ol seattle showkrs the seattle...

"VT Ol \ ! heard of those wonderful, peace-bringing heart-romances that kept happening back there in the screeching days at (iettysburg and Appomatox, haven't you? Romances be- tween boys of tar-flung battles lines and girls they left behind them romances that never could end because- \\ til, only because war cannot stop to heed a simple heart's desire. Robert W.-Chambers, great tale writer, has told suck a beautiful, heart-breaking war-and-lovc story in "I he (»od ot battles, the next ot our great series of Saturday short stories. It will be in The Star Tomorrow. FOR SEATTLE AND VICINITY: SHOWKRS TONIGHT OR SATURDAY, LIGHT SOUTHWESTERLY WINDS EVELYN NESBITT ESCAPES ON EVE OF SLAVERY TRIAL Girl witness against wealthy man, who wrote the story of her life for The Star rentiers, is mysteriously missing. See the story on page 8. VOLUME IS NO. 126 SEATTLE. WASH, FRIDAY, JUI.Y 25. IVI3 The Seattle Star THE ONLY PAPER IN SEATTLE THAT DARKS TO PRINT THE NEWS onf cent HOME EDITION BOALT GOES BERRYING DOWN IN THE RICH PUYALLUP VALLEY Did you know that three-quarters of a million dollars worth of berries are picked and told in this one com- munity every season 7 Page 6. LATEST ALASKA GOLI STRIKE CALLER FAKE SEPTEMBER MORN'S SISTER TAKES A DIP Will Seattle Be Ready for the Panama Canal Business? Well, We Rather Guess So! Seventeen Millions of Dollars Being Spent to Make the City's Harbor Second to None 'SOURDOUGH' WARNS THAT SHUSHANNA MAY BE ONLY ANOTHER ATUN AFFAIR Crook." he said I have not been on the Bhu*hanna. but I know the district. Tbe cotnpanlea Interested In starting rushes, always pick some creek where no man can *ay, I have been over IL' "Hero are the people who stand to gain on thla rush The steam ship companies, the railroad to Mc- Carthy. the merchant* at Cordova, the merchants at McCarthy, and the men who are already on the ground at Bhu*hann». The men who make the trip atand about 99 chances In a hundred of losing all they spend on the trip" Advises 'Em to Wait If tbls strike Is a real strike. It will be time enough to atart three months from now "When I arrived here from In- vestigating the Silver Creek strike. I began Investigating and found that moat of the report* on this Shushanna affair came out of a . clipping bureau In a downtown block." Warning that the Shushanne ld 1 rush in Alaska has all the earmarks of a fa la* gold rush, supported by Interests which will profit from ths , thousands who will go to Alaska in ?earch of torture. wae given hars to- day by Cart Mcßath. old-time Alas- kan. who la hars. after Investigat ing ths rush to Atlin and Silver i Crook, which started two monthe ago. McKath. In a report to Premier l Mcflrlde at Victoria. eipoeed the Atlln rush aa direct plot by which between 500 and «0«i m-n were led Into a country In which they lost all of their money. The Atlln ru»h. according to hi* report, resulted from a preairang f*l plan on the part of tranaporta Hon compMlw wwl hotel keepers to attract a* many men a* possible. Hs Is Suspicious "The reports from this allied' find at Stoushanna read very much like those sent out from Silver ? FIGHTER KILLS GIRL IN HER RED BAN FRANCISCO. July 2V? Furious becauee she refused to ac- cept his love, Joe Archer, a pmo- fighter, ahot and killed Lillian Sadie Fenard of Santa Monica, r.ml, as ehs lay in bsd at her lodg- twos here today, then took his own rtfe by sending throe bullets through hie body. "You made me love you, and Bow I've got to have you" Awakening the girl with these tftords, Archer, according to Night Clerk Hamilton, who had followed him to the girl s room, seized the victim, dragged her from the bod and shot her. 'Twill Be a Very Royal Affair I.ONDON. July 2-> Th« wedding of the duchess of V\t and Prince Arthur of Con naught will take place Oct. 15, according to announcement hereiodav. The prlnc<- of Wa!e* It Is x»d. will lie best man. and his sister, Princess Mary, will be a bridesmaid. WARM WEATHER WE ARE HAVING, ISN'T IT? 9AN FRANCISCO, July Two shapely lags, vlsibis well sbovs the knee through a chif- fon slit skirt, drew a large throng to the Palace Hotel palm court. The lege carried their owner, name unaacertalnod. Into the palm court. Every one sat up when the vision gownsd In vlolsnt purple, strollsd through ths room, a goldsn gartsr abovs her right knee twinkling she moved. ANDY TOO FRANK Andrew J Sutton was frank, bru- tally frank, nays Mrs Anna Sutton Would go »ut with other women and brag about It to r. she says His cruel treatment be«an aa soon as the knot was tied, In March. 