İngİlİzce anlatımlı soru bankası · İngİlİzce anlatımlı soru bankası 1. adjectives a....

İNGİLİZCE anlatımlı soru bankası 1. ADJECTIVES a. Personal Qualities "Adjective" kelimesi sıfat manasına gelip "be" yardımcı fiilerinden sonra veya isimlerden önce gelir. Bu konu- da sıfatların arkadaşlık ilişkileri teması içerisinde işleyeceğiz. Aşağıda bazı sıfatlar ve manaları verilmiştir; friendly - : -> arkadaş canlısı funny komik, eğlenceli' helpful yardımsever polite ->"kibar riıde --=• kaba generous -4 cömert' Examples 1. The boys are rude. The clown is funny. He's generous. He's polite. Friendship - Friendship Rules

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İNGİLİZCE anlatımlı soru bankası


a. Personal Qualities

"Adjective" kelimesi sıfat manasına gelip "be" yardımcı fiilerinden sonra veya isimlerden önce gelir. Bu konu-da sıfatların arkadaşlık ilişkileri teması içerisinde işleyeceğiz. Aşağıda bazı sıfatlar ve manaları verilmiştir;

friendly -:-> arkadaş canlısı funny komik, eğlenceli' helpful yardımsever polite ->"kibar riıde --=• kaba generous -4 cömert'


1 .

The boys are rude. The clown is funny.

He's generous. He's polite.

Friendship - Friendship Rules

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf


They're friendly He's stingy

Aşağıda diğer bazı karakter ile ilgili sıfatlar verilmiştir.

i trustworthy-4 güvenilir, emin

supportive -> destekleyici, destek verici

sensitive duyarlı, hassas, duygusal, içli, alıngan

reliable - güvenilir, emin, sağlam

honest - dürüst, namuslu, hilesiz, doğru, güvenilir

cheerful neşeli, şen, mutlu, keyfi yerinde, keyifli

kind - kibar, nazik, iyi kalpli, yardımsever

sincere içten, samimi, candan

Examples 1 : Read the sentences in the speech bubfes.

2. Who is your best friend and what are the qualities of your best friend?

My best friend is Rukiye. She's reliable and supportive.

Can you describe your Yes, of course. He's best friend's personal kind,trustworthy and qualities? cheerful.

3. What are the personal She's honest, sincere qualities of your friend? and sensitive.

8 ^asr Friendship - Friendship Rules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

b. Physical Appearance (Fiziki görünüş)

Bu bölümde dış görünüş ile ilgili sıfatlar öğrenecek ve cümle içinde kullanımını göreceğiz. Aşağıda konuya uygun bazı sıfatlar verilmiştir.

Examples 2 : Look at the pictures and learn the adjectives.

beautiful handsome ugly

Examples 3 : Read the sentences.

1- My friend is tall and slim.

2. Her brother is handsome.

3. Our teacher is medium height and plumb.

4. His sister is beautiful.

5.Their mother is shortand fat.

6- That woman is ugly.

plumb fat \ overweight slim \ thin

friendship - Friendship feules 9 -4""

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 10. Sınıf

« S e t k i n l i k Exercise 1 : Put the letters in the correct order and find the adjectives of personality and physical


1. yfnun — >

2. urgseone

3. Ifiyedn

4. nysitg

5. udre

6. luphefl

7. ehston

—> - »

— >

— >

8. wutrtosyhrt

Exercise 2 : Do the puzzle.

9. topeli

10. vestiriesi

11. pise turipov

11, hurecefl -»

11. ehamdons -»

14. blupm ->

15-. iflufebat

16. mils



i J ; İ

r b l " T i " ' I T l T3

Exercise 3 : Write the words in the correct coloumns.

funny / slim / kind / tali I helpful / cheerful / short / honest I plumb I cheerful / medium height I

supportive I beautiful I reliable

10 ^asr Friendship - Friendship Rules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

* Örnek 1

Verilen resim dikkate alınırsa aşağıdaki cüm-lelerden hangisi doğru olur?

A) He likes telling jokes. He's very stingy.

B) He likes telling jokes. He's very funny.

C) He likes crying. He's very sensitive.

D) He likes working hard. He's very hardworking.

% Örnek 2


c 3> £ 9 a. o *


* Çözüm: Resim dikkatle incelendiğinde bayın fıkra anlatıp etrafındakileri güldürdüğü anlaşılır. Buna uygun sıfat "komik" manasına gelen funny olabilir. Bu durumda resme uygun cümle "He likes telling jokes, He's very funny" olmalıdır.

Doğru yanıt "B" seçeneğidir.

Konuşma balonunda verilen cümleyi ifade eden resim aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?



* Çözüm: Konuşma balonundaki cümleyi tercüme edersek "Benim arkadaşım iyi ve yardımseverdir. Ona ihti-yacım olduğunda daima bana yardım eder." anlamına gelip bahsedilen kişi bir bayan olduğun-dan buna uygun resim "A" seçeneğindedir.

Doğru ya m t "A" seçeneğidir.

Friendship - Friendship Rules ••M^ 11 ^m»-

12. Sınıf

* Ö r n e k 5

© r eg


£ 0 £L 35 ¥


Tabfo dikkate alınırsa aşağıdakiierden Hangisi doğru olur?


Appearance Personality

supportive, helpful

Ann medium height, slim cheerful, reliable

Max tall, fat

Jane tall, plumb funny, honest

David short, slim generous, kind

A) Max and Jane are tall and plumb,

B) Jane is funny and cheerful.

C) David is generous and honest.

D) Ann is reliable and cheerful.

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

% Örnek 3

Kate hanım mutfaktaki rafına içi baharat dolu şi-şeleri dizmek istemektedir. Her bir baharat şişesi-nin üzerinde bir kelime olup, Kate baharat şişele-rini kelimelerden anlamlı bir cümle oluşturacak şekilde dizmelidir.

Buna göre, aşağıdaki sıralamalardan hangisi doğrudur?

