normal rectum and anal canal

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  • 7/31/2019 Normal Rectum and Anal Canal


    Rectum and Anal Canal

    General Anatomy

    The rectal wall consists of mucosa, submucosa, and two complete muscular

    layers: inner circular and outer longitudinal (Fig. 26-3). The rectum is

    approximately 12 to 15 cm in length and extends from the sigmoid colon

    to the anal canal following the curve of the sacrum (Fig. 26-4). The anterior

    peritoneal reflection is about 5 to 7.5 cm above the anus in females and 7

    to 9cm above the anus in males. The posterior peritoneal reflection is

    usually 12 to 15 cm above the anus. The upper third of the rectum is

    covered by peritoneum on its anterior and lateral surfaces. The middle third

    of the rectum is covered by peritoneum only on its anterior surface, and the

    lower third of the rectum is below the peritoneal reflection. The proximal

    rectum is identified as the level at which the teniae coli of the colon coalesce

    to form a complete layer of longitudinal muscle at approximately the level of

    the sacral promontory.

    The rectum contains three distinct curves: The proximal and distal curves

    are convex to the right, whereas the middle curve is convex to the left.

    These folds project into the lumen as the valves of Houston. These

    mucosal infoldings present some difficulty for proctoscopic examination,

    but they are excellent targets for mucosal biopsy because they do not

    contain all layers of the muscular rectal wall and the risk of perforation is

    therefore diminished. The middle valve of Houston roughly correlates with

    the level of the anterior peritoneal reflection.

    Waldeyer's fascia is a dense rectosacral fascia that begins at the level of

    the fourth sacral body and extends anteriorly to the rectum, covering the

    sacrum and overlying the vessels and nerves (see Fig. 26-86 E). Anterior

    to the extraperitoneal rectum is Denonvilliers' fascia, which is the

    rectovesical septum in men and the rectovaginal septum in women. The

    lateral ligaments of endopelvic fascia support the lower rectum but do not

    usually contain major blood vessels, as previously believed. Division of the

    lateral ligaments is thus possible without impairing the blood supply to the

    rectum or encountering a significant bleeding. Accessory middle

    hemorrhoidal arteries can be located in the lateral ligaments but are not

    critical to the blood supply of the rectum.

    Thepelvic flooris a musculotendinous sheet formed by the levator ani

    muscle and is innervated by the fourth sacral nerve (Fig. 26-5). The

    pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus, and puborectalis muscles make up the

    levator ani muscle. These are paired muscles that intertwine and act as a

    single unit. The line of decussation is called the anococcygeal raphe. The

    rectum, vagina, urethra, and the dorsal vein of the penis pass through the

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    levator hiatus in the pubococcygeal portion of the levator ani. During

    defecation, the puborectalis relaxes and the levator ani contracts, widening

    the levator hiatus.

    The anal canalstarts at the pelvic diaphragm and ends at the anal verge

    (see Fig. 26-4). It is approximately 4 cm long and normally exists as acollapsed anteroposterior slit. The anatomic anal canalextends from the

    anal verge to the dentate line. For practical purposes, however, surgeons

    usually define the surgical anal canalas extending from the anal verge to

    the anorectal ring, which is the circular lower (see Fig. 26-3) border of the

    puborectalis that is palpable by digital rectal examination. The anorectal ring

    is 1 to 1.5 cm above the dentate line.

    The anal verge is the junction between anoderm and perianal skin. The

    anoderm is a specialized epithelium rich in nerves but devoid of secondary

    skin appendages (hair follicles, sebaceous glands, or sweat glands). The

    dentate line is a true mucocutaneous junction located 1 to 1.5 cm above

    the anal verge (see Fig. 26-3). A 6- to 12-mm transitional zone exists

    above the dentate line over which the squamous epithelium of the anoderm

    becomes cuboidal and then columnar epithelium.

