no. 173 march 2018 mr^ i liijgprior the the agm there was a presentation of [350 raised from...

No. 173 FEBRUARY I MARCH 2018 EDITOR: KEN AUSTIN 01473 747OO7 ke n44a u sti n @ya hoo. co. u k CIub web address Printed & published by the editor on behalf of the committee of the North East Essex Tractor & Engine Club. The opinions and view expressed in the Restorer are not necessarily those of the committee or editor. Adverts and dates are accepted in good faith, but no liability can be accepted in any consequence. mr^ I ln ril\ LIIJg D *., t* 'r.J Si ft# $i ..,'B f," .d :1:i: w.d Clacton Queen Preservation Society members pose alongside their restored Garrett Roller. The Clacton Queen (original name) was delivered to Zachariah Fairclough a Clacton Builder on the 16th September 7922. Her maker's number is 34165 and reg. number PU 7042 built in L922 by Garrett & Co. Classified as a 10 ton Compound Road Roller. Her top speed is Bmph but cruises at approximately 5mph. The roller was included in an auction at Kirby Hall Farm, Castle Hedingham, Essex, in 1995 in a sorry state with a tree growing through it and rusting away. She was bought by Tendring District Council for E5000. The society was formed and the Clacton Queen was handed over to the Society by the Council on a 25 year lease and is now kept at the Council yard in Vista Road, Clacton. She helped build half the Roads in Clacton.

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Page 1: No. 173 MARCH 2018 mr^ I LIIJgPrior the the AGM there was a presentation of [350 raised from clubnight raffles to Mr Lionel Thacker, the trustee representing our 2Ol7 local charity,


EDITOR: KEN AUSTIN 01473 747OO7ke n44a u sti n @ya hoo. co. u k

CIub web address & published by the editor on behalf of the committee of the North East Essex Tractor & Engine Club.

The opinions and view expressed in the Restorer are not necessarily those of the committee or editor.Adverts and dates are accepted in good faith, but no liability can be accepted in any consequence.

mr^I ln ril\LIIJg


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'r.J Si

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Clacton Queen Preservation Society members pose alongside their restored Garrett Roller.The Clacton Queen (original name) was delivered to Zachariah Fairclough a Clacton Builder on the 16thSeptember 7922. Her maker's number is 34165 and reg. number PU 7042 built in L922 by Garrett & Co.

Classified as a 10 ton Compound Road Roller. Her top speed is Bmph but cruises at approximately 5mph.The roller was included in an auction at Kirby Hall Farm, Castle Hedingham, Essex, in 1995 in a sorry statewith a tree growing through it and rusting away. She was bought by Tendring District Council for E5000.The society was formed and the Clacton Queen was handed over to the Society by the Council on a 25 yearlease and is now kept at the Council yard in Vista Road, Clacton. She helped build half the Roads in Clacton.

Page 2: No. 173 MARCH 2018 mr^ I LIIJgPrior the the AGM there was a presentation of [350 raised from clubnight raffles to Mr Lionel Thacker, the trustee representing our 2Ol7 local charity,

The Clacton Queen was one of two rollers Zachariah owned, the other was called London Queen built in 1925

Reg. PU 7494. During the manufacturing years ending in L925,37 Road Rollers of this kind and tonnage were

built, the majority went abroad bar four, two to Zachariah, one to Southend Council, one to Suffolk.

The restoration of the roller was completed around 1998 and she has visited Schools, Fetes, and Carnivals in

the local area, being part of Clacton's Heritage. An example of the time taken to drive to any destination is

given by the thr 45min from Clacton to Walton, stopping three times on the way to tank up.

Recent years took their toll on the old girl when her axle snapped in Autumn 2008, but luckily occurred when

getting her out of the shed to take on water. 18 months later and costing nearly E2OOO, plus the hours spent

taking her apart and re-instating, she was back to her present glory.

Now the old girl will be off the road from March, needing a new fire box and boiler barrel, so we are trying to

raise f20,000 for this work. We hope she will be running for her 100th birthday in September 2022.

EDITORIALI have written a piece recalling my own childhood memories of this roller, but need to hold it over for the next

issue, likewise an article on the History of the Lamplight event as no room with the Diary taking a full page.