A) My and friend is honest polite

B) My friend honest is polite

C) My friend is polite and honest

D) Friend my is polite and honest

% Çözüm Baharat şişelerindeki kelimelerden anlamlı bir cümle oluşturulursa şu şekilde olur. "My friend is polite and honest."

Pogn/ fmet. "C seıçem&ğmır.

\ Ö r n e k 4

Aşağıdakiierden hangisi diğerlerinden fark-lıdır?

A) reliable B) rude C) trustworthy D) honest

% Ç ö z ü m :

Herbir seçenekteki kelimelerin anlamlarına bak-tığımızda reliable (dürüst), trustworthy (güvenilir) ve honest(emin) kelimeleri olumlu bir anlam taşı-malarına karşın rude (kaba) kelimesi olumsuz bir mana taşımaktadır. Bundan dolayı bu kelime diğerlerinden farklıdır.

Dia#re ysma BT seç&m-gr^r

* Çözüm: Tabloyu dikkate aldığımızda;

* Ann is medium heigh and slim. She's cheer-ful and reliable.

* Max is tall and fat. He's supportive and help-ful.

* Jane is tall and plumb. She's funny and honest.

* David is short and slim. He's generous and kind.

şeklinde verilen bilgiler doğru kabul edilebilir. Tek doğru bilgi "D" seçeneğindedir.

Bmğru yanrt mD ""seçeneğidir.

12 ^asr Friendship - Friendship Rules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

2 etkinlik MkmîîM Exercise 1 : Answer the questions about you.

1. Do you have a best friend?

2. What does she/he look like?

3. What are his / her personal qualities?

Exercise 2 : Read the article.


It is sometimes difficult to get a true friend. We need some important qualities about a true friend. Of course we want an honest friend. Because they always listen to us and tell us what they really think or feel. A true friend is also reliable. They are always there when we need them. There is a good proverb about friendship "A friend is in deed a friend is in need." In other way we can say that true friend always shares your sadness and happieness and tries to help you to come over your trouble. They are supportive and helpful. If you want to reach your aims you need true friends cheer you up and courage you. Friendship is like a sensitive baby. So we should treat to our friends in a kind and nice way.

Be faithful to your friends and have unforgetable memories with them. So you can have endless and perfect friendship.


Exercise 3 : Read the text again and thick ( • ) the qualities that describe a true friend in the article.

J sting i rude j supportive

I reliabe j honest | "j lazy

Exercise 4 : Write a paragraph about your best friend.



friendship - Friendship feules 13 -4""

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 14. Sınıf

Exercise 1 : Answer the questions about you.

1 Do you like reading poems?

2. Do you write poems?

3. Did you ever read a poem about friendship?

4. How important is friendship for you?

Exercise 2 : Read the poem.

How life was boring for me You can't imagine that How I felt alone in the crowd I can't explain that

And I met you when I was hopeless You made me smile You brought me happiness You rescued me from darkness

You raised the sun for me And I could see the daylight You gave me courage and cheered me up And I could reach my dreams And from now on my dear I'll always be with you faithfully

know you stopped my tear And I believe you're my true friend endlessly

Written By-.

' p r

Exercise 3 : Read the poem again and match the word on the left with the expressions on the right.







someone courage

someone's dreams



someone smile


14 ^asr Friendship - Friendship Rules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

% Örnek 6

Verifen resimler dikkate alınırsa konuşma bafonurıdaki cümleyi kim sdylamif olabilir?

A) Onur B) Meryem C) Ahmet D) Mert

t Çözüm: Konuşma balonundaki cümleyi dikkatle inceler-sek şu mana ortaya çıkar "Benim kuzenim çok kaba O asla otobüs için sırada beklemez ve baş-kalarının yerini alır." Bu cümleye uygun resim Onur'a ait olan resimdir.

Doğru yanıt "A " seçeneğidir.

% Örnek 7 »

2. a



I. My friend is always happy and she laughs a lot.

II. She likes giving presents to others.

III. She always tells the truth.

IV. She is always there when I need her.


a. She is reliable.

b. She is honest.

c. She is cheerful.

d.She is very kind.

Yukarıda verilen A grubu cümleleriyle B grubu cümleleri eşleştirilirse doğru sıralama aşağıdakilerden hangisi gibi olur?

A) I - a, II - c, III - b, IV - d

B) I - d, I I -a , I I I -c, IV - b

C) I - c, I I -d , I I I -b, IV -a

D) I - b, I I -d , I I I -a, IV - c

% Çözüm: "A" grubundaki cümleler ile "B" grubundaki cüm-leler eşleştirilirse doğru sıralama şu şekilde olur.

I. My friend is always happy and she laughs a lot.

=> c.She is cheerful.

II. She likes giving presents to other.

=> d. She is very kind

III. She always tells the truth.

b. She is honest.

IV. She is always there when I need her.

=> a. She is reliable.

Doğru yanıt "c " seçeneğidir.

Ahmet Meryem

friendship - Friendship feules 15 -4""

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf

* Örnek 8

C) He is funny. D) He is reliable.

*r Çözüm: Konuşma balonundaki cümlede "Senin en iyi ar-kadaşın ona ihtiyacı olduğu zaman daima yanın-damıdır?" diye sorulduğundan ona uygun cevap "Yes, he is reliable" olmalıdır.

Doğru yanıt "D" seçeneğidir.

% Örnek 9 Yes, she is always happy and she laughs a lot.

Konuşma balonundaki cevaba verilebilecek uygun soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? t I A) Is your best friend honest?

B) Is your best friend cheerful?

C) Is your best friend lazy?

D) Is your best friend supportive?

% Çözüm: Konuşma balonundaki cümlede "Evet o daima mutludur ve çok güler" cevabı verildiğine göre buna uygun soru "Is your best friend cheerful?" olmalıdır.

Doğru yanıt "B" seçeneğidir.

