ok! blow the whistle! ’64 chevrolet truiks Úre ready to...

Page Tvro CATSKHX MOUNTAIX NEWS Margaretville, N. Y., Thursday, September 19,1963 Men’s, Women’s and Children’s WHITE STAG SKI CLOTHING SWEATERS - PABKAS - PANTS - ACCESSORIES BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Excellent Selection Reasonable Prices KASS SKI SHOP ROUTE SO MARGARETVILLE Prices Catde and Farm Dispersals We are experienced, capable and qualified to handle every detail. We also buy and sell used single ^eces or a hoosefoL AIKENS AUCTION SERVICE DELAXCET, N. Y. PHONE DELHI 7-2871 üflíMIIIIIIIIWWIflflflIWIIIfWflflMIlIflflIllllWlfMIMfWlfWIMVIMMWWWII», BaiEAYRC PHARMACY FLEISCHMANNS WILL BE CLOSED SEPT. 15 TO SEPT. 29 We Will Reopen Sept. 30 DANCE at K ass Inn Chi Route 30 Between Margaretville and Roxbury Everjr SATURDAY Night Music by The Trio ALL LEGAL BEVERAGES DINNERS SERVED AT ALL TIMES SPECL\LIZING IN SEA FOODS Telephone Margaretville 586-9844 Arkville By Mrs. David WlUlams Arkville,' Sept. 17 Miss Nancy Celli of Saugerties visited her friend, Elizabeth At- kin, a few days last week. Eliz- abeth returned with her to see her off to college. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Scudder of Clarence and Florida were guests of Mrs. Marian Murdock and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Soderlind, on Wednesday. Mrs. Hans Gebhardt of Mexico City and Miss Anna Balcom of Stamford, Conn., called on their aunts, Mrs. Margaret Hayes and Norine Casey, Friday. They also called on their uncle, William Casey, at Wheeler nursing home. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Straut and - fanüly spent the weekend visiting friends and relatives at their former home, Tompkins Cove. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin George left Saturday for a trip to Flor- ida. They will visit Mrs. George’s parents at Tampa and St. Peters- burg. ' Mrs. FVank Barton, Mrs. David Williams, Mrs. Robert Tiffany and 'Miss Maud Redmond attend- ed an educational seminar a t Ho- bart Methodist church sponsored by the conference and District Woman’s Society of Christian service. Mr. and Mrs. David Williams visited Mr. and Mrs. FYank Rehor at Rosendale Sunday. ; Surprised on Birthday Neal Forsman was happUy sur- prised for his 14th birthday Sat- urday when 14 of hisschool friends gathered for a party at the fireman’s pavilion. They enjoyed “go-kart” contests and refresh- ments. George Haynes of Kingston called on Mrs. Elizabeth Robin- son Monday en route to Dry Brook to visit relatives. Mrs. Beatrice Kauffman of Forest Hills spent last week with her cousin, Mrs. S. H. Halpem. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H avü^d were in Albany Saturday visiting their sons, John and Robert, and their families. Frank Oliver, who has been in Delaware Valley hospital, Walton, the past week, underwent surg- ery Monday. • John Fuller of Bloomville called on his sister, Mrs. Russell Peck, Saturday. Ernest Vredenburgh and chil- dren of Delhi spent Sunday night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Vredenburgh. There will be a bake sale Sat- urday afternoon, Sept. 21, on Main street for the benefit of the Ark- ville Methqdist church. Call orders to Mrs. FYank Bartqn, Mrs. Lynn George or Mrs. David Williams. TTie Roxbury News Monday, Sept. 16,1963 Irma M. Griffin Editor PIUHw BoKbory 4001 Ball Bat Hits Boy ' Roxbury, Sept. 16.—William A. F^ch, son of Mr.^and Mrs. Rich- ard Finch, was slightly injured on the playground at Roxbury school last week Tuesday when he was accidentally hit in the forehead with a baseball bat»^ He escaped wdth a severe bimip on the head. He returned to school Wednesday. Frost Killed Plants Halcottville, Sept. 16. — The first heavy frost of the fall sea- son visited this locality last Fri- day night when the temperature reached to the low 20s. Ice was ^ formed and much vegetation was 1 ruined. We keep homes on a low fuel diet! Our “Heat Extravagance Warning” system is your protection agidnst extravagance on the part of your heating plant Your Mobilheat Delivery Control Card in our files effectively signals us when anytiiing unusual or imexpected causes your heating plant to be- come extravagant with the warmth we deliver in Mobilheat Warned in time, we notify you immediately. Prompt action holds your heating costs down where they belong. Skich comforting security is only one feature of Mobilheat exclusive Automatic Personal Care. Call us today for all the details. ' C73 E. F. Traver & Son, Inc* ArkviUe, N. Y. Phone 586-2616 Earl G. Schreiber leaves Tues- day to resume studies at the State university at Albany. Miss Emma Brumfield and Miss Marion Perry of Oswego spent the weekend with Mrs. Gladys Beard and Miss Marian Angel. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schuster and daughter, Marlyn, of Morris- ville spent Sunday with Mr. Schuster’s ' mother, Mrs. Edith Schuster. > Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ballard attended the wedding of Miss Donna ■Myers, daughter _of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Myers of Méri- den, Conn., to Floyd Gardner of Meriden at the First Baptist church at Meriden, Conn., and the reception at Southington; Conn. Mr. éind Mrs. Clifford Speen- burgh and two little daughters moved to Roxbury from Sidney and into Leslie Ftonan’s tenant house on Main street Mr. Speen- burgh is working for Mr. F\uman. Mrs. Lynn Cammer and daugh- ter, Elaine, sister^ Mrs. Leslie Ftonan, and brother, Virgil Slau- son, and Miss Jane Schuman left Sunday for Parris Island, S. C., where they will attend the final review of Mrs. Gammer’s son, Larry Cammer, who completes his basic training in the Marines there. Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner of Gloversville are spending the week with Mr. an,d Mrs. Glenford Brownell. Mr. amd Mrs. Glenford Brovraell are working on tteir new ranch type home- in HubbeU Comers. They hope to have it completed by spring. A lot of building is going on in town. Gary Slauson is home from Fort Benning, Ga., on a leave. Peter and Anthony SimoneUi of Broóklyn spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Domenic Stra- faci at their home in Vega. Earl R. Wright made a busi- ness trip to Great Barrington, Mass. Mrs. John B. Hewitt, Mrs. Ann Magenheimer and Mrs. Gladys William visited Mrs. Hewitt’s sis- ter, Mrs. WiUiam Ricci, at Cairo Wednesday. Mrs. John Snipas of Denver is visiting her son, Lieut. Vincent J. Snipas, who is stationed in Den- ver, Colo. James Decker of Hobart visited Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill Tompkins Svmday. Jack Snipas and Joseph Snipas of Forest Hills, L. I., visited their father, John Snipas, in Denver for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Tyler and mother, Mrs. Andrew Bronner, of Syracuse, M^ and Mrs.-Gale lér and ^ons^Alsin ^ d ^us^eU,>j^ Kirkvilie ^ d Mr. and Eve^ ett Anderéon of Fonda ^ h t thf weekend with théir párents, Mr. and Mrs. ^Inón^ H. ^ le r ; Arthur ^Baumbach returned with his daughter, Mrs. Robert Giffin, to her home in Nashanic, N. J., to spend time. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barr of Mount Vernon and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Spaulding of Wayland, Mass., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beebe. Mr. and Mrs. John Shultis at- tended the homecoming of Mrs. Virginia Horton, Eastern Star grand representative to the State of Alabama, at the Eastern Star chapter room at Monticello Sat- urday night. The staff of the LaGuardia Me- morial House in New York, 14 in aU, visited the country home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Edward Corsi for the weekend and enjoyed an out-of-door picnic Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrsi Kendall Haight will build a modem home on the comer of their property. James P. Snyder of Stamford will be the builder. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schneider of Syracuse and Mr. and Mrs. David Schneider of Bloomfield, N. J., spent the weekend with their imcle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A b r^ J. VanDyke. Raymond and Edward Chase have moved out of CeirroU Hirik- ley’s house near Stratton Falls. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard have moved there from Margaretville and will assist Mr. Hinkley. Mrs. Charles H .Reed of Main street retiuTied home Saturday from Cooperstown hospital. Mrs. Charles Shultis is still there, but is gaining and is expected home early this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pebler and chüdren of Lindenhurst, L. L, Aildes spent the weekend with Mrs. Peb- ler’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dugan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ploutz Jr. celebrated their 12th wedding an- niversary Sunday by a dinner at Kass Inn. Robert Dugan spent the week- end with friends in Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Reed were Sunday ^ e sts of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Poli at Grand Gorge. Tues- day they visited Mrs. Clarence Brandow, their sister-in-law, at Prattsville. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Reed were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hitdicock a t Blenheim and saw the newly built house of their grandson, Robert Hitchcock. Mrs. Rudolph Gorsch spent the weekend with her son and dangh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Gorsch Jr., at Worcester and saw her new grandson, Stephen Ru- dolph, bom Sept 8 at the Fox Memorial hospital, Oneonta. Dr. Charles K., Ives of Roxbury is the maternal grandfather. Master Sgt. Frank Nekinc, sta- tioned at Fort Devens, Mass., spent the weekend with fais brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Slauson. IVb*. and Mrs. Ridiard Y. Todd of Youngsville and Mrs. Gladys Schuster of Callicoon Center were weekend guests of Mrs. Charles H. Morse. A family picnic was held Svm- day at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gtockel. