handson network

HandsOn Network 2009 Affiliate Membership Application Application Overview & Instructions Thank you for your interest in HandsOn Network Affiliate Membership. Please verify that you are in an area not already served by an Affiliate before proceeding with the application. View the current listing of affiliates at: http://www.handsonnetwork.org/action-centers/find o If you locate an Affiliate within 50 miles of your organization, please contact [email protected] to alert us of your interest and for further instructions regarding current protected market restrictions. o If no affiliate exists in or near your area, please proceed with completing the following application. For more information about the affiliate structure outlining benefits and requirements of membership, please see Addendum 5 of this document. Instructions for Submission Completed applications may be submitted to [email protected] with the subject line “Affiliate Membership Application.” In addition to this document, you must HandsOn Network 2009 Affiliate Membership Application 1/29

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HandsOn Network2009 Affiliate Membership Application

Application Overview & Instructions

Thank you for your interest in HandsOn Network Affiliate Membership.

Please verify that you are in an area not already served by an Affiliate before proceeding with the application. View the current listing of affiliates at: http://www.handsonnetwork.org/action-centers/find

o If you locate an Affiliate within 50 miles of your organization, please contact [email protected] to alert us of your interest and for further instructions regarding current protected market restrictions.

o If no affiliate exists in or near your area, please proceed with completing the following application.

For more information about the affiliate structure outlining benefits and requirements of membership, please see Addendum 5 of this document.

Instructions for Submission

Completed applications may be submitted to [email protected] with the subject line “Affiliate Membership Application.” In addition to this document, you must provide us with additional information regarding your organization.

Please submit all of the following with your email: Your organization’s 501c3 letter with FEIN # Your organization’s Articles of Incorporation Your organization’s most recent Audit or Financial Statement Your organization’s most recent board approved annual budget

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Affiliate Information- Organization

Affiliate Name      Affiliate Web site:      Affiliate contact email address for general inquiries:      Affiliate main phone:      Affiliate fax:      Billing Address 1:      Billing Address 2:      Billing City:      Billing State/Province:      Billing Zip Code:      Billing Country:      

Shipping Address (Please include if your billing address is not a physical address, i.e., if billing address is a Post Office Box):Shipping Address 1:      Shipping Address 2:      Shipping City:      Shipping State/Province:      Shipping Zip Code:      Shipping Country:      

Affiliate Structure

Independent 501(c)(3) or equivalent if outside the United StatesInternal to another entity (please indicate below)

United Way (dept/div)For-profit Company (dept/div) Government (Local)

University/College (dept/div) Government (State)Other (please describe):      

Affiliate Documentation Please attach in electronic format the following supplements to this application:

Copy of 501(c)(3) letter Copy of articles of incorporation Federal EIN Board-approved annual budget Financial report (balance sheet, income statement, budget to actual) for the most recently

completed year and for the current year to date If available, OMB A-133

Please share you current organizational overview including your mission, vision and core programs and services. Use no more than 200 words:      

Please describe your most high-impact, innovative program(s), and how it has affected your community. Use no more than 100 words:      

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Part I General Information

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Affiliate Information- Contacts

Executive Director/CEO/Program Director Contact InformationName:      Job title:      Email Address:      Phone 1:      Phone 2:      If you wish to be contacted at an address other than the one provided above for affiliate, please indicate it here. Address 1:      Address 2:      City:      State/Province:      Zip Code:      Country:      

Primary Contact Information (if different from above)Name:      Job Title:      Email Address:      Phone 1:      Phone 2:      If you wish to be contacted at an address other than the one provided above for affiliate, please indicate it here. Address 1:      Address 2:      City:      State/Province:      Zip Code:      Country:      

Programs Contact (If available)Name:      Job Title:      Email Address:      Phone:      

Development Contact (If available)Name:      Job Title:      Email Address:      Phone:      

Transition Contact (This point of contact is useful for consistency during staff leadership transition)Name:      Job Title or Role:      Email Address:      

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Other Contact InformationPlease list additional contacts for inclusion in the following email update lists, list-serves or other topical connection opportunities. Consider staff, board members or volunteers you wish to connect with information from HandsOn Network and with the affiliate network. Please add additional rows of contacts as needed. If you would like your full staff to receive weekly affiliate email updates, please include your complete staff roster.

