no.ll025/2/2003-iss , · a copy of the...

,j ,I <. No.ll025/2/2003-ISS Government of India Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, Dated: 1~.2.2005. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Indian Statistical Service (ISS) Cadre Planning, Placement and Management Ministryof Statistics and Programme Implementation as the Cadre Controlling Authority of Indian Statistical Service (ISS) after detailed discussion in various fora have formulated Cadre Planning, Placement and Management Policyfor the officers of the Service. A copy of the guidelines is enclosed. The guidelines are framed keeping in view of the recommendation of the National Statistical Commission, headed by Dr C. Rangarajan in its report on the career management of ISS officer . and the extant guidelines in the subject. 2. All concerned Ministriesin which ISS posts are located are requested to extend fullcooperation'inimplementationof the said policy. ~ (A.K.Saxena) Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India Encl. As above. Distribution: . 1. Allparticipating Ministries/Departments/Organizations Copy forwarded for information to - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. PS to MaS (Ie) PS to Cabinet Secretary PS to Secretary (S &PI) PSto DG/AS/JS Secretary, ISSA, New Delhi Secretary, ISSA, Eastern chapter, Kolkata. Master Set, 2005 Website of the Ministry . ~ A Notice Board. . ( .~, ~ 'Jtv \ ¥~ PIWt ~ 11:7 ~H 1 - '11::..,0 ~ "" ..............- . ' 191 t '1', " ;"',. ;"" :.'. t:'." \ ,"'" L-)' ,'" ." .. .....- In ~",i""...""", q v' ~ -0 ~ """ ..;v P!-.olo,,'.""- - -- ----- -- - - - ----

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Page 1: No.ll025/2/2003-ISS , · A copy of the guidelines is enclosed. The guidelines are framed ... 3.3 Physically handicapped officers



No.ll025/2/2003-ISSGovernment of India

Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad Marg,New Delhi, Dated: 1~.2.2005.


Subject: Indian Statistical Service (ISS) Cadre Planning, Placement andManagement

Ministryof Statistics and Programme Implementation as the Cadre ControllingAuthority of Indian Statistical Service (ISS) after detailed discussion in various forahave formulated Cadre Planning, Placement and Management Policyfor the officersof the Service. A copy of the guidelines is enclosed. The guidelines are framedkeeping in view of the recommendation of the National Statistical Commission,headed by Dr C. Rangarajan in its report on the career management of ISS officer

. and the extant guidelines in the subject.

2. All concerned Ministriesin which ISS posts are located are requested toextend fullcooperation'in implementationof the said policy.


Joint Secretary to the Govt. of IndiaEncl. As above.

Distribution: .1. Allparticipating Ministries/Departments/Organizations

Copy forwarded for information to -

PS to MaS (Ie)PS to Cabinet SecretaryPS to Secretary (S &PI)PS to DG/AS/JSSecretary, ISSA,New DelhiSecretary, ISSA, Eastern chapter, Kolkata.Master Set, 2005Website of the Ministry

. ~A

Notice Board. .

( .~, ~'Jtv\

¥~PIWt ~ 11:7~H1

-'11::..,0~ "" ..............-

. ' 191t

'1', " ;"',. ;"" :.'.t:'." \ ,"'" L-)' ,'" ." .. .....-

In ~",i""...""", q v' ~-0 ~""" ..;v P!-.olo,,'.""-

- -- ------- -- - ----

Page 2: No.ll025/2/2003-ISS , · A copy of the guidelines is enclosed. The guidelines are framed ... 3.3 Physically handicapped officers

Indian Statistical Service ISS. Cadre Pianninand ManaQ.ement


1. Background

1.1 A transfer policy was formulated and circulated during April 1999 for theofficers of Indian Statistical Service (ISS) to all the participating Ministries andDepartments as well as individual ISS officers. These guidelines primarilycovered officers upto the level of JAG only. The guidelines could not beoperationalised.

1.2 The National Statistical Commission (NSC) headed by Dr. c.Rangarajan in'its Report has recommended on the career management of ISS officers. NSChas recommended that during the first 15 years of the career, every ISS officershould work in about four of the following areas:- Applied Statistics (Samplingdesign, time series analysis and forecasting, statistical modeling and inference,classificatory techniques, etc.), Computer linked areas (Systems analysis andsoftware development, survey data processing, data bank and data warehousemanagement, desk top publication, computer management, etc.), NationalAccounts, Agricultural Statistics, Industrial and Commercial Statistics, Populationand Socio-economic Statistics, and Field Operations. Further, NSCrecommended that gradually, during the next 5 years or so, he or she should berequired to narrow down the area of specialisation to only one or two of t~eseareas. The role of the cadre management should be to help harmonise thechoice of specialisation by the officer with the goals of the organisation. Alltransfers and training Qf an officer should be consistent with the goals ofspecialisation.

1.3 In the above background, with the approval of the Competent Authority ithas been decided to review the extant guidelines and redesign the guidelines ina practical and comprehensive manner. A draft policy was formulated afterdiscussing with the senior officers of the Ministry and circulated to.all'includingISS Associations for comments. It was also placed in the website of the Ministryfor comments. Accordingly, a placement policy for ISS officers has beenformulated.

(I 2. Operational guidelines for placement of ISS officers:-

2.1 An ISS officer'scareer from the date he joins serVice is categorized intotwo phases - (1) General Phase i.e. first 15 years ,of the service and (2)SpecialisationPhasei.e. after 15yearstill retirement.

I. General Phase -

2.1.1 Directrecruitsafter completion of probation period will be postedinto the following divisions of this Ministry/participating Ministries in the sameorder as far as possible for a period indicated below:-

-- ~-------

Page 3: No.ll025/2/2003-ISS , · A copy of the guidelines is enclosed. The guidelines are framed ... 3.3 Physically handicapped officers

Requests from all the officers who have completed 15 years of service and arecovered by specialization policy for transfer will be invited. These requests willbe categorized as (i) request transfer - change of location and (ii) byspecialization. The request transfer will be 'own cost' transfer. The committeewill consider all those officers for lateral transfers depending on thespecialization.

3. General guidelines:-

The following general conditions will be kept in view for career managementof ISS officers:-

3.1 If spouse is working in the Government, they may be posted at the same station

wherever possible as per the general guidelines of DOPT.

