ocala banner. (ocala, florida) 1905-02-17 [p page...

r j ill PAGE EIGHT Syr 1f = THE OCALA BANNER etr s f y- tn V THE L a MARCUS V A RIr- STO w fy TOM fliNt HARRIS R E t OCALA FLORIDA I i OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT I y 4 The above named establishment will throw open its doors to the public Saturday February i8th and hereby extends to the people I 4 of Ocala and neighboring oCs communities an invitation to call and see the splendid line of goods TO be displayed The business will be carried It on in such a way as to A make it everything that its name implies 1 1 VARIETY c Handlers Everything is one of the sayings originat ft liJ > ed especially for tHE VARIETY and everything possible will be P F done to prove that the saying is not a misnomer Among the great variety of goods to be found here we note a few l Dry Goods Clothing Shoes I i e Hardware Enamelware > T J IY Glassware Crockery Window Shades All Kinds of Household Goods j Immense Line of Fancy Stationery tY School Supplies Ect a P i Everything handled will be sold at prices lower than the I same goods can be purchased for anywhere else in the oity We stand ready at all times to make good this assertion Ve are enabled 1 b to do this for several reasons among which will be mentioned We I 1t a sell for cash only hence have no salaried bookkeepers to pay nor s bad debts to make good trom the people who do pay We buy for 7 spot cash and in this way take advantage of all discounts on our pur purchases All gDDis are marked in plain figures and only ONE PRICE is charged whether the person be railroad magnate or day 4 laborer Wewant every body to come in and see our goods see our prices see our methods of business doing and see that we can save you money Look out for the Grand Introductory Sale which will be held in a few days as soon as several delayed shipments arrive > Watch our advertisements for announcement of date for this sale r I r j tF1Ir I 0 F l I THE M9ICIISVARIETY STORE TOM I HARRIS I Tire To Its Name I Northwest Corner Square i Building Formerly Occupied byJJarion Hdw Co I r tL 1ya- mw J M r r THE GREAT RUSSIAN STRIKE HAS EKOED I Employes of Iron Work rave i I Returned to Their Places NO FURTHER TR3UCE FEAREDi- j f The Report that an Uprising May I Occur on Hocsy Is LrcueJACC- aL I i Famire in Scutilr est rut ia- I May TieUp All Inciutries I St PEtersburg Feb laiIr lay i I vestige of the grtac Si Pet burg I j strike disappeared today when UJK em ¬ pores of the Putiloff Iroi works returned In all the works the I ballots are being distributed for tae t elections for representatives to the I conference of the workmen and em- ployers ¬ Rumors of trouble on the Holiday tomorrow on which occasion- it j has been reported that the revolu- tionists ¬ had planned an armed upris ¬ ing seem to be totally without foun ¬ dation The Associated Press has been informed at the headquarters of the governor general that there is not the slightest apprehension as to a re ¬ newal of the disorders On the con ¬ trary it is reported that the great ¬ est confidence prevails that the meas- ures ¬ taken will prove satisfactory tc the workmen as the latter will be heard regarding the formulation ot new laws and the adjustment of exist ¬ ing differences The political side of the agitation is considered no long- er ¬ a serous factor at present Rumors that General Trepoff will I be appointed minister of the interior- are r not confirmed in the bestinformed circles where it is believed the post I of governor general will be continued for several months at least The holy synod has directed all I priests to communicate the terms of the imperial ukase regarding the mixed commission to their parishioners- In quiries made at the ministry of the interior show that no confirmation- has been received there of the report from Berlin that further antiSemitic- riots occurred at Gomel The accumulation of wheat and other freights in southeastern Russia- on account of the inability of shippers- to procure cars which have been withdrawn for the transportation of troops and munitions is now further complicated by weir of coal for manu ¬ facturing purposes threatened a tie I up of the iron industry Vast accumu ¬ lations of coal exist in the Donetz re gion and Prince Hilkoff minister of railroads has personally gone there- to try to straighten out matters I Japs Will Sink Colliers Tokio Feb 14 10 a mIn discuss j ing report that colliers had refused to accompany the second Russion Pa j cific squadron on its way north a member of the Japanese naval staff said today Our commanders will fire and sink any collier found in company with the Russian warships regardless of their nationality- Vice Admiral Togo departed from Kure yesterday Feb 13 his destination being kept secret It is presumed however that he is proceeding south ENDED LIFE WEDDING NEAR Hunt Wrote to Sweetheart It Was for You and Stepped on Track Trenton N 1 Feb 15 Albert T Hunt aged 21 jumped to his death- In front of a freight train on the Reading railroad near this city He was engaged to be married on Feb 22 to Miss Julia Weiss of this city In a memorandum book in Hunts clothes was a note addressed to Miss Weiss saying- I have tried every way but when my body is found