obama refuses offer any proof anwar al-awlaki was involved…

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  • 7/28/2019 Obama Refuses Offer ANY Proof Anwar Al-Awlaki Was Involved



    Obama Refuses ANY Proof Anwar Al AwlakiInvolved In Terrorist Activity

    From The DeskToby A Robinson

    Bernard WernerAustralia People InGovernment Corruption &False Flag Terrorism

    Greetings PeopleWe all know by now Anwar Al Awlaki in Yemen

    was an CIA Pentagon asset, via fact he meet at the Pentagonmonths after 11th Sept 2001 Attacks and a few other occasions.

    But listen to White House Press Secretary offer NO Evidence

    what so ever the man was involved in Terrorism Activity.

    Obama Admin Refuses To Offer ANY Proof Anwar AlAwlaki Was Involved In Terrorist Activity


    Lucky we have a good memory, because we can prove theseevents which this lying scumbag say the guy was involved andbehind were False Flag events.

    President Barrack Obama Youre a Liar!

    White House Secretary Youre a Liar!

    I will now prove these people liars, and American MainstreamMedia guilty also of pushing these Terrorism Lies.

  • 7/28/2019 Obama Refuses Offer ANY Proof Anwar Al-Awlaki Was Involved



    Evidence 1)

    First lets deal with the 2009 Christmas Day Bomber story.

    A) There was eyewitnesses who saw exactly what went down,two American Citizens, Lawyers actually, the FBIinterviewed them and discounted their EYE WITNESStestimony, so we have the FBI Officially tampering withevidence!

    B) Amazing Security at the Airport is run by an IsraeliCompany which holds the contract, same as 11th Sept 2001Attacks an Israeli Company held the Security Contracts

    there which let the supposedly hijackers through.

    C) This Airport already had Scanners but the young Bomber

    was walked through.

    D) Michael Chertoff company he works for was the onebenefiting of Scanners to be placed at American Airports

    E) These Scanners to be placed at American Airports were onorder before 2009 Christmas Day Event went down, so allit needed was an event like Christmas Day to justifyputting them into Airports around America.

    Can people see How Fascist United States of America hasbecome?

    Can people see How corrupted your politicians have become to

    use Terrorism as a reason to buy Security Type Machines?

    And the winner Michael Chertoff with a big Sales Bonus from theCompany for selling the machines to Uncle Sam, and theCompany who gets the contract to supply the machines.

  • 7/28/2019 Obama Refuses Offer ANY Proof Anwar Al-Awlaki Was Involved




    In summary, security officials discounted the Haskells report byclaiming that the video tape at Schipohl showed no one assistingAbdulmutallab at the ticket counter or anywhere else.

    The Haskells responded by saying, Show us the tape.

    At that point, Federal agents spoke to ABCs Brian Ross andsaid, Well, maybe there was a sharp dressed man and hereswhat he did.

    We know that federal law enforcement quietly allowed theHaskells story to stand through the statement to Brian Ross.

    Since key elements of the story have not been formallyinvestigated, we dont know if Abdulmutallab went throughnormal check-in or if, as witnessed and indicated, he somehowbypassed normal security requirements.

    Scanners The Prequel

    How did we get to the point of full body scans at airports, the

    massive personal intrusion that represents, and the tens ofmillions spent for machines that irradiate us as a consequence ofmerely flying from here to there?

    The proximate cause is the attempted bombing of a December

    25, 2009 Northwest airlines flight.

    Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, an engineering student, attemptedto mix, then detonate a bomb as Northwest Flight 253 fromAmsterdam made its descent to Detroits Metropolitan Airport.

    Mr. Abdulmutallab somehow got on the flight with the chemicalsundetected, hidden in his underwear.

  • 7/28/2019 Obama Refuses Offer ANY Proof Anwar Al-Awlaki Was Involved



    There was furor followed by calls for tighter airport security.

    Specifically, Michael Chertoff, former Bush Homeland Securitychief, claimed full body scanners were the solution.

    One thing led to another and here we are today.

    Full body scanners are in 68 airports and planned for 1,000across the United States by the end of 2011.

    Those who refuse the full body scans will be subject to pat-downs, which include searches of passengers genital areas.

    The Missing Link

    Right after the Christmas 2009 bombing attempt, twoUnited States citizens, frequent world travelers, spoke upabout what theyd both witnessed prior to the flightdeparting from Amsterdams Schipohl InternationalAirport.

    Kurt Haskell and his wife Lori, attorneys from Taylor,

    Michigan, were sitting near the ticket counter waiting toboard Flight 253.

    They saw two men approached the counter and speakwith the agent on duty.

    One of the men was later identified as Umar FaroukAbdulmutallab, the Nigerian who would later haplessly try toblow up the Northwest flight.

    The other was a well dressed man in his 50s (the sharpdressed man) who they took to be an Indian national.

    While Mutallab was poorly dressed, his friend wasdressed in an expensive suit, Haskell said.

  • 7/28/2019 Obama Refuses Offer ANY Proof Anwar Al-Awlaki Was Involved



    He says the suited man asked ticket agents whetherMutallab could board without a passport.

    The guy said, Hes from Sudan and we do this all the

    time.Mutallab is Nigerian.

    Haskell believes the man may have been trying to garnersympathy for Mutallabs lack of documents by portrayinghim as a Sudanese refugee.

