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Nothing Happens until the Sale is Made! Steven W. Johnson 1

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Nothing Happens until

the Sale is Made!

Steven W. Johnson



• Introduction

• Our Mission

• Program Topic

• Sales Success Intensive 1



• Sales Success Network, LLC

• Brain Tracy International

• About You!


“Our Goal”

• “Companies, Products and Services are many… Relationships are priceless”

• We are focused on Sales Training, and developing long term relationships.

• Our goal is to increase small businesses and individuals in developing their:

“KASH”…. “Knowledge-Activities-Skills-Habits.”

• Our focus is on teaching the Fundamentals behind the Psychology of Selling,

and maintaining customer satisfaction.

• Steve Johnson is the founder and owner of Sales Success Network, LLC.

He has over 25 years of hands on Sales and Marketing experience,

• He is a Certified Sales Trainer with Brian Tracy International.


• BRIAN TRACY is recognized as the top sales training and personal success

authority in the world today. He has trained more people than any other sales

trainer alive.

• Brian Tracy has started, built, managed, or turned around over 22 companies.

In addition, he has personally trained…2 million sales people, spanning nearly

every industry, in 61 countries worldwide.

• He is the Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company

specializing in the training and development of individuals and organizations.

He is also a widely sought out speaker, consultant, best selling author.

• He has addressed more than 5 million people in over 5 thousand talks

throughout the United States, Canada, and all around the world.


About You!

• What do you do?

• What do you Sell?

• What is your Marketing Plan?

• Who is your Ideal Customer?

• How do you Plan to Attract your Ideal Customer?

• How do you Plan to Keep them as a Customer?


Nothing Happens Until The Sale is Made!

• Do you know what the greatest contributing factor to the success or

failure of most businesses?

• In fact, this single component is so vital that it’s considered to be

responsible for 85% of business failure.

• If you haven’t guessed by now…your success or failure depends on

your ability to sell!

• The most successful organizations in the world are all superb selling

organizations and understand that success rises or falls on the quality

of their sales efforts.

• There’s a reason why IBM and other Fortune 1000 companies put

hundreds of millions of dollars a year into training their salespeople.


Nothing Happens Until The Sale is Made!

• It’s because they know that the quality of the people who sell their

product is equally as important as the quality of the product or service

itself. Even the greatest products or services in the world don’t sell


• Many types of business owners believe they don’t even have to sell. For

example, Doctors, restaurant owners or store owners who believe that

their income is solely dependent on who walks through their door on

any given day.

• The survival of any business depends on the ability to sell a product or

service, and therefore, the most valuable people in the company are the

sales managers and sales team.


Nothing Happens Until The Sale is Made!

• The key to sales success is “TRAINING.” Well-trained and highly-

skilled sales people and sales managers have a greater impact on

revenue and volume than any other single investment or activity.

• With proper training and having a complete understanding behind the

fundamentals and psychology of the Sales Process will no doubt

increase you and your sales teams Success and Profitability!


What are the Fundamentals and the

Psychology of Selling?

1. Prospecting Power

2. Relationship Selling

3. Identifying Needs Accurately

4. Making Persuasive Presentations

5. Overcoming Objectives

6. Closing the Sale

7. Getting Re-sales and Referrals


Prospecting Power

• The most important part of Selling is “Prospecting.”

• The Key to success in Selling is to “Spend more time with better Prospects.”

• Clarity is the most important word in Prospecting… Begin by defining your ideal Customer is.

• The definition of a good Prospect…

• “ Someone who can and will buy and pay within a reasonable amount of time.”

• Identify and understand what your ideal customers… hopes, dreams, goals, fears, and ambitions.

• Why does your ideal customer buy?


Relationship Selling

• Selling has changed dramatically in the past few years from a

rapid, impersonal process to a slow, people intensive process.

• The heart of the sale today is contained in the quality of

relationships that you form with your prospects.

• The prospect does not care how much you know until they

know how much you care.

• People are 100% emotional…completely dominated by their


• Develop your ability to overcome skepticism.

• Focus on developing the relationship first!


Relationship Selling

• Be a good listener!!!

• The Relationship Model of Selling Formula:

• 40% developing the Relationship and establishing Trust.

• 30% Take the time to be absolutely clear about their…

Needs and Problems.

• 20% Showing how your products and services will solve their

Needs and problems.

• 10% When you have built trust, clarified their needs and

professionally presented the solution… the close is easy!


Identifying Needs Accurately

• Prospects buy for their reasons, not yours. The most important

thing you can do is to uncover the true needs or problems that

your products or services can solve.

• There is a logical order and sequence to selling…if you sell

out of sequence…you will kill the sale!

• Fact: Most of your best customers do not know they have a

need your product or service can fulfill when they are first


• “ Remember No Need = No Sale.”


Identifying Needs Accurately

• First: you talk to qualified prospects.

• Second: Take time to establish the relationship, and build the


• Third: Ask open ended questions to uncover the real need or

problem the prospect has that your product or service will


• Fourth: Only then will you talk about and present your product

or service.