you can say it was for you Miss Weiss said she knew of no rea ¬ son why Hunt should have taken his life They were on the beat of terms Wealthy Man Slain by Robbers Milan Ga Feb 11 > Joseph Stud still has been found murdered in his home here He was shot through- the head by robbers who then ran ¬ sacked the house Studstill was a wealthy bachelor of 75 years of age A party of boys who intended to visit him discovered the body There Is no clew to the murderers Kelly Arrested In California- Los Angeles Cal Feb 15owen Kelly a wholesale grocer capitalist- Of Philadelphia who is wanted by the police of that city has been ar- rested here Kelly admitted to the police thftt he was the man wanted When taken into custody about 500 waa found on his person Fruit Jar Full of Gold Jackson Mich Feb HA little over 800 in gold coins stored Into a 2quart fruit can was the find made recently at the residence of the late Eugene Murphy He was of a sar ing disposition and the money was dis ¬ covered after a daughter was told that he might have gold hidden Murphy in life was consecutively a policeman- a police sergeant a police captain and an officer at the Michigan State pris in and during his years of service to the city of Jackson and to the state he pursued a frugal policy t S < J l t 1 J f THREE FIREMEN ARE INJURED hicago Hotel Burns and 150 Gt sts Are Turned Into Streets Chicago yob 1oFire partially <Je- etroyed the Brevoort house 14014 Madison street early today causing 2 loss of iflGuOOO to the building aid hotel furnishings and torclng 15C guests to make a hurried departure Three firemen were sired one Et- Terely before the flamed vhlch burned for nearly an hour burst through tc roof of the building aftt r It was be- lieved ¬ they had been extinguished None of the guests were hurt The fire which started from crossed elec- tric wires about 230 oclock was dis ¬ covered by a bellboy who was almost overcome by smoke in arousing the guests and employes of the hotel When the firemen reached the scene the flames had eaten their way through the third floor and had made considerable progress upward through- the walls The smoke which was dense hampered the firemen in their work while the guests were scamper ing by every avenue of escape to reach a place of safety and the hotel employes were busy in arousing them by telephones in the rooms While lighting the flames in the hotel bar ¬ room three firemen were injured one seriously by the collapse of the ceil ¬ ingThe fire was mostly confined to the rear of the building which gas gutted from the basement to the roof Th hotel which is eight stories high is owned by the Hannah Hogg compa- ny ¬ and is one of the oldest in the city Nearly all of the guests were from western states Many of them escaped from the place by rear fire escapes MAN HAS NINE WIVES Mrs Berry Accuses Him of the Hoch Habit and Causes His Arrest New York Feb 15lrs Phillip Berry a pretty woman and but recent- ly ¬ wed who said she had been told that her husband had the Hoch habit- to the extent of nine previous wives told a story of love that had failed- as complainant against her husband- in the Adams street court Brooklyn Berry the alleged man of nine wives was committed on a charge preferred- by his wife and fined j5 on a charge of intoxication Seven weeks ago the Berrys began their honeymoon at Xo 273 Schermer I horn street Berry said his jealousy- was aroused by his wifes habit of writ- ing i letters in Danish a language he does not know She hurled back i the accusation that he had nine other wives On last Friday the wife tes- tified Berry came home intoxicated- and struck her Berry admits that the woman who caused his arrest is his fourth wifE but stoutly denies the Hoch methods averring that he was divorced from the preceding spouses i I STREETS FLOWED BENZINE Standard Oil Tank at Middletown Breaks Loose Middletown X Y Feb I5The snapping of a pipe attached to a 15 000 gallon tank of benzine at the i standard Oil companys plant here has j caused the loss of thousands of gallons of the product The benzine gushed i forth in a large stream coursing down- I 1 the Incline to Sprague avenue and I flowing in the gutters- It was feared that sparks from pass Ing locomotives ht Ignite the ben ¬ zine and fire engines were called out ready for action i I The river of benzine was stopped af- ter I a half hour I I Famous Traveler Dead I I Greensboro Pa Feb 15Dr Frank Cowan the Greensburg philos ophere is dead at the age of 61 H- ews the son of former United States Senator Edgar Cowan traveled ex- tensively was lawyer physician lec- turer ¬ poet historian editor and once I a secretary to President Johnson He twice circled the globe and was thb first white man to enter Korea Up to a week ago he hoaxed his friends into the belief that he would be burled- on his farm in a cheap box of boards shaped like a boat which he kept in hie room I Girl Saves Life by Dancing St Louis Mo Feb 15 Maggie 1 Head 24 years old was taken to the city hospital suffering from morphine poisoning A short time after taking the drug she repented Then she Iwent to a dance to keep herself awake I She danced in nearly every set About 3 oclock in the morning she said she went home and again felt drowsy Then she screamed