    The ticket agent referred Mutallab and his companion to

    her manager down the hall, and Haskell didnt seeMutallab again until after he allegedly tried to detonatean explosive on the plane. MILive.com Dec 26, 2009

    Then Haskells told their story to U.S. agents investigating thebombing attempt while they and other passengers were held atthe Detroit airport.

    Shortly after being released from the airport, Kurt Haskell posteda comment on a MILive.com news thread.

    This was the first of a number of media encounters where thestory was told consistently.

    A summary article in Wikipedia provides the narrative of theofficial response to the Haskells story.

    The Dutch counter terror agency reviewed 200 hours of airportsecurity tapes and announced their conclusion thatAbdulmutallab had no accomplices, effectively questioning the

    accuracy of the Haskells report.

    Kurt Haskell then challenged authorities to release the 200 hoursof tape: Put the video out there to prove Im wrong.

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    Failing to take up that challenge, federal law enforcementofficials in the U.S. leaked the following:

    Federal agents also tell ABC News.com they are attempting toidentify a man who passengers said helped Abdulmutallab

    change planes for Detroit when he landed in Amsterdam fromLagos, Nigeria.

    Authorities had initially discounted the passenger accounts, butthe agents say there is a growing belief the man have played arole to make sure Abdulmutallab did not get cold feet. BrianRoss, ABC News, Jan. 2

    In summary, security officials discounted the Haskells report by

    claiming that the video tape at Schipohl showed no one assistingAbdulmutallab at the ticket counter or anywhere else.

    The Haskells responded by saying, Show us the tape.

    At that point, Federal agents spoke to ABCs Brian Ross andsaid, Well, maybe there was a sharp dressed man andhereswhat he did.

    This rejoinder by Federal agents is an endorsement of thereasonableness of the account by Kurt and Lori Haskell and, byimplication, an admission that their account is correct.

    Would Scanners Have Stopped Abdulmutallab?

    We know that federal law enforcement quietly allowed theHaskells story to stand through the statement to Brian Ross.

    Since key elements of the story have not been formally

    investigated, we dont know if Abdulmutallab went throughnormal check-in or if, as witnessed and indicated, he somehowbypassed normal security requirements.

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    We dont know who the sharp dressed man is.

    We dont know the full extent of the system breakdown that

    allowed all of this to happen.

    We do know that the bombers father, Umaru Mutellab, oneAfricas wealthiest individuals, told U.S. intelligence authoritiesthat his son was a terrorist a month before the bombing.

    We also know that Abdulmutallabs name was placed in aterrorism database a month before the Christmas flight.

    However, his name was not transferred from that database to a

    watch list of 14,000 essentially nominated for the no-flydatabase, nor was the name transferred to the 4,000 member

    official no-fly list.

    In the furor over the event, a clear voice emerged with asolution to future problems like that presented by the underwearbomber.

    Michael Chertoff, long time Bush national security official offeredthese unqualified assertions on December 27 in the Washington

    Post and December 28 in the New York Times:

    This plot is an example of something weve known could existin theory, and in order to be able to detect it, youve got to findsome way of detecting things in parts of the body that arenteasy to get at, Chertoff said.

    Its either pat-downs or imaging, or otherwise hoping that badguys havent figured it out, and I guess bad guys have figured itout.

    Washington Post, Dec 27

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    In recent days, Kip Hawley, the former T.S.A. director, andMichael Chertoff, the former homeland security secretary, havecalled for the rapid installation of a new generation of whole-

    body scanners that can look underneath clothing to search forhidden weapons or explosives, which officials consider the singlemost significant aviation threat today New York Times, Dec.28, 2009

    From that point forward, the focus on preventing future terrorthreats to air travel focused on full body scanners.

    On January 15, 2010, the New York Times appended theDecember 28,, 2009 article with this statement:

    Articles on Dec. 28, 29 and 30, about the apparent bombingattempt on a flight to Detroit, discussed the use of full-bodyscanners for airport security.

    They cited Michael Chertoff, the former secretary of homelandsecurity, as supporting wider use of the scanners.

    Mr. Chertoff has confirmed in several recent interviews that amanufacturer of the devices is a client of his consultingcompany.

    That connection should have been noted in the articles.Editors Note, January 15

    Chertoff was caught red handed shilling for full body scanners inbehalf of a company that was a client of Chertoffs consultingcompany.

    He was busted in public by the New York Times editor.

    What was the outcome?

    Chertoffs original, self-interested assertion prevailed.

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    We have full body scans headed for 1,000 airports and, forthose who dont want the radiation, the national security grope,invasive searches of the passengers genital area.

    Never mind the first hand eye witness accounts by Kurt and LoriHaskell.

    Never mind the report by one of the most prominent publicfigures in Nigeria, the bombers father, that his son was a

    terrorist and the lack of decisive action on that tip off.

    Never mind the never released 200 hours of Dutch securityfootage that could have proven without a doubt the existence of

    a facilitator, the sharp dressed man who accompanies thebomber.

    All of this reveals a systemic defect in anti-terrorism activities,one that, if corrected, could have more efficiently and effectivelyprevented future terror threats everywhere by logical changes inpolicies and practices.

    Instead of decisive action on this clearly documented problem,we now have full body scanners proposed by a Bush era security

    official with a clear conflict of interest.

    Perpetual 9/11

    The underwear bomber incident is, in some ways, 9/11 writ


    A credibly identified terrorist is allowed to board U.S. commercialairliner with little scrutiny.

    There is a tragic outcome.

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    Clear breakdowns in security are exposed, breakdowns thatmake no real sense to citizens failure to put Abdulmutallab onthe no-fly list, for example.