Name Email Address Title/Role Receive Weekly Affiliate Update







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Please review the membership structure in Addendum 5 outlining membership requirements and benefits, and choose a category of membership for which you anticipate fulfilling requirements within the 2010 calendar year. Use the section below to describe how your affiliate anticipates fulfilling those requirements.

Complete only the section for the membership category you select (i.e., complete only one of the following sections for Engagement, Mobilization or Transformation category of membership).

Please note the following:

In the following section, provide insight on anticipated fulfillment of requirements, which may or may not include activities already taking place.

The first opportunity to assess performance according to the revised requirements for membership will occur after the completion of the Annual Affiliate Report for the 2009 calendar year (early 2010).

If an Affiliate is found not to be in compliance with requirements for its category of membership, Affiliate Advancement staff will recommend and provide support for steps to come into compliance with that category of membership.

Alternatively, if an affiliate surpasses requirements within a chosen category, Affiliate Advancement staff will ask the affiliate to consider a different membership category.

Affiliates may choose to select a different category for membership at each annual renewal period (August/September).

Requirements for ALL AffiliatesPlease indicate either current fulfillment, or anticipated fulfillment within the 2009 calendar year, for each of the following. Further detail on requirements can be found in Addendum 3.

Independent 501(c)(3); fiscal agent partnership with 501(c)(3) or a program internal to another 501(c)(3) or local, county, state government or institution of higher education; or equivalency of 501(c)(3) if outside United States

Payment of annual membership dues – see Dues Schedule in Addendum 4

Completion of Annual Affiliate Report– additional resources on how to complete this will be made available to Affiliates by January, 2010

Publicize membership in HandsOn Network through promotional materials - see Addendum 3 for more details

Maintain online presence that facilitates engaging volunteers in meaningful opportunities to serve- see Addendum 3 for more details. Please name the system you have in place (i.e., 1800Volunteer, Hands On Tech, VolunteerSolutions or other):      

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Part I I Affiliate Membership Category Selection & Requirements Fulfillment

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Engagement Affiliate

If you intend to select the Engagement category of affiliate membership, please indicate that by checking the box to the left above, and completing the section below.

1. Build the capacity for effective volunteering through one of the following at least once annually:

a. Training of Volunteer Leaders equipped to lead others in service


b. Learning opportunities for nonprofits / volunteer managers / corporate partners on effective practices in volunteer engagement / corporate social responsibility

Please share a specific example of how you intend to fulfill this requirement based on your selection above:      

2. Create an annual initiative that heightens awareness of volunteering through EITHER:

a. Recognizing community volunteers (individuals or groups) Please state proposed event/initiative and approximate date here:      


b. Engaging the community in a Day of Service such as a Seasons of Service event, or other Day of Service open to the community. Please state proposed event and approximate date here:      

3. Create or collaborate on one of five signature events or another Day of Service open to the community such as Day of Caring. If you designate a Day of Service not listed below, indicate the name of that event and approximate date here:      

Note that the event documented here must be different from the one reported above in question 2.

MLK Initiative

National Volunteer Week

Corporate Month of Service

Make A Difference Day

Family Volunteer Day

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Mobilization AffiliateIf you intend to fulfill the requirements of the Mobilization category of affiliate membership, please indicate that by checking the box to the left above, and completing the section below.

