nuusbrief jul aug 2013

Kontak / Contact Judy Bovey 083 325 2102 Dienssentrum vir Pretoria-Oos Maandae/Mondays 10:00 – 12:00 by Valleisig NG The Service Centre for Pretoria East Woensdae/ Wednesdays 10:00 – 11:00 at Garsfontein NG Welkom aan diegene bo 60! We welcome those over 60! Oosterlig Gemeente raak betrokke . . El-pidá juig! Oosterlig Gemeente steun die dienssentrum. Danksy vrugtevolle gesprekke met Ds Muller, Peet Kuun en Ursula van Zyl gaan daar nou op Donderdae heerlike etes vir lede onder leiding van Carol Fourie, ‘n baie ervare en opgelei- de spysenier voorberei word. Op Donderdag, 18 Julie open El-pidá n dienspunt by Oosterlig NG, met koek en tee! Mediese dienste en voetsorg sal beskikbaar wees, en afsprake kan gemaak word by Judy, 083 325 2102. Ds Neels Muller is reeds 18 jaar aan die gemeente gekop- pel. Hy en Esmé het in 1982 in Thabazimbi begin, waarna hy in 1986 Polisiekapelaan gekoppel aan Pretoria geword het. Na ses jaar het hulle na Pretoria-Oosterlig geskuif. JULIE AUGUSTUS 2013 HOME COOKED MEALS R28 per plate available on Mondays at El-Pida Valleisig NG Church. Non members pay R35. Place your order with Judy 083 325 2102 before Thursdays. Neem asb kennis dat geen etes gedurende die winter skoolvakansie voorberei sal word nie. Please take note that no meals will be prepared during the winter school holidays. Ds Neels Muller

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Page 1: Nuusbrief jul aug 2013

Kontak / Contact Judy Bovey 083 325 2102




Maandae/Mondays 10:00 – 12:00 by Valleisig NG

The Service Centre


Pretoria East

Woensdae/ Wednesdays 10:00 – 11:00 at Garsfontein NG

Welkom aan diegene bo 60!

We welcome those over 60!

Oosterlig Gemeente raak betrokke . .

El-pidá juig! Oosterlig Gemeente steun die

dienssentrum. Danksy vrugtevolle gesprekke met Ds Muller, Peet Kuun en Ursula van Zyl gaan daar nou op Donderdae heerlike etes vir lede onder leiding van Carol Fourie, ‘n baie ervare en opgelei-de spysenier voorberei word.

Op Donderdag, 18 Julie open El-pidá ‘n dienspunt by

Oosterlig NG, met koek en tee! Mediese dienste en voetsorg

sal beskikbaar wees, en afsprake kan gemaak word by Judy, 083 325 2102.

Ds Neels Muller is reeds 18 jaar aan die gemeente gekop-pel. Hy en Esmé het in 1982 in Thabazimbi begin, waarna hy

in 1986 Polisiekapelaan gekoppel aan Pretoria geword het. Na ses jaar het hulle na Pretoria-Oosterlig geskuif.



R28 per plate available on Mondays at El-Pida Valleisig NG

Church. Non members pay R35. Place your order with Judy

083 325 2102 before Thursdays.

Neem asb kennis dat geen etes gedurende die winter skoolvakansie voorberei sal word nie. Please take note that no meals will be prepared

during the winter school holidays.

Ds Neels Muller

Page 2: Nuusbrief jul aug 2013


Gebruik rate op eie risiko. Daar is geen waarborg dat enige van die rate werk nie! Geleen uit saamgestelling deur Cornelia

1. Om die vet van sop af te skei, gooi die sop deur 'n doek wat goed natgemaak is in koue water.

2. Gooi 'n stukkie botter in vla - dit voorkom dat dit 'n velletjie maak. 3. 'n Halwe aartappel in die blik hou brood vars. 4. Om groente gouer te laat sag kook, voeg 'n teelepel suiker by terwyl dit

kook. 5. Om groente langer vars te hou, draai dit in waspapier toe voordat dit in

die yskas gebêre word. 6. Bêre kaas in aluminium folie. Die kaas sal langer vars bly en nie muf

nie. 7. Kaas sal nie muf as 'n klontjie suiker in die bêre bakkie gevoeg word

nie. 8. Hou altyd 'n houer tafelsout gereed by die stoof, sou die pan met vet of

olie vlam vat kan jy dit smoor deur sout daaroor te gooi. 9. Aanpaksels aan 'n ketel se element kan verwyder word deur te kook

met asyn. Spoel net goed uit daarna. 10. Verhit 'n 125ml asyn in die mikrogolf (nie nodig om te kook nie). Die

