jt irs - roman catholic diocese of...

S»; A': «•(>*»•##?<?«*• ?^-H*> - 't- is \., rfV; * ; ; '<®V I j^j- , ^y ,* j-* " .. {Wris"** .*• . To' Our Sabjcriber* " ff*^ m ^j¥^^^WM CITY PARISH HEWS Collectors will caB next week, history of the school and on$Mr*. J. a Keenari, JRev, WmE pletedthe couraeisthecommer- , ... v eial department were also given ST. MICHAKL'S. * "*" their diplomas* «as feature "of Masa^Snnrt*v»fr^«w*ft*'M | ;«*wi fntercting Budg« «rf m p p e i n * . the school i s o n e w W c h i a w i i m ^ ^ | 5 ^ ^ < ^* tejt '^* Sa,, « GatheredfryOur City Reporter* wide recognition because of the *«« _ #„_ aw .» «* *«>, #•» *w^^ * ST. BRIDGET'S. accorded pie pupils. Our school closed for the sum- mer vacation Friday. A much needed rest will be enjoyed by teachers and pupils. Friday was the feast of the! Sacred Heart ^K a W^i^* % *^-">f fe- *••!« •r - •*'JT "a « / •<... —•»jy ^TT "*ys-*,nAt 13- ^y r ^*,»W sary requiem mass for John Dean. was offered CORPUS CHRISTI. Revs. D. J. Curran and John, B. Sulhvan assisted at the exerJ _^ cases in connection with the! At 8 a. m. Friday, an anniver- 5^*9? of , tfae comer stone of St, , The inarmge.of Miss [Arenspaier and James [Boniface's new parish Sunday afternoonlast hall •'# * **, Irs T^^* took place Monday morning at 9f o'clock. j * ...„,..™,^» _„,„» .*,»*«**«* w h i t e RcfT Wedne ® day *"**&« at onF ^ Kolb and Carolina | * o H fro» 4". "*?- Saturday at 7:30 a. m. an anni- A J®f. S^e Mary McMahon, _ A . I * I Pj**3s of boys and girls AJ| sixes, H»00 numtjera fo^ €&e-?5c ttiimhart for 4dc^JSoe «,im>«« # ~ « L a^ary reqmemmasswasoffered? a ^ h ^? f Patrolman and Mrs,fw»ved; first holy commumon . . > n^«^«««C-»cliuwtWi»e3S^ to graduate from our school Sunday will be communion day) for the men of the parish. Miss F. Blanche Drury, attend ed the convention of the Chil-! dren's Aid Sociely at Richfield! Springs during the past week. The Advisory Senate L.C.B.A.. decided at their meeting duringj the past week to make the visi- to«Ut»^*y. Y»acta»*kt ^ mmmm'W^m^m^^^k'ilm^ Announcement waa made Sun- J W t*». TM'U aMr*ci»!» »U «LM ' c *i -\ ^ y % te 0 ^ A « a |>l»^chingi»iirrfage * ^ « • • W *P»F* " ^ ; \ v , rs, ' * \ Wojnen** ail t|%twiHlaap ''$&^*M0ntffbfaM Wk* day of the L.CLBJL ttSStSTS^ hel \- f^^S^R^nTaS^^J^H-MeMabon, of No. M O f t " Sunday. Master George Staub] forMrs.BlancheKyan-Kass. JJ^ gtreet g^^ md wmsm wascrossbearer, v t d i? tt li. ej[8 T se8 a f .S2 Jolul Spaeher were anited in Sunday evening the closm* school will take place S u n o ^ marriage Wednesdaymornill ^ at exercises of the school will he Wome^s twxMsiasp Usle Glovea, in whit* TsvScu^ V *wlll deUvef^S 0 ^ f^ sU church by Rev *K J^**W*Wteii md ^^ The^kWf«S9c. oi byracuse, wui aeuver an j) enms j Curran. graduates this year. Reserved «?«»«*«*« i*u%nHn* )*n<*h <siiv Glov«*. address. A ^ c i a l musical pro- The bride's gown was ofwmtesWts can be had i t theoffice after ^ ^°f m » " S S ^ M J S W «~V tt^ J ? amm . e ^! b ^?? 1 ? ^ep J! re ?• ^ silk mull over taffeta. The bride's mass Sunday. double fingers, black, whitCand gray, »L8B class of 1908 will be the largestf sisto> MI^ ja^beth^jiaho^ ^^^ m eeting of &e Young auali^r. for 95c " " % Ladies SodaHty Sunday afternoon B-batton Gloves ? aama as thoya, ItOO after vespers. All members are quality for 78c. (l|ainyk>or) __ —„ >.