ol xvi dez produced by the british & commonwealth society ...tongue-twister mlocal name for the...

Produced by the British & Commonwealth Society of Rio de Janeiro for the English-speaking Community Vol XVI - DEZ 2010 [email protected]

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Page 1: ol XVI DEZ Produced by the British & Commonwealth Society ...tongue-twister mlocal name for the dis-ease meaning “ that which bends up”. Another David wa s an English physician

Produced by the British & Commonwealth Society ofRio de Janeiro for the English-speaking Community

Vol XVI - DEZ 2010

[email protected]

Page 2: ol XVI DEZ Produced by the British & Commonwealth Society ...tongue-twister mlocal name for the dis-ease meaning “ that which bends up”. Another David wa s an English physician


In 1959, the capital of Uganda was aninsignificant little port on the northernshore of Lake Victoria named Entebbe,the word in the local language meaning“the seat”, since it was the seat of thecolonial government. Uganda was onceknown as the “Pearl of Africa” for its sce-nic beauty and equable climate –although the Equator passes through it,across the ocean from Amapá, its alti-tude keeps it pleasantly warm year-round.

There is a cluster of white buildings ona hilltop in Entebbe, with a stunningview over the lake, which still housesthe virus laboratories built by theRockefeller Foundation in the 1930’s forresearch on yellow fever. The director atthat time, Alexander “Sandy”Haddow –later Sir Alec – was an amiable Scottishnaturalist (not nationalist) whose spe-ciality was entomology, but who hadupset a famous zoologist by debunkinga scientific paper which purported toestablish separate Eastern and Westernraces of the mountain gorilla based onskull size. Sandy showed that, curious-ly, all the bigger skulls were of males,and all the others of females. Theresearch staff were all British and a realcast of characters. David, the deputy

director, another entomologist, used torun all-night experiments on caged mos-quitoes and show up at the lab in themorning in striped pyjamas. Len, chieflab tech, drove a Chevrolet with flaredmudguards like a Cadillac, but with allthe seats except the driver’s ripped out,allowing it to be taxed more cheaply asa truck. Jimmy was another Scot whosepassion was producing plays down atthe Club. He insisted on rehearsingscenes until they were perfect, with theresult that the juvenile lead ended upwith a bright red face from beingslapped over and over again by theheroine until she got it right. Miles wasa physician who, that year, isolated thevirus responsible for the biggest pan-African mosquito-borne epidemic in his-tory. It caused an illness like dengue,but did not kill anyone. The virus wasnamed “o’nyong-nyong” after thetongue-twister local name for the dis-ease meaning “that which bends up”.Another David was an English physicianwho achieved later fame in 1976 by iso-lating Ebola virus from an outbreak inthe Southern Sudan at the same time asthe Americans found it in the Congo.

Sandy always held a Hogmanay (NewYear’s Eve) party at his house on the lab



compound, at which he would servehaggis and liberal portions of AthollBrose which, as those who attended theCaledonian Ball last month will testify,is a deliciously sweet, yellow, highlyalcoholic concoction of Scotch whisky,honey and cream that slips down thethroat very easily. At that year’s partywas a new member of staff, an ento-mologist still wet behind the ears andwith his newly minted PhD. At somepoint, Miles looked into that person’seyes and said they were yellow like thedrink. So on 2nd January the youngman went to the clinic of the govern-ment doctor -- who was still recoveringfrom his own New Year’s Eve hangover –and was diagnosed with hepatitis. Hewould have been routinely hospitalized,but since he was not feeling any illeffects he was prescribed four weeks offthe booze and sent back to the lab.That young man (and the juvenile lead)was me.

The Umbrella is published monthly by the British andCommonwealth Society of Rio de Janeiro. Print run: 900copies. Deadline: second to last Monday of the month

Editor: Jack Woodall [email protected] Design & Desktop Publishing:Marcia Fialho [email protected] & Printing: Gráfica Falcão. Cover: Árvore da Lagoa - Bradesco Seguros Society articles are the responsibility of each society.The Umbrella is distributed free to all members of the Riode Janeiro BCS, American Society, St. Andrew Society,Royal British Legion & British School staff. Classified ads: Gaynor Smith at the BCS office: Tel: (21)2537-6695, Fax: (21) 2538-0564. E-mail: [email protected] Commercial non-classified ads:please inquire about technical procedures with Marcia Fialho. [email protected]

Societies INFOThe British & Commonwealth Society of Rio de Janeiro - Rua RealGrandeza 99, Botafogo, 22281-030. Secretary: Gaynor Smith. Office hours:Mon to Fri from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm - Tel: 2537-6695 - Fax: 2538-0564 [email protected] - www.bcsrio.org.brThe American Society of Rio de Janeiro - Tel: 21 2125-9132 Contact: www.americansocietyrio.org email [email protected] Club of Rio de Janeiro - General Inquiries:[email protected] - President: [email protected] British School - BOTAFOGO: Rua Real Grandeza 87, 22281-030. Tel: 2539-2717, Fax: 2266-5040 URCA: Av. Pasteur 429, 22290-240, Tel: 2543-5519, Fax: 2543-4719. BARRA: Rua Mário Autuori 100, 22793-270,Tel: 3329-2854 - http://www.britishschool.g12.brEmails: [email protected] and [email protected] American School - Estrada da Gávea 132, Gávea, Tel: 2512-9830 - www.earj.com.br - [email protected] Our Lady of Mercy School - Catholic American School in Botafogo - Rua Visconde de Caravelas 48, Botafogo - Tel: 2266-8282 / 2266-8250 /2266-8258 - www.olmrio.orgThe St Andrew Society - Rua Real Grandeza 99, Botafogo, 22281-030 -President: Jimmy Frew - Tel: 2586-3413 [email protected] - www.standrewrio.com.brChrist Church - Rua Real Grandeza 99, Botafogo, 22281-030 - Tel: 2226-7332 [email protected] - http://christchurch.no-ip.orgThe Royal British Legion - www.britishlegion.org.ukwww.bcsrio.org.br/activities/rbl.asp

Disclaimer: The editors of The Umbrella accept no responsibility forclaims made either in the ads or the classifieds, and the opinions expressedin the articles published are those of the writers, and not of The Umbrella.

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The BCS at 70


JOE HOLMES – BCS Chairman 1987

When I arrived in Brazil 40 years ago, on a very hot summer day,on 4th December 1970 from England, I had no idea that Iwould find in Rio de Janeiro such an interesting institution asthe British & Commonwealth Society and one that was still ableto democratically exist under the then Military Government.

I initially worked in Brazil as an International Auditor withGeorge Loudon and amongst our many clients were severalBritish Insurance companies, of which the CEO’s were also oftenChairman of the BCS Council as well.At that time the offices ofthe BCS were downtown (conveniently near to the Headquartersof the British Insurance companies) and I was “persuaded” tohelp the BCS by becoming the Honorary Treasurer… “just for ashort time and just for a few hours per week”.

I then spent many long evenings and week-ends for the next fiveyears writing by hand the BCS official Accounting Records(sometimes during prolonged power outages) and participatingin many animated and fascinating BCS Council Meetings, wherethe occasional clashes amongst the powerful representatives of theparticipating Community entities made the external temperaturemild by comparison and fully displayed the democratic debatingand negotiation fighting abilities of the British people! In 1987 wewere most fortunate to count upon a very hard working andtalented team on the BCS Council and through this most valuablesupport and collective effort (also coming from my dear wifeMonika) we were able to accomplish the following principal items:

1. Effectively establish the BCS as the central co-coordinatingbody in the British and Commonwealth Community in Rio deJaneiro by consolidating the joint interests of the various entitiesof the Community and officially incorporate within the BCSStatutes: The Players Amateur Dramatic Cultural Group, The St.Andrew Society of Rio de Janeiro and the Y Cymrodorian Rio(Rio Welsh Society) and thus consequently protected themunder the BCS legal and fiscal umbrella structure whilst, at thesame time, allowing them to maintain their individualadministrative control through their own elected committees.We also enjoyed the specific and generous Welfare support ofthe Royal Society of St. George, amongst others.

2. Consolidate and further the BCS’s legal registration as a PublicUtility with the Brazilian state cultural and income tax authoritiesin order to maintain tax exemption and obtain tax deductionstatus for donors for their contributions made to the BCS.

3. Reinforce our links with our Commonwealth Patrons throughthe establishment of an annual BCS Commonwealth Dinner atwhich the Commonwealth Day Message of Her Majesty theQueen is read out. In this inaugural year we were most fortunateto have as our honoured guests the Right Honourable the LordMayor of London – Sir David Rowe-Ham and the Lady Mayoress,Lady Rowe-Ham, together with his illustrious Committeecomposed of the Alderman and Sheriff, the Swordbearer and theCommon Cryer and Sergeant-at-Arms. We were also honoured tohave as our guests His Excellency Mr. John Bell, Ambassador ofCanada, Her Majesty’s Consul General Mr. Roger Hart and Mrs.Hart and Canon John Saunders, who said Grace for us. This newsocial event proved to be a sold-out success and a considerablesurplus was able to be donated to the Niteroi Rest Home.