1. Build the capacity for effective volunteering through BOTH of the following at least two times each annually:

a. Training of Volunteer Leaders equipped to lead others in service


b. Learning opportunities for nonprofits / volunteer managers / corporate partners on effective practices in volunteer engagement / corporate social responsibility

Please share specific examples of how you intend to fulfill this requirement based on your selections above:      

2. Create an annual initiative that heightens awareness of volunteering through BOTH:

a. Recognizing community volunteers (individuals or groups)

Please state proposed event/initiative and approximate date here:      


b. Engaging the community in a Day of Service such as a Seasons of Service event, or other Day of Service open to the community

Please state proposed event and approximate date here:      

3. Create or collaborate on three+ out of five signature events (1/5 can be Day of Caring event, 1/5 can be ‘fill in the blank’ event). If you designate one or more Days of Service not listed below, indicate the name of that event(s) and approximate date here:      

Note that the events documented here must be different from the one reported above in question 2.

MLK Initiative

National Volunteer Week

Corporate Month of Service

Make A Difference Day

Family Volunteer Day

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4. An ongoing menu of service opportunities in partnership with a broad diversity of community-based nonprofit agencies and/or schools with specific time and date available to the community at large. Please specify how you fulfill this requirement:      

5. Programming in ONE of the HandsOn Network strategic impact areas to Drive More Impact. Please use the space below each section to describe how you anticipate fulfilling this requirement. View Addendum 3 for more details on how this requirement can be satisfied.

a. Restoring Schools as Center of Communities     

b. Preserving the Earth     

c. Community Development & Poverty Alleviation     

6. Programming in ONE of the HandsOn Network strategic impact areas to Drive More People. Please use the space below each section to describe how you anticipate fulfilling this requirement. View Addendum 3 for more details on how this requirement can be satisfied.

a. Harnessing Experience of Baby Boomers     

b. Mobilizing Families & Youth     

c. Tapping Expertise of Skill-Based Volunteers     

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Transformation Affiliate If you intend to fulfill the requirements of the Transformation category of affiliate membership, please indicate that by checking the box to the left above, and completing the section below.

1. Build the capacity for effective volunteering through BOTH of the following at least two times each annually:

a. Training of Volunteer Leaders equipped to lead others in service


b. Learning opportunities for nonprofits / volunteer managers / corporate partners on effective practices in volunteer engagement / corporate social responsibility

Please share specific examples of how you intend to fulfill this requirement based on your selections above:      

2. Create an annual initiative that heightens awareness of volunteering through BOTH:

a. Recognizing community volunteers (individuals or groups)

Please state proposed event/initiative and approximate date here:      


b. Engaging the community in a Day of Service such as a Seasons of Service event, or other Day of Service open to the community

Please state proposed event and approximate date here:      

3. Create or collaborate on four+ out of five signature events (1/5 can be ‘fill in the blank’ event). If you designate a Day of Service not listed below, indicate the name of that event and approximate date here:      

Note that the events documented here must be different from the one reported above in question 2.

MLK Initiative

National Volunteer Week

Corporate Month of Service

Make A Difference Day

Family Volunteer Day

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4. An ongoing menu of service opportunities in partnership with a broad diversity of community-based nonprofit agencies and/or schools with specific time and date available to the community at large.

5. Programming in TWO OR MORE of the HandsOn Network strategic impact areas to Drive More Impact. Please use the space below each section to describe how you anticipate fulfilling this requirement. View Addendum 3 for more details on how this requirement can be satisfied.

a. Restoring Schools as Center of Communities     

b. Preserving the Earth     

c. Community Development & Poverty Alleviation     

6. Programming in TWO OR MORE of the HandsOn Network strategic impact areas to Drive More People. Please use the space below each section to describe how you anticipate fulfilling this requirement. View Addendum 3 for more details on how this requirement can be satisfied.

a. Harnessing Experience of Baby Boomers     

b. Mobilizing Families & Youth     

c. Tapping Expertise of Skill-Based Volunteers     

7. Annual performance growth as demonstrated in the Annual Affiliate Report (Goals for growing performance in 2010 to be determined in partnership with affiliate advancement team based on 2009 calendar year reporting.)