~vw«uwu requested to attend. jand Arthur J. Spaeher served A pleasant surprise was given was served to for^ gueste after j,^ ^ occasion b e W K r 20«i the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. birthday , Zahn's Orchestra fur-; nished music for dancing and a ^•^••^p^" ^*- j jwas maid of honor. The" bride's imaid was Miss Anna Spaeher, An excellent quality elbow Glove, in tan and brown, at »c - , .. Women's 60c Iiak Gbvaa, »c Women's 86c LWa dovttv 2^ Women's 76c elbow Iwifth U*U black and white for »c (In Underprke v* ceremony. «„„ Spaeher left tor a Western trip. The closing entertainment andfinelunch was served. All uresent graduating exercises St Ann's tember. Home, early in Sep- SS. PETER A PAUL'8. The newly assigned assistant pastor Rev. W. Stauder, cele-l orated high mass last Sunday., The pastor when presenting him to the parish assured the mem-| bers that when they becamei ohi mnM „„,„«j^ ^ A_*I acquainted with him they w o u l d g K f l ^ n / ^ ^ uSiuiSf learn to love and esteem Mm^^T and Irene. .McMorrow. on of ouri TuesdajH learn to love and esteem him. After high mass the Corpus Christi procession took place fol-j lowed by benediction. The mon- strance used on this occasion was the gift of the Young Ladies Sodality. Before Rev. Father Scheid departed for his newfieldof labor, the Y.M.C.C. presented him with a set of silver knives! and forks. • The gift of the choir were silver oyster forks. The closing exercises of this! school will take place Sunday evening, June 28th. Bishop evening in the church hall. The programe was well rendered! and was enjoyed a large audien- ce. Following the literary and. musical programe, the graduating class was presented by "* B. Sullivan. The award and diplomas was then made by Rev. D.J. Curran. The Rev. D. J. Curran gold medal for scholar- ship were awarded to Arthur! had an enjoyable time. The F. J. Hone by the class of 1908, after which the diplomas and medals were! distributed. The medals ior EDWARDS & ''9 very edifying*^Jaucn praise is due to the cbadre^i*linj«<* beauts ST. MARTS. f«%san^^evesp^l»addreM Thft <mtf?iiatfnn . „ , » ; „ „ . ,„^«« ^"3* delivered to the graduates SbSehbS%i^S2F»S *! he laid special einphasis on what i |cnurchnau, The class was one woula j ^ expected olthem m graduates' oF a Catholic school Imathematies equally mOTtrfSyJ^^iSJ^"!^^^ •^ J L" v-— ----;—',ana catnecnism was won by J. ^tlS^lft 8 0 1 1 0 6 1 1 1 6 ' Following thedistrl- Z3£Z£ i^M^^^I^m^^ **&!» Butterfly Ball, S i S n T R r f I ^ o f ? ^ n ^ f e l W ^ ^ ^ C a d e t s , The Children's well gold medal for^endance !Frolic ^e swn ^ Q$ nU m ^^ B presenting the certificates to th< -graduates. There was a high mass on Friday morning before the bless- ed sacrament in honor of the feast of the Sacred Heart diction followed. Miss Louise Meyer, Mrs. Ceorge Renner and Mrs. Stall- knecht were in Reading,Pa., the past week as representatives of| the Ladies Auxiliary 44, Knights of St. John. Miss Louise Hetzel and cousin of Webster, N. Y., spent Sunday! in Rochester, the guest of Minnie Martin of Leyden St. follows: Elmer Cushing, John J . Heffernan, Clarence J. Houck,!^^ ^fjj a John T.Howe, Francis J. Hickey, „. •"-rwuu. a.xiuwts, rrancis J. rilCKey, Hickey will honor the occasion by Bennet Jarvis, Cyril T. Meneg, nresentinor the oArtifiwitisatA <•>.«Tir.-n:— TT »,-«— - .. William H. McCoy, Arthur J. Schiefer, Paul V. Smyth, Vera C. Begy, Clara M. Cushing. Anna Dunnegan, Ella M. 'Hale, Loretta M. Hill, Mary Holahan, Marie F. Mc , Irene F. Mc Morrow, Anna McGeal, Francis M. Nolan, Catharine E. Walsh, Cecilia Gallagher, Odilla K. Johnston, Hehfr, John N J : ^ , » f 6 ^ «*MWI v**vf»* »tvr***M*^ ~**e? ** v -***w **JP E TVJ the religious practices that have tmn instilled in their youns: minds by their vigilant guardiana.' After this' address* benediction was given. •, -.