    The anal canal is surrounded by an internal and external sphincter, which

    together constitute the anal sphincter mechanism (see Fig. 26-5). The

    internal sphincteris a specialized continuation of the inner circular smooth

    muscle of the rectum. It is an involuntary muscle and is normally contracted

    at rest. The intersphincteric plane represents the fibrous continuation of the

    longitudinal smooth muscle layer of the rectum.

    The external sphincteris a voluntary, striated muscle divided into three U-

    shaped loops (subcutaneous, superficial, and deep) acting as a single

    functional unit. It is a specialized continuation of the levator muscles of the

    pelvic floor, specifically of the puborectalis muscle. Thepuborectalis

    originates at the pubis and joins posterior to the rectum. It is normally

    contracted, causing an 80 angulation of the anorectal junction.

    The columns of Morgagniconsist of 8 to 14 longitudinal mucosal folds

    located just above the dentate line and forming the anal crypts at theirdistal end (see Fig. 26-3). Small rudimentary glands open into some of

    these crypts. The ducts of these glands penetrate the internal sphincter,

    and the body of the gland resides in the intersphincteric plane.

    Arterial Supply

    The terminal branch of the inferior mesenteric artery becomes the superior

    rectal arteryas it crosses the left common iliac artery (Fig. 26-6 A). It

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    descends in the sigmoid mesocolon and bifurcates at the level of the third

    sacral body. The left and right branches of the superior rectal artery supply

    the upper and middle rectum.

    The middle and inferior rectal arteries supply the lower third of the rectum.

    The middle rectal arteries arise from the internal iliac arteries, run throughDenonvilliers' fascia, and enter the anterolateral aspect of the rectal wall at

    the level of the anorectal ring. Collaterals exist between the middle and

    superior rectal arteries. Preservation of the middle rectal arteries is

    necessary to maintain viability of the remaining rectum after proximal

    ligation of the inferior mesenteric artery.

    The inferior rectal arteries are branches of the internal pudendal arteries.

    They traverse Alcock's canal and enter the posterolateral aspect of the

    ischiorectal fossa. They supply the internal and external sphincters and the

    lining of the anal canal and do not form collaterals with the other rectal

    arteries. The middle sacral arteryarises just proximal to the aortic

    bifurcation and provides very little blood supply to the rectum.

    Venous Drainage

    The venous drainage of the rectum parallels the arterial supply and empties

    into both the portal and the systemic (caval) systems. The upper and

    middle rectum are drained by the superior rectal vein, which enters the

    portal system via the inferior mesenteric vein (see Fig. 26-6 B). The lower

    rectum and upper anal canal are drained by the middle rectal veins, which

    empty into the internal iliac veins and then into the caval system. The

    inferior rectal veins drain the lower anal canal and empty into the pudendal

    veins, which drain into the caval system via the internal iliac veins. Low rectal

    tumors can thus metastasize through venous channels into both the portal

    and systemic venous systems.

    There are three submucosal internal hemorrhoidal complexes located

    above the dentate line (see Fig. 26-3). The left lateral, right posterolateral,

    and right anterolateral internal hemorrhoidal veins drain into the superior

    rectal vein. Below the dentate line the external hemorrhoidal veins drain

    into the pudendal veins. There is communication between the internal and

    external plexi.

    Lymphatic Drainage

    The rectal lymphatic flow is segmental and circumferential and follows the

    same distribution as the arterial blood supply (Fig. 26-7). Lymph from the

    upper and middle rectum drains into the inferior mesenteric nodes. The

    lower rectum is drained primarily by lymphatics that follow the superior

    rectal artery and enter the inferior mesenteric nodes. Lymph from the lower

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    rectum also can flow laterally along the middle and inferior rectal arteries,

    posteriorly along the middle sacral artery, or anteriorly through channels in

    the rectovesical or rectovaginal septum. These channels drain to the iliac

    nodes and subsequently to periaortic lymph nodes.

    Lymphatics from the anal canal above the dentate line drain via thesuperior rectal lymphatics to the inferior mesenteric lymph nodes or

    laterally to the internal iliac lymph nodes. Below the dentate line, the

    lymphatics drain primarily to the inguinal nodes but can drain to the inferior

    or superior rectal lymph nodes as well.

