[non-partisannyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031293/1928-08-17/ed...jhute about on the ground...

rTY-SEVENTH YEAR GOUVERNEUR. ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY. N. Y.. FRIDAY, AUGUST 17. 1<?2» »-"™"5! , , SK HO. 2t FAIR # $20,000 The Week A movement to obtain a play- ground for tke ckildren of the ;e of Cfcevorneur. inaug urat- tkts week by * group of young business men of the Tillage, is a worthy undertaking. It should re- ceive the~eopport of the village an# the sooner it is established tte sooner the children can de- riTe the desired benefits. V * o The automobile hat made play- ing inline streets an Impossibility, j A few years ago the streets mere the playgrounds for ail children ind there was but little danger. ' ie car created a new situation, j jVfce romping boy was driven to : other haunts. He now needs as-' :ance. I MABEL DRURY BECOMESBRIDE OF REV. HOLMES Married at Trinity Church -Here Monday Wedding Takes Place on 32ad Anniversary of Marriage of Her Pare*** Hart THE HOLMES-DRURY BRIDAL ¥ARTY ^-xuven small villages have given) recognition to the condition. Many I live made provision for the chil-; tren by establishing playgrounds {and equipping them with slides, iwings and other fun-making de- |vices and the larger places have lupervised playgrounds. • . * The Gouverneur fair is at band. ie society this year presents its rentieth annual exhibition and inure will be a greater outlay of Loney on premiums, purses and amusement attractions this year ;han ever before in history. All of 'kick should have the effect of iking it the beat Gouverneur tair in history.^ Thirty-five years ago such an mtlay of money for amusement is has been spent this year on fair ittraetions would have been out >f the question, bilt increased at- tendance and other contributing its nave create* the md. The demand must be satis- led and there is bat one mean* >f satisfying it. * This year the management of he fair has announced a balloon ascension. It Wems but a brief time ago that the balloon was a rig and important part of any dr. The airplane detracted from [l during the next period, but the lloon . Is now returning and is >ginaing to regain some of the >pect and recognition that it »nce had. - . ' . " # * . . - To the youngerster there is no- thing more thrilling. To him the tloonist who ascends hanging, to cross bar la the greatest hero it all time. No boy can conceive any more daring exploit. The in accepts the eitaation much in ie same manner, but brands the illooniat who so risks his life as foolhardy individual, but be frtheleas j(e£s almost aa mack it from the act as the >ungster. r ^£> * -• i '• The' aeeonaion itself is not all lere is to tt. The pro rose of in- iting the huge bag Is alsaoat aa ;tereating a feat as the Jump le- af. In the old days packing boxes id dry boards provided the fael; tibly now there Is a more mod- means of handling it The ilist then carefully drapes his jhute about on the ground arranges it in such a way that is no chance of It becoming igled as ft leave* the ground. a tke hug's suspension poles felled. There always is the to onlookers to beware tkey become emmeaked in tke and themselves taken on nrneeted ride. ** Y%e balloon cannot be replaced. Is a great attraction and any* that pi easei and Am uses key smnocs a man. There's a •f key In every man and tke It One of the prettiest weddings held here in many years was per- formed at 3:30 Monday afternoon; at Trinity Episcopal church, this j village, when Miss Mable Foster Drury, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. P. F. Drury became the bride 6t ! Rev. Rexford C. S. Holmes of! Springfield Gardens, Long Island, i The wedding took place on the 32nd anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. I Drury and was performed by Rev. W. F. Skinner, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Gouver- neur, who ai?o officiated at the parents' wedding. Largely Attested ; I The ceremony was witnessed by more than 150 friends and relat- ives of the couple, and was fol-j lowed by a reception at the Drury residence next door to the church in Park street. The church was decorated with pink and yellow gladiolas and the! altar was trimmed with white' gladiolas with candles placed in the windows about the church. The bride was attired in her mothers wedding gown of ivory brocaded silk with old lace. She carried a shower bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley. She wore a bridal veil. ^ , Miss Dorothy Drury, tke sister j of the bride, was maid of honor She_wjM_dressed in flowered goor gette over peach and j m i large hat of peach and auBSe, Jtnd carried peach and yellow snap- dragons and bachelor's buttons The bridesmaids were Hiss Lola Morrlman. of aVasmmon, Pa,, * classmate of the bhMP %\ WB College, and Miss Dons Holmes, sister of tke bridegroom. They were dressed in gowns similar to that worn by the maid of honor. - Miss Sarah Janet Dickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James S. Dickson, of Watertown, acted as flower girl. She was dressed in flesh colored , georgette. Rev ""[NON-PARTISAN CLUB FORMED BY YOUNG MEN o i Organization Wifl be Made Up of Chamber Member* 4*\ Gouverneur Fair To Be The Greatest E\ Resolution Adoptee 1 Stone Contract—Playground Movesaent Launcned Every Detail in Arnusfements Has Beea On Tiesday Next U to ~^ Every detail of the monstrous program for the 1928 Gowversttsir Tnir was reported today as having been completed and m the last additions to an already superb program there are