I am pleased to see that the Stradsett Park Rally will take place as normal, following doubts over viability.Your Committee has considered the charity nomi.nations put forward and decided that the proceeds from thisyears raffles will go to the Tom Bowdidge Foundation, run from Colchester & supports teenagers with cancer.

Each year I try to hand over my Ring co-ordinator job, finding it difficult now to juggle the entry slips with

arthritic thumbs, along with an iffy knee which protests at my standing for long periods, so would like to hear

from anyone interested, to work alongside me for the 2018 event. Please contact me or Roger for details.

REPORT ON RECENT CLUB EVENTSDECEMBER CLUB NIGHT. AGM & ChriStMAS BUffCt.The attendance was down a bit on previous years, probably as coming so close to Christmas this time.Prior the the AGM there was a presentation of [350 raised from clubnight raffles to Mr Lionel Thacker, the

trustee representing our 2Ol7 local charity, FAACE, The Fight Against Animal Cruelty Everywhere. He gave a

15 minute talk on their work, relating some interesting cases of cat rescue and re-homing. It was clear how

much our contribution was appreciated, meaning far more to a small local charity than any large organisation.

A straightforward AGM did not take long. With the existing committee all prepared to stand again and no new

nominitions, they were re-elected en-block, so their details remain as printed in your membership card.

Roger Attmere advised that an anticipated rally field restriction by the site owner would not now occur until

after the 2018 event, therefore the layout will be unchanged for now and that the rally made a net income of

nearly 84.5k, shared 50o/o with the Scouts organisation. The extra help given before and after the Aldham

Rally was appreciated and he hoped for this again in the coming year.

gh tu next SePtember.

FEBRUARY CLUB NIGHT - Thursday 15th.

An Essex Police Commercial Vehicle Unit presentation by Gary Winfield, who will cover regulations relative to

our activities, including towing and licences, likely also recounting some incidents.

MARCH CLUB NIGHT - Thursday t'th - (BEWARE, the "Third Thursday" also cometh early this month!)

Geoff Gibling talk - "His working Country Life".

APRIL CLUB NIGHT - Thursday 19thA visit from the Old 20 Parts Company to give a talk on their organisation, so any items that you may wish to

order beforehand can be delivered at that time and so avoidinq your carriaqe costs. TeI.01332 792698

MAY CLUB VISIT - Thursday 17th

Visit to Ernest Doe & Sons at Alting (as agreed with Graham Parker at his recent club night presentation).

The hoped for hands-on aspect of machinery (diggers, dumpers, tractors, etc) may be restricted by insurance

considerations. Booking names will be required. More details and directions to come in next issue.

MATTINS CRANK-UP at Little Tey. Sunday 6th May. PH.

Help is required for setting up on the Saturday, particularly as Pauline will still need to take it easy. Contact

Alan to confirm attendance and any offer of help. 01206 2LO3O7.


Entry forms have already been sent to current exhibitors but are also included in with this newsletter.

JULY CLUB VISIT - possibly a visit to the Mattins Private Museum at Little Tey - the bits that you normally do not get

to see, but following Pauline's successful major heart operation it is too soon to confirm this as yet.

AUGUST CLUB VISIT- Thursday 16th

Visit to Bill Kemball's collection at Bentwaters. The club will cover the normal E10 per head admission (which

makes your club [70 membership fee good value), We will need a list of those going, so add your names to

the list in the club tent at Aldham. But please honour any booking, do not add your name just in case. To see

it all in daylight we need to meet at the Control Tower for a 6.45pm start, so beware of traffic delays at

Copdock Mill junction. We will likely be taken around the locations on passenger trailers by tractor.

Full directions and sat-nav info will be in the June issue.

Page 3: No. 173 MARCH 2018 mr^ I LIIJgPrior the the AGM there was a presentation of [350 raised from clubnight raffles to Mr Lionel Thacker, the trustee representing our 2Ol7 local charity,

OTHER EVENTS which are requesting our club members participation.