and other inmate of the house had her removed to the 1 city hospital The nuraes and phy- sicians kept her awake for three hours before she was pronounced out of danger I Sultan Wants American Yacht I New York Feb 15Ithas been learned that the sultan of Morocco ha a special envoy in this country whc is trying to buy the fast yacht Xoro mena now at the Erie Basin an owned by Cornelius McLean of Mount Vernon who is a prominent member of the Old Guard of Manhattan It is said that the sultan wants to get a last sailing craft for cruising anc- aa the waters around Tangier are full at pirates he intends to fit the yacht rut lilts aa armed catiLarr t < > > x r k f << TRAGEDY IN COURTROOM HI Mother and Daughter Shot Dead by I Securer I Jacksonville Fen i5lrs Joseph H Freeman lies mortally wounded her laughter Miss May BIVMJ it I f dead and City Detective W B Ca hoon is seriously woundtd ts a result I of a shooting affray in the court room of L L Farris justice of the peace Monday morning Mrs Freeman had brought action against Owen E Loadholdtz charging- him with ruining her daughter The j parties to the case had gone to the court room prepared for trouble Ac ¬ cording to witnesses of the tragedy i Mrs Freeman attracted Loadholdtzs attention by calling his name and fired- at him His reply was prompt and deadly He fired five times and every shot took effect Mrs Freeman was shot four times in the breast and her f daughter who had fired once was shot in the mouth and instantly killed Detective Cahoon who was attempt- ing ¬ to disarm Loadholdtz was shotin the back evidently by one of the wo ¬ menLoadholdtz was arrested and is in jail Joseph Brown brother of the girl who was killed arrived on the scene immediately after the shooting- and was locked up for a time by order of Justice Farris to prevent further trouble > but was soon after released TWO LIVES LOST IN FIRE Father and Son Burned to Death in Sa- vannah of Ga Savannah Ga Feb I5In a fire that completely destroyed the copper works of McMillan Bros corner ot Liberty and Price streets J W Gard ¬ ner and his son Harry were burned- to y death The fire was discovered at 113G Oclock by a street car conductor whc sent in an alarm When the firemen arrived the fire was well under way having been fanned by the high wind While fighting the flames Foremajjfc Connelly of hose company No i wa injured by a falling rafter His in ¬ juries may prove fatal Mr Gardner and his son were accus- tomed to sleeping at the works where they were employed by day The firemen found the bodies of the father and son where they had struggled tc reach a window before they were suf- focated by the smoke The father had secured a lantern with which he had endeavored to light t their way to a window f Mr Gardner resided at Pooler 1C miles from Savannah where his wife and 19 children survive him r Bullet Ends Mans Life Valdosta Ga Feb 15 Charles Y Lee a prominent young farmer ot near Jennings Fla connitted sui- cide last night by shooting himself- He had been ill with i n uironia tot tE some time but was convalescent ano seemed to he very despondrit While fJ his wife was preparing supper for the 4 two children he got out of bed and waiked to the mantelpiece secured- his l revolver and shot hlaself through- the head He died almost instantly His wife heard the shut and rushed Y to the room but he was dead when she reached him Blue Laws Reach the Limit Corinth Miss Feb 15 Corinth had the lid down strong and tight last Sunday enforcing the Sunday clOt ing law so as to include the sale ol cigars soda water etc The drug S stores were closed and even the boot- blacks stopped work The sale of G newspapers was allowed however Cir- cuit s court just closed a session which was the lightest on record here Nc 4 cases of any importance were tried and only nine true bills were returned- by the grand jury j7 7 King Cant Get His Daughter Florence Feb laThe Countess Montignoso has been victorious in the first stage of her struggle with U e- king of Saxony her former husbantf v who desires their daughter Princess Anna Monica Pia removed from her care For the present at least the child will remain where she is The lawyers of the countess told Dr Koer nero emissary of the king that orders of foreign authorities cannot be exe- cuted ¬ in Italy and that the case will have to be treid in the courts 3s Big River Steamer Sinks z Cincinnati Feb 15Half a million dollars worth of river property waa placed in jeopardy the steamer Jtaliei was sunk the New South was carried down the river in the Ice ISO baw s were torn away and several otl s steamers were seriously damaged fey the breakup of the ice gorges la tiCt Ohio river Captain WlHIams aa6 two men on the Relief narrowly es- caped drowning At present only 3 the smokestacks of the Relief are ahove water Jail Delivery at Colquitt Ga Colquitt Ga Feb 15A jail deliv- ery r occurred at this place when tiLe county prison was opened by means of a gas pipe which was used to make a hole In the cell wall FtTemen escaped one Dutch Jordan bet g a white man charged with assaalt with k Intent to murder The other fence L were negroes held for various alleged f crimes The sheriff Mr WilklBs ii using all means for the capture of tin k escape 4- f t iii cc fr