    Congress and others fail to truly examine any of this, while thepublic is whipped into a fury.

    Instead of a real solution, a serious, unflinching investigationinto who was responsible and why crazy policies are in place

    that appear to coddle identified threats, we end up with asolution that makes little, if any sense full body scanners.

    Full body scanners share a common trait with the misdirected

    solutions to avoid a future 9/11 the Patriot Act, illegalwiretapping, suspension of habeas corpus, torture, etc.

    The scanners represent a major intrusion into our lives, aviolation of our rights, a likely health hazard, and a majordiversion from the real issue at hand incompetence and/ordeception in the handling of identified threats to the nation,individuals who somehow bypass the very security protectionsput in place to stop their attacks.

    Evidence 2)

    Once Again Fake Bin Laden Tape Released To Make YouThink 2009 Christmas Day event was real

    Christmas Bombing Audio Tape Lamest YetThe new audio tape from Osama bin Laden taking

    responsibility for the idiotic and childish incident in Detroit wheremoronic Nigerian armed with a useless bomb is simply toomuch.

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    Now using audio tapes because, supposedly, nobody in AlQaeda got a flash drive video recorder for Christmas is evenmore of a joke.

    Please, with the hundreds of millions our Saudi allies have givento terrorists, a video camera the size of an Ipod might havebeen a nice touch.

    Even funnier was releasing the audio, using algorithm software

    probably illegally downloaded off the internet, and giving it to AlJazeera.

    Pundit Debbie Schussell, former Mark Siljander (VT staff writer)

    staffer, has bitterly complained about the strong ties betweenFox News and Al Jazeera.

    Fox owner, Rupert Murdoch, is the most powerful influencer ofthe ultra-rightists in Israel.

    Attempts by the press to present Al Jazeera of today as thepro-terrorist media it seemed like many years ago is an epicmisrepresentation.

    A further abuse, of course, is not only that we are no longerseeing the easily debunked bin Laden doubles whose videotapes were mysteriously released by SITE Intelligence.

    The Rita Katz/Israeli group that seems to find them in trash binsbehind delicatessens.

    The new audio tape itself contains statements claiming creditfor 9/11 in direct contradiction to the real bin Laden videos, theonly ones authenticated.

    If you wondered why the FBI doesnt list Osama bin Laden as a

    suspect in 9/11, I think you have your answer.

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    If they think the bin Laden admissions arentcredibile, I wonder who the FBI is investigating or ifthey have simply been told to mind their ownbusiness.

    The terrorist incident itself is the last thing Al Qaeda would evertake responsibilty for despite the claims by SITE Intelligencethat they found an unnamed and unverified internet site that

    confirmed this.

    Who in the name of all that is holy would want to takeresponsibility for an idiot who was led onto an American bound

    plane by passing around searches, customs and passport controlin an airport run by an Israeli security company but who carried

    a bomb designed by a three year old.

    Who would be so stupid as to try to pass off this childish tapewhen reliable witnesses saw the terrorist being led onto theplane in Amsterdam in a manner that required full cooperationfrom security personnel, passport control and the airline itself.

    We dont even have to go into the fact that the terrorists in

    Yemen that supposedly claimed responsibilty were released fromGuantanamo under the personal signature of Vice PresidentCheney in 2007 or that before the incident, the government ofYemen tied these individuals to Israeli controllers thru capturedcomputers.

    I am only thankful that the duped terrorist, or as Lee Oswald

    had said, patsy, was the moronic son of a long time Mossadbusiness associate in Nigeria.

    Mr. Mutallab, banker, but mostly head of Nigerias defenseindustry, DICON, managed almost entirely by Israelis, may have

    much more story to tell other than the one he told CIA Chief ofStation on November 19, 2009.

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    Do we want to follow former Homeland Security directorChertoff, not only a Jewish activist but currently representingcompanies selling body scanners to airports and the mysterious

    ability for someone on worldwide terrorist watch lists to beescorted onto a US bound airliner without passport or search?

    Billions in profits were realized almost instantlyafter this incident.

    Companies tied to Chertoff, Israel and India wereon the receiving end.

    The only reliable information the world has on Osama binLaden is that he was killed by American troops onDecember 13, 2001 and buried outside Tora Bora by hisfollowing, 30 Mujahideen.

    At least 6 of these witnesses were alive at last


    Since his death, every leaked video or statement has beentimed for convenient electoral terrorist scares, been childishlyunprofessional and has only worked to discredit Islam.

    Every effort has been made by the MSM/corporate press tocover the facts behind the Christmas bombing and push theblame on everyone but the obvious culprits.

    That effort was deemed so successful that now a brazenattempt to resurrect long dead Osama bin Laden to takeresponsibilty for trying to set off a bomb with a flame igniter

    that could only be exploded using a blasting cap, is being made.

    Is this an attempt to make Al Qaeda look stupid?

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    My name is Osama bin Laden.

    I had a moron carry a defective bomb onto a plane full of

    Islamic families returning to Detroit, the most Muslim city in thewest, as part of a terror campaign.

    I chose a flight that connected from the Middle East so I couldkill as many of the innocent faithful as possible.

    Please excuse this and the dozen or other mistakes made butbeing dead has left me less sharp than I once was.

    No, I do not work for the Mossad, they simply tape and

    distribute my interviews.

    This is part of an agreement with my talent agent who is Jewish.

    All talent agents are Jewish, ask anyone in Hollywood.