Tattingstone Tractor club will hold their annual Tractor Run on Saturday 12th May, also a gathering beside theOrwell Bridge in the grounds of the Suffolk Food Hall on Saturday 25tn August.An Entry Form for May is on which you could also use for theBridge if you alter the event and date shown. Details of the event are also shown on the web.(The booking fee mentioned includes a pub lunch atTattingstone or meal at the Food Hall).

Coach excursion to the Dover Transport Museum 14th July. Whilst we are not planning our own coach thisyear, members are welcome to join this one being run by the IDHTS (Ipswich & District Historical TransportSociety). Includes evening meal on return leg. Pick-up could be arranged for opposite Eight Ash Green

Holiday Inn. More details later. 01473-402152

Marks Hall will be holding a "Country Fair" event in their grounds on w/e 2l-22 July, just up the road from ourown rally. They specifically ask for participation by our club members. Book directly with them, 07376 563796or get an entry form from [email protected]

Layer Marney Tower Festival of Farming, working weekend. Sun-Mon 25-26Aug PH. Full details later.Club participation is encouraged. A big new event with emphasis on all working aspects through the year.

I also have dates for a few known Ploughing Matches in our region-Rochford Hundred Ag. Soc. Ploughing Match Sat 22"d September at Hawkwell Hall Farm, RectoryRoad,Hawkwell, SS5 4LL. Booking contact not known but see Ernest Doe web site.Greensted Green & District Agricultural Club Ploughing Match on 15th September at Little Leighs Hall Farm,

Church Lane, Lt Leys, CM3 1PG - contact Ken Vince 07850 5794t3 or janice [email protected]

MEMBERSHIP NEWS Membership Sec: Christine Attmere 01787 221sBB [email protected]

At the AGM the Chairman announced that as we are now in a comfortable financial position we are able torecognise the many years of service given by some dedicated members by awarding them Life Memberships -

Alan & Pauline Mattin, Roger Attmere, Ken Austin, Philip & Yvonne Copeman and also George Posner from theScouting side for his work as rally treasurer for 36 years.

The membership currently stands at 125.


STEAM HAULED TRAINS IN EAST ANGLIA coming soon-Britannia class 70013 Oliver Cromwell is due to head a Liverpool Street to Norwich & back special viaColchester on Thur 22nd Feb as a final run over it's original working life route before withdrawal from service.

Train \27O. Liverpool St 1020, Witham pass 1126, Colchester 1744-l757,Ipswich pass 1223, Norwich L325.-frain 1274. Norwich 1906, Ipswich 2OO7-25, Colchester 2053-2106, Witham pass 2125, Liverpool St 2210.

Announced for Thursday 5tn April, starting from Ipswich O74O, calling at Colchestel 0800 and Witham 0820,going to Salisbury, steam only west of London by an LMS class 5 loco .

Book with Steam Dreams on 01483 209BBB. Cheapest fare E109 up to f269 for Pullman Style Dining!

Now running on Sunday 15th April is the 81 61306 Mayflower steam tour, now starting from Highbury, notLiverpool Street, to Sizewell (the first northbound steam beyond Westerfield since 1961), Ipswich Griffin Wharf (which last

saw sream in the 1950's), Harwich Town & Parkeston Yard. Note that the leg from Sizewell to Harwich will have a

diesel leading. This is 61306's first revenue earning train as she returns to service after a major overhaul.This tour is run by Tickets - from EB4. o75LBo45o77.Revised times - Highbury 0909, Stratford 0926, Col. dep 1055, Griffin Wharf 1525-39, Harwich arr.1625 - servicing at Parkeston yard

- dep Harwich ? (approx 1910), Col chester pass 1954, maybe Witham loop ?, Liverpool Street 2132.

LATE NEWS - luckily just as aboutto print - Network Rail have banned this loco north of Woodbridge so replaced by LMS Black 5.

MEMBERS MARKET PLACEA couple of clear-outs this time make up for nothing advised for last time.Bill Pentney has put his horticultural collection up for offers. 01627 815675 55 Maldon Rd, Tiptree CO5 0TS

Seed Drill; Planet JR Seed Drill; Planet 40 R 25 Seeder; Gazebo 72x72; The lalo Gardener 2 blade push-

hoe; Planet 1 wheel 2 tines push-hoe; Howard Bullfinch Rotavator; British Anzani 2A JAP; Howard Bantam

Rotavator; Roller tines; Jalo 1 wheel seed drill; E Pace Seed drill; JAD Baker Seed drill.