    Nerve Supply

    The innervation of the rectum is shared with the urogenital organs of the

    pelvis and consists of both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves (Fig.

    26-8). Sympatheticnerves from thoracolumnar segments unite below the

    inferior mesenteric artery to form the inferior mesenteric plexus. Thesepurely sympathetic nerves descend to the superior hypogastric plexus

    located below the aortic bifurcation. They then bifurcate and descend in the

    pelvis as the hypogastric nerves. The lower rectum, bladder, and sexual

    organs in both men and women receive sympathetic innervation via the

    hypogastric nerve. Injury to the inferior mesenteric plexus can result

    during ligation of the inferior mesenteric artery at its origin.

    Parasympatheticfibers from the second, third, and fourth sacral roots (the

    nervi erigentes) unite with the hypogastric nerves anterior and lateral to the

    rectum forming thepelvic plexus, which runs laterally in the pelvis. The

    periprostatic plexus arises from the pelvic plexus. Mixed fibers from these

    plexi innervate the rectum, internal anal sphincter, prostate, bladder, and

    penis. Thepudendal nerve (S2, S3, S4) mediates sensory stimuli from the

    penis and clitoris via the dorsal nerve.

    Both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers are essential for penile

    erection. The parasympathetic fibers cause vasodilation and increased

    blood flow in the corpus cavernosum, resulting in an erection. The

    sympathetic fibers cause vasoconstriction of the penile veins and thus

    sustain the erection. Sympathetic nerves cause contraction of the

    ejaculatory ducts, seminal vesicles, and prostate and are necessary forejaculation. Damage to the periprostatic plexus might occur during surgical

    dissection of the rectum. Injury to the pelvic autonomic nerves may result in

    bladder dysfunction, impotence, or both.

    The internal anal sphincteris innervated by both sympathetic and

    parasympathetic nerves, and both are inhibitory to the sphincter. The

    internal sphincter has a continuous tone that decreases as rectal pressure

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    increases. Once the rectum empties, the internal sphincter tone rises again.

    The external anal sphincterand levator ani muscles are innervated by the

    inferior rectal branch of the internal pudendal nerve (S2, S3, S4) and the

    perineal branch of the fourth sacral nerve. Any distention of the rectum

    results in relaxation of the internal sphincter. The external sphincter can be

    contracted voluntarily and kept in that state for approximately 1 minute.

    Below the dentate line, cutaneous sensations of heat, cold, pain, and touch

    are conveyed by afferent fibers of the inferior rectal and perineal branches of

    the pudendal nerve. Above the dentate line, a poorly defined dull sensation,

    experienced when the mucosa is pinched or when internal hemorrhoids are

    ligated, is probably mediated by parasympathetic fibers.

    Resection of the sacrum with sacrifice ofsacral nerves occasionally may be

    required for total resection of pelvic tumors. Sacrifice of the lower sacral

    nerves will lead to saddle anesthesia and possible motor weakness in the

    lower extremities. Preservation of at least one of the third sacral nerves is

    required to maintain acceptable anal continence. Near-normal continence

    will be maintained if the upper three sacral roots on one side are preserved

    along with the upper two sacral roots on the contralateral side. If all the

    sacral roots are destroyed unilaterally but the contralateral nerves are

    preserved, the patient should maintain continence. If both S3 roots are

    destroyed, the patient will be incontinent. The upper half of S1 is needed

    for stability of the spine and pelvis.

    Normal Function of AnorectumThe rectum functions mostly as a storage capacitance vessel. The rectum

    has very little peristaltic function of its own and relies on external pressure

    to empty. The outer longitudinal muscle is thick and has some contractility

    but has lost the organization of the teniae found on the colon. The rectum

    has a normal manometric resting pressure of approximately 10 mmHg,

    mostly due to intraperitoneal pressure and resting muscle tone. Conditions

    such as Crohn's disease or radiation injury cause the rectum to lose its

    natural compliance. This loss of compliance and capacitance is occasionally

    incapacitating to the patient.

