东北之旅 - golden dragon...金龍假期(怡保)有限公司 (151125-d) ipoh golden dragon...

金龍假期(怡保)有限公司 (151125-D) Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064) 125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia Tel : 05-2551150 3, 2411498, 2553190. Fax : 05-2559311 Email : [email protected] Websitewww.goldendragon.com.my www.facebook.com/IpohGoldenDragonTour GST Reg No : 000195837952 TOUR CODE PACKAGE DB07 76东北之旅 7 Days 6 Nights DongBei 抵达长春龙嘉机场日期 ARRIVAL DATE TOUR FARE 2018 3-6 / 11 1 - 2 不開團 3 05, 12, 19, 26 4 02, 23 5 07, 28 6 04, 25 11 05 Adult RM 2250 Child below 18 yrs old with Extra bed RM 2250 Child below 18 yrs old No bed + No breakfast RM 1880 Tipping RM 125 Single Supp RM 840 ** 提前 / 续住-含早,不含送机:RM 410.00 / Twin ** 2018 7 10 7 09 小孩 8 06 9 03, 24 10 08, 29 Adult RM 2730 Child below 18 yrs old with Extra bed RM 2730 Child below 18 yrs old No bed + No breakfast RM 1880 Tipping RM 125 Single Supp RM 1210 ** 提前 / 续住-含早,不含送机:RM 410.00 / Twin ** 抵达日期将随着当团团况、当团人数以及其他等等随后而来的因素,而有所改变。 请您在确认配套以及开机票之前,麻烦请先向我社查询当时最新的确认状况,感谢您的合作

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Page 1: 东北之旅 - Golden Dragon...金龍假期(怡保)有限公司 (151125-D) Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064) 125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia Tel :

金龍假期(怡保)有限公司 (151125-D)

Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064)

125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia

Tel : 05-2551150 – 3, 2411498, 2553190. Fax : 05-2559311

Email : [email protected]

Website:www.goldendragon.com.my ; www.facebook.com/IpohGoldenDragonTour

GST Reg No : 000195837952



7天6晚 东北之旅

7 Days 6 Nights DongBei




2018 年 3-6 月 / 11 月

1 - 2 月 不開團

3 月 05, 12, 19, 26

4 月 02, 23

5 月 07, 28

6 月 04, 25

11 月 05

Adult RM 2250

Child below 18 yrs old with Extra bed

RM 2250

Child below 18 yrs old

No bed + No breakfast RM 1880

Tipping RM 125

Single Supp RM 840

** 提前 / 续住-含早,不含送机:RM 410.00 / Twin **

2018 年 7 – 10 月

7 月 09 小孩

8 月 06

9 月 03, 24

10 月 08, 29

Adult RM 2730

Child below 18 yrs old with Extra bed

RM 2730

Child below 18 yrs old

No bed + No breakfast RM 1880

Tipping RM 125

Single Supp RM 1210

** 提前 / 续住-含早,不含送机:RM 410.00 / Twin **


请您在确认配套以及开机票之前,麻烦请先向我社查询当时最新的确认状况,感谢您的合作 !

Page 2: 东北之旅 - Golden Dragon...金龍假期(怡保)有限公司 (151125-D) Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064) 125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia Tel :

金龍假期(怡保)有限公司 (151125-D)

Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064)

125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia

Tel : 05-2551150 – 3, 2411498, 2553190. Fax : 05-2559311

Email : [email protected]

Website:www.goldendragon.com.my ; www.facebook.com/IpohGoldenDragonTour

GST Reg No : 000195837952


1. 此报价只适用于华侨~并持有美、加、澳、欧、马、新、印尼护照。

2. 不适用于中国籍护照及外籍人士包括老外、马来人、印度人等。

3. 费用不含:国际/国内机票及其税项,个人旅游、医疗保险,签证费用一切纯属私人性质的消


4. 如续住需要加订机场接送,将征收费用 RM155/位/趟 (韩国及日本价格另议)

5. 旅客必须完成所有行程安排,假如旅客要求中途自行离团,視同全程放棄,飯店將會被取消,

6. 旅行社有权力向旅客收取脫隊费用 US$100/每位/每天。

7. 所有團友務必要隨團參觀指定的購物站,沒興趣的客人可以抱著觀光為主的心態並耐心候,拒


8. 以上行程仅供参考,如果遇到天气或交通等人力不可抗拒因素,各景点可能作出调整或更動前



Page 3: 东北之旅 - Golden Dragon...金龍假期(怡保)有限公司 (151125-D) Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064) 125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia Tel :