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Page 1: Ocala Banner. (Ocala, Florida) 1905-02-17 [p Page [Eight]].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00312/00068.pdf · the flames had eaten their way through the third floor and had

r j



f y-










The above named establishment will throw open its doors to

the public Saturday February i8th and hereby extends to the people

I 4 of Ocala and neighboringoCs

communities an invitation to call and see the

splendid line of goods TO be displayed The business will be carriedIt

on in such a way as toAmake it everything that its name implies


1 VARIETY c Handlers Everything is one of the sayings originatftliJ >

ed especially for tHE VARIETY and everything possible will beP

Fdone to prove that the saying is not a misnomer Among the great

variety of goods to be found here we note a few


Dry Goods Clothing ShoesI

i e

Hardware Enamelware >


IYGlassware Crockery Window Shades

All Kinds of Household Goodsj

Immense Line of Fancy StationerytY

School Supplies Ecta P

i Everything handled will be sold at prices lower than the

I same goods can be purchased for anywhere else in the oity We

stand ready at all times to make good this assertion Ve are enabled 1

b to do this for several reasons among which will be mentioned We I


a sell for cash only hence have no salaried bookkeepers to pay nor

s bad debts to make good trom the people who do pay We buy for

7spot cash and in this way take advantage of all discounts on our pur

purchases All gDDis are marked in plain figures and only ONE

PRICE is charged whether the person be railroad magnate or day4 laborer Wewant every body to come in and see our goods see our

