ntxissacsc3 - vulnerability management isn't simple ... (or how to make your vm program great)...

@NTXISSA #NTXISSACSC3 Vulnerability Management Isn’t Simple… (or, How to Make Your VM Program Great) Kelly Hammons Principal Consultant,CISSP Secutor Consulting October 2 nd , 2015

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“97% of breaches could have been avoided through simple or intermediate controls”

- Verizon Data BreachInvestigations Report, 2012

While over 90 percent of all organizations monitor security effectiveness in some manner, only 40 percent do so ‘constantly’rather than on an as-needed basis.

- Enterprise Security Group (ESG) Security Management & Operations Report, June 2012


How are vulnerabilities usually managed?

• Limited or non-existent budget• Scanning too infrequently to be relevant

• Or scanning too aggressively• Not using authentication• Only scanning the “perimeter”• Ad hoc prioritization

… Ignoring them


Vulnerability Management Goals…

• … keep your job

• Asset discovery• Understand your perimeter• Test new systems before they’re brought online• Automation + Integration• Produce actionable data & metrics

• Comply with regulations (PCI, HIPAA, NERC CIP…)• Vulnerability remediation / reduce attack surface• Keep your company’s name off the front page of the New

York Times…

(or, VM Maturity Model)



• Resistance from Network Operations, Patching Team, System Owners• Things *will* crash• Network devices *will* become saturated• Patching software won’t always agree with the scanner• Vulnerability Prioritization• DHCP

• Who owns the machine and/or service?• Scanning

• Scanner placement• What is in/out of scope?• Can you scan partner networks?


Where do we start?

• What are you going to scan?• Discovery scan• Internal vs External IPs• Ports• Authentication• Workstations, servers, lab, DMZ, IP phones, printers,

network devices• Scan frequency and windows?• Who is responsible for patching?• Where are the firewalls?• Where do I place the scanners?• How will vulnerabilities be prioritized?


What do I do with all of these vulnerabilities?

• Patch• Upgrade• Disable/Uninstall the service• Add a client-side firewall or HIPS• Modify the network fabric (routers/firewalls/IPS)• … or ignore

• Prioritization• CVSS• Valuable hosts/data• *accessibility* from a threat source


What does your network look like?








• Are you measuring busyness or addressing “risk”?• What am I scanning?• What am I *not* scanning?• How many of what kind of vulnerabilities?• What’s different compared to last month?• Pitfalls

• DHCP• Trending• Upgrading or sunsetting hosts• Stale scan data• Wall of shame




A good example


A great example… Metrics in context

February Scan Results:

Asset Group Status Comments

ABC Servers and Network Devices Yellow No host increase, number of Level 5 vulnerabilities is the same.

DEF Servers and Network Devices Green No increase in hosts, Level 5 vulnerabilities have decreased.

GHI Servers and Network Devices Yellow No host increase, number of Level 5 vulnerabilities is the same.

NA Workstations Red The number of hosts and Level 5 Vulnerabilities increased.

Europe Workstations Green The number of hosts increased and the number of Level 5 vulnerabilities still decreased.

JKL Workstations Red The number of hosts and Level 5 Vulnerabilities increased.


More great examples


Interoperability –The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

• Asset Management/CMDB: Who owns this box?• Patching: Discover false negatives• Pen Testing: Speed up vulnerability discovery, less

intrusive• SIEM/IPS/IDS: Mitigate false alerts, fine-tune, add

context, prioritize remediation• Ticketing: Easy workflow• Vector Analysis: Prioritization, discover unscanned

subnets, discover *downstream* risk• GRC: Fine-tune risk metrics, remediation tracking


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