pour 1132c U+5012

德 dé tok (t- + -ok D) *tˤək virtue 0919k U+5FB7

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得 dé tok (t- + -ok D) *tˤək obtain 0905d U+5F97

登 dēng tong (t- + -ong A) *k-tˤəŋ a kind of sacrificial vessel 0883a U+767B

鐙 dēng tong (t- + -ong A) *k-tˤəŋ ritual vessel; lamp 0883i U+9419

燈 dēng tong (t- + -ong A) *k-tˤəŋ lamp 0883j U+71C8

登 dēng tong (t- + -ong A) *tˤəŋ ascend 0883e U+767B

豋 dēng tong (t- + -ong A) *tˤəŋ step up 0883a U+8C4B

等 děng tongX (t- + -ong B) *tˤəŋʔ step, grade 0961i' U+7B49

氐 dī tej (t- + -ej A) *tˤij Western tribes 0590a U+6C10

敵 dí dek (d- + -ek D) *dˤek {*[d]ˤek} oppose; enemy 0877q U+6575

狄 dí dek (d- + -ek D) *lˤek (name of a northern tribe) 0856a U+72C4

翟 dí dek (d- + -ek D) *lˤewk pheasant 1124a U+7FDF

滌 dí dek (d- + -ek D) *lˤiwk wash, clean (v.) 1077x U+6ECC

嫡 dí tek (t- + -ek D) *tˤek son of principal wife 0877m U+5AE1

蹢 dí tek (t- + -ek D) *tˤek hoof 0877o U+8E62

蹢 dí tek (t- + -ek D) *tˤek hoof 0877o U+8E62

氐 dǐ tejX (t- + -ej B) *tˤijʔ bottom 0590a U+6C10

抵 dǐ tejX (t- + -ej B) *tˤijʔ push away 0590g U+62B5

棣 dì dejH (d- + -ej C) *N.rˤəp-s {*[N.]rˤəp-s} dang-dejH cherry tree 0509f U+68E3

杕 dì dejH (d- + -ej C) *dˤet-s solitary-growing (sc. tree) 0317j U+6755

折 dì dejH (d- + -ej C) *dˤet-s {*[d]ˤet-s} solitary standing (sc. tree) 0287a U+6298

睇 dì dejH (d- + -ej C) *lˤəj-s look at 0591k U+7747

第 dì dejH (d- + -ej C) *lˤəjʔ-s {*[l]ˤəjʔ-s} sequence 0591e U+7B2C

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遞 dì dejX (d- + -ej B) *lˤeʔ alternate 0870e U+905E

弟 dì dejX (d- + -ej B) *lˤəjʔ younger brother 0591a U+5F1F

娣 dì dejX (d- + -ej B) *lˤəjʔ younger secondary wife 0591d U+5A23

地 dì dijH (d- + -ij C) *lˤej-s {*[l]ˤej-s} earth, ground 0004b' U+5730

帝 dì tejH (t- + -ej C) *tˤek-s God 0877a U+5E1D

的 dì tek (t- + -ek D) *t-lˤewk {*[t-l]ˤewk} bright; mark in a target 1120h U+7684

顛 diān ten (t- + -en A) *tˤin {*tˤi[n]} top 0375m U+985B

點 diǎn temX (t- + -em B) *tˤemʔ black spot 0618n U+9EDE

㓠 diǎn temX (t- + -em B) *tˤemʔ black spot 0618m U+34E0

典 diǎn tenX (t- + -en B) *tˤərʔ {*tˤə[r]ʔ} statute, norm 0476a U+5178

簟 diàn demX (d- + -em B) *lˤimʔ {*[l]ˤimʔ} bamboo mat 0646j U+7C1F

驔 diàn demX (d- + -em B) *lˤimʔ {*[l]ˤimʔ} horse with hairy legs 0646l U+9A54

殿 diàn denH (d- + -en C) *dˤən-s {*[N-t]ˤə[n]-s} palace 0429d U+6BBF

電 diàn denH (d- + -en C) *lˤin-s {*lˤi[n]-s} lightning 0385m U+96FB

甸 diàn denH (d- + -en C) *lˤiŋ-s open space outside city 0362g U+7538

佃 diàn denH (d- + -en C) *lˤiŋ-s hunt 0362d U+4F43

畋 diàn denH (d- + -en C) *lˤiŋ-s cultivate a field 0362e U+754B

玷 diàn temH (t- + -em C) *tˤemʔ-s black spot, flaw 0618l U+73B7

㓠 diàn temH (t- + -em C) *tˤemʔ-s black spot, flaw 0618m U+34E0

墊 diàn temH (t- + -em C) *tˤim-s {*[t]ˤ[i]m-s} descend 0685o U+588A

玷 diàn temX (t- + -em B) *tˤemʔ black spot 0618l U+73B7

殿 diàn tenH (t- + -en C) *tˤən-s {*tˤə[n]-s} rear (building, army unit) 0429d U+6BBF

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凋 diāo tew (t- + -ew A) *tˤiw wither (v.) 1083o U+51CB

雕 diāo tew (t- + -ew A) *tˤiw bird of prey 1083t U+96D5

彫 diāo tew (t- + -ew A) *tˤiw engrave, carve 1083r U+5F6B

弔 diào tek (t- + -ek D) *tˤewk {*tˤ[e]wk} arrive 1165a U+5F14

釣 diào tewH (t- + -ew C) *tˤewk-s {*[t]ˤewk-s} to angle 1120k U+91E3

弔 diào tewH (t- + -ew C) *tˤewk-s {*tˤ[e]wk-s} grieved; condole 1165a U+5F14

跌 diē det (d- + -et D) *lˤit {*lˤi[t]} stumble 0402j U+8DCC

垤 dié det (d- + -et D) *dˤit {*[d]ˤi[t]} anthill 0413n U+57A4

迭 dié det (d- + -et D) *lˤit {*lˤi[t]} alternate (v.) 0402k U+8FED

丁 dīng teng (t- + -eng A) *tˤeŋ 4th heavenly stem 0833a U+4E01

丁 dīng teng (t- + -eng A) *tˤeŋ nail (n.) 0833a U+4E01

鼎 dǐng tengX (t- + -eng B) *tˤeŋʔ cauldron 0834a U+9F0E

定 dìng dengH (d- + -eng C) *N-tˤeŋ-s become fixed (v.i.) 0833z U+5B9A

定 dìng dengH (d- + -eng C) *m-tˤeŋ-s make fixed, settle (v.t.) 0833z U+5B9A

冬 dōng towng (t- + -owng A) *tˤuŋ winter 1002a U+51AC

東 dōng tuwng (t- + -uwng A) *tˤoŋ east 1175a U+6771

動 dòng duwngX (d- + -uwng B) *Cə-m-tˤoŋʔ {*[Cə-m-t]ˤoŋʔ} move 1188m U+52D5

凍 dòng tuwngH (t- + -uwng C) *tˤoŋ-s freeze 1175e U+51CD

兜 dōu tuw (t- + -uw A) *tˤo helmet, hood 0117a U+515C

斗 dǒu tuwX (t- + -uw B) *tˤoʔ bushel; ladle 0116a U+6597

豆 dòu duwH (d- + -uw C) *N.tʰˤo-s bean 0118a U+8C46

豆 dòu duwH (d- + -uw C) *dˤok-s {*[d]ˤok-s} vessel with a neck 0118a U+8C46

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脰 dòu duwH (d- + -uw C) *kə.dˤok-s neck 0118d U+8130

都 dū tu (t- + -u A) *tˤa capital city 0045e' U+90FD

毒 dú dowk (d- + -owk D) *dˤuk {*[d]ˤuk} poison (n.) 1016a U+6BD2

毒 dú dowk (d- + -owk D) *m-dˤuk-s {*m-[d]ˤuk-s} to poison (v.) 1016a U+6BD2

讀 dú duwk (d- + -uwk D) *C.lˤok read (v.) 1023m U+8B80

獨 dú duwk (d- + -uwk D) *dˤok {*[d]ˤok} alone; only 1224i U+7368

犢 dú duwk (d- + -uwk D) *lˤok calf 1023l U+72A2

牘 dú duwk (d- + -uwk D) *ˤok {*lˤok} tablet 1023k U+7258

篤 dǔ towk (t- + -owk D) *tˤuk firm, solid 1019g U+7BE4

賭 dǔ tuX (t- + -u B) *mə.tˤaʔ wager 0045 U+8CED

睹 dǔ tuX (t- + -u B) *tˤaʔ see 0045c' U+7779

肚 dǔ tuX (t- + -u B) *tˤaʔ belly, stomach 0062 U+809A

度 dù duH (d- + -u C) *dˤak-s {*[d]ˤak-s} measure (n.) 0801a U+5EA6

肚 dù duX (d- + -u B) *m-tˤaʔ belly 0062 U+809A

妬 dù tuH (t- + -u C) *tˤak-s jealous 0795n U+59AC

蠹 dù tuH (t- + -u C) *tˤak-s grubs in wood, vermin 0795r U+8839

妒 dù tuH (t- + -u C) *tˤak-s jealous 0795o U+5992

耑 duān twan (t- + -wan A) *tˤor tip (n.) 0168a U+8011

端 duān twan (t- + -wan A) *tˤor tip (n.) 0168d U+7AEF

短 duǎn twanX (t- + -wan B) *tˤorʔ short 0169a U+77ED

斷 duàn dwanX (d- + -wan B) *N-tˤonʔ {*N-tˤo[n]ʔ} be cut in two 0170a U+65B7

段 duàn twanH (t- + -wan C) *tˤon-s {*tˤo[n]-s} hammer 0172a U+6BB5

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斷 duàn twanH (t- + -wan C) *tˤonʔ-s {*tˤo[n]ʔ-s} cut off; decide 0170a U+65B7

斷 duàn twanX (t- + -wan B) *tˤonʔ {*tˤo[n]ʔ} cut in two 0170a U+65B7

� duī twoj (t- + -woj A) *C.tˤuj heap; mound 0543a U+200A4

懟 duì drwijH (dr- + -wij C) *drup-s {*[d]ru[p]-s} ill-will 0511i U+61DF

兌 duì dwajH (d- + -waj C) *lˤot-s passage; opening 0324a U+514C

兌 duì dwajH (d- + -waj C) *lˤot-s glad 0324a U+514C

隊 duì dwojH (d- + -woj C) *lˤut-s troop 0526f U+968A

轛 duì trwijH (tr- + -wij C) *t<r>ut-s {*[t]<r>u[t]-s} wooden crosspieces under carriage box 0511h U+8F5B

對 duì twojH (t- + -woj C) *tˤəp-s {*[t]ˤ[ə]p-s} respond 0511a U+5C0D

敦 dūn twon (t- + -won A) *tˤur solid, thick 0464p U+6566

遯 dùn dwonH (d- + -won C) *lˤunʔ-s {*lˤu[n]ʔ-s} withdraw 0428d U+906F

遁 dùn dwonH (d- + -won C) *lˤunʔ-s {*lˤu[n]ʔ-s} withdraw 0465e U+9041

豚 dùn dwonX (d- + -won B) *lˤunʔ {*lˤu[n]ʔ} drag feet; withdraw 0428a U+8C5A

盾 dùn dwonX (d- + -won B) *lˤunʔ {*lˤu[n]ʔ} shield 0465a U+76FE

遯 dùn dwonX (d- + -won B) *lˤunʔ {*lˤu[n]ʔ} withdraw 0428d U+906F

遁 dùn dwonX (d- + -won B) *lˤunʔ {*lˤu[n]ʔ} withdraw 0465e U+9041

多 duō ta (t- + -a A) *t-lˤaj {*[t-l]ˤaj} many 0003a U+591A

咄 duō twot (t- + -wot D) *tˤut {*[t]ˤut} scold 0496h U+5484

度 duó dak (d- + -ak D) *dˤak {*[d]ˤak} measure (v.) 0801a U+5EA6

鐸 duó dak (d- + -ak D) *lˤak a kind of bell 0790p U+9438

奪 duó dwat (d- + -wat D) *Cə.lˤot seize 0274a U+596A

掇 duó trjwet (tr- + -jwet D) *trot {*t<r>ot} pick, gather 0295h U+6387

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掇 duó twat (t- + -wat D) *tˤot pick, gather 0295h U+6387

舵 duò daX (d- + -a B) *lˤajʔ ~ *C.lˤajʔ rudder; helm 0004 U+8235

墮 duò dwaX (d- + -wa B) *lˤojʔ to fall 0011e U+58AE

惰 duò dwaX (d- + -wa B) *lˤojʔ lazy 0011l U+60F0

阿 ē 'a ('- + -a A) *qˤar slope, river bank 0001m U+963F

蛾 é nga (ng- + -a A) *ŋˤaj silkworm 0002q U+86FE

鵝 é nga (ng- + -a A) *ŋˤar {*ŋˤa[r]} goose 0002p U+9D5D

吪 é ngwa (ng- + -wa A) *m-qʷʰˤaj move; change 0019d U+542A

譌 é ngwa (ng- + -wa A) *m-qʷʰˤaj {*[m]-qʷʰˤaj} FALSE 0027m U+8B4C

訛 é ngwa (ng- + -wa A) *m-qʷʰˤaj move; change 0019e U+8A1B

堊 è 'ak ('- + -ak D) *ʔˤak plaster (v.) 0805g U+580A

惡 è 'ak ('- + -ak D) *ʔˤak bad, ugly 0805h U+60E1

閼 è 'at ('- + -at D) *qˤat repress; cease 0270a U+95BC

遏 è 'at ('- + -at D) *qˤat repress; cease 0313l U+904F

頞 è 'at ('- + -at D) *ʔˤat root of the nose 0146h U+981E

厄 è 'eak ('- + -eak D) *qˤ<r>ik {*qˤ<r>[i]k} part of a yoke 0844b U+5384

軛 è 'eak ('- + -eak D) *qˤ<r>ik {*qˤ<r>[i]k} part of a yoke 0844e U+8EDB

隘 è 'eak ('- + -eak D) *qˤ<r>ik {*qˤ<r>[i]k} a narrow pass 0849h U+9698

餓 è ngaH (ng- + -a C) *ŋˤaj-s hungry 0002o U+9913

愕 è ngak (ng- + -ak D) *N-qʰˤak scared 0788h U+6115

遌 è ngak (ng- + -ak D) *ŋˤak unexpectedly come across 0788i U+904C

諤 è ngak (ng- + -ak D) *ŋˤak speak frankly 0788k U+8AE4

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咢 è ngak (ng- + -ak D) *ŋˤak {*[ŋ]ˤak} beat a drum 0788g U+54A2

恩 ēn 'on ('- + -on A) *ʔˤən {*ʔˤə[n]} kindness, favor 0370j U+6069

兒 ér nye (ny- + -je A) *ŋe child 0873a U+5152

而 ér nyi (ny- + -i A) *nə and, but 0982a U+800C

爾 ěr nejX (n- + -ej B) *nˤeʔ {*nˤe(j)ʔ} numerous 0359a U+723E

爾 ěr nyeX (ny- + -je B) *neʔ {*ne(j)ʔ} (adv. suffix) 0359a U+723E

爾 ěr nyeX (ny- + -je B) *neʔ {*ne(j)ʔ} you(r) 0359a U+723E

餌 ěr nyiH (ny- + -i C) *C.nə-s {*[C.]nə()-s} bait 0981h U+990C

耳 ěr nyiX (ny- + -i B) *C.nəʔ ear 0981a U+8033

耳 ěr nyiX (ny- + -i B) *nəʔ =而已 “that’s all” 0981a U+8033

貳 èr nyijH (ny- + -ij C) *nij-s {*ni[j]-s} two 0564g U+8CB3

二 èr nyijH (ny- + -ij C) *nij-s {*ni[j]-s} two 0564a U+4E8C

發 fā pjot (p- + -jot D) *Cə.pat fly forth 0275c U+767C

乏 fá bjop (b- + -jop D) *bop {*[b](r)[o]p} lack (v.) 0641a U+4E4F

罰 fá bjot (b- + -jot D) *bat {*[b][a]t} punish 0308a U+7F70

伐 fá bjot (b- + -jot D) *m-pat strike; attack 0307a U+4F10

法 fǎ pjop (p- + -jop D) *p.kap {*[p.k]ap} model, law 0642k U+6CD5

灋 fǎ pjop (p- + -jop D) *pap {*p(r)ap} model, law 0642l U+704B

番 fān phjon (ph- + -jon A) *pʰar a turn, a time 0195b U+756A

蕃 fān pjon (p- + -jon A) *par hedge, screen 0195m U+8543

藩 fān pjon (p- + -jon A) *par hedge (n.) 0195s U+85E9

凡 fán bjom (b- + -jom A) *brom {*[b]rom} in every case 0625a U+51E1

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煩 fán bjon (b- + -jon A) *ban {*[b]a[n]} troubled 0264a U+7169

燔 fán bjon (b- + -jon A) *bar {*[b]ar} burn, roast 0195i U+71D4

蕃 fán bjon (b- + -jon A) *bar {*[b]ar} luxuriant (growth); flourishing 0195m U+8543

繁 fán bjon (b- + -jon A) *bar {*[b]ar} abundant, numerous 0265b U+7E41

反 fǎn baenX (b- + -aen B) *bˤranʔ {*[b]ˤranʔ} dignified, grand 0262a U+53CD

返 fǎn pjonX (p- + -jon B) *Cə.panʔ return 0262e U+8FD4

反 fǎn pjonX (p- + -jon B) *Cə.panʔ reverse (v.) 0262a U+53CD

範 fàn bjomX (b- + -jom B) *bomʔ {*[b](r)omʔ} casting mold 0626d U+7BC4

范 fàn bjomX (b- + -jom B) *bomʔ {*(Cə.)[b](r)omʔ} ( surname) 0626e U+8303

范 fàn bjomX (b- + -jom B) *m-pʰomʔ {*[m-pʰ](r)omʔ} bee 0626e U+8303

飯 fàn bjonH (b- + -jon C) *bonʔ-s cooked rice or millet 0262i U+98EF

飯 fàn bjonX (b- + -jon B) *bonʔ {*[b]o[n]ʔ} eat 0262i U+98EF

汎 fàn bjuwng (b- + -juwng A) *bum {*[b](r)[u]m} float about; universally 0625f U+6C4E

泛 fàn phjomH (ph- + -jom C) *pʰom-s {*pʰ(r)[o]m-s} to float 0641b U+6CDB

芳 fāng phjang (ph- + -jang A) *pʰaŋ {*[pʰ]aŋ} fragrant 0740s U+82B3

方 fāng pjang (p- + -jang A) *C.paŋ square 0740a U+65B9

匚 fāng pjang (p- + -jang A) *paŋ box 0741a U+531A

方 fāng pjang (p- + -jang A) *paŋ method 0740a U+65B9

方 fāng pjang (p- + -jang A) *paŋ just, then 0740a U+65B9

房 fáng bjang (b- + -jang A) *Cə-N-paŋ side-room 0740y U+623F

魴 fáng bjang (b- + -jang A) *baŋ bream 0740b' U+9B74

防 fáng bjang (b- + -jang A) *m-paŋ {*[m-p]aŋ} dike 0740z U+9632

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妨 fáng phjang (ph- + -jang A) *pʰaŋ oppose 0740q U+59A8

舫 fǎng pangH (p- + -ang C) *pˤaŋ-s boat 0740g U+822B

訪 fǎng phjangH (ph- + -jang C) *pʰaŋ-s enquire, scrutinize 0740t U+8A2A

紡 fǎng phjangX (ph- + -jang B) *pʰaŋʔ twist, spin 0740r U+7D21

髣 fǎng phjangX (ph- + -jang B) *pʰaŋʔ phjangX-phjut seem 0740u U+9AE3

舫 fǎng pjangH (p- + -jang C) *paŋ-s boat 0740g U+822B

放 fǎng pjangX (p- + -jang B) *paŋʔ imitate 0740i U+653E

瓬 fǎng pjangX (p- + -jang B) *paŋʔ pottery 0740m U+74EC

昉 fǎng pjangX (p- + -jang B) *paŋʔ just then, at that time 0740j U+6609

旊 fǎng pjangX (p- + -jang B) *paŋʔ pottery 0740n U+65CA

放 fàng pjangH (p- + -jang C) *paŋ-s release; let go 0740i U+653E

妃 fēi phj+j (ph- + -j+j A) *pʰəj consort; match 0581a U+5983

飛 fēi pj+j (p- + -j+j A) *Cə.pər {*Cə.pə[r]} (dial. *-r > *-j) fly (v.) 0580a U+98DB

非 fēi pj+j (p- + -j+j A) *pəj is not 0579a U+975E

扉 fēi pj+j (p- + -j+j A) *pəj {*pə[j]} wooden door-leaf 0579d U+6249

肥 féi bj+j (b- + -j+j A) *bər {*[b][ə]r} fat (adj.) 0582a U+80A5

朏 fěi phj+jX (ph- + -j+j B) *pʰəjʔ {*pʰ[ə]jʔ} new light of the moon 0530a U+670F

誹 fěi pj+j (p- + -j+j A) *pəj {*pə[j]} slander 0579g U+8AB9

匪 fěi pj+jX (p- + -j+j B) *pəjʔ bamboo basket 0579c U+532A

蜚 fěi pj+jX (p- + -j+j B) *pəjʔ noxious insect 0579r U+871A

吠 fèi bjojH (b- + -joj C) *Cə.bot-s {*Cə.[b]o[t]-s} bark (v.) 0348a U+5420

昲 fèi phj+jH (ph- + -j+j C) *pʰut-s bake in the sun 0500r U+6632

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費 fèi phj+jH (ph- + -j+j C) *pʰut-s squander 0500s U+8CBB

肺 fèi phjojH (ph- + -joj C) *pʰot-s {*pʰo[t]-s} lung 0501g U+80BA

祓 fèi phjut (ph- + -jut D) *pʰut CHECK 0276o U+7953

沸 fèi pj+jH (p- + -j+j C) *Nə.put-s {*Nə.p[u][t]-s} boil (v.) 0500q U+6CB8

廢 fèi pjojH (p- + -joj C) *pap-s cast aside 0275f U+5EE2

祓 fèi pjojH (p- + -joj C) *pot-s {*po[t]-s} expel noxious influences 0276o U+7953

饙 fēn pjun (p- + -jun A) *pur {*pu[r]} to steam rice 0437j U+9959

分 fēn pjun (p- + -jun A) *pən {*pə[n]} divide 0471a U+5206

� fēn pjun (p- + -jun A) *pər {*(Cə.)pə[r]} fly (v.), soar 0471e U+26408

賁 fén bjun (b- + -jun A) *bur {*[b]ur} great, big 0437a U+8CC1

粉 fěn pjunX (p- + -jun B) *mə.pənʔ flour 0471d U+7C89

分 fèn bjunH (b- + -jun C) *m-pən-s {*[m]-pə[n]-s} alloted duty 0471a U+5206

憤 fèn bjunX (b- + -jun B) *burʔ {*[b]urʔ} unhappy 0437n U+61A4

糞 fèn pjunH (p- + -jun C) *pur-s {*p[u]r-s} manure, dirt 0472a U+7CDE

奮 fèn pjunH (p- + -jun C) *pən-s {*p[ə][n]-s} spread wings and fly 0473a U+596E

豐 fēng phjowng (ph- + -jowng A) *pʰoŋ {*pʰ(r)oŋ} luxuriant, abundant (K) 1014a U+8C50

鋒 fēng phjowng (ph- + -jowng A) *pʰoŋ {*pʰ(r)oŋ} point of a weapon 1197u U+92D2

蜂 fēng phjowng (ph- + -jowng A) *pʰoŋ {*pʰ(r)oŋ} bee 1197s U+8702

豐 fēng phjowng (ph- + -jowng A) *pʰoŋ {*pʰ(r)oŋ} luxuriant, abundant (K) 1014a U+8C50

豐 fēng phjowng (ph- + -jowng A) *pʰoŋ {*pʰ(r)oŋ} a kind of ritual vessel 1014a U+8C50

豐 fēng phjuwng (ph- + -juwng A) *pʰoŋ {*pʰ(r)oŋ} (F!) kind of ritual vessel 1014a U+8C50

封 fēng pjowng (p- + -jowng A) *poŋ {*p(r)oŋ} raise a mound; enfeoff 1197i U+5C01

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風 fēng pjuwng (p- + -juwng A) *prəm wind (n.) 0625h U+98A8

逢 féng bjowng (b- + -jowng A) *C.boŋ {*[C.b](r)oŋ} encounter (v.) 1197o U+9022

縫 féng bjowng (b- + -jowng A) *boŋ {*(mə-)[b](r)oŋ} ~ C.[b](r)oŋ. sew 1197x U+7E2B

縫 fèng bjowngH (b- + -jowng C) *C.boŋ-s {*C.[b](r)oŋ-s} seam 1197x U+7E2B

奉 fèng bjowngX (b- + -jowng B) *m-pʰoŋʔ {*m-pʰ(r)oŋʔ} present (v.) with both hands 1197z U+5949

奉 fèng phjowngX (ph- + -jowng B) *pʰoŋʔ {*pʰ(r)oŋʔ} hold with both hands; to present; receive 1197z U+5949

風 fèng pjuwngH (p- + -juwng C) *prəm-s blow; criticize 0625h U+98A8

諷 fèng pjuwngH (p- + -juwng C) *prəm-s to recite 0625o U+8AF7

缶 fǒu pjuwX (p- + -juw B) *puʔ {*p(r)uʔ} earthenware 1107a U+7F36

否 fǒu pjuwX (p- + -juw B) *pəʔ not 0999e U+5426

鋪 fū phju (ph- + -ju A) *pʰa {*pʰ(r)a} spread out 0102h' U+92EA

敷 fū phju (ph- + -ju A) *pʰa {*pʰ(r)a} spread widely 0102t' U+6577

夫 fū pju (p- + -ju A) *pa {*p(r)a} man 0101a U+592B

膚 fū pju (p- + -ju A) *pra skin 0069g U+819A

怫 fú bj+jH (b- + -j+j C) *but-s {*[b]ut-s} grieved 0500o U+602B

夫 fú bju (b- + -ju A) *ba final particle 0101a U+592B

夫 fú bju (b- + -ju A) *ba {*[b](r)a} this, that 0101a U+592B

扶 fú bju (b- + -ju A) *m-pa {*m-p(r)a} assist 0101f U+6276

佛 fú bjut (b- + -jut D) *but {*[b]ut} great 0500l U+4F5B

怫 fú bjut (b- + -jut D) *but {*[b]ut} grieved, annoyed 0500o U+602B

咈 fú bjut (b- + -jut D) *m-put {*[m-p]ut} oppose 0500m U+5488

枹 fú bjuw (b- + -juw A) *bu {*[b](r)u} drum stick 1113k U+67B9

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蜉 fú bjuw (b- + -juw A) *bu {*[b](r)u} mayfly 1233n U+8709

浮 fú bjuw (b- + -juw A) *m.bu {*m.b(r)u} float (v.) 1233l U+6D6E

伏 fú bjuwH (b- + -juw C) *bək-s {*[b]ək-s} (< *[b]uk-s ?) hatch (v.) 0935a U+4F0F

畐 fú bjuwk (b- + -juwk D) *bək {*[b]ək} fullness 0933a U+7550

匐 fú bjuwk (b- + -juwk D) *bək {*[b]ək} crawl (bu.bjuwk) 0933m U+5310

� fú bjuwk (b- + -juwk D) *bək {*[b]ək} subdue; submit 0934a U+20B1D

伏 fú bjuwk (b- + -juwk D) *bək {*[b]ək} lie prostrate 0935a U+4F0F

箙 fú bjuwk (b- + -juwk D) *bək {*[b]ək} a quiver 0934g U+7B99

服 fú bjuwk (b- + -juwk D) *bək {*[b]ək} quiver (n.) 0934d U+670D

服 fú bjuwk (b- + -juwk D) *bək {*[b]ək} garment; wear (v.) 0934d U+670D

服 fú bjuwk (b- + -juwk D) *bək {*[b]ək} subdue, submit 0934d U+670D

匐 fú bok (b- + -ok D) *bˤək {*[b]ˤək} (< *[b]ˤuk ?) crawl 0933m U+5310

刜 fú phjut (ph- + -jut D) *pʰut chop (v.) 0500f U+521C

彿 fú phjut (ph- + -jut D) *pʰut phjangX-phjut seem 0500i U+5F7F

茀 fú phjut (ph- + -jut D) *pʰut {*pʰ[u]t} shrubby 0500k U+8300

艴 fú phjut (ph- + -jut D) *pʰut annoyed looks 0500p U+8274

拂 fú phjut (ph- + -jut D) *pʰut to brush, shake 0500h U+62C2

幅 fú pik (p- + -ik D) *p<r>ək strap around the leg 0933k U+5E45

紱 fú pjut (p- + -jut D) *put silk band for a seal 0276k U+7D31

弗 fú pjut (p- + -jut D) *put gust of wind 0500a U+5F17

弗 fú pjut (p- + -jut D) *put (negation) 0500a U+5F17

茀 fú pjut (p- + -jut D) *pət {*p[ə]t} remove dense vegetation 0500k U+8300

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輻 fú pjuwk (p- + -juwk D) *pək spokes of a wheel 0933j U+8F3B

幅 fú pjuwk (p- + -juwk D) *pək strap around the leg 0933k U+5E45

幅 fú pjuwk (p- + -juwk D) *pək width (of cloth); wide 0933k U+5E45

福 fú pjuwk (p- + -juwk D) *pək blessing 0933d U+798F

輔 fǔ bjuX (b- + -ju B) *baʔ {*[b](r)aʔ} help 0102v U+8F14

撫 fǔ phjuX (ph- + -ju B) *pʰaʔ {*[pʰ](r)aʔ} lay the hand on 0103p U+64AB

甫 fǔ pjuX (p- + -ju B) *paʔ {*p(r)aʔ} begin 0102n U+752B

脯 fǔ pjuX (p- + -ju B) *paʔ {*p(r)aʔ} dried meat 0102r U+812F

鈇 fǔ pjuX (p- + -ju B) *paʔ {*p(r)aʔ} axe 0101e U+9207

簠 fǔ pjuX (p- + -ju B) *paʔ {*p(r)aʔ} (a kind of ritual vessel) 0102u U+7C20

斧 fǔ pjuX (p- + -ju B) *paʔ {*p(r)aʔ} axe 0102h U+65A7

父 fǔ pjuX (p- + -ju B) *paʔ {*p(r)aʔ} (respectful suffix in male names) 0102a U+7236

府 fǔ pjuX (p- + -ju B) *poʔ {*p(r)oʔ} repository 0136c U+5E9C

甫 fǔ pjuX (p- + -ju B) *praʔ great 0102n U+752B

縛 fù bjak (b- + -jak D) *bak bind (v.) 0771m U+7E1B

附 fù bjuH (b- + -ju C) *N-poʔ-s {*N-p(r)oʔ-s} be attached to 0136k U+9644

傅 fù bjuH (b- + -ju C) *ba-s {*[b](r)a-s} be attached 0102u' U+5085

父 fù bjuX (b- + -ju B) *N-paʔ {*[N-p](r)aʔ} father 0102a U+7236

復 fù bjuwH (b- + -juw C) *N-pruk-s {*[N]-pruk-s} again 1034d U+5FA9

阜 fù bjuwX (b- + -juw B) *buʔ {*[b](r)uʔ} big mound 1108a U+961C

負 fù bjuwX (b- + -juw B) *bəʔ {*[b]əʔ} carry on the back 1000a U+8CA0

服 fù bjuwX (b- + -juw B) *bəʔ {*[b]əʔ} box of a carriage 0934d U+670D

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婦 fù bjuwX (b- + -juw B) *mə.bəʔ {*[m]ə.[b]əʔ} (or *tsə.-? see Min) woman, wife 1001a U+5A66

复 fù bjuwk (b- + -juwk D) *m-puk {*m-p(r)uk} return 1034a U+590D

輹 fù bjuwk (b- + -juwk D) *m-puk {*m-p(r)uk} support under box of carriage 1034g U+8F39

復 fù bjuwk (b- + -juwk D) *m-puk {*m-p(r)uk} return 1034d U+5FA9

� fù peak (p- + -eak D) *pˤrək slit, cut open 0933q U+20826

副 fù phik (ph- + -ik D) *pʰrək split, cut open, cleave 0933s U+526F

赴 fù phjuH (ph- + -ju C) *pʰok-s {*pʰ(r)ok-s} hasten to 1210i U+8D74

副 fù phjuwH (ph- + -juw C) *pʰək-s secondary 0933s U+526F

覆 fù phjuwk (ph- + -juwk D) *pʰuk {*pʰ(r)uk} turn over 1034m U+8986

傅 fù pjuH (p- + -ju C) *pa-s {*p(r)a(ʔ)-s} teacher 0102u' U+5085

賦 fù pjuH (p- + -ju C) *pa-s {*p(r)a-s} tax 0104g U+8CE6

賦 fù pjuH (p- + -ju C) *pa-s {*p(r)a-s} ballad 0104g U+8CE6

富 fù pjuwH (p- + -juw C) *pək-s rich; wealth 0933r U+5BCC

複 fù pjuwk (p- + -juwk D) *pruk {*p(r)uk} double, lined (garment) 1034i U+8907

腹 fù pjuwk (p- + -juwk D) *puk {*p(r)uk} belly 1034h U+8179

該 gāi koj (k- + -oj A) *kˤə {*[k]ˤə} all, complete 0937p U+8A72

改 gǎi kojX (k- + -oj B) *C.qˤəʔ change (v.) 0936a U+6539

蓋 gài kajH (k- + -aj C) *kˤap-s {*[k]ˤap-s} cover (v.); cover (n.) 0642q U+84CB

匃 gài kajH (k- + -aj C) *kˤat-s {*[k]ˤat-s} beg (v.) 0313a U+5303

匃 gài kat (k- + -at D) *kˤat {*[k]ˤat} beg (v.) 0313a U+5303

溉 gài kojH (k- + -oj C) *kˤət-s {*[k]ˤə[t]-s} to wash 0515l U+6E89

概 gài kojH (k- + -oj C) *kˤət-s {*[k]ˤə[t]-s} to strickle 0515k U+6982

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甘 gān kam (k- + -am A) *kˤam {*[k]ˤ[a]m} sweet 0606a U+7518

乾 gān kan (k- + -an A) *kˤar {*[k]ˤar} dry 0140c U+4E7E

奸 gān kan (k- + -an A) *kˤar {*kˤa[r]} treacherous 0139c U+5978

竿 gān kan (k- + -an A) *kˤar pole, rod 0139k U+7AFF

干 gān kan (k- + -an A) *kˤar {*kˤa[r]} shield (n.) 0139a U+5E72

干 gān kan (k- + -an A) *kˤar {*[k]ˤar} pole 0139a U+5E72

肝 gān kan (k- + -an A) *s.kˤar {*s.kˤa[r]} liver 0139l U+809D

敢 gǎn kamX (k- + -am B) *kˤamʔ {*[k]ˤamʔ} dare 0607a U+6562

秆 gǎn kanX (k- + -an B) *kˤarʔ {*kˤa[r]ʔ} straw of grain 0139j U+79C6

簳 gǎn kanX (k- + -an B) *kˤarʔ slender bamboo 0140k U+7C33

笴 gǎn kanX (k- + -an B) *kˤarʔ shaft of an arrow 0001e U+7B34

感 gǎn komX (k- + -om B) *kˤəmʔ {*kˤ[ə]mʔ} move (emotionally) (v.t.) 0671l U+611F

贛 gàn komH (k- + -om C) *komʔ-s {*k[o]mʔ-s} the Gàn river in Jiangxi 1015 U+8D1B

贛 gàn komX (k- + -om B) *komʔ {*k[o]mʔ} the Gàn river 1015 U+8D1B

亢 gāng kang (k- + -ang A) *k.ŋˤaŋ lift high 0698a U+4EA2

剛 gāng kang (k- + -ang A) *kˤaŋ strong; hard 0697b U+525B

綱 gāng kang (k- + -ang A) *kˤaŋ guiding rope of net 0697e U+7DB1

鋼 gāng kang (k- + -ang A) *s.kˤaŋ cast iron; steel 0697h U+92FC

膏 gāo kaw (k- + -aw A) *Cə.kˤaw {*Cə.[k]ˤaw} lard (n.) 1129i U+818F

高 gāo kaw (k- + -aw A) *Cə.kˤaw {*Cə.[k]ˤaw} high, tall 1129a U+9AD8

鼛 gāo kaw (k- + -aw A) *kˤu {*[k]ˤu} big drum 1068e U+9F1B

皋 gāo kaw (k- + -aw A) *kˤu {*[k]ˤu} announce 1040b U+768B

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膏 gāo kawH (k- + -aw C) *kˤaw-s {*[k]ˤaw-s} smear with lard (v.) 1129i U+818F

稿 gǎo kawX (k- + -aw B) *Cə.kˤawʔ {*Cə.[k]ˤawʔ} straw 1129f U+7A3F

誥 gào kawH (k- + -aw C) *kˤuk-s announce, inform 1039e U+8AA5

告 gào kawH (k- + -aw C) *kˤuk-s announce, inform 1039a U+544A

郜 gào kowk (k- + -owk D) *kˤuk (place name) 1039f U+90DC

告 gào kowk (k- + -owk D) *kˤuk announce, inform 1039a U+544A

歌 gē ka (k- + -a A) *kˤaj {*[k]ˤaj} sing, song 0001q U+6B4C

袼 gē kaek (k- + -aek D) *C.q<r>ak {*[C.q]ˤ<r>ak} armpit-seam of a coat 0766e U+88BC

胳 gē kak (k- + -ak D) *C.qˤak {*[C.q]ˤak} armpit 0766d U+80F3

割 gē kat (k- + -at D) *Cə-kˤat cut (v.); harm (v.) 0314d U+5272

戈 gē kwa (k- + -wa A) *kʷˤaj dagger-axe 0007a U+6208

格 gé kaek (k- + -aek D) *kˤrak go to 0766z U+683C

閣 gé kak (k- + -ak D) *C.kˤak shelf, frame 0766f U+95A3

鬲 gé keak (k- + -eak D) *C.qˤ<r>ik yoke 0855a U+9B32

隔 gé keak (k- + -eak D) *kˤrek {*[k]ˤrek} obstruct, separate (v.) 0855f U+9694

革 gé keak (k- + -eak D) *kˤrək hide, skin 0931a U+9769

革 gé keak (k- + -eak D) *kˤrək change (v.) 0931a U+9769

韐 gé keap (k- + -eap D) *kˤ<r>əp {*[k]ˤ<r>[ə]p} knee-cover 0675j U+97D0

閤 gé kop (k- + -op D) *kˤop {*[k]ˤ[o]p} small gate 0675i U+95A4

韐 gé kop (k- + -op D) *kˤəp {*[k]ˤ[ə]p} knee-cover 0675j U+97D0

个 gè kaH (k- + -a C) *kˤar-s {*kˤa[r]-s} tally, piece, item 0349a U+4E2A

個 gè kaH (k- + -a C) *kˤar-s {*kˤa[r]-s} piece, item 0049f' U+500B

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各 gè kak (k- + -ak D) *kˤak each 0766a U+5404

根 gēn kon (k- + -on A) *kˤən {*[k]ˤə[n]} root, trunk 0416b U+6839

更 gēng kaeng (k- + -aeng A) *kˤraŋ change (v.) 0745a U+66F4

庚 gēng kaeng (k- + -aeng A) *kˤraŋ 7th heavenly stem 0746a U+5E9A

羹 gēng kaeng (k- + -aeng A) *kˤraŋ soup 0747a U+7FB9

耕 gēng keang (k- + -eang A) *kˤ<r>eŋ plough (v.) 0808a U+8015

梗 gěng kaengX (k- + -aeng B) *kˤraŋʔ suffering 0745e U+6897

耿 gěng keangX (k- + -eang B) *kˤreŋʔ {*[k]ˤreŋʔ} brilliant; wide awake 0809a U+803F

更 gèng kaengH (k- + -aeng C) *kˤraŋ-s still more 0745a U+66F4

供 gōng kjowng (k- + -jowng A) *k<r>oŋ furnish; serve, offer 1182f U+4F9B

恭 gōng kjowng (k- + -jowng A) *k<r>oŋ respectful 1182l U+606D

龏 gōng kjowng (k- + -jowng A) *k<r>oŋ respectful 1182g U+9F8F

龔 gōng kjowng (k- + -jowng A) *k<r>oŋ respectful 1182k U+9F94

宮 gōng kjuwng (k- + -juwng A) *kuŋ {*k(r)uŋ} dwelling; palace; note of scale 1006a U+5BAE

躳 gōng kjuwng (k- + -juwng A) *kuŋ {*k(r)uŋ} body, person 1006e U+8EB3

躬 gōng kjuwng (k- + -juwng A) *kuŋ {*k(r)uŋ} body, person 1006f U+8EAC

弓 gōng kjuwng (k- + -juwng A) *kʷəŋ bow (n.) 0901a U+5F13

公 gōng kuwng (k- + -uwng A) *C.qˤoŋ impartial, just; public 1173a U+516C

公 gōng kuwng (k- + -uwng A) *C.qˤoŋ father; prince 1173a U+516C

工 gōng kuwng (k- + -uwng A) *kˤoŋ officer 1172a U+5DE5

工 gōng kuwng (k- + -uwng A) *kˤoŋ work 1172a U+5DE5

攻 gōng kuwng (k- + -uwng A) *kˤoŋ work at 1172e U+653B

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功 gōng kuwng (k- + -uwng A) *kˤoŋ work, effort 1172d U+529F

� gōng kwong (k- + -wong A) *kʷˤəŋ {*[k]ʷˤəŋ} (upper) arm 0887a U+200CB

肱 gōng kwong (k- + -wong A) *kʷˤəŋ {*[k]ʷˤəŋ} (upper) arm 0887f U+80B1

拱 gǒng kjowngX (k- + -jowng B) *k<r>oŋʔ join the hands 1182e U+62F1

鞏 gǒng kjowngX (k- + -jowng B) *koŋʔ {*k(r)oŋʔ} bind with leather straps 1172c' U+978F

廾 gǒng kjowngX (k- + -jowng B) *koŋʔ {*k(r)oŋʔ} join the hands 1182a U+5EFE

拲 gǒng kjowngX (k- + -jowng B) *koŋʔ {*k(<r>)oŋʔ} manacles 1182m U+62F2

� gǒng kjowngX (k- + -jowng B) *koŋʔ {*k(r)oŋʔ} embrace 1172p U+2201C

� gǒng kjowngX (k- + -jowng B) *koŋʔ {*k(r)oŋʔ} join the hands 1182b U+20B1E

共 gòng gjowngH (g- + -jowng C) *N-koŋʔ-s {*N-k(r)oŋʔ-s} together, all 1182c U+5171

貢 gòng kuwngH (k- + -uwng C) *kˤoŋ-s {*[k]ˤoŋ-s} ( < *[k]ˤom-s) tribute 1172g U+8CA2

鉤 gōu kuw (k- + -uw A) *C.qˤo {*C.qˤ(r)o} ~ *m(ə).qˤ(r)o hook 0108c U+9264

句 gōu kuw (k- + -uw A) *C.qˤo {*C.[q]ˤ(r)o} curved 0108a U+53E5

溝 gōu kuw (k- + -uw A) *kˤo {*[k]ˤ(r)o} irrigation canal 0109h U+6E9D

篝 gōu kuw (k- + -uw A) *kˤo {*[k]ˤ(r)o} bamboo cage 0109i U+7BDD

狗 gǒu kuwX (k- + -uw B) *Cə.kˤroʔ {*Cə.[k]ˤroʔ} dog 0108d U+72D7

苟 gǒu kuwX (k- + -uw B) *kˤoʔ {*[k]ˤ(r)oʔ} if really 0108h U+82DF

覯 gòu kuwH (k- + -uw C) *kˤo-s {*kˤ(r)o-s} come across, meet with 0109j U+89AF

購 gòu kuwH (k- + -uw C) *kˤo-s {*kˤ(r)o-s} present (v.), give 0109k U+8CFC

彀 gòu kuwH (k- + -uw C) *kˤok-s {*[k]ˤ(r)ok-s} draw a bow to the full 1226p U+5F40

句 gòu kuwH (k- + -uw C) *kˤok-s {*[k]ˤ(r)ok-s} curved 0108a U+53E5

訽 gòu xuwH (x- + -uw C) *qʰˤoʔ-s {*qʰˤ(r)o-s} revile, insult 0108m U+8A3D

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呱 gū ku (k- + -u A) *kʷˤa wail 0041b U+5471

孤 gū ku (k- + -u A) *kʷˤa orphan 0041c U+5B64

罛 gū ku (k- + -u A) *kʷˤa net 0041d U+7F5B

姑 gū ku (k- + -u A) *kˤa father's sister 0049g U+59D1

菇 gū ku (k- + -u A) *mə.kˤa mushroom 49 U+83C7

賈 gǔ kuX (k- + -u B) *C.qˤaʔ merchant; do business 0038b U+8CC8

羖 gǔ kuX (k- + -u B) *Cə.kʷˤaʔ ram 0051b U+7F96

股 gǔ kuX (k- + -u B) *kʷˤaʔ thigh 0051a U+80A1

古 gǔ kuX (k- + -u B) *kˤaʔ ancient 0049a U+53E4

瞽 gǔ kuX (k- + -u B) *kˤaʔ {*[k]ˤaʔ} blind 0050g U+77BD

蠱 gǔ kuX (k- + -u B) *kˤaʔ {*[k]ˤaʔ} noxious vermin 0052a U+8831

鼔 gǔ kuX (k- + -u B) *kˤaʔ {*[k]ˤaʔ} drum (v.) 0050b U+9F14

鼓 gǔ kuX (k- + -u B) *kˤaʔ {*[k]ˤaʔ} drum (n.) 0050a U+9F13

谷 gǔ kuwk (k- + -uwk D) *C.qˤok valley 1202a U+8C37

轂 gǔ kuwk (k- + -uwk D) *kˤok {*[k]ˤok} nave of a wheel 1226j U+8F42

汩 gǔ kwot (k- + -wot D) *kˤut {*[k]ˤut} regulate (rivers) 0304f U+6C69

骨 gǔ kwot (k- + -wot D) *kˤut bone 0486a U+9AA8

雇 gù kuH (k- + -u C) *C.qʷˤa-s {*[C.q]ʷˤa(ʔ)-s} to hire 0053d U+96C7

錮 gù kuH (k- + -u C) *C.qˤaʔ-s chronic (of illness) 0049e' U+932E

顧 gù kuH (k- + -u C) *kʷˤaʔ-s {*[k]ʷˤaʔ-s} ~ *[k]ʷˤaʔ look around 0053g U+9867

固 gù kuH (k- + -u C) *kˤa-s {*kˤa(ʔ)-s} fortified, secure 0049f U+56FA

故 gù kuH (k- + -u C) *kˤa-s {*kˤa(ʔ)-s} fact; reason 0049i U+6545

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痼 gù kuH (k- + -u C) *kˤa-s {*[k]ˤa-s} chronic (of illness) 49 U+75FC

故 gù kuH (k- + -u C) *kˤaʔ-s old (not new) 0049i U+6545

瓜 guā kwae (kw- + -ae A) *kʷˤra melon, gourd 0041a U+74DC

騧 guā kwae (k- + -wae A) *kˤroj {*[k]ˤroj} yellow horse with black mouth 0018b U+9A27

刮 guā kwaet (k- + -waet D) *kʷˤrat {*[kʷˤ]r[a]t} scrape (v.) 0302n U+522E

寡 guǎ kwaeX (k- + -wae B) *C.kʷˤraʔ {*[C.k]ʷˤraʔ} few 0042a U+5BE1

冎 guǎ kwaeX (k- + -wae B) *kʷˤrajʔ cut meat from the bone 0018a U+518E

挂 guà kweaH (k- + -wea C) *kʷˤre-s {*[k]ʷˤre-s} suspend 0879t U+6302

絓 guà kweaH (k- + -wea C) *kʷˤre-s {*[k]ʷˤre-s} entangled 0879v U+7D53

卦 guà kweaH (k- + -wea C) *kʷˤre-s {*[k]ʷˤre-s} prognosticate with Achillea 0879s U+5366

乖 guāi kweaj (k- + -weaj A) *kʷˤrəj oppose; disorder 1240h U+4E56

夬 guài kwaejH (k- + -waej C) *kʷˤret-s {*[k]ʷˤret-s} divide, make a breach 0312a U+592C

關 guān kwaen (k- + -waen A) *kˤron {*[k]ˤro[n]} barrier 0187b U+95DC

關 guān kwaen (k- + -waen A) *kˤron {*[k]ˤro[n]} [bird’s cry] 0187b U+95DC

觀 guān kwan (k- + -wan A) *C.qʷˤar look (v.) 0158i U+89C0

冠 guān kwan (k- + -wan A) *k.ʔˤon cap (n.) 0160a U+51A0

官 guān kwan (k- + -wan A) *kʷˤan {*kʷˤa[n]} official (n.) 0157a U+5B98

棺 guān kwan (k- + -wan A) *kʷˤan {*kʷˤa[n]} inner coffin 0157e U+68FA

鰥 guān kwean (k- + -wean A) *kʷˤrən {*[k]ʷˤrə[n]} widower 0481a U+9C25

鰥 guān kwean (k- + -wean A) *kʷˤrən {*[k]ʷˤrə[n]} a kind of fish 0481a U+9C25

館 guǎn kwanH (k- + -wan C) *kˤonʔ-s {*[k]ˤo[n]ʔ-s} lodging-house 0157k U+9928

管 guǎn kwanX (k- + -wan B) *kˤonʔ {*[k]ˤo[n]ʔ} tube; flute 0157h U+7BA1

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筦 guǎn kwanX (k- + -wan B) *kˤonʔ {*[k]ˤo[n]ʔ} tube; flute 0257r U+7B66

摜 guàn kwaenH (k- + -waen C) *kˤron-s {*kˤro[n]-s} accustomed to 0159c U+645C

慣 guàn kwaenH (k- + -waen C) *kˤron-s {*kˤro[n]-s} accustomed to 0159d U+6163

串 guàn kwaenH (k- + -waen C) *kˤron-s {*kˤro[n]-s} custom 0159e U+4E32

貫 guàn kwan (k- + -wan A) *kˤon {*kˤo[n]} pass through the center 0159a U+8CAB

雚 guàn kwanH (k- + -wan C) *C.qʷˤar-s heron 0158a U+96DA

觀 guàn kwanH (k- + -wan C) *C.qʷˤar-s watchtower 0158i U+89C0

冠 guàn kwanH (k- + -wan C) *k.ʔˤon-s cap (v.) 0160a U+51A0

貫 guàn kwanH (k- + -wan C) *kˤon-s pass through the center 0159a U+8CAB

祼 guàn kwanH (k- + -wan C) *kˤor-s {*[k]ˤor(ʔ)-s} pour out libation 0351m U+797C

光 guāng kwang (k- + -wang A) *kʷˤaŋ light, bright 0706a U+5149

廣 guǎng kwangH (k- + -wang C) *kʷˤaŋʔ-s distance from east to west 0707h U+5EE3

廣 guǎng kwangX (k- + -wang B) *kʷˤaŋʔ wide 0707h U+5EE3

龜 guī kjuw (k- + -juw A) *kʷə {*[k]ʷə} tortoise 0985a U+9F9C

歸 guī kjw+j (k- + -jw+j A) *kʷəj {*[k]ʷəj} return (v.) 0570a U+6B78

媯 guī kjwe (k- + -jwe A) *C.qʷaj {*C.qʷ(r)aj} (place and family name) 0027g U+5AAF

規 guī kjwie (k- + -jwie A) *kʷe compass, circle 0875a U+898F

圭 guī kwej (k- + -wej A) *kʷˤe {*[k]ʷˤe} jade scepter 0879a U+572D

龜 guī kwij (k- + -wij A) *kʷrə {*[k]ʷrə} tortoise 0985a U+9F9C

瑰 guī kwoj (k- + -woj A) *kˤuj {*[k]ˤuj} kind of precious stone 0569e U+7470

鬼 guǐ kjw+jX (k- + -jw+j B) *k-ʔujʔ ghost 0569a U+9B3C

詭 guǐ kjweX (k- + -jwe B) *kojʔ {*[k](r)ojʔ} perverse 0029b U+8A6D

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癸 guǐ kjwijX (k- + -jwij B) *kʷijʔ 10th heavenly stem 0605a U+7678