金龍假期(怡保)有限公司 (151125-D)

Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064)

125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia

Tel : 05-2551150 – 3, 2411498, 2553190. Fax : 05-2559311

Email : [email protected]

Website:www.goldendragon.com.my ; www.facebook.com/IpohGoldenDragonTour

GST Reg No : 000195837952

Tour Code : DB07-2017 (逢周一抵达)

7 天 6 晚 东北之旅

第一天:抵达长春 – 吉林 酒店:吉林世纪大饭店 5星或同级

抵达长春机场,接机后送回酒店休息。(免费接机时间:16:00 , 20:00 发车)

第二天:吉林 – 长白山 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店:一山一蓝酒店 4星或同级



【北山公园】是一座久负盛名的寺庙风景园 。【松江中路】是吉林市一条主要景观道路,路上面铺

设彩色广场砖和花岗岩石板,沿路外侧安装上了美观而有吉林特色的栏杆和园林灯, 红旗村大关东


第三天:长白山 / 敦化 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店:敦化万豪酒店 4星或同级




今无法跨越的国土。后欣赏【长白瀑布】,高达 60 余米,很壮观,是松花江的一个源头,是瀑布群



景观。【美人松公园】美人松苑位于二道白河镇上,内有美人松千余株,百年以上的古松 352株。最

粗的胸径近 1米,高 32米。苑内有长白山特有的鹅卵石埔就的 1500米长的甬道,漫步园内尽可仰视




第四天:敦化 – 哈尔滨 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店:哈尔滨雅悦酒店 5星或同级






第五天:哈尔滨 – 伏尔加庄园 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店:伏尔加庄园宾馆或同级



厅及建设 30多座精典的俄式建筑。【普希金沙龙】按照 19世纪末俄罗斯建筑风格建成,独特的砖结





Page 4: 东北之旅 - Golden Dragon...金龍假期(怡保)有限公司 (151125-D) Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064) 125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia Tel :

金龍假期(怡保)有限公司 (151125-D)

Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064)

125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia

Tel : 05-2551150 – 3, 2411498, 2553190. Fax : 05-2559311

Email : [email protected]

Website:www.goldendragon.com.my ; www.facebook.com/IpohGoldenDragonTour

GST Reg No : 000195837952

第六天:伏尔加庄园 – 长春 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店:长春环球大酒店 4星或同级


春文化广场原名地质宫广场,坐落在市区中心,总面 20.5 顷。长春文化广场是全市最大的城市广场


心的新民大街附近,包括伪满洲国的八大机构建成于 1936年。


早餐后安排送机,结束愉悦的旅程。(免费送机时间:08:00,12:00 发车)






旅行社有权力向旅客收取脫隊费用 US$100 / 每位/每天




前後次序,本公司保有一切修正行程的權利; 酒店等级皆以当地标准为根据,所有参团者


Page 5: 东北之旅 - Golden Dragon...金龍假期(怡保)有限公司 (151125-D) Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064) 125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia Tel :

金龍假期(怡保)有限公司 (151125-D)

Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064)

125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia

Tel : 05-2551150 – 3, 2411498, 2553190. Fax : 05-2559311

Email : [email protected]

Website:www.goldendragon.com.my ; www.facebook.com/IpohGoldenDragonTour

GST Reg No : 000195837952

Tour Code : DB07-2017 (逢周一抵达)

7D6N DongBei Series Tour

Day 01 Arrival Pick up / Changchun /Jilin

Pick up, transfer to hotel. [Free Airport Transfer: 16:00, 20:00]

Hotel: 5*Century Hotel or similar

Day 02 Changchun / Changbai Mountain (B/L/D)

After breakfast, go to Century Plaza, which is a museum complex, underground shopping park, fountain of

dawn, national flag platform, "the boat of the century" giant tower, musical fountain, Wangjiang viewing

platform, pedestrian overpass and other parts. Is a city of Jilin City, reflecting the characteristics of the

landscape. 【Beishan Park】 is a prestigious temple landscape park. [Songjiang Road] is a major scenic road

in Jilin City, the road above the laying of color square brick and granite slate, along the road outside the

installation of a beautiful and Jilin characteristics of the railing and garden lights, the red flag Village Culture