Shortly after this, my wife Monika and myself were invited, in mycapacity as Chairman of the BCS Council, by the then Mayor ofRio de Janeiro, Sr. Saturnino Braga (a quite famous Brazilianpolitician and character) to an official Reception, held at theold British Embassy building in Botafogo, in honour of this visitof the Lord Mayor of London and his Committee. This provedto be an hilarious occasion when the Lord Mayor stood up afterthe banquet under the old crystal chandeliers and, deliberatelypausing his words, stated that “We are pleased to meet you” –just as if he were addressing an Indian Chief in the Amazonjungle. The Rio Mayor promptly stood up and replied inexcellent English and with somewhat British humour, alsodeliberately pausing his words, that “We are most pleased tomeet you too,” lightly beating his breast at the same time whilsthe did so! Gales of laughter erupted all around and the ensuingjolly evening became quite something to remember.

4. Participate in celebrating the Bicentenary of the founding ofthe first British Settlement in Australia in 1788, as during theyear we were able to personally invite the Ambassador ofAustralia, H.E. Mr. W.E.Weemaes to be the Guest of Honour forthe 1988 BCS Commonwealth Dinner, to be held specifically inhonour of the British-Australia Bicentenary.

5. Through the establishment of a BCS Cultural Affairs AdvisoryCommittee it was determined that the BCS would beresponsible for organizing and running the British Stand at theannual Feira da Providencia each year.

6. A special Membership drive was started and we managed toregister 47 new members in 1987, create a BCS Crest and BCSMembership Posters, and increase the number of places wherediscounts and use of facilities were made available to BCSmembers through showing their BCS Membership Cards.

7. Finally, considerable progress was also obtained in theongoing areas of Welfare, Property conservation, Insuranceanalysis, BCS Newsletter and Year Book, the final winding up ofthe British School-Niteroi and subsequent distribution of thosefinancial proceeds.

In summary it was quite an exciting and busy year for theevolution of the BCS and in 1988 Monika and myself were quitesorry to have to leave our BCS friends behind in Rio de Janeiroas we had to go on to Fortaleza to continue my financial careerwith the Nabisco Brands Group


Royal visit with Joe (centre, in glasses) & former BCS chairmen John Lewis, LeoDerrick-Jehu (backs to camera)

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Dear All,As Chair of the BCS, I would like towish all our members, as well as ourgood friends from the Royal BritishLegion, St Andrew Society, American

Society Rio, International Club,Christ Church and the Women’s

Diocesan Association a very Happy Christmas.

We have had a wonderful year and Iwish you all an even better one for

2011.- Mary Craw shaw

BCS Christmas Party

See more photos on p.10-11.

Marilene Oliver – Artist TalkMarilene Oliver is a visual artist fromthe UK (currently living and workingin Rio de Janeiro) who uses digitalmedical imaging as source materialfor making artworks. Since 2001 she hasworked with MRI, PET and CT to createprint based sculptures and installationsthat have been recognized andexhibited internationally. She gave anArtist Talk on 9th November present-ing a selection of works made since2001. Refreshments were courtesy ofthe British School. The attendanceat this free event was disappointinglysmall. [Editor’s note: Marilene is anattractive young woman of refreshinglynon-arty appearance, who was also seendancing with great élan at the Poppy Ballwith her Faroe islander husband].

Stuart MacWilliam Trustdonation to BCS Welfare FundStuart MacWilliam spent most of hisyouth in Brazil, was educated in SãoPaulo and lived for some time in Niteroi.He inherited a great deal of cash fromhis father and decided to set up a Trustto put some of his money to good use.Pat Shepheard told him about theNiteroi Rest Home (NRH), so a Trustwas set up to assist the NRH "and otherlike Worthy Causes with a British back-ground". Since the NRH closed, theTrustees decided to make a donationof £1,500 to the BCS Welfare Fund,which has been gratefully accepted.

PESCA, a BCS-supportedcharityProjeto Educacional e Social Casa daAmizade (PESCA) <www.casabatistadaamizade.org.br> works in a Rio favela.This charity just had its office thererobbed of every single thing – computer,server, printer, TV, brand new digitalvideo camera and footballs. They areappealing for replacements, plus a CD& DVD player and funds to buy a foldingiron grille to protect the entrance. Ifyou can help at all, in cash or kind,please contact Clare Cato <[email protected]> or the BCS office<[email protected]> Tel. 2537-6695.

AMERICAN SOCIETYWe’re so glad you’re here.Welcome! On behalf of the community, theAmerican Society Rio extends a heartywelcome to its newest members: Tracy& Ana Lúcia Bennett; Robert &Teresa Belnap; Apparecida MariaBrunini; Ruth Raja Gabaglia; Leticia

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This was held on the last Sunday ofNovember this year, because all theother weekend dates in Decemberhad been taken by other Societies. Itbegan at 5pm to suit families withsmall children. There was animmense spread of food -- including abeautiful and delicious icedChristmas cake made by NoreenSmith and traditional mince pies –and at least 50 pots of tea wereconsumed (to the detriment, it mustbe said, of the cash bar takings!)Marcia Kapanyshn from PESCA (see

col. 3) accepted a donation of cashand children’s toys from the BCS,presented by the Chair, Mary Craw-shaw. Entertainment was provided bycarols sung by the SCM Quartet: LisaGabbai (soprano), Inês Rufino(contralto), Anibal Mancini (tenor) andMartin Hester (bass), and by a tallFather Christmas (Jack Woodall),who distributed gifts to the childrenfrom his sack. In answer to theroutine question about whether theyhad been good during the year, thegirls were very positive, but the boyswere – probably correctly – hesitantin their replies.

A large variety of raffle prizes wasobtained by Mary Crawshaw, whopresided over the drawing, ablyassisted by Clare Cato. The star prize,a weekend at the Copacabana Palace(courtesy of Philip Carruthers) withbreakfast, feijoada lunch and dinner,was won by John Walker. Two otherprizes of meals at the “Copa Palace”were won by Leopoldo Paganelli andPhilip Coate. There were also severalbaskets of perfumed toiletries byGranado, (courtesy of Chris Freeman),a bottle of Scotch (courtesy of JohnWalker), a BCS polo shirt, BCS apronsand mugs, and various music CDs.

There was much hilarity over the factthat some people won multipleprizes, and two beauty treatments(courtesy of Silvia Chvaicer) werewon by men! The sale of raffle ticketsand BCS greeting cards helped thefinances of the party to balance out.A group stayed on at the end of theparty to sing carols around the piano,played by Martin Hester and endingwith a rousing rendition of “The 12Days of Christmas.”

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Ganglianone; Leslie & KennethHerd; Mauro Hideo Ionue & BrendaLee Hitchens; Karen & Andy Peters;Márcio Vasconcellos & Waltraut ErikaFranke Pinheiro; Adriana & DimitriusPirovolou; André Valverde & Fran-cisca Portinari Leão; Jeffrey & EdnaWalker; and Joel & Alicia Woodward.

And, of course, the Society thanks allof its sponsors who help make whatwe do for and within the communitypossible, particularly Platinum sponsors:American Airlines, Chevron andCoca-Cola Brasil. We couldn’t do itwithout you!

Thanksgiving Dinner

This was the usual great success, witha marvelous buffet of traditionalAmerican Thanksgiving fare, cookedto a turn. Pre-dinner cocktails wereserved on the roof, and the rain heldoff while Society President LindsayDuval presented former luminariesof the Society: Luz Wright, Society

Secretary for more than 30 years, andformer Presidents Pat Cavalcanti andHenry Sherrill. U.S. Consul GeneralDennis Hearne read out PresidentBarack Obama’s ThanksgivingAddress. After the dinner the 2010Ralph Greenberg Award was pre-sented (see below). The beautiful floralcenter-pieces on the tables wereraffled off in a silent auction.

One seems to hear words ofgood cheerAnd with good reason. The year isdrawing to a close as friends andfamily draw near for the holidays,which also means it’s time, oncemore, for Annual Eggnog Party. It’scoming up soon! It will be held from10:00 am until 1:30 pm on Saturday,11th December at the Marine House.Please consult <www.americansocietyrio.org> for further information or simplydrop us a line at <[email protected]> and we’ll send you animmediate reply with all the details.

All for charityHamilton Wright Mabie, anAmerican essayist and lecturer, oncesaid “Blessed is the season, whichengages the whole world in aconspiracy of love.” Well, the seasonis upon us and there’s something youcan do to be a part of our littleconspiracy to assist the educationaland social projects of AmericanSociety Rio’s 2010 designatedcharities: Instituto Central do Povo;Casa Maternal Mello Mattos; and CentroComunitário da Rocinha. Beyond thepersonal satisfaction of doing whatyou can to care for those in need,you might just find yourself beingrichly rewarded in the bargain.