prices see our methods of businessdoing and see that we can save

you money Look out for the Grand Introductory Sale which will

be held in a few days as soon as several delayed shipments arrive>

Watch our advertisements for announcement of date for this sale

r I

r jtF1IrI


F l I




Tire To Its Name I

Northwest Corner Squarei Building Formerly Occupied byJJarion Hdw Co I

r tL 1ya-







I Employes of Iron Work ravei

I Returned to Their Places




The Report that an Uprising MayI Occur on Hocsy Is LrcueJACC-


Famire in Scutilr est rut ia-

I May TieUp All InciutriesI St PEtersburg Feb laiIr lay


I vestige of the grtac Si Pet burgI

j strike disappeared today when UJK em ¬

pores of the Putiloff Iroiworks returned In all the works the

I ballots are being distributed for tae t

elections for representatives to theI conference of the workmen and em-


Rumors of trouble on theHoliday tomorrow on which occasion-it


has been reported that the revolu-tionists


had planned an armed upris ¬

ing seem to be totally without foun ¬

dation The Associated Press hasbeen informed at the headquarters ofthe governor general that there is notthe slightest apprehension as to a re¬

newal of the disorders On the con ¬

trary it is reported that the great ¬

est confidence prevails that the meas-ures


taken will prove satisfactory tcthe workmen as the latter will beheard regarding the formulation otnew laws and the adjustment of exist ¬

ing differences The political sideof the agitation is considered no long-er


a serous factor at presentRumors that General Trepoff will I

be appointed minister of the interior-are r

not confirmed in the bestinformedcircles where it is believed the post I

of governor general will be continuedfor several months at least

The holy synod has directed all I

priests to communicate the terms ofthe imperial ukase regarding the mixedcommission to their parishioners-

In quiries made at the ministry ofthe interior show that no confirmation-has been received there of the reportfrom Berlin that further antiSemitic-riots occurred at Gomel

The accumulation of wheat andother freights in southeastern Russia-on account of the inability of shippers-to procure cars which have beenwithdrawn for the transportation oftroops and munitions is now furthercomplicated by weir of coal for manu ¬

facturing purposes threatened a tie I

up of the iron industry Vast accumu ¬

lations of coal exist in the Donetz region and Prince Hilkoff minister ofrailroads has personally gone there-to try to straighten out matters I

Japs Will Sink ColliersTokio Feb 14 10 a mIn discuss j

ing report that colliers had refusedto accompany the second Russion Pa j

cific squadron on its way north amember of the Japanese naval staffsaid today

Our commanders will fire and sinkany collier found in company with theRussian warships regardless of theirnationality-

Vice Admiral Togo departed fromKure yesterday Feb 13 his destinationbeing kept secret It is presumedhowever that he is proceeding south


Hunt Wrote to Sweetheart It Wasfor You and Stepped on Track

Trenton N 1 Feb 15 Albert THunt aged 21 jumped to his death-In front of a freight train on theReading railroad near this city Hewas engaged to be married on Feb22 to Miss Julia Weiss of this city

In a memorandum book in Huntsclothes was a note addressed to MissWeiss saying-

I have tried every way but whenmy body is found you can say it wasfor you

Miss Weiss said she knew of no rea¬

son why Hunt should have taken hislife They were on the beat of terms

Wealthy Man Slain by RobbersMilan Ga Feb 11 > Joseph Stud

still has been found murdered in hishome here He was shot through-the head by robbers who then ran ¬

sacked the house Studstill was awealthy bachelor of 75 years of age Aparty of boys who intended to visithim discovered the body There Isno clew to the murderers

Kelly Arrested In California-Los Angeles Cal Feb 15owen

Kelly a wholesale grocer capitalist-Of Philadelphia who is wanted bythe police of that city has been ar-

rested here Kelly admitted to thepolice thftt he was the man wantedWhen taken into custody about 500waa found on his person

Fruit Jar Full of GoldJackson Mich Feb HA little

over 800 in gold coins stored Into a2quart fruit can was the find maderecently at the residence of the lateEugene Murphy He was of a saring disposition and the money was dis¬

covered after a daughter was told thathe might have gold hidden Murphyin life was consecutively a policeman-a police sergeant a police captain andan officer at the Michigan State prisin and during his years of serviceto the city of Jackson and to thestate he pursued a frugal policy




l t 1 J


hicago Hotel Burns and 150 Gt stsAre Turned Into Streets

Chicago yob 1oFire partially <Je-

etroyed the Brevoort house 14014Madison street early today causing 2

loss of iflGuOOO to the building aidhotel furnishings and torclng 15C

guests to make a hurried departureThree firemen were sired one Et-

Terely before the flamed vhlch burnedfor nearly an hour burst through tcroof of the building aftt r It was be-


they had been extinguishedNone of the guests were hurt The

fire which started from crossed elec-

tric wires about 230 oclock was dis¬

covered by a bellboy who was almostovercome by smoke in arousing theguests and employes of the hotel