1903. »ch complain*. On July l«. last, so says the com plaint, he told her to beat It" for good, and ob dlently she filed the divorce null this morning. The couple have two children. Seattle ie ths headquarters for the great lumber business In Wash- ington PENNANTS c "o P ir Any four coupons clipped from The Star, consecutively numbered, when presented at The Star office with 15 cent*, will entitle you to a 65-cent pennant. Washington State Pennant now out. Pennant* will be sent by mail if 5 cent* addi- tional for each Pennant is enclosed. Bring or mail to The Seattle Star, 1307 Seventh Avenue, near Union Street. COOPS. THAT'S A COOP INVfSrMfM «Plrior* < opyrljrht. 1111. j bjr CtnioMl Art ro \ ? ? ? RimimMr Saptambar Morn? Th« famous painting by Paul Chabaa?an unciothad maldan, atandfng. ahlvarlng, In a moun- tain lake? It eraatad a big fuaa. you ra- mambar, In Chicago, and In otH- ar citiaa. among tham our own Saattia Wall? September Morn's baby aiatnr haa arti»«J At i»r»«#nt aha ta the moot popu- lar bud to the city. Sha la * wae. chubby to*, with fui*y aoldan hair pll<«1 hlKh on har h»a<t. and her dimpled hand* hava taken tba aam«> poatura that alater haa In Paul Chahaa' picture Hha. like ail llttla alatara. haa found tha place that aitter fro- quanta, and hare aha la standing on tha aama axure-cur'alriert bank, with tha aamo little aaa garden of lon*, alendar leave* coming fn>m brown aarth Mrr big brown aye* are opaij wide and aa th«< Septamber morn Ins mint that cornea a* a herald of Jark FY«>at alrtkia her, aha aaya: "Oh. plaaaa don't think I'm bad or bold, 'Cauaa whara It'a daap It'a awful cold." The plctura la on <>*hlbttlon at tha atora of tha Pacific Picture FYamIDK Co.. 1115 Third a*. ODD ITEMS SERVES COMPANY RIGHT NKW YORK, July tt.?Andrew Nelson planned to serve 700 pounds of fish a la "apeclal shore dinner $1" on July 4. The fish have Just reached him, and ha I* serving an express company a la lawsuit. A CLOSED AFFAIR CINCINNATI. July 26. Tripped by her unspllt hobble skirt when sh" alighted from a trolley car. Helen f.lmlm was thrown Into the gutter and badly injured. A CLEAN BILL FOR DAD CHICAGO. July 2f» - The fact he allows his young son to get hl« face dirty Is no proof a father Is negll gent, ruled Judge Sullivan In refus- ing cust' dy to the boy's mother. "A STITCH IN TIME" AITOtTRTA, Oft . July 25?The re corder advised Miss Kdlth Ander- eon to put on a petticoat when she was haled before him for appearing In a transparent gown which ex poaed green stockings. A GRAVE QUESTION NEW YORK. July 25?fgpl.)-- | The roel of dying went up when ' grave diggers In Ureenwood come tery won their strike for $2 Instead of fl »<> a day wages. AN ALARMING MISTAKE CHICAGO. July 2S Mon Welle, rierlln. Mich , bought a picture post card of the Masonic temple and mailed It In the wrong place. Sev- en fire companies responded to Ih'- ! alarm. GETS ON THE JOB .Judico J«r«ri)l*h Net»r»r, whoa« appointment wa« confirmed by the n< natn Monday, will take Ilia onlh a* federal Judge for Wenterri Wa«h Ingtotl ne«i Wednesday morning. Tho nnlh will he administered hy hi* a*ao<late on tho bench, Judge K. ft Cuahman, .Jud*«i it)i? I Mr*. Nelerer, whoae home ha* linen In ItelHimhani for many y»ara, ar« In Iho ctiy oa a liwukj hunting luliklon. The hammer* are clanging! their busy tale of toil. The pile* are driven. The work is well begun. Soon the iron workers, and moulders, and mason*, and toher ariitansand craftsmen wdl place the lasting marks of their handiwork up- on the big job Soon, l>efore another year shall elapse, you will see this bird's eye view of the biggest and most modem dock on the Pacific coast, at Smith's cove. }W ih* Mlt>n>>w>f* lylnK ali«nicsiit>- th«- (ircst Northern dock at thn pilrrrnw rI«M II r the bIK Rest yc»h>l plying >n th«< I'aclflc H«»i how tniM'h room It takan up half the IftiKth of the pier A Mitt Of Frontag* Shift your tkw to tho Port of Si> attic dock, no* twin* built. See the Immense frontage th«t will be urnllshlu «,MW) feet. to tie exact almost a mil*. A mil"' of frontage' Knnm for five or nil vessel* of the *lse of the Minnesota Room f<>r the bl* gest oceangoing rraft* In the world And that In htit one dock In th' comprehensive plan outlined bjr the port commission for the Improve- ment of the H<att|<. harbor 11.000.000 Spart on Cova Smith \u25a0 cove the '.arifpai of tha docks. with It* supplemental Im provementa In th* wsy of a lumber yard, which will make the shipping facilities for the llallsrd tulllm<*> the best In tha world. It» crsnea to rontf) QMgoaa front ***a»» tn 4ork and from veaael to othar »aascla without a single ws»te motion, and i othar Improvements, will coat ap- proximately t1.0A0.000 In the background of this bird's- eye view of .Smith's cove. aa It wll! appear In ISU when made ready for the traffic which the o|>enlng of the Panama canal will bring fnto Puget sound, you can sen a faint outline of the .Salmon bay Improve ment. rapidly reaching completion. Some Staggering Figures This will be the headquarters of the fishermen's fleet, and will add 3,066 feel dock frontage, at a coat of $$60,000 Heforo many months are over, the | Imßli win have spent WILL DECLARE MARTIAL LAW IN MICHIGAN TOWN CALUMET. Mloh., July 25 ? Martial law probably will be de olarsd her* today. Five hundred militiaman ar* patrolling the etreels today te prevent a repeti- tion of yeatarday'* disorder*, when an armed mob of atrlkar*. moatly foreigner*, dlveated SO of Sheriff Crune'* deputies of th*lr Mar* snd virtually took po*ee*elon of the elty. Hy tomorrow, It ls expected. 