old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski 7/fredonia ny... · 2009-08-06 · thursday to his home in...

WPiWWWW Thursday, March 31, I960 R mmmmmmmm Correspondence from •. il t! i i i i h > i & ! by Mr*% Robert] W. Fuller X Calls on Saturday CASSADAGA Cassadaga firemen answered two calls in the Cassadaga area last Satur- day. At 8:30 a.m. they were summoned to the home of Roger Blodgett in Cassadaga - Hamlet Road where an overheated fur- nace ignited a fire in the base- ment' of their home. The fire was extinguished before the firement arrived and was con- fined to the basement. In the afternoon the Cassa- daga firemerw»were called by the Lily Dale firemen to help fight a fire at the home of Mrs. Helen Candy on Fourth Street. Mrs. Candy is in Florida and the home was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eppinger, who were away at the time the fire was discovered. The fire guttered the inter- ior of the building and only the frame of the house was lelt standing.* The cause of the fire had not been determined. FirAftlAll AncwAl* TwA who wiU seir Y e on J-the program I II C1HCU J-lII3nci I WU committee include Infancy Law- rence, Cheryl: Schiiitz, and Shar- on Straight. Karen JSwanson will be in charge of the breakfast, with the help of jthe others; : Plans were alsol j made for a "splash party" ,to ;be held Sat- urday night at ithej Y.M.C.A,! in Jamestown. Robert! Sprague vfas appointed chairman. Those Who will serve on j the transporta- tion committee include Paul Grafstrom, Jack. Payne, Nancy Lawrence and Sharon Straight., It was announced that the youth banquet of the Chautau r qua County Baptist Association will be held at the Falconer Baptist Church! Sunday night, with dinner seryed at 6Jp.m. Sandra Waite Named Head of Baptist Youth Fellowship CASSADAGA The Youth Fellowship of the Baptist Church met Sunday night at the parsonage with 19 members present. Election of officers was held and those who will serve for the coming year include Sandra Waite, president; Edwin Lawrence, vice-president; Elaine Swanson, secretary and Robert Frankson, treasurer. Plans were made for their Easter sunrise service. Those CASSADAGA PERSONALS CASSADApA 1 —.1 Mrs. Har- old Waite is a patient in W.C.A. Hospital, Jamestown. ; Mr. and Mr$. Donald Ward and family of \ Wanakah were guests Sunday of 'Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Fredrickson. Mr. and Mrs. Manley Derby entertained members of a dinjr ner club at their home last Saturday night. Harvey Beebe returned last Thursday to his home in Cas- sadaga after spending several months in Miami, Fla. , - A daughter, Andrea Lynn, was born March 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fredrickson of Ane- heim, Calif. Mrs. Fredrickson is the former Miss Bethany Yag- ger, daughter of Clarence Yag;- ger and the late Mrs. Yagger. Mrs. John Payne entertained recently at a birthday luncheon in honor of Mrs. Henrietta Kinghorn. Mrs. Kinghorn was given a gift and cards. John Hanna jof iWarren, Pa., was a guest Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs] Clara Hanna of Cassadaga. !. , Miss Nancy Payne', a senior at Thieli College, Greenville, Pa., is spenc ing her Spring vacation at the home -of her parents, Mi", and Mrs. John Payne. Mrs. Bertha Gr|ese has re- turned to her home after being a surgical Ipatient in Brooks Memorial Hospital, Dunkirk. The Couples' Class of the Baptist Church will meet Sat- urday, night at 8 p.m. at the church. | The executive committee of the Cassadaga Grade School Parent-Teacher^ Association will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Jhome of !Mr. and Mrs. Ernest House. Mrs. Phillip Carlson of Jamestown, district , director, and MrsJ Douglas Gormly of Fredonia, i assistant district^ dir- ector, will be guests. - j '. I " So. j Mr. and "Mrs! Jarvis. Smith of Gerry were guests last Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fldyjd Almy. Sunday: dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Abram included the Misses Mc- Grath of Brocton and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Abram and family also of Brocton. i Karl Klein Named » W » » W » » ^ » » i E D O N I A CENSOR Heaii of Gub in ** CASSADAGA Golf