tour code 8cms-16...金龍假期(怡保)有限公司-d) ipoh golden dragon tour sdn bhd (kpl/ln...

Tour Code 8CMS-16 金龍假期(怡保)有限公司 (151125-D) Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064) 125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia Tel : 05-2551150 3, 2411498, 2553190. Fax : 05-2559311 Email : [email protected] GST Reg No : 000195837952

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Page 1: Tour Code 8CMS-16...金龍假期(怡保)有限公司-D) Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064) 125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia Tel : 05-2551150 – 3, 2411498,

Tour Code – 8CMS-16














金龍假期(怡保)有限公司 (151125-D)

Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064) 125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia

Tel : 05-2551150 – 3, 2411498, 2553190. Fax : 05-2559311

Email : [email protected] GST Reg No : 000195837952

Page 2: Tour Code 8CMS-16...金龍假期(怡保)有限公司-D) Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064) 125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia Tel : 05-2551150 – 3, 2411498,

Tour Fare/团费: Departure Date/出发日期:

Airport tax 机场税

(subject to change)

Tip for Guide and Driver


China Visa(Normal single entry)


Agency Collection Fee


Travel Insurance



*Flight Detail/航班时间 KUL/PVG MH388 0900/1420 or KUL/PVG MU540 0155/0710

PVG/KUL MH389 1535/2100 or PVG/KUL MU539 1925/0050+1 * The itinerary are subject to the final discretion of the Land Operator *

8 Days 7 Nights

Tiantai Mountain + Maoshan + Shanghai Jiangnan(Stay in Shanghai Sheraton 5 star hotel) 8 天 7 晚 畅游济公天台山+茅山+江南上海(保证入住上海 5星喜来登)

Tour Code : 7TNI

Tour Code – 8CMS-16














【TOUR HIGHTLIGHTS /行程特色】 Nanjing Road 南京路, The Bund (night view) 外滩 (夜游), Lingshan Grand Buddha + Buddhist Temple (include battery

car) 灵山大佛 + 梵宫 + 九龙灌浴表演 (含电瓶车), Transformers Theme Park 电影变形金刚拍摄机器人主题公园机

器主题乐园 , Shanghai Global Financial Hub (Boarded 100 layers) 海环球金融中心 100 层, The Grand Canal +

Millennium Temple Xiangjisi 画舫船游最新世界文化遗产杭州段中国大运河 + 游览千年古刹香积寺, FenJing Ancient

Tower 枫泾古镇, Yuan Fu Mannings Palace 元符万宁宫+露天老子神像,Miracle Hail Palace 九霄万福宫,Sunan

Victory Monument(included luxury green car)苏南抗战胜利纪念碑 (豪华环保车),每人每天一瓶矿泉水.

第一天 吉隆坡 上海-苏州 (晚) 第二天 苏州–茅山 (南京) (早/午/晚) 第三天 茅山 (南京)- 无锡 (早/午/晚) 第四天 无锡–义乌 (早/午/晚) 第五天 义乌–天台山 (早/午/晚) 第六天 天台山–杭州–嘉兴 (早/午/晚) 第七天 嘉兴–枫泾古镇–上海 (早/午/晚) 第八天 上海 吉隆坡 (早/午)

Day 1 Kuala Lumpur Shanghai - SuZhou (D) Day 2 SuZhou – MaoShan(NanJing) (B/L/D) Day 3 MaoShan(NanJing) - WuXi (B/L/D) Day 4 WuXi - YiWu (B/L/D) Day 5 YiWu – TianTai Mountain (B/L/D) Day 6 TianTai Mountain- HangZhou-JiaXing (B/L/D) Day 7 JiaXing - FengJing - ShangHai (B/L/D) Day 8 Shanghai Kuala Lumpur (B/L)

Shanghai 上海 XinTianDi 新天地+石库门,Town God's Temple Business Circle 城隍庙商业街,Waibaidu Bridge外白渡桥,Huangpu Park 黄浦公园,People Square + Government City Building(by Coach)车游人民广场 + 市城府大楼,Shanghai Global Financial Hub (Boarded 100 layers) 观夜景高速电梯登上海环球中心 100 层悬空廊,The Bund 夜游外滩,NanJing Road 南京路.