^i The funeral of if its Ostlisrine| Hughes of 213 South Fitihugh Street was held in the ditircb; oh Wednesday mnr^ngat^a'fjaejfe William Jam,es SpoffoH and Miss Eliiabeth Frances O'Brein were united inwarrlage oit Ipd-; " ifternodrt•. atlihis chuwjh „ W h e t O'Hefll. : ? Friday e^ehin^;werelwild a the graduating exercises of thi* . „„. exercises school. A very interesting pro- pleasing chorus grame was delivered. The pre* r- »'w»" i iM J^J-J.IHH^pti SAKIT ART SUCnOM CLIA1IWO ^K^r^ .mm-*:* f»*iiqt : ?eif, Bene-Agnes 'Farlin, BleMed Sacrament. Boys and Young men are in- [vited to holy communion Sunday. On last Saturday a high mass of requiem was celebrated u<uu uunmu, jritiHivi^en.xiiUgene O'Rourke, Ralph Poirier, Seymore Ralston, William Sloan, OrrSixby, Richard Schooley, Harold West, Marion Avery,Grace Appel,Maryjthe palrish. Brennan, Florence Coureeh,tIrene' Calhoun, Julia Cross, Martha Qon- noly, Edna Farley, Rose Faker, Martha Hyde,Lilhan Kinzel,Mar- garet Killacky, Theresa Lang- more, Genenive Madden, Dorothy Marackle, Katherine Murphy, Eileen O'Mealia, Florence Pardee, Margaret Quinliban, Margaret! Birmingham, Leo Coakley, Ber- great .applause* Diplomas Srefe nard Gmnan: Frank Neff.Eugene presented by^ReV^FatherjO' '" n'p«„^« P-I«U O^A.^. 6 _ to seventy fcnrgrldtiat^ ; , Next Sunday will be communion, Sunday for the men and htytm (Mill 4 Watoh^Ci Dlaitioridat CI J « w * l a r y , 811 v « r w a r * . Ml if iM Cathedral. ST: JOSRPH'S. Mrs. Jane Boheme and on Satur- day also a high mass of requiem a , MI v j for the deceased members of the Sunday will be communion and r^arv familv of Brighton j •conference day for the married L * a * y l a n m . y OI ?rT.i „« 5—-—.«.«««««. men of the Holy Family. The marnage of Archibald Mc Sunday of the month. Sunday will also be monthly ^ ^ ^ Eh^abeth v M «Henry Emmet f ' ' the Sunday school. During the months of July and August there will be no com ference and no Sunday school Next Sunday will be munion day for the young ladies of the Holy Family. com- faffi^ oJTTit wf ••S? 1 ' » n » marxea tne erasing exercises SlS^f 8 ' Bertha Sutby ' Blanche bfthe Grammer. Department of wr-i white. . . - Naaateth Academy, ^ h e large The young men and boys of hall was filled with relatives and the parish are invited to monthly, communion Sunday, the fourth! In Wednesday evening _^ ,^~ w Cathedral hall, a class of twenty two young women, graduated from the Academic department of Nazareth, and on Thursday even: ing marked the closing exercises ^ to betlMNM. Tfc«_oM InmUhitkbtMt. -ft6a«lt*M«.aMTM«d fBiiMi.;' ', «.•/'" v ' " '- ••••••••-••» Rochester ^ _ - 11 HI 111 iii in 1 m mirn • <. ViS .fO'^" ^^a^aja« Craig, a former pupil of Grammer Department of .the IWednSSav fhi mi^J^o*A# l T^I• WIIB < S :I i oul, w ^Sn?* "9* 1 attend^ Cathedral school will h^ held in lT W i? n ^ ay ^ e * ma 5 1 ^ e of Leo ing St Agnes' CoUege in Juffalo,teathedralhall. friends. Monday evening, June 29th, [the closing exercises of the " the If Portland ATtaue liwr ^v.c a ittii^K. t>VA€«iA, Last Sunday morning at 8 o'clock mass a large class ofl children received first holy com munion. The reverend provincial! of the Redemptorist order wasj present and officiated at the solemn high mass, assisted by Father Schwabl as deacon and Father Engelhardt as sub-deacon, vacation Sunday 28th» communion Sttt*-, day for the Boys society of the) Blessed Sacrament. Friday July 3rd, first-^riaaar The last meeting of the Young Ladies Sodality until September _ ST. Bowman*?. f2M^ Tana. q Friday was the feast of * J S S t t ? 2 ^ the altar society received holy the retiring presidentT]^8TKa^fHT l; ^M n ^ KW !^ ,0 » communion at the solemn hightherine Freidell, who^ has been a Jast^nday afternoon. A pro- mass at 7:30 o'clock. faithful £g£^ foT thTpasTtwolf?^ " y - ^ 0 * I I " 0f —» > ~ morning at the years. wv f t Johnandmemberaof thecon-of the Alumni, was the valedW ^te^nities of the jhurch escort^feflaa of ihe Nazareth-graduatesl (kttMt <a»labiit1^n^ Branch 238 C.M.B.A. of thisjed the bishop to the new [parish will receive holy com-After the ceremony of blu^.