ni 7.h '' a' t - chronicling america: ttr i expjru of iuj tjnltod i - all tbtl teen...

I l.y. vi--4- : NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, WW. PRITE Two n:NTS. , I IN FOUR MONTHS. ,rfW( 11 WOWI win. r IM "" ' 1 1 ' 1 MIBSlgtBOII ClIBa fv" Hw ive.ia.ei e.B.BII "7.H all Beta, IBB IBe "'' oa. -- "' ' " i .f 'nr'i llUoo, a resale, mu.. . . :i' r. i that (J. ,..., ut iuth oil regions of ... ar th tUo- -t earnest , u a k !, ..ui.'ry. That a tingle ,. ! it .napwiti'jntoalteolule.v !.. tfci f'1 kWBrl 1,om ,n our .t i. tnt lit trtu ! a bc-d- of flvetho jaand j ,r BBJ lOI (IM Item Into aa attitude j. ' ltd IhOBi I rt 1 ar''1 v'n ,0 destroy IMIf ,. jrtj rttMl thsn it absorbed by an ,j iMBOBOlf "mrJ Incredible. Id that ... jn u iv r: and palntakmg r pr-- - Ml SCX who had pnt six t, i;, rk- ' nd in Cleveland, whers tt bM4MltWt. OBaVeavOIOd t, th, t.torv o! the mlhod by wtlL Ut ftaBdnvd Oil Vmpny bed NNNiM v cttfi ' ti e carrying, and Im 0t ( ol lb Oil produce-- li :Le .argt c. district ot the w. rid an ullaf to a hundred mil-t'- a year and by the control ol klektbea D t V wa believed to be making nt arofitol a million ot dollar a month, to It Uvidsd betw-- lea than a aoor Ol person, li r.ivrt tne corrpon-ln- t the ''. mini ol the first effort made by naldBl " eksfeller ol the Standard Bj -- ar thlt control ai ones aud tsaliy ' cl an extraordinary ehar-It- r ttd bf thv renniylvanla LetriMature aajttatlMlMlft privlleaTea to the Suth t'tiupany. altorward abaortwl by tttMaiidard as I tv illecal contra ta with th-r- v ail ut from the oil region. That aflexf U trodueers daft-ate- by the v Ilk, LUatll ctara ter c( the contract with the r.:r: Ifc h w tg -- tter the eorriindnt "on- - t t. H -- Lt from the date ol tn-- . nrt Mill Itbj tac lard, and Mill It uv to the may til aciLt. whioh Ond the r t,'i..:t elf. rt. thia time In I -- r'J K tr ak the powt-- which, in the bnil La 't- Uj-- far HKMW than bef.jre, li M the producer imacine that the t .. : ;,T rd them the r ll- -( to which i j bell, Iktf IM cnnM.-d- . carlul ob-la- n rt a Dm oil region lear that the tii. . .:. "flluy laet month of Mr lam McClAdlkM Becr'-tar- o( Intr-n- . ' I may have en tut ' HUT - . : a!tl.- - local iger. In future letter be will j:tv ' ; - f lUi CfUteet. UDpreee--- - l L.trr of the country; the tory c' .: MB in the politic of Pennsylvania Md Mlbll of Prr-id-- nt Kock-r'.-- . vail on which h believe Ij Biabi i entitled to the ab..ute mo-- l ; Mr. K'Wkefel-HT- , La a!r-a- !y b---n affrdt-- the ... '.:.:: n.a- but La u-- .. . el it. t I or mi ii t rva Litr. Din tut Prelaaer a u laealeed Ifcel i atilrtt tn i I'm Ilia Ther . Oulj Hull Akrud TIM l Tkt Ttll. Cleveland. Ohio, Nov. . In the tniddM f A :at a committee ol the iKOUIMl pr -- 1 . r '.r.the Tcnnnyhanla il reti n wai'cd i, , Hartranft. to mak definite c!.ar- -f MaiMt thv staiilard OU 0 BpaAF Ob were B. B. Campbell. L :wl Emery. l ru H. Orah im, an J A. M t. an . Ihc c n.tii.;- - reiT ente I a pr dUOtiCD of lue ral rata f nearly a Ittl lrJ nlUl u a It hn l been app inted Lytliu Proda "Tj' I'nion. i. ir uat.i:iit a u: n thst tli'y t?-- 1 : r jinmu thorn. " Railroad tntBapOT tat! .. the sail, "i oompletely unler tt-- . ' i ii Btaadard C Enpaor; Itpayftwtal v.- up (or tt refioed. it tt rail- - , iDie at Wtat It will pay them lor oarrrlni oil and ttT tamely aubmit. Th--.- ;. : a year wiu-.-- lb u. 1 ta- - I tt' .rtiitur of the railway hnv- - k -- .ii lay whore ! but tt cdoaaal I : - . , ; red in 1"- - by every BMBt r .. . iy are lujpieatlye. and iter an all U . s iru of ikward c.rription. V", ;lu- - ha beenru.ue l. Wo- t -- 1. oi all loa. tecatM. ou ac-.-u- of i t dti rimination we oa&lot anaportaUoa Ol QUI proJu.t froa r Ot tt lumm'Jup !"' ... Ufa -- 3teni.-. Ue tola - . . ub. aadttaotbentutaorlbed i ttbtl rp niiloa " to-d- r 1 the aboo-h- i f th production au-- iu value; ot t- - - .. v Ipe hue, transportation by (' . i th aoajpenaiUoa Ibtraoti oi I ml reftulnt, and the profit ther-- f: al - prion, tbrovgbovl the w..ri I. nl : ttr I expjrU of IUj tjnltod i - all tbtl teen MOomplUted ?' - r. wrio wa 10 InprMted ' lakandlorth in tu Kxecu- - l y menu of thft cooperation I Mr Peri in, pr a ata "u .. ." r. " if you wul come tott - - will ibow roil wii-r- e, a law year I - iarkenea the air. but where 1 ' ' of de- - - mated imuaud heaps ' itteai fie Du:w of tbli oon Mw ... !: boil men then hurried to ' I in III il a lawful tralo in a '" Itere i now eileucu aulempti- - " r. 1 with cm- - - ii. pr .iu-- t. now fe with itir, . i fviioar vlKlmi to wait blalura (oi ' '" ' n at a dictatd pri'.-- toaalualo ' ' " (I i ircbaner." Uartr.tnftt ik Mr. Parrii an I the othaia ' . u . w nt to tu-- oil reaTiOM : an 1 ''''! 'mil i.t be Inatrustad th" At- - ' ' . 1,1s the name of the Common- - " , :. an a ii io in the (supreme rt '! ' thereaultol wniob. it It taouat- - ' trnpll ity of the rail roa l- - are aufll-J"'- -' tn i tin will be to enjoin th- - roada !'"'-.- ' h y r i it - to any hlppr ; wblll i n inaelve beatan an a "i n ' " r.p-- i whi h in r- -s lit I It oh ir-- . i. I f ' 1 WH i any tutna tO P ak '' u li 1 m nop ly, and rpra- - 1 ' n ol New V irk. Lav- - bfua an I'ennaylvanla Oompany for a ! tie imouat ol rebate he tt lea I 'n the earne of r1 " (tipped o- -r that road.twlM f!' Hi II pr I jeer for Hit e oud time monop JJ " and dealt for on .1 me J""' And Ihl pr ail lan are n ,w W I'' ol the r predion .... In la m .vie with tta Btandard nomblna 111 V'1' Its lntaavr. A4riba4 la pre II . ''leih llieeu coluiuua. tne pr'Ju' r Wuhlaaton H to ii.. .. w mablw.n lb Utw tvki Th"e EBBlltlaf I w. re ma le up of men wie n a t' trifled with and who would l t"-- tt B MmprOBttt. They ton th l !at. r and olBtiabl that uul the ftVrMb Impr.-ve- n.- - ,t utra i were Ml wiled. IfeC Standard O.l Conpaay K uld uiv ntrolof th petr oleum trvte ,, til world ; that It e uil drive oj- - i f tn trad - very OUtfltd reflniuf int-r- -' that it i I have th akelaalT Baaaawfaeal of n artb-- Who, yar' iinee a-- IBted t. I ver ahundrad INiom andwa, IholblM ml of Amori-ni- i r ; that Ikatatort, a th- - or.!)-buye- ol - rad- - oil H tloald taT IBO OBtil prodtMlaa uiter-- et ut It mer aud fiat it would afcaotb. OB a ni vrativcly limit 1 cat ital. million tf pr It that h- aid BO m r Wid'ly and aejOBMr ditrinute l. TltOI made food tteai aolktabf aaaawwerabli ir. (. nj ttta aoatraeta wr- - cane- - Hod. The., prod icl loa, 'iave aft-- r all. ome tru 11 Icr after Iheir flrt ItOtorT. the produ r um- bered and the 1'ieeideut of the Man lard Oil by OtbOl I at n"t kail rtain inetho they hafSO, M lOOipllaBOd in t i n year' interval la.'tly whet he at first pi-.- aahth s..uth Imrrovementt y coatra-- Baid 'he Pro-l- er' t'oii'uiittee te'lov. Hartranft: " Th r fluvriee ou thi line. ol the Pennylvania Hail road have i.-- OOBIi and the t i,i,. tranferred lo lovUud and to th- - V- r ' r m 'bee t th i'lvend im ii. . Ii . whil" th- - reflnerie, in I'ennsylvarna have pnoaet und'rlh eontrol of tt. standard, with the loeal traaapor-lalioi- . Ir io well ' y m-- at of pip lines to the oil ear." I! in the tort now pandlM, the railroad, are aolned fr m d..'rimlnatlna. the producer ay tl.-- v will ba entirely ntifl.l: for. they add. refln-.n- la o profttnhle that apltal will onaao to tt aa -- .n (m Maadard'l aba. lut control v- - r ii la ended. Thit wii brlna an pen mark-- an I c mpetltion. whl h Will rult in a health v tra-le- . It i a fa.t that the Standard Tom any make noatt- mpt t e neool it atrldOBOl oi iu ea-- - It oft! ere admit that thy control the P'tr trade .f th- - w r'd t that while they w.-r- w. rth inouaaad In tliey ar n w triple an I nuadrapl Btllllonalroa, How, ever ol ak wa thj recovery, after what -- rnd a deelalve defeat lu 172. - It muel have been the re iit f until iM pali and uperb tact, combined with Nddnea an-- COBBlBB! properly united. It i. however, it f. i lowing th- record of w rk f rein the t ttuieba. lo 17 J to undrtatid how ail thi wa done, and the control pi the refliiiiia intOfOM f the eoUBtry obtained. The S..uth Improvement e,jntra.?t w u'.d have wlv-- n the-- thi Infer! at a einal etr k. Iiefented there. Mr. noekcleilcr ((WI uuietiy to hav riaolyad 'hat th name could be obtaiBOd, but In a different way. There i no doubt, to thoc who have looked Into the matter that hi plan wa P be carried out by two lielpe ne the complete inaatt ry f Ih a i nee of reflnina. o that th- - Man-lar- eoiini prouui-- e retiue.- - oti. nTiuiiaieiy. cneapcr than any rival, and th Otter by tt- - exclusive railway rebat. thi time to i and directly aerd-- d to tt Stnudnrd Itaelf. an 1 n t through the ts- - uth Inproveuenl achDe, a before. Having tun, flrt cot WBtfOl ot alt out nid i r- - flnlng lntret. h saw that h- - w uld have ewept away th- - gr-a- t tarr.- r that pre- vented an at - tut Si i f tne trade. P. - .1.1. i Khlllr' rirM B.e r.r.el .A(tr the s uth Improvement fight. Mr. Boekt feller BppOBfOd to take hi defeat com- placently enough, and the produ era bellered th- - roportl that w-- (IrOulatOd thr- ugh the oil n that the Standard WOOJkl mak no fur- ther ffjrt to cntrol the bnin-- . Th-- y now claim to have di ov red that the earn - re- port were ir-- a! f r th BaprOSO pttrpOSS ol hoodwinking th- - m. by men OOtenilblf their tnnd. but aecretly in th- - employ of the Stan I ard Tiiey made no efl rt to keep up th-- .r Prodnoan' I'm.n. and g t bIom (witBtalncl? with tlie Standar-1- . They pump- - I ttell .. Bad sold tt lor loir prions, and. oMricavUko, fnr-- i no lang-r. bOSBQSO they .aw B00M1 and wh-- n they udd- nly awoke to the fact that IhOI had been aeaia eutratped. tl. v u that the men who hud been th-.i- r etrougctt allie in 172 were sai mg under the Standard flag. r iBataaes, tbots wa Ospt Taader-Briit.a- n Plttsl nraber.who hud beanlarousibl up in oil. and. a an utsida r- - liner in IVtt, had put in i me twill m icalnat tta Soott In-p- i vement contracta, Kow, th- tMandard na-- not nly t lorn it '. lb w..y I y buying LI lut tad taken (rood car ot tlm by maklns him a direct r IB lb standard. There wa Afcbbold, Presldi ht f ibe .A me Refining a clear-heade- d man - mi any had io ootna to be conn led by the Bandard, Ttare wore Pratt and leyo f SeworkBd i imden ot Parkerai ir r were atnndred small fjers, ah m. lerthe Btaadard now. It wa 1: fell -i i t all th brain li if t! standard nnd - IBS atrotureot of ii. tl le i Bni r- - were made ac- tive member f them n poly. Ti.eti ther-w- re tti- -r iii-- k atarp I uln .. but i ii t dott -- tr na n uit tor po lir help, I Mr. Bockoti er fouu lit ; i hU Ivautaget p..y these bob anywh eretl m IJ.uOO to lio.txaja .n.; . lo a ; j; . .:.g buai-- u -- wtsil th t bead I It producers s.i.v ul. tl.: '!.- - - gr ,.t ) w rrt I; but t!. majority of tht u, after thi Oral eicltoment fob lowing the di'Juery that iter were hemmed In. relapsed into tii otd.oaay w ay, aome ol th-i- k TB pr iposed openll W :r 10 Baaki SB arrang- m-- rt with th- - Standard: ata;l erents they did n t ry out. because they had uot be- gun to be hurt. Bo .n alter the Booth Improvomei.t fight .twa g: ren out t:. it the standard wa makiM a very as (tn !y I oil It ha-- einployoa the het icte&tlflc skill In Ins country to th - problem how 1 g- -t th- - most and beat redo d oil out ol de .lo-t- . t of a f.tir nature, let oheapBlM lbs pi an were ' nstant on foot, an i - ;. It wa ui. lentto -- I that Ins st u. lard w.. more refined ill ut f a hundred br-reru- d tnan an other lad ever baea able to got but Mr. Rockeleller Lad an id a tha there SOOld b a gr avii.g In - .me me collateral bran "tea .( rsflulBcl and wten bs found mat he .u.i manufaoturu barrala for a fra-tio- lea tLnu L sould buy tbem lie put up Immeos cooper (tops, e'ii(."ylnB ISTSral thousand rn n. H dlf-f- - red with lumi- -r merctants, end w-- nt into the wood and niUii- n of feet of lumber. He ssn mad- - hi own b -- t iron, sad gave much study t itbe us of Ihs r luum alter refiuing, and. as a rult. Instead i - pr vinga waate, begot a o,,nng mat-t-- r wtlcfa i now mad, lin In the L.u- - p nut that it all tbir l ane . a WbP a I make I girl.' etawlBg gum from another prt f the yeaiduum, and lo-- d iv every of thi wag sold came originally :r in Btandard refining (tills, He louud rnoBsy la parnfflne. In . i at I ng oil, inn Indeed -- u -1 in getting -- very penny out of Its oHto b had fr.on it. Id the legitimate profit yl lili business there were binda m dlvldeBd r In, stockholder : but with ti,i he was not sat-Is- 1. He mean; lo mak" mllli ns for hliulf and lli im-- uot tl.oun Hut meanwhile be ted apparently every energy to tte details of hi . Kvery man in the e.mpany w- rk-t- l like a gall-- y slave. The ikiliUl and pra ti al Andrews, the me haul'- who llrt ug-g- . ei.-.- i ite stan lard enterprise, wat bed and worked from dayllgtt to midnight of ieu, though In by million. lP'li-n- tho--- - d.- be ani r ntiy to las wrltori The Is t - sir I rrnr lly had time th-- u to got a uualntsd srltt mylaiBlfy. -- .,... Aeala ArOSMSd, rro not Bind ItSSS Sfforls Tli-- y wars not Interfsred with. Uut ouuid- - reSaero, on the Oonlrary, wat bed them with gn at anx- - Isty, Ti.-- y rers I irosd loa lmitthut. in pit.of nil th. y ctjuld do. the Htiu.Jarl could rBBS obeapsr than itey oould. Bad could aadarooU Item aad bbIm moasy, Hut tin did not why lbs Standard wa able to sell so cheap an i rag evtdsntly to bs rnakin.- - Immense pr tit. Ueflnsn in New York and Phlladel- - pbil nmurally in a p taltlOB 10 command th sap it tiiid- -. f l ital it w.i rspldly (Hp- - p Bg BWBy Irom tli-- The) were doing bui-- Bat a Ij; and In It Interior, no BUl how li th- - roAaon (old Ibelr teroseos, (toy found th L its Btsndsrd In Ita m irket bside theirs, and nt a pnoe that lbs) ii i ! I .r n i l ". It ivae oertaln thai Ite Standard wan not only makin.' it.o-.-v- lul mak ng II in prodigious amount.. Ksps-lal- ly oti the (ea board nia lbs -i in ard' en c in a my -i y. ,,r a- ii nri refiners bad irjrusdthai m iurd su - In refining at OlsrH ind would b.