JiaXing 嘉兴 YueHe Ancient Town 月河古镇 + 船游南湖,Transformers Theam Park 电影变形金刚拍摄机器人主题公园,FengJing Ancient Town 枫泾古镇(乘摇橹船)

Hangzhou 杭州 The Grand Canal + Millennium Temple Xiangjisi 画舫船游最新世界文化遗产杭州段中国大运河+游览千年古刹香积寺,West Lake + Lovers Stroll Hydrophilic Long bridge + Appearance White Snake and Xu Xian Pagoda 漫步西湖 + 梁祝亲水长桥 + 外观许仙白蛇雷峰塔

Tiantai 天台山 Qiongtai cents Valley National Scenic Area 5 stars 琼台仙谷国家 5 星风景区, The Monk's former Residence 济公故居.

Yiwu 义乌 Exotic street 夜游异域风情街, Yiwu Commodity City 义乌小商品城 Suzhou 苏州 The Bird's Nest (view only) 外观“苏州鸟巢, Jinji Lake Scenic Spot 金鸡湖风景区,

Tang Bohu Garden 唐伯虎园林. Maoshan 茅山 Yuan Fu Mannings Palace 元符万宁宫+露天老子神像,Miracle Hail Palace 九霄万福宫, Sunan Victory Monument(included luxury green car)苏南抗战胜利纪念碑 (豪华环保车) Nanjing 南京 Yangtze River Bridge 长江大桥, Confucius Temple 夫子庙,The Ancient city walls (by coach)

车游古城墙,International Shopping Center 国际购物中心 Wuxi 无锡 Lingshan Grand Buddha + Buddhist Temple (include buggy car) 灵山大佛 +梵宫 +

九龙灌浴表演 (含电瓶车), Chang Guang Xi Wetland Park 长广溪湿地公园, NanChanShi Street 夜游南禅寺商圈, Wuxi boat Swim Alley + Guyao Museum + Zhu Dachun Residence 无锡船游水弄堂+古窑群博物馆+祝大椿故居

Shanghai 上海 ShangHai Sheraton International 5* 上海太仓宝龙喜来登国际 5*或同级 jiaXing 嘉兴 E Tine Square Hotel Local 4* / similar E 时代大酒店准 4* 或同级 Suzhou 苏州 New Century hotel Local 4*/ similar 苏州开元曼居准 4* 或同级 Nanjing 南京 HaiBo Hotel Local 4*/similar 海柏大酒店准 4* 或同级 Wuxi 无锡 Golden Palace Hotel Local 4* / similar 金色豪门 准 4* 或同级 YiWu 义乌 JiaHua Hotel Local 4* / similar 嘉华酒店准 4*或同级 TianTai 天台山 4 SeasonsHotel Local 4* / similar 全季大酒店准 4*或同级

Suzhou Flavor 姑苏风味, Water Flaver 水乡风味,Ribs flavor 排骨风味,Taihu Flavor 太湖风味,Maoshan Flavor 茅山风味,HuaiYang Flavor 淮阳风味,Fantastic Buffet 豪华素宴自助餐+小火锅,Jigong Flavor 济公风味,Tianshan Flavor 天山风味,West Lake Flavor 西湖风味,Ancient Flavor 古镇风味,Shanghai cuisine flavor 沪菜风味,Baolong flavor 宝龙风味

Silk 丝绸, Pearl 珍珠, Tea 茶叶, Pixiu 艺都貔貅, Honey 蜂胶, Tea Port 茶壶, Pu‘er Tea 普洱茶, International Shopping Center 国际购物中心


Page 3: Tour Code 8CMS-16...金龍假期(怡保)有限公司-D) Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064) 125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia Tel : 05-2551150 – 3, 2411498,