Here’s how: Purchase raffle ticketsfor our year-end Holiday EggnogParty, to be held Saturday, 11th

December. All proceeds will go tothe charities above, while your ticketswill give you the chance to win anynumber of a growing list of big prizes(you need not be present for thedrawing to win). Included are: 1) a round-trip ticket to the conti-nental US from American SocietyRio Platinum Sponsor AmericanAirlines, as well as getaways at 2) the fun-filled Club Med in Rio dasPedras (4 nights) and 3) the stunning Cachoeira Inn inBúzios. Jaded with travel? How about 4) an amethyst necklace and 5) a stylish woman’s watch, both fromSociety Gold sponsor AmsterdamSauer, as well as 6) a magnificent stone bird fromLedoux Jewelry in Copacabana and7) and 8) from Brasilazy, one largeand one small beanbag pouffe plusfancy tote bag. Raffle tickets are R$10 each, 6 forR$50, 10 for R$80 and 13 for R$100.To purchase your chances to win andhelp spread a little love, please sendan e-mail to <contact@americansociet y rio .org> and let us knowwhere you live and we’ll makearrangements for you to get as manyraffle tickets as you’d like to buy.Everyone at our charities thanks youfor being a good neighbor!

Mello Mattos ChristmasParty: As we’ve just mentioned, one ofAmerican Society Rio’s designatedcharities for 2010 is the CasaMaternal Mello Mattos, which islocated in Jardim Botânico on RuaFaro, 80. One of the Society’s newestmembers on its Board of Governors,Nancy McCulloch, is organizing aChristmas Party there for Friday,10th December, and we welcome allmembers to join us for thiscelebration. If you can’t attend, but


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Paul Duval, U.S. Consul General Dennis Hearne,Lindsay Duval


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Former Society President Pat Cavalcante, SilviaChvaicer, John Walker, Regina Medina.

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would like to help out, please contactNancy at <[email protected]>for more information about the festaand how you can help thesedeserving kids.

Oh Yes, it’s Ladies’ Night… Last month, American Society Riolaunched yet another new, monthlyevent, “Ladies’ Night Out”. It’s amoment to take a break fromBlackberries, baby bottles and otherbothers! The next gatherings are setfor Thursday, 2nd December andThursday, 6th January, and willcontinue to be held on the firstThursday of every month, alwaysstarting at 8:00 pm in Ipanema atGula Gula on Av. Henrique Dumont,57. Valet parking is available. Yourleading lady is Kathleen Coogan,who has made arrangements forthese get-togethers to take place inthe covered, open-air bar area at therear of the restaurant. The firstbottle of bubbly is on the house! So,if you lack the “Y” chromosome, startyour month off right by hot-footing iton over and raising a glass with allthe other ladies there!

Museum visits are all SRO This past August, American SocietyRio launched something new, aseries of monthly museum visits. Todate, we’ve had wait lists for peoplewanting to join the groups who wentto Niterói’s Museum of Contem-porary Arts; Petrópolis and its MuseuImperial; Sítio Burle Marx inGuaratiba; and, on 2nd December,in Centro, the Fundação OswaldoCruz and its brand new“borboletário”. Remember thatalthough we have a first-come, firstserved reservations policy, firstpreference must be extended to ourown members. As 2010 has beenchock-a-block with events andactivities (without doubt our busiestyear in over a decade), membershipand its attendant benefits have neverbeen more attractive. Next up in theMuseum Visits Series will be on 18thJanuary, when we’ll head on over tothe Museu Histórico Nacional andthe Paço Imperial (learn more at<www.museuhistoriconacional.com.br/ingles>). If you’d like to get your earlybird reservation in now, simply senda note to: <[email protected]>.

Sold Out! Curry Night American Society Rio’s Curry Night,which was held on Saturday, 6thNovember, was a tremendous success.

Had space not been limited, wecould have accommodated the 30+individuals who were on our waitinglist. Sincere thanks are due to all whomade it possible, most especially Kris& Bob Werner for being our hosts;organizer extraordinaire, ReginaFranco; our chefs: Lindsay Duval,Jason Galeria, Divya Loomba, VanicaRoyster, Mateen Thobani, Anna &Donald Whyte, Barbara Launais andRegina Franco (doesn’t she eversleep?), as well as David Zisman andall the other good folks at the NamThai Restaurant in Leblon.

Our guests were so delighted withthe food and the atmosphere thateveryone encouraged us to do more“themed” events. And so we shall!Check <www.americansocietyrio.org>for information about our upcomingCajun Night. Just start thinking ofjambalaya, filé gumbo, and crawfishétouffée and it won’t be long before we’llserve up a bayou experience – righthere in our own Guanabara Parish – youwon’t want to miss. We’ll pass a goodtime, that’s what we’re gonna did!

A.M. Java in Barra Sincere thanks to Sharon Dwyer forhosting a morning coffee at herhome in Barra da Tijuca on Friday,19th November, which was very wellattended. We’re always looking fornew and better ways to engage ourcommunity on the other side of theDois Irmãos tunnel and found thatthis opportunity to get together andchat over a cuppa joe hit the spot.We’re hoping for a refill soon.

2010 Ralph Greenberg AwardSince 1974, Ame-rican Society Riohas annually hon-ored an outstand-ing resident Amer-ican who hascontributed his orher time and effort,unselfishly, for thegood of the Amer-ican and/or Brazilian communities.Named in memory of a past Societypresident, this year’s award went tothe late Peter Rabang, also a pastpresident of the Society whoseebullience, spirit of goodwill, andcharm endeared him throughoutthe community and far beyond.

Peter was born in 1958, the son of Fili-pino immigrants to the US. Raised inNorfolk, Virginia, he embarked on acareer in the U.S. Navy, along the

way earning degrees in MechanicalEngineering and Weapons Systems/Aerospace Engineering. In 1983,while on a naval mission, his ship cameto Rio de Janeiro. There, he met hisfuture wife, the former Helena RosaCampos, whom he wed in 1987. In1992, Peter was given the opport-unity to attend Brazil’s Navy WarCollege in Rio. Thereafter, he served,in Rio, as an instructor/advisor atthe Brazilian fleet training facilityand, later, as Military Liaison Officerfor the U.S. Embassy in Brasília asDirector of Navy-Marine Programs.In 2001, he retired at the rank ofLieutenant Commander.

From that time forward, he worked asa business consultant and also becamedeeply involved with the communityof his adopted home town. Heregularly participated in Parent-Teacher Association meetings at theBritish School, where his daughterwas enrolled; he was a devoutattendee at the Igreja Nossa Senhorada Paz in Ipanema; he was active inveterans’ affairs and events; and,from 2005-2006, he was the Presidentof the American Society Rio.

To his every endeavor, Peter was athoroughly dedicated human being.Through quiet, persistent competence,he demonstrated a devotion to fulfillingpromises and meeting expectations –to his family, friends, community,church, and country. And he did sowith a smile that every single personwho ever met him will never forget.

Michael Peter Rabang died in Rio deJaneiro on Wednesday, 10th March,2010 of sudden, massive heart attack.On Thursday, 25th November, at theAmerican Society Rio’s AnnualThanksgiving Day Dinner at the J.W.Marriott Hotel in Copacabana, the2010 Ralph Greenberg Award wasposthumously presented to Peter by theHon. Dennis Hearne, U.S. ConsulGeneral in Rio and the Society’sHonorary President. Peter’s widow,Helena Rabang, and their daughter,Stephanie, accepted the award, alongwith a gift of appreciation fromLedoux Jewelry.

ST ANDREW SOCIETYCongratulations to Philip Healey forwinning the 2010 Quaich competitionand to Brian Simpson for a well deserved“wooden spoon”, at the Quaich’straditional mountain home in theTeresópolis Golf Club. For almost eighty

Peter Rabang

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years, generations of St AndrewSociety’s golfers have aspired toseeing their name displayed foreternity on the base of themagnificent Quaich trophy. Over thelast eighty years, though, much haschanged in the world -- in Brazil, inthe Rio international communityand in the St. Andrew Society. Onlyten golfers were eligible to play forthe Quaich this year, as numberscontinue to dwindle. It is significantthat there were more Teresópolisgolfers competing for the AberdeenQuaich this year -- donated to theClub three years ago by the St.Andrew Society and won this year byTony Sawyer. With this in mind, thetime seems to be right to think aboutredefining the rules which restrict

the winner of the Quaich to being apaid up member of St. Andrew’s.There must be a whole army ofgolfers out there who would happilyrise at six on a Saturday morning forthe opportunity to see their name onBrazil’s oldest golf trophy. It is aprized asset which we can put tobetter use, to the benefit of theSociety, rather than a “clannish”competition for ten golfers. TheQuaich can no longer afford theluxury of remaining within a closedgroup of golfers which excludesoutsiders, any more than theCaledonian Ball or the BurnsSupper.

The attendance at the traditionalceilidh in the Teresópolis clubhouse

after the Quaich was also less thanusual. Nevertheless, those who didgo back after the golf made up forthe lack of numbers by exhaustingthemselves in several ScottishCountry Dances and a bit of hotdisco, interspersed with some finequality piping and highland dancingdisplays by the Petropolis HighlandDance Group.