Association daga Country Cl club March 20 meeting. Election of officers was held aiihd the fol[lo|wing officers will serve: Karl Dale, president; :Son of iJamestowrl, treasurer; and Cl|ayte Wbbeck of J imestown, : chairm in The j Ladies Gpi met !a!f:t Sunday Newton Hospital Water Main Now Village Owned The Men's cjf the Cassa- ub met at the- far a dinner Plans for a tee-off members -of the; Country, Club wer£ this will be held at April 9. dinner for Cassadaga made and the Club on Klein of Lily Phillip Ander- secretary and tournament Association alt 3 o'clock at the Cassadaga Country Club for the purpose of planning the tournajments for 1h? coming sea- son. Officers of the) elation include 'M|s Ruby v Bell, of Lakewood, president; Dr. B Elliott; secretary Mrs. Geraldine Gejns, .of Laoha, handicap chairman and - Mrs. John Fayne-of Cassadaga tourn- ament i CONGRATULATIONS] 3 •>* To The ' j i.'.!;'; - i SELF SERVICE LAUNDRY On Their GRAND OPENING ' Fredonia Plumbing Service 122 Eagle St. Ph. OS 9-3701 " Fredonia, N4Y. Be Smart Look Smart SHOP BOORADY'S For Your Spring and Clothing Needs! — Since 1904 — DUNKIRK, NEW YORK We Give S & H Green Stamps CASSADAGA — The Village Board of Trustees met March 23 with Mayor Robert P. Page presiding. This was the last meeting of the current official year. Trustees present included Robert' Straight and .Arvid Johnson. Also present was Arnold Loucks, a newly, elected trustee, who was present at the invitation of the Board and who will become a trustee April 4. i I The major item of business for the eyening was a review and signing of an agreement prepared by County Attornjey McKinley I Phillips conveying ownerphiplto the village of Cas- sadaga of the 6-inch water mdin serving Newton Memorial Hos- pital groqnds. The main, ap- proximately 2,800 feet in length, extenc.s frjom. the pump house on thje hbspital grounds past Lily ©ale to the northerly vil- lage line in Dale Drive. Durjing the past three years lilnes have;been extended north from the j Cassadaga Country Club by the village in hopes that eventually a circle would extend completely around Cas- sadaga Lake. This was com- pleted last; Fall and will be used! in itjs entirety after re- location of ia ,meter on Lily Dale bridge. Supplemental contracts, were signed - wiijh Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation for installa- tion of an,additional street light In the a'v^a of Lakeside Park in Park Avenue. Two ^<^cial meetings have been held;|re<Sently for the pur- pose of completing the tentative 1960-61 bMget. •*rtr for Spring FITTED AND BOXY SUtTS^/ COORDINATES DRESSES SPRING COATS RAINWEAR PLENTY OF FREE PARKING I :, Open Fri. and Sat. Evenings Until 9 P. M. ; . • . .. I •:.' The Fashion Shpp 34 East Main Street (upstairs) Fredonia, K Y. ii I • • ' jiM i District umcers Are Entertained By Lakeside Lodge <n *— ; CASSADAGA — Members of Cassadaga j Lakeside Rebekah Lodge entertained the District Deputy President, Mrs. Helen Munson arid her staff from Brocton and all past noble •grands at a 6:30 o'clock tureen dinner held "March 21. - A white elephant sale was held following the dinner which Was attended by -31 members and 10 k guests. The business meeting jfollowed the dinner at 8 p.m. [ with Mrs. Iola Runge, noble grand, presiding. Other guests included Mrs. Evelyn Gadawoltz, and Mrs. Dorothy Stiles past assembly conductors; Robert McNeight, grand herald, Grand Lodge, State of New York, and Fred Diehl, grand treasurer, Grand Lodge, State of New York, and Mrs. Diehl of; Bemus Point. „• It was announced that there will be a i district meeting at Brocton April 5 to elect a new district deputy president. Past | noble grands will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mary Hilton at;2 p.m i BE AN EARLY BIRD! PAINT UP With i ' No Fume — No Odor SPRED SATIN i I'- l2 r 10Q t . ^ 4 9 Gal. M. R. HOWES Wallpaper and Paints 24 Water St, Predonia PMOSE OS 2-7286 chairman. Ladies' Asso- FIREMEN'S AUXILIARY ADOPTS FUND PROJECT CASSADAGA ±-j ' The Cassa- daga Firemen's Auxiliary met Ma^ch 22 at the hioine of Mrs. William Frankson. .Tie business meeting was conducted by Mrs". Wayne Wilcox, president: A committee was appointed to take charge of a| f and raising project. Those