600 more state guards will have ar rived Rioting prevailed last night and scores of persons are In the hos- pitals today, » Ith broken heads. Smith Ceve dock*, ae they will moth dock to constructed by O 11.300.000 In Improvements, Inrlud Inc the enat of ««t*bll*hln|{ the ter mlnal* on the East waterway. MEXICAN GIRL HELD AS SLAVE? Ad<l to these the r-oat of the l-ake Washington canal $2,276,000 from the government, $260,000 from the etate. and $;r,0.(t00 from the county Add $l.«00.0oo for the r>uwamlsh Hundred* of residents are leaving Calumet, fearing a repetition of the »"'"ncs of 1593. when martial law *«« established and federal troop* patrolled the streets It was considered possible today tl at the strike will extend to 40,000 Iron miners at Marquette. Gogebic and Mineral Range Practically all the striking cop- per miners are armed with auto- matic rifles and revolvers. It Is fisred the coming of the mllltla will but serve to Inflame them Eighteen thousand miner* and 7,000 surface workers are out. LIVED 30 YEARS AS MAN'S SISTER I loot* nest year. The present Great Northern dock la ahown at the extreme right. At the left, th* mam* <e Seattle port comtnleelon. waterway. $100,000 for the Ronton waterway. $60,000 for the Samara- mlah waterway, $260,000 for the Harrison at. dock ADD THESE. AND THE COST OF BRIDGES AND VIAOUCTB. AND POSSIBLY SOME OF COUN- CILMAN GODDARD'S SUBWAYS. Aviator to Wed Girl Passenger The other day Mlae Ber- tha Mack, caahler at Luna park, made a flight with Aviator Harry Chrletoffer- eon in hie hydro-aeroplane. It wia the first time they had met. The little god Cupid fol- lowed them up In the air over Elliott bay. He ahot hla arrows Just as accurate- ly aa he ever did on dry land. And, on Monday, Dr. M. A. Matthews will marry them at Luna park. WHY THE DELAY? Why thfl delay In presenting the city's application for lower gas rates to the public service commis- sion? At noon today Judge Oordon de- nied the motion made by Attorney Tucker to dismiss the case against Dr. Annie K Russell, who Is charg ed with beating with a can« Oua- daloupe Domlngue*. a 17-ynar-old Mexican girl, whom the doctor brought to this country from Mex- ico four years ago. The case wna then continued for further testi- mony. 935 now possessed, both by public and private ownership?a total of 71,621 feet. Over 13 miles of Im- proved waterfront, that's what It will mean. And the best developed harbor on the coast, as Chief Engineer Whltham confidently boast*. CHirAOO. July 2f> Declara- tion that for 10 years she lived as brother and sister with Wm Henry i«4»e, 70. former head of the l>slrd A I<ee Publishing Co., of thl* city, was made here today by Mrs. Ilarhara ("lough, RO, of Sherburne, Minn., when she arrived In Chicago to aid In settling t.ee's $200,000 estate. Tucker defended the "rule of the rod" by precedents that dafed back to Dr. Johnson. In old Kng land. King Solomon and Palestine. Deputy Prosecutor Steele charg- ed Dr ttussell with having made "a slave and a peon" of the girl. COPS LAY A TRAP When C. B. Mcharinahan report- ed to Patrolmen Newman and Wood- lovethat he had been "rolled" for R0 buckarlnos at the Vancouver sa loon, south of Yesler wav, they were «ilr."d with an Illuminating Idea. "Dat yottr friend " here, Frans Ourcpplo. go Into the same saloon, pretend Intoxication, anil maybe the same robber will tackle him," they said ? Frans acted the part to perfec- tion. Mike Fay will now be requir- ed to make some lu*ty explanations. He muy bo chuigud with grand lar- ceny. A RAT FAILURE The furnished flat looked flat. Sh<> flatly told him so. In fact, she told him she was flat tired of him, anyhow. That Is what Councilman Orlf- flthii wanted to know at the fran- chise committee meeting this morn- Inn. AND YOU WILL HAVE. CON- BE R VAT I V ELY ESTIMATED, SOME 917,000 000 IN IMPROVE- MENTS ON SEATTLE'S HARBOR BY PUBLIC ENTERPRISE WITH IN THE NEXT TWO YEARS. A total of 23.6K6 feet of dock < fri.ntage wll! |.