^ munion in a body at the 7 o'clock and placing the cornerstone in •»** M&^k |mass Sunday: The members of the Holy Name Society together with their fami- lies and friends enjoyed a day's Rev. WHBam Kessel, pastor of outing at Glen Haven last Thurs- the church, acted as master of day. A number of contests werej ceremonies. The celebrant of the mass made an eloquent address to the children telling them of the great privilege accorded theml and imploring them to be tame to! the dictates of their holy religion position. Bishop Hickey preached to the large audience and. eon* gratulated Rev. Frederick Rauber on the success of his work in the miX REDREMER. - " lvrf%ttil ^ Miss Mamie Zwirlein, m e m b e r f l O U R CELLAR at the Cathedral hall Wedneaday| - a good and cheap disinfect, -yenfng. . ^ I *, ant which we seU in fie .- MftgradimtesoftheGriunniej| t and 10c packages. (girls and 23 boys A reward wasmerited for regu- on the success of Ms work in the L f S f£*h%tT^TA^^a parish and alsocongratulatet m IF #• ttif S!~ «»ndance? ofl members of the congregation whoft!*~5&EL ^ S K^SS $T run off in the aYternoonl^Aha 41118 ^ thisauci^sBnrt^fMirwyhepast two years, bythefol large number attended and allt «,. -—Tv-rs'^r/'-i '«»tf ^ » * ,* «» t agreed that it was a most enjov- T ¥ new Pansh hall will front JtfP t $L* a *fl f * i^t JH?*V able day. ^ - *jjjgr », *.J« te.ilflffi., B 5&.J"tflSSUa- Theexercisas for the graduat-j jing class will be held^ Sunday [two stories In heigth* of t&mr fiStoifSelt M«jrer, Geo, . « Aoth. Aug. .Scheoch, Chat Sohlel, Ri Noth on factory walls. It is sanitary, durable and in- expensive ''^Si-^PH'i H S f i ^ f f ^ ) 15-17-19 Ckarca Calaadar Later benediction w a s i i v e n T T n e ^ n ^ ^ ^ e ^ ^ ^ , l » ^*- ^SgJ,Ch« 9*to**h» Weekly the afternoon at 4 o'clock, thegvelnf I S f f w f l l ^ i e ^ 9t i * , ^ solemn Corpus Christi procession plnVnaa r>f gT^itatlon. 'Kie jTp^ v***"*?* . L -, TlpbMtqegi gey^^itaav l ^ J ^ t f e L ^ 4 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ l i , popeiind rtmfmim was held, Jgenpic^n was.gjgea dress will be given by Rev. X Y2 -^^>-—: "__ l«k!l n > eSS^^^A^^y^y^^ g 6 t o n ^ £ n S l & O'HernoftheCatheSmlandthe nmAomsm m^mpfio^ Km D^vuSSSnSSmmS f^** 2 *-"*"*^ * s t of the afternoon services was the nresftntationrtfniB^akaw^^s^o n a .JJA.. ~*JL_ ^^_ JPiotaek, Jo« Heioze, Florence »«im, ^^ s to is-start vi^: ix-r^r-'^-^s T^HHass. >»«•*—» « tofe^rfiJ^x?»Srf'aig&; ** '" "• T " MMl * The annual commencementcoM^th^vS? 2Jn?K%5*!? +9T ln t. Wafe .hjgiiJyJgi^B^'MaTaSlJSSamaVtaariaW i-1a**«i«f ta. BI^Md ^i^c^ 75^LJv^kSrS^iS? fVr- 8evera l Pupils by appreciated by the memberSiof morme* BeaWwek, tiowtate Bosok. ViiWMni*-! ^^ exercises, of the parochiaLsehooI Margaret Kieman_ of Brighten.jtMschurgh. fhe procession k » » * » , ^ M.rt«i b»hop .™j exercisesi of the parochial.school Margaret Kiernan of Brighton. E *Seh: %el>ooSiaa^i<^ were held in the parish hall. Thejlt the exercises six gold medateb two o l ^ l i i ^ f u S g f S a l t § & / » M & i a S l chi dren presented a programme donated by the following will be mh«l A * xn&«&. «*rf*« ^ i S S S f f i O T * F^J^fV'lw donated by the following will be robed as angels, as its wended z«itvogei ( Mary schaeffet, deta Ram ^ jr--p—. wn » (r .>,^-wv. »j .uvwuvmug w»i» uviiuueu its augeiH,«aa lis wenaea|Z«itrogel, JfaryJBc which was a credittothose whojawarded: Miss Susie Englert, its way through t h e '^m^wm^.^»U^»' isi»ctai!itod 3k v is; MAW N, >M :*,«-,/ifc's^sat' •" SatuTday^SI Earth. .bbe«« if /* ^^fe«H^ 1 #t \i^ ^"^ i ; ««s!4^> #