8. Independent 501(c)(3) or maintains clear decision-making authority that allows affiliate to be in strategic alignment with HandsOn Network

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Affiliate Membership Dues are calculated based on affiliate budget size and chosen membership category. Your affiliate will receive an invoice for dues upon approval of your application. The dues for 2009-2010 are as follows.

Affiliate Membership Dues 2009-2010Members

hip Category

Affiliate Budget

$1,000,000 or more

$605,999 -


$211,001 -

$605,999$66,000 - $211,000

$10,000 - $66,000 <$10,000

Transformation $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500  

Mobilization $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $250  

Engagement $1,500 $1,000 $500 $250 $125 $50

Independent Organizations

1. For independent organizations (wherein Affiliate activities encompass all operating activities), please list your total board-approved operating budget for your last fiscal year: $     

2. Membership Category Chosen (select from list):      

3. Dues amount to be invoiced (see above table):      

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Part I II Affiliate Membership Dues

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Programs Internal to Another Entity

For programs internal to a larger entity, your program financial statement will be multiplied by an indirect cost rate of 10% to generate a figure more comparable with independent organization revenue on which your dues will be based. This will allow programs and organizations to be assessed in a more equitable manner, since both types of entities are assessed using the same dues matrix.

For example: HandsOn Internal Program reports an annual budget of $10,000. To calculate the figure at which dues would be assessed, HandsOn Internal Program would multiply $10,000 by 10% to equal $1000.

HandsOn Internal Program’s dues would be assessed at $11,000, so at the “Mobilization” affiliate category, this affiliate’s dues would come to $250 for the 2008-2009 FY.

If you feel a 10% indirect cost rate inaccurately represents your situation, you may propose an alternative indirect cost rate utilizing federal guidelines during the annual renewal period (August 1 – September 1).

1. If your Affiliate is internal to another entity, please list your program operating budget for your last fiscal year: $     

a. Multiply operating budget by 10% (Operating budget x 10%) =      

b. Add number in (a.) to operating budget in (1.) to reach the number used to calculate your dues =      

2. Membership Category Chosen:       Dues to be invoiced (see above table):      

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Addendum 1: General Information on Affiliate Membership

How do I join?

Complete this application and email it to [email protected] with the subject line: “Affiliate Membership Application.”

Dates to note:o Select a membership category and submit affiliate membership application: Now – Nov. 16

o consultation with HandsOn Network Affiliate Advancement Team available

o Membership Benefits and Requirements activated: Oct 1 o all current membership access maintained until Oct 1

o Annual Dues invoiced: November 16o Annual Dues remitted: By December 30 o HandsOn Network’s Membership runs on the Fiscal year of October 1 – September 30

When will I be expected to meet requirements, and how will that be assessed?

The first opportunity to assess performance according to the revised requirements for membership will occur after the completion of the Annual Affiliate Report for the 2009 calendar year (Jan 2010).  Whether requirements have been met will be assessed based on data from the Affiliate Annual Report at that time. If an Affiliate is found to not be in compliance with one or more requirements for its category of membership, Affiliate Advancement staff will recommend steps the affiliate can take to come into compliance with that category of membership.

If progress toward those recommended steps is not made by August 1, a recommendation to adjust the category of membership will be made. Additionally, Affiliates can choose to select a different category for membership at each annual renewal period (August 1 – September 1).

When might I be able to shift my category of membership in the future?

Proposals to shift category of membership will be accepted August 1 – September 1 annually.

When can I access the benefits available to my category of membership?

All benefits become live and accessible once your membership application has been approved and once we receive your Affiliate Membership Dues. All current membership benefits will be maintained until at least September 30, 2010.

Will the benefits and requirements be changed in the future?

This revised membership structure will be static for the current fiscal year. Based on feedback from 2009 and 2010, a full review of the membership structure will be done for Fiscal Year 2011.

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Part I V Addendums

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Addendum 2: General Information on Affiliate Benefits

Note: A complete guide to accessing benefits is available at our Affiliate Member Center under the “files” section. See addendum 6 for a list of current opportunities available to Affiliates

What does Protected Market mean?