% Örnek 10

Konuşma balonunda verilen cümleye uygun olmayan resim aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

* Çözüm: Konuşma balonundaki cümle dikkate alınırsa, "Benim arkadaşım komik, çalışkan ve cömerttir." denilmektedir. A, B ve D seçeneklerindeki resim-ler cümleye uygun ancak "C" seçeneğindeki resim uygun değildir.

Doğru yanıt "C" seçeneğidir.

Is your best friend always with you when you need him?

Konuşma balonundaki soruya verilebilecek uygun cevap aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) He is lazy. B) He is handsome.

<«*- 16 4»' Friendship - Friendship Rules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

Exercise 1 : Match the words with pictures.

Exercise 2 : Read the situations and circle the correct alternative. What can you say about these people?

Rukiye is my best friend. She always cheers me up and encourage my dreams. a. She's supportive. b. She's funny.


Emine is my best friend. She always makes me laugh and makes jokes. a. She's reliable. b. She's funny.

I 2 M N M N H M M N M M N H N H H M M r •

Ali is my director. He is always angry and he shouts at me for simple things. a. He's helpful. b. He's rude.

Friendship - Friendship Rules

Mr. Kaya is our neighbour. He always says "hello" when he sees us in front of the apartment. a. He's stingy. b. He's kind.

••M^ 17 ^m»-

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf

4 Konu Testi-1 » 1. Tabloya göre aşağıdakilerden hangisi yan-



cheerful generous tall slim plumb rude polite

Mürvet / • X • X X X

Berrak X • X X • X • Hakan / X • X • X • Ömer X • • X • / X

A) Mürvet and Hakan are cheerful but Berrak and Ömer aren't.

B) Hakan and Ömer are tall but Berrak and Mürvet aren't.

C) Mürvet is slim but Berrak, Hakan and Ömer aren't.

D) Ömer is polite but Berrak, Mürvet and Hakan aren't.


Verilen resmi İfade eden cümle aşağıdakiler-den hangisidir?

A) He is very lazy.

B) He is very funny.

C) He is helpful.

D) He is very stingy.

3. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi diğerlerinden fark-lıdır?

A) handsome

C) beautiful

B) trustworthy

D) plump



David is one of my classmates. i always gives his seat to old

people on the bus. He's very kind.,

Konuşma balonunda verilen cümleyi ifade eden seçenek aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?



D) i

V 2 = ^ a x 2 +

<«*- 18 4»' Friendship - Friendship Rules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

Bahar Ege

6. Aşağıda verilen paragraf seçeneklerdeki cümlelerden hangisiyle doğru şekilde tamam-lanır?


Elbinaz Fatma

My friend is always kind about other people's problems and he" gives help and encouragement

> his friends.

A) Ege B) Fatma C) Elbinaz D) Bahar

Aşağıdaki cümlelerden hangisi diğerlerinden farklıdır?

A) My sister is middle - height and plumb

B) My brother is supportive and helpful

C) My nephew is nice and kind

D) My friend is cheerful and honest

8. Verilen resimler dikkate alınırsa konuşma balonundaki cümleyi kim söylemiş olabilir?

A) She's lazy and rude

B) She's lazy and helpful

C) She's stingy and honest

D) She's honest and helpful

Bahar is one of my friends. She's tall and slim. She's very beautiful. She always says the truth and helps others. For example; she sets table for dinner. She makes her grandmother's bed and takes her out for a walk. So I think "

Is your best friend funny ?

Konuşma balonunda verilen cevaba uygun soru aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Is your director handsome and stingy

B) Is your director rude and stingy

C) Is your director polite and generous

D) Is your director tall and rude

Konuşma balonunda verilen soruya uygun cevap aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) She always makes jokes and makes us laugh.

B) She never helps others.

C) She doesn't like working hard.

D) She always tells the truth.

No, he isn't. He's very rude and stingy.

Friendship - Friendship Rules ••M^ 19 ^m»-

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf

10. Aşağıda verilen kelimelerdeki eksik harfler-den anlamlı bir kelime oluşturulursa doğru seçenek hangisi olur?

I. suppo - tive

II. h - Ipful

III. po - ite

IV. fr - endly

V. h - rdvvorking

VI. - eautiful

VII. cheerfu -

VIII. hon - st

A) kind

C) trustworthy

B) funny

D) reliable


© z c 3> CO £ o CL * a ® İM


Melahat is supportive. t - ,

Konuşma balonundaki cümle ile aynı manaya gelen ifade aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) She's good at understanding and making jokes.

B) She's always kind about other people's problems.

C) She always tells the truth and she never cheats.

D) She gives help and encouragement to her friends when they are in a difficult or unhappy situation.

My best friend's name is Rukiye. We met five years ago. We like going for jogging in the morning and in the evening. She's very supportive, I had a very important exam but I was very nervous and I was afraid of failing it. But she supported me with her strong advices and I could pass it succesfully. She's very reliable; I can call her whenever I need her. She's always positive. She gives me true advices when I tell her about my problems. She's very helpful. I lost my mobile phone. She gave me one of her mobile phones until I bought a new one. I think I'm very lucky because I have got a very kind and honest friend.

Yukarıda verilen okuma parçası dikkate alınır-sa aşağıdaki görsellerden hangisinden bahsedilmemiştir?

<«*- 20 4»' Friendship - Friendship Rules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

13. - * Nesrin always tells things when she really thinks and believes.

Konuşma balonunda bir karatelerinden batısedil«ı Nesrin iğin aşağtdak3erden hangisi söyleneM»?

A) She's a funny person

B) She's stingy

C) She's a sincere person

D) She'a a hardworking person

15. Matematik dersiyle ilgili notlan bir türlü yükselmeyen arkadaşına değişik tavsiyelerde bulunan Bülent, hangi tavsiyesiyle arkadaşı-nın problemine yardımcı olamaz?

I. You should do your Maths homework properly.

II. You should ask for help from your teachers.

III. You should do a lot of Maths exercises.

IV. You should read newspaper and magazines.


m c 3!