We are discussing ways to put theQuaich trophy to better use. Wemay have just seen the last year of agolf competition which hasremained unchanged for eightdecades, but there will certainly beanother name to add to the list ofproud winners of the St. Andrew’sQuaich next year!

St. Andrew’s Day greetings arealready pouring in from America,Argentina, Australia, Canada, HongKong, Indonesia, Japan and a dozenother places scattered around theglobe, so -- on behalf of the St.Andrew Society of Rio de Janeiro, aHappy St. Andrew’s Day to you,wherever you may be – and a MerryChristmas too! For all the latest St.Andrew Society news, go to<www.standrewrio.com.br>.


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Quaich Trophy winner Philip Healey The whiskey-filled Quaich cup is passed round forall to quaff

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Poppy Appeal Our Annual Poppy Appeal got off to acracking start with an initial collection atthe Caledonian Ball -- the result demolis-hed the myth about the Scots and theirtight grip on their purse strings.

Collecting continued in the BritishSchool the British Consulate, at theRBL Gala Ball and Christ Churchamong others. Some of you may havenoticed the smart new poppy-shapedCollecting Boxes following recentdelivery of them and poppies from theUK. We also received pamphlets aboutthe Legion’s work, which we hope wereof interest, particularly among the youngergeneration in the British School andelsewhere that had a chance to readthem. Naturally our thanks go to thoseorganisations that hosted a PoppyAppeal Box and, of course, especiallyto those who gave to the Appeal. Themoney will be well used.

Poppy Gala Ball Once again the Events Team of the RioBranch pulled off yet another spect-acular with this year’s Poppy Gala Ball.Welcomed by the President, PatrickHamilton-Hill, and despite the attractionof a long weekend holiday, the GoldenRoom at the Copacabana Palace wasfilled with a spirit to enjoy this magnif-icent occasion, and the atmospherewas perfect from the start. It would beimpossible not to be swept up with thethrill of it all, the impressive reception,decorations, the dinner itself and thedancing afterwards. But withoutdwelling on the past there weremoments to reflect on how differentthe world might be today had it notbeen for ‘The Few’, victorious 70 years agoin The Battle of Britain, epitomised in thebeautifully produced menu and morelight-heartedly by balloons formingthe Roundel of the RAF and the figure70. On the night our own RAF heroesand Legion stalwarts, John Mason, andthe late Stan Haynes, were also rememb-ered along with others who served in

the air force. A Pathé News-type filmon screen showed how those at home andaway coped with the horrors of warfareas well as the gravitas of WinstonChurchill's speeches urging victory,interspersed with quotes demonstratinghis sharp wit.

As usual the evening moved on apaceto the exquisite trumpet playing ofAlison Spooner, including pieces fromfavourite West End musicals, and theRaffle, conducted by Guest of HonourConsul-General, Paula Walsh andChairwoman, Margo Black -- withalmost all of the winners present thisyear -- until the time to let off steam tothe compelling music of NevilleThorley and The Midnight Hour Band.Partygoers continued with taped musicuntil the early hours and the laststragglers wound their way home aftera truly memorable night.

Of course, what makes this event sucha success are “Yourselves” to quote‘The Good Old Days’, so a gratefulthanks to all those who bought ticketsand attended, those who bought Raffletickets and may not have been able toattend and, especially, to the Copacaba-na Palace, together with our other Sponsorsthat made this evening possible:

Corporate Sponsors: Brasco LogisticaOffshore, BP, Cultura Inglesa, theCopacabana Palace Hotel, GlobalIndex, Rolls Royce, Wellstream.

Individual Sponsors: John Anderson,Margo Black, Jenny Byers, MaryLöfgren, Patrick and Vera LúciaHamilton-Hill, Judi Newsam, BridgetNovaes, Colin Olivieri and NevilleThorley.

Some have a special reason toremember the evening and ourcongratulations go to Prizewinners:• Star Prize, Airline Ticket Rio-London-Rio – 0214: Sr. Melchisedech Afonso deCarvalho (who could not collect hisprize as he was representing theBranch at the London ceremonies)• A Little Gem, Courtesy of Mr. NevilleThorley – 2010: Anne Robinson• Beauty Session, Courtesy of Ms. JudiNewsam – 0424: Brian Simpson• Dinner for Two, Cipriani Restaurant,Copacabana Palace Hotel- 0135: AlisonCorrea do Lago• Lunch for Two, Pergola Restaurant,Copacabana Palace Hotel – 0138:Cecilia Medina• Luxury Hamper by Casa Granado,Courtesy of Mr. Christopher Freeman-0200: Denis Daniel

• Luxury Hamper by Casa Granado,Courtesy of Mr. Christopher Freeman– 0500: John Mason• Poppies on Porcelain by MaryLöfgren, Courtesy of Mary Löfgren –73: - John Masonagain (!), who generouslydonated the prize for a redraw whichwas won by 0818: Jeremy Lovelace.

Remembrance Service

The Service held at Christ Church onRemembrance Sunday is the CoreActivity of this very busy Remem-brance fortnight. It is the opportunityto give thanks for those who diedpreserving our way of life against afearful tyranny. In the presence of HerMajesty’s Ambassador to Brazil, AlanCharlton, the Rev. David Wellerconducted a fitting tribute to thosebrave and honourable souls who leftRio to fight in the wars and neverreturned. The RBL Standard and thoseof Allied countries and organisationswere paraded in remembrance andrespect, in a Service that left the wellattended congregation reflective ofDavid’s words explaining the necessityof standing up against oppression and theprice that has to be paid for doing so.

As many of you know, Rev. DavidWeller, fully supported by his wife Sue,has been a beacon in the Branch asChairman of the Welfare Committee,and although he will still be with usuntil the end of the year, if we do notpay tribute to his exemplary service tothe Branch now, it will be a hollowtribute to do so later after he hasreturned to the UK. Therefore,members of the Committee, and I amsure the Branch as a whole, thank

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Lord Digby Jones receives his Poppy fromHMCG, Paula Walsh in the British Consulate

Gerard Lies bearing the Union Jack

Stephen Carnt, flag-bearer, Bridget Novaes & JudiNewsam, wreath-bearers


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David for his sterling service and wishhim and his family the greatest successin all they set out to achieve in theirnew Birmingham Parish.

Bob Arthur R.I.P.Sadly the Branch said farewell toanother Legion stalwart, and Ron Leeswrites: IN MEMORIAM to Robert SydneyArthur, “The RBL, Rio de Janeiro Branch,on behalf of its members, expressesregret on the passing away of BobArthur, a member of the Legion formany years. Bob, a resident of FrenchNorth Africa before the outbreak ofWW2, made his way across occupiedFrance with members of the FrenchResistance, arriving to join the alliedinvasion forces in Northern France. Aswith those we honoured in the lastweek, We Will Remember Him.”

THE INTERNATIONAL CLUBAnnual MeetingThe InC held itsannual meeting on29th October 2010and elected a newExecutive Board.The new Boardwill take office on1st January 2011.The newly electedBoard is made upof the following people: President: Mary Pinner1st Vice President: GlorisabelThompson‐Flores2nd Vice President: Beatrice LabonneTreasurer: Max AttenboroughHonorary Auditor: Ward RyanRecording Secretary: Kathleen MorrisMembership Secretary: Christa PickeringMember�at�Large: Anna WhyteCharity Committee Coordinator:Brenda Edwards

General Meeting At its last General Meeting of 2010, heldon 2nd December, Maud Chalamet,Executive Director of PlaNet FinanceBrazil, was our guest speaker. Maud talkedabout the use of microfinance as anefficient tool that is helping to alleviatepoverty worldwide, and described the situa-tion of the microfinance sector in Brazil.

On this same theme, the InC offered atour of the SEBRAE (Services of Supportto Micro and Small Businesses) Centerin Praça Tiradentes on 8th December.SEBRAE serves as a reference centerfor Brazilian handicrafts in Rio and theclub's guided tour was focused on thetheme "From Folk Art and Handicraftto Art Creation." We were able to viewa number of award-winning pieces by

Brazilian artisans, to learn more abouthow these tiny businesses can be sus-tained, and how potential buyers cancontact various artisans and craftsmen.

Speakers Series For 2011, the InC will be presenting aSpeakers Series designed to assistnewcomers, and sometimes not-so-newcomers, in becoming acquaintedwith life in Rio. We plan to have sixsessions scattered through the year, witheach session addressing a different topicof interest to the expat community.Anyone with ideas on topics which mightbe of interest is urged to contact theInC by email: <[email protected]>.

Note to all InC members: Member-ship renewals are now being acceptedfor 2011. Membership is for a calendaryear and dues must be paid by no laterthan 29th February. For 2011, indivi-dual membership will be R$120 and afamily membership will cost R$180.Half-price membership is available toour senior members.

Holiday Party cancelled Planned for Saturday 27th November,this event unfortunately had to becancelled in view of the securitysituation in Rio that week.