annouocessents o | The Non-Partisan Political club 1 extraordinary features all of whidrViB go toward making a of Gouverneur, an organisation of! breaking performance at a fair already firm in the favor of the young business men of the village, L > . • . L . ^ , iL . was launched at a gathering Mon-1 P uUlc • ™» "***>* °* « * ****** day evening. The organisation was forna^d a* an tpd»p«dent : i ; ' „ . , —Photo By- Elmer Top Row:—Left to right: Foster Tait Drurv, fJtica, usher; Loie Merrimaa, Philadelphia, brides- Hawley Fltchof Walton, presided [maid: port* Holmes, sister of bridegroom, Walton, bridesmaid; Charles H. Anthony. Gouverneur: usher. Front Row:—Sally Jeanette Dickson. Watertown, flower girl; Dorothy Irving Drury r Gouverneur. at the organ and Mrs. Edith Nor- ton Griffith of Utica sang Ave Maria and Perfect Lore. Eev. Pitch played the .wedding march. Brother Attends Bridegroom The bridegroom was attended by A. Kardea Holmes, his brother, as best man. The ushers were Foster TaJt -Drury- -of Utica. brother of the bride, and Charles H. Anthony of this village. The t single ring services was used. j The bridegroom is the son of ; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Holmes of' Walton and received his educat- more than 150 friends and relat- ion, in Walton High School in 1921, at Hamilton college, where he received de- grees of B. A_ and B. D., in H2S,j and at Union Seminary, 1S28. He was ordained in May, 1128, at Garden City, L. I., Cathedral and is now rector of Christ church at Springfield Gardens, L. I.„ While at .Hamilton college he was a member of the Tbeta Delta Chi fraternity. Tke bride is the older daughter of Br. and Jirs. Frederic F. of Gouwerneur, where she her entire life. She; was graduated from Gouverneur! High scnool In 1920 and from Wells college In 1924. She taught' mathematics and chemistry in Walton H|gk school from 1924 to 1928 and then accepted a similar position at Isltp Hlgk school, at Islip, L. L While in school In Qourcrnear gnd at Wella she kas boon prominent In student and ntkletlc affairs, in Gowver- neu ake waa a popular saember of tke younger social sot During tke neat few weeks many SIH nave been held 1B her honor received marny beautiful wedding sifts. Os* of Town Goests Tke out of town guests: Tketma Doris and Letna Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kardea Holmes and two daughters, of Walton; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ben. Mr. and Mrs.,,. H. H. MeLenry. Mr. and Mrs, K. f *** Mrs. sister of bride,Hssald^of honor; Mrs. Rexford C. S. Holmes, bride; Rev. Rexford C. S. Holme*, bridegroom; Kaveda Holmes. Walton, best men. * . . * ^_ * - * ^ i ' s *-v •"** ^*- ' ''< ' • - GEO. X MORRIS DIES SUDDENLY • » Chairman of RipsAJcsa State -*"- Flew Tefm Hotel George K. Morris of Amster* chairman of the Republican state committee, died suddenly Wednesday at the Hbtel Drake. Mr. Morris, who was a knit goods manufacturer, was born La Amsterdam in 1883. He had long been a member of tke Republican state committee and was its chair- man for many years. News of his death which was re- ceived at Republican headquart- ers this afternoon, came as a great shock to his co-workers. Apoplexy was said to have been the cause of death. Officials at the Republican state committee headquarters said skat Mr. Morris had breakfast with Charles D Hilles and had then returned to the hotel, where Hospital Construction Work to Cost $12,000 Total of $8,990 as Saved by Eafafbf Local Workmen— ^ e w Medfes Brim* Total to $70,731 A saving of approximately $8,000 in the txpant of reconstructing the TurnbuU home in William street for a hospital to be known as the Stephen B. Van Duzee hospital. wiB result from decision this week by the hospital committee not to award the contract for the work to an out of town con- tractor. —-————"———"" A maximum limit of $12,000 U n C u T l A I D A I I l win ^ *t* ut to reconstruct and nUurilAL DALL \Te-tlt the building for hospital Foley, Pa AT STAR LAKE Donates Use to Hasp Swel the e ill and asked hotel attend* fats to got a doctor. Dr. Richard Bnll waa called and treated tke *•**•»* for cerebral hemorrhages •kick developed. The doctor was like only one wttk Mr. Mooris It was said at aWsmntienn head- quarter* tkat Mr. Morris' family waa In Amsterdam and efforts were keftng mode to notify tkem. Mr, morris men lad Miss Peart Da Forrest and ke Is survived by kis widow sad two ekOdrea. Dors> and Frank. At one time ke of tke Mew York ckairman Bute Athletic WcmtlMr TwrnmyaaWtTtmrAft r eondltioaf for tke pared w.tk tkoos of Obserrationa <are ? in tke morning by sr 11 ^ig .11 ug 12 11 ur Tr- ng- IS - 1927 ^U »air M Fair * "Si mesa • * Qammt ^"i4 sNlr _ « I Qowd3 1§2S «4 Rxin §4 Fair SK Fair f *• Fair SS Fm:r T €1 Fair C. J. Smith of Ogdensbnrg Stanley Dickson and and Mm Marion Aekerman, Wat- j - ertown: Mrs, Frederick F. Drury. I fntker of tke bride. Jr., Haskell. X. J : Major and resided in Goo Mm. Ceeearajo. Brooklyn; Mm.] Tke cap worn by tke and krida4 i *TMM worn by a great aunt of tke ^C-*r -gafcfek of Ogdens* bride—ami tkor^-mnr THE? Tr~ b r IsTl. Trederic purposes*while contractors' esti- mates placed the amount at $20,- uOOjor thereabouts. A local boas carpenter will have charge of the work and con- struction will be begun next week, according to members of the board today. _ The committee has been labor- . i | Jng during- the past two weeks to A Hospital ball, as a climax to arrive at some decision and the the.retrent Campaign for tunds foT^iocnl mrpenrer employed this the Stephen