appointed include "Mrs".' Morris Paitison, Mrs. Arnold Loucks, Mrs. DeWitt Chamberlain and Mrs. Gordon Wilcox. It s was announced that 'members still have brooms for sale. • j Anthony Liberty Rites Conducted ,PAPER DRIVE SLATED CASSADAGA , — .Post 19 Explorer Scouts wi'l have a paper drive in the Cassadaga and Lily Dale, area;.April 18 and 19. The Explorers would appre- ciate it if people in ;hose areas would save papers, magazines and books for them. We) FuneVal services were held Monday morning in the Ter- williger & Salzer, Funeral Home and in St. Anthony's Church for Anthony R. Liberty, 83, of 184 Newton Street, who died at his home last -Thursday•' evening (March. 24, .1960) following a brief illness. , Born in Valle Dolma, Italy, Mr. Liberty had lived in Fre- donia for the past 65 years. He was manager and v owner of the Liberty Cafe in Prospect" Ave- nue. At one time he was en- gaged in the . manufacture of macaroni and the processing of •canned goods. He was a member of St. Anthony's Church. | Mr. Liberty is survived by a son, Russell Liberty of Fre- donia and several nieces and nephews. Burial was in St. Anthony's Cemetery. , \. •.. / Page Flv% Meeting Is Slated For Grape Growers 1 i - , 1 Dr. Donald Dever, "distract re- search entomologist for the Cal- I . . i ifprnia Spray-Chemical j Corp., will bs thje speaker at a meet- ing of areja grgpe growers to be held rext | Tuesday in Wjeslfield Grange Hall. The firm.j repre- sented by Dr. Dever will sponsor the meeting. Colcr slides on the j grape growing sections of Europe will be shewn by Dr. Richard (Wessel, :h coordinator for the east who has spent iseveral observing grape culture, in resear coast, years western Eiirope. SUBSCRIBE TO THE CENSOR The terof Three Spew; tion the Thea- LITTLE THEATER PLAJNS SPRING PRODUCTION Lake Shore Little Westfield will present "My Angels" by Sam and Bella ck as its Spring pro.duc- T'he comedy is booked at Westfield Central I School auditorium April 22 and 23 at b:15 t. m. ' Two Firms' Bids Lowest for Wo On Campus Here The | MaxweH Construction Company of Gowanda submit- ted the ilowest of three bids for construction, wferk for heating service i connections between Alumni Hall and the new dor- mitory pn the State University College, j of Education campus hel-e. T^e Gowanda firm's bid was for!$19,186. -Eight!bids were submitted on a separate proposal covering heating work for the heating service ^connections between the two buildings. The John H. Knox Company of! Buffalo was low bidder at $5,1977. Results of ihe bidding were re- leased last wjeek by J. Burch Mc- Morran, superintendent of public works for the State of New York. ADVERTISE IN THE CENSOR IhviteYpu to be Our Guest for the Of the Fredonia Area's Newest Service—The All New UNDRY Located at 23 East Main Street, Fredonia SATURDAY, Featuring the Latest Model Coin Operated Washers and Dryers 2nd 10 A. M. To 10 P. M. FREE WASH AND DRY ..fifrtrfrnum ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We Are Sure . You Will Find Our Modern DURING OUR GRAND (OPENING EVENT! Bring Your Family Wash and Receive Freb Wash and Dry - So That Yoii Mjay Learn now Simple and Econom- ical It Is To Use Our Modern Washers and Dryers We Will Furnish The Coins! V «a Here Are The Reasons Why! BETTER THAN OWNING YOUR! OWN MACHINE! Wash any hour of the day without fear of disturbing any- one. Open every day. ny waiting for hot Never a water. Relax - Pay for only the timd you use the machine. j' I ; i i Dry in any weatherj Fast, too. j ; , | r \ Coin Dispenser for your every need. Save Time - Save A week's or aj month's VN ash is clean and dry in less than an hoi •' ; j / do your laundry here. Costs r when you ;o little, f°0- J 4 Automatic Mach 5 Large 50 lb. Dryejrs nes Washipg here is so inexpensive . . . the m;ore you wajsih fie less it costs. several loads for th|e p/ice of one! Get and Dry your machines do the rest. soap and bleach here 9-11). Wash 10- ±= - Relax, let our 250 Minute Dry ; J. But It's All Free At Our Grand Opening! t rr= B ^F sda Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 7/Fredonia NY... · 2009-08-06 · Thursday to his home in Cas ... Explorer Scouts wi'l have a paper drive in the Cassadaga and Lily Dale,