Happy Hour 9th December The last Happy Hour of this year will befrom 19.00 onwards at Restaurant Kokyo,Rua Paul Redfern 41, in Ipanema.

XMAS CAFEZINHO 16thDecember The December Cafezinho is always ameeting with a twis, and all InC membersbring a Christmas specialty of their homecountry to share with the hostess andfellow attendees. This year KathleenMorris is hosting the Xmas Cafezinho;for RSVP and route directions pleasecontact Kathleen at 3624‐2054 /7239‐0158 or <[email protected]>.

WOMEN’S DIOCESANASSOCIATIONChristmas Bazaar Saturday 4th December, commencing2 pm. Jubilee Hall, Christ Church.The WDA Christmas Bazaar is due totake place on Saturday 4th December,commencing 2 pm. Your copy of TheUmbrella may arrive after the event hastaken place, but if so, we do hope youwere able to attend.This time of the year is always very hecticfor the ladies of the WDA who deal withall the last minute preparations for the

Bazaar. Wrapping up the Christmascakes/puddings and the mince pies;finishing the work on the Christmascrackers; sorting out items for the WhiteElephant and Handicraft stalls and forthe Swiss Lottery. The ladies in thekitchen, in particular, work extremelyhard to produce sufficient quantities ofmarmalades, jams, pickles and chutneysfor sale at the Bazaar plus all theChristmas goodies. Hope you managedto arrive early enough to get your cakes,puddings and mince pies; theydisappear from the shelves very quickly.

Our sincere thanks to all of you whohave so kindly sent along donations inresponse to our appeals. Unfortunately,we are unable to send out individualletters of thanks as in most cases there isno mention of the sender’s name.

We look forward to informing you theresults of the Bazaar in the January issueof The Umbrella. Meanwhile, from all ofus at the WDA, best wishes for A VERYHAPPY CHRISTMAS.


THE BRITISH SCHOOLIt was with great sadness that the schoolmanagement, together with the PTAExecutive Committee, took the decisionto cancel the PTA Year End AnnualHappening due to take place in Barraon Saturday 27th November. Thisdecision was taken on the grounds thatmany parents and students had alreadyregistered their decision not to attendthe party, due to the security situation.The British School Carol Service willbe held at Christ Church on 9thDecember from 7-9pm, with musicalpresentations from the students andcarols for the congregation.

OUR LADY OF MERCYThe Thanksgiving Dinner was the mostimportant event in November 2010 inour school. Due to the increase in ourstudent body and the fact that the Pre-School is entirely waitlisted, we will behaving two Christmas Celebrations thisyear! The first one will be on Friday,17th December at the front court forthe entire Pre-School. The othercelebration will be held on Saturday,18th December for all the othergrades. OLM will end its first semesterof the 2010-2011 academic year on18th December. The last event of theschool year will be our traditional StaffChristmas Mass and Lunch. OLMwishes a wonderful 2011 to all! MayPeace be your gift at Christmas andyour blessing all year through!

Mary Pinner


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• A small group of British Bowlers were privileged to sharein the All Souls Service on 2nd November at the EnglishCemetery, and enjoyed a brief tour of the cemetery withChris Hieatt after the service. Bowls tour leader, GraemeCoulam, has been bringing bowls groups to play in Brazilsince 2000. "In that time, I've learned a lot about the con-tribution of British workers to the development of Brazil,but this is a connection you never hear about at home. Soit was fascinating to visit the cemetery and to learn a littlemore of the personal stories that have shaped the widerinfluence of the UK in Brazil. It helps explain the gener-ous welcome I feel my group has always enjoyed from themembers at Paissandu and the Brazilian people in general.I was also able to light a candle in memory of my mum,who as a non-bowler, so enjoyed coming on my bowls tourand meeting the many fine and interesting characters atclubs in Brazil and Argentina."

• SCM Christmas Concert with the Bach family andMessiah singalong. The SCM choirs will be performingtheir Christmas concert on Monday 6th December and willlead the Messiah singalong on Monday 13th December,both starting at 8pm in Christ Church, Rua Real Grandeza99, Botafogo, with Inês Rufino on the organ, David Chew’sRio Strings providing the orchestra, and Ruy Wanderley, inhis 25th year with the SCM, will conduct. Five generationsof musicians preceded Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)in the dynasty formed by this extraordinary family. Thechamber choir will sing two Advent motets, by his uncleand father-in-law Johann Michael Bach (1648-1694), fatherof his cousin and first wife Maria Barbara. The words are byPaul Gerhardt (1607-1676). Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782), J.S.Bach’s son by his second wife Anna Magdalena,wrote the Magnificat in C which will be sung by two choirswith orchestra. Carl Phillip Emanuel Bach (1714-1778) isJ.S.Bach’s son from his first marriage with Maria Barbara,daughter of Johann Michael. Carl Phillip’s works includemagnificat, cantatas, and hymns, one of which the choirwill perform, using the words of the Advent hymn writtenby Rev. Charles Wesley (1707-1788), one of the founders ofthe Methodist church. Less well known, his brother JohannChristoph Friedrich Bach (1732-1795), the “BuckeburgBach” wrote the cantata the choir sings next, called “TheChildhood of Christ”, with words by poet Johann GottfriedHerder. For the final part of the concert the choir will singthree Christmas cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach him-self, well-known works that bring the message of Christmasto all families present, as they were celebrated by the vari-ous generations of the Bach family.

• The Rio CricketFestival took placeover the long holidayweekend Saturday13th- Monday 15thNovember at theRioCricket Club inNiteroí. Saturdaybegan with beachcricket using a tennisball on a rather stickywicket because of thesand. The openingceremony featuredAmbassador AlanCharlton, who was pre-sented with a commem-orative plaque. He was accompanied by his wife and broth-er. The enthusiastic Australian organizers of the Festival,who are long-time Brasilia residents, also spoke, and pen-nants were distributed to the teams from Brasilia and SãoPaulo who would play T20 matches on Sunday andMonday. BCS Chair, Mary Crawshaw and a disappointing-ly small number of BCS members attended.

• Mary Jean Job kicked off the Christmas Campaign for theCurupaiti hospital and leper community with her usualenergy this year, and raised a staggering R$35,694 amongsther friends and family, including a donation of overR$4000 from Cia. Souza Cruz. The money was used to buymore than 3500 items, ranging from blankets and pillowsto toothbrushes, soaps, items of clothing, toys, fans andbathroom accessories for the disabled. Other medicalitems included infra-red lamps, blood-pressure monitors,crutches and 10 brand new wheel-chairs. The donationfrom Souza Cruz was used to buy bed linen and towels.Every single item was handpicked and bought by Jean, whodisplayed the goods at the traditional tea that she offers ather home to thank all the contributors to the campaign –more than 90 people. An outstanding contribution wasmade by Manoela Lorch, who raised R$1700 amongst herfriends at Escola Americana! Perhaps one day Manoela willbe a worthy successor to Jean and carry on the campaign,which Jean has run for 39 years. This massive effort goes along way towards supplying the patients with essential itemsfor hygiene and general wellbeing, as well as a few small“luxuries” in the form of new clothes, shoes and toys forthe children. The hospital’s administrator, Sr. Miranda, wasalso present at the tea to talk to the guests about the workat the hospital and to thank everybody for their generosity.

• Congratulations to Rupert Brasier on the occasion of his80th birthday last month! Many Happy Returns also toGaynor Smith, BCS’s indefatigable Secretary.


Back from left: Kevin McBrearty, Colin Doman, Robert Aldridge, Brenda Daniel.Front : Judy McBrearty, Graeme Coulam

Ambassador Alan Charlton opening the RioCricket Festival

Mary Jean Job, Sr. Miranda and Manoela Lorch

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This month in Chandigarh, India,around 50 youth representatives from allover the Commonwealth will meet toelect a new Chair and Vice-Chair for thePan-Commonwealth Youth Caucus.Four candidates from the Pacific regionare standing for election to fill theseleadership positions, which are currentlyvacant. The newly-elected Chair andVice-chair will serve for two years and theappointments rotate regionally.

One of the candidates is Tom JuniorMisikea from Niue. He has been a youthactivist since he was 14, is involved withmany community activities happeningon his island and also organisingworkshops for young people within hisown community. In 2009 he waselected Youth President of HakupuAtua Youth and was elected as amember of the Youth Parliament,where he presented a motion. He isworking together with other Youth

MPs to push government andcommunity to support implemen-tation of the youth motions debatedlast year, such as hosting the YouthParliament yearly, including sexeducation in the curriculum andlobbying for a full time counselor,promoting Vagahau Niue, the native lan-guage, establishing a savings schemefor school students, supporting thesetting up of a creche for young workingfamilies and many more issues.

