newsletter - · thursday may 29th selected students to attend the ross ountry...

Newsletter Drouin West Primary School 'Nurture, Enrich, Inspire, Succeed' Issue 14/14 Hours of supervision: 8.45am—3:45pm 28th May, 2014 Mondays Lunch orders and Student Banking Thursday May 29th Selected students to aend the Cross Country at Chairo. Apologies for the incorrect date in last weeks newsleer Tuesday June 3rd Head Lice Training. 9am in the staffroom. Please see the acng principal’s notes for further informaon. Wednesday June 4th Fundraising meeng at 2:15pm Thursday June 5th Selected students to aend the winter sports in Yarragon Friday June 6th C.F.A. parent informaon session. 2:30pm in the mul-purpose room. Monday June 9th Queen’s Birthday public holiday Wednesday June 11th Soup Day fundraiser—order forms will be out next week. Wednesday June 18th Prospecve Preps for 2015 informaon session 2pm Preparaon meeng for 2015 Fair at 1pm mul-purpose room Friday June 27th Last day of term 2. Students dismissed at 2:30pm Parent handbooks are available online or as a hard copy from the office IMPORTANT DATES AND EVENTS TO REMEMBER: PAWS for reading program Well done!!!! 5/6A, 3/4A and the 1/2’s for continuing to read. You have added 6320 minutes to the total. That provides 316 extra books. The school total has now provided 3046 books to children who will enjoy the opportunity to read a book.. Students are welcome to write a book review for the newsletter of their favourite book. Cats Dogs Grade Minutes of Reading Minutes of Reading Totals 5/6A 6218 16733 22951 5/6B 7474 3844 11318 3/4A 6078 13156 19234 3/4B 3218 919 4137 1/2A & B 1354 1932 3286 Totals 24342 36584 60926 P.O. Box 176 Phone: 03 56 251971 535 Main Neerim Road Drouin 3818 Fax: 03 56 252175 Drouin Wes t 3818 Email: [email protected]

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Page 1: Newsletter - · Thursday May 29th Selected students to attend the ross ountry at hairo. Apologies for the incorrect date in last weeks newsletter Tuesday June

Newsletter Drouin West Primary School

'Nurture, Enrich, Inspire, Succeed'

Issue 14/14 Hours of supervision: 8.45am—3:45pm 28th May, 2014

Mondays Lunch orders and Student Banking

Thursday May 29th Selected students to attend the Cross Country at Chairo. Apologies for the incorrect date in last weeks newsletter

Tuesday June 3rd Head Lice Training. 9am in the staffroom. Please see the acting principal’s notes for further information.

Wednesday June 4th Fundraising meeting at 2:15pm

Thursday June 5th Selected students to attend the winter sports in Yarragon

Friday June 6th C.F.A. parent information session. 2:30pm in the multi-purpose room.

Monday June 9th Queen’s Birthday public holiday

Wednesday June 11th Soup Day fundraiser—order forms will be out next week.

Wednesday June 18th Prospective Preps for 2015 information session 2pm Preparation meeting for 2015 Fair at 1pm multi-purpose room

Friday June 27th Last day of term 2. Students dismissed at 2:30pm

Parent handbooks are available online or as a hard copy from the office


PAWS for reading program

Well done!!!! 5/6A, 3/4A and the 1/2’s for

continuing to read. You have added 6320 minutes to

the total. That provides 316 extra books.

The school total has now provided 3046 books to

children who will enjoy the opportunity to read a


Students are welcome to write a book review for the

newsletter of their favourite book.

Cats Dogs

Grade Minutes of


Minutes of



5/6A 6218 16733 22951

5/6B 7474 3844 11318

3/4A 6078 13156 19234

3/4B 3218 919 4137

1/2A & B 1354 1932 3286

Totals 24342 36584 60926

P.O. Box 176 Phone: 03 56 251971 535 Main Neerim Road

Drouin 3818 Fax: 03 56 252175 Drouin West 3818

Email: [email protected]

Page 2: Newsletter - · Thursday May 29th Selected students to attend the ross ountry at hairo. Apologies for the incorrect date in last weeks newsletter Tuesday June

From The Acting Principal’s Office

been worse? Do you know what to do in these

situations? If not, now is a good time to think,

prepare and plan.

Come along to the CFA information session and get

some advice and have your questions answered. See

you at the school, on Friday June 6, 2.30 – 3pm.

Drouin West Rural Fire Brigade

Cross Country

Best of luck to all of the runners in the cross country

competition at Chairo Christian School tomorrow. I

know that all the students will try 100% and

represent Drouin West with pride.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School

Students with Disability Our school is participating in the Nationally Consistent

Collection of Data on School Students with Disability

(Data Collection). This Data Collection is taking place

in government, Catholic and Independent schools across

Australia, and will provide valuable information about

supports required for a broad group of students. This

will enable Australian and State governments to better

target support and resources in schools. This in turn will

help schools give students with disability the support

they need.