簋 guǐ kwijX (k- + -wij B) *kʷruʔ guǐ ritual vessel 0986a U+7C0B

軌 guǐ kwijX (k- + -wij B) *kʷruʔ {*[k]ʷruʔ} wheel ruts 0992k U+8ECC

跪 guì gjweX (g- + -jwe B) *Cə.gojʔ {*[Cə.g](r)ojʔ} kneel; foot 0029f U+8DEA

匱 guì gwijH (g- + -wij C) *gruj-s {*[g]ruj-s} box (n.) 0540g U+5331

櫃 guì gwijH (g- + -wij C) *gruj-s {*[g]ruj-s} box 0540h U+6AC3

貴 guì kjw+jH (k- + -jw+j C) *kuj-s precious; expensive 0540b U+8CB4

過 guō kwa (k- + -wa A) *Cə.kʷˤaj tough, fibrous (vegetables) 0018e U+904E

過 guō kwa (k- + -wa A) *kʷˤaj to pass 0018e U+904E

郭 guō kwak (k- + -wak D) *kʷˤak outer wall 0774a U+90ED

虢 guó kwaek (k- + -waek D) *kʷˤrak {*[k]ʷˤrak} (place name) 0783a U+8662

馘 guó kweak (k- + -weak D) *C.qʷˤ<r>ək severed left ears 0929u U+9998

國 guó kwok (k- + -wok D) *kʷˤək {*[k]ʷˤək} state (n.) 0929o U+570B

果 guǒ kwaX (k- + -wa B) *kˤorʔ {*[k]ˤo[r]ʔ} fruit; result 0351a U+679C

蜾 guǒ kwaX (k- + -wa B) *kˤorʔ-rˤorʔ (redup. infixation < *kˤorʔ) kwaX.lwaX a kind of wasp 0351c U+873E

裹 guǒ kwaX (k- + -wa B) *s.kˤorʔ {*s.[k]ˤo[r]ʔ} to wrap 0351d U+88F9

槨 guǒ kwak (k- + -wak D) *kʷˤak outer coffin 0774f U+69E8

過 guò kwaH (k- + -wa C) *kʷˤaj-s to pass; transgress 0018e U+904E

蝦 há hae (h- + -ae A) *gˤra {*[g]ˤra} hae-mae frog 0033i U+8766

骸 hái heaj (h- + -eaj A) *gˤrə {*[g]ˤrə} bones, skeleton 0937z U+9AB8

孩 hái hoj (h- + -oj A) *gˤə {*[g]ˤə} child 0937h U+5B69

海 hǎi xojX (x- + -oj B) *m̥ˤəʔ (dial. *m̥ˤ- > x-) sea 0947x U+6D77

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害 hài hajH (h- + -aj C) *N-kˤat-s be hurt (v.i.); injury (n.) 0314a U+5BB3

害 hài hajH (h- + -aj C) *m-kˤat-s hurt (v.t.) 0314a U+5BB3

亥 hài hojX (h- + -oj B) *gˤəʔ {*[g]ˤəʔ} 12th earthly branch 0937a U+4EA5

酣 hān ham (h- + -am A) *gˤam {*[g]ˤam} half-drunk 0606g U+9163

邯 hán ham (h- + -am A) *gˤam {*[g]ˤam} han.tan (placename) 606 U+90AF

寒 hán han (h- + -an A) *Cə.gˤan {*Cə.[g]ˤa[n]} cold 0143a U+5BD2

邯 hán han (h- + -an A) *gˤan {*[g]ˤa[n]} han.tan (placename) 606 U+90AF

韓 hán han (h- + -an A) *gˤar {*[g]ˤar} (place name) 0140i U+97D3

圅 hán hom (h- + -om A) *Cə-m-kˤəm {*Cə-m-kˤ[ə]m} contain 0643a U+5705

含 hán hom (h- + -om A) *Cə-m-kˤəm {*Cə-m-kˤ[ə]m} hold in the mouth 0651l' U+542B

函 hán hom (h- + -om A) *Cə-m-kˤəm {*Cə-m-kˤ[ə]m} envelop, contain 0643b U+51FD

唅 hán hom (h- + -om A) *Cə-m-kˤəm {*Cə-m-kˤ[ə]m} hold in the mouth 0651m' U+5505

涵 hán hom (h- + -om A) *gˤom {*[g]ˤ[o]m} soak, overflow 0643g U+6DB5

含 hán homH (h- + -om C) *Cə-m-kˤəm-s {*Cə-m-[k]ˤ[ə]m-s} to put in the mouth 0651l' U+542B

罕 hǎn xanX (x- + -an B) *qʰˤarʔ {*qʰˤa[r]ʔ} rare 0139f' U+7F55

罕 hǎn xanX (x- + -an B) *qʰˤarʔ {*qʰˤa[r]ʔ} net 0139f' U+7F55

汗 hàn hanH (h- + -an C) *Cə.gˤar-s {*Cə.[g]ˤa[r]-s} sweat (n.) 0139t U+6C57

翰 hàn hanH (h- + -an C) *gˤar-s {*[g]ˤar-s} pheasant; feather, wing 0140f U+7FF0

翰 hàn hanH (h- + -an C) *gˤar-s {*[g]ˤar-s} high 0140f U+7FF0

扞 hàn hanH (h- + -an C) *m-kˤar-s {*m-kˤa[r]-s} ward off; protect, guard 0139q U+625E

翰 hàn hanH (h- + -an C) *m-kˤar-s prop up, support 0140f U+7FF0

旱 hàn hanX (h- + -an B) *gˤarʔ {*[g]ˤa[r]ʔ} dry, drought 0139s U+65F1

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憾 hàn homH (h- + -om C) *N-kˤəmʔ-s {*N-kˤ[ə]mʔ-s} dissatisfied 0671p U+61BE

頷 hàn homX (h- + -om B) *ɢˤəm {*[ɢ]ˤ[ə]mʔ} jaw, chin 0651n' U+9837

漢 hàn xanH (x- + -an C) *n̥ˤar-s (W dialect: *n̥- > x-, *-r > *-n) (river name) 0144c U+6F22

暵 hàn xanH (x- + -an C) *qʰˤar-s {*[qʰ]ˤarʔ-s} dry 0144a U+66B5

厂 hàn xanH (x- + -an C) *ŋ̊ˤar-s {*ŋ̊ˤar(ʔ)-s} cliff 0145a U+5382

暵 hàn xanX (x- + -an B) *qʰˤarʔ {*[qʰ]ˤarʔ} scorch, burn 0144a U+66B5

厂 hàn xanX (x- + -an B) *ŋ̊ˤarʔ cliff 0145a U+5382

杭 háng hang (h- + -ang A) *N-gˤaŋ {*[N]-[g]ˤaŋ} to go by boat 0698e U+676D

航 háng hang (h- + -ang A) *N-gˤaŋ {*[N]-[g]ˤaŋ} boat; two boats tied together 698 U+822A

行 háng hang (h- + -ang A) *gˤaŋ {*[g]ˤaŋ} rank, row 0748a U+884C

薅 hāo xaw (x- + -aw A) *qʰˤu clear away, weed (v.) 1244d U+8585

號 háo haw (h- + -aw A) *C.gˤaw {*[C.g]ˤaw} call out 1041q U+865F

毫 háo haw (h- + -aw A) *gˤaw {*[g]ˤaw} fine animal hair 1129m U+6BEB

豪 háo haw (h- + -aw A) *gˤaw {*[g]ˤaw} procupine; shaggy animal 1129n U+8C6A

號 háo hawH (h- + -aw C) *Cə.gaw-s {*Cə.[g]ˤaw-s} command, call (n.) 1041q U+865F

好 hǎo xawX (x- + -aw B) *qʰˤuʔ good 1044a U+597D

浩 hào hawX (h- + -aw B) *gˤuʔ {*[g]ˤuʔ} vast 1039j U+6D69

好 hào xawH (x- + -aw C) *qʰˤuʔ-s love, like (v.) 1044a U+597D

呵 hē xa (x- + -a A) *qʰˤaj scold 0001j U+5475

訶 hē xa (x- + -a A) *qʰˤaj shout, scold 0001k U+8A36

欱 hē xop (x- + -op D) *qʰˤəp {*qʰˤ[ə]p} sip, drink 0675 U+6B31

河 hé ha (h- + -a A) *C.gˤaj {*C.[g]ˤaj} river 0001g U+6CB3

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荷 hé ha (h- + -a A) *gˤaj {*[g]ˤaj} lotus 0001o U+8377

何 hé ha (h- + -a A) *gˤaj {*[g]ˤaj} what 0001f U+4F55

盍 hé hap (h- + -ap D) *m-kˤap {*m-[k]ˤap} thatch, cover (v.) 0642n U+76CD

曷 hé hat (h- + -at D) *gˤat {*[g]ˤat} what 0313d U+66F7

覈 hé heak (h- + -eak D) *gˤrək {*[g]ˤr[ə]k} kernel 1260a U+8988

劾 hé hojH (h- + -oj C) *gˤək-s {*[g]ˤək-s} investigate 0937x U+52BE

劾 hé hok (h- + -ok D) *gˤək {*[g]ˤək} investigate, try (a criminal) 0937x U+52BE

合 hé hop (h- + -op D) *m-kˤop unite 0675a U+5408

和 hé hwa (h- + -wa A) *ɢˤoj {*[ɢ]ˤoj} harmonious 0008e U+548C

禾 hé hwa (h- + -wa A) *ɢˤoj {*[ɢ]ˤoj} growing grain 0008a U+79BE

鶴 hè haewk (h- + -aewk D) *gˤrawk {*[g]ˤrawk} white (of birds) 1117b U+9DB4

翯 hè haewk (h- + -aewk D) *gˤrawk {*[g]ˤrawk} white (of birds) 1129v U+7FEF

鶴 hè hak (h- + -ak D) *gˤawk {*[g]ˤawk} crane 1117b U+9DB4

褐 hè hat (h- + -at D) *ɢˤat {*[ɢ]ˤat} coarse cloth 0313g U+8910

隺 hè howk (h- + -owk D) *gˤawk {*[g]ˤawk} high 1117a U+96BA

和 hè hwaH (h- + -wa C) *ɢˤoj-s {*[ɢ]ˤoj-s} tune (instruments); respond in singing 0008e U+548C

嚇 hè xaek (x- + -aek D) *qʰˤ<r>ak frighten 0779b U+5687

赫 hè xaek (x- + -aek D) *qʰˤrak red, fiery 0779a U+8D6B

壑 hè xak (x- + -ak D) *qʰˤak moat; canal 0767a U+58D1

黑 hēi xok (x- + -ok D) *m̥ˤək (dial. *m̥ˤ- > xˤ-) black 0904a U+9ED1

恨 hèn honH (h- + -on C) *m-qˤən-s {*[m-q]ˤə[n]-s} regret 0416f U+6068

亨 hēng xaeng (x- + -aeng A) *qʰˤraŋ {*[qʰ]ˤraŋ} penetrate 0716b U+4EA8

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桁 héng haeng (h- + -aeng A) *gˤraŋ {*[g]ˤraŋ} wooden lid 0748f U+6841

衡 héng haeng (h- + -aeng A) *gˤraŋ {*[g]ˤraŋ} beam of a steelyard 0748h U+8861

恆 héng hong (h- + -ong A) *gˤəŋ {*[g]ˤəŋ} constant 0881d U+6046

橫 héng hwaeng (h- + -waeng A) *C.gʷˤraŋ crosswise; horizontal 0707m U+6A6B

薨 hōng xwong (x- + -wong A) *m̥ˤəŋ to die (of king or prince) 0902g U+85A8

鴻 hóng huwng (h- + -uwng A) *gˤoŋ {*[g]ˤoŋ} kind of wild goose 1172g' U+9D3B

紅 hóng huwng (h- + -uwng A) *gˤoŋ pink 1172i U+7D05

弘 hóng hwong (h- + -wong A) *ɢʷˤəŋ {*[ɢ]ʷˤəŋ} vast 0887g U+5F18

鬨 hòng huwngH (h- + -uwng C) *gˤoŋ-s {*[g]ˤoŋ-s} quarrel, fight 1182p U+9B28

喉 hóu huw (h- + -uw A) *gˤo {*[g]ˤ(r)o} throat 0113f U+5589

鍭 hóu huw (h- + -uw A) *gˤo {*[g]ˤ(r)o} arrow with metal point 0113i U+936D

侯 hóu huw (h- + -uw A) *gˤo {*[g]ˤ(r)o} feudal lord 0113a U+4FAF

猴 hóu huw (h- + -uw A) *mə-gˤo {*mə-gˤ(r)o} monkey 0113g U+7334

鍭 hóu huwH (h- + -uw C) *gˤo-s {*[g]ˤ(r)o()-s} arrow with metal point 0113i U+936D

候 hòu huwH (h- + -uw C) *gˤo-s {*[g]ˤ(r)o-s} wait upon 0113e U+5019

後 hòu huwH (h- + -uw C) *ɢˤoʔ-s {*[ɢ]ˤ(r)oʔ-s} put after ? 0115a U+5F8C

厚 hòu huwX (h- + -uw B) *Cə.gˤoʔ {*Cə.gˤ(r)oʔ} thick 0114a U+539A

后 hòu huwX (h- + -uw B) *ɢˤoʔ {*ɢˤ(r)oʔ} sovereign; queen 0112a U+540E

後 hòu huwX (h- + -uw B) *ɢˤoʔ {*[ɢ]ˤ(r)oʔ} after 0115a U+5F8C

乎 hū hu (h- + -u A) *ɢˤa (Q particle) 0055a U+4E4E

乎 hū hu (h- + -u A) *ɢˤa in, at 0055a U+4E4E

幠 hū xu (x- + -u A) *m̥ˤa cover 0103n U+5E60

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呼 hū xu (x- + -u A) *qʰˤa call out, shout 0055h U+547C

虍 hū xu (x- + -u A) *qʰˤra (dial. *qˤʰr- >ŋ̊ˤ- > x-) tiger 0057a U+864D

芴 hū xwot (x- + -wot D) *m̥ˤut careless; confused 0503j U+82B4

忽 hū xwot (x- + -wot D) *m̥ˤut careless; confused 0503l U+5FFD

餬 hú hu (h- + -u A) *Cə.gˤa {*Cə.[g]ˤa} supply food to, feed 0049l' U+992C

糊 hú hu (h- + -u A) *Cə.gˤa to paste (v.) 49 U+7CCA

狐 hú hu (h- + -u A) *gʷˤa {*[g]ʷˤa} fox 0041i U+72D0

胡 hú hu (h- + -u A) *gˤa {*[g]ˤa} foreigners in the north 0049a' U+80E1

壺 hú hu (h- + -u A) *gˤa {*[g](ʷ)ˤa} flask 0056a U+58FA

葫 hú hu (h- + -u A) *gˤa {*[g]ˤa} gourd 0049k' U+846B

搰 hú hwot (h- + -wot D) *gˤut {*[g]ˤut} dig out 0486c U+6430

滸 hǔ xuX (x- + -u B) *qʰˤaʔ river bank 0060k U+6EF8

虎 hǔ xuX (x- + -u B) *qʰˤraʔ (W dial.) tiger 0057b U+864E

沍 hù huH (h- + -u C) *N-qˤaʔ-s shut in, stop up 0054c U+6C8D

互 hù huH (h- + -u C) *m-qˤaʔ-s intertwining 0054a U+4E92

枑 hù huH (h- + -u C) *m-qˤaʔ-s railings, fence 0054b U+6791

護 hù huH (h- + -u C) *ɢʷˤak-s {*[ɢ]ʷˤak-s} protect 0784k U+8B77

祜 hù huX (h- + -u B) *gˤaʔ {*[g]ˤaʔ} blessing 0049y U+795C

鳸 hù huX (h- + -u B) *m-qʷˤaʔ a bird resembling a quail 0053e U+9CF8

戶 hù huX (h- + -u B) *m-qˤaʔ to stop, to check 0053a U+6236

戶 hù huX (h- + -u B) *m-qˤaʔ door 0053a U+6236

扈 hù huX (h- + -u B) *m-qˤaʔ to stop 0053c U+6248

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呼 hù xuH (x- + -u C) *qʰˤa-s call out, shout 0055h U+547C

荂 huā xju (x- + -ju A) *qʷʰa {*qʷʰ(r)a} flower 0043e U+8342

花 huā xwae (x- + -wae A) *qʷʰˤra flower (n.) 0044 U+82B1

華 huā xwae (x- + -wae A) *qʷʰˤra flower (n.) 0044a U+83EF

划 huá hwae (h- + -wae A) *C.gʷˤraj {*C.[g]ʷˤraj} row (v.) 0007e U+5212

華 huá hwae (h- + -wae A) *N-qʷʰˤra flower (v.); flowery (adj.) 0044a U+83EF

滑 huá hweat (h- + -weat D) *Nə-gˤrut slippery 0486e U+6ED1

猾 huá hweat (h- + -weat D) *gˤrut {*[g]ˤrut} crafty 0486d U+733E

猾 huá hweat (h- + -weat D) *m-kˤrut disturb, trouble 0486d U+733E

譁 huá xwae (x- + -wae A) *qʷʰˤra shout 0044d U+8B41

華 huà hwaeH (h- + -wae C) *ɢʷˤra-s {*[ɢ]ʷˤra-s} [name of a mountain] 0044a U+83EF

輠 huà hwaeX (h- + -wae B) *gˤ<r>orʔ {*[g]ˤ<r>orʔ} (dial. > *-j) turn around (as a wheel) 0351l U+8F20

踝 huà hwaeX (h- + -wae B) *m-kˤ<r>orʔ {*m-kˤ<r>o[r]ʔ} ankle 0351j U+8E1D

話 huà hwaejH (h- + -waej C) *gʷˤrat-s {*[g]ʷˤrat-s} speak; words 0302o U+8A71

畫 huà hweaH (h- + -wea C) *C-gʷˤrek-s drawing (n.) 0847a U+756B

畫 huà hweak (h- + -weak D) *gʷˤrek draw (v.) 0847a U+756B

化 huà xwaeH (x- + -wae C) *qʷʰˤ<r>aj-s transform 0019a U+5316

淮 huái hweaj (h- + -weaj A) *gʷˤrij {*[g]ʷˤrij} (name of a river) 0601a U+6DEE

槐 huái hweaj (h- + -weaj A) *gˤ<r>uj {*[g]ˤ<r>uj} Sophora 0569i U+69D0

懷 huái hweaj (h- + -weaj A) *gˤruj {*[g]ˤruj} bosom; embrace 0600c U+61F7

槐 huái hwoj (h- + -woj A) *gˤuj {*[g]ˤuj} Sophora 0569i U+69D0

壞 huài hweajH (h- + -weaj C) *N-kˤruj-s {*N-[k]ˤruj-s} be destroyed 0600d U+58DE

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壞 huài kweajH (k- + -weaj C) *kʷˤruj-s {*[k]ʷˤruj-s} destroy 0600d U+58DE

歡 huān xwan (x- + -wan A) *qʷʰˤar rejoice; joyous 0158j U+6B61

環 huán hwaen (h- + -waen A) *C.ɢʷˤren ring (n.) 0256n U+74B0

還 huán hwaen (h- + -waen A) *ɢʷˤren {*[ɢ]ʷˤren} agile 0256k U+9084

亘 huán hwan (h- + -wan A) *ɢʷˤar {*[ɢ]ʷˤar} turn around, turn back 0164a U+4E98

桓 huán hwan (h- + -wan A) *ɢʷˤar {*[ɢ]ʷˤar} pillar; martial-looking 0164f U+6853

貆 huán xjwon (x- + -jwon A) *qʷʰar badger (n.) 0164l U+8C86

緩 huǎn hwanX (h- + -wan B) *ɢʷˤanʔ {*[ɢ]ʷˤa[n]ʔ} slack; slow 0255l U+7DE9

宦 huàn hwaenH (h- + -waen C) *gʷˤran-s {*[g]ʷˤr[a][n]-s} servant 0188a U+5BA6

患 huàn hwaenH (h- + -waen C) *gˤron-s {*[g]ˤro[n]-s} calamity; distress 0159f U+60A3

擐 huàn hwaenH (h- + -waen C) *ɢʷˤren-s {*[ɢ]ʷˤren-s} put on clothing 0256u U+64D0

輠 huàn hwanX (h- + -wan B) *gˤorʔ {*[g]ˤorʔ} turn around (as a wheel) 0351l U+8F20

渙 huàn xwanH (x- + -wan C) *qʷʰˤan-s {*qʷʰˤa[n]-s} amply-flowing 0167b U+6E19

巟 huāng xwang (x- + -wang A) *m̥ˤaŋ broad 0742v U+5DDF

衁 huāng xwang (x- + -wang A) *m̥ˤaŋ blood 0742z U+8841

荒 huāng xwang (x- + -wang A) *m̥ˤaŋ weed-covered 0742e' U+8352

黃 huáng hwang (h- + -wang A) *N-kʷˤaŋ yellow 0707a U+9EC3

皇 huáng hwang (h- + -wang A) *ɢʷˤaŋ {*[ɢ]ʷˤaŋ} yellow and white spotted 0708a U+7687

皇 huáng hwang (h- + -wang A) *ɢʷˤaŋ {*[ɢ]ʷˤaŋ} sovereign 0708a U+7687

徨 huáng hwang (h- + -wang A) *ɢʷˤaŋ {*[ɢ]ʷˤaŋ} bang-hwang hesitate 0708d U+5FA8

蝗 huáng hwang (h- + -wang A) *ɢʷˤaŋ {*[ɢ]ʷˤaŋ} locust 0708m U+8757

煌 huáng hwang (h- + -wang A) *ɢʷˤaŋ {*[ɢ]ʷˤaŋ} brilliant 0708g U+714C

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隍 huáng hwang (h- + -wang A) *ɢʷˤaŋ {*[ɢ]ʷˤaŋ} moat 0708j U+968D

詤 huǎng xwang (x- + -wang A) *m̥ˤaŋ nonsense, lies 0742f' U+8A64

慌 huǎng xwangX (x- + -wang B) *m̥ˤaŋʔ confused 0742g' U+614C

芒 huǎng xwangX (x- + -wang B) *m̥ˤaŋʔ obscure, confused 0742k U+8292

詤 huǎng xwangX (x- + -wang B) *m̥ˤaŋʔ lies 0742f' U+8A64

隓 huī dwaX (d- + -wa B) *lˤojʔ destroy 0011a U+9693

徽 huī xjw+j (x- + -jw+j A) *m̥əj rope 0584h U+5FBD

揮 huī xjw+j (x- + -jw+j A) *qʷʰər wave, brandish 0458i U+63EE

暉 huī xjw+j (x- + -jw+j A) *qʷʰər light, bright(ness) 0458j U+6689

楎 huī xjw+j (x- + -jw+j A) *qʷʰər clothes-peg 0458m U+694E

輝 huī xjw+j (x- + -jw+j A) *qʷʰər bright 0458l U+8F1D

煇 huī xjw+j (x- + -jw+j A) *qʷʰər brilliant 0458k U+7147

墮 huī xjwie (x- + -jwie A) *l̥oj (W. dial. *l̥- > x) destroy 0011e U+58AE

隳 huī xjwie (x- + -jwie A) *l̥oj destroy 0011f U+96B3

虺 huī xwoj (x- + -woj A) *r̥ˤuj {*[r̥]ˤu[j]} (dial. *r̥- > x-) exhausted, weary 0572a U+867A

回 huí hwoj (h- + -woj A) *ɢʷˤəj {*[ɢ]ʷˤəj} go round 0542a U+56DE

迴 huí hwoj (h- + -woj A) *ɢʷˤəj {*[ɢ]ʷˤəj} revolve 0542c U+8FF4

� huǐ xjw+jX (x- + -jw+j B) *m̥əjʔ burn 0583e U+24226

虺 huǐ xjw+jX (x- + -jw+j B) *r̥ujʔ {*[r̥]u[j]ʔ} (dial. *r̥- > x-) snake-brood 0572a U+867A

毀 huǐ xjweX (x- + -jwe B) *m̥ajʔ {*[m̥](r)ajʔ} demolish 0356a U+6BC0

烜 huǐ xjweX (x- + -jwe B) *qʷʰarʔ (dial. *-r > *-j) sunlight 0164s U+70DC

悔 huǐ xwojX (x- + -woj B) *m̥ˤəʔ regret, repent 0947s U+6094

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穢 huì 'jwojH ('- + -jwoj C) *qʷat-s bad weeds; filth 0346i U+7A62

會 huì hwajH (h- + -waj C) *m-kˤop-s come together 0321a U+6703

慧 huì hwejH (h- + -wej C) *ɢʷˤet-s {*[ɢ]ʷˤe[t]-s} intelligent 0527d U+6167

惠 huì hwejH (h- + -wej C) *ɢʷˤij-s {*[ɢ]ʷˤi[j]-s} kind, good 0533a U+60E0

輠 huì hwojX (h- + -woj B) *gˤurʔ {*[g]ˤurʔ} turn around (as a wheel) 0351l U+8F20

喙 huì tsyhwejH (tsyh- + -jwej C) *t-l̥ot-s {*t-l̥o[t]-s} snout; to pant 0171i U+5599

喙 huì tsyhwejH (tsyh- + -jwej C) *t-l̥ot-s {*t-l̥o[t]-s} snout; to pant 0171i U+5599

隋 huì xjwieH (x- + -jwie C) *l̥oj-s (W. dial. *l̥- > x) shred sacrificial meat 0011b U+968B

喙 huì xjwojH (x- + -jwoj C) *l̥or-s {*l̥o[r]-s} (*l̥- > x- dialect) snout; to pant 0171i U+5599

顪 huì xjwojH (x- + -jwoj C) *qʷʰat-s beard 0346f U+986A

翽 huì xwajH (x- + -waj C) *qʷʰˤat-s rustling of wings 0346g U+7FFD

誨 huì xwojH (x- + -woj C) *m̥ˤə-s {*m̥ˤə()-s} instruct 0947u U+8AA8

晦 huì xwojH (x- + -woj C) *m̥ˤək-s last day of a moon; dark 0947t U+6666

靧 huì xwojH (x- + -woj C) *qʰˤuj-s wash the face 0540f U+9767

賄 huì xwojX (x- + -woj B) *qʷʰˤəʔ property, valuables 0995z U+8CC4

彗 huì zjwejH (z- + -jwej C) *s-ɢʷet-s {*s-[ɢ]ʷe[t]-s} broom; comet 0527a U+5F57

昏 hūn xwon (x- + -won A) *m̥ˤun {*m̥ˤu[n]} dusk, dark 0457k U+660F

渾 hún hwon (h- + -won A) *gˤur {*[g]ˤur} chaotic 0458b U+6E3E

魂 hún hwon (h- + -won A) *m.qʷˤən {*[m.]qʷˤə[n]} spiritual soul 0460g U+9B42

楎 hún hwon (h- + -won A) *ɢʷˤər {*[ɢ]ʷˤər} seed-plow 0458m U+694E

渾 hún hwonX (h- + -won B) *gˤur {*[g]ˤurʔ} chaotic 0458b U+6E3E

火 huǒ xwaX (x- + -wa B) *qʷʰˤəjʔ {*[qʷʰ]ˤəjʔ} fire 0353a U+706B

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穫 huò hwak (h- + -wak D) *ɢʷˤak {*[ɢ]ʷˤak} reap 0784h U+7A6B

蒦 huò hweak (h- + -weak D) *m-qʷˤrak catch, get 0784a U+84A6

獲 huò hweak (h- + -weak D) *m-qʷˤrak catch (v.) 0784d U+7372

或 huò hwok (h- + -wok D) *ɢʷˤək {*[ɢ]ʷˤək} some; or 0929a U+6216

惑 huò hwok (h- + -wok D) *ɢʷˤək {*[ɢ]ʷˤək} deceive 0929q U+60D1

貨 huò xwaH (x- + -wa C) *qʷʰˤaj-s (movable) property, goods 0019c U+8CA8

濊 huò xwat (x- + -wat D) *qʷʰˤat sound of water 0346h U+6FCA

屐 jī gjaek (g- + -jaek D) *Cə.grek {*Cə.[g]rek} wooden sandal 1259b U+5C50

雞 jī kej (k- + -ej A) *kˤe fowl, chicken 0876n U+96DE

鷄 jī kej (k- + -ej A) *kˤe {*(C.)kˤe} fowl 0876p U+9DC4

枅 jī kej (k- + -ej A) *kˤer {*[k]ˤer} (dial. *-r > *-j) crosspiece of wood on top of pillar 0239i U+6785

笄 jī kej (k- + -ej A) *kˤer {*[k]ˤe[r]} (dial. *-r > *-j) hairpin 0586a U+7B04

稽 jī kej (k- + -ej A) *kˤij accord with 0552o U+7A3D

稽 jī kej (k- + -ej A) *kˤij cultivate (field) 0552o U+7A3D

稽 jī kej (k- + -ej A) *kˤij calculate 0552o U+7A3D

激 jī kek (k- + -ek D) *kˤewk {*[k]ˤewk} dam up and cause to rush up (of water) 1162e U+6FC0

擊 jī kek (k- + -ek D) *kˤik strike (v.) 0854b U+64CA

稽 jī khejX (kh- + -ej B) *kʰˤijʔ {*[kʰ]ˤijʔ} bow the head to the ground 0552o U+7A3D

基 jī ki (k- + -i A) *kə {*k(r)ə} base (n.) 0952g U+57FA

姬 jī ki (k- + -i A) *kə {*[k](r)ə} (family name) 0960f U+59EC

箕 jī ki (k- + -i A) *kə {*k(r)ə} winnowing basket 0952f U+7B95

飢 jī kij (k- + -ij A) *Cə.k<r>əj {*Cə.k<r>ə[j]} hungry 0602f U+98E2

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肌 jī kij (k- + -ij A) *krəj {*krə[j]} flesh 0602d U+808C

机 jī kijX (k- + -ij B) *krəjʔ small table, stool 0602c U+673A

幾 jī kj+j (k- + -j+j A) *kəj small; almost 0547a U+5E7E

機 jī kj+j (k- + -j+j A) *kəj mechanism 0547c U+6A5F

饑 jī kj+j (k- + -j+j A) *kəj {*kə[j]} famine 0547k U+9951

奇 jī kje (k- + -je A) *kaj {*[k](r)aj} odd (number) 0001s U+5947

羈 jī kje (k- + -je A) *kraj bridle,halter 1238a U+7F88

躋 jī tsej (ts- + -ej A) *tsˤəj {*[ts]ˤəj} ascend 0593p U+8E8B

績 jī tsek (ts- + -ek D) *tsˤek {*[ts]ˤek} twist, spin 0868v U+7E3E

積 jī tsjek (ts- + -jek D) *tsek {*[ts]ek} accumulate 0868t U+7A4D

集 jí dzip (dz- + -ip D) *dzəp {*(Cə.)[dz][ə]p} gather, collect 0691a U+96C6

疾 jí dzit (dz- + -it D) *dzit {*[dz]i[t]} sickness 0494a U+75BE

籍 jí dzjek (dz- + -jek D) *dzak {*[dz]Ak} register (n.) 0798a' U+7C4D

藉 jí dzjek (dz- + -jek D) *dzak {*[dz]Ak} tribute (n.) 0798b' U+85C9

極 jí gik (g- + -ik D) *N-kək {*N-k(r)ək} extreme 0910e U+6975

及 jí gip (g- + -ip D) *m-k-rəp {*[m-k-]rəp} reach 0681a U+53CA

棘 jí kik (k- + -ik D) *krək thorns 0911a U+68D8

急 jí kip (k- + -ip D) *kəp {*[k](r)[ə]p} urgent 0681g U+6025

吉 jí kjit (k- + -jit D)*C.qit {*C.qi[t]} (*C.q- > *k-, escaping palatalization)

auspicious 0393a U+5409

即 jí tsik (ts- + -ik D) *tsik {*[ts]ik} go to 0399a U+5373

即 jí tsik (ts- + -ik D) *tsik {*[ts]ik} thereupon 0923a U+5373

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堲 jí tsit (ts- + -it D) *tsik masonry 0923c U+5832

楫 jí tsjep (ts- + -jep D) *tsəp {*[ts]əp} V! oar 0688h U+696B

濈 jí tsrip (tsr- + -ip D) *s.q<r>ip {*s.q<r>[i]p} crowded together 0688f U+6FC8

己 jǐ kiX (k- + -i B) *kəʔ {*k(r)əʔ} 6th heavenly stem 0953a U+5DF1

紀 jǐ kiX (k- + -i B) *kəʔ {*k(r)əʔ} leading thread 0953i U+7D00

几 jǐ kijX (k- + -ij B) *krəjʔ stool 0602a U+51E0

給 jǐ kip (k- + -ip D) *kəp {*[k](r)[ə]p} furnish 0675p U+7D66

幾 jǐ kj+jX (k- + -j+j B) *kəjʔ few; how many 0547a U+5E7E

戟 jǐ kjaek (k- + -jaek D) *krak {*[k]rak} a kind of lance 0785b U+621F

濟 jǐ tsejX (ts- + -ej B) *tsˤijʔ {*[ts]ˤijʔ} numerous 0593o U+6FDF

濟 jǐ tsejX (ts- + -ej B) *tsˤəjʔ {*[ts]ˤəjʔ} stately 0593o U+6FDF

脊 jǐ tsjek (ts- + -jek D) *tsek {*[ts]ek} spine, backbone 0852a U+810A

寂 jì dzek (dz- + -ek D) *s-dˤiwk {*s-[d]ˤiwk} quiet# 1031l U+5BC2

忌 jì giH (g- + -i C) *m-kə-s {*m-k(r)ə-s} warn 0953s U+5FCC

暨 jì gijH (g- + -ij C) *grəp-s {*[g]rə[p]-s} reach to 0515o U+66A8

踦 jì gjeX (g- + -je B) *gajʔ {*[g](r)ajʔ} stand (Min dialects) 1 U+8E26

伎 jì gjeX (g- + -je B) *greʔ {*[g]reʔ} skill 0864j U+4F0E

技 jì gjeX (g- + -je B) *greʔ {*[g]reʔ} skill 0864k U+6280

悸 jì gjwijH (g- + -jwij C) *gʷit-s {*[g]ʷi[t]-s} agitated 0538e U+60B8

繫 jì kejH (k- + -ej C) *Cə.kˤe-s tie (v.) 0854d U+7E6B

計 jì kejH (k- + -ej C) *kˤij-s calculate 1241a U+8A08

髻 jì kejH (k- + -ej C) *kˤit-s {*kˤi[t]-s} hair-knot, chignon 0393t U+9AFB

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記 jì kiH (k- + -i C) *C.kə-s {*C.k(r)ə()-s} record (v.) 0953j U+8A18

記 jì kiH (k- + -i C) *C.kə-s {*C.k(r)ə()-s} record (v.) 0953j U+8A18

冀 jì kijH (k- + -ij C) *krək-s {*[k]rə[k]-s} (dial. > *[k]rət-s ?) hope 0603a U+5180

既 jì kj+jH (k- + -j+j C) *kət-s {*[k]ə[t]-s} complete (v.) 0515c U+65E2

寄 jì kjeH (k- + -je C) *C.kaj-s {*C.[k](r)aj-s} entrust to 0001x U+5BC4

猘 jì kjejH (k- + -jej C) *k<r>et-s {*k<r>e[t]-s} mad (dog) 0335d U+7318

瘈 jì kjiejH (k- + -jiej C) *ket-s {*ke[t]-s} (dial. > k-) mad (dog) 0279g U+7608

季 jì kjwijH (k- + -jwij C) *kʷit-s {*kʷi[t]-s} youngest 0538a U+5B63

濟 jì tsejH (ts- + -ej C) *tsˤij-s {*[ts]ˤ[i]j(ʔ)-s} cross a stream; rescue 0593o U+6FDF

濟 jì tsejH (ts- + -ej C) *tsˤij-s {*[ts]ˤ[i]j(ʔ)-s} stop 0593o U+6FDF

績 jì tsek (ts- + -ek D) *tsˤek {*[ts]ˤek} achieve; achievement 0868v U+7E3E

稷 jì tsik (ts- + -ik D) *tsək {*[ts]ək} millet (Setaria italica) 0922b U+7A37

際 jì tsjejH (ts- + -jej C) *tsap-s {*[ts]ap-s} connection 0337f U+969B

祭 jì tsjejH (ts- + -jej C) *tset-s {*[ts]et-s} sacrifice 0337a U+796D

穄 jì tsjejH (ts- + -jej C) *tset-s {*[ts][e][t]-s} de-husked grains of Panicum m., nin-glutinous.

0337e U+7A44

跡 jì tsjek (ts- + -jek D) *tsek {*[ts]ek} footprint, traces 0800g U+8DE1

� jì tsjek (ts- + -jek D) *tsek {*[ts]ek} footprint, traces 0868h U+284AA

迹 jì tsjek (ts- + -jek D) *tsek {*[ts]ek} footprint, traces 0800h U+8FF9

蹟 jì tsjek (ts- + -jek D) *tsek {*[ts]ek} footprint, traces 0868u U+8E5F

嘉 jiā kae (k- + -ae A) *kˤ<r>aj excellent 0015g U+5609

豭 jiā kae (k- + -ae A) *kˤra boar 0033f U+8C6D

家 jiā kae (k- + -ae A) *kˤra household 0032a U+5BB6

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加 jiā kae (k- + -ae A) *kˤraj add 0015a U+52A0

梜 jiā kaep (k- + -aep D) *kˤ<r>ep chopsticks 0630f U+689C

夾 jiā keap (k- + -eap D) *C.kˤ<r>ep press between 0630a U+593E

戛 jiá keat (k- + -eat D) *kˤrik {*kˤri[k]} a kind of lance 0504a U+621B

假 jiǎ kaeX (k- + -ae B) *Cə.kˤraʔ borrow; false 0033c U+5047

叚 jiǎ kaeX (k- + -ae B) *kˤraʔ borrow#borrow 0033a U+53DA

斝 jiǎ kaeX (k- + -ae B) *kˤraʔ {*[k]ˤraʔ} a kind of ritual vessel 0034a U+659D

假 jiǎ kaeX (k- + -ae B) *kˤraʔ great 0033c U+5047

甲 jiǎ kaep (k- + -aep D) *kˤrap {*[k]ˤr[a]p} 1st heavenly stem; shell 0629a U+7532

賈 jià kaeH (k- + -ae C) *C.qˤ<r>aʔ-s price 0038b U+8CC8

價 jià kaeH (k- + -ae C) *C.qˤ<r>aʔ-s price 0038c U+50F9

稼 jià kaeH (k- + -ae C) *kˤra-s grain; sow (v.) 0032f U+7A3C

駕 jià kaeH (k- + -ae C) *kˤraj-s hitch horses to a chariot 0015e U+99D5

嫁 jià kaeH (k- + -ae C) *s.kˤra-s marry 0032e U+5AC1

佳 jia kea (k- + -ea A) *kˤre {*[k]ˤre} good 0879n U+4F73

戔 jiān dzan (dz- + -an A) *dzˤan {*[dz]ˤa[n]} kill; cruel 0155a U+6214

監 jiān kaem (k- + -aem A) *kˤram {*[k]ˤram} inspect 0609a U+76E3

姦 jiān kaen (k- + -aen A) *kˤran {*[k]ˤran} wicked(ness) 0184a U+59E6

蕑 jiān kean (k- + -ean A) *k.rˤan (dial. > *kˤr-) orchid 0191f U+8551

蕑 jiān kean (k- + -ean A) *k.rˤen {*k.rˤe[n]} (dial. *k.rˤ- > kˤr-) lotus fruit (Ode 145.2) 0191f U+8551

間 jiān kean (k- + -ean A) *kˤren {*kˤre[n]} interval 0191a U+9593

� jiān kean (k- + -ean A) *kˤrər {*kˤrə[r]} distress, difficulty 0480a U+213F3

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艱 jiān kean (k- + -ean A) *kˤrər {*kˤrə[r]} difficulty 0480c U+8271

囏 jiān kean (k- + -ean A) *kˤrər {*kˤrə[r]} distress, difficulty 0480j U+56CF

兼 jiān kem (k- + -em A) *kˤem {*[k]ˤem} combine; at the same time 0627a U+517C

蒹 jiān kem (k- + -em A) *kˤem {*[k]ˤem} rush, sedge 0627b U+84B9

肩 jiān ken (k- + -en A) *kˤen {*[k]ˤe[n]} shoulder (n.) 0240a U+80A9

豣 jiān ken (k- + -en A) *kˤer {*[k]ˤer} pig or boar 3 years old 0239b U+8C63

堅 jiān ken (k- + -en A) *kˤiŋ {*kˤi[ŋ]} solid, strong 0368c U+5805

� jiān kjon (k- + -jon A) *C.qan {*C.qa[n]} gruel 141 U+29C61

漸 jiān tsjem (ts- + -jem A) *tsam {*[ts]am} moisten 0611f U+6F38

熸 jiān tsjem (ts- + -jem A) *tsom {*ts[o]m} extinguish 0660m U+71B8

儉 jiǎn gjemX (g- + -jem B) *gramʔ {*[g]r[a]mʔ} restrict, frugal 0613e U+5109

柬 jiǎn keanX (k- + -ean B) *kˤranʔ {*kˤr[a]nʔ} select, distinguish 0185a U+67EC

揀 jiǎn keanX (k- + -ean B) *kˤranʔ {*kˤr[a]nʔ} select 0185e U+63C0

簡 jiǎn keanX (k- + -ean B) *kˤrenʔ {*kˤre[n]ʔ} bamboo slip for writing 0191d U+7C21

簡 jiǎn keanX (k- + -ean B) *kˤrenʔ {*kˤre[n]ʔ} select, large-minded, etc. 0191d U+7C21

檢 jiǎn kjemX (k- + -jem B) *kramʔ {*[k]r[a]mʔ} measure (n.) 0613d U+6AA2

翦 jiǎn tsjenX (ts- + -jen B) *tsenʔ {*[ts][e][n]ʔ} cut (v.) 0245i U+7FE6

荐 jiàn dzenH (dz- + -en C) *N-tsˤən-s {*N-tsˤə[n]-s} grass, herb 0432b U+8350

荐 jiàn dzenH (dz- + -en C) *dzˤər-s {*[dz]ˤə[r]-s} a second time 0432b U+8350

漸 jiàn dzjemX (dz- + -jem B) *dzamʔ {*[dz]amʔ} gradually; advance 0611f U+6F38

賤 jiàn dzjenH (dz- + -jen C) *dzen-s {*[dz][e][n]-s} cheap; low, mean 0155n U+8CE4

踐 jiàn dzjenX (dz- + -jen B) *dzanʔ {*[dz]a[n]ʔ} tread, trample 0155o U+8E10

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俴 jiàn dzjenX (dz- + -jen B) *dzenʔ {*[dz]e[n]ʔ} shallow 0155l U+4FF4

檻 jiàn haemX (h- + -aem B) *gˤramʔ {*[g]ˤramʔ} straight-jetted (water) 0609g U+6ABB

檻 jiàn haemX (h- + -aem B) *gˤramʔ {*[g]ˤramʔ} railing; cage 0609g U+6ABB

檻 jiàn hamX (h- + -am B) *gˤamʔ {*[g]ˤamʔ} railing; cage 0609g U+6ABB

監 jiàn kaemH (k- + -aem C) *kˤram-s mirror 0609a U+76E3

澗 jiàn kaenH (k- + -aen C) *kˤran-s {*[k]ˤra[n]-s} stream in a ravine 0191i U+6F97

諫 jiàn kaenH (k- + -aen C) *kˤranʔ-s ~ *kˤranʔ admonish 0185b U+8AEB

見 jiàn kenH (k- + -en C) *kˤen-s {*[k]ˤen-s} see (v.) 0241a U+898B

劍 jiàn kjaemH (k- + -jaem C) *s.kram-s {*s.kr[a]m-s} sword 0613i U+528D

建 jiàn kjonH (k- + -jon C) *kan-s {*[k]a[n]-s} set up, establish 0249a U+5EFA

僭 jiàn tsemH (ts- + -em C) *tsˤem-s {*tsˤ[e]m-s} err 0660l U+50ED

薦 jiàn tsenH (ts- + -en C) *Cə.tsˤər-s {*Cə.[ts]ˤə[r]-s} grass, fodder 0477a U+85A6

箭 jiàn tsjenH (ts- + -jen C) *tsen-s {*[ts]en-s} arrow 0245h U+7BAD

江 jiāng kaewng (k- + -aewng A) *kˤroŋ (Yangzi) river 1172v U+6C5F

姜 jiāng kjang (k- + -jang A) *C.qaŋ a family name 0711a U+59DC

畺 jiāng kjang (k- + -jang A) *kaŋ boundary, limit 0710a U+757A

薑 jiāng kjang (k- + -jang A) *kaŋ ginger 0710d U+8591

疆 jiāng kjang (k- + -jang A) *kaŋ boundary 0710h U+7586

漿 jiāng tsjang (ts- + -jang A) *tsaŋ {*[ts]aŋ} drink (n.) 0727v U+6F3F

將 jiāng tsjang (ts- + -jang A) *tsaŋ {*[ts]aŋ} bring 0727f U+5C07

講 jiǎng kaewngX (k- + -aewng B) *kˤroŋʔ explain; discuss 1198a U+8B1B

奬 jiǎng tsjangX (ts- + -jang B) *tsaŋʔ {*[ts]aŋʔ} help; encourage 0727u U+596C

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匠 jiàng dzjangH (dz- + -jang C) *S.baŋ-s {*S.[b]aŋ-s} craftsman 0729a U+5320

虹 jiàng kaewngH (k- + -aewng C) *kˤroŋ-s rainbow 1172j U+8679

降 jiàng kaewngH (k- + -aewng C) *kˤruŋ-s (? < *-[u]m-s) descend 1015a U+964D

醬 jiàng tsjangH (ts- + -jang C) *tsaŋ-s {*[ts]aŋ-s} sauce 0727y U+91AC

將 jiàng tsjangH (ts- + -jang C) *tsaŋ-s {*[ts]aŋ-s} lead (v.); leader 0727f U+5C07

交 jiāo kaew (k- + -aew A) *kˤraw {*[k]ˤraw} cross (v.) 1166a U+4EA4

郊 jiāo kaew (k- + -aew A) *kˤraw {*[k]ˤraw} suburb 1166n U+90CA

教 jiāo kaew (k- + -aew A) *kˤraw {*[k]ˤraw} teach 1167i U+6559

膠 jiāo kaew (k- + -aew A) *kˤriw {*[k]ˤriw} glue 1069s U+81A0

徼 jiāo kew (k- + -ew A) *kˤew {*[k]ˤew} seek; follow a course 1162d U+5FBC

椒 jiāo tsew (ts- + -ew A) *s.tˤiw pepper plant 1031q U+6912

椒 jiāo tsjew (ts- + -jew A) *S.tew pepper plant 1031q U+6912

絞 jiǎo kaewX (k- + -aew B) *k-rˤiwʔ {*k-rˤ[i]wʔ} (dial. > *krˤ[i]wʔ) twist; strangle 1166k U+7D5E

膠 jiǎo kaewX (k- + -aew B) *kˤriwʔ {*[k]ˤriwʔ} glue 1069s U+81A0

攪 jiǎo kaewX (k- + -aew B) *kˤruʔ disturb 1038i U+652A

鉸 jiǎo kaewX (k- + -aew B) *mə-kˤrawʔ {*mə-[k]ˤr[a]wʔ} shear; scissors 1166 U+9278

角 jiǎo kaewk (k- + -aewk D) *C.kˤrok horn, corner 1225a U+89D2

脚 jiǎo kjak (k- + -jak D) *kak {*[k]ak} leg, foot 0776h U+811A

腳 jiǎo kjak (k- + -jak D) *s.kak leg, foot 0776g U+8173

矯 jiǎo kjewX (k- + -jew B) *kawʔ {*[k](r)[a]wʔ} falsify 1138l U+77EF

剿 jiǎo tsjewX (ts- + -jew B) *tsawʔ {*[ts]awʔ} cut off 1169b U+527F

噍 jiào dzjewH (dz- + -jew C) *dzewk-s {*[dz]ewk-s} chew 1148k U+564D

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覺 jiào kaewH (k- + -aew C) *kˤruk-s awake (v.) 1038f U+89BA

教 jiào kaewH (k- + -aew C) *s.kˤraw-s instruction 1167i U+6559

叫 jiào kewH (k- + -ew C) *kˤewk-s shout 1064g U+53EB

揭 jiē gjet (g- + -jet D) *m-k<r>at {*m-[k]<r>at} lift, raise 0313n U+63ED

揭 jiē gjot (g- + -jot D) *m-kat {*m-[k]at} lift 0313n U+63ED

街 jiē kea (k- + -ea A) *kˤre {*[k]ˤre} road-crossing 0879o U+8857

階 jiē keaj (k- + -eaj A) *kˤrij steps, stairs 0599d U+968E

皆 jiē keaj (k- + -eaj A) *kˤrij all 0599a U+7686

喈 jiē keaj (k- + -eaj A) *kˤrəj cold 0599c U+5588

秸 jiē keat (k- + -eat D) *kˤrit {*kˤri[t]} stalk of grain 0393u U+79F8

揭 jiē khjejH (kh- + -jej C) *kʰ<r>at-s {*[k]ʰ<r>at-s} lift up one’s clothes 0313n U+63ED

揭 jiē khjet (kh- + -jet D) *kʰ<r>at {*[k]ʰ<r>at} lift 0313n U+63ED

揭 jiē kjot (k- + -jot D) *kat {*[k]at} lift 0313n U+63ED

嗟 jiē tsjae (ts- + -jae A) *tsaj {*tsAj} sigh; alas! 0005n U+55DF

椄 jiē tsjep (ts- + -jep D) *tsap {*[ts]ap} peg, tenon 0635f U+6904

接 jiē tsjep (ts- + -jep D) *tsap {*[ts]ap} connect with 0635e U+63A5

捷 jié dzjep (dz- + -jep D) *dzap {*[dz][a]p} victory 0636b U+6377

桀 jié gjet (g- + -jet D) *N-k<r>at {*N-[k]<r>at} remarkable; hero 0284a U+6840

傑 jié gjet (g- + -jet D) *N-k<r>at {*N-[k]<r>at} remarkable; hero 0284b U+5091

竭 jié gjet (g- + -jet D) *N-krat {*N-[k]rat} exhaust (v.) 0313r U+7AED

桀 jié gjet (g- + -jet D) *m-k<r>at {*m-[k]<r>at} perch for fowls 0284a U+6840

袺 jié keat (k- + -eat D) *kˤ<r>it {*kˤ<r>i[t]} lift up the skirts 0393q U+88BA

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潔 jié ket (k- + -et D) *kˤet {*[k]ˤet} pure, purify 0279j U+6F54

拮 jié ket (k- + -et D) *kˤit {*kˤi[t]} grasp (v.) 0393n U+62EE

結 jié ket (k- + -et D) *kˤit {*kˤi[t]} tie, knot 0393p U+7D50

袺 jié ket (k- + -et D) *kˤit {*kˤi[t]} lift up the skirts 0393q U+88BA

詰 jié khjit (kh- + -jit D) *kʰit {*[kʰ]i[t]} interrogate, reprimand 0393j U+8A70

劫 jié kjaep (k- + -jaep D) *kap {*k(r)ap} rob 0642h U+52AB

桀 jié kjet (k- + -jet D) *k<r>at {*[k]<r>at} lift, raise 0284a U+6840

節 jié tset (ts- + -et D) *tsˤik joint of bamboo 0399e U+7BC0

卪 jié tset (ts- + -et D) *tsˤik tally (n.) 399 U+536A

睫 jié tsjep (ts- + -jep D) *tsap {*[ts][a]p} eyelashes 0636d U+776B

解 jiě keaX (k- + -ea B) *kˤreʔ cut up; unloose 0861a U+89E3

藉 jiè dzjaeH (dz- + -jae C) {*[dz]Ak-s} loan, borrow 0798b' U+85C9

藉 jiè dzjaeH (dz- + -jae C) *dzak-s {*[dz]Ak-s} straw bedding; (base oneself on:) depend on

0798b' U+85C9

犗 jiè kaejH (k- + -aej C) *kˤrat-s castrate 0314c U+7297

介 jiè keajH (k- + -eaj C) *kˤrep-s {*kˤr[e][p]-s} armour; scale of animals 0327a U+4ECB