Peter Skingley is also having a clear out. 01621 852519 15 Shakespeare Road, Maldon. CM9 6DP

Ransomes push mowers-1932 RSJ de-luxe 74" mower; Mk1,3,4,5 Ajax's with boxes; Webb Witch with box;

Webb Whippet 2 speed with lawn edger.2018 NEETEC COMMITTEE

CHAIRMAN - Adam Munson 01206 337235; SECRETARY - Margaret Hermon 0L376 562600ViCE-CHAIRMAN - Mary Fisher 01206 824552; MEMBERSHIP SEC.- Christine Attmere OL7B7 22t588;

' TREASURER - RogerAttmere; 0L787 227588; RALLY CHAIRMAN.- Roger Attmere 0L787 227588;NEWSLETTER EDITOR- Ken Austin OL473 747007; POSTAL DISTRIBUTION - Adam Munson 01206 331235;

LAY MEMBERS: Jim Roots01206 7354t2; DaveCulham 01206323944; Paul Arlidge 0120633t766; Will Hermon 01376562600

Page 4: No. 173 MARCH 2018 mr^ I LIIJgPrior the the AGM there was a presentation of [350 raised from clubnight raffles to Mr Lionel Thacker, the trustee representing our 2Ol7 local charity,


Omissions do not imply an event not taking place, just not seen dates confirmed yet. Some details could change later.DIRECTIONS TO OUR STANWAY ROVERS MEETING ROOM ARE ON YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD.If required, a Directions Sheet with Map can be obtained by email or post, by contacting the Editor.

Thur 15 February Club Night Essex Police Commercial Vehicle Unit presentationThu 22 February Steam Train Liverpool St - Norwich - Liverpool St. 70013 otivercromwel 01483 209BBBFri-Sat 2-3 March Chappel Winter Beer Festival, EARM. CO6 2DS01206 242524Th u 15 Ma rchSu n 1 AprilSu-Mo I-2 AprilSu n 1 AprilThu 5 AprilSu n 15 April'fhu 19 April

Su n 2A MaySu n 20 May

wle 2-3 JuneThu 7 June

Festival of Steam & Transport, Chatham Historic Dock Yard. ME4 4TZ 01634 823800Charles Burrell Museum open day, Thetford rP24 1BN 0L842 7 5L166Train Ipswich to Salisbury. (Steam only W of London) Steam Dreams01483 209BBBSteam Train. London - Sizewell - Ipswich - Harwich - Colchester - Lon. See NewsletterClub Night Old 20 Parts Co. Nick Pattelle - order parts & paint to collect on night. -

Club Night Geof Gibling talk - *HiS Working Country Life"

Stow Ma rries WW 1 RAF100 celebration. Pu rleig h.

Woolpit Steam Rally, Warren Farm, Wetherden.Rally Field Set up evening. Can you lend a hand

CM3 6RM 0L245 BOB744


rPL4 3JX 0L449 737443OL7B7 22L5BB

cM5 9BN 0L277 36520A' co6 ZPP 01787 22L5BBrPL4 ZQL 01s59 26946s

0L245 420168

SGlB gEPOL462 85177LNR34 BAQVarious. See www

Fr-Su 20'22 April North Norfolk Ra ilway Spring Stea m Ga la NR26 BRAOL263 B2OBOO