- - m r than offset, whan selling in New York for eiport. by I III faOt that II- - WOrtS Well. li'J moa WOSl I the oil region a diff. reiei.' of 3'JO miles in favof of New York at-- Philadelphia refining Inter .el- -, on freight (nsrgeo. Ai ! ngth It began to dawn uoon theek'-- n Ban Ital it Kiandard wa hldiug lUprot.L. m lb y knew of no way In win -- h tin. .uld lb rough railway roLab. and al lastttsy irol what limy believed b bs POSlt K-- pro..f of tfil. It lo be rumorud thai m. lLVaLdci bUl bad an interest in the standard II the York relner rmml-r- - d that Ite capital ol thai -- oinpauy had n" ntiv been in rsased . f.t .v.i.wai. As llie stai. lar I sub- - Mqneritly adunltod that it had 's .ight Mr. Van-drbl- Inter- t, the runi- r -- rem- t hav been rrsct. At an event thi suspicion, and Indi- cations that wr cOBVlaciag en ,gl. that ths F.rie wa- - extend, ng 'v - to th- - Vai.d-tr- thorougtlt frighten. ,i u i outaklo reflaiag Tt reAaers visited the railway vfll - aad a' d lol eimilar favor. I ul were refuted Tli-- v struggled agnint fnte. but t nly aw their bnslitees Slowing dav l.v .lav lo, and even that don at n loOB. thing r ut a' iut turn M -- ii. ,1 ah. ad. Tic n it wii that Mr. H- - k- fellr BBI! b wn upon IhS gr.ut iBtOrsaOj villi I loddsa Bad i"-- it BtOysBIBli and IWeBt them all into Ite Standard. The thing wa- - i no no quickly ttat. sissooi boton the tr-- i could nallmi li Mr. Ik kefellr was at thetea-lo- l 1B0 refining bus I aas, ol ti. uniry. Sons of tte stronsTei ni- - np ined him wittout s word; other made a temporary fight. but boob ru leV i The saalb i rsfinsn wt rs diepf! to fight when Itey w- re i 'd thsy BUSt SBll out st a price tl.ey BSld- - srog far ktos than their buolnsso waa worth r bo fi r vd out. B ittheir tnr no WkatSTSf They ould n t tar.d a m nth ngaiurt th new SOglbiaaUon, and o one by one wintund'r. sol the kiai. lari was left (radically alone in the field. Then the pr ducel I lo realiz. th- - situation. The tlrst timeiL Tr- lu,-- r g- t th'ir , fairly open aft- -r their vi. t rv In 17 J waa in 1(74 Wh-- u It wa aniloiitl'-e- thi-- t the great 1. e of Charts rratt A i..i N- - w ii rk had aatered in' an arrang. uienl with th- - Standard. Th-- v could rot tlx" report at ti rat. It frenried Ui. opsrators si tan t'ii ucaaaga in mi city when tts yossor first iprsod, aad madti an al moot t th expoaursol tte M H. uth f mpr- vem u! e. utract- -. TI.. Pratt wa svorsbii kno-v- n th-- maap i t ..irge trr. - c line ti. n. and Lad buyer of oil. He wa the king oi th- - ol i fining b loinesa iu ths Knst. ,nd w.e a man f wi le sgpeiience before hjovketellei had got through koepiM booka. The possibil- ity f th- - Staii'lai l ever g- ring an-- hold ou Charles 1'ratt A Co, wa- - Betel of by pr alu s.r att-- r 172. Uut th r- - ame to bo BO doubt about the truth of the runi r. Pratt a Mo kh"ld- r tn the standard. nl profit-abl- e a hi business wa when h SOnlroUOd It Xlllivey. h- - kO 'Wn to !.av IIUIlien-e- y in- - hi wealth since joining the CVtl eland combination. It w.i-- a heavy blow to th- - prodBeoyB. Tby had teh eoBparatlyely aaf- - ., L ng as i liarl" Pratt A i o. were competing with Ho- - llr A t .. Th- II loll W- -.I 111 rnldil ue BoUBCOBeats tl at DevoS A Co. f w r the Keflning Co. ot Tituville. and Cap' V ndergrift'a IbbcBM rn- - n- ar Oil City had gone over, either by partial r ce.m Mis to the Standard. Th-- n on top of all thi there came a lnibsliell Into th producer' ei haugts Iu th way of a report that th- - great refining mteroi at Parkeraburg. West V had oapnulst-- d th Slaudaid. Th--- e won managed by I. N Camden, a man of unusual Luain- apa'ity and of great ihflu-nc- e with t)arr-- tt lbs Boltlm re and uhl.. lload a carri-- that had i. ; bitbert fen In nur oi thir contests, T!i-- n there refill-r- in Hri. Tlie Stan lar I ribsivrbed them a. I. and refining is attung f at in tl .t ity. h. the natural refining centre, be it use In i. oe water and rail comma alcatton tho oil Balds, ha ! once niore than fprti reflueriss, but Itey went down ike B row oi nlnel.ina. ne after another. A few ol Item were slio Wed standard management. The oaly flut r who made arv rt f a fight 111 Baltimore wa s Wld w wh tried to carry on tnebuslness loi tbssaksol n r hlldrea after her buobaau - daoth. Bh mad u.. aey at tirn. nut loot everything when tha Biaudaru rsached out to ltaltimore. and lor story i on f the saddest of the Incident tt at ar t Id ol ths r of t.ns monopoly. Phlladi Iphlar fiu- -r :dtsl aln- t with Ul a druggie, and ol Its re. apohaibl.- houe In ew York u e in th- - oaly ih--- ropressated bi Utlsn wtola ii iw DVaklni a piu ay :lgH -- rouia.i. ..- - (SPOT-at- e coaerro. s a. tt. oil rogtoas. tboro wars pertstoBfty reBneriss before l7. of th-e- . y, all that -- lie may (OS oi iuan f thtin ar rutv. r n tiil. de luint-r- . an Iw - .wiiig up arouii'l . TneStandard - ugtl them up nnd then let them go to rum aliuply to t th-- out ol IBS WSV, l.i-- n me ..ngle sera. It Pi n- er, win h Clevelaad t pie bad lilted to . I L- - ' I.. t h . 1 t L t 1. L I been sbte t live mlslde tte Standard, was se- cretly controlled, so it Is Bow said oB good au- - ly,b II kefsller an guaranteed bf tt Btanuard a aoadl .it" pr I ta W I Ilea, la l our Month. Excitement wa unaved aU-u- thitimcbya purt in the trad- -, wing to the fa t that l tr CoatUBptlOB (Uddsall lb t away absad oi production. It ssni prlosa " kitiag,' aadtk producers wops boaofltcd, Cut after it ws all over they figured out how the St..u lard, through it control of the refiner;- - had tapd by the si -- rt in ab-.u- t tout DMBtBOi a llsOfi profit of ten millioa dollars. Bow Ml n after Its B Ott Irr. roveBSCt fight the btandard bogan again to rs It r ates, no oas outsld ki. w. but producers bellsv, that the Company Lad an ariaugemsnt with some of tbs roada wtttla a weeks aft-- r lbs sxi ur- I 17 i. There can no positive pr f Ital suet rebates nre given, unless the standard ps pioaad its railroad officials ars put oo oath t. rn i g t:. ib. WarBod iy hi oxperl b i in I S7I. President R 'ksfeller If f.e in any .i.tra-t- at all. did B t Baka tl.-- m In SUCB form ti. it ttoy could str bo mado publlo. Uut that the rehates have been glvea him by m ibs railr- I, tt produoera are as pValtlr in though tl -- v Lad th- - inn. aud with apparent reason Bipany must hav. been lnngoil at a dead T i i past, with tne vi ep-tlo- of the brief uiiove alia lad to. Hut having i. 0 p rtunity to got Iteos pr ofs In any other Baaaer, thev hav- - secured Its b ll glllg of Ih- - p Uding Ult 111 the BUp!" ! pt niit vania. wh-re- in they mear. t put ii oatn o h of taeottoarsol th-- - standard Company as ttsy can .'h in Pennsylvania, and tte officers Or th P- nnsylvauia Itallroad i ' mpaai and ak them wheteer suoh ales L iva o. i. given and roooived, Thi i tt IB-- i rtsnee of thess suit. lUi" fat em to b" certain. Mr. Amasa st ns, lhe& s dlrsetor of la Laks Shore Hail-- r id. snd very Influential in it ntanaaemenl w i a large lektolder la tto Standard. VTnen be u Idealy sold ouj hi stock In that ooBpaay ther a parlous (aaulry, and tt producers say, and th-- ir sUUOBent is corroboratsd in Cleveland, thai Mr. stoaswaa irsjed by Presl-d-n- t r to uj In lnfi'p nes iu ke sh re t - ur- - for th Standard rg-- re-l'.- on Unit road. II refused, and Ml Book-efell- lu.ik'tig it unpleaaanl tor bin lo he withdraw from theBtaadard. At lb meeting with v Hartraaft which le-- l p. tboe (uita, Ibe produoera' eommltt mads to ti.eir -li fthat after tte Btandard had g - ntroloi the refining Intsrest, ' backed by ite Nw York railroads In ons of wniob it had eit-- r i. 1 iiuliuiit- -l authority Ith I.n'. It felt strong enough todsmnad if Its railroads that it i.oUid be given In future Ite sole conduct of the trad- - under tlie S .uth iBprOTOBSBl plan." Tte i ro Iu wra, m chsrg that thgr-a- t railrc id war ol wa incited by the stand- ard, Thsy say IhBI if they have the chSBOS th-- y can prove tl. it. wh-- n th- - war wn al it BOtteel the Standard stepl-- ! in and propoai that it h luld rsoolys a rel ate on ey.-r- barrel of Oil shipped, thai "pen rat- -- hould ! a Ivan ted, and ih that the Standard would equal- ise It! carrying traffic among lbs railway. Ttie war-ea- se I. Wa th-- pi -- i .illni.- pt-- d ' Producers cairn that th-- y can pr e that it wa. The .pen rale averages 1.40 0nll per barrel, bul th producers Insist that froiu iBla liieis is a rsbata oi sixty oonli sxoluslvwy to tlie standard, and notoulyon their OWB. bul on rep itfuW thipptri OH. H w. th-- y argu- -. ai. iter be ny outside larsstm iai m letming? If thi dis irjmlaBti n i Balntalned, why ib n t the Staudard always lo bo the BtaStal of tb( iBloyoal t The Capture or Ike rip l.latt Thonail P)p of tho Bundar l people a mot lmi-rtan- t one. In the early dSySOt pro- duction crude oil was .hipped from Ite troUl "i barrsU, It tsas an ogpoaglvs au i uasystsmi Ittad W- ttod. and BOBS inventive follow riggod up ih'iie oi the districta an Iroo-tub- s arrange- - BSBl b Which -- rude oil was OOBVOyad tanks at the dnoctto the car The idea took, and th..- - lyatsB spe.iiiy b. nine uolvoraal Pips lios sob pan las wsrs lorBsdall over tho oil regions, They put up maeaix laaks of their OWg and run their plprw from tLe.- - tnL to all the w- lie witlnn a dieirl-- t .oiii-tiii- i" ol many ml loi it vastly (iBpllfled lbs getting of crud oil Irom Walls lo cars. Pol the cri oa eeitslo sun was charged the prvduesi for "piping" Thu biinluo.a. grew into a gloat wai -- housing lyatSB, nd llie rSOOiptl of the compnnio lor oil w r" ii. iii I.. 'ai wore used for collat- eral y. Iu a short lime thtso companbs did all the buinnee- - ot getting oil from well lo oar. Mr It ft k fHaf muat early have seen their r, in 1 7 , an iippap-iill- inn lit a- -t waa passed by Ui l'onnsylvanla Logutlalute, wlo-- h ha ln''e Leen sailed ty .r ducer the ' Infantou tvniin.- - Act 1' eitosl was to withdraw from the right (OU0-Ile- a i ! P- nntvlvnnia all lh- right on wded tr'hei.i i.v the rres Pipe bill wnlet th angri li .p.. er hod mm pel lew th- - l.egialatui- lo i a in i7j during iLe -- u uth Improvement light. That i. walls the otnl counties ol PeansylvsnlB Which have ao ii. ght Lav fie pipe llBSO art l.tifasn, It eooatieo were ow pyltrsd ol llial (I vital privilege. The producer in their re. enttnlk withio Hartranft sai l ttia' they wro l Hit iv tin a. t Wee BOaOOd at Hi dlctBtiOa f the Stan-lard- and ioi In PUrp SS ol stein-ati-ally 'uuiging (bout Mrt the destruction of th- - vai .ou pip. Be tor-tu- g them Into in..v. r y. and th- n I absorbing them iatOOBO g. serai .me under c 'Btroi ot tl. rnoaoptily, ti.i. Hnrtianft could n tt-ln-- . tnta b but Ih t r p- nt' 1 e ,i It, result thi.f,at. ly Bad ha Wasobliffcd Ii a li.ot that, il the standard del hot in-- p reth- - i t thei a ( advantage of IL sii-- h influential ni. I wn'. . known produce., r.- - ft V Campbell. A. N. P. mn E. W, I . D, s. i rissrell an i lea aitaera mado an duvit to their belt t in the above statuaisat, and also what Cllowa, Th-- v said on their oathtthi.t the Btaadard', plBBol r un:: g an t then abaorblag its various pip llaeo rwiulreai and roorlvod ratir a.i pi'ratioB, ai. I th.'y cited in proof ol tbell belief a isUsl by the ftsw York Csntrai Railroad Company, announcing that that company ' a uil an y oil received by It through pipe l.n- - that h l eonybtaoii to maintain a given rat- ImI idt ige. - r twenty-tw- cents a barrel cheaper than II w. uid eurry oil receive I fi in pua-lni-s- ISO -- on.ttnlng." and furth r "Ibal iwould earn rrutit Beteofeura tv tht . ;e f r,. ... T-- i iov. Hartranft Bill . r on. He ..uid boJ im "islsud Why. U.rriug ii orrupt bargain, the ri or- ad iboura agrselo di wtai ace Bod t bs a looiM bualaesa, nor what difference it ma-- i j ibob from n .1 pit Im they g. t their d, o Lug as tli li WB rates should be paid. Then ths r -- I i - r en-- I .kav- rl to "it liur. They (Old and 10 re I tbelr bSliel la tlie statement that ly pipe lin that Lad combined to maintain a gieu i rate t. r pn .sag woNWyockod FoBpaaieo thai 1... bet n loi Cod Into inoveiiey togeUn r w itn oqs of ths sound one ttat had been "bought up. ail of (beiu hating been combined unb r the Lame ol the Vu.l-- Pipe I.ine. This w -- owned, in- third by the Miandard -- n.-. third ny tli Lake Shore and w York Ceutrel lUnl-roa- nnl one third by individuals who Wen t ckt Idersaad soma of them director Ib tho standard. " It Prident I ( apt t J. Vender-grif- t, the samo gealleBtan wh . two year r. had. it an outside refiner, f ught the - i'ii linirovem-- nt ( heme in behalf of the prodoosn. Put why the railroad slioiild ngr-- e to carry crud- - oil p. the standard rsflai ri tot in thing th" broduesrs lold Oow, Hartranft they unable to eiptain up- nauy ordinary hyp"th-rslaorb- f any known theory in railroad poll- - lie, init wnat. v- -r ine reae- n m- y an- w tnai the Standard with ibis aid of th railroads, hd nbie to master the entire pips im- - A it . n. w. tne pro In.- - rs ann t g-- a larrel of ,:!. . opting in OB, small di-t- n t. fr m their well to the -- ar. sav- - through an orgaiilrati. n wned by th- - Stan-lard- . Th I n t.- I pipe Line Company trvuuoUly is only just to say, any Intention of n IBs various hippt.r BBd assert, that it treat ev.-r- custosner Willi perfect talraeSS. It. mauag-- r say thai th-- dictated to by Mr. It kefeller, and that he has BSTef attended any of Ibeli meet lags. At the i.m- - tmie. they adiimthat th- - M.tndard. ..r individuals a.nne ted with tte Btandar.1, ais-'ute- iv eoatri l ,t Thus th - reflnsries und-- it coatrol. the rnilrtad as barge.1. paying Slduslvs re bataa. aad with al laosl the tud tt dietata th- - rat- - itt lih-- 1 by th- - Cnlted Pipe Liu- -, tl.. Standard wa- - full) e.'iipp-- d. li t nly L r the pr- - n'. ut for the p ruiak nt ontroi of th- - eatlrs trade. Ta i (i.i srtsb .a Psaasplvaala Ksiir-.s.- i It lo probablo thai rroBidoBt Boottof tao Hailr-a- aw the danger ear.y in 177 It i Certain, at nil event, that about that 'ni.-- be had a quarrel with tha Btaadard, Pro- du vis say that th- - staudard wn Baking higher It is likely that Mr. Sett saw that unies h aatrisoiod in road at ones if in Im smbarraosiBg relation with tao Btaadard, he might IPO Illy lad .'nm-- - if ) involv-- d that i.e ..In i refute to a ve.lo to nny ol ita de- mand. At all evert, eariy in th summer ol 177. ho nt a BSSSOgS nil along an- nouncing that theu-cfor- th the Pennsylvania Railroad's policy m ui 1 bo U grant an , :. Bad tree rate to nil stopper ot poll ileum, Fh producer, w,.i with Sons ol bad (SOB Mr. Boott in psrflOB. and na unced that he Lad exprc"! hi SDBvlc- - tion that I- .- thought It "ttgb Has to stake off lb Standard la ubu." lint it SSSBcd that Its standard ws too well f. .titled even of ths great rarr - I to flgl.t It with BBC -- - It bought tl.- - Pennsylvania Itallroad gr-- nt ally. Ih Km pit- - Trans- portation C iBpaay. win h hn l Banaged all f that road's on t ranaportatlon, Wtea tin pUretaSS had ln eff Iv ania kallrosd, t .i. th- - wordaof tte CoBBittcs, wa left ut a f i t j .1 - n- - : gatb r .. lank to rocslve, or a Mill to a I nrrl ( l ii -- tn. an I without the ability to aacUTO a barrel of oil lor transportation will utttet .ii of ;l st. u. L.rd in ui. p dy.' In ad I.t. a, ' s' ... ir Lad and wa using large nan t- - d tan) cars I it wn. and when lately br ugtl a idenly up - in ling by the proceed ngs re the Supr-ru- -i urt w.i- - .1. ii fair way t ! a ti.. t ink ai - u- - I in ti.- - itutry. This. If tli Standard tad i de- sired it Uid have st pp.