    The normal rectum can hold 650 to 1200 mL of liquid. A rectum that holds

    more than 1500 mL can be classified as a megarectum. The normal daily

    volume of stool eliminated by the rectum ranges from 250 to 750 mL of

    formed feces.

    The anal sphincter mechanism is the other component of defecation and

    continence. Its anatomy and innervation have been described previously

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    (see Fig. 26-5). The external sphincter fibers are responsible for 20

    percent of the resting pressure and 100 percent of generated squeeze

    pressure. The internal sphincter provides 80 percent of anal resting

    pressure. Both the internal and external sphincter muscles are contracted

    at rest.

    Defecation and continence are coordinated mechanisms. Continence can be

    described as controlled elimination of the rectal contents at a socially

    acceptable time and place. The coordination of rectal emptying and

    sphincter contraction and relaxation is very complex, and there are

    numerous abnormalities that occur.

    Defecation can be divided into four components. The first is movement of

    feces into the rectal vault or capacitance organ. A mass peristaltic wave in

    the proximal colon and sigmoid colon occurs two or three times per day to

    pass solid substance into the rectum. The gastrocolic reflex is a well-known

    phenomenon that results in colonic mass peristaltic movement after

    distention of the stomach, probably hormonally mediated.

    The second component of defecation is the rectal-anal inhibitory reflexor

    sampling reflex. Distention of the rectum results in involuntary relaxation

    of the internal anal sphincter and allows sensation of the rectal contents at

    the transitional zone. The sampling reflex has been shown by ambulatory

    manometry to occur frequently throughout the day and night.

    The third component of defecation is voluntary relaxation of the external

    sphincter mechanism. Voluntary relaxation of the pelvic floor, puborectalismuscle, and external sphincter allows the rectal contents to be pushed

    farther into the anal canal and expelled. The relaxation of the sphincter

    mechanism is actually a failure to contract rather than an active relaxation,

    because the mechanism is paradoxically contracted when the rest of the

    individual is relaxed, yet continent (Fig. 26-21).

    The fourth component of defecation is the voluntary increase of

    intraabdominal pressure, using the diaphragm and abdominal wall muscles.

    This increase in pressure serves to propel the rectal contents through the

    anal canal and accomplish defecation.

    The passage of flatus also requires coordination of multiple factors. The

    sensation of gas at the transitional zone and in the anoderm informs the

    individual that gas is present to be eliminated. If the situation is such that

    full evacuation of the rectum is not possible but elimination of gas is

    desired, a voluntary contraction of the pelvic floor including the

    puborectalis and external sphincter muscles occurs to prevent loss of solid

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    rectal contents. With an increase in abdominal pressure and a coordinated

    relaxation of some of the external sphincter, selective passage of flatus

    may be accomplished. During defecation, the gaseous contents of the

    rectum will be expelled with the solid contents without discrimination. This

    mechanism of discrimination appears to be learned. Patients eventually can

    pass flatus selectively even after the rectum has been removed andreplaced by a reservoir of ileum for diseases such as ulcerative colitis and

    familial adenomatous polyposis.

    Continence, or the control of rectal contents, requires an adequate rectal

    capacity and normal compliance. It may be difficult to retain rectal contents

    in conditions such as Crohn's disease, in which the rectum becomes a rigid

    tube rather than a soft distensible bag, even if the external and internal

    sphincter mechanisms work properly. Adequate sensation at the

    transitional cell zone is required to coordinate pelvic pressure and sphincter

    tone during the sampling reflex. The external sphincter is most responsible

    for the fine control of solid, liquid, and gas. The puborectalis muscle has

    been proposed as the mainstay of the sphincter mechanism and is

    probably responsible for the control of solid stool. The internal sphincter

    may be responsible for fine control of gas on the basis of the sampling

    reflex and constantly provides resting pressure to prevent release of

    flatus. The pudendal nerves provide both the sensory afferents of the anal

    canal and the motor efferents to the voluntary muscles of the anal canal.