疥 jiè keajH (k- + -eaj C) *kˤrep-s {*kˤr[e]p-s} scabby disease 0327f U+75A5

芥 jiè keajH (k- + -eaj C) *kˤret-s {*kˤr[e][t]-s} mustard plant 0327j U+82A5

界 jiè keajH (k- + -eaj C) *kˤret-s {*kˤr[e][t]-s} boundary 0327e U+754C

屆 jiè keajH (k- + -eaj C) *kˤrit-s {*kˤr[i][t]-s} reach to 0510b U+5C46

戒 jiè keajH (k- + -eaj C) *kˤrək-s ~ kˤrək be on guard 0990a U+6212

誡 jiè keajH (k- + -eaj C) *kˤrək-s warn 0990c U+8AA1

借 jiè tsjaeH (ts- + -jae C) *tsak-s {*[ts]Ak-s} loan, borrow 0798u U+501F

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借 jiè tsjek (ts- + -jek D) *tsak {*[ts]Ak} loan, borrow 0798u U+501F

䘳 jīn kim (k- + -im A) *k<r>əm {*k<r>[ə]m} collar or lapel 0652d U+4633

今 jīn kim (k- + -im A) *krəm {*[k]r[ə]m} now 0651a U+4ECA

金 jīn kim (k- + -im A) *kəm {*k(r)[ə]m} metal, bronze 0652a U+91D1

巾 jīn kin (k- + -in A) *krən kerchief 0482a U+5DFE

矜 jīn king (k- + -ing A) *k.riŋ (dial. > k-, *-iŋ > -ing) pity (v.) 0369a U+77DC

矜 jīn king (k- + -ing A) *kriŋ boastful 0369a U+77DC

筋 jīn kj+n (k- + -j+n A) *C.kən {*C.[k]ə[n]} sinew 0445a U+7B4B

斤 jīn kj+n (k- + -j+n A) *kər {*[k]ər} axe; catty 0443a U+65A4

津 jīn tsin (ts- + -in A) *tsin {*[ts]i[n]} ford (n.) 0381g U+6D25

堇 jǐn gin (g- + -in A) *grər {*[g]rə[r]} time, season 0480e U+5807

殣 jǐn ginH (g- + -in C) *grər-s {*[g]rə[r]-s} die of starvation 0480o U+6BA3

錦 jǐn kimX (k- + -im B) *C.kəmʔ {*C.k(r)[ə]mʔ} brocade 0652e U+9326

謹 jǐn kj+nX (k- + -j+n B) *kərʔ {*kə[r]ʔ} attentive, careful 0480u U+8B39

堇 jǐn kj+nX (k- + -j+n B) *kərʔ {*kə[r]ʔ} (a kind of vegetable) 0480e U+5807

燼 jìn dzinH (dz- + -in C) *dzin-s {*[dz]i[n](ʔ)-s} ashes, combusted 0381c U+71FC

盡 jìn dzinX (dz- + -in B) *Cə.dzinʔ {*Cə.[dz]i[n]ʔ} exhaust (v.) 0381a U+76E1

僅 jìn ginH (g- + -in C) *grər-s {*[g]rə[r]-s} barely 0480m U+50C5

墐 jìn ginH (g- + -in C) *grər-s {*[g]rə[r]-s} plaster (v.) 0480n U+5890

墐 jìn ginH (g- + -in C) *grər-s {*[g]rə[r]-s} bury 0480n U+5890

饉 jìn ginH (g- + -in C) *grər-s {*[g]rə[r]-s} famine 0480r U+9949

慬 jìn gj+n (g- + -j+n A) *gər {*[g]ər} courageous 0480v U+616C

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近 jìn gj+nH (g- + -j+n C) *s-N-kərʔ-s be near to (v.t.)# 0443g U+8FD1

近 jìn gj+nH (g- + -j+n C) *s-N-kərʔ-s be near to (v.t.)# 0443g U+8FD1

近 jìn gj+nX (g- + -j+n B) *gərʔ {*N-kərʔ} near 0443g U+8FD1

禁 jìn kimH (k- + -im C) *krəm-s {*kr[ə]m-s} prohibit 0655k U+7981

蓳 jìn kj+nH (k- + -j+n C) *kər-s {*kə[r]-s} aconite 0480t U+84F3

蓳 jìn kj+nX (k- + -j+n B) *kərʔ {*kə[r]ʔ} (kind of vegetable) 0480t U+84F3

晉 jìn tsinH (ts- + -in C) *tsin-s {*tsi[n]-s} Jìn (place name) 0378a U+6649

進 jìn tsinH (ts- + -in C) *tsin-s {*[ts][i][n]-s} advance (v.) 0379a U+9032

鯨 jīng gjaeng (g- + -jaeng A) *graŋ {*[g]raŋ} whale 0755f U+9BE8

莖 jīng heang (h- + -eang A) *m-k-lˤ<r>eŋ stalk (n.) 0831u U+8396

經 jīng keng (k- + -eng A) *k-lˤeŋ regulate; norm 0831c U+7D93

巠 jīng keng (k- + -eng A) *k.lˤeŋ a vein of water 0831a U+5DE0

兢 jīng king (k- + -ing A) *kəŋ {*k(r)əŋ} cautious 0888a U+5162

京 jīng kjaeng (k- + -jaeng A) *kraŋ {*[k]raŋ} hill; capital city 0755a U+4EAC

荊 jīng kjaeng (k- + -jaeng A) *kreŋ {*[k]reŋ} briar 0808i U+834A

驚 jīng kjaeng (k- + -jaeng A) *kreŋ be afraid 0813g U+9A5A

精 jīng tsjeng (ts- + -jeng A) *tseŋ fine rice; pure 0812g' U+7CBE

晶 jīng tsjeng (ts- + -jeng A) *tseŋ bright, limpid 0820a U+6676

頸 jǐng gjieng (g- + -jieng A) *m-keŋ {*m-[k]eŋ} (no palatalization before *-eŋ?) neck 0831n U+9838

剄 jǐng kengX (k- + -eng B) *kˤeŋʔ {*[k]ˤeŋʔ} cut the throat 0831e U+5244

景 jǐng kjaengX (k- + -jaeng B) *C.qraŋʔ a kind of coat 0755d U+666F

景 jǐng kjaengX (k- + -jaeng B) *C.qraŋʔ bright; image 0755d U+666F

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境 jǐng kjaengX (k- + -jaeng B) *kraŋʔ {*[k]raŋʔ} boundary 0752b U+5883

警 jǐng kjaengX (k- + -jaeng B) *kreŋʔ warn, admonish 0813j U+8B66

頸 jǐng kjiengX (k- + -jieng B) *keŋʔ {*[k]eŋʔ} (no palatalization before *-eŋ?) neck 0831n U+9838

井 jǐng tsjengX (ts- + -jeng B) *C.tseŋʔ well (n.) 0819a U+4E95

丼 jǐng tsjengX (ts- + -jeng B) *C.tseŋʔ a well 0819e U+4E3C

淨 jìng dzjengH (dz- + -jeng C) *N-tseŋ-s clean (adj.) 0811d U+6DE8

淨 jìng dzjengH (dz- + -jeng C) *m-tseŋ-s cleanse (v.t.) 0811d U+6DE8

競 jìng gjaengH (g- + -jaeng C) *m-kraŋʔ-s ~ C-kraŋʔ-s strive; compete 0754a U+7AF6

脛 jìng hengH (h- + -eng C) *m-kʰˤeŋ-s leg, shank 0831k U+811B

徑 jìng kengH (k- + -eng C) *kˤeŋ-s {*[k]ˤeŋ-s} small path 0831f U+5F91

鏡 jìng kjaengH (k- + -jaeng C) *C.qraŋ-s mirror 0752c U+93E1

敬 jìng kjaengH (k- + -jaeng C) *kreŋ-s {*kreŋ(ʔ)-s} respectful 0813a U+656C

勁 jìng kjiengH (k- + -jieng C) *keŋ-s (no palatalization before *-eŋ?) strong 0831m U+52C1

扃 jiōng kweng (k- + -weng A) *kʷˤeŋ door bolt 0842d U+6243

褧 jiǒng khwengX (kh- + -weng B) *kʷʰˤeŋʔ unlined hemp garment 0809c U+8927

囧 jiǒng kjwaengX (k- + -jwaeng B) *k-mraŋʔ (dial. *k.mr- > *kʷr-) bright window 0763a U+56E7

摎 jiū kjiw (k- + -jiw A) *k-riw (dial. > kriw) tie around, strangle 1069g U+644E

樛 jiū kjiw (k- + -jiw A) *k-riw (dial. > kriw) down-curving (sc. branch) 1069h U+6A1B

樛 jiū kjiw (k- + -jiw A) *k-riw (dial. > kriw) twist (v.) 1069h U+6A1B

丩 jiū kjiw (k- + -jiw A) *kriw to twist 1064a U+4E29

糾 jiū kjiwX (k- + -jiw B) *k<r>iwʔ plait, unite 1064b U+7CFE

鳩 jiū kjuw (k- + -juw A) *ku {*[k](r)u} (a kind of bird) 0992n U+9CE9

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九 jiǔ kjuwX (k- + -juw B) *kuʔ {*[k]uʔ} nine 0992a U+4E5D

久 jiǔ kjuwX (k- + -juw B) *kʷəʔ {*[k]ʷəʔ} a long time 0993a U+4E45

灸 jiǔ kjuwX (k- + -juw B) *kʷəʔ {*[k]ʷəʔ} cauterize by burning tinder 0993b U+7078

韭 jiǔ kjuwX (k- + -juw B) *s.kuʔ {*s.[k](r)uʔ} Allium 1065a U+97ED

酒 jiǔ tsjuwX (ts- + -juw B) *tsuʔ wine 1096k U+9152

就 jiù dzjuwH (dz- + -juw C) *dzuk-s {*[dz]u[k]-s} go to 1093a U+5C31

舊 jiù gjuwH (g- + -juw C) *N-kʷəʔ-s old 1067c U+820A

柩 jiù gjuwH (g- + -juw C) *gʷə-s {*[g]ʷə-s} coffin (with corpse) 0993g U+67E9

臼 jiù gjuwX (g- + -juw B) *C.gʷəʔ {*C.[g]ʷ(r)əʔ} mortar 1067a U+81FC

舅 jiù gjuwX (g- + -juw B) *guʔ {*[g](r)uʔ} MoBr 1067b U+8205

咎 jiù gjuwX (g- + -juw B) *guʔ {*[g](r)uʔ} fault, blame (n.) 1068a U+548E

廄 jiù kjuwH (k- + -juw C) *kʷu-s {*[k]ʷu(ʔ)-s} stable (n.) 0987g U+5EC4

㝌 jiù kjuwH (k- + -juw C) *kʷə-s {*[k]ʷə(ʔ)-s} suffering, distress 0993e U+374C

救 jiù kjuwH (k- + -juw C) *s.ku-s {*s.k(r)u-s} help, save 1066m U+6551

車 jū kjo (k- + -jo A) *C.qa {*C.q(r)a} chariot 0074a U+8ECA

居 jū kjo (k- + -jo A) *ka {*k(r)a} squat; stay, dwell 0049c' U+5C45

居 jū kjo (k- + -jo A) *ka final particle 0049c' U+5C45

居 jū kjoH (k- + -jo C) *ka-s {*k(r)a-s} dwelling (rh.) 0049c' U+5C45

鞫 jū kjuwk (k- + -juwk D) *kuk {*k(r)uk} exhaust; poverty 1017j U+97AB

鴡 jū tshjo (tsh- + -jo A) *tsʰa {*[tsʰ]a} 鴡鳩 an aquatic bird 0046s U+9D21

砠 jū tshjo (tsh- + -jo A) *tsʰa {*[tsʰ]a} rock covered with earth 0046q U+7820

且 jū tsjo (ts- + -jo A) *tsa [final particle] 0046a U+4E14

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娵 jū tsju (ts- + -ju A) *tso {*[ts]o} 娵觜 *tso-tse (name of constellation) 0131i U+5A35

局 jú gjowk (g- + -jowk D) *N-kʰok {*N-kʰ(r)ok} bent, curved 1214a U+5C40

局 jú gjowk (g- + -jowk D) *gok {*[g](r)ok} department 1214a U+5C40

繘 jú kjwit (k- + -jwit D) *C.qʷit {*C.qʷi[t]} well-rope 0507h U+7E58

橘 jú kjwit (k- + -jwit D) *s.kʷit {*[s.k]ʷi[t]} orange (tangerine?) 0507g U+6A58

狊 jú kwek (k- + -wek D) *kʷˤek place name 0860a U+72CA

鶪 jú kwek (k- + -wek D) *kʷˤek shrike 0860b U+9DAA

鵙 jú kwek (k- + -wek D) *kʷˤek shrike 0860c U+9D59

沮 jǔ dzjoX (dz- + -jo B) *dzaʔ {*[dz]aʔ} stop, prevent 0046k U+6CAE

舉 jǔ kjoX (k- + -jo B) *C.qaʔ {*C.q(r)aʔ} lift, raise 0075a U+8209

莒 jǔ kjoX (k- + -jo B) *k.raʔ (dial. > kraʔ) plant; place name 0076l U+8392

舉 jǔ kjoX (k- + -jo B) *kaʔ {*[k](r)aʔ} all 0075a U+8209

聚 jù dzjuH (dz- + -ju C) *m-tsʰoʔ-s bring together 0131k U+805A

聚 jù dzjuX (dz- + -ju B) *m-tsʰoʔ bring together 0131k U+805A

遽 jù gjoH (g- + -jo C) *ga-s {*[g](r)a(k)-s} post horse or carriage 0803c U+907D

粔 jù gjoX (g- + -jo B) *N-kaʔ {*[N]-k(r)aʔ} cakes 0095n U+7C94

具 jù gjuH (g- + -ju C) *go-s {*[g](r)o-s} arrange, provide 0121a U+5177

懼 jù gjuH (g- + -ju C) *gʷa-s {*[g]ʷ(r)a-s} fear (v.) 0096i U+61FC

鋸 jù kjoH (k- + -jo C) *ka-s {*k(r)a-s} saw (n.) 0049s' U+92F8

據 jù kjoH (k- + -jo C) *ka-s {*k(r)a(k)-s} grasp; depend on 0803f U+64DA

俱 jù kju (k- + -ju A) *ko {*k(r)o} all, together 0121d U+4FF1

句 jù kjuH (k- + -ju C) *ko-s {*[k](r)o-s} phrase 0108a U+53E5

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屨 jù kjuH (k- + -ju C) *kro-s sandal, shoe 0123q U+5C68

卷 juǎn kjwenX (k- + -jwen B) *krorʔ {*[k]rorʔ} roll (v.) 0226a U+5377

睠 juàn kjwenH (k- + -jwen C) *kron-s {*[k]ro[n]-s} look on with affection 0226b U+7760

絹 juàn kjwienH (k- + -jwien C) *kʷen-s {*[k]ʷen-s} a kind of silk stuff 0228f U+7D79

絕 jué dzjwet (dz- + -jwet D) *dzot {*[dz]ot} cut off 0296a U+7D55

倔 jué gjut (g- + -jut D) *gut {*[g]ut} strong, unyielding 0496r U+5014

掘 jué gjut (g- + -jut D) *gut {*[g]ut} dig out (earth) 0496s U+6398

掘 jué gjwot (g- + -jwot D) *got {*[g]ot} dig out (earth) 0496s U+6398

覺 jué kaewk (k- + -aewk D) *kˤruk awake 1038f U+89BA

蹻 jué kjewX (k- + -jew B) *kawʔ {*k(r)awʔ} martial 1138q U+8E7B

蕨 jué kjwot (k- + -jwot D) *Cə.kot bracken (a kind of edible fern) 0301d U+8568

厥 jué kjwot (k- + -jwot D) *kot (3p possessive pronoun) 0301c U+53A5

譎 jué kwet (k- + -wet D) *C.qʷˤit {*[C.q]ʷˤi[t]} treacherous; deceive 0507l U+8B4E

決 jué kwet (k- + -wet D) *kʷˤet {*[k]ʷˤet} open a passage for a stream 0312b U+6C7A

決 jué kwet (k- + -wet D) *kʷˤet {*[k]ʷˤet} open; decide 0312b U+6C7A

訣 jué kwet (k- + -wet D) *kʷˤet {*[k]ʷˤet} farewell words 0312e U+8A23

爵 jué tsjak (ts- + -jak D) *tsewk {*[ts]ewk} nobility, rank 1121a U+7235

君 jūn kjun (k- + -jun A) *C.qur lord; ruler 0459a U+541B

軍 jūn kjun (k- + -jun A) *kʷər {*[k]ʷər} army; camp 0458a U+8ECD

均 jūn kjwin (k- + -jwin A) *C.qʷin {*C.qʷi[n]} even, equal 0391c U+5747

鈞 jūn kjwin (k- + -jwin A) *C.qʷin {*C.qʷi[n]} potter's wheel 0391e U+921E

鈞 jūn kjwin (k- + -jwin A) *kʷin {*[k]ʷi[n]} weight of 30 jīn 斤 0391e U+921E

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麏 jūn kwin (k- + -win A) *krur {*[k]rur} fallow-deer 0459i U+9E8F

菌 jùn gwinX (g- + -win B) *grunʔ {*[g]runʔ} mushroom 0485c U+83CC

開 kāi khoj (kh- + -oj A) *Nə-kʰˤəj {*Nə-[k]ʰˤə[j]} to open (v.i) 0541a U+958B

開 kāi khoj (kh- + -oj A) *kʰˤəj {*[k]ʰˤəj} to open (v.t.) 0541a U+958B

鎧 kǎi khojH (kh- + -oj C) *C.qʰˤəjʔ-s coat of mail 0548e U+93A7

塏 kǎi khojX (kh- + -oj B) *C.qʰəjʔ {*C.qʰˤəjʔ} high and dry (place) 0548d U+584F

豈 kǎi khojX (kh- + -oj B) *C.qʰˤəjʔ happy, pleasant 0548a U+8C48

鎧 kǎi khojX (kh- + -oj B) *C.qʰˤəjʔ coat of mail 0548e U+93A7

凱 kǎi khojX (kh- + -oj B) *C.qʰˤəjʔ pleasant 0548b U+51F1

愷 kǎi khojX (kh- + -oj B) *C.qʰˤəjʔ triumphal music; happy 0548c U+6137

咳 kài khojH (kh- + -oj C) *kʰˤək-s cough 0937g U+54B3

欬 kài khojH (kh- + -oj C) *kʰˤək-s cough 0937s U+6B2C

慨 kài khojH (kh- + -oj C) *kʰˤət-s {*[kʰ]ˤə[t]-s} disappointed 0515n U+6168

愾 kài xj+jH (x- + -j+j C) *qʰəp-s sigh; angry 0517d U+613E

堪 kān khom (kh- + -om A) *kʰˤəm {*[kʰ]ˤ[ə]m} able to bear 0658p U+582A

欿 kǎn khomX (kh- + -om B) *k-r̥ˤəmʔ covet 0672f U+6B3F

坎 kǎn khomX (kh- + -om B) *kʰˤomʔ {*[kʰ]ˤomʔ} pit 0624d U+574E

埳 kǎn khomX (kh- + -om B) *kʰˤomʔ {*[kʰ]ˤomʔ} pit (n.) 0672e U+57F3

欿 kǎn khomX (kh- + -om B) *kʰˤomʔ {*[kʰ]ˤomʔ} insufficient 0672f U+6B3F

欿 kǎn khomX (kh- + -om B) *kʰˤomʔ {*[kʰ]ˤomʔ} despondent 0672f U+6B3F

� kǎn ngim (ng- + -im A) *N-qʰˤəm {*N-qʰˤ[ə]m} precipitous 0607f U+20A9A

看 kàn khanH (kh- + -an C) *kʰˤar-s {*kʰˤa[r]-s} gaze at 0142a U+770B

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康 kāng khang (kh- + -ang A) *k-l̥ˤaŋ tranquil; at ease 0746h U+5EB7

康 kāng khang (kh- + -ang A) *kʰˤaŋ {*[kʰ]ˤaŋ} empty 0746h U+5EB7

抗 kàng khangH (kh- + -ang C) *kʰˤaŋ-s set up; oppose; protect 0698b U+6297

犒 kào khawH (kh- + -aw C) *kʰˤaw-s {*[kʰ]ˤaw-s} remunerate (soldiers) with food 1129l U+7292

薖 kē khwa (kh- + -wa A) *kʷʰˤaj great 0018h U+8596

可 kě khaX (kh- + -a B) *kʰˤajʔ {*[k]ʰˤa[j]ʔ} may; acceptable 0001a U+53EF

渴 kě khat (kh- + -at D) *Nə-kʰˤat thirsty 0313j U+6E34

客 kè khaek (kh- + -aek D) *kʰˤrak guest 0766d' U+5BA2

克 kè khok (kh- + -ok D) *kʰˤək carry; able; dominate 0903a U+514B

刻 kè khok (kh- + -ok D) *kʰˤək {*[kʰ]ˤək} cut, engrave 0937v U+523B

牼 kēng heang (h- + -eang A) *m-kʰˤ<r>eŋ shank bone 0831q U+727C

牼 kēng kheang (kh- + -eang A) *kʰˤ<r>eŋ shank bone 0831q U+727C

空 kōng khuwng (kh- + -uwng A) *kʰˤoŋ hollow, empty; hole 1172h U+7A7A

恐 kǒng khjowngX (kh- + -jowng B) *kʰoŋʔ {*kʰ(r)oŋʔ} fear 1172d' U+6050

空 kǒng khuwngX (kh- + -uwng B) *kʰˤoŋʔ hollow, empty; hole 1172h U+7A7A

孔 kǒng khuwngX (kh- + -uwng B) *kʰˤoŋʔ {*[k]ʰˤoŋʔ} (surname) 1174a U+5B54

控 kòng khuwngH (kh- + -uwng C) *kʰˤoŋ-s pull (on bow or reins) 1172a' U+63A7

口 kǒu khuwX (kh- + -uw B) *kʰˤoʔ {*kʰˤ(r)oʔ} mouth 0110a U+53E3

叩 kǒu khuwX (kh- + -uw B) *kʰˤoʔ {*kʰˤ(r)oʔ} strike 0110d U+53E9

寇 kòu khuwH (kh- + -uw C) *kʰˤo-s {*[k]ʰˤ(r)o-s} rob; robber 0111a U+5BC7

叩 kòu khuwH (kh- + -uw C) *kʰˤoʔ-s {*kʰˤ(r)oʔ-s} strike (v.) 0110d U+53E9

哭 kū khuwk (kh- + -uwk D) *kʰˤok {*[kʰ]ˤok} weep 1203a U+54ED

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堀 kū khwot (kh- + -wot D) *kʰˤut {*[kʰ]ˤut} hole 0496p U+5800

窟 kū khwot (kh- + -wot D) *kʰˤut {*[kʰ]ˤut} cave, hole 0496q U+7A9F

苦 kǔ khuX (kh- + -u B) *kʰˤaʔ bitter 0049u U+82E6

酷 kù khowk (kh- + -owk D) *kʰˤuk cruel 1039m U+9177

庫 kù khuH (kh- + -u C) *kʰˤa-s {*[k]ʰˤa-s} arsenal; storehouse 0074e U+5EAB

夸 kuā khwae (kh- + -wae A) *kʷʰˤra {*[kʷʰ]ˤra} boast 0043a U+5938

誇 kuā khwae (kh- + -wae A) *kʷʰˤra {*[kʷʰ]ˤra} boast 0043b U+8A87

快 kuài khwaejH (kh- + -waej C) *kʷʰˤret-s {*[k]ʷʰˤret-s} cheerful 0312k U+5FEB

塊 kuài khweajH (kh- + -weaj C) *kʰˤ<r>uj-s {*[kʰ]ˤ<r>uj-s} clod, lump 0569g U+584A

塊 kuài khwojH (kh- + -woj C) *kʰˤuj-s {*[kʰ]ˤuj-s} clod; lump 0569g U+584A

會 kuài kwajH (k- + -waj C) *kˤop-s {*[k]ˤop-s} calculate; calculation 0321a U+6703

澮 kuài kwajH (k- + -waj C) *kˤop-s {*[k]ˤop-s} watering channel, drain 0321f U+6FAE

寬 kuān khwan (kh- + -wan A) *kʷʰˤan {*[k]ʷʰˤa[n]} vast, wide 0165b U+5BEC

匡 kuāng khjwang (kh- + -jwang A) *k-pʰaŋ square basket 0739m U+5321

筐 kuāng khjwang (kh- + -jwang A) *k.pʰaŋ {*[k.pʰ]aŋ} square basket 0739v U+7B50

狂 kuáng gjwang (g- + -jwang A) *k-ɢʷaŋ {*[k-ɢʷ]aŋ} mad, reckless 0739o U+72C2

曠 kuàng khwangH (kh- + -wang C) *k-m̥ˤaŋ-s {*[k-m̥]ˤaŋ-s} desolate, waste 0707o U+66E0

壙 kuàng khwangH (kh- + -wang C) *kʷʰˤaŋ-s grave pit 0707n U+58D9

曠 kuàng khwangH (kh- + -wang C) *kʷʰˤaŋ-s {*[k]ʷʰˤaŋ-s} bright 0707o U+66E0

纊 kuàng khwangH (kh- + -wang C) *kʷʰˤaŋ-s fine floss silk; quilted 0707p U+7E8A

況 kuàng xjwangH (x- + -jwang C) *m̥aŋ-s {*[m̥]aŋ-s} how much the more 0765g U+6CC1

虧 kuī khjwe (kh- + -jwe A) *kʷʰaj {*[k]ʷʰ(r)aj} diminish 0028a U+8667

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窺 kuī khjwie (kh- + -jwie A) *kʷʰe pry, spy (v.) 0875c U+7ABA

頄 kuí gwij (g- + -wij A) *gʷru {*[g]ʷru} cheek bone, bones of the face 0992e U+9804

頯 kuí gwij (g- + -wij A) *gʷrə {*[g]ʷrə} cheek bone, bones of the face 0988a U+982F

魁 kuí khwoj (kh- + -woj A) *kʰˤuj {*[kʰ]ˤuj} great; principal; chief 0569f U+9B41

魁 kuí khwoj (kh- + -woj A) *kʰˤuj {*[kʰ]ˤuj} spoon 0569f U+9B41

魁 kuí khwoj (kh- + -woj A) *kʰˤuj {*[kʰ]ˤuj} mound 0569f U+9B41

餽 kuì gwijH (g- + -wij C) *C-ɢruj {*C-ɢruj-s} present (food) (v.) 0569r U+993D

饋 kuì gwijH (g- + -wij C) *gruj-s {*[g]ruj-s} present of food (<food basket ?) 0540l U+994B

潰 kuì hwojH (h- + -woj C) *gʷˤəj-s {*[gʷ]ˤ[ə]j-s} break through an embankment (of water) 0540d U+6F70

簣 kuì khweajH (kh- + -weaj C) *kʰˤruj-s basket 0540j U+7C23

愧 kuì kwijH (k- + -wij C) *kruj-s {*[k]ruj()-s} ashamed 0569l U+6127

聵 kuì ngweajH (ng- + -weaj C) *ŋˤreaj-s {*[ŋ]ˤruj-s} deaf 0540p U+8075

坤 kūn khwon (kh- + -won A) *kʰˤun {*[kʰ]ˤu[n]} earth (trigram or hexagram) 0421a U+5764

昆 kūn kwon (k- + -won A) *kˤun {*kˤu[n]} elder brother 0417a U+6606

困 kùn khwonH (kh- + -won C) *kʰˤun-s {*kʰˤu[n]-s} obstruct; distress 0420a U+56F0

擴 kuò khwak (kh- + -wak D) *kʷʰˤak widen 0707t U+64F4

廓 kuò khwak (kh- + -wak D) *kʷʰˤak widen 0774g U+5ED3

闊 kuò khwat (kh- + -wat D) *kʰˤot {*[k]ʰˤot} (in khet.khwat) 0302q U+95CA

闊 kuò khwat (kh- + -wat D) *kʷʰˤat {*[k]ʷʰˤat} widely apart 0302q U+95CA

蠟 là lap (l- + -ap D) *k.rˤap wax 0637 U+881F

臘 là lap (l- + -ap D) *rˤap {*[r]ˤap} winter sacrifice 0637j U+81D8

剌 là lat (l- + -at D) *rˤat (~ C.rˤat ?) wicked; spicy 0272a U+524C

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拉 là lop (l- + -op D) *rˤəp {*[r]ˤəp} break 0694l U+62C9

來 lái loj (l- + -oj A) *mə.rˤək (> *mə.rˤə) a kind of wheat 0944a U+4F86

來 lái loj (l- + -oj A) *rˤək (> *rˤə) come 0944a U+4F86

瀨 lài lajH (l- + -aj C) *C.rˤat-s {*C.rˤa[t]-s} rapids 0272f U+7028

賴 lài lajH (l- + -aj C) *rˤat-s {*rˤa[t]-s} depend on 0272e U+8CF4

籟 lài lajH (l- + -aj C) *rˤat-s {*rˤa[t]-s} tube 0272g U+7C5F

賚 lài lojH (l- + -oj C) *rˤək-s {*[r]ˤək-s} give, send 0944k U+8CDA

藍 lán lam (l- + -am A) *N-k.rˤam indigo 0609k U+85CD

籃 lán lam (l- + -am A) *k.rˤam basket 0609 U+7C43

蘭 lán lan (l- + -an A) *k.rˤan orchid 0185n U+862D

闌 lán lan (l- + -an A) *kə.rˤan railing 0185f U+95CC

懶 lǎn lanX (l- + -an B) *N-kə.rˤanʔ lazy 0272 U+61F6

爛 làn lanH (l- + -an C) *rˤan-s {*[r]ˤan-s} cooked until soft 0185l U+721B

爤 làn lanH (l- + -an C) *rˤan-s {*[r]ˤan-s} cooked until soft 0185m U+7224

郎 láng lang (l- + -ang A) *C.rˤaŋ young gentleman 0735r U+90CE

浪 láng lang (l- + -ang A) *rˤaŋ {*[r]ˤaŋ} (name of a river) 0735k U+6D6A

狼 láng lang (l- + -ang A) *rˤaŋ {*[r]ˤaŋ} wolf 0735l U+72FC

琅 láng lang (l- + -ang A) *rˤaŋ {*[r]ˤaŋ} (a kind of precious stone) 0`735n U+7405

稂 láng lang (l- + -ang A) *rˤaŋ {*[r]ˤaŋ} weed in field of grain 0735o U+7A02

郎 láng lang (l- + -ang A) *rˤaŋ double roof 0735r U+90CE

廊 láng lang (l- + -ang A) *rˤaŋ {*[r]ˤaŋ} side-gallery 0735t U+5ECA

俍 láng ljang (l- + -jang A) *raŋ {*[r]aŋ} skillful 0735f U+4FCD

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朗 lǎng langX (l- + -ang B) *k.rˤaŋʔ bright 0735h U+6717

勞 láo law (l- + -aw A) *rˤaw {*[r]ˤaw} toil 1135a U+52DE

老 lǎo lawX (l- + -aw B) *C-rˤuʔ old 1055a U+8001

勞 lào lawH (l- + -aw C) *rˤaw-s {*[r]ˤaw-s} to reward for toil 1135a U+52DE

樂 lè lak (l- + -ak D) *rˤawk {*[rˤ]awk} joy; enjoy 1125a U+6A02

勒 lè lok (l- + -ok D) *rˤək {*[r]ˤək} engrave 0928f U+52D2

勒 lè lok (l- + -ok D) *rˤək {*[r]ˤək} bridle 0928f U+52D2

羸 léi ljwe (l- + -jwe A) *roj {*[r]o[j]} entangle 0014c U+7FB8

靁 léi lwoj (l- + -woj A) *C.rˤuj thunder 0577n U+9741

雷 léi lwoj (l- + -woj A) *C.rˤuj thunder 0577o U+96F7

累 lěi ljwe (l- + -jwe A) *roj {*[r]oj} rope (to tie s.o. up) 0577r U+7D2F

累 lěi ljweX (l- + -jwe B) *rojʔ {*[r]ojʔ} accumulate 0577r U+7D2F

壘 lěi lwijX (l- + -wij B) *rujʔ {*[r]ujʔ} entrenchments 0577d U+58D8

誄 lěi lwijX (l- + -wij B) *rujʔ {*[r]ujʔ} eulogy 0578b U+8A84

類 lèi lwijH (l- + -wij C) *rut-s {*[r]u[t]-s} category 0529a U+985E

儽 lèi lwojH (l- + -woj C) *rˤuj-s {*[r]ˤuj-s} exhausted 0577p U+513D

黎 lí lej (l- + -ej A) *rˤij {*[r]ˤij} Cf. 耆 0552l gij < *[g]rij ‘old’. old 0519k U+9ECE

黎 lí lej (l- + -ej A) *rˤij {*[r]ˤij} black 0519k U+9ECE

貍 lí li (l- + -i A) *p.rə wildcat or small mammal (civet ?) 0978h U+8C8D

棃 lí lij (l- + -ij A) *C.rəj {*C.r[ə][j]} pear tree, pear 0519i U+68C3

犁 lí lij (l- + -ij A) *rij {*[r][i]j} plough (n., v.) 0519g U+7281

離 lí lje (l- + -je A) *raj {*[r]aj} meet with, encounter 0023f U+96E2

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離 lí lje (l- + -je A) *raj {*[r]aj} depart from 0023f U+96E2

罹 lí lje (l- + -je A) *raj {*[r]aj} drag into; trouble 0024a U+7F79

禮 lǐ lejX (l- + -ej B) *rˤijʔ {*[r]ˤijʔ} propriety, ceremony 0597d U+79AE

李 lǐ liX (l- + -i B) *C.rəʔ plum 0980a U+674E

鯉 lǐ liX (l- + -i B) *mə-rəʔ carp (n.) 0978j U+9BC9

裏 lǐ liX (l- + -i B) *mə.rəʔ {*mə.[r]əʔ} inside 0978e U+88CF

理 lǐ liX (l- + -i B) *mə.rəʔ reason; principle 0978d U+7406

理 lǐ liX (l- + -i B) *rəʔ {*([m]ə.)rəʔ} cut jade; regulate 0978d U+7406

里 lǐ liX (l- + -i B) *rəʔ {*(mə.)rəʔ} li (measure of distance), village 0978a U+91CC

糲 lì lajH (l- + -aj C) *rˤat-s {*([m]ə-)rˤat-s} dehusked but not polished grain. 0340g U+7CF2

轢 lì lak (l- + -ak D) *rˤawk {*[r]ˤawk} crush under wheels 1125d U+8F62

糲 lì lat (l- + -at D) *rˤat {*([m]ə-)rˤat} dehusked but not polished grain. 0340g U+7CF2

麗 lì lejH (l- + -ej C) *rˤe-s {*[r]ˤe-s} symmetrical 0878a U+9E97

戾 lì lejH (l- + -ej C) *rˤet-s {*[r]ˤe[t]-s} transgress 0532a U+623E

鬲 lì lek (l- + -ek D) *k.rˤek tripod with hollow legs 0855a U+9B32

歷 lì lek (l- + -ek D) *rˤek {*[r]ˤek} pass by; in turn 0858e U+6B77

轢 lì lek (l- + -ek D) *rˤewk {*[r]ˤewk} crush under wheels 1125d U+8F62

櫟 lì lek (l- + -ek D) *rˤewk {*[r]ˤewk} oak 1125i U+6ADF

礫 lì lek (l- + -ek D) *rˤewk {*[r]ˤewk} pebbles 1125j U+792B

䟏 lì lek (l- + -ek D) *rˤewk {*[r]ˤewk} move 1125l U+47CF

吏 lì liH (l- + -i C) *rəʔ-s {*[r]əʔ-s} officer 0975g U+540F

利 lì lijH (l- + -ij C) *C.rit-s {*C.ri[t]-s} sharp; profit 0519a U+5229

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力 lì lik (l- + -ik D) *k.rək strength 0928a U+529B

立 lì lip (l- + -ip D) *k.rəp stand (v.) 0694a U+7ACB

粒 lì lip (l- + -ip D) *k.rəp grains of rice 0694f U+7C92

笠 lì lip (l- + -ip D) *k.rəp bamboo-splint hat 0694e U+7B20

栗 lì lit (l- + -it D) *rit {*[r]i[t]} chestnut tree 0403a U+6817

詈 lì ljeH (l- + -je C) *C.raj-s revile 0872a U+8A48

離 lì ljeH (l- + -je C) *raj-s {*[r]aj-s} reject 0023f U+96E2

蠣 lì ljejH (l- + -jej C) *mə-rat-s stinging insect 0340f U+8823

厲 lì ljejH (l- + -jej C) *rat-s {*[r]at-s} cruel 0340a U+53B2

厲 lì ljejH (l- + -jej C) *rat-s {*(mə-)rat-s} grindstone 0340a U+53B2

糲 lì ljejH (l- + -jej C) *rat-s {*([m]ə-)rat-s} Unhusked but not polished grain. 0340g U+7CF2

礪 lì ljejH (l- + -jej C) *rat-s {*(mə-)rat-s} grindstone 0340b U+792A

厲 lì ljejH (l- + -jej C) *rat-s {*(mə-)rat-s} epidemic 0340a U+53B2

䟏 lì syak (sy- + -jak D) *r̥ewk (dial. *r̥- > x-, palatalizing) move (v.) 1125l U+47CF

蓮 lián len (l- + -en A) *k.rˤen {*k.[r]ˤe[n]} lotus fruit 0213d U+84EE

憐 lián len (l- + -en A) *k.rˤiŋ love; pity 0387l U+6190

蘞 lián ljem (l- + -jem A) *ram {*[r][a]m} (a kind of creeping plant) 0613m U+861E

廉 lián ljem (l- + -jem A) *rem {*(k-)rem} frugal 0627l U+5EC9

廉 lián ljem (l- + -jem A) *rem {*[r]em} angle 0627l U+5EC9

鎌 lián ljem (l- + -jem A) *rem {*[r]em} sickle 0627n U+938C

簾 lián ljem (l- + -jem A) *rem {*[r]em} bamboo curtain 0627 U+7C3E

漣 lián ljen (l- + -jen A) *ran {*[r]a[n]} ripple; drip 0213b U+6F23

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斂 liǎn ljemX (l- + -jem B) *ramʔ {*[r][a]mʔ} gather 0613l U+6582

練 liàn lenH (l- + -en C) *rˤen-s {*[r]ˤen-s} sized white silk 0185i U+7DF4

斂 liàn ljemH (l- + -jem C) *ram-s {*[r][a]m-s} dress a corpse 0613l U+6582

僆 liàn ljenH (l- + -jen C) *k.ran-s {*k.r[a]n-s} chick 213 U+50C6

戀 liàn ljwenH (l- + -jwen C) *ron-s to long for 0178m U+6200

孌 liàn ljwenX (l- + -jwen B) *ronʔ beautiful 0178k U+5B4C

涼 liáng ljang (l- + -jang A) *C.raŋ cold 0755l U+6DBC

良 liáng ljang (l- + -jang A) *raŋ {*[r]aŋ} good 0735a U+826F

量 liáng ljang (l- + -jang A) *raŋ {*[r]aŋ} measure (v.) 0737a U+91CF

梁 liáng ljang (l- + -jang A) *raŋ {*[r]aŋ} beam; bridge 0738a U+6881

糧 liáng ljang (l- + -jang A) *raŋ {*[r]aŋ} grain, provisions 0737d U+7CE7

兩 liǎng ljangX (l- + -jang B) *p.raŋʔ a pair 0736a U+5169

量 liàng ljangH (l- + -jang C) *raŋ-s {*[r]aŋ-s} measure (n.) 0737a U+91CF

諒 liàng ljangH (l- + -jang C) *raŋ-s {*[r]aŋ-s} sincere; trust (v.) 0755m U+8AD2

僚 liáo lew (l- + -ew A) *rˤew {*[r]ˤew} office or position 1151h U+50DA

聊 liáo lew (l- + -ew A) *rˤiw {*[r]ˤiw} rely on 1114u U+804A

料 liào lewH (l- + -ew C) *rˤew-s {*[r]ˤew-s} measure (v.) 1245c U+6599

獵 liè ljep (l- + -jep D) *rap {*r[a]p} hunt 0637e U+7375

躐 liè ljep (l- + -jep D) *rap {*r[a]p} trample 0637f U+8E90

烈 liè ljet (l- + -jet D) *rat {*[r]at} blazing; brilliant 0291d U+70C8

列 liè ljet (l- + -jet D) *ret {*[r][e]t} tear apart; rank 0291a U+5217

林 lín lim (l- + -im A) *k.rəm {*k.r[ə]m} forest 0655a U+6797

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淋 lín lim (l- + -im A) *rəm {*[r][ə]m} pour 0655e U+6DCB

臨 lín lim (l- + -im A) *rəm {*(p.)r[ə]m} look down at 0669e U+81E8

鱗 lín lin (l- + -in A) *C.rən {*C.r[ə][n]} scale of fish or reptile 0387k U+9C57

粦 lín lin (l- + -in A) *rən {*[r]ə[n]} will-o'-the wisp 0387a U+7CA6

鄰 lín lin (l- + -in A) *rən {*(mə.)rə[n]} group of 5 families; neighbor 0387i U+9130

稟 lǐn limX (l- + -im B) *p.rimʔ rations 0668a U+7A1F

廩 lǐn limX (l- + -im B) *p.rimʔ granary 0668c U+5EE9

廩 lǐn limX (l- + -im B) *p.rimʔ fearful 0668c U+5EE9

凜 lǐn limX (l- + -im B) *rəmʔ {*[r][ə]mʔ} cold 0668 U+51DC

吝 lìn linH (l- + -in C) *mə.rən-s {*mə.rə[n]-s} stingy 0475t U+541D

零 líng leng (l- + -eng A) *rˤeŋ {*[r]ˤeŋ} fall (v., of rain) 0823u U+96F6

靈 líng leng (l- + -eng A) *rˤeŋ {*[r]ˤeŋ} supernatural 0836i U+9748

凌 líng ling (l- + -ing A) *p.rəŋ ice 0898f U+51CC

夌 líng ling (l- + -ing A) *rəŋ {*[r]əŋ} mound, hill 0898a U+590C

陵 líng ling (l- + -ing A) *rəŋ {*[r]əŋ} mound, hill 0898c U+9675

凌 líng ling (l- + -ing A) *rəŋ {*[r]əŋ} transgress; attack 0898f U+51CC

令 líng ljeng (l- + -jeng A) *riŋ send (a person) 0823a U+4EE4

領 lǐng ljengX (l- + -jeng B) *reŋʔ {*[r]eŋʔ} neck 0823f U+9818

令 lìng ljengH (l- + -jeng C) *riŋ-s issue a command 0823a U+4EE4

留 liú ljuw (l- + -juw A) *C.ru stay, remain 1114p U+7559

摎 liú ljuw (l- + -juw A) *k-riw tie around, strangle 1069g U+644E

劉 liú ljuw (l- + -juw A) *mə-ru kill 1114a' U+5289

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流 liú ljuw (l- + -juw A) *ru {*[r]u} flow (v.) 1104a U+6D41

柳 liǔ ljuwX (l- + -juw B) *ruʔ {*([m]ə.)ruʔ} willow 1114l U+67F3

翏 liù ljuwH (l- + -juw C) *riw-s {*[r]iw-s} whistling of the wind 1069a U+7FCF

六 liù ljuwk (l- + -juwk D) *k.ruk six 1032a U+516D

龍 lóng ljowng (l- + -jowng A) *mə-roŋ {*[mə]-roŋ} dragon 1193a U+9F8D

隆 lóng ljuwng (l- + -juwng A) *ruŋ {*[r]uŋ} sound of thunder 1015f U+9686

隆 lóng ljuwng (l- + -juwng A) *ruŋ {*(k.)ruŋ} (< * -[u]m) high; ample; eminent 1015f U+9686

聾 lóng luwng (l- + -uwng A) *C.rˤoŋ deaf 1193m U+807E

籠 lóng luwng (l- + -uwng A) *k.rˤoŋ cage, coop 1193l U+7C60

隴 lǒng ljowngX (l- + -jowng B) *roŋʔ {*[r]oŋʔ} mound 1193g U+96B4

籠 lǒng luwngX (l- + -uwng B) *k.rˤoŋʔ basket; cage 1193l U+7C60

鞻 lóu kjuH (k- + -ju C) *kro-s a kind of shoe, sandal 0123i U+97BB

婁 lóu lju (l- + -ju A) *ro {*[r]o} drag, trail (v.) 0123a U+5A41

漏 lòu luwH (l- + -uw C) *Nə-rˤok-s {*[Nə-r]ˤok-s} leak (v.) 0120a U+6F0F

鏤 lòu luwH (l- + -uw C) *rˤo-s {*[r]ˤo-s} carve 0123m U+93E4

陋 lòu luwH (l- + -uw C) *rˤo-s {*[r]ˤo-s} narrow; base (adj.) 1246b U+964B

廬 lú ljo (l- + -jo A) *ra {*[r]a} hut; inn; to lodge 0069q U+5EEC

� lú lu (l- + -u A) *rˤa {*[r]ˤa} (a kind of food vessel) 0069a U+271A8

爐 lú lu (l- + -u A) *rˤa {*[r]ˤa} stove 0069l U+7210

鑪 lú lu (l- + -u A) *rˤa {*[r]ˤa} stove 0069m U+946A

魯 lǔ luX (l- + -u B) *r.ŋˤaʔ (dial. > *rŋˤ- > *rˤ- > l-) (place name) 0070a U+9B6F

魯 lǔ luX (l- + -u B) *rˤaʔ {*[r]ˤaʔ} dull, blunt, simple 0070a U+9B6F

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櫓 lǔ luX (l- + -u B) *rˤaʔ {*[r]ˤaʔ} shield (n.) 0070e U+6AD3

鹵 lǔ luX (l- + -u B) *rˤaʔ {*[r]ˤaʔ} salty (sc. land) 0071a U+9E75

鹵 lǔ luX (l- + -u B) *rˤaʔ {*[r]ˤaʔ} rustic, coarse 0071a U+9E75

菉 lù ljowk (l- + -jowk D) *rok {*(p.)rok} (name of a plant) 1208l U+83C9

錄 lù ljowk (l- + -jowk D) *rok {*(pə.)rok} inscribe, record 1208m U+9304

戮 lù ljuwk (l- + -juwk D) *riwk {*[r]iwk} kill 1069v U+622E

陸 lù ljuwk (l- + -juwk D) *ruk {*[r]uk} land (as opposed to water) 1032f U+9678

路 lù luH (l- + -u C) *Cə.rˤak-s road 0766l' U+8DEF

露 lù luH (l- + -u C) *p.rˤak-s dew; disclose 0766t' U+9732

賂 lù luH (l- + -u C) *rˤak-s {*[r]ˤak-s} wealth; present (v.) 0766k' U+8CC2

鹿 lù luwk (l- + -uwk D) *mə-rˤok deer 1209a U+9E7F

彔 lù luwk (l- + -uwk D) *pə.rˤok carve wood (SW) 1208a U+5F54

盝 lù luwk (l- + -uwk D) *rˤok {*(pə.)rˤok} draw off water 1208e U+76DD

琭 lù luwk (l- + -uwk D) *rˤok {*(p.)rˤok} precious stone 1208f U+742D

睩 lù luwk (l- + -uwk D) *rˤok {*(p.)rˤok} look carefully 1208g U+7769

祿 lù luwk (l- + -uwk D) *rˤok {*(p.)rˤok} blessing 1208h U+797F

㯟 lù luwk (l- + -uwk D) *rˤok {*(p.)rˤok} wooded foot of mountain 1208i U+3BDF

䜌 luán lwan (l- + -wan A) *mə.rˤon {*mə.rˤo[n]} harness bells 0178a U+470C

欒 luán lwan (l- + -wan A) *mə.rˤon {*[m]ə.rˤon} corners of the rim of an oval bell 0178d U+6B12

鑾 luán lwan (l- + -wan A) *mə.rˤon {*[m]ə.rˤon} harness bells 0178f U+947E

欒 luán lwan (l- + -wan A) *rˤon {*rˤo[n]} emaciated, worn 0178d U+6B12

孿 luán srwaenH (sr- + -waen C) *s.rˤon-s {*[s.r]ˤon-s} twins 0178q U+5B7F

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卵 luǎn lwanX (l- + -wan B) *k.rˤorʔ egg 0179a U+5375

亂 luàn lwanH (l- + -wan C) *rˤon-s {*[r]ˤo[n]-s} disorder, rebellion 0180c U+4E82

綸 lún kwean (k- + -wean A) *k.rˤun {*k.rˤu[n]} (dial. > *kˤrun) woof; twist a cord 0470e U+7DB8

綸 lún lwin (l- + -win A) *k.run {*k.ru[n]} woof; twist a cord 0470e U+7DB8

倫 lún lwin (l- + -win A) *run {*ru[n]} relationship; order; category 0470c U+502B

輪 lún lwin (l- + -win A) *run {*ru[n]} wheel 0470f U+8F2A

論 lún lwin (l- + -win A) *run {*[r]u[n]} (in name of Lúnyǔ 論語) 0470b U+8AD6

論 lún lwon (l- + -won A) *rˤun {*[r]ˤu[n]} discuss, examine 0470b U+8AD6

論 lùn lwonH (l- + -won C) *rˤun-s {*[r]ˤu[n]-s} discussion, discourse 0470b U+8AD6

捋 luō lwat (l- + -wat D) *rˤot {*[r]ˤot} gather, pluck 0299e U+634B

羅 luó la (l- + -a A) *rˤaj a kind of net (on a handle?) (SW: 'bird net') 0006a U+7F85

螺 luó lwa (l- + -wa A) *k.rˤoj spiral 577 U+87BA

腡 luó lwa (l- + -wa A) *k.rˤoj fingerprint 18 U+8161

卵 luǒ lwaX (l- + -wa B) *k.rˤorʔ (dial. *-r > *-j) egg 0179a U+5375

臝 luǒ lwaX (l- + -wa B) *kˤorʔ-rˤorʔ (redup. infixed form from *kˤorʔ 'fruit') kwaX.lwaX a kind of gourd 0351i U+81DD

蠃 luǒ lwaX (l- + -wa B) *rˤojʔ {*[r]ˤo[j]ʔ} kwaX.lwaX a kind of wasp 0014b U+8803

倮 luǒ lwaX (l- + -wa B) *rˤorʔ {*rˤo[r]ʔ} bare, naked 0351g U+502E

裸 luǒ lwaX (l- + -wa B) *rˤorʔ {*rˤo[r]ʔ} bare, naked 0351h U+88F8

落 luò lak (l- + -ak D) *kə.rˤak fall (v.) 0766q' U+843D

藘 lǘ ljo (l- + -jo A) *ra {*[r]a} rúlǘ < nyo-ljo < *na.la 'madder (plant)' 0069u U+85D8

履 lǚ lijX (l- + -ij B) *rijʔ {*[r]ijʔ} tread on; sandal 0562a U+5C65

儢 lǚ ljoX (l- + -jo B) *raʔ {*[r]aʔ} sluggish; unenergetic 0069t U+5122

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呂 lǚ ljoX (l- + -jo B) *raʔ {*[r]aʔ} spine; pitch-pipe 0076a U+5442

旅 lǚ ljoX (l- + -jo B) *raʔ {*[r]aʔ} military unit of 500 men; to go 0077a U+65C5

