nyc java meetup - profiling and performance

Performance, profiling, and production troubleshootin g tools on the Java platform

Upload: jason-shao

Post on 26-Jan-2015




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A brief overview of some of the tools that ship with the Java platform that can be used to troubleshoot performance issues, and common production/performance problems


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Performance, profiling, and production troubleshooting tools

on the Java platform 

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About CONTEXTWEB Exchange

• Core platform written in Lightweight Java• 10,000+ Requests per second• <50ms Average Response Time• May query 40+ parties per auction• Multiple daily code pushes

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About this talk

• Internal Training• Developers – don’t always know

troubleshooting• Ops – don’t always know Java tooling• Introduction to some basics and tooling

distributed with the JDK

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Problems We’ve Seen

• Stability• CPU under load• System Stability

• Scalability• Maximum throughput per application• Average Response time under load• Hardware utilization

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Things we look at

1.Garbage Collection

2.Thread Contention

3.Resource Usage

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JVM Garbage Collection

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JVM Garbage Collection

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JVM Garbage Collection-Xloggc:/path/to/logfile (log GC activity)9.302: [GC 1146880K->75819K(3002368K), 0.0723170 secs]9.819: [Full GC 152814K->75275K(3002368K), 0.2690010 secs]13.829: [Full GC 368689K->79768K(3002368K), 0.3586360 secs]22.635: [GC 1226648K->108287K(3002368K), 0.0190360 secs]26.485: [GC 1255167K->94485K(3002368K), 0.0176960 secs]27.039: [Full GC 174388K->99964K(3002368K), 0.4527120 secs]34.997: [GC 1246844K->170532K(3002368K), 0.1357100 secs]193.227: [GC 1317366K->244168K(3002368K), 0.1290920 secs]197.768: [GC 1391023K->259567K(3002368K), 0.2124620 secs]341.069: [GC 1406447K->332544K(3002368K), 0.2839650 secs]346.165: [GC 1479424K->315776K(3002368K), 0.0939770 secs]

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JVM Garbage Collection

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JVM Garbage Collection

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JVM Garbage Collection

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JVM Garbage CollectionJmap

Lets you take memory snapshots and dumps against a running, or even hung JVM

jmap -F -J-d64 -dump:live,format=b,file=dump.hprof JAVA_PID


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JVM (not) Garbage Collection

• java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

• java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

• java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: request <size> bytes for <reason>.

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Garbage Collection: Tools we use

• Verbose GC Logs – every JVM• Jstat – every 5 seconds• Jconsole - monitoring• JvisualVM – visualization• Jmap – memory dumps• Yourkit – memory profiling

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Thread Contention

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• Full Java Thread Dump Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 19.1-b02 Sun Microsystems Inc.Number of threads: 545Number of daemon threads: 485Peak live thread count since the Java virtual machine started or peak was reset: 972Is support for thread contention monitoring available on this JVM? [true]Is thread contention monitoring enabled? [false]. If false, some thread synchronization statistics are not be available.Is support for CPU time measurement for any thread available on this JVM? [true]Is thread CPU time measurement enabled? [true]. If false, thread execution times are not available for any thread.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thread Execution Information:-----------------------Thread "http-thread-pool-8080-(862241)" thread-id: 879,948 thread-state: TIMED_WAITING Waiting on lock: java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch$Sync@e3963a8 at: sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method) at: java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos( at: java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.doAcquireSharedNanos( at: java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.tryAcquireSharedNanos( at: java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch.await( at: com.contextweb.commons.client.http.batch.httpcorenio2.BatchClient$BatchClientJob.execute( at: com.contextweb.commons.client.http.batch.util.AbstractBatchExecutionJob.execute( at: com.contextweb.adserving.rt.buyer.RTBuyerBatchExecutorImpl.executeJob( at: com.contextweb.adserving.rt.buyer.RTBuyerBidRequestProcessor.executeJob(

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Thread Contention

• Thread Dumps are your best friend• kill -3• Jstack (-J-d64 –l –m)

• Look for:• Many objects in blocked wait• Threadpool usage• Thread/Resource pools missing items• Synchronization/Concurrency Issues

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Thread Contention

• Thread-dump analysis requires many different dumps

• lsof/netstat/other system tools often provide hints on contention points

• (historically) AppServers/libs shipped with ridiculously low defaults• Worker threads• DB connections• File descriptors (linux)

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Thread Contention: Tools we use

• Thread dumps – every 15 seconds• Shutdown scripts

• auto thread dump 5x• Lsof output• Netstat output• (optional) heap dump

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Resource Usage

• Memory• Don’t forget PermGen• Don’t forget Stack (per thread)

• File Descriptors• DB/Network Connections• Timeouts/Expirations

• Connection/Read default to forever• LDAP/DNS default to forever• URL – blocking DNS call

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Resource Usage: Tools we use

• ab (Apache Benchmark)• Dirt simple• ab -n 10000000 -k -c 200 http://localhost:8080/bls/check?


• Siege• Mud simple• siege -c 20 http


• Instrumentation• Home-grown – RollingCounter• Timers

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•Many free tools give insight•You can never have enough historical data

•Many default settings will get you in trouble

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