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gockel arid children, Karl and Anna, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tubiolo and children, Marlene, Paul and Patrick, all of Grand Gorge; Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Gockel and children, David and Deborah, of Schenec- tady; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bou- ton and daughter, Sandra, of Ark- ville and Mrs. Joseph Córtese. Also guests of the. Gockels were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Carlson sind son, Walter, of Ossining. The Delaware Valley Grange service and hospitality co.nimittee is planning a bake sale and rum- mage sale combined on Oct. 12 at the Grange h ^ . Miss Grace S. Preston spent a few days with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Otis S. Preston, at Altamont. Mark Poole celebrated his 12th birthday Sunday by a family party at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. William Poole. Pres- ent were his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shepard, his great- gremdparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brown, and his aunt, -Miss Glenna Shepard, all of Afton, and another uncle and aunf. Dr. and Mrs. Har- old *Haines, of TaylorvUle, 111., who will spend severed days at the Poole home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shaffer of White Mills, Pa., spent the last week with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gray Sr., their cousins. Last month the Grays were at White Mills to help Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer celebrate their golden wedding an- niversary on Aug. 17. Mrs. Shaf- fer was Rowena Barringer. Andrew Gray Jr., whose birth- day was Friday, the 13th, cele- brated the Sunday previoxis by a picnic at the homé of his par- ents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Meade. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gray Jr. and family were guests. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mattice and son, Michale, of Akron, Ohio, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Mattice. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Hosier and son of New Kingston were also Sunday guests. Daniel Walker, Miss Jean Mc- Phee, Mrs. Ann Gillis and Miss Eleanor Cummings of Boston visi- ted Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill Tomp- kins Monday on their way back from Florida. Mr. and Ji^rs. Don£ild I^dden :c£^>anied their son, Donald Jr.? Sj^ngfiel^ a^ass., Sun<^. ;pe has ^nrolled as a freshftian at Sprpgfield college. Mr. and Mrs. Grover DuMond spent the weekend with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William DuMond, at Bedell. Mrs. Allison Androvett retiurned Thursday to her home in Staten Island after. the summer at the Lea Croft, where she has vaca- tioned for over 40 years. Mr. and, Mrs. Wilfred Higbie of North Miami Beach, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hendrickson and Frank Reese of Jamaica spent á few days at the Lea Croft while visiting friends and relatives at Kirkside. Mr. and Mrs. Elton LaRue,,Mr. and Mrs. H. Ivan Smith and Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam Mattice returned from a vacation trip to Cape Cod, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stone and family have moved from Paul Ballard’s apartment to the former Van Wormer house, vacated by the family of Benjamin Osbome. Mrs. Osbome and sons have moved back to their former home near Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnhart iure spending some time with Mr. Barnhart’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Benson La- Fevre, at Massena, and will also visit other places of interest in the Adirondacks and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. George W^ Hoag have returned after spending the summer with their son and daughter-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. George W. Hoag, at Bar Harbor, Maine. • Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hancock of Danbury, Conn., are spending a few days at the Roxbury hotel. They are visiting Misses Edith and Carrie Ploutz and other Roxbury friends. Mrs. Hancock is the for- mer Marian Sharman. Mr., and Mrs. Earl Scudder of Clarence, N. Y., and Mt. Dora, Fla., visited Mrs. Katherine Scud- der and entert^ed her at the Grand Gorge diner Wednesday. Mrs. William Van Fleet and mother, Mrs. Ruby Conine, all of Athens, Pa., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnhart. James Smith of Nyack visited Mrs. FIthel M. Buzzi at Roxbury tiiis week. Miss Zena R. Travis and Mrs. Frances Whitney visited fte lat- .ter’s sister, Mrs. Ida Mayes, a patient at the Margaretville hos- pital FYiday. Mrs. Mayes became ill tiiree weeks ago at her Halcott Center home. She is 95. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Taylor and family have returned from a week of vacation at Norfolk, Va., where they visited their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. £md Mrs. Ronne V. Taylor, stationed there. Mrs. Virgil Taylor and son, Gary, visi- ted the SS Suribachi, an ammu- nition ship, where ^ n n e V. Tay- lor is located. Mr. and Mrs. Tay- lor brought home their grandscm, Ronne James, for a visit By Mrs. John Jakszewsld Andes, Sept. 17 The Andes village board has placed several waste cans in vari- ous places around town. They are for the convenience of the public. John McNaughton left Tuesday for Lynchburg, Va., where he will attend Lynchburg college. John Boyd left Thursdáy for Manlius, where he will attend school. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Place went to Homer Wednesday and visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Place, imtil Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mural MUler ac- companied her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Schoon- maker of Poughkeepsie, to Cana- daigua, where they visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schoonmaker, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. David Kite and son, Jeffrey, of West Monroe spent Friday night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Macon Smith. Sat- urday morning they left for One- onta, Ala., where th^y will visit relatives of Mrs. Kite. Mrs. Smith accompanied her daughter and son-in-law. á Misses Janet, Denise and Valerie TYettner of Sidney spent the week- end with their grsmdparents, Mr. and Mrs. AUie Bramley, and uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Jaks|^wski. An Honor Stndent Donald Drew left for RPI Sun- day. He is one of the honor stu- dents chosen for the advance placement in math and chemistry. He was accompanied by his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drew, smd Mrs. Stanley Reed. ' Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Ruff took their daughter, Lois, to New- ark, N. J., Thursday, where she boarded a plane for , Miami, Fla. She will attend a beautician’s school in West Hollywood. They were accompanied to Newark by Mr. and Mrs. Willis Van Kem-en Jr. of Weaver hollow. Mr. and Mrs. Lee O’Connor of Bell Meade, N. J., called on his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and and Mrs. Bruce Champlin, Friday; Mr. and Mrs. John Jakszewski and daughter, Loma, and niece, Valerit Trettner, visited the Cats- kill game farm Sunday. The Andes Home Demonstration unit met at the home of Mrs. David Andrews for the first meeting of the year. A picnic dinner was held on the lawn and a lesson was given by the county agent. Miss Janet Walker, on “Food Facts and Fallacies.” The next meeting will be held Sept. 25 at the home of Mrs. Dewey Hombeck. Mrs. Hombeck will be the leader for the project “Choices at the Poultry Countér.” Anyone "wishing to join r t o attend ói^fwn'táct Mrs.' Bavwn Decker. Miss Marguerite Fowler is the sec- retary and Mrs. William Tniesdell was elected chairman in place of Mrs. Robert Dickman, who is mov- ing and resigned. Mrs. Donald Dickson was a patient at Margaretville hospital for two days with a badly sprained ankle. John Dickson of Pough- keepsie, visited his hiother on Sat- urday. Mr. and , Mrs. LeRoy ^Fleury moved Friday into their new home which they purchased from Mrs. Robert Dickman. Mrs. Dickman has moved to Dunraven. Mr. and Mrs. William Trettner were Sunday evening guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. AUie Bram- ley. -Mrs.. Rosa Ford was guest of honor at a birthday picnic Sunday given by her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and ]^s. Stewart Ford, and sons, Stewart and Gerald. Those of her family present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford and two sons of UnadUla, Mrs. FYands Trelease of Rockdiile, Mr. and Mjps. Robert Ford, Mrs. Acynthia Bene- dict and Richard Hicks of De- lancey. Mr; and Mrs. William Ruff and Mr.'and Mrs. WiUis Van Keuren Jr. of Weaver hoUow are attend- ing the Eastern States exposition at Springfield, Mass. 'Wallis Van Keiu'en 3d is visiting his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Ruff, while his parents are away. Linda Cowan went to A lb^y Simday. She vdU attend Albany Business coUege this year. Donna Ackerly, Flrica Grom- meck, Teresa Temming, Richard Fleury and John Ammerman are attending Delhi Ag and Tech. Thomas Coddington has retiurned to Hartwick coUege for his sopho- more year. , Robert MiUer, who is teaching in North Syracuse this year in- stead of LowviUe, spent the week- end with his mother, Mrs. Harold MiUer. Church services at the Pleasant VaUey Methodist' chin-ch vwU be at 8 p. m. Sunday. Mr. and IV&s. Sniith Dickman of Bradenton, Fla., spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. Susie CampbeU, last week. To the Voters of the Town of Andes I SINCERELY WISH TO THANK EACH AND EVERYOip FOR THEIR S U ^ R T IN THE P R ffin Y ELECTICMl^ Clide H. Edwards Clinical Chiropractic J. A. Camey, D.C. Chiroinractor P. O. BuHdins: MarKaretvtUe Phone 586-4364 —HOUBS— Monday Thru Saturday 10 to 12 lto5 Evmlngs by Appointment Pleasant VaUey Mrs. Astley Gustafson retimied Saturday from Roscoe hospital, where she had been a patient two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. PhiUp Eighmey of Delhi and dáughter, Irene, were caUers of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Weaver Sr. Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Norris smd children of Kingston spent the weekend at their parents’ home. Little Gerald became iU Sunday morning and was tadcen to Marga- retviUe hospital suffering bronchial pneumonia; Darla is staying with her Grandmother Weaver so Mrs. Norris may be with Jerry. OK! BLOW THE WHISTLE! ’64 CHEVROLET TRUikS ÚRE READY TO GO TO WORK! rSONTTO JUMtiFU€tM$pUI^, toStriatlai*,<iauinabwUkMitt bodf,TSO tateabmeiO, A new '64 Chevrolet is a lot more truck than your money bought the last time. Bodies, cabs, engines, frames, suspensions—all have been improved to give you more value for practically the same investment. Let us bring one over to show you why Chevrolet's the truck to put your money on. QUALITY TRUCKS COST LESS Tel^boiuyear Cbevr^etéíahrMbúatu^ type of track LADENHEIM & SONS, INC. MARGARETVILLE, N. Y.