S3 Cl 2

14. Aşağıda verilen f ü ı se doğm stratena nasıl olur?


a. tall b. short

c. plumb d. slim

A) I - d, I I -b , I I I -a, IV - c

B) I - d, II -c , III - b, IV - a

C) I - a , I I -b , III - c, IV - d

D) I - d, I I -b , III - c, IV - a



A) Gamze is tall and plumb with long wavy blonde hair and blue eyes.

B) Gamze is tall and slim with log wavy blonde hair and blue eyes.

C) Gamze is short and slim with long wavy blonde hair and blue eyes.

D) Gamze is tall and slim with short straight blonde hair and brown eyes.

Friendship - Friendship Rules ••M^ 21 ^m»-

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf

2. Common connectors (and / but / so / or / because)

Bu bölümde iki basit cümleyi veya iki kelimeyi bağlayan ekler yada bağlaçları göreceğiz. Aşağıda bazı bağlaçlar ve manaları verilmiştir.

Examples : Read the sentences.

1j a. Rukiye is supportive and helpful

b. Rukiye likes helping people and giving encouragement to them

2. a. Alex is handsome but he isn't clever.

b. Alex makes a lot of jokes but he never laughs.

3. a. Bahar always gets good marks in exams because she's a very hardworking student,

b. Bahar is very generous because she gives money to poors.

Abut bağlacı ile iki basit cümle bir araya getirilirken cümlelerden biri olumlu(pozitif) diğeri ise olumsuz(negatif) olmalıdır veya olumsuz bir mana taşımalıdır.

örnek :

I like kind people but I don't like rude people. positive sentence negative sentence

She helps people at work but She never helps her mother at home. positive sentence positive sentence

(negative meaning)

<«*- 22 4»' Friendship - Friendship Rules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

Join the sentences with and, but, because.

My aunt is very lazy She doesn't tidy up her room

My best friend is sincere She tells what she really thinks.

I'm really good friends with Nesrin and She sometimes makes me cry.

Melahat likes listening to other people but She helps him to work out with their problems.

My little brother is a rude person because He usually interrupts me with his silly jokes.

1 understand the grammar rules of English 1 can't memorize the new words.

You should apologize to your teacher You are late for classes.

Friendship - Friendship Rules ••M^ 23 ^m»-

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

t Örnek 11

Aşağıda yer alan cümledeki boşluk İçin uygun ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.

A) so B)then C) and D) because

8. Sınıf

% Ç ö z ü m : ,

Cümleyi dikkatle incelediğimizde I will brush my teeth(Dişlerimi fırçalayacağım) and (ve) I will go to bed(yatağa gideceğim.) şeklinde tamamlanır.

Doğru yanıt "A" seçeneğidir.

* Örnek 13

Aşağıda yer alan ifadedeki boşluklar için uygun seçeneği işaretleyin.

% Çözüm: 1

Cümleyi dikkatle incelediğimizde; I don't want to eat too much(çok yemek istemiyorum.) because i5

(çünkü) I'm on a diet (diyetteyim.) şeklinde tamam-lamamız gerekir.

« Doğru yanıt "D" seçeneğidir. ¡3

* Örnek 12

Aşağıda yer alan ifadede boş bırakılan yerler için uygun seçenek hangisidir?

A) and B) but C) or D) so

% Çözüm: Konuşma balonunda verilen cevaba bakacak olursak; I'm going to buy sausage, tomato and cheese. Because I'm going to make pizza" şek-linde tamamlanır.

Doğru yanıt " B" seçeneğidir.

What are you going to buy from supermarket?

I am going to buy sausage, tomatoes, cheese I am going to make pizza.


A) then, so

C) and, but


B) and, because

D) so, then

I will brush my teeth I will go to bed.

<«*- 24 4»' Friendship - Friendship Rules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

| * Örnek 14

Aşağıda yer alan cümledeki boşluğu doldu-run uz.

The weather is sunny hot. Children are swimming in the pool.

A) but B) or C) and D) because

% Çözüm'.

Cümleyi incelediğimizde; "The weather is sunny and hot. Children are swimming in the pool" şek-linde tamamlanır.

Doğru yanıt "C" seçeneğidir.

f Örnek 15 P

seçeneği bulunuz. «

Outside is cold ... children are happy, they are playing with snow.

A) because B) but C) and D) or

% Çözüm: Cümleyi incelediğimizde; "Outside is cold but children are happy, they are playing with snow." şeklinde tamamlanır. Çünkü tercüme edersek (dışarısı soğuk ama çocuklar mutlu, onlar karla oynuyor.) olur.

Doğru yanıt " B" seçeneğidir.

% Örnek 16 5

Aşağıda yar alan cümleyi tamamlayan seçe-nek hangisidir?

B) but / because

D) and / but

A) because / and

C) because / but

Çözüm: Cümleyi incelersek; "She is a sportive girl. Because she swims and plays basketball" şek-linde tamamlanır.

Doğru yanıt "A" seçeneğidir,

m 17

Aşağıda yer alan cümleyi tamamlayan g

I. Eat your dinner

II. Ali is always kind about his friends' problems.

III. She won't by this bag

IV. She is going to go to bakery

a. and buy a loaf of bread.

b. but don't eat that chocolate.

c. and he gives help and encauragement to them.

d. because it's too expensive.

Cümlelerin doğru ve anlamlı olarak eşleşmiş hadi hangi seçenekte verilmiştir? A) I - a, I I -b , III - c, IV - d

B) I - b, I I -c , I I I -d, IV - a

C) I - c, I I -b , I I I -a, IV - d

D) I - d, I I -c , III - b, IV - a

Çözüm: Cümleler aşağıda verildiği şekilde eşleştirilmelidir.

(I) Eat your dinner, but don't eat that chocolate (b). (II) Ali is always kind about his friends problems and he gives help and encauragement to them (c). (III) She won't buy this bag because it's too expensive (d). She is going to go bakery and buy a loaf of bread (a).


m ve »e girl I swim play basketball.