3.2 Request transfers of officers who have less than two years to superannuate may

be considered.

3.3 Physically handicapped officers may be posted to their choice of station

wherever possible.

3.4 The preference of officers will be considered for filling up the outstation

.~ postings. In casef no willing officer is available, the post will be filled up based

on higher Residency Index (Residency Index is the proportion of service period

spent at a place of posting to the total service'period of an officer),

3.5 Request transfers will be entertained if the reasons are verified personally by the.supervisory officer of the persons who is seeking transfer.

3.6 Mutual transfers between two officers of the same grade may be entertained if

tenurefspecialisation conditions are satisfied.

3.7 Transfers shall be announced by the end of March every year. However, it will

come into force during April - June of that year.

3.8 Notwithstanding any provisions of these guidelinesf an officer may be

transferred to any MinistryjDepartmentjOrganizationfand to any station on

administrativegroundswith the approvalof the CadreControllingAuthority.

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Probation period -2 yearsFieldOperations Divisionof NSSO - 4 yearsEconomic Sector Ministries - Agriculture, Commerce, SmallScale Industries, Finance and Company Affairs - 3 yearsSocial Sector Ministries- Health & F,W" Tourism, Culture, RuralDevelopment, Defence, Water Resources, Labour and PlanningCommission - 3 years.Central Statistical Organization, SDRD, DPD - 3 years.

(i) Initial posting of direct recruits to JTS level of ISS (GeneralPhase)



The direct recruits on completion of probation, will pass through theabove groups in the order mentioned (as far as possible) with a residency periodindicated against each group for 13 years before moving to the specializationphase.

(ij) Posting of promotees from SSS to JTS level of 155

Allofficers of SSS when inducted into ISS at JTS level willbe requested toopt with regard to their choice of posting and will be posted to any of thecategories in (b),(c),(d) and (e) at (i) above on the basis of experience andsuitability.

II, SpecialisatiollPhase

2.1.2 After completion of 15 years of service the posting of officers ofISS will be as per the specialization. Tenure of officers of this categorywill be ofmaximum 6 years. A list of 14 specializations ?s per job requirement requiredby the ISS officers in this Ministry and the participating Ministries has beenenclosed. The above list of specialization was further grouped into five broadcategories namely;



EconomicStatisticsSocial and Environment StatisticsEmployment, Prices, PovertyInfrastructureSample Surveys and othersII

List of specialisation, will be circulated among all ISS officers who areabout to enter 15 years of service with a requ~st to give four choices ofspecialization from among the specialization with proper justification. Eachofficer willbe screened for suitability for a specialization category by a ScreeningCommittee comprising of DG, CSO and DG&CEO,NSSO. The ScreeningCommittee willmeet during January of every year. The officers above 15 yearsof service in IS5, and have completed their tenure will be interviewed personallyor through video conference regarding their option, suitability and specialization,

~~<"~~-~""""~---" ~"--~-"-~---~~- "~,

Page 5: No.ll025/2/2003-ISS , · A copy of the guidelines is enclosed. The guidelines are framed ... 3.3 Physically handicapped officers


/Economic Statistics- 1. :National Accounts I* Statistics and, I

: Statistics iProgramme! I Implementation

2. ---lcj;~~ifi~ati;~ T*Statistics au"ci, I

! !Programme

I ImplementationI

I * Finance


I * Commerce and

I IndustryI


: ' I * Labour

- T-L~c~~ ~d illlied-~~::ri:d~~IYiactivities


Programme! ImplementationI * Agriculture


I, National Accounts DivisionIII


i ._~ '--..----

I National Accounts Divisioni

IIndUStrial Statistics Dj~jsi~;;--- u.Central Board of Excise & Customs


(Directorate of Statistics & Intelligence)Directorate Generalof Foreign Trade


'Directorate General of Commercial

Intelligence & StatisticsDirectorate General of Employment &Training,Central Bureau of Health & Intelligence

' '--',,-, --------



I * Environment&I I Forests, I

-4"'--ti;,;;Je';;;'dco;;"';e;ce- 'l* Commerce and Directorate General ofFo;:-e;1!I1 T;;d"~~

istatistics. Industry Directorate General of Commercial

i I Intelligence & StatisticsI ~ Directorate General of Supply & Disposals

--5' TFi~~~i-~1statistics 1* Fin~ce Tcentral Board of Excise & Customs - ._-,-

! I 10 Tax Research Unit'


I \0 Directorate of Statistsics & Intelligence

: I jCentral Board of DirectTaxes (Directorate ofI I Research Statistics Publication & Public

! I Relation)i I Department of CompanyAffairs' 1 I -

6 !Industrialstatistics I * Statistics and Industrial Statistics Division, CentralI IProgramme - Statistical Organisation(Industrial Statistics

Implementation Wing)

I * Small Scale Industry ,DevelopmentCommissioner (Small ScaleI !Industries)" .i IDepartmentof Industrial Policy & PromotionI !Officeof EconomicAdviser

* Chemicals& Petro I Ministry


Chemicals II* Textiles ITextile Commissioner

National Sample Survey Organisation- FieldOperations Division (Agricultural Statistics'Unit)Agriculture Census DivisionDirectorate..ofEconomics & Statistics

Department of Animal Husbandry &DairyingForest Survey of India, Dehradun


-_.~~--- .. --,-_. .. ,_.., ,----

Specialization Participating DivisionfDepartment


Page 6: No.ll025/2/2003-ISS , · A copy of the guidelines is enclosed. The guidelines are framed ... 3.3 Physically handicapped officers

* Statistics and

ProgrammeImplementation* Home.* Planning


I * HealthandFamily Departmentof FamilyWelfare

iSocial statistic; j;;i.g- 1;V;:::~cs and Fial Sta;;stic-;~Divisi~~- ~~ - .Ihealth, education, etc. 'Programme' i

i I Implementation I

I '* Home Registrar General of India

! I * Tourism and Culture Tourism! Culture

* Health and Family Departmentof Family Welfare

Welfare I


central Bureau of Health & IntelligenceNational Tuberculosis Institute, BangaloreAll India Institute of Hygiene & PublicHealth, KolkattaNational Institute of Communicable Diseases,DelhiConsumer AffairsSocial Statistics Division

,0. Specialization

, Social & Environment Statistics

, 7 iDemographyandipopulation


.. , "'..j . --- -.-

9. iEnvironment and natural.resource accounting


* Consumer Affairs* Statistics and




Social Statistics Division

Registrar General of IndiaPlanning Commission



Forest Surveyof India, Dehradun.