    What do you expect, miracles?

    10% of nothing is nothing.

    For my faithful followers, I expect to be a regular onCalifornication next season on Showtime.

    Ill be the guy with the beard who seems dead.

    The second possibility, one designed for the spiritual crowd is

    this I am Osama, the ghost of Tora Bora.

    Please give more money to Israel, vote to extend the Patriot Actand buy new airport scanners from the companies listed on myweekly newsletter distributed by SITE Intelligence.

    Watch for more insane threats coming in the future and have anice weekend.

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    Remember to stop eating pork.

    Any group that could make 5 airliners outwit NORAD, the most

    advanced air defense system in the world, any group that couldtrain terrorist pilots inside the United States itself with nobodycatching on, and it gets worse.

    Sources tell us that FBI Special Agent Stephen Butler may haveaccidentally been cashing checks for and paying rent for two

    of the 9/11 hijackers.

    Can people who can get this kind of thing done put a moron onan aircraft at an airport secured by an Israeli company,

    extremely closely related to the same company that managedsecurity at all of the airports used on 9/11?

    When Michigan attorney Kurt Haskell and his wife witnessed thefamous, he has no passport, he is a Sudanese refugee, we dothis all the time, incident in Amsterdam, only a phony bin Ladentape could make America forget, or so they hope.

    Imagine our terrorist being taken to meet the security head forthe airline with his Indian looking handler, bomb strapped tohis underwear.

    Think of this exploding moron and his handler and who theywould have had to know to get past, not only airline securityand the Israeli company guarding the airport but Dutch passportcontrol as well.

    Anyone with the power to load the crotch bomber on a planewith no passport could have put a nuclear weapon in luggageeasier.

    Nukes are seldom on watch lists or have parents running to theCIA reporting them as terrorists.

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    Next time we are being lied to, please, have more respect.

    Not everyone is a dumb as a Fox News, CNN, the Wall Street

    Journal or the New York Times.

    It is one thing claiming that poor, long dead Osama bin Ladenruns terrorists in Yemen.

    It is quite something else proving that he manages an airport in

    Europe or runs the Dutch government.

    When US Senators cant get thru airport security without beingdetained, bin Ladens ability to get diplomatic VIP treatment for

    known terrorists makes him more than a threat, it makes him amagician.

    We are thankful that nobody was seriously injured and that wecan all laugh about this, maybe not all of us.

    The people of Nigeria dont think it is funny.

    Millions of Muslims arent seeing the joke either.

    Air travellers are having their bad moments also.

    Some, however, have benefitted in a major way, politically,financially and militarily.

    None of those people, however, are ever openly accused of


    People of America and the World the Mainstream Mediais deliberately selling these politicians and Governments

    lies to push their agenda for The War On Terror

  • 7/28/2019 Obama Refuses Offer ANY Proof Anwar Al-Awlaki Was Involved



    Evidence 3)

    Times Square Bomb Hoax: Israeli Intel GroupShows its Hand

    Who would have believed it?

    Only days after a warning of an Israeli false flag bombingagainst the US in the works a massive car bomb is discoveredin Time Square!

    Better yet, though no intelligence organization in the world coulddiscover anyone claiming responsibility for this embarrassing

    failure, SITE Intelligence, a group rumored as the voice of theMossad has placed the blame on the Pakistani Taliban.

    This is the same group that has come up with numerous binLaden audio tapes, seemingly, though tiny and nearly totallyunstaffed, whenever it is convenient for Israel to point a fingerat someone, magically Site Intelligence, run by former IDFsoldier Rita Katz, whose father was executed as a spy by

    Saddam Hussein, makes another unbelievable intelligence find.

    Site Intelligence finds are not only timely for Israel, when theworld is focused on claims they have been planning a dirtybomb attack to send the US to war against Iran, but alwaystend to support mysterious organizations run from the caves of

    the Afghanistan/Pakistan border region.


    After the demise of Iraq, victim of falsified intelligence, noeliminated as an Israeli competitor, all eyes turned to Pakistan,Islams only nuclear state.

    To establish footholds to destabilize Pakistan, a pro- Indian/Israeli government under President Karzai was installed inKabul.

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    After 9 years, no evidence of any terrorist activity involved in9/11 has been found in Afghanistan.

    The great net meant to catch Osama bin Laden and armies ofAl Qaeda terrorists came up empty.

    Instead, we are told from reliable sources that Arab nationsfriendly to the US released criminals, transporting them toAfghanistan.

    These foreign fighters actually little more than extras in amassive global theatre, kept the small US forces engaged for

    years, all without any purpose other than to establish that aterrorist organization must have been in Afghanistan becausethere certainly was one after 2002.


    In addition to installing a government that would work directlywith Israel and India to organize terrorist attacks on Pakistan,

    funding to destabilize the oil and gas rich republics of the formerSoviet Union had to be raised.

    Opium production under the Taliban had been eliminated.

    The new government quickly began a resurgence of opium

    production and heroin processing.

    Aided by agents of the Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad, the

    governments of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan quicklyfell under the influence of the 65 billion dollar a year

    Afghanistan drug empire.

    Though the drugs may have been from Afghanistan, multiple

    intelligence agencies from Israel, India, Turkey and others,aided by military contracting firms contracted to the CIA, carriedthis plan forward.

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    Continual news stories tying Pakistan to failures to suppressterrorism or rumoring involvement in terrorism themselvesflowed onto the world scene through western mainstream

    media, providing a clear footprint of a classic Mossad operation.