Friendship - Friendship Rules ••M^ 25 ^m»-

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf

Circle the correct word.

t . I love Rukiye because / but she is always helpful and / because she understands me well.

2. Bulent is clever and / but he never does his homework.

3. Gamze is tall but / and slim.

4. I think Levent is a good friend but / because he is sometimes moody.

5. Ali is fat and/but his twin brother is slim.

6. Nesrin has got short blonde, wavy hair because / and green eyes.

7. Semra is generous but/and her husband is stingy.

8. Don't ask Meltem for money but/because she is stingy.

9. I'am thankful to Rukiye and/because helped with my homework.

10. I think she is worried about her son's exam results because/but she doesn't do anything for him.

11. You barrowed my dictionary last month but/and he didn't give me back.

12. I can't give back your dictionary and/because I lost it.

13. Rukiye has a good sense of humour but / because she is very good at understanding and making jokes.

<«*- 26 4»' Friendship - Friendship Rules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

C'4ff"''i m* % Örnek 18

Resmi dikkate alarak cümleyi tamamlayınız.

"She's looking at her daughter angrily... she saw the broken vase. It's very special for her. It's a present from her mother."

A) because B) so C) and D) but

% Çözüm: Resim ve cümle dikkatle incelenirse "She's looking at her daughter angrily because she saw the broken vase. It's very special for her. It's a present from her mother" şeklinde tamamlanır.

Doğru yanıt "A " seçeneğidir.

Gh • • sai % Örnek 19

Diyalogu tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.


A) so B) because C) and D)then

% Çözüm: Diyalog şu şekilde tamamlanır. "I'm going to get home and have a shower. I'm very tired.

Doğru yanıt "C" seçeneğidir.

% Örnek 20

E _ « C 5 s m F O O. • •Z

Resmi dikkate alarak cümleyi tamamlayınız.

"He is going to go to the dentist's tooth hurts."


Çözüm: Cümle şu şekilde tamamlanır; "He is going to go to the dentist's, because his tooth hurts.

Doğru yanıt "A " seçeneğidir.

Friendship - Friendship Rules ••M^ 27 ^m»-

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf

Konu Testi-2

1. Aşağıdaki yer alan cümlede boş bırakılan yer için en uygun ifade hangisidir?

He is a fat boy ... he is still eating fast food.

A) then B) because C) and D) but

2. Aşağıdaki yer alan İfade için en uygun seçenek haHjpjdk?

First I will clean the house then I will invite my

friends to the party.

A) and B) but


A)because B) then C) and D) but

«m nfygun

C)then D) because

4 . Aşağıda yer alan cümlede boş bırakılan yerler İçin uygun ifadelerin bulunduğu seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

A) and / but / and B) and / then / and

C) and / because / and D) and / and / and

5, Aşağıda yer alan ifadeye uygun seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

I am doing sport. I want to get fit.

A) and B) because C) then D) but

6. AşağKta y^c alan oÛMitadte kull iwIwMS'

I can't turn on the camera the battery is dead.

A) then B) but C) and D) because

<«*- 8 4»' Friendship - Friendship Rules

Apple orange are fruits spinach cabbage

are vegetables.

I am working hard I will have an examination tomorrow.

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

T. Aşağıdaki cümle için uygun seçeneği İşaret-leyiniz.

9. Aşağıda yer alan cümleye uygun seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

A) but B) so C) and D) because

A) and B) because C) so D) then

He can't swim very well he smokes a lot

Take your racket with you you can play tennis in the tennis court.

c • i 5> CO >



8. Aşağıda yer alan cümleye uygun seçenek hangisidir?

I am going to take a shower. I am playing soccer.

A) but B) because C) and D)then

10. Aşağıda yer alan cümlede boş bırakılan yerler için en uygun ifade hangi seçenekte veril-miştir?

Friendship - Friendship Rules ••M^ 29 ^m»-

I am playing with sand now I am going to wash my hands ... I am going to eat my sandwich.

A) but / or

C) and / but

B) because / and

D) but / because

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf

11. Aşağıdaki cümleye uygun seçenek hangisidir?

I can wear small size dress. I am losing weight.

A) and B) but C) then D) because

12. Aşağıda yer alan ifadenin anlamlı olabilmesi için boş bırakılan yere hangi seçenek gelme-lidir?

14. Aşağıda yer alan ifadeyi hangi seçenek ta-mamlamaktadır?

A) because / and / but

B) and / but / because

C) but / and / because

D) because / but / and

I can't play soccer I have a short a t-shirt.. I don't have training shoes.

I am going to have lots of presents. It's my birtday tomorrow.


A) and

C) but 15. Aşağıda yer alan cümle için uygun ifadenin

yer aldığı se^Snek hangisidir?

13. Aşağıda yer alan ifadelerden hangisi doğru-dur?

A) Don't pick up the flowers and don't step on the grasses in the park.

B) Don't pick up the flowers so don't step on the grasses in the park.

C) Don't pick up the flowers because don't step on the grasses in the park.

D) Don't pick up the flowers but don't step on the grasses in the park.

She is at the train station she "ykr, must buy a ticket she doesn't

^ I p l f j ; know where the ticket office is.

A) and / because

C) and / but

B) because / or

D) or / but

<«*- 30 4»' Friendship - Friendship Rules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

3. I. You should treat your friends in a nice and kind way.

II. A true friend always listens to you

III. My best friend, Nesrin is reliable

IV. My best friend is supportive

a. but she isn't hardworking

b. because friendship is like a sensitive flower.

c. and helpful.

d. and she / he always tells what she / he really feels.

Verilen cümlelerin birbirleriyle anlamlı olarak hangi seçenekte eşleşmiştir?

A) I - b, I I -d , I I I-a, IV - c

B) I - a, I I -b , III - c, IV - d.

C) I - c, I I -a , III - b, IV - d

D) I - b, I I -d , III - c, IV - a


2. I. I'm busy now I can't answer the phone

II. It's snowing the children are making

snowman in the garden.