Hotel : 4* Yishan Yilan Ecological Theme Hotel or similar

Day 03 Changbai Mountain / DunHua (B/L/D)

After breakfast, [Changbai Mountain Scenic Area(inclusive of Cable Car). After that proceed【Heaven

Lake】tour(depend on weather Permit), Heaven Lake is a crater lake on the border between China and North

Korea. It lies within a caldera atop the volcanic Paektu Mountain, a part of the Baekdudaegan mountain

range and the Changbai mountain range.【Changbai Waterfall】 is 68m tall. The current China–North Korea

border passes nearby, through the center of the alpine Lake Tianchi. After that proceed to【Underground

Forest of Changbai Mountain 】is formed by the vocational eruption.【Beauty Pine Park】The dense forests

and abundant plants provide favorable conditions for the wildlife’s habitat and reproduction. Next Stop to Da

Xi Taihe River. Shop in Changbai Mountain local Ginseng shop.

Hotel : 4* DunHua Wanhao Hotel or similar

Day 04 DunHua / Harbin (B/L/D)

After breakfast,【Saint Sophia Cathedral in Harbin】is a former Russian Orthodox church located in the

central district of Daoli, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, China. 【Zhongyang Street】The most exotic

place in Harbin is Central Street where there have many Russian and French style buildings. [Flood Victory

Monument] Flood Monument is located in Harbin City Road, River Central Avenue, the end of the main


Hotel : 5* Harbin Yarrow Hotel or similar

Day 05 Harbin / Volga Manor (B/L/D)

After breakfast【Volga Manor】is a Russian-style forest garden located about 29 km from St. Sophia Square

in small town called Chenggaozi. The Volga Manor itself is beautiful. A small meandering Ashihe river

flows smoothly through the woody garden park, leave an area of mudflat wet land by side for wild animals.

The architecture style of 【Pushkin Art Salon】is the Russian style of the late 19th century.【Pavlov castle】

is a famous castle in Russian history, it has experienced many vicissitudes, and in different historical periods

Page 6: 东北之旅 - Golden Dragon...金龍假期(怡保)有限公司 (151125-D) Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064) 125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia Tel :

金龍假期(怡保)有限公司 (151125-D)

Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064)

125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia

Tel : 05-2551150 – 3, 2411498, 2553190. Fax : 05-2559311

Email : [email protected]

Website:www.goldendragon.com.my ; www.facebook.com/IpohGoldenDragonTour

GST Reg No : 000195837952

having different missions commitment, a former hospital, police stations, schools and other functions.【St.

Nicholas Cathedral】built in 1898, the Church of the Annunciation at Nangang Central Square, the Alekseyev

Church and the Saint Sophia Cathedral. These are all the legacy of the Art Nouveau movement. 【Russian

Dance Show】experience they fantastic and dance performance.

Hotel : 4* Harbin Volga Manor Hotel Or similar

Day 06 Volga Manor / Changchun (B/L/D)

After breakfast, [South Lake Park] is referred to as the largest park in Changchun. The gardens there were

decorated with distinctive characteristics. [Cultural Plaza] is the largest city square in Changchun. In the

north of the square, the majestic former New Palace of the Emperor of Manchukuo stands soundly facing the

former Manchukuo State Council and Military Affairs buildings in the south of the square. [Eight

Government Department of Puppet Manchuguo Regime (view only)] Take an outlook in the view of The

Eight Government Department of Puppet Manchuguo Regime.

Hotel : 4* Changchun Universal Hotel Or similar

Day 07 Changchun / Departure B

After Breakfast, transfer to airport. Hope you have a wonderful time in Dongbei.

[Free Airport transfer: 08:00, 12:00 ]

It is compulsory for all tour participants to complete the full itinerary. In the event of not complying

the requirement, rest of the tour will be abandon, hotel will be cancel and a penalty surcharge of


No refund for no show and any unused portion of the packages or during tour.

All tour members are compulsory to visit the specify shopping stops. However, you are not obligated

to purchase product sold at the shopping stop. The company reserves the right to collect a penalty

surcharges if you refuse to visit the shops.

The above itinerary is for reference only, and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to

local requirement.

Final and correct accordance of itinerary will be based on Chinese version itinerary. All hotel ratings

are based on local terms.