In the interest of promoting affiliate sustainability and local collaboration in general, HandsOn Network will not approve applications from new Affiliates in a community already served by a HandsOn Network Affiliate in good standing. Membership inquiries approaching HandsOn Network for affiliation of a new organization that lies within an Affiliate’s service area will be shared with affected Affiliates. Due to the size and ongoing local re-evaluation of some service areas, we will consult with the existing Affiliate in the area to determine if the request to affiliate by a new organization should be considered.

How can I access training resources, such as toolkits, best practice documents and webinars?

Upon approval of your membership application and receipt of your Affiliate Membership Dues, you will be provided with a login to the Affiliate Member Center, where you can access these documents and other information about upcoming Affiliate opportunities and trainings.

What is Leadership Faculty?

Leadership Faculty is a cadre of Affiliate leaders that have expertise to offer other Affiliates and membership partners through contracts for training or technical assistance. The process for enlisting expertise in Leadership Faculty and engaging support from Leadership Faculty will be more fully developed to incorporate the significant investment of resources from the Corporation for National and Community Service through a cooperative agreement with HandsOn Network.

We look forward to engaging Affiliate leaders to co-lead an expanded portfolio of knowledge-sharing forums and initiatives, including webinars (scheduled online training sessions delivered by live trainers including peer-led sessions) and e-courses. These educational opportunities will highlight effective practices in volunteer management, volunteer retention, and recruitment of volunteers to more effectively engage their leadership and professional skills. In addition, leadership faculty may be mobilized for more focused, on-site peer-to-peer technical assistance.

What is a Peer Exchange?

A Peer Exchange is an opportunity for Affiliates to visit another affiliate to share effective practices around a specified program or other capacity-building objective. Stipends to defray the costs associated with a Peer Exchange, advice on options for a Peer Exchange based on affiliate learning objectives and coordination support will be available through affiliate advancement. The process (a simple application) for accessing this benefit will be available December 4. These

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opportunities have associated requirements for dissemination of replicable knowledge gained with other Affiliates and for the “public domain.”

How can I get connected with local project management opportunities for HandsOn Network corporate partners?

If HandsOn Network is approached by a corporate partner seeking support for a project in your area, your Affiliate will be contacted to determine your interest in pursuing the opportunity. Alternatively, if a corporate partner you work with wishes to connect with other Affiliates for multiple-market project management support, please let us know. Contact the Regional Vice President serving your area for more information.

What learning opportunities can I access?

Webinars and other learning opportunities currently available to affiliates are posted in the weekly Affiliate Newsletter Learning opportunities correlating to membership will be available on an ongoing basis throughout the fiscal year. We will continue to survey the Affiliate community to ensure we are providing opportunities most relevant to your needs.

Regarding the benefit National Service Members, does the Affiliate or HandsOn Network fund the match requirement?

The Affiliate funds the match requirement and members are available on an annual basis. The National Service calendar of opportunities does not align with membership renewal. More information about National Service members can be found in the weekly Affiliate Newsletter.

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Addendum 3: General Information on Affiliate Requirements

What are the parameters around “create or collaborate” satisfying requirements related to Signature Events? Create: Affiliate is in a leading coordination role presenting the event

Collaborate: Affiliate is in partnership with another organization(s) leading the coordination of the event. Affiliate provides some form of additional expertise around volunteer engagement/training/coordination or other resource support toward the successful execution of the event.

What are the parameters around the requirement related to Technology (“Maintain online presence that facilitates engaging volunteers in meaningful opportunities to serve”)?

Both 1-800 Volunteer and Hands On Tech (HOT) satisfy this requirement. If the Affiliate is not using a HandsOn Network-supported technology product, the Affiliate must offer basic information about how to get involved in volunteering online, and have some ability (online or off-line) to quantify impact through tracking volunteer activity.

Are membership dues separate from fees paid for technology products like 1800Volunteer.org or Hands On Tech?