屢 lǚ ljuH (l- + -ju C) *C.roʔ-s frequently 0123f U+5C62

縷 lǚ ljuX (l- + -ju B) *roʔ {*[r]oʔ} thread 0123h U+7E37

慮 lǜ ljoH (l- + -jo C) *ra-s {*[r]a-s} think, consider 0069f U+616E

綠 lǜ ljowk (l- + -jowk D) *pə.rok green 1208k U+7DA0

率 lǜ lwit (l- + -wit D) *rut {*[r]ut} norm, standard 0498a U+7387

律 lǜ lwit (l- + -wit D) *rut {*[r]ut} law, rule (n.) 0502c U+5F8B

略 lüè ljak (l- + -jak D) *rak {*[r]ak} draw a boundary; outline 0766v U+7565

麻 má mae (m- + -ae A) *C.mˤraj hemp 0017a U+9EBB

馬 mǎ maeX (m- + -ae B) *mˤraʔ horse 0040a U+99AC

罵 mà maeH (m- + -ae C) *C.mˤra-s scold, revile 0040h U+7F75

埋 mái meaj (m- + -eaj A) *mə.rˤə (dial. > *mrˤə) bury 0978l U+57CB

霾 mái meaj (m- + -eaj A) *mˤrə whirlwind 0978n U+973E

薶 mái meaj (m- + -eaj A) *mˤrə bury 0978m U+85B6

買 mǎi meaX (m- + -ea B) *mˤrajʔ buy 1240c U+8CB7

賣 mài meaH (m- + -ea C) *mˤrajʔ-s sell 1240e U+8CE3

脈 mài meak (m- + -eak D) *C.mˤ<r>ik {*C.mˤ<r>[i]k} vein 0848a U+8108

麥 mài meak (m- + -eak D) *mə-rˤək (dial. > *mrˤək) wheat 0932a U+9EA5

脉 mài meak (m- + -eak D) *mˤ<r>ik {*[m]ˤ<r>[i]k} vein 0848b U+8109

蠻 mán maen (m- + -aen A) *mˤron {*mˤro[n]} southern foreigner 0178p U+883B

瞞 mán man (m- + -an A) *mˤor {*mˤ[o][r]} be deceived 0183d U+779E

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慢 màn maenH (m- + -aen C) *mˤran-s {*mˤra[n]-s} disrespectful 0266h U+6162

曼 màn manH (m- + -an C) *mˤan-s {*mˤa[n]-s} distant 0266a U+66FC

幔 màn manH (m- + -an C) *mˤan-s {*mˤa[n]-s} curtain, tent 0266j U+5E54

漫 màn manH (m- + -an C) *mˤan-s {*mˤa[n]-s} wide, limitless 0266n U+6F2B

曼 màn mjonH (m- + -jon C) *man-s {*ma[n]-s} extended, long 0266a U+66FC

盲 máng maeng (m- + -aeng A) *mˤ<r>aŋ blind 0742q U+76F2

龍 máng maewng (m- + -aewng A) *mˤroŋ variegated 1193a U+9F8D

尨 máng maewng (m- + -aewng A) *mˤroŋ variegated 1201a U+5C28

哤 máng maewng (m- + -aewng A) *mˤroŋ mixed, disorderly 1201c U+54E4

厖 máng maewng (m- + -aewng A) *mˤroŋ great, ample 1201e U+5396

駹 máng maewng (m- + -aewng A) *mˤroŋ variegated animal 1201d U+99F9

芒 máng mang (m- + -ang A) *mˤaŋ awn, beard of grain 0742k U+8292

忙 máng mang (m- + -ang A) *mˤaŋ flurried 0742o U+5FD9

鋩 máng mjang (m- + -jang A) *maŋ sharp point of weapon 0742c' U+92E9

貓 māo maew (m- + -aew A) *C.mˤraw cat 1159c U+8C93

茅 máo maew (m- + -aew A) *C.mˤru kind of grass; 'thatch' 1109c U+8305

毛 máo maw (m- + -aw A) *C.mˤaw hair 1137a U+6BDB

旄 máo maw (m- + -aw A) *mˤaw ox-tail pennon 1137c U+65C4

矛 máo mjuw (m- + -juw A) *mu {*m(r)u} a kind of lance 1109a U+77DB

昴 mǎo maewX (m- + -aew B) *mˤruʔ Pleiades 1114g U+6634

卯 mǎo maewX (m- + -aew B) *mˤruʔ 4th earthly branch 1114a U+536F

茆 mǎo maewX (m- + -aew B) *mˤruʔ Brasenia 1114f U+8306

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貌 mào maewH (m- + -aew C) *mˤrawk-s {*mˤraw()-s} appearance, manner 1171b U+8C8C

瞀 mào maewk (m- + -aewk D) *mˤ<r>uk troubled eyesight 1109q U+7780

芼 mào mawH (m- + -aw C) *mˤaw-s {*mˤaw(k)-s} cull and cook 1137g U+82BC

冒 mào mawH (m- + -aw C) *mˤuk-s to look down on; covetous 1062a U+5192

冒 mào mawH (m- + -aw C) *mˤuk-s covering 1062a U+5192

媢 mào mawH (m- + -aw C) *mˤuk-s jealous 1062c U+5AA2

帽 mào mawH (m- + -aw C) *mˤuk-s hat 1062 U+5E3D

眉 méi mij (m- + -ij A) *mrər eyebrow 0567a U+7709

梅 méi mwoj (m- + -woj A) *C.mˤə plum tree 0947l U+6885

媒 méi mwoj (m- + -woj A) *C.mˤə match-maker, go-between 0948c U+5A92

美 měi mijX (m- + -ij B) *mrəjʔ {*[m]rəjʔ} beautiful 0568a U+7F8E

每 měi mwojX (m- + -woj B) *mˤəʔ each 0947i U+6BCF

袂 mèi kwet (k- + -wet D) *k.mˤet (dial. > kw-) sleeve 0312d U+8882

媚 mèi mijH (m- + -ij C) *mrəjʔ-s love; flatter 0567d U+5A9A

袂 mèi mjiejH (m- + -jiej C) *k.met-s sleeve 0312d U+8882

寐 mèi mjijH (m- + -jij C) *mit-s {*mi[t]-s} sleep 0531i U+5BD0

妹 mèi mwojH (m- + -woj C) *C.mˤət-s {*C.mˤə[t]-s} younger sister 0531k U+59B9

昧 mèi mwojH (m- + -woj C) *mˤut-s {*mˤ[u][t]-s} dusk; dark 0531n U+6627

璊 mén mwon (m- + -won A) *mˤur red gem 0183f U+748A

穈 mén mwon (m- + -won A) *mˤur red millet 0442a U+7A48

門 mén mwon (m- + -won A) *mˤən {*mˤə[n]} gate, door 0441a U+9580

捫 mén mwon (m- + -won A) *mˤən {*[m]ˤ[ə][n]} hold (v.) 0441e U+636B

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汶 mén mwon (m- + -won A) *mˤən {*mˤə[n]} dirty 0475i U+6C76

亹 mén mwon (m- + -won A) *mˤər river-gorge 0585a U+4EB9

䖟 méng maeng (m- + -aeng A) *mˤraŋ horsefly 0742s U+459F

氓 méng meang (m- + -eang A) *mˤriŋ {*mˤr[i]ŋ} population, people 0742u U+6C13

盟 méng mjaeng (m- + -jaeng A) *mraŋ covenant 0760e U+76DF

蒙 méng muwng (m- + -uwng A) *mˤoŋ cover (v.) 1181a U+8499

黽 měng meangX (m- + -eang B) *mˤrəŋʔ toad 1252d U+9EFD

孟 mèng maengH (m- + -aeng C) *mˤraŋ-s eldest, great 0761e U+5B5F

孟 mèng maengH (m- + -aeng C) *mˤraŋ-s (personal name) 0761e U+5B5F

夢 mèng mjuwngH (m- + -juwng C) *C.məŋ-s dream 0902a U+5922

迷 mí mej (m- + -ej A) *mˤij go astray 0598e U+8FF7

糜 mí mje (m- + -je A) *C.maj {*C.m(r)aj} rice gruel; destroy, crush 0017g U+7CDC

靡 mí mje (m- + -je A) *maj {*m(r)aj} to share with 0017h U+9761

彌 mí mjie (m- + -jie A) *m-nər {*m-nə[r]} to complete 0359m U+5F4C

冞 mí mjie (m- + -jie A) *m.ner extensively 0598k U+519E

� mí mjie (m- + -jie A) *m.ner extensively 0598l U+262AE

彌 mí mjieX (m- + -jie B) *m-nərʔ {*m-nə[r]ʔ} stop 0359m U+5F4C

米 mǐ mejX (m- + -ej B) *C.mˤijʔ rice grains, dehusked and polished 0598a U+7C73

瀰 mǐ mejX (m- + -ej B) *m.nˤerʔ a rich and full flow (of a river) 0359o U+7030

靡 mǐ mjeX (m- + -je B) *majʔ {*m(r)ajʔ} squander 0017h U+9761

靡 mǐ mjeX (m- + -je B) *majʔ {*m(r)ajʔ} not have, not exist 0017h U+9761

靡 mǐ mjeX (m- + -je B) *majʔ {*m(r)ajʔ} fall over 0017h U+9761

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靡 mǐ mjeX (m- + -je B) *majʔ {*m(r)ajʔ} small, tiny 0017h U+9761

幦 mì mek (m- + -ek D) *mˤek {*mˤ[e]k} covering 0853o U+5E66

冪 mì mek (m- + -ek D) *mˤek {*mˤ[e]k} cover 0802s U+51AA

簚 mì mek (m- + -ek D) *mˤek {*mˤ[e]k} cover (n.) 1260e U+7C1A

密 mì mit (m- + -it D) *mrit {*mri[t]} dense 0405p U+5BC6

蜜 mì mjit (m- + -jit D) *mit honey 0405r U+871C

� mì mjit (m- + -jit D) *mit {*mi[t]} wipe a vessel clean (SW) 0405s U+25051

謐 mì mjit (m- + -jit D) *mit {*mi[t]} gentle, mild 0405t U+8B10

眄 miǎn menX (m- + -en B) *mˤenʔ {*mˤe[n]ʔ} look askance 0247b U+7704

俛 miǎn mjenX (m- + -jen B) *mranʔ {*mr[a][n]ʔ} bend the head 0222b U+4FDB

免 miǎn mjenX (m- + -jen B) *mrorʔ {*mr[o][r]ʔ} avoid 0222a U+514D

冕 miǎn mjenX (m- + -jen B) *mrorʔ {*mro[r]ʔ} ceremonial cap 0222d U+5195

沔 miǎn mjienX (m- + -jien B) *m.nerʔ richly flowing stream 0247c U+6C94

湎 miǎn mjienX (m- + -jien B) *menʔ sink in (wine) 0223c U+6E4E

面 miàn mjienH (m- + -jien C) *C.men-s {*C.me[n]-s} face 0223a U+9762

苗 miáo mjew (m- + -jew A) *maw {*m(r)aw} sprout (n.) 1159a U+82D7

眇 miǎo mjiewX (m- + -jiew B) *mewʔ very small, minute 1158a U+7707

渺 miǎo mjiewX (m- + -jiew B) *mewʔ {*[m]ewʔ} vast (of water) 1158e U+6E3A

杪 miǎo mjiewX (m- + -jiew B) *mewʔ the utmost end 1158c U+676A

廟 miào mjewH (m- + -jew C) *mraw-s {*[m]raw-s} a kind of building with side rooms 1160a U+5EDF

妙 miào mjiewH (m- + -jiew C) *mew-s {*mew(ʔ)-s} marvelous 1158b U+5999

幭 miè met (m- + -et D) *mˤek {*mˤ[e][k]} covering 0311f U+5E6D

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蔑 miè met (m- + -et D) *mˤet destroy; not have 0311a U+8511

滅 miè mjiet (m- + -jiet D) *met destroy 0294b U+6EC5

珉 mín min (m- + -in A) *mrən {*mr[ə][n]} a kind of precious stone 0457d U+73C9

旻 mín min (m- + -in A) *mrən {*mrə[n]} austere, severe 0475n U+65FB

緡 mín min (m- + -in A) *mə-run {*mə-ru[n]} (dial. > mru[n]) wrap around 0457x U+7DE1

緡 mín min (m- + -in A) *mə-run (dial. > *mrun) cord 0457x U+7DE1

民 mín mjin (m- + -jin A) *miŋ {*mi[ŋ]} people 0457a U+6C11

閩 mǐn min (m- + -in A) *mrən {*mrə[n]} southern tribes 0441i U+95A9

閔 mǐn minX (m- + -in B) *mrənʔ {*mrə[n]ʔ} grieved 0475q U+9594

敏 mǐn minX (m- + -in B) *mrənʔ {*mrə[n]ʔ} ~ *mrəʔ diligent, active 1251q U+654F

憫 mǐn minX (m- + -in B) *mrənʔ {*mrə[n]ʔ} grieved 0475s U+61AB

泯 mǐn mjin (m- + -jin A) *min {*mi[n]} destroy 0457c U+6CEF

銘 míng meng (m- + -eng A) *mˤeŋ inscription 0826d U+9298

冥 míng meng (m- + -eng A) *mˤeŋ dark 0841a U+51A5

鳴 míng mjaeng (m- + -jaeng A) *m.reŋ cry (of birds or animals) 0827a U+9CF4

明 míng mjaeng (m- + -jaeng A) *mraŋ bright 0760a U+660E

名 míng mjieng (m- + -jieng A) *C.meŋ name 0826a U+540D

命 mìng mjaengH (m- + -jaeng C) *mə-riŋ-s (dial. > *mreŋ-s) command 0762a U+547D

謬 miù mjiwH (m- + -jiw C) *mə-riw-s (dial. > *mriw-s) lie, error < 'twist the truth' 1069m U+8B2C

磨 mó ma (m- + -a A) *mˤaj rub, grind 0017f U+78E8

磨 mó maH (m- + -a C) *mˤaj-s grinding stone 0017f U+78E8

謨 mó mu (m- + -u A) *mˤa {*mˤ[a]} deliberate (v.) 0802l U+8B28

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模 mó mu (m- + -u A) *mˤa model 0802j U+6A21

塺 mò maH (m- + -a C) *mˤaj-s dust 0017c U+587A

貉 mò maek (m- + -aek D) *mˤrak a Northern tribe 0766h U+8C89

陌 mò maek (m- + -aek D) *mˤrak {*[m]ˤrak} path between fields 0781g U+964C

莫 mò mak (m- + -ak D) *mˤak there is no X such that X … 0802a U+83AB

莫 mò mak (m- + -ak D) *mˤak deliberate (v.) (loan) 0802a U+83AB

末 mò mat (m- + -at D) *mˤat end of a branch 0277a U+672B

墨 mò mok (m- + -ok D) *C.mˤək ink 0904c U+58A8

歿 mò mwot (m- + -wot D) *mˤut to dive, drown, die 0492c U+6B7F

謀 móu mjuw (m- + -juw A) *mə plan (v.) 0948f U+8B00

某 mǒu muwX (m- + -uw B) *məʔ so and so; a certain 0948a U+67D0

譕 mú mju (m- + -ju A) *ma {*m(r)a} advise 0103m U+8B55

牡 mǔ muwX (m- + -uw B) *muʔ male 1063a U+7261

姆 mǔ muwX (m- + -uw B) *məʔ female teacher in harem 0947f U+59C6

畮 mǔ muwX (m- + -uw B) *məʔ Chinese acre 0947o U+756E

畝 mǔ muwX (m- + -uw B) *məʔ (< *mˤoʔ?) Chinese acre 0949a U+755D

母 mǔ muwX (m- + -uw B) *məʔ (? or *mˤoʔ) mother 0947a U+6BCD

幕 mù mak (m- + -ak D) *mˤak covering 0802o U+5E55

目 mù mjuwk (m- + -juwk D) *C.muk {*C.m(r)[u]k} eye 1036a U+76EE

穆 mù mjuwk (m- + -juwk D) *miwk {*m(r)iwk} harmonious 1035a U+7A46

睦 mù mjuwk (m- + -juwk D) *mruk concord 1032i U+7766

牧 mù mjuwk (m- + -juwk D) *mək to herd, herdsman 1037a U+7267

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墓 mù muH (m- + -u C) *C.mˤak-s grave (n.) 0802f U+5893

募 mù muH (m- + -u C) *mˤak-s summon 0802e U+52DF

慕 mù muH (m- + -u C) *mˤak-s {*(C.)mˤak-s} love; long for 0802h U+6155

木 mù muwk (m- + -uwk D) *C.mˤok tree, wood 1212a U+6728

拏 ná nrae (nr- + -ae A) *nˤra handle (v.) 0094b' U+62CF

挐 ná nrae (nr- + -ae A) *nˤra handle (v.) 0094c' U+6310

內 nà nop (n- + -op D) *nˤəp {*nˤ[ə]p} bring or send in 0695e U+5167

納 nà nop (n- + -op D) *nˤəp {*nˤ[ə]p} bring or send in 0695h U+7D0D

乃 nǎi nojX (n- + -oj B) *nˤəʔ {*nˤə(ŋ)ʔ} your 0945a U+4E43

耐 nài nojH (n- + -oj C) *nˤə-s endure 0982h U+8010

難 nán nan (n- + -an A) *nˤar difficult 0152d U+96E3

男 nán nom (n- + -om A) *nˤəm {*nˤ[ə]m} man, male 0649a U+7537

南 nán nom (n- + -om A) *nˤəm {*nˤ[ə]m} south 0650a U+5357

難 nàn nanH (n- + -an C) *nˤar-s difficulty 0152d U+96E3

囊 náng nang (n- + -ang A) *nˤaŋ sack, bag 0730l U+56CA

曩 nǎng nangX (n- + -ang B) *nˤaŋʔ in past times 0730k U+66E9

猱 náo naw (n- + -aw A) *nˤu a kind of monkey 1105g U+7331

獶 náo naw (n- + -aw A) *nˤu a kind of monkey 1152b U+7376

夒 náo naw (n- + -aw A) *nˤu a kind of monkey -- U+5912

鐃 náo nraew (nr- + -aew A) *nˤrew {*[n]ˤrew} a kind of bell 1164r U+9403

橈 náo nraewH (nr- + -aew C) *nˤrew-s {*[n]ˤrew-s} bent wood 1164p U+6A48

撓 náo nraewX (nr- + -aew B) *nˤ<r>awʔ {*nˤ<r>[a]wʔ} disturb 1164s U+6493

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腦 nǎo nawX (n- + -aw B) *nˤuʔ {*nˤ[u]ʔ} brain 1244f U+8166

訥 nè nwot (n- + -wot D) *nˤut slow of speech 0695j U+8A25

吶 nè nywet (ny- + -jwet D) *not slow of speech 0695k U+5436

餒 něi nwojX (n- + -woj B) *nˤujʔ hungry, starve 0354d U+9912

內 nèi nwojH (n- + -woj C) *nˤəp-s {*nˤ[ə]p-s} inside 0695e U+5167

能 néng noj (n- + -oj A) *nˤə a kind of bear 0885a U+80FD

能 néng nong (n- + -ong A) *nˤə {*nˤə(ŋ)} a kind of bear 0885a U+80FD

能 néng nong (n- + -ong A) *nˤə {*nˤə(ʔ)} ~ *nˤəŋ able; ability 0885a U+80FD

麑 ní mej (m- + -ej A) *m-ŋˤe fawn 0873o U+9E91

泥 ní nej (n- + -ej A) *C.nˤəj {*C.nˤ[əj]} (~ *nˤ[əj]ʔ) mud 0563d U+6CE5

泥 ní nej (n- + -ej A) *nˤəj {*nˤ[ə]j} mud 0563d U+6CE5

尼 ní nejH (n- + -ej C) *nˤər-s to stop, obstruct 0563a U+5C3C

泥 ní nejH (n- + -ej C) *nˤər-s {*nˤər(ʔ)-s} impeded, obstructed (Lunyu) 0563d U+6CE5

尼 ní nrij (nr- + -ij A) *nrəj {*nr[əj]} near, close 0563a U+5C3C

怩 ní nrij (nr- + -ij A) *nrəj {*nr[əj]} ashamed 0563b U+6029

擬 nǐ ngiX (ng- + -i B) *ŋəʔ {*[ŋ](r)əʔ} (< uvular) estimate, calculate 0956d U+64EC

柅 nǐ nrijH (nr- + -ij C) *n<r>ərʔ-s {*n<r>[ə]rʔ-s} a stopper for carriages 0563c U+67C5

柅 nǐ nrijX (nr- + -ij B) *n<r>ərʔ {*n<r>[ə]rʔ} a stopper for carriages 0563c U+67C5

溺 nì nek (n- + -ek D) *nˤewk to sink 1123d U+6EBA

屰 nì ngjaek (ng- + -jaek D) *ŋrak go against 0788a U+5C70

逆 nì ngjaek (ng- + -jaek D) *ŋrak go against 0788c U+9006

膩 nì nrijH (nr- + -ij C) *nrij-s {*nri[j]-s} oily 0564j U+81A9

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匿 nì nrik (nr- + -ik D) *nrək conceal 0777l U+533F

䵒 nì nrit (nr- + -it D) *n<r>ik adhere; a lady's clothes nearest to the body 0404g U+4D52

䵑 nì nrit (nr- + -it D) *n<r>ik {*n<r>[i]k} glue 0456i U+4D51

暱 nì nrit (nr- + -it D) *n<r>ik near, familiar 0777n U+66B1

昵 nì nrit (nr- + -it D) *nrit {*nri[t]} close, intimate 0563f U+6635

年 nián nen (n- + -en A) *C.nˤiŋ {*C.nˤi[ŋ]} harvest; year 0364a U+5E74

輦 niǎn ljenX (l- + -jen B) *ranʔ {*[r][a][n]ʔ} cart drawn by men 0215a U+8F26

蹍 niǎn nrjenX (nr- + -jen B) *nranʔ {*[n]r[a][n]ʔ} trample 0201c U+8E4D

念 niàn nemH (n- + -em C) *nˤim-s think of 0670a U+5FF5

溺 niào newH (n- + -ew C) *kə.nˤewk-s urine 1123d U+6EBA

齧 niè nget (ng- + -et D) *m-qʰˤet gnaw 0279e U+9F67

闑 niè nget (ng- + -et D) *ŋˤet vertical post or pole 0285c U+95D1

槷 niè nget (ng- + -et D) *ŋˤet vertical pole or post 0330h U+69F7

闑 niè ngjet (ng- + -jet D) *ŋret {*ŋr[e]t} vertical post 0285c U+95D1

踂 niè nrjep (nr- + -jep D) *n<r>ep unable to walk 0632c U+8E02

聶 niè nrjep (nr- + -jep D) *nrep promise 0638a U+8076

躡 niè nrjep (nr- + -jep D) *nrep trample 0638b U+8EA1

寧 níng neng (n- + -eng A) *nˤeŋ peace 0837a U+5BE7

甯 níng neng (n- + -eng A) *nˤeŋ peace 837 U+752F

凝 níng nging (ng- + -ing A) *ŋəŋ {*[ŋ](r)əŋ} (< uvular?) freeze, coagulate 0956h U+51DD

牛 niú ngjuw (ng- + -juw A) *ŋʷə {*[ŋ]ʷə} (< uvular?) ox 0998a U+725B

狃 niǔ nrjuwX (nr- + -juw B) *Cə.n<r>uʔ animal tracks 1076f U+72C3

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紐 niǔ nrjuwX (nr- + -juw B) *n<r>uʔ fastener 1076g U+7D10

膿 nóng nowng (n- + -owng A) *C.nˤuŋ pus 1005h U+81BF

農 nóng nowng (n- + -owng A) *nˤoŋ {*nˤ[o]ŋ} agriculture; to farm 1005a U+8FB2

弄 nòng luwngH (l- + -uwng C) *rˤoŋ-s {*[r]ˤoŋ-s} manipulate, play with 1180a U+5F04

槈 nòu nuwH (n- + -uw C) *nˤok-s to hoe, to weed 1223e U+69C8

耨 nòu nuwH (n- + -uw C) *nˤok-s to hoe, to weed 1223f U+8028

奴 nú nu (n- + -u A) *nˤa slave 0094l U+5974

弩 nǔ nuX (n- + -u B) *C.nˤaʔ crossbow 0094z U+5F29

怒 nù nuX (n- + -u B) *nˤaʔ angry 0094a' U+6012

儺 nuó naX (n- + -a B) *nˤarʔ rich, beautiful 0152k U+513A

籹 nǚ nrjoX (nr- + -jo B) *nraʔ gjoX-nrjoX (a kind of cake) 0094f U+7C79

女 nǚ nrjoX (nr- + -jo B) *nraʔ female 0094a U+5973

女 nǜ nrjoH (nr- + -jo C) *nraʔ-s give as a wife 0094a U+5973

虐 nüè ngjak (ng- + -jak D) *ŋawk {*[ŋ](r)awk} cruel 1118a U+8650

區 ōu 'uw ('- + -uw A) *qˤo {*qˤ(r)o} (a measure) 0122a U+5340

嘔 ǒu 'uwX ('- + -uw B) *qˤoʔ {*qˤ(r)oʔ} vomit 0122i U+5614

偶 ǒu nguwX (ng- + -uw B) *ŋˤoʔ {*ŋˤ(r)oʔ} pair, double 0124n U+5076

耦 ǒu nguwX (ng- + -uw B) *ŋˤoʔ {*ŋˤ(r)oʔ} pair (n.) 0124o U+8026

耙 pá bae (b- + -ae A) *bˤra {*[b]ˤra} rake (n.) 0039e U+8019

拍 pāi phaek (ph- + -aek D) *mə-pʰˤrak to strike 0782m U+62CD

排 pái beaj (b- + -eaj A) *bˤrəj {*[b]ˤrəj} push 0579x U+6392

扳 pān paen (p- + -aen A) *pˤran pull forward 0262m U+6273

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盤 pán ban (b- + -an A) *bˤan tray, basin 0182e U+76E4

畔 pàn banH (b- + -an C) *m-pˤan-s bank between fields 0181k U+7554

判 pàn phanH (ph- + -an C) *pʰˤan-s divide 0181d U+5224

龐 páng baewng (b- + -aewng A) *bˤroŋ {*[b]ˤroŋ} huge 01193 U+9F90

彷 páng bang (b- + -ang A) *bˤaŋ {*[b]ˤaŋ} bang-hwang hestitate 0740e' U+5F77

旁 páng bang (b- + -ang A) *bˤaŋ {*[b]ˤaŋ} side 0740f' U+65C1

徬 páng bang (b- + -ang A) *bˤaŋ {*[b]ˤaŋ} walk alongside 0740o' U+5FAC

蒡 páng bang (b- + -ang A) *bˤaŋ {*[b]ˤaŋ} (a kind of plant) 0740r' U+84A1

傍 páng bang (b- + -ang A) *bˤaŋ {*[b]ˤaŋ} beside; assist 0740m' U+508D

雱 páng phang (ph- + -ang A) *pʰˤaŋ heavy snowfall 0740c' U+96F1

匏 páo baew (b- + -aew A) *bˤru {*(Cə.)[b]ˤru} gourd 1113f U+530F

袍 páo baw (b- + -aw A) *m.pˤu {*[m.p]ˤu} long robe 1113i U+888D

茷 pèi bajH (b- + -aj C) *bˤat-s {*[b]ˤ[a][t]-s} streamer, flutter 0307f U+8337

佩 pèi bwojH (b- + -woj C) *bˤək-s {*[b]ˤək-s} to wear at girdle, pendants 0951a U+4F69

轡 pèi pijH (p- + -ij C) *prit-s {*pr[i][t]-s} reins 1237y U+8F61

盆 pén bwon (b- + -won A) *bˤən {*(Cə.)[b]ˤə[n]} bowl, basin 0471s U+76C6

烹 pēng phaeng (ph- + -aeng A) *p.qʰˤraŋ {*[p.qʰ]ˤraŋ} boil (v.) 0751a U+70F9

亨 pēng phaeng (ph- + -aeng A) *p.qʰˤraŋ {*[p.qʰ]ˤraŋ} (loan for) to boil 0716b U+4EA8

彭 péng baeng (b- + -aeng A) *C.bˤraŋ {*C.[b]ˤraŋ} (place name) 0750a U+5F6D

棚 péng bong (b- + -ong A) *C.bˤəŋ awning, sail 886 U+68DA

朋 péng bong (b- + -ong A) *bˤəŋ {*[b]ˤəŋ} set of cowries; friend 0886a U+670B

丕 pī phij (ph- + -ij A) *pʰrə great 0999k U+4E15

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被 pī phje (ph- + -je A) *mə-pʰaj {*mə-pʰ(r)aj} cover oneself with 0025e U+88AB

披 pī phje (ph- + -je A) *pʰaj {*pʰ(r)aj} divide 0025j U+62AB

鼙 pí bej (b- + -ej A) *bˤe {*[b]ˤe} small hand-drum 0874p U+9F19

罷 pí bje (b- + -je A) *braj {*[b]raj} wear out, exhaust 0026a U+7F77

皮 pí bje (b- + -je A) *m-paj {*m-[p](r)aj} skin 0025a U+76AE

貔 pí bjij (b- + -jij A) *bij {*[b]ij} tiger-like animal 0566h' U+8C94

毗 pí bjij (b- + -jij A) *bij {*[b]ij} assist 0566u U+6BD7

羆 pí pje (p- + -je A) *praj brown-and-white bear 0026b U+7F86

擗 pǐ bjiek (b- + -jiek D) *bek {*[b]ek} beat the breast 0853j U+64D7

匹 pǐ phjit (ph- + -jit D) *pʰit {*pʰi[t]} one of a pair 0408a U+5339

被 pì phjeH (ph- + -je C) *pʰaj-s {*pʰ(r)aj-s} cloak 0025e U+88AB

譬 pì phjieH (ph- + -jie C) *pʰek-s example 0853t U+8B6C

僻 pì phjiek (ph- + -jiek D) *pʰek perverse 0853i U+50FB

偏 piān phjien (ph- + -jien A) *pʰen {*pʰe[n]} oblique 0246h U+504F

篇 piān phjien (ph- + -jien A) *pʰen {*pʰe[n]} section in writing 0246j U+7BC7

翩 piān phjien (ph- + -jien A) *pʰen {*pʰe[n]} fly, flutter about 0246k U+7FE9

便 pián bjien (b- + -jien A) *ben {*[b]e[n]} glib-tongued 0221a U+4FBF

片 piàn phenH (ph- + -en C) *pʰˤen-s {*pʰˤe[n]-s} half; partial 0218a U+7247

瓢 piáo bjiew (b- + -jiew A) *bew {*(Cə.)[b]ew} gourd 1157k U+74E2

票 piào phjiew (ph- + -jiew A) *pʰew leaping flames (SW) 1157b U+7968

貧 pín bin (b- + -in A) *brən {*(Cə.)[b]rə[n]} poor 0471v U+8CA7

頻 pín bjin (b- + -jin A) *bin {*[b]i[n]} river bank 0390a U+983B

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頻 pín bjin (b- + -jin A) *bin {*[b]i[n]} frequently 0390a U+983B

牝 pìn bjijX (b- + -jij B) *birʔ {*[b]irʔ} (dial. *-r > *-j) female of animals 0566i U+725D

牝 pìn bjinX (b- + -jin B) *birʔ {*[b]irʔ} female of animals 0566i U+725D

甹 pīng pheng (ph- + -eng A) *p.l̥ˤeŋ {*[p.l̥]ˤeŋ} frank words (SW) 0839a U+7539

娉 pīng phjiengH (ph- + -jieng C) *p.l̥eŋ-s inquire about (marriage) 0839c U+5A09

屏 píng beng (b- + -eng A) *bˤeŋ {*[b]ˤeŋ} screen; to protect 0824f U+5C4F

缾 píng beng (b- + -eng A) *bˤeŋ {*(Cə.)[b]ˤeŋ} pitcher 0824i U+7F3E

馮 píng bing (b- + -ing A) *brəŋ {*[b]rəŋ} full, solid 0899d U+99AE

憑 píng bing (b- + -ing A) *brəŋ {*[b]rəŋ} lean on 0899e U+6191

平 píng bjaeng (b- + -jaeng A) *breŋ even (adj.) 0825a U+5E73

平 píng bjaeng (b- + -jaeng A) *m-breŋ make even 0825a U+5E73

馮 píng bjuwng (b- + -juwng A) *Cə.bəŋ {*[Cə.b]əŋ} Féng (surname) 0899d U+99AE

婆 pó ba (b- + -a A) *bˤaj {*[b]ˤaj} ba.sa saunter, dance 0025q U+5A46

皤 pó ba (b- + -a A) *bˤar {*[b]ˤar} white, white-haired 0195r U+76A4

迫 pò paek (p- + -aek D) *Cə.pˤrak near; press 0782k U+8FEB

破 pò phaH (ph- + -a C) *pʰˤaj-s break (v.) 0025o U+7834

霸 pò phaek (ph- + -aek D) *pʰˤrak new moon 0772b U+9738

魄 pò phaek (ph- + -aek D) *pʰˤrak bodily form 0782o U+9B44

膊 pò phak (ph- + -ak D) *pʰˤak dismember 0771l U+818A

痡 pū phju (ph- + -ju A) *pʰa {*pʰ(r)a} suffering, exhausted 0102g' U+75E1

仆 pū phjuH (ph- + -ju C) *pʰok-s {*pʰ(r)ok-s} fall prostrate 1210g U+4EC6

仆 pū phjuwH (ph- + -juw C) *pʰok-s fall prostrate 1210g U+4EC6

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痡 pū phu (ph- + -u A) *pʰˤa suffering, exhausted 0102g' U+75E1

仆 pū phuwH (ph- + -uw C) *pʰˤok-s {*pʰˤ(r)ok-s} fall prostrate 1210g U+4EC6

撲 pū phuwk (ph- + -uwk D) *pʰˤok beat (v.) 1211j U+64B2

匍 pú bu (b- + -u A) *bˤa {*[b]ˤa} crawl 0102l' U+530D

蒲 pú bu (b- + -u A) *bˤa {*[b]ˤa} part of personal name 0102n' U+84B2

僕 pú buwk (b- + -uwk D) *bˤok {*[b]ˤok} charioteer, servant 1211b U+50D5

樸 pǔ phaewk (ph- + -aewk D) *pʰˤrok unworked wood 1211g U+6A38

浦 pǔ phuX (ph- + -u B) *pʰˤaʔ river bank 0102f' U+6D66

暴 pù buwk (b- + -uwk D) *m-pˤawk expose to sun 1136a U+66B4

曝 pù buwk (b- + -uwk D) *m-pˤawk expose to the sun 1136b U+66DD

期 qī gi (g- + -i A) *gə {*[g](r)ə} period of time 0952k U+671F

欺 qī khi (kh- + -i A) *kʰə {*kʰ(r)ə} to deceive, cheat 0952q U+6B3A

棲 qī sej (s- + -ej A) *s-nˤər bird's nest 0592l U+68F2

栖 qī sej (s- + -ej A) *s-nˤər roost (v.) 0594f U+6816

妻 qī tshej (tsh- + -ej A) *tsʰˤəj {*[tsʰ]ˤəj} consort, wife 0592a U+59BB

萋 qī tshej (tsh- + -ej A) *tsʰˤəj {*[tsʰ]ˤəj} ample, rich, luxuriant 0592g U+840B

慼 qī tshek (tsh- + -ek D) *s-tʰˤiwk anxiously thoughtful 1031x U+617C

戚 qī tshek (tsh- + -ek D) *s.tʰˤiwk (in 'toad') 1031f U+621A

戚 qī tshek (tsh- + -ek D) *s.tʰˤiwk relatives 1031f U+621A

戚 qī tshek (tsh- + -ek D) *s.tʰˤiwk kind of battle axe 1031f U+621A

鏚 qī tshek (tsh- + -ek D) *s.tʰˤiwk axe 1031y U+93DA

戚 qī tshek (tsh- + -ek D) *s.tʰˤiwk worried; sad; depressed 1031f U+621A

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七 qī tshit (tsh- + -it D) *tsʰit {*[tsʰ]i[t]} seven 0400a U+4E03

桼 qī tshit (tsh- + -it D) *tsʰit {*[tsʰ]i[t]} varnish 0401a U+687C

齊 qí dzej (dz- + -ej A) *dzˤəj {*[dz]ˤəj} uniform, equal 0593a U+9F4A

棋 qí gi (g- + -i A) *Cə.gə {*Cə.[g](r)ə} chess, board game 0952t U+68CB

旗 qí gi (g- + -i A) *gə {*[g](r)ə} flag 0952v U+65D7

綦 qí gi (g- + -i A) *gə {*[g](r)ə} gray or bluish-black 0952z U+7DA6

綦 qí gi (g- + -i A) *gə {*[g](r)ə} sandal cord 0952z U+7DA6

騏 qí gi (g- + -i A) *gə {*[g](r)ə} black-mottled grey horse 0952a' U+9A0F

其 qí gi (g- + -i A) *gə modal particle 0952a U+5176

其 qí gi (g- + -i A) *gə (3p possessive) 0952a U+5176

丌 qí gi (g- + -i A) *gə {*[g]ə} (3p possessive) 0952a U+4E0C

綦 qí giH (g- + -i C) *gə-s {*[g](r)ə()-s} sandal cord 0952z U+7DA6

耆 qí gij (g- + -ij A) *grij {*[g]rij} old 0552l U+8006

鰭 qí gij (g- + -ij A) *grij {*[g]rij} dorsal fin of a fish 0552m U+9C2D

蟣 qí gj+j (g- + -j+j A) *C.gəj {*C.[g]əj} [not in GSR:] leech 547 U+87E3

旂 qí gj+j (g- + -j+j A) *C.ɢər {*C.[ɢ]ər} banner; flag 0443p U+65C2

騎 qí gje (g- + -je A) *C.gaj {*[C.g](r)aj} ~ *[Cə.g](r)aj straddle; ride 0001u U+9A0E

錡 qí gje (g- + -je A) *C.ɢaj {*C.ɢ(r)aj} cooking pot 0001v U+9321

奇 qí gje (g- + -je A) *gaj {*[g](r)aj} strange 0001s U+5947

騎 qí gjeH (g- + -je C) *gaj-s {*[g](r)aj-s} rider 0001u U+9A0E

歧 qí gjie (g- + -jie A) *N-ke (dial.: no palatalization) forked (road) 0864i U+6B67

祇 qí gjie (g- + -jie A) *k.de {*[k.d]e} (dial. > *g-, no palatalization) earth spirit 0867i U+7947

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䭫 qǐ khejX (kh- + -ej B) *kʰˤijʔ bow the head to the ground 0552i U+4B6B

启 qǐ khejX (kh- + -ej B) *kʰˤijʔ open (v.) 0588a U+542F

起 qǐ khiX (kh- + -i B) *C.qʰəʔ {*C.qʰ(r)əʔ} rise (v.) 0953r U+8D77

豈 qǐ khj+jX (kh- + -j+j B) *C.qʰəjʔ how 0548a U+8C48

乞 qǐ khj+t (kh- + -j+t D) *C.qʰət beg, ask 0517f U+4E5E

綺 qǐ khjeX (kh- + -je B) *kʰajʔ {*[k]ʰ(r)a[j]ʔ} patterned silk 0001b' U+7DBA

契 qì khejH (kh- + -ej C) *kʰˤet-s {*[kʰ]ˤet-s} script notches 0279b U+5951

亟 qì khiH (kh- + -i C) *kʰək-s {*kʰ(r)ək-s} often 0910a U+4E9F

器 qì khijH (kh- + -ij C) *kʰrət-s {*[kʰ]r[ə][t]-s} vessel; instrument 0536a U+5668

泣 qì khip (kh- + -ip D) *k-r̥əp weep 0694h U+6CE3

气 qì khj+jH (kh- + -j+j C) *C.qʰəp-s (inhaled thing:) breath, air, vapors 0517a U+6C14

氣 qì khj+jH (kh- + -j+j C) *kʰəp-s {*[k]ʰəp-s} cloudy vapors 0517c U+6C23

愒 qì khjet (kh- + -jet D) *C.qʰrat to rest 0313s U+6112

棄 qì khjijH (kh- + -jij C) *kʰit-s {*[kʰ]i[t]-s} throw away, abandon 0535a U+68C4

妻 qì tshejH (tsh- + -ej C) *tsʰˤəj-s {*[tsʰ]ˤəj-s} give as wife 0592a U+59BB

洽 qià heap (h- + -eap D) *ɢˤ<r>op {*[ɢ]ˤ<r>[o]p} accord with 0675m U+6D3D

幵 qiān ken (k- + -en A) *kˤer {*[k]ˤer} even, level (SW) 0239a U+5E75

謙 qiān khem (kh- + -em A) *k-r̥ˤem modest 0627f U+8B19

牽 qiān khen (kh- + -en A) *kʰˤin {*[k]ʰˤi[n]} pull, lead, drag 0366k U+727D

牽 qiān khen (kh- + -en A) *kʰˤin {*[k]ʰˤi[n]} pull, lead, drag 0366k U+727D

愆 qiān khjen (kh- + -jen A) *C.ɢran {*C.qʰra[n]} exceed, err 0197b U+6106

褰 qiān khjen (kh- + -jen A) *kʰran {*kʰra[n]} trousers; lift up (a garment) 0143g U+8930

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千 qiān tshen (tsh- + -en A) *s.n̥ˤiŋ thousand 0365a U+5343

譣 qiān tshjem (tsh- + -jem A) *s.qʰam {*s.qʰ[a]m } (dial. > tsh-) insincere, ingratiating 0613c U+8B63

� qiān tshjen (tsh- + -jen A) *tsʰar {*[tsʰ]ar} rise high (SW) 0206a U+20A27

遷 qiān tshjen (tsh- + -jen A) *tsʰar {*[tsʰ]ar} move (v.) 0206c U+9077

餰 qiān tsyen (tsy- + -en A) *t-qan {*t-qa[n]} gruel 0197c U+9930

前 qián dzen (dz- + -en A) *dzˤen ~ *m-dzˤen before 0245a U+524D

潛 qián dzjem (dz- + -jem A) *dzom {*[dz][o]m} go under water 0660n U+6F5B

潛 qián dzjemH (dz- + -jem C) *dzom-s {*[dz][o]m-s} to hide; secretly 0660n U+6F5B

鉗 qián gjem (g- + -jem A) *C.g<r>em {*C.[g]<r>em} pincers, tongs 0606i U+9257

虔 qián gjen (g- + -jen A) *gran {*[g]ra[n]} kill; cut (v.) 0198a U+8654

燂 qián zjem (z- + -jem A) *sə-lom heat; roast; boil (meat) 0646d U+71C2

遣 qiǎn khjienX (kh- + -jien B) *kʰenʔ {*[k]ʰe[n]ʔ} send 0196b U+9063

譣 qiǎn tshjemX (tsh- + -jem B) *s.qʰamʔ {*s.qʰ[a]mʔ} (dial. > tsh-) insincere, ingratiating 0613c U+8B63

淺 qiǎn tshjenX (tsh- + -jen B) *tsʰenʔ {*[ts]ʰe[n]ʔ} shallow 0155k U+6DFA

遣 qiàn khjienH (kh- + -jien C) *kʰenʔ-s {*[k]ʰe[n]ʔ-s} (*kʰ- doesn't palatalize) grave goods 0196b U+9063

欠 qiàn khjomH (kh- + -jom C) *kʰom-s {*[k]ʰ(r)om-s} yawn 0624a U+6B20

塹 qiàn tshjemH (tsh- + -jem C) *tsʰam-s {*[tsʰ]am-s} moat; dig out 0611g U+5879

羌 qiāng khjang (kh- + -jang A) *C.qʰaŋ western tribes 0712a U+7F8C

羌 qiāng khjang (kh- + -jang A) *C.qʰaŋ western tribes 0712a U+7F8C

強 qiáng gjang (g- + -jang A) *N-kaŋ strong 0713b U+5F37

彊 qiáng gjang (g- + -jang A) *gaŋ {*[g]aŋ} strong 0710e U+5F4A

强 qiǎng gjangX (g- + -jang B) *m-kaŋʔ by force 0713a U+5F3A

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蹻 qiāo gjak (g- + -jak D) *gawk {*[g](r)awk} lifting the feet high 1138q U+8E7B

喬 qiáo gjew (g- + -jew A) *N-kaw {*[N-k](r)aw} high, tall 1138a U+55AC

橋 qiáo gjew (g- + -jew A) *gaw {*[g](r)aw} bridge 1138g U+6A4B

翹 qiáo gjiew (g- + -jiew A) *gew {*[g]ew} (failure to palatalize is unexplained) long tail-feather 1164h U+7FF9

翹 qiáo gjiew (g- + -jiew A) *gew {*[g]ew} raise 1164h U+7FF9

巧 qiǎo khaewX (kh- + -aew B) *kʰˤruʔ {*[kʰ]ˤruʔ} artful 1041l U+5DE7

且 qiě tshjaeX (tsh- + -jae B) *tsʰaʔ {*[tsʰ]Aʔ} moreover 0046a U+4E14

匧 qiè khep (kh- + -ep D) *kʰˤep {*[k]ʰˤep} to store; basket, box 0630j U+5327

竊 qiè tshet (tsh- + -et D) *tsʰˤet {*[tsʰ]ˤet} steal 0309a U+7ACA

切 qiè tshet (tsh- + -et D) *tsʰˤit {*[tsʰ]ˤi[t]} cut; urgent 0400f U+5207

妾 qiè tshjep (tsh- + -jep D) *tsʰap {*[tsʰ]ap} concubine 0635a U+59BE

衾 qīn khim (kh- + -im A) *kʰəm {*[k]ʰ(r)[ə]m} coverlet 0651h U+887E

侵 qīn tshim (tsh- + -im A) *tsʰim {*[tsʰ][i]m} invade 0661c U+4FB5

親 qīn tshin (tsh- + -in A) *tsʰin {*[tsʰ]i[n]} close; parents 0382o U+89AA

鬵 qín dzim (dz- + -im A) *sə-ləm {*sə-l[ə]m} (irreg. dz- for z-?) large boiler 0660k U+9B35

秦 qín dzin (dz- + -in A) *dzin {*[dz]i[n]} Qín (place name) 0380a U+79E6

禽 qín gim (g- + -im A) *C.ɢəm {*[C.ɢ](r)[ə]m} bird; animal 0651j U+79BD

禽 qín gim (g- + -im A) *C.ɢəm {*[C.ɢ](r)[ə]m} catch, capture 0651j U+79BD

琴 qín gim (g- + -im A) *C.ɢəm {*[C.ɢ](r)[ə]m} lute 0651q U+7434

矜 qín gin (g- + -in A) *griŋ kind of lance 0369a U+77DC

堇 qín gin (g- + -in A) *grər {*[g]rə[r]} clay 0480e U+5807

勤 qín gj+n (g- + -j+n A) *gər {*[g]ər} toil, diligent, devoted 0480x U+52E4

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懃 qín gj+n (g- + -j+n A) *gər {*[g]ər} toil, diligent, devoted 0480y U+61C3

鬵 qín zim (z- + -im A) *sə-ləm {*sə-l[ə]m} large boiler 0660k U+9B35

螼 qǐn khinH (kh- + -in C) *C-qʰrərʔ-s {*C-qʰrə[r]ʔ-s} earthworm 0480 U+87BC

螼 qǐn khinX (kh- + -in B) *C-qʰrərʔ {*C-qʰrə[r]ʔ} earthworm 0480 U+87BC

寢 qǐn tshimX (tsh- + -im B) *tsʰimʔ {*[tsʰ][i]mʔ} sleep 0661f U+5BE2

卿 qīng khjaeng (kh- + -jaeng A) *C.qʰraŋ minister (v.) 0714o U+537F

輕 qīng khjieng (kh- + -jieng A) *kʰeŋ {*[kʰ]eŋ} (no palatalization before *-eŋ?) light (≠ heavy) 0831o U+8F15

傾 qīng khjwieng (kh- + -jwieng A) *kʷʰeŋ {*[k]ʷʰeŋ} incline (v.) 0828b U+50BE

青 qīng tsheng (tsh- + -eng A) *N-sˤ<r>eŋ green or blue 0812c' U+9752

清 qīng tshjeng (tsh- + -jeng A) *tsʰeŋ clear (adj.) 0812i' U+6E05

晴 qíng dzjeng (dz- + -jeng A) *N-tsʰeŋ clear (weather) -812 U+6674

情 qíng dzjeng (dz- + -jeng A) *dzeŋ {*[dz]eŋ} response to circumstances 0812l' U+60C5

請 qíng dzjeng (dz- + -jeng A) *m-tsʰeŋ request, invite 0812k' U+8ACB

謦 qǐng khengX (kh- + -eng B) *C.qʰˤeŋʔ {*[C.qʰ]ˤeŋʔ} cough, clear the throat 0832e U+8B26

頃 qǐng khjwiengX (kh- + -jwieng B) *kʷʰeŋʔ {*[k]ʷʰeŋʔ} interval, short while 0828a U+9803

請 qǐng tshjengX (tsh- + -jeng B) *tsʰeŋʔ {*[tsʰ]eŋʔ} request 0812k' U+8ACB

磬 qìng khengH (kh- + -eng C) *C.qʰˤ eŋ-s {*[C.qʰ]ˤeŋ-s} suspend 0832c U+78EC

殸 qìng khengH (kh- + -eng C) *C.qʰˤeŋ-s {*[C.qʰ]ˤeŋ-s} hanging musical stone 0832a U+6BB8

� qìng khengH (kh- + -eng C) *kʰˤeŋ-s {*[k]ʰˤeŋ-s} empty 0831j U+2597B

罄 qìng khengH (kh- + -eng C) *kʰˤeŋ-s {*[kʰ]ˤeŋ-s} empty; exhaustively 0832d U+7F44

窮 qióng gjuwng (g- + -juwng A) *guŋ {*[g](r)uŋ} poor 1006h U+7AAE

窮 qióng gjuwng (g- + -juwng A) *m-guŋ {*m-[g](r)uŋ} exhaust 1006h U+7AAE

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瞏 qióng gjwieng (g- + -jwieng A) *gʷeŋ {*[g]ʷeŋ} scared, sad 0829a U+778F

睘 qióng hwaen (h- + -waen A) *ɢʷˤren {*[ɢ]ʷˤren} turn around, return 0256h U+7758

丘 qiū khjuw (kh- + -juw A) *kʷʰə {*[k]ʷʰə} hill, mound 0994a U+4E18

蚯 qiū khjuw (kh- + -juw A) *kʷʰə {*[k]ʷʰə} earth-worm (khjuw.yinX) 0994d U+86AF

秋 qiū tshjuw (tsh- + -juw A) *tsʰiw autumn; crop 1092a U+79CB

緧 qiū tshjuw (tsh- + -juw A) *tsʰu {*[tsʰ]u} crupper 1096p U+7DE7

蝤 qiú dzjuw (dz- + -juw A) *dzu {*[dz]u} tree-grub 1096n U+8764

酋 qiú dzjuw (dz- + -juw A) *m-tsu wine-master 1096l U+914B

球 qiú gjuw (g- + -juw A) *Cə.gu {*Cə.[g](r)[u]} 'ball'? 1066f U+7403

仇 qiú gjuw (g- + -juw A) *gu {*[g](r)u} mate *n.) 0992p U+4EC7

求 qiú gjuw (g- + -juw A) *gu {*[g](r)u} seek 1066a U+6C42

逑 qiú gjuw (g- + -juw A) *gu {*g(r)u} come together; mate (n.) 1066k U+9011

裘 qiú gjuw (g- + -juw A) *gʷə {*[g]ʷə} fur garment 1066e U+88D8

遒 qiú tsjuw (ts- + -juw A) *tsu collect, bring together 1096o U+9052

泅 qiú zjuw (z- + -juw A) *s-N.ru {*[s-N].ru} swim 1094c U+6CC5

囚 qiú zjuw (z- + -juw A) *sə.lu prisoner 1094a U+56DA

曲 qū khjowk (kh- + -jowk D) *kʰok {*kʰ(r)ok} to bend, bent 1213a U+66F2

驅 qū khju (kh- + -ju A) *kʰo {*[k]ʰ(r)o} drive (horses) forward 0122c U+9A45

屈 qū khjut (kh- + -jut D) *kʰut {*[kʰ]ut} subdue 0496k U+5C48

岨 qū tshjo (tsh- + -jo A) *tsʰa {*[tsʰ]a} rock covered with earth 0046n U+5CA8

趨 qū tsrhju (tsrh- + -ju A) *tsʰro {*[ts]ʰro} hasten 0132c U+8DA8

渠 qú gjo (g- + -jo A) *ga {*[g](r)a} canal 0095g U+6E20

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絇 qú gju (g- + -ju A) *go {*[g](r)o} decoration on the toe of a shoe 0108u U+7D47

䀠 qú kjuH (k- + -ju C) *kʷak-s {*[k]ʷ(r)ak-s} look right and left 0096a U+4020

取 qǔ tshjuX (tsh- + -ju B) *tsʰoʔ take 0131a U+53D6

去 qù khjoH (kh- + -jo C) *kʰaʔ-s {*[k]ʰ(r)aʔ-s} depart 0642a U+53BB

闃 qù khwek (kh- + -wek D) *k-m̥ˤik {*[k-m̥]ˤik} (*-ik > *-ek dialect) quiet 0860d U+95C3