8 天 7 晚 畅游济公天台山+茅山+江南上海 保证入住上海 5 星喜来登酒店

(上海/苏州/茅山/南京/无锡/义乌/天台山/杭州/嘉兴/枫泾) Tour Code – 8CMS-16

第一天 吉隆坡/上海 1HRS 苏州 (-/-/晚) 苏州鸟巢(外观)-艺术中心的原设计师为世界著名的建筑大师、国家大剧院的设计者保罗·安德鲁。中心建筑

风格融合了现代设计和古典元素,与苏州的江南水乡园林氛围相结合。 金鸡湖风景区-由参与过迪尼斯主题公园规划设计的著名的美国 EDAW 公司在苏州设计建造城市景观区。

第二天 苏州 2HRS 茅山(南京) (早/午/晚) 唐伯虎园林 - 唐伯虎,江南四大才子之一,风流倜傥,潇洒一世,带您了解他的故事及欣赏遗留下来的字

画墨宝等。 丝绸展览馆 。 茅山-前往“江南第一山”养生仙境-茅山风景区: 元符万甯宫+露天老子神像、九霄万福宫、苏南抗战


第三天 茅山(南京)2HRS 无锡 (早/午/晚) 南京夫子庙商圈-夫子庙是响彻海内外的旅游胜地,是国际品牌地段与商业中心地段的最佳组合。 车游古城墙-南京明城墙修筑于明朝,建于 1366 年到 1386 年,历时 21 年建成,是世界第一大城垣。 长江大桥 - 是长江上第一座由中国自行设计建造的双层式铁路、公路两用桥梁。 国际购物中心 灵山大佛+梵宫+九龙灌浴表演 (含电瓶车) - 世界上最高(88 米)的露天青铜释迦牟尼立像。九龙灌

浴表演开启时,周围蹲踞的九条巨龙将一齐喷出高达三十多米的弧形水柱,当这九股水柱直冲天际轰然交 汇沐浴佛身时,广场四方鼓乐齐鸣,喷泉水体百媚千姿这一神奇的动态景观正是依据佛经中所记载佛祖出 生时的故事建造而成。


第四天 无锡 3HRS 义乌 (早/午/晚) 长广溪湿地公园 - 是一座集生态、休闲、科普、人文为一体的国家级生态湿地公园。 太湖珍珠馆+茶壶博物馆。 夜游异域风情街-义乌是一座不夜城,如今的异国风情街也是一条“不夜街”,这里的夜晚风情万种。

第五天 义乌 1HRS 天台山 (早/午/晚) 义乌小商品城-全球最大的小商品批发市场 济公故里天台山-驰誉海内外的国家级风景名胜区,国家首批 AAAA 级旅游区 ,以济公“活佛”的故乡

而闻名于世。 以“佛宗道源,山水神秀”而著称。 琼台仙谷- 琼台仙谷景区面积 7.3 平方公里,是一处比较典型的花岗岩地质地貌景观。灵溪为该景区

的主景线。沿溪北行,两旁山壁对峙,山势峥嵘峻峭,奇峰纷呈,怪石错列,且愈入愈奇。 济公故居- 济公(1130 年—1209 年),原名李修缘,南宋高僧,台山永宁村人。他破帽破扇破鞋垢衲

衣,貌似疯颠,初在杭州灵隐寺出家,后住净慈寺,不受戒律拘束,嗜好酒肉,举止似痴若狂,是一位 学问渊博、行善积德的得道高僧,被列为禅宗第五十祖.

第六天 天台山 2HRS 杭州 1HRS 嘉兴 (早/午/晚) 画舫船游最新世界文化遗产杭州段中国大运河+游览千年古刹香积寺-世界上最长的运河也是世界上开凿

最早、规模最大的运河。大运河始建于公元前 486 年,在第 38 届世界遗产大会上获准列入世界遗产名录。 龙井问茶。 漫步西湖+梁祝亲水长桥+外观许仙白蛇雷峰塔。

第七天 嘉兴 30MIN 枫泾古镇 30MIN 上海 (早/午/晚) 月河古镇+船游南湖-月河是运河的一条支流,“其水弯曲抱城如月”而得名,明清以来月河一带已形成