Page 7: No.ll025/2/2003-ISS , · A copy of the guidelines is enclosed. The guidelines are framed ... 3.3 Physically handicapped officers


i* Statistics and!ProgrammeIlmplementationJ

iI .I* Planmng

I Commission!* LabourI!


I * Rural Development* Home- L-----------'* Statistics and

ProgrammeImplementation* Industry* Labour

* Agriculture* Statistics and



/ - . Employment,Prices, Pover10 iEmployment and Poverty


11 iPrices!






ILarge scale dataiprocessingi



* Industry

* Labour

* Agriculture

INational Sample Survey Organisation-ISurvey Design & Research Development,

jField Operations Division, CoordinationIPublic Division

ILabour& Employment Monitoring Divisioni Directorate General of Employment &TrainingLabour Bureau


Registrar General .ofIndi~ - --'.---Prices & Cost of Living Division

Office of Economic AdviserLabour BureauDirectorate of Economics & Statistiscs




Nation~l-Sample Survey Organisation (DataProcessing Division)


I Computer CentreCentral Statistical Organisation (IndustrialStatistics Wing)Development Commissioner (Small ScaleIndustries)Department of Industrial Policy & PromotionLabourBureau .

Directorate General of Employment &Training .Directorate of Economics & Statistiscs -------

I Department of Animal Husbandry &D~iIlg


ISpecialization Participating DivisionlDepartment' /0.



Page 8: No.ll025/2/2003-ISS , · A copy of the guidelines is enclosed. The guidelines are framed ... 3.3 Physically handicapped officers

~o. Specialization ParticipatingMinistry


. Infrastructrure13 J Infrastructure statistics

. j


i* Water Resourcesi


I* Coalj* Mines



I * Road Transport &


. Highways* Civil Aviation

* Communications

I. Petroleum andNatural Gas

* Urban Development


MinistryCentral Water Commission

Office of Coal Controller, KolkattaDirectorate General of Mines Safety,Dhanbad

Indian Bureau of Mines, NagpurMinistry

Directorate General of Civil Aviation

Department of Posts

Department of TelecommunicationsMinistry

National Buildings OrganisationTown and Country Planning Organisation



Page 9: No.ll025/2/2003-ISS , · A copy of the guidelines is enclosed. The guidelines are framed ... 3.3 Physically handicapped officers

;,L/ample Surveysand Others14 :Samplesurveys * Statistics and


* AgricultureiIi!IiI* Labouri


I .I * Health & FamIlyIWelfare

. , I

--'-'-i5"'--~6ih~~-' 1: ~::~ceI I

! I

! * Statistics andProgrammeImplementation




National Sample Survey Organisation-Survey Design & Research Development,Field Operations Division, CoordinationPublic Division

Agriculture Census Division, Directorateof Economics & Statistics

Department of Animal Husbandry &Dairying

Directorate General of Employment &TrainingLabour Bureau

Department of Health & Family Welfare

Department of Health (Central Bureau ofHealth & Intelligence)Registrar General of IndiaArmy Statistical OrganisationDepartment of Development NorthEastern RegionHuman Resource Development,Coordination & Standard Division,Programme Implementation Wing




\ Specialization Participating Division/DepartmentMinistry

Page 10: No.ll025/2/2003-ISS , · A copy of the guidelines is enclosed. The guidelines are framed ... 3.3 Physically handicapped officers


t.- ,

v/ - ~No: 12012/1/2005-ISSGovernment of India

Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation(ISS Section)


Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad MargNew Delhi, the 3.2.2005.


Subject: Draft Seniority list of JAG level officers ofISS (as on 1.1.2005).

A draft seniority of Junior Administrative Grade level officers of ISS as on1.1.2005 has been prepared. A copy of the same is enclosed. AllMinistries/Departments/organizations, etc are requested to circulate the same among theJAG level officers of the service working under them for their information and invitingtheir objections/comments, if any.

2. The seniority will be subject to the decision in the cases pending in various Courts.

y?"- ' ~(Bharatl Datta "-

Under Secretary to the Govt. dia ,,'


1. All the participating Ministries/Departments/organizationswith the request todistributethe senioritylist amongall officersconcerned., .




DDG(s) FOD/SDRD/DPD/CSO (IS Wing), Ko1kata.Dir(AKG/Dir(SS) .SA(SCD)/US(GSB) with a request to circulate the same among the JAG levelofficers ofthe service in CSO.

Notla. ~oah.d'5".


0.. "J,';,"..o$.b~..~e; c /

' ~~



L~::~-'~.:~, ~""..- Ad vr~ , ;~~

. . . ~~J ~W111'ft~""""""'~'~'~' ij"ti~


Page 11: No.ll025/2/2003-ISS , · A copy of the guidelines is enclosed. The guidelines are framed ... 3.3 Physically handicapped officers


- IoRlao'i1


As on 1.2.05



c-<57 :Or. OevendraV€rma, 10-05-991on foreignassignment

101/01158 .. :58:Pari!osh'Ci,aricTSarkar.--: 10=O5-99'Oire-Ctor,'D-GCI&S~i~ToCommerce, -.

106/04/57 .. !Kolkata ,1

I -59- .tDr.Rattanct-;an~.t-'1O=O5-99tofreclor, CPONSSO~M/oStatiStics&Pi,: -ORI8TT--:10105155 ,IOelhi ;,-. - .- ~ ~. : '---'-" -- j-

60 :Vinod Kumar Srivaslav, i 10-05-991 Olreclor, 010 Official Language, New OR/81:26/01154 . )Delhi(On central deputation) ,- .. .. .- ,.- -I-,

61 ;G. Subramaniam, ! 10-05-99!Oireclor,OPD,NSSO, M/o Statistics& : DR/78 I,:06106/54 : ,PI, Kolkata I:

: 62 !GUfli DullSharma, "1 10~05-99rDirec:tor~Plannlngcommissio";:[)ellii(on! ORI79- ii15/?§/~~ ,- i. n --E~ntr.a! dePl!~a~~__- ---. L .