取 qù tshjuH (tsh- + -ju C) *tsʰoʔ-s take (a wife) 0131a U+53D6

趣 qù tshjuH (tsh- + -ju C) *tsʰoʔ-s {*[tsʰ]oʔ-s} hasten to 0131g U+8DA3

娶 qù tshjuH (tsh- + -ju C) *tsʰoʔ-s {*[ts]ʰoʔ-s} take a wife 0131e U+5A36

全 quán dzjwen (dz- + -jwen A) *dzon {*[dz]o[n]} complete (adj.) 0234a U+5168

泉 quán dzjwen (dz- + -jwen A) *s-N-ɢʷar I! spring, source 0237a U+6CC9

權 quán gjwen (g- + -jwen A) *Cə.gror {*Cə.[g]r[o]r} weight of a steelyard 0158o U+6B0A

拳 quán gjwen (g- + -jwen A) *N-kron {*N-kro[n]} fist (< rolled-up hand) 0226g U+62F3

鬈 quán gjwen (g- + -jwen A) *gʷren {*[g]ʷre[n]} handsome (hair?) 0226e U+9B08

卷 quán gjwen (g- + -jwen A) *gʷren {*[g]ʷren} handsome 0226a U+5377

犬 quǎn khwenX (kh- + -wen B) *kʷʰˤenʔ {*[k]ʷʰˤ[e][n]ʔ} dog 0479a U+72AC

勸 quàn khjwonH (kh- + -jwon C) *C.qʷʰar-s encourage 0158s U+52F8

缺 quē khwet (kh- + -wet D) *Nə-kʷʰˤet {*Nə-[k]ʷʰˤet} break; defective 0312h U+7F3A

確 què khaewk (kh- + -aewk D) *kʰˤrawk {*[k]ʰˤrawk} solid, firm 1117d U+78BA

殼 què khaewk (kh- + -aewk D) *kʰˤrok {*[kʰ]ˤrok} hollow shell, hollow 1226a U+6BBC

却 què khjak (kh- + -jak D) *kʰak decline, refuse 0776c U+5374

闕 què khjwot (kh- + -jwot D) *kʷʰat tower over gate 0301h U+95D5

鵲 què tshjak (tsh- + -jak D) *tsʰak {*[tsʰ]ak} magpie 0798n U+9D72

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雀 què tsjak (ts- + -jak D) *tsewk {*[ts]ewk} sparrow 1122a U+96C0

羣 qún gjun (g- + -jun A) *gur {*[g]ur} flock, herd, group 0459d U+7FA3

裙 qún gjun (g- + -jun A) *gur {*[g]ur} skirt 0459f U+88D9

㸐 rán nyen (ny- + -jen A) *C.nan {*C.na[n]} burn 0152i U+3E10

燃 rán nyen (ny- + -jen A) *C.nan {*C.na[n]} burn 0217b U+71C3

然 rán nyen (ny- + -jen A) *nan {*[n]a[n]} so, thus; (adv suffix) 0217a U+7136

染 rǎn nyemX (ny- + -jem B) *C.namʔ {*C.n[a]mʔ} to dye 0623a U+67D3

攘 ráng nyang (ny- + -jang A) *naŋ oppose, disturb 0730e U+6518

攘 ráng nyang (ny- + -jang A) *naŋ steal; expel 0730e U+6518

壤 rǎng nyangX (ny- + -jang B) *naŋʔ cultivated soil 0730d U+58E4

攘 rǎng nyangX (ny- + -jang B) *naŋʔ oppose; disturb 0730e U+6518

讓 ràng nyangH (ny- + -jang C) *naŋ-s yield 0730i U+8B93

襓 ráo nyew (ny- + -jew A) *ŋew {*[ŋ]ew} (< uvular?) scabbard 1164n U+8953

橈 ráo nyew (ny- + -jew A) *ŋew {*[ŋ]ew} (< uvular?) oar 1164p U+6A48

繞 rǎo nyewH (ny- + -jew C) *ŋewʔ-s {*[ŋ]ewʔ-s} (< uvular?) to wind round 1164k U+7E5E

繞 rǎo nyewX (ny- + -jew B) *ŋewʔ {*[ŋ]ewʔ} (< uvular?) curved 1164k U+7E5E

熱 rè nyet (ny- + -jet D) *C.nat (or *C.ŋet?) hot 0330j U+71B1

壬 rén nyim (ny- + -im A) *nəm {*n[ə]m} 9th heavenly stem 0667a U+58EC

仁 rén nyin (ny- + -in A) *niŋ {*ni[ŋ]} kindness 0388f U+4EC1

人 rén nyin (ny- + -in A) *niŋ (other) person 0388a U+4EBA

荏 rěn nyimX (ny- + -im B) *nəmʔ {*n[ə]mʔ} (< *num?) a kind of big beans 0667s U+834F

忍 rěn nyinX (ny- + -in B) *nənʔ {*nə[n]ʔ} cruel 0456c U+5FCD

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忍 rěn nyinX (ny- + -in B) *nənʔ {*nə[n]ʔ} endure 0456c U+5FCD

紝 rèn nrim (nr- + -im A) *n<r>əm {*n<r>[ə]m} weave 0667l U+7D1D

紝 rèn nyim (ny- + -im A) *nəm {*n[ə]m} weave 0667l U+7D1D

任 rèn nyimH (ny- + -im C) *nəm-s {*n[ə]m-s} burden; charge (n.) 0667f U+4EFB

衽 rèn nyimH (ny- + -im C) *nəmʔ-s {*n[ə]mʔ-s} skirts of robe, flaps; lapel 0667n U+887D

衽 rèn nyimX (ny- + -im B) *nəmʔ {*n[ə]mʔ} skirts of robe, flaps; lapel 0667n U+887D

飪 rèn nyimX (ny- + -im B) *nəmʔ {*n[ə]mʔ} thoroughly cooked 0667p U+98EA

恁 rèn nyimX (ny- + -im B) *nəmʔ {*n[ə]mʔ} think 0667q U+6041

認 rèn nyinH (ny- + -in C) *nən-s {*nə[n]-s} know 0456j U+8A8D

軔 rèn nyinH (ny- + -in C) *nər-s {*nər(ʔ)-s} wheel stopper 0456g U+8ED4

仍 réng nying (ny- + -ing A) *nəŋ repeat 0945e U+4ECD

日 rì nyit (ny- + -it D) *C.nit {*C.ni[t]} sun; day 0404a U+65E5

衵 rì nyit (ny- + -it D) *nik a lady's clothes nearest to the body 0404e U+8875

榮 róng hjwaeng (h- + -jwaeng A) *N-qʷreŋ {*[N-qʷ]reŋ} glory, honor 0843d U+69AE

戎 róng nyuwng (ny- + -juwng A) *nuŋ foreigners in the west 1013a U+620E

茙 róng nyuwng (ny- + -juwng A) *nuŋ (< *num?) a kind of bean 1013e U+8319

容 róng yowng (y- + -jowng A) *ɢoŋ {*[ɢ](r)oŋ} contain 1187a U+5BB9

容 róng yowng (y- + -jowng A) *ɢoŋ {*[ɢ](r)oŋ} appearance 1187a U+5BB9

頌 róng yowng (y- + -jowng A) *ɢoŋ {*[ɢ](r)oŋ} appearance 1190d U+980C

融 róng yuwng (y- + -juwng A) *luŋ (? < *lum) hot air, steam, heat 1009d U+878D

彡 róng yuwng (y- + -juwng A) *m.rum (dial. *-um > -uŋ) to sacrifice on a following day 1008c U+5F61

䑣 róng yuwng (y- + -uwng A) *m.rum (dial. > -um > -uŋ) sacrifice on the following day 1008 U+4463

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肜 róng yuwng (y- + -juwng A) *m.ruŋ {*m.rum} (dial. *-um > -uŋ) sacrifice on a following day 1008a U+809C

柔 róu nyuw (ny- + -juw A) *nu soft 1105a U+67D4

肉 ròu nyuwk (ny- + -juwk D) *k.nuk meat, flesh 1033a U+8089

洳 rú nyo (ny- + -jo A) *na name of a river 0094q U+6D33

如 rú nyo (ny- + -jo A) *na go to 0094g U+5982

如 rú nyo (ny- + -jo A) *na as, like, if 0094g U+5982

茹 rú nyoH (ny- + -jo C) *naʔ-s swallow, eat 0094r U+8339

茹 rú nyoX (ny- + -jo B) *naʔ swallow, eat 0094r U+8339

濡 rú nyu (ny- + -ju A) *no wet, glossy 0134f U+6FE1

襦 rú nyu (ny- + -ju A) *no jacket 0134i U+8966

汝 rǔ nyoX (ny- + -jo B) *naʔ you (sg.) 0094j U+6C5D

辱 rǔ nyowk (ny- + -jowk D) *nok disgrace 1223a U+8FB1

乳 rǔ nyuX (ny- + -ju B) *noʔ milk; nipple 0135a U+4E73

入 rù nyip (ny- + -ip D) *nəp {*n[ə]p} enter 0695a U+5165

洳 rù nyoH (ny- + -jo C) *na-s wet ground 0094q U+6D33

縟 rù nyowk (ny- + -jowk D) *nok variegated 1223c U+7E1F

蓐 rù nyowk (ny- + -jowk D) *nok straw bedding 1223d U+84D0

緌 ruí nywij (ny- + -wij A) *nuj tassel 0354e U+7DCC

銳 ruì ywejH (y- + -jwej C) *lot-s sharp 0324f U+92B3

若 ruò nyak (ny- + -jak D) *nak you 0777a U+82E5

若 ruò nyak (ny- + -jak D) *nak agree 0777a U+82E5

弱 ruò nyak (ny- + -jak D) *newk weak 1123a U+5F31

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焫 ruò nywet (ny- + -jwet D) *not hot, burning; to burn 0695r U+712B

爇 ruò nywet (ny- + -jwet D) *not to burn 0330k U+7207

灑 sǎ sreaX (sr- + -ea B) *C.s<r>ərʔ sprinkle (v.) 0878i U+7051

洒 sǎ sreajX (sr- + -eaj B) *C.s<r>ərʔ sprinkle 0594g U+6D12

灑 sǎ srjeX (sr- + -je B) *C.s<r>ərʔ sprinkle 0878i U+7051

摋 sà sat (s- + -at D) *sˤat to slap from the side 0319g U+644B

塞 sài sojH (s- + -oj C) *sˤək-s {*[s]ˤək-s} frontier 0908a U+585E

塞 sài sojH (s- + -oj C) *sˤək-s pass (n.) 0908a U+585E

三 sān sam (s- + -am A) *srum {*sr[u]m} (*sr- > *s-; infl. by 四 *s-?) three 0648a U+4E09

三 sān samH (s- + -am C) *s.rəm-s {*[s.r][ə]m-s} (*s.r- > *s-, infl. by 四 *s-) thrice 0648a U+4E09

散 sǎn sanX (s- + -an B) *sˤanʔ {*[s]ˤa[n]ʔ} scattered (adj.) 0156a U+6563

散 sàn sanH (s- + -an C) *m-sˤanʔ-s {*m-sˤa[n]ʔ-s} scatter (v.t.) 0156a U+6563

喪 sāng sang (s- + -ang A) *s-mˤaŋ {*[s-m]ˤaŋ} mourning, burial 0705a U+55AA

桑 sāng sang (s- + -ang A) *sˤaŋ {*[s]ˤaŋ} mulberry tree 0704a U+6851

顙 sǎng sangX (s- + -ang B) *sˤaŋʔ {*[s]ˤaŋʔ} forehead 0704b U+9859

喪 sàng sangH (s- + -ang C) *s-mˤaŋ-s lose; destroy 0705a U+55AA

臊 sāo saw (s- + -aw A) *m-sˤaw fat of swine or dog 1134e U+81CA

搔 sāo saw (s- + -aw A) *sˤu scratch (v.) 1112f U+6414

騷 sāo saw (s- + -aw A) *sˤu {*[s]ˤu} disturb 1112g U+9A37

燥 sào sawH (s- + -aw C) *C.sˤawʔ-s dry 1134d U+71E5

塞 sè sok (s- + -ok D) *sˤək {*[s]ˤək} stop up, block (v.) 0908a U+585E

嗇 sè srik (sr- + -ik D) *srək reap 0926a U+55C7

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色 sè srik (sr- + -ik D) *srək color; countenance 0927a U+8272

穡 sè srik (sr- + -ik D) *srək reap 0926e U+7A61

瑟 sè srit (sr- + -it D) *s.mrit {*[s.m]ri[t]} lute 0411a U+745F

槮 sēn tsrhim (tsrh- + -im A) *s.r̥əm {*s.r̥[ə]m} tall (tree) 0647g U+69EE

沙 shā srae (sr- + -ae A) *sˤraj {*[s]ˤraj} sand 0016a U+6C99

殺 shā sreat (sr- + -eat D) *s<r>at kill 0319d U+6BBA

殺 shài sreajH (sr- + -eaj C) *s<r>at-s diminish 0319d U+6BBA

髟 shān sraem (sr- + -aem A) *sˤram {*s[ˤ]ram} long hair 1154a U+9ADF

山 shān srean (sr- + -ean A) *s-ŋrar mountain, hill 0193a U+5C71

苫 shān syem (sy- + -jem A) *s.tem thatch 0618i U+82EB

羶 shān syen (sy- + -jen A) *s.tan smell of sheep 0148q U+7FB6

膻 shān syen (sy- + -jen A) *s.tan {*[s.t]a[n]} smell of sheep 0148r U+81BB

羴 shān syen (sy- + -jen A) *s.tan smell of sheep 0148q U+7FB4

贍 shàn dzyemH (dzy- + -jem C) *dam-s {*[d]am-s} sufficient 0619f U+8D0D

擅 shàn dzyenH (dzy- + -jen C) *dan-s {*[d]a[n]-s} monopolize (v.); without authority (adv.) 0148o U+64C5

禪 shàn dzyenH (dzy- + -jen C) *dar-s {*[d]ar-s} hand over to another 0147b' U+79AA

繕 shàn dzyenH (dzy- + -jen C) *genʔ-s {*[g]e[n]ʔ-s} (make good:) repair 0205f U+7E55

善 shàn dzyenX (dzy- + -jen B) *genʔ {*[g]e[n]ʔ} good 0205a U+5584

苫 shàn syemH (sy- + -jem C) *s-tem-s thatch 0618i U+82EB

扇 shàn syenH (sy- + -jen C) *l̥an-s {*[l̥][a][n]-s} leaf of door (: fan?) 0212a U+6247

愓 shāng syang (sy- + -jang A) *l̥aŋ move straight and rapidly 0720e' U+6113

觴 shāng syang (sy- + -jang A) *l̥aŋ goblet 0720l' U+89F4

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湯 shāng syang (sy- + -jang A) *l̥aŋ amply-flowing 0720z U+6E6F

傷 shāng syang (sy- + -jang A) *l̥aŋ wound 0720j' U+50B7

商 shāng syang (sy- + -jang A) *s-taŋ musical note 0734a U+5546

商 shāng syang (sy- + -jang A) *s-taŋ (place name) 0734a U+5546

商 shāng syang (sy- + -jang A) *s-taŋ estimate; business; trader 0734a U+5546

曏 shǎng syangX (sy- + -jang B) *n̥aŋʔ a short time 0714k U+66CF

賞 shǎng syangX (sy- + -jang B) *s-taŋʔ reward (v.) 0725n U+8CDE

尚 shàng dzyangH (dzy- + -jang C) *daŋ-s {*[d]aŋ-s} upwards 0725a U+5C1A

尚 shàng dzyangH (dzy- + -jang C) *daŋ-s {*[d]aŋ-s} still, yet 0725a U+5C1A

上 shàng dzyangH (dzy- + -jang C) *daŋʔ-s {*[d]aŋʔ-s} top, above (n.) 0726a U+4E0A

上 shàng dzyangX (dzy- + -jang B) *Cə.daŋʔ {*Cə.[d]aŋʔ} ascend 0726a U+4E0A

上 shàng dzyangX (dzy- + -jang B) *m-daŋʔ {*m-[d]aŋʔ} to put up 0726a U+4E0A

餉 shàng syangH (sy- + -jang C) *n̥aŋ-s {*n̥aŋ(ʔ)-s} give food; food 0715e U+9909

曏 shàng syangH (sy- + -jang C) *n̥aŋ-s a short time 0714k U+66CF

燒 shāo syew (sy- + -jew A) *ŋ̊ew {*[ŋ̊]ew} burn 1164t U+71D2

勺 sháo dzyak (dzy- + -jak D) *m-t-qewk ladle (n.) 1120a U+52FA

杓 sháo dzyak (dzy- + -jak D) *m-t-qewk ladle (n.) 1120b U+6753

少 shǎo syewX (sy- + -jew B) *s.tewʔ {*[s.t]ewʔ} few 1149e U+5C11

召 shào dzyewX (dzy- + -jew B) *dawʔ {*[d]awʔ} (place name) 1131e U+53EC

稍 shào sraewH (sr- + -aew C) *srew-s {*[s](ˤ)rew-s} gradually 1149z U+7A0D

少 shào syewH (sy- + -jew C) *s-tewʔ-s {*[s-t]ewʔ-s} young 1149e U+5C11

賖 shē syae (sy- + -jae A) *l̥a {*l̥A} trade on credit 0082s U+8CD6

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賒 shē syae (sy- + -jae A) *l̥a {*l̥A} trade on credit 0082t U+8CD2

奢 shē syae (sy- + -jae A) *s.tʰa {*s.tʰA} extravagant 0045e U+5962

折 shé dzyet (dzy- + -jet D) *N-tet bend (v.i.) 0287a U+6298

蛇 shé zyae (zy- + -jae A) *Cə.laj {*Cə.lAj} snake 0004l U+86C7

舌 shé zyet (zy- + -jet D) *mə.lat tongue 0288a U+820C

舍 shě syaeX (sy- + -jae B) *l̥aʔ {*l̥Aʔ} set aside, give up 0048a U+820D

捨 shě syaeX (sy- + -jae B) *l̥aʔ {*l̥Aʔ} set aside, give up 0048c U+6368

社 shè dzyaeX (dzy- + -jae B) *m-tʰaʔ {*m-tʰAʔ} sacrifice to the spirit of the soil 0062j U+793E

赦 shè syaeH (sy- + -jae C) *qʰak-s {*qʰ(r)Ak-s} to pardon 0793d U+8D66

舍 shè syaeH (sy- + -jae C) *r̥ak-s {*r̥Ak-s} lodging-house 0048a U+820D

攝 shè syep (sy- + -jep D) *kə.n̥ep catch, grasp 0638e U+651D

設 shè syet (sy- + -jet D) *ŋ̊et set up 0290a U+8A2D

射 shè zyaeH (zy- + -jae C) *Cə.lak-s {*Cə.lAk-s} shoot; archer 0807a U+5C04

射 shè zyek (zy- + -jek D) *Cə.lak {*Cə.lAk} hit with bow and arrow 0807a U+5C04

參 shēn srim (sr- + -im A) *srum {*sr[u]m} (name of constellation) 0647a U+53C3

莘 shēn srin (sr- + -in A) *srin {*sri[n]} long, drawn-out 0382h U+8398

深 shēn syim (sy- + -im A) *l̥əm {*[l̥][ə]m} deep 0666c U+6DF1

深 shēn syimH (sy- + -im C) *l̥əm-s {*[l̥][ə]m-s} depth 0666c U+6DF1

申 shēn syin (sy- + -in A) *l̥in {*l̥i[n]} 9th earthly branch 0385a U+7533

伸 shēn syin (sy- + -in A) *l̥in {*l̥i[n]} stretch, extend 0385f U+4F38

紳 shēn syin (sy- + -in A) *l̥in {*[l̥]i[n]} sash around the waist 0385h U+7D33

呻 shēn syin (sy- + -in A) *l̥in {*l̥i[n]} chant, drone 0385g U+547B

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身 shēn syin (sy- + -in A) *n̥iŋ {*n̥i[ŋ]} body; self 0386a U+8EAB

神 shén zyin (zy- + -in A) *Cə.lin {*Cə.li[n]} spirit 0385j U+795E

嬸 shěn syimX (sy- + -im B) {*mʔ} FaYBrWi 665 U+5B38

沈 shěn syimX (sy- + -im B) *l̥əmʔ {*[l̥][ə]mʔ} (name of a state) 0656b U+6C88

諗 shěn syimX (sy- + -im B) *n̥imʔ remonstrate 0670g U+8AD7

審 shěn syimX (sy- + -im B) *s.tʰəmʔ {*s.tʰ[ə]mʔ} examine, discriminate 0665a U+5BE9

瀋 shěn tsyhimX (tsyh- + -im B) *tʰəmʔ {*tʰ[ə]mʔ} liquid 0665b U+700B

甚 shèn dzyimH (dzy- + -im C) *t.ɢəmʔ-s {*[t.ɢ][ə]mʔ-s} excessive 0658a U+751A

甚 shèn dzyimX (dzy- + -im B) *t.ɢəmʔ {*[t.ɢ][ə]mʔ} excessive, very 0658a U+751A

慎 shèn dzyinH (dzy- + -in C) *Cə.lin-s {*Cə.l[i][n]-s} careful 0375i U+614E

蜃 shèn dzyinX (dzy- + -in B) *dərʔ {*[d]ərʔ} clam, oyster 0455m U+8703

腎 shèn dzyinX (dzy- + -in B) *ginʔ {*[g]i[n]ʔ} kidney 0368h U+814E

葚 shèn zyimX (zy- + -im B) *sə-dəmʔ {*sə-d[ə]mʔ} mulberry fruit 0658i U+845A

生 shēng sraeng (sr- + -aeng A) *N-sreŋ fresh, raw 0812a U+751F

甥 shēng sraeng (sr- + -aeng A) *s.reŋ SiSo or SiDa; DaHu 0812g U+7525

生 shēng sraeng (sr- + -aeng A) *sreŋ bear, be born; live 0812a U+751F

生 shēng srjaeng (sr- + -jaeng A) *sreŋ bear, be born; live 0812a U+751F

聲 shēng syeng (sy- + -jeng A) *l̥eŋ {*[l̥]eŋ} sound (n.) 0822a U+8072

勝 shēng sying (sy- + -ing A) *l̥əŋ equal to, capable of 0893p U+52DD

升 shēng sying (sy- + -ing A) *s-təŋ 1/10th of a dǒu 斗 0897a U+5347

升 shēng sying (sy- + -ing A) *s-təŋ rise (v.) 0897a U+5347

陞 shēng sying (sy- + -ing A) *s-təŋ rise (v.) 0897d U+965E

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繩 shéng zying (zy- + -ing A) {*Cə.ləŋ} string, cord 0892b U+7E69

盛 shèng dzyengH (dzy- + -jeng C) *deŋ-s {*[d]eŋ-s} full, abundant 0818i U+76DB

聖 shèng syengH (sy- + -jeng C) *l̥eŋ-s sage (n.) 0835z U+8056

勝 shèng syingH (sy- + -ing C) *l̥əŋ-s overcome; surpass 0893p U+52DD

乘 shèng zyingH (zy- + -ing C) *Cə.ləŋ-s vehicle 0895a U+4E58

乘 shèng zyingH (zy- + -ing C) *Cə.ləŋ-s team of four horses 0895a U+4E58

剩 shèng zyingH (zy- + -ing C) *Cə.ləŋ-s left over 0895 U+5269

師 shī srij (sr- + -ij A) *srij army 0559a U+5E2B

師 shī srij (sr- + -ij A) *srij master 0559a U+5E2B

蝨 shī srit (sr- + -it D) *srit {*sri[t]} louse 0506a U+8768

施 shī sye (sy- + -je A) *l̥aj give, bestow 0004l' U+65BD

詩 shī syi (sy- + -i A) *s.tə poetry 0961d' U+8A69

屍 shī syij (sy- + -ij A) *l̥əJ {*l̥ə[j]} corpse 0561c U+5C4D

尸 shī syij (sy- + -ij A) *l̥əj {*l̥ə[j]} corpse 0561a U+5C38

蓍 shī syij (sy- + -ij A) *s-kij Achillea (?) 0552q U+84CD

濕 shī syip (sy- + -ip D) *qʰip {*[qʰ]ip} to flap (sc. the ears) 0692a U+6FD5

溼 shī syip (sy- + -ip D) *s-qʰip {*s-[qʰ][i]p} low wet ground 0693a U+6EBC

失 shī syit (sy- + -it D) *l̥it {*l̥i[t]} lose 0402a U+5931

石 shí dzyek (dzy- + -jek D) *dak {*dAk} stone 0795a U+77F3

時 shí dzyi (dzy- + -i A) *də {*[d]ə} ~ *[d]əʔ time 0961z U+6642

拾 shí dzyip (dzy- + -ip D) *dəp {*[d][ə]p} pick up, gather 0687a U+62FE

什 shí dzyip (dzy- + -ip D) *t.gəp {*t.[g]əp} troop of ten men 0686e U+4EC0

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十 shí dzyip (dzy- + -ip D) *t.gəp {*t.[g]əp} ten 0686a U+5341

識 shí syik (sy- + -ik D) *s-tək know 0920k U+8B58

食 shí zyik (zy- + -ik D) *mə-lək eat 0921a U+98DF

蝕 shí zyik (zy- + -ik D) *mə-lək (eat:) eclipse 0921d U+8755

實 shí zyit (zy- + -it D) *mə.lit {*mə.li[t]} fruit; full 0398a U+5BE6

使 shǐ sriH (sr- + -i C) *s-rəʔ-s envoy 0975n U+4F7F

史 shǐ sriX (sr- + -i B) *s-rəʔ scribe 0975a U+53F2

使 shǐ sriX (sr- + -i B) *s-rəʔ send; cause 0975n U+4F7F

豕 shǐ syeX (sy- + -je B) *l̥ajʔ swine 1238f U+8C55

始 shǐ syiX (sy- + -i B) *l̥əʔ begin 0976e' U+59CB

矢 shǐ syijX (sy- + -ij B) *l̥ijʔ {*l̥i[j]ʔ} arrow 0560a U+77E2

屎 shǐ syijX (sy- + -ij B) *qʰijʔ excrement 0561d U+5C4E

屎 shǐ xjij (x- + -jij A) *l̥ij (dial. *l̥- > x-) moan 0561d U+5C4E

事 shì dzriH (dzr- + -i C) *m-s-rəʔ-s serve; service, affair 0971a U+4E8B

士 shì dzriX (dzr- + -i B) *m-s-rəʔ officer; gentleman 0970a U+58EB

仕 shì dzriX (dzr- + -i B) *m-s-rəʔ serve 0970d U+4ED5

是 shì dzyeX (dzy- + -je B) *deʔ {*[d]eʔ} this 0866a U+662F

氏 shì dzyeX (dzy- + -je B) *k.deʔ clan 0867a U+6C0F

誓 shì dzyejH (dzy- + -jej C) *dat-s {*[d][a]t-s} swear 0287k U+8A93

逝 shì dzyejH (dzy- + -jej C) *dat-s {*[d]at-s} go to 0287m U+901D

噬 shì dzyejH (dzy- + -jej C) *det-s {*[d]e[t]-s} bite (v.) 0336c U+566C

侍 shì dzyiH (dzy- + -i C) *dəʔ-s {*[d]əʔ-s} accompany, wait upon 0961x U+4F8D

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市 shì dzyiX (dzy- + -i B) *C.dəʔ {*C.[d]əʔ} market (n.) 0963a U+5E02

恃 shì dzyiX (dzy- + -i B) *dəʔ {*[d]əʔ} depend on 0961y U+6043

嗜 shì dzyijH (dzy- + -ij C) *gij-s {*[g]ij-s} enjoy 0552p U+55DC

視 shì dzyijH (dzy- + -ij C) *gijʔ-s look, see 0553h U+8996

視 shì dzyijX (dzy- + -ij B) *gijʔ look, see 0553h U+8996

世 shì syejH (sy- + -jej C) *l̥ap-s {*l̥[a]p-s} generation 0339a U+4E16

貰 shì syejH (sy- + -jej C) *l̥ap-s {*[l̥][a]p-s} lend, borrow 0339d U+8CB0

埶 shì syejH (sy- + -jej C) *ŋ̊et-s circumstances; setting 0330a U+57F6

勢 shì syejH (sy- + -jej C) *ŋ̊et-s circumstances, setting 0330l U+52E2

� shì syek (sy- + -jek D) *l̥ak {*l̥Ak} wash rice 0790k U+25F36

釋 shì syek (sy- + -jek D) *l̥ak {*l̥Ak} release; dissolve 0790l U+91CB

檡 shì syek (sy- + -jek D) *l̥ak {*l̥Ak} spec. of jujube tree 0790m U+6AA1

螫 shì syek (sy- + -jek D) *qʰak {*qʰAk} sting (v.) 0793e U+87AB

奭 shì syek (sy- + -ek D) *qʰak {*[qʰ](r)Ak} red 0913a U+596D

襫 shì syek (sy- + -jek D) *qʰek {*[qʰ]ek} raincoat of straw 0913b U+896B

適 shì syek (sy- + -jek D) *s-tek scared 0877s U+9069

適 shì syek (sy- + -jek D) *s-tek go to 0877s U+9069

試 shì syiH (sy- + -i C) *l̥ək-s test, try 0918n U+8A66

弒 shì syiH (sy- + -i C) *l̥ək-s assassinate 0918o U+5F12

式 shì syik (sy- + -ik D) *l̥ək pattern 0918f U+5F0F

式 shì syik (sy- + -ik D) *l̥ək to wipe 0918f U+5F0F

飾 shì syik (sy- + -ik D) *l̥ək adorn 0921h U+98FE

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拭 shì syik (sy- + -ik D) *l̥ək to wipe 0918k U+62ED

室 shì syit (sy- + -it D) *s.tit {*s.ti[t]} chamber; house 0413j U+5BA4

適 shì tsyek (tsy- + -jek D) *tek go to 0877s U+9069

戠 shì tsyik (tsy- + -ik D) *tək adhere (?) 0920a U+6220

奭 shì xik (x- + -ik D) *qʰək {*[qʰ](r)ək} red 0913a U+596D

舐 shì zyeX (zy- + -je B) *Cə.leʔ lick 0867f U+8210

舓 shì zyeX (zy- + -je B) *Cə.leʔ to lick 850 U+8213

示 shì zyijH (zy- + -ij C) *s-gijʔ-s show (v.) 0553a U+793A

收 shōu syuw (sy- + -juw A) *s-kiw collect; harvest 1103a U+6536

首 shǒu syuwH (sy- + -juw C) *l̥uʔ-s turn the head towards 1102a U+9996

首 shǒu syuwX (sy- + -juw B) *l̥uʔ head 1102a U+9996

手 shǒu syuwX (sy- + -juw B) *n̥uʔ hand 1101a U+624B

守 shǒu syuwX (sy- + -juw B) *s-tuʔ keep, guard 1099a U+5B88

授 shòu dzyuwH (dzy- + -juw C) *duʔ-s {*[d]uʔ-s} give; hand over 1085d U+6388

壽 shòu dzyuwH (dzy- + -juw C) *duʔ-s {*[d]uʔ-s} longevity 1090g U+58FD

壽 shòu dzyuwX (dzy- + -juw B) *N-tuʔ {*[N-t]uʔ} longevity 1090g U+58FD

受 shòu dzyuwX (dzy- + -juw B) *duʔ {*[d]uʔ} receive 1085a U+53D7

獸 shòu syuwH (sy- + -juw C) *s.tu-s {*s.tu(ʔ)-s} (wild) animal 1100a U+7378

守 shòu syuwH (sy- + -juw C) *s.tuʔ-s territory in somebody's guard, fief 1099a U+5B88

狩 shòu syuwH (sy- + -juw C) *s.tuʔ-s to hunt 1099c U+72E9

樞 shū 'uw ('- + -uw A) *qˤo {*qˤ(r)o} a kind of elm 0122q U+6A1E

殊 shū dzyu (dzy- + -ju A) *do {*[d]o} die; different 0128s U+6B8A

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殳 shū dzyu (dzy- + -ju A) *do {*[d]o} a kind of lance 0130a U+6BB3

倏 shū dzyuwk (dzy- + -juwk D) *Cə.liwk rapid, sudden 1077p U+500F

淑 shū dzyuwk (dzy- + -juwk D) *diwk {*[d]iwk} fine, good 1031jt U+6DD1

疋 shū srjo (sr- + -jo A) *sra foot 0090a U+758B

疏 shū srjo (sr- + -jo A) *sra wide apart 0090b U+758F

蔬 shū srjo (sr- + -jo A) *sra vegetable, grain 0090d U+852C

梳 shū srjo (sr- + -jo A) *sra comb 90 U+68B3

疎 shū srjo (sr- + -jo A) *sra wide apart 0090c U+758E

紓 shū syo (sy- + -jo A) *l̥a leisurely 0083j U+7D13

舒 shū syo (sy- + -jo A) *l̥a slow, easy 0083k U+8212

書 shū syo (sy- + -jo A) *s-ta write 0045t U+66F8

輸 shū syu (sy- + -ju A) *l̥o convey (v.) 0125s U+8F38

叔 shū syuwk (sy- + -juwk D) *s-tiwk gather, harvest 1031b U+53D4

叔 shū syuwk (sy- + -juwk D) *s-tiwk 3rd of 4 brothers 1031b U+53D4

尗 shū syuwk (sy- + -juwk D) *s.tuk pulse, beans 1031a U+5C17

攄 shū trhjo (trh- + -jo A) *r̥a extend 0069x U+6504

抒 shū zyoX (zy- + -jo B) *Cə-laʔ remove (v.) 0083g U+6292

紓 shū zyoX (zy- + -jo B) *Cə.laʔ to be remiss 0083j U+7D13

孰 shú dzyuwk (dzy- + -juwk D) *duk {*[d]uk} who 1026a U+5B70

熟 shú dzyuwk (dzy- + -juwk D) *duk {*[d]uk} cooked, ripe 1026b U+719F

贖 shú zyowk (zy- + -jowk D) *Cə.lok redeem 1023t U+8D16

秫 shú zywit (zy- + -wit D) *mə.lut ~ *C.lut glutinous millet 0497c U+79EB

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署 shǔ dzyoH (dzy- + -jo C) *m-taʔ-s to place; position 0045r U+7F72

屬 shǔ dzyowk (dzy- + -jowk D) *N-tok be attached to 1224s U+5C6C

蜀 shǔ dzyowk (dzy- + -jowk D) *dok {*[d]ok} caterpillar; Shu [place name] 1224a U+8700

數 shǔ srjuX (sr- + -ju B) *s-roʔ count (v.) 0123r U+6578

鼠 shǔ syoX (sy- + -jo B) *l̥aʔ {*[l̥]aʔ} rat 0092a U+9F20

癙 shǔ syoX (sy- + -jo B) *l̥aʔ {*[l̥]aʔ} hidden suffering 0092b U+7659

黍 shǔ syoX (sy- + -jo B) *s-tʰaʔ Panicum miliaceum (glutinous) 0093a U+9ECD

暑 shǔ syoX (sy- + -jo B) *s-tʰaʔ heat 0045x U+6691

尌 shù dzyuH (dzy- + -ju C) *m-toʔ-s raise, stand up v.t. 0127h U+5C0C

樹 shù dzyuH (dzy- + -ju C) *m-toʔ-s tree 0127j U+6A39

豎 shù dzyuX (dzy- + -ju B) *doʔ {*[d]oʔ} attendant 0118g U+8C4E

樹 shù dzyuX (dzy- + -ju B) *m-toʔ plant (v.); place upright 0127j U+6A39

數 shù srjuH (sr- + -ju C) *s-roʔ-s number (n.) 0123r U+6578

漱 shù srjuwH (sr- + -juw C) *m-srok-s wash 1222t U+6F31

恕 shù syoH (sy- + -jo C) *n̥a-s indulgent 0094t U+6055

庶 shù syoH (sy- + -jo C) *s-tak-s numerous; commoner 0804a U+5EB6

束 shù syowk (sy- + -jowk D) *s-tʰok bind; bundle 1222a U+675F

戍 shù syuH (sy- + -ju C) *n̥o-s {*[n̥]o-s} guard (v.) 1243c U+620D

術 shù zywit (zy- + -wit D) *Cə-lut technique 0497d U+8853

鉥 shù zywit (zy- + -wit D) *Cə-lut needle; lead 0497g U+9265

述 shù zywit (zy- + -wit D) *Cə-lut follow 0497e U+8FF0

刷 shuā srjwet (sr- + -jwet D) *srot {*[s]rot} (dial. retains srj-) brush (v.) 0298a U+5237

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刷 shuā srwaet (sr- + -waet D) *srot brush (v.) 0298a U+5237

衰 shuāi srwij (sr- + -wij A) *sruj diminish, decline 0355a U+8870

率 shuài srwijH (sr- + -wij C) *s-rut-s lead (v.); commander 0498a U+7387

帥 shuài srwijH (sr- + -wij C) *s-rut-s leader (of an army) 0499a U+5E25

率 shuài srwit (sr- + -wit D) *s-rut follow, go along 0498a U+7387

雙 shuāng sraewng (sr- + -aewng A) *sˤroŋ {*[s]ˤroŋ} a pair 1200a U+96D9

霜 shuāng srjang (sr- + -jang A) *sraŋ {*[s]raŋ} hoar-frost 0731g U+971C

水 shuǐ sywijX (sy- + -wij B) *s.turʔ (E dialect *-r > *-j) water; river 0576a U+6C34

帨 shuì sywejH (sy- + -jwej C) *l̥ot-s kerchief 0324g U+5E28

稅 shuì sywejH (sy- + -jwej C) *l̥ot-s tax 0324i U+7A05

說 shuì sywejH (sy- + -jwej C) *l̥ot-s exhort 0324q U+8AAA

帨 shuì tshjwejH (tsh- + -jwej C) *s.l̥ot-s kerchief 0324g U+5E28

楯 shǔn zywinX (zy- + -win B) *Cə.lunʔ {*Cə.lu[n]ʔ} shield 0465b U+696F

順 shùn zywinH (zy- + -win C) *Cə.lun-s {*Cə.lu[n]-s} follow; obey 0462c U+9806

說 shuō sywet (sy- + -jwet D) *l̥ot speak, explain 0324q U+8AAA

碩 shuò dzyek (dzy- + -jek D) *dak {*[d]Ak} great, stately 0795e U+78A9

數 shuò sraewk (sr- + -aewk D) *s-rok frequently 1207a U+6578

朔 shuò sraewk (sr- + -aewk D) *s.ŋrak 1st day of month 0769a U+6714

爍 shuò syak (sy- + -jak D) *r̥ewk (dial. *r̥- > x-, palatalizing) melt, infuse 1125n U+720D

爍 shuò syak (sy- + -jak D) *r̥ewk (dial. *r̥- > x-, palatalizing) shine (v.) 1125n U+720D

鑠 shuò syak (sy- + -jak D) *r̥ewk (dial. *r̥- > x-, palatalizing) melt, infuse 1125o U+9460

司 sī si (s- + -i A) *s-lə superintend 0972a U+53F8

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絲 sī si (s- + -i A) *sə {*[s]ə} silk 0974a U+7D72

思 sī si (s- + -i A) *sə {*[s]ə} think 0973a U+601D

私 sī sij (s- + -ij A) *səj {*[s]əj} private 0557b U+79C1

虒 sī sje (s- + -je A) *s.le (place name) 0870a U+8652

斯 sī sje (s- + -je A) *se {*[s]e} split (v.) 0869a U+65AF

斯 sī sje (s- + -je A) *se {*[s]e} this 0869a U+65AF

死 sǐ sijX (s- + -ij B) *sijʔ die (v.) 0558a U+6B7B

肆 sì sijH (s- + -ij C) *s-ləp-s unrestrained 0509h U+8086

四 sì sijH (s- + -ij C) *s.lij-s {*s.li[j]-s} four 0518a U+56DB

駟 sì sijH (s- + -ij C) *s.lij-s {*s.li[j]-s} team of four horses 0518e U+99DF

寺 sì ziH (z- + -i C) *s-dəʔ-s {*s-[d]əʔ-s} hall 0961m U+5BFA

食 sì ziH (z- + -i C) *s-m-lək-s food; feed 0921a U+98DF

飤 sì ziH (z- + -i C) *s-m-lək-s to feed 0921e U+98E4

飼 sì ziH (z- + -i C) *s-m-lək-s feed 972 U+98FC

嗣 sì ziH (z- + -i C) *sə.lə-s succeed, inherit 0972k U+55E3

巳 sì ziX (z- + -i B) *s-ɢəʔ {*s-[ɢ]əʔ} 6th earthly branch 0967a U+5DF3

祀 sì ziX (z- + -i B) *s-ɢəʔ {*s-[ɢ]əʔ} sacrifice; year 0967d U+7940

耜 sì ziX (z- + -i B) *sə-ləʔ ploughshare; to plough 0976k U+801C

似 sì ziX (z- + -i B) *sə.ləʔ resemble 0976h U+4F3C

兕 sì zijX (z- + -ij B) *s.ɢijʔ {*[s.ɢ]ijʔ} rhinoceros (or water buffalo?) 0556a U+5155

俟 sì zriX (zr- + -i B) *s-ɢrəʔ {*s-[ɢ]rəʔ} wait 0976m U+4FDF

俟 sì zriX (zr- + -i B) *s.ɢrəʔ {*s.[ɢ]rəʔ} move on 0976m U+4FDF

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松 sōng zjowng (z- + -jowng A) *sə.ɢoŋ pine (n.) 1190a U+677E

送 sòng suwngH (s- + -uwng C) *sˤoŋ-s {*[s]ˤoŋ-s} escort (v.), send 1179a U+9001

頌 sòng zjowngH (z- + -jowng C) *s-ɢoŋ-s {*s-[ɢ]oŋ-s} praise 1190d U+980C

訟 sòng zjowngH (z- + -jowng C) *s.ɢoŋ-s {*s.[ɢ]oŋ-s} litigate 1190b U+8A1F

誦 sòng zjowngH (z- + -jowng C) *sə-loŋ-s {*sə-[l]oŋ-s} recite 1185o U+8AA6

叟 sǒu suwX (s- + -uw B) *s.ruʔ (dial. > *sruʔ > srjuwX > sruwX > suwX) old man 1097a U+53DF

穌 sū su (s- + -u A) *s.ŋˤa gather into sheaves (SW) 0067a U+7A4C

蘇 sū su (s- + -u A) *s.ŋˤa revive 0067c U+8607

俗 sú zjowk (z- + -jowk D) *s-ɢok {*s-[ɢ]ok} vulgar 1220a U+4FD7

肅 sù sjuwk (s- + -juwk D) *siwk contract (v.); shrivel 1028a U+8085

肅 sù sjuwk (s- + -juwk D) *siwk present (v.) 1028a U+8085

肅 sù sjuwk (s- + -juwk D) *siwk beat (v.) 1028a U+8085

肅 sù sjuwk (s- + -juwk D) *siwk eager; swift 1028a U+8085

宿 sù sjuwk (s- + -juwk D) *suk {*[s]uk} spend the night 1029a U+5BBF

夙 sù sjuwk (s- + -juwk D) *suk {*[s]uk} early morning 1030a U+5919

愬 sù suH (s- + -u C) *s-ŋˤak-s complain, accuse 0769b U+612C

遡 sù suH (s- + -u C) *s-ŋˤak-s go against the current 0769d U+9061

� sù suH (s- + -u C) *s-ŋˤak-s accuse, inform 0769c U+27A9C

㴑 sù suH (s- + -u C) *s-ŋˤak-s go against current 0792h U+3D11

泝 sù suH (s- + -u C) *s-ŋˤak-s go against current 0792i U+6CDD

訴 sù suH (s- + -u C) *s-ŋˤak-s accuse, inform 0792j U+8A34

素 sù suH (s- + -u C) *sˤak-s {*[s]ˤak-s} white silk 0068a U+7D20

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速 sù suwk (s- + -uwk D) *sˤok {*[s]ˤok} invite 1222i U+901F

速 sù suwk (s- + -uwk D) *sˤok {*[s]ˤok} rapid 1222i U+901F

酸 suān swan (s- + -wan A) *sˤor {*[s]ˤor} sour 0468e' U+9178

雖 suī swij (s- + -wij A) *s-qʷij although; even if 0575v U+96D6

隋 suí dwaX (d- + -wa B) *lˤojʔ to fall 0011b U+968B

隋 suí dwaX (d- + -wa B) *lˤojʔ to fall 0011b U+968B

綏 suí swij (s- + -wij A) *s.nuj comfort (v.) 0354g U+7D8F

隨 suí zjwe (z- + -jwe A) *sə.loj follow 0011g U+96A8

瀡 suǐ sjweH (s- + -jwe C) *s-loj-s slippery 0011i U+7021

髓 suǐ sjweX (s- + -jwe B) *s-lojʔ marrow 0011h U+9AD3

誶 suì dzwit (dz- + -wit D) *m-tsut reprimand; insult 0490q U+8AB6

隋 suì sjweH (s- + -jwe C) *s-loj-s shred sacrificial meat 0011b U+968B

歲 suì sjwejH (s- + -jwej C) *s-qʷʰat-s year 0346a U+6B72

祟 suì swijH (s- + -wij C) *s-lut-s evil forces, noxious influences 0528a U+795F

誶 suì swijH (s- + -wij C) *s-tsut-s {*s-tsu[t]-s} reprimand; insult 0490q U+8AB6

碎 suì swojH (s- + -woj C) *s-tsʰˤut-s {*[s-tsʰ]ˤu[t]-s} break 0490n U+788E

穟 suì zwijH (z- + -wij C) *s.ɢʷit-s {*s.[ɢ]ʷi[t]-s} ear of grain 0526k U+7A5F

穗 suì zwijH (z- + -wij C) *s.ɢʷit-s {*s.[ɢ]ʷi[t]-s} ear of grain 0533h U+7A57

隧 suì zwijH (z- + -wij C) *sə-lut-s {*sə-lu[t]-s} tunnel, path 0526m U+96A7

遂 suì zwijH (z- + -wij C) *sə-lut-s {*sə-lu[t]-s} advance (v.) 0526d U+9042

檖 suì zwijH (z- + -wij C) *sə.lut-s {*sə.lu[t]-s} a kind of pear tree 0526h U+6A96

孫 sūn swon (s- + -won A) *sˤun {*[s]ˤu[n]} grandchild; descendant 0434a U+5B6B

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筍 sǔn swinX (s- + -win B) *s-qʷinʔ {*s-qʷi[n]ʔ} ‘bamboo sprouts’ 0392n U+7B4D

損 sǔn swonX (s- + -won B) *s-qʷˤənʔ {*[s-q]ʷˤə[n]ʔ} diminish, damage 0435a U+640D

娑 suō sa (s- + -a A) *sˤaj ba.sa saunter, dance 0016e U+5A11

蓑 suō swa (s- + -wa A) *sˤoj {*[s]ˤoj} raincoat of straw of rush 0355b U+84D1

索 suǒ sak (s- + -ak D) *sˤak {*[s]ˤak} twist a rope 0770a U+7D22

索 suǒ sak (s- + -ak D) *sˤak {*[s]ˤak} search (v.) 0770a U+7D22

所 suǒ srjoX (sr- + -jo B) *s-qʰraʔ place; that which 0091a U+6240

瑣 suǒ swaX (s- + -wa B) *sˤojʔ {*[s]ˤojʔ} chain 0013b U+7463

瑣 suǒ swaX (s- + -wa B) *sˤojʔ {*[s]ˤojʔ} small, fragment 0013b U+7463

鎖 suǒ swaX (s- + -wa B) *sˤojʔ {*[s]ˤojʔ} chain 13 U+9396

鏁 suǒ swaX (s- + -wa B) *sˤojʔ {*[s]ˤojʔ} chain 1169 U+93C1

它 tā tha (th- + -a A) *l̥ˤaj another 0004a U+5B83

他 tā tha (th- + -a A) *l̥ˤaj (E. dial *l̥ˤ- > th-) another 0004c' U+4ED6

獺 tǎ that (th- + -at D) *r̥ˤat otter 0272i U+737A

蹋 tà dap (d- + -ap D) *lˤap tread on; trample 0628b U+8E4B

沓 tà dop (d- + -op D) *m-rˤəp join, unite 0677a U+6C93

眔 tà dop (d- + -op D) *m-rˤəp reach to; and 0678a U+7714

遝 tà dop (d- + -op D) *m.rˤəp reach to; and 0678e U+905D

� tà that (th- + -at D) *l̥ˤat lam 0271a U+26352

胎 tāi thoj (th- + -oj A) *l̥ˤə fetus 0976h' U+80CE

臺 tái doj (d- + -oj A) *lˤə tower 0939a U+81FA

泰 tài thajH (th- + -aj C) *l̥ˤat-s {*l̥ˤa[t]-s} great 0316a U+6CF0

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太 tài thajH (th- + -aj C) *l̥ˤat-s {*l̥ˤa[t]-s} great 0317d U+592A

態 tài thojH (th- + -oj C) *n̥ˤə-s bearing, manner 0885f U+614B

灘 tān than (th- + -an A) *n̥ˤar (E dial.: *n̥ˤ- > th-) foreshore 0152m U+7058

歎 tān than (th- + -an A) *n̥ˤar to sigh 0152c U+6B4E

嘽 tān than (th- + -an A) *tʰˤar numerous 0147m U+563D

嘽 tān than (th- + -an A) *tʰˤar exhausted 0147m U+563D

嘽 tān than (th- + -an A) *tʰˤar many 0147m U+563D

探 tān thom (th- + -om A) *l̥ˤəm {*l̥ˤ[ə]m} put the hand into and test 0666f U+63A2

貪 tān thom (th- + -om A) *r̥ˤəm {*r̥ˤ[ə]m} to covet 0645a U+8CAA

彈 tán dan (d- + -an A) *dˤar {*(Cə.)[d]ˤar} shoot pellets 0147n U+5F48

潭 tán dom (d- + -om A) *C.lˤəm {*C.lˤ[ə]m} deep, pond 0646b U+6F6D

覃 tán dom (d- + -om A) *N.rˤom {*N.rˤ[o]m} extend, spread 0646a U+8983

坦 tǎn thanX (th- + -an B) *tʰˤanʔ {*[tʰ]ˤa[n]ʔ} level, at ease 0149d U+5766

醓 tǎn thomX (th- + -om B) *l̥ˤəmʔ {*[l̥ˤ][ə]mʔ} minced meat and blood pickled with brine 0656o U+9193

嘆 tàn thanH (th- + -an C) *n̥ˤar-s sigh 0152a U+5606

炭 tàn thanH (th- + -an C) *tʰˤan-s {*[tʰ]ˤa[n]-s} charcoal, coal 0151a U+70AD

湯 tāng thang (th- + -ang A) *l̥ˤaŋ hot liquid 0720z U+6E6F

湯 tāng thang (th- + -ang A) *l̥ˤaŋ (proper name:) founder of Shāng dynasty 0720z U+6E6F

唐 tāng thang (th- + -ang A) *r̥ˤaŋ {*(kə)-r̥ˤaŋ} name of first Shang ruler 0700a U+5510

鏜 tāng thang (th- + -ang A) *tʰˤaŋ sound of drum 0725e' U+93DC

餳 táng dang (d- + -ang A) *C.lˤaŋ sweets 0720c' U+9933

唐 táng dang (d- + -ang A) *N-rˤaŋ {*[N-]rˤaŋ} exaggerate; great 0700a U+5510

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堂 táng dang (d- + -ang A) *dˤaŋ {*(Cə.)[d]ˤaŋ} hall 0725s U+5802

棠 táng dang (d- + -ang A) *dˤaŋ {*[d]ˤaŋ} a kind of pear tree (Pyrus) 0725t U+68E0