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Page 1: OK! BLOW THE WHISTLE! ’64 CHEVROLET TRUikS ÚRE READY TO …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1963-09-19/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · of Mrs. Marian Murdock and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur

Page Tvro CATSKHX MOUNTAIX NEWS Margaretville, N. Y., Thursday, September 19,1963

Men’s, Women’s and Children’s WHITE STAG


BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Excellent Selection Reasonable Prices



Catde and Farm DispersalsWe are experienced, capable and qualified to handle

every detail.We also buy and sell used single ^eces or a hoosefoL



B a iE A Y R C P H A R M A C Y



We Will Reopen Sept. 30

D A N C Eat

K a s s I n nChi Route 30 Between Margaretville and Roxbury

Everjr SATURDAY Night

Music by The Trio




Telephone Margaretville 586-9844

ArkvilleBy Mrs. David WlUlams

Arkville,' Sept. 17Miss Nancy Celli of Saugerties

visited her friend, Elizabeth At­kin, a few days last week. Eliz­abeth returned with her to see her off to college.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Scudder of Clarence and Florida were guests of Mrs. Marian Murdock and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Soderlind, on Wednesday.

Mrs. Hans Gebhardt of Mexico City and Miss Anna Balcom of Stamford, Conn., called on their aunts, Mrs. Margaret Hayes and Norine Casey, Friday. They also called on their uncle, William Casey, at Wheeler nursing home.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Straut and - fanüly spent the weekend visiting friends and relatives at their former home, Tompkins Cove.

Mr. and Mrs. Merwin George left Saturday for a trip to Flor­ida. They will visit Mrs. George’s parents at Tampa and St. Peters­burg. '

Mrs. FVank Barton, Mrs. David Williams, Mrs. Robert Tiffany and 'Miss Maud Redmond attend­ed an educational seminar a t Ho­bart Methodist church sponsored by the conference and District Woman’s Society of Christian service.

Mr. and Mrs. David Williams visited Mr. and Mrs. FYank Rehor at Rosendale Sunday. ;

Surprised on BirthdayNeal Forsman was happUy sur­

prised for his 14th birthday Sat­urday when 14 of hisschool friends gathered for a party at the fireman’s pavilion. They enjoyed “go-kart” contests and refresh­ments.

George Haynes of Kingston called on Mrs. Elizabeth Robin­son Monday en route to Dry Brook to visit relatives.

Mrs. Beatrice Kauffman of Forest Hills spent last week with her cousin, Mrs. S. H. Halpem.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H avü^d were in Albany Saturday visiting their sons, John and Robert, and their families.

Frank Oliver, who has been in Delaware Valley hospital, Walton, the past week, underwent surg­ery Monday. •

John Fuller of Bloomville called on his sister, Mrs. Russell Peck, Saturday.

Ernest Vredenburgh and chil­dren of Delhi spent Sunday night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Vredenburgh.

There will be a bake sale Sat­urday afternoon, Sept. 21, on Main street for the benefit of the Ark­ville Methqdist church. Call orders to Mrs. FYank Bartqn, Mrs. Lynn George or Mrs. David Williams.

TTie Roxbury NewsMonday, Sept. 16,1963 Irma M. Griffin Editor

PIUHw BoKbory 4001

Ball Bat H its Boy 'Roxbury, Sept. 16.—William A.

F^ch, son of Mr.^and Mrs. Rich­ard Finch, was slightly injured on the playground at Roxbury school last week Tuesday when he was accidentally hit in the forehead with a baseball bat» He escaped wdth a severe bimip on the head. He returned to school Wednesday.

Frost Killed PlantsHalcottville, Sept. 16. —The

first heavy frost of the fall sea­son visited this locality last Fri­day night when the temperature reached to the low 20s. Ice was formed and much vegetation was1 ruined.

We keep homes on a low fuel diet!Our “Heat Extravagance Warning” system is your protection agidnst extravagance on the part of your heating plantYour Mobilheat Delivery Control Card in our files effectively signals us when anytiiing unusual or imexpected causes your heating plant to be­come extravagant with the warmth we deliver in Mobilheat Warned in time, we notify you immediately. Prompt action holds your heating costs down where they belong.Skich comforting security is only one feature of Mobilheat exclusive Automatic Personal Care. Call us today for all the details. '


E . F . T r a v e r & S o n , I n c *A rk v iU e , N . Y . P h o n e 5 8 6 -2 6 1 6

Earl G. Schreiber leaves Tues­day to resume studies at the State university at Albany.