<- added to the 47. WOMEN MAY RIDE NAKED THROUGH CITY'S STREETS LONDON, July 25.?That men would be shamed into giving worn en the vote by numerous imitations of Lady Godiva's hiatoric Coventry ride la the opinion of Laurence Houaman, suffragist author-poet. Addressing the International Wom- an's Franchise league on the sub- ject of "Petticoat Government," Housman declared the moat remark- able example in history of "petti- coat government" was that of Lady Godiva. In his view, all women should take her as their patron and example i and uKiiln and bkhld do violence to their conventional sense of mod- j esty In order to shame men Irfto Just way* "It is not always sufficient to : Klrd the loins for war against evil. Sometimes It Is necessary to strip," ' declared Housman, amid embar- j rassed silence. There were no volunteers for the j sttint, but the police are quaking ( at the very threat. ? ? ? "From the chairman of the state commission," said Griffiths, "I learn thai ho has no other notice of our application than what ho read In the papers. The resolution pass- ed by the council should have been Immediately officially transmitted to the commission." MRS.PANKHURST CLOSE TO DEATH And It was only two months after they started on their matrimonial venture. JEERS MULHALL LONDON. July 25.?Death may soon end tho suffrage activities of Mrs Knimellne raukhurst, leader Of the militants, who was yesterday released from Hollowny Jail as the result of her hunger strike. THE STORY OF LADY GOD!VAS' VENTURE Godiva, wife of Leofric, earl of Mercla and lord of Coventry, long years ago rode through the streets of Coventry In order that tha Inhabitant* of that village ahould be freed of a fine im- posed upon them by her hus- band. The Inhabitants ap- pealed to Lady Godiva. who pleaded with her lord. He jocularly promlaed to grant her requeat if she would ride naked through town. She caused It to be known under what terms they would be relieved of the tax. On a certain day ahe, mounted naked on her palfrey, rode through the town and return- ed. The faithful villagers stayed indoora and kept their windows closed. The lord relieved the people of the tax, through his admira- tion for his wife's heroism. Bruce Almost Became Airman ??_ FORT LITPTON. Colo., Julv 25.? j ( Spl. >?Hruce Hall came near equaling the record of the Wright J brother*, famous aviators. I Hut not quite. J He built a machine of hla own, I snd made a flight from the roof ' his father's barn. He will get better, the doctor# say, hut a sreat deal of Improve ] ment w ill have to be made on th« muohlne. DRAG LAKE FOR BODY t'nlon Is being dragged to- day for a body that Leon Haugh- inan. tins Pontius av? savs he saw ! Thrusday, while diving from an old I scow at the foot of Hoien sv. The body was at the bttom of the he said, and was wrnppe . blanket. Tha I*rr*at ''tpmrnt In crowfh of Ml* All- nutnrH Rrhool lili* cn<lnr»i'm*nt i.f It* new in.<r» thttn 1 1 l«>0 «** ?(ttilfnla They nr» nil *ln.l la Hi » suod wutd for HjraUl'Vnvlla.?Advt Karl C Orqham no* says the whole thing Is a flat disappoint- ment, and he wants a divorce from Kdna May Graham They wore married March 8 of this year. SEARCH FOR GIRL WASHINGTON. July IS.?Jeer- ing and frowning alternately at his accuser, Former Congressman las Watson of Indiana faced Mar- tin M. Mulliall of Haltlmore today when the form< r agent of the Nn tlonal Association of Manufactur- er* continued his story of the as- sociation between Watson and the N A. M. The senate committee annimnced that Mulhall will he re- leased nt the conclusion of his di- rect examination and that no cross examination will be allowed. The city l* being combed today hv the police for a clue to Mrs. t.elden l.uff. 17. of North Vaklnui, « ho mysteriously disappeared from her home on the evening of July 17. while dressed In a house gown. DIDN'T FEEL IT? The condition of Mrs Pnnkhurst. who was at once taken to a hos- pital from her cell Is of the gravest, find a blood transfusion operation has heen performed In an effort to save her life. Her pnrents suspect the girl's former husband, Kdward l.uff, of knowing her whereabout*. The ni >st eminent physician* In London advised the l>loo>l trans- fusion, pointing out that the mili- tant leader's successive hunger strikes hud almost completely un- dermined her system. 8 HOURS FOR ALL WASHINGTON, July If.?A mod- erate earthquake, which began at 7 44 r. m. and continued until R a, m , was registered by the sels tnograph nt Georgetown university. Its movements were from ca*t to a est. Ill" estimated distance ot thl' disturbance being 8,000 miles, OLYMPIA. July 25.- Joy reigned supreme at the rapltol today, fol- lowing the Issuance of an drder by Gov. Lister that hereafter the eight hour *ork day would apply In all departments of the state govern- invnt under Lis control.