塘 táng dang (d- + -ang A) *m.rˤaŋ ~ mə.rˤaŋ dam, dike 0700c U+5858

攩 tǎng thangX (th- + -ang B) *tʰˤaŋʔ beat 0725a' U+6529

儻 tǎng thangX (th- + -ang B) *tʰˤaŋʔ easy-going, careless 0725z U+513B

滔 tāo thaw (th- + -aw A) *l̥ˤu rushing water 1078d U+6ED4

桃 táo daw (d- + -aw A) *C.lˤaw peach 1145u U+6843

逃 táo daw (d- + -aw A) *lˤaw flee 1145v U+9003

匋 táo daw (d- + -aw A) *lˤu {*[l]ˤu} kiln; pottery 1047a U+530B

討 tǎo thawX (th- + -aw B) *tʰˤuʔ examine; denounce 1073d U+8A0E

犆 tè dok (d- + -ok D) *dˤək {*[d]ˤək} single 0919f U+7286

特 tè dok (d- + -ok D) *dˤək {*[d]ˤək} bull 0961h' U+7279

忒 tè thok (th- + -ok D) *l̥ˤək err; change; deceitful 0918g U+5FD2

慝 tè thok (th- + -ok D) *n̥ˤək evil 0777o U+615D

騰 téng dong (d- + -ong A) *lˤəŋ to mount; oppress 0893v U+9A30

睇 tī thej (th- + -ej A) *l̥ˤəj {*l̥ˤ[ə]j} ~ *l̥ˤ[ə]jʔ look at 0591k U+7747

梯 tī thej (th- + -ej A) *l̥ˤəj {*l̥ˤ[ə]j} stairs 0591l U+68AF

剔 tī thek (th- + -ek D) *l̥ˤek cut (v.) 0850h U+5254

嗁 tí dej (d- + -ej A) *C.lˤe cry; weep 0870d U+55C1

啼 tí dej (d- + -ej A) *C.lˤe weep, howl 0877g U+557C

提 tí dej (d- + -ej A) *dˤe {*[d]ˤe} lift, grasp 0866n U+63D0

體 tǐ thejX (th- + -ej B) *r̥ˤijʔ body; limbs 0597i U+9AD4

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嚏 tì tejH (t- + -ej C) *tˤit-s {*[t]ˤi[t]-s} (< *t.lˤ-?) sneeze 0415e U+568F

薙 tì thejH (th- + -ej C) *l̥ˤij-s clear weeds 0560m U+8599

洟 tì thejH (th- + -ej C) *l̥ˤəj-s {*[l̥]ˤ[ə]j-s} mucus from the nose 0551f U+6D1F

涕 tì thejH (th- + -ej C) *l̥ˤəjʔ-s {*[l̥]ˤ[ə]jʔ-s} tears (n.) 0591m U+6D95

替 tì thejH (th- + -ej C) *n̥ˤit-s {*n̥ˤi[t]-s} discard 1241j U+66FF

涕 tì thejX (th- + -ej B) *l̥ˤəjʔ {*[l̥]ˤ[ə]jʔ} tears (n.) 0591m U+6D95

惕 tì thek (th- + -ek D) *l̥ˤek anxious, worried 0850i U+60D5

天 tiān then (th- + -en A) *l̥ˤin {*l̥ˤi[n]} heaven 0361a U+5929

填 tián den (d- + -en A) *dˤin {*[d]ˤi[n]} obstruct; embankment 0375u U+586B

田 tián den (d- + -en A) *lˤiŋ field; to hunt 0362a U+7530

畋 tián den (d- + -en A) *lˤiŋ hunt 0362e U+754B

殄 tiǎn denX (d- + -en B) *dˤənʔ {*[d]ˤə[n]ʔ} cease; destroy 0453k U+6B84

忝 tiǎn themH (th- + -em C) *l̥ˤimʔ-s {*l̥ˤ[i]mʔ-s} disgrace 1247c U+5FDD

忝 tiǎn themX (th- + -em B) *l̥ˤimʔ {*l̥ˤ[i]mʔ} disgrace (v.) 1247c U+5FDD

靦 tiǎn thenX (th- + -en B) *t-kʰˤenʔ {*t-[kʰ]ˤe[n]ʔ} visible 0244ap U+9766

腆 tiǎn thenX (th- + -en B) *tʰˤənʔ {*tʰˤə[n]ʔ} thick, ample 0476d U+8146

挑 tiāo thew (th- + -ew A) *l̥ˤew scratch, stir up 1145o U+6311

調 tiáo dew (d- + -ew A) *dˤiw {*[d]ˤiw} tune (v.), adjust 1083x U+8ABF

條 tiáo dew (d- + -ew A) *lˤiw {*[l]ˤiw} arrange 1077f U+689D

條 tiáo dew (d- + -ew A) *lˤiw branch (n.), shoot (n.) 1077f U+689D

挑 tiǎo dewX (d- + -ew B) *lˤewʔ provoke 1145o U+6311

眺 tiào thewH (th- + -ew C) *l̥ˤew-s look from a distance 1145j U+773A

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鐵 tiě thet (th- + -et D) *l̥ˤik iron 1256b U+9435

餮 tiè thet (th- + -et D) *tʰˤət 饕餮 thaw.thet glutton 0453m U+992E

聽 tīng theng (th- + -eng A) *l̥ˤeŋ listen 0835d' U+807D

汀 tīng theng (th- + -eng A) *tʰˤeŋ level land beside water 0833f U+6C40

亭 tíng deng (d- + -eng A) *m-tˤeŋ manage 0833h U+4EAD

� tǐng thengX (th- + -eng B) *l̥ˤeŋʔ good 0835a U+2123C

町 tǐng thengX (th- + -eng B) *tʰˤeŋʔ then(g)X.thwanX 'trampled (field) 0833g U+753A

聽 tìng thengH (th- + -eng C) *l̥ˤeŋ-s listen to; obey 0835d' U+807D

通 tōng thuwng (th- + -uwng A) *l̥ˤoŋ penetrate 1185r U+901A

彤 tóng downg (d- + -owng A) *N-rˤum {*N-rˤu[m]} (dial. > *-uŋ) red 1008e U+5F64

童 tóng duwng (d- + -uwng A) *dˤoŋ {*(Cə.)[d]ˤoŋ} boy 1188o U+7AE5

同 tóng duwng (d- + -uwng A) *lˤoŋ together, join 1176a U+540C

筒 tǒng duwng (d- + -uwng A) *lˤoŋ tube 1176g U+7B52

慟 tòng duwngH (d- + -uwng C) *dˤoŋʔ-s {*[d]ˤoŋʔ-s} grieved 1188n U+615F

痛 tòng thuwngH (th- + -uwng C) *l̥ˤoŋ-s to be pained 1185q U+75DB

偷 tōu thuw (th- + -uw A) *l̥ˤo steal 0125u U+5077

投 tóu duw (d- + -uw A) *dˤo {*[d]ˤo} throw 0130c U+6295

頭 tóu duw (d- + -uw A) *m-tˤo head 0118e U+982D

突 tū dwot (d- + -wot D) *m-tʰˤut burst through 0489a U+7A81

突 tū thwot (th- + -wot D) *tʰˤut break through; suddenly 0489a U+7A81

屠 tú du (d- + -u A) *dˤa {*[d]ˤa} butcher (v.) 0045i' U+5C60

徒 tú du (d- + -u A) *dˤa {*[d]ˤa} go on foot 0062e U+5F92

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圖 tú du (d- + -u A) *dˤa {*[d]ˤa} consider 0064a U+5716

瘏 tú du (d- + -u A) *dˤa {*[d]ˤa} fatigued, disabled 0045j' U+760F

塗 tú du (d- + -u A) *lˤa to plaster 0082d’ U+5857

涂 tú du (d- + -u A) *lˤa path 0082u U+6D82

塗 tú du (d- + -u A) *lˤa road 0082d’ U+5857

途 tú du (d- + -u A) *lˤa road 0082v U+9014

腯 tú dwot (d- + -wot D) *lˤut fat 0465g U+816F

稌 tú thu (th- + -u A) *l̥ˤa glutinous rice 0082b' U+7A0C

土 tǔ thuX (th- + -u B) *tʰˤaʔ earth 0062a U+571F

吐 tǔ thuX (th- + -u B) *tʰˤaʔ eject from mouth, spit 0062d U+5410

兔 tù thuH (th- + -u C) *l̥ˤa-s rabbit, hare 0063a U+5154

吐 tù thuH (th- + -u C) *tʰˤaʔ-s vomit 0062d U+5410

畽 tuǎn thwanX (th- + -wan B) *tʰˤonʔ then(g)X.thwanX 'trampled (field) 1248a U+757D

彖 tuàn thwanH (th- + -wan C) *l̥ˤon-s {*l̥ˤo[n]-s} pig 0171a U+5F56

推 tuī thwoj (th- + -woj A) *tʰˤuj push away 0575a' U+63A8

隤 tuí dwoj (d- + -woj A) *N-rˤuj exhausted 0544a U+96A4

蛻 tuì thwajH (th- + -waj C) *l̥ˤot-s exuviae of insects or reptiles 0324e U+86FB

退 tuì thwojH (th- + -woj C) *n̥ˤəp-s {*n̥ˤ[ə]p-s} withdraw (≠ advance) 0512a U+9000

吞 tūn then (th- + -en A) *l̥ˤən (surname) 0361d U+541E

焞 tūn thwoj (th- + -woj A) *tʰˤur ample 0464r U+711E

焞 tūn thwon (th- + -won A) *tʰˤur dim starlight 0464r U+711E

屯 tún dwon (d- + -won A) *dˤun {*[d]ˤun} accumulate 0427a U+5C6F

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� tún dwon (d- + -won A) *dˤən {*[d]ˤə[n]} (dial. > -won) buttocks 0429a U+21C42

豚 tún dwon (d- + -won A) *lˤun {*lˤu[n]} young pig 0428a U+8C5A

� tún dwon (d- + -won A) *lˤun {*lˤu[n]} young pig 0428c U+22109

脫 tuō dwajH (d- + -waj C) *lˤot-s easy, leisurely 0324m U+812B

脫 tuō dwat (d- + -wat D) *lˤot remove outer covering 0324m U+812B

託 tuō thak (th- + -ak D) *tʰˤak entrust 0780e U+8A17

挩 tuō thwat (th- + -wat D) *l̥ˤot peel off, take off 0324l U+6329

脫 tuō thwat (th- + -wat D) *mə-l̥ˤot peel off 0324m U+812B

紽 tuó da (d- + -a A) *lˤaj bundle of threads 0004j U+7D3D

橐 tuó thak (th- + -ak D) *tʰˤak sack; bellows 0795p U+6A50

隋 tuǒ thwaX (th- + -wa B) *l̥ˤojʔ shred sacrificial meat 0011b U+968B

橢 tuǒ thwaX (th- + -wa B) *l̥ˤojʔ oval 0011c U+6A62

妥 tuǒ thwaX (th- + -wa B) *n̥ˤojʔ at ease 0354a U+59A5

污 wā 'wae ('- + -wae A) *qʷˤra impure, vile 0097c' U+6C61

汙 wā 'wae ('- + -wae A) *qʷˤra impure 0097b' U+6C59

鼃 wā 'wae ('- + -wae A) *qʷˤre frog 0879y U+9F03

鼃 wā 'wea ('- + -wea A) *qʷˤre frog 0879y U+9F03

蛙 wā 'wea ('- + -wea A) *qʷˤre frog 0879z U+86D9

鼃 wā hwae (h- + -wae A) *m-qʷˤre frog 0879y U+9F03

鼃 wā hwea (h- + -wea A) *m-qʷˤre frog 0879y U+9F03

瓦 wǎ ngwaeX (ng- + -wae B) *C.ŋʷˤrajʔ {*C.ŋʷˤra[j]ʔ} roof tile 0020a U+74E6

韈 wà mjot (m- + -jot D) *C.mat {*C.m[a]t} stockings 0311l U+97C8

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咼 wāi kwaeX (k- + -wae B) *kʷˤrajʔ cut meat from the bone 0018a U+54BC

外 wài ngwajH (ng- + -waj C) *ŋʷˤat-s {*[ŋ]ʷˤa[t]-s} outside 0322a U+5916

丸 wán hwan (h- + -wan A) *ɢʷˤar {*[ɢ]ʷˤar} pellet; ball 0163a U+4E38

完 wán hwan (h- + -wan A) *ɢˤon {*[ɢ]ˤo[n]} finish (v.) 0257m U+5B8C

夗 wǎn 'jwonX ('- + -jwon B) *ʔorʔ {*ʔo[r]ʔ} turn over in bed 0260a U+5917

宛 wǎn 'jwonX ('- + -jwon B) *ʔorʔ {*ʔo[r]ʔ} curved; to bend 0260b U+5B9B

婉 wǎn 'jwonX ('- + -jwon B) *ʔorʔ {*[ʔ]o[r]ʔ} beautiful 0260g U+5A49

晚 wǎn mjonX (m- + -jon B) *morʔ {*mo[r]ʔ} late 0222h U+665A

蔓 wàn mjonH (m- + -jon C) *C.man-s {*C.ma[n]-s} creep; creeping plant 0266d U+8513

萬 wàn mjonH (m- + -jon C) *C.man-s {*C.ma[n]-s} 10000 0267a U+842C

玩 wàn ngwanH (ng- + -wan C) *ŋˤon-s {*[ŋ]ˤo[n]-s} plaything 0257k U+73A9

翫 wàn ngwanH (ng- + -wan C) *ŋˤon-s {*[ŋ]ˤo[n]-s} familiar with 0257l U+7FEB

汪 wāng 'wang ('- + -wang A) *qʷˤaŋ vast; pool 0739r U+6C6A

尪 wāng 'wang ('- + -wang A) *qʷˤaŋ emaciated 0739t U+5C2A

王 wáng hjwang (h- + -jwang A) *ɢʷaŋ king 0739a U+738B

亡 wáng mjang (m- + -jang A) *maŋ flee; disappear 0742a U+4EA1

忘 wáng mjang (m- + -jang A) *maŋ forget 0742i U+5FD8

枉 wǎng 'jwangX ('- + -jwang B) *qʷaŋʔ crooked; depraved 0739q U+6789

往 wǎng hjwangX (h- + -jwang B) *ɢʷaŋʔ go to 0739k U+5F80

罔 wǎng mjangX (m- + -jang B) *C.maŋʔ net 0742l U+7F54

惘 wǎng mjangX (m- + -jang B) *maŋʔ dejected 0742b' U+60D8

網 wǎng mjangX (m- + -jang B) *maŋʔ net 0742a' U+7DB2

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网 wǎng mjangX (m- + -jang B) *maŋʔ net 0744a U+7F51

王 wàng hjwangH (h- + -jwang C) *ɢʷaŋ-s be king 0739a U+738B

迋 wàng hjwangH (h- + -jwang C) *ɢʷaŋʔ-s {*[ɢ]ʷaŋʔ-s} go 0739l U+8FCB

迋 wàng hjwangX (h- + -jwang B) *ɢʷaŋʔ {*[ɢ]ʷaŋʔ} 0739l U+8FCB

望 wàng mjang (m- + -jang A) *maŋ look at from a distance 0742m U+671B

妄 wàng mjangH (m- + -jang C) *maŋ-s reckless 0742g U+5984

望 wàng mjangH (m- + -jang C) *maŋ-s look at from a distance 0742m U+671B

忘 wàng mjangH (m- + -jang C) *maŋ-s forget 0742i U+5FD8

威 wēi 'jw+j ('- + -jw+j A) *ʔuj awe-inspiring 0574a U+5A01

崴 wēi 'weaj ('- + -weaj A) *qˤruj cliffy, high 0574d U+5D34

隈 wēi 'woj ('- + -woj A) *qˤuj bend, nook (n.) 0573h U+9688

微 wēi mj+j (m- + -j+j A) *məj small 0584d U+5FAE

巍 wēi ngjw+j (ng- + -jw+j A) *N.qʰuj high, majestic 0569s U+5DCD

危 wēi ngjwe (ng- + -jwe A) *ŋoj {*[ŋ](r)[o]j} in danger 0029a U+5371

韋 wéi hjw+j (h- + -jw+j A) *ɢʷəj {*[ɢ]ʷə[j]} go against 0571a U+97CB

圍 wéi hjw+j (h- + -jw+j A) *ɢʷəj {*[ɢ]ʷə[j]} surround 0571g U+570D

違 wéi hjw+j (h- + -jw+j A) *ɢʷəj {*[ɢ]ʷə[j]} go against 0571d U+9055

為 wéi hjwe (h- + -jwe A) *ɢʷaj {*ɢʷ(r)aj} make, do, act as 0027a U+70BA

帷 wéi hwij (h- + -wij A) *ɢʷrij curtain 0575m U+5E37

魏 wéi ngjw+j (ng- + -jw+j A) *N-qʰuj high, majestic 0569k U+9B4F

嵬 wéi ngwoj (ng- + -woj A) *N-qʰˤuj high and rocky 0569j U+5D6C

嵬 wéi ngwojX (ng- + -woj B) *N-qʰˤujʔ high and rocky 0569j U+5D6C

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壝 wéi ywij (y- + -wij A) *ɢuj {*[ɢ](r)uj} low wall 0540q U+58DD

惟 wéi ywij (y- + -wij A) *ɢʷij (copula); namely 0575n U+60DF

維 wéi ywij (y- + -wij A) *ɢʷij (? < *ɢʷuj) rope for tying 0575o U+7DAD

委 wěi 'jweX ('- + -jwe B) *qojʔ {*q(r)ojʔ} entrust to 0357a U+59D4

委 wěi 'jweX ('- + -jwe B) *qojʔ {*q(r)ojʔ} collect; store 0357a U+59D4

委 wěi 'jweX ('- + -jwe B) *qorʔ {*q(r)orʔ} bend; hang down 0357a U+59D4

骫 wěi 'jweX ('- + -jwe B) *qʷarʔ {*qʷ(r)arʔ} bent (of bones) 0163e U+9AAB

洧 wěi hwijX (h- + -wij B) *ɢʷrəʔ {*[ɢ]ʷrəʔ} name of a river 0995 U+6D27

尾 wěi mj+jX (m- + -j+j B) *məjʔ {*[m]əjʔ} tail 0583a U+5C3E

亹 wěi mj+jX (m- + -j+j B) *mərʔ diligent 0585a U+4EB9

偽 wěi ngjweH (ng- + -jwe C) *N-ɢʷaj-s {*[N]-ɢʷ(r)aj-s} FALSE 0027k U+507D

諉 wěi nrjweH (nr- + -jwe C) *nroj-s implicate 0354f U+8AC9

畏 wèi 'jw+jH ('- + -jw+j C) *ʔuj-s fear (v.) 0573a U+754F

㷉 wèi 'jw+jH ('- + -jw+j C) *ʔut-s dominate 0525a U+3DC9

蔚 wèi 'jw+jH ('- + -jw+j C) *ʔut-s Artemisia 0525f U+851A

胃 wèi hjw+jH (h- + -jw+j C) *ɢʷət-s {*[ɢ]ʷə[t]-s} stomach 0523a U+80C3

謂 wèi hjw+jH (h- + -jw+j C) *ɢʷət-s {*[ɢ]ʷə[t]-s} say, tell, call 0523d U+8B02

蝟 wèi hjw+jH (h- + -jw+j C) *ɢʷət-s {*[ɢ]ʷə[t]-s} porcupine 0523f U+875F

為 wèi hjweH (h- + -jwe C) *ɢʷaj-s {*[ɢ]ʷ(r)aj-s} for, because 0027a U+70BA

衛 wèi hjwejH (h- + -jwej C) *ɢʷat-s {*[ɢ]ʷ(r)a[t]-s} to guard 0342a U+885B

位 wèi hwijH (h- + -wij C) *ɢʷrəp-s {*[ɢ]ʷrəp-s} < *ɢʷəʔ-rəp-s ? standing, position 0539a U+4F4D

味 wèi mj+jH (m- + -j+j C) *mət-s {*m[ə]t-s} taste (n.) 0531g U+5473

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未 wèi mj+jH (m- + -j+j C) *mət-s {*m[ə]t-s} not yet 0531a U+672A

未 wèi mj+jH (m- + -j+j C) *mət-s {*m[ə]t-s} 8th earthly branch 0531a U+672A

魏 wèi ngjw+jH (ng- + -jw+j C) *N-qʰuj-s high 0569k U+9B4F

遺 wèi ywijH (y- + -wij C) *ɢuj-s {*[ɢ](r)uj-s} to present 0540m U+907A

� wēn 'won ('- + -won A) *ʔˤun kind (adj.) 0426a U+25055

溫 wēn 'won ('- + -won A) *ʔˤun warm; gentle 0426c U+6EAB

蚉 wén mjun (m- + -jun A) *C.mən {*C.mə[n]} mosquito 0475k U+8689

蚊 wén mjun (m- + -jun A) *C.mən {*C.mə[n]} mosquito 0475l U+868A

聞 wén mjun (m- + -jun A) *mun {*mu[n]} hear (v.) 0441f U+805E

文 wén mjun (m- + -jun A) *mən {*mə[n]} ornate 0475a U+6587

眼 wěn ngonX (ng- + -on B) *ŋˤənʔ {*ŋˤə[n]ʔ} protrude as a knob 0416l U+773C

問 wèn mjunH (m- + -jun C) *C.mun-s {*C.mu[n]-s} ask 0441g U+554F

瓮 wèng 'uwngH ('- + -uwng C) *qˤoŋ-s earthen jar 1173g U+74EE

甕 wèng 'uwngH ('- + -uwng C) *qˤoŋ-s {*[q]ˤoŋ-s} earthen jar 1184p U+7515

蝸 wō kwae (k- + -wae A) *k.rˤoj (dial. > *kˤroj) snail 0018c U+8778

我 wǒ ngaX (ng- + -a B) *ŋˤajʔ we, I 0002a U+6211

擭 wò 'waek ('- + -waek D) *qʷˤrak catch (v.) 0784l U+64ED

臥 wò ngwaH (ng- + -wa C) *ŋˤoj-s {*[ŋ]ˤ[o]j-s} lie down, sleep 0009a U+81E5

洿 wū 'u ('- + -u A) *qʷˤa impure 0043k U+6D3F

圩 wū 'u ('- + -u A) *qʷˤa to plaster 0097z U+5729

烏 wū 'u ('- + -u A) *qˤa crow, raven; black 0061a U+70CF

烏 wū 'u ('- + -u A) *ʔˤa {*[ʔ]ˤa} oh! 0061a U+70CF

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巫 wū mju (m- + -ju A) *C.mo {*C.m(r)[o]} magician 0105a U+5DEB

誣 wū mju (m- + -ju A) *mo {*[m](r)[o]} deceive 0105b U+8AA3

无 wú mju (m- + -ju A) *ma not have 0106a U+65E0

無 wú mju (m- + -ju A) *ma not have 0103a U+7121

毋 wú mju (m- + -ju A) *mo do not 0107a U+6BCB

吳 wú ngu (ng- + -u A) *ŋʷˤa shout; name of a state 0059a U+5433

吾 wú ngu (ng- + -u A) *ŋˤa I, my 0058f U+543E

舞 wǔ mjuX (m- + -ju B) *kə.maʔ {*kə.m(r)aʔ} dance (v.) 0103g U+821E

儛 wǔ mjuX (m- + -ju B) *maʔ {*m(r)aʔ} dance 0103h U+511B

武 wǔ mjuX (m- + -ju B) *maʔ {*m(r)aʔ} military 0104a U+6B66

五 wǔ nguX (ng- + -u B) *C.ŋˤaʔ five 0058a U+4E94

伍 wǔ nguX (ng- + -u B) *C.ŋˤaʔ {*[C.]ŋˤaʔ} group of five 0058e U+4F0D

午 wǔ nguX (ng- + -u B) *m-qʰˤaʔ resist; cross-wise 0060a U+5348

午 wǔ nguX (ng- + -u B) *m.qʰˤaʔ {*[m].qʰˤaʔ} 7th heavenly branch 0060a U+5348

惡 wù 'uH ('- + -u C) *ʔˤak-s hate (v.) 0805h U+60E1

霧 wù mjuH (m- + -ju C) *kə.mok-s {*kə.m(r)[o]k-s} fog, mist 1109t U+9727

務 wù mjuH (m- + -ju C) *mo-s {*m(r)o-s} exert oneself 1109j U+52D9

物 wù mjut (m- + -jut D) *C.mut thing 0503h U+7269

勿 wù mjut (m- + -jut D) *mut don't 0503a U+52FF

勿 wù mjut (m- + -jut D) *mut not ... it 0503a U+52FF

戊 wù muwH (m- + -uw C) *muʔ-s {*m(r)uʔ-s} ~ *m(r)uʔ 5th heavenly stem 1231a U+620A

誤 wù nguH (ng- + -u C) *ŋʷˤa-s deceive; mistake 0059d U+8AA4

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悟 wù nguH (ng- + -u C) *ŋˤa-s awake, realize 0058j U+609F

寤 wù nguH (ng- + -u C) *ŋˤa-s awake 0058n U+5BE4

遻 wù nguH (ng- + -u C) *ŋˤak-s unexpectedly come across 0788j U+907B

晤 wù nguH (ng- + -u C) *ŋˤak-s go to meet 0058l U+6664

奚 xī hej (h- + -ej A) *gˤe why, what 0876d U+595A

奚 xī hej (h- + -ej A) *gˤe {*[g]ˤe} slave, servant 0876d U+595A

蹊 xī hej (h- + -ej A) *gˤe {*[g]ˤe} foot-path 0876l U+8E4A

兮 xī hej (h- + -ej A) *gˤe (final particle) 1241d U+516E

溪 xī khej (kh- + -ej A) *kʰˤe valley with stream in it 0876q U+6EAA

谿 xī khej (kh- + -ej A) *kʰˤe valley with stream in it 0876q U+8C3F

屖 xī sej (s- + -ej A) *s-lˤəj to tarry 0595a U+5C56

西 xī sej (s- + -ej A) *s-nˤər west 0594a U+897F

犀 xī sej (s- + -ej A) *s.lˤəj rhinoceros 0596a U+7280

錫 xī sek (s- + -ek D) *s-lˤek give 0850n U+932B

錫 xī sek (s- + -ek D) *s-lˤek tin 0850n U+932B

析 xī sek (s- + -ek D) *sˤek {*[s]ˤek} split (v.) 0857a U+6790

晳 xī sek (s- + -ek D) *sˤek {*[s]ˤek} white, bright 0857c U+6673

熄 xī sik (s- + -ik D) *sək extinguish 0925b U+7184

息 xī sik (s- + -ik D) *sək breathe 0925a U+606F

膝 xī sit (s- + -it D) *s-tsik knee 0401c U+819D

悉 xī sit (s- + -it D) *sit {*[s]i[t]} completely 1257e U+6089

昔 xī sjek (s- + -jek D) *sak {*[s]Ak} in the past 0798a U+6614

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惜 xī sjek (s- + -jek D) *sak {*[s]Ak} regret; alas 0798f U+60DC

熹 xī xi (x- + -i A) *qʰə {*qʰ(r)ə} shine 0955k U+71B9

熙 xī xi (x- + -i A) *qʰə {*qʰ(r)ə} splendor 0960j U+7199

歙 xī xip (x- + -ip D) *qʰəp {*qʰ(r)[ə]p} contract (v.) 0675s U+6B59

吸 xī xip (x- + -ip D) *qʰəp {*qʰ(r)[ə]p} inhale 0681j U+5438

噏 xī xip (x- + -ip D) *qʰəp {*qʰ(r)[ə]p} draw together (Laozi, one version) 0675r U+564F

希 xī xj+j (x- + -j+j A) *qʰəj thin, sparse 0549a U+5E0C

豨 xī xj+j (x- + -j+j A) *qʰəj {*[qʰ]əj} swine 0549f U+8C68

羲 xī xje (x- + -je A) *ŋ̊aj {*ŋ̊(r)aj} (proper name) 0002y U+7FB2

犧 xī xje (x- + -je A) *ŋ̊aj {*ŋ̊(r)a[j]} sacrificial animal 0002z U+72A7

䖒 xī xje (x- + -je A) *ŋ̊ar {*ŋ̊(r)ar} earthenware vessel (SW) 0022a U+4592

夕 xī zjek (z- + -jek D) *s-N-rak {*s-N-rAk} evening, night 0796a U+5915

隰 xí zip (z- + -ip D) *s-N-qip low, wet ground 0692b U+96B0

襲 xí zip (z- + -ip D) *sə-ləp {*sə-l[ə]p} repeat; additional robe 0689a U+8972

襲 xí zip (z- + -ip D) *sə.ləp {*sə.l[ə]p} surprise attack 0689a U+8972

席 xí zjek (z- + -jek D) *s-dak {*s-[d]Ak} mat 0797a U+5E2D

洗 xǐ sejX (s- + -ej B) *sˤərʔ {*[s]ˤərʔ} wash 0478j U+6D17

洒 xǐ sejX (s- + -ej B) *sˤərʔ {*[s]ˤərʔ} wash 0594g U+6D12

枲 xǐ siX (s- + -i B) *s.ləʔ hemp 0976d' U+67B2

璽 xǐ sjeX (s- + -je B) *s.nerʔ {*s.[n]e[r]ʔ} seal (n.) 0359j U+74BD

徙 xǐ sjeX (s- + -je B) *sajʔ {*[s]ajʔ} move (to) 0871a U+5F99

喜 xǐ xiX (x- + -i B) *qʰəʔ {*qʰ(r)əʔ} joy; rejoice 0955a U+559C

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豨 xǐ xj+jX (x- + -j+j B) *qʰəjʔ swine 0549f U+8C68

狶 xǐ xj+jX (x- + -j+j B) *qʰəjʔ swine 0549e U+72F6

繫 xì hejH (h- + -ej C) *m-kˤek-s attach; suspend 0854d U+7E6B

系 xì hejH (h- + -ej C) *m-kˤek-s {*[m]-kˤek-s} bind (v.) 0876a U+7CFB

係 xì kejH (k- + -ej C) *kˤek-s tie (v.) 0876c U+4FC2

郤 xì khjaek (kh- + -jaek D) *kʰrak {*[k]ʰrak} (place and family name) 0776e U+90E4

隙 xì khjaek (kh- + -jaek D) *kʰrak {*[k]ʰrak} crack (n.) 0787c U+9699

細 xì sejH (s- + -ej C) *sˤər-s {*[s]ˤər-s} small, minute 1241l U+7D30

潟 xì sjek (s- + -jek D) *s-qʰak {*s-qʰAk} salty soil 0799e U+6F5F

舄 xì sjek (s- + -jek D) *s.qʰak {*s.qʰAk} slipper, shoe 0799a U+8204

舄 xì tshjak (tsh- + -jak D) *s.qʰak {*s.qʰAk} (dial. > tsh-, > -jak) slipper, shoe 0799a U+8204

鬩 xì xek (x- + -ek D) *ŋ̊ˤek {*[ŋ̊]ˤek} wrangle 0873q U+9B29

塈 xì xijH (x- + -ij C) *qʰrət-s {*qʰrə[t]-s} rest (v.) 0515h U+5848

翕 xì xip (x- + -ip D) *qʰəp {*qʰ(r)[ə]p} united, harmonious 0675q U+7FD5

翕 xì xip (x- + -ip D) *qʰəp {*qʰ(r)[ə]p} draw in; inhale 0675q U+7FD5

氣 xì xj+jH (x- + -j+j C) *qʰət-s to present food 0517c U+6C23

塈 xì xj+jH (x- + -j+j C) *qʰət-s {*qʰə[t]-s} rest (v.) 0515h U+5848

戲 xì xjeH (x- + -je C) *ŋ̊ar-s {*ŋ̊(r)ar-s} sport, joke 0022b U+6232

瑕 xiá hae (h- + -ae A) *gˤra {*[g]ˤra} flaw, blemish 0033h U+7455

騢 xiá hae (h- + -ae A) *gˤra {*[g]ˤra} horse of mixed red and white color 0033l U+9A22

遐 xiá hae (h- + -ae A) *gˤra {*[g]ˤra} distant 0033j U+9050

匣 xiá haep (h- + -aep D) *gˤrap {*[g]ˤr[a]p} box 0629e U+5323

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狎 xiá haep (h- + -aep D) *gˤrap {*[g]ˤr[a]p} disrespectful 0629g U+72CE

柙 xiá haep (h- + -aep D) *gˤrap {*[g]ˤr[a]p} cage; box 0629f U+67D9

轄 xiá haet (h- + -aet D) *gˤrat {*[g]ˤrat} wheel-axle cap with linch-pin 0314f U+8F44

狹 xiá heap (h- + -eap D) *N-kˤ<r>ep narrow 0630e U+72F9

黠 xiá heat (h- + -eat D) *gˤrit {*[g]ˤri[t]} shrewd 0393v U+9EE0

暇 xià haeH (h- + -ae C) *gˤra-s {*[g]ˤra-s} leisure 0033g U+6687

芐 xià haeH (h- + -ae C) *gˤra-s {*[g]ˤra()-s} rush, sedge 0035d U+8290

夏 xià haeH (h- + -ae C) *gˤraʔ {*[g]ˤraʔ} ~ [g]ˤraʔ-s summer 0036a U+590F

下 xià haeH (h- + -ae C) *m-gˤraʔ-s descend 0035a U+4E0B

廈 xià haeX (h- + -ae B) *gˤraʔ {*[g]ˤraʔ} house, room 0036c U+5EC8

厦 xià haeX (h- + -ae B) *gˤraʔ {*[g]ˤraʔ} house, room 0036d U+53A6

下 xià haeX (h- + -ae B) *gˤraʔ down 0035a U+4E0B

夏 xià haeX (h- + -ae B) *ɢˤraʔ {*[ɢ]ˤraʔ} great 0036a U+590F

嚇 xià xaeH (x- + -ae C) *qʰˤ<r>ak-s frighten 0779b U+5687

先 xiān sen (s- + -en A) *sˤər first 0478a U+5148

譣 xiān sjem (s- + -jem A) *s.qʰam {*s.qʰ[a]m} insincere, ingratiating 0613c U+8B63

仙 xiān sjen (s- + -jen A) *sar {*[s]a[r]} immortal (n.) 0193f U+4ED9

僊 xiān sjen (s- + -jen A) *sar {*[s]a[r]} immortal 0206b U+50CA

鮮 xiān sjen (s- + -jen A) *ser {*[s][e]r} fresh; good 0209a U+9BAE

銜 xián haem (h- + -aem A) *Cə.gˤram {*Cə.[g]ˤr[a]m} a bit; hold in the mouth 0608a U+929C

鹹 xián heam (h- + -eam A) *Cə.gˤrom {*Cə.[g]ˤr[o]m} salty 0671f U+9E79

咸 xián heam (h- + -eam A) *gˤrəm {*[g]ˤr[ə]m} all; everywhere 0671a U+54B8

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間 xián hean (h- + -ean A) *N-kˤren {*N-kˤre[n]} idle 0191b U+9593

閑 xián hean (h- + -ean A) *N-kˤren {*N-kˤre[n]} idle 0192a U+9591

閑 xián hean (h- + -ean A) *gˤran {*[g]ˤra[n]} great; large-minded 0192a U+9591

閑 xián hean (h- + -ean A) *gˤran {*[g]ˤra[n]} well-trained 0192a U+9591

閑 xián hean (h- + -ean A) *gˤran {*[g]ˤra[n]} bar, barrier 0192a U+9591

嫌 xián hem (h- + -em A) *N-kˤem doubt, doubtful 0627j U+5ACC

賢 xián hen (h- + -en A) *gˤin {*[g]ˤi[n]} worthy 0368e U+8CE2

弦 xián hen (h- + -en A) *ɢˤin {*[ɢ]ˤi[n]} string of bow or instrument 0366f U+5F26

洗 xiǎn senX (s- + -en B) *sˤərʔ (W dialect) wash 0478j U+6D17

� xiǎn sjenX (s- + -jen B) *s.nerʔ {*s.[n]e[r]ʔ} autumnal hunt 0359k U+248D4

獮 xiǎn sjenX (s- + -jen B) *s.nerʔ {*s.[n]e[r]ʔ} autumnal hunt 0359l U+736E

鮮 xiǎn sjenX (s- + -jen B) *serʔ {*[s][e]rʔ} rare, few 0209a U+9BAE

顯 xiǎn xenX (x- + -en B) *qʰˤenʔ display, manifest 0242a U+986F

險 xiǎn xjaemX (x- + -jaem B) *qʰramʔ {*qʰr[a]mʔ} precipitous, dangerous 0613f U+96AA

險 xiǎn xjemX (x- + -jem B) *qʰramʔ {*qʰr[a]mʔ} precipitous, dangerous 0613f U+96AA

臽 xiàn heamH (h- + -eam C) *gˤrom-s {*[g]ˤrom(ʔ)-s} small pit 0672a U+81FD

陷 xiàn heamH (h- + -eam C) *ɢˤromʔ-s {*[ɢ]ˤromʔ-s} fall into a pit 0672c U+9677

限 xiàn heanX (h- + -ean B) *gˤrənʔ {*[g]ˤrə[n]ʔ} obstacle, limit 0416i U+9650

現 xiàn henH (h- + -en C) *N-kˤen-s {*N-[k]ˤen-s} appear 0241e U+73FE

見 xiàn henH (h- + -en C) *N-kˤen-s {*N-[k]ˤen-s} appear 0241a U+898B

見 xiàn henH (h- + -en C) *m-kˤen-s {*m-[k]ˤen-s} cause to appear, introduce 0241a U+898B

俔 xiàn henX (h- + -en B) *N-kˤenʔ {*N-[k]ˤenʔ} to be like 0241f U+4FD4

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縣 xiàn hwenH (h- + -wen C) *Cə.gʷˤen-s {*Cə.[g]ʷˤe[n]-s} district 0248a U+7E23

獻 xiàn sa (s- + -a A) *s-ŋˤar offer, present 0252e U+737B

霰 xiàn senH (s- + -en C) *sˤen-s {*[s]ˤe[n]-s} sleet 0156d U+9730

先 xiàn senH (s- + -en C) *sˤər-s go first 0478a U+5148

獻 xiàn xjonH (x- + -jon C) *ŋ̊ar-s offer, present 0252e U+737B

羨 xiàn zjenH (z- + -jen C) *s-N-qar-s {*s-N-[q]a[r]-s} covet, desire 0207a U+7FA8

羨 xiàn zjenH (z- + -jen C) *s-ɢan-s {*s-[ɢ]a[n]-s} surplus, affluence 0207a U+7FA8

襄 xiāng sjang (s- + -jang A) *s-naŋ remove 0730a U+8944

纕 xiāng sjang (s- + -jang A) *s-naŋ belt, sash; girth 0730b U+7E95

襄 xiāng sjang (s- + -jang A) *s-naŋ Xiāng (personal name) 0730a U+8944

相 xiāng sjang (s- + -jang A) *saŋ {*[s]aŋ} mutually 0731a U+76F8

鄉 xiāng xjang (x- + -jang A) *qʰaŋ village; district 0714c U+9109

膷 xiāng xjang (x- + -jang A) *qʰaŋ {*[qʰ]aŋ} beef soup 0714l U+81B7

香 xiāng xjang (x- + -jang A) *qʰaŋ fragrance 0717a U+9999

皀 xiāng xjang (x- + -jang A) *qʰaŋ fragrance 0714a U+7680

薌 xiāng xjang (x- + -jang A) *qʰaŋ fragrance 0714m U+858C

降 xiáng haewng (h- + -aewng A) *m-kˤruŋ (? < *-[u]m) submit 1015a U+964D

庠 xiáng zjang (z- + -jang A) *s-ɢaŋ {*s-[ɢ]aŋ} school 0732m U+5EA0

祥 xiáng zjang (z- + -jang A) *s-ɢaŋ auspicious 0732n U+7965

翔 xiáng zjang (z- + -jang A) *s-ɢaŋ {*s-[ɢ]aŋ} fly back and forth; soar 0732p U+7FD4

詳 xiáng zjang (z- + -jang A) *s-ɢaŋ {*s-[ɢ]aŋ} scrutinize fully 0732q U+8A73

想 xiǎng sjangX (s- + -jang B) *saŋʔ {*[s]aŋʔ} think 0731d U+60F3

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饟 xiǎng syang (sy- + -jang A) *n̥aŋ bring food to 0730c U+995F

饟 xiǎng syangH (sy- + -jang C) *n̥aŋ-s {*n̥aŋ(ʔ)-s} bring food to (workers in the field) 0730c U+995F

饟 xiǎng syangX (sy- + -jang B) *n̥aŋʔ bring food to (workers in the field) 0730c U+995F

享 xiǎng xaeng (x- + -aeng A) *qʰˤraŋ {*[qʰ]ˤraŋ} (W dial.) penetrate 0716a U+4EAB

曏 xiǎng xjangX (x- + -jang B) *n̥aŋʔ (W dial. *n̥- > *x-) a short time 0714k U+66CF

鄉 xiǎng xjangX (x- + -jang B) *qʰaŋʔ feast 0714c U+9109

響 xiǎng xjangX (x- + -jang B) *qʰaŋʔ echo 0714n U+97FF

饗 xiǎng xjangX (x- + -jang B) *qʰaŋʔ feast 0714j U+9957

亨 xiǎng xjangX (x- + -jang B) *qʰaŋʔ sacrificial offering 0716b U+4EA8

享 xiǎng xjangX (x- + -jang B) *qʰaŋʔ {*[qʰ]aŋʔ} offer in sacrifice; food offering 0716a U+4EAB

巷 xiàng haewngH (h- + -aewng C) *C.gˤroŋ-s lane, street 1182s U+5DF7

項 xiàng haewngX (h- + -aewng B) *gˤroŋʔ {*[g]ˤroŋʔ} neck 1172y U+9805

相 xiàng sjangH (s- + -jang C) *saŋ-s {*[s]aŋ-s} appearance, quality 0731a U+76F8

曏 xiàng xjangH (x- + -jang C) *n̥aŋʔ-s (W dial. *n̥- > *x-) a short time 0714k U+66CF

鄉 xiàng xjangH (x- + -jang C) *qʰaŋ-s to face 0714c U+9109

嚮 xiàng xjangH (x- + -jang C) *qʰaŋ-s to face, approach 0714i U+56AE

象 xiàng zjangX (z- + -jang B) *s-daŋʔ {*s-[d]aŋʔ} elephant 0728a U+8C61

鴞 xiāo hjew (h- + -jew A) *ɢʷaw {*[ɢ]ʷ(r)aw} owl 1041t U+9D1E

簫 xiāo sew (s- + -ew A) *sˤiw pan-pipe 1028h U+7C2B

蕭 xiāo sew (s- + -ew A) *sˤiw Artemisia 1028i U+856D

蕭 xiāo sew (s- + -ew A) *sˤiw 蕭蕭 neighing of horses 1028i U+856D

肖 xiāo sjew (s- + -jew A) *sew {*[s]ew} disappear 1149g U+8096

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宵 xiāo sjew (s- + -jew A) *sew {*[s]ew} night, evening 1149h U+5BB5

逍 xiāo sjew (s- + -jew A) *sew {*[s]ew} be at ease 1149m U+900D

霄 xiāo sjew (s- + -jew A) *sew {*[s]ew} sleet 1149o U+9704

消 xiāo sjew (s- + -jew A) *sew {*[s]ew} dissolve; disappear 1149j U+6D88

小 xiǎo sjewX (s- + -jew B) *sewʔ {*[s]ewʔ} small 1149a U+5C0F

曉 xiǎo xewX (x- + -ew B) *qʰˤewʔ understand 1164f U+66C9

效 xiào haewH (h- + -aew C) *m-kˤraw-s {*m-[k]ˤraw-s} imitate, follow 1166r U+6548

嘯 xiào sewH (s- + -ew C) *sˤiw-s {*sˤiw(k)-s} to wail 1028f U+562F

笑 xiào sjewH (s- + -jew C) *s-law-s to laugh 1150a U+7B11

肖 xiào sjewH (s- + -jew C) *sew-s {*[s]ew-s} resemble 1149g U+8096

削 xiào sjewH (s- + -jew C) *sewk-s {*[s]ewk-s} scrape, pare 1149c' U+524A

孝 xiào xaewH (x- + -aew C) *qʰˤ<r>u-s {*qʰˤ<r>uʔ-s} filial 1168a U+5B5D

楔 xiē set (s- + -et D) *s.qˤet wedge put in teeth of corpse 0279i U+6954

歇 xiē xjot (x- + -jot D) *qʰat cease, rest (v.) 0313u U+6B47

鞋 xié hea (h- + -ea A) *gˤre {*[g]ˤre} shoe 879 U+978B

挾 xié hep (h- + -ep D) *m-kˤep grasp 0630l U+633E

擷 xié het (h- + -et D) *m-kˤit {*m-[k]ˤi[t]} tuck in skirts (v.) 0393z U+64F7

偕 xié keaj (k- + -eaj A) *kˤrij together 0599b U+5055

脅 xié xjaep (x- + -jaep D) *qʰ<r>ep flank, side of the body 0639e U+8105

邪 xié zjae (z- + -jae A) *sə.ɢa {*sə.ɢA} awry 0047a U+90AA

寫 xiě sjaeX (s- + -jae B) *s-qʰaʔ {*s-qʰAʔ} depict 0799f U+5BEB

寫 xiě sjaeX (s- + -jae B) *s-qʰaʔ {*s-qʰAʔ} drain off 0799f U+5BEB

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瀉 xiě sjaeX (s- + -jae B) *s-qʰaʔ {*s-qʰAʔ} to drain off 0799h U+7009

邂 xiè heaH (h- + -ea C) *gˤre-s {*[g]ˤre(ʔ)-s} 邂逅 xièhòu meet unexpectedly; carefree 0861e U+9082

解 xiè heaX (h- + -ea B) *N-kˤreʔ =懈 lazy 0861a U+89E3

解 xiè heaX (h- + -ea B) *N.kˤreʔ {*N-kˤreʔ} understand 0861a U+89E3

蟹 xiè heaX (h- + -ea B) *m-kˤreʔ crab 0861d U+87F9

械 xiè heajH (h- + -eaj C) *m-kˤrək-s {*[m]-kˤrək-s} fetters; weapon 0990d U+68B0

屧 xiè sep (s- + -ep D) *s-lˤep bottom inlay in shoe 0633p U+5C67

泄 xiè sjet (s- + -jet D) *s-lat leak, ooze 0339h U+6CC4

絏 xiè sjet (s- + -jet D) *s-lat {*s-l[a]t} rope, fetters 0338c U+7D4F

褻 xiè sjet (s- + -jet D) *s-ŋet garment next to the body 0330n U+893B

泄 xiè yejH (y- + -jej C) *lat-s leak, ooze 0339h U+6CC4

謝 xiè zjaeH (z- + -jae C) *sə-lak-s {*sə-lAk-s} decline, renounce 0807g U+8B1D

心 xīn sim (s- + -im A) *səm heart 0663a U+5FC3

新 xīn sin (s- + -in A) *C.sin {*C.si[n]} new 0382k U+65B0

辛 xīn sin (s- + -in A) *sin {*[s]i[n]} pungent; painful 0382a U+8F9B

辛 xīn sin (s- + -in A) *sin {*si[n]} 8th heavenly stem 0382a U+8F9B

薪 xīn sin (s- + -in A) *sin {*si[n]} firewood 0382n U+85AA

馨 xīn xeng (x- + -eng A) *qʰˤeŋ fragrance 0832f U+99A8

歆 xīn xim (x- + -im A) *qʰəm {*[qʰ](r)əm} enjoy (fragrance) 0653j U+6B46

昕 xīn xj+n (x- + -j+n A) *qʰər dawn 0443h U+6615

欣 xīn xj+n (x- + -j+n A) *qʰər rejoice 0443i U+6B23

信 xìn sinH (s- + -in C) *s-niŋ-s {*s-ni[ŋ]-s} truthful 0384a U+4FE1

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釁 xìn xinH (x- + -in C) *m̥rər-s smear with blood 0446a U+91C1

星 xīng seng (s- + -eng A) *s-tsʰˤeŋ star 0812x U+661F

興 xīng xing (x- + -ing A) *qʰəŋ {*qʰ(r)əŋ} lift, rise 0889a U+8208

行 xíng haeng (h- + -aeng A) *Cə.gˤraŋ walk (v.) 0748a U+884C

行 xíng haengH (h- + -aeng C) *gˤraŋ-s {*[g]ˤraŋ-s} action 0748a U+884C

陘 xíng heng (h- + -eng A) *gˤeŋ {*[g]ˤeŋ} ravine 0831l U+9658

刑 xíng heng (h- + -eng A) *ɢˤeŋ {*[ɢ]ˤeŋ} punish(ment) 0808b U+5211

刑 xíng heng (h- + -eng A) *ɢˤeŋ {*[ɢ]ˤeŋ} model, form 0808b U+5211

硎 xíng heng (h- + -eng A) *ɢˤeŋ {*[ɢ]ˤeŋ} whetstone 0808f U+784E

形 xíng heng (h- + -eng A) *ɢˤeŋ {*[ɢ]ˤeŋ} form, shape 0808d U+5F62

省 xǐng sjengX (s- + -jeng B) *seŋʔ {*[s]eŋʔ} inspect 0812l U+7701

杏 xìng haengX (h- + -aeng B) *C.gˤraŋʔ {*C.[g]ˤraŋʔ} apricot (tree) 0749a U+674F

荇 xìng haengX (h- + -aeng B) *gˤraŋʔ {*[g]ˤraŋʔ} Limnanthemum nymphoides 0748e U+8347

幸 xìng heangX (h- + -eang B) *gˤreŋʔ {*[g]ˤreŋʔ} fortunate 0810a U+5E78

性 xìng sjengH (s- + -jeng C) *seŋ-s nature 0812s U+6027

姓 xìng sjengH (s- + -jeng C) *seŋ-s surname 0812q U+59D3

凶 xiōng xjowng (x- + -jowng A) *qʰoŋ {*qʰ(r)oŋ} unlucky 1183a U+51F6

訩 xiōng xjowng (x- + -jowng A) *qʰoŋ {*qʰ(r)oŋ} litigate 1183c U+8A29

兄 xiōng xjwaeng (x- + -jwaeng A) *m̥raŋ elder brother 0765a U+5144

熊 xióng hjuwng (h- + -juwng A) *C.ɢʷəm {*C.[ɢ]ʷ(r)əm} bear (n.) 0674a U+718A

雄 xióng hjuwng (h- + -juwng A) *ɢʷəŋ {*[ɢ]ʷəŋ} male 0887l U+96C4

修 xiū sjuw (s- + -juw A) *s-liw adorn 1077d U+4FEE

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脩 xiū sjuw (s- + -juw A) *s-liw dried meat 1077e U+8129

羞 xiū sjuw (s- + -juw A) *s-nu shame 1076h U+7F9E

休 xiū xjuw (x- + -juw A) *qʰu {*qʰ(r)u} blessing 1070a U+4F11

朽 xiǔ xjuwX (x- + -juw B) *qʰuʔ {*qʰ(r)uʔ} rot, decay 1041m U+673D

秀 xiù sjuwH (s- + -juw C) *s-lu-s {*[s-l]u(ʔ)-s} to flower 1095a U+79C0

繡 xiù sjuwH (s- + -juw C) *siw-s {*[s]iw(k)-s} embroider 1028e U+7E61

宿 xiù sjuwH (s- + -juw C) *suk-s {*[s]uk-s} "mansion" of the zodiac (where the moon is found on successive nights)

1029a U+5BBF

嗅 xiù xjuwH (x- + -juw C) *qʰu-s {*qʰu(ʔ)-s} to smell (tr.) 1088c U+55C5

袖 xiù zjuwH (z- + -juw C) *sə.lu-s sleeve 1079m U+8896

虛 xū khjo (kh- + -jo A) *C.qʰa {*C.qʰ(r)a} hill, mound; abandoned city 0078a U+865B

墟 xū khjo (kh- + -jo A) *C.qʰa {*C.qʰ(r)a} hill, mound; abandoned city 0078b U+589F

須 xū sju (s- + -ju A) *s-no beard 0133a U+9808

鬚 xū sju (s- + -ju A) *s.no beard 0133d U+9B1A

戌 xū swit (s- + -wit D) *s.mit {*s.mi[t]} 11th earthly branch 1257h U+620C

虛 xū xjo (x- + -jo A) *qʰa {*qʰ(r)a} empty 0078a U+865B

訏 xū xju (x- + -ju A) *qʷʰa {*qʷʰ(r)a} great 0097v U+8A0F

吁 xū xju (x- + -ju A) *qʷʰa {*qʷʰ(r)a} pained 0097t U+5401

邪 xú zjo (z- + -jo A) *sə.la walk slowly 0047a U+90AA

徐 xú zjo (z- + -jo A) *sə.la walk slowly 0082p U+5F90

湑 xǔ sjoX (s- + -jo B) *s-raʔ (dial. > s-) to strain (spirits) 0090f U+6E51

許 xǔ xjoX (x- + -jo B) *qʰaʔ {*qʰ(r)aʔ} allow 0060i U+8A31

絮 xù sjoH (s- + -jo C) *s-na-s raw silk, floss 0094u U+7D6E

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訹 xù swit (s- + -wit D) *s-lut entice 0497i U+8A39