繁华市。 电影变形金刚拍摄机器人主题公园-器人主题馆-机器人主题馆是以 8 个场景的机器人展示为主要特色,

馆内机器人均为废旧金属打造,采用时光旅行的游览路线前进,游客从未来穿越到过去。 前往枫泾古镇(乘摇橹船)-枫泾古镇是中国历史文化名镇,亦为新沪上八景之一,位于上海市西南方。

历史上,它因地处吴越交汇之处,素有吴越名镇之称 新天地+石库门 - 是以上海独特的石库门建筑旧区为基础改造成的集餐饮、商业、娱乐、文化的休闲步行街 上海环球金融中心(登上 100层)-是位于中国上海陆家嘴,2008 年 8 月 29 日竣工楼高 492 米,地上 100 层。 城隍庙商业圈- 上海最具本土风情的地方,它保持着唐朝式的建筑。庙街内更集合了上海精美风味小吃及 及文物之所在。 普洱茶/小蜜蜂馆 车游人民广场+市城府大楼-人民广场以全新的行政、文化、生态、交通、商业等功能和庄严、开阔,

成为上海城市文明的象征。1995 年,被评为“90 年代上海十大新景观”和“十大旅游景点”之一。 外白渡桥-是中国的第一座全钢结构铆接桥梁和仅存的不等高桁架结构桥。 黄埔公园-是上海最早的欧式花园,不仅是外滩百年沧桑的见证者,也是上海有标志性的现代城市公园。 外滩(夜游) - 它是上海的风景线,是到上海观光的游客必到之地。百余年来,外滩一直作为上海的 象征。

第八天 上海 吉隆坡 (早/午) 南京路 - 最繁华的商业街之一, 也是上海开埠后最早建立的一条商业街,被誉为"中华商业第一街。 艺都貔貅 于约定时间集合,送机场, 乘搭客机,返回马来西亚。

* 最后确认的行程将以旅行团抵达各地后由接待社安排为准 *

Page 4: Tour Code 8CMS-16...金龍假期(怡保)有限公司-D) Ipoh Golden Dragon Tour Sdn Bhd (KPL/LN 0064) 125, Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Ipoh Perak Malaysia Tel : 05-2551150 – 3, 2411498,

8D7N TianTai Mountain + Maoshan + Shanghai Jiangnan (Sheraton Hotel International 5 Star)

(Shanghai/Suzhou/Maoshan/Nanjing/Wuxi/Yiwu/Tiantai Mountain/Hangzhou/JiaXing/FengJing) Tour Code –8CMS-16

Day 1 Kuala Lumpur Shanghai 1HRS SuZhou (D) Suzhou The Bird's Nest (view only) - Original designer art center is world-renowned architect, designer of the National

Grand Theater, Paul Andrew. Center architectural style combines modern design and classical elements, and Suzhou Jiangnan garden atmosphere combine.

Golden Chicken Lake Scenic Spot- Disney involved by the theme park planning and design firm EDAW famous American urban landscape design and construction zones in Suzhou.

Day 2 SuZhou 2HRS MaoShan (NanJing) (B/L/D) Tang Bohu Garden - Tang Bohu, one of the four great men, casual and elegant bearing, the natural world, take you know his story and enjoy the legacy of calligraphy etc,. The Silk Centre Maoshan - Go to "South Mountain" health Wonderland - Maoshan Scenic Area: Yuan Fu Mannings Palace+ outdoor

I Mannings statues, Jiuxiao Hail Palace, Sunan Victory Monument (included luxury green car) Day 3 MaoShan (NanJing) 2HRS WuXi (B/L/D)

Nanjing Confucius Temple District - Confucius Temple is home resounded tourist destination, is the best international brand portfolio and commercial heart of the Lot

The Ancient City Walls (by Coach) - the city wall built in the Ming Dynasty, built in 1366 to 1386, which lasted 21 years built the world's first large city wall

Yangtze River Bridge - The first one from China's own design and construction of double type railway and Highway Bridge. International Shopping Center Lingshan Grand Buddha + Buddhist Temple (include battery car) - Important Buddha of Lingshan is high 88 meters. Nachanshi District, Wuxi Boat Swim Alley + Guyao Museum + Zhu Dachun Residence.