When the firemen reached the scenethe flames had eaten their waythrough the third floor and had madeconsiderable progress upward through-the walls The smoke which wasdense hampered the firemen in theirwork while the guests were scampering by every avenue of escape toreach a place of safety and the hotelemployes were busy in arousing themby telephones in the rooms Whilelighting the flames in the hotel bar ¬

room three firemen were injured oneseriously by the collapse of the ceil ¬

ingThefire was mostly confined to the

rear of the building which gas guttedfrom the basement to the roof Thhotel which is eight stories high isowned by the Hannah Hogg compa-ny


and is one of the oldest in the cityNearly all of the guests were from

western states Many of them escapedfrom the place by rear fire escapes


Mrs Berry Accuses Him of the HochHabit and Causes His Arrest

New York Feb 15lrs PhillipBerry a pretty woman and but recent-ly


wed who said she had been toldthat her husband had the Hoch habit-to the extent of nine previous wivestold a story of love that had failed-as complainant against her husband-in the Adams street court Brooklyn

Berry the alleged man of nine wiveswas committed on a charge preferred-by his wife and fined j5 on a chargeof intoxication

Seven weeks ago the Berrys begantheir honeymoon at Xo 273 Schermer


horn street Berry said his jealousy-was aroused by his wifes habit of writ-ing


letters in Danish a language hedoes not know She hurled back i

the accusation that he had nine otherwives On last Friday the wife tes-tified Berry came home intoxicated-and struck her

Berry admits that the woman whocaused his arrest is his fourth wifEbut stoutly denies the Hoch methodsaverring that he was divorced fromthe preceding spouses i


Standard Oil Tank at MiddletownBreaks Loose

Middletown X Y Feb I5Thesnapping of a pipe attached to a 15000 gallon tank of benzine at the i

standard Oil companys plant here has j

caused the loss of thousands of gallonsof the product The benzine gushed

i forth in a large stream coursing down-I


the Incline to Sprague avenue andI flowing in the gutters-

It was feared that sparks from passIng locomotives ht Ignite the ben ¬

zine and fire engines were called outready for action i


The river of benzine was stopped af-terI a half hour


I Famous Traveler Dead I

I Greensboro Pa Feb 15DrFrank Cowan the Greensburg philosophere is dead at the age of 61 H-ews the son of former United StatesSenator Edgar Cowan traveled ex-tensively was lawyer physician lec-turer


poet historian editor and onceI a secretary to President Johnson He

twice circled the globe and was thbfirst white man to enter Korea Upto a week ago he hoaxed his friendsinto the belief that he would be burled-on his farm in a cheap box of boardsshaped like a boat which he kept inhie room


Girl Saves Life by DancingSt Louis Mo Feb 15 Maggie 1

Head 24 years old was taken to thecity hospital suffering from morphinepoisoning A short time after takingthe drug she repented Then sheIwent to a dance to keep herself awake

I She danced in nearly every set About3 oclock in the morning she saidshe went home and again felt drowsyThen she screamed and other inmateof the house had her removed to the 1

city hospital The nuraes and phy-sicians kept her awake for threehours before she was pronounced outof danger


Sultan Wants American YachtI

New York Feb 15Ithas beenlearned that the sultan of Morocco haa special envoy in this country whcis trying to buy the fast yacht Xoromena now at the Erie Basin anowned by Cornelius McLean of MountVernon who is a prominent memberof the Old Guard of Manhattan It issaid that the sultan wants to geta last sailing craft for cruising anc-aa the waters around Tangier are fullat pirates he intends to fit the yachtrut lilts aa armed catiLarr t

< > > xr k


< <

TRAGEDY IN COURTROOM HIMother and Daughter Shot Dead by

I SecurerI Jacksonville Fen i5lrs Joseph

H Freeman lies mortally woundedher laughter Miss May BIVMJ it

I fdead and City Detective W B Cahoon is seriously woundtd ts a result

I of a shooting affray in the court roomof L L Farris justice of the peaceMonday morning