III. I can't eat this cake I'm in a serious diet.

IV He is hungry he isn't eating dinner. He doesn't like eating fish.

a. and b. because c. so d. but

Verilen cümlelerle kelimelerin anlamlı olarak eşleştiğini gösteren seçenek hangisidir?

A) I - a, I I -b , III - c, IV - d

B) I - d, I I -c , III - b, IV - a

C) I - c, I I -a , III - b, IV - d

D) I - d, I I -b , I I I -a, IV - c

i Konu Testi-3 m

I couldn't sleep my . -baby cried a lot and didn't sleep last night.

Ayça hanım çok yorgun ve uykusuz ama çalışmak zorunda. Buna göre dialoğu tamam-layınız.

A)because B)but C) then D) by

Resmi dikkatlice inceleyiniz ve aşağıdakiler' den hangisi resmi anlatmaktadır?

A) She is making a cake now, then she is going to clean the kitchen.

B) She is wearing her coat now, then she is going to take her bag.

C) She's staying in her bed now, because she isn't going to work today.

D) She's collecting the clothes now, because she is going to do iron them.

Friendship - Friendship Rules ••M^ 31 ^m»-

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf

"Every Sunday I eat my breakfast at 8 o'clock. I go to the gym."

Azra hanım spor yapmayı çok seviyor ve pazar günleri de sporunu aksatmıyor. Buna göre cümleyi tamamlayınız.

A) because B) why C) then D) but

Verilen cümleyi aşağıdaki resimlerden hangisi anlatmaktadır?

5. "He is washing his tooth brush, then he is going to clean his teeth."

You've got an exam tomorrow

Resmi inceleyerek dialoğu tamamlayınız.

A) and he's going to go out

B) and you're playing football

C) but you're sleeping now.

D) but you're playing computer games.

"My brother is still staying in bed he's very ill."

Buğra bugün sadece televizyon seyredebiliyor. Çünkü hasta ve oyuncaklanyla oynayabilecek enerjisi yok. Buna göre cümleyi tamamlayınız.

A)but B) and

C) because D) so

<«*- 32 4 » ' Friendship - Friendship Rules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

9. Oh. great! My friend is going to visit me today

Konuşma balonundaki cümleyi anlamlı bir şekilde tamamlayınız.

A) so I can sleep today.

B) so I should make a cake now.

C) but I'm wearing a skirt.

D) because she is buying it.

11.1. My son and I go out

II. My husband works in the week

III. I'm studying

IV. It's sunny now

a. but he doesn't work on Sundays.

b. and my brother is watching cartoon on TV.

c. and see a good cartoon at the weekend.

d. so we can play in the park.

Verilen cümlelerin birbirleriyle anlamlı olarak hangi seçenekte eşleşmiştir?

A) I - c, II - a, III - b, IV - d

B) I - a, I I -b , III - c, IV - d

C) I - d, II - c, III - b, IV - a

D) I - a, II - c, III - d, IV - b

10. Konuşma balonundaki cümleyi tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

You're very late! you're wearing your coat very slowly!

A)or B)but C)so D) then

12. Aşağıda yer alan ifadelerden hangisi doğru-dur?

A) I'll go to visit my grandfather a nd grandmother.

B) I'll go to visit my grandmother but grandfather.

C) I'll go to visit my grandmother because grandfather.

D) I'll go to visit my grandmother s o grandfather.

Friendship - Friendship Rules "•«•*• 33 <4-«»

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf


1. Aşağıdaki cümlede boş bırakılan yer için uygun ifade hangi seçenektedir?

Fulya is very she usually breaks the dishes when she does the washing up.

A) careless B) funny C) polite D) clever

2. Aşağıda yer alan seçeneklerden hangisi cüm-leyi tamamlar?


I can't say my secrets to Hale she is unreliable.

A) and B) because C) so D) then

3. Aşağıdaki cümleyi doğru seçenek ile tamam-layınız.

Burak is very he plays the guitar and sings


A) generous B) thoughtful

C) friendly D) cheerful

4. Aşağıda yer alan cümledeki boşlukları doldu-runuz.

Pinar is fat short, she always wears large clothes.

A) but B) and C) so D) because

5. Aşağıda yer alan ifadelerden hangisi diğerle-rinden farklıdır?

A) stingy

C) supportive


D) nice

6. Aşağıda yer alan cümledeki boşluk için uygun ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.

he saves his all money.

A) Musa is very careless

B) Musa is very stingy

C) Musa is generous

D) Musa is very cute

34 4"'* Friendship - Friendship ftules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

7. Aşağıda yer alan resimle İlgili olan cümledeki boşluklar için uygun seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

10. Aşağıda yer alan ifadede boş bırakılan yerler için uygun seçenek hangisidir?

I like my friend Kemal sometimes I don't want to see him

A) but B) so C) and D) because

8. Aşağıda yer alan cümleyi seçeneği işaretleyiniz.


Meral missed the bus she wasn't late.

A) but B)then C) because D) so A) beautiful B) nice C) honest D) best

Friendship - Friendship Rules • 29 4a"

12. Konuşma balonundaki cümleyi tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

got a lot

D) but

9. Aşağıda yer alan cümleyi tamamlayan seçeneği bulunuz.

.... I have

C) and

I like going to school ..... of friends.

A)then B) because

Elvan is not .., she is tall and slim.

A) plumb B) thin C) logical D) kind

11. Hangi resim ve ifade yanlış eşleşmiştir?

a) B)

generous hardworking


Derya is. can trust

You her.

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf

13. Aşağıda yer alan ifadeyi hangi seçenek ta-mamlamaktadır?

15. Aşağıda yer alan cümleyi tamamlayan seçenek hangisidir?

I want to buy this bag it is very expensive

A) so B)because

C)and D) but

I visited my grandmother last weekend sister didn't come with me she is ..