Yes, however in order to access benefits and remain a member in good standing, you must be current on all dues or fees owed to HandsOn Network

What data will be requested from my affiliate for the Affiliate Annual Report?

Please refer to the following links to view a Reporting Guidance presentation, and the 2008 Affiliate Annual Report Question List. Questions or other input to this process may be addressed to evaluation staff at [email protected].

A 2009 Reporting Guidance document will be provided to Affiliates by January of 2010.

What are the requirements related to Branding?

All Affiliates must communicate standard language designating affiliation with HandsOn Network in publicly-available materials, regardless of membership category, as follows:

An Affiliate of HandsOn Network

An Affiliate logo including this language can be found on our Affiliate Member Center and is the preferred way to communicate affiliation with HandsOn Network (Affiliate Tagline.EPS).

The designators for membership category, “Engagement Affiliate; Mobilization Affiliate; Transformation Affiliate,” are HandsOn Network-internally-used terms delineating your category of membership and are not required to be publicized externally.

Options for full alignment with HandsOn Network branding are offered to all Affiliates. A full branding toolkit with additional specifications for logo placement and options for alignment with HandsOn Network is available online at http://www.bigtent.com/usr/files/17802644_2_00_HandsOn_Affiliate_Brand_Guidelines_Dec_2008.pdf

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Zack, 11/12/09,
From Brandee: We have not moved on this project at all and I have received no indication from Amy that we will anytime soon. Please remove this COMPLETELY.
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Tell me more about requirements relating to the Strategic Impact Areas.

Organizationally, HandsOn Network has adopted 3 Strategic Impact Areas. These are issue based areas where we hope to leverage affiliate assets/programs/projects, national programs (such as Days of Service and HandsOn Corps), national cause-marketing efforts and funds to drive community based change on key social sector problems. Focus on these issues will be driven by our Get HandsOn framework. Get Hands On will be both an organization strategic planning framework and a direct to citizen campaign that will capitalize on our core organizational assets—the ability to plan and execute projects, the ability to activate leaders and the ability to deliver high quality volunteer training tools that can drive impact. We believe these inputs will transform the volunteer delivery system by creating service infrastructure and a trained civic talent pool to continue innovation beyond the sunset of the campaign.

As members it is critical to understand the resources/expertise you bring to this effort……

Support economic opportunity for families by facilitating access to financial stability and non-financial resources. We will target activity around this by increasing:

Access to High Quality, Affordable Food Access to Affordable Housing Support for Increased Family Financial Literacy and Savings Rates

Projects Leaders Tools

Affordable Food: Emergency Food Boxes,

Feeding Programs Community/Neighborhood

Gardens Food

Reclamation/Preservation Neighborhood

Markets/Food Security Activities

Affordable Housing: Energy Audits Family/Women’s Sheltering Home

Weatherization/Repairs Wheelchair Ramps or other

Disability Customizations Homelessness Service

Fairs Refugee Resettlement

Services Homebuyer Education Mortgage Assistance

Basic Project Coordinator/Leader Training

Teamworks/Youth Team Works Programs supporting these areas

Youth Leadership efforts

Service Club programs

Citizen Academy and/or Issue Education Opportunities

Days of Service Opportunities


Issue Education Briefs

Reflection or Service-Learning Materials for students, teachers or parents

Volunteer Project Training curricula

specific to these areas

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Financial Education/Savings: Financial

Planning/Budgeting EITC/Tax Prep Holiday/College Savings

Accounts Community Asset Building


Placement/Training opportunities that result in placement with agencies providing these services

Skill Based individual or group leadership opportunities

Reduce the carbon footprint through neighborhood-based conservation and restoration. We will target activity around this by:

Increased healthy, community greenspaces Reduced personal & institutional energy consumption Increased participation in recycling and reuse programs