Day 4 WuXi 3HRS YiWu (B/L/D) Chang Guang Xi Wetland Park - is a set of ecological, leisure, popular science, humanities, as one of the state-level

Ecological Wetland Park. Taihu Pearl Centre + Teapot Museum Exotic Night Street - Yiwu is a city that never sleeps, exotic street now also a "No Night Street", where the night charm.

Day 5 YiWu 1HRS TianTai Mountain (B/L/D) Yiwu Commodity City - the world's largest small commodity wholesale market Monk Hometown Tiantai - world-class reputation at home and abroad National Scenic Area, the first national AAAA

level tourist area, with Ji Gong "Buddha" hometown and famous. To "source Fozong Road, landscapes Shenxiu" known. Qiongtai Cents Valley - Qiongtai Cents Valley scenic area of 7.3 square kilometers, is a typical granite geological landscape.

Lingxi for the main line of the scenic landscape. Brook northbound, on both sides of the confrontation mountain, the mountain towering steep, Qifeng scene, rocks staggered, and more into the more surprising.

Monk House - Monk (1130 -1209 years), formerly known as Li Xiu margin, the Southern Song Dynasty monk, Taishan Yongning village. He broke the cap broken fan tramp dirt Nayi, seemingly madness, a monk at the beginning of Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, after living Jingci, not bound by the precepts, hobbies, wine and meat, manners like crazy, is a Profound erudition, was good turn deserves another Road monk, was listed as Zen fiftieth ancestors.

Day 6 TianTai Mountain 2HRS HangZhou 1HRS JiaXing (B/L/D) The Grand Canal + Millennium Temple Xiangjisi - the world's longest canal, but also cut the world's oldest and largest

Canal. Grand Canal was built in 486 BC, at the 38th World Heritage Committee approved the inclusion on the World Heritage List Jade Museum.

Longjing tea center. West Lake + Lovers Stroll Hydrophilic Longbridge + Appearance White Snake and Xu Xian Pagoda

Day 7 JiaXing 30MIN FenJing Ancient Town 30MIN Shanghai (B/L/D) Moon River Town + South Lake (by boat) - Moon River is a tributary of the canal, "which hold water bending city moon,"

name after the month since the Ming and Qing River area has become the bustling city. Transformers Theme Parks - Robot Theme Pavilion is a robot 8 scenes showing the main features,

Robots are scrap metal to build the museum, using time travel tour route forward, tourists from the future into the past Through.

Fenjing Ancient Town (by boat) - Fengjing Ancienttown historical and cultural town in China, and is one of eight new Shanghai, is located in the southwest of Shanghai.

Shanghai Xintiandi + Shikumen - Shanghai's unique architecture is based on the transformation of old into a set of dining, business, entertainment, culture, leisure pedestrian street.

Shanghai World Financial Center (Boarded 100 layers) - Is located in Lujiazui, Shanghai, China, August 29, 2008 for completion. 492 meters tall, 100 on the ground floor.

Town God's Temple Business Circle - The most Shanghai native place, it maintains the Tang style architecture. Pu’er Tea / The Honey Museum People Square + Government city Building (by coach) - People's Square is the site of Shanghai's municipal government

Headquarters building, and is used as the standard reference point for measurement of distance in the Shanghai municipality Waibaidu Bridge - was the first all-steel bridge and the only non-riveted truss bridge China's high Huangpu Park- the oldest and smallest park of the city. It is the site of the large Monument to the People's Heroes. The Bund (night view) - It is the landscape of Shanghai. More than hundred years, the Bund has been used as a symbol

of Shanghai. Day 8 Shanghai Kuala Lumpur (B/L)

Nanjing Road - The world's most bustling commercial street, known as" the first commercial street". Pixiu Shop At the appointed time the collection, transfer to the airport for flight to return to Malaysia

* The itinerary are subject to the final discretion of the Land Operator *