not shown: byrd polar research center sediment core repository, new contributor in january, 2007

shown: Byrd Polar Research Center Sediment Core Repository, new contributor in January, Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples 2007 State of the Database

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Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples 2007 State of the Database. Not shown: Byrd Polar Research Center Sediment Core Repository, new contributor in January, 2007. Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database. Samples Added to the Database - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Not shown: Byrd Polar Research Center Sediment Core Repository, new contributor in January, 2007

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples2007 State of the Database

Samples Added to the Database

October 2004 – September 2007


NMNH 59,628 GSC/BIO 40,428* USGSWH 7,157 LDEO

905 USGSMP 599 OSU


270 URI

59 TOTAL 109,887

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

* Complete redo of collection

Data Processed & Under Review by Contributors


Data In Processing

WHOI - entire collection update

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

Samples in review

Total in Database: 170,430 samples (296,238 intervals) from 4,666 cruises

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

Repository# Samples in

databaseDistinct intervals

Data contribution status

BIO/GSC 40,428 40,428 active

LDEO 10,865 25,750 active

USGSWH 11,126 11,330 active

SIO 6,210 10,746 active

FSU 4,047 9,099 active

USGSMP 6,520 7,974 active

OSU 5,629 5,827 active

WHOI 4,023 4,024 active

URI 2,972 3,765 active

BOSCORF 921 921 active

LacCore 73 510 active

BPRC 278 278 active

DSDP 1,121 96,939 static

NMNH 59,628 59,628 static

USC 7,472 7,472 static

IFM-GEOMAR 2,416 2,416 static

AWI 1,820 1,820 static

RSMAS 1,780 1,780 static

HIG 919 1,626 static

ODP 631 631 static

UT 205 508 static

U WISC 349 349 static

NOAA-PMEL 29 29 static

NOAA-AOML 968 2,389 repository closed

UW 0 0 collection moved to OSU

463,443 data records describing 170,430 sea floor & lakebed sampling locations(cores, grabs, dredges, drill holes)

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

2004 Suggestion:

Create uniform web pages for active participants.

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

• Facility supplies information

• Directly launches facility layer in ArcIMS map

• Sample location image generated live from database

Database Specifications,

Data Contributions, & Processing

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

Current database specifications:

Facility CodeNGDC Institution & Ship CodesCruise IdentifierSample IdentifierDate Sample Collected & Ending Date (dredges only)Latitude and LongitudeLat/Lon original type flagEnding Latitude/Longitude (dredges only) Water DepthEnding Water Depth (dredges only)Sampling DeviceStorage MethodCore Length Core DiameterDepth to Top/Bottom of Interval Primary Lithologic Composition/Texture for Interval

Secondary Lithologic Composition/Texture for Interval Other Components #1 through #6Age of IntervalInterval NumberBulk WeightPhysiographic ProvinceRock LithologyRock MineralogyRock Weathering & MetamorphismRock Glass remarks & MN/Fe oxide coatingMunsell Color codePrincipal Investigator Flag for material exhausted, no longer availableFree-form lithologic descriptionComments on Interval FGDC/ISO metadata specification: information and ternary diagrams/explanation:

All fields are optional with the exception of institution, ship, cruise, sample, sampling device, and latitude/longitude.

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

Data Contribution and Review

• Review online• Iterative corrections, if necessary• Geospatially-enabled when approved

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

• Spreadsheets• Digital files in other forms


Diversity of Sample Descriptions in the Database

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

Example of a minimal record from the database

Sample Description Diversity

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

Minimum information for a sample to be included in the database:Ship, cruise, sample id, device, latitude, & longitude

Example of a fully-coded entry

Sample Description Diversity

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

Example of a detailed free-form descriptive entry

Sample Description Diversity

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

Access to Sample Data in the Index

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

The Oracle “Text” Interface

to the Database

In March 2007 the Curators’ Group approved

A new Java Server Pages (JSP) replacement

for the old PL/SQL text search

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

JSP: Same features as the old interface

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

JSP: Same features as the old interface

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

JSP: Slightly different look & feel from this point on

JSP: Slightly different look & feel from this point on

JSP: Slightly different look & feel from this point on

New SESAR links

External Links to Auxiliary Data, Graphics, and Reports

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

Links to Data, Graphics, and Reports at NGDC

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

Updates to the ArcIMS “Interactive Map” Interface

& Addition of Web Services

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

ArcIMS: New Capabilities

Shapefile extractions – not just for GIS applications Shapefile extractions – not just for GIS applications