: 63 :Nilachal Ray, 06110/55 . 10-05-9910Ireclor, CSO (IS Wing), Mlo Statistics &,: OR/79i fPI, Kolkata I

64 - iSubrata Kumar-bas 16:O5~99iDirector, DPD. NSSO, Mlo Slatistics& T OR/7iJ:(SC), 10/12/54 iPi, Kolkata :!

i 65 ~P-ra-kashH.Khoi)kar '1o~65-=99Ioirec!or, -eSQ'-MIaStatistjcs&Hbelhi-j DRiig--t-.. i(SC), 17/11/53 :

66 iSmt.-S.A.Bhoyar~- -fO-05~9910irectof,bpc,NSSO,Mjo-Slatis-tiCs& oRiao ~

i 110/01/56 ! iPI,Nagpurt.. --67 -:shf";-Kumar{SC),' -:10.05-99fOy. Registra!Genera[ RGI. M/oHome

:' 68 !~O~?{J~eiia(st). + 1-()-05-9~6~:~f~B;~~B~M/oWc;ter':20/10/49 ' :Resources,FaridabadI ,. ... --" ,.., --. .....

69 !G.R. Meena (ST), 10-05-99:Director, NSSO, FOD, ZO, Jaipur

i10108/5470 :Om Prakash Misra, 10-05-99!Director,M/o Water Resources, Delhi

i20105/54 . ; . .71 TB'rT,a(i<tmlarGirl, T1(f~O5~99f5irector:SDRD~NSs6,MloStatistics& r DRiig-r - -! 101/11/53 ! ipl,Kolkata t i

:.. 72 !Or.SatlShPriilsa(r r--fo-05~99!Director:-FaO(ZO),NSSO, M/osi-atlstlcs ioRi7g--T ----

!--73~:~~~~;n~r1~0:~~~-ee, i 10-o5-991~i~i~~~~;~~M;oFina-nce.Delhf--- '1- o-RTig-+-': '!14/07/53 ' I

74 iOeiiiLal MeenaiS'f) , 1()-O5~99ibireao'r, FaD HqrsNSSO, M/o Statistics DRi84 [!04-/08/56 ;& PI, Delhi !

i 75 iG_Sivasubramanfan : 10-05-99iOireclor,bpCNSSO, M/o Statistics & PI,I' ,. :19110156 ! i8angalore

,- -- '--, - '-- .! 76 iP.S. Bose, ' 10-05-99iDirector,DGMS, OhanbadI 111/07/57 : i

: 77 +-or.M.K.-siiiiasta-va;--nO-O5-99Ion forel9nassignment----,10/04/57 i :

---1",-,-, ]---: """---'--"-

78 ,DasrathiSahoo, . 10-05-9910irector,Trg. Div., CSO,MIa S&PI, New;23/05/55 !Delhi

79 :YashKumarKalsi, 1O~O5-99joncompulso1ywait--13/10/54

. j' __n .

80 IPralap Kumar Bisi,. . __.l9!/04/~____-, 81 iGiriraj Narayan,; 107/03/54, 1-----......--.----, 82 :Tapas Kumar Dutta,

:14/08/54,.. ._n .

83 iDebi Prasad Mondal,:16/12/58

84 .Sunil KumariChakrabarti,06/11/56

... --i """-'-'"

85 IAshok Kumar Mathur,: !!~/O1!~? "

i 10~O5-9916n deputation to Govt. of Chattisgarh1 ,: I

-+16-05.9~ DirectOr,IS,M/oHome~oeihi,

fO~O5-99fD~ector:SSS Cadre .Mle-Statistics-&'


~-"10-05~99ionforeign assignment- ...


l --.-nR/81 :

.f -- n- I- ..0R/80 :




DR/79 :

DR179 I

DR/80 T'

Seniority List of JAG level officers of ~


DR/80 1



bRiBe 'l


OR/BO10-05-99\ Director,-O/o AH& Dairying, Delhi.:

. 1... - ,... j10-05-99, Director, FOD Hqrs, NSSO, Mlo Statistics' OR/80

1& PI, Delhi i' "-"'-.- u- - J ~ -----




["'m, . D." of Birth D.t' ofPresantly working as Mode of Ministry's order in

Appoint- Recruit- which

men! in ment recommendedlJAG approved! promoted

1 2 I 3 4 5 6- ....

Page 12: No.ll025/2/2003-ISS , · A copy of the guidelines is enclosed. The guidelines are framed ... 3.3 Physically handicapped officers

~~ity List of JAG lev~l officers of IS~

sAs on 1.2.05

IT; 86 jDeepak Rastogi, 1O-05-99iDirector, Mlo S&PI, New Delhi(On Central: DR/80 I',23/06/55 '(Deputation) I,r-. --'-r .- -1. ~~ ;-;--- -. + ----j 87 iAloke Kar, 1O-05-99iO'rector, NAD CSO, Mlo Statistics & PI. i DR/BO i 21.~~3~5 , ~ ---lf2e~~ ,-'- : , ,.-,

. 88 iNiiakanth Ghosh, ! 10-05-991Director,eve, Delhi(Oncentral : DR/BO ! ,deputation) 'I- i---"'- ,- ._-,r= -- -..,. "'--- , .1

89 SubrataKumar Dhar, 10-05-99iDirector,12thFinance Commission(on DR/80:24/07/57 ;centraldeputation) :

t. .,_.. '--- -t -"--. .:'

90 :SatishKumar Gandhi, I 10-05-99,Director,NAD,CSO,M/oStatistics& PI, r DR/BO ;,:30/09/54 ,iDelhi (I

j--91 ;SiladityaChaUdhUry~---T--15-07-99~ector,DPDNSSO,M/o Statistics& PI, r--OR/80: "'-'"--! 106/09/54 i .Kolkata L :I- -gz'jMrinalBhaumik, j-15-07-99!Director, NP:5,CSO, rVi70Statistics-&-~! D-R/80-'-t do..;..- -}O/0~~5i , J.~-IDelhi.:: ,-= L ii 93 iAK Srivastava, i 15-07-99[Director,FOD Hqrs, NSSO, M/oStatisticsI DC/MS !I 127/04/54 ( j& PI, Faridabad j'I.,., ...~n., , , '.-.n'--' . h__.,.. r-- 1i 94 jMVS Ranganadham, : 15-07-99:Director,NSSO(FOD),Hqrs.Delhi : DR181' i

125/09/58 . i ' II 1 ., , +' '.~'.~-'--' "" ~ ,. , ,. : '.--n--..--95 IS. Maitra, : 15-07-99IDirector,DES,M/o Agriculture,Delhi i ,DR/81 !