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"VT Ol \ ! heard of those wonderful, peace-bringing heart-romances that kept happening back there in the screeching days at (iettysburg and Appomatox, haven't you? Romances be-tween boys of tar-flung battles lines and girls they left behind them romances that never could end because-\\ til, only because war cannot stop to heed a simple heart's desire. Robert W.-Chambers, great tale writer, has told suck a beautiful, heart-breaking war-and-lovc story in "I he (»od

ot battles, the next ot our great series of Saturday short stories. It will be in The Star Tomorrow.



Girl witness against wealthy man,who wrote the story of her life forThe Star rentiers, is mysteriouslymissing. See the story on page 8.




onf centHOME



Did you know that three-quartersof a million dollars worth of berriesare picked and told in this one com-munity every season 7 Page 6.


Well, We Rather Guess So! Seventeen Millions of DollarsBeing Spent to Make the City's Harbor Second to None


ANOTHER ATUN AFFAIRCrook." he said I have not been

on the Bhu*hanna. but I know thedistrict. Tbe cotnpanlea InterestedIn starting rushes, always pick some

creek where no man can *ay, Ihave been over IL'

"Hero are the people who standto gain on thla rush The steamship companies, the railroad to Mc-Carthy. the merchant* at Cordova,

the merchants at McCarthy, andthe men who are already on theground at Bhu*hann». The menwho make the trip atand about 99

chances In a hundred of losing allthey spend on the trip"

Advises 'Em to Wait

If tbls strike Is a real strike. It

will be time enough to atart threemonths from now

"When I arrived here from In-vestigating the Silver Creek strike.I began Investigating and foundthat moat of the report* on thisShushanna affair came out of a

. clipping bureau In a downtownblock."

Warning that the Shushanne B°ld 1rush in Alaska has all the earmarksof a fa la* gold rush, supported by

Interests which will profit from ths ,

thousands who will go to Alaska in

?earch of torture. wae given hars to-

day by Cart Mcßath. old-time Alas-

kan. who la hars. after Investigat

ing ths rush to Atlin and Silver iCrook, which started two monthe

ago.McKath. In a report to Premier l

Mcflrlde at Victoria. eipoeed theAtlln rush aa direct plot by whichbetween 500 and «0«i m-n were led

Into a country In which they lostall of their money.

The Atlln ru»h. according to hi*

report, resulted from a preairang

f*l plan on the part of tranaportaHon compMlw wwl hotel keepersto attract a* many men a* possible.

Hs Is Suspicious

"The reports from this allied'find at Stoushanna read very muchlike those sent out from Silver ?



Furious becauee she refused to ac-cept his love, Joe Archer, a pmo-

fighter, ahot and killed Lillian

Sadie Fenard of Santa Monica,

r.ml, as ehs lay in bsd at her lodg-

twos here today, then took his ownrtfe by sending throe bulletsthrough hie body.

"You made me love you, and

Bow I've got to have you"Awakening the girl with these

tftords, Archer, according to NightClerk Hamilton, who had followedhim to the girl s room, seized thevictim, dragged her from the bodand shot her.

'Twill Be a VeryRoyal Affair

I.ONDON. July 2-> Th« weddingof the duchess of V\t and PrinceArthur of Con naught will take placeOct. 15, according to announcementhereiodav. The prlnc<- of Wa!e* It

Is x»d. will lie best man. and hissister, Princess Mary, will be a




9AN FRANCISCO, JulyTwo shapely lags, vlsibis wellsbovs the knee through a chif-fon slit skirt, drew a large

throng to the Palace Hotel

palm court.The lege carried their owner,

name unaacertalnod. Into the

palm court. Every one sat up

when the vision gownsd In

vlolsnt purple, strollsd throughths room, a goldsn gartsr abovs

her right knee twinkling a« she


ANDY TOO FRANKAndrew J Sutton was frank, bru-

tally frank, nays Mrs Anna SuttonWould go »ut with other womenand brag about It to h« r. she says

His cruel treatment be«an aa soon

as the knot was tied, In March.1903. »ch complain*.