-- up the 1'lst I. I! - mtleti rib fr Ilatril ution o oil .'i in tl. wells. It woald have eoBLleted a perfectly wall by Its monop lyagalaat ail outride Interest, win i. notting short ,- an absolute reiusai of all railroads t ivarn aW- rel of oil I l that OOBpaay OOUld ever have broken down, The rs.-...- Trsublt In PBOll OBlB Tho pr. duOOn lgati In a tooblo way to act ; ,r in l7tt but they won I Iks bearwood to attempt uch u plui ky light io. tai y bad nads la Tt. Tboylrlod to reorganise the Pr- du wn' I tn u Tby wen t .Id that it was ..f no use. and then ttsrs began tt M nn I tlio, tive a- - tioas igatasi Her ttat ar, n w heard everywhere iu Its Oil A Producer' Union was organ load, b wavsr.andac rbIII -- appoarod bol r Coagrosi la IR74, aakiBg for an lovestlgailoa. tl - w.i- - graated, aad a tr .nvr.-- nt r ' the si indard it l -- m I'- ll, - chairman isBlllsrly during i progress, Only on- - railway manager oi prominence tt subpa'na ol Speaker ltandall. Ttla wa Caasatl ol its I'enu-ivlvanl- s Company, and b positively rofui it. give tte Committee nnv Intornrntion whatever. Col, Payne, the 1 reaauror of die Standnra lo the lUDpopria but he also dsoidedly de lined lo toll th- - CoBBlttes who ooBposou thu standard or Waal IU MlallOBa wltt tti rail- roads r- Tn- ,a desultory, and the C.mmlt-te- e nsver reported, and nereriook any notice ..f the Contempt of tl.e Wltli Pl nl. tne evidence and even Ite roOOrool theliearing. bays disappeared. Diacouraged the produusrs did not pr- - tin. .ni nil investigation, but the threatening (igni ..f ,Ma-.i.-('- i "i n were ii"t to iken, At lu-- t. aftel submitting tor two p. what they cil a tyrnnny thai no other buatBeos Interssl IB tin country would sudure for a w k. they braced thenwelvea for th- - Bnal battle, SL. uld that fall them ol lucooaa, there of triuble, a I have before md you wiii h Gov Rnrtraafl ol PoBBsylVMia vtowo with the moot sorlOUS alarm. Tke iiioo ksa la Oeaslus lltrs. The rofjcoaoniatlvot of the OohimbU oil Company, with a lew other oil producer, vho BSl omo of the otflcors of the Kiandard Oil oobI inatlon In the oflo of that conpaay, yos- - that they ar-- a ting officially for the Produ 'er' L'uion. Il is this I' hi n which ha and will curry OB the -- uita a'aiiit the Pennsylvania Halln l it ) ei.j. an It from further d I rimliiallon IB favor of the Standard. The publl idiou in t n k st-- yestorday of lbs official ropudiull a of tho ooul-re- ii - by the Producers' OoUBOil, j i h . a the hers isaums t iropreani tnegrsnt oil Inlereai coiifirniod th" tru.b- in New ork IB it (Uaplclon thnl lh im iif-r- wiu. a I. lo forestall pubim opining and give out Ihe Inipresalori that las producers and in- - niandard oomblnation had come to an amicable Th- - proceeding of Ih meeting, whb-- laapjd all day, lharatore. wro of no interest to the trade. The geailomen wlo have taken pari in the meeting preeerv tne same aeorooy In regard to lie ir protaH-diag- ih on Thuraday. Mr. It . lb i of ILe St indard iiionoiKdy. waa Breiacntl but, a raor-nll- in Cleveland, diligent to .. and talk w r.h him were unavailing sr. T. De Will 'releases'. Virata! th- - " Nk-li-l - of Nrta Vwld lh- " in llm kin. i i i krtwalM ki tu l Use HUNTING FOR CHRISTIAN. imiv.j ro (iivvkt HMi mrii niK . in it i ii i inn lOBtllTi ll'a .t ...... . , I! ot.. . In and V, ,r It H.hlatUil la, V,oLo,. b... aal.h I f ..... . .. Th- - rsili-- o nu.i detective arc now rBgBsTOd in itill hunt i th- - BOB WBO (toil Mr. st. b dy. ami ttelf ni vement nr- - COnductOd in juiei aiaanei wholly unlike ite ootoBta BO Seal thai Wa dipl.i)-d- a bwdav ago. N. t Bore lhaa hail ths d. lectlrew orktiaally put oatao faaoani t at yoykoB ibofow eluoa thai r- -n aiu. Tl.e bi-f n em of lbs le- pjctlies n- w appears to bo to i.t-- the re. inc. ti- ni-- '. ChrlStlaB, N t that they !uiv .v deacs OBBOHiBg blB With th- - ens. I ut bevui it would l a eywdllBbiO thing ti cat h blB say way, aad tho estdeaoe Blgb bo found afterward, There is litti- faith i ut lu Ih-- tbrory thet the BlSOlBg I'.. DoUglaal l it ntical with t 'irisinin 'ait IhO poll My Hint ti..- auoatiofl of identity will n it bo nclu roll (sltlod until oas of tbo two Bn Is foui i. Tboro :s ii yei ii tblag t . iboo that Christlsn i,a t N n ,n N w V rk at any llB. Christian wn wu known by Pr. r. Danpby ol Sf West Wnsblngton pin - Chris-- t un wn. Ib IBIS, a student IB MlO Mo It -- a! Do paytB.OBt f OeorgetowB Collegs when Vr. i laphywaa ibere, H- - . .'- - i m Stool t laches in iielgbt, w ilghiBg Bboni no p unds, si years of ngs, having dark, baosl otos.Bal low coMplslI n. Ron an boos, dark hair. Bd a rolling. sbuMlBg gait. He wai geacrslly rstl- - cent, and he had a hi.l t . f holding his head dcwn.sad ket-tdti- his hand .n Ul p tkets, Bs wso noted for in propensity lo sag goia the nasi dnng-ro- u evpe litl r re irre-t-l- ug but It wa nt tlrt attributed to ht BBSS ton br dlOSSetlOH nil hi dOVOttofl to Bedlcal soioaoe. h- - wi tont than s t .1 of evhui .mg bodloa frosa lbs Potter' Field f the District of C lumbia. Hi nrre.t. trial, and i Bnlsl B tit f r ting a found in tin- - Baltimore rnilroo lei-- .t foiiow- -1 hi reckl-- s nss'K'lati-.- with neg; ..... wl:- stole bodlea to .e to me, I in mlioBOe, The traced tte body uad in th dopot t i th- - homo, aad found Christlsn talking with th- - blv BBBteBoro, The main ioint of CVl-d- - n agauitt h.m wn li s diary. Among thi r item In hi diarv wa a rec rd of hi tlBlt th- - fun- - ral f IW. W. b- - stcr. a Free Maoll Ol W nailing- - .n. -- f Col. Wsbstcr ha l iheli lospieioBs arnuaed and, on going to the Oon pree-ion- nl .li.s re 1 that ins grave had -I. Violated, Ctrttlsn at that tin:-w- a hospital (Seward, Bad bs was d tuii -- i lo th -- i.rg- Bral s Hi .wit. i a salary ol (l.M ... ,,r. A It Lough boworo the of a rroo Ma n. and wn- - I ellese I bv In- - classmate t. ie.,.ng to the or iar, the susplobvB thai !i bad t ilea the b Iy of Cd. WebtercoBS. tli- - Pr--l- ti to ua th ir inl'.'i riv against linn. i Hi- kii-a- di- -l. I - wna at tlrst In- - ii. I IkSI 1 i Id. But n - f t: rltlxco, f Washing' n. wh had n airu I by In eccentricities, had In aad pia--- l in th- - qaToolooa bury ing gr. und. When the body wa taken up the Bead mil Ine heart r- Blsslag, and Christian, it kttem. Hisrei n th.-re- .re vva agh-.h-- ' Intii ii ni trial an-- conviction for tli -- ' .ling f ti-- t am 1 lu th- - dep t An ki Maryland slaluto was ro- - vlv. d. and Christian wa sentenced t le year', Imprisi umeul lath District iall, w tile th.-r- - he tra. ktudiou aud well bebatrod. Pr Clrant pardoned him nflsr he had aerved .nly n small part ofhlslerrB bis friends hav- ing f r him. II- - Ills SitUBlioB BO hoapltal but ha deaired to complot . II I irs- - and get In dipli ma. The f I the ooll-vg- toorever, lo baye anything m to to do with him. s- on aft.-- r artsttan w ,s released an th- r b -- Iv disappeared nu ll, sear h brl i.ri-tia- u resulted 111 finding linn t liking Willi the saras suspicious negroes a lf. re. 1- 1- WOkod up under l " Bubsequently the bail w... rodu sad M MOO, and he. ,i i beL.-- d. tumlstod it Inm--l- f and then ran away. He ha not in thai since, ns had a brother living In wsoaiagsoa a UMl tint- - who r m.-i t him very iosely in peri na! appearance, An ng in follow stud nt Ctrtailaa bad the rep- utation . I being a dining, reek-le- e fellow, who would (teal a bly for tun, .: I .In t Oven .brink from personally resurrecting a body. The Surg, lienors!' fli - was near! door loth. ego, and Christian perl rme.1 the dutloe of hi, nice whil- - puisii-.ii- I. - SlUalso. in- - pa n bodyannl h.r.g was net generally - n lemned by his fellow stuients until it was lsarne.1 thai be was d ng It for tte pecuniary pi tn s is .f Item i. iW l lieve t, ..t 1... Imp; :.: 1. as of posltl :. in thi arn v. an I f ur. g. in diploma may bays baj Isn d blm aad cause.1 hlB to retiBebl( old a rk.and el the . ii tv t! it to 'k th- - Stewart I. ly from st. Mark war hrard, w, 11. May, It (oda wat- r manufa tur-- r. who idle talk about thu tealllliti oi r a oiiig Mr. Btewart', grave, mil subsequent disap- pear0- led lo tn- - oouuection in. nnrns with tn. - ' y 1. - friend t. l. in l.n- - r ope, Theynri i oltlvettat be sailed tor Eng- land e ti lae ::. ins' day- - after tts roblvry. Uawasseen at a Ore in Dunne street on th" night ..( th'- Alt. It i ai that h- - wa there all i t, Mr. May said thai aid return iu tin Hi- -' w i .:. n.'- - r. Kelly, tt. empl red at Oraham' Stable in Bhsrlff Street. Is still living I : ! r. J . ig Hilton aald. late evening, that the nit u tt n f tl.e rase was unchanged, aud ttat he cuid av nothing tor publlcatl. a. Detective riscuer ol Newark, aft r lavcati-gai- ii g ii it ,i ., ,r. rsi tad I un in ytibls-- r ','-- - w- into a ugh n the bark ..f th- - Paaaaic Blver near Mount Pleasant CeBetcry, uu l had -- cu three men acting In a upicl us manner ar tte place, report-- d yoaterday 'n it be Lad no clue lo the hiding pi l Mr. Siewart'a body, and that n.. rubber bag that gave at a gr- .t itsact could i.- - found. Tho wheels that ths Bsn took sway belonged! a carriage ttat was BBastod ob Its rniir ad track n ar by. Borne cooimentshsvlna boon Bids in regard tap' Byrneo' notion lathe case ol i - and VreelBBd, a prominent p.!.-- offlelal tt expressing his opinion said: " If h Lad not acted a nedid be would have beeb tried an I from ttef r - in t went f urt lira, 1 u inii- -t ask th high In authority, why Burks an V- r- it were he I Juatl M alter be wn Informed that there wai n evidence against them in the Btewart ease, In I hoes pr In.-- - ,. L By i n - whs a sub r li- mit- and bs had to obey, HI .landing Ht po- lice lo ad piart-r- - is iter ever better th in thai I s tne man I ouuld name who have I nssoBo very funny business In worklug up 'lues, Burks is virtually couvloted on the charge ol f. rg- ry. and 1 h ipe we ihail put Vreeland OUI of harm way I a - .in- - lime." m i -- vii i.t N y N v. 20, M i h excite, it prevai -- in tl. oyerthadlsc t L n i sum i lo he ti.- - ily of the lata A. T. rt. Last rrlduy evening there was lo at th- - depot ill WollsVllle, N. Y.. frOB what is known as trn-- No I. Kris Hallway, a largo biaok trunk, contnln ngs a thing whl h emTltedsvery ottensive odor, Three dressml, w.-r- very eager to g- -t po- - ewn of the trunk. Att- -r .iinri' !ling with the baggng-'ina- t ! Ilr.t servod, they gamed p asessT n Ith n treasure, and. pis 'lag n in- Side. if I Vel.l 'le -- lilted II. the II r.-- 't loll of th pennaylvant lingy slopping al Bhoiigo, roaehing there at bIkiui ii icloeV p m. The trunk wn th n taken out ol th hack and car- ried b, th-- ir rooms, engag i tor the n glit at the Bnoago Ho'.-I- kept John tt e A Bob, Suspicion was in of the iunlorBOB her ol lbs house CbarleeOee sad bs talked so loud of In Ihnl Somsilllng Was wrong that th-- . nu ll l 'k fright and disupt hiking its trunk with item. M R, IMKIH I l I If ( MS ller VV htrealMit.ta B)PMO0SOg-TB- fSOlla( O.luln tii BSS kur. Avitrun Aiina tVdama, th- - nlsstng insane girl of WlltiaBibnrgh, seul a despatch yeater-da- from ibo i- sldou - oi boy uncle, Prof, s. L A. lamia, al '277 SoUlh .'.ith llroot, Philadel- phia, briery BBBOUB llBU her salt- (irrivnl Ibere on Thursday evening. She give no MplBBB Hon ot her puip."- - m running nway iron UOBO, but said thai (bo waa t. rry to havai caused dlstreoi bybsi behavior, Shots to b bfuttgbl bOWOkOOB, ll- -l nam - AOtTUB WBI given io her uu ley peouliarclrcumalsnci she born nl widnlgbl- - o that she oelobrsles Iwobirtbdayo 'I'h physi'inu wh't wna in nt- - 1, lid. ui Baa somew Lat "f an astrologer, and li" to.d Mr AU no.- - thai lln- star at the iu, eiidaiil wasonooi niagniluuo named Am ui. Ti. lather adopted that nam for the child. BillSe her mind bte nine uusound he has. he -- ay. Bant tn.i's Wondered Whether lb- - u ti mn oas not in o -- ul aii a, oi iii an unfavorable niunetlon, Anoth-- r daughter w n i Tlmlia Melpomnna, and a ihinl. V a i. Ilia. Ucuus- - the lallicr wiu dramatic mIHoi on u hug" PiilliidelpLia i. c-- wn In aaieiintly studying tin- - theory and artol inuai- - and the drama. 11 many popular war songs among Ihou ' Uod and Uur tvuuve Laad." DKTMXDiXQ Hit UOtHKH. A Bty't t'.l. ro.i. l PoOOOat ' ..lil I'slsl A.a.t.ilt hy M. Fitlhtr. CrVOB of " Murd r '." from the tin. d ti -- ' of the ti ii. nt at SS Jay Mroei Br klvn.lasl Bight, attracted a throng of bob. worn, ni l ctlldroB to tao sidewalk r.n.l Lit' ths ! lit i the houe, wb. re ttv Hood listentug Ibo bhywi a bsb was showering upon his wife, and Id lag piercing t .am b utt-r-.- Oao Utile girl pttl hod nt IhS throng and ran with nl hoy pe I until ifM m- -t Ofll s r V- - !or and t... I in a .vo. BBBJI ws( killing hM wito la Ibo teneBenf. Publng through It, throng, with Offi-ss- Doyle al ht able, th-- y eaterod tl. up. rti :. - ot Q. rg- - CM, a tt p : irjr, and foiin him ling Hp 1'S'rWay, s . u to boo whd waa coming, Win!' hie Wife, p.l.-- l. wa leaning 1IU01I til Bat !lpl e, wi"i hey apton il li.-- r povorlna th a1 - ital ha.1 h -- u mad-- ' wttn h heavy h t ..i chlldrun- - i boy. ng--- ' U. mid a K.i :.g-- o w- -r trying, mil the nun, .ir- waa al tn einfuaion. lr.. (aid. u( tool -- he iiild, 'hat hey had attack-- ! her With bis I Is, and she th -- igl.t that h had about kill- - ! -r. Kill said tn it hs ha I fallen an l suiTerotl hoi luiuri In Ihnt Way, Mi-.- ., sank loth fl. a- - and wa rm ved t tv Il spital. apparently lying. Dr. Coearan. the Imlanew sunin, rej u .i that sh-- uffrliig from a compound tra.'- - IU--- of th" k i'l uud ug'y S alp IV IUB '. III. who I 41 y nrs nt a iab,-rer- . working la Marst .' onlyardiuwal r street, uoder tne oridge offlias, Ho say thai on torn-In- home h found hi Wito stnadlng at the tr t uordruuk. H- - t I hey Id go her r na. and presiding hi - pulling i his li.itntli.' micro 1 and IstgnB to old Mm lor telling hoy t coma In. Site new lit him. tor" his shirt narly off an-- l bit nlin on tte ..., Then bs t?irw at at liar, but titer that lb w... IBJUI i 1ft fulling. The t.y i Id y il l Ihnl In lath t aw its irni. sleeping off it drunk, nnd wa i ry crass. 1- 1- ,lrt ns.iult-- .l lili-.- i with a can, and wh- u hi m th- - r Int trfored. attacked with hlalioota Tho little fellow tried I defoudhls m in-r- , and ibrewabrlck at iiis talbcr. id ir itgtn vvne unequal lo preventing tho i in. lln- girl Mild iiiat th- - . nil rr-- ai.SM boeausa her brother II I not go to the nigln ! 