101/09/56 - : : :~.'96--1viPinKumarGuPta~--+- 15::07-99!oirecior:ESDcs6~'M/o StatislicS&PI,'"r ..5R/81--i-'~ "--~:do.1 i_11/~/~~__j. iD~I~i , , , __l~_lu--,q- d__-

. 97 Ram Krishna, 07/04/56 i 15-07-99!Director, labour Bureau, M/o labour, : DRl81 i,: i !Chandigarh i jI , -- ..) =0-::---""'. "-."..' ~ L

98 iPradip Kumar ; 15-07-99:Professor,AIIH& Ph, MIa Health& ! DR/81 !IMahapatra, !FW,Kolkata i:14/04/55 ; i i i

99 !SatyabrataChakrabOrti,r 15::,W::99:Director:MIOWaierRes()urces~Defhi'-'i- DR/si-+ -- -- .

i 109/12/55 ! , i ! . :

I_d,cio--jpala Singh-Tanck (Se) i 02-04-03!Director,-CSO, 'Mlo'Statistics &P.L,' NewT-bR!8'O-TPromoted-~0.JAGiiide i: ;25/08/1956 i iDeJhi ;: Order.: i; : iNo.12015/2/JAG/2003.I! !! i ! 15S dt.2.4.03! '. ' t + , .. ',--, m_- I , ~~.__.

, 101;'Amit Jyati Roy (SC) J 02-04-031Director, SDRD, NSSO, M/o Statistics & , DR/B1 ! --,--+ ~l,f>::1ahalano~s..!3havan, Kol~.!a_h" _..J~" L ,----

. 102 ,TribikramBehera (SC) : 02-04-03!DirectorDGCIS,M/oCommerce& i DR/B1 I ,.do..

'~03t~~0~~1r: Tyagj---r 02-04::03~¥r~~:z~~~kl~~~& Coop.,M/O +-OR/81-t-'--','-dO..110/04/1956 i ~AgriCUItUre,New Delhi f i

{6~ratBhUshan sirigil'T- 02-04:03,Directo-~-Dio-Agri&Coop~KrishiBhava'n, -'DRiaiuT .. 'iNewDelhi. i ii i : I

1 , : , " .._,.,. '. j... '..--..

105 [Rama PrasannaMisra! 02-04-031Director DGCIS,M/o Commerce& DR/B1 i

__n--113/0~1~~~ ~___1Indu~t!y,~()~~ta _H"'_"--- J ....., 106 iDebashish Guha : 02-04-03iCAG, on deputation DR/81 I

i-":f(J7ji~:~~:~anda---l-02.:o4-03iDirectcr.-DfO Coal;-MioCoal,Kolkata--t DR/81 i ' :-dci..

'1°8/07/1958 : . ! i--- h,",__". . , t--'.'--j '. 108 iAshok Lal Chatterjee i 02-04-03!Director. FOD, NSSO, M/o Statistics &PI,! DRIB1 !

i1210811954 ,:Guwahati t i

i"1-og""'1G:MoharlRao (SC) ."1 02-04-0:3fOlrector, FOD,NSSO,AgrlcultureWlng, i DR'S1 - f- .,._-'.. ' : iM/o Statisticsand PI, Faridabad i

H ---~h 1-'-" -, H '---"'" u._-----

110 !Chandan i 02-04-03IDlrector,DPD,NSSO,DPCentre,M/o : DRl78 i : iStatlstlcs and PI, Ahamedabad . i;21/211954 I : . I. -- + ,. '-,. ,-,...1._--

i 111 jMuka! Singh (SC) ! 02-04-03iDirectar, DGRS, M/o Defence, New Delhi. i DR/81 :i 125/10/1957 ! : ! i;""'112- !DharamVirSingh(SC) 02-04-031Director,La-bourBureau,Shimla i DR/81-l---~dO.: !

!~!5!03/1954nu -- ,--- n .t , .i



,..on-- ---.--

. . .1 N.m. & D... of 8IrthlD'" of

Presently working as Mode of Ministry'sorder inAppoint- Recruit- whichment in ment recommendedl

JAG approvedl promoted-

2 3 4 - --__+_=-5 6

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Seniority List of JAG level officers of ISSAs on 1.2.05




SI.No. Name & Date of Birth Date of Presently working as Mode of Ministry's order inAppoint- Recrult- whichment in ment recommendedl

JAG approved! promoted

1 2 3 4 5 6113 Sher Singh (SC) 02-04-03 Director,SSD, CSO,Mlo Statistics& P.I. DR/81

01/04/1955 New DeihL114 Jyotirmoy Poddar 02-04-03 DirectGr,DGCI &S, Mlo Commerce& DR/82

(SC) 10/06/1959 Industry,Kolkata, --115 Vijay Kumar (SC) 02-04-03 Director,Mlo Water Resources, New DR/82

09/05/1960 DeihL116 Dr.Tapas Kumar Saha 02-04-03 Director,DPD, Hqrs., NSSO,Kolkata, DR/83

(SC) 12/01/1959

117 Surendra Kumar Das 02-04-03 Director, PlanningCommission,New DR/83 01/01/1957 DeihL

118 Praveen Srivastava 02-04-03JI. Secretary,UPSC,New Delhi (On DR/8225/08/1960 central deputation)

119 Rakesh Kumar 02-04-03Director, CSO,Mlo Statistics& P.I. New DR/82 Delhi

120 Gurpiar Singh Shekhon 02-04-03 Director,NAD,CSO,Mlo Statistics& P.I. DR/82 New Delhi.

121 Rajeev Sharma 02-04-03Director, NAD,CSO,Mlo Statistics& PI, DR/8230/08/1958 Delhi

122 Tarun Kanti Basu 02-04-03 Director, DPC, DP!) N$SO, Mlo Statistics DR/82 &PI,Nagpur. ,;; Co

123 MadhabendraMallick 02-04-03Director,SDRD, NSSOMIDStatistics& DR/82 P.t, Kolkata OW.;"

124 B.N.Tiwari 22/10/1959 02-04-03 Director,Mlo Rural Development, DR/82.-----

Delhi(Oncentral_deputation)125 Yogendra Singh ,02-04-03 Director,.I$D"Q,$O,Mlo Statistics& P.1., DR/82