Mrs Freeman had brought actionagainst Owen E Loadholdtz charging-him with ruining her daughter The

j parties to the case had gone to thecourt room prepared for trouble Ac ¬

cording to witnesses of the tragedyi Mrs Freeman attracted Loadholdtzs

attention by calling his name and fired-at him His reply was prompt anddeadly He fired five times and everyshot took effect Mrs Freeman wasshot four times in the breast and her fdaughter who had fired once was shotin the mouth and instantly killed

Detective Cahoon who was attempt-ing


to disarm Loadholdtz was shotinthe back evidently by one of the wo ¬

menLoadholdtz was arrested and is injail Joseph Brown brother of thegirl who was killed arrived on thescene immediately after the shooting-and was locked up for a time by orderof Justice Farris to prevent furthertrouble > but was soon after released


Father and Son Burned to Death in Sa-


GaSavannah Ga Feb I5In a fire

that completely destroyed the copperworks of McMillan Bros corner otLiberty and Price streets J W Gard ¬

ner and his son Harry were burned-to


The fire was discovered at 113GOclock by a street car conductor whcsent in an alarm When the firemenarrived the fire was well under wayhaving been fanned by the high wind

While fighting the flames ForemajjfcConnelly of hose company No i wainjured by a falling rafter His in¬

juries may prove fatalMr Gardner and his son were accus-

tomed to sleeping at the works wherethey were employed by day Thefiremen found the bodies of the fatherand son where they had struggled tcreach a window before they were suf-focated by the smoke

The father had secured a lanternwith which he had endeavored to light ttheir way to a window f

Mr Gardner resided at Pooler 1Cmiles from Savannah where his wifeand 19 children survive him r

Bullet Ends Mans LifeValdosta Ga Feb 15 Charles Y

Lee a prominent young farmer otnear Jennings Fla connitted sui-cide last night by shooting himself-He had been ill with i n uironia tot tEsome time but was convalescent anoseemed to he very despondrit While fJhis wife was preparing supper for the


two children he got out of bed andwaiked to the mantelpiece secured-his


revolver and shot hlaself through-the head He died almost instantlyHis wife heard the shut and rushed Y

to the room but he was dead whenshe reached him

Blue Laws Reach the LimitCorinth Miss Feb 15 Corinth had

the lid down strong and tight lastSunday enforcing the Sunday clOting law so as to include the sale olcigars soda water etc The drug


stores were closed and even the boot-blacks stopped work The sale of Gnewspapers was allowed however Cir-cuit


court just closed a session whichwas the lightest on record here Nc 4cases of any importance were triedand only nine true bills were returned-by the grand jury

j7 7

King Cant Get His DaughterFlorence Feb laThe Countess

Montignoso has been victorious in thefirst stage of her struggle with U e-

king of Saxony her former husbantf vwho desires their daughter PrincessAnna Monica Pia removed from hercare For the present at least thechild will remain where she is Thelawyers of the countess told Dr Koernero emissary of the king that ordersof foreign authorities cannot be exe-cuted


in Italy and that the case willhave to be treid in the courts


Big River Steamer Sinks zCincinnati Feb 15Half a million

dollars worth of river property waaplaced in jeopardy the steamer Jtalieiwas sunk the New South was carrieddown the river in the Ice ISO baw swere torn away and several otl ssteamers were seriously damaged feythe breakup of the ice gorges la tiCtOhio river Captain WlHIams aa6two men on the Relief narrowly es-caped drowning At present only 3

the smokestacks of the Relief areahove water

Jail Delivery at Colquitt GaColquitt Ga Feb 15A jail deliv-


occurred at this place when tiLecounty prison was opened by means ofa gas pipe which was used to makea hole In the cell wall FtTemenescaped one Dutch Jordan bet g awhite man charged with assaalt with kIntent to murder The other fence L

were negroes held for various alleged fcrimes The sheriff Mr WilklBs iiusing all means for the capture of tink


f t

iii ccfr