1. Her taih-- r to bad him I i that, nnd lor im ther Interfered, Th- - n the man turned "li hoi with his bo t. Mr ill is in F.ngli-- h woman, sated SB, At a lnl"Lour sh- - Was thought to l dying, .ill ha n ai for g. H-- - was locked up and hi OtltlroB vv- re BOI I a WitOSOSOO, mill WMtCIt KXTa.tOltDIHAItr. ..i.i. ii. us. ibe r ibo Pis, Httii.i ih.rtii Bar - ltae, The fair in tho Free Baptist Church In Weal Tweaty-flf- tt sirc-- t alBlnatod lan svoa- - ing in a rill Bali h. whl th mat h in n cbWOh Is a novelty, and ibo fact that th Btestnall w. re youag ladtss added to the aovelty. Tboiorwol wgg plaood agaiasl tba wall ivorthe pulpit Th- - marksw BOO Stood at th other end of the room and Biwd down the nile. The po in wa HOWdod to loffoeotiOB. SBd It wa hard w. rk for ibo msBBgefa to door s lans from ihs rung point to the larg' t. The twelve girts were di- vided lato ttros loaaM iBerlean Scou-h.aa- d Canadian. ThobMB msklngthe highest I or wn to l e culled th- - BhamptOO tOBB, in I tin n the BOBtborol th- - chsmi , ti im making tl, highest seoro la tw iswastoba.Wiiredlhi winner of the prise o silver cake baeket. tn tne tsom (booting, sa h m ui r had litres shots, witii a possibility oi ii...king SB. auda team i -- of HI. The Beoteb team shot first. nnd th- - first girl to ii, uul th- ' air ni.d leva-- Ii r rlfls a' lb bull's-ey- e was Mi- - Becki Perry The isill w-- nt tru- -. and si. so, i red IS. amid much -. Hr h - were 7 and a P. and her lotul wa SB. M on! Andrews fol- lowed witn a total ot lJ.Jdi. Bead IS. aud Evelin IS -1 with 10. T tai for th" I. am. SB. Amid applaii-'- . the tmcrl-li- t im w- nt to the (r nt. Kv line si urg U ecol I PI. Ann 8. It 1 1LJ inn-- . Na.- -r 1. au i Cam- - Er- - u- t 19. Total. Cl. Then thsCanadiaas shot Jennie r. . made lb: H.ittie William retired with pro Us nnd a it : Jsaais an Brakle mads 'i.i. and Van i rn .: total, 7. Ti.- - Canadian tcsm wsrs d- - crnia l tii- - cbampl na, Then ti..- - memb r- - f the winnina con- - t -- - ! l. ak. t 'I g - a r- - r- vous, and audible enmment and exhorta-t- . ns f tbelr frit-ud- did i. a idd lo their com-t- - sure. Tw.-nt- ' ur could Is) made In the two .hots . a h hn l. and Jennie It mad.- - 10. Hait- i- Wi... in- - ii Jeunietaii Brnkl. 8, and Jon-i- . VatitornlS Km !::. 'ters of tts spsc-.- - Mis, l. i v. nt forward and nm pro leutvd w.-.- It l : ' mot ' i r .4 ii tii.. PraBvably ratal .. atoawlao Kal of Jalnsj ni MereBswlvlUet V J. Ml. ii' BAOT villi:. V.I S..v. lln- - .nt pfCaBdeBt lUBU IS OBvited ovei tts .1. ol King stiii. Then wasas .ai gait iriag at th- - T.wii Ball bora last ntgtt, aad. as usual, sueb na ovobi attn ted lbs youag f m t;.-- 'iulty. and a Urge throng aasembled t iu th.' i stlvitli Dancing wa, a loaturo A th--- snjoyiueut, and an. ng it, kt.-fu- l d..u- i wa- - ai. C, Wilson of Hobs teali.U". Tl.ey w r- - g v null dm. - preseat, and Wilocn's services wero In nstcni domsnd. li was th- - lion of the hour, He cbotti a tntii ni l made tim it agreeable. Mel id In! arrived In tho Pbtco aad c mpara-livel- y little wa- - known ..' out mm. an i tn in -:. i. gar .1 Lin. with llit-ro- -t. Wilson' attenll n wa apparoulli sbsorbed byn wi man who had boon sad lied L tl,- - ball y Still. Ths latter, who kuew Hint wll- - ai had a wife living in Uolaware, grew loalous I w lis-n- an I in the Bidsi if a dance, at ut ut S o'clock thi m rning, oould not restrain walked up to whore W II n Blood, an 1 coolly, lo a loud lone.saldi Wilsou. iu ure a marrhsi man. anl you ought not to bs making love to th- - girl ao," I L- - leinark in amaed "ilon. who lr-- w a re- volver and (lr-- d tLri - six to at Still, nil of which t k eff t tin made a dsngerousw ami In sinl's throat. The wounded man fed to A pl.t, mn w.i aiimmon-i- l. who pro noun ted Ite wound In the thr nl iatal. After tiring tin; -- hot Wilson replaced tl s weapon in I..- - p '.. ijutitcd th" tall, nnd Walked home, Oi the wav be threw hl( e busara where it waa aubseiiu ntiy m i. with tbn (it .lambeis empty. Con ...-- liar. arrested Wllsi n in Li- - ui. Kt:ITIXQ UU tNnVUAXCtS CLAIM. Tts tmirs Btate Lift la Daelglag Bel le Pay Ha I ol. Ittt Igfcl 1'ell.y. An. ng the companleo that hi n.--k ob Ite a- al Cel. Wsltoa Uwlsht uf MlM uuteii. a he dltl list seek. and whe w.-- n ur- a let - a,thi L'uited luue, CtHuysni stUilseili ti- - iTaesmsl iheli -a .- rbey bsv, lsk,s sesiuo, piss t.. in ssyiMM nslbawdeaani ii. i t .tu. plCel Pwlghr, .n tin bvt tatcsuw, S, tbey 111, t.t l,li(,rst. l) rsUIBsd all latwti . in niaktni hu ast ii cna H daillud la wrluni bivini lea tea dyianrwnl II svrrred, in bi (tcstten lbt b, never Sl Weed Tllu tomp,H) Klirat t! n Ih) .i- lain, a t i n bi iia i i.i.,. i its a...orri.,e.. ass, liulUtts thv diret'i aavMica. to biip, hi i hi'-- ti.t t un lime ht hd tieen n Rfltule mam . ireup a cnclitS tin1 y taviai Mit u mi' aamiwUm l.t) brei. made ut. lit ii a lUon.tlwou nti b,v la a tranli J V Um 11 a., it, a - nlUl ' lb, Iffi Will Ol lie llit nd .ait t,. Uif Meal w Ibi . m I s.iv. sin.-i- i lu- rrluted T- i- Humbert ll. United sian . i,a..J in I!,.- l.o.lti i.t i. u Ultltmt anl Hi. .all in in tht l ank .ul- - I to mat bf to inak 'nt Ui, rtlui ..; lb. pmul on The taensdiv emtsnd lht Ui l.l tln Hand uki.lrron Ihi br . Ib I a IWM.iutur legally rieruwd and lb. v InU-s- d io e. iit1 Ibf elaiw. wilhost t tr lu ll - H al any ullier eomSSBt urUe, f a.- t ... . til Uw olli rcueiji,i.i iniervfUal, sun Ui. ,ace ti fftiniiabw Bdlb, Vniwd iutva .i y,l bi a J class ui '' BtSptSB tirlfl,- llnsgrat. KKOgt i l.Li.. Ten ii N v. ",2. - -n vir.ff . wiin us v ti age soauaitlsd bei rtbl utv, Pn s r sM mil aimed RvsClsrki a, bayd ai gwHHi iiiis ifwrase Hsi.j ittuaaiwr irrwatsil I . i' rtei la i io iart lajiub-- ih btailiu, rliueiis k IS, lor Ul. ceii'n.ut.tien nl UrtOee't y i in n- - uiiuawtl na Ill -- a th.- nl in lot lisvlbd S s,ak n.ia-t- . l l l,l rttuaed i l.iuiriur I Meg by a t ar. a itg .r nsraed Quwell.ol Vor llnmlltoo, a. kiln la..' lag o.l b) BSIUM rial OV ill cm attache Is Is Ssaini) tin IB Third van li .a HI ir uk . a HoaVtli U'l d Iruiu III, Its. ul 111. kuiuui! na NlppsS nail' Mi, si.eci. it . r,,r uu i inssaih Torsa, PgOflDBMOg, Nov 1 1'h- - u' II in Oily i nm nUvti uu. au i seen r,u lnl a n. ... .at In la loi Miyoi lor In. iliu..,iii buui OSiet of vll) UBKC, a., rancnun vl. u I -- in,. a la t'aalir.nala. Ohio-.- . Nov. 22 -- Kama will H i to I, at Q 11- - i on ii - li.rk I Ilk. ri, pi tsal.w kJ.I Usrsa malt a .a., u. UU It ) I II I BRITAIN'S MARCH IN ASIA. 1 i .( : i 1 in v.iiii mi uu mnitfl ivii rug .nun iv ni in 1 1. tn ii i. Tii. roaogesieal as net-sd- Th t beeSeSk in-- ..r .i.e r..i at Ttangai IVIgBa! i. st la mm ilea ... is t ,, iswf r ImMim. .ipmiu . No-- i n. Brltlah bum. bill ! 1 '.'i - 'br ugtl it yst and ml -- il BeaJd II- I- felt, notwithstanding tin I Bl li ties f the Afghau guns, Tb IfghaiM ) i abaadoBed Iho tori la4 night, Oob. Tytler'i Kk ' r..-.- . hi vine Ot -- ipi I a .1 file lit tho ftv BBd th- - Rngitsh foi i uplod the big - to. L' dny win. i.t flying al i. tnirltlowosre bs w nig mad- - f .tao iBBed iBls in ther s IVBBOO, Al im id ki a fori 'i '; i h yber Paso OB I steep rack .1 i.i.i : high, In ths loot w i f t:ie British IB Afg1 BBS, n wi - I el I rnntely I by th" eonloBdlBg tore, la SovoBbor. ISM i , II wn destroyed ly ids DfltlBh IrOOBg und- -l ,k , Blrft Noll buiWBBgfl rward rebuif) m ii Pass N fl, Ai daybreak thu i ornlBg Oon, Hr. wn (food ob ths Utile plain ' icy i,. I J iinio,. I wnt blag the BOTOt 10 the fr uit. A pi k- -t ,1 th- - enemy cgvalri was I tho thagai fUdgo, bsyoad t rang-'- . The BdtranOI guar I BS(Ohod brlkly v ob. Bad presently ereste.1 athelghi wbaaoo. Htjic -- k. a iklrmrshlog fire wh otssawdoa tne a en- - niy's pi ket. The latt- -r retlrel niter s L ' d - t ry reply. Hur to. - pressing on and OO J raaionally tiling, reached tba Mt.agai it.dgo L when s AIIBUaiid i elearh visible. Atooog ( Mim iieiul Bred IhS tlr- -t (tsli, which burst il f j Ihe air. The oad (tell wai aollslraod, ami , w o- -r ihe arr ,.n lbs Hbagal Hi Igo, an I feb w. it.- it bursting laiyi ml. a ng ball MM Bocoaaary to allow out heavy balltyy to eoBM up. and Hi mt rvsl was Btlltzsd by tte hofwl ' BttlUory iii plaeing guns on the height tn nm . . right. Fort AIIBUaiid replied. OBd th- - llrini boeaBS soBowbst brisk. Msan wbtle Srlaat wai rd to the loll of Knit AIIBUSlkl, BBd BOOM i rs n ci iiit-c- t t: a it wii Mcl'n r. u's ' turning BoyoiB'-B- l na oar eoBiog ink i operation. Ihe Afghan ibonl fort AJituua-ji.- l 1 Iholi a.lli ii,:h tints appnr. i.tlf threaten- -l .a the Rank nnd front. Ournoroi artillery lb- - wa. falrtl - irvod. Tt.e Afghani rep i d w ith spii it fi ..iu Fort Alnnutiid nt lirst t ut aft. rwar si i kly. At 1 P M. th r- -a h- -l tin n-. as al Maa-lil- i.' Tin nnroogans tt-- .i moved oft tho ridge, nnd gam pla e to the nlii- - p uinl-- r battery, wh lie th forty played ng ani-- t tl.e rigl.t of th Afgftan pooilfoa. The Afghan gun !. wlv bu replied, making good pin.ti . e 1 t.t a tr- m then sovi n I lUnd. in in th" COB tml loStloB. At nl,ut 1 I k. two forty S pounder (hull crushed ti t ihe central bastioi and erunibkrd a groal ponloaol It, apparentli disBouniing tl.- - gun wl: ah had boon so stub , ' I . rn M -- in aft r J o'- -l -- k tl.- - infanlrv sdvaaeoc r.skiy. TL- - Fourth Brigade t. ok tne -f shapes of the v illoy, pri'Mslug Ii tin- u h tht hi k toward Port Aflliiuailu whllo tbn Third lirlgsde p. k iii- - right (Id. Wh n lb i l, rock) ridge on Ibe leflalopj waa crooaed. Jl, ' ky plalenn lollowi'd nearli up t - th f 1 ol the Alimusj, I H ''I.. Iho Bairnilniieri pul A n si- uuiiy fliinvt briskly, evoking J i irp r. ply tr"B tt n Who W re ding II r k n-.v n -- p.-. Mennwhlln Man- derson'M Bail ry. moving :.- ! of l tream, bad ennu Ibto action. Pour guns hr vi aisiy Ion's .1 ' a. again into miiou. nipf till eii my iteyei .pe-- l gun lu w pbioes. lu vi-- o o' expected lat. ii a in t.t.. brtgaalsi deatetlcteal ou tho turning BlovoBMBt, mil thr sun eeiting wini- - ua yet uu a l ad to be done .;.- ns were reluctantly suspend! until to Borreiw. preeaul nsbidnglak ntopi leetoai poslllun. uud 'ii-- tri- - ; bivouacking when tl. e' d. Hu ui left the Third III - .! Lac gained a position veri clo.. to tte rigid Bbi i oi A le ii- - id n l m l. ed lt y worunliui - iU -- l II llling dlat , It C. 1 I. tiioi. e. Nov B3.- -A of tin ai India recount, tin- hist ry the t t.- n luilj . an Afghani dan daring tte laet Inn yoStl It -- at: In tali. .i let ill kiadnea - DMf It, o t alia l1 IP.iHt, aa willM-Mr- I.) II t Aa to a r. , pan I. ,'.t 1 ntballO bi II tl, r n: trrbklftid affuld. d It. Iiilll i - Urn- - ,1. tsdbyUi.ln. n re uii I n. a.. ..hi bJM Ai.'i.m. ar Ktlna.l int. .11 will an.i d.MoerVrtJ ist li er t.aBly ..d a, alt niin-t- , la n.rltatir .1 I., alii , lit btri ...I ll. a' 1(1 a M ..I i., n IL Bnnaii en,. in lisli ..i.i sill-lU- ili hi in TT.-- isllad .11 , It ll. ti III In Lai V 0 , i , a:, i I. a a I; ,l mv av ... It i ' i .' r. , i Hit i:.titah tat -- i whoa . . i. ...... I - I.I. Ii. I. -- I t.t- t ..ur nt ' ' 1.1 .ne. It., kit, ir I. r tn.ttt. ., .lit i a at. iii. it- - .1 nt I With In ( ' t r : iiuar.el.'aa Hi, i.'.t.'yi.t, h.! ' V. ' filf , k . a ii :a' an I. bs If a l.,1t'.o...a I' . Ul, na ri. ....... a!bB i Th- - proclsmail. n l n ' '. . Voof i the Ameer KI re All a! ne rest the r ipousl tv of having exchanged tli frieml.liip tot 1 it h -- . th tmi re. il In lis." i i.i.i in. N v. 22 li Bi Kaufu ib has dellv a' r. i. isvatly tword t . Hundsha M ' ntnmed I!. in. I lllel ol ill- - vfc ii. I gat i, ll at Taat k. i.d. t b ti t.a::..t: d ti t ugh him 1 thi fill - r of 1 ' i W hen I r- . in- tli- - -- word j, lieu. KautBan delivered tte I wing id.lrusa a iii-- i irstliea llial BuaMaettr .a, -. . lug i wl . v. t ,ii ... L ...a i a. IMI i. hall -- l i 1. !.,....i will I tnuirtd I In io :i i' .n IM.ird 11 rtt rin. It fact linwi. le lln vt B ...v II .. t i.t III . Mat led Hit ami IT. flit II- - IW, ptiWirilli - ll. J'. ... Ih. ai r V ,. .. ir.m.itc Hit- - llto Hit na maud IrWa le Pn iwrll ur Afbna, Husaai.t. l bs V i mitilty at Isrye May o . . :. e( Ihe nltw,t a ... an a aad bey bf, . a o ,ai lyisntiy SIS 1 1 .a i,, The i 'i Is ' ' ill:-'- , to wing in the Persian tongue ' (layUiel givs ti v i of r ovor tt inlidels. London, fi .. T:.e '." .Wi ' .' . in- - i formed that a CablBel Coun-- ll t .1 -- id d lu suniBon Parlianteni to n e t In IIikwbboi , . iuordcrb produce tho Afghan pap-era- . Im iti laity ann uneedthai Pai amenlwlll Beet n Doe, 5. ihe Plum in in Mlulas Bietb Harts. PbxNcisco S v 2 A Virginia City, S, v tt-- . at 'i ny, 0.tltl .. I elhcl tk; , I. U..I 111:- . na N Vda mil I) Tl . t nk SJ ' Itei a at ibi 'at ol t:. .... ut whtcl isMytg Iresj I - i lam t tun im ib fl.isr ot lb, vrussesl. iw w tiir feel from It far, lie a Wtle l,kli wl.u-- lyV Mred tra... 0'le leii I'i't ten A t. II o I lis lol On. nil nil - I'- - t. Ht- - a alll.l n.ltali bill ' tl i. imiew-tbl- f - i .a'.', a .1 tin it to ...orrtiM Mill brlsa j ,. be M I .itlt bsH ' t i I la nt a i ctfUinri ml.1 ': I ' kaa (larger la l "ti. sum. Wi. lam Penree, lot tVel - 1.1.1 tel li s ai ,l I Ml, i I'ftn It Iriind 01 til htr'i ll flilht i ,a tl.ilibtit 111 til. Stvigl lit Lift W dutlb IB t . '.- - I ii, be wai srrtob-- Tbs Psoltofao t ciasllsbd Rspartsr. Mr Robcri Begin, a wli known and blghly ,.,i ii -- i. u ti. l j . a iy la Bid rt ,ii,.- - a derari c lie ws runnetbsl with TmsBvs a i ., r I l - Si yyrk ant n.. .1 l ilt I. t n- H IHI Tt Signal OgPss lregletlea. Partly cl udi weathef, rain up..-- , i. .., iy ri ir.n, ,ib,r, alder, M'elfrl wind. Iiujbet .raur JOTXiMQI iU 'A" VH4U l"h VlTVt rbleksrlas g (.ail bv rdi ' lb, pn a llteg cellent fSsaetsrUt as 4erUM-s- "t N mb,ru(0t.l Mai - - ta i -- ini an.-- Mill MlO ,t lb sm th iii, ii - ' ill', Ohm it ii ,r r o lilt Inn- - at , V A . a tl a. aim a. nl Wit frIB UU Pegs ivitia. nit. la- in. ' -- k o II Verr.' , Mile llQS , isn, a ll, ws term i . a utrseoii ybe Wbttiw Van Pull will ptesd lol u iy in T. ni v an. W ik ' al a inei tin. al lie- Aim. II Ol r, Hi,. I ' a ... 1,1 li, i It lull ill"'!, lit I. i.t a. , 1111 I bi ires a i ton at :i i'oIqsi Tin- Ilp0tnb'd yl Ih New J. i, t li, i h, tai r.tat i buly at dli Pret. lb, H a - - Hvsrd Ml.) n lit, tlnl-tr- ll fuS'-Uc- I nan ow by fog till llB till liJUl.ll - III. a el lit. - a iity T'a- Anl At.o, i.n i. pi .ou A an Uetti - I onal Ptturtji, it writ tna r .trial, t tl 1 siv.i on g.eidsi rve.UMi i wii nch I tii ..f anil alitor- - io, I'bllad hum ' i.iuta i Tin ha-l- t. I, be fl Is- kite n a balsllUIIC lfi "I DitsaWI lb.iiiet.mnl IVnnyita u ilk, , lit n il ii" I... S i i 1, a . i rt i t Ii f, le. ht ir at lie- - t, a. t rt- i. aik' I ..I ill Ir Iai ., I I, tl I ... II I' na Ik I'.ll I", null ia Bul I.i I a. - li I la , ll. N 1 - .t ceii. U i lit k ai i..u-r- i ai .1. I: eiaia-- snd ISO V, Ksir, ui ih, gen,ni r-- m Ii .11 , a a- - r Iihi a irtsi Iraaiai Kiuyh ri. 11 k can toi l d a ham tat ll,, M ,r . no I... t.l.a" It.ul Mt .111 111 ia IIIMi a .1 f .0 ly I',,, t'l fl - t IT, .lul Ley iai, lii.iH.tii tin' kUeet Will. 11 Ki. t. Iii, drit.r waa Uyaoa-- tu. .i Bsyt-al.- e,u.o immI oi i,rIJ L.ia o ksiur Ui, borw coajbl Bf in. . - ui rug V. t a " aui laxallld ft U. 1. . t .vtUhf. natuy tuvtrt a.sutyj.' - sMMHwHHj