cB6 2QTNR5 0TT 07753 L82065

Sat 2L April Cheffi ns Vintage Auctionw/e 2L-22 April Eastern Counties Vintage Show, Norfolk Showground.Su n 22 April FBHVC National Drive-it DaySun 29 April Old Buckenham Airfield,Wings & Wheels. NR17 1PU 01953 860806Sun 6 May Club Crank-up & run in Mattin's Meadow, Little Tey. +set up help Sat 01206 210307Sun 6 May HCVS London - Brighton Run 01403 822045Sun 6 May ITM Ipswich-Felixtowe Road-Run. From Christchurch Park 11am 07473 7L5666Su-Mo 6-7 May Stradsett Park Vintage Rally. Near Downham Market. PE33 9HA 01945 880091Su-Mo 6-7 May Truckfest, Peterborough Showground PE2 6XE 01775 768661Sat 12 May Tattingstone Tractor Run. Entry formm & details from [email protected] OL473 328000wle 12-13 May Saffron Walden Crank-up. Sparrow's End, Newport CB11 3TU O7BB2 775438Thu L7 May Club Night Visit venue to be confirmedw/e 19-20 May Milton Keynes Industrial Museum, Old Lawnmower Club Rally. MK12 9EL01908 3L6222w/e 19-20 May Stonham Barns Steam Rally. TPL4 64T 0L449 7 LL1 11

cM9 6QA OL62L 843183Museum of Power, Langford, Olde Tyme RallyeStow Maries Airfield. Wings & Wheels CM3 6RM 01245 BOB744

Fr-Su 25-27 Ylay Dordt in Stoom, Netherlands. Biennial Steam Fest See websiteSa-Su 26-27 May Duxford Air Festival cB22 4QRSa-Mo 26-28 May Strumpshaw Steam Rally NR13 4HR07850 795622Sun 27 May Kettle Autojumble. Church Farm,Kettleburgh,E3.50 Bam-1pm IP13 7LF 07728 724858We-Th 30-31 May Suffolk Show. (Beware- Admission f2B Adults)

Fr-Su B- 10 J u ne Epping -Onga r Ra ilway Stea m Ga la.w/e 9-10 June Aldham RallySun 10 June Euston Pa rk Ru ra I Pastimesw/e 16-17 June MEBCC Rally, Great Waldingfield Airfield www.mebcc.orgw/e 16-17 June Great Yarmouth Air Show. NR30 3JF -wle 7-B JulySat L4 Ju lySat L4 Ju Iy

Fr-Su 14-16 Sept Bedfordshire Steam & Country Fair. 15-16 Sept Henham Steam Rally. www,

Long Melford Vintage Rally ? CO10 9AA01245 420L68Tendring Show Club Display. Book with Dave Culham in good time. 01206 323944Coach to Dover Transport Museum. Pick-up at Holiday Inn bus stop. 07473-402152

w/e L4-L5 July Duxford Flying Legends Air Show cB22 4QRw/e 14-15 July Cambridgeshire Steam Rally. 07990 94757OSun 15 July Langford Museum of Power Barleycorn Fayre. [email protected] 01621 843183Thu 19 July Club Night Visit. To be confirmed.Fri-Su 20-22 July Weeting Steam Rally. www.weetingrally, rP27 OQF 01 842 B 10 377

cB6 2QTSat 21 July Cheffins Vintage Salewle 27,22 July Marks Hall Garden & Country Show. [email protected] 01376 563796w/e 27,22 July Stow Maries at war CM6 3RM OL245 BOB744

w/e 28-29 )uly Old Buckenham Air Show. NR17 1PU -

Thu 16 August Club Night Visit to the Kembal Collection at Bentwatets- book your ptaces

w/e 18-19 August Lincolnshire Steam & Vintage Rally. LN2 2NA015O7 605937Th-Fr 23-24 August Clacton Air Show. CO15 1LA01255 686633Th-Mo 23-27 August 50th Great Dorset Steam Fair. DT11 BHX01258 860361Sat 25 August Tattingstone Tractors event at Suffolk Food Hall near Orwell Bridge 07473 328000Su-Mo 26-27 August Festival of Farming. Charringtons, Layer Marney Tower. CO5 gUS 01206 330784w/e B-9 Sept Haddenham Steam Rally CB6 3PT 0L487 842771Period 6-9,13-16 Sept National Heritage Free Open Days. See local press

wle 22-23 Sept Duxford Battle of Britain Air Show CB22 4QRPeriod 23 Sep-02 OctPaddle Steamer Waverley Excursions 23,25,26 Sep, 1-2 Oct. O74L 243 2224Sat 20 October Cheffins Vintaqe Sale CB6 2QT