05/07/1956 o. New.DelhL........, ., -N. " .-126 Tapas Kumar Sanyal 02-01-0 pirector DPDJ-iqrs, NSSO, Mlo Statistics DR/82,c' 0 0' ", ,>. &PL;,:t<olkata"::" - r

127 Harbinder Singh 10-04-03Directpr"Rp.NSSO,(FOD), Mlo DR/82 Statistics&P.I.,Chandigarh --

128 Suvendu Hazra 02-04-03Director';DGMS,Mlo Labour, Dhanbad DR/82 " ,,:

129 Panchanan Dash 02-04-03 Director,SSI,Cuttack(Oncentral DR/82 , deputation) - --,--

130 S.M. Mahajan 02-04::03 Diret8r:,D/o Agr&Cooperation,DES, DR/82 MIDAgriculture, NewDelhi, ,

D}rector,CPO,NSSO,MloStatistics& --

..._---131 Ram Kripal (SC) 03-0403 DR/84

15/06/1955 P.L/New Delhi"132 M. Peter Johnson (SC) 03-04-03Director, IBM, D/oMines, Mlo Mines, DR/84

10/04/1961 Nagplir.133 P.V.R Prasad (SC) 03-04-03 Director,RO, FOD, NSSO,Hyderabad, DR/84

28/04/1958-134 Jaideb De 07-04-03 DirectorDPD Hqrs., Mlo Statistics& P.I., DR/82

30/08/1957 Kolkata135 Debashish Chaudhary 02-04-03 Director,Trg. Division,CSO, Mlo S&PI, DR/82

02/01/1957 New Delhi,136 Dr Vishnu Kanta 04-04-03 Director, D/oAnimal Husbandry,Mlo DR/82

Srivastava Animal Husbandryand Dairying,New26/10/1958 Delhi.

137 T. Bhaskaran 02-04-03 Director, NAD,eso, Mlo Statistics& P.I. DR/82 ,New Delhi

138 Ashit Kumar Sadhu 03-04-03Director,FOD RO, NSSO,Mlo Statistics DR/82 & Pol. Shimla

139 InderjeetSingh 02-04-03 Director,BRU,CSO, MIDS&PI, New DR/8203/09/1957 Delhi

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Seniority List of JAG level officers of ISSAs on 1.2.00



~.--'-~=~~~-~ ~~, = ---'--,, -->,



SI.No. Name& Dateof Birth Date of Presently working as Mode of Ministry's order inAppoint- Recruit- whichment in ment recommendedl

JAG approvedl promoted

1 2 3 4 5 6140 Dr Vidya Dhar 02-04-03Director,0/0 EconomicAdviser,Mlo DRIB2

29107/1959 Commerce&Industry,NewDelhi141 SunilJain 17102/1959 02-04-03Joint Director, NAO',CSO, Mlo Statistics & DRIB2

P.I., NewDelhi142 Ajay Mishra 02/07/1957 16-04-03Joint Director, DGFT, M/O Commerce& DR/82

Industry, New Delhi143 SudipKumarRay 02-04-03Joint Director,NSSO, FOD,RO, DR/82

06/06/1958 Guwahati144 S.K. Gupta 01/02/1951 02-04-03Joint Director, Deptt. of Family Welfare, DC/MS

NewDelhi,145 AC. Sharma 02-04-03Joint Director,NAD,CSO, M/oStatistics DC/MS

01/09/1951 .& P.I., New Delhi

146 P.N. Modgil01/04/1946 03-04-03Joint m'edor, Dte. IT(RSP&PR),Mlo DC/MS,NewDlhi

147 DineshChand Sharma 09-05c03Joint Director,DGFT,UdyogBhavan, DR/83 M/oCommerce,New Delhi. -

148 AK. Tripathy 17-04-03Joint Director,RO.( FOD),NSSO, DR/83 ."."" Bhubaneshwar

149 Atanushasan Basu 07-04-03Joint Director,DPD,M/oStatisticsand PI, DR/83 Giridih


10-04-03Jt. Director,DES,MloAgriculture,New DR/83 " Delhi i

151 Smt. Ratna Anjal')Jena- 10-04-03Dy.Advisr/PJng. Commn.,NewDelhi DR/83 .,HJ'<.<.C,i i""',., .",WJ'1",r ., '"

152 Sm!. Shailaja Sharma 02-04-03 Joint Director, CACP, Deptt.of AgrL& DR/83 Coop. NewDelhi.

153 AmarKumarSarkar 16-04-03Joint Director,FOD,NSSO,ZonalOffice, DR/83 M/OStatisicsand P.I.;Kolkata.

154 M.Madhusudanan 07-04-03Joint Director,lSD,CSO, M/OStatisics DRI83 and P.I,'NewDelhi'

155 Sm!. MamtaSaxena 02-04-03Joint Director(onstudy leave) DR/83,

156 BaljeetSiT!9hChhabra 01-05-03ISD,9S0, MloStatistics&P.I., NewDelhi DR/83 ,.do..15/07/1961

157 Smt. VishuMaini 0904-03 Joint Director,DIPP,M/OCommerce& DR/83 Industry,'NewDelhi ",

158 " Preet Singh 15/05/1957 03-04-03Joint Director,DPCentre, NSSO,DPD, DR/83 NewDelhi

159 Pranab Kumar 10-04-03Joint Director, CBHI, DGHS, Dlo Health, DR/83 ,.,do..A Mukhopadhyay M/otJealth &fW, New Delhi

06/08/1960160 Ramananda Das 04-04-03 Joj,ot Director, DPD,NSSO, Nagpur DR/83

31/12/1961161 G.S.N.Murthy 03-04-03 Jt. Director, NAD,CSO,M/o Statistics & PI, DR/83

16/11/1956 Delhi162 E. Dasarathan ' 03-04-03 Joint pirector, FOD(RO), MlO Statistics & DR/83