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Page 1: ni 7.H '' a' t - Chronicling America: ttr I expjrU of IUj tjnltod i - all tbtl teen MOomplUted?'-r. wrio wa 10 InprMted ' lakandlorth in tu Kxecu--l y menu of thft cooperation I Mr

I l.y. vi--4-:



,rfW( 11 WOWI win. rI M "" ' 1 1

' 1 MIBSlgtBOII ClIBafv" Hw ive.ia.ei e.B.BII"7.H all Beta, IBB IBe "'' oa.

-- "' ' "i .f'nr'i llUoo, a resale, mu..

. . :i' r. i that(J. ,..., ut iuth oil regions of

... ar th tUo- -t earnest, u a

k !, ..ui.'ry. That a tingle,. ! it .napwiti'jntoalteolule.v

!.. tfci f'1 kWBrl 1,om ,n our .t

i. tnt lit trtu ! a bc-d- of flvetho jaand

j ,r BBJ lOI (IM Item Into aa attitude

j. ' ltd IhOBi I rt 1 ar''1 v'n ,0 destroy IMIf,. jrtj rttMl thsn it absorbed by an

,j iMBOBOlf "mrJ Incredible. Id that

... jn u iv r: and palntakmg r pr-- -

Ml SCX who had pnt six

t, i;, rk- ' nd in Cleveland, wherstt bM4MltWt. OBaVeavOIOd

t, th, t.torv o! the mlhod by wtlLUt ftaBdnvd Oil Vmpny bed NNNiM

v cttfi ' ti e carrying, and

I m 0t ( ol lb Oil produce--

li :Le .argt c. district ot the w. rid

an ullaf to a hundred mil-t'-

a year and by the control ol

klektbea D t V wa believed to be making

nt arofitol a million ot dollar a month, to

It Uvidsd betw-- lea than a aoor Ol person,li r.ivrt tne corrpon-ln- t the''. mini ol the first effort made by

naldBl " eksfeller ol the StandardBj -- ar thlt control ai ones audtsaliy ' cl an extraordinary ehar-It- r

ttd bf thv renniylvanla LetriMatureaajttatlMlMlft privlleaTea to the Suth

t'tiupany. altorward abaortwl bytttMaiidard as I tv illecal contra ta with th-r- v

ail ut from the oil region. Thataflexf U trodueers daft-ate- by the vIlk, LUatll ctara ter c ( the contract with the

r.:r: Ifc

h w tg -- tter the eorriindnt "on- -

t t. H -- Lt from the date ol tn-- . nrtMill Itbj tac lard, and Mill It uv to themay til aciLt. whioh Ond the r

t,'i..:t elf. rt. thia time InI -- r'J K tr ak the powt-- which, in the

bnil La 't- Uj-- far HKMW than bef.jre,li M the producer imacine that the

t .. : ;,T rd them the r ll- -( to whichi j bell, Iktf IM cnnM.-d- . carlul ob-la- n

rt a Dm oil region lear that thetii. . .:. "flluy laet month ofMr lam McClAdlkM Becr'-tar- o( Intr-n- .

' I may have en tut' HUT - . :

a!tl.- - local iger. In future letter be willj:tv ' ; - f lUi CfUteet. UDpreee--- -

l L.trr of the country; the toryc' .: MB in the politic of PennsylvaniaMd Mlbll of Prr-id-- nt Kock-r'.-- .

vail on which h believeIj Biabi i entitled to the ab..ute mo--l

; Mr. K'Wkefel-HT- ,

La a!r-a- !y b---n affrdt-- the... '.:.:: n.a- but La u--

.. . el it.

t Ior mi ii t rva Litr.Din tut Prelaaer a u laealeed Ifcel

i atilrtt tn i I'm Ilia Ther .

Oulj Hull Akrud TIM l Tkt Ttll.Cleveland. Ohio, Nov. . In the tniddM

f A :at a committee ol the iKOUIMlpr -- 1 . r '.r.the Tcnnnyhanla il reti n wai'cdi, , Hartranft. to mak definite c!.ar- -f

MaiMt thv staiilard OU 0 BpaAF Obwere B. B. Campbell. L :wl Emery.

l ru H. Orah im, an J A. M t. an .

Ihc c n.tii.;- - reiT ente I a pr dUOtiCD of lueral rata f nearly a Ittl lrJ nlUl u aIt hn l been app inted Lytliu Proda "Tj' I'nion.i. ir uat.i:iit a u: n thst tli'y t?-- 1

: r jinmu thorn. " Railroad tntBapOTtat! .. the sail, "i oompletely unler tt-- .

' i ii Btaadard C Enpaor; Itpayftwtal

v.- up (or tt refioed. it tt rail- -

, iDie at Wtat It will pay them loroarrrlni oil and ttT tamely aubmit. Th--.- ;.

: a year wiu-.-- lb u. 1 ta- -I tt' .rtiitur of the railway hnv- -

k-- .ii lay whore ! but tt cdoaaal

I : - . , ; red in 1"- - by every BMBt r.. . iy are lujpieatlye. and iter an

all U . s iru of ikward c.rription.V", ;lu- - ha beenru.ue l. Wo-

t -- 1. oi all loa. tecatM. ou ac-.-u- ofi t dti rimination we oa&lot

anaportaUoa Ol QUI proJu.t froa

r Ot tt lumm'Jup!"' ... Ufa -- 3teni.-. Ue tola

- . . ub. aadttaotbentutaorlbedi ttbtl rp niiloa " to-d- r 1 the aboo-h- i

f th production au-- iu value; ott- - - .. v Ipe hue, transportation by(' . i th aoajpenaiUoa Ibtraoti oiI ml reftulnt, and the profit ther-- f:

al - prion, tbrovgbovl the w..ri I. nl: ttr I expjrU of IUj tjnltod

i - all tbtl teen MOomplUted ?'- r. wrio wa 10 InprMted' lakandlorth in tu Kxecu- -

l y menu of thft cooperation


Mr Peri in, pr a ata"u .. ." r. " if you wul come tott

- - will ibow roil wii-r- e, a law year

I - iarkenea the air. but where1 ' ' of de- -- mated imuaud heaps' itteai fie Du:w of tbli oonMw ... !: boil men then hurried to

'I in III il a lawful tralo in a

'" Itere i now eileucu aulempti- -" r. 1 with cm- -

- ii. pr .iu-- t. now fe withitir, . i fviioar vlKlmi to wait blalura (oi' '" ' n at a dictatd pri'.-- toaalualo

' ' " (I i ircbaner."Uartr.tnftt ik Mr. Parrii an I the othaia

' . u . w nt to tu-- oil reaTiOM : an 1

''''! 'mil i.t be Inatrustad th" At- -

' '. 1,1s the name of the Common- -

" , :. an a ii io in the (supreme rt

'! ' thereaultol wniob. it It taouat- -' trnpll ity of the rail roa l- - are aufll-J"'- -'

tn i tin will be to enjoin th- - roada!'"'-.- ' h y r i it - to any hlppr ; wblll

i n inaelve beatan an a "i n' " r.p-- i whi h in r- -s lit

I It oh ir--. i. I

f ' 1 WH i any tutna tO P ak'' u li 1 m nop ly, and rpra- -1 ' n ol New V irk. Lav- - bfua an

I'ennaylvanla Oompany for a! tie imouat ol rebate he

tt lea I 'n the earne ofr1 " (tipped o- -r that road.twlM

f!' Hi II pr I jeer for Hit e oud timemonop

JJ " and dealt for on .1 meJ""' And Ihl pr ail lan are n ,w

W I'' ol the r predion .... In lam .vie with tta Btandard nomblna

111 V'1' Its lntaavr. A4riba4 la preII . ''leih llieeu coluiuua. tne pr'Ju' WuhlaatonH to ii.. .. w mablw.n lb Utw tvki

Th"e EBBlltlaf I w. re ma le up of menwie n a t ' trifled with and who would l t"--

tt B MmprOBttt. They ton th l !at. rand olBtiabl that uul the ftVrMb Impr.-ve-

n.- - ,t utra i were Ml wiled. IfeC Standard O.lConpaay K uld uiv ntrolof th petr oleumtrvte ,, til world ; that It e uil drive oj- -

i ftn trad - very OUtfltd reflniuf int-r- -' that it

i I have th akelaalT Baaaawfaeal of nartb-- Who, yar' iinee a-- IBted t. I verahundrad INiom andwa, IholblM ml of

Amori-ni- i r ; that Ikatatort, a th- - or.!)-buye-

ol - rad- - oil H tloald taT IBO OBtilprodtMlaa uiter-- et ut It mer aud fiat itwould afcaotb. OB a ni vrativcly limit 1 catital. million tf pr It that h- aid BO m r

Wid'ly and aejOBMr ditrinute l. TltOI madefood tteai aolktabf aaaawwerabli ir. (. njttta aoatraeta wr- - cane- - Hod.

The., prod icl loa, 'iave aft-- r all. ome tru 11

Icr after Iheir flrt ItOtorT. the produ r um-bered and the 1'ieeideut of the Man lard Oil

by OtbOl I at n"t kail rtain inethothey hafSO, M lOOipllaBOd in t i n year'

interval la.'tly whet he at first pi-.-

aahth s..uth Imrrovementt y

coatra-- Baid 'he Pro-l- er' t'oii'uiitteete'lov. Hartranft: " Th r fluvriee ou thi line.ol the Pennylvania Hail road have i.-- OOBIi

and the t i,i,. tranferred lo lovUudand to th- - V- r ' r m 'bee t th i'lvendim ii. . Ii . whil" th- - reflnerie, inI'ennsylvarna have pnoaet und'rlh eontrol oftt. standard, with the loeal traaapor-lalioi- .

Ir io well ' y m-- at of pip lines to theoil ear."

I! in the tort now pandlM, the railroad, areaolned fr m d..'rimlnatlna. the produceray tl.-- v will ba entirely ntifl.l: for. they

add. refln-.n- la o profttnhle that apltalwill onaao to tt aa -- .n (m Maadard'l aba.lut control v- - r ii la ended. Thit wii brlnaan pen mark-- an I c mpetltion. whl h Will

rult in a health v tra-le- .

It i a fa.t that the Standard Tom any makenoatt- mpt t e neool it atrldOBOl oi iu ea-- -

It oft! ere admit that thy control theP'tr trade .f th- - w r'd t that while theyw.-r- w. rth inouaaad In tliey ar n wtriple an I nuadrapl Btllllonalroa, How, everol ak wa thj recovery, after what -- rnda deelalve defeat lu 172. - Itmuel have been the re iit f until iM paliand uperb tact, combined with Nddnea an--

COBBlBB! properly united. It i. however,it f. i lowing th- record of

w rk f rein the t ttuieba. lo 17 Jto undrtatid how ail thi wa done, and thecontrol pi the refliiiiia intOfOM f the eoUBtryobtained. The S..uth Improvement e,jntra.?tw u'.d have wlv-- n the-- thi Infer! at a einaletr k. Iiefented there. Mr. noekcleilcr ((WIuuietiy to hav riaolyad 'hat th namecould be obtaiBOd, but In a different way.

There i no doubt, to thoc who have lookedInto the matter that hi plan wa P be carriedout by two lielpe ne the complete inaatt ry f

Ih a i nee of reflnina. o that th- - Man-lar-

eoiini prouui-- e retiue.- - oti. nTiuiiaieiy. cneapcrthan any rival, and th Otter by tt-- exclusiverailway rebat. thi time to i anddirectly aerd-- d to tt Stnudnrd Itaelf. an 1 n tthrough the ts- - uth Inproveuenl achDe, abefore. Having tun, flrt cot WBtfOl ot alt outnid i r- - flnlng lntret. h saw that h- - w uldhave ewept away th- - gr-a- t tarr.- r that pre-vented an at - tut Si i f tne trade.P. - .1.1. i Khlllr' rirM B.e r.r.el

.A(tr the s uth Improvement fight. Mr.Boekt feller BppOBfOd to take hi defeat com-

placently enough, and the produ era belleredth- - roportl that w-- (IrOulatOd thr- ugh the oil

n that the Standard WOOJkl mak no fur-

ther ffjrt to cntrol the bnin-- . Th-- y nowclaim to have di ov red that the earn - re-

port were ir-- a! f r th BaprOSO pttrpOSS olhoodwinking th- - m. by men OOtenilblf theirtnnd. but aecretly in th- - employ of the Stan I

ard Tiiey made no efl rt to keep up th-- .r

Prodnoan' I'm.n. and g t bIom (witBtalncl?with tlie Standar-1- . They pump- - I ttell .. Badsold tt lor loir prions, and. oMricavUko, fnr-- i

no lang-r. bOSBQSO they .aw B00M1 and wh-- n

they udd- nly awoke to the fact that IhOIhad been aeaia eutratped. tl. v u thatthe men who hud been th-.i- r etrougctt alliein 172 were sai mg under the Standardflag. r iBataaes, tbots wa Ospt Taader-Briit.a- n

Plttsl nraber.who hud beanlarousiblup in oil. and. a an utsida r- - liner in IVtt, hadput in i me twill m icalnat tta Soott In-p-i

vement contracta, Kow, th- tMandard na--

not nly t lorn it '. lb w..y I y buying LI

lut tad taken (rood car ot tlm bymaklns him a direct r IB lb standard. Therewa Afcbbold, Presldi ht f ibe .A me Refining

a clear-heade- d man - mi any hadio ootna to be conn led by the Bandard,

Ttare wore Pratt and leyo f SeworkBdi imden ot Parkerai ir r were atnndredsmall fjers, ah m. lerthe Btaadard now.

It wa 1: fell -i i t all thbrain li if t! standard nnd - IBSatrotureot of ii. tl le i Bni r- - were made ac-

tive member f them n poly. Ti.eti ther-w- re

tti- -r iii-- k atarp I uln .. but iii t dott -- tr na n uit tor po lir help, IMr. Bockoti er fouu lit ; i hU Ivautaget p..ythese bob anywh eretl m IJ.uOO to lio.txaja

.n.; . lo a ; j; . .:.g buai-- u--

wtsil th t bead I It producerss.i.v ul. tl.: '!.- - - gr ,.t ) w rrt I; but t!.majority of tht u, after thi Oral eicltoment foblowing the di'Juery that iter were hemmedIn. relapsed into tii otd.oaay w ay, aome olth-i- k TB pr iposed openll W :r 10 Baaki SBarrang- m-- rt with th- - Standard: ata;l erentsthey did n t ry out. because they had uot be-gun to be hurt.

Bo .n alter the Booth Improvomei.t fight .twag: ren out t:. it the standard wa makiM a very

as (tn !y I oil It ha-- einployoathe het icte&tlflc skill In Ins country toth - problem how 1 g- -t th- - most and beatredo d oil out ol de .lo-t- . t

of a f.tir nature, let oheapBlM lbspi an were ' nstant on foot, an i -

;. It wa ui. lentto -- I that Ins st u. lard w..more refined ill ut f a hundred br-reru- d

tnan an other lad everbaea able to got but Mr. Rockeleller Lad anid a tha there SOOld b a gr avii.g In - .me

me collateral bran "tea .( rsflulBcl and wtenbs found mat he .u.i manufaoturu barralafor a fra-tio- lea tLnu L sould buytbem lie put up Immeos cooper (tops,e'ii(."ylnB ISTSral thousand rn n. H dlf-f- -

red with lumi- -r merctants, endw-- nt into the wood and niUii- n offeet of lumber. He ssn mad- - hi own b -- tiron, sad gave much study t itbe us of Ihsr luum alter refiuing, and. as a rult. Instead

i - pr vinga waate, begot a o,,nng mat-t-- r

wtlcfa i now mad, lin In the L.u- - p nut thatit all tbir l ane . a WbPa I make I girl.' etawlBg gum from

another prt f the yeaiduum, and lo--d iv everyof thi wag sold came originally :r in

Btandard refining (tills, He louud rnoBsy laparnfflne. In . i at I ng oil, inn Indeed -- u

-1 in getting -- very penny out of Its oHtob had fr.on it. Id the legitimate profit yl lilibusiness there were binda m dlvldeBd rIn, stockholder : but with ti,i he was not sat-Is-

1. He mean; lo mak" mllli ns for hliulfand lli im-- uot tl.oun Hut meanwhile be

ted apparently every energy to tte detailsof hi . Kvery man in the e.mpanyw- rk-t- l like a gall-- y slave. The ikiliUl andpra ti al Andrews, the me haul'- who llrt ug-g- .

ei.-.- i ite stan lard enterprise, wat bed andworked from dayllgtt to midnight of ieu, though

In by million. lP'li-n-tho--- - d.- be ani r ntiy to las wrltori

The Is t - sir I rrnr lly had time th-- u to gota uualntsd srltt mylaiBlfy.

-- .,... Aeala ArOSMSd,

rro not Bind ItSSS Sfforls Tli-- y

wars not Interfsred with. Uut ouuid- - reSaero,on the Oonlrary, wat bed them with gn at anx- -

Isty, Ti.-- y rers I irosd loa lmitthut. in pit.ofnil th. y ctjuld do. the Htiu.Jarl could rBBSobeapsr than itey oould. Bad could aadarooUItem aad bbIm moasy, Hut tin did not

why lbs Standard wa able to sell socheap an i rag evtdsntly to bs rnakin.- - Immensepr tit. Ueflnsn in New York and Phlladel- -

pbil nmurally in a p taltlOB 10 commandth sap it tiiid- -. f l ital it w.i rspldly (Hp- -

p Bg BWBy Irom tli-- The) were doing bui--

Bat a Ij; and In It Interior, no BUlhow li th- - roAaon (old Ibelr teroseos, (toyfound th L its Btsndsrd In Itam irket bside theirs, and nt a pnoe that lbs)

ii i ! I .r n i l ".It ivae oertaln thai Ite Standard wan not only

makin.' it.o-.-v- lul mak ng II in prodigiousamount.. Ksps-lal- ly oti the (ea board nia lbs-i in ard' en c in a my -i y. ,,r a-

ii nri refiners bad irjrusdthai m iurdsu - In refining at OlsrH ind would b.- - m rthan offset, whan selling in New York for I III faOt that II- - WOrtS Well. li'J moa WOSl I

the oil region a diff. reiei.' of 3'JO miles in favofof New York at-- Philadelphia refining Inter.el- -, on freight (nsrgeo.

Ai ! ngth It began to dawn uoon theek'-- nBan Ital it Kiandard wa hldiug lUprot.L.m lb y knew of no way In win -- h tin. .uld

lb rough railway roLab. and allastttsy irol what limy believed b bs POSlt K--

pro..f of tfil. It lo be rumorud thai m.

lLVaLdci bUl bad an interest in the standard

II the York relner rmml-r- - d thatIte capital ol thai -- oinpauy had n" ntiv beenin rsased . f.t .v.i.wai. As llie stai. lar I sub- -Mqneritly adunltod that it had 's .ight Mr. Van-drbl-

Inter- t, the runi- r -- rem- t hav beenrrsct. At an event thi suspicion, and Indi-

cations that wr cOBVlaciag en ,gl. that thsF.rie wa- - extend, ng 'v - to th- - Vai.d-tr-thorougtlt frighten. ,i u i outaklo reflaiag

Tt reAaers visited the railway vfll -

aad a' d lol eimilar favor. I ul were refutedTli-- v struggled agnint fnte. but t nly aw theirbnslitees Slowing dav l.v .lav lo, and eventhat don at n loOB. thing r ut a' iut turnM -- ii. ,1 ah. ad.

