old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski 5/brooklyn ny daily eagle/brooklyn ny daily...day night...

."-. - ! ' ' ' •• ' . " BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE, NE.W YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1936 Bridge League Completes Its Friday Games Will Resume in January —Christmas Party Is Planned. Wednesday The Long Island Bridge League last night completed Its final Fri- day night duplicate contest of the year and will play only on Wednes- day nights for the next two weeks, resuming the Friday night games on Jan. 8. Three sections were played last night in The Eagle Building, 305 Washington St., and high score honors of the night went to L. Nat- tar and J. Verdon, winners in Sec- tion 1 with 67',3 points. Tie Played Out In Section 2, the team of Ed Nelson and John DeGrooLiied with Harold Rosensteih and Frank Mc- Donald on the basis of match polntsreach having a total of 66^, but the DeQroof-Nelson team was declared the winner on a board-a- match basis. - — In the final section, of only three tables, Mrs. H. O'Donohue and Mrs. Mary Kent were the winners with 27 points. Next big event on the league's schedule Is the Christmas party scheduled for next Wednesday night in The Eagle Building. Door prizes, kicker prizes, in which players try to estimate their final score, and special top score prizes will be awarded and a general Christmas theme will dominate the play. Complete Results Following are the complete re- sults of the night's play, with the first and second place winners qualifying for the December cham- pionships:. SECTION 1 1. h.~ Natter-J: Verdon. . 67V4; 3. . M. O. Bry»n-H. Witt, 65; 3. O. Leifler-K. Knopplng. 64; 4. Mr. and Mrs. M. Han- sen. 60Vi: 6. A. McOarthy-A. Lathrop, 68 Vi; 6. W. Br*dford-I. Jacobson, 57; 7. Mrs. M. Orey-J. Qlovcr, .52; 8. Mrs. W. Rlgnejr-O. yitnerald. 50Vi: W, 10. I. Flor*ndln-C. Travis. Mrs. W. L&throp-M. Faughnan. 48; 11. Mrs. O. Johnson, Mrs. A. Shapiro, 46. SECTION 2 1. E. Nelson-J. DeOroof, 66Vi; 2. H. Rosensteln-K. McDonald, 66Vi; 3. M. Lelbowltz-A. Sohum&n, 65Vi; 4. E. MlUer- H. KriUlk, 62Vi; 5. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hughes, 54; 6. R. Jensen-O. Benec*, 53Vi; 7, 8. 0. /-JSchnelkraut^B. Schwarti, H. Zellen-O. oawrence, 53; 6. Mr. and Mrs. T. Lacrolx, 61 Vi: 10, 11. A. WeWner-E. Bello, L. Boynton-A. Norton, 48Vi; 13. Y. Smlth-S. Duyk, 37. . SECTION 3 1. Mrs. H. O'Donohue-Mrs. M. Kent, 27; 2. a. Qreenb«T*-Mr«. I. Dutcher, 36; 3. Mr. and Mrs. W. Newman, 20Vi; *• Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodruffe. 18Vi; 5. M. Kent-J. Peters, 18; 6. L. Gluckjmin-S. Fleischer, 10. / Loeser Employes Get Holiday Bonus The employes of Frederick Loeser and Company, Brooklyn department store, each received a Christmas gift from the store today. lit took the form of a crisp,.new. bill In a holiday envelope and contained In addition to the money, a card with the following: "Enclosed is a Loeser Christmas gift to you with the wish for Merry Christmas to you and yours, "Frederick Loeser ana^Com- pany." Employes who have been with the store one year or more received $10 each, those employed prior to July 1, 1936, received $5 and the others $2.50. Lewis M. Glbb, the store's presi- dent, stated: "The gift has gone to the members of our organization with our best wishes for Christmas and the coming New Year. We are having the best December in sev- eral years, following many months of steady increase in sales. A loyal and efficient organization has made that possible. FORECLOSURES NOTICE OF SALE. BUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY— Alex Makarczyk, plaintiff, against Esther Pappano et al., defendants. ERNEST W. LEVEY. Plaintiff's Attor- ney, 206 Broadway, N. Y. Pursuant to judgment dated December 1, 1936, the undersigned will sell at public auction, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Ex- change, No. 189 Montague Street, Borough of Brooklyn, New York City, on December 29, 1936 at 12:00 o'clock noon by JOSEPH H. ROSENBLUM, auctioneer, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, de- scribed as Section 4, Block 1124. Lot 5, as shown and designated upon the Tax Map of the City of New York for the Bor- ough of Brooklyn, as the said Tax Map -was on January 1. 1935. Reference is hereby made to the Judgment for a com- plete description. Dated, Brooklyn, N. Y., December 4. 1936. WILLIAM LIEBERMANN, Referee. d8 12 15 19 22 26 FORECLOSURES (38) feet seven and one-eighth (7V») Inches northeasterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Marlborough Road and th* north- westerly side of Newkirk Avenue; thence northerly parallel with Marlborough Road and part of the distance through a party wall eighty-nine (89) feet nine (9) inches; thence easterly at right angles to Marl- borough Road fifteen (15) feet three (3) inches; thence southerly parallel with Marlborough Road and part of the dis- tance through a party wall eighty-three (83) feet eleven and one-Quarter (H'A) inches to the northwesterly side of New- kirk Avenue; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly side of Newkirk Avenue sixteen (16) feet eight and three-eighths (8tt) inches to the point or pU.ce of be- ginning. Dated, December 8th, 1936. J FRED ROSENFELD, Referee. CULLEN & DYKMAN, Plaintiff's Attor- neys, 177 Montague St., B ^ N ^ NOTICE OF SALE. SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OF KINGS —The Williamsburgh Savings Bank, plain- tiff, against Louis H. Pflug, et al.. defend- ants. Action No. 1. Pursuant to a Judgment entered herein, dated December 3rd, 1936, I will sell at public auction by ELIAS CADAN. auc- tioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn, New York, on January 4th, 1937. at 12 o'clock noon. the mortgaged premises in the Borough ol Brooklyn, County of Kings, directed by said Judgment to be sold, with the im- provements thereon, situate on the south- erly side of Covert Street, distant 250 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Covert Street with the easterly side of Broadway, being a plot 25 feet, front and rear, by 100 -feet in depth on both sides with a party wall on either side, and subject to covenants and restrictions of record Ref- erence is made to said Judgment for a mora complete description of said prem- ises. .' —r- —« Dated. December 8th, 1936. NICHOLAS H. PINTQ.-Referee. S M <fc D. E. MEEKER. Attorneys for Plaintiff One Hanson Place, Brooklyn. New York. d!4-6t m » ""SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY— The Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn, plaintiff, against Filomena Caldarl et al.. defendants. . . HUTTON <fc HOLAHAN. Attorneys for Plaintiff, 32 Court Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Pursuant to Judgment entered herein, dated December 1st, 1936, I will sell at public auction, by NATHANIEL SHUTER. auctioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estate Ex- change, 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn, New York, on the 4th day of January, 1937, at 12 o'clock noon, the mortgaged premises in the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, City and State of New York, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Dean Street, distant three hundred and fifty feet east- erly from the corner formed by the inter- section of the easterly side of Uriderhill Avenue with the northerly side of Dean Street, and which point is opposite the center of a party wall partly on premises hereby conveyed and partly on premises adjoining on the west; running thence easterly along the northerly side of Dean Street twenty-four feet ten inches to a point where the line of the exterior wall of the Datllng Battery Armory extended intersects said northerly side of Dean Street: thence northerly at right angles to Dean Street and part of the way along said ex- terior wall of said Catling Battery Armory one hundred and ten feet; thence westerly parallel with Dean 8trcet twenty-four feet ten Inches more or less to a point where the same would'be Intersected by a line draw'n at right angles to Dean Street from the point of beginning: thence southerly at right angles to Dean Street and part of the distance through the center line of the party wall aforesaid one hundred and ten feet to the point or place of beginning. Dated. December 14th. 1936. RALPH C. WILL1AM8 JR.. Referee. dl4-8t m s SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY— Antoinette F. Kleine, plaintiff, against Ola A. Saunders et al., defendants. Pursuant to Judgment entered herein dated December 4th. 1936, I will sell at public auction, by N. W. LAMBERT, auc- tioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, No. 189 Montague Street. Brooklyn, N. Y., on December 29th, 1936, at 12 o'clock noon, the mortgaged premises in Brook- lyn. County of Kings, directed by said Judgment to be sold on the north side of Herkimer Street, 60 feet westerly from the northwesterly corner of Herkimer Street and Albany Avenue and being In dimen- sions 20 feet In width front and rear by 100 feet In depth on both sides, and more particularly described In mortgage record- ed in the office of the Register of Kings County in Liber 6160 of Mortgages, Page 515. / Dated, December 8, 1938. ERNEST P. SEELMAN, Referee. ORR <fc BRENNAN, Attorneys for Plain- tiff, 16 Court Street, Brooklyn. N: Y. d8 12 15 19 22 26-6t SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY— Isabella Byrne, plaintiff, against Maddalena, Tocco et al., defendants. In pursuance of a Judgment of fore- closure and sale duly made and entered in the above entitled action, and bearing date the 18th day of November, 1936, I, the undersigned referee In said Judgment named, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by LOUIS TURK, auc- tioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn, New York, on December 22d, 1938. at 12 o'clock noon, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows: All that plot of land with' Improvement* In Borough of Brooklyn, N. Y., known Lot No. 10 on Map of Property of George and Ilona Weber known as "Weber Court" at Sheepshead Bay, Borough of.Brooklyn, N. Y., surveyed April 26th, 1923, by Francis P. Murphy, City Surveyor, filed In the Register's office of Kings County May 16th, 1923, as Map 1891. Together with an easement for ingress and egress to and from Emmons Avenu* over a strip of land designated as "right of way" on said map, and together with an easement over Lot No. 11 on said map for Ingress and egress to and from said right of way. Dated, December 1st, 1936. WALTER D. GRANT. Referee. HOWARD D. HAMMOND, Attorney for Plaintiff. 215 Montague Street. Brooklyn, New York. dl 5 8 12 15 19-6t NOTICE OF 8ALE. SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY— The Wllliamsbureh Savings Bank, plaintiff, against Raco Realty Corporation et al., de- fendant^.—Action No. 5. Pursuant to a Judgment entered herein. dated December 4th. 1936, I will sell at public auction, by MARTIN SOLOMON. auctioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estate Ex- change. 189 Montague Street. Brooklyn. New* York, on January 5. 1937, aU 1? o clock noon, the mortgaged premlsesMn the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, directed by said Judgment to be sold, with the improvements thereon, situate, on the westerly side of Albany Avenue, distant 25 feet southerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of Albany Avenue with the southerly side of Maple Street, brine a plot 25 feet front and rear by 100 feet In depth on both Sides, with a party wall on either side; to- gether with street rights and subject to covenants and restrictions of record. Ref- erence is made to said Judgment for a more complete description of said premises. Dated. December 8th. 1936. LEONARD OREENSTONE, Referee. S M At D. E. MEEKER. Attorneys for P'atntlff One Hanson Place. Brooklyn, New York. d!5-6t tu I SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY— Brooklyn Trust Company as trustee for certificate holders of Scries or Guarantee No. 150580 of Bond and Mortgage Guar- antee Company, under an Indenture of trust dated June 8. 1936. plaintiff, against Domlnlco Scolto Dl Clccarlello et al., de- fendants. Pursuant to Judgment herein, dated De- cember 7th, 1936, I will sell at public auc- tion to the highest bidder, by DAVID M. SHAPIRO, auctioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn. N. Y., at 12 o'clock noon on the 30th day of December, 1936, premises situate In Brooklyn, Kings County, New- York State, on the westerly side of East 2d Street. 231 feet 8 Inches southerly from the southerly side of Avenue U, being 25 feet 8 Inches wide front and rear by 100 feet In depth on each side, side lines running parallel with Avenue U, northerly side line running part of the distance through * party wall. No. 2162 East 2d Street. Reference is made to said Judgment for a complete description of the premises. Dated, December 9th, 1936. CLARENCE H. 8KIGLE. Referee. CULLEN M DYKMAN, Plaintiffs Attor- neys, 177 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. d9 12 16 19 23 26 SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY— Home Owners' Loan Corporation, plaintiff, against Rose lukowiu, Oscar lukowiu and Lillian Itrkowlu. defendants. Pursuant to Judgment entered December 4th 1936. I "HI sell *t public auction to the'highest bidder, by LOUIS HAMBURG. auctioneer at Brooklyn Real Estate Ex- change. No. 189 Montague 8treet. Brook- lyn, New York, at 12 o'clock noon on the 6th day of January, 1937, all that certain lot of land, with the buildings and im- provements thereon erected, situate In the County of Kings and State of New York, beginning on the northerly side of Oceanic Avenue, distant 300 feet westerly from the rorner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of West 37th 8treet and the northerly side of Oceanic Avenue, being 30 fret In width front and rear by 100 feet In depth on both sides: the westerly side runs part of the distance through a garage party wall. Together with and subject to driveway easements. 8ald premises are mare fully described in said Judgment. HERMAN BACHRACH. Referee. - J. TRESTON MOTTUR, riATfUrfrit At- torney, 16 Court Street, Brooklyn. New York. dl.vflt tu i StJPRF.MK COURT. KINGS COUNTY— Laura L Dudley, plaintiff, against Cortel- you Holding Co.. Inc., et al . defendants. Pursuant to Judgment herein, dated No- vember 30. 1936. 1 will sell at public, auc- tion to the highest bidder, by JACK DUBERSTF.IN. auctioneer, al Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. No. 119 Montague Street, Brooklyn. N. Y., at 15:00 noon on the 29ih day of December. 19.16, premises situate in Brooklyn. Kings County. New York State, described as follows: Begin- ning at a point on the northwesterly side »f Ntwklrk Avenue, distant vniny-#ttht Rapid Transit Corporation! shence nort-h SUPREME COUR»COUNTY OF KINOS— Mortgage \^}mm>«!6n of the 8tate of New York et ano^-pialntlffs, against Abraham Schwartr. et al., defendants. BENJAMIN J. RABIN, Plaintiffs' Attor- ney. 346 Broadway, New York. N. Y. Pursuant to Judgment of foreclosure, en- tered December 5th, 1936. the undersigned will sell at public auction at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague 8treet, in the Borough of Brooklyn and County of Kings, New York, on December 30. 1936, at twelve o'clock noon, by JAMES F. MORAN, auctioneer, the mortgaged prem- ises and property described In the com- plaint and directed by said Judgment to be sold, situated and located as follows: All that parcel of land In th* Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, City and Stata of New York, on the wttt side of West 35th Street, 150 feet south of the south side of Neptune Avenue, 25 feet In width front and rear, the rear line parallel with West 3Sth 8treet. by 118.81 feet In depth on both sides, said side linei being parallel with Neptune Avenue, the north line running part of the distance through a party wall; together with and subject to an easement for right of way as In mortgage recorded in Liber 6807 of Mort- aates, Page 26 SAMUEL FALK, Refer**. d9 \J ir, ;o n 2fl St SUPREME COURT, KINOS COUNTY— Home Owners' I«an Corporation, plaintiff, against Mary Rabuschlnsky et al., defend- ants.--Notice of 8*1«. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and »ale. dated November 30th, \»36, and duly entered. I VM sell sit public auction to the highest bidder, by WILLIAM H. REtD, auctioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estate Ex- change. 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn. New York, on January 5th, 1936. at 12 o'clock noon, the mortgaged premises In the County of King*, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly side of West 7th Street, distant 421.96 feet* northerly from the corner formed by th* intersection of the said westerly »ld* of West 7th fltre/t »nd th* northeasterly side of ftfith Street; running thenc* westerly *st right angles to West 7th Street and part of the distance through a parly wall 51 feel 4 Inches to th* moat northeasterly far* of tha retaining wall of th» N«w York "ELL; the great "American" Party contest is over. The judges have met, discussed, and judged hundreds of thou- _safids_of contest.blanks. ItIwas a.difficult job because. th'ere_were many splendid entries. Out oL them all were- selected 564 winners. We thank all who entered and appreciate their excellent ballots for The "American" Party and its candidates—Amoco-Gas, the world's finest motor fuel, and Orange American Gas, the best buy at regular gas price. Checks for prizes will be mailed immediately to all winners as follows, listed alphabetically under each classification: FIRST PRIZE!