    With the demise of Al Qaeda, an unnamed Taliban organizationwith a website only visible to one person on earth has nowdeclared a mysterious and shadowy war against the UnitedStates, in New York City, a city under tight security but one witha very large Israeli/Mossad presence.

    This was the same city where the dancing Israelis, celebrated9/11 after filming the attacks.

    Their advance knowledge of the attacks has been one of themany puzzle pieces tying Israel to 9/11.

    However, it wasnt until the crotch bomber of last Christmasthat the breadth of Israels penetration of US security wasdemonstrated with Abdulmohammeds attack tying directly to

    Tel Aviv.

    Anyone who visits New York is aware that security there,

    especially in Time Square is the highest of anywhere in theworld.

    The intelligence organizations protecting New York, including theworlds best police force, leave only one organization as capableof this kind of effort, an organization with massive resources inthe area, numerous Israeli/American assets and many residualrelationships with Gulliani/Kerik/Bush era friends, friendsconveniently asleep at the switch on 9/11.

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    Recent intelligence leaks from several agencies have warned ofan impending 9/11 style attack on a high value target in the

    US and Israel.Reports that a conventional bomb enhanced with nuclear

    material would be used.

    With Iranian president Ahmandinejad and Secretaryof State Clinton both scheduled to be in New Yorkin the next 24 hours, and recent stories out of

    Israel trying to tie Iran to the Taliban, the issue oftiming is a critical one.


    The group blamed in the Site Intelligence/Israeli report, thePakistani Taliban has been responsible for hundreds of attacks inPakistan, killing thousands of citizens.

    However, reliable sources have tied this group directly toMossad/RAW training camps inside Afghanistan and Balochistan.

    The Pakistani Taliban have long been allies of Israel and Indiawith 2000 terrorist trainers inside Afghanistan arming PakistaniTaliban terrorist group.

    This has been confirmed, not only in direct briefings with the

    Pakistani ISPR and ISI but US military intelligence sources aswell, who dispute the number of terrorist trainers, not theirpresence.

    Terrorist groups inside Balochistan, the remote Pakistan

    province said to be a haven for Mossad attacks against Iran,claim to be headquartered in Israel.

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    These groups work directly with the Pakistan Taliban and areanother indication of this current stunt turning back on non-Islamic planners.


    With Iran taking the propaganda offensive to the United States,

    a nation increasingly distancing itself from, not only the idea ofsupporting an Israeli attack on Iran, Israel is under pressure toreestablish itself as Americas partner in a long discredited waron terror that has been a huge embarrassment to the US.

    With over 90% of Americas terror arrests turning out to be

    innocent bystanders, some tortured for years, untold numbersdisappeared, Bush era failures have soured public support forhunting terrorist leaders who have increasingly been eithercaptured by Pakistan or have been found to be negotiating withUS forces.

    With the signature of this bombing being so close to that of thecrotch bombing, an attack with Israeli fingerprints from Nigeria

    to Yemen to Amsterdam, the superfast accusation against aPakistani group was no surprise.


    With New York police discounting the Pakistan connection to thebombing immediately, Fox News has unleashed an attack on the

    Obama administration in a well orchestrated manner, accusingdemocrats of failing to protect the American people.

    With both Site Intelligence and Fox News tied directly to Israel

    and the signature and timing of this attack showing clear Israelifingerprints, Fox may be right.

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    America may be unable to protect itself from a nation still seenby most Americans as a close ally.

    No other nation has the capability of such an attack or theinfluence to orchestrate the news, an act already in motion.

    If any finger is pointing anywhere, Fox News istelling us Israel did it.

    Evidence 4)

    Israel Knew About Yemeni Package Bombs BeforeThey Were Discovered


    Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz hinted Monday that Israelreceived warning of the intent to send bombs to US synagogues

    on Thursday, before the plot was revealed to the public on the

    following day.

    Minister Katz: Israel on bomb alert since Thursday

    Transportation minister hints state knew about mail terror plotbefore it was publicly revealed Friday.

    Since Thursday Israeli representatives have been securingshipments to Israel from airports worldwide, he says.

    Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz hinted Monday that Israelreceived warning of the intent to send bombs to US synagogueson Thursday, before the plot was revealed to the public on the

    following day.

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    Since Thursday Israeli representatives have been on location insensitive airports around the world, securing shipments toIsrael, he said ahead of a large-scale drill at Ben Gurion

    International Airport.

    Reality is catching up to us, and we must prepare in order toprevent the worst of all scenarios. We are prepared to deal witha threat now recognized by the whole world. All airlines that flyto Israel are obligated to use the best security measures.

    Katz says he has been trying to persuade Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu to establish a national security agency,such as that operating in the US, which would transfer thesecurity of Israeli flights worldwide, as airlines like El Al want, to

    the hands of the state.

    Israel on alert for package bombs

    Israels transport minister said Jerusalem received warnings ofplans to send bombs to synagogues in the United States a daybefore they were discovered.

    Since Thursday, Israeli representatives have been on location insensitive airports around the world, securing shipments to

    Israel, Yisrael Katz told Ynetnews.com Monday.

    Reality is catching up to us, and we must prepare in order toprevent the worst of all scenarios. We are prepared to deal with

    a threat now recognized by the whole world.

    All airlines that fly to Israel are obligated to use the best securitymeasures, he said.