Tom's activism was sparked when hewas nominated Youth ParliamentMember for his village, in the NiueNational Youth Assembly, as part ofNiue’s Youth Parliament projectfunded by UNDP in 2009. The love hehas for the youth in his village and alsofor the rest of the youth on his islandmotivates him to constantly supportyouth activities and to help theirgovernment and communities, because

there is severedepopulationon Niue, withthe majority ofNiue peoplepe rmanen t l yresiding in NewZealand. Tomwas elected as theYouth Pre-sidentfor his village because he's the onlyactive member left in the village, asmany of the young people haveemigrated for further studies. Tom isvery passionate about getting youngpeople to come together and sharetheir experiences. He is lookingforward to telling the youth of todayto start getting active and let’s worktogether, let’s have our voices heard,for our young people around thePacific to become advocates. He islooking forward to seeing youngpeople take the lead.


You read in the September 2010edition of The Umbrella (p.11) the story ofEquatorial Guinea’s bid for Common-wealth membership, reinforced by therelease by presidential pardon ofBritish mercenary Simon Mann fromjail there, as a bargaining chip. In July2008, the Appeal Court of Malabo hadcondemned Mann to 34 years and 4months jail for his attempted coup d’etatand an attempt on the life of the President[read dictator] in 2004. He returned

to Britain to the £6m mansion in theNew Forest which he shares with hiswife, Amanda, vowing to testify againstMargaret Thatcher’s son Mark, who hesays put him up to the coup. Now, hehas cancelled a trip to South Africaamid fears he might be assassinated.Mann, 58 and his wife celebrated their16th wedding anniversary in Novemberand had been lookingforward to spendingChristmas in Cape Town. Amanda said“We wanted to go back for the chil-

dren... After all, South Africa had oncebeen our home [but] we were warnedthat it is too dangerous for us to go backand that somebody could take a potshotat us.” It was while living there that OldEtonian Mann first hatched his ill-fated plan to lead a mercenary force tooverthrow the Equatorial Guineagovernment. [Oh, the trials of havingonce been a mercenary! There has been nomore news lately on Equatorial Guinea’sbid for Commonwealth membership. – Ed.]


Tom Junior Misikea,Youth MP for Niue


15th December 2010 6.30pm - 8pmVisitors will join members of the(Trafalgar Square) for traditionalcarols and celebrity readers with aCommonwealth twist.

The programme was not available attime of going to press, but in 2008 the

music came courtesy of the Choir of StMary Abbots Kensington, HaringeyYouth Steel orchestra and the HornseyGirls Gospel Choir. At a traditionalevening of festive music and seasonalreadings, they also heard from actorBashy, The Apprentice winner TimCampbell, former Trade UnionLeader Lord Bill Morris, Sky Newsreader Gillian Joseph, poet PatienceAgbabi, Commonwealth SecretaryGeneral Kamalesh Sharma, Eastendersactress Diane Parish, Minister of StateDavid Lammy MP and -- live byvideolink -

The Commonwealth Carol Servicetakes place this year at 6.30pm onWednesday 15th December at StMartin in the Fields, Trafalgar Square.

Entry is FREE to all, but tickets mustbe booked in advance by e-mail<[email protected]> or calling 0207766-9202 for more information.Immediately after the Carol Service,there will be a ticketed Christmasthemed drinks reception and party atthe Commonwealth Club, a short walkfrom St.Martin’s Church.

London Community Gospel Choir

St Martin in the Fields Church, Trafalgar Square

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[Excerpted from: The Life andSt range Surpriz ing Adventures o fRobinson Crusoe, of York, mariner:Who lived Eight and Tw enty Years ,all alone in an uninhabited Is land onthe Coast of America, near the Mouthof the Great River o f O roonoque;Having been cas t on Shore byShipw reck , w herin al l t he Menperished but himsel f . W ith anA ccount how he w as at las t ass t rangely deliver'd by Py rat es .Writ t en by Himself. 25 April 1719]

We had in the Ship a Dog and twoCats, of whose eminent History I mayhave occasion to say something in itsplace; for I carry'd both the Cats withme, and as for the Dog, he jump'd outof the Ship of himself and swam onShore to me the Day after I went onShore with my first Cargo, and was atrusty Servant to me many Years; Iwanted nothing that he could fetchme, nor any Company that he couldmake up to me, I only wanted to havehim talk to me, but that [he] wouldnot do…

In this Season I was much surpriz'dwith the Increase of my Family; I hadbeen concern'd for the Loss of one ofmy Cats, who run away from me, or asI thought had been dead, and I heardno more Tale or Tidings of her, till tomy Astonishment she came Homeabout the End of August, with threeKittens; this was the more strange tome, because tho' I had kill'd a wildCat, as I call'd it, with my Gun; yet Ithought it was a quite differing Kindfrom our European Cats; yet theyoung Cats were the same Kind of

House breed like the old one; andboth my Cats being Females, I thoughtit very strange: But from these threeCats, I afterwards came to be sopester'd with Cats, that I was forc'd tokill them like Vermine, or wild Beasts,and to drive them from my House asmuch as possible.

But these were not the two Cats whichI brought on Shore at first, for theywere both of them dead, and had beeninterr'd near my Habitation by my ownHand; but one of them havingmultiply'd by I know not what Kind ofCreature, these were two which I hadpreserv'd tame, whereas the rest runwild in the Woods, and became indeedtroublesom to me at last; for theywould often come into my House, andplunder me too, till at last I wasobliged to shoot them, and did kill agreat many; at length they left me withthis Attendance, and in this plentifulManner I lived; neither could I be saidto want any thing but Society...

The story of Poll[Five years after landing, Crusoe made asmall boat and sailed round to the otherside of the island.] I got over the fence, and laid me downin the shade to rest my limbs, for I wasvery weary, and fell asleep; but judgeyou, if you can, that read my story,what a surprise I must be in when I wasawaked out of my sleep by a voicecalling me by my name several times,"Robin, Robin, Robin Crusoe: poorRobin Crusoe! Where are you, RobinCrusoe? Where are you? Where haveyou been?"

I was so dead asleep at first, beingfatigued with rowing, or part of the

day, and withwalking the latterpart, that I didnot wakethoroughly; butdozing thought Idreamed thatsomebody spoketo me; but as thevoice continuedto repeat, "RobinCrusoe, RobinCrusoe," at last Ibegan to wakemore perfectly,and was at firstd r e a d f u l l yfrightened, and

started up in the utmost conster-nation; but no sooner were my eyesopen, but I saw my Poll sitting on thetop of the hedge; and immediatelyknew that it was he that spoke to me;for just in such bemoaning language Ihad used to talk to him and teach him;and he had learned it so perfectly thathe would sit upon my finger, and layhis bill close to my face and cry, "PoorRobin Crusoe! Where are you? Wherehave you been? How came you here?"and such things as I had taught him.

However, even though I knew it wasthe parrot, and that indeed it could benobody else, it was a good while beforeI could compose myself. First, I wasamazed how the creature got thither;and then, how he should just keepabout the place, and nowhere else; butas I was well satisfied it could benobody but honest Poll, I got over it;and holding out my hand, and callinghim by his name "Poll," the sociablecreature came to me, and sat upon mythumb, as he used to do, andcontinued talking to me, "Poor RobinCrusoe! and how did I come here? andwhere had I been?" just as if he hadbeen overjoyed to see me again; andso I carried him home along with me. Then to see how like a King I din'd tooall alone, attended by my Servants,Poll, as if he had been my Favourite,was the only Person permitted to talkto me. My Dog who was now grownvery old and crazy, and had found noSpecies to multiply his Kind upon, satalways at my Right Hand, and two Cats,one on one Side the Table, and one onthe other, expecting now and then aBit from my Hand, as a Mark of specialFavour.


Pets Corner

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Dear All,

It could all have been so very different. Atthe beginning of 2004 Sue and I werethinking and praying about where Godmight be calling us to serve Him next. Ourcriterion was to look for somewhere wherewe could work together, as for the previous9 years we’d served in different churches.The idea of working abroad had been inour minds for some time. Soon afterwardsthe post as Rector of the Anglican Churchin Tokyo was advertised. It sounded verygood, they were asking exactly what we feltwe could offer and their time span fittedperfectly into ours. So we prayed aboutsubmitting an application.

The danger of praying specific prayers isthat they can be answered specifically. Aweek later a Church member returned froma year’s voluntary work in Kobe, Japan.While she enjoyed the school she workedin, her lurid descriptions of Japanese cultureand life, including how the uncookedinnards of all kinds of sea animals are foundon pizzas, the obsession with electronics,cherry blossom parties and paper walls inhouses, were more than enough to put us off– especially as I don’t like sea food unlesscooked in batter! To cut a long story short,later that year the post of Christ Churchwas advertised, and five months later wewere heading to Rio de Janeiro.

In almost six years we have been immense-ly privileged to enter into the lives of thosewithin the Church and in the communitythe Church is called to serve. We havealways considered it a privilege to conductwedding services, funerals, memorial serv-ices and baptisms. Conducting these when

the heat is intense, or at very short notice,or in venues more akin to party housesrather than a church, was going to be alearning curve. We have always beenimpressed with how flexible and trustingChrist Church and its members have beenas we have tried out all kinds of newthings. We have produced visual aids suchas a half naked Roman soldier, a donkeywith a moving tail and a road thatstretched from Jericho to Jerusalem – wellactually from the pulpit to the lectern.The message we have preached is thesame that Christ Church has surely heardover its last 200 years, we have simply pre-sented it in new ways.