asyn maak al die vetterigheid los. Vee mikrogolf met sagte lap uit. 11. Asyn en koeksoda maak vir 'n baie goeie bleikmiddel,

ontsmettingsmiddel (disinfectant) en werk beter as Handy-Andy. 12. Asyn en warm water kan ontslae raak van 'n mierplaag. 13. Hou jou wit klere wit deur dit in 5 liter water en 1 koppie asyn te week. 14. Om vet kolle van klere te verwyder is om 'n blikkie Coke op die klere te

gooi. Was dan die klere soos normaal. 15. In plaas van lyfpoeier gebruik Maizena, dis sag en baie goedkoper. 16. Om krapmerke op 'n bril of horlosie af te kry, gebruik 'n stukkie watte

met brasso op. 17. Maak 'n ou kous klam met 25ml asyn en 20ml lou water en vryf spieëls

blink daarmee. Die asyn sal vlieë weghou. 18. Spieëls wat opstoom in die badkamer - smeel gliserien aan en vryf op 19. 'n Paar motbolletjies onder in die asblik voordat jy die plastieksak daarin

plaas. Dit verwyder alle reuke. 20. Verwyder lipstiffiemerke van jou klere met bloekomolie. 21. Om 'n rits makliker beweegbaar te maak kan dit met kerswas, seep of

potlood bo-oor gevryf word. 22. Handeroom met 'n bietjie suiker in verrig wondere – bedek hande as jy

in die son kom. 23. Wanneer jy in die tuin gaan werk, druk eers jou naels in 'n koekie seep

sodat dit die naels onder vul – dan kom daar geen vullis onder jou naels in nie.

24. As jy ’n hoesmiddel nodig het, probeer heuning in water met suurlemoensap of appelasyn.

Page 3: Nuusbrief jul aug 2013

D A G B O E K - D I A R Y ! ! !

Please confirm all your bookings with: Doen ASB alle besprekings by:

Judy 083 325 2102

18 Jun – 09H30 MOVIE MORNING, R10 p.p for movie show in the outer hall of Valleisig NG church, c/o Tipperary and Mayo Str, Faerie Glen. FREE popcorn and tea or coffee for all.

26 Jun - 09h00 Gautrein rit na Rosebank. R120 p.p. Almal kom 9h00 byeen in die parkeerruimte voor Game, by Menlyn, en ry almal saam vandaar met die Gautrein bus na Hatfield. Bespreek vroegtydig asb. Trek gemaklike skoene aan vir stap.

2 Aug - 09h00 MORNING OUTING to fresh produce ware-house and get free packets of veges. Bus collects

you at Valleisig NG Church at 9h00. Costs R30 p.p.

23 Aug - Kerkbasaar by Garsfontein NG Kerk.

24 Aug - Kerkbasaar by Valleisig NG Kerk.

24 Aug - Mini Kerkbasaar by Tygerpoort NG Kerk.

31 Aug - 09h00 FUN DAY TRIP in a 4x4. Cost R40 p.p plus nature reserve admission fee. The vehicles collect us at Valleisig NG Church for a trip to ............. Reserve, where we will stop for lunch.

14 Sep – 10h00 El-pidá hou ‘n LENTE TEE by

Garsfontein kerksaal. Bring u vriende saam en geniet ‘n

interessante oggend met heerlike verversings. R30 p.p. GRATIS voet skandering en vele meer. Bespreek gou en kom gesels met oom Oubaas van 7de Laan.

24 Sep - 9h00 Computer morning with SKYPE offered at Valleisig

NG Church. Learn the basic principles of Window and how to send emails.

Kom SKYPE met familie oorsee! !

Page 4: Nuusbrief jul aug 2013


Vir eenvoudige herstelwerk soos:

Lekkende krane en toilette

Basiese elektriese herstelwerk

Aanbring van rakke

Ligte Sweiswerk

Restourasie van meubels

Vele andere

Skakel Jan Opperman

012-991-2177 / 073-188-5898


DIE BEROERTE STEUNGROEP ontmoet elke Dinsdag by Coron Deo,

Oosterlig Gemeente in Constantia om persone met beroerte, hul oppass-

ers en hul gesinne sosiaal en moreel te ondersteun. Daar word ‘n

opvoedkundige-terapeutiese omgewing geskep vir volgehoue rehabili-

tasie sodat elkeen sy/haar volle potensiaal kan herontwikkel om weer ‘n

regmatige plek in die samelewing te kan inneem.

Vir meer inligting, kontak Ingrid by 084 270 4570

Lede kwalifiseer vir kaartjies teen spesiale pryse.



086 111 6122

Epos / email: [email protected]

Members qualify for special priced tickets.