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j^j- , ^y ,* j -* " . . {Wris"** .*• .

To' Our Sabjcriber* " ff*^ m^j¥^^^WM


Collectors will caB next week, history of the school and on$Mr*. J. a Keenari, JRev, W m E

pletedthe couraeisthecommer- , ... v eial department were also given ST. MICHAKL'S. *

"*" their diplomas* « a s feature "of Masa^Snnrt*v»fr^«w*ft*'M|;«*wi fntercting Budg« «rf mppein*. the school i s o n e w W c h i a w i i m ^ ^ | 5 ^ ^ < ^ * t e j t ' ^ * S a , , «

Gathered fry Our City Reporter* wide recognition because of the *«« _ #„_aw.» «* *«>, #•» * w ^ ^ * ST. BRIDGET'S. accorded pie pupils.

Our school closed for the sum-mer vacation Friday. A much needed rest will be enjoyed by teachers and pupils.

Friday was the feast of the! Sacred Heart

^ K a W ^ i ^ * %* -">f fe-

* • • !« •r -

• * ' J T

"a « / • < . . .

—•»jy ^ T T "*ys-*,nAt



sary requiem mass for John Dean.

was offered


Revs. D. J. Curran and John, B. Sulhvan assisted at the exerJ

_ ^ cases in connection with the! At 8 a. m. Friday, an anniver- 5^*9? o f , t f a e comer stone of St,

, The inarmge.of Miss [Arenspaier and James

[Boniface's new parish Sunday afternoonlast


•'# * **,

Irs T ^ ^ *

took place Monday morning at 9f o'clock.

j *

...„,..™, » _„,„» .*,»*«**«* w h i t e

R c f T Wedne®day *"**&« at

o n F ^ Kolb and Carolina |*oH

fro» 4".


Saturday at 7:30 a. m. an anni- AJ®f. S ^ e Mary McMahon, _ A . I * I P j * * 3 s of boys and girls AJ| sixes, H»00 numtjera fo^ €&e-?5c ttiimhart for 4dc^JSoe «,im>«« # ~ « L a^ary reqmemmasswasof fered? a ^ h ^? f Patrolman and Mrs,fw»ved; first holy commumon . . > n ^ « ^ « « « C - » c l i u w t W i » e 3 S ^

to graduate from our school Sunday will be communion day)

for the men of the parish. Miss F. Blanche Drury, attend

ed the convention of the Chil-! dren's Aid Sociely at Richfield! Springs during the past week.

The Advisory Senate L.C.B.A.. decided at their meeting duringj the past week to make the visi-

to«Ut»^*y. Y » a c t a » * k t ^ mmmm'W^m^m^^^k'ilm^ Announcement waa made Sun- J W t*». TM'U aMr*ci»!» »U « L M ' c *i - \ ^ y %

te0^A«a|>l»^chingi»iirrfage * ^ « • • W * P » F * " ^ ; \ v , r s , ' * \

Wojnen** ail t | % t w i H l a a p ' ' $ & ^ * M 0 n t f f b f a M

Wk* day of the L.CLBJL ttSStSTS^ h e l

\ -

f ^ ^ S ^ R ^ n T a S ^ ^ J ^ H - M e M a b o n , of No. M O f t " Sunday. Master George Staub] forMrs.BlancheKyan-Kass. J J ^ g t r e e t g ^ ^ md wmsmwascrossbearer,

v t d i ? t t l i . e j [ 8 T s e 8 a f . S 2 J o l u l Spaeher were anited in Sunday evening the closm* school will take place S u n o ^ m a r r i a g e W e d n e s d a y m o r n i l l ^ a t exercises of the school will he Wome^s twxMsiasp Usle Glovea, in whit* T s v S c u ^ V * w l l l d e U v e f ^ S 0 ^ f^sU c h u r c h b y Rev*K J^**W*Wteiimd^^ T h e ^ k W f « S 9 c . oi byracuse, wui aeuver an j)enms j Curran. graduates this year. Reserved «?«»«*«*« i*u%nHn* )*n<*h <siiv Glov«*. address. A ^ c i a l musical pro- The bride's gown was ofwmtesWts can be had i t theoffice after ^ ^°fm » " S S ^ M J S W « ~ V tt^ J ? a m m . e ^! b ^?? 1 ? ^ e p J! r e ?• ^ silk mull over taffeta. The bride's mass Sunday. double fingers, black, whitCand gray, »L8B class of 1908 will be the largestfsisto> M I ^ j a ^ b e t h ^ j i a h o ^ ^ ^ ^ meeting of &e Young auali^r. for 95c

" "% Ladies SodaHty Sunday afternoon B-batton Gloves? aama as thoya, ItOO after vespers. All members are quality for 78c. (l|ainyk>or)

__ — „ >.~vw«uwu requested to attend. jand Arthur J. Spaeher served A pleasant surprise was given was served to for^ gueste after j , ^ ^ occasion b e W K r 20«i the ceremony. Mr. and M r s . b i r t h d a y , Zahn's Orchestra fur-;

nished music for dancing and a

^ • ^ • • ^ p ^ "

^ * - j

jwas maid of honor. The" bride's imaid was Miss Anna Spaeher,

An excellent quality elbow Glove, in tan and brown, at » c - ,

.. Women's 60c I iak Gbvaa, » c Women's 86c LWa dovttv 2 ^ Women's 76c elbow Iwifth U*U

black and white for » c (In Underprke

v *

ceremony. «„„ Spaeher left tor a Western trip.