In six years there are always going to behighlights. These include Rachel presentingflowers to Camilla Duchess of Cornwalland us talking to Prince Charles, the movingtestimonies when church members havestood up in church and shared what Godhas done for them, the Remembrance Dayand Community Carol services, thePancake parties, acting with the NewPlayers, spotting toucans in the trees inour garden, praying with British Schoolstaff, and hosting visitors from all four cor-ners of the world. It’s been an honour tobe Padre to the RBL; we have loved thePoppy and Caledonian Balls, the QBPs,the Royal Navy ship visits, seeing folksgrow in their faith and witnessing at firsthand faith in action, such as the superbwork and ministry Roy and Noreen Smithdo in the Rio das Pedras favela.

This is not the time and place to speakabout lowlights, but on a personal level ifthere are any of you in the communityreading this whom I have disappointed,



Chaplain’s Comment – a FinalWord – Dec 2010


Christmas at Christ Church 2010Sunday 12th December

7.00 p.m. Community Carol Service with Candlelight

Sunday 19th December

6.00 p.m. Niteroi Community Carol Service

Friday 24th December

7.00 p.m. CHRISTMAS EVE Crib Service

Saturday 25th December

10.30 a.m. CHRISTMAS DAY Family Communion service

Sunday 26th December

10.30 a.m. Family Holy Communion and Wellers Farewell Service

You are all welcome to come and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, and receive by faith his life changing gift of eternal life.

hurt or upset over the last six years pleasecome and tell me so. It was never myintention to do so, but I’m only humanbehind the dog collar. I want to leave well,and if you give me the chance I will bepleased to talk and say sorry face to face.

On a much lighter note – Rio, Brazil andSouth America have opened up before usand we have hugely enjoyed the opportu-nity to travel. There are simply too manyhighlights and special places to pick from,but the memory of sitting in astonishedsilence as a wolf (lobo guará) ate raw meatin front of us in the Parque do Caraçá inMinas will always stay with us.

I wish my successor every joy and happi-ness and ask that you take great care ofhim and his family, I know you will. If anyof you find yourselves in the EnglishMidlands you can be assured of a warmwelcome and our cottage in the PeakDistrict is always available for holidays.

Sue, Rachel and I pray God’s blessing foreach and every one of you. We hope andpray that something of His love has beenrevealed in us, for there is no greater loveor better place to be, than to be found inHis embrace, as a member of His family.In an ever changing community, I inviteyou to put your faith in Christ, for JesusChrist is the same yesterday, today and for-ever (Hebrews 13:8). There is room inGod’s house and heart for all.For the very last time,

Yours ever, Rev. David

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It takes three hours to fly from São Paulo to Bolivia and youland at the exotically named Viru Viru airport in SantaCruz. A Viru Viru is a bird with a distinctive noisy call,native of the area. Santa Cruz is notable for being an areawhere Mennonites settled in the past -- we spotted a few atthe airport dressed in long robes, headscarves and wide-brimmed hats on the women, cowboy hats on the men.

We felt we had really arrived in Bolivia when we took ashort flight to Sucre. Sucre (2790m) is a UNESCO culturalheritage site, due to its historic white-painted colonialbuildings, churches, and grand houses. Pictured against ablue sky with purple bougainvillea growing along manyroofs, it was undeniably lovely. But the thin air, steepslopes, and busy traffic took something off the cultural glo-ries and soon we were gasping for breath. Outside the citylies a concrete works, that 25 years ago unearthed a mostimpressive collection of dinosaur prints. There are literallyhundreds of them, which sadly the effects of pollution anderosion are removing. But for now we were shown prints ofdinosaurs walking, mating and eating.

Early the following morning we arrived at Sucre bus sta-tion. It was a shabby building where we had to leave ourluggage in a first floor office and then watched as it waslowered down to the coach with the aid of a frayed ropeand iron hook. Who knows what they do when it’s windy orwet. We had to pay a minimal “bus departure tax” and thenwalk two paces to hand over our bus departure tax ticketsto another official. Then, bang on time, the coach, with amix of tourists and locals, headed out on what was to be a10 hour journey.

Vicar takes cocaine

The scenery continually changed from river valleys, agri-culture, eroded hillsides, deserts, dusty towns with sleepingdogs, women in bowler hats and shawls and then every sooften llamas and occasionally in wilder areas the elusivevicuna – brown, elegant and graceful. We stopped in Potosi(4090m) an old silver mining town, which was ugly in theextreme. Only as it was getting dark and the temperatureswere dropping alarmingly quickly did we reach Uyuni(3669m). In Bolivia the locals call it “frigido” – the fridge.Not without reason, it was so cold, with a bitter wind blow-ing and you simply cannot imagine how anyone wants tolive there. Our hotel provided us with blankets, radiatorand coca tea - made from a derivative of the cocaine leaf –that provides a natural remedy for altitude sickness.

We set out the next morning on a tour of the Salt Flats.Words are simply inadequate to describe the scene – imag-ine a sea made of salt and no water, sparkling white as faras the eye can see. We stopped at a salt factory and saw howsalt is cleaned, sifted and bagged. We drove for hoursacross this white expanse, the salt molecules making hexag-onal patterns on the surface. We stopped at an island in thesalt sea, made of coral and covered in cacti of all shapesand sizes. That evening we stayed in a hotel made from salt.The walls, bed bases, tables and chairs were all made from

blocks of salt. Rachel licked the wall and soon confirmedthat indeed it was well and truly salt!

As the next day progressed we drove over rougher roads,not good for either the car’s suspension or ours. We werethrilled by the sight of dozens of pink flamingos standingserenely in a lagoon, overshadowed by towering mountainsof various hues. Our long drive over stony desert was bro-ken by the sight of a cheerful black and white skunk scur-rying along. Goodness only knows how it could survive insuch an environment.

Overnight the wind began to blow a howling gale, andhardly stopped for the next 24 hours. About 30 minutesafter setting out the next day, the wind whipped the sandup to such a state we had to stop. It was terrifying, a desertstorm with no prospect of driving in any direction. We lit-erally could see nothing but swirling sand. Every so oftensome sand would find its way into the car and cover every-thing. There was no one to help us and no hope of anyprogress until the wind changed. Finally after 50 minutesour driver dared to start again (with prayer) and withextremely limited visibility.

Our spirits lifted when we drove through an extended areaof rock erosion that has left all manner of balancing rocks.The prize for the ugliest town we have ever visited goes toa place called “Alota”. It was ghastly – wind blown, consist-ing of squat buildings set out in a grid pattern. Such wasthe awfulness of the place that Uyuni looked positivelyattractive when we reached its outskirts and the overnightbus to La Paz.

You name it, La Paz probably has the “world’s highest”. Inour case it was their wonderful five star hotel (think 3 starelsewhere), the world’s highest -- that allowed us to checkin at 6.15 am and had a wonderful room, view and break-fast ready. There were even oxygen tanks available shouldyou need any. La Paz sits along a massive canyon – (3660m)– the sides of which are covered in poorer housing as far asthe eye can see. It’s an astonishing capital city of colonialsplendour, busy people and markets -- and beyond itsboundary the snow-capped Mt Illimani looming ominous-ly down. You used to be able to ski on some of its foothills,but global warming has put an end to that. Above thecanyon (4000m) sits the world’s highest commercial air-port. Its runway extends to 5km to enable planes, fittedwith special tyres to withstand the forces involved, to lift offin the thin air.

Next year we’ll probably head for a quiet European beachsomewhere….


David and Sue Weller in Bolivia


Page 17: ol XVI DEZ Produced by the British & Commonwealth Society ...tongue-twister mlocal name for the dis-ease meaning “ that which bends up”. Another David wa s an English physician


Page 18: ol XVI DEZ Produced by the British & Commonwealth Society ...tongue-twister mlocal name for the dis-ease meaning “ that which bends up”. Another David wa s an English physician


Looking Back


This year is the 150th anniversary of the death of AdmiralLord Thomas Cochrane, 10th Earl of Dundonald (1775-1860) – and the only Marquês do Maranhão. There is amonument in memory of his services to Brazil in theEnglish Cemetery at Gamboa, where the Brazilian Navyoften conduct memorial celebrations. A large number ofthe early graves in the cemetery are of British naval per-sonnel who died in Rio – many of them of yellow fever –and all the war graves from WWI and II are in memory ofnaval crew members who died in service in Brazil. Themost famous grave is that of Admiral John Taylor, whoworked under Cochrane, but stayed in Brazil and com-manded the Brazilian Navy for many years.