30/04/1956 P.I.,Chenm!1 ".163 Vidya Prakash 02-04-03 Jt. Director(Biostat),NICD, DGHS,Dlo DR/83

30/06/1958 Health,Mloi-l&FW, New Delhi164 Kuldip Kumar Lamba 01-05-03 Reqionl1?irector (NR), SSC,Delhi(On DR/83

15/03/1958 Central Deputation)165 Ajay Kumar Verma 02-04-03 Joint Director, SDRD,>NSSO,Kolkata DR/83

09/01/1957166 Smt. G.S. lakshmi 02-04-03 JointDirector,0/0 Road Transport,New DR/83

23/06/1961 Delhi167 Krishna Kumar 02-04-03 Joint Director, D/O Development of North DR/83

16/0611957 Eastern Region,New Delhi168 Arup Kumar Mondal 02-04-03 Joint Director, DPD, NSSO, Mlo Statistics DR/85

(SC) 14/12/1961 &P.I., Kolkata

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178 INand Lal, 15/11/5B 14.07.03 jJOint qirector, RGli Mlo Home'Affairs,New DeihL

Joint Director, CPD,NSSO, Mlo Statistics&.P.I., New Delhi;

18.07,..~~.(!~.oint D!~ct~r,. f..qg,!'J§SO,~O,

lBangalore ..",',,) "Joint Director,. Mia Chemicals &Fertilizers, New Delhi.

Dy.Secretary, MIa HRD, New Delhi (onCentral deputation)

25.07.03 Joint Director,Trg. Div., CSO, Mlo. Statistics & P;I., New Delhi

25.07.03 Joint Director,eso, Mlo Statistics& P.I.,New'Delhi

25:07.03 IJoint Director, eso, Mlo Statistics & P.I.,NewDelhi

21.07.03 Dy.Secretary,ISS Cadre,Mlo Statistics &PI,Delhi(On central deputation)

21.07.03 JointDirector, FOD (RO) NSSO, MloStatistics & PI, Lucknow

23.07.03 Joint Director, DP Centre, Mlo Statistics &Pol., Kolkata

16.07.03 Joint Director,CSO, Mlo Statistics& P.I.,New Delhi

14.07.03 Joint Director,FOD, RO NSSO,MiaStatistics & P.I., Jaipur

14.07.03 Joint Director, NAD, CSO, Mia Statistics &P.I., New Delhi

15.07.03 IJoint Director,CSO, Mlo Statistics& pI~NewDelhi

25.07.03 IJoint Director, Mia Agriculture, New Delhi


DR/84179 IPawan Kumar Dhamija, 121.07.0311/10/60

180 IT.R Sreenivas, 15/8162 DR/84

1B1 INaresh Kumar Sharma,117.07.031111/61

182 IMadan Mohan, 1/6161 11.08.03

183 ISmt. Malti Devi Negi,4/6/60

184 Atekh Kumar Sahu,. . 2/1156

185 Rakesh Kumar Kamra,16/7/61

186 IAhamedAyub B. ,26/3/59

187lAwadesh KumarMishra, 111162

188 ISmt. GopaChattopadhyay, 119/60

189 ISanjay Kumar, 22/9/61

190 IShankarLal Menaria,24/7/62

191 lor. S. Durai Raju,-25/3/60

192 IHiranyaBorah, 1/4162

193 KameshwarOjha,1/6/57

194 Smt. Rajnesh Jain,. 1618161

195 IDebabrataMukhopadhyay, 1/4/59














25.07.03 IJoint Director,CSO, Mlo Statistics& P.I.,New Delhi.

14.07.03 IJoint. Director,CSO (ISWing), MIaStatistics& PI, Kolkata




As on 1.2.05Ministry's order in




Promoted to JAG videOrder





;1 Seniority List of JAG level officers of ISS

SLNo. Name & Date of Birth Dateof Presently working as Mode of

Appolnt- Recruit-

ment In ment


1 2 3 4 5169 EV. Gangadhar Rao 02-04-03 JointDirector,FOD, NSSO, Mlo Statistics DR/B5

(SC) 23/0211963 & P.I.,Raipur

170 D.Goyal (SC) 02-04-03JointDirector,DCSSl,Mlo SSI,New Delhi DR/B5


171 Arun Kumar Biswas 01-05-03 Joint Director, DGMS, Mlo Labour, DR/B6

(SC) 08/06/1963 Dhanbad

172 Smt.Sandhya 07-04-03 Joint Director, RO. NSSO (FOD),Mlo DR/B6

Krishnamurthy (SC) Statistics & P.I., Bangalore26/01/1964

173 S. Dutt 07/07/1948 03-11-03JointDirector,DPD, NSSO,DP Centre, P

Mlo Statistics and PI, Ahmedabad

.Joint Director, SDRD, NSSO, Mlo174 Prabir Chaudhury, 23.07.03 DR/84

15/5/56 Statistics & Pol., Kolkata

175 Ajay Kumar Gupta, 25.07.03 Joint Director, NAD, CSO, MIa Statistics & DR/846/6/62 Pol.,New Delhi

176 Ashok Kumar Toprani, 14.07.03 Joint Director, RO, NSSO, FOD, Mlo DR/8430/3/60 Statistics & P .I., Mumbai

177 Ashish Kumar Ray, 14.07.03 Joint Director, SDRDNSSO, Mlo DR/8410/11/59 Statistics & PI"Kolkata


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Seniority List of ~G level officers of ISSAs on 1.2.0b


- .J.,'

SI.No. Name & Date of Birth Date of Presently working as Mode of Ministry's order in

Appolnt- Recruit. which

ment in ment recommendedl

JAG approvedl promoted

1 2 3 4 5 6196 Susanta Kumar Jena, 14.07.03 Joint Director,SDRD, NSSO,M/o DR/84

25/5/60 Statistics& PI, Kolkata197 Atul KumarGupta, 14.07.03 Joint Director, Mlo Rural Development, DR/84

26/11/61 New Delhi198 Supriya Mukherjee, 14.07.03 Joint Director, DPD, NSSO,Mlo Statistics DR/84,.