W P i W W W W

Thursday, March 3 1 , I960

R mmmmmmmm

Correspondence from

• .




i i






! by Mr*% Robert] W. Fuller


Calls on Saturday CASSADAGA — Cassadaga

firemen answered two calls in the Cassadaga area last Satur­day. At 8:30 a.m. they were summoned to the home of Roger Blodgett in Cassadaga - Hamlet Road where an overheated fur­nace ignited a fire in the base­ment' of their home. The fire was extinguished before the firement arrived and was con­fined to the basement.

In the afternoon the Cassa­daga firemerw»were called by the Lily Dale firemen to help fight a fire at the home of Mrs. Helen Candy on Fourth Street. Mrs. Candy is in Florida and the home was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eppinger, who were away at the time the fire was discovered.

The fire guttered the inter­ior of the building and only the frame of the house was lelt standing.*

The cause of the fire had not been determined.

FirAftlAll AncwAl* TwA w h o w i U s e i rY e on J-the program I II C1HCU J - l I I 3 n c i I WU committee include Infancy Law­

rence, Cheryl: Schiiitz, and Shar­on Straight. Karen JSwanson will be in charge of the breakfast, with the help of jthe others; :

Plans were alsol j made for a "splash party" ,to ;be held Sat­urday night at ithej Y.M.C.A,! in Jamestown. Robert! Sprague vfas appointed chairman. Those Who will serve on j the transporta­tion committee include Paul Grafstrom, Jack. Payne, Nancy Lawrence and Sharon Straight.,

It was announced that the youth banquet of the Chautau r qua County Baptist Association will be held at the Falconer Baptist Church! Sunday night, with dinner seryed at 6Jp.m.

Sandra Waite Named Head of Baptist Youth Fellowship

CASSADAGA — The Youth Fellowship of the Baptist Church met Sunday night at the parsonage with 19 members present. Election of officers was held and those who will serve for the coming year include Sandra Waite, president; Edwin L a w r e n c e , vice-president; Elaine Swanson, secretary and Robert Frankson, treasurer.

Plans were made for their Easter sunrise service. Those


old Waite is a patient in W.C.A. Hospital, Jamestown. ;

Mr. and Mr$. Donald Ward and family of \ Wanakah were guests Sunday of 'Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Fredrickson.

Mr. and Mrs. Manley Derby entertained members of a dinjr ner club at their home last Saturday night.

Harvey Beebe returned last Thursday to his home in Cas­sadaga after spending several months in Miami, Fla. , -

A daughter, Andrea Lynn, was born March 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fredrickson of Ane-heim, Calif. Mrs. Fredrickson is the former Miss Bethany Yag-ger, daughter of Clarence Yag;-ger and the late Mrs. Yagger.

Mrs. John Payne entertained recently at a birthday luncheon in honor of Mrs. Henrietta Kinghorn. Mrs. Kinghorn was given a gift and cards.

John Hanna jof iWarren, Pa., was a guest Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs] Clara Hanna of Cassadaga. !. ,

Miss Nancy Payne', a senior at Thieli College, Greenville, Pa., is spenc ing her Spring vacation at the home -of her parents, Mi", and Mrs. John Payne.

Mrs. Bertha Gr|ese has re­turned to her home after being a surgical Ipatient in Brooks Memorial Hospital, Dunkirk.

The Couples' Class of the Baptist Church will meet Sat­urday, night at 8 p.m. at the church. |

The executive committee of the Cassadaga Grade School Parent-Teacher^ Association will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Jhome of !Mr. and Mrs. Ernest House. Mrs. Phillip Carlson of Jamestown, district , director, and MrsJ Douglas Gormly of Fredonia, i assistant district^ dir­ector, will be guests. - j

'. I " So.

j Mr. and "Mrs! Jarvis. Smith of Gerry were guests last Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fldyjd Almy.

Sunday: dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Abram included the Misses Mc-Grath of Brocton and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Abram and family also of Brocton.