Miss Emma Brumfield and Miss Marion Perry of Oswego spent the weekend with Mrs. Gladys Beard and Miss Marian Angel.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schuster and daughter, Marlyn, of Morris- ville spent Sunday with Mr. Schuster’s ' mother, Mrs. Edith Schuster. >

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ballard attended the wedding of Miss Donna ■ Myers, daughter _ of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Myers of Méri- den, Conn., to Floyd Gardner of Meriden at the First Baptist church at Meriden, Conn., and the reception at Southington; Conn.

Mr. éind Mrs. Clifford Speen- burgh and two little daughters moved to Roxbury from Sidney and into Leslie Ftonan’s tenant house on Main street Mr. Speen- burgh is working for Mr. F\uman.

Mrs. Lynn Cammer and daugh­ter, Elaine, sister^ Mrs. Leslie Ftonan, and brother, Virgil Slau- son, and Miss Jane Schuman left Sunday for Parris Island, S. C., where they will attend the final review of Mrs. Gammer’s son, Larry Cammer, who completes his basic training in the Marines there.

Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner of Gloversville are spending the week with Mr. an,d Mrs. Glenford Brownell.

Mr. amd Mrs. Glenford Brovraell are working on tte ir new ranch type home- in HubbeU Comers. They hope to have it completed by spring. A lot of building is going on in town.

Gary Slauson is home from Fort Benning, Ga., on a leave.

Peter and Anthony SimoneUi of Broóklyn spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Domenic Stra- faci at their home in Vega.

Earl R. Wright made a busi­ness trip to Great Barrington, Mass.

Mrs. John B. Hewitt, Mrs. Ann Magenheimer and Mrs. Gladys William visited Mrs. Hewitt’s sis­ter, Mrs. WiUiam Ricci, at Cairo Wednesday.

Mrs. John Snipas of Denver is visiting her son, Lieut. Vincent J. Snipas, who is stationed in Den­ver, Colo.

James Decker of Hobart visited Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill Tompkins Svmday.

Jack Snipas and Joseph Snipas of Forest Hills, L. I., visited their father, John Snipas, in Denver for the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Tyler and mother, Mrs. Andrew Bronner, of Syracuse, M^ and Mrs.-Gale lér and ons^Alsin ^ d ^us^eU,>j^ Kirkvilie ^ d Mr. and Eve^ ett Anderéon of Fonda ^ h t thf weekend with théir párents, Mr. and Mrs. ^Inón^ H. ^ le r ;

Arthur ^Baumbach returned with his daughter, Mrs. Robert Giffin, to her home in Nashanic, N. J., to spend time.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barr of Mount Vernon and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Spaulding of Wayland, Mass., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beebe.

Mr. and Mrs. John Shultis at­tended the homecoming of Mrs. Virginia Horton, Eastern Star grand representative to the State of Alabama, at the Eastern Star chapter room at Monticello Sat­urday night.

The staff of the LaGuardia Me­morial House in New York, 14 in aU, visited the country home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Edward Corsi for the weekend and enjoyed an out-of-door picnic Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrsi Kendall Haight will build a modem home on the comer of their property. James P. Snyder of Stamford will be the builder.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schneider of Syracuse and Mr. and Mrs. David Schneider of Bloomfield, N. J., spent the weekend with their imcle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A b r^ J. VanDyke.

Raymond and Edward Chase have moved out of CeirroU Hirik- ley’s house near Stratton Falls. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard have moved there from Margaretville and will assist Mr. Hinkley.

Mrs. Charles H .Reed of Main street retiuTied home Saturday from Cooperstown hospital. Mrs. Charles Shultis is still there, but is gaining and is expected home early this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pebler and chüdren of Lindenhurst, L. L,


spent the weekend with Mrs. Peb- ler’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dugan Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ploutz Jr. celebrated their 12th wedding an­niversary Sunday by a dinner at Kass Inn.

Robert Dugan spent the week­end with friends in Syracuse.

Mr. and Mrs. Otis Reed were Sunday ^ e s ts of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Poli at Grand Gorge. Tues­day they visited Mrs. Clarence Brandow, their sister-in-law, at Prattsville. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Reed were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hitdicock a t Blenheim and saw the newly built house of their grandson, Robert Hitchcock.

Mrs. Rudolph Gorsch spent the weekend with her son and dangh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Gorsch Jr., at Worcester and saw her new grandson, Stephen Ru­dolph, bom Sept 8 a t the Fox Memorial hospital, Oneonta. Dr. Charles K., Ives of Roxbury is the maternal grandfather.

Master Sgt. Frank Nekinc, sta­tioned a t Fort Devens, Mass., spent the weekend with fais brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Slauson.

IVb*. and Mrs. Ridiard Y. Todd

of Youngsville and Mrs. Gladys Schuster of Callicoon Center were weekend guests of Mrs. Charles H. Morse.