The closing entertainment and fine lunch was served. All uresent graduating exercises

St Ann's tember.

Home, early in Sep-


The newly assigned assistant pastor Rev. W. Stauder, cele-l orated high mass last Sunday., The pastor when presenting him to the parish assured the mem-| bers that when they becameiohi„ mnM „„,„«j^ ^ A_*I acquainted with him they w o u l d g K f l ^ n / ^ ^ u S i u i S f learn to love and esteem M m ^ ^ T and Irene. .McMorrow.

on of ouri TuesdajH

learn to love and esteem him. After high mass the Corpus Christi procession took place fol-j lowed by benediction. The mon­strance used on this occasion was the gift of the Young Ladies Sodality.

Before Rev. Father Scheid departed for his new field of labor, the Y.M.C.C. presented him with a set of silver knives! and forks. • The gift of the choir were silver oyster forks.

The closing exercises of this! school will take place Sunday evening, June 28th. Bishop

evening in the church hall. The programe was well rendered! and was enjoyed a large audien­ce. Following the literary and. musical programe, the graduating class was presented by "* B. Sullivan. The award and diplomas was then made by Rev. D.J. Curran. The Rev. D. J. Curran gold medal for scholar­ship were awarded to Arthur!

had an enjoyable time.

The F. J. Hone

by the class of 1908, after which the diplomas and medals were! distributed. The medals ior

EDWARDS & ''9 very edifying*^Jaucn praise is due to the cbadre^i*linj«<* beauts

ST. MARTS. f « % s a n ^ ^ e v e s p ^ l » a d d r e M Thft <mtf?iiatfnn . „ , » ; „ „ . ,„^«« ^"3* delivered to the graduates

S b S e h b S % i ^ S 2 F » S * ! he laid special einphasis on what i |cnurchnau, The class was one w o u l a j ^ expected o l t h e m m graduates' oF a Catholic school

Imathematies equally m O T t r f S y J ^ ^ i S J ^ " ! ^ ^ ^

• J L" v-— ----;—',ana catnecnism was won by J. ^ t l S ^ l f t 8 0 1 1 0 6 1 1 1 6 ' Following thedistrl-

Z3£Z£ i ^ M ^ ^ ^ I ^ m ^ ^ **&!» Butterfly Ball, S i S n T R r f I ^ o f ? ^ n ^ f e l W ^ ^ ^ C a d e t s , The Children's well gold medal for^endance ! F r o l i c ^ e swn^ Q$nU m^^B

presenting the certificates to th< -graduates.

There was a high mass on Friday morning before the bless­ed sacrament in honor of the feast of the Sacred Heart diction followed.

Miss Louise Meyer, Mrs. Ceorge Renner and Mrs. Stall-knecht were in Reading,Pa., the past week as representatives of| the Ladies Auxiliary 44, Knights of St. John.

Miss Louise Hetzel and cousin of Webster, N. Y., spent Sunday! in Rochester, the guest of Minnie Martin of Leyden St.

follows: Elmer Cushing, John J . Heffernan, Clarence J. H o u c k , ! ^ ^ ^fjj a John T.Howe, Francis J. Hickey, „. •"-rwuu. a.xiuwts, rrancis J. rilCKey,

Hickey will honor the occasion by Bennet Jarvis, Cyril T. Meneg, nresentinor the oArtifiwitisatA <•>.«Tir.-n:— TT »,-«— - .. William H. McCoy, Arthur J. Schiefer, Paul V. Smyth, Vera C. Begy, Clara M. Cushing. Anna Dunnegan, Ella M. 'Hale, Loretta M. Hill, Mary

Holahan, Marie F. Mc , Irene F. Mc Morrow,

Anna McGeal, Francis M. Nolan, Catharine E. Walsh, Cecilia Gallagher, Odilla K. Johnston,

Hehfr, John N J : ^ , » f 6 ^

«*MWI v**vf»* »tvr***M*^ ~**e? * * v - * * * w **JPE T V J

the religious practices that have tmn instilled in their youns: minds by their vigilant guardiana.' After this' address* benediction was given. •, -.^i

The funeral of i f its Ostlisrine| Hughes of 213 South Fitihugh Street was held in the ditircb; oh Wednesday mnr^ngat^a'fjaejfe

William Jam,es SpoffoH and Miss Eliiabeth Frances O'Brein were united inwarrlage oit Ipd-;

" ifternodrt•. atlihis chuwjh „ W h e t O'Hefll.: ? Friday e^ehin^;werelwild

a the graduating exercises of thi* . „ „ . exercises school. A very interesting pro-pleasing chorus grame was delivered. The pre*

— r- » ' w » " i iM J ^ J - J . I H H ^ p t i




Bene-Agnes 'Farlin,

BleMed Sacrament.