• Warning… Do not mix these steps up!


Making Persuasive Presentations

• The Presentation is the “inner game” of selling where the

actual sale is made.

• An effective well planned presentation can increase your sales

by several times over an unplanned and uncoordinated

explanation of your products or services.

• The Presentation is the logical orderly way of moving from

general to the specific

• The prospect must be open, interested and curious about the

product or service.


Making Persuasive Presentations

• Your “Positioning” in the mind of the prospect is important.

This is perhaps the most powerful factor in determining how much and how quickly you sell.

• Positioning is everything… how are You and your Company, Product, or Service is thought about by the Customer.

• There are “Three Strategies used by top sales professionals:

• Relationship Selling: You position yourself as a friend.

• Consultave Selling: You position yourself as a consultant focusing on helping the customer solve a problem or need.

• Educational Selling: You position yourself as a teacher, showing your customer how they can benefit from your product or services.


Overcoming Objectives

• Objections or sales resistance is part of the sales process …

they are only unanswered questions.

• Prospects will have questions and concerns that you must be

able resolve before you can proceed with the sale.

• Your ability to handle these questions and concerns is a key

skill that is essential to your sales success!

• Objections are good…They indicate interest in your product

and services.

• Objections indicate that you have touched an emotional nerve

of the prospect.


Overcoming Objectives

• Develop bullet proof answers to common major objections.

• There are Four specific times to deal with objections.

• Immediately: as soon as the objection comes up.

• During the presentation: Called the “pre-emptive strike”

blending answers to common objections in your presentation.

• Later: Always delay or defer an objection, especially a price

objection, until the appropriate time.

• Never: Some objections are merely knee-jerk responses and do

not need to be answered or replied to.

• Treat an objection as a “request” for more information.


Closing the Sale

• All top sales professionals are excellent at bringing the sales

conversation to a successful close.

• Learning how to close a sale is a skill that can be developed.

• The close is the most stressful part of the sales process for both

the sales professional and the customer.

• The “fear of failure” is 80% of the reason the customer refuses

to make a buying decision.

• The “fear of rejection” is 80% of the reason why the sales

person does not ask for the sale.


Closing the Sale

• The “Relationship Model of Selling” gives you a blue print for

reducing the level of stress involved in closing for both the

sales person and the prospect.

• If you have established the relationship, built the trust,

identified the need or problem, and carefully presented the

solution, then confirming and closing the final 10% of the

sales process is much easier.


Getting Re-Sales and Referrals

• What is the best source for referrals and new sales?...

Your existing Customers!

• The key to having a successful business… is to create and

keep satisfied customers.

• The first sale is the hardest and most expensive

• The second sale is “proof” that you delivered on your


• Re-Sales are 10 times easier than the new “first” sales… they

require only 1/10 the time and effort to achieve


Getting Re-Sales and Referrals

• Referrals… are 15 times easier to sell to than cold calls.

• Customer retention is the key to sales success and profitibility.

• THE GOLDEN CHAIN… Develop an endless chain of

referrals from satisfied customers.

• Ask the ultimate question..”Based on your experience with us,

would you recommend us to others?”

• ” from a scale of 1-10 would you recommend us to others?”

• “How can we serve you better?”

• Develop a customer service strategy that enables you to get

and keep your customers for life!


The Solution?

• One of the greatest contributing factors to the success or

failure of your Company is having a well trained sales team..

it imperative to your business longevity and success!

• The most successful organizations in the world are all superb

selling organizations and understand that success rises and

falls on the quality of their sales efforts.

• There’s a reason why IBM and other fortune 1000 Companies

put millions of dollars each year into training their salespeople.

• The key to sales success is “Training”… Well trained and

highly skilled sales teams have a greater impact on revenue

than any other single investment activity!


The Solution?

• What if I told you that in just “8 hours” I can deliver an

Intensive Sales Training Program to you and your sales team

that has consistently been proven to increase sales results

between… 20% to 30% or greater?

The Answer?



Sales Success Intensive 1

During this hands-on face to face sales training, you will learn to:

• Find more areas of opportunity and target better prospects.

• Fill your sales pipeline with qualified leads.

• Set more and better appointments.

• Quickly identify needs and the “hot buttons” accurately.

• Create and deliver powerful, persuasive presentations.

• Answer and overcome objections.

• Get consistent re-sales and referrals.

• Build trustworthy, long-term relationships with your clients.

• Double your closing ratio and increase profits


Sales Success Intensive 1

This is a highly interactive “crash course” on professional selling,

that brings about sales increases and improvements as early as the

very next day.

We have so much confidence in this program, that if either you or

your salespeople are not happy for any reason, there is no charge.

I will be glad to schedule a day to provide your sales team this

intensive one day training program, or you are welcome to enroll

in the two scheduled programs… on Friday, May 9th or Tuesday,

May 13th here at the OCEP campus.

Because you are a OCEP Member you receive a 50% discount for

the program!


Thank You!