- $2,500.00 In Cash SECOND P R I Z E - $1,000,00 In Cash a THIRD PRIZE-$500.00 in Cash FOIJRTTTS.ZF.. EDWARD F. SULLIVAN HARRY W. JOCKERS D. S. MATTHEW 65 Rockne Ave., Dorchester, Mas* Jjr72 E. Meehan Ave-, Philadelphia, Pa. 10915 Lake Ave., Cleveland, Ohio VERNON W. JOHNSON 219 Monmouth Ave., Durham, N'.'C. 10 PRIZES OF $160.00 EACHi Francis X. Beaujon, 819 Broad St,. Johnatown. Pa. Miss Anna Helene Beckmann, Me of Hope, Savannah, Gti Wallace Bins, 304 N. Chester Pike. Glenolden, Pa. George A. Blrdaall 421 Newton Place N W Washington n n Griar L, Cnig. 1206 Wisconsin Ave., Dormont, Pitt., Pa. M. J. Daly. 62 Hansen A Y «.. Buffalo, N. Y. Alexander J. Dchany. R.-F. D. No. 1, Aubumdale, Fla. Alice A. Gray, 1362 Harvard St., N W„ Washington D C Jane C Holran Route 1 ' \ w P L^Vn'r,?" Hal Hugh*. 606 Raleigh St.. Bluefield, W. Va. 20 PRIZES OP W . M EACHi Charles Mills Adams, 2 St. James St.. (The Warren) Roxbury. Boston. Mass. Carl A. Anderson. 171 Sigourney St.. Ha for" Conn George C Bach Hirst Ave F , Tlln^owne PL' ErnestH. Bishop, 69 Alton RcL.Quincy, Mass. Mrs. Anna B.Brimmer,"Millstonea" R.F.D. No. 3. Lancaster, Pa. »-vu..i. «^.i ...«.-ib™ » ™ , „ . . t ^ ^ ._. i „ ... ' o.uacn.ll William J. Cufl, 723 East 41st Street, Baltimore, Md. Ernest F. Denomme,9 Weyerhaeuser Road, Carl M.H*rmon, 20 Portland St., Bridgton, Maine. Herrman Philip Heyne, 801 27th St., N. E., Canton, ~, C^r«eH.Rii*8S2PineSt.,Lanc*ster,Pa. JosephC.Ruppert,lSS5N.DoverSt,,Phila.,Pa. JamesSandler, 14 Wilson St., Natick, Mass. 30 PRIZES OF $25.00 EACH: Louis P. Becker, Jr.,R.n.l Box 219 Altoona PaT Mildred A. Bradley, Box 62, Sheldonville, Mass. Lucile A. Brands, Rowaytoa Are., Rowayton, Conn. ElUaboth Busch. Route 1, Montague, N. J., Port Jervis, N. Y. Helen Campbell, 68 Norton St., Now Haven Conn Harriet I 'lark O. H. Curtis, Box 90, Route 2, Elkins, W. Va. Wm. H. Debes, 14404 Msyfair Ave., East Cleveland, Ohio. Thomas Donaldson, 26 Rcwsley St., Bridgeport, Conn. Louis P. Drollinger, 3868 East St., Pittsburgh Pa. Nelson H FriU Park vtcnuo A o t i S r / M d ' ' A. Merrill Greiner, 623 Tracy St., Utica, N. Y. Robert Hiott, Pickens, S. C. A/S. Hopper. 121 North St., Rochester, N. Y. Wayne D. Irwin. 79 Hill St.; Frostburg, Md. Uonard Jordan. Elm Citv N C. J O LaVeld 603 Forrest Road ME Atlanta' '(', Elizabeth McDonald. 1445 Avondala Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. W. C. McSwaln, c/o G. B. McSwain, Geni.-Del., Norwood, N. C. Ben L. Pearson, 695 Wayne St., Bridgeport, Conn. Elsie L. Perkins. 21 Emery St., Sanlord ' Maine. Agnes C Preston Ha'-rison "Calais iiaina Charles Roy Pryor, West Jackson St. 315, York, Pa. James Auvel Stewart, 1111 Austin Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Virginia Keith Sullivan, 2100 King St., Alexandria, Vs. Edna May Uhler, 303 Main St., Reistcrstown Md Mr Clvde Waldo !f(Mfi Piie'st Ph'ilL Pa- Samuel H. Williams, 2703 Grove Ave., Richmond.Va. Lewis York,12 Kingston Ave., Poughkeepsle.N.Y. 100 PRIZES OF $10.00 EACH: Jos. H. Allred. Wade.N.C. Richard C. Alton, 249 E. Center St., Manchester. Conn Ruby'ArnoldI nil Hoover PI N WCanton O Carrie L. Balo, 1303 E. 110th St., Apt. 8, Cleveland, Ohio. Roy Barry.905 Second St., St. Marys, W. Va. F. Roland Bean. Intervale Road. North Conway, N. H. H. Evelyn Bear. 129 Broadway. Milton. Pa. Mrs. Florence Lyons Ber'ry 4516 8-h St N W Wash. DC.' John Wesley Bond, Jr., 1533 Argyle Ave., Baltimore, Md. Leslie BosweU, 83 Cedar St., Bridgeton, N. J. Andrew G. Briggs, Jr.. 4215 Seminary Ave., Richmond, Va. Ernest E. Brodcur. 677 Central Ave Dover N H Rachel BroUman "33 Ri'dee St" Emaus Pa. Mra,LandyB. Brown, 6355 Lancaster Ave., Phila., Pa. Mrs. Ruth Brown. 4127 HeUerman St., Phila., Pa. Mrs. C. G. Campbell, 626 Park Lane, Lynchburg, Va. Albert Cervenicky, 216 Sweitzer Lane, Plymouth, Pa! Hyman Chamey 1307 Atlantic Ave Atlantic N J H. E. CobU, 730 Hamilton, Lancaster, Pa. D. H. Cook, 21 Eastern Ave.. Barre.Vfe; E.L.Costigan,1388 E. Anchor St., Phila., Pa. D.T. Cowart,P.O. Boxl08, Dublin, Ga. H. Crabtree, Fort Hill Pharmacy Lynchburg Va J W Critchfiel'd 30" Kennedy We" N S Pitt. Vx. G.B.Cunningham, 1225 Ridge Rd., Silver Spring, Md. Isabel Cunningham. Pecan Ter., Easley.S. C. Leslie W. Currie. 12 Gayland St.. Boston (25), Mass. W. H. Currie. 807 Ccntenial Ave., High Foi'nt, N. C. Marie C Daley 116 Woodbine Ave McrcnantvUle N J J. L. Davis, Box 283, Auburndale, Fla..- S..I. Davis* 225 E. Haverhill St., Lawrence, Mass; Myrtie-L-. Day.707 Wash.-Ave..PortlandrMe.-~J. E^dmuhdsVHalifaX, Va".' Emma C. Elli6tt'."l6I Jackson "St.VPstcrson.'N J lVT Everett '6314 ken'il worth Ave Balto* Md*" A. E. Farmer, 219 Railroad St.. Elberton, Ga. F. J.Finn, 2012 E.BucklusSt.,Phaa.,Pa. E. J. Fischer, 3602 HudsonSt.. Balto., Md. W.H. Fletcher. 101KingSt.,CarroUton,Ga. J.R.Foster,614 ArUngtonSt..Greensboro N.C. W Gidley' 34 Dorchester St. Sprinsrfield *Massl H.Glfford,422E. 159th St., New York. D. A. Gray, 830 Bergen St., Gloucester, N. J. Caroline W. Guth. 736 Garfield Ave., Akron, O. A. E. Hammond, Zephyr Hills, Fla. Kathleen C. Hammond. 5509 Bloomingdale Ave Richmond Va H Harper' Crawford W Va. Frank Harrison, Jr., 604 N. Monroe St., Tallahassee, Fla. W. C. Hartman. 191 A, South, Northampton, Mass. Mrs. Berta K. Hayes, P. O. Box 882, Macon, Ga. H. E. Hayes, 525 Walnut St., Grafton, W. Va. Edward E, Hclfst U.'s Coast Guard Chincotcaq'ue Va. R. F. Hemlnger,R.F.D. 1. Stonecreek, O. J. M. Henderson, R.F.Q. S.Bridgeton, N. J. G. E. Heron,742 Boulevard, N.E., Atlanta, Ga. J. A. Hester, 976 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta. Ga. A. R. Hopper, R.F.D. 2, Gibsonia Pa. Janet Horn 236 1st Ave.N- St Pete Via E. C. Howell, 827 Virgil St., N. E., Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. G. H. Humphrey, 61 Safford St,; Wollaston, Mass. J. D. Hurt, R. F. D. 1, Glenarm, Md. Mrs. M. W. Ingraham. 538 Oakwood Ave., East Aurora. N. Y. Angelaj: Jackson u'lSJacobS; Wheeling w! V«u E. W. Jordan, Veterans' Adm. Facility, Roanoke, Va. MabeUa Jordan, 21st St. & Chestnut Ave., Buena Vista, Va. Mrs. B. B. Kendrick, 1008 Fairmont St., Greensboro, N. C. ' J a m e s Lalcy. 3003 "N. Stillman St., Phila., Pa. C P* Lamb 111 Hun St - Atlanta" Ga. J. G.Lambert, 1042 Piedmont Ave., N.E., Atlanta, Ga. W. A.Law,1839N.2ndSt..Harrisburg,Pa. R.F.Lenox,237 W.Howry Ave..Deland,Fla; A.Liebcr.838CgtherineSt.,Phila.,Pa. J.B.Lingan,S7140akmont Ave.,Balto., Md C SLo'ng BrandonRec Spring Grove Va. Robert L. Lord, 17805 Clifton Blvd., Lakewood, Ohio. Howard Lynch, 886 E. 12th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. John McCartney. Box 195, Rcedsville, Pa. John McFall, 1835 B St., S. E., Wash., D. C. C. S. Mattingly.Ford, Va. Mien Earl May 1323 Miller St Utica N* Y M.S.Merrill.825NewP.O.Bldg.,Atlanta,Ga. R.W.Milor,23112thSt.N.E.,Apt.l6,Atlanta,Ga. Mrs.S.O.Newsomo,Blountstown,Fla. L.Nusbaum,R.F.D.,UnionBridgc,Md. J.M.O'Neill,831 RockLa.,ElkinsPk.,Phila.,Pa. C.C.Partin 4765Was"h \ve NcwportN'ews Va! J. F. Pearl, 1217 Hollins St., Balto., Md. Mrs. H. S. Pcttigrew. 16801 Delaware Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. L. A. Phelps, Mclndoe Falls, Vt. G. B. Phillips, Glover, Vt. J. H. Pilger, 222 Delaware St., Syracuse, N. Y. Roy W. Purdy,184 Elralawn R<^rBra»tree Mass. D. C. Reid, 18 W. Packer St., Woodbury, N. J. J. F. Rohan, 214 Gardner St., Manchester, Conn. W. B. Segraves,310H E. Market St., Clearfield, Pa. G. Smith, 146 Mell St.. Athens, Ga. P.A.Smith,Rt.2,Roekvilie, Md. Mrs.W W. Wallace B 136 Panama City Fla. R. C. Williams, 6314 N. 18th St;, Phila., Pa. E. C. Wynkoop, 2423 Kensington Rd., Arlington, Va. 400 PRIZES OF $5.00 EACH: Mrs. M. Acker, R. F. D. 2. Lehighton, Pa. R. Ade, 1710 Cornell Rd., N. E., Atlanta, Ga. C. Albey, 41 Malone Ave, Belleville, N . J . G. H. AUriend, 4114 W. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. W. F. Allen, 413 Newburne St.. Lynchburg, Va. Mrs. R. S. AUine, 17428 Winslow Rd., Cleveland, Ohio C. B. Allison, 25 Birchwood Ave., Longmeadow, Mass. J. A. Altieri, 74 Hamilton St Bridgeport.'Conru C. P. Ament, 86 Werner Park^Roch., N.Y. A. J. Anderson, 115 Wallace St., Prov., R.I. L. J. Ardell, 2640 S. 66th St., Phila., Pa. L. E. Arthur, 80 Kearney Ave., Trenton, N.J. N. M. Atclla, 65 Metcalf St., Prov., R.I. B. R. Atwood, 1417 Oakhill'Dr.,Lakeland, Fla. W. Barklage,755 Anderson Ave., Grantwood, N..J. C. C. Barrow,46 Milton St., Arlington, Mass. J. A. Bartholomew, 1209 Crittenden St., N. W., Wash., D. C. Ida D. Batezell, 6333 Torresdale Ave., Phila., Pa. Mrs. Geo. B. Bearaan, 18 Clark Lane, Waltham, Mass. R. W. Beard,277 Summit Ave., BeUevue, Pa. G. H. Bedell, 2906 Utopia PL, Cinci., O. L. M. Bell, Catawba San., Roanoke, Va. V. G. Bell, 39 Overlook Rd., Quincy, Mass. E. M.Benney, 9 Glendala Ave.,Elsmere,N.Y. F.T.Bensor, 6209 Kenilworth Ave.,Balto.,Md. R. G. Berger, 215 State St., Bridgeport, Conn. E. Bernier, Jr., R.F.D. 2, Waterbury, Conn. Mrs. C. F. Berry, 21 Crescent Rd., Longmeadow, Mass. N. K. Berry, 108 The Argonne, 1629 Columbia Rd., Washington, D. C. T. J. Betts, Walker Ave., Burgaw, N. C. W. D. Biever, 165 N. E. 80th Ter., Miami, Fla. H. E. Biggs, Lee and Jackson, Front Royal, Va.. Mrs. E, M. Bishop, 109 Glendale Rd., Quincy, Mas3. Ewart M. Blain, 1441 Lancaster Ave.,Syracuse, N. Y. Mrs. H. E. Blakock,Route 1 Box 1040, Miami, Fla. C.C. Bodeker, Jr., P.O. Box 86, S.Hill, Va. Mrs. H.S.Boteler, 6806 46th St., Ch. Ch„ Md. C. I. Bougher, France Apts., Stuart, Fla. N. W. Braun, 608 Crescent Ave., Burl., N.Y. P. Brinker, 124 E. Broad St., Burlington, N.J. R. O. Britner, Artiran St.,\Vmsp , t ,Md S. P. BritU, 801 Cornwallis Ave., Roanoke, Va. C. E. Brown, 76 Nonantum St, Brighton, Mass. R. M.Brown,11 Jonquil Ave.,Mt.Leb.,Pitt.,Pa. D. Brumbach,S671 W.132ndSt.,Cleve.,0. H. U.Bryan,Rt.l.Yardville,N.J. R. J. Burne, 14 Woodman Aye.,Fairfield, Me. W. Bun-bus,8506 Newkirk Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. W. V. Buseetto, 629 Montauk Ave.,New Loddon, Conn. A. Cameron, 139 N. Main Ave.,Scranton, Pa. Mrs. B. Campbell, 673 Massachusetts Ave., Boston, Mass. H. M. Campbell, 3573 E. 142nd St., Cleveland, Ohio J. A. Campbell, 110 E.'Madison Ave.,Vandergrift, Pa. Rev. F. C. Capozzi.St. Mary's Rectory, Wind Gap, Pa, Mrs. R. J. Carr, 635 Walker Ave., Greensboro, N. C. J. P. Carroll, 4 Summer Ave., Maiden, Mass. , Roy Castle, 29 Field St Waterbury. Conn. R. E. Chamberlin, R.D. 1,Fayetteville, Pa. J. R. Chichester, 18 Grieb Ave., R.F.D. 1, Edgely. Pa. F. B. Clark, 7009 Dunbar Rd., Dundalk, Md. G. S. Clark, 326 Hartford PI., Utica, N.Y. M. P. Clarke, Church Ave., R.D. 1, Glenshaw, Pa. J. Clouse, Barryville, N.Y. V. Clyatt,914 E. Ocklawaha Ave.,Oeala, Fla. V. E. Coghill.Clarksville.Va. W. H. Colburn, 1518 Fayette Ave., Reading, Pa. Mrs. A. I. Cole, 2018 14th St. S.W., Canton,O. E. C. Collins, 548 Bridge St., Huntington.W.Va. J. T. Collins,S. Ruffner Pk.,Charleston,W.Va. F. Colmus,1131 Davis St., Wilmington, Del. E.F. Connelly, 360 Cary Ave., W. Brighton, S. I., N.Y. S. O. Cooper, 3100 Conn. Ave., Wash., D. C. R. L. Cousins, 860 Braircllff Rd., Atlanta, Ga. J. I. Covell, Brandy, Va. G. F. Covne,38 Leighton Ave. .Red Bank, N.J. Helen V. Craighead, 72 Maple Dr., Youngstown.O. Lieut. J. R. Cranford, C. C. Camp 25, Joplin, Va. J. S. Crooks, Lake Ave., Edgemont, Fairmont, W. Va. Harriet G. Cull, 579 Meteer St., Jacksonville, Fla. E. H. Culling, 35 N.Tark Dr., Gloversville, N. Y. J. E. Currier, 197 Grant St., Portland, Me. Mr*. E. A. Curtis, Cambridge House.Ventnor, N.J. E. M. Cyr.B. 288, Waterman Ave., Greystone, R.I. K.W.Daniels, Wyatt.W.Va. B.F. Darnall.No. 4 1810 Calif. St., N.W..Wash.,D.C. R. Darvman, 448 Pa. Ave.,York,Pa. J. A. Da»che,6E.Frank.St.,B«Ito.,Md. M.R.Daugherty,846 Locust St-,N.MartinsviUe,W.Va, H.B.Davidson.1700 S.60th St.,Phila.,Pa. M. R.Davis, 128 N.E. 1st Ave.,Miami,Fla. V. Davis, Willow St., Harrisonburg, Va. S. Dean, Glenwood PI.,Falmouth,Mass. O. A. De Corce, 608 W. Chestnut St., Lancaster, Pa. L. L. Deitz,1427S. McBride St., Syracuse, N.Y. R.F. Denney, Rt. 2, Box 286, Norfolk, Va. Mrs. L. J. Detwiler, 3934 W. 158th St., Cleveland, Ohio F. W. Donahue, M. D., 231 StateSt., The N'orthgate, Portland, Me. J. Donkersloot, 657'Highland Ave., Clifton, N.J. Mrs. H. Dorgan, 1 Laurel St., Ellsworth ,Me, M.L-Dorsey, Dorsey, Md. H. S. Doubleday, 170 Hall Ave.,Wash., Pa. Mrs. D. Droba,2421 Kensington Rd., Arlington.Va, E. E. Drocge, 203 S. Brevard Ave.,Tampa,Fla. Mrs. H. C. Duckett,310Avenham Ave., Roanoke, Va. Geo. R. Dudrow, Mt. Wilson, Md. H. O. Ehlers, 1604 St. Stephen St., Balto., Md. Mrs. E. Einsel, Mohrsville, Pa. Le Roy W. Elgin, Jr., Breathedsville, Md. F. T. Ericson, No. 1 Belle Ave., Chaining, N. Y. A. P. Everttine, 2350 Lo* Angeles Ave., Pitt., Pa. L. J. Faedke,2421 W. Cervantes St., Pensacola, Fla. Harry Falkinson, 420 3rd Ave., Now Brighton, Pa. Alys Farwick,915 9th St., N. W., Canton, Ohio Camilla Finncgan, 2808 E. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. Mr. R. V.Fisher, 528 Madison Ave.,Steubenville, Ohio M. L. Foote, 99 W. Plumstead Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. C. C. Forbes, 1945 Lee, Hollywood, Fla. H. Foreman, 2617 Park Heights Ter., Baltimore, Md. M. D. Fortune, 807 Stanton Ave., Mil! vale, Pittsburgh, Pa. A. C. Foster,4912 Montgomery La., Edgmoor, Bethesda, Md. Mrs. Tom Foster, 660 Lawton St., S. W., Atlanta, Ga. William D."Franklin,252 N. Main St., Statesboro, Ga. A. H. Frascr,84 North St., Portland, Maino Joseph Frena, 110 E. 4th Ave., Homestead, Pa. L. H. FriedUnder, 755 Main St., Henderson ville, N.C. R. Friedlander, 263 Taft St., Delray, Fla. C .Gaudiose, 219 S. Truesdale Ave., Youngstown, O. W. E. Glenn, Jr., Fallston, Md. T.J. Goe,616 Galvin Ave., Rosello, N.J. R. A. Graham, 716 Soc. for Sav.,Cleve., O. Mrs. C. Grey.R. F. D. LRexfordj-N. Y. H. Gudheim, Blacksburg, Va, F. D. Guidas, P. O. Box 52, Van Voorhis, Pa. Mrs. G.J. Hagedom.Sicomac Ave., Midland Park, N. J. A. Hale, Lake Rd., Webster, N. Y. F. L. Halfin, Dunkard, Pa. M. B. Hall, Selkirk, N. Y. C. R. HiIleron,316 Howard St., B%tler, Pa. Vyla C. Hallock,85 Crittenden Blvd., Rochester, N. Y. John S. Hardaway, Jr., 73 S. W. 18th Ter., Miami, Fla. J. F. Harnage,210 E. Seventh St., Jacksonville, Fla. J. A. Harnage, Route No. 3, Alexandria, Va, A. F. Harrington,402 Student St., Greenville, N. C. * D.E. Harrison, Box 966, Fort Pi erce, Fla. W. P. Harrison, 6414 Rosclawn Rd., Richmond, Va. Mrs. E. Harter,69 Oakland Ave. ,Elm Grove, W. Va. Geo. E. Hartman. 789 W. Bryant St., Stroudsburg, Pa. Mrs. C. H. Haakcr, Terr. Dale, Towson, Md. Mrs. M. Haakie, 223 S. Calhoun, Balto., Md. M. H. Hawkins, P.O. Box 134, Buchanan, Va. R, L. Haydcn, Catawba Sanitarium, Va. R. E. Heatwole, Ravenwood Hts. .Hagerstown , Md. F .C. Hedrick .Dandridge, Tcnn. W. R. Hendy,9 Curtis, Medford, Mass. J. H. Hildebrand, 120 S. Mulberry, Hagerstown, Md, E.L.Hocnig, 537 Conn. Ave., Roch., Pa. T. J. Hoffman, Sr., R.F.D. 1, Halifax, Enders, Pa. W. Holm, 116 Hamilton, Elyria, O . W. P. Holt, 609 Whitaker St.,Savannah,Ga. H. A. Hoover, 3306 Kenyon Ave., Baltimore, Md. Dana H. Howe, Box V, Greensboro, N.C. Rev. W. G. Hughes, HillsviUe, Va.. IC. J. Hurley, 4 Park St., Ellsworth, Maine C.C. Idc, 29 Teller Ave., Beacon, N . Y . A. G. ndcrton, 124 W. Liberty St. Savannah, Ga. M. I. Irvin, 620 Va. Ave., S.Roanoke, Va. E. R. Jackson, 3302 Greenmount Ave., Balto., Md. T. R. Jarrett, Kingmont.W.Va. C. B. Johnson, 20 Wing St., Bangor, Me. E. E. Johnson, 29 Cohassct St., Roslindale, Mass. E. L. Johnson, 304 S. Aycock .Greenboro, N.C. J. W.Johnson, 1540 Shehy St., Youngstown, O. C. II. Jones, 1912 Janet Rd., Cleve., O. H. L. Jones, 19 McEnnelly St., Marlboro, Mass. J. Jones, Jr., 1110 2nd St., Scalp Level, Pa. Mrs, R. M.Jones, Clemson.S. C. M. L. Jordan, 1230 I-akeland Ave., Lakewood, O. J. F. Joyce, 248 N. Dithridge St., Pitt., Pa. J. H. Keefe, 6335 N. Broad St., Phila., Pa. J.F.Keeley, 201 Ulysses St.,Mt.Wash.,Pitt.,Pa. C.W.Kemper, 155 C St.,Carlisle,Pa, A. Kennedy,250 Arlington St.,Youngstown, O. E. P. Kerper,2212 N.6th'St.,Harrisburg,Pa. AliceKershner,Waynes.Hosp.,Way«iesboro,Pa. Mrs. R. W.Keyee, 220 W. 41st St., Jacksonville,Fla. E. A. Kilduff. 