• i

Karl Klein Named

» W » » W » » ^ » » i


Heaii of Gub in **

CASSADAGA Golf Association daga Country Cl club March 20 meeting. Election of officers was held aiihd the fol[lo|wing officers will serve: Karl Dale, president;

:Son of iJamestowrl, treasurer; and Cl|ayte Wbbeck of J imestown,

: chairm in The j Ladies Gpi

met !a!f:t Sunday

Newton Hospital Water Main Now Village Owned

The Men's cjf the Cassa-

ub met at the-far a dinner

Plans for a tee-off members -of the; Country, Club wer£ this will be held at April 9.

dinner for Cassadaga made and

the Club on

Klein of Lily Phillip Ander-

secretary and


Association alt 3 o'clock at

the Cassadaga Country Club for the purpose of planning the tournajments for 1h? coming sea­son. •

Officers of the) elation include 'M|s Ruby vBell, of Lakewood, president; Dr. B Elliott; secretary Mrs. Geraldine Gejns, .of Laoha, handicap chairman and - Mrs. John Fayne-of Cassadaga tourn­ament i

CONGRATULATIONS] 3 •>* To The ' j i.'.!;'; - i


Fredonia Plumbing Service 122 Eagle St. Ph. OS 9-3701 " Fredonia, N4Y.

Be Smart — Look Smart

SHOP BOORADY'S For Your Spring and

Clothing Needs! — Since 1904 —

DUNKIRK, NEW YORK We Give S & H Green Stamps

CASSADAGA — The Village Board of Trustees met March 23 with Mayor Robert P. Page presiding. This was the last meeting of the current official year. Trustees present included Robert ' Straight and .Arvid Johnson. Also present was Arnold Loucks, a newly, elected trustee, who was present at the invitation of the Board and who will become a trustee April 4.

i I The major item of business

for the eyening was a review and signing of an agreement prepared by County Attornjey McKinley I Phillips conveying ownerphiplto the village of Cas­sadaga of the 6-inch water mdin serving Newton Memorial Hos­pital groqnds. The main, ap­proximately 2,800 feet in length, extenc.s frjom. the pump house on thje hbspital grounds past Lily ©ale to the northerly vil­lage line in Dale Drive.

Durjing the past three years lilnes have;been extended north from the j Cassadaga Country Club by the village in hopes that eventually a circle would extend completely around Cas­sadaga Lake. This was com­pleted last; Fall and will be used! in itjs entirety after re­location of ia ,meter on Lily Dale bridge.

Supplemental contracts, were signed - wiijh Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation for installa­tion of an,additional street light In the a'v^a of Lakeside Park in Park Avenue.

Two ^<^cial meetings have been held;|re<Sently for the pur­pose of completing the tentative 1960-61 bMget.


for Spring


SUtTS^ /









I :,

Open Fri. and Sat. Evenings Until 9 P. M.

; . • . .. I •:.'

The Fashion Shpp 34 East Main Street (upstairs)

Fredonia, K Y. ii I • • ' j i M i

District umcers Are Entertained By Lakeside Lodge

<n *— ; CASSADAGA — Members of

Cassadaga j Lakeside Rebekah Lodge entertained the District Deputy President, Mrs. Helen Munson arid her staff from Brocton and all past noble •grands at a 6:30 o'clock tureen dinner held "March 21. - A white elephant sale was held following the dinner which Was attended by -31 members and 10k guests. The business meeting jfollowed the dinner at 8 p.m. [ with Mrs. Iola Runge, noble grand, presiding.

Other guests included Mrs. Evelyn Gadawoltz, and Mrs. Dorothy Stiles past assembly conductors; Robert McNeight, grand herald, Grand Lodge, State of New York, and Fred Diehl, grand treasurer, Grand Lodge, State of New York, and Mrs. Diehl of; Bemus Point. „• It was announced that there will be a i district meeting at Brocton April 5 to elect a new district deputy president.

Past | noble grands will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mary Hilton at;2 p.m



i ' No Fume — No Odor



^ 4 9 Gal.