27/9/61 & PI, Kolkata199 G. Sajeevan,20/3/58 14.07.03 on study leave DR/84 SV.R. Murthy, 10/8/61 01.08.03 J!. Director, 12th Finance Commission(On DR/84

Centraldeputation)201 Pradeep Kumar De, 01.08.03 Dy. Scretary, UPSC, New Delhi (on DR/84

14111/59 centraldeputation)202 Dr. Sunitra Chitkara, 25.07.03 Joint Director,CSO, Mlo Statistics& P.I., DR/84


25/11/58 New Delhi203 P.C. Cyriac, 14.07.03 Dy. Secretary,Dlo Public Enterprises,Mlo DR/84

15/9/60 Heavy Industries& Public Enterprises,NDelhi(onCentral depn.)

204 Sm!. G. Mythil!,20/6/62 14.07.03 Joint Director,Mlo RoadTransport & DR/84,New Delhi ..

205 Jugoprakash 14.07.03 Joint Director,SDRD NSSO, Mlo DR/84, Statistics& PI, Kolkata


1/5/61 . I

206 Ramesh Chand 25.07.03 Joint Director,CSO, Mlo Statistics& PI, DR/84, 8/1/59 New Delhi

..- -

207 Bipad Bhanjan Pal, 21.07.03 Joint Director,FOD (RO) NSSO,Mlo DR/84 . .., Statistics& PI, Kolkata

208 Amitabha Pradhan, 14.07.03 Joint Director,DP Centre DPD NSSO, DR/84 Mlo Statistics"&PI, Kolkata

209 Smt. Jiju Kurien,6/1162 14.07.03- Joint Director,CSO, Mlo Statistics& PI, DR/84 Delhi

210 Debashis Chakrabarti, 25.07.03 Joint Director,DPD, NSSO, Mlo Statistics DR/84 &P.I.,Kolkata'

211 S.R. Joshi, 5/7158 15.07.03 Joint Director, DPCentre, DPD,NSSO, DR/84 Statistics& P.I., New Delhi

212 Sm!. T. Rajeshwari, 17.07.03' Dy. Secretary,Mlo Defence,Delhi(On DR/84 .:do..8/1/62 central deputation)

213 Madan Mohan Hasija, 17.07.03 JointDirector, Trg.Div.,CSO, Mlo DR/84 Statistics& PI, New Delhi

214 K. Thomas, 12/10/59 14.07.03 Joint Director,FOD ZO0/VZ)NSSO, MIa DR/84 PI, Nagpur

215 Manik Lal Rakshit 14.07.03 Joint Directo(F()D (RO) NSSO,Mlo DR/84 ..Go..2/2/56 Statistics& PI, Patna

216 Soumendra 30.07.03 Joint Director,"CSO,IS Wing, Mlo DR/84'Chattopadhyay,19/9/61 Statistics& P.I., Kolkata..

217 S.D. Aggarwal, 20/3/46 17.07.03 Joint Director,CSO, MIa Statistics& P.I., Promotee Delhi.

218 Shantanu Gupta, 14.07.03 Joint Director,SDRD, Mlo Statistics& PI, DR/85 Kolkata

219 Smt. NiveditaGupta, 14.07.03 Joint Director,DPD,'NSSO, Mlo Statistics DR/85 & PI, Kolkata

220 RK. Gehlot (Se), 30.07.03 Joint Director,NSSO, RO, FOD, Mlo Promotee Statistics& P.1.,Ajmer.

221 Smt. Pravin Singh (ST), 31.07.03 Joint Director,NAD, ese, MIa Statistics& DR/92 P.I., New Delhi

222 Kal Singh (ST), 20/4167 31.07.03 Joint Director,NSSO, FOD, RO, Mlo DR/92 P.I., Jammu

223 Sukh Ram Meena (ST), 30.07.03 Joint Director,eso, Mlo S&PI, New Delhi DR/92

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Seniority List of JAG level officers of ISSAs on 1.2.05

- .


SI.No. Name& Date of Birth Date of Presently working as Mode of Ministry's order inAppoint- Recruit- whichment In ment recommendedl

JAG approved! promoted

1 2 3 4 5 6224 Sanjay Kumar Panda, 01.04.04 Joint Director, CWC, M/o Water DR/82 Promotedto JAG vide

18/02/60 Resources, New Delhi orderNo.12015/2/2004-ISS-(I) dated 1.4.04 --

225 Rajesh Kumar, 1/7/60 01.04.04 Joint Director, NSSO (FOD), RO, DR/85 ---

226 Ram Anuj Dwivedi, 01.04.04 Joint Director,CPO, NSSO,New Delhi DR/85

227 S.K Madan, 13/11/59 01.04.04 Joint Director, IPMD, PI Wing, M/o S&PI, DRl85,New DeIhl ____-0-

228 James Mathew, 30/1/62 01.04.04 Joint Director,RO, NSSO, FOD, DR/85

229 Sm!. R. Savithri, 01.04.04 Dy. Secretary,Mlo Child & Women DRl85 Development,New Delhi (on central

deputation) --230 Janardan Yadav, 01.04.04 Joint Director,NAD, CSO, M/o S&PI, New DRl85

2217/61 Delhi231 Chandan Bhadra, 01.04.04 Joint Director,RO, NSSO, FOD, Ranchi DR/85

13/5/60232 O.M. Prabhakaran, 01.04.04 Joint Director,RO, NSSO, FOD, rune DR/85

18/4/61233 Krishnamurty Maiya, 01..04.04 Joint Director, DP Centre. NSSO. DRl85

20/7/58 Bangalore234 Sandip Das, 19/7/60 01.04.04 Joint Director,DPD, NSSO, Kolkata. DRl85 Sunil Chaudhary, 01.04.04 Labour Bureau,Mlo Labour, Shimla DRl86

14/3/60--- .-- -----------.- --........,- -:-.---- '--------'-". ...- _..--..--- .--. .__.._.0..---_--...---236 Biwas Chaudhury, -01.04.04 Joint Director,DPD, NSSO, Kolkata DRl86 .:do..

13/9/63237 A Nand Kumar. 4/7/63 01.04.04 Joint Director,D/o Animal Husbandry& DR/86

Dairying,M/o Agriculture, Krishi Bhavan,New Delhi

238 8mt. Anjana Dube, 01.04.04 Dy. Secretary,CVC, New Delhi DRl86 .,do..27/3/64 (On centraldeputation)

239 KP. Mishra, 1/5/61 01.04.04 Joint Director,CBHI, Mlo H&FW, DR/86 -----