E. Van Dusee Hospiul week to take charge of the entire in Gouverneur, will be held at the: job, which will be completed Star Lake pavilion on Wednesday j ready for occupancy before win- evening. Aug. 2t. it was announe- ter sets in. The committee believes ed today. | that such MM arrannomeut will The pavilion, owned by Merton m**t wttk tkd approval of all Foley, of Star Lake, has been of-; donors to tke hospital fund, fered free of charge for this pur- -N*w pledges made to the fund pose and receipts from the ball during the past week have will be turned over to the hospiul | ]J«>«ht the total to $7o,7Sl.fe. committee to kelp swell the fond They follow: group, but will operate in junction with the Gouverneur Chamber of Commerce. Its mem- bership is made up entirely of members of the Gouverneur Chamber. Plan Permanent Club While no permanent officers were elected at the meeting Mon- day evening?" act ion waa taken on several subjects which were brought before it by individual members, and adjournment taken until Monday evening when a permanent organisation will be effected. The club at its initial meetaing adopted a resolution In which it went on record in opposition to the recent action taken by the town board of the town of Gou- verneur in making a contract with the Roberts Supply company, which is constructing the new county bridge across the Oswe- gatchie river on the Rock Island street road, a* county project The contract* provides that tke town furnish a quantity of stone for use in constructing the bridge, which substance means that the town is entering the field of private en- terprise in competition with val- f ued industries now located in the town of Gouverneur. ,:VA Resolution "^" P ' ^" The resolution follows: Wheras, The supervisor of the town of Gouverneur has entered into agreement with the Roberts Supply company of Lima, .Ohio, by which the town of Gouverneur agrees to crush approximately K.100 cubic ymr4M of stone for said company to be used In bridge construction and to receive com- pensation therefor, and Whereas, By said agreement the town of Gouverneur mast, of necessity, remove its maekinery and employees from the. hlgk- way, said hlfhways are negleettd to such an extent that tkey are practically . impassable with any degree of comfort, thereby ^driving valued patronage to other local- ities. .Examples offered are the]. Spragueville, Johnstown and Clin- ton roads, and Wheras, By such agreement said town is entering tke field of private enterprise in competition with valued industries now locat- ed in the town of JGouverneur, end Whereas, The town of Gouver- neur would in all probability be liable for injuries sustained by employees while fulfilling this contract, now therefore ke it Resolved, That tke *ron-Par- tlaan Political club of Gouverneur is opposed to suek agreement, be- lieving that the town of Gouver- neur should not hsve entered into such a contract and said agree- ment should be cancelled without delay, and be it further Resolved, That the work of the town employtes and the use of Its machinery shoold be confined to the much needed repairs and maintenance of highways of said town. - . The aim of the management from die start has "been to provide aJ contjday fair in IU Seventieth year of more merit than is o4ered emewWt mv this part of the state and to truly make it an exhibition "Where the is Performed.** . • . ;^ :/ X:&;& The three score and ten mark is a notable one in the individual or institution and with this idea in mind the board of of the fair this year have perhaps gone the tank in their efocts In p p t the people a fair that wifl go down in the society*s history as n tribute to the labors and accoittpfcshments of those and foresight mode possible the ckveloposanl of the association. •• - •; . « " *? v^^jfcV > & & (MS RETURN JI-J FROM EUROPE Miss Ham* i s m s and Mm Dorothy Ritchie Loft Others of Party in Paris - m a lit,net tke headline In kas reached the Mildred R. Haselton - - - - I2S which already $:e.00S mark. | n>. Foley was one ef the strong- est workers in connection with the hospital drive s tew weeks ago and obtained personalty many subscrip- tions in tke town of Finn. ; Tke drive for funds to make tke koonttal a reality started on Joir, It with tke goal set at a minim ox of **+.+*+.- Witkln tke week tbe amount of $$*,##• kad bees sub- scribed kf a sukatxnttri—marrni* Mr. and Mrs. J. H Stevens . Robert W. Renrdslee Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Hurst Mr. and Mra. E. Snow Mr. and Mrs Joseph Breeett Mr. and Mrs. Willie iKittle _ Mr. and Mrs. Leon Breeett . 25 IS 10 Miss Dorothy Ritchie and Miss Hasel Bum*, both of this village, have returned from a six weeks' the resolution declares in ] trip to Europe, during which time they visited England. France and Belgium. They were members at a party headed by Rev. and Mrs. V. O. Boyle, also of—Gouverneur, Rev. Mr. Boyle and Mrs. Boyle and attws yTaueegTomm; gtso OTUMV- erneur, have now gone to Italy where they expect to remain some time. Later they will visit Ger- many and other conn tries, return- ing early In the tall. Miss Ritchie and Miss Burns re- turned to Gouverneur on Monday after landing the previoue day iu New York. Tkey left other mem- bers of the party in ?