Tic n it wii that Mr. H- - k- fellr BBI! b wnupon IhS gr.ut iBtOrsaOj villi I loddsaBad i"-- it BtOysBIBli and IWeBt them all intoIte Standard. The thing wa- - i no no quicklyttat. sissooi boton the tr-- i could nallmi liMr. Ik kefellr was at thetea-lo- l 1B0 refiningbus Iaas, ol ti. uniry. Sons of tte stronsTeini- - n p ined him wittout s word; other made atemporary fight. but boob ru leV i The saalb i

rsfinsn wt rs diepf! to fight when Itey w- rei 'd thsy BUSt SBll out st a price tl.ey BSld- -

srog far ktos than their buolnsso waa worth rbo fi r vd out. B ittheir tnr no

WkatSTSf They ould n t tar.d a m nthngaiurt th new SOglbiaaUon, and o one byone wintund'r. sol the kiai. lari was left(radically alone in the field. Then the prducel I lo realiz. th- - situation.

The tlrst timeiL Tr- lu,-- r g- t th'ir ,fairly open aft- -r their vi. t rv In 17 J waa in 1(74Wh-- u It wa aniloiitl'-e- thi-- t the great 1. e ofCharts rratt A i..i N- - w ii rk had aateredin' an arrang. uienl with th- - Standard. Th-- vcould rot tlx" report at ti rat. It frenriedUi. opsrators si tan t'ii ucaaaga in mi citywhen tts yossor first iprsod, aad madti an

al moot t th expoaursol tte MH. uth f mpr- vem u! e. utract- -. TI..Pratt wa svorsbii kno-v- n th-- maap i t

..irge trr. - c line ti. n. and Ladbuyer of oil. He wa the king oi th- - ol

i fining b loinesa iu ths Knst. ,nd w.e a man fwi le sgpeiience before hjovketelleihad got through koepiM booka. The possibil-ity f th- - Staii'lai l ever g- ring an-- hold ouCharles 1'ratt A Co, wa- - Betel of bypr alu s.r att-- r 172. Uut th r- - ame to bo BOdoubt about the truth of the runi r. Pratt

a Mo kh"ld- r tn the standard. nl profit-abl- ea hi business wa when h SOnlroUOd It

Xlllivey. h- - kO 'Wn to !.av IIUIlien-e- y in- -

hi wealth since joining the CVtl elandcombination.

It w.i-- a heavy blow to th- - prodBeoyB. Tbyhad teh eoBparatlyely aaf-- ., L ng as i liarl"Pratt A i o. were competing with Ho- - llr At .. Th- II loll W- -.I 111 rnldil ueBoUBCOBeats tl at DevoS A Co. f w rthe Keflning Co. ot Tituville. andCap' V ndergrift'a IbbcBM rn- - n- arOil City had gone over, either by partial rce.m Mis to the Standard. Th-- n on top of allthi there came a lnibsliell Into th producer'ei haugts Iu th way of a report that th- - greatrefining mteroi at Parkeraburg. West V

had oapnulst-- d th Slaudaid. Th--- e wonmanaged by I. N Camden, a man of unusualLuain- apa'ity and of great ihflu-nc- e with

t)arr-- tt lbs Boltlm re and uhl..lload a carri-- that had i. ; bitbert fen

In nur oi thir contests, T!i-- n thererefill-r- in Hri. Tlie Stan lar I

ribsivrbed them a. I. and refining is attungf at in tl .t ity. h. the natural

refining centre, be ituse In i. oe water and railcomma alcatton tho oil Balds, ha ! onceniore than fprti reflueriss, but Itey went downike B row oi nlnel.ina. ne after another. A

few ol Item wereslio Wed standardmanagement.

The oaly flut r who made arv rt f a fight111 Baltimore wa s Wld w wh tried to carry ontnebuslness loi tbssaksol n r hlldrea afterher buobaau - daoth. Bh mad u.. aey at tirn.nut loot everything when tha Biaudaru rsachedout to ltaltimore. and lor story i on f thesaddest of the Incident tt at ar t Id ol ths rof t.ns monopoly. Phlladi Iphlar fiu- -r :dtslaln- t with Ul a druggie, and ol Its re.apohaibl.- houe In ew York u e in th- -

oaly ih--- ropressated bi Utlsn wtolaii iw DVaklni a piu ay :lgH -- rouia.i. ..- - (SPOT-at- e

coaerro.s a. tt. oil rogtoas. tboro wars pertstoBfty

reBneriss before l7. of th-e- . y, allthat -- lie may (OS oi iuan f thtin ar rutv.

r n tiil. de luint-r- . an I w -.wiiig up arouii'l . TneStandard - ugtl

them up nnd then let them go to rum aliuply tot th-- out ol IBS WSV, l.i-- n me ..ngle

sera. It Pi n- er, win h Clevelaad t pie badlilted to . I L- - ' I . . t h . 1 t L t 1. L I

been sbte t live mlslde tte Standard, was se-cretly controlled, so it Is Bow said oB good au- -

ly,b II kefsller an guaranteed bf ttBtanuard a aoadl .it" pr

I ta W I Ilea, la l our Month.Excitement wa unaved aU-u- thitimcbya

purt in the trad- -, wing to the fa t thatl tr CoatUBptlOB (Uddsall lb t away

absad oi production. It ssni prlosa " kitiag,'aadtk producers wops boaofltcd, Cut after it

ws all over they figured out how the St..u lard,through it control of the refiner;- - had tapdby the si -- rt in ab-.u- t tout DMBtBOi a llsOfiprofit of ten millioa dollars.

Bow Ml n after Its B Ott Irr. roveBSCt fightthe btandard bogan again to rs It r ates, nooas outsld ki. w. but producers bellsv, thatthe Company Lad an ariaugemsnt with some oftbs roada wtttla a weeks aft-- r lbs sxi ur-

I 17 i. There can no positive pr f Italsuet rebates nre given, unless the standardps pioaad its railroad officials ars put oo oath

t. rn i g t:. ib. WarBod iy hi oxperl b iin I S7I. President R 'ksfeller If f.e in any

.i.tra-t- at all. did B t Baka tl.-- m In SUCBform ti. it ttoy could str bo mado publlo. Uutthat the rehates have been glvea him by m

ibs railr- I, tt produoera are as pValtlrin though tl -- v Lad th- -

inn. aud with apparent reasonBipany must hav. been lnngoil

at a dead T i i past, with tne vi ep-tlo-

of the brief uiiove alia lad to.Hut having i. 0 p rtunity to got Iteos pr ofs

In any other Baaaer, thev hav- - secured Itsb ll glllg of Ih- - p Uding Ult 111 the BUp!"

! pt niit vania. wh-re- in they mear. tput ii oatn o h of taeottoarsol th-- - standardCompany as ttsy can .'h in Pennsylvania,and tte officers Or th P- nnsylvauia Itallroadi ' mpaai and ak them wheteer suoh alesL iva o. i. given and roooived, Thi i tt IB-- i

rtsnee of thess suit.lUi" fat em to b" certain. Mr. Amasa

st ns, lhe& s dlrsetor of la Laks Shore Hail-- r

id. snd very Influential in it ntanaaemenlw i a large lektolder la tto Standard. VTnenbe u Idealy sold ouj hi stock In that ooBpaayther a parlous (aaulry, and tt producerssay, and th-- ir sUUOBent is corroboratsd inCleveland, thai Mr. stoaswaa irsjed by Presl-d-n- t

r to uj In lnfi'p nes iu ke

sh re t - ur- - for th Standard rg-- re-l'.-

on Unit road. II refused, and Ml Book-efell-

lu.ik'tig it unpleaaanl tor bin lohe withdraw from theBtaadard.

At lb meeting with v Hartraaft which le-- l

p. tboe (uita, Ibe produoera' eommltt to ti.eir -li fthat after tte Btandard had

g - ntroloi the refining Intsrest, ' backed byite Nw York railroads In ons of wniob it hadeit-- r i. 1 iiuliuiit- -l authority Ith I.n'. It feltstrong enough todsmnad if Its railroads that it

i.oUid be given In future Ite sole conduct ofthe trad- - under tlie S .uth iBprOTOBSBl plan."Tte i ro Iu wra, m chsrg that thgr-a- trailrc id war ol wa incited by the stand-ard, Thsy say IhBI if they have the chSBOSth-- y can prove tl. it. wh-- n th- - war wn al itBOtteel the Standard stepl-- ! in and propoaithat it h luld rsoolys a rel ate on ey.-r- barrel ofOil shipped, thai "pen rat- -- hould ! a Ivan ted,and ih that the Standard would equal-ise It! carrying traffic among lbs railway.Ttie war-ea- se I. Wa th-- pi -- i .illni.- pt-- d 'Producers cairn that th-- y can pr e that itwa. The .pen rale averages 1.40 0nllper barrel, bul th producers Insist that froiuiBla liieis is a rsbata oi sixty oonli sxoluslvwyto tlie standard, and notoulyon their OWB. bulon rep itfuW thipptri OH. H w. th-- y argu- -.

ai. iter be ny outside larsstm iai m letming?If thi dis irjmlaBti n i Balntalned, why ibn t the Staudard always lo bo the BtaStal oftb( iBloyoal t

The Capture or Ike rip l.lattThonail P)p of tho Bundar l people a

mot lmi-rtan- t one. In the early dSySOt pro-

duction crude oil was .hipped from Ite troUl "ibarrsU, It tsas an ogpoaglvs au i uasystsmiIttad W- ttod. and BOBS inventive follow riggodup ih'iie oi the districta an Iroo-tub- s arrange- -

BSBl b Which -- rude oil was OOBVOyad

tanks at the dnoctto the car The ideatook, and th..- - lyatsB spe.iiiy b. nine uolvoraalPips lios sob pan las wsrs lorBsdall over thooil regions, They put up maeaix laaks of theirOWg and run their plprw from tLe.- - tnL to allthe w- lie witlnn a dieirl-- t .oiii-tiii- i" ol manyml loi it vastly (iBpllfled lbs getting of crudoil Irom Walls lo cars. Pol the cri o a eeitslosun was charged the prvduesi for "piping"Thu biinluo.a. grew into a gloat wai -- housinglyatSB, nd llie rSOOiptl of the compnnio loroil w r" ii. iii I.. 'ai wore used for collat-

eral y. Iu a short lime thtso companbsdid all the buinnee- - ot getting oil from well looar.

Mr It ft k fHaf muat early have seen theirr, in 1 7 , an iippap-iill- inn lit a- -t waa

passed by Ui l'onnsylvanla Logutlalute,

wlo-- h ha ln''e Leen sailed ty .r ducer the' Infantou tvniin.- - Act 1' eitosl was to

withdraw from the right (OU0-Ile- a

i ! P- nntvlvnnia all lh- right on wdedtr'hei.i i.v the rres Pipe bill wnlet th angrili .p.. er hod mm pel lew th- - l.egialatui- loi a in i7j during iLe --u uth Improvementlight. That i. walls the otnl counties olPeansylvsnlB Which have aoii. ght Lav fie pipe llBSO art l.tifasn, It

eooatieo were ow pyltrsd ol llial (Ivital privilege. The producer in their re.enttnlk withio Hartranft sai l ttia' they wro

l Hit iv tin a. t Wee BOaOOd at Hi dlctBtiOaf the Stan-lard- and ioi In PUrp SS ol stein-ati-ally

'uuiging (bout Mrt the destructionof th- - vai .ou pip. Be tor-tu- g them Intoin..v. r y. and th- n I absorbing them iatOOBOg. serai .me under c 'Btroi ot tl. rnoaoptily,

ti.i. Hnrtianft could n tt-ln-- . tnta bbut Ih t r p- nt' 1 e ,i It, result

thi.f,at. ly Bad ha WasobliffcdIi a li.ot that, il the standard del hot in-- p reth- -i t thei a ( advantage of IL

sii-- h influential ni. I wn'. . known produce.,r.- - ft V Campbell. A. N. P. mn E. W, I .

D, s. i rissrell an i lea aitaera mado anduvit to their belt t in the above statuaisat,and also what Cllowa, Th-- v said on theiroathtthi.t the Btaadard', plBBol r un:: g an t

then abaorblag its various pip llaeo rwiulreaiand roorlvod ratir a.i pi'ratioB, ai. I th.'ycited in proof ol tbell belief a isUslby the ftsw York Csntrai Railroad Company,announcing that that company ' a uil an y

oil received by It through pipe l.n- - that h leonybtaoii to maintain a given rat- ImI idt ige.

- r twenty-tw- cents a barrel cheaper than IIw. uid eurry oil receive I fi in pua-lni-s- ISO-- on.ttnlng." and furth r "Ibal iwould earnrrutit Beteofeura tv tht . ;e f r,. ...

T-- i iov. Hartranft Bill . ron. He ..uid boJ im "islsud Why. U.rriug iiorrupt bargain, the ri or- ad iboura agrselo

di wtai ace Bod t bs a looiM bualaesa, norwhat difference it ma-- i j ibob from n .1 pitIm they g. t their d, o Lug as tli li WBrates should be paid. Then ths r -- I i - r en-- I.kav- rl to "it liur. They (Old and 10 re Itbelr bSliel la tlie statement that ly pipelin that Lad combined to maintain a gieu

i rate t. r pn .sag woNWyockod FoBpaaieo thai1... bet n loi Cod Into inoveiiey togeUn r w itnoqs of ths sound one ttat had been "bought up.ail of (beiu hating been combined unb r theLame ol the Vu.l-- Pipe I.ine. This w --

owned, in- third by the Miandard -- n.-. third nytli Lake Shore and w York Ceutrel lUnl-roa-

nnl one third by individuals who Went ckt Idersaad soma of them director Ib tho

standard. " It Prident I ( apt t J. Vender-grif- t,

the samo gealleBtan wh . two year r.

had. it an outside refiner, f ught the- i'ii linirovem-- nt ( heme in behalf of theprodoosn.

Put why the railroad slioiild ngr-- e to carrycrud- - oil p. the standard rsflai ri tot in thingth" broduesrs lold Oow, Hartranft theyunable to eiptain up- nauy ordinary hyp"th-rslaorb- f

any known theory in railroad poll- -

lie, init wnat. v- -r ine reae- n m- y an- wtnai the Standard with ibis aid of th railroads,hd nbie to master the entire pips im- -

A it . n. w. tne pro In.- - rs ann t g--

a larrel of ,:!. . opting in OB, small di-t- n m their well to the --ar. sav- - throughan orgaiilrati. n wned by th- - Stan-lard- .

Th I n t.- I pipe Line Company is only just to say, any Intention of

n IBs various hippt.rBBd assert, that it treat ev.-r- custosnerWilli perfect talraeSS. It. mauag-- r say thaith-- dictated to by Mr. It kefeller,and that he has BSTef attended any of Ibelimeet lags. At the i.m- - tmie. they adiimthatth- - M.tndard. ..r individuals a.nne ted with tteBtandar.1, ais-'ute- iv eoatri l ,t

Thus th - reflnsries und-- it coatrol.the rnilrtad as barge.1. paying Slduslvs rebataa. aad with al laosl the tud tt

dietata th- - rat- - itt lih-- 1 by th- - Cnlted PipeLiu- -, tl.. Standard wa- - full) e.'iipp-- d.

li t nly L r the pr- - n'. ut for the p ruiak ntontroi of th- - eatlrs trade.Ta i (i.i srtsb .a Psaasplvaala Ksiir-.s.- i

It lo probablo thai rroBidoBt Boottof taoHailr-a- aw the danger ear.y in

177 It i Certain, at nil event, that about that'ni.-- be had a quarrel with tha Btaadard, Pro-

du vis say that th- - staudard wn Baking higherIt is likely that Mr. Sett saw

that unies h aatrisoiod in road at ones if inIm smbarraosiBg relation with tao Btaadard,he might IPO Illy lad .'nm-- - if ) involv-- d thati.e ..In i refute to a ve.lo to nny ol ita de-

mand. At all evert, eariy in th summer ol177. ho nt a BSSSOgS nil along an-

nouncing that theu-cfor- th the PennsylvaniaRailroad's policy m ui 1 bo U grant an , :.

Bad tree rate to nil stopper ot poll ileum,Fh producer, w,.i with Sons ol

bad (SOB Mr. Boott in psrflOB. andna unced that he Lad exprc"! hi SDBvlc- -

tion that I- .- thought It "ttgb Has to stake offlb Standard la ubu." lint it SSSBcd that Itsstandard ws too well f. .titled even

of ths great rarr - I to flgl.t It

with BBC -- - It bought tl.- - PennsylvaniaItallroad gr-- nt ally. Ih Km pit- - Trans-portation C iBpaay. win h hn l Banaged all

f that road's on t ranaportatlon, Wtea tinpUretaSS had ln eff Iv aniakallrosd, t .i. th- - wordaof tte CoBBittcs,

wa left ut a f i t j .1 - n- - : gatb r ..lank to rocslve, or a Mill to a I nrrl (

l ii -- tn. an I without the ability to aacUTO abarrel of oil lor transportation will utttet

.ii of ;l st. u. L.rd in ui. p dy.'In ad I.t. a, ' s' ... ir Lad and wa

using large nan t- - d tan) cars I it wn.and when lately br ugtl a idenly up - in lingby the proceed ngs re the Supr-ru- -i urtw.i- - .1. ii fair way t ! a ti.. t ink ai - u- - I

in ti.- - itutry. This. If tli Standard tad i de-

sired it Uid have st pp.-- up the 1'lst I. I! -mtleti rib fr Ilatril ution o oil .'i in tl.

wells. It woald have eoBLleted a perfectlywall by Its monop lyagalaat

ail outride Interest, win i. notting short ,- anabsolute reiusai of all railroads t ivarn aW-rel of oil I l that OOBpaay OOUld ever havebroken down,

The rs.-...- Trsublt In PBOll OBlB

Tho pr. duOOn lgati In a tooblo way to act; ,r in l7tt but they won I Iks

bearwood to attempt uch u plui ky light io. tai y

bad nads la Tt. Tboylrlod to reorganise thePr- du wn' I tn u Tby wen t .Id that it was..f no use. and then ttsrs began tt M

nn I tlio, tive a- -

tioas igatasi Her ttat ar, n w heardeverywhere iu Its Oil A Producer'Union was organ load, b wavsr.andac rbIII --

appoarod bol r Coagrosi la IR74, aakiBg foran lovestlgailoa. tl - w.i- - graated, aad at r .nvr.-- nt r ' the si indard it l -- m I'-

ll, - chairman isBlllsrly during i progress,Only on- - railway manager oi prominence

tt subpa'na ol Speaker ltandall.Ttla wa Caasatl ol its I'enu-ivlvanl- s

Company, and b positively rofui it.give tte Committee nnv Intornrntion whatever.Col, Payne, the 1 reaauror of die Standnra

lo the lUDpopria but he also dsoidedlyde lined lo toll th- - CoBBlttes who ooBposouthu standard or Waal IU MlallOBa wltt tti rail-roads r-

Tn- ,a desultory, and the C.mmlt-te- e

nsver reported, and nereriook any notice..f the Contempt of tl.e Wltli Pl nl.tne evidence and even Ite roOOrool theliearing.bays disappeared.