A) because / but / thoughtful

B) but / because / clever

C) but/because / lazy

D) and / because / helpful

; ! İC so

14. Aşağıda yer alan diyalogdaki boşluklar için uygun ifadelerin olduğu seçeneği bulunuz.

Ahmet's hands were dirty he didn't wash them before lunch.

A) but


B) finally

D) and

16. Aşağıda yer alan ifadede boş bırakılan yerler için uygun seçenek hangisidir?

he is

A) and

C) but


D) so

Hakan is a very understanding person interested in other people's problems.

36 4"'* Friendship - Friendship ftules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası


1. Aşağıdaki cümlede boş M a l a n yer için en uygun ifade hangi seçenektedir?

Öykü always shares her chocolate with her friends. She is very

A) polite B) incommunicative

C) generous D) clever

3. Aşağıda yer aian cümleyi tamamlayan seçene-ği işaretleyiniz.

I want to visit my friend this afternoon she is ill.

A) then B)because

C) and D)but

4. Aşağıda yer alan resimle ilgili olan cümledeki boşluklar için uygun seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

2. Aşağıda yer atan cümledeki boşluk için uygun ifadeyi işaretleyiniz.

Yunus looks like a film star, he is very

A) handsome B) stingy

C) generous D) thankful

Nurten is She always do something.

A) hardworking B) handsome

C) helpful D) selfish

Friendship - Friendship Rules • 37 4 a "

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf

Enis always gives bread to birds he loves


A)but B)and

C)so D) because

5. Aşağıda yer alan diyalogdaki boşluklar için uygun İfadelerin olduğu seçeneği bulunuz.

7. Aşağıda yer alan ifadelerden hangisi diğerle« rinden farklıdır?

A) dishonest B) unreliable

C) lazy D) kind

It's rainy I want to go to bazaar fruits are very fresh.

A) but / because

C) because / but

B)but / and

D)and / because helpful


6. Aşağıda yer alan cümledeki boşluğu doldu-runuz.

y .

j f j l

Hangi resim ve İfade yanlış eşleşmiştir?



38 4"'* Friendship - Friendship ftules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

9. Aşağıda yer alan cümleyi tamamlayan seçene-ği bulunuz.

11. Aşağıda yer alan cümledeki boş bırakulan yer-lere uygun ifadeleri bulunuz.

I love needlework I can't see

A) but B) then

C)because D)so

Özgür is a good friend of my son. He is helpful understanding.



C) and

B) but

D) nice

10. Aşağıda yer alan ifadede boş bırakılan yerler için uygun seçenek hangisidir?

12. Aşağıdaki cümleyi doğru seçenek ile tamam' layınız.

My dad is He gets up early work everymorning.

A) hardworking / and

B) cheerful / and

C) handsome / but

D) clever / but

goes to

She loves children.

B) stingy

D) rude

My aunt is

A) kind

C) lazy

Friendship - Friendship Rules ««• 39

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf

13. Aşağıda yer alan ifadeyi hangi seçenek ta' marnlamaktadır?

15. Aşağıda yer alan seçeneklerden hangisi cüm-leyi tamamlar?

Mete is clever hardworking student.

A)and B)because

C) so D)then

Ayla often makes jokes, is

A) thoughtful

C) hardworking

she makes me smile, she

B) cute

D) funny

Friendship - Friendship Rules

16. Aşağıda yer alan cümleyi tamamlayan seçenek hangisidir?

14. Aşağıda yer alan ifadede boş bırakılan yerler için uygun seçenek hangisidir?

My mother is tired she did a lot of housework.

A) then B) because

C) and D)but

I went supermarket yesterday I had to buy

some milk onion.

A) because / but B) because / and

C) because / and D) and / because

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

Resme göre hangisi doğrudur?

A) lazy B) sting

C) shy D)rude

Resme göre hangisi doğrudur?

A) He is very generous.

B) He is very polite.

C) He is very rude.

D) He is very helpful.


Resme göre hangisi yanlıştır?

A) The teacher is very cheerful.

B) The teacher is very supportive.

C) The student is very rude.

D) The student feels nervous.

Resme göre hangisi doğrudur?

A) The student is very lazy.

B) The student is very honest.

C) The teacher is very funny.

D) The student is very stingy.

Friendship - Friendship Rules ««• 41

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf

"Einstein is an inventor. He is very "

Resim dikkate alınırsa verilen cümle aşağıda-kilerden hangisiyle doğru tamamlanabilir?

A) lazy B) supportive C) clever D) angry

Resme göre boş bırakılan balona uygun soru hangisidir?

A) Does he like working?

B) Does he help the poor?

C) Do you believe in him?

D) Do you like him?

Hangisi yaprak üzerinde olmamalıdır?

A) supportive B) honest

C) rude D) reliable

A) He is very reliable.

B) He is very shy.

C) He is very funny.

D) He is very lazy.

Resimlerde hangi özellik gösterilmemiştir?

A) helpful B) honest C) funny D) rude Yes! He is very trustworthy.

Can you describe the personal qualities of your brother?

Yes, he doesn't like working, His friends tell their secrets to him. I can't stop laughing when I'm with him.

Resme göre hangi özellikten bahsedilme-miştir?

4 2 4"'* Friendship - Friendship ftules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

Ahmet's grandparents live in Ankara. He wants to visit them he buys a bus ticket he can't find the right bus.

10. 1 ¿.Televizyonu açabilmesi İçin cümleyi tamam-layan doğru tuş hangisidir?


Resimlere göre hangisi doğrudur?

A) Emre is very generous but he is very rude.

B) Murat and Emre is very polite.

C) Murat is very stingy and rude.

D) Emre is very kind but he is very stingy.

Ahmet hangi otobüse binerse eömfeyî doğru tamamlar?

A) 1. B) 2. C) 3. D) 4.

. he can't find the right key.


D) and

He wants to watch TV

A) so

C) but

Yukarıdaki cümleyi tamamlamak için çocuk hangi kurdeleyi seçmelidir?

A) so B) because C) but D) and


I want to gi

î give a gift

to her today is her birthday.