*ris and re- turned theriee to Liverpool from where tkey sailed for New York. -Tkey"" report tke .trip over and back as being rougk going, al- though weatker conditions wkUe{ thev were there were excejjent -^ The* party esrcoulrterwd three separate torn? an route t o Mew York. Tke first oaase upon tkem when the skin, Tke Atkenia, of tke Canard line. *ms Juet off tke coast of England. Tke fog Waa so severe that persona standing on tke Jtecka could not see to tke water level. Tke party sailed ion July' * from Montreal on tke ateamer JLndanta for England, Ireland mad ScotUttdT-Tney landed on Scottish soU and the flsst city netted waa Glasgow. They next visited tke city of Bdtnburg and tbenee to the English lake country of Kes- wick. . r In England tkey spent oome time in the Shakespeare country and at Oxford before folng to London. . ^ •..._.••. On July 26 they went to Hol- land landing at Tbe Hook of Hol- land, The Hague. From there j then went to Antwerp, .Belgium, ! and later to Brussels, after which (they went to Paris and then re- ! turned to Liverpool from where 1 they sailed aboard the Antonia on JAug. J, landing in Montreal Aug- Flan PUrgTownds In. ._-JPlgns lor tke jaatahJishmmt oil—Mise Bums and Miss s municipal playgrounds for chil- dren also were dmcnsstd and act- ion towards tke holding of a municipal tag day for the purpose of starting a fund with which to story need tkis year In of tke fair and n careful J of tke preparations 1 figures - witkout Some $3,0#e kas permanent llQ.OOe la offered in to competin egktkttom than $? v **e » t k e for tke varied acts, races, baeeboil amftsv cus featuring botk ^•"Qoa- r . ^4. ,The more recent audi annoancementa secretary's office today gave out tke schedule for muck the fastest in the East,, three been definitely will bring .to Gtouverneur tke feet were greatly impressed by Bel glum. Tke people and their tome Interested tkem xroatly Tkey encountered severely tker in Paris, altnongk Brooklyn Giants, tke noted Okan* pie Johnson Colored Stars it Montreal, tke knrjl kitting- BBb* thage Independeete. and tke ph ways popular " vTke Brooklyn ready kare earlier in tke summer, at time tkey titritts* tfce fsu a brand of noil side tke big neukle tn clever antics asm Iwndrtng it kail, H % wnole ate wig and provldso mny a tungk for tmk n game. md taken from the Alone and tnetr anee lmto sin ke In tke nert nro of n ftfty-fltfty break. to play ^ngalno tke Anc 21. ., On Tkuraday Cnappie and kis Colored Star tke Alcoa In vast k sore to k e * real baseball struggle. His oil equally on teat an tke~Oiante kas a long record of victoria its credit. Ckanpfe Joknson I boon a Uvorite .with New York 4 fans and worth coming miles to see is O0> sured for Tkuraday, Ann% St. Tke Cartki will come to Hwoi as one of the many Grange Day and tkey win deavor to repeat tketr mance at Natural Bridge 10 wken tkey took a game from the Alcoa by tke score of S t o * Cartkage nan a. real kaB jlomm with a bin following and tke 3 5T3 Potsdam: MUe Mary C. Mr. and Mm. daughter. Doris, and son. Korton. Watertown; Town- nend Poster, Utica: Mm Walmeo. Mortk BrookSom Mm Sykea, Dorset. Tt.: Mr Mrs Valkonknrg. Deposit, K Y Mm. Wamnot wno came from her kome ta Kortk BrooV^eld. to ke pusmu at tno amo a smaat at tke weddlnn of tke late Dr. B. f. Drury. gmnd fa tker of tke wrtdc and Vr TT Drury. wedding here tt Drury at ber mnm e*o Oury tke immediate families of tke onsrpie and done friends wore nrontnt at tke Informal reception wkiek foflowod tke wedding held at tke Drury noma. Thev left tm flowing in until tke latent reports are tkat tke fund now is near nc tke iTS.srS mark. Edwla R. Fredenburg of this village, who kas been one of the moat active workers in behal! of tke kourteaL kas been made chair- man of tke aoasMtai balL and be trtp. after has ssmoiattd William B. Siscst tke Drury t Byron J. Cnrnenter. Mslcolss Dsva M " 1^34 ^ Z Oingms as his assistants. for at tke Gardens, J*T «n4 Mrs. £dward _ Brayton , ~Dr. C. T Adams W Poole C A. Neil Mm M. E. Brltbane Mariette Oeiasd »ta defend Tera McOregor Margaret Wilson Dr. D. M. Tivior Mm. R. F. Mitchell Mr. and Ifrs E C VJ equip one immediately was taken tnp t^n waa not at all The matter of holding a tag day . fortabie was left until a later meeting at. - which time a date for the event will be fixed and tbe cooperation of other orgainsatlons asked. Several of tbe speaker! pointed to tke dirt need of such a play- growth among the younger eie- saxe and healthful amusement for sjnaIlnt_chlldren A geetion tkat tbe club take up tke movement at one* met with gon- £5 'eral approval. j Other public improvements TIT were brought to the attention of 5 the members, although no definite .Jaction was taken. j The organixatioa already has a _ suhetantial memhershtp and its loTi CTOlr *h among The yuonger Tele-tTher 5 ! ment of thf town and village is« loom wfll ed in tke air by the of tke rf«r Tm- WSS AUDREY FOY WEDS EDWARDS HAM Lawrence Joeepk son of Mr. and Mm Abdrey Kathleen Foy, daughter of Mr and Mm Patrick Fwy of tkis village, were married on Satur- day evening. Aug. 11, at tke Free Metkodist church Joha Roberts, the ceremony. Tke couple was at- tended by Artk |T>oro€ky I XO , assured. Membership Is in no way JOBS MA MIS I limited, the only stipulation beiag •that every member be a bona f!de 5 f member of tbe GouTer&eur Cham I ber of Commerce. $ . 25 • giaee minerals are more road- i ily sssimflnkad when tke animals koH is like koonttal fund idrod ed to increase by severei ^^1"v> rree 4o|nr*> eotiny sneeu^gt food tke nsw* S . of minornl onnplemests to tke i e *dt*t to urged w*e* tie here ft on S pasture j rriage v to Oernid of Matuml Powers of #7 Wont Mr. Rlennrdeoo m a tke son of Is tke dansrnter of Do on Powers of tkm The eounto wne day by Xoette* of tke Pome A. & Abbott. < : *?A r v * rr«ftv" * in an 11 it 14 1 -^ -