On July l«. last, so says the com

plaint, he told her to beat It" for

good, and ob dlently she filed the

divorce null this morning. Thecouple have two children.

Seattle ie ths headquarters forthe great lumber business In Wash-ington

PENNANTS c "o PirAny four coupons clipped from The Star,

consecutively numbered, when presented at TheStar office with 15 cent*, will entitle you to a

65-cent pennant. Washington State Pennant now

out. Pennant* will be sent by mail if 5 cent* addi-tional for each Pennant is enclosed. Bring or

mail to The Seattle Star, 1307 Seventh Avenue,

near Union Street.


«Plrior* < opyrljrht. 1111. jbjr CtnioMl Art ro \

? ? ?

RimimMr Saptambar Morn?Th« famous painting by Paul

Chabaa?an unciothad maldan,atandfng. ahlvarlng, In a moun-tain lake?

It eraatad a big fuaa. you ra-mambar, In Chicago, and In otH-ar citiaa. among tham our ownSaattia Wall?September Morn's baby aiatnr

haa arti»«JAt i»r»«#nt aha ta the moot popu-

lar bud to the city.Sha la * wae. chubby to*, with

fui*y aoldan hair pll<«1 hlKh on harh»a<t. and her dimpled hand* hava

taken tba aam«> poatura that alater

haa In Paul Chahaa' pictureHha. like ail llttla alatara. haa

found tha place that aitter fro-quanta, and hare aha la standing

on tha aama axure-cur'alriert bank,with tha aamo little aaa garden oflon*, alendar leave* coming fn>mbrown aarth

Mrr big brown aye* are opaijwide and aa th«< Septamber mornIns mint that cornea a* a herald ofJark FY«>at alrtkia her, aha aaya:

"Oh. plaaaa don't think I'm bad orbold,

'Cauaa whara It'a daap It'a awful

cold."The plctura la on <>*hlbttlon at

tha atora of tha Pacific PictureFYamIDK Co.. 1115 Third a*.


NKW YORK, July tt.?AndrewNelson planned to serve 700 poundsof fish a la "apeclal shore dinner$1" on July 4. The fish have Justreached him, and ha I* serving anexpress company a la lawsuit.


CINCINNATI. July 26. Trippedby her unspllt hobble skirt whensh" alighted from a trolley car.Helen f.lmlm was thrown Into thegutter and badly injured.


CHICAGO. July 2f» - The fact heallows his young son to get hl« facedirty Is no proof a father Is negllgent, ruled Judge Sullivan In refus-ing cust' dy to the boy's mother.


AITOtTRTA, Oft . July 25?The recorder advised Miss Kdlth Ander-eon to put on a petticoat when shewas haled before him for appearingIn a transparent gown which expoaed green stockings.


| The roel of dying went up when' grave diggers In Ureenwood cometery won their strike for $2 Insteadof fl »<> a day wages.


CHICAGO. July 2S Mon Welle,rierlln. Mich , bought a picture post

card of the Masonic temple and

mailed It In the wrong place. Sev-en fire companies responded to Ih'-

! alarm.

GETS ON THE JOB.Judico J«r«ri)l*h Net»r»r, whoa«

appointment wa« confirmed by then< natn Monday, will take Ilia onlh

a* federal Judge for Wenterri Wa«hIngtotl ne«i Wednesday morning.Tho nnlh will he administered hy

hi* a*ao<late on tho bench, JudgeK. ft Cuahman,

.Jud*«i it)i? I Mr*. Nelerer, whoaehome ha* linen In ItelHimhani formany y»ara, ar« In Iho ctiy oa aliwukj hunting luliklon.

The hammer* are clanging!their busy tale of toil. Thepile* are driven. The work iswell begun. Soon the ironworkers, and moulders, andmason*, and toher ariitansandcraftsmen wdl place the lastingmarks of their handiwork up-on the big job

Soon, l>efore another yearshall elapse, you will see thisbird's eye view of the biggestand most modem dock on thePacific coast, at Smith's cove.

}W ih* Mlt>n>>w>f* lylnKali«nicsiit>- th«- (ircst Northern dockat thn pilrrrnw rI«M IIr the bIKRest yc»h>l plying >n th«< I'aclflcH«»i how tniM'h room It takan uphalf the IftiKth of the pier

A Mitt Of Frontag*Shift your tkw to tho Port of Si>

attic dock, no* twin* built. Seethe Immense frontage th«t will beurnllshlu «,MW) feet. to tie exact

almost a mil*.A mil"' of frontage' Knnm for

five or nil vessel* of the *lse ofthe Minnesota Room f<>r the bl*gest oceangoing rraft* In theworld

And that In htit one dock In th'comprehensive plan outlined bjr theport commission for the Improve-ment of the H<att|<. harbor

11.000.000 Spart on CovaSmith \u25a0 cove the '.arifpai of tha

docks. with It* supplemental Improvementa In th* wsy of a lumberyard, which will make the shippingfacilities for the llallsrd tulllm<*>the best In tha world. It» crsnea torontf) QMgoaa front ***a»» tn 4orkand from veaael to othar »aasclawithout a single ws»te motion, and iothar Improvements, will coat ap-proximately t1.0A0.000

In the background of this bird's-eye view of .Smith's cove. aa It wll!appear In ISU when made ready

for the traffic which the o|>enlng ofthe Panama canal will bring fntoPuget sound, you can sen a faintoutline of the .Salmon bay Improvement. rapidly reaching completion.