Projects Leaders Tools

Increased Greenspaces Tree planting Neighborhood/Lot/Alley

clean ups Parks cleanup/building sports field reclamation

Reduced energy consumption Energy audits Green retrofit/light bulb

replacement campaigns White/green roof creation Weatherization bike/walk trail


Increased recycling/resuse: Home garden planting composting, recycling Canning/food storage Rainbarrels school neighborhood gardens composting efforts resuse centers projects or


Basic Project Coordinator/Leader Training

Teamworks/Youth Team Works Programs supporting these areas

Youth Leadership efforts

Service Club programs

Citizen Academy and/or Issue Education Opportunities

Days of Service Opportunities

Board Placement/Training opportunities that result in placement

Issue Education Briefs

Reflection or Service-Learning Materials for students, teachers or parents

Volunteer Project Training curricula

specific to these area

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with agencies providing these services

Skill Based individual or group leadership opportunities

Reduce the dropout rate by leveraging the power of service in every school.

Increase student engagement with school and community Enhance Parental Engagement Equip Teachers to implement quality service-learning (Youth HandsOn activation only)

Projects Leaders Tools

Increase Student Service Engagement:

Kids Care and other service clubs

Tutoring/Homework help

Reading/Book Buddy Programs

Sports/Youth Development Projects

Reading Lofts or Libraries

Mentoring Programs

Enhance Parental Engagement

Service Clubs School Renovation

Projects School Reading/Activity

Fairs School Days of Service

Basic Project Coordinator/Leader Training

Teamworks/Youth Team Works Programs supporting these areas

Youth Leadership efforts

Service Club programs

Citizen Academy and/or Issue Education Opportunities

Days of Service Opportunities

Board Placement/Training opportunities that result in placement with agencies providing these

Issue Education Briefs

Reflection or Service-Learning Materials for students, teachers or parents

Volunteer Project Training curricula

specific to these area

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Skill Based individual or group leadership opportunities

Addendum 4: General Information on Affiliate Membership Dues

What are the membership dues?

Affiliate Membership Dues 2009-2010Members

hip Category

Affiliate Budget

$1,000,000 or more

$605,999 -


$211,001 -

$605,999$66,000 - $211,000

$10,000 - $66,000 <$10,000

Transformation $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500  

Mobilization $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $250  

Engagement $1,500 $1,000 $500 $250 $125 $50

When might the dues change?

The dues schedule above is in effect for fiscal year 2009/2010 (HandsOn Network’s fiscal year begins October 1). Any adjustments in the dues schedule will be provided six months in advance of changes taking effect. It is our goal that over the next five years, dues revenue to HandsOn Network will equal one percent (1%) of collective Affiliate budgets.

How are my dues assessed?

The dues an Affiliate pays are based on the most recently-completed annual financials from the Affiliate organization or program, as well as the category of membership you select. The dues amounts increase according to budget size and category of membership, with Affiliates in categories of highest alignment with HandsOn Network strategy paying a higher rate of dues to correlate with greater benefits derived from membership.

As you opt in to a category of Affiliate membership, you will be asked to submit the most recently completed annual financial statement from your organization or program, on which your dues assessment will be based.

For programs internal to a larger entity, your program financial statement will be multiplied by an indirect cost rate of 10% to generate a figure more comparable with independent organization revenue on which your dues will be based. This will allow programs and organizations to be assessed in a more equitable manner, since both types of entities are assessed using the same dues matrix.

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For example: HandsOn Internal Program reports an annual budget of $10,000. To calculate the figure at which dues would be assessed, HandsOn Internal Program would multiply $10,000 by 10% to equal $1000.

HandsOn Internal Program’s dues would be assessed at $11,000, so at the “Mobilization” affiliate category, this affiliate’s dues would come to $250 for the 2009-2010 FY.

If you feel a 10% indirect cost rate inaccurately represents your situation, you may propose an alternative indirect cost rate utilizing federal guidelines during the annual renewal period (August 1 – September 1).

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HandsOn Network 2009 Affiliate Membership Application 22/23

Addendum 5: Affiliate Membership Structure

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