Page 5: Nuusbrief jul aug 2013

Die word aanbeveel dat ouer persone 2 maande na die eerste griepinspuiting ‘n tweede inspuiting kry, om

gesond te bly.


Flu injections

Kontak - Contact Sister Cathy 012 993 5635 082 415 0307

TUNASOP – 4 ordentlike porsies

1 blikkie sampioenroomsop 1 blikkie tuna

1 pakkie sampioensop 400 ml melk

400 ml water


Verpulp blikkie sop en tuna.

Kook soppoeier + water + melk. Meng alles en kook ‘n bietjie.

Geniet saam’t ‘n broodjie !

Seniors have their own cell phone texting codes: ATD- At the Doctor's

BYOT Bring Your Own Teeth

FWIW - Forgot Where I Was

GGPBL- Gotta Go, Pacemaker

Battery Low

GHA - Got Heartburn Again

LMDO- Laughing My Dentures Out

WAITT - Who Am I Talking To?





Page 6: Nuusbrief jul aug 2013

Liza van Wyk

Adres: 13de Straat 8, Menlopark Tel: 012 346 0511



El-pidá kwalifiseer vir tussen 40% en 50%

afslag op konsultasies

Vir GRATIS advies kan u ‘n afspraak maak by Sr Cathy - 012 993 5635 082 873 5156.

Dr Hanlie sal maandeliks op ‘n Maandag by Valleisig NG Kerk wees van 11 tot 12h00.


El-pidá se eie



Cathy McIvor

012 993 5635

082 873 5156

Cathy het haar loopbaan begin aan

die Frere Hospitaal in Oos Londen

waarna sy kwalifiseer as matron by

Johannesburg Nationaal. Intussen het

sy ook haar BA graad deur Unisa

verwerf. Cathy stel baie belang in

verskillende godsdienste van die

wêreld, en lees graag. Haar grootste

liefde is egter om met mense te praat

en hulle te versorg.

NUWE HAARKAPSTER = RENÉ tel: 081 0372770


Page 7: Nuusbrief jul aug 2013

History of South African

banknotes 1782 to 1920

In 1782, the Dutch Governor Van Plettenberg was obliged to introduce, for the first time in the history of the Cape, paper money, owing to his inability to

procure from the Netherlands a sufficient quantity of coinage for the require-ments of the settlement. This earliest paper money was issued in rixdollar and stiver denominations, the currency of the Cape at that time. As there was as yet no printing press in the Cape, all the notes until about 1803 had to be hand written. They featured a Government fiscal hand stamp indicating their value and the authority date of the issue. After 1803, all notes were printed, but for some time to come they continued to show the fiscal hand stamp. The first bank to be established in the Cape was the Lombaard Bank. It was a State bank and opened its doors at Cape Town in 1793, with the view to bringing additional money into circulation, and thus assisting those who suf-fered from lack of currency. This bank was entrusted with the issuing of the Government notes. It closed in 1883, being forced out of business by the private banks. The first private bank in South Africa was the Cape of Good Hope Bank which opened in 1837. As the hinterland developed and trade expanded, more private banks came into existence. Altogether approximately 30 of these sprang up between 1837 and 1882. Most of them issued their own paper money, some only in one, others in more than one denomination. Three large trading houses as well as one mining firm issued their own paper money between 1850 and 1860. In 1877 an imperial bank, the Standard Bank of British South Africa Ltd., opened its doors in Cape Town. Two other imperial banks entered the Cape subsequently. All these new banks issued their own paper money. With large capital behind them they made it their business to open up branches throughout the Colony, and to take over as many of the remaining private banks as was possible. By 1892, they had absorbed all but one of these, namely the Stellenbosch Dis-trict Bank. Established in 1882, the Bank still exists to this day. At the time of Union in 1910, three of the imperial banks, joined by a com-parative newcomer from the Transvaal, were the only survivors to issue pa-per money in their own name in the Cape Province.


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History of South African banknotes 1782 to 1920


In general, all Government issues of paper money were locally produced. This however, was not the case with the notes issued by the private and im-perial banks, as well as other large banks. Most of these banknotes were printed in England. In the middle of the 1860’s however, a number of banks resorted to the use of locally printed paper money, which in most instances was produced by a Cape Town printers firm called Soul Solomon & Co. Thereafter banknote forms were once again im-ported from England. This remained the case until 1962, when a banknote factory was established in the Republic of South Africa. Ever since, this factory has taken care of the requirements of the South African Reserve Bank. The Republic of South Africa In 1961, South Africa changed its currency from pound sterling to Rand and cents, and when in the same year the country became a republic, the new currency was retained.