恤 xù swit (s- + -wit D) *s-mit {*s-[m]i[t]} anxiety 0410e U+6064

蓄 xù trhjuwk (trh- + -juwk D) *qʰ<r>uk collect, store 1018c U+84C4

頊 xù xjowk (x- + -jowk D) *qʰok {*qʰ(r)ok} disconcerted 1216d U+980A

畜 xù xjuwH (x- + -juw C) *qʰuk-s nourish 1018a U+755C

畜 xù xjuwk (x- + -juwk D) *qʰuk nourish 1018a U+755C

稸 xù xjuwk (x- + -juwk D) *qʰuk store; harbor (feelings) 1018d U+7A38

慉 xù xjuwk (x- + -juwk D) *qʰuk cherish 1018e U+6149

淢 xù xwik (x- + -wik D) *m̥ik {*m̥(r)ik} channel; moat 0929l U+6DE2

洫 xù xwik (x- + -wik D) *m̥ik {*m̥(r)ik} channel; moat 0930a U+6D2B

緒 xù zjoX (z- + -jo B) *s-m-taʔ arrange in order 0045s U+7DD2

敘 xù zjoX (z- + -jo B) *s-m-taʔ order (v.) 0082o U+6558

序 xù zjoX (z- + -jo B) *sə.laʔ {*[sə.l]aʔ} walls at side of palace 0083h U+5E8F

續 xù zjowk (z- + -jowk D) *sə.lok continue 1023u U+7E8C

藚 xù zjowk (z- + -jowk D) *sə.lok Alisma plantago 1023v U+85DA

宣 xuān sjwen (s- + -jwen A) *s-qʷar spread (v.) 0164t U+5BA3

軒 xuān xjon (x- + -jon A) *qʰar {*qʰa[r]} nobleman's carriage 0139g' U+8ED2

翾 xuān xjwien (x- + -jwien A) *qʷʰen fly about 0256a' U+7FFE

儇 xuān xjwien (x- + -jwien A) *qʷʰen nimble, smart 0256z U+5107

塤 xuān xjwon (x- + -jwon A) *qʰon {*qʰo[n]} ocarina 0227d U+5864

諼 xuān xjwon (x- + -jwon A) *qʷʰan {*qʷʰa[n]} forget 0255k U+8AFC

駽 xuān xwen (x- + -wen A) *qʷʰˤen bluish-black horse 0228k U+99FD

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誸 xuán hen (h- + -en A) *ɢˤin {*[ɢ]ˤi[n]} speak quickly 0366m U+8AB8

懸 xuán hwen (h- + -wen A) *Cə-N-kʷˤen {*Cə-N-kʷˤe[n]} suspend 0248b U+61F8

縣 xuán hwen (h- + -wen A) *gʷˤen {*[g]ʷˤe[n]} suspend 0248a U+7E23

玄 xuán hwen (h- + -wen A) *ɢʷˤin {*[ɢ]ʷˤi[n]} dark 0366a U+7384

吅 xuán xjwon (x- + -jwon A) *qʷʰar to cry in alarm 0158 U+5405

旋 xuán zjwen (z- + -jwen A) *s-ɢʷen {*s-[ɢ]ʷe[n]} turn round; return 0236a U+65CB

還 xuán zjwen (z- + -jwen A) *s-ɢʷen {*s-[ɢ]ʷen} agile 0256k U+9084

還 xuán zjwen (z- + -jwen A) *s-ɢʷen {*s-[ɢ]ʷen} turn round, return 0256k U+9084

㘣 xuán zjwen (z- + -jwen A) *s-ɢʷen {*s-[ɢ]ʷe[n]} compasses 0228 U+3623

癬 xuǎn sjenX (s- + -jen B) *sarʔ {*[s]arʔ} ringworm 0209d U+766C

選 xuǎn sjwenX (s- + -jwen B) *sonʔ {*[s]o[n]ʔ} choose; count 0433f U+9078

咺 xuǎn xjwonX (x- + -jwon B) *qʷʰarʔ brilliant, illustrious 0164q U+54BA

鞙 xuàn hwenX (h- + -wen B) *ɢʷˤenʔ {*[ɢ]ʷˤenʔ} pure (of jade) 0228j U+9799

駽 xuàn xwenH (x- + -wen C) *qʷʰˤen-s bluish-black horse 0228k U+99FD

旋 xuàn zjwenH (z- + -jwen C) *s-ɢʷen-s {*s-[ɢ]ʷe[n]-s} whorl of hair on the head? 0236a U+65CB

鷽 xué 'aewk ('- + -aewk D) *qˤruk a kind of bird 1038h U+9DFD

學 xué haewk (h- + -aewk D) *m-kˤruk study; imitate 1038a U+5B78

鷽 xué haewk (h- + -aewk D) *m-qˤruk spec. of bird 1038h U+9DFD

穴 xué hwet (h- + -wet D) *ɢʷˤit {*[ɢ]ʷˤi[t]} cave, pit 0409a U+7A74

雪 xuě sjwet (s- + -jwet D) *sot {*[s]ot} snow 0297a U+96EA

謔 xuè xjak (x- + -jak D) *ŋ̊awk {*ŋ̊(r)awk} ridicule, jest (v.) 1118d U+8B14

烕 xuè xjwiet (x- + -jwiet D) *m̥et extinguish, destroy 0294a U+70D5

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血 xuè xwet (x- + -wet D) *m̥ˤik blood 0410a U+8840

熏 xūn xjun (x- + -jun A) *qʰun {*qʰu[n]} to smoke; vapor, odor 0461a U+718F

薰 xūn xjun (x- + -jun A) *qʰun {*qʰu[n]} Allium 0461e U+85B0

葷 xūn xjun (x- + -jun A) *qʰun {*qʰu[n]} Allium 0458h U+8477

壎 xūn xjwon (x- + -jwon A) *qʰon {*qʰo[n]} ocarina 0461j U+58CE

燂 xún dom (d- + -om A) *lˤom to heat 0646d U+71C2

荀 xún swin (s- + -win A) *s.qʷin {*s.qʷi[n]} spec. of plant; (proper name] 0392o U+8340

爓 xún zim (z- + -im A) *sə-ləm {*[sə-l][ə]m} sacrifice of boiled meat 0672o U+7213

尋 xún zim (z- + -im A) *sə-ləm {*sə-l[ə]m} (< *-um ?) warm up 0662a U+5C0B

尋 xún zim (z- + -im A) *sə-ləm {*sə-l[ə]m} measure of 8 chǐ 尺. 0662a U+5C0B

旬 xún zwin (z- + -win A) *s-ɢʷin {*s-[ɢ]ʷi[n]} ten-day cycle 0392a U+65EC

紃 xún zwin (z- + -win A) *s.dun {*s.du[n]} silk cord 0462d U+7D03

循 xún zwin (z- + -win A) *sə.lun {*sə.lu[n]} follow 0465f U+5FAA

馴 xún zwin (z- + -win A) *sə.lun {*sə.lu[n]} docile; gradually 0462f U+99B4

訊 xùn sinH (s- + -in C) *sin-s {*[s]i[n]-s} ask 0383c U+8A0A

訓 xùn xjunH (x- + -jun C) *l̥un-s {*l̥u[n]-s} (dial. to x) instruct 0422d U+8A13

徇 xùn zwinH (z- + -win C) *s-ɢʷin-s {*s-[ɢ]ʷi[n]-s} go everywhere 0392e U+5F87

殉 xùn zwinH (z- + -win C) *s.ɢʷin-s {*s.[ɢ]ʷi[n]-s} accompany in death 0392g U+6B89

鴉 yā 'ae ('- + -ae A) *qˤra raven, crow 0037h U+9D09

押 yā 'aep ('- + -aep D) *qˤrep to seal, stamp 0629h U+62BC

牙 yá ngae (ng- + -ae A) *m-ɢˤ<r>a tooth 0037a U+7259

芽 yá ngae (ng- + -ae A) *m-ɢˤra {*m-[ɢ]ˤra} shoot, sprout 0037d U+82BD

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厓 yá ngea (ng- + -ea A) *ŋˤrar river bank; limit 0879p U+5393

崖 yá ngea (ng- + -ea A) *ŋˤrar river bank; limit 0879q U+5D16

涯 yá ngea (ng- + -ea A) *ŋˤrar river bank; limit 0879r U+6DAF

邪 yá yae (y- + -jae A) *ɢa {*[ɢ](r)A} [interrogative particle] 0047a U+90AA

啞 yǎ 'aeX ('- + -ae B) *ʔˤraʔ mute 0805f U+555E

庌 yǎ ngaeX (ng- + -ae B) *N-qʰˤraʔ {*[N]-qʰˤraʔ} covered galleries 0037c U+5E8C

雅 yǎ ngaeX (ng- + -ae B) *N-ɢˤraʔ {*[N-ɢ]ˤraʔ} kind of musical instrument 0037g U+96C5

雅 yǎ ngaeX (ng- + -ae B) *ŋˤraʔ {*N-ɢˤraʔ} proper, refined 0037g U+96C5

亞 yà 'aeH ('- + -ae C) *ʔˤrak-s secondary 0805a U+4E9E

軋 yà 'eat ('- + -eat D) *qˤrət crush 0280a U+8ECB

揠 yà 'eat ('- + -eat D) *ʔˤret {*ʔˤr[e]t} pull up 0253m U+63E0

迓 yà ngaeH (ng- + -ae C) *ŋˤrak-s {*[ŋ]ˤrak-s} meet 0037f U+8FD3

襾 yà xaeX (x- + -ae B) *qʰˤraʔ cover 0038a U+897E

殷 yān 'ean ('- + -ean A) *ʔˤrər {*ʔˤrə[r]} dark-red 0448a U+6BB7

烟 yān 'en ('- + -en A) *qˤin {*[q]ˤi[n]} vapor, smoke 0370i U+70DF

煙 yān 'en ('- + -en A) *qˤin {*[q]ˤi[n]} smoke 0483h U+7159

咽 yān 'en ('- + -en A) *ʔˤin {*ʔˤi[n]} gullet 0370h U+54BD

淹 yān 'jem ('- + -jem A) *ʔom {*ʔ(r)om} submerge, soak 0614c U+6DF9

焉 yān 'jen ('- + -jen A) *ʔan {*ʔa[n]} how 0200a U+7109

厭 yān 'jiem ('- + -jiem A) *ʔem contented (adj.) 0616c U+53AD

焉 yān hjen (h- + -jen A) *ʔan {*([ʔ])a[n]} (atonic) (3p locative pronoun) 0200a U+7109

巖 yán ngaem (ng- + -aem A) *ŋˤram {*[ŋ]ˤr[a]m} (< uvular?) rocky, lofty 0607l U+5DD6

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顏 yán ngaen (ng- + -aen A) *C.ŋˤrar face, forehead 0199c U+984F

顏 yán ngaen (ng- + -aen A) *C.ŋˤrar surname 0199c U+984F

研 yán ngen (ng- + -en A) *m-qʰˤer grind; examine 0239h U+7814

妍 yán ngen (ng- + -en A) *ŋˤen {*[ŋ]ˤe[n]} beautiful 0239 U+598D

硏 yán ngen (ng- + -en A) *ŋˤer {*[ŋ]ˤe[r]} (< uvular) grind, examine 0239g U+784F

硏 yán ngenH (ng- + -en C) *ŋˤer-s {*[ŋ]ˤe[r]-s} (< uvular) inkstone 0239g U+784F

嚴 yán ngjaem (ng- + -jaem A) *ŋram stern, majestic 0607h U+56B4

言 yán ngjon (ng- + -jon A) *ŋan {*ŋa[n]} (a particle) 0251a U+8A00

言 yán ngjon (ng- + -jon A) *ŋan {*ŋa[n]} I, we 0251a U+8A00

言 yán ngjon (ng- + -jon A) *ŋan {*ŋa[n]} speak; speech 0251a U+8A00

檐 yán yem (y- + -jem A) *Cə.ɢam {*Cə.[ɢ]am} eaves 0619g U+6A90

檐 yán yem (y- + -jem A) *Cə.ɢam {*Cə.[ɢ]am} temple gate 0619g U+6A90

壛 yán yem (y- + -jem A) *Cə.ɢam {*Cə.[ɢ]am} eaves 0672n U+58DB

鹽 yán yem (y- + -jem A) *N.rom {*N.r[o]m} salt (n.) 0609n U+9E7D

阽 yán yem (y- + -jem A) *lem {*[l]em} in danger of collapsing 0618e U+963D

閻 yán yem (y- + -jem A) *ɢom {*[ɢ]om} gate over street or lane 0672m U+95BB

延 yán yen (y- + -jen A) *lan {*la[n]} extend 0203a U+5EF6

筵 yán yen (y- + -jen A) *lan {*la[n]} bamboo mat 0203b U+7B75

沿 yán ywen (y- + -jwen A) *lon go along (a river); follow 0229b U+6CBF

奄 yǎn 'jemX ('- + -jem B) *ʔomʔ {*ʔ(r)omʔ} cover 0614a U+5944

偃 yǎn 'jonX ('- + -jon B) *ʔanʔ {*ʔa[n]ʔ} bend down 0253g U+5043

眼 yǎn ngeanX (ng- + -ean B) *ŋˤ<r>ənʔ {*[ŋ]ˤ<r>ə[n]ʔ} eye 0416l U+773C

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儼 yǎn ngjaemX (ng- + -jaem B) *ŋramʔ dignified 0607k U+513C

甗 yǎn ngjenH (ng- + -jen C) *ŋar-s {*ŋ(r)ar-s} boiler 0252d U+7517

巘 yǎn ngjenX (ng- + -jen B) *ŋar {*ŋ(r)arʔ} hilltop 0252h U+5DD8

甗 yǎn ngjon (ng- + -jon A) *ŋar boiler 0252d U+7517

巘 yǎn ngjonX (ng- + -jon B) *ŋarʔ hilltop 0252h U+5DD8

剡 yǎn yemX (y- + -jem B) *N-r[a]mʔ sharp; pierce 0617d U+5261

覃 yǎn yemX (y- + -jem B) *N-r[a]mʔ pointed, sharp 0646a U+8983

衍 yǎn yenX (y- + -jen B) *N-qanʔ {*N-q(r)anʔ} overflow 0197a U+884D

演 yǎn yenX (y- + -jen B) *lerʔ {*[ɢ][a][r]ʔ} flow out, extend 0450k U+6F14

晏 yàn 'aenH ('- + -aen C) *ʔˤ<r>an-s {*ʔˤ<r>a[n]-s} peace, rest 0146f U+664F

鴳 yàn 'aenH ('- + -aen C) *ʔˤ<r>ar-s {*ʔˤ<r>a[r]-s} a kind of quail 0146g U+9D33

晏 yàn 'enH ('- + -en C) *ʔˤen-s {*ʔˤe[n]-s} rest (v.) 0146f U+664F

燕 yàn 'enH ('- + -en C) *ʔˤen-s {*ʔˤe[n]-s} swallow (n.)# 0243a U+71D5

燕 yàn 'enH ('- + -en C) *ʔˤen-s {*ʔˤe[n]-s} feast 0243a U+71D5

宴 yàn 'enH ('- + -en C) *ʔˤen-s {*ʔˤe[n]-s} feast (n.) 0253b U+5BB4

咽 yàn 'enH ('- + -en C) *ʔˤin-s {*ʔˤi[n]-s} swallow (v.) 0370h U+54BD

饜 yàn 'jemH ('- + -jem C) *ʔ<r>em-s satiated 0616d U+995C

雁 yàn ngaenH (ng- + -aen C) *C.ŋˤrar-s {*C.[ŋ]ˤrar-s} kind of wild goose 0186b U+96C1

鴈 yàn ngaenH (ng- + -aen C) *ŋˤrar-s wild goose 0186a U+9D08

硯 yàn ngenH (ng- + -en C) *ŋˤer-s {*[ŋ]ˤe[r]-s} (< uvular) smooth stone; inkstone 0241 U+786F

讞 yàn ngjenH (ng- + -jen C) *ŋar-s {*ŋ(r)ar-s} announce a verdict 0252i U+8B9E

諺 yàn ngjenH (ng- + -jen C) *ŋran-s {*ŋra[n]-s} saying, proverb 0199b U+8AFA

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讞 yàn ngjet (ng- + -jet D) *ŋat {*ŋ(r)at} announce a sentence (of a court) 0252i U+8B9E

鬳 yàn ngjonH (ng- + -jon C) *ŋar-s boiler 0252a U+9B33

鹽 yàn yemH (y- + -jem C) *N.rom-s {*N.r[o]m-s} salt (n.) 0609n U+9E7D

爓 yàn yemH (y- + -jem C) *ɢom-s {*[ɢ]om-s} brightness 0672o U+7213

央 yāng 'jang ('- + -jang A) *ʔaŋ end (v.) 0718a U+592E

央 yāng 'jang ('- + -jang A) *ʔaŋ center (n.) 0718a U+592E

殃 yāng 'jang ('- + -jang A) *ʔaŋ calamity 0718e U+6B83

鴦 yāng 'jang ('- + -jang A) *ʔaŋ female mandarin duck 0718h U+9D26

昜 yáng yang (y- + -jang A) *laŋ bright 0720a U+661C

揚 yáng yang (y- + -jang A) *laŋ raise 0720j U+63DA

楊 yáng yang (y- + -jang A) *laŋ poplar 0720q U+694A

瘍 yáng yang (y- + -jang A) *laŋ {*[l]aŋ} sore, ulcer 0720s U+760D

鍚 yáng yang (y- + -jang A) *laŋ ornament on a horse's forehead 0720t U+935A

陽 yáng yang (y- + -jang A) *laŋ bright 0720e U+967D

颺 yáng yang (y- + -jang A) *laŋ tossed by the wind 0720p U+98BA

洋 yáng yang (y- + -jang A) *ɢaŋ {*ɢ(r)aŋ} 'great expanse of water' 0732h U+6D0B

痒 yáng yang (y- + -jang A) *ɢaŋ {*[ɢ](r)aŋ} disease; suffer 0732i U+75D2

羊 yáng yang (y- + -jang A) *ɢaŋ sheep 0732a U+7F8A

痒 yáng zjang (z- + -jang A) *s-ɢaŋ {*s-[ɢ]aŋ} disease; harm 0732i U+75D2

仰 yǎng ngjangX (ng- + -jang B) *ŋaŋʔ {*[ŋ]aŋʔ} lift the face, look up 0699c U+4EF0

癢 yǎng yangX (y- + -jang B) *Cə.ɢaŋʔ itch 0732r U+7662

養 yǎng yangX (y- + -jang B) *ɢaŋʔ {*[ɢ](r)aŋʔ} long, longing 0732j U+990A

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養 yǎng yangX (y- + -jang B) *ɢaŋʔ {*[ɢ](r)aŋʔ} nourish, raise 0732j U+990A

羕 yàng yangH (y- + -jang C) *ɢaŋʔ-s {*[ɢ](r)aŋʔ-s} long 0732k U+7F95

幺 yāo 'ew ('- + -ew A) *ʔˤiw {*ʔˤ[i]w} small 1115a U+5E7A

夭 yāo 'jew ('- + -jew A) *ʔaw {*[ʔ](r)aw} CHECK 1141a U+592D

腰 yāo 'jiew ('- + -jiew A) *ʔew waist 1142b U+8170

爻 yáo haew (h- + -aew A) *N-kˤraw change; hexagram 1167a U+723B

爻 yáo haew (h- + -aew A) *N-kˤraw change; hexagram 1167a U+723B

肴 yáo haew (h- + -aew A) *gˤraw {*[g]ˤraw} food 1167d U+80B4

堯 yáo ngew (ng- + -ew A) *ŋˤew {*[ŋ]ˤew} high 1164a U+582F

䍃 yáo yew (y- + -jew A) *law eartheware 1144a U+4343

傜 yáo yew (y- + -jew A) *law public or military service 1144d U+509C

搖 yáo yew (y- + -jew A) *law {*l[a]w} shake 1144g U+6416

謠 yáo yew (y- + -jew A) *law sing; song 1144j U+8B20

窰 yáo yew (y- + -jew A) *law kiln 1144b U+7AB0

徭 yáo yew (y- + -jew A) *law public or military service 1144e U+5FAD

窈 yǎo 'ewX ('- + -ew B) *ʔˤewʔ {*ʔˤ[e]wʔ} 'ewX-dewX hidden; deep 1115i U+7A88

約 yào 'jiewH ('- + -jiew C) *qewk-s bond, agreement 1120m U+7D04

要 yào 'jiewH ('- + -jiew C) *ʔew-s important 1142a U+8981

藥 yào yak (y- + -jak D) *m-rewk {*m-r[e]wk} medicinal plant 1125p U+85E5

曜 yào yewH (y- + -jew C) *lewk-s shine 1124i U+66DC

燿 yào yewH (y- + -jew C) *lewk-s shine 1124j U+71FF

耀 yào yewH (y- + -jew C) *lewk-s shine 1124k U+8000

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噎 yē 'et ('- + -et D) *qˤik choke 0395b U+564E

也 yě yaeX (y- + -jae B) *lajʔ {*lAjʔ} (final particle) 0004g U+4E5F

野 yě yaeX (y- + -jae B) *laʔ {*lAʔ} open country 0083l U+91CE

� yě yaeX (y- + -jae B) *laʔ {*lAʔ} open country 0083m U+21428

埜 yě yaeX (y- + -jae B) *laʔ {*lAʔ} open country 0083n U+57DC

謁 yè 'jot ('- + -jot D) *qat go to visit 0313x U+8B01

業 yè ngjaep (ng- + -jaep D) *m-qʰap {*[m-qʰ](r)[a]p} work (n.) 0640a U+696D

業 yè ngjaep (ng- + -jaep D) *m-qʰap {*[m-qʰ](r)[a]p} horizontal board of a bell stand or frame 0640a U+696D

業 yè ngjaep (ng- + -jaep D) *ŋap {*[ŋ](r)[a]p} strong, sturdy 0640a U+696D

夜 yè yaeH (y- + -jae C) *N.rak-s {*N.rAk-s} night 0800j U+591C

液 yè yek (y- + -jek D) *N.rak {*N.rAk} fluid 0800n U+6DB2

葉 yè yep (y- + -jep D) *lap {*l[a]p} leaf 0633d U+8449

鷖 yī 'ej ('- + -ej A) *ʔˤij seagull; fabulous bird 0589g U+9DD6

依 yī 'j+j ('- + -j+j A) *ʔəj lean upon 0550f U+4F9D

衣 yī 'j+j ('- + -j+j A) *ʔəj {*ʔ(r)əj} clothes 0550a U+8863

伊 yī 'jij ('- + -jij A) *ʔij this 0604a U+4F0A

咿 yī 'jij ('- + -jij A) *ʔij forced laugh 0604d U+54BF

一 yī 'jit ('- + -jit D) *ʔit {*ʔi[t]} one 0394a U+4E00

壹 yī 'jit ('- + -jit D) *ʔit {*[ʔ]i[t]} one 0395a U+58F9

疑 yí ngi (ng- + -i A) *ŋə {*[ŋ](r)ə} (< uvular) doubt 0956a U+7591

儀 yí ngje (ng- + -je A) *ŋaj {*ŋ(r)aj} right, proper; ceremony 0002u U+5100

宜 yí ngje (ng- + -je A) *ŋaj {*ŋ(r)aj} sacrifice to the deity of the soil (K) 0021a U+5B9C

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宜 yí ngje (ng- + -je A) *ŋaj {*ŋ(r)aj} proper; should 0021a U+5B9C

移 yí ye (y- + -je A) *laj move (v.) 0003q U+79FB

匜 yí ye (y- + -je A) *laj ewer 0004n U+531C

迻 yí ye (y- + -je A) *laj move (v.) 0003r U+8FFB

台 yí yi (y- + -i A) *lə I, me 0976p U+53F0

怡 yí yi (y- + -i A) *lə cheerful 0976u U+6021

詒 yí yi (y- + -i A) *lə give to 0976v U+8A52

貽 yí yi (y- + -i A) *lə to present, give 0976x U+8CBD

� yí yi (y- + -i A) *ɢə {*[ɢ](r)ə} chin 0960a U+268DE

彝 yí yij (y- + -ij A) *ləj {*[l][ə]j} ritual vase 1237c U+5F5D

夷 yí yij (y- + -ij A) *ləj level, peaceful 0551a U+5937

遺 yí ywij (y- + -wij A) *ɢuj {*[ɢ](r)uj} leave; reject 0540m U+907A

鈶 yí ziX (z- + -i B) *sə.ləʔ handle of plough or sickle 0976c' U+9236

乙 yǐ 'it ('- + -it D) *qrət 2nd heavenly stem 0505a U+4E59

偯 yǐ 'j+jX ('- + -j+j B) *ʔəjʔ extended wailing 0550j U+506F

倚 yǐ 'jeX ('- + -je B) *Cə.qajʔ {*Cə.q(r)ajʔ} lean on 0001f' U+501A

矣 yǐ hiX (h- + -i B) *qəʔ (atonic) (final particle) 0976l U+77E3

螘 yǐ ngj+jX (ng- + -j+j B) *m-qʰəjʔ ant 0548i U+8798

蛾 yǐ ngjeX (ng- + -je B) *m-qʰajʔ {*m-qʰ(r)ajʔ} ant 0002q U+86FE

蟻 yǐ ngjeX (ng- + -je B) *m-qʰajʔ {*m-qʰ(r)ajʔ} ant 0002x U+87FB

螘 yǐ ngjeX (ng- + -je B) *m-qʰajʔ {*m-qʰ(r)ajʔ} ant 0548i U+8798

錡 yǐ ngjeX (ng- + -je B) *m.ɢajʔ {*m.ɢ(r)ajʔ} cooking pot 0001v U+9321

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㠯 yǐ yiX (y- + -i B) *ləʔ take, use 0976a U+382F

以 yǐ yiX (y- + -i B) *ləʔ take, use 0976b U+4EE5

已 yǐ yiX (y- + -i B) *ɢəʔ cease; already 0977a U+5DF2

縊 yì 'ejH ('- + -ej C) *qˤik-s {*qˤ[i]k-s} strangle 0849g U+7E0A

意 yì 'iH ('- + -i C) *ʔək-s {*ʔ(r)ək-s} thought (n.) 0957a U+610F

㦤 yì 'ijH ('- + -ij C) *q<r>it-s {*q<r>i[t]-s} excellent 0395c U+39A4

㦤 yì 'ijH ('- + -ij C) *ʔrit-s {*[ʔ]ri[t]-s} repress 0395c U+39A4

抑 yì 'ik ('- + -ik D) *qik rub, repress 0915a U+6291

億 yì 'ik ('- + -ik D) *ʔək {*ʔ(r)ək} 100000 0957e U+5104

憶 yì 'ik ('- + -ik D) *ʔək {*ʔ(r)ək} remember 0957f U+61B6

臆 yì 'ik ('- + -ik D) *ʔək {*ʔ(r)ək} bosom 0957i U+81C6

浥 yì 'ip ('- + -ip D) *q<r>ip moist, moisten 0683h U+6D65

邑 yì 'ip ('- + -ip D) *qəp {*q(r)[ə]p} city, town 0683a U+9091

衣 yì 'j+jH ('- + -j+j C) *ʔəj-s wear (v.t.) 0550a U+8863

膉 yì 'jiek ('- + -jiek D) *qek {*q[e]k} throat 0849d U+8189

益 yì 'jiek ('- + -jiek D) *qik (dial. > *-ek) increase 0849a U+76CA

嗌 yì 'jiek ('- + -jiek D) *qik {*q[i]k} (*-ik > *-ek) throat 0849c U+55CC

挹 yì 'jip ('- + -jip D) *qip to bow; suppress 0683g U+6339

挹 yì 'jip ('- + -jip D) *qip to ladle out 0683g U+6339

挹 yì 'jip ('- + -jip D) *qip suppress 0683g U+6339

詣 yì ngejH (ng- + -ej C) *ŋˤij-s {*[ŋ]ˤij-s} arrive 0552k U+8A63

藙 yì ngj+jH (ng- + -j+j C) *ŋət-s {*[ŋ]ə[t]-s} Zanthoxylum (Sichuan pepper) 0516d U+85D9

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豙 yì ngj+jH (ng- + -j+j C) *ŋət-s {*[ŋ]ə[t]-s} enraged boar 0516a U+8C59

仡 yì ngj+t (ng- + -j+t D) *ŋət {*[ŋ]ət} great, powerful 0517m U+4EE1

義 yì ngjeH (ng- + -je C) *ŋaj-s {*ŋ(r)aj-s} duty; justice 0002r U+7FA9

議 yì ngjeH (ng- + -je C) *ŋaj-s {*ŋ(r)aj-s} discuss 0002v U+8B70

㓷 yì ngjejH (ng- + -jej C) *ŋ<r>at-s {*ŋ<r>[a][t]-s} cut off the nose 0285e U+34F7

埶 yì ngjiejH (ng- + -jiej C) *ŋet-s I! to plant 0330a U+57F6

藝 yì ngjiejH (ng- + -jiej C) *ŋet-s I! cultivation, art, skill 0330f U+85DD

蓺 yì ngjiejH (ng- + -jiej C) *ŋet-s I! to sow 0330e U+84FA

乂 yì ngjojH (ng- + -joj C) *ŋat-s {*ŋa[t]-s} mow, cut (v.) 0347a U+4E42

乂 yì ngjojH (ng- + -joj C) *ŋat-s {*ŋa[t]-s} mow; regulate 0347a U+4E42

易 yì yeH (y- + -je C) *lek-s easy 0850a U+6613

譯 yì yek (y- + -jek D) *lak {*lAk} interpret 0790f U+8B6F

驛 yì yek (y- + -jek D) *lak {*lAk} post-horse 0790h U+9A5B

易 yì yek (y- + -jek D) *lek change; exchange 0850a U+6613

蜴 yì yek (y- + -jek D) *lek lizard 0850f U+8734

亦 yì yek (y- + -jek D) *m-qak {*m-q(r)Ak} armpit 0800a U+4EA6

亦 yì yek (y- + -jek D) *ɢak {*ɢ(r)Ak} also 0800a U+4EA6

異 yì yiH (y- + -i C) *ɢək-s {*[ɢ]ək-s} different 0954a U+7570

异 yì yiH (y- + -i C) *ɢək-s {*ɢ(r)ək-s} different 0977b U+5F02

翊 yì yik (y- + -ik D) *N.rək {*[N].rəp} (dial. > *-k) next day 0912a U+7FCA

翌 yì yik (y- + -ik D) *N.rəp {*[N].rəp} next day 0912b U+7FCC

弋 yì yik (y- + -ik D) *lək shoot arrow with string attached 0918a U+5F0B

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翼 yì yik (y- + -ik D) *ɢrəp (dial. > -k) wing 0954d U+7FFC

翌 yì yik (y- + -ik D) *ɢrəp (dial. > -k) wing 0912b U+7FCC

溢 yì yit (y- + -it D) *N-qik {*N-q(r)ik} overflow 1257a U+6EA2

佾 yì yit (y- + -it D) *N.rit {*[N.]r[i]t} row of dancers 0397a U+4F7E

逸 yì yit (y- + -it D) *lit {*[l]i[t]} flee 0396a U+9038

鎰 yì yit (y- + -it D) *ɢik {*[ɢ](r)ik} (an ancient weight) 1257b U+93B0

役 yì ywek (y- + -jwek D) *ɢʷek war expedition; service 0851a U+5F79

疫 yì ywek (y- + -jwek D) *ɢʷek epidemic 0851c U+75AB

陰 yīn 'im ('- + -im A) *qum {*q(r)[u]m} dark 0651y U+9670

音 yīn 'im ('- + -im A) *qəm {*[q](r)[ə]m} sound, tone 0653a U+97F3

慇 yīn 'j+n ('- + -j+n A) *ʔən {*ʔə[n]} grieved 0448e U+6147

殷 yīn 'j+n ('- + -j+n A) *ʔər (dynastic name) 0448a U+6BB7

殷 yīn 'j+n ('- + -j+n A) *ʔər {*ʔə[r]} ample, many 0448a U+6BB7

愔 yīn 'jim ('- + -jim A) *qim {*[q]im} mild, peaceful 0653c U+6114

垔 yīn 'jin ('- + -jin A) *qin {*[q]i[n]} dam up, block; mound 0483a U+5794

禋 yīn 'jin ('- + -jin A) *qin {*[q]i[n]} sacrifice 0483g U+798B

陻 yīn 'jin ('- + -jin A) *qin {*[q]i[n]} dam up, block; mound 0483c U+967B

因 yīn 'jin ('- + -jin A) *ʔin {*ʔi[n]} rely on 0370a U+56E0

吟 yín ngim (ng- + -im A) *m-qʰəm {*m-qʰ(r)[ə]m} chant, intone 0651s U+541F

誾 yín ngin (ng- + -in A) *ŋrən {*[ŋ]rə[n]} (< uvular?) affable, reasonable 0251f U+8ABE

銀 yín ngin (ng- + -in A) *ŋrən {*ŋrə[n]} silver 0416k U+9280

垠 yín ngj+n (ng- + -j+n A) *ŋər {*[ŋ]ər} raised border, dike 0416h U+57A0

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圻 yín ngj+n (ng- + -j+n A) *ŋər {*[ŋ]ər} raised border, dike 0443l U+573B

寅 yín yij (y- + -ij A) *ɢər {*[ɢ](r)ər} 3rd earthly branch 0450a U+5BC5

㸒 yín yim (y- + -im A) *N.rəm {*[N.]r[ə]m} to covet 0657a U+3E12

淫 yín yim (y- + -im A) *N.rəm {*N.r[ə]m} excess 0657b U+6DEB

寅 yín yin (y- + -in A) *ɢər {*[ɢ](r)ər} 3rd earthly branch 0450a U+5BC5

夤 yín yin (y- + -in A) *ɢər {*[ɢ[(r)ə[r]} small of the back, region of the reins 0450h U+5924

飲 yǐn 'imX ('- + -im B) *qəmʔ {*q(r)[ə]mʔ} drink (v.) 0654a U+98F2

隱 yǐn 'j+nX ('- + -j+n B) *ʔənʔ {*[ʔ](r)ə[n]ʔ} grieved; suffering 0449a U+96B1

隱 yǐn 'j+nX ('- + -j+n B) *ʔənʔ {*[ʔ](r)ə[n]ʔ} conceal 0449a U+96B1

引 yǐn yinH (y- + -in C) *linʔ-s {*li[n]ʔ-s} draw the bow 0371a U+5F15

引 yǐn yinX (y- + -in B) *linʔ {*li[n]ʔ} draw the bow 0371a U+5F15

蚓 yǐn yinX (y- + -in B) *m-qərʔ {*[m-q](r)ə[r]ʔ} earth-worm (khjuw.yinX) 0371c U+8693

螾 yǐn yinX (y- + -in B) *m-qərʔ {*[m-q](r)ə[r]ʔ} earthworm 0450j U+87BE

尹 yǐn ywinX (y- + -win B) *m-qurʔ govern; governor 1251l U+5C39

蔭 yìn 'imH ('- + -im C) *qəm-s {*q(r)[ə]m-s} shade 0651b' U+852D

飲 yìn 'imH ('- + -im C) *qəmʔ-s {*q(r)[ə]mʔ-s} give to drink 0654a U+98F2

隱 yìn 'j+nH ('- + -j+n C) *ʔərʔ-s {*ʔ(r)ə[r]ʔ-s} lean on 0449a U+96B1

印 yìn 'jinH ('- + -jin C) *qiŋ-s {*[q]i[ŋ]-s} seal 1251f U+5370

胤 yìn yinH (y- + -in C) *[ɢ]ər-s {*[ɢ]ə[n]-s} descendants 0451a U+80E4

罌 yīng 'eang ('- + -eang A) *ʔˤreŋ {*[ʔ]ˤreŋ} jar, vase 0814h U+7F4C

罃 yīng 'eang ('- + -eang A) *ʔˤreŋ {*[ʔ]ˤreŋ} [in proper name] 843 U+7F43

膺 yīng 'ing ('- + -ing A) *qəŋ {*[q](r)əŋ} breast(plate); oppose 0890e U+81BA

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鷹 yīng 'ing ('- + -ing A) *qəŋ {*[q](r)əŋ} eagle, falcon 0890c U+9DF9

英 yīng 'jaeng ('- + -jaeng A) *ʔraŋ flower, blossom 0718k U+82F1

嬰 yīng 'jieng ('- + -jieng A) *ʔeŋ surround; necklace 0814a U+5B30

嬰 yīng 'jieng ('- + -jieng A) *ʔeŋ baby 0814a U+5B30

纓 yīng 'jieng ('- + -jieng A) *ʔeŋ ribbon 0814e U+7E93

熒 yíng hweng (h- + -weng A) *N-qʷˤeŋ {*[N]-qʷˤeŋ} dazzle 0843a U+7192

迎 yíng ngjaeng (ng- + -jaeng A) *ŋraŋ go to meet 0699d U+8FCE

楹 yíng yeng (y- + -jeng A) *leŋ pillar 0815c U+6979

贏 yíng yeng (y- + -jeng A) *ɢeŋ {*[ɢ]eŋ} profit; surplus 0816f U+8D0F

蠅 yíng ying (y- + -ing A) *m.rəŋ fly (n.) 0892a U+8805

蠅 yíng ying (y- + -ing A) *m.rəŋ fly (n.) 0892a U+8805

營 yíng yweng (y- + -jweng A) *ɢʷeŋ {*[ɢ]ʷeŋ} demarcate, encamp 0843f U+71DF

影 yǐng 'jaengX ('- + -jaeng B) *qraŋʔ shadow (n.) 0756a U+5F71

郢 yǐng yengX (y- + -jeng B) *leŋʔ [place name] 835 U+90E2

穎 yǐng ywengX (y- + -jweng B) *ɢʷeŋʔ {*[ɢ]ʷeŋʔ} point of an ear of grain 0828c U+7A4E

迎 yìng ngjaengH (ng- + -jaeng C) *ŋraŋ-s go to meet 0699d U+8FCE

癰 yōng 'jowng ('- + -jowng A) *qoŋ {*q(r)oŋ} ulcer 1184l U+7670

傭 yōng yowng (y- + -jowng A) *loŋ hire 1185y U+50AD

咏 yǒng hjwaengH (h- + -jwaeng C) *ɢʷraŋ-s {*[ɢ]ʷraŋ-s} chant (v.) 0764g U+548F

詠 yǒng hjwaengH (h- + -jwaeng C) *ɢʷraŋ-s {*[ɢ]ʷraŋ-s} chant (v.) 0764i U+8A60

泳 yǒng hjwaengH (h- + -jwaeng C) *ɢʷraŋ-s {*[ɢ]ʷraŋ(ʔ)-s} go in water, wade 0764j U+6CF3

永 yǒng hjwaengX (h- + -jwaeng B) *ɢʷraŋʔ {*[ɢ]ʷraŋʔ} long (time) 0764a U+6C38

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俑 yǒng yowngX (y- + -jowng B) *loŋʔ grave figures 1185j U+4FD1

踊 yǒng yowngX (y- + -jowng B) *loŋʔ leap 1185n U+8E0A

勇 yǒng yowngX (y- + -jowng B) *loŋʔ brave 1185k U+52C7

用 yòng yowngH (y- + -jowng C) *m.loŋ-s use (v.) 1185a U+7528

幽 yōu 'jiw ('- + -jiw A) *ʔiw {*[ʔ](r)iw} dark; secluded 1115c U+5E7D

優 yōu 'juw ('- + -juw A) *ʔu {*ʔ(r)u} entertainer; liberal 1071d U+512A

攸 yōu yuw (y- + -juw A) *liw place where 1077a U+6538

悠 yōu yuw (y- + -juw A) *liw long-brooding 1077c U+60A0

尤 yóu hjuw (h- + -juw A) *ɢʷə {*[ɢ]ʷə} fault; even more 0996a U+5C24

訧 yóu hjuw (h- + -juw A) *ɢʷə {*[ɢ]ʷə} fault, blame 0996d U+8A27

游 yóu yuw (y- + -juw A) *N-ru {*[N-]ru} float, swim 1080f U+6E38

由 yóu yuw (y- + -juw A) *lu {*l[u]} follow; from 1079a U+7531

猶 yóu yuw (y- + -juw A) *ɢu {*[ɢ(r)]u} still, yet 1096r U+7336

猶 yóu yuw (y- + -juw A) *ɢu {*[ɢ(r)]u} similar 1096r U+7336

遊 yóu yuw (y- + -juw A) *ɢu {*[ɢ](r)u} wander about 1080g U+904A

友 yǒu hjuwX (h- + -juw B) *ɢʷəʔ {*[ɢ]ʷəʔ} friend 0995e U+53CB

有 yǒu hjuwX (h- + -juw B) *ɢʷəʔ {*[ɢ]ʷəʔ} have, exist 0995o U+6709

牖 yǒu yuwX (y- + -juw B) *luʔ {*[l]uʔ} window 1082a U+7256

莠 yǒu yuwX (y- + -juw B) *luʔ {*[l]uʔ} weeds 1095d U+83A0

酉 yǒu yuwX (y- + -juw B) *m.ruʔ {*[m].ruʔ} 10th earthly branch 1096a U+9149

酉 yǒu yuwX (y- + -juw B) *m.ruʔ wine 1096a U+9149

幼 yòu 'jiwH ('- + -jiw C) *ʔiw-s {*[ʔ](r)iw-s} young 1115f U+5E7C

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右 yòu hjuwH (h- + -juw C) *m-qʷəʔ-s ~ *m-qʷəʔ right hand 0995i U+53F3

囿 yòu hjuwH (h- + -juw C) *ɢʷək-s {*[ɢ]ʷək-s} park, garden 0995u U+56FF

又 yòu hjuwH (h- + -juw C) *ɢʷəʔ-s {*[ɢ]ʷəʔ-s} also, in addition 0995a U+53C8

佑 yòu hjuwH (h- + -juw C) *ɢʷəʔ-s assist 0995k U+4F51

祐 yòu hjuwX (h- + -juw B) *ɢʷəʔ {*[ɢ]ʷəʔ} help, blessing 0995l U+7950

右 yòu hjuwX (h- + -juw B) *ɢʷəʔ {*[ɢ]ʷəʔ} right hand 0995i U+53F3

囿 yòu hjuwk (h- + -juwk D) *ɢʷək {*[ɢ]ʷək} park, garden 0995u U+56FF

紆 yū 'ju ('- + -ju A) *qʷa {*qʷ(r)a} bent, crooked 0097y U+7D06

迂 yū 'ju ('- + -ju A) *qʷa {*qʷ(r)a} astray; far 0097p U+8FC2

迂 yū hju (h- + -ju A) *ɢʷa {*[ɢ]ʷ(r)a} bend, deflect; far away 0097p U+8FC2

於 yú 'jo ('- + -jo A) *ʔa {*[ʔ]a} at (locative preposition) 0061e U+65BC

歈 yú duw (d- + -uw A) *lˤo a kind of song 0125t U+6B48

㬰 yú gwijH (g- + -wij C) *gruj-s {*[g]ruj-s} basket 0540a U+3B30

盂 yú hju (h- + -ju A) *ɢʷa {*[ɢ]ʷ(r)a} a formation of a hunting party 0097k U+76C2

竽 yú hju (h- + -ju A) *ɢʷa {*[ɢ]ʷ(r)a} reed organ 0097n U+7AFD

雩 yú hju (h- + -ju A) *ɢʷa {*[ɢ]ʷ(r)a} sacrifice for rain 0097q U+96E9

于 yú hju (h- + -ju A) *ɢʷa {*ɢʷ(r)a} go; at 0097a U+4E8E

鋙 yú ngjo (ng- + -jo A) *ŋa {*ŋ(r)a} dzrjo-ngjo irregular, uneven 0058v U+92D9

漁 yú ngjo (ng- + -jo A) *ŋa {*[ŋ](r)a} to fish 0079g U+6F01

䱷 yú ngjo (ng- + -jo A) *ŋa {*[ŋ](r)a} to fish 0079m U+4C77

隅 yú ngju (ng- + -ju A) *ŋo {*ŋ(r)o} angle, corner 0124i U+9685

娛 yú ngju (ng- + -ju A) *ŋʷa {*ŋʷ(r)a} rejoice 0059g U+5A1B

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虞 yú ngju (ng- + -ju A) *ŋʷa {*[ŋ]ʷ(r)a} foresee 0059h U+865E

虞 yú ngju (ng- + -ju A) *ŋʷa {*[ŋ]ʷ(r)a} gamester; forester 0059h U+865E

余 yú yo (y- + -jo A) *la 1sg., prob. a polite form 0082a U+4F59

餘 yú yo (y- + -jo A) *la surplus 0082l U+9918

予 yú yo (y- + -jo A) *laʔ I, we 0083a U+4E88

輿 yú yo (y- + -jo A) *m-qa {*m-q(r)a} vehicle, carriage; carry on shoulders 0089j U+8F3F

舁 yú yoX (y- + -jo B) *C.ɢaʔ give 0089a U+8201

俞 yú yu (y- + -ju A) *lo yes, agree; satisfied, at ease 0125a U+4FDE

愉 yú yu (y- + -ju A) *lo enjoy 0125f U+6109

榆 yú yu (y- + -ju A) *lo elm 0125g U+6986

渝 yú yu (y- + -ju A) *lo change (v.) 0125h U+6E1D

踰 yú yu (y- + -ju A) *lo pass over 0125n U+8E30

諛 yú yu (y- + -ju A) *ɢo {*[ɢ](r)o} flatter (v.) 0126f U+8ADB

臾 yú yu (y- + -ju A) *ɢo {*[ɢ](r)o} pull, drag 0126a U+81FE

蝓 yú zyu (zy- + -ju A) *Cə.lo snail 0125r U+8753

雨 yǔ hjuX (h- + -ju B) *C.ɢʷaʔ {*C.ɢʷ(r)aʔ} rain 0100a U+96E8

宇 yǔ hjuX (h- + -ju B) *ɢʷaʔ {*[ɢ]ʷ(r)aʔ} eaves 0097h U+5B87

羽 yǔ hjuX (h- + -ju B) *ɢʷaʔ {*[ɢ]ʷ(r)aʔ} feather, wing 0098a U+7FBD

語 yǔ ngjoX (ng- + -jo B) *ŋaʔ {*ŋ(r)aʔ} speak 0058t U+8A9E

鋙 yǔ ngjoX (ng- + -jo B) *ŋaʔ {*ŋ(r)aʔ} dzrjoX-ngjoX irregular, uneven 0058v U+92D9

予 yǔ yoX (y- + -jo B) *C.ɢaʔ give; together with 0083a U+4E88

與 yǔ yoX (y- + -jo B) *C.ɢaʔ give; for; and 0089b U+8207

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庾 yǔ yuX (y- + -ju B) *ɢoʔ {*[ɢ](r)oʔ} stacks of grain in the field 0126b U+5EBE

鬱 yù 'jut ('- + -jut D) *qut blocked; anxious 0495b U+9B31

蔚 yù 'jut ('- + -jut D) *ʔut Artemisia 0525f U+851A

彧 yù 'juwk ('- + -juwk D) *qʷək flourishing 0929y U+5F67

郁 yù 'juwk ('- + -juwk D) *qʷək stately, elegant 0995a' U+90C1

奧 yù 'juwk ('- + -juwk D) *ʔuk {*ʔ(r)uk} cove in the bank of a stream 1045a U+5967

薁 yù 'juwk ('- + -juwk D) *ʔuk {*ʔ(r)uk} wild vine 1045e U+8581

芋 yù hjuH (h- + -ju C) *ɢʷa-s {*[ɢ]ʷ(r)a-s} taro (Colocasia antiquorum?) 0097o U+828B

雨 yù hjuH (h- + -ju C) *ɢʷaʔ-s {*[ɢ]ʷ(r)aʔ-s} rain (v.t.) 0100a U+96E8

或 yù hwik (h- + -wik D) *ɢʷrək {*[ɢ]ʷrək} territory 0929a U+6216

域 yù hwik (h- + -wik D) *ɢʷrək {*[ɢ]ʷrək} territory 0929e U+57DF

御 yù ngjoH (ng- + -jo C) *ŋa-s {*[ŋ](r)a(ʔ)-s} (< uvular?) drive a chariot 0060l U+5FA1

語 yù ngjoH (ng- + -jo C) *ŋaʔ-s {*ŋ(r)aʔ-s} tell 0058t U+8A9E

禦 yù ngjoX (ng- + -jo B) *m-qʰaʔ {*m-qʰ(r)aʔ} withstand; hinder 0060p U+79A6

御 yù ngjoX (ng- + -jo B) *ŋa-s {*[ŋ](r)a(ʔ)-s} (< uvular?) drive a chariot 0060l U+5FA1

玉 yù ngjowk (ng- + -jowk D) *ŋok {*[ŋ](r)ok} (< uvular?) jade 1216a U+7389

獄 yù ngjowk (ng- + -jowk D) *ŋrok {*[ŋ]rok} trial, lawsuit 1215a U+7344

寓 yù ngjuH (ng- + -ju C) *ŋo-s {*ŋ(r)o-s} lodge (v.) 0124c U+5BD3

遇 yù ngjuH (ng- + -ju C) *ŋo-s {*ŋ(r)o-s} meet with 0124h U+9047

譽 yù yo (y- + -jo A) *m-qa {*m-q(r)a} praise (v.) 0089i U+8B7D

豫 yù yoH (y- + -jo C) *laʔ-s go on tour 0083e U+8C6B

豫 yù yoH (y- + -jo C) *laʔ-s go on inspection tour 0083e U+8C6B

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譽 yù yoH (y- + -jo C) *m-qa-s {*m-q(r)a-s} praise, renown 0089i U+8B7D

鸒 yù yoH (y- + -jo C) *m-qa-s {*m-q(r)a-s} a kind of crow 0089k U+9E12

譽 yù yoH (y- + -jo C) *ɢa-s {*[ɢ](r)a-s} joy 0089i U+8B7D

與 yù yoH (y- + -jo C) *ɢaʔ-s participate in 0089b U+8207

欲 yù yowk (y- + -jowk D) *ɢok {*ɢ(r)ok} desire (v.) 1202d U+6B32

喻 yù yuH (y- + -ju C) *lo-s understand; metaphor 0125c U+55BB

愈 yù yuX (y- + -ju B) *loʔ increase 0125d U+6108

育 yù yuwk (y- + -juwk D) *m-quk breed, produce 1020a U+80B2

毓 yù yuwk (y- + -juwk D) *m-quk to produce 1021a U+6BD3

鬻 yù yuwk (y- + -juwk D) *m-quk nourish 1024b U+9B3B

繘 yù ywit (y- + -wit D) *N.qʷit {*N.qʷi[t]} well-rope 0507h U+7E58

聿 yù ywit (y- + -wit D) *N.rut {*[N.]rut} following, thereupon 0502a U+807F

聿 yù ywit (y- + -wit D) *m-rut {*[m-]rut} writing stylus or brush 0502a U+807F

遹 yù ywit (y- + -wit D) *ɢʷit {*ɢʷi[t]} go awry, perverse 0507b U+9079

悁 yuān 'jwien ('- + -jwien A) *qʷen dissatisfied 0228c U+6081

蜎 yuān 'jwienX ('- + -jwien B) *qʷenʔ crawl (as an insect); soft, bending 0228b U+870E

肙 yuān 'wen ('- + -wen A) *qʷˤen small worm (SW) 0228a U+8099

蜎 yuān 'wen ('- + -wen A) *qʷˤen crawl (as an insect); soft, bending 0228b U+870E

淵 yuān 'wen ('- + -wen A) *ʔʷˤin {*[ʔ]ʷˤi[n]} abyss 0367a U+6DF5

蜎 yuān gjwienX (g- + -jwien B) *m-k-qʷenʔ {*[m-k-qʷ]enʔ} crawl (as an insect); soft, bending 0228b U+870E

員 yuán hjwen (h- + -jwen A) *ɢʷren {*[ɢ]ʷre[n]} circle; round 0227a U+54E1

圓 yuán hjwen (h- + -jwen A) *ɢʷren {*[ɢ]ʷre[n]} round 0227c U+5713

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圜 yuán hjwen (h- + -jwen A) *ɢʷren {*[ɢ]ʷren} round 0256y U+571C