1319 N.Luzerne Ave., Balto., Md. E. H. King, 110 N.Wash.. Butler, Pa. M. King, 478 E. Main St. .Meriden, Conn. R. G. King, 147 Vt.Su,Roch,,N.Y. J. E. Kirwin,1857 OnUrio PI., N. W.,Wash., D. C. E. S. Kohl, Box 402, Phila. Rd., Raspeburg P. O., Md. F. Komidar, Jr., 14421 Saranac Rd., Cleveland, Ohio J. Kosinski, 39 Princeton, New Bedford, Mass. M. C. Lambcrson,922 Spring Rd., N. W.,Wash.,D. C. L. D. Lambert, S3 W. King St., Chamberaburg, Pa. j A. W. Langer.1319 W.Thompson St., Phila., Pa. Mrs. L. Langlet, R. R. 2, Bristol, W. Va. S. B. Lapsley,73 Camden Ave., Marlinton, W. Va. C. S. Lawrenson, 1936 2nd St., N. E. .Washington, D. C. Mrs. R. K-Lawson, Spout Spring, Va. R. E. Lawson, 326 Atlanta Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. W. G. Layton.Box 16, Fredericksburg, Va, H. Leake, 6010 E. Byrd Rd., Richmond, Va. J. H. LeCompte, Main St.,St. Michaels, Md. F. Lebowor,241 Kalos St., Phila., Pa. L. W. LeGrand, Public Square, Wooster .Ohio H. A. Lendt, 822 Joseph Ave., Roch., N. Y. Geo. E. Leps, 266 S. Felton St. Phila., Pa. F. I-evino, 139 Lawton Ave., Lyon, M w , J . Lewis, 6 Howard St., Manchester, N. Y. C. Lichey ,L746 First Ave., New York, N. Y. T. Linehan, Montoe Rd., R. F. D. 4, Waterbury, Conn. D. S. R. Lineweaver, 914 Cambridge PI., Norfolk, Va. Jos. B. Looser, 352 Georgia Ave.. N. Augusta, S. C. Mrs. J. M. Long, 835 Zachery St., S. W., Atlanta, Ga. L. L. Long, 1020 Fairfax St., East Radford, Va. W.J. Long, R. D. 1, Meyersdale, Pa. R. E. Luce, 4416 111. Ave., N. W„ Wash., D.C. J. R. Luchtcnberg, Jefferson .'O. S. L. Luckctt,2715 Ont. Rd., N. W.,Wash., D. C. W. S. Luke, 322 W.Pike St., Houston, Pa. Mrs. H. V. Lundberg, Box 63, Winter Garden, Fla. J. C. Lyle,6 Poe St., Richmond.Va. R. W. Lynch, 1112 Cornell Ave., Thornburg, Pitt,, Pi. T. A.. Lyons, 6938 Chester Ave., Phila., Pa. H. F. McCollora, 1103 Longacre Blvd., Del. County, Yeadon. Pa. P. McDonald, Main P. O., Claim Dept., Cleveland, Ohio W. McDonald,9 Kenilworth St., Portland, Me, J. L. MeFatc, 1513 Del. A%-e.,New Castle, Pa. Rev. Thomas J. McKay, 314 N. 9th St., Allentown, Pa. L. L. McKce.2189 Overlook Rd., Cleveland, Ohio Lillie H. MeKcoby,230 Warren Rd., Framingham, Mass. J. S. McNair,897 Oakhill Ave., S. W., Atlanta, Ga. R. R. McQuade, 66 Linden Ave., Pitman, N. J. J. G. B. MacDade, 1013 McClenachan Ter., Marcus Hook, Pa. F.J. Madden, 30 South Pearl, Youngstown, Ohio J. E. Maden, Jr., Wash. St.. Delaware City, DeL S. F. Magruder,601 East Third St., Rome, Ga. L. S. Mallalieu, 1906 North St., Harrisburg, Pa. M. E. Manley, 360 Lincoln Ave., Hawthorne, N.J. F. P. Manniello, 84 Addison Ave., Rutherford, N.J. P. H. Marck, Laurel Rd., P. O. Box 424, Clementon, N. J. F. B. Markey,Po«.Tel. Co., Charlotte, N.C. Y. Markham, 341 S. Union Ave., Cranford, N.J. H. R. Marsh, Jeff. Stand. Li. Ins. Co., Greensboro, N.C. G. L. Marshall, 6112 7th St.,Wash., D.C. A. L. Martin, \i Lee St., Vinton, Va, A. B. Martin, Rt.2. Rockville, Md. R. H. Martin, 73 Garfield Ave. Trenton, N J. Mrs. M. O. Mason r 703 Stewart Ave., S.E., Roanoke.Va, Mrs. T. N. Masscy, Mt. Holly.Va. G. T. Masson, 27 Henley Rd., Buff., N.Y. F. E. Matthews, R. D. 5, Wash., Pa. L. A. Mechan,69 Charlotte St.,Worcester, Mass. J, A. Meinert.2729 Klldairo Dr., Balto., Md. A. Milgaten, 53 Spring St., Trenton, N.J. E. E. Miller, 908 Quail Ave., Bellevue, Pa. F. W. Miller, 110 Eleock Ave., Boonton, N.J. H. Miller, 728 Hawthorn La., Charlotte, N.C. N. C. Miller, 5 Sack Ave., Penns Grove, N.J. R. Miller, 938 Pecrmont Ave., Pitt., Pa. M. Mingle, R.F.D., Tyrone, Pa. A. Mollow. 1540 Pitkin Ave., Brook., N.Y. C. A. Morgan, Box 65, R.D. 2, ConncllsvUle, Pa. A. J. Morrell, Ridge Rd., Westminster, Md. Mrs. L. C. Morris, 868 Win. Avc.N'ew Haven, Conn. A. C. Morton, 102 6th Ave., Brownsville, Pa. A. Milncr-Moseley, 1309 Belvedere Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. W. L. M owry, Waynesboro, Va, Mrs. Wm. Munsell, L- Box 202, Ashtabula, Ohio R. F. W. Munster, 23 E. 48th St., Savannah, Ga. Mrs. T. Murdoch, 4300 Venango St., Homestead, Pa, Mrs. H. H. Murphy, 4304 10th St., N. E., Wash., D. C. Tone Murphy, Lost Creek No. 2. Pa., Schuylkill Co. L. R. Murray, 509 Greenwich St., Phila., Pa. D. S. Myers, 125 N. Broad St., Waynesboro, Pa. P. C. Neale, 2050 Hanover Drive, E. Cleveland, Ohio J. F. Neblnger,230 Elm St., Steelton, Pa. Mrs. I. A. Neubert,95 Blaino St., Manchester, N. H. Mrs. C. A. Neves, 3315 Fessendcn St., N. W., Wash., D. C. Mrs. L. M. Newman, 741 N\ 4; h St., Steuben ville, Ohio H. L. Nighswander, Box 94, Laeonia, N. H. B. Nuckols, 18726 Winslow Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio Mrs. K. W.Oberheim, 1809 LamontSt., N. W., Wash.,D. C. R. E. O'Brien, 411 Arnold St., N. E., Atlanta, Ga, G. C. Ortmann,604 Klemont Ave., Bellevue, Pa. Wm. Otto,282 Boulevard, Scarsdale, N. Y. A. Overton, Jr., 22 Steuben St., Waterbury, Conn. G. E. Palmer, 16 Brenton Ave., Providence, R. I. J. H. Pancicra, New Bethlehem, Pa. R. W. Parker, Ralston, Pa. Lieut. R. E. Parks, Fla. Mil. Acad.,SU Pete., Fla. L. Passcro, 137 Wendell Ave., Pittsficld, Mass. A. Patterson, Lincoln Univ., Pa. T. L. Patterson, 620 Todd Ave., Ellwood City, Pa. S. Pavlish.9513 Parkview Ave., Cleve., O. Mrs. T. Payne, 4132 4th St. S.,St, Pete., Fla. R. Pearce,4l Potter St., Pawtucket, R. I. A. S. Peirce, 712 Kenmore Ave., Fredericksburg, Va. T. R. Pennebaker, 114 E. Preston St.. Balto., Md. F. G. Perry, Jenkins Arcade. Titt., Pa. F.J. Peters. 1834 Eye St., N.W., Wash., D.C. E. Phillips, 10 Kellogg, Clinton, N.Y. I. Pilon, Mys. OralS., Mystic, Conn. E. Pitel.N, MiURd.,Vineland, N.J. S. F . Poindextcr, 5112 Devonshire Rd.,Rirh., Va. W. R. Pond, Jr., Bo* 642, Hanover, N.H. R. B. Pool, The Terr., MLWajh., Balto., Md. S. T. Porter, 1149 N. H. Ave., N.W., Wash., D.C. L. H. Pruittc. 9 Pac. St., Lyman, S.C. G.J. B. Pugh,3407 Va. Ave., Balto., Md. A. H. Pulver, Jr., 70 Forest St., Torrington, Conn. G. J. Puska, 19 Cope. St., Quincy, Mass. N. Pyle, 21 Cliff St,, Water., Conn. F. M. Rathmann, 2728 Main St., Buff., N.Y. Mrs. C. H. Rau,2806 Roalyn Ave., Balto., Md. C. A. Readinger, 10714 Fortune Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, F. G. Regan, 541 Seal PI., N". E., Atlanta, Ga. Clyde R. Rich, Box 307, Clinton, N. C. H. A. Ringel, 632 W. Railroad. Ixiupurex, Pa. Miss M. M. RiprK-U, 154 South Cayuga St., Williamsvillo, N. Y. S. M. Robacxcwski, 218 River St., Nanticoke, Pa. B. C. Roberts, 15 Phoenix Ave., Morrlstown, N. J. D. W. Robinson, 111 Scitz Bldg.,Syra., N. Y. W. F. Roche, 1091 Water, Fitchburg, Mass. C.Rodman, 716 W. Frank. St.,Balto., Md. H.J. Rogers, Hadley, Pa. A .A. Rosenfeld.C. Mackley Houses, M & Bristol Sts., Phila., Pa, Hal Rushmore, 311 Euclid Ave., Allenhurst, N.J. M. M. Ryback,20 W. Laurel St., Bethlehem, Pa. R. P. Schadt,214 W. Chestnut St., lj»noastcr, Pa. A. H. SchacfTcr, 3221 W. Dauphin St., Phila., Pa. V. L. Schaeffer, P.O. Box 1234, N. Haven, Conn. E. S. Schenker, 2313 Wal. St., Phila., Pa. C. J. Schmidt, 2416 Rurham St., Pitt, Pa, G.W.Schramm, 14 13th St.. Wheeling, W.Va. H. J. Schute,816 W. Somerset St., Phila.. Pa. F. R.Seitx,413 S. Duke, I^incaster, Pa. R. I>. Scitx, 14715 Elderwood Ave., Cleve., O. J. Seltzer, 1726>* Montour St, Coraopolis, Pa. M. Sevorg, 2851 Espy Ave., Pitt., Pa. C. A. Seymour, 147 Vt St.. Roch., N. Y, T. W. Shaw,215 E. Sid. Ave.,Mt. Ve'r., N. Y. D. Shawen,620 N. Pula=kl St., Balto., Md. A. J. Sheridan, 1600 N. High. St., Arlington, Va. J. F.Shimanek,806 N. Lakewood Ave., Balto., Md. O.W. Short, R Bowdoin St.Somcrvitle, Mass. M.Sims, 901 Baily Rd.,Yeadon, Pa. J. Skord,2122 Rand. PI., N.E..Wash..D.C. H. E. Slayton.81 Wash. Ave.. Proy., R.I. J. O. Smith, 1036 W. 4th St., Williamsport, Pa. V. Smith, 1242 Resaea PI., N.S., Pitt, Pa. G. W. Sorensen,813 Cleve. Rd., Ravenna, O. J. W. Speicher, Uniontown, Md. Dr. J. V. Spiller, 15 Wilson Ave., Luray, Va. J. E. Stevenson, 602 So. 42nd St., Phils., Ta. M. Stockdale, Rawson Rd., Gore Dis., Webster, Mass. P. Stover,24 N. 15th St., Harrisburg, Pa. M. M. Strawn,64 E. Dewey Ave., Youngstown, O. T. C. Sumner, 208 W. 24th St., Jacksonville, Fla. A. G. Sundelt, Oteen, N*. C. H. C. Taylor, 89 Post St., Hilton Vi.,Va. J, W. Tedder, Live Oak, Fla. H. C. Thomas, 601 N. Blvd., Apt 8, Rich., Va. P. I. Thomas, 40 Lex. St, Newark, N. J. M. M. Tilden, 17 Claremont Ter.,Swampscott, Mass. A. Tompolsky, 13th * Claymont, Wil., Del. L. L. Tnscano, 651 Pk. Ave., Lakewood, N.J. J. N.Towns, 766 Peoples S t , S. W., Atlanta, Ga, , E. R, Troche, 3104 Ro'ckwood Ave., Balto., Md. H. L. Trussed, 135 IJoyd Ave., Edgewood, Pitt, Pa. M. Tucker, 3220 Conn. Ave., Wash., D. C. Roy Tucker, Fxirburn, Ga., W. C. Tucker. 156 Krec St.. Portland, Me. D. H. Turcott, 151 N. State St, Concord, N.H. A. P. Valentine, Jr., 6149 W. Oxford St. Overbrook, Phila., Pa. C.Wagner, 10302 Adelaide Ave., Cleve., O. J.Walker Fannetuburg, Pa, J. S, Walker, 7 N'side, Walhalla, S.C. E. F. Warner, 317 14th St.N'.E.,Wash., D.C. S. V. Webber, 138 Farrington St., Wollaston, Mass, J. W. W«ir,320 Davis. Ave.,Elkins, W. Va. E. E. Welch, Box 635, Pittsficld, Mass. Jane George Werner,772 Yorkshire Rd., N. E., Atlanta, Ga. H. K. Westphal. 332 N". Governors Ave., Dover, DrL M. R. White, 137 Wash. St, Belmont Mass. E. L. Whiting, 314 17th St., I.umberton, N . C . Mrs. Ann Whitney, 937 B—S. W. 1st Ave., Miami, Fla. J. E. Whittcnbcrg, 129 Dodge Ave, Akron, Ohio David A. Wick, 7 Roberts Ave., Hsddonfield, N. J. Miss R. Wikander,900 South Negley Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa, W. E. Wilber,870 Gladstone Ave., Detroit Mich. J. V. William, 178 Hallock St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Belle R. Witkin.563 Chestnut St,Springfield, Mass. Miss Eva Wright, 513 McCabe Ave., Wilmington, Del. H. J. Wundcrtleh, 163 Wright Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Mra. W. F. Wynn, 1414 Daniel Ave.. Norfolk. Va. H. C. Young, 7118 Ogontz Ave., Philadelphia, Pa, Mrs. J. C. Zabriakie, 3815 Soquoia Ave., Baltimore, Md. J. J. Zammerman, 4319 W. 150th St- Cleveland, Ohio THE JUDGES: Robert L. Johnson, Vice-President TJmo and Fortune Magazines Frederick C. Kendall, Editor Advertising & Selling Leon Levy, President WCAU Broadcasting Station Tjn- ti'FOKm i)JaiA'ia to JFIoM'xdB^^Sftop ^ Wfa® SX^FR O/ Gro&R&r WBIM&SZ OMWi: i rrrrr-r- FORECLOSURES weiterlr alont the most northeasterly face of the retaining wall 8.74 feet to a point where said retaining wal) turns to the north: thence northerly alone the most easterly face of said retaining wall and parallel with West 7th Street 7.82 feet, being a point where the said last men- tioned course Is Intersected by a line drawn at right angles to West 7th Street from a point iherrln distant 14 feet north- erly from the point of beginning; thence easterly along said last mentioned line at right angles to West 7th Street and part of the distance through a party wall 57 fe*t ft Inches to the westerly side of West 7th Street; and thence southerly along the said westerly sldg of West 7th S'.rtet 14 fret to the point or place of beginning. The premises being known a« No. 2224 West 7th Street Dated. December flth. 1936. MILTON M. EISKNBKRO. Referee. JAMES B. (VKF.KF-K, Attorney for Plain, tiff, 215 Montague Street. Brooklyn, New York. d!4 1? 21 26 28 J»2 8UPRKMK COURT, RfivVjT COUNTY— Samuel M. Meeker.' a* sole surviving trus- tee for KlUabeth Bugbre, under the last will and testament of Samuel M, Meeker, rtrceiised. plaintiff, against John Murphy (also known ai John V. Murphy) el al., defendants. . Pursuant lo a Judgment fntered herein, dated November 23rd, 1936, I will sell at public auction, by JACK DUBKRSTE1N, auctioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estste Ex- change. 189 Montague Street. Brooklyn, New York, on Decembrr 28th, 19.16 at 12 o'clock noon the mortgaged premises in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, directed by said Judgment to be »old, with the Improvement* thereon, situate on th« louthweiterly aid* ol North 12th Street, FORECLOSURES distant 175 fret southeasterly from the corner formed by the Intersection of the southwesterly side of North 12th Street with the southeasterly side of Dries< Ave- nue, being a plot 75 feet front and rear by 100 feet in depth on both sides; to- gether with street rights and subject to covenants and restrictions of record. Ref- erence is made to said Judgment for a more complete description of ssid prem- ises. Dated, December 1st, 19.18. BURTON TURKU3. Referee. JOHN C. LOUD. Altorr.cy for Plaintiff. One Hanson Place. Brook'.vn. New York ri? 12 14 19 21 26 SUPREME COURT. KINOS COUNTY - Unity Associates, Inc., plaintiff, ses.nst Hyman Tantleff ct al., defendants. WILLIAM L. OLSHAN. Plaintiff « Attor- ney. 1819 BrOAdway. New York. Pursuant to Judgment dated November lftth, 19.16. I will sell at public auction, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Street. Brooklyn. New York, on the 4th day of Jamiary—19.17. at 12.o'clock, noon, by JAMES M. POWER, atictl ( the premises located in County of Klnes. on the south »tde_of 49th Street. 140 feet w«« of 14th Avenfie. being 10 fee! :n front and rear and 100 feel 2 inches m depth on each jlde. and more particularly described in A mortgage recorded in the Register's office of Kings Cotintv on August 27:h. 1918. In Liher 4467 of Mortgages. At psse 285. Approximate snwunl of the niVrftgAge, debt, costs and "allo^anc* is #fl.570.14; uses And WAier rates, si.146.75, with In- terest And penalties. DAted, Brooklyn, New York. November 30th 16*6. TRANK rORCARO. B'fercA. dl4-6t m l FORECLOSURES SUPREME COURT, KINOS COUNTY-- Home Owners' LoAn CorporAtlon. plaintiff, amlnst Onofrlo Palno et al.. defendAiiis. Pursuant to Judgment of foreclosure and suit, dated November 25, 1936, and duly entered. I will sell at public Auction, hy CHARLES HOROWITZ JR . Auctioneer. At the Brooklyn ReAl-Estate Exchange. 18.1 Montague Street. Borough of Brooklyn. C-.\\ of New York, on the 29th dAV of De- cember. 1936. At 12 o'clock noon, the premises directed by sAld Judgment to be sold, with the improvements thereon, situ- .ite In the County of Kings. StAte of New York, on the northeasterly side of East ,18th Street, dlstAnt 140 fret northwrsteriv from the corner formed by the Intersec- tion of the northeasterly side of East .lath Sirret with the northwesterly side of Fill- more Avenue, being A plot of 20 feet In width front And TCAT And 100 feet In depth on both sides: subject to a party wall on the easterly side: premises being known AS 1B63 EAst .lftth Street, Brookivn. New York. Said premises Are more fully de- scribed In said judgment n*tf<imFff'ml>rT 3; )$3» HARRY KOEPPET. Referee ABRAHAM B. OARTKNHAUS. Attnrnev for Plaintiff. 4607 Fort HAmllton P<uknnv, lirooklyn. New York. ^sAv-d"-^ m s SUPRBMK COURT. KrN08» COUNTY - The Lincoln SAvlngs Bank of Brooklyn,, i plaintiff, against Herman J. Oreenhere et Al . defendants. Pursuant to Judgment of foreclosure and sale duly m»de And entered In the above- ! cr.'it'M action And d»;e,i 'he lss dsv of ! December, 19.16. I. the undersigned, the referee in SAM Judgment named, will sell at public Aiiettdn to the highest bidder, hy CHARLES HOBOW1TZ JR. auctioneer. At the Rrooklyn Real EstAts KxchAnc*. No. 189 Montague Street. Borough of Brooklyn, FORECLOSURES City Of New Y'o:V. on the rath day of De- cember. 1^.16. at 12 o'clock noon, the premises directed by sAid judgment to be sold «r.rt ihrreir, described AS folio»s. All !1IA\ certain lot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the Nineteenth Ward of the Borough of !• ' r,', K.ncs. Citv and Slate i of New York, bounded and described as ! lol'.o Beginning at a pom: on The westerly J side of Marry Avenue, distant fifty i50) FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES change. 189 Montague Street. Brooklyn, j tocethei > " :• :-•- And subject to New York, on December . N «. 1916 .»'. 12 . covenants And restrictions of record. Bef- o'clock peon, the mortgaged premises in j ereiue is mad. i sai.1 ncnt for a the Borough of Srooklyn. County of Kmcs. , more COtnplei cttptinn °f said prem- (ilreced by said Judgment lo he sold, wi'h Ises the improvements thereon, situate at the ) Dated corner formed by the intersection of the I southerly side of Lcftlneton Avenue with I S M the easterly side of Lewis Avenue, being A : Plain;:! New Y - feet northerly from the corner foimert by tie intersection of the westerly side of Marc* Avenue with the northerly side of' ; .T Sure: (formerly known as' Owinett Street>; running thence northerly! along the westerly side of Marey Avenue I , twent) i.ve (25) fee:: thence westerly' parallel »ith l^irlmer Stree: •eventy-elcln ' ,-;a i7RI feel ren and three-quArte r (HV'o Inches; ihence southerly and neArly pAral- ;e «ith M»rcy Avenue twenty-five i:.M f.-et. and thence fAsterly And AgAin p a r a l - lel with I.-orlmer Sireet seventy.eight (~fl) :-•• .'v afid one-hwlf-iR'-; v ifiehe-s to " » «f'!*:,v side of M»rcy Avenue, at th* point or plaee-of beginning Dated December 7th, 19.1ft. AUOUST M. OULOTIW Referee. HI'1 TON ,<;• HOLAHAN. Attorneys for p;a:r.'.;r. 32 Court Street Brooklyn N Y. d7-fil m t NOTICE OP SAl.K SUPREME COURT. KINOS COUNTY— I The Williamsburgh Savinas Bank, plain- till, against Hyn-.An Roseilnian. et »i defendants. Pursuant to A Judgment entered herein. dAted November 30th 19.1ft, I will sen at public Auction by ISAAC K EPSTEIN. Auctioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estate Kx- plot having a fronuge 0:1 said Lewis Avenge of 20 fee; and A depth of 80 fee: en bosh sides w::h A partv wall on one s-.dc And subject to covenants And restr c- 11 ns ol Ttord Reference is niAde to ."aid judgment for > more complete description ol sn-.d premises. I).i:cd. December 4:h. 19.16 StDNEY SII.VKRSTR1N. Befe-ee S M A- D E MEEKEtt, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 1 Hanson PiAce, Brooklyn, v - N < . , *:-*'-"^ r*rr" r*'.*-' 10.1A "• HROWN. Referee, v 11 f " l iKt;t Attorneys for si..- I! >n v:.ict, Brooklyn, ri7-6t m s N I ICE OF S U E SUPREME I'-I'-I; KINOS COUNTY— Bank, plaintiff, .-::.- : . j Corporation et al.. .• I :•. f e ;•.; > l o a ••] I i Bi ' ; '• M , NOTICE OF SALE. SUPREMK COURT. KINOS COUNTY The WiihAmshursh Savings BAP'*, p'a r f"< Yo! • entered herein, !. I93t? 1 will sell »t WILLIAM It. REID, I HCa; F.stAte Srert. Brooklyn. the lo:. ,-n December 28th. 19.lfi. At 12 iM isscrd premises In •' p-ci'.;>•;-. county of Klnes. tie sold. wltt*. \ o clock noon, the mortgAeed premises the Borough of Brook'.vn. Co.inrv 0! fl:rec;ed by said Judgment to be sold the improvements thereon, situate on the sontnerly side of Oienmor* Avenue distAi-.t 40 feet westerly from tt.e corner fo: the intersection of the southerly side of Oienmere Avenue with is-.e westeTij of Lincoln Avenue, heme A p:ot -0 fee front And re»r, hy f,0 feet in depth , Oi-.« Hanson riace. nroo«\fcih". both side* with A party wall on either side; New York. d7-«* m 1 and "• 1 1 fee: ,r. depth on bo\h sides. i a ;s;:v on'one side: together <: •• and subject to coven»hl« record. Reference la a • for a more com- . . ' • p:1 srt vf -aid '.s r en-,|tes 1st. 193fi 111ED 1. CROSS Re<er4*. eV D E MEEKER, Att«miy» fOf •\ ~~~ .... -- .... ^^^fcikiki.^ .... i ' ! 1 ! : Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 5/Brooklyn NY Daily Eagle/Brooklyn NY Daily...day night duplicate contest of the ... the form of a crisp,.new. bill In a holiday envelope and