M. R. HOWES Wallpaper and Paints

24 Water St , Predonia PMOSE OS 2-7286


Ladies' Asso-


daga Firemen's Auxiliary met Ma^ch 22 at the hioine of Mrs. William Frankson. .Tie business meeting was conducted by Mrs". Wayne Wilcox, president:

A committee was appointed to take charge of a| f and raising project. Those appointed include "Mrs".' Morris Paitison, Mrs. Arnold Loucks, Mrs. DeWitt Chamberlain and Mrs. Gordon Wilcox. It s was announced that

'members still have brooms for sale. • j

Anthony Liberty Rites Conducted


Explorer Scouts wi'l have a paper drive in the Cassadaga and Lily Dale, area;.April 18 and 19. The Explorers would appre­ciate it if people in ;hose areas would save papers, magazines and books for them.


FuneVal services were held Monday morning in the Ter-williger & Salzer, Funeral Home and in St. Anthony's Church for Anthony R. Liberty, 83, of 184 Newton Street, who died at his home last -Thursday•' evening (March. 24, .1960) following a brief illness. , Born in Valle Dolma, Italy, Mr. Liberty had lived in Fre­donia for the past 65 years. He was manager and vowner of the Liberty Cafe in Prospect" Ave­nue. At one time he was en­gaged in the . manufacture of macaroni and the processing of •canned goods. He was a member of St. Anthony's Church.

| Mr. Liberty is survived by a son, Russell Liberty of Fre­donia and several nieces and nephews.

Burial was in St. Anthony's Cemetery. ,

\ . •..

/ Page Flv%

Meeting Is Slated For Grape Growers

• 1 i - , 1

Dr. Donald Dever, "distract re ­search entomologist for the Cal-

• I . . i

ifprnia Spray-Chemical j Corp., will bs thje speaker at a meet­ing of areja grgpe growers to be held rext | Tuesday in Wjeslfield Grange Hall. The firm.j repre­sented by Dr. Dever will sponsor the meeting.

Colcr slides on the j grape growing sections of Europe will be shewn by Dr. Richard (Wessel,

:h coordinator for the east who has spent iseveral

observing grape culture, in

resear coast, years western Eiirope.


The terof Three Spew; tion the



Lake Shore Little Westfield will present "My Angels" by Sam and Bella ck as its Spring pro.duc-

T'he comedy is booked at Westfield Central I School

auditorium April 22 and 23 at b:15 t . m. '

Two Firms' Bids Lowest for Wo On Campus Here

The | MaxweH Construction Company of Gowanda submit­ted the ilowest of three bids for construction, wferk for heating service i connections between Alumni Hall and the new dor­mitory pn the State University College, j of Education campus hel-e. T^e Gowanda firm's bid was for!$19,186.

-Eight!bids were submitted on a separate proposal covering heating work for the heating service ^connections between the two buildings. The John H. Knox Company of! Buffalo was low bidder at $5,1977.

Results of ihe bidding were re­leased last wjeek by J. Burch Mc-Morran, superintendent of public works for the State of New York.


IhviteYpu to be Our Guest for the

Of the Fredonia Area's Newest Service—The All New

UNDRY Located at 23 East Main Street, Fredonia

SATURDAY, Featuring the Latest Model Coin Operated Washers and Dryers

2nd 10 A. M. To

10 P. M.


. . f i f r t r f r n u m ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

We Are Sure .

You Will Find Our Modern


Bring Your Family Wash and Receive Freb Wash and

Dry - So That Yoii Mjay Learn now Simple and Econom-

ical It Is To Use Our Modern Washers and Dryers

We Will Furnish The Coins! V


Here Are The Reasons Why!


• Wash any hour of the day without fear of disturbing any­one. Open every day.

ny waiting for hot • Never a water.

Relax -

• Pay for only the timd you use the machine.

j' I ; i i — • Dry in any weatherj Fast, — too. j ; , | r \

Coin Dispenser for your every need.

Save Time - Save A week's or aj month's VN ash is clean

and dry in less than an hoi •' ; j /

do your laundry here. Costs

r when you

;o little, f°0-

J 4 Automatic Mach

5 Large 50 lb. Dryejrs


Washipg here is so inexpensive . . . the m;ore you wajsih f i e less it costs.

several loads for th|e p/ice of one! Get and Dry your machines do the rest.

soap and bleach here

9-11). Wash


± =

- Relax, let our

250 Minute Dry ; J.

But It's All Free At Our Grand Opening!

trr=B^F sda

Untitled Document

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