Boys and Young men are in-[vited to holy communion Sunday.

On last Saturday a high mass of requiem was celebrated

u<uu uunmu, jritiHivi^en.xiiUgene O'Rourke, Ralph Poirier, Seymore Ralston, William Sloan, OrrSixby, Richard Schooley, Harold West, Marion Avery,Grace Appel,Maryjthe palrish. Brennan, Florence Coureeh,tIrene' Calhoun, Julia Cross, Martha Qon-noly, Edna Farley, Rose Faker, Martha Hyde,Lilhan Kinzel,Mar­garet Killacky, Theresa Lang-more, Genenive Madden, Dorothy Marackle, Katherine Murphy, Eileen O'Mealia, Florence Pardee, Margaret Quinliban, Margaret!

Birmingham, Leo Coakley, Ber- great .applause* Diplomas Srefe nard Gmnan: Frank Neff.Eugene presented by^ReV^FatherjO' '" n'p«„^« P - I « U O^A.^. 6 _ to seventy fcnrgrldtiat^ ;

, Next Sunday will be communion, Sunday for the men and htytm

(Mill 4

Watoh^Ci Dlaitioridat CI

J « w * l a r y , 811 v « r w a r * .



i M


ST: JOSRPH'S. Mrs. Jane Boheme and on Satur­day also a high mass of requiem

a , MI v • j for the deceased members of the Sunday will be communion and r^arv familv of Brighton j

•conference day for the married L * a * y l a n m . y O I ?rT.i „ « 5 — - — . « . « « « « « . men of the Holy Family. The marnage of Archibald Mc Sunday of the month.

Sunday will also be monthly ^ ^ Eh^abeth vM«Henry Emmet f ' '

the Sunday school. During the months of July and

August there will be no com ference and no Sunday school

Next Sunday will be munion day for the young ladies of the Holy Family.


faffi^ o J T T i t wf ••S?1' »n» marxea tne erasing exercises S l S ^ f 8 ' B e r t h a S u t b y ' Blanche bfthe Grammer. Department of wr-i white. . . - Naaateth Academy, h e large

The young men and boys of hall was filled with relatives and the parish are invited to monthly, communion Sunday, the fourth!

I n Wednesday evening _^ ,^~w Cathedral hall, a class of twenty two young women, graduated from the Academic department of Nazareth, and on Thursday even: ing marked the closing exercises

^ to betlMNM. Tfc«_oM

InmUhitkbtMt. - ft6a«lt*M«. aMTM«d

f B i i M i . ; ' ' , « . • / ' " v ' " ' - ••••••••-••»

Rochester ^ _ -

11 HI 111 iii in 1 m m i r n

• <. V iS

.fO'^" ^^a^aja«

Craig, a former pupil of Grammer Department of .the IWednSSav fhi mi^J^o*A#lT^I•WIIB

<S:Iioul, w ^ S n ? * "9* 1 attend^ Cathedral school will h^ held in l T W i ? n ^ a y ^ e * m a 5 1 ^ e o f Leo ing S t Agnes' CoUege in Juffalo,teathedralhall.

friends. Monday evening, June 29th,

[the closing exercises of the " the

I f Portland ATtaue liwr ^v.c a ittii K.


Last Sunday morning at 8 o'clock mass a large class ofl children received first holy com munion. The reverend provincial! of the Redemptorist order wasj present and officiated at the solemn high mass, assisted by Father Schwabl as deacon and Father Engelhardt as sub-deacon,

vacation Sunday 28th» communion Sttt*-, day for the Boys society of the) Blessed Sacrament.

Friday July 3rd, first-^riaaar

The last meeting of the Young Ladies Sodality until September _ ST. Bowman*?.

f2M^ Tana. q Friday was the feast of * J S S t t ? 2 ^

the altar society received holy the retiring p r e s i d e n t T ] ^ 8 T K a ^ f H T l ; ^ M n ^ K W ! ^ , 0 » communion at the solemn hightherine Freidell, who has been a Jast^nday afternoon. A pro-mass at 7:30 o'clock. f a i t h f u l £g£^ foT t h T p a s T t w o l f ? ^ " y - ^ 0 * I W » I " 0 f — » > ~

morning at the years. w v f t Johnandmemberaof thecon-of the Alumni, was the v a l e d W ^te^nities of the jhurch escort^feflaa of ihe Nazareth-graduatesl

(kttMt <a»labiit1^n^

Branch 238 C.M.B.A. of thisjed the bishop to the new [parish will receive holy com-After the ceremony of b l u ^ . ^ munion in a body at the 7 o'clock and placing the cornerstone in