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Page 1: [NON-PARTISANnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031293/1928-08-17/ed...jhute about on the ground arranges it in such a way that is no chance of It becoming igled as ft leave* the ground


»-"™"5! ,™ ,SK

HO. 2t


$20,000 The Week

A movement to obtain a play-ground for tke ckildren of the

;e of Cfcevorneur. inaug urat-tkts week by * group of young

business men of the Tillage, is a worthy undertaking. It should re­ceive the~eopport of the village an# the sooner it is established tte sooner the children can de-riTe the desired benefits.

V * o The automobile hat made play­

ing inline streets an Impossibility, j A few years ago the streets mere • the playgrounds for ail children ind there was but little danger. '

ie car created a new situation, j jVfce romping boy was driven to :

other haunts. He now needs as-' :ance. I


Married at Trinity Church -Here Monday

Wedding Takes Place on 32ad Anniversary of Marriage of

Her Pare*** Hart


^-xuven small villages have given) recognition to the condition. Many I live made provision for the chil-; tren by establishing playgrounds

{and equipping them with slides, iwings and other fun-making de-

|vices and the larger places have lupervised playgrounds.

• • . * The Gouverneur fair is at band. ie society this year presents its rentieth annual exhibition and

inure will be a greater outlay of Loney on premiums, purses and

amusement attractions this year ;han ever before in history. All of 'kick should have the effect of

iking it the beat Gouverneur tair in history.^

Thirty-five years ago such an mtlay of money for amusement is has been spent this year on fair ittraetions would have been out >f the question, bilt increased at­tendance and other contributing

its nave create* the md. The demand must be satis-

led and there is bat one mean* >f satisfying it. *

This year the management of he fair has announced a balloon ascension. It Wems but a brief time ago that the balloon was a rig and important part of any

dr. The airplane detracted from [l during the next period, but the

lloon . Is now returning and is >ginaing to regain some of the >pect and recognition that it

»nce had. - . • • • ' . " # * . . -

To the youngerster there is no­thing more thrilling. To him the

tloonist who ascends hanging, to cross bar la the greatest hero

it all time. No boy can conceive any more daring exploit. The in accepts the eitaation much in

ie same manner, but brands the illooniat who so risks his life as

foolhardy individual, but be frtheleas j(e£s almost aa mack

it from the act as the >ungster.

r^£> * -• • i '• The' aeeonaion itself is not all

lere is to tt. The pro rose of in-iting the huge bag Is alsaoat aa

;tereating a feat as the Jump le­af. In the old days packing boxes id dry boards provided the fael;

tibly now there Is a more mod-means of handling i t The

ilist then carefully drapes his jhute about on the ground

arranges it in such a way that is no chance of It becoming

igled as ft leave* the ground. a tke hug's suspension poles felled. There always is the

to onlookers to beware tkey become emmeaked in tke

and themselves taken on nrneeted ride.

• ** • Y%e balloon cannot be replaced. Is a great attraction and any*

that pi easei and Am uses key smnocs a man. There's a • f key In every man and tke


One of the prettiest weddings held here in many years was per­formed at 3:30 Monday afternoon; at Trinity Episcopal church, this j village, when Miss Mable Foster Drury, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. P. F. Drury became the bride 6t ! Rev. Rexford C. S. Holmes of! Springfield Gardens, Long Island, i The wedding took place on the 32nd anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. I Drury and was performed by Rev. W. F. Skinner, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Gouver­neur, who ai?o officiated at the parents' wedding.

Largely Attested ; I The ceremony was witnessed by

more than 150 friends and relat­ives of the couple, and was fol-j lowed by a reception at the Drury residence next door to the church in Park street.

The church was decorated with pink and yellow gladiolas and the! altar was trimmed with white' gladiolas with candles placed in the windows about the church.

The bride was attired in her mothers wedding gown of ivory brocaded silk with old lace. She carried a shower bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley. She wore a bridal veil. ^ ,

Miss Dorothy Drury, tke sister j of the bride, was maid of honor She_wjM_dressed in flowered goor gette over peach and j m i a £ large hat of peach and auBSe, Jtnd carried peach and yellow snap­dragons and bachelor's buttons

The bridesmaids were His s Lola Morrlman. of aVasmmon, Pa,, * classmate of the bhMP %\ WB College, and Miss Dons Holmes, sister of tke bridegroom. They were dressed in gowns similar to that worn by the maid of honor. -

Miss Sarah Janet Dickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James S. Dickson, of Watertown, acted as flower girl. She was dressed in flesh colored , georgette. Rev


• o i

Organization Wifl be Made Up of Chamber Member*


Gouverneur Fair To Be The Greatest E\

Resolution Adoptee1

Stone Contract—Playground Movesaent Launcned

Every Detail in Arnusf ements Has Beea

On Tiesday Next U


~ ^ Every detail of the monstrous program for the 1928 Gowversttsir Tnir

was reported today as having been completed and m the last additions to an already superb program there are annouocessents o |

The Non-Partisan Political club 1 extraordinary features all of whidrViB go toward making a of Gouverneur, an organisation of! breaking performance at a fair already firm in the favor of the young business men of the village, L > . • .L. ^ , i L • . was launched at a gathering Mon-1 P u U l c • ™» "***>* °* « * ****** day evening. The organisation w a s forna^d a* an tpd»p«dent

• :i ; ' „ . , —Photo By- Elmer

Top Row:—Left to right: Foster Tait Drurv, fJtica, usher; Loie Merrimaa, Philadelphia, brides-Hawley Fltchof Walton, presided [maid: port* Holmes, sister of bridegroom, Walton, bridesmaid; Charles H. Anthony. Gouverneur: usher.