Some Staggering FiguresThis will be the headquarters of

the fishermen's fleet, and will add3,066 feel dock frontage, at a coatof $$60,000

Heforo many months are over, the| Imßli win have spent


CALUMET. Mloh., July 25 ?

Martial law probably will be de

olarsd her* today. Five hundredmilitiaman ar* patrolling theetreels today te prevent a repeti-

tion of yeatarday'* disorder*, whenan armed mob of atrlkar*. moatlyforeigner*, dlveated SO of SheriffCrune'* deputies of th*lr Mar* sndvirtually took po*ee*elon of theelty.

Hy tomorrow, It ls expected. 600more state guards will have arrived

Rioting prevailed last night andscores of persons are In the hos-pitals today, » Ith broken heads.

Smith Ceve dock*, ae they willmoth dock to b« constructed by O

11.300.000 In Improvements, InrludInc the enat of ««t*bll*hln|{the termlnal* on the East waterway.


Ad<l to these the r-oat of the l-akeWashington canal $2,276,000 fromthe government, $260,000 from theetate. and $;r,0.(t00 from the countyAdd $l.«00.0oo for the r>uwamlsh

Hundred* of residents are leaving

Calumet, fearing a repetition of the

»"'"ncs of 1593. when martial law*«« established and federal troop*

patrolled the streetsIt was considered possible today

tl at the strike will extend to 40,000Iron miners at Marquette. Gogebic

and Mineral RangePractically all the striking cop-

per miners are armed with auto-

matic rifles and revolvers. It Is

fisred the coming of the mllltlawill but serve to Inflame them

Eighteen thousand miner* and7,000 surface workers are out.


I loot* nest year. The present Great Northern dock la ahown at the extreme right. At the left, th* mam*<e Seattle port comtnleelon.

waterway. $100,000 for the Rontonwaterway. $60,000 for the Samara-mlah waterway, $260,000 for theHarrison at. dock


Aviator to WedGirl Passenger

The other day Mlae Ber-tha Mack, caahler at Lunapark, made a flight withAviator Harry Chrletoffer-eon in hie hydro-aeroplane.

It wia the first time theyhad met.

The little god Cupid fol-lowed them up In the airover Elliott bay. He ahothla arrows Just as accurate-ly aa he ever did on dryland. And, on Monday, Dr.M. A. Matthews will marrythem at Luna park.

WHY THE DELAY?Why thfl delay In presenting the

city's application for lower gas

rates to the public service commis-sion?

At noon today Judge Oordon de-

nied the motion made by Attorney

Tucker to dismiss the case against

Dr. Annie K Russell, who Is charg

ed with beating with a can« Oua-daloupe Domlngue*. a 17-ynar-oldMexican girl, whom the doctorbrought to this country from Mex-ico four years ago. The case wnathen continued for further testi-mony.

935 now possessed, both by publicand private ownership?a total of71,621 feet. Over 13 miles of Im-proved waterfront, that's what Itwill mean.

And the best developed harboron the coast, as Chief EngineerWhltham confidently boast*.

CHirAOO. July 2f> Declara-tion that for 10 years she livedas brother and sister with WmHenry i«4»e, 70. former head of

the l>slrd A I<ee Publishing

Co., of thl* city, was made heretoday by Mrs. Ilarhara ("lough,RO, of Sherburne, Minn., whenshe arrived In Chicago to aid Insettling t.ee's $200,000 estate.

Tucker defended the "rule of the

rod" by precedents that dafedback to Dr. Johnson. In old Kng

land. King Solomon and Palestine.Deputy Prosecutor Steele charg-

ed Dr ttussell with having made"a slave and a peon" of the girl.

COPS LAY ATRAPWhen C. B. Mcharinahan report-

ed to Patrolmen Newman and Wood-lovethat he had been "rolled" forR0 buckarlnos at the Vancouver saloon, south of Yesler wav, they

were «ilr."d with an Illuminating

Idea."Dat yottr friend


here, FransOurcpplo. go Into the same saloon,

pretend Intoxication, anil maybethe same robber will tackle him,"they said ?

Frans acted the part to perfec-tion. Mike Fay will now be requir-ed to make some lu*ty explanations.

He muy bo chuigud with grand lar-ceny.

A RAT FAILUREThe furnished flat looked flat.