."-. - • ! ' ' • ' •

• • ' . "


Bridge League Completes Its Friday Games

Will Resume in January —Christmas Party Is P lanned . Wednesday

The Long Island Bridge League last night completed Its final Fri­day night duplicate contest of the year and will play only on Wednes­day nights for the next two weeks, resuming the Friday night games on Jan. 8.

Three sections were played last night in The Eagle Building, 305 Washington St., and high score honors of the night went to L. Nat-tar and J. Verdon, winners in Sec­tion 1 with 67',3 points.

Tie Played Out In Section 2, the team of Ed

Nelson and John DeGrooLiied with Harold Rosensteih and Frank Mc­Donald on the basis of match polntsreach having a total of 66^, but the DeQroof-Nelson team was declared the winner on a board-a-match basis. — — • - —

In the final section, of only three tables, Mrs. H. O'Donohue and Mrs. Mary Kent were the winners with 27 points.

Next big event on the league's schedule Is the Christmas party scheduled for next Wednesday night in The Eagle Building. Door prizes, kicker prizes, in which players try to estimate their final score, and special top score prizes will be awarded and a general Christmas theme will dominate the play.

Complete Results Following are the complete re­

sults of the night's play, with the first and second place winners

qualifying for the December cham­pionships:.

SECTION 1 1. h.~ Natter-J: Verdon. . 67V4; 3. . M.

O. Bry»n-H. Witt, 65; 3. O. Leifler-K. Knopplng. 64; 4. Mr. and Mrs. M. Han­sen. 60Vi: 6. A. McOarthy-A. Lathrop, 68 Vi; 6. W. Br*dford-I. Jacobson, 57; 7. Mrs. M . Orey-J. Qlovcr, .52; 8. Mrs. W. Rlgnejr-O. y i tne ra ld . 50Vi: W, 10. I. Flor*ndln-C. Travis. Mrs. W. L&throp-M. Faughnan. 48; 11. Mrs. O. Johnson, Mrs. A. Shapiro, 46.

SECTION 2 1. E. Nelson-J. DeOroof, 66Vi; 2. H.

Rosensteln-K. McDonald, 66Vi; 3. M. Lelbowltz-A. Sohum&n, 65Vi; 4. E. MlUer-H. KriUlk, 62Vi; 5. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hughes, 54; 6. R. Jensen-O. Benec*, 53Vi; 7, 8. 0 . /-JSchnelkraut^B. Schwarti, H. Zellen-O. oawrence, 53; 6. Mr. and Mrs. T. Lacrolx, 61 Vi: 10, 11. A. WeWner-E. Bello, L. Boynton-A. Norton, 48Vi; 13. Y. Smlth-S. Duyk, 37. .

SECTION 3 1. Mrs. H. O'Donohue-Mrs. M. Kent,

27; 2. a . Qreenb«T*-Mr«. I. Dutcher, 36; 3. Mr. and Mrs. W. Newman, 20Vi; *• Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodruffe. 18Vi; 5. M. Kent-J. Peters, 18; 6. L. Gluckjmin-S. Fleischer, 10.


Loeser Employes Get Holiday Bonus

The employes of Frederick Loeser and Company, Brooklyn department store, each received a Christmas gift from the store today. l i t took the form of a crisp,.new. bill In a holiday envelope and contained In addition to the money, a card with the following: "Enclosed is a Loeser Christmas gift to you with the wish for Merry Christmas to you and yours, "Frederick Loeser ana^Com-pany."

Employes who have been with the store one year or more received $10 each, those employed prior to July 1, 1936, received $5 and the others $2.50.

Lewis M. Glbb, the store's presi­dent, stated: "The gift has gone to the members of our organization with our best wishes for Christmas and the coming New Year. We are having the best December in sev­eral years, following many months of steady increase in sales. A loyal and efficient organization has made that possible.


BUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY— Alex Makarczyk, plaintiff, against Esther Pappano et al., defendants.

ERNEST W. LEVEY. Plaintiff's Attor­ney, 206 Broadway, N. Y.

Pursuant to judgment dated December 1, 1936, the undersigned will sell at public auction, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Ex­change, No. 189 Montague Street, Borough of Brooklyn, New York City, on December 29, 1936 at 12:00 o'clock noon by JOSEPH H. ROSENBLUM, auctioneer, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, de­scribed as Section 4, Block 1124. Lot 5, as shown and designated upon the Tax Map of the City of New York for the Bor­ough of Brooklyn, as the said Tax Map -was on January 1. 1935. Reference is hereby made to the Judgment for a com­plete description.

Dated, Brooklyn, N. Y., December 4. 1936.

WILLIAM LIEBERMANN, Referee. d8 12 15 19 22 26

FORECLOSURES (38) feet seven and one-eighth (7V») Inches northeasterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Marlborough Road and th* north­westerly side of Newkirk Avenue; thence northerly parallel with Marlborough Road and part of the distance through a party wall eighty-nine (89) feet nine (9) inches; thence easterly at right angles to Marl­borough Road fifteen (15) feet three (3) inches; thence southerly parallel with Marlborough Road and part of the dis­tance through a party wall eighty-three (83) feet eleven and one-Quarter (H'A) inches to the northwesterly side of New­kirk Avenue; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly side of Newkirk Avenue sixteen (16) feet eight and three-eighths (8 t t ) inches to the point or pU.ce of be­ginning.

Dated, December 8th, 1936. J FRED ROSENFELD, Referee.

CULLEN & DYKMAN, Plaintiff's Attor­neys, 177 Montague St., B ^ N ^


—The Williamsburgh Savings Bank, plain­tiff, against Louis H. Pflug, et al.. defend­ants. Action No. 1.

Pursuant to a Judgment entered herein, dated December 3rd, 1936, I will sell at public auction by ELIAS CADAN. auc­tioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn, New York, on January 4th, 1937. at 12 o'clock noon. the mortgaged premises in the Borough ol Brooklyn, County of Kings, directed by said Judgment to be sold, with the im­provements thereon, situate on the south­erly side of Covert Street, distant 250 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Covert Street with the easterly side of Broadway, being a plot 25 feet, front and rear, by 100 -feet in depth on both sides with a party wall on either side, and subject to covenants and restrictions of record Ref­erence is made to said Judgment for a mora complete description of said prem­ises. .' — —r- —«

Dated. December 8th, 1936. NICHOLAS H. PINTQ.-Referee.

S M <fc D. E. MEEKER. Attorneys for Plaintiff One Hanson Place, Brooklyn. New York. d!4-6t m »

""SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY— The Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn, plaintiff, against Filomena Caldarl et al.. defendants. . .

HUTTON <fc HOLAHAN. Attorneys for Plaintiff, 32 Court Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Pursuant to Judgment entered herein, dated December 1st, 1936, I will sell at public auction, by NATHANIEL SHUTER. auctioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estate Ex­change, 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn, New York, on the 4th day of January, 1937, at 12 o'clock noon, the mortgaged premises in the Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, City and State of New York, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Dean Street, distant three hundred and fifty feet east­erly from the corner formed by the inter­section of the easterly side of Uriderhill Avenue with the northerly side of Dean Street, and which point is opposite the center of a party wall partly on premises hereby conveyed and partly on premises adjoining on the west; running thence easterly along the northerly side of Dean Street twenty-four feet ten inches to a point where the line of the exterior wall of the Datllng Battery Armory extended intersects said northerly side of Dean Street: thence northerly at right angles to Dean Street and part of the way along said ex­terior wall of said Catling Battery Armory one hundred and ten feet; thence westerly parallel with Dean 8trcet twenty-four feet ten Inches more or less to a point where the same would'be Intersected by a line draw'n at right angles to Dean Street from the point of beginning: thence southerly at right angles to Dean Street and part of the distance through the center line of the party wall aforesaid one hundred and ten feet to the point or place of beginning.

Dated. December 14th. 1936. RALPH C. WILL1AM8 JR.. Referee.

dl4-8t m s

SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY— Antoinette F. Kleine, plaintiff, against Ola A. Saunders et al., defendants.

Pursuant to Judgment entered herein dated December 4th. 1936, I will sell at public auction, by N. W. LAMBERT, auc­tioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, No. 189 Montague Street. Brooklyn, N. Y., on December 29th, 1936, at 12 o'clock noon, the mortgaged premises in Brook­lyn. County of Kings, directed by said Judgment to be sold on the north side of Herkimer Street, 60 feet westerly from the northwesterly corner of Herkimer Street and Albany Avenue and being In dimen­sions 20 feet In width front and rear by 100 feet In depth on both sides, and more particularly described In mortgage record­ed in the office of the Register of Kings County in Liber 6160 of Mortgages, Page 515. /

Dated, December 8, 1938. ERNEST P. SEELMAN, Referee.

ORR <fc BRENNAN, Attorneys for Plain­tiff, 16 Court Street, Brooklyn. N: Y.

d8 12 15 19 22 26-6t SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY—

Isabella Byrne, plaintiff, against Maddalena, Tocco et al., defendants.

In pursuance of a Judgment of fore­closure and sale duly made and entered in the above entitled action, and bearing date the 18th day of November, 1936, I, the undersigned referee In said Judgment named, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, by LOUIS TURK, auc­tioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn, New York, on December 22d, 1938. at 12 o'clock noon, the premises directed by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows:

All that plot of land with' Improvement* In Borough of Brooklyn, N. Y., known a» Lot No. 10 on Map of Property of George and Ilona Weber known as "Weber Court" at Sheepshead Bay, Borough of.Brooklyn, N. Y., surveyed April 26th, 1923, by Francis P. Murphy, City Surveyor, filed In the Register's office of Kings County May 16th, 1923, as Map 1891.

Together with an easement for ingress and egress to and from Emmons Avenu* over a strip of land designated as "right of way" on said map, and together with an easement over Lot No. 11 on said map for Ingress and egress to and from said right of way.

Dated, December 1st, 1936. WALTER D. GRANT. Referee.

HOWARD D. HAMMOND, Attorney for Plaintiff. 215 Montague Street. Brooklyn, New York. d l 5 8 12 15 19-6t


The Wllliamsbureh Savings Bank, plaintiff, against Raco Realty Corporation et al., de­fendant^.—Action No. 5.

Pursuant to a Judgment entered herein. dated December 4th. 1936, I will sell at public auction, by MARTIN SOLOMON. auctioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estate Ex­change. 189 Montague Street. Brooklyn. New* York, on January 5. 1937, aU 1? o clock noon, the mortgaged premlsesMn the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, directed by said Judgment to be sold, with the improvements thereon, situate, on the westerly side of Albany Avenue, distant 25 feet southerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of Albany Avenue with the southerly side of Maple Street, brine a plot 25 feet front and rear by 100 feet In depth on both Sides, with a party wall on either side; to­gether with street rights and subject to covenants and restrictions of record. Ref­erence is made to said Judgment for a more complete description of said premises.

Dated. December 8th. 1936. LEONARD OREENSTONE, Referee.

S M At D. E. MEEKER. Attorneys for P'atntlff One Hanson Place. Brooklyn, New York. d!5-6t tu I

SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY— Brooklyn Trust Company as trustee for certificate holders of Scries or Guarantee No. 150580 of Bond and Mortgage Guar­antee Company, under an Indenture of trust dated June 8. 1936. plaintiff, against Domlnlco Scolto Dl Clccarlello et al., de­fendants.

Pursuant to Judgment herein, dated De­cember 7th, 1936, I will sell at public auc­tion to the highest bidder, by DAVID M. SHAPIRO, auctioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn. N. Y., at 12 o'clock noon on the 30th day of December, 1936, premises situate In Brooklyn, Kings County, New-York State, on the westerly side of East 2d Street. 231 feet 8 Inches southerly from the southerly side of Avenue U, being 25 feet 8 Inches wide front and rear by 100 feet In depth on each side, side lines running parallel with Avenue U, northerly side line running part of the distance through * party wall. No. 2162 East 2d Street. Reference is made to said Judgment for a complete description of the premises.

Dated, December 9th, 1936. CLARENCE H. 8KIGLE. Referee.

CULLEN M DYKMAN, Plaintiffs Attor­neys, 177 Montague Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

d9 12 16 19 23 26

SUPREME COURT. KINGS COUNTY— Home Owners' Loan Corporation, plaintiff, against Rose lukowiu , Oscar l u k o w i u and Lillian Itrkowlu. defendants.

Pursuant to Judgment entered December 4th 1936. I "HI sell *t public auction to the 'highest bidder, by LOUIS HAMBURG. auctioneer at Brooklyn Real Estate Ex­change. No. 189 Montague 8treet. Brook­lyn, New York, at 12 o'clock noon on the 6th day of January, 1937, all that certain lot of land, with the buildings and im­provements thereon erected, situate In the County of Kings and State of New York, beginning on the northerly side of Oceanic Avenue, distant 300 feet westerly from the rorner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of West 37th 8treet and the northerly side of Oceanic Avenue, being 30 fret In width front and rear by 100 feet In depth on both sides: the westerly side runs part of the distance through a garage party wall. Together with and subject to driveway easements. 8ald premises are mare fully described in said Judgment.

HERMAN BACHRACH. Referee. - J. TRESTON MOTTUR, riATfUrfrit At­torney, 16 Court Street, Brooklyn. New York. dl.vflt tu i

StJPRF.MK COURT. KINGS COUNTY— Laura L Dudley, plaintiff, against Cortel-you Holding Co.. Inc., et al . defendants.

Pursuant to Judgment herein, dated No­vember 30. 1936. 1 will sell at public, auc­tion to the highest bidder, by JACK DUBERSTF.IN. auctioneer, al Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange. No. 119 Montague Street, Brooklyn. N. Y., at 15:00 noon on the 29ih day of December. 19.16, premises situate in Brooklyn. Kings County. New York State, described as follows: Begin­ning at a point on the northwesterly side »f Ntwklrk Avenue, distant vniny-#ttht Rapid Transit Corporation! shence nort-h

SUPREME COUR»COUNTY OF KINOS— Mortgage \^}mm>«!6n of the 8tate of New York et ano^-pialntlffs, against Abraham Schwartr. et al., defendants.

BENJAMIN J. RABIN, Plaintiffs' Attor­ney. 346 Broadway, New York. N. Y.

Pursuant to Judgment of foreclosure, en­tered December 5th, 1936. the undersigned will sell at public auction at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague 8treet, in the Borough of Brooklyn and County of Kings, New York, on December 30. 1936, at twelve o'clock noon, by JAMES F. MORAN, auctioneer, the mortgaged prem­ises and property described In the com­plaint and directed by said Judgment to be sold, situated and located as follows:

All that parcel of land In th* Borough of Brooklyn. County of Kings, City and Stata of New York, on the wttt side of West 35th Street, 150 feet south of the south side of Neptune Avenue, 25 feet In width front and rear, the rear line parallel with West 3Sth 8treet. by 118.81 feet In depth on both sides, said side linei being parallel with Neptune Avenue, the north line running part of the distance through a party wall; together with and subject to an easement for right of way as In mortgage recorded in Liber 6807 of Mort-aates, Page 26

SAMUEL FALK, Refer**. d9 \J ir, ;o n 2fl St

SUPREME COURT, KINOS COUNTY— Home Owners' I«an Corporation, plaintiff, against Mary Rabuschlnsky et al., defend­ants.--Notice of 8*1«.

Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and »ale. dated November 30th, \»36, and duly entered. I VM sell sit public auction to the highest bidder, by WILLIAM H. REtD, auctioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estate Ex­change. 189 Montague Street, Brooklyn. New York, on January 5th, 1936. at 12 o'clock noon, the mortgaged premises In the County of King*, described as follows:

Beginning at a point on the westerly side of West 7th Street, distant 421.96 feet* northerly from the corner formed by th* intersection of the said westerly »ld* of West 7th fltre/t »nd th* northeasterly side of ftfith Street; running thenc* westerly *st right angles to West 7th Street and part of the distance through a parly wall 51 feel 4 Inches to th* moat northeasterly far* of tha retaining wall of th» N«w York

"ELL; the great "American" Party contest is over. The judges have met, discussed, and judged hundreds of thou-_safids_of contest.blanks. ItIwas a.difficult job because. th'ere_were many splendid entries. Out oL them all were-

selected 564 winners. We thank all who entered and appreciate their excellent ballots for The "American" Party and its candidates—Amoco-Gas, the world's finest motor fuel, and Orange American Gas, the best buy at regular gas price. Checks for prizes will be mailed immediately to all winners as follows, listed alphabetically under each classification:

FIRST PRIZE!- $2,500.00 In Cash • SECOND PRIZE- $1,000,00 In Cash a THIRD PRIZE-$500.00 in Cash • F O I J R T T T S . Z F . . EDWARD F. SULLIVAN HARRY W. JOCKERS D. S. MATTHEW

65 Rockne Ave., Dorchester, Mas* Jjr72 E. Meehan Ave-, Philadelphia, Pa. 10915 Lake Ave., Cleveland, Ohio VERNON W. JOHNSON