A family picnic was held Svm- day at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gtockel. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gockel arid children, Karl and Anna, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tubiolo and children, Marlene, Paul and Patrick, all of Grand Gorge; Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Gockel and children, David and Deborah, of Schenec­tady; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bou- ton and daughter, Sandra, of Ark­ville and Mrs. Joseph Córtese. Also guests of the. Gockels were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Carlson sind son, Walter, of Ossining.

The Delaware Valley Grange service and hospitality co.nimittee is planning a bake sale and rum­mage sale combined on Oct. 12 at the Grange h ^ .

Miss Grace S. Preston spent a few days with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Otis S. Preston, at Altamont.

Mark Poole celebrated his 12th birthday Sunday by a family party at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. William Poole. Pres­ent were his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shepard, his great- gremdparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brown, and his aunt, -Miss Glenna Shepard, all of Afton, and another uncle and aunf. Dr. and Mrs. Har­old * Haines, of TaylorvUle, 111., who will spend severed days at the Poole home.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shaffer of White Mills, Pa., spent the last week with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gray Sr., their cousins. Last month the Grays were at White Mills to help Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer celebrate their golden wedding an­niversary on Aug. 17. Mrs. Shaf­fer was Rowena Barringer.

Andrew Gray Jr., whose birth­day was Friday, the 13th, cele­brated the Sunday previoxis by a picnic at the homé of his par­ents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Meade. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gray Jr. and family were guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mattice and son, Michale, of Akron, Ohio, spent the weekend with his par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Mattice. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Hosier and son of New Kingston were also Sunday guests.

Daniel Walker, Miss Jean Mc- Phee, Mrs. Ann Gillis and Miss Eleanor Cummings of Boston visi­ted Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill Tomp­kins Monday on their way back from Florida.

Mr. and Ji^rs. Don£ild I^dden :c£^>anied their son, Donald Jr.? Sj^ngfiel^ a^ass., Sun<^. ;pe

has ^nrolled as a freshftian at Sprpgfield college.

Mr. and Mrs. Grover DuMond spent the weekend with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William DuMond, at Bedell.

Mrs. Allison Androvett retiurned Thursday to her home in Staten Island after. the summer at the Lea Croft, where she has vaca­tioned for over 40 years.

Mr. and, Mrs. Wilfred Higbie of North Miami Beach, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hendrickson and Frank Reese of Jamaica spent á few days at the Lea Croft while visiting friends and relatives at Kirkside.

Mr. and Mrs. Elton LaRue,,Mr. and Mrs. H. Ivan Smith and Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam Mattice returned from a vacation trip to Cape Cod, Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stone and family have moved from Paul Ballard’s apartment to the former Van Wormer house, vacated by the family of Benjamin Osbome. Mrs. Osbome and sons have moved back to their former home near Davenport.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnhart iure spending some time with Mr. Barnhart’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Benson La- Fevre, at Massena, and will also visit other places of interest in the Adirondacks and Canada.

Mr. and Mrs. George W Hoag have returned after spending the summer with their son and daughter-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. George W. Hoag, at Bar Harbor, Maine. •

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hancock of Danbury, Conn., are spending a few days at the Roxbury hotel. They are visiting Misses Edith and Carrie Ploutz and other Roxbury friends. Mrs. Hancock is the for­mer Marian Sharman.

Mr., and Mrs. Earl Scudder of Clarence, N. Y., and Mt. Dora, Fla., visited Mrs. Katherine Scud­der and en te rt^ed her at the Grand Gorge diner Wednesday.

Mrs. William Van Fleet and mother, Mrs. Ruby Conine, all of Athens, Pa., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnhart.

James Smith of Nyack visited Mrs. FIthel M. Buzzi at Roxbury tiiis week.

Miss Zena R. Travis and Mrs. Frances Whitney visited fte lat- .ter’s sister, Mrs. Ida Mayes, a patient at the Margaretville hos­pital FYiday. Mrs. Mayes became ill tiiree weeks ago at her Halcott Center home. She is 95.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Taylor and family have returned from a week of vacation at Norfolk, Va., where they visited their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. £md Mrs. Ronne V. Taylor, stationed there. Mrs. Virgil Taylor and son, Gary, visi­ted the SS Suribachi, an ammu­nition ship, where ^ n n e V. Tay­lor is located. Mr. and Mrs. Tay­lor brought home their grandscm, Ronne James, for a visit

By Mrs. John Jakszewsld Andes, Sept. 17

The Andes village board has placed several waste cans in vari­ous places around town. They are for the convenience of the public.

John McNaughton left Tuesday for Lynchburg, Va., where he will attend Lynchburg college.

John Boyd left Thursdáy for Manlius, where he will attend school.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Place went to Homer Wednesday and visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Place, imtil Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Mural MUler ac­companied her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Schoon- maker of Poughkeepsie, to Cana- daigua, where they visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schoonmaker, for several days.