Front Row:—Sally Jeanette Dickson. Watertown, flower girl; Dorothy Irving Druryr Gouverneur. at the organ and Mrs. Edith Nor­ton Griffith of Utica sang Ave Maria and Perfect Lore. Eev. Pitch played the .wedding march.

Brother Attends Bridegroom The bridegroom was attended

by A. Kardea Holmes, his brother, as best man. The ushers were Foster TaJt -Drury- -of Utica. brother of the bride, and Charles H. Anthony of this village. The t single ring services was used. j

The bridegroom is the son of ; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Holmes of' Walton and received his educat-more than 150 friends and relat­ion, in Walton High School in 1921, at Hamilton college, where he received de­grees of B. A_ and B. D., in H2S,j and at Union Seminary, 1S28. He was ordained in May, 1128, at Garden City, L. I., Cathedral and is now rector of Christ church at Springfield Gardens, L. I.„ While at .Hamilton college he was a member of the Tbeta Delta Chi fraternity.

Tke bride is the older daughter of Br. and Jirs. Frederic F.

of Gouwerneur, where she her entire life. She;

was graduated from Gouverneur! High scnool In 1920 and from Wells college In 1924. She taught' mathematics and chemistry in Walton H|gk school from 1924 to 1928 and then accepted a similar position at Isltp Hlgk school, at Islip, L. L While in school In Qourcrnear gnd at Wella she kas boon prominent In student and ntkletlc affairs, in Gowver-neu ake waa a popular saember of tke younger social sot During tke neat few weeks many SIH nave been held 1B her honor received marny beautiful wedding sifts.

Os* of Town Goests Tke out of town guests: Tketma

Doris and Letna Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kardea Holmes and two daughters, of Walton; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ben. Mr. and Mrs. , , . H. H. MeLenry. Mr. and Mrs, K.f ***


sister of bride,Hssald^of honor; Mrs. Rexford C. S. Holmes, bride; Rev. Rexford C. S. Holme*, bridegroom; Kaveda Holmes. Walton, best men. * . .

* ^ _ * • • • - • • * • ^ i ' s * - v •"** ^*- ' ''< ' • -


— • »

Chairman of RipsAJcsa State

-*"- Flew Tefm Hotel

George K. Morris of Amster* chairman of the Republican

state committee, died suddenly Wednesday at the Hbtel Drake.

Mr. Morris, who was a knit goods manufacturer, was born La Amsterdam in 1883. He had long been a member of tke Republican state committee and was its chair­man for many years.

News of his death which was re­ceived at Republican headquart­ers this afternoon, came as a great shock to his co-workers. Apoplexy was said to have been the cause of death.

Officials at the Republican state committee headquarters said skat Mr. Morris had breakfast with Charles D Hilles and had then returned to the hotel, where

Hospital Construction Work to Cost $12,000

Total of $8,990 as Saved by Eafafbf Local Workmen— ^ e w Medfes Brim* Total to $70,731

A saving of approximately $8,000 in the txpant of reconstructing the TurnbuU home in William street for a hospital to be known as the Stephen B. Van Duzee hospital. wiB result from decision this week by the hospital committee not to award the contract for the work to an out of town con­tractor. — - — — — — " — — — " " A maximum limit of $12,000 U n C u T l A I D A I I l w i n ^ *t*ut t o reconstruct and n U u r i l A L D A L L \Te-tlt the building for hospital

Foley, Pa

AT STAR LAKE Donates Use

to Hasp Swel the

e ill and asked hotel attend* fats to got a doctor. Dr. Richard Bnll waa called and treated tke *•**•»* for cerebral hemorrhages •kick developed. The doctor was

l ike only one wttk Mr. Mooris

It was said at aWsmntienn head­quarter* tkat Mr. Morris' family waa In Amsterdam and efforts were keftng mode to notify tkem.

Mr, morris men lad Miss Peart Da Forrest and ke Is survived by kis widow sad two ekOdrea. Dors>

and Frank. At one time ke of tke Mew York

ckairman Bute Athletic

WcmtlMr TwrnmyaaWtTtmrAft r

eondltioaf for tke pared w.tk tkoos of

Obserrationa <are ? in tke morning by

sr 11 ig .11

ug 12 a« 11 ur Tr-ng- IS

- 1927 ^U »air

M Fair * "Si mesa

• * Qammt ^"i4 sNlr _ « I Qowd3

1§2S «4 Rxin §4 Fair SK Fair

f *• Fair SS Fm:r

T €1 Fair

C. J. Smith of Ogdensbnrg Stanley Dickson and and Mm Marion Aekerman, Wat- j -ertown: Mrs, Frederick F. Drury. I fntker of tke bride. Jr., Haskell. X. J : Major and resided in Goo Mm. Ceeearajo. Brooklyn; Mm.] Tke cap worn by tke and krida4

i *TMM worn by a great aunt of tke ^C-*r -gafcfek of Ogdens* bride—ami tkor^-mnr THE? Tr~

b r IsTl. Trederic

purposes*while contractors' esti­mates placed the amount at $20,-uOOjor thereabouts. A local boas carpenter will have charge of the work and con­struction will be begun next week, according to members of the board today.