Sh<> flatly told him so. In fact, shetold him she was flat tired of him,


That Is what Councilman Orlf-flthii wanted to know at the fran-chise committee meeting this morn-Inn.


A total of 23.6K6 feet of dock <fri.ntage wll! |.<- added to the 47.


LONDON, July 25.?That menwould be shamed into giving wornen the vote by numerous imitationsof Lady Godiva's hiatoric Coventryride la the opinion of LaurenceHouaman, suffragist author-poet.Addressing the International Wom-an's Franchise league on the sub-ject of "Petticoat Government,"Housman declared the moat remark-able example in history of "petti-coat government" was that of LadyGodiva.

In his view, all women should takeher as their patron and example iand uKiiln and bkhld do violence totheir conventional sense of mod- jesty In order to shame men IrftoJust way*

"It is not always sufficient to :Klrd the loins for war against evil.Sometimes It Is necessary to strip," 'declared Housman, amid embar- jrassed silence.

There were no volunteers for the jsttint, but the police are quaking (at the very threat.

? ? ?

"From the chairman of the statecommission," said Griffiths, "Ilearn thai ho has no other notice ofour application than what ho readIn the papers. The resolution pass-ed by the council should have beenImmediately officially transmittedto the commission."


And It was only two months afterthey started on their matrimonialventure.

JEERS MULHALL LONDON. July 25.?Death maysoon end tho suffrage activities ofMrs Knimellne raukhurst, leaderOf the militants, who was yesterdayreleased from Hollowny Jail as theresult of her hunger strike.


Godiva, wife of Leofric,earl of Mercla and lord ofCoventry, long years agorode through the streets ofCoventry In order that thaInhabitant* of that villageahould be freed of a fine im-posed upon them by her hus-band. The Inhabitants ap-pealed to Lady Godiva. whopleaded with her lord. Hejocularly promlaed to granther requeat if she would ridenaked through town. Shecaused It to be known underwhat terms they would berelieved of the tax. On acertain day ahe, mountednaked on her palfrey, rodethrough the town and return-ed. The faithful villagersstayed indoora and kepttheir windows closed. Thelord relieved the people ofthe tax, through his admira-tion for his wife's heroism.

Bruce AlmostBecame Airman


FORT LITPTON. Colo., Julv 25.?j ( Spl. >?Hruce Hall came nearequaling the record of the Wright Jbrother*, famous aviators. I

Hut not quite. JHe built a machine of hla own, I

snd made a flight from the roof' his father's barn.

He will get better, the doctor#say, hut a sreat deal of Improve

] ment w ill have to be made on th«muohlne.

DRAG LAKE FOR BODYt'nlon Is being dragged to-

day for a body that Leon Haugh-inan. tins Pontius av? savs he saw

! Thrusday, while diving from an oldI scow at the foot of Hoien sv. Thebody was at the bttom of thehe said, and was wrnppe .blanket.

Tha I*rr*at ''tpmrnt In crowfh ofMl*All- nutnrH Rrhoollili* cn<lnr»i'm*nt i.f It* new in.<r» thttn1 1 l«>0 «** ?(ttilfnla They nr» nil *ln.l laHi » suod wutd for HjraUl'Vnvlla.?Advt

Karl C Orqham no* says thewhole thing Is a flat disappoint-ment, and he wants a divorce fromKdna May Graham They woremarried March 8 of this year.


WASHINGTON. July IS.?Jeer-ing and frowning alternately at hisaccuser, Former Congressmanlas Watson of Indiana faced Mar-tin M. Mulliall of Haltlmore todaywhen the form< r agent of the Nntlonal Association of Manufactur-er* continued his story of the as-sociation between Watson and theN A. M. The senate committeeannimnced that Mulhall will he re-leased nt the conclusion of his di-rect examination and that no crossexamination will be allowed.

The city l* being combed todayhv the police for a clue to Mrs.t.elden l.uff. 17. of North Vaklnui,« ho mysteriously disappeared fromher home on the evening of July 17.while dressed In a house gown.


The condition of Mrs Pnnkhurst.who was at once taken to a hos-pital from her cell Is of the gravest,find a blood transfusion operationhas heen performed In an effort tosave her life.

Her pnrents suspect the girl's

former husband, Kdward l.uff, ofknowing o£ her whereabout*.

The ni >st eminent physician* InLondon advised the l>loo>l trans-fusion, pointing out that the mili-tant leader's successive hungerstrikes hud almost completely un-dermined her system.


erate earthquake, which began at7 44 r. m. and continued until Ra, m , was registered by the selstnograph nt Georgetown university.Its movements were from ca*t toa est. Ill" estimated distance ot thl'disturbance being 8,000 miles,

OLYMPIA. July 25.- Joy reignedsupreme at the rapltol today, fol-lowing the Issuance of an drder byGov. Lister that hereafter theeight hour *ork day would apply Inall departments of the state govern-invnt under Lis control.