Thomas Cochrane had a truly remarkable career as a navalofficer and a politician. After serving with distinction inthe Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815),he was wrongly jailed for fraud, stripped of his naval rankand parliamentary seat. Amazingly he went on to com-mand the Chilean, Brazilian and Greek navies, helpingthese countries in their fights for independence. He com-pleted a remarkable comeback when he received a Royalpardon and the restoration of his naval rank.

Audacious and feared commanderCochrane early established a reputation as one of thenavy's most audacious and feared commanders. As aLieutenant in command of his first ship, the sloop Speedymounting fourteen 4-pounder guns and with a crew ofonly ninety-two, he captured fifty ships, 122 guns and 534prisoners in just a year. The most famous engagement,illustrating the brilliance and daring that typified hiscareer, was the capture of the 32-gun Spanish frigate ElGamo on 6 May 1801. Cochrane ordered the hoisting of theAmerican flag to confuse the Spanish. El Gamo's broadsidesmissed and Speedy got close enough for her guns to openfire, killing the Spanish Captain. Cochrane then stormedthe Spanish ship with a boarding party which included theentire crew, except for Speedy's surgeon. He ordered oneman to climb the mast and haul down the colours, where-upon the Spanish crew of 319 surrendered.

Promoted to Post-Captain and given command of thefrigates Pallas and later Imperieuse, Cochrane terrorizedshipping along the French and Spanish coasts to such anextent that Napoleon referred to him as the Sea Wolf. In1808 he attacked Valencia in Spain and captured severalships -- some of which turned out to be American.

Battle of Basque RoadsAt the legendary Battle of Basque Roads in 1809 Cochraneused fire-ships and explosion vessels to cause terror amongthe French squadron, most of which was run aground.Unfortunately the Commander-in-Chief, Admiral LordGambier, hesitated to deploy the main fleet and the oppor-tunity to annihilate the French was lost. This infuriatedCochrane, who had been elected as a radical MP in 1806,and he opposed a motion of thanks for Gambier in theHouse of Commons. Gambier insisted on a court martial

to clear his name and as the establishment closed ranks hewas duly acquitted. Cochrane had made some powerfulenemies and his campaign against corruption in the navyoffended other leading figures including some, such asEarl St Vincent, who were sympathetic to his views. Theestablishment was determined on revenge and seized onan opportunity to put Cochrane on trial for stockexchange fraud in 1814. Convicted after a suspect trial, hewas swiftly dismissed from the navy and Parliament. Aftersensationally escaping from prison in 1815, Cochrane wassoon released but the authorities put him under seriousfinancial and political pressure and he decided there waslittle reason to remain in Britain.

Maranhão fortress surrendersIn 1817 he left the country and for the next ten years con-ducted a series of incredible operations for the Chilean,Brazilian and Greek navies. The formidable Spanishfortress of Valdivia was captured by 300 Chilean troopsunder Cochrane’s command in 1820 and in the same yearhe cut out the flagship of the Spanish South Americanfleet, the Esmeralda, from the port of Callao. LordCochrane helped to build the Brazilian navy and also assist-ed Brazil to gain its independence from Portugal in 1823.In charge of the embryonic Brazilian fleet, and underorders from Rio de Janeiro, he was sent to Bahia, where hepretended to be bringing reinforcements for thePortuguese. Against all the odds, Cochrane captured thePortuguese garrison of Bahia and accepted the surrenderof the fortress at Maranhão after an outstanding campaignof deception.

Cochrane was reinstated in the Royal Navy in 1832 underthe new King, William IV, and a sympathetic Whig govern-ment. His final appointment in 1847 was as Commander-in-Chief of the North American and West Indies Station.During the Crimean War (1853-56) the government publi-cized the possibility of Cochrane commanding a Balticfleet. With Cochrane's unrivalled reputation for coastalwarfare, the Russians correctly interpreted this as a threatto their capital, St Petersburg. One of Britain's most flam-boyant and daring naval heroes and a reforming politician,Cochrane died in 1860 at the age of 85 and was buried inWestminster Abbey. His life and exploits served as inspira-tion for the naval fiction of nineteenth and twentieth-cen-tury novelists, particularly C. S. Forester's HoratioHornblower.


Admiral Lord Thomas Cochrane

Page 19: ol XVI DEZ Produced by the British & Commonwealth Society ...tongue-twister mlocal name for the dis-ease meaning “ that which bends up”. Another David wa s an English physician


"70 years in Brazil: Happenings"Odd that this article (Nov. 2010 p.3) made no mention of mostof the most important events over this period, such as the golpeof 1964 and the military dictatorship which succeeded this,over-borrowing, hyper-inflation, devaluation and loans defaultsin succeeding decades, the eventual restoration of democracy,the removal of Collor for corruption, the creation of the realby FHC and consequent defeat of the previous gallopinginflation, and the more recent discovery of vast undersea oilreserves. Plus the choice of Rio as the next-but-one venue forthe Olympics.-Robin Evans[This was a completely arbitrary selection of notable events of the past70 years, hence no mention of future events such as the Olympics.Collor was, in fact, featured with photo there. – Ed.]

LETTERS Please send your letters to [email protected]

In Memoriam

Leslie Cyril Carter 1927 - 2010

After suffering a stroke at the end of August 2010, Leslie passed away peacefully in Liss, Hampshire, on Sunday 31stOctober 2010 aged 83.

Leslie first arrived in Brazil in 1949 with Cable & Wireless and lived in several cities. He met his wife, Heloisa, in SãoPaulo and remained very happily married with her for 57 years. In Rio, he was BCS chairman in 1972, as well as BritishSchool Board chairman. Leslie will be greatly missed by his wife, Heloisa; by his children, Denis, Suzan and Marcia andby his grandchildren, Julie, Erick, Stephanie, Michelle and Jonathan as well as by his many friends. The Funeral tookplace on Monday 15th November 2010 in England at the Portchester Crematorium.

Hoax of the MonthAspartame: a hoax has been circulating on the internetsince 1998, stating that aspartame, the sweetener in dietdrinks and tablets, is the cause of all manner of ills,including multiple sclerosis (MS), Gulf War syndrome(GWS) and overweight – you name it. This is completelyuntrue – see <http://www.hoaxbusters.org> which lists amind-boggling number of hoaxes. – Ed.

Internet scamFor anybody who has a check card on a U.S. account, thefollowing scam has been brought to my attention. A ghostcompany called Privacymatters123, with a website thatcannot be accessed, has discovered how to bill checkingaccounts for between US$19.95 and US$23.95 a month,allegedly because you clicked on something, for exampleon a website like Facebook, that authorizes them to do so.There is no recourse other than to tell your bank to blockfuture payments. See:<http://www.complaintsboard.com/bycompany/privacy-matters-123-a26566.html >. - Ed.NOVEMBER RESULTS Across: 8. Immodest, 9 Lotion, 10 Sloe, 11 Ember,

12 Miff, 13 Symmetry, 16 Subdue, 18 Tent, 20 Dekko, 21 Item, 22 Otiose,23 Luminary, 26 Oral, 28 Lunar, 30 Wage, 31 Cousin, 32 Exacting. Down:1. Employ, 2 Love, 3 Resent, 4 Stab, 5 Alfresco, 6 Atom, 7 Coiffure, 14Motto, 15 Yokel, 17 Bairn, 19 Exterior, 20 Dwelling, 24 Mortar, 25Regent, 27 Lash, 29 Need, 30 Watt.


ERRATA: In the Caledonian Ball photo spread on p.11 ofthe last issue, the name of HMCG Paula Walsh’s husbandshould have been given as Nick Gibson. Apologies. – Ed.

Page 20: ol XVI DEZ Produced by the British & Commonwealth Society ...tongue-twister mlocal name for the dis-ease meaning “ that which bends up”. Another David wa s an English physician



DEADLINE for our JANUARY 2011 edition is MONDAY, DECEMBER 13Please send your ads, letters, articles.

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Classified ads DECEMBER 02 InC General Meeting 10:30am02 American Soc. Ladies Night out 8pm 04 WDA Christmas Bazaar 2:00pm06 SCM Christmas Concert 8pm07 InC New Members Gathering 10am 08 InC SEBRAE handcraft tour11 American Soc. Holiday Party (Eggnog Party) 12 Christ Church Community Carol Service 7pm13 SCM Messiah singalong 8pm16 InC Cafezinho 10:00am19 All Saints Niteroi Community Carol Service 6pm24 Christ Church Christmas Eve service 7pm24 Union Church Candlelight Service 7pm25 Holiday Christmas Day25 Christ Church Christmas Day service 10:30am26 Christ Church Weller Farewell Service 10:30amNote: the BCS Christmas Party was on 28 November

JANUARY 201101 Holiday: New Year's Day 06 American Soc. Ladies Night out 8pm11 InC New Members Gathering 10am18 American Soc. Museu Histórico Nacional visit20 Rio Holiday: San Sebastian Day 20 InC Cafezinho 10am

URGENT: Is there anyone out there with a few hours tospare weekly and willing to try and bring in moreadvertisements to guarantee The Umbrella's financial self-sufficiency? Please contact the BCS office for more details.<[email protected]> Tel: 2537-6695.