219 Monmouth Ave., Durham, N'.'C.

10 PRIZES OF $160.00 EACHi Francis X. Beaujon, 819 Broad St,. Johnatown. Pa. Miss Anna Helene Beckmann, Me of Hope, Savannah, Gti Wallace Bins, 304 N. Chester Pike. Glenolden, Pa. George A. Blrdaall 421 Newton Place N W Washington n n Griar L, Cnig . 1206 Wisconsin Ave., Dormont, Pitt . , Pa. M. J . Daly. 62 Hansen AY«.. Buffalo, N. Y. Alexander J. Dchany. R.-F. D. No. 1, Aubumdale, Fla. Alice A. Gray, 1362 Harvard St., N W„ Washington D C Jane C Holran Route 1 ' \ w P L ^ V n ' r , ? " Hal Hugh*. 606 Raleigh St.. Bluefield, W. Va. 20 PRIZES OP W . M EACHi Charles Mills Adams, 2 St. James St.. (The Warren) Roxbury. Boston. Mass. Carl A. Anderson. 171 Sigourney St.. Ha for" Conn George C Bach Hirst Ave F , T l l n ^ o w n e P L ' Ernes tH. Bishop, 69 Alton RcL.Quincy, Mass. Mrs. Anna B.Brimmer,"Millstonea" R.F.D. No. 3 . Lancaster, Pa. » - v u . . i . « ^ . i . . . « . - i b ™ » ™ , „ . . t ^ ^ . _ . i „ ... ' o . u a c n . l l William J. Cufl, 723 East 41st Street, Baltimore, Md. Ernest F . Denomme,9 Weyerhaeuser Road, Carl M.H*rmon, 20 Portland St., Bridgton, Maine. Herrman Philip Heyne, 801 27th St., N. E., Canton, ~, C^r«eH.Rii*8S2PineSt. ,Lanc*ster,Pa. JosephC.Ruppert,lSS5N.DoverSt,,Phila.,Pa. JamesSandler, 14 Wilson St., Natick, Mass. 30 PRIZES OF $25.00 EACH: Louis P. Becker, J r . ,R .n . l Box 219 Altoona PaT Mildred A. Bradley, Box 62, Sheldonville, Mass. Lucile A. Brands, Rowaytoa Are., Rowayton, Conn. ElUaboth Busch. Route 1, Montague, N. J., Port Jervis, N. Y. Helen Campbell, 68 Norton St., Now Haven Conn Harriet I 'lark O. H. Curtis, Box 90, Route 2, Elkins, W. Va. Wm. H. Debes, 14404 Msyfair Ave., East Cleveland, Ohio. Thomas Donaldson, 26 Rcwsley St., Bridgeport, Conn. Louis P. Drollinger, 3868 East St., Pittsburgh Pa. Nelson H FriU Park vtcnuo A o t i S r / M d ' ' A. Merrill Greiner, 623 Tracy St., Utica, N. Y. Robert Hiott, Pickens, S. C. A/S . Hopper. 121 North St., Rochester, N. Y. Wayne D. Irwin. 79 Hill St.; Frostburg, Md. Uonard Jordan. Elm Citv N C. J O LaVeld 603 Forrest Road M E Atlanta' ' ( ' , Elizabeth McDonald. 1445 Avondala Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. W. C. McSwaln, c/o G. B. McSwain, Geni.-Del., Norwood, N. C. Ben L. Pearson, 695 Wayne St., Bridgeport, Conn. Elsie L. Perkins. 21 Emery St., Sanlord ' Maine. Agnes C Preston Ha'-rison "Calais i ia ina Charles Roy Pryor, West Jackson St. 315, York, Pa. James Auvel Stewart, 1111 Austin Ave., Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Virginia Keith Sullivan, 2100 King St., Alexandria, Vs. Edna May Uhler, 303 Main St., Reistcrstown Md Mr Clvde Waldo !f(Mfi Piie 'st Ph'ilL Pa-Samuel H. Williams, 2703 Grove Ave., Richmond.Va. Lewis York,12 Kingston Ave., Poughkeepsle.N.Y. 100 PRIZES OF $10.00 EACH: Jos. H. Allred. Wade.N.C. Richard C. Alton, 249 E. Center St., Manchester. Conn Ruby'ArnoldI n i l Hoover PI N W C a n t o n O Carrie L. Balo, 1303 E . 110th St., Apt. 8, Cleveland, Ohio. Roy Barry.905 Second St., St. Marys, W. Va. F . Roland Bean. Intervale Road. North Conway, N. H. H. Evelyn Bear. 129 Broadway. Milton. Pa. Mrs. Florence Lyons Ber'ry 4516 8-h St N W Wash. DC. ' John Wesley Bond, Jr., 1533 Argyle Ave., Baltimore, Md. Leslie BosweU, 83 Cedar St., Bridgeton, N. J. Andrew G. Briggs, Jr . . 4215 Seminary Ave., Richmond, Va. Ernest E. Brodcur. 677 Central Ave Dover N H Rachel BroUman "33 Ri'dee St" Emaus Pa. Mra ,LandyB. Brown, 6355 Lancaster Ave., Phila., Pa. Mrs. Ruth Brown. 4127 HeUerman St., Phila., Pa. Mrs. C. G. Campbell, 626 Park Lane, Lynchburg, Va. Albert Cervenicky, 216 Sweitzer Lane, Plymouth, Pa! Hyman Chamey 1307 Atlantic Ave Atlantic N J H. E. CobU, 730 Hamilton, Lancaster, Pa. D. H. Cook, 21 Eastern Ave.. Barre.Vfe; E.L.Costigan,1388 E. Anchor St., Phila., Pa. D.T. Cowart,P.O. Boxl08, Dublin, Ga. H. Crabtree, Fort Hill Pharmacy Lynchburg Va J W Critchfiel'd 30" Kennedy We" N S Pitt. Vx. G.B.Cunningham, 1225 Ridge Rd., Silver Spring, Md. Isabel Cunningham. Pecan Ter., Easley.S. C. Leslie W. Currie. 12 Gayland St.. Boston (25), Mass. W. H. Currie. 807 Ccntenial Ave., High Foi'nt, N. C. Marie C Daley 116 Woodbine Ave McrcnantvUle N J J. L. Davis, Box 283, Auburndale, Fla..- S..I. Davis* 225 E. Haverhill St., Lawrence, Mass; • Myrtie-L-. Day.707 Wash.-Ave..PortlandrMe.-~J. E^dmuhdsVHalifaX, Va".' Emma C. Elli6tt'."l6I Jackson "St.VPstcrson.'N J l V T Everett '6314 ken'il worth Ave Balto* Md*" A. E. Farmer, 219 Railroad St.. Elberton, Ga. F . J.Finn, 2012 E.BucklusSt. ,Phaa.,Pa. E. J. Fischer, 3602 HudsonSt.. Balto., Md. W.H. Fletcher. 101KingSt.,CarroUton,Ga. J.R.Foster,614 ArUngtonSt..Greensboro N.C. W Gidley' 34 Dorchester St. Sprinsrfield *Massl H.Glfford,422E. 159th St., New York. D. A. Gray, 830 Bergen St., Gloucester, N. J . Caroline W. Guth. 736 Garfield Ave., Akron, O. A. E. Hammond, Zephyr Hills, Fla. Kathleen C. Hammond. 5509 Bloomingdale Ave Richmond Va H Harper' Crawford W Va. Frank Harrison, Jr., 604 N. Monroe St., Tallahassee, Fla. W. C. Hartman. 191 A, South, Northampton, Mass. Mrs. Berta K. Hayes, P. O. Box 882, Macon, Ga. H. E. Hayes, 525 Walnut St., Grafton, W. Va. Edward E, Hclfst U.'s Coast Guard Chincotcaq'ue Va. R. F . Hemlnger,R.F.D. 1. Stonecreek, O. J. M. Henderson, R.F.Q. S.Bridgeton, N. J. G. E. Heron,742 Boulevard, N.E., Atlanta, Ga. J. A. Hester, 976 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta. Ga. A. R. Hopper, R.F.D. 2, Gibsonia Pa. Janet Horn 236 1st Ave.N- St Pete Via E. C. Howell, 827 Virgil St., N. E., Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. G. H. Humphrey, 61 Safford St,; Wollaston, Mass. J . D. Hurt, R. F . D. 1, Glenarm, Md. Mrs. M. W. Ingraham. 538 Oakwood Ave., East Aurora. N . Y. Angelaj: Jackson u ' l S J a c o b S ; Wheeling w ! V«u E. W. Jordan, Veterans' Adm. Facility, Roanoke, Va. MabeUa Jordan, 21st St. & Chestnut Ave., Buena Vista, Va. Mrs. B. B. Kendrick, 1008 Fairmont St., Greensboro, N. C. ' J a m e s Lalcy. 3003 "N. Stillman St., Phila., Pa. C P* Lamb 111 Hun St - Atlanta" Ga. J. G.Lambert, 1042 Piedmont Ave., N.E., Atlanta, Ga. W. A.Law,1839N.2ndSt..Harrisburg,Pa. R.F.Lenox,237 W.Howry Ave..Deland,Fla; A.Liebcr.838CgtherineSt.,Phila.,Pa. J.B.Lingan,S7140akmont Ave.,Balto., Md C SLo'ng BrandonRec Spring Grove Va. Robert L. Lord, 17805 Clifton Blvd., Lakewood, Ohio. Howard Lynch, 886 E. 12th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. John McCartney. Box 195, Rcedsville, Pa. John McFall, 1835 B St., S. E., Wash., D. C. C. S. Mattingly.Ford, Va. Mien Earl May 1323 Miller St Utica N* Y M.S.Merrill.825NewP.O.Bldg.,Atlanta,Ga. R.W.Milor,23112thSt.N.E.,Apt.l6,Atlanta,Ga. Mrs.S.O.Newsomo,Blountstown,Fla. L.Nusbaum,R.F.D.,UnionBridgc,Md. J.M.O'Neill,831 RockLa.,ElkinsPk.,Phila.,Pa. C.C.Partin 4765Was"h \ve NcwportN'ews Va! J. F . Pearl, 1217 Hollins St., Balto., Md. Mrs. H. S. Pcttigrew. 16801 Delaware Ave., Lakewood, Ohio. L. A. Phelps, Mclndoe Falls, Vt. G. B. Phillips, Glover, Vt. J. H. Pilger, 222 Delaware St., Syracuse, N. Y. Roy W. Purdy,184 Elralawn R<^rBra»tree Mass. D. C. Reid, 18 W. Packer St., Woodbury, N. J. J . F. Rohan, 214 Gardner St., Manchester, Conn. W. B. Segraves,310H E. Market St., Clearfield, Pa. G. Smith, 146 Mell St.. Athens, Ga. P.A.Smith,Rt.2,Roekvilie, Md. Mrs.W W. Wallace B 136 Panama City Fla. R. C. Williams, 6314 N. 18th St;, Phila., Pa. E. C. Wynkoop, 2423 Kensington Rd., Arlington, Va. 400 PRIZES OF $5.00 EACH: Mrs. M. Acker, R. F. D. 2. Lehighton, Pa. R. Ade, 1710 Cornell Rd., N. E., Atlanta, Ga. C. Albey, 41 Malone Ave, Belleville, N. J . G. H. AUriend, 4114 W. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. W. F. Allen, 413 Newburne St.. Lynchburg, Va. Mrs. R. S. AUine, 17428 Winslow Rd., Cleveland, Ohio C. B. Allison, 25 Birchwood Ave., Longmeadow, Mass. J . A. Altieri, 74 Hamilton St Bridgeport.'Conru C. P. Ament, 86 Werner Park^Roch., N.Y. A. J. Anderson, 115 Wallace St., Prov., R . I . L. J. Ardell, 2640 S. 66th St., Phila., Pa. L. E. Arthur, 80 Kearney Ave., Trenton, N . J . N . M. Atclla, 65 Metcalf St., Prov., R . I . B. R. Atwood, 1417 Oakhill'Dr.,Lakeland, Fla. W. Barklage,755 Anderson Ave., Grantwood, N..J. C. C. Barrow,46 Milton St., Arlington, Mass. J. A. Bartholomew, 1209 Crittenden St., N. W., Wash., D. C. Ida D. Batezell, 6333 Torresdale Ave., Phila., Pa. Mrs. Geo. B. Bearaan, 18 Clark Lane, Waltham, Mass. R. W. Beard,277 Summit Ave., BeUevue, Pa. G. H. Bedell, 2906 Utopia PL, Cinci., O. L. M. Bell, Catawba San., Roanoke, Va. V. G. Bell, 39 Overlook Rd., Quincy, Mass. E. M.Benney, 9 Glendala Ave.,Elsmere,N.Y. F.T.Bensor, 6209 Kenilworth Ave.,Balto.,Md. R. G. Berger, 215 State St., Bridgeport, Conn. E. Bernier, Jr., R.F.D. 2, Waterbury, Conn. Mrs. C. F. Berry, 21 Crescent Rd., Longmeadow, Mass. N. K. Berry, 108 The Argonne, 1629 Columbia Rd., Washington, D. C. T. J. Betts, Walker Ave., Burgaw, N . C. W. D. Biever, 165 N. E. 80th Ter., Miami, Fla. H. E. Biggs, Lee and Jackson, Front Royal, Va.. Mrs. E, M. Bishop, 109 Glendale Rd., Quincy, Mas3. Ewart M. Blain, 1441 Lancaster Ave.,Syracuse, N. Y. Mrs. H. E. Blakock,Route 1 Box 1040, Miami, Fla. C . C . Bodeker, Jr., P.O. Box 86, S.Hill, Va. Mrs. H.S.Boteler, 6806 46th St., Ch. Ch„ Md. C. I. Bougher, France Apts., Stuart, Fla. N. W. Braun, 608 Crescent Ave., Burl., N.Y. P. Brinker, 124 E. Broad St., Burlington, N.J . R. O. Britner, Artiran St . , \Vmsp , t ,Md S. P . BritU, 801 Cornwallis Ave., Roanoke, Va. C. E. Brown, 76 Nonantum S t , Brighton, Mass. R. M.Brown,11 Jonquil Ave.,Mt.Leb.,Pitt. ,Pa. D. Brumbach,S671 W.132ndSt.,Cleve.,0. H. U.Bryan,Rt.l .Yardville,N.J. R. J. Burne, 14 Woodman Aye.,Fairfield, Me. W. Bun-bus,8506 Newkirk Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. W. V. Buseetto, 629 Montauk Ave.,New Loddon, Conn. A. Cameron, 139 N. Main Ave.,Scranton, Pa. Mrs. B. Campbell, 673 Massachusetts Ave., Boston, Mass. H. M. Campbell, 3573 E. 142nd St., Cleveland, Ohio J . A. Campbell, 110 E.'Madison Ave.,Vandergrift, Pa. Rev. F. C. Capozzi.St. Mary's Rectory, Wind Gap, Pa, Mrs. R. J. Carr, 635 Walker Ave., Greensboro, N. C. J. P. Carroll, 4 Summer Ave., Maiden, Mass. , Roy Castle, 29 Field St Waterbury. Conn. R. E. Chamberlin, R.D. 1,Fayetteville, Pa. J . R. Chichester, 18 Grieb Ave., R.F.D. 1, Edgely. Pa. F . B. Clark, 7009 Dunbar Rd., Dundalk, Md. G. S. Clark, 326 Hartford PI., Utica, N.Y. M. P. Clarke, Church Ave., R.D. 1, Glenshaw, Pa. J . Clouse, Barryville, N.Y. V. Clyatt,914 E. Ocklawaha Ave.,Oeala, Fla. V. E. Coghill.Clarksville.Va. W. H. Colburn, 1518 Fayette Ave., Reading, Pa. Mrs. A. I. Cole, 2018 14th St. S.W., Canton,O. E . C. Collins, 548 Bridge St., Huntington.W.Va. J . T. Collins,S. Ruffner Pk.,Charleston,W.Va. F. Colmus,1131 Davis St., Wilmington, Del. E . F . Connelly, 360 Cary Ave., W. Brighton, S. I., N.Y. S. O. Cooper, 3100 Conn. Ave., Wash., D. C. R. L. Cousins, 860 Braircllff Rd., Atlanta, Ga. J . I. Covell, Brandy, Va. G. F. Covne,38 Leighton Ave. .Red Bank, N . J . Helen V. Craighead, 72 Maple Dr., Youngstown.O. Lieut. J. R. Cranford, C. C. Camp 25, Joplin, Va. J. S. Crooks, Lake Ave., Edgemont, Fairmont, W. Va. Harriet G. Cull, 579 Meteer St., Jacksonville, Fla. E. H. Culling, 35 N.Tark Dr., Gloversville, N. Y. J. E. Currier, 197 Grant St., Portland, Me. Mr*. E. A. Curtis, Cambridge House.Ventnor, N.J. E. M. Cyr .B. 288, Waterman Ave., Greystone, R.I. K.W.Daniels, Wyatt.W.Va. B . F . Darnall.No. 4 1810 Calif. St., N.W..Wash.,D.C. R. Darvman, 448 Pa. Ave.,York,Pa. J . A. Da»che,6E.Frank.St.,B«Ito.,Md. M.R.Daugherty,846 Locust St-,N.MartinsviUe,W.Va, H.B.Davidson.1700 S.60th St.,Phila.,Pa. M. R.Davis, 128 N.E. 1st Ave.,Miami,Fla. V. Davis, Willow St., Harrisonburg, Va. S. Dean, Glenwood PI.,Falmouth,Mass. O. A. De Corce, 608 W. Chestnut St., Lancaster, Pa. L. L. Deitz,1427S. McBride St., Syracuse, N . Y . R.F. Denney, Rt . 2, Box 286, Norfolk, Va. Mrs. L. J. Detwiler, 3934 W. 158th St., Cleveland, Ohio F . W. Donahue, M. D. , 231 StateSt., The N'orthgate, Portland, Me. J. Donkersloot, 657'Highland Ave., Clifton, N.J. Mrs. H. Dorgan, 1 Laurel St., Ellsworth ,Me, M.L-Dorsey, Dorsey, Md. H. S. Doubleday, 170 Hall Ave.,Wash., Pa. Mrs. D. Droba,2421 Kensington Rd., Arlington.Va, E. E. Drocge, 203 S. Brevard Ave.,Tampa,Fla. Mrs. H. C. Duckett,310Avenham Ave., Roanoke, Va. Geo. R. Dudrow, Mt. Wilson, Md. H. O. Ehlers, 1604 St. Stephen St., Balto., Md. Mrs. E. Einsel, Mohrsville, Pa. Le Roy W. Elgin, Jr., Breathedsville, Md. F . T. Ericson, No. 1 Belle Ave., Chaining, N. Y. A. P. Everttine, 2350 Lo* Angeles Ave., Pitt., Pa. L. J. Faedke,2421 W. Cervantes St., Pensacola, Fla. Harry Falkinson, 420 3rd Ave., Now Brighton, Pa. Alys Farwick,915 9th St., N. W., Canton, Ohio Camilla Finncgan, 2808 E. Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. Mr. R. V.Fisher, 528 Madison Ave.,Steubenville, Ohio M. L. Foote, 99 W. Plumstead Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. C. C. Forbes, 1945 Lee, Hollywood, Fla. H. Foreman, 2617 Park Heights Ter., Baltimore, Md. M. D. Fortune, 807 Stanton Ave., Mil! vale, Pittsburgh, Pa . A. C. Foster,4912 Montgomery La., Edgmoor, Bethesda, Md. Mrs. Tom Foster, 660 Lawton St., S. W., Atlanta, Ga. William D."Franklin,252 N. Main St., Statesboro, Ga. A. H. Frascr,84 North St., Portland, Maino Joseph Frena, 110 E. 4th Ave., Homestead, P a . L. H. FriedUnder, 755 Main St., Henderson ville, N.C. R. Friedlander, 263 Taft St., Delray, Fla. C .Gaudiose, 219 S. Truesdale Ave., Youngstown, O. W. E. Glenn, Jr., Fallston, Md. T . J . Goe,616 Galvin Ave., Rosello, N.J . R. A. Graham, 716 Soc. for Sav.,Cleve., O. Mrs. C. Grey.R. F . D. LRexfordj-N. Y. H. Gudheim, Blacksburg, Va, F . D. Guidas, P. O. Box 52, Van Voorhis, Pa. Mrs. G . J . Hagedom.Sicomac Ave., Midland Park, N. J. A. Hale, Lake Rd., Webster, N. Y. F . L. Halfin, Dunkard, Pa. M. B. Hall, Selkirk, N. Y. C. R. HiIleron,316 Howard St., B%tler, Pa. Vyla C. Hallock,85 Crittenden Blvd., Rochester, N. Y. John S. Hardaway, Jr., 73 S. W. 18th Ter., Miami, Fla. J. F . Harnage,210 E. Seventh St., Jacksonville, Fla. J . A. Harnage, Route No. 3, Alexandria, Va, A. F . Harrington,402 Student St., Greenville, N. C. * D . E . Harrison, Box 966, Fort Pi erce, Fla. W. P. Harrison, 6414 Rosclawn Rd., Richmond, Va. Mrs. E. Harter,69 Oakland Ave. ,Elm Grove, W. Va. Geo. E. Hartman. 789 W. Bryant St., Stroudsburg, Pa . Mrs. C. H. Haakcr, Terr. Dale, Towson, Md. Mrs. M. Haakie, 223 S. Calhoun, Balto., Md. M. H. Hawkins, P.O. Box 134, Buchanan, Va. R, L. Haydcn, Catawba Sanitarium, Va. R. E. Heatwole, Ravenwood Hts. .Hagerstown , Md. F .C. Hedrick .Dandridge, Tcnn. W. R. Hendy,9 Curtis, Medford, Mass. J. H. Hildebrand, 120 S. Mulberry, Hagerstown, Md, E.L.Hocnig, 537 Conn. Ave., Roch., Pa. T. J. Hoffman, Sr., R.F.D. 1, Halifax, Enders, Pa. W. Holm, 116 Hamilton, Elyria, O . W. P. Holt, 609 Whitaker St . ,Savannah,Ga. H. A. Hoover, 3306 Kenyon Ave., Baltimore, Md. Dana H. Howe, Box V, Greensboro, N . C . Rev. W. G. Hughes, HillsviUe, Va.. IC. J. Hurley, 4 Park St., Ellsworth, Maine C . C . Idc, 29 Teller Ave., Beacon, N . Y . A. G. ndcrton, 124 W. Liberty St. Savannah, Ga. M. I . Irvin, 620 Va. Ave., S.Roanoke, Va. E. R. Jackson, 3302 Greenmount Ave., Balto., Md. T. R. Jarrett, Kingmont.W.Va. C. B. Johnson, 20 Wing St., Bangor, Me. E. E. Johnson, 29 Cohassct St., Roslindale, Mass. E. L. Johnson, 304 S. Aycock .Greenboro, N.C. J . W.Johnson, 1540 Shehy St., Youngstown, O. C. II. Jones, 1912 Janet Rd., Cleve., O. H. L. Jones, 19 McEnnelly St., Marlboro, Mass. J. Jones, Jr., 1110 2nd St., Scalp Level, Pa. Mrs, R. M.Jones, Clemson.S. C. M. L. Jordan, 1230 I-akeland Ave., Lakewood, O. J. F . Joyce, 248 N. Dithridge St., Pitt . , Pa. J. H. Keefe, 6335 N. Broad St., Phila., Pa. J.F.Keeley, 201 Ulysses St. ,Mt.Wash.,Pitt . ,Pa. C.W.Kemper, 155 C St.,Carlisle,Pa, A. Kennedy,250 Arlington St.,Youngstown, O. E. P. Kerper,2212 N.6th'St. ,Harrisburg,Pa. AliceKershner,Waynes.Hosp.,Way«iesboro,Pa. Mrs. R. W.Keyee, 220 W. 41st St., Jacksonville,Fla. E. A. Kilduff. 1319 N.Luzerne Ave., Balto., Md. E. H. King, 110 N.Wash.. Butler, Pa . M. King, 478 E. Main St. .Meriden, Conn. R. G. King, 147 Vt.Su,Roch,,N.Y. J. E. Kirwin,1857 OnUrio PI., N. W.,Wash., D. C. E. S. Kohl, Box 402, Phila. Rd., Raspeburg P . O., Md. F. Komidar, Jr., 14421 Saranac Rd., Cleveland, Ohio J. Kosinski, 39 Princeton, New Bedford, Mass. M. C. Lambcrson,922 Spring Rd., N. W. ,Wash . ,D. C. L. D. Lambert, S3 W. King St., Chamberaburg, Pa. j A. W. Langer.1319 W.Thompson St., Phila., Pa. Mrs. L. Langlet, R. R. 2, Bristol, W. Va. S. B. Lapsley,73 Camden Ave., Marlinton, W. Va. C. S. Lawrenson, 1936 2nd St., N. E. .Washington, D. C. Mrs. R. K-Lawson, Spout Spring, Va. R. E. Lawson, 326 Atlanta Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. W. G. Layton.Box 16, Fredericksburg, Va, H. Leake, 6010 E. Byrd Rd., Richmond, Va. J . H. LeCompte, Main St . ,St . Michaels, Md. F . Lebowor,241 Kalos St., Phila., Pa. L. W. LeGrand, Public Square, Wooster .Ohio H. A. Lendt, 822 Joseph Ave., Roch., N. Y. Geo. E. Leps, 266 S. Felton St. Phila., Pa. F . I-evino, 139 Lawton Ave., Lyon, M w , J. Lewis, 6 Howard St., Manchester, N. Y. C. Lichey ,L746 First Ave., New York, N. Y. T. Linehan, Montoe Rd., R. F . D. 4, Waterbury, Conn. D. S. R. Lineweaver, 914 Cambridge PI., Norfolk, Va. Jos. B. Looser, 352 Georgia Ave.. N. Augusta, S. C. Mrs. J. M. Long, 835 Zachery St., S. W., Atlanta, Ga. L. L. Long, 1020 Fairfax St., East Radford, Va. W . J . Long, R. D. 1, Meyersdale, Pa. R. E. Luce, 4416 111. Ave., N. W„ Wash., D . C . J. R. Luchtcnberg, Jefferson .'O. S. L. Luckctt,2715 Ont. Rd., N. W.,Wash., D. C. W. S. Luke, 322 W.Pike St., Houston, Pa. Mrs. H. V. Lundberg, Box 63, Winter Garden, Fla. J. C. Lyle,6 Poe St., Richmond.Va. R. W. Lynch, 1112 Cornell Ave., Thornburg, Pitt,, P i . T. A.. Lyons, 6938 Chester Ave., Phila., Pa. H. F. McCollora, 1103 Longacre Blvd., Del. County, Yeadon. Pa. P. McDonald, Main P. O., Claim Dept., Cleveland, Ohio W. McDonald,9 Kenilworth St., Portland, Me, J. L. MeFatc, 1513 Del. A%-e.,New Castle, Pa. Rev. Thomas J. McKay, 314 N. 9th St., Allentown, Pa. L. L. McKce.2189 Overlook Rd., Cleveland, Ohio Lillie H. MeKcoby,230 Warren Rd., Framingham, Mass. J . S. McNair,897 Oakhill Ave., S. W., Atlanta, Ga. R. R. McQuade, 66 Linden Ave., Pitman, N. J. J. G. B. MacDade, 1013 McClenachan Ter., Marcus Hook, Pa. F . J . Madden, 30 South Pearl, Youngstown, Ohio J . E. Maden, Jr., Wash. St.. Delaware City, DeL S. F . Magruder,601 East Third St., Rome, Ga. L. S. Mallalieu, 1906 North St., Harrisburg, Pa. M. E. Manley, 360 Lincoln Ave., Hawthorne, N . J . F. P. Manniello, 84 Addison Ave., Rutherford, N . J . P. H. Marck, Laurel Rd., P. O. Box 424, Clementon, N. J . F. B. Markey,Po«.Tel. Co., Charlotte, N.C. Y. Markham, 341 S. Union Ave., Cranford, N.J. H. R. Marsh, Jeff. Stand. Li. Ins. Co., Greensboro, N . C . G. L. Marshall, 6112 7th St.,Wash., D.C. A. L. Martin, \i Lee St., Vinton, Va, A. B. Martin, Rt .2 . Rockville, Md. R. H. Martin, 73 Garfield Ave. Trenton, N J. Mrs. M. O. Mason r703 Stewart Ave., S.E., Roanoke.Va, Mrs. T. N. Masscy, Mt. Holly.Va. G. T. Masson, 27 Henley Rd., Buff., N.Y. F. E. Matthews, R. D. 5, Wash., Pa. L. A. Mechan,69 Charlotte St.,Worcester, Mass. J, A. Meinert.2729 Klldairo Dr., Balto., Md. A. Milgaten, 53 Spring St., Trenton, N.J. E. E. Miller, 908 Quail Ave., Bellevue, Pa. F . W. Miller, 110 Eleock Ave., Boonton, N.J. H. Miller, 728 Hawthorn La., Charlotte, N.C. N. C. Miller, 5 Sack Ave., Penns Grove, N . J . R. Miller, 938 Pecrmont Ave., Pitt., Pa. M. Mingle, R.F.D., Tyrone, Pa. A. Mollow. 1540 Pitkin Ave., Brook., N.Y. C. A. Morgan, Box 65, R.D. 2, ConncllsvUle, Pa. A. J. Morrell, Ridge Rd., Westminster, Md. Mrs. L. C. Morris, 868 Win. Avc.N'ew Haven, Conn. A. C. Morton, 102 6th Ave., Brownsville, Pa. A. Milncr-Moseley, 1309 Belvedere Ave., Jacksonville, Fla. W. L. M owry, Waynesboro, Va, Mrs. Wm. Munsell, L- Box 202, Ashtabula, Ohio R. F . W. Munster, 23 E. 48th St., Savannah, Ga. Mrs. T. Murdoch, 4300 Venango St., Homestead, Pa, Mrs. H. H. Murphy, 4304 10th St., N. E., Wash., D. C. Tone Murphy, Lost Creek No. 2. Pa., Schuylkill Co. L. R. Murray, 509 Greenwich St., Phila., Pa. D. S. Myers, 125 N. Broad St., Waynesboro, P a . P. C. Neale, 2050 Hanover Drive, E. Cleveland, Ohio J. F. Neblnger,230 Elm St., Steelton, Pa. Mrs. I. A. Neubert,95 Blaino St., Manchester, N. H. Mrs. C. A. Neves, 3315 Fessendcn St., N. W., Wash., D. C. Mrs. L. M. Newman, 741 N\ 4; h St., Steuben ville, Ohio H. L. Nighswander, Box 94, Laeonia, N. H. B. Nuckols, 18726 Winslow Rd., Shaker Heights, Ohio Mrs. K. W.Oberheim, 1809 LamontSt. , N. W., Wash. ,D. C. R. E. O'Brien, 411 Arnold St., N. E., Atlanta, Ga, G. C. Ortmann,604 Klemont Ave., Bellevue, Pa . Wm. Otto,282 Boulevard, Scarsdale, N. Y. A. Overton, Jr., 22 Steuben St., Waterbury, Conn. G. E. Palmer, 16 Brenton Ave., Providence, R. I. J. H. Pancicra, New Bethlehem, Pa. R. W. Parker, Ralston, Pa. Lieut. R. E. Parks, Fla. Mil. Acad.,SU Pete., Fla. L. Passcro, 137 Wendell Ave., Pittsficld, Mass. A. Patterson, Lincoln Univ., Pa. T. L. Patterson, 620 Todd Ave., Ellwood City, Pa. S. Pavlish.9513 Parkview Ave., Cleve., O. Mrs. T. Payne, 4132 4th St. S.,St, Pete., Fla. R. Pearce,4l Potter St., Pawtucket, R. I . A. S. Peirce, 712 Kenmore Ave., Fredericksburg, Va. T. R. Pennebaker, 114 E. Preston St.. Balto., Md. F. G. Perry, Jenkins Arcade. Titt., Pa. F . J . Peters. 1834 Eye St., N.W., Wash., D.C. E. Phillips, 10 Kellogg, Clinton, N.Y. I. Pilon, Mys. OralS. , Mystic, Conn. E. Pitel .N, MiURd.,Vineland, N.J. S. F . Poindextcr, 5112 Devonshire Rd.,Rirh., Va. W. R. Pond, Jr., Bo* 642, Hanover, N.H. R. B. Pool, The Terr., MLWajh., Balto., Md. S. T. Porter, 1149 N. H. Ave., N.W., Wash., D.C. L. H. Pruittc. 9 Pac. St., Lyman, S.C. G . J . B. Pugh,3407 Va. Ave., Balto., Md. A. H. Pulver, Jr., 70 Forest St., Torrington, Conn. G. J. Puska, 19 Cope. St., Quincy, Mass. N. Pyle, 21 Cliff St,, Water., Conn. F. M. Rathmann, 2728 Main St., Buff., N.Y. Mrs. C. H. Rau,2806 Roalyn Ave., Balto., Md. C. A. Readinger, 10714 Fortune Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, F. G. Regan, 541 Seal PI., N". E., Atlanta, Ga. Clyde R. Rich, Box 307, Clinton, N. C. H. A. Ringel, 632 W. Railroad. Ixiupurex, Pa. Miss M. M. RiprK-U, 154 South Cayuga St., Williamsvillo, N. Y. S. M. Robacxcwski, 218 River St., Nanticoke, Pa. B. C. Roberts, 15 Phoenix Ave., Morrlstown, N. J. D. W. Robinson, 111 Scitz Bldg.,Syra., N. Y. W. F. Roche, 1091 Water, Fitchburg, Mass. C.Rodman, 716 W. Frank. St.,Balto., Md. H . J . Rogers, Hadley, Pa. A .A. Rosenfeld.C. Mackley Houses, M & Bristol Sts., Phila., Pa, Hal Rushmore, 311 Euclid Ave., Allenhurst, N . J . M. M. Ryback,20 W. Laurel St., Bethlehem, Pa. R. P. Schadt,214 W. Chestnut St., lj»noastcr, Pa. A. H. SchacfTcr, 3221 W. Dauphin St., Phila., Pa. V. L. Schaeffer, P.O. Box 1234, N . Haven, Conn. E. S. Schenker, 2313 Wal. St., Phila., Pa. C. J. Schmidt, 2416 Rurham St., P i t t , Pa, G.W.Schramm, 14 13th St.. Wheeling, W.Va. H. J. Schute,816 W. Somerset St., Phila.. Pa. F. R.Seitx,413 S. Duke, I^incaster, Pa. R. I>. Scitx, 14715 Elderwood Ave., Cleve., O. J. Seltzer, 1726>* Montour S t , Coraopolis, Pa. M. Sevorg, 2851 Espy Ave., Pitt., Pa. C. A. Seymour, 147 V t St.. Roch., N . Y, T. W. Shaw,215 E. Sid. Ave. ,Mt. Ve'r., N. Y. D. Shawen,620 N. Pula=kl St., Balto., Md. A. J. Sheridan, 1600 N. High. St., Arlington, Va. J. F.Shimanek,806 N. Lakewood Ave., Balto., Md. O.W. Short, R Bowdoin St.Somcrvitle, Mass. M.Sims, 901 Baily Rd.,Yeadon, Pa. J. Skord,2122 Rand. PI., N.E..Wash..D.C. H. E. Slayton.81 Wash. Ave.. Proy., R.I. J. O. Smith, 1036 W. 4th St., Williamsport, Pa. V. Smith, 1242 Resaea PI., N.S., P i t t , Pa. G. W. Sorensen,813 Cleve. Rd., Ravenna, O. J. W. Speicher, Uniontown, Md. Dr. J. V. Spiller, 15 Wilson Ave., Luray, Va. J . E. Stevenson, 602 So. 42nd St., Phils., Ta. M. Stockdale, Rawson Rd., Gore Dis., Webster, Mass. P. Stover,24 N. 15th St., Harrisburg, Pa. M. M. Strawn,64 E. Dewey Ave., Youngstown, O. T. C. Sumner, 208 W. 24th St., Jacksonville, Fla. A. G. Sundelt, Oteen, N*. C. H. C. Taylor, 89 Post St., Hilton Vi.,Va. J, W. Tedder, Live Oak, Fla. H. C. Thomas, 601 N. Blvd., A p t 8, Rich., Va. P. I. Thomas, 40 Lex. S t , Newark, N. J. M. M. Tilden, 17 Claremont Ter.,Swampscott, Mass. A. Tompolsky, 13th * Claymont, Wil., Del. L. L. Tnscano, 651 Pk. Ave., Lakewood, N . J . J. N.Towns, 766 Peoples S t , S. W., Atlanta, Ga, , E. R, Troche, 3104 Ro'ckwood Ave., Balto., Md. H. L. Trussed, 135 IJoyd Ave., Edgewood, P i t t , Pa. M. Tucker, 3220 Conn. Ave., Wash., D. C. Roy Tucker, Fxirburn, Ga., W. C. Tucker. 156 Krec St.. Portland, Me. D. H. Turcott, 151 N. State S t , Concord, N.H. A. P. Valentine, Jr . , 6149 W. Oxford S t . Overbrook, Phila., Pa. C.Wagner, 10302 Adelaide Ave., Cleve., O. J.Walker Fannetuburg, Pa, J . S, Walker, 7 N'side, Walhalla, S.C. E. F . Warner, 317 14th St.N'.E.,Wash., D.C. S. V. Webber, 138 Farrington St., Wollaston, Mass, J . W. W«ir,320 Davis. Ave.,Elkins, W. Va. E. E. Welch, Box 635, Pittsficld, Mass. Jane George Werner,772 Yorkshire Rd., N. E., Atlanta, Ga. H. K. Westphal. 332 N". Governors Ave., Dover, DrL M. R. White, 137 Wash. S t , Belmont Mass. E. L. Whiting, 314 17th St., I.umberton, N . C . Mrs. Ann Whitney, 937 B—S. W. 1st Ave., Miami, Fla. J. E. Whittcnbcrg, 129 Dodge Ave, Akron, Ohio David A. Wick, 7 Roberts Ave., Hsddonfield, N. J . Miss R. Wikander,900 South Negley Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa, W. E. Wilber,870 Gladstone Ave., Detroit Mich. J. V. William, 178 Hallock St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Belle R. Witkin.563 Chestnut St,Springfield, Mass. Miss Eva Wright, 513 McCabe Ave., Wilmington, Del. H. J. Wundcrtleh, 163 Wright Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Mra. W. F. Wynn, 1414 Daniel Ave.. Norfolk. Va. H. C. Young, 7118 Ogontz Ave., Philadelphia, Pa, Mrs. J. C. Zabriakie, 3815 Soquoia Ave., Baltimore, Md. J. J. Zammerman, 4319 W. 150th St- Cleveland, Ohio