Diacouraged the produusrs did not pr- - nil investigation, but the threatening (igni..f ,Ma-.i.-('- i "i n were ii"t to iken, Atlu-- t. aftel submitting tor two p. what theycil a tyrnnny thai no other buatBeos Interssl IB

tin country would sudure for a w k. theybraced thenwelvea for th- - Bnal battle,SL. uld that fall them ol lucooaa, there

of triuble, a I have before md youwiii h Gov Rnrtraafl ol PoBBsylVMia vtowowith the moot sorlOUS alarm.

Tke iiioo ksa la Oeaslus lltrs.The rofjcoaoniatlvot of the OohimbU oil

Company, with a lew other oil producer, vhoBSl omo of the otflcors of the Kiandard Oil

oobI inatlon In the oflo of that conpaay, yos- -

that they ar-- a tingofficially for the Produ 'er' L'uion. Ilis this I' hi n which ha and willcurry OB the -- uita a'aiiit the PennsylvaniaHalln l it ) ei.j. an It from further d I rimliiallonIB favor of the Standard. The publl idiou int n k st-- yestorday of lbs official ropudiull aof tho ooul-re- ii - by the Producers' OoUBOil, ji h . a the hers isaums t iropreanitnegrsnt oil Inlereai coiifirniod th"tru.b- in New ork IB it (Uaplclon thnl lhim iif-r- wiu. a I. lo forestallpubim opining and give out Ihe Inipresalorithat las producers and in- - niandardoomblnation had come to an amicable

Th- - proceeding of Ih meeting, whb--laapjd all day, lharatore. wro of no interest tothe trade. The geailomen wlo have taken pariin the meeting preeerv tne same aeorooy Inregard to lie ir protaH-diag- ih onThuraday. Mr. It . lb i ofILe St indard iiionoiKdy. waa Breiacntl but, araor-nll- in Cleveland, diligent to .. andtalk w r.h him were unavailing

sr. T. De Will 'releases'.Virata! th- - " Nk-li-l - of Nrta Vwld lh- " in llmkin. i i i krtwalM ki tu l Use


imiv.j ro (iivvkt HMi mrii niK. in it i ii i inn lOBtllTi

ll'a .t ...... . , I! ot.. . In andV, ,r It H.hlatUil la, V,oLo, b... aal.h I f ..... . ..

Th- - rsili-- o nu.i detective arc now rBgBsTOd

in itill hunt i th- - BOB WBO (toil Mr. st.b dy. ami ttelf ni vement nr- - COnductOd

in juiei aiaanei wholly unlike ite ootoBtaBO Seal thai Wa dipl.i)-d- a bwdav ago.

N. t Bore lhaa hail ths d. lectlrew orktiaally putoatao faaoani t at yoykoB ibofow eluoathai r- -n aiu. Tl.e bi-f n em of lbs le-

pjctlies n- w appears to bo to i.t-- there. inc. ti- ni-- '. ChrlStlaB, N t that they!uiv .v deacs OBBOHiBg blB With th- - ens.I ut bevui it would l a eywdllBbiO thing ticat h blB say way, aad tho estdeaoe Blgb bo

found afterward, There is litti- faith i ut luIh-- tbrory thet the BlSOlBg I'.. DoUglaall it ntical with t 'irisinin 'ait IhO poll My Hintti..- auoatiofl of identity will n it bo nclu roll(sltlod until oas of tbo two Bn Is foui i. Tboro:s ii yei ii tblag t . iboo that Christlsn i,at N n ,n N w V rk at any llB.

Christian wn wu known by Pr. r.Danpby ol Sf West Wnsblngton pin - Chris-- t

un wn. Ib IBIS, a student IB MlO Mo It -- a! DopaytB.OBt f OeorgetowB Collegs when Vr.i laphywaa ibere, H- - . .'- - i m Stoolt laches in iielgbt, w ilghiBg Bboni no p unds,si years of ngs, having dark, baosl otos.Ballow coMplslI n. Ron an boos, dark hair. Bd arolling. sbuMlBg gait. He wai geacrslly rstl- -

cent, and he had a hi.l t . f holding his headdcwn.sad ket-tdti- his hand .n Ul p tkets,Bs wso noted for in propensity lo sag goiathe nasi dnng-ro- u evpe litl r re irre-t-l-ug

but It wa nt tlrt attributed toht BBSS ton br dlOSSetlOH nil hi dOVOttofl

to Bedlcal soioaoe. h- - wi tont than s

t .1 of evhui .mg bodloa frosa lbs Potter'Field f the District of C lumbia. Hi nrre.t.trial, and i Bnlsl B tit f r ting afound in tin- - Baltimore rnilroo lei-- .t foiiow- -1hi reckl-- s nss'K'lati-.- with neg; ..... wl:- stolebodlea to .e to me, I in mlioBOe, Thetraced tte body uad in th dopot t i th- -

homo, aad found Christlsn talking withth- - blv BBBteBoro, The main ioint of CVl-d- -

n agauitt h.m wn li s diary. Amongthi r item In hi diarv wa a rec rd

of hi tlBlt th- - fun- - ral f IW. W. b- -

stcr. a Free Maoll Ol W nailing- -

.n. -- f Col. Wsbstcr ha l ihelilospieioBs arnuaed and, on going to the Oonpree-ion- nl .li.s re 1 that ins gravehad -I. Violated, Ctrttlsn at that tin:-w- ahospital (Seward, Bad bs was d tuii -- i lo th-- i.rg- Bral s Hi .wit. i a salary ol (l.M... ,,r. A It Lough boworo the of arroo Ma n. and wn- - I ellese I bv In- - classmatet. ie.,.ng to the or iar, the susplobvB thai !i bad

t ilea the b Iy of Cd. WebtercoBS. tli- - Pr--l-

ti to ua th ir inl'.'i riv against linn.i Hi- kii-a- di- -l. I - wna at tlrst In- -

ii. I IkSI 1 i Id. But n - f t:rltlxco, f Washing' n. wh had n airu I

by In eccentricities, had In

aad pia--- l in th- - qaToolooa burying gr. und. When the body wa taken upthe Bead mil Ine heart r- Blsslag, andChristian, it kttem. Hisrei n

th.-re- .re vva agh-.h-- ' Intii ii ni trial an--

conviction for tli -- ' .ling f ti-- t am 1 luth- - dep t An ki Maryland slaluto was ro- -

vlv. d. and Christian wa sentenced t leyear', Imprisi umeul lath District iall, w tileth.-r- - he tra. ktudiou aud well bebatrod. Pr

Clrant pardoned him nflsr he had aerved.nly n small part ofhlslerrB bis friends hav-ing f r him. II- - Ills SitUBlioB BOhoapltal but ha deaired to complot

. II I irs- - and get In dipli ma.The f I the ooll-vg- toorever,

lo baye anything m to to do with him.s- on aft.-- r artsttan w ,s released an th- r b -- Ivdisappeared nu ll, sear h b r l i.ri-tia- u resulted111 finding linn t liking Willi the saras suspiciousnegroes a lf. re. 1- 1- WOkod up under

l " Bubsequently the bail w... rodu sadM MOO, and he. ,i i beL.-- d. tumlstod it Inm--l- f

and then ran away. He ha notin thai since, ns had a brother livingIn wsoaiagsoa a UMl tint- - who r m.-i t himvery iosely in peri na! appearance, An ngin follow stud nt Ctrtailaa bad the rep-utation . I being a dining, reek-le- e

fellow, who would (teal a bly fortun, .: I .In t Oven .brink frompersonally resurrecting a body. The Surg,lienors!' fli - was near! door loth. ego,and Christian perl rme.1 the dutloe of hi, nicewhil- - puisii-.ii- I. - SlUalso. in- - pa nbodyannl h.r.g was net generally - n lemnedby his fellow stuients until it was lsarne.1 thaibe was d ng It for tte pecuniary pi tn s is.f Item i. iW l lieve t, ..t 1... Imp; :.: 1.

as of posltl :. in thi arn v. an I f ur. diploma may bays baj Isn d blm aadcause.1 hlB to retiBebl( old a rk.and elthe . ii tv t! it to 'k th- - Stewart I. ly from st.Mark war hrard,

w, 11. May, It (oda wat- r manufa tur-- r.

who idle talk about thu tealllliti oi r a oiiigMr. Btewart', grave, mil subsequent disap-pear0- led lo tn- - oouuection in. nnrnswith tn. - ' y 1. - friend t. l. in l.n- -

rope, Theynri i oltlvettat be sailed tor Eng-land e ti lae ::. ins' day- - after tts roblvry.Uawasseen at a Ore in Dunne street on th"night ..( th'- Alt. It i ai that h- - wa there alli t, Mr. May said thai aid return iutin Hi- -' w i .:. n.'- - r.

Kelly, tt. empl red at Oraham'Stable in Bhsrlff Street. Is still living I : ! r.

J . ig Hilton aald. late evening, that thenit u tt n f tl.e rase was unchanged, aud ttathe cuid av nothing tor publlcatl. a.

Detective riscuer ol Newark, aft r lavcati-gai- ii

g ii it ,i ., ,r. rsi tad I u n inytibls-- r ','-- - w- into a ugh n

the bark ..f th- - Paaaaic Blver near MountPleasant CeBetcry, uu l had -- cu three menacting In a upicl us manner ar tte place,report-- d yoaterday 'n it be Lad no clue lo thehiding pi l Mr. Siewart'a body, and that n..rubber bag that gave at a gr- .t itsact couldi.- - found. Tho wheels that ths Bsn took swaybelonged! a carriage ttat was BBastod ob Itsrniir ad track n ar by.

Borne cooimentshsvlna boon Bids in regardtap' Byrneo' notion lathe case ol i -

and VreelBBd, a prominent p.!.-- offlelal ttexpressing his opinion said: " If h Lad notacted a nedid be would have beeb tried an I

from ttef r - in t went f urt lira,1 u inii- -t ask th high In authority, whyBurks an V- r- it were he I Juatl M

alter be wn Informed that there wai nevidence against them in the Btewart ease, InI hoes pr In.-- - ,. L By i n - whs a sub r li-

mit- and bs had to obey, HI .landing Ht po-lice lo ad piart-r- - is iter ever betterth in thai I s tne man I ouuld name who have

I nssoBo very funny business In worklug up'lues, Burks is virtually couvloted on thecharge ol f. rg- ry. and 1 h ipe we ihail putVreeland OUI of harm way I a - .in- - lime."

m i -- vii i.t N y N v. 20, M i h excite,it prevai -- in tl. oyerthadlsc

t L n i sum i lo he ti.- - ily of the lata A.T. rt. Last rrlduy evening there waslo at th- - depot ill WollsVllle, N. Y.. frOBwhat is known as trn-- No I. Kris Hallway, alargo biaok trunk, contnln ngs a thing whl hemTltedsvery ottensive odor, Three

dressml, w.-r- very eager to g- -t po- -

ewn of the trunk. Att- -r .iinri' !ling withthe baggng-'ina- t ! Ilr.t servod, they gamedp asessT n Ith n treasure, and. pis 'lag n in-Side. if I Vel.l 'le -- lilted II. the II r.-- 't lollof th pennaylvant lingy slopping al Bhoiigo,roaehing there at bIkiui ii icloeV p m. Thetrunk wn th n taken out ol th hack and car-ried b, th-- ir rooms, engag i tor the n glit atthe Bnoago Ho'.-I- kept John tt e A Bob,Suspicion was in of the iunlorBOBher ol lbs house CbarleeOee sad bs talked soloud of In Ihnl Somsilllng Was wrongthat th-- . nu ll l 'k fright and disupthiking its trunk with item. M R,


ller VV htrealMit.ta B)PMO0SOg-TB- fSOlla(O.luln tii BSS kur.

Avitrun Aiina tVdama, th- - nlsstng insanegirl of WlltiaBibnrgh, seul a despatch yeater-da-

from ibo i- sldou - oi boy uncle, Prof, s. LA. lamia, al '277 SoUlh .'.ith llroot, Philadel-phia, briery BBBOUB llBU her salt- (irrivnl Ibereon Thursday evening. She give no MplBBBHon ot her puip."- - m running nway ironUOBO, but said thai (bo waa t. rry to havai

caused dlstreoi bybsi behavior, Shots to bbfuttgbl bOWOkOOB, ll- -l nam - AOtTUB WBIgiven io her uu ley peouliarclrcumalsnci she

born nl widnlgbl- - o that she oelobrslesIwobirtbdayo 'I'h physi'inu wh't wna in nt- -

1, lid. ui Baa somew Lat "f an astrologer, and li"to.d Mr AU no.-- thai lln- star at thalmiuule.ilthe iu, eiidaiil wasonooi niagniluuonamed Am ui. Ti. lather adopted that namfor the child. BillSe her mind bte nine uusoundhe has. he -- ay. Bant tn.i's Wondered Whetherlb- - u ti mn oas not in o -- ul aii a, oi iii anunfavorable niunetlon, Anoth-- r daughterw n i Tlmlia Melpomnna, and a ihinl.V a i. Ilia. Ucuus- - the lallicr wiu dramaticmIHoi on u hug" PiilliidelpLia i. c--

wn In aaieiintly studying tin- - theory and artolinuai- - and the drama. 11 manypopular war songs among Ihou ' Uodand Uur tvuuve Laad."


A Bty't t'.l. ro.i. l PoOOOat ' ..lilI'slsl A.a.t.ilt hy M. Fitlhtr.

CrVOB of " Murd r '." from the tin. d ti -- ' ofthe ti ii. nt at SS Jay Mroei Br klvn.laslBight, attracted a throng of bob. worn, ni lctlldroB to tao sidewalk r.n.l Lit' ths ! lit ithe houe, wb. re ttv Hood listentug Ibobhywi a bsb was showering upon his wife, andId lag piercing t .am b utt-r-.- OaoUtile girl pttl hod nt IhS throngand ran with nl hoy pe I until ifM m- -t

Ofll s r V- - !or and t... I in a .vo. BBBJIws( killing hM wito la Ibo teneBenf. Publngthrough It, throng, with Offi-ss- Doyle al htable, th-- y eaterod tl. up. rti :. - ot Q. rg- -

CM, a tt p : irjr, and foiin him lingHp 1'S'rWay, s . u to boo whd waa coming,Win!' hie Wife, p.l.-- l. wa leaning 1IU01I tilBat !lpl e, wi"i hey apton il li.-- r

povorlna th a1 - ital ha.1 h -- u mad-- ' wttn hheavy h t ..i chlldrun- - i ' U. mid a K.i :.g-- o w- -r trying, milthe nun, .ir- waa al tn einfuaion.

lr.. (aid. u( tool -- he iiild, 'hat heyhad attack-- ! her With bis I Is, and she

th -- igl.t that h had about kill- - ! -r. Kill saidtn it hs ha I fallen an l suiTerotl hoi luiuri InIhnt Way, Mi-.- ., sank loth fl. a- - and warm ved t tv Il spital. apparently lying.Dr. Coearan. the Imlanew sunin, rej u .ithat sh-- uffrliig from a compound tra.'- -IU--- of th" k i'l uud ug'y S alp IV IUB '.III. who I 41 y nrs nt a iab,-rer- .

working la Marst .' onlyardiuwal r street,uoder tne oridge offlias, Ho say thai on torn-In-

home h found hi Wito stnadlng at thetr t uordruuk. H- - t I hey Id go her

r na. and presiding hi - pulling i hisli.itntli.' micro 1 and IstgnB to old Mmlor telling hoy t coma In. Site new lit him.tor" his shirt narly off an-- l bit nlin on tte ...,Then bs t?irw at at liar, but titerthat lb w... IBJUI i 1ft fulling.

The t.y i Id y il l Ihnl In lath taw its irni. sleeping off it drunk, nnd wa i rycrass. 1- 1- ,lrt ns.iult-- .l lili-.- i with a can, andwh- u hi m th- - r Int trfored. attacked withhlalioota Tho little fellow tried I defoudhlsm in-r- , and ibrewabrlck at iiis talbcr. idir itgtn vvne unequal lo preventing tho i in.

lln- girl Mild iiiat th- - . nil rr-- ai.SM boeausaher brother II I not go to the nigln ! 1.

Her taih-- r to bad him I i that, nnd lorim ther Interfered, Th- - n the man turned "lihoi with his bo t. Mr ill is in F.ngli-- hwoman, sated SB, At a lnl"Lour sh- - Was thoughtto l dying, .ill ha n aifor g. H-- - was locked up and hiOtltlroB vv- re BOI I a WitOSOSOO,

mill WMtCIt KXTa.tOltDIHAItr.

..i.i. ii. us. ibe r iboPis, Httii.i ih.rtii Bar - ltae,

The fair in tho Free Baptist Church InWeal Tweaty-flf- tt sirc-- t alBlnatod lan svoa- -

ing in a rill Bali h. whl th mat h in n cbWOh Isa novelty, and ibo fact that th Btestnall w. reyouag ladtss added to the aovelty. Tboiorwolwgg plaood agaiasl tba wall ivorthe pulpit Th- -marksw BOO Stood at th other end of theroom and Biwd down the nile. The po in waHOWdod to loffoeotiOB. SBd It wa hard w. rkfor ibo msBBgefa to door s lans from ihs rungpoint to the larg' t. The twelve girts were di-vided lato ttros loaaM iBerlean Scou-h.aa- d

Canadian. ThobMB msklngthe highest I orwn to l e culled th- - BhamptOO tOBB, in I tin n

the BOBtborol th- - chsmi , ti im making tl,highest seoro la tw iswastoba.Wiiredlhiwinner of the prise o silver cake baeket. tntne tsom (booting, sa h m ui r had litresshots, witii a possibility oi ii...king SB. audateam i - - of HI.

The Beoteb team shot first. nnd th- - first girlto ii, uul th- ' air ni.d leva-- Ii r rlfls a' lbbull's-ey- e was Mi- - Becki Perry The isillw-- nt tru- -. and si. so, ired IS. amid much -.

Hr h - were 7 and aP. and her lotul wa SB. M on! Andrews fol-lowed witn a total ot lJ.Jdi. Bead IS. audEvelin IS -1 with 10. T tai for th" I. am. SB.

Amid applaii-'- . the tmcrl-li- t im w- nt tothe (r nt. Kv line si urg U ecol I PI. Ann8. It 1 1LJ inn-- . Na.- -r 1. au i Cam- - Er--u- t 19. Total. Cl.

Then thsCanadiaas shot Jennie r. . madelb: H.ittie William retired with pro Us nnd ait : Jsaais an Brakle mads 'i.i. and Van

i rn .: total, 7. Ti.- - Canadian tcsm wsrsd- - crnia l tii- - cbampl na,

Then ti..- - memb r- - f the winnina con- -t -- - ! l. ak. t 'I g - a r- - r-

vous, and audible enmment and exhorta-t- .ns f tbelr frit-ud- did i. a idd lo their com-t- -

sure. Tw.-nt- ' ur could Is) made In the two.hots . a h hn l. and Jennie It mad.- - 10. Hait-i- Wi... in- - ii Jeunietaii Brnkl. 8, and Jon-i- .