_ The committee has been labor-. i | J n g during- the past two weeks to

A Hospital ball, as a climax to arrive at some decision and the the.retrent Campaign for tunds foT^iocnl mrpenrer employed this the Stephen E. Van Dusee Hospiul week to take charge of the entire in Gouverneur, will be held at the: job, which will be completed Star Lake pavilion on Wednesday j ready for occupancy before win-evening. Aug. 2t. it was announe- ter sets in. The committee believes ed today. | that such MM arrannomeut will

The pavilion, owned by Merton m**t wttk tkd approval of all Foley, of Star Lake, has been of-; donors to tke hospital fund, fered free of charge for this pur- -N*w pledges made to the fund pose and receipts from the ball during the past week have will be turned over to the hospiul | ]J«>«ht the total to $7o,7Sl.fe. committee to kelp swell the fond They follow:

group, but will operate in junction with the Gouverneur Chamber of Commerce. Its mem­bership is made up entirely of members of the Gouverneur Chamber.

Plan Permanent Club While no permanent officers

were elected at the meeting Mon­day evening?" act ion waa taken on several subjects which were brought before it by individual members, and adjournment taken until Monday evening when a permanent organisation will be effected.

The club at its initial meetaing adopted a resolution In which it went on record in opposition to the recent action taken by the town board of the town of Gou­verneur in making a contract with the Roberts Supply company, which is constructing the new county bridge across the Oswe-gatchie river on the Rock Island street road, a* county project The contract* provides that tke town furnish a quantity of stone for use in constructing the bridge, which substance means that the town is entering the field of private en­terprise in competition with val-

f ued industries now located in the town of Gouverneur.

,:VA Resolution "^"P ' ^" The resolution follows: Wheras, The supervisor of the

town of Gouverneur has entered into agreement with the Roberts Supply company of Lima, .Ohio, by which the town of Gouverneur agrees to crush approximately

K.100 cubic ymr4M of stone for said company to be used In bridge construction and to receive com­pensation therefor, and

Whereas, By said agreement the town of Gouverneur mast, of necessity, remove its maekinery and employees from the. hlgk-way, said hlfhways are negleettd to such an extent that tkey are practically . impassable with any degree of comfort, thereby driving valued patronage to other local­ities. .Examples offered are the]. Spragueville, Johnstown and Clin­ton roads, and

Wheras, By such agreement said town is entering tke field of private enterprise in competition with valued industries now locat­ed in the town of JGouverneur, end

Whereas, The town of Gouver­neur would in all probability be liable for injuries sustained by employees while fulfilling this contract, now therefore ke it

Resolved, That tke *ron-Par-tlaan Political club of Gouverneur is opposed to suek agreement, be­lieving that the town of Gouver­neur should not hsve entered into such a contract and said agree­ment should be cancelled without delay, and be it further

Resolved, That the work of the town employtes and the use of Its machinery shoold be confined to the much needed repairs and maintenance of highways of said town. - .

The aim of the management from die start has "been to provide aJ contjday fair in IU Seventieth year of more merit than is o4ered emewWt mv

this part of the state and to truly make it an exhibition "Where the is Performed.** . • . ;^ :/ X:&;&

The three score and ten mark is a notable one in the individual or institution and with this idea in mind the board of of the fair this year have perhaps gone the tank in their efocts In p p t the people a fair that wifl go down in the society*s history as n tribute to the labors and accoittpfcshments of those and foresight mode possible the ckveloposanl of the association. •• - •; . « " *? v^^jfcV > & & •


Miss Ham* i s m s and Mm Dorothy Ritchie Loft Others of Party

in Paris -

m a l i t , n e t tke headline In

kas reached the Mildred R. Haselton - - - - I2S which already $:e.00S mark. |

n>. Foley was one ef the strong­est workers in connection with the hospital drive s tew weeks ago and obtained personalty many subscrip­tions in tke town of Finn. ;

Tke drive for funds to make tke koonttal a reality started on Joir, I t with tke goal set at a minim o x of **+.+*+.- Witkln tke week tbe amount of $$*,##• kad bees sub-scribed kf a sukatxnttri—marrni*

Mr. and Mrs. J. H Stevens . Robert W. Renrdslee Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Hurst Mr. and Mra. E. Snow Mr. and Mrs Joseph Breeett Mr. and Mrs. Willie iKittle _ Mr. and Mrs. Leon Breeett .

25 IS


Miss Dorothy Ritchie and Miss Hasel Bum*, both of this village, have returned from a six weeks'

the resolution declares in ] trip to Europe, during which time they visited England. France and Belgium. They were members at a party headed by Rev. and Mrs. V. O. Boyle, also of—Gouverneur, Rev. Mr. Boyle and Mrs. Boyle and

attws yTaueegTomm; gtso OTUMV-erneur, have now gone to Italy where they expect to remain some time. Later they will visit Ger­many and other conn tries, return­ing early In the tall.

Miss Ritchie and Miss Burns re­turned to Gouverneur on Monday after landing the previoue day iu New York. Tkey left other mem­bers of the party in ?*ris and re­turned theriee to Liverpool from where tkey sailed for New York.

-Tkey"" report tke .trip over and back as being rougk going, al­though weatker conditions wkUe{ thev were there were excejjent -^

The* party esrcoulrterwd three separate torn? an route to Mew York. Tke first oaase upon tkem when the skin, Tke Atkenia, of tke Canard line. *ms Juet off tke coast of England. Tke fog Waa so severe that persona standing on tke Jtecka could not see to tke water level.

Tke party sailed ion July' * from Montreal on tke ateamer JLndanta for England, Ireland mad ScotUttdT-Tney landed on Scottish soU and the flsst city netted waa Glasgow. They next visited tke city of Bdtnburg and tbenee to the English lake country of Kes­wick. . r

In England tkey spent oome time in the Shakespeare country and at Oxford before folng to London. . ^ • . . . _ . • • .