T H E J U D G E S : R o b e r t L . J o h n s o n , Vice-President TJmo and Fortune Magazines

Freder ick C. Kenda l l , Ed i to r

Advertising & Selling

Leon L e v y , Pres iden t WCAU Broadcasting Station

T j n -

ti'FOKm i)JaiA'ia to JFIoM'xdB^^Sftop ^ Wfa® SX^FR O / Gro&R&r WBIM&SZ

OMWi: i rrrrr-r-

FORECLOSURES weiterlr alont the most northeasterly face of the retaining wall 8.74 feet to a point where said retaining wal) turns to the north: thence northerly alone the most easterly face of said retaining wall and parallel with West 7th Street 7.82 feet, being a point where the said last men­tioned course Is Intersected by a line drawn at right angles to West 7th Street from a point iherrln distant 14 feet north­erly from the point of beginning; thence easterly along said last mentioned line at right angles to West 7th Street and part of the distance through a party wall 57 fe*t ft Inches to the westerly side of West 7th Street; and thence southerly along the said westerly sldg of West 7th S'.rtet 14 fret to the point or place of beginning. The premises being known a« No. 2224 West 7th Street

Dated. December flth. 1936. MILTON M. EISKNBKRO. Referee.

JAMES B. (VKF.KF-K, Attorney for Plain, tiff, 215 Montague Street. Brooklyn, New York. d!4 1? 21 26 28 J»2

8UPRKMK COURT, RfivVjT COUNTY— Samuel M. Meeker.' a* sole surviving trus­tee for KlUabeth Bugbre, under the last will and testament of Samuel M, Meeker, rtrceiised. plaintiff, against John Murphy (also known ai John V. Murphy) el al., defendants. .

Pursuant lo a Judgment fntered herein, dated November 23rd, 1936, I will sell at public auction, by JACK DUBKRSTE1N, auctioneer, at Brooklyn Real Estste Ex­change. 189 Montague Street. Brooklyn, New York, on Decembrr 28th, 19.16 at 12 o'clock noon the mortgaged premises in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, directed by said Judgment to be »old, with the Improvement* thereon, situate on th« louthweiterly aid* ol North 12th Street,

FORECLOSURES distant 175 fret southeasterly from the corner formed by the Intersection of the southwesterly side of North 12th Street with the southeasterly side of Dries< Ave­nue, being a plot 75 feet front and rear by 100 feet in depth on both sides; to­gether with street rights and subject to covenants and restrictions of record. Ref­erence is made to said Judgment for a more complete description of ssid prem­ises.

Dated, December 1st, 19.18. BURTON TURKU3. Referee.

JOHN C. LOUD. Altorr.cy for Plaintiff. One Hanson Place. Brook'.vn. New York

ri? 12 14 19 21 26 SUPREME COURT. KINOS COUNTY -

Unity Associates, Inc., plaintiff, ses.nst Hyman Tantleff ct al., defendants.

WILLIAM L. OLSHAN. Plaintiff « Attor­ney. 1819 BrOAdway. New York.

Pursuant to Judgment dated November lftth, 19.16. I will sell at public auction, at the Brooklyn Real Estate Exchange, 189 Montague Street. Brooklyn. New York, on the 4th day of Jamiary—19.17. at 12.o'clock, noon, by JAMES M. POWER, atictl ( the premises located in County of Klnes. on the south »tde_of 49th Street. 140 feet w«« of 14th Avenfie. being 10 fee! :n front and rear and 100 feel 2 inches m depth on each jlde. and more particularly described in A mortgage recorded in the Register's office of Kings Cotintv on August 27:h. 1918. In Liher 4467 of Mortgages. At psse 285.

Approximate snwunl of the niVrftgAge, debt, costs and "allo^anc* is #fl.570.14; u s e s And WAier rates, si.146.75, with In­terest And penalties.

DAted, Brooklyn, New York. November 30th 16*6.

TRANK rORCARO. B'fercA. dl4-6t m l


Home Owners' LoAn CorporAtlon. plaintiff, amlnst Onofrlo Palno et al.. defendAiiis.

Pursuant to Judgment of foreclosure and suit, dated November 25, 1936, and duly entered. I will sell at public Auction, hy CHARLES HOROWITZ JR . Auctioneer. At the Brooklyn ReAl-Estate Exchange. 18.1 Montague Street. Borough of Brooklyn. C-.\\ of New York, on the 29th dAV of De­cember. 1936. At 12 o'clock noon, the premises directed by sAld Judgment to be sold, with the improvements thereon, situ-.ite In the County of Kings. StAte of New York, on the northeasterly side of East ,18th Street, dlstAnt 140 fret northwrsteriv from the corner formed by the Intersec­tion of the northeasterly side of East .lath Sirret with the northwesterly side of Fill­more Avenue, being A plot of 20 feet In width front And TCAT And 100 feet In depth on both sides: subject to a party wall on the easterly side: premises being known AS 1B63 EAst .lftth Street, Brookivn. New York. Said premises Are more fully de­scribed In said judgment

n*tf<imFff'ml>rT 3; )$3» HARRY KOEPPET. Referee

ABRAHAM B. OARTKNHAUS. Attnrnev for Plaintiff. 4607 Fort HAmllton P<uknnv, lirooklyn. New York. ^ s A v - d " - ^ m s

SUPRBMK COURT. KrN08» COUNTY -The Lincoln SAvlngs Bank of Brooklyn,,

i plaintiff, against Herman J. Oreenhere et Al . defendants.

Pursuant to Judgment of foreclosure and sale duly m»de And entered In the above-

! cr.'it 'M action And d»;e,i 'he lss dsv of ! December, 19.16. I. the undersigned, the

referee in SAM Judgment named, will sell at public Aiiettdn to the highest bidder, hy CHARLES HOBOW1TZ J R . auctioneer. At the Rrooklyn Real EstAts KxchAnc*. No. 189 Montague Street. Borough of Brooklyn,

FORECLOSURES City Of New Y'o:V. on the rath day of De­cember. 1 .̂16. at 12 o'clock noon, the premises directed by sAid judgment to be sold «r.rt ihrreir, described AS folio»s.

All !1IA\ certain lot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the Nineteenth Ward of the Borough of !• ' r,', K.ncs. Citv and Slate i of New York, bounded and described as ! lol'.o •

Beginning at a pom: on The westerly J side of Marry Avenue, distant fifty i50)

FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES change. 189 Montague Street. Brooklyn, j tocethei > " :• :-•- And subject to New York, on December .N«. 1916 .»'. 12 . covenants And restrictions of record. Bef-o'clock peon, the mortgaged premises in j ereiue is mad. i sai.1 ncnt for a the Borough of Srooklyn. County of Kmcs. , more COtnplei cttptinn °f said prem-(ilreced by said Judgment lo he sold, wi'h Ises the improvements thereon, situate at the ) Dated corner formed by the intersection of the I southerly side of Lcftlneton Avenue with I S M the easterly side of Lewis Avenue, being A : Plain;:!

New Y -

feet northerly from the corner foimert by tie intersection of the westerly side of

Marc* Avenue with the northerly side of' ; . T Sure : (formerly known a s ' Owinett Street>; running thence northerly! along the westerly side of Marey Avenue I

, twent) i.ve (25) fee:: thence westerly' parallel »ith l^irlmer Stree: •eventy-elcln ' ,-;a i7RI feel ren and three-quArte r (HV'o Inches; ihence southerly and neArly pAral-;e «ith M»rcy Avenue twenty-five i:.M f.-et. and thence fAsterly And AgAin paral­lel with I.-orlmer Sireet seventy.eight (~fl) :-•• .'v afid one-hwlf-iR'-;v ifiehe-s to " » «f '!*: ,v side of M»rcy Avenue, at th* point or plaee-of beginning

Dated December 7th, 19.1ft. AUOUST M. OULOTIW Referee.

HI'1 TON ,<;• HOLAHAN. Attorneys for p;a:r. '.;r. 32 Court S t ree t Brooklyn N Y.

d7-fil m t


I The Williamsburgh Savinas Bank, plain-till, against Hyn-.An Roseilnian. et »i defendants.

Pursuant to A Judgment entered herein. dAted November 30th 19.1ft, I will sen at public Auction by ISAAC K EPSTEIN. Auctioneer, a t Brooklyn Real Estate Kx-

plot having a fronuge 0:1 said Lewis Avenge of 20 fee; and A depth of 80 fee: en bosh sides w::h A partv wall on one s-.dc And subject to covenants And restr c-11 ns ol Ttord Reference is niAde to ."aid judgment for > more complete description ol sn-.d premises.

I).i:cd. December 4:h. 19.16 StDNEY SII.VKRSTR1N. Befe-ee

S M A- D E MEEKEtt, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 1 Hanson PiAce, Brooklyn, v-N < . , *:-*'-"^

r*rr" r*'.*-' 10.1A " • HROWN. Referee,

v 11 f " l i K t ; t Attorneys for si..- I! >n v:.ict, Brooklyn,

ri7-6t m s


Bank, plaintiff, .-::.- : . j Corporation et al..

.• I : • . •

• f e ;•.;

> l o a ••] I

i •

Bi ' ; '• M ,


The WiihAmshursh Savings BAP'*, p'a r

• f"< Y o !

• entered herein, !. I93t? 1 will sell »t

WILLIAM It. REID, I HCa; F.stAte K »

S r e r t . Brooklyn.

the l o : .

,-n December 28th. 19.lfi. At 12 iM isscrd premises In

•' p-ci'.;>•;-. county of Klnes. tie sold. wltt*.


o clock noon, the mortgAeed premises the Borough of Brook'.vn. Co.inrv 0! fl:rec;ed by said Judgment to be sold the improvements thereon, situate on the sontnerly side of Oienmor* Avenue distAi-.t 40 feet westerly from tt.e corner fo: the intersection of the southerly side of Oienmere Avenue with is-.e westeTij of Lincoln Avenue, heme A p:ot -0 fee front And re»r, hy f,0 feet in depth , Oi-.« Hanson riace. nroo«\fcih". both side* with A party wall on either side; • New York. d7-«* m 1

and "• 1 1 fee: ,r. depth on bo\h sides.

i a ;s ; :v on 'one side: together <: •• and subject to coven»hl«

record. Reference la a • for a more com-

. . ' • p:1 srt vf -aid '.sren-,|tes 1st. 193fi

111ED 1. C R O S S Re<er4*. eV D E MEEKER, Att«miy» fOf

• \

~~~.. . .-- . . . . ^ ^ ^ f c i k i k i . ^ . . . . i ' ! 1 ! : •

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