園 yuán hjwon (h- + -jwon A) *C.ɢʷan {*C.ɢʷa[n]} garden 0256b U+5712

爰 yuán hjwon (h- + -jwon A) *ɢʷan {*ɢʷa[n]} thereupon 0255a U+7230

猨 yuán hjwon (h- + -jwon A) *ɢʷan {*[ɢ]ʷa[n]} monkey 0255d U+7328

援 yuán hjwon (h- + -jwon A) *ɢʷan {*[ɢ]ʷa[n]} pull up 0255e U+63F4

袁 yuán hjwon (h- + -jwon A) *ɢʷan {*[ɢ]ʷa[n]} long robe 0256a U+8881

轅 yuán hjwon (h- + -jwon A) *ɢʷan {*[ɢ]ʷa[n]} carriage-pole 0256e U+8F45

垣 yuán hjwon (h- + -jwon A) *ɢʷar {*[ɢ]ʷar} wall 0164m U+57A3

元 yuán ngjwon (ng- + -jwon A) *ŋon {*[ŋ]o[n]} (< nasal + uvular) head; first 0257a U+5143

原 yuán ngjwon (ng- + -jwon A) *ŋʷar {*[ŋ]ʷar} (< uvular) spring, source; origin 0258a U+539F

原 yuán ngjwon (ng- + -jwon A) *ŋʷar {*[ŋ]ʷar} (< uvular) high plain (n.) 0258a U+539F

緣 yuán ywen (y- + -jwen A) *lon go along, follow 0171d U+7DE3

捐 yuán ywen (y- + -jwen A) *ɢʷen {*[ɢ]ʷen} abandon; remove 0228g U+6350

苑 yuǎn 'jwonX ('- + -jwon B) *ʔorʔ {*[ʔ]o[r]ʔ} resentment 0260d U+82D1

苑 yuǎn 'jwonX ('- + -jwon B) *ʔorʔ {*[ʔ]o[r]ʔ} park for hunting 0260d U+82D1

遠 yuǎn hjwonX (h- + -jwon B) *C.ɢʷanʔ {*C.ɢʷa[n]ʔ} far 0256f U+9060

怨 yuàn 'jwonH ('- + -jwon C) *ʔor-s {*[ʔ]o[r]-s} resentment 0260c U+6028

媛 yuàn hjwenH (h- + -jwen C) *ɢʷran-s {*[ɢ]ʷra[n]-s} a beauty 0255g U+5A9B

院 yuàn hjwenH (h- + -jwen C) *ɢʷran-s {*ɢʷra[n]-s} wall round a courtyard 0257u U+9662

願 yuàn ngjwonH (ng- + -jwon C) *ŋon-s {*[ŋ]o[n]-s} (< nasal plus uvular?) to wish 0258f U+9858

約 yuē 'jak ('- + -jak D) *qewk {*q(r)ewk} bond, agreement 1120m U+7D04

約 yuē 'jak ('- + -jak D) *qewk {*q(r)ewk} bind 1120m U+7D04

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曰 yuē hjwot (h- + -jwot D) *ɢʷat {*[ɢ]ʷat} say 0304a U+66F0

戉 yuè hjwot (h- + -jwot D) *ɢʷat {*[ɢ]ʷat} a kind of axe 0303a U+6209

越 yuè hjwot (h- + -jwot D) *ɢʷat {*[ɢ]ʷat} pass over 0303e U+8D8A

粵 yuè hjwot (h- + -jwot D) *ɢʷat {*[ɢ]ʷat} generous, favorable 0305a U+7CB5

鉞 yuè hjwot (h- + -jwot D) *ɢʷat {*[ɢ]ʷat} a kind of axe 0303d U+925E

樂 yuè ngaewk (ng- + -aewk D) *ŋˤrawk {*[ŋ]ˤrawk} music 1125a U+6A02

嶽 yuè ngaewk (ng- + -aewk D) *ŋˤrok {*[ŋ]ˤrok} mountain, peak 1215c U+5DBD

岳 yuè ngaewk (ng- + -aewk D) *ŋˤrok {*[ŋ]ˤrok} mountain, peak 1227a U+5CB3

月 yuè ngjwot (ng- + -jwot D) *ŋʷat {*[ŋ]ʷat} moon, month 0306a U+6708

刖 yuè ngwaet (ng- + -waet D) *ŋʷˤ<r>at {*[ŋ]ʷˤ<r>at} amputate a foot 0306h U+5216

龠 yuè yak (y- + -jak D) *lewk flute; key; tube 1119a U+9FA0

躍 yuè yak (y- + -jak D) *lewk leap, jump 1124f U+8E8D

籥 yuè yak (y- + -jak D) *lewk flute; key; tube 1119c U+7C65

汋 yuè yak (y- + -jak D) *m-qewk ladle (v.) 1120c U+6C4B

蛻 yuè ywet (y- + -jwet D) *lot exuviae of insects or reptiles 0324e U+86FB

悅 yuè ywet (y- + -jwet D) *lot pleased 0324o U+6085

閱 yuè ywet (y- + -jwet D) *lot count, sum up 0324p U+95B1

閱 yuè ywet (y- + -jwet D) *lot inspect 0324p U+95B1

說 yuè ywet (y- + -jwet D) *lot pleased 0324q U+8AAA

員 yún hjun (h- + -jun A) *ɢʷən {*[ɢ]ʷə[n]} (a particle) 0227a U+54E1

芸 yún hjun (h- + -jun A) *ɢʷən {*[ɢ]ʷə[n]} ample, rich 0460f U+82B8

雲 yún hjun (h- + -jun A) *ɢʷən {*[ɢ]ʷə[n]} cloud 0460b U+96F2

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云 yún hjun (h- + -jun A) *ɢʷər {*[ɢ]ʷə[r]} say 0460a U+4E91

筠 yún hwin (h- + -win A) *ɢʷrin {*[ɢ]ʷri[n]} rind of bamboo 0391j U+7B60

匀 yún ywin (y- + -win A) *ɢʷiŋ {*[ɢ]ʷi[ŋ]} little, few (SW) 0391a U+5300

蘊 yǔn 'junX ('- + -jun B) *ʔunʔ accumulate, block up 0426i U+860A

隕 yǔn hwinX (h- + -win B) *ɢʷrənʔ {*[ɢ]ʷrə[n]ʔ} fall down 0227g U+9695

允 yǔn ywinX (y- + -win B) *lurʔ {*[l]u[r]ʔ} truly 0468a U+5141

慍 yùn 'junH ('- + -jun C) *ʔun-s anger, angry 0426e U+614D

蘊 yùn 'junH ('- + -jun C) *ʔunʔ-s accumulate, block up 0426i U+860A

運 yùn hjunH (h- + -jun C) *ɢʷər-s {*[ɢ]ʷər-s} turn round, move 0458d U+904B

均 yùn hwinH (h- + -win C) *N-qʷ<r>in-s {*[N-qʷ]<r>in-s} rhyme 0391c U+5747

孕 yùn yingH (y- + -ing C) *liŋ-s {*l[i]ŋ-s} pregnant 0945j U+5B55

雜 zá dzop (dz- + -op D) *dzˤəp {*[dz]ˤ[ə]p} mixed 0691d U+96DC

災 zāi tsoj (ts- + -oj A) *tsˤə {*[ts]ˤə} calamity 0940a U+707D

栽 zāi tsoj (ts- + -oj A) *tsˤə {*[ts]ˤə} plant (v.) 0943y U+683D

灾 zāi tsoj (ts- + -oj A) *tsˤə {*[ts]ˤə} calamity 0940d U+707E

� zāi tsoj (ts- + -oj A) *tsˤə {*[ts]ˤə} hurt, damage (v.) 0943l U+22992

� zāi tsoj (ts- + -oj A) *tsˤə {*[ts]ˤə} hurt, damage (v.) 0943o U+2298F

烖 zāi tsoj (ts- + -oj A) *tsˤə {*[ts]ˤə} calamity 0943z U+70D6

哉 zāi tsoj (ts- + -oj A) *tsˤə {*[ts]ˤə} begin 0943v U+54C9

哉 zāi tsoj (ts- + -oj A) *tsˤə {*[ts]ˤə} (particle) 0943v U+54C9

載 zǎi tsojX (ts- + -oj B) *tsˤəʔ {*[ts]ˤəʔ} year 0943a' U+8F09

載 zài dzojH (dz- + -oj C) *m-tsˤəʔ-s {*[m-ts]ˤəʔ-s} load (v.); transport (v.) 0943a' U+8F09

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在 zài dzojX (dz- + -oj B) *dzˤəʔ {*[dz]ˤəʔ} be at, be present 0943i U+5728

再 zài tsojH (ts- + -oj C) *tsˤə-s {*[ts]ˤə(ʔ)-s} twice; a second time 0941a U+518D

載 zài tsojH (ts- + -oj C) *tsˤəʔ-s {*[ts]ˤəʔ-s} record (v.) 0943a' U+8F09

載 zài tsojH (ts- + -oj C) *tsˤəʔ-s {*[ts]ˤəʔ-s} load (v.) 0943a' U+8F09

簪 zān tsom (ts- + -om A) *Cə.tsˤəm {*Cə.[ts]ˤ[ə]m} hairpin 0660g U+7C2A

簪 zān tsrim (tsr- + -im A) *tsrəm {*tsr[ə]m} hairpin 0660g U+7C2A

噆 zǎn tsop (ts- + -op D) *tsˤəp {*tsˤ[ə]p} sting and suck (mosquito) 0660f U+5646

暫 zàn dzamH (dz- + -am C) *dzˤam-s {*[dz]ˤam-s} suddenly 0611d U+66AB

贊 zàn tsanH (ts- + -an C) *tsˤarʔ-s assist 0153a U+8D0A

臧 zāng tsang (ts- + -ang A) *tsˤaŋ {*[ts]ˤaŋ} good 0727f' U+81E7

贓 zāng tsang (ts- + -ang A) *tsˤaŋ {*[ts]ˤaŋ} stolen goods 0727h' U+8D13

藏 zàng dzangH (dz- + -ang C) *dzˤaŋ-s {*[dz]ˤaŋ-s} store, repository (n.) 0727g' U+85CF

葬 zàng tsangH (ts- + -ang C) *tsˤaŋ-s {*[ts]ˤaŋ-s} bury 0702a U+846C

糟 zāo tsaw (ts- + -aw A) *tsˤu {*[ts]ˤu} dregs 1053g U+7CDF

遭 zāo tsaw (ts- + -aw A) *tsˤu encounter (v.) 1053h U+906D

鑿 záo dzak (dz- + -ak D) *dzˤawk {*[dz]ˤawk} chisel 1128a U+947F

早 zǎo tsawX (ts- + -aw B) *Nə.tsˤuʔ {*Nə.[ts]ˤuʔ} early 1049a U+65E9

蚤 zǎo tsawX (ts- + -aw B) *kə.tsˤuʔ {*kə.[ts]ˤuʔ} flea 1112d U+86A4

繰 zǎo tsawX (ts- + -aw B) *mə-tsˤawʔ bleach; wash 1134i U+7E70

澡 zǎo tsawX (ts- + -aw B) *mə-tsˤawʔ wash (v.) 1134g U+6FA1

藻 zǎo tsawX (ts- + -aw B) *tsˤawʔ {*[ts]ˤawʔ} kind of water plant 1134n U+85FB

棗 zǎo tsawX (ts- + -aw B) *tsˤuʔ {*[ts]ˤuʔ} jujube 1050a U+68D7

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造 zào dzawX (dz- + -aw B) *Cə.dzˤuʔ make 1051a U+9020

皁 zào dzawX (dz- + -aw B) *dzˤuʔ {*[dz]ˤuʔ} acorn, black-dyeing fruit 1054b U+7681

燥 zào sawX (s- + -aw B) *C.sˤawʔ dry 1134d U+71E5

竈 zào tsawH (ts- + -aw C) *tsˤuk-s {*[ts]ˤuk-s} cooking-place, stove 1027b U+7AC8

造 zào tshawH (tsh- + -aw C) *tsʰˤuʔ-s {*(mə-)tsʰˤuʔ-s} go to 1051a U+9020

澤 zé draek (dr- + -aek D) *lˤrak marsh; moisture 0790o U+6FA4

則 zé tsok (ts- + -ok D) *tsˤək {*[ts]ˤək} then 0906a U+5247

則 zé tsok (ts- + -ok D) *tsˤək {*[ts]ˤək} rule, pattern 0906a U+5247

責 zé tsreak (tsr- + -eak D) *s-tˤrek demand payment 0868m U+8CAC

責 zé tsreak (tsr- + -eak D) *s-tˤrek blame 0868m U+8CAC

夨 zè tsrik (tsr- + -ik D) *tsrək {*[ts]rək} incline the head 0924a U+5928

� zè tsrik (tsr- + -ik D) *tsrək {*[ts]rək} slanting, oblique 0924c U+20A2E

仄 zè tsrik (tsr- + -ik D) *tsrək {*[ts]rək} slanting, oblique 0924d U+4EC4

� zè tsrik (tsr- + -ik D) *tsrək {*[ts]rək} sun slanting to west 0924e U+23154

昃 zè tsrik (tsr- + -ik D) *tsrək {*[ts]rək} sun slanting to west 0924f U+6603

� zè tsrik (tsr- + -ik D) *tsrək {*[ts]rək} sun slanting to west 0924g U+2315B

賊 zéi dzok (dz- + -ok D) *k.dzˤək injure; murderer, bandit 0907a U+8CCA

譖 zèn tsrimH (tsr- + -im C) *tsrəm-s {*[ts]r[ə]m-s} accuse 0660j U+8B56

曾 zēng tsong (ts- + -ong A) *tsˤəŋ {*[ts]ˤəŋ} remote (ancestor) 0884a U+66FE

憎 zēng tsong (ts- + -ong A) *tsˤəŋ {*[ts]ˤəŋ} hate 0884d U+618E

贈 zèng dzongH (dz- + -ong C) *dzˤəŋ-s {*[dz]ˤəŋ-s} give 0884j U+8D08

甑 zèng tsingH (ts- + -ing C) *S-təŋ-s boiler for steaming rice 0884k U+7511

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札 zhá tsreat (tsr- + -eat D) *s-qˤrət strip (n.), tablet 0280b U+672D

眨 zhǎ tsreap (tsr- + -eap D) *mə-tsˤrap {*mə-tsˤr[a]p} (< *mə-S.pˤrap ?) blink -641 U+7728

乍 zhà dzraeH (dzr- + -ae C) *dzˤrak-s {*[dz]ˤrak-s} suddenly 0806a U+4E4D

詐 zhà tsraeH (tsr- + -ae C) *tsˤrak-s {*[ts]ˤrak-s} treacherous 0806g U+8A50

摘 zhāi treak (tr- + -eak D) *mə-tˤrek pluck (v.) 0877p U+6458

齋 zhāi tsreaj (tsr- + -eaj A) *tsˤrəj {*tsˤr[ə]j} purify oneself 0593y U+9F4B

宅 zhái draek (dr- + -aek D) *m-tˤ<r>ak residence 0780b U+5B85

責 zhài tsreaH (tsr- + -ea C) *s-tˤrek-s debt 0868m U+8CAC

債 zhài tsreaH (tsr- + -ea C) *s-tˤrek-s debt 868 U+50B5

飦 zhān kan (k- + -an A) *C.qˤan {*C.qˤa[n]} thick gruel of rice 0139m U+98E6

沾 zhān trjem (tr- + -jem A) *trem {*[t]rem} moisten 0618c U+6CBE

鱣 zhān trjen (tr- + -jen A) *tran {*tra[n]} a kind of fish 0148j U+9C63

瞻 zhān tsyem (tsy- + -jem A) *t.qam {*[t.q]am} see, look at 0619c U+77BB

厃 zhān tsyem (tsy- + -jem A) *t.qam {*[t.q]am} look upwards 619 U+5383

詹 zhān tsyem (tsy- + -jem A) *tam {*[t]am} garrulous 0619a U+8A79

噡 zhān tsyem (tsy- + -jem A) *tam {*[t]am} speak, chat 0619b U+5661

占 zhān tsyem (tsy- + -jem A) *tem prognosticate 0618a U+5360

饘 zhān tsyen (tsy- + -jen A) *t-qan {*t-qa[n]} gruel 0148m U+9958

氈 zhān tsyen (tsy- + -jen A) *tan {*ta[n]} felt (n.) 0148l U+6C08

鸇 zhān tsyen (tsy- + -jen A) *tan {*ta[n]} kind of hawk or falcon 0148n U+9E07

饘 zhān tsyenX (tsy- + -jen B) *t-qanʔ {*t-qa[n]ʔ} thick gruel 0148m U+9958

展 zhǎn trjenX (tr- + -jen B) *trenʔ roll over; unfold 0201a U+5C55

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輾 zhǎn trjenX (tr- + -jen B) *trenʔ {*tre[n]ʔ} trjenX.trjwenX roll over 0201b U+8F3E

斬 zhǎn tsreamX (tsr- + -eam B) *tsramʔ {*[ts]ramʔ} cut off 0611a U+65AC

棧 zhàn dzraenH (dzr- + -aen C) *dzˤran-s {*[dz]ˤr[a][n]-s} shed 0155d U+68E7

棧 zhàn dzraenX (dzr- + -aen B) *dzˤranʔ {*[dz]ˤr[a][n]ʔ} shed 0155d U+68E7

棧 zhàn dzreanX (dzr- + -ean B) *dzranʔ {*[dz]r[a][n]ʔ} shed 0155d U+68E7

轏 zhàn dzreanX (dzr- + -ean B) *dzranʔ {*[dz]r[a][n]ʔ} (dzrj- > dzr-) a kind of carriage 0208e U+8F4F

襢 zhàn trjenH (tr- + -jen C) *tranʔ-s {*tra[n]ʔ-s} (a ceremonial garment) 0148g U+8962

襢 zhàn trjenX (tr- + -jen B) *tranʔ {*tra[n]ʔ} to bare 0148g U+8962

襢 zhàn trjenX (tr- + -jen B) *tranʔ {*tra[n]ʔ} (a ceremonial garment) 0148g U+8962

戰 zhàn tsyenH (tsy- + -jen C) *tar-s battle 0147r U+6230

張 zhāng trjang (tr- + -jang A) *C.traŋ draw a bow 0721h U+5F35

章 zhāng tsyang (tsy- + -jang A) *taŋ brilliant; distinctive mark; to display 0723a U+7AE0

獐 zhāng tsyang (tsy- + -jang A) *taŋ fallow-deer 0723g U+7350

長 zhǎng trjangX (tr- + -jang B) *traŋʔ grow; elder 0721a U+9577

掌 zhǎng tsyangX (tsy- + -jang B) *k.taŋʔ {*[k.t]aŋʔ} palm of the hand 0725j U+638C

丈 zhàng drjangX (dr- + -jang B) *draŋʔ {*[d]raŋʔ} ten feet 0722a U+4E08

帳 zhàng trjangH (tr- + -jang C) *traŋ-s curtain 0721g U+5E33

朝 zhāo trjew (tr- + -jew A) *t<r>aw morning 1143a U+671D

昭 zhāo tsyew (tsy- + -jew A) *taw bright 1131m U+662D

爪 zhǎo tsraewX (tsr- + -aew B) *[ts]ˤruʔ claw 1111a U+722A

沼 zhǎo tsyewX (tsy- + -jew B) *tawʔ pool 1131p U+6CBC

濯 zhào draewH (dr- + -aew C) *lˤrewk-s wash clothes 1124h U+6FEF

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櫂 zhào draewH (dr- + -aew C) *lˤrewk-s oar 1124q U+6AC2

召 zhào drjewH (dr- + -jew C) *draw-s {*[d]raw-s} summon 1131e U+53EC

兆 zhào drjewX (dr- + -jew B) *lrawʔ {*lr[a]wʔ} great number 1145a U+5146

罩 zhào traewH (tr- + -aew C) *tˤrawk-s {*tˤr[a]wk-s} basket for covering 1126i U+7F69

炤 zhào tsyewH (tsy- + -jew C) *taw-s shine on 1131n U+70A4

詔 zhào tsyewH (tsy- + -jew C) *taw-s tell, announce 1131q U+8A54

照 zhào tsyewH (tsy- + -jew C) *taw-s shine on 1131o U+7167

遮 zhē tsyae (tsy- + -jae A) *ta {*tA} to cover 0804d U+906E

謫 zhé dreak (dr- + -eak D) *m-tˤrek blame, punish 0877r U+8B2B

蟄 zhé drip (dr- + -ip D) *drip {*[d]rip} hibernate; cluster 0685g U+87C4

轍 zhé drjet (dr- + -jet D) *dret {*[d]r[e]t} wheel-track 0286e U+8F4D

輒 zhé tep (t- + -ep D) *t-nˤep paralysed, unable to move 0632b U+8F12

乇 zhé traek (tr- + -aek D) *tˤrak plant leaves 0780a U+4E47

謫 zhé treak (tr- + -eak D) *C.tˤrek blame (v.) 0877r U+8B2B

耴 zhé trjep (tr- + -jep D) *t-nrep hanging ears (used as N.Pr.) 0632a U+8034

輒 zhé trjep (tr- + -jep D) *trep {*[t]rep} sides of a carriage box 0632b U+8F12

哲 zhé trjet (tr- + -jet D) *trat {*tr[a]t} wise 0287c U+54F2

晢 zhé tsyejH (tsy- + -jej C) *tat-s {*t[a]t-s} bright 0287j U+6662

晢 zhé tsyet (tsy- + -jet D) *tat {*t[a]t} bright 0287j U+6662

折 zhé tsyet (tsy- + -jet D) *tet bend; break (v.t.) 0287a U+6298

者 zhě tsyaeX (tsy- + -jae B) *taʔ {*tAʔ} [nominalizing particle] 0045a U+8005

柘 zhè tsyaeH (tsy- + -jae C) *tak-s {*tAk-s} a kind of mulberry tree 0795l U+67D8

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椹 zhēn trim (tr- + -im A) *trəm {*tr[ə]m} chopping-block 0658f U+6939

珍 zhēn trin (tr- + -in A) *trən {*trə[n]} precious thing 0453i U+73CD

貞 zhēn trjeng (tr- + -jeng A) *treŋ straight; correct 0834g U+8C9E

貞 zhēn trjeng (tr- + -jeng A) *treŋ divine (v.) 0834g U+8C9E

榛 zhēn tsrin (tsr- + -in A) *tsrin {*tsri[n]} hazel 0380f U+699B

蓁 zhēn tsrin (tsr- + -in A) *tsrin {*[ts]ri[n]} luxuriant 0380i U+84C1

箴 zhēn tsyim (tsy- + -im A) *t.kəm {*t.[k]əm} needle 0671n U+7BB4

斟 zhēn tsyim (tsy- + -im A) *t.qəm {*t.[q][ə]m} deliberate (v.) 0658h U+659F

甄 zhēn tsyin (tsy- + -in A) *t.qin {*t.qi[n]} potter's wheel 1251h U+7504

真 zhēn tsyin (tsy- + -in A) *tin {*ti[n]} true, real 0375a U+771F

縝 zhēn tsyin (tsy- + -in A) *tin {*ti[n]} dense, fine-textured 0375c U+7E1D

振 zhēn tsyin (tsy- + -in A) *tər numerous 0455p U+632F

診 zhěn drinH (dr- + -in C) *m-trənʔ-s {*m-t<r>ə[n]ʔ-s} examine 0453l U+8A3A

辴 zhěn trhij (trh- + -ij A) *tʰrər laugh 0455t U+8FB4

枕 zhěn tsyimX (tsy- + -im B) *t.kəmʔ {*[t.k][ə]mʔ} pillow 0656g U+6795

鬒 zhěn tsyinX (tsy- + -in B) *tinʔ {*ti[n]ʔ} black hair 0375d U+9B12

稹 zhěn tsyinX (tsy- + -in B) *tinʔ {*ti[n]ʔ} dense, compact 0375b U+7A39

㐱 zhěn tsyinX (tsy- + -in B) *tənʔ {*t[ə][n]ʔ} thick hair 0453a U+3431

袗 zhěn tsyinX (tsy- + -in B) *tənʔ {*tə[n]ʔ} unlined garment 0453f U+8897

軫 zhěn tsyinX (tsy- + -in B) *tənʔ {*tə[n]ʔ} crossboard at back of carriage 0453g U+8EEB

診 zhěn tsyinX (tsy- + -in B) *tənʔ {*tə[n]ʔ} examine 0453l U+8A3A

畛 zhěn tsyinX (tsy- + -in B) *tənʔ {*tə[n]ʔ} path between fields 0453d U+755B

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酖 zhèn drimH (dr- + -im C) *lrəm-s {*[l]r[ə]m-s} to poison 0656e U+9156

鴆 zhèn drimH (dr- + -im C) *lrəm-s {*[l]r[ə]m-s} poison (v.) 0656f U+9D06

朕 zhèn drimX (dr- + -im B) *lrəmʔ I, we, our 0893f U+6715

陳 zhèn drinH (dr- + -in C) *lrin-s {*lri[n]-s} battle array 0373a U+9673

疹 zhèn trhinH (trh- + -in C) *tʰrən-s {*tʰrə[n]-s} fever 0453j U+75B9

鎮 zhèn trinH (tr- + -in C) *t<r>in-s {*t<r>i[n]-s} press down 0375f U+93AE

枕 zhèn tsyimH (tsy- + -im C) *t.kəmʔ-s {*[t.k][ə]mʔ-s} use as a pillow 0656g U+6795

震 zhèn tsyinH (tsy- + -in C) *tər-s clap of thunder 0455s U+9707

振 zhèn tsyinH (tsy- + -in C) *tər-s shake 0455p U+632F

徵 zhēng tring (tr- + -ing A) *trəŋ examine 0891a U+5FB5

爭 zhēng tsreang (tsr- + -eang A) *tsˤreŋ {*[ts]ˤreŋ} ~ m-tsˤreŋ (or mə-tsˤreŋ) strife, quarrel 0811a U+722D

正 zhēng tsyeng (tsy- + -jeng A) *C.teŋ 1st (month) 0833j U+6B63

征 zhēng tsyeng (tsy- + -jeng A) *teŋ to correct; to attack 0833o U+5F81

烝 zhēng tsying (tsy- + -ing A) *təŋ to rise (of steam); steam (v.t.) 0896h U+70DD

蒸 zhēng tsying (tsy- + -ing A) *təŋ twigs as firewood 0896k U+84B8

脀 zhēng tsying (tsy- + -ing A) *təŋ present (meat) in sacrifice 0896j U+8100

整 zhěng tsyengX (tsy- + -jeng B) *teŋʔ arrange; orderly 0833t U+6574

拯 zhěng tsyingX (tsy- + -ing B) *təŋʔ lift up 0896i U+62EF

抍 zhěng tsyingX (tsy- + -ing B) *təŋʔ lift up 0897e U+628D

撜 zhěng tsyingX (tsy- + -ing B) *təŋʔ lift up 883 U+649C

正 zhèng tsyengH (tsy- + -jeng C) *teŋ-s correct (adj., v.) 0833j U+6B63

政 zhèng tsyengH (tsy- + -jeng C) *teŋ-s government 0833r U+653F

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証 zhèng tsyengH (tsy- + -jeng C) *teŋ-s remonstrate 0833u U+8A3C

證 zhèng tsyingH (tsy- + -ing C) *təŋ-s testify, prove 0883n U+8B49

知 zhī trje (tr- + -je A) *tre know 0863a U+77E5

支 zhī tsye (tsy- + -je A) *ke support, hold up 0864a U+652F

支 zhī tsye (tsy- + -je A) *ke branch (of tree), limb 0864a U+652F

枝 zhī tsye (tsy- + -je A) *ke branch (of tree) 0864b U+679D

肢 zhī tsye (tsy- + -je A) *ke limb 0864c U+80A2

胑 zhī tsye (tsy- + -je A) *ke branch, limb 0865b U+80D1

觶 zhī tsye (tsy- + -je A) *tar ritual vessel 0147c' U+89F6

隻 zhī tsyek (tsy- + -jek D) *tek single 1260c U+96BB

之 zhī tsyi (tsy- + -i A) *tə go to 0962a U+4E4B

之 zhī tsyi (tsy- + -i A) *tə (3p object pronoun; attributive particle) 0962a U+4E4B

脂 zhī tsyij (tsy- + -ij A) *kij fat, grease 0552g U+8102

織 zhī tsyik (tsy- + -ik D) *tək weave (v.) 0920f U+7E54

汁 zhī tsyip (tsy- + -ip D) *t.kəp {*[t.k][ə]p} juice 0686f U+6C41

植 zhí driH (dr- + -i C) *N-t<r>ək-s grow, flourish 0919e U+690D

植 zhí driH (dr- + -i C) *m-t<r>ək-s to plant, set upright 0919e U+690D

直 zhí drik (dr- + -ik D) *N-t<r>ək straight 0919a U+76F4

殖 zhí dzyik (dzy- + -ik D) *N-tək grow, flourish (v.) 0919d U+6B96

埴 zhí dzyik (dzy- + -ik D) *dək {*[d]ək} clay 0919c U+57F4

殖 zhí dzyik (dzy- + -ik D) *m-tək plant (v.) 0919d U+6B96

植 zhí dzyik (dzy- + -ik D) *m-tək to plant; plants 0919e U+690D

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稙 zhí trik (tr- + -ik D) *trək earliest-sown grain 0919b U+7A19

縶 zhí trip (tr- + -ip D) *t<r>ip rope, tether; bind 0685f U+7E36

摭 zhí tsyek (tsy- + -jek D) *tak {*tAk} pluck, select 0804e U+646D

樴 zhí tsyik (tsy- + -ik D) *tək pole 0920e U+6A34

職 zhí tsyik (tsy- + -ik D) *tək duties of office 0920g U+8077

慹 zhí tsyip (tsy- + -ip D) *t-nip (dial. > tsyip) afraid, to fear 0685h U+6179

執 zhí tsyip (tsy- + -ip D) *tip {*[t]ip} seize 0685a U+57F7

祉 zhǐ trhiX (trh- + -i B) *tʰrəʔ {*[tʰ]rəʔ} blessings 0961k U+7949

紙 zhǐ tsyeX (tsy- + -je B) *k.teʔ paper 0867 U+7D19

咫 zhǐ tsyeX (tsy- + -je B) *keʔ foot (8 inches) 0865d U+54AB

茝 zhǐ tsyiX (tsy- + -i B) *t-qəʔ Iris 0960i U+831D

止 zhǐ tsyiX (tsy- + -i B) *təʔ foot; stop 0961a U+6B62

趾 zhǐ tsyiX (tsy- + -i B) *təʔ foot, heel, toe 0961g U+8DBE

旨 zhǐ tsyijX (tsy- + -ij B) *kijʔ fine-tasting 0552a U+65E8

指 zhǐ tsyijX (tsy- + -ij B) *mə.kijʔ finger; point 0552f U+6307

砥 zhǐ tsyijX (tsy- + -ij B) *tijʔ whetstone 0590o U+7825

治 zhì driH (dr- + -i C) *lrə-s regulate, arrange =0976z U+6CBB

值 zhì driH (dr- + -i C) *m-t<r>ək-s hold upright 0919h U+503C

稺 zhì drijH (dr- + -ij C) *lrəj-s late-sown grain 0595g U+7A3A

稚 zhì drijH (dr- + -ij C) *lrəj-s young 0575y U+7A1A

豸 zhì drjeX (dr- + -je B) *dreʔ {*[d]reʔ} bug, wug 1238b U+8C78

彘 zhì drjejH (dr- + -jej C) *lrat-s {*[l]r[a][t]-s} pig 0334a U+5F58

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置 zhì triH (tr- + -i C) *trək-s put, place (v.) 0919g U+7F6E

疐 zhì trijH (tr- + -ij C) *t-lrit-s {*[t-l]ri[t]-s} slip (v.) 0415a U+7590

質 zhì trijH (tr- + -ij C) *t<r>ip-s {*[t]<r>ip-s} hostage; gift 0493a U+8CEA

致 zhì trijH (tr- + -ij C) *trit-s {*tri[t]-s} (cause to arrive): transmit 0413d U+81F4

陟 zhì trik (tr- + -ik D) *trək ascend 0916a U+965F

窒 zhì trit (tr- + -it D) *trik {*[t]ri[t]} stop up (v.) 0413h U+7A92

炙 zhì tsyaeH (tsy- + -jae C) *tak-s {*tAk-s} roast, broil 0791a U+7099

瘈 zhì tsyejH (tsy- + -jej C) *ket-s {*ke[t]-s} mad (dog) 0279g U+7608

狾 zhì tsyejH (tsy- + -jej C) *ket-s {*ke[t]-s} mad (dog) 287 U+72FE

制 zhì tsyejH (tsy- + -jej C) *tet-s cut out, prepare 0335a U+5236

製 zhì tsyejH (tsy- + -jej C) *tet-s cut out (a garment) 0335b U+88FD

炙 zhì tsyek (tsy- + -jek D) *tak {*tAk} roast, broil 0791a U+7099

志 zhì tsyiH (tsy- + -i C) *tə-s goal, intention, aspiration 0962e U+5FD7

誌 zhì tsyiH (tsy- + -i C) *tək-s record (n.?) 0962f U+8A8C

識 zhì tsyiH (tsy- + -i C) *tək-s remember, commemorate 0920k U+8B58

摯 zhì tsyijH (tsy- + -ij C) *tip-s {*[t]ip-s} seize 0685k U+646F

鷙 zhì tsyijH (tsy- + -ij C) *tip-s {*[t]ip-s} bird of prey 0685n U+9DD9

至 zhì tsyijH (tsy- + -ij C) *tit-s {*ti[t]-s} arrive 0413a U+81F3

質 zhì tsyit (tsy- + -it D) *t-lit substance, solid part 0493a U+8CEA

潨 zhōng dzowng (dz- + -owng A) *N-s-tˤuŋ junction of two rivers 1010f U+6F68

忠 zhōng trjuwng (tr- + -juwng A) *truŋ loyal 1007k U+5FE0

中 zhōng trjuwng (tr- + -juwng A) *truŋ center 1007a U+4E2D

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妐 zhōng tsyowng (tsy- + -jowng A) *t-qoŋ father-in-law 1189a U+5990

鐘 zhōng tsyowng (tsy- + -jowng A) *toŋ bell 1188x U+9418

鍾 zhōng tsyowng (tsy- + -jowng A) *toŋ accumulate; repeat 1188g U+937E

鍾 zhōng tsyowng (tsy- + -jowng A) *toŋ bell; wine vessel; an ancient measure 1188g U+937E

終 zhōng tsyuwng (tsy- + -juwng A) *tuŋ end 1002e U+7D42

潨 zhōng tsyuwng (tsy- + -juwng A) *tuŋ junction of two rivers 1010f U+6F68

螽 zhōng tsyuwng (tsy- + -juwng A) *tuŋ tsyuwng.sje locust 1002f U+87BD

冢 zhǒng trjowngX (tr- + -jowng B) *troŋʔ {*[t]roŋʔ} (or *[t]<r>oŋʔ ?) tomb mound 1218h U+51A2

種 zhǒng tsyowngX (tsy- + -jowng B) *k.toŋʔ seed 1188d U+7A2E

腫 zhǒng tsyowngX (tsy- + -jowng B) *toŋʔ swell, swollen; tumor 1188e U+816B

重 zhòng drjowngH (dr- + -jowng C) *N-t<r>oŋʔ-s weight (n.) 1188a U+91CD

重 zhòng drjowngX (dr- + -jowng B) *N-t<r>oŋʔ heavy 1188a U+91CD

仲 zhòng drjuwngH (dr- + -juwng C) *N-truŋ-s middle (of brothers) 1007f U+4EF2

中 zhòng trjuwngH (tr- + -juwng C) *truŋ-s hit the center 1007a U+4E2D

種 zhòng tsyowngH (tsy- + -jowng C) *toŋʔ-s {*(mə-)toŋʔ-s} sow (v.) 1188d U+7A2E

眾 zhòng tsyuwngH (tsy- + -juwng C) *tuŋ-s numerous 1010a U+773E

周 zhōu tsyuw (tsy- + -juw A) *tiw Zhōu (dynasty and place) 1083a U+5468

周 zhōu tsyuw (tsy- + -juw A) *tiw cycle; all around 1083a U+5468

舟 zhōu tsyuw (tsy- + -juw A) *tu boat 1084a U+821F

州 zhōu tsyuw (tsy- + -juw A) *tu islet in stream; province 1086a U+5DDE

洲 zhōu tsyuw (tsy- + -juw A) *tu islet 1086d U+6D32

粥 zhōu tsyuwk (tsy- + -juwk D) *t-quk {*[t-q]uk} gruel 1024a U+7CA5

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軸 zhóu drjuwk (dr- + -juwk D) *lruk wheel-axle 1079p U+8EF8

肘 zhǒu trjuwX (tr- + -juw B) *t-k<r>uʔ elbow 1073a U+8098

疛 zhǒu trjuwX (tr- + -juw B) *truʔ {*[t]ruʔ} pain in the intestines 1073b U+759B

帚 zhǒu tsyuwX (tsy- + -juw B) *t.pəʔ {*[t.p]əʔ} broom 1087a U+5E1A

冑 zhòu drjuwH (dr- + -juw C) *lru-s {*[l]ru-s} helmet 1079i U+5191

酎 zhòu drjuwX (dr- + -juw B) *druʔ {*[d]ruʔ} new spirits made to ferment by addition of older spirits

1073c U+914E

紂 zhòu drjuwX (dr- + -juw B) *druʔ {*[d]ruʔ} leather belt used on the rump of a horse hitched to a cart; name of last Shāng ruler

1073 U+7D02

驟 zhòu dzrjuwH (dzr- + -juw C) *dzroʔ-s {*[dz]roʔ-s} fast-running 0131q U+9A5F

祝 zhòu tsyuwH (tsy- + -juw C) *tuk-s to curse 1025a U+795D

豬 zhū trjo (tr- + -jo A) *tra pig 0045h U+8C6C

蛛 zhū trju (tr- + -ju A) *tro *tre-tro spider 0128g U+86DB

誅 zhū trju (tr- + -ju A) *tro punish; kill 0128k U+8A85

諸 zhū tsyo (tsy- + -jo A) *ta many 0045p U+8AF8

諸 zhū tsyo (tsy- + -jo A) *ta < *tə ʔa 之於 (fusion of 之 + 於) 0045p U+8AF8

朱 zhū tsyu (tsy- + -ju A) *to dwarf 0128a U+6731

朱 zhū tsyu (tsy- + -ju A) *to red 0128a U+6731

侏 zhū tsyu (tsy- + -ju A) *to 侏儒 zhūrú 'dwarf' 0128d U+4F8F

逐 zhú drjuwk (dr- + -juwk D) *lriwk {*[l]riwk} pursue 1022a U+9010

瘃 zhú trjowk (tr- + -jowk D) *trok {*[t]rok} chilblain 1218- U+7603

竹 zhú trjuwk (tr- + -juwk D) *truk bamboo 1019a U+7AF9

朮 zhú zywit (zy- + -wit D) *mə.lut ~ *m.lut glutinous millet 0497a U+672E

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褚 zhǔ trjoX (tr- + -jo B) *traʔ to store, to heap 0045g U+891A

壴 zhǔ trjuH (tr- + -ju C) *t<r>oʔ-s stand for musical instruments 0127a U+58F4

拄 zhǔ trjuX (tr- + -ju B) *t<r>oʔ prop up, support (v.) 0129e U+62C4

渚 zhǔ tsyoX (tsy- + -jo B) *taʔ islet 0045k U+6E1A

煑 zhǔ tsyoX (tsy- + -jo B) *taʔ boil, cook 0045l U+7151

䰞 zhǔ tsyoX (tsy- + -jo B) *taʔ boil, cook 0045n U+4C1E

陼 zhǔ tsyoX (tsy- + -jo B) *taʔ islet 0045q U+967C

煮 zhǔ tsyoX (tsy- + -jo B) *taʔ {*(C.)taʔ} boil, cook 0045m U+716E

屬 zhǔ tsyowk (tsy- + -jowk D) *tok attach (v.t.) 1224s U+5C6C

斗 zhǔ tsyuX (tsy- + -ju B) *toʔ ladle 0116a U+6597

主 zhǔ tsyuX (tsy- + -ju B) *toʔ master; host 0129a U+4E3B

除 zhù drjoH (dr- + -jo C) *lra-s pass away 0082m U+9664

紵 zhù drjoX (dr- + -jo B) *mə-draʔ ramie; flax 0084e U+7D35

住 zhù drjuH (dr- + -ju C) *dro-s {*dro(ʔ)-s} stop (v.) 0129g U+4F4F

柱 zhù drjuX (dr- + -ju B) *m-t<r>oʔ pillar 0129h U+67F1

助 zhù dzrjoH (dzr- + -jo C) *Cə.dzra-s {*Cə.[dz]ra-s} help (v.) 0046z U+52A9

著 zhù trjoH (tr- + -jo C) *t<r>ak-s place (n.); visible 0045n' U+8457

注 zhù trjuH (tr- + -ju C) *tro-s {*tro(ʔ)-s} to conduct water 0129c U+6CE8

築 zhù trjuwk (tr- + -juwk D) *truk pound earth, build 1019d U+7BC9

鑄 zhù tsyuH (tsy- + -ju C) *tu-s F! to cast (a bronze vessel) 1090a' U+9444

祝 zhù tsyuwk (tsy- + -juwk D) *tuk cut off, break 1025a U+795D

祝 zhù tsyuwk (tsy- + -juwk D) *tuk pray, recite 1025a U+795D

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抓 zhuā tsraew (tsr- + -aew A) *tsru {*[ts](ˤ)ru} grasp 1111c U+6293

髽 zhuā tsrwae (tsr- + -wae A) *tsˤroj {*[ts]ˤroj} hair knot for mourning 0012g U+9AFD

專 zhuān tsywen (tsy- + -jwen A) *ton exclusively 0231a U+5C08

轉 zhuǎn trjwenX (tr- + -jwen B) *mə-tronʔ turn around 0231e U+8F49

傳 zhuàn drjwenH (dr- + -jwen C) *m-tron-s what has been transmitted 0231f U+50B3

傳 zhuàn trjwenH (tr- + -jwen C) *tron-s relay post 0231f U+50B3

妝 zhuāng tsrjang (tsr- + -jang A) *tsraŋ {*[ts]raŋ} adorn (SW) 0727o U+599D

莊 zhuāng tsrjang (tsr- + -jang A) *tsraŋ {*[ts]raŋ} dignified, grave 0727q U+838A

撞 zhuàng draewngH (dr- + -aewng C) *N-tˤ<r>oŋ-s strike 1188f' U+649E

狀 zhuàng dzrjangH (dzr- + -jang C) *dzraŋ-s {*[dz]raŋ-s} form, appearance 0727s U+72C0

壯 zhuàng tsrjangH (tsr- + -jang C) *ts<r>aŋ-s {*[ts]<r>aŋ-s} robust 0727n U+58EF

追 zhuī trwij (tr- + -wij A) *truj pursue 0543d U+8FFD

隹 zhuī tsywij (tsy- + -wij A) *tur a kind of bird 0575a U+96B9

隊 zhuì drwijH (dr- + -wij C) *lrut-s {*lru[t]-s} fall down, throw down 0526f U+968A

墜 zhuì drwijH (dr- + -wij C) *m.lrut-s {*m.lru[t]-s} fall down 0526g U+589C

屯 zhūn trwin (tr- + -win A) *trun difficult 0427a U+5C6F

淳 zhūn tsywin (tsy- + -win A) *tur moisten 0464e U+6DF3

淳 zhǔn tsywinX (tsy- + -win B) *turʔ measure of breadth (of cloth) 0464e U+6DF3

準 zhǔn tsywinX (tsy- + -win B) *turʔ water-level 0467d U+6E96

卓 zhuō traewk (tr- + -aewk D) *tˤrawk high; splendid 1126a U+5353

桌 zhuō traewk (tr- + -aewk D) *tˤrawk (no pre-Qin exx.) table 1126 U+684C

捉 zhuō tsraewk (tsr- + -aewk D) *tsrok {*[ts](ˤ)rok} grasp (v.) 1219e U+6349

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拙 zhuō tsywet (tsy- + -jwet D) *tot {*[t]ot} stupid, inept 0496i U+62D9

濁 zhuó draewk (dr- + -aewk D) *N-tˤrok muddy 1224p U+6FC1

擢 zhuó draewk (dr- + -aewk D) *lˤrewk pull out, select 1124g U+64E2

濯 zhuó draewk (dr- + -aewk D) *lˤrewk wash 1124h U+6FEF

著 zhuó drjak (dr- + -jak D) *m-t<r>ak put on clothes; be attached 0045n' U+8457

躅 zhuó drjowk (dr- + -jowk D) *drok {*[d]rok} stop walking 1224h U+8E85

斲 zhuó traewk (tr- + -aewk D) *Cə.tˤrok chop, cleave 1235b U+65B2

啄 zhuó traewk (tr- + -aewk D) *mə-tˤ<r>ok to peck 1218b U+5544

著 zhuó trjak (tr- + -jak D) *t<r>ak to place 0045n' U+8457

叕 zhuó trjwejH (tr- + -jwej C) *trot-s sew, stitch 0295a U+53D5

斮 zhuó tsrjak (tsr- + -jak D) *tsrak {*[ts]rak} to cut off 0798o U+65AE

勺 zhuó tsyak (tsy- + -jak D) *t-qewk ladle (v.) 1120a U+52FA

酌 zhuó tsyak (tsy- + -jak D) *t-qewk pour; deliberate (v.) 1120d U+914C

斫 zhuó tsyak (tsy- + -jak D) *tak cut, hack 0795k U+65AB

滋 zī tsi (ts- + -i A) *tsə {*[ts]ə} abundant 0966h U+6ECB

咨 zī tsij (ts- + -ij A) *tsij {*[ts]ij} consult; plan (v.) 0555e U+54A8

粢 zī tsij (ts- + -ij A) *tsij {*[ts]ij} Setaria italica 0555g U+7CA2

資 zī tsij (ts- + -ij A) *tsij {*[ts]ij} property, means of living 0555h U+8CC7

諮 zī tsij (ts- + -ij A) *tsij {*[ts]ij} consult, plan 0555l U+8AEE

齍 zī tsij (ts- + -ij A) *tsij {*[ts]ij} sacrificial grain 0593v U+9F4D

緇 zī tsri (tsr- + -i A) *tsrə {*[ts]rə} black 0969e U+7DC7

梓 zǐ tsiX (ts- + -i B) *tsəʔ {*[ts]əʔ} Catalpa 0965a U+6893

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子 zǐ tsiX (ts- + -i B) *tsəʔ {*[ts]əʔ} 1st earthly branch 0964a U+5B50

子 zǐ tsiX (ts- + -i B) *tsəʔ child; gentleman, master 0964a U+5B50

字 zì dziH (dz- + -i C) *mə-dzə-s {*mə-dzə(ʔ)-s} breed, love (v.); character 0964n U+5B57

自 zì dzijH (dz- + -ij C) *N-tsit-s {*N-tsi[t]-s} self (adv.) 1237m U+81EA

自 zì dzijH (dz- + -ij C) *S.bit-s {*S.[b]i[t]-s} to follow; from 1237m U+81EA

柴 zì dzrea (dz- + -rea A) *dzre {*[dz]re(j)} firewood 0358x U+67F4

恣 zì tsijH (ts- + -ij C) *tsij-s {*tsi[j]-s} unrestrained, license 0555f U+6063

宗 zōng tsowng (ts- + -owng A) *tsˤuŋ {*[ts]ˤuŋ} ancestral temple 1003a U+5B97

豵 zōng tsuwng (ts- + -uwng A) *tsˤoŋ {*[ts]ˤoŋ} pig a half or one year old 1191k U+8C75

縱 zòng tsjowngH (ts- + -jowng C) *tsoŋ-s {*[ts]oŋ-s} let loose 1191h U+7E31

綜 zòng tsowngH (ts- + -owng C) *s-tˤuŋ-s collect (v.) 1003f U+7D9C

走 zǒu tsuwX (ts- + -uw B) *tsˤoʔ {*[ts]ˤoʔ} run 0119a U+8D70

奏 zòu tsuwH (ts- + -uw C) *tsˤo-s {*tsˤo(ʔ)-s} bring forward; perform (music) 1229a U+594F

族 zú dzuwk (dz- + -uwk D) *dzˤok {*[dz]ˤok} clan 1206a U+65CF

足 zú tsjowk (ts- + -jowk D) *tsok {*[ts]ok} sufficient 1219a U+8DB3

足 zú tsjowk (ts- + -jowk D) *tsok {*[ts]ok} foot 1219a U+8DB3

鏃 zú tsuwk (ts- + -uwk D) *tsˤok {*[ts]ˤok} arrowhead 1206d U+93C3

卒 zú tswit (ts- + -wit D) *tsut {*[ts]ut} finish, die 0490a U+5352

卒 zú tswot (ts- + -wot D) *tsˤut {*[ts]ˤut} soldier 0490a U+5352

阻 zǔ tsrjoX (tsr- + -jo B) *tsraʔ {*[ts]raʔ} filled with obstacles 0046y U+963B

祖 zǔ tsuX (ts- + -u B) *tsˤaʔ {*[ts]ˤaʔ} ancestor 0046b' U+7956

鑽 zuān tswan (ts- + -wan A) *tsˤor {*[ts]ˤor} perforate, penetrate 0153h U+947D

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纂 zuǎn tswanX (ts- + -wan B) *tsˤonʔ {*[ts]ˤo[n]ʔ} silk band 0174d U+7E82

罪 zuì dzwojX (dz- + -woj B) *Cə.dzˤujʔ crime, offense 0513a U+7F6A

最 zuì tswajH (ts- + -waj C) *tsˤot-s {*[ts]ˤot-s} collect; most 0325a U+6700

醉 zuì tswijH (ts- + -wij C) *Cə.tsut-s {*Cə.[ts]u[t]-s} drunk (adj.) 0490h U+9189

遵 zūn tswin (ts- + -win A) *tsun {*[ts]u[n]} follow (a road) 0430q U+9075

尊 zūn tswon (ts- + -won A) *tsˤun {*[ts]ˤu[n]} honor (v.) 0430a U+5C0A

尊 zūn tswon (ts- + -won A) *tsˤun {*[ts]ˤu[n]} wine-cup 0430a U+5C0A

樽 zūn tswon (ts- + -won A) *tsˤun {*[ts]ˤu[n]} wine-cup 0430i U+6A3D

昨 zuó dzak (dz- + -ak D) *dzˤak {*[dz]ˤak} yesterday 0806s U+6628

左 zuǒ tsaH (ts- + -a C) *tsˤajʔ-s {*tsˤa[j]ʔ-s} assist 0005a U+5DE6

佐 zuǒ tsaH (ts- + -a C) *tsˤarʔ-s (dial. *-r > *-j) aid, assist 0005e U+4F50

左 zuǒ tsaX (ts- + -a B) *tsˤajʔ {*tsˤa[j]ʔ} left (side) 0005a U+5DE6

左 zuǒ tsaX (ts- + -a B) *tsˤajʔ {*tsˤa[j]ʔ} assist 0005a U+5DE6

胙 zuò dzuH (dz- + -u C) *dzˤak-s {*[dz]ˤak-s} sacrificial meat and wine 0806i U+80D9

坐 zuò dzwaH (dz- + -wa C) *dzˤojʔ-s {*[dz]ˤo[j]ʔ-s} seat n. 0012a U+5750

座 zuò dzwaH (dz- + -wa C) *dzˤojʔ-s {*[dz]ˤo[j]ʔ-s} seat n. 0012 U+5EA7

坐 zuò dzwaX (dz- + -wa B) *dzˤojʔ {*[dz]ˤo[j]ʔ} sit 0012a U+5750

坐 zuò dzwaX (dz- + -wa B) *m-dzˤojʔ {*m-[dz]ˤo[j]ʔ} to set 0012a U+5750

作 zuò tsak (ts- + -ak D) *tsˤak {*[ts]ˤak} do, work 0806l U+4F5C

作 zuò tsuH (ts- + -u C) *tsˤak-s {*[ts]ˤak-s} do, work 0806l U+4F5C

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