    Katz told the Web site he had tried to persuade Prime MinisterBinyamin Netanyahu to set up a national security agency similar

    to the one operating in the United States that would transferthe security of Israeli flights worldwide, as airlines like El Al[Israel Airlines] want, to the hands of the state.

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    Suspicious Items Were Headed For ChicagoSynagogues

    "Hey, look at me!

    Look at ME! I'm a suspicious package!

    I don't actually do anything, don't actually contain any explosiveor anything dangerous, certainly nothing that would attract the

    attention of the sniffer dogs, but I have this great coating offake spray-on Christmas tree snow and a dead tuner circuitboard from an old TV set to make me look really scary to theidiots at ABCNNBBCBSFOX who have been paid by Israel toreport without question the booga booga the way Israel wants itreported!

    And if you don't think Israel is behind this, check out all thecomments about nuking Mecca that have been added to thestory.

    Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of USmedia exposed


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    Emirates Flight 201 Being Escorted By Fighter JetsInto JFK Airport

    "If that plane has a bomb, we are prepared to shoot

    that passenger plane down the moment that bomb daresto explode!!-- Official White Horse Souse

    Osama bin Toner-cartridge also had a circuit boardattached!


    The package had white powder on it as well as wires and acircuit board, a law-enforcement source said someone shipped itfrom Sana, Yemen to Chicago, Illinois.

    The card, clearly absent the ribbon cable the foil indicates mustbe there, looks like the tuner card from an 80s vintage TV.

    I've had prop people fired for better fakes than this!

    Plane searches a pathetic bid to re-sell Jewishvictimhood


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    In Chicago, synagogues were warned to be on security alertFriday as a result of the investigation.

    This non-story of the plane searches is starting to come intofocus.

    We now know that the "suspicious" toner cartridge found withwhite powder and wires sticking out of it is a hoax, as there wasno explosive involved.

    So how was this "device" found?

    Obviously bomb sniffing dogs would not have indicated a

    problem, and we know that the authorities are not in the habitof opening up every single package on every single UPS cargoflight every single day at every single airport.

    So, someone put the British authorities ontothis package.

    It was INTENDED to be found.

    This is just another fake terror/hate crime for Israel to wavearound at those who wonder just why it is that Israel can attackand kill Americans in international waters with impunity.

    Cargo plane bomb alert: 'ink cartridge bomb' foundon plane in London

    The device, which it has been claimed was made from a

    manipulated ink cartridge, was found aboard a United ParcelService (UPS) flight at East Midlands airport, en route fromYemen to Chicago.

    It reportedly had wires and white powder attached to it.

    Authorities in Britain are now saying that the "device" is non-explosive.

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    Which means it is a media-diverting hoax intended to waveterrorists at stupid Americans to keep them from realizing thatthe mortgage-backed securities fraud has wrecked this nation

    far more thoroughly than Osama could ever dream of, even if hehadn't died in 2001!

    White powder and wires?

    That's a stage prop-not a bomb.

    If there was no explosive, how was it found ordetected?

    No bomb sniffing dog would have bothered with it.

    How did the authorities know to open up thatparticular box?

    Anonymous phone tip?This is a setup, and a rather obvious one.

    Awww, forget about the bank fraud that crashedthe housing markets, we got BOOGA BOOGA foryou today!

    Test results for explosives were negative, one law enforcement

    official told the Associated Press, but officials remainedconcerned.

    The flight had been bound for Chicago but was at a Britishairport when the cartridge was spotted.

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    The Transportation Security Administration earlier said thatcargo flights that landed safely at Newark and Philadelphiaairports were being searched after "reports of potentially

    suspicious items onboard."

    As of this moment, planes are being searched at four differentairports.

    However, the original cause for the alert, a "suspicious" tonercartridge, has been found to be non-explosive.

    Yet the TV news is talking about nothing but this latest "terror"threat, apparently grateful they have an excuse not to talk about

    the massive mortgage-backed security fraud by the major banksthat plunged this nation into depression!

    But after all the media sturm und drang, absolutelynothing has been found, No bombs, no drugs, noillegal immigrants...

    This is a non-story in which nothing has actuallyhappened, hyped to attract attention away fromthe banking scandal that has ruined all of our lives.

    If ABCNNBBCBSFOX wants to know why their viewership is indecline relative to the alternative media, this is a classicexample.

    All-clear after bomb threat at Phila. Int'l AirportInvestigators say a bomb threat directed at a plane at

    Philadelphia International Airport has been determined to beunfounded.

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    Desperate stunt to distract the media from the bankingscandals.

    News Brief: Yemen Officials: Packagesdidnt Come From Yemen

    Despite the current alert over packages that were designed toharm U.S. synagogues, Yemen officials insist that no U.S.bound cargo planes even left the country in the past 48 hours.


    Yemen Officials: Packages didnt ComeFrom Yemen

    With the eyes of the world on Yemen and officials pointing thefinger squarely at the al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)

    group based in the nations south, Yemens government is

    cautioning against jumping to conclusions, and denying that thebomb plot packages came from Yemen at all.

    No UPS or DHL cargo packages heading to Chicago throughYemen took place in the last 48 hours, insisted Yemenia

    Airways Air Cargo Director Mohammed Shaibah.

    Officials with the nations Civil Aviation Authority insisted that noUS cargo aircrafts left the nation at all in the past 48 hours.

    All reports have indicated that the packages were marked as

    having come from Yemen.

    It is unclear exactly how to reconcile this with the Yemenigovernments claims that they couldnt possibly have originatedthere.