Mr. and Mrs. David Kite and son, Jeffrey, of West Monroe spent Friday night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Macon Smith. Sat­urday morning they left for One­onta, Ala., where th^y will visit relatives of Mrs. Kite. Mrs. Smith accompanied her daughter and son-in-law. á

Misses Janet, Denise and Valerie TYettner of Sidney spent the week­end with their grsmdparents, Mr. and Mrs. AUie Bramley, and uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Jaks|^wski.

An Honor StndentDonald Drew left for RPI Sun­

day. He is one of the honor stu­dents chosen for the advance placement in math and chemistry. He was accompanied by his par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drew, smd Mrs. Stanley Reed.' Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Ruff

took their daughter, Lois, to New­ark, N. J., Thursday, where she boarded a plane for , Miami, Fla. She will attend a beautician’s school in West Hollywood. They were accompanied to Newark by Mr. and Mrs. Willis Van Kem-en Jr. of Weaver hollow.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee O’Connor of Bell Meade, N. J., called on his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and and Mrs. Bruce Champlin, Friday;

Mr. and Mrs. John Jakszewski and daughter, Loma, and niece, Valerit Trettner, visited the Cats- kill game farm Sunday.

The Andes Home Demonstration unit met at the home of Mrs. David Andrews for the first meeting of the year. A picnic dinner was held on the lawn and a lesson was given by the county agent. Miss Janet Walker, on “Food Facts and Fallacies.” The next meeting will be held Sept. 25 at the home of Mrs. Dewey Hombeck. Mrs. Hombeck will be the leader for the project “Choices at the Poultry Countér.” Anyone "wishing to join

r t o attend ói^fwn'táct Mrs.' Bavwn Decker. Miss Marguerite Fowler is the sec­retary and Mrs. William Tniesdell was elected chairman in place of Mrs. Robert Dickman, who is mov­ing and resigned.

Mrs. Donald Dickson was a patient at Margaretville hospital for two days with a badly sprained ankle. John Dickson of Pough­keepsie, visited his hiother on Sat­urday.

Mr. and , Mrs. LeRoy ^Fleury moved Friday into their new home which they purchased from Mrs. Robert Dickman. Mrs. Dickman has moved to Dunraven.

Mr. and Mrs. William Trettner were Sunday evening guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. AUie Bram­ley.

-Mrs.. Rosa Ford was guest of honor at a birthday picnic Sunday given by her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and ]^ s. Stewart Ford, and sons, Stewart and Gerald. Those of her family present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford and two sons of UnadUla, Mrs. FYands Trelease of Rockdiile, Mr. and Mjps. Robert Ford, Mrs. Acynthia Bene­dict and Richard Hicks of De- lancey.

Mr; and Mrs. William Ruff and Mr.'and Mrs. WiUis Van Keuren Jr. of Weaver hoUow are attend­ing the Eastern States exposition at Springfield, Mass. 'Wallis Van Keiu'en 3d is visiting his grand­parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Ruff, while his parents are away.

Linda Cowan went to A lb^y Simday. She vdU attend Albany Business coUege this year.

Donna Ackerly, Flrica Grom- meck, Teresa Temming, Richard Fleury and John Ammerman are attending Delhi Ag and Tech.

Thomas Coddington has retiurned to Hartwick coUege for his sopho­more year. ,

Robert MiUer, who is teaching in North Syracuse this year in­stead of LowviUe, spent the week­end with his mother, Mrs. Harold MiUer.

Church services at the Pleasant VaUey Methodist' chin-ch vwU be at 8 p. m. Sunday.

Mr. and IV&s. Sniith Dickman of Bradenton, Fla., spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. Susie CampbeU, last week.

T o th e V o te rs o f th e




C lide H . E d w ard s

Clinical Chiropractic

J . A . C a m e y , D .C .

C h iro in rac to rP. O. BuHdins: MarKaretvtUe

Phone 586-4364


Monday Thru Saturday 10 to 12 l t o 5

Evmlngs by Appointment

P le a s a n t V aU eyMrs. Astley Gustafson retimied

Saturday from Roscoe hospital, where she had been a patient two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. PhiUp Eighmey of Delhi and dáughter, Irene, were caUers of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Weaver Sr. Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Norris smd children of Kingston spent the weekend at their parents’ home. Little Gerald became iU Sunday morning and was tadcen to Marga- retviUe hospital suffering bronchial pneumonia; Darla is staying with her Grandmother Weaver so Mrs. Norris may be with Jerry.



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A new '64 Chevrolet is a lot more truck than your money bought the last time. Bodies, cabs, engines, frames, suspensions—all have been improved to give you more value for practically the same investment. Let us bring one over to show you why Chevrolet's the truck to put your money on.


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