• » * * M&^k

|mass Sunday: The members of the Holy Name

Society together with their fami­lies and friends enjoyed a day's

Rev. WHBam Kessel, pastor of outing at Glen Haven last Thurs-the church, acted as master of day. A number of contests werej ceremonies. The celebrant of the mass made an eloquent address to the children telling them of the great privilege accorded theml and imploring them to be tame to! the dictates of their holy religion

position. Bishop Hickey preached to the large audience and. eon* gratulated Rev. Frederick Rauber on the success of his work in the

miX REDREMER. - " l v r f % t t i l ^ Miss Mamie Zwirlein, m e m b e r f l O U R C E L L A R

at the Cathedral hall Wedneaday| - a good and cheap disinfect, -yenfng. . ^ I *, ant which we seU in fie .- MftgradimtesoftheGriunniej| tand 10c packages.

(girls and 23 boys A reward wasmerited for regu-on the success of Ms work in the L f S f£*h%tT^TA^^a

parish and alsocongratulatet m I F # • ™ t t i fS!~ «»ndance? of l members of the congregation who ft! *~5&EL ^ S K ^ S S $T

run off in the aYternoonl^Aha41118^ thisauci^sBnrt^fMirwyhepast two years, bythefol large number attended and allt «,. - — T v - r s ' ^ r / ' - i '«»tf ^ » * ,* «» t agreed that it was a most enjov- T ¥ n e w Pansh hall will front JtfPt$L*a*flf* i ^ t JH?*V able day. ^ - * j j j g r » , * . J « te.ilflffi.,B5&.J"tflSSUa-

Theexercisas for the graduat-j jing class will be held^ Sunday [two stories In heigth* of t&mr fiStoifSelt M«jrer, Geo, . «

Aoth. Aug. .Scheoch, Chat Sohlel, Ri Noth

on factory walls. It is sanitary, durable and in­expensive


HSfi^ff^) 15-17-19

Ckarca Calaadar Later benediction w a s i i v e n T T n e ^ n ^ ^ ^ e ^ ^ ^ , l » ^* - ^ S g J , C h « 9*to**h» Weekly the afternoon at 4 o'clock, thegve ln f I S f f w f l l ^ i e ^ 9t i * , ^ solemn Corpus Christi procession plnVnaa r>f gT^itatlon. 'Kie j T p ^ v***"*?* .L-, TlpbMtqegi gey^^itaav l ^ J ^ t f e L ^ 4 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ l i , popeiind rtmfmim was held, J g e n p i c ^ n was.gjgea dress will be given by Rev. X Y 2 - ^ ^ > - — : " _ _ l « k ! l n > e S S ^ ^ ^ A ^ ^ y ^ y ^ ^ g 6 t o

n ^ £ n S l & O'HernoftheCatheSmlandthe nmAomsm m^mpfio^ Km D^vuSSSnSSmmS f^**2*-"*"*^ * s t of the afternoon services was the nresftntationrtfniB^akaw^^s^o n a . J J A . . ~*JL_ ^ _ JPiotaek, Jo« Heioze, Florence »«im, ^ ^ s

to is-start vi^: ix-r^r-'^-^s T HHass. >»«•*—» « tofe^rfiJ^x?»Srf'aig&; ** '" "• T"MMl* The annual c o m m e n c e m e n t c o M ^ t h ^ v S ? 2 J n ? K % 5 * ! ? + 9 T l n t . W a f e .hjg i iJyJgi^B^'MaTaSlJSSamaVtaariaW i - 1 a * * « i « f ta. BI Md ^ i ^ c ^ 7 5 ^ L J v ^ k S r S ^ i S ? fVr- 8 e v e r a l Pupils by appreciated by the memberSiof morme* BeaWwek, tiowtate Bosok. ViiWMni*-! ^ ^

exercises, of the parochiaLsehooI Margaret Kieman_ of Brighten.jtMschurgh. fhe procession k » » * » , ^ M.rt«i b»hop .™j exercisesi of the parochial.school Margaret Kiernan of Brighton. E * S e h : % e l > o o S i a a ^ i < ^ were held in the parish hall. Thejlt the exercises six gold medateb two o l ^ l i i ^ f u S g f S a l t § & / » M & i a S l chi dren presented a programme donated by the following will be mh«l A* xn&«&. «*rf*« ^ i S S S f f i O T * F ^ J ^ f V ' l w donated by the following will be robed as angels, as its wended z«itvogei( Mary schaeffet, deta Ram ^ jr--p—.wn»(r.>,^-wv. »j .uvwuvmug w»i» uviiuueu its augeiH,«aa lis wenaea|Z«itrogel, JfaryJBc which was a credit to those whojawarded: Miss Susie Englert, its way through t h e ' ^ m ^ w m ^ . ^ » U ^ » '


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