VatitornlS Km !::. 'ters of tts spsc-.- -Mis, l. i v. nt forward and nm pro

leutvd w.-.- It l : '

mot ' i r .4 ii tii..PraBvably ratal .. atoawlao Kal of

Jalnsj ni MereBswlvlUet V J.Ml. ii' BAOT villi:. V.I S..v. lln- - .nt

pfCaBdeBt lUBU IS OBvited ovei tts .1.

ol King stiii. Then wasas .ai gait iriag atth- - T.wii Ball bora last ntgtt, aad. as usual,sueb na ovobi attn ted lbs youag f m t;.--

'iulty. and a Urge throng aasembled t

iu th.' i stlvitli Dancing wa, aloaturo A th--- snjoyiueut, and an. ng it, kt.-fu- l

d..u- i wa- - ai. C, Wilson of Hobsteali.U". Tl.ey w r- - g v null dm. -

preseat, and Wilocn's services wero In nstcnidomsnd. li was th- - lion of the hour, Hecbotti a tntii ni l made tim it agreeable.Mel id In! arrived In tho Pbtco aad c mpara-livel- y

little wa- - known ..' out mm. an i tnin -:. i. gar .1 Lin. with llit-ro- -t.

Wilson' attenll n wa apparoulli sbsorbedbyn wi man who had boon sad lied L

tl,- - ball y Still. Ths latter, who kuew Hint wll- -

ai had a wife living in Uolaware, grew loalousI w lis-n- an I in the Bidsi if a dance, at ut ut

S o'clock thi m rning, oould not restrainwalked up to whore W II n Blood,

an 1 coolly, lo a loud lone.saldi Wilsou. iuure a marrhsi man. anl you ought not to bsmaking love to th- - girl ao,"

I L- - leinark in amaed "ilon. who lr-- w a re-volver and (lr-- d tLri - six to at Still, nil of whicht k eff t tin made a dsngerousw ami Insinl's throat. The wounded man fed to

A pl.t, mn w.i aiimmon-i- l. who pronoun ted Ite wound In the thr nl iatal.

After tiring tin; -- hot Wilson replaced tl sweapon in I..- - p '.. ijutitcd th" tall, nndWalked home, Oi the wav be threw hl( e

busara where it waa aubseiiu ntiym i. with tbn (it .lambeis empty. Con

...-- liar. arrested Wllsi n in Li- - ui.


Tts tmirs Btate Lift la Daelglag Bel lePay Ha I ol. Ittt Igfcl 1'ell.y.

An. ng the companleo that hi n.--k ob Itea- al Cel. Wsltoa Uwlsht uf MlM uuteii. a he dltl listseek. and whe w.-- n ur- a let - a,thi L'uitedluue, CtHuysni stUilseili ti- - iTaesmsl iheli -a

. - rbey bsv, lsk,s sesiuo, piss t.. inssyiMM nslbawdeaani ii. i t.tu. plCel Pwlghr, .n tin bvt tatcsuw, S, tbey 111,t.t l,li(,rst. l) rsUIBsd all latwti . in niaktni hu ast ii

cna H daillud la wrluni bivini lea teadyianrwnl II svrrred, in bi (tcstten lbt b,never Sl Weed Tllu tomp,H) Klirat t! n Ih) .i-lain, a t i n bi iia i i.i.,. i its a...orri.,e.. ass,liulUtts thv diret'i aavMica. to biip, hi i hi'-- ti.t t unlime ht hd tieen n Rfltule mam . ireup acnclitS tin1 y taviai Mit u mi' aamiwUm l.t)brei. made ut. lit ii a lUon.tlwou nti b,v la atranli J V Um 11 a., it, a - nlUl ' lb, Iffi Will Ol lie

llit nd .ait t,. Uif Meal w Ibi . mI s.iv. sin.-i- i lu- rrluted T- i- Humbert ll. Unitedsian . i,a..J in I!,.- l.o.lti i.t i. uUltltmt anl Hi. .all in in tht l ank .ul- - I to

mat bf to inak 'nt Ui, rtlui ..; lb. pmul onThe taensdiv emtsnd lht Ui l.l tln Handuki.lrron Ihi br . Ib I a IWM.iutur legallyrieruwd and lb. v InU-s- d io e. iit1 Ibf elaiw. wilhostt tr lu ll - H al any ullier eomSSBt urUe,

f a.- t ... . til Uw olli rcueiji,i.i iniervfUal, sun Ui.,ace ti fftiniiabw Bdlb, Vniwd iutva .iy,l bi a J class ui ''

BtSptSB tirlfl,- llnsgrat.KKOgt i l.Li.. Ten ii N v. ",2. - -n vir.ff .

wiin us v ti age soauaitlsd bei rtbl utv, Pn s r

sM mil aimed RvsClsrki a, bayd ai gwHHiiiiis ifwrase Hsi.j ittuaaiwr irrwatsil I .i' rtei la i io iart lajiub-- ih btailiu, rliueiis kIS, lor Ul. ceii'n.ut.tien nl UrtOee't y i in n- -uiiuawtl na Ill -- a th.- nl in lot lisvlbd S s,ak n.ia-t- .

l l l,lrttuaed i l.iuiriur

I Meg by a t ar.a itg .r nsraed Quwell.ol Vor llnmlltoo,a. kiln la..' lag o.l b) BSIUM rial OV ill cm

attache Is Is Ssaini) tin IB Third van li. a HI ir uk . a HoaVtli U'l d Iruiu III, Its. ul 111.

kuiuui! na NlppsS nail' Mi, si.eci.

it . r,,r uu i inssaih Torsa,PgOflDBMOg, Nov 1 1'h- - u' II in Oily

i nm nUvti uu. a u i seen r,u lnl a n. ... .at In laloi Miyoi lor In. iliu..,iii buui OSiet ofvll) UBKC, a., rancnun vl. u I -- in,.a la t'aalir.nala.Ohio-.- . Nov. 22 -- Kama will H i to I, at Q 11- -

i on ii - li.rk I Ilk. ri, pitsal.w kJ.I Usrsa malt a .a., u. UU It )



i .( : i 1 in v.iiii mi uu mnitfl ivii rug.nun iv ni in 1 1. tn ii i.

Tii. roaogesieal as net-sd- Th t beeSeSkin-- ..r .i.e r..i at Ttangai IVIgBa!

i. st la mm ilea ... is t ,, iswf r ImMim.

.ipmiu . No-- i n. Brltlah bum.bill ! 1 '.'i - 'br ugtl it yst and ml-- il BeaJd II- I- felt, notwithstanding tin I Blli ties f the Afghau guns, Tb IfghaiM ) iabaadoBed Iho tori la4 night, Oob. Tytler'i Kk' r..-.- . hi vine Ot -- ipi I a .1 file lit tho ftvBBd th- - Rngitsh foi i uplod the big - to. L'dny win. i.t flying al i. tnirltlowosre bs wnig mad- - f .tao iBBed iBls in ther s IVBBOO,

Al im id ki a fori ' i '; i h yber Paso OB Isteep rack .1 i.i.i : high, In ths loot w i ft:ie British IB Afg1 BBS, n wi - I el I rnntely I

by th" eonloBdlBg tore, la SovoBbor. ISM i ,

II wn destroyed ly ids DfltlBh IrOOBg und- -l ,k ,

Blrft Noll buiWBBgfl rward rebuif) ii Pass N fl, Ai daybreak thu

i ornlBg Oon, Hr. wn (food ob ths Utile plain 'icy i,. I J iinio,. I wnt blag the BOTOt 10 thefr uit. A pi k- -t ,1 th- - enemy cgvalri was tho thagai fUdgo, bsyoad trang-'- . The BdtranOI guar I BS(Ohod brlkly vob. Bad presently ereste.1 athelghi wbaaoo. Htjic

-- k. a iklrmrshlog fire wh otssawdoa tne aen- - niy's pi ket. The latt- -r retlrel niter s L '

d - t ry reply. Hur to. - pressing on and OO Jraaionally tiling, reached tba Mt.agai it.dgo Lwhen s AIIBUaiid i elearh visible. Atooog (Mim iieiul Bred IhS tlr- -t (tsli, which burst il f jIhe air. The oad (tell wai aollslraod, ami ,

w o- -r ihe arr ,.n lbs Hbagal Hi Igo, an I febw. it.- it bursting laiyi ml. a ng ball MMBocoaaary to allow out heavy balltyy to eoBMup. and Hi mt rvsl was Btlltzsd by tte hofwl '

BttlUory iii plaeing guns on the height tn nm . .right. Fort AIIBUaiid replied. OBd th- - llriniboeaBS soBowbst brisk. Msan wbtle Srlaat wai

rd to the loll of Knit AIIBUSlkl, BBd BOOMi rs n ci iiit-c- t t: a it wii Mcl'n r. u's 'turning BoyoiB'-B- l na oar eoBiog ink ioperation. Ihe Afghan ibonl fort AJituua-ji.- l

1 Iholi a.lli ii,:h tints appnr. i.tlfthreaten- -l .a the Rank nnd front. Ournoroiartillery lb- - wa. falrtl - irvod. Tt.e Afghanirep i d w ith spii it fi ..iu Fort Alnnutiid nt lirstt ut aft. rwar si i kly.

At 1 P M. th r- -a h- -l tinn-. as al Maa-lil- i.' Tin

nnroogans tt-- .i moved oft tho ridge, nnd gampla e to the nlii- - p uinl-- r battery, wh lie thforty played ng ani-- t tl.e rigl.t of thAfgftan pooilfoa. The Afghan gun !. wlv bu

replied, making good pin.ti . e1 t.t a tr- m then sovi n I lUnd. in in th" COBtml loStloB. At nl,ut 1 I k. two forty Spounder (hull crushed ti t ihe central bastioiand erunibkrd a groal ponloaol It, apparentlidisBouniing tl.- - gun wl: ah had boon so stub ,


I . rn M -- in aft r J o'- -l -- k tl.- - infanlrv sdvaaeocr.skiy. TL- - Fourth Brigade t. ok tne -f

shapes of the v illoy, pri'Mslug Ii tin- u h ththi k toward Port Aflliiuailu whllo tbn Thirdlirlgsde p. k iii- - right (Id. Wh n lb i l,rock) ridge on Ibe leflalopj waa crooaed. Jl,

' ky plalenn lollowi'd nearli up t - thf 1 ol the Alimusj, I H ''I.. Iho Bairnilniieripul A n si- uuiiy fliinvt briskly, evoking J

i irp r. ply tr"B tt n Who W reding II r k n-.v n -- p.-. Mennwhlln Man-derson'M Bail ry. moving :.- ! of ltream, bad ennu Ibto action. Pour guns hr

vi aisiy Ion's .1 ' a. again into miiou. nipf tilleii my iteyei .pe-- l gun lu w pbioes. lu vi-- o

o' expected lat. ii a in t.t.. brtgaalsideatetlcteal ou tho turning BlovoBMBt, mil thrsun eeiting wini- - ua yet u u a l ad to be done

.;.- ns were reluctantly suspend! until toBorreiw. preeaul nsbidnglak ntopi leetoaiposlllun. uud 'ii-- tri- - ; bivouacking whentl. e' d. Hu ui left the Third III - .! Lacgained a position veri clo.. to tte rigid Bbi ioi A le ii- - id n l m l. ed lt y worunliui -

iU -- l II llling dlat , It C. 1I. tiioi. e. Nov B3.- -A of tin

ai India recount, tin- hist ry thet t.- n luilj . an Afghani dan daring

tte laet Inn yoStl It --at:In tali. .i let ill kiadnea - DMf It, o t alia l1

IP.iHt, aa willM-Mr- I.) II t Aa to a r. , pan I. ,'.t 1 ntballO biII tl, r n: trrbklftid affuld. d It. Iiilll i - Urn- - ,1.tsdbyUi.ln. n re uii I n. a.. ..hi bJMAi.'i.m. ar Ktlna.l int. .11 will an.i d.MoerVrtJ istli er t.aBly ..d a, alt niin-t- , la n.rltatir

.1 I., alii , lit btri ...I ll. a' 1(1 a M ..Ii., n IL Bnnaii en,. in lisli ..i.i sill-lU- ili hi in TT.--

isllad .11 , It ll. ti III In Lai V0 , i , a:, i I. a a I; ,l mv av...It i ' i .' r. , i Hit i:.titah tat -- i whoa

. . i. ...... I - I.I. Ii. I. -- I t.t- t ..ur nt '' 1.1 .ne. It., kit, ir I. r tn.ttt. ., .lit i a

at. iii. it- - .1 nt I With In ( ' t r :

iiuar.el.'aa Hi, i.'.t.'yi.t, h.!' V. '

filf, k . a ii :a' an I. bs If a l.,1t'.o...a I'. Ul, na ri. ....... a!bB i

Th- - proclsmail. n l n ' '. . Voof i

the Ameer KI re All a! ne rest the r ipousltv of having exchanged tli frieml.liip tot 1

it h -- . th tmi re. il In lis." i

i.i.i in. N v. 22 li Bi Kaufu ib has dellv a'r. i. isvatly tword t . Hundsha M ' ntnmed

I!. in. I lllel ol ill- - vfc ii. I gat i, ll at Taatk. i.d. t b ti t.a::..t: d ti t ugh him 1 thi fill

- r of 1 'i W hen I r- . in- tli- - -- word j,

lieu. KautBan delivered tte I wing id.lrusa

a iii-- i irstliea llial BuaMaettr .a, -. . lug


wl . v. t ,ii ... L ...a i a. IMI i. hall -- l i

1. !.,....i will I tnuirtd I In io :i i' .nIM.ird 11 rtt rin. It fact linwi. le lln vtB ...v II .. t i.t III . Mat led Hit amiIT. flit II- - IW, ptiWirilli - ll. J'. ... r V ,. .. ir.m.itc Hit- - llto Hit na maud

IrWa le Pn iwrll ur Afbna, Husaai.t. l bs V imitilty at Isrye May o . . :. e( Ihe nltw,t a... an a aad bey bf, . a o ,ai lyisntiy SIS 1

1.a i,,The i 'i Is ' ' ill:-'- , to wing

in the Persian tongue ' (layUiel givsti v i of r ovor tt inlidels.

London, fi .. T:.e '." .Wi ' .' . in- - iformed that a CablBel Coun-- ll t .1 -- id dlu suniBon Parlianteni to n e t In IIikwbboi , .

iuordcrb produce tho Afghan pap-era- .

Im iti laity ann uneedthai Pai amenlwlllBeet n Doe, 5.

ihe Plum in in Mlulas Bietb Harts.PbxNcisco S v 2 A Virginia City,

S, v tt-- . at 'i ny, 0.tltl .. I elhcl tk; , I.U..I 111:- . na N Vda mil I) Tl . t nk SJ '

Itei a at ibi 'at ol t:. .... ut whtcl isMytg IresjI - i lam t tun im ib fl.isr ot lb, vrussesl. iw wtiir feel from It far, lie a Wtle l,kli wl.u-- lyVMred tra... 0'le leii I'i't ten A t. II o I lislol On. nil nil - I'- - t. Ht- - a alll.l n.ltali bill


tl i. imiew-tbl- f - i .a'.', a .1 tin it to ...orrtiM Mill brlsaj ,. be M I .itlt bsH ' t i I la nt

a i ctfUinri ml.1 ': I ' kaa

(larger la l "ti. sum.Wi. lam Penree,

lot tVel - 1.1.1 tel li s ai ,l I Ml, i

I'ftn It Iriind 01 til htr'i ll flilhti ,a tl.ilibtit 111 til. Stvigl lit Lift W dutlb IB

t . '.- - I ii, be wai srrtob--

Tbs Psoltofao tciasllsbd Rspartsr.Mr Robcri Begin, a wli known and blghly

,.,i ii -- i. u ti. l j . a iy la Bid

rt ,ii,.- - a derari c lie ws runnetbsl with TmsBvsa i ., r I l - Si yyrk antn.. .1 l ilt I. t n- H IHI

Tt Signal OgPss lregletlea.Partly cl udi weathef, rain up..--, i. ..,

iy ri ir.n, ,ib,r, alder, M'elfrl wind. Iiujbet.raur

JOTXiMQI iU 'A" VH4U l"h VlTVt

rbleksrlas g (.ail bv rdi ' lb, pn a lltegcellent fSsaetsrUt as 4erUM-s- "t

N mb,ru(0t.l Mai - - ta i -- ini an.-- Mill MlO,t lb sm th iii, ii - ' ill', Ohm it ii ,r r olilt Inn- - at , V

A . a tl a. aim a. nl Wit frIB UU Pegs ivitia.nit. la- in. ' -- k o II Verr.' , Mile llQS ,isn, a ll, ws term i . a utrseoii

ybe Wbttiw Van Pull will ptesd lol u iy in T. niv an. W ik ' al a inei tin. al lie- Aim. II Ol r, Hi,. I '

a ... 1,1 li, i It lull ill"'!, lit I. i.t a. , 1111 Ibi ires a i ton at :i i'oIqsi

Tin- Ilp0tnb'd yl Ih New J. i,t li, i h, tai r.tat i buly at dli Pret. lb, H a - - HvsrdMl.) n lit, tlnl-tr- ll fuS'-Uc- I nan ow by fogtill llB till liJUl.ll - III. a el lit. - a iity

T'a- Anl At.o, i.n i. pi .ou A an Uetti - Ional Ptturtji, it writ tna r .trial, t tl 1

siv.i on g.eidsi rve.UMi i wii nch Itii ..f anil alitor- - io, I'bllad hum ' i.iuta iTin ha-l- t. I, be fl Is- kite n a balsllUIIC lfi "I

DitsaWI lb.iiiet.mnl IVnnyita u ilk, ,lit n il ii" I... S i i 1, a . i rt i tIi f, le. ht ir at lie- - t, a. t rt- i. aik' I..I ill Ir Iai ., I I, tl I ... II I' na Ik I'.ll I",null ia Bul I.i I a. - li I la , ll. N 1 - .t

ceii. U i lit k ai i..u-r- i ai .1. I: eiaia-- snd ISOV, Ksir, ui ih, gen,ni r-- m Ii .11 , a a- - r

Iihi a irtsi Iraaiai Kiuyh ri. 11 k can toil d a ham tat ll,, M ,r . no I... t.l.a" It.ulMt .111 111 ia IIIMi a .1 f .0 ly I',,, t'l fl - t IT,.lul Ley iai, lii.iH.tii tin' kUeet Will.11 Ki. t. Iii,drit.r waa Uyaoa-- tu. .i Bsyt-al.- e,u.o immI oi i,rIJL.ia o ksiur Ui, borw coajbl Bf in. . - ui rug

V. t a " aui laxallld ft U. 1. . t .vtUhf.

natuy tuvtrt a.sutyj.' -sMMHwHHj