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    The various suspicious packages included some which testedpositive for explosives and others with included printed circuitboards and wires.

    The exact nature of the plot remains a mystery as officials arestill examining all of the devices and running tests on theapparent explosive payloads.

    Whatever the case, it seems clear the Yemeni government is

    eager to deflect attention.


    YEMEN ISN'T ON THERE. (PDF)http://www.ups.com/aircargo/using/services/airports/internationalAirports.pdf



    Post this link to the UPS website everywhere sopeople can see for themselves that the claim of aterror bomb on a UPS flight from Yemen is a totalhoax!

    Bomb Scare is BS


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    Suspicious Package to U.S. not fromYemen Yemenia Air Cargo Director


    Mohammed al-Shaibah, Air Cargo Director for Yemenia Airwayssaid to Yemen Post, "No UPS cargo plane left Yemeni lands overthe land 48 hours.

    These accusations are false and baseless."

    He added, "No UPS or DHL cargo packages heading to Chicago

    through Yemen took place in the last 48 hours as well."

    "All packages are checked very carefully in Yemen, and there isno evidence to prove that this package came through Yemen."

    UAE rejects US claims on Flight 201

    The United Arab Emirates Civil Aviation Authority has rejectedclaims that a US-bound Emirates flight from Dubai containedsuspicious parcels from Yemen.

    Fighter jets were scrambled on Friday to accompany an Emiratesplane into New Yorks JFK airport after a security alert, US media


    Emirati authorities, however, said flight 201 carried nosuspicious cargo from Yemen as claimed by US-Canadian

    military agency NORAD.

    UAE officials rejected the claim and said the plane was not asource of threat.

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    Yemeni Government Arrest Two Females forSending Suspicious packages to U.S.

    According to a senior governmental official who spoke to Yemen

    Post on anonymity, Yemeni security forces arrested two Yemeniwomen under suspicion of sending the packages to the UnitedStates.

    The Yemeni official claims that the two women sent thepackages in order to damage the reputation of Yemen and noton links of Al-Qaeda.

    He denied that Al-Qaeda had links to the packages that were


    Other stories indicate that these women were arrested purely onthe basis of suspected associations with Al Qaeda.

    There is no actual evidence of involvement in the toner cartridgehoax.

    Can we invade Yemen now, please? Can we? Huh?

    Can we? Pretty please?http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101029/ap_on_re_mi_ea/airports_suspicious_packages_yemen_threat

    Yemen Officials: Packages Didnt Come FromYemen

    With the eyes of the world on Yemen and officials pointing the

    finger squarely at the al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)group based in the nations south, Yemens government iscautioning against jumping to conclusions, and denying that thebomb plot packages came from Yemen at all.

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    No U.S. Commercial or Private Plane left Yemen tothe U.S. over last 48 hours Yemeni Official

    A Yemeni official told Yemen Post that no U.S. cargo aircraft of

    any American company flew out of Yemen over the last 48hours.

    "Whether UPS, Fed Ex, DHL or any other U.S. cargo companyleft Yemen over the last 48 hours."

    Cartridges never sounded so dangerous!


    never-sounded-so-dangerous/One can only laugh at the desperation shown when agovernment resorts to terrorist threats whenever it needs togarner enough support for its sinister plans.

    Propagandists still trying to recover from "YemenUPS plane" gaff!

    The explosive found hidden in a package on a plane in theUnited Arab Emirates on Friday may have traveled on passengerplanes to get there, airline officials said Sunday.

    "May have" means they don't actually have anyinformation.

    They are guessing trying to come up with a new cover story thatthe blog-o-sphere won't hand back to them in a body bag!

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    Hanan al Samawi, woman busted in Yemen for rolein cargo plane bomb plot, was 'set up': lawyer



    According to NBC News, Hanan al Samawi's lawyer claims shewas nabbed by authorities because her telephone number wason the packages loaded with explosives.

    However, the attorney argues that the fifth-year computerscience student was not involved and the phone number was

    intentionally left to make her a suspect.

    What is really insulting is that whoever set up this hoax reallythought that it would never occur to us that an intelligentwoman, sharp enough to be a medical student, would probably

    not put her own phone number on such a package. They reallydid think you were that dumb!




    WHY NOW?

    WHY A FABRICATED TERROR ATTACK just days before the USelection??



    When my son was about three years old he had an imaginaryfriend.

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    This was not a cause for alarm as it seemed to be the norm withchildren his age.

    In fact, we often played along with his fantasy, setting a placeat the dinner table for Ghostie.

    We sometimes see adults playing at the same game, only thenit is not the norm.

    I speak specifically of the United States government and groupssuch as the ADL.

    The former would have us believe that there actually is a group

    known as Al Quaida and that they are a part of a world terroristnetwork.

    THIS report is typical of the hysteria which is being distributed inthe Western press.

    Jewish extremist groups would have us believe that there is ananti-Semite lurking under every Jewish bed in the United States.

    Following is their solution to this.

    To put it bluntly, President Obama hasnt been the most belovedleader of the United States by sections of the Jewish communityabroad.

    Remember the video Feeling the Hate in Jerusalem?

    It was banned by YouTube for portraying too true a picture ofzionism.. but you can still see it HERE.

    Combining the overactive imaginations pictured above, I go backto the title of this post, False Flags That Go Bump In The Night

    WHY NOW?

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    WHY A FABRICATED TERROR ATTACK just days before the USelection??


    What Really Happened dealt with this issue and came up withsome thought provoking material..


