nonprofit storytelling in a digital world - handson tech boston

Nonprofit Storytelling in a Digital World Julia Campbell President/CEO of J Campbell Social Marketing HandsOn Tech Boston October 17, 2013 #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos

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Description: Digital technologies have fundamentally changed the way people read and consume information. If your nonprofit is not embracing digital tools to compose a compelling narrative around your cause, your information could be getting lost in the noise. In this increasingly competitive landscape for donors’ attention and support, getting people to notice and to hear your message can seem impossible. Email communications, social media, and mobile are all important to understand, but how will these tools really help you connect with your donors and supporters?


  • 1.Julia Campbell President/CEO of J Campbell Social Marketing HandsOn Tech Boston October 17, 2013#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos

2. About Me I help nonprofits find success online. I am: A former one-woman development & marketing department for small, community-based nonprofits. A current consultant, volunteer and Boardmember. A Returned Peace Corps Volunteer. A mom. #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 3. Takeaways From Today Why storytelling is so vital to a successful nonprofit marketing & fundraising strategy How to use digital tools to tellyour nonprofits story How to make your message stand out and cut through the clutter and noise How to use video-sharing tools to connect with supporters #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 4. Obligatory Seth Godin Reference The most common style of public speaking, one thats often used by politicians and is surprisingly common among investment pitches, is based on sentences The sentence is not a natural building block of public speaking, and its tiring, for both the speaker and the audience. Its hard to maintain any sort of energy in either direction. Building. A. Speech. Around. Words. Is. Even. More. Difficult. Full post at: #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 5. Obligatory Seth Godin Reference The real opportunity is in speaking in paragraphs, or even better, in stories. The storyteller naturally engages our attention, and she matches her emphasis and cadence to the rhythm of the story.Heres how to know if youre on the right track: if you stop a story in the middle, the audience will insist you finish it. Isnt that what you want? Full post at: #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 6. Storytelling Is Not New First modern public awareness campaign 1787, theSociety for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade Used stories conditions in the slave trade, broadsides (graphics), public speaking, advocacy Mixed facts and emotional appeals#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 7. Why Storytelling?#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 8. Example A: Any money that you donate will go to Rokia, a seven-yearold girl who lives in Mali in Africa. Rokia is desperately poor and faces a threat of severe hunger, even starvation. Her life will be changed for the better as a result of your financial gift. With your support, and the support of other caring sponsors, Save the Children will work with Rokia's family and other members of the community to help feed and educate her, and provide her with basic medical care. Full study at: Stanford Graduate School of Business Center for Social Innovation: @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 9. Example B: Food shortages in Malawi are affecting more than three million children. In Zambia, severe rainfall deficits have resulted in a 42% drop in maize production from 2000. As a result, an estimated three million Zambians face hunger. Four million Angolans one-third of the population have been forced to flee their homes. More than 11 million people in Ethiopia need immediate food assistance. Full study at: Stanford Graduate School of Business Center for Social Innovation: #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 10. Why Storytelling? People dontremember bullet points. People respond to emotion. Feelings, not analytical thinking, drive donations. #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 11. Why Storytelling? Stories help youexpress your mission to the lay person. Statistics might shock and awe, but they will rarely get people to take action.#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 12. What Storytelling Will Not Do#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 13. What Storytelling Will Not Do Fix bad management. Fix a lousy program or service. Replace other marketing strategies. Replace fundraising tactics like direct asks and one-onone meetings. BUT if done well, it will augment all other communication efforts! #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 14. How To Do Storytelling? Think of your audience. How can you tell a story in a way that willresonate with them? What is important to them? Resource: @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 15. How To Do Storytelling? Stories have a trajectory. They do not need to becandy-coated and positive they need to be authentic. Ideas for stories: This is how we started, this is who we are today, this is where were going, this is how we have been challenged along the way #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 16. Mindset Shift Storytelling requires anentire change of mindset. Most nonprofit communications areboring, not compelling and easy to ignore. Why is this? How can we change this?#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 17. Dont Ignore the Data Stories alone are not enough. You must be able to back up what you aredoing or show that this is a real problem.#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 18. #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 19. Types of Stories Value Stories The core values of your nonprofit Why you do what you do What are you passionate about?Reference: #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 20. Value Stories Example The Robin Hood Foundation The video starts out immediately with people who have been helped you immediately connect with them. Offer social proof Geoffrey Canada; Chairman & CEO Of Goldman Sachs Efficient, effective 100% charity Students proudly saying where they are going to college #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 21. Types of Stories Creation Stories The why and the how of your organization What is the need Story of the founders The real WHY you existReference: #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 22. Creation Stories Example Environmental Defense Fund Started by a small group ofpassionate conservationists in Long Island. They wanted to save the osprey, bald eagle and peregrine falcon. Went to court, got a ban on DDT in 1966. In 1972, they played a large role on a nationwide ban. They play up the strong foundation and grassroots approach which informs their work today. #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 23. Types of Stories Striving to ImproveStories Express resiliency Show that your org isalways trying to improve Mistakes, lessons learned Helps other organizations Reference: #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 24. Types of Stories Example The Denver Foundation 10 Years 10 Stories Celebrating 10 years of inclusiveness Stories from the