Friendship - Friendship Rules « « • 43

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf

The prince and the princess live in England. The prince is very handsome and kind. He helps the poor in his country. The princess is very beautiful and slim.

Mustafa is very sad he can't play the football for his team today.

14. Cümleyi tamamlayan seçenek hangisidir?

The weather is very cold I should wear

A) ^-Tteisfr-A B) m (M

Aşağıdaki şeklilerden hangisi paragrafa göre yanlış çizilmiştir?

A) \

44 4"'* Friendship - Friendship ftules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası


Resme göre cümleyi tamamlayan Hade hangi-sidir?

A) funny

C) generous

B) rude



© z

All of the audiences will watch me I feel very

How do you feel?

Seda, sahneye hangi kapıdan çıkarsa cümleyi doğru tamamlar?

2. t

Sınav sonuçları verilen iki öğrenci için aşağı-daki ifadelerden hangisi doğrudur?

A) Ayşe is very clever.

B) Elif is very lazy.

C) Elif is clever.

D) Ayşe is very hardworking.


* *

* *


Tabloya göre aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi yanlıştır?

A) Ayşen is very shy but Selin isn't.

B) Selin and Ayşen are very reliable.

C) Selin is very slim.

D) Ayşen isn't cheerful.



1. Science 5

2. Maths 5

3. Social Science 5


1. Science 2

2. Maths 1

3. Social Science 2

j x y ^ Eîïsi

Friendship - Friendship Rules ««• 39

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf



Tabloda kişilik özelliklerine göre 2 adayın aldığı oy oranı görülüyor.

Ahmet seçimi kazandığına göre, hangi kişilik özelliğinden fazla puan almış olamaz?

A) trustworthy B) supportive

C) honest D) angry

Resimlerden yararlanarak bulmacadaki boşluk-ları doldurduğunuzda aşağıdakilerden hangisi bulmacada yer almaz?

A) angry B) clever

C) trustworthy D) plumb

Resme göre hangi ifade yanlıştır?

A) The children are very cheerful.

B) The alien is very shy.

C) The children are very friendly.

D) The alien is very handsome.

Metne göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisi Murat'ı ifade eder?

Murat is one of my best friend in our classroom. He is a friendly student. Everyone wants to talk to him because he is a very funny boy. He has a handicap, he can't walk and use his hands. He has a wheelchair. He is a clever student. He loves reading and learning. All students want to help him. Also he can't write, so when he enters the canteen, everybody talks to him because he entertains them with his cheerful face. He never loses his smile. Nobody can see him angry and sad. His parents, teachers and lovely friends always support him to go further.

46 4"'* Friendship - Friendship ftules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası

Mehmet wins a lot of money from the lottery

He is very and very

Mehmet elindeki iğneyi gösterdiği balona batırdığına göre, hangisi parçayı tamamlar?

A) rude / mean B) generous / helpful

C) reliable / nervous D) slim / angry

Tarcan tries to find the right musical note for his new song it isn't very easy for him ....... he isn't a professional musician.

Melodiyi bulabilmesi için cümleyi tamamlayan doğru seçenek hangisidir?

A) B )

Ahmet's mother wants to make a cake there is no egg in the fridge Ahmet goes shopping to buy them.

Ahmet marketteki hangi ürünü alırsa, cümleyi doğru tamamlar?

A) „ ! B)

12. A#a§ida verilen ciimleyi dogru fekilde tamam-layan ifade hangi se§enekte verilmlftir?

She can't check her mails search in the internet there is no connection.

A) B )

Friendship - Friendship Rules ««• 47

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf

13. He paints the walls the color is his favourite.

Resim dikkate alınırsa cümleyi doğru bir şek-ilde tamamlayan ifade aşağıdakilerden hangi-sidir?

A) n C but

c )



14. Tell me! What is secret?

I promised to him. I can't tell! y

Resme göre hangisi doğrudur?

A) He is very shy.

B) He is very reliable.

C) He is very helpful.

D) He is very stingy.

My grades are very bad I should buy it.

Resim dikkate alınırsa, Bahar'ın düşünce balo-nundaki boşluğu doğru bir şekilde tamamlan-ması için hangi kitabı satın alması gerekir?

16. Aşağıdaki cümlelerden hangisi diğerlerinden farklıdır.

A) My friend, Bahar is very supportive and helpful.

B) She is tall and thin.

C) She is beautiful.

D) She is young.

4 8 4"'* Friendship - Friendship ftules

8. Sınıf İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası



A. Read the situtations and complete the last sentence of each one.

1. Fatma is always kind about other people's problems.

She is

2. Fatma always tells the truth and she never chats.

She is

3. Fatma always tells what she really thinks and believes.

She is

4. Fatma is good at understanding and making jokes.

She is

5. Fatma gives help and encouragement to her friends when they are in a difficult or unhappy situation.

She is

24 points

B. Write the words in the correct columns.

polite handsome plump friendly pretty talkative beautiful honest

clever generous funny

26 points

Friendship - Friendship Rules ««• 49

İngilizce Konu Anlatımlı Soru Bankası 8. Sınıf

C. Fill in the blanks with "and, but, because."

1. I love horror films arid thrillers.

2. My sister always listens to others tell them what she really feels she doesn't make others


3. Their father is very rich he isn't generous.

4. Our mother is tall slim. She's very beautiful.

5 A true friend is supportive helpful they cheer you up and encourage your dreams.

6. My friend is reliable she is always there when I need her.

18 points

D. Your friend isn't good at English. He needs your advice. Complete the sentences with

should I shouldn't + one of the verbs below.

|j watch do attend listen ask memorize read

1. You for help from your teacher.

2. You to the teacher carefully.

3. You your homeworrk properly.

4. You to a course.

5. You foreign programmes on TV.

6. You English story books.

7. You new words in English.

28 peints

1, l ook at the pictures and write the adjfetlves,

1 2 3

4 points

50 4" ' * Friendship - Friendship ftules