    Obamas scare the Americans into voting Democratic plan isalready in trouble.

    The official story on Friday October 29th was that an unnamedally issued a warning for British authorities to be on the lookout

    for a suspicious package sent from Yemen to Great Britain on aUPS flight.

    A search of the UPS flighty on the ground in Britain yielded a

    package containing a printer toner cartridge sprayed with awhite substance that looks like plastic Christmas tree snow.

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    To make the toner cartridge of death look even scarier, acircuit board was attached to the outside with wires.

    Careful analysis of the card itself suggests it is a circuit cardfrom a TV set, most likely the tuner, circa 1980s

    Note carefully there is no battery to power this object, nor were

    any detonators found.

    The initial reports of the toner cartridge reportedno explosives were found in it.

    Of course, Obama claimed exactly the opposite,which left the BBC struggling to placate thePresident while not allowing themselves to look like

    they were changing the original story to do it!

    But the story gets better!

    The original claim was that the suspicious package originated inYemen and flew to Britain on an aircraft owned by UPS, and themedia showed us all the video of a UPS aircraft being stoppedand searched on the runway in Britain.

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    But there is a problem.

    There are no UPS aircraft flying in and out of Yemen!

    UPS own website (from before the so-called terror incident)

    does not list Yemen as one of their service regions.

    A PDF file (which includes the history of the document fromweeks ago) listing of all the international airports the UPSaircraft fleet flies to does not list Yemen as a destination!

    In short, there was not and could not be a UPS aircraft flyingout of Yemen.

    UPS uses a subcontractor, Sun Tours, to handle shipping in andout of Yemen.

    Sun Tours sends their shipments via Yemenia Air, and YemeniaAirs Cargo Director reports there were no shipments sentthrough Yemen to Chicago for the 48 hours prior to thediscovery of the toner cartridge in Britain.

    A second claim that a flight from Dubais carried packages from

    Yemen has been refuted by the United Arab Emirates CivilAviation Authority.

    In short a toner cartridge that cannot explodeshows up on a UPS jet which could not have comefrom Yemen, and Obama pounds it for all its worthtrying to save the Democrats next Tuesday.

    Frankly I think Americans should be outraged not that Obamatried such a stunt, but that after all the times Bush was caughtusing terror scares for political gain that Obama thinks you are

    all stupid enough to fall for it again!

    If tonights polls are accurate, you werent and you didnt andObama may have just screwed his own party to the point where

    they are all praying for Diebold to save them!

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    Bottom line is the UPS Website has confirmed thatit does NOT do business in Yemen!

    Do the actual terrorists involved in this bogus attack really

    believe that the world at large would have swallowed their BSbefore examining the facts?

    Im not one into conspiracy theories, but this does not look likea theory to me at all!

    Its pure unadulterated BS!

    Bombs in U.S.-bound parcels from Yemen - Obama

    WASHINGTON/LONDON (Reuters) - Security officials in Britainand Dubai intercepted parcel bombs being sent from Yemen tothe United States in a "credible terrorist threat," PresidentBarack Obama said on Friday.

    He said the parcels were bound for "two places of Jewishworship in Chicago."

    Suspicion fell on al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, based inYemen, which took responsibility for a failed plot to blow up aU.S. passenger jet on Christmas Day in 2009.

    "Initial examinations of those packages has determined thatthey do apparently contain explosive material," Obama toldreporters in a televised briefing, calling it "a credible terrorist

    threat against our country."

    The White House said earlier that "both of these packagesoriginated from Yemen" and that Obama was notified of thethreat on Thursday night.

    One of the suspicious packages was found on a United ParcelService cargo plane at East Midlands Airport, about 160 miles(260 km) north of London.

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    The other was discovered at a FedEx Corp facility in Dubai.

    "As an additional safety measure, FedEx has embargoed allshipments originating from Yemen," said Maury Lane, aspokesman for the world's largest cargo airline.

    "The package never was on a FedEx aircraft. We don't fly toYemen."

    British police said an item found on the UPS plane was sent forfurther testing.

    CNN said it was an ink toner cartridge converted into a bomb.

    Before Obama spoke, an FBI source had told Reuters that initialtests in Britain revealed no explosives.

    An official source in the United Arab Emirates said "an explosivedevice was found in the package that originated in Yemen" andthat the parcel was similar to the one found in Britain.

    In the United States, UPS planes were checked in New Jersey

    and Philadelphia.

    The Transportation Security Administration said they weresearched "out of an abundance of caution."

    U.S. officials and some analysts speculated that the suspiciousparcels may have been a test of cargo screening procedures andthe reaction of security officials.

    "One possibility, if this is terrorism related, is that this may be atrial run," one U.S. official said.

    Intelligence about the possible plot had come from an allyabroad, the official said, without elaborating.

    The U.S. Department of Homeland Security said it was stepping

    up aviation security measures as a result of the scare.

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    The British government said it was "too soon to say" whether itwould follow suit but was "urgently considering" what steps totake about freight coming from Yemen.

    The man accused of the failed Christmas Day bombing, Umar

    Farouk Abdulmutallab, has told U.S. investigators he got thedevice and training from al Qaeda militants in Yemen.

    I think we have proved our case in the last 41 Pages

    US President Barrack Obama is a Liar!

    White House Press Secretary is a Liar!The Zionist Jew Controlled Western Media are taking the piss

    out of all of us!

    41 Pages of Evidence now proves these people using False FlagTerrorist Attacks and Staged Events Against Us We The People