Journey stories told by the nonprofits awarded grants Nonprofits discussed what they learned and what they still have to work on. Focused on their target audience and thought about what would resonate with them. #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 25. Stories Should Cover: The WHY: Your cause and the lives you are changing The HOW: Your programs and services. The WHAT: The impact you are having on the world#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 26. Where To Find Them? Everywhere! Everyone is responsible! Cannot exist in a silo Is not just the marketing or development departments job!!!! Get on the front lines#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 27. Everyone Has A Story Everyone has a story it might not be one that you can use, but it might lead you to an idea or person who can help. #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 28. Casey Hibbard, Stories That Sell Praise letters talk with thesubmitter, collect more details Ask clients include a share your story page on your website, conduct surveys, ask at live events Stay positive Keep it varied Make A Wish Foundation doesnt just tell about the people that benefit, they also tell the stories of the wishgranter, the volunteers and their sponsors. #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 29. #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 30. Bay Areas Committee on the Shelterless (COTS) Video of a man whose life was saved by COTS No multiple takes or tricky editing Hes talking to an audience, live#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 31. The Lazarex Cancer Foundation The Bracelet Story one couple that helps Lazarex through fundraising because the organization helped their son#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 32. Per Scholas IT professional job training organization free tech education to unemployed & low-income adults#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 33. Houston Ballet Their Flickr account provides a backstage pass to their productions.#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 34. Conservation International If it's raining where you are, the ocean played a role. If you drove to work, the seas are absorbing the carbon dioxide from your car. If you ordered seafood for lunch, it may have traveled halfway around the world to land on your plate. No matter where you live on Earth, what you do affects the ocean and what happens to the ocean affects you.#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 35. Mine The Gold Think of the story itself as gold. You mine the gold, capture the story. Then you bring it back to your office and you need to pound that gold into different shapes and sizes depending on whom youre talking to, or also where youre telling it. ~ Andy Goodman#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 36. Getting Started Have a system. Collecting stories and story ideas. Capture and save your stories Story Bank Dropbox, Google Docs, Basecamp Whatever you use make sure it is accessible Social Media Committee story witnesses Figure out a way to start thinking through this lensiPhones, tablets, anyone can be a reporter #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 37. Getting Started Define goals. What are your priorities? Program development & fundraising structure around those stories Getting on social media is not a strategy!#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 38. Getting Started Empower others. You cannot do it alone. Period. Hold a staff meeting to train on storytelling. Change the culture have an email listserv or start staff meetings with an exchange of stories.#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 39. Think Like A Journalist You are a media organization. You need to be writers, publishers, photographers, videographers Its not about your organization, its about what you are doing in terms of impacting the world. Use different platforms depending. #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 40. Channels for Storytelling Website Blogs Email newsletters Publications Social media Public speaking, community education User-generated how can you encourage your online community to share their stories? #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 41. Go Multichannel Dont put all your eggs in one basket! Be where your supporters are, not where you want them to be. Be consistent in your brand and in your story you dont have to tell the exact same story across channels. #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 42. Use Video Think about stories that are shareable. Dont say too many things!!! Simple is better. 1-2 minutes, lose viewers every 10-20 seconds How will you visually tell your story? Who will guide the narrative?#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 43. Use Video Beginning Whats at stake? The before (I was homeless) Middle What has changed? End What does the future look like? Call to Action What will the viewer becompelled to do?#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 44. Break the Fourth Wall Create a candid making of video for a fundraising, advocacy or awareness campaign you are launching. Take a tip from Wikipedia and live broadcast theresults of your fundraising campaigns and the decisions you are making based on those results. Resource: Alia McKee, Sea Change Strategies, @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 45. Break the Fourth Wall Develop a Why I Do This Work video series thatshows why your staff have dedicated their lives the cause. Create a fun photo board of staff desks including those in both exotic and not-so-exotic locations. The idea is to push beyond traditional direct marketing techniques to show a more relatable, identifiable you. Resource: Alia McKee, Sea Change Strategies, #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 46. Promote Your Story Using influencers Using Online Brand Ambassadors Partnership with other organizations, compan ies, businesses Brandscaping Bloggers Celebrities #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 47. What Makes Stories Memorable? From Made to Stick by Dan and Chip Heath 1) SIMPLE 2) Unexpected 3) Concrete 4) Credible 5) Emotional#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 48. Common Mistakes Using only data. Facts are not a story! No reason for the story its not clearly stated inthe beginning. No context. No protagonist.#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 49. Common Mistakes Thinking that slick video production = great story. Silo-ing the storytellers. Thinking its a one time deal.#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 50. In Conclusion For nonprofits especially, storytelling through picturesand videos is KEY to communicating your mission!#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 51. In Conclusion Always about the WHY not the what you do or how you do it. Be authentic. Be credible. Get over your fear. Figure out ways to measure your success. #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 52. Resources The Starter Guide to Nonprofit Video Storytelling (free download): Nonprofit Storytelling for Crowdfunding & Online Fundraising: DoGooder Awards: TechSoup Digital Storytelling Challenge: SocialBrite: Nancy Schwartz Getting Attention: #npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos 53. Questions? Feedback? Tweet questions or post them on my Facebook Wall: @JuliaCSocial #npstory @HandsOnTechBos Thank you!#npstory @JuliaCSocial @handsontechbos