On July 26 they went to Hol­land landing at Tbe Hook of Hol­land, The Hague. From there

j then went to Antwerp, .Belgium, ! and later to Brussels, after which (they went to Paris and then re-! turned to Liverpool from where 1 they sailed aboard the Antonia on JAug. J, landing in Montreal Aug-

Flan PUrgTownds I n . ._-JPlgns lor tke jaatahJishmmt o i l—Mise Bums and Miss s municipal playgrounds for chil­dren also were dmcnsstd and act­ion towards tke holding of a municipal tag day for the purpose of starting a fund with which to

story need tkis year In of tke fair and n careful

J of tke preparations 1 figures - witkout

Some $3,0#e kas permanent llQ.OOe la offered in to competin egktkttom than $?v**e » t k e for tke varied acts, races, baeeboil amftsv cus featuring botk ^•"Qoa- r . ^ 4 .

,The more recent audi annoancementa secretary's office today gave out tke schedule for muck the fastest in the East,, three been definitely will bring .to Gtouverneur tke feet

were greatly impressed by Bel glum. Tke people and their tome Interested tkem xroatly Tkey encountered severely

tker in Paris, altnongk

Brooklyn Giants, tke noted Okan* pie Johnson Colored Stars i t Montreal, tke knrjl kitting- BBb* thage Independeete. and tke ph ways popular "

vTke Brooklyn ready kare earlier in tke summer, at time tkey titritts* tfce fsu a brand of noil side tke big neukle tn clever antics asm Iwndrtng it kail, H % wnole a t e wig and provldso mny a tungk for tmk

n game. md taken

from the Alone and tnetr anee lmto s i n ke In tke nert nro of n ftfty-fltfty break.

to play ^ngalno tke Anc 21. .,

On Tkuraday Cnappie and kis Colored Star tke Alcoa In v a s t k sore to k e * real baseball struggle. His oil equally on teat an tke~Oiante kas a long record of victoria its credit. Ckanpfe Joknson I boon a Uvorite .with New York4fans and worth coming miles to see is O0> sured for Tkuraday, Ann% St .

Tke Cartki will come to Hwoi as one of the many Grange Day and tkey win deavor to repeat tketr mance at Natural Bridge 10 wken tkey took a game from the Alcoa by tke score of S t o * Cartkage nan a. real kaB jlomm with a bin following and tke



Potsdam: MUe Mary C. Mr. and Mm. daughter. Doris, and

son. Korton. Watertown; Town-nend Poster, Utica: Mm Walmeo. Mortk BrookSom Mm Sykea, Dorset. Tt.: Mr Mrs Valkonknrg. Deposit, K Y

Mm. Wamnot wno came from her kome ta Kortk BrooV^eld.

to ke pusmu at tno amo a smaat at tke weddlnn of tke

late Dr. B. f. Drury. gmnd fa tker of tke wrtdc and Vr TT Drury.

wedding here tt Drury at ber mnm e*o

Oury tke immediate families of tke onsrpie and done friends wore nrontnt at tke Informal reception wkiek foflowod tke wedding held at tke Drury noma. Thev left tm

flowing in until tke latent reports are tkat tke fund now is near nc tke iTS.srS mark.

Edwla R. Fredenburg of this village, who kas been one of the moat active workers in behal! of tke kourteaL kas been made chair­man of tke aoasMtai balL and be

trtp. after has ssmoiattd William B. S i s c s t tke Drury t Byron J. Cnrnenter. Mslcolss Dsva

M" 1^34 ^ Z Oingms as his assistants. for at tke


J*T «n4 Mrs. £dward _ Brayton ,

~Dr. C. T Adams W Poole C A. Neil Mm M. E. Brltbane Mariette Oeiasd » t a defend Tera McOregor Margaret Wilson Dr. D. M. Tivior Mm. R. F. Mitchell Mr. and Ifrs E C


equip one immediately was taken tnp t^n waa not at all The matter of holding a tag day . fortabie was left until a later meeting at . -which time a date for the event will be fixed and tbe cooperation of other orgainsatlons asked.

Several of tbe speaker! pointed to tke dirt need of such a play-growth among the younger eie-saxe and healthful amusement for

sjnaIlnt_chlldrenA geetion tkat tbe club take up tke movement at one* met with gon-

£5 'eral approval. j Other public improvements

TIT were brought to the attention of 5 the members, although no definite

.Jact ion was taken. j The organixatioa already has a

_ suhetantial memhershtp and its loTiCTOlr*h among The yuonger Tele-tTher

5 ! ment of thf town and village is«

loom wfll ed in tke air by the of tke

r f « r



son of Mr. and Mm

Abdrey Kathleen Foy, daughter of Mr and Mm Patrick Fwy of tkis village, were married on Satur­day evening. Aug. 11, at tke Free Metkodist church Joha Roberts, the ceremony. Tke couple was at­tended by Artk


I XO , assured. Membership Is in no way JOBS MA MIS I limited, the only stipulation beiag

•that every member be a bona f!de 5 f member of tbe GouTer&eur Cham

I ber of Commerce. $ . •

25 • giaee minerals are more road-i ily sssimflnkad when tke animals

koH is like koonttal fund idrod

ed to increase by severei

^ 1"v> rree 4o|nr*> eotiny sneeu^gt food tke nsw*

S . of minornl onnplemests to tke i e *dt*t to urged w*e* t i e here ft on

S pasture j

rriage v to Oernid

of Matuml Powers of #7 Wont Mr. Rlennrdeoo m a tke son of

Is tke dansrnter of Do on Powers of tkm

The eounto wne day by Xoette* of tke Pome A. & Abbott.

<:*?A rv* rr«ftv"

* in an 11 it • 14 1 -^ -