Geospatially-enabled Database: New Capabilities

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

Web Map Service (WMS) Web Map Service (WMS)

Geospatially-enabled Database: New Capabilities

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database



The same call, substituting:

Web Feature Service (WFS) Web Feature Service (WFS)

Geospatially-enabled Database: New Capabilities

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

• Google-search enhanced via web page design, metadata

Reaching a broader audience: Representing the Index in other catalogs & systems

Index to Marine & Lacustrine Geological Samples September 2007 State of the Database

• Google-search enhanced via web page design, metadata

• Metadata harvesting by widely-used systems (NASA/GCMD, GOS)

NOAA CDMP Data Digitizing Project

NOAA/NGDC Commitment toSea Floor Data Stewardship

Permanent Archive We’re in it for the Long Haul,

Preserving data for your great-grandchildren

Data Rescue & DigitizingRescuing data from scientists’ desks and file cabinets.

Data AccessMaking data freely and publicly available.

A partnership between NOAA and private industry to image and key paper and microfilm records and to make them available on the Web.

NOAA Climate Database Modernization Program (CDMP)_____________________________________

CDMP Supports the Following Services:

• Imaging from paper (sizes up to 42x60 inches), bound books, microfiche, microfilm, photographs, and negatives.

• Keying from paper, microfiche, or digital images.

• Optical Character Recognition (OCR).

• Vectorizing.

• Image indexing for on-line storage and retrieval.

NOAA Climate Data Modernization Program (CDMP)Digitization of Marine & Lacustrine Records of Climate Change

Highlights of Project L-19: 2005 - 2007

Entire LDEO Core Photograph Collection Scanned/Available Online

NOAA Climate Data Modernization Program (CDMP)Digitization of Marine & Lacustrine Records of Climate Change

Highlights of Project L-19: 2005 - 2007

OSU, LacCore, and URI core logs were key-entered and archived in .PDF form

Partial image – whole core online

NOAA Climate Data Modernization Program (CDMP)Digitization of Marine & Lacustrine Records of Climate Change

Highlights of Project L-19: 2005 - 2007

Most ARF/FSU Core X-rays Scanned/Available Online


• 31,825 core photographs/negatives (LDEO, OSU, LacCore, WHOI, SIO)

• 7,234 core X-rays (ARF/FSU, OSU)

• 1,043 coring data sheets (& 2,500+ non-CDMP) (OSU)

• 5,069 sea floor photographs (ARF/FSU, LDEO)


• 6,202 core logs, smearslide descriptions, data sheets (OSU, LacCore, URI)

Sample repository materials digitized 2005-August 2007. ~500 additional seabed photos will be scanned in 2007

Over $550K in NOAA funding

NOAA Climate Data Modernization Program (CDMP)Digitization of Marine & Lacustrine Records of Climate Change

Project L-19 Progress Summary: 2005 - 2007

If your institution has materials to scan or key-enter for 2008,

please contact NGDC with:

• Volume estimates (#pages, photographs)

• Samples (Xerox copy of typical description, photo copy)

• Specifications, formats, resolution, etc.

NOAA Climate Data Modernization Program (CDMP)Digitization of Marine & Lacustrine Records of Climate Change

Project L-19: 2008 Continuation

NOAA/NGDC Commitment toSea Floor Data Stewardship

Permanent Archive We’re in it for the Long Haul,

Preserving data for your great-grandchildren

Data Rescue & DigitizingRescuing data from scientists’ desks and file cabinets.

Data AccessMaking data freely and publicly available.

Did we mention that we provide a long-term archive for data from sea floor and lakebed samples at NGDC?

Why add your data to the NGDC archive?

• NGDC’s mandate includes a commitment to provide access to, and long-term archival for data pertaining to sea floor and lakebed samples.

NGDC is finalizing an agreement with the LDEO Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS) to permanently archive multibeam data from their system.

Once finalized, NGDC hopes to extend the agreement to include sample data.

• NGDC prepares and maintains documentation according to FGDC/ISO metadata standards. When metadata standards change, NGDC migrates metadata to new standards, maintaining its interoperability with other systems.

• NGDC archives metadata with the data to increase their long-term utility.

• NGDC data archives are maintained to NARA standards with offsite backups, storage on approved media, and periodic migration to new media and technologies.

We’re in it for the long haul, preserving data for your great-grandchildren.