The Data Collection is not limited to students with

diagnosed disabilities. It uses a very broad definition of

disability, taken from the Disability Discrimination Act

1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005,

which describe a broad range of health and learning

conditions for which schools are required to provide

‘reasonable adjustments’ to support students to

participate on the same basis as other students.

The Data Collection will take place during Terms 2 and

3. No personal or identifying information about any

student will be included; however, if you decide you do

not wish information about your child to be included in

the Data Collection, you can opt-out by signing and

returning the opt-out consent form.

More information about the Data Collection is available

on the Department of Education and Early Childhood

Development website at:


or you could contact the Acting Principal if you have

any further questions.

Leaves! Leaves! Leaves!

As the Season of Winter draws

closer, each day the leaves

around the school continue to

pile up. Families are

encouraged to take bags of

leaves from the front gate to use

in compost bins. We will

happily refill these bags during

this term. There are plenty of

leaves for everyone!

Super Science

Last night, teachers from Warragul and

Longwarry Primary School, joined

staff from Drouin West in a

collaborative professional

development session titled ‘In Search

of Super Science,’ as part of the

Science Specialist Initiative.

The night was a wonderful opportunity for teachers to

learn about the three science strands: Physical Science,

Biological and Chemical Science and Earth and Space.

Members from the CSIRO were also in attendance and

this was the first of many exciting upcoming events for

teachers and students at Drouin West Primary School.

A big thank-you to Danielle Rendall for her hard work

in organising this fabulous evening.

Head Lice Training

Drouin West is very excited to announce free head lice

training for any interested families.

The session will be presented by approved trainers from

the Baw Baw Shire Council and will last for

approximately 45 minutes.

This training will cover topics such as the life cycle of

head lice, how head lice spread, effective methods for

treating and checking head lice, as well as discussion

about chemical resistance.

This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to find out

about head lice and how to check and treat them


Also if any parents are interested in assisting the school

to do head lice checks, participation in this course is


The session will take place at 9am on Tuesday the 3rd of

June. Participants are asked to sign in at the office. Look

forward to seeing you all there!

CFA Visit

The Drouin West Rural Fire Brigade have offered their

services to come and talk to parents of Drouin West Primary

School about fire safety and bush fire preparedness.

The session is at 2:30pm in the multi-purpose room on

Friday the 6th of June. Assembly will follow at 3pm.

Fire safety - are you prepared? We live in an area of high risk from bushfires and

winter is a perfect time to plan how you will survive this

summer. You're invited to attend a briefing from the

local Drouin West Rural Fire Brigade about fire

preparedness and safety on Friday afternoon June 6

before assembly.

Have you got a plan on what to do on days of extreme

fire danger or a code red day? What happens if it's a

school day? This past summer was the busiest one for

the local CFA since Black Saturday. There was a fast

grass fires close to the school on February 9th, luckily a

Sunday but what would your plan have been if it had

Page 3: Newsletter - · Thursday May 29th Selected students to attend the ross ountry at hairo. Apologies for the incorrect date in last weeks newsletter Tuesday June

Prep/1A Cooper Belsham

Prep/1B Sienna Meharry

1/2A Keegan Jeffrey Molan

1/2B Dakota Roden

3/4A Hollie Walker

3/4B Bailey Dalzell

5/6A Emily Allan

5/6B Alex Foreman

Super ‘B’ Award Winners Super ‘B’ award winners for week 5, term 2:

Extra curriculum opportunities. Parents can contact individual musical teachers to arrange private lessons.

Drum & Guitar Lessons— Peter Brown. Thursday afternoons. Phone: 0437 595 490 or email: [email protected]

Piano Lessons– Karen Thomson. Mondays 11am onwards Phone: 0356 299 268

Singing Lessons— Helen Brown Tuesdays 9.15am. Phone: 0408 595 490 or email: [email protected]

Student Banking

Our next prize redemption day will be

on Monday June 2nd.

If you have 10 tokens please send a note

in your banking book nominating the

term 2 prize you would like to collect.

Prizes can be viewed at the office.

Page 4: Newsletter - · Thursday May 29th Selected students to attend the ross ountry at hairo. Apologies for the incorrect date in last weeks newsletter Tuesday June


Birthday !!!!!! Happy birthday to the following students who celebrate their special day during the week of Monday 26th May to Sunday, 1st June.

Tyler Winduss 3/4B, Brooke de Riter 5/6B, Jasmine Zelley 3/4A, Samuel Impey 1/2B and Shaun

Custance 5/6B

Don’t forget to come to the office and collect a birthday sticker.

PE/SPORT NEWS Division Cross Country

Tomorrow, 20 children from Drouin West Primary School will travel to Chairo Christian School Drouin

Campus to compete in the Division Cross Country. The 9/10 year olds will run 2kms and the 11 year olds &

12/13 year olds will run 3kms. All spectators are welcome to attend and cheer for the children. Please

remember to take warm clothes and a change of shoes and socks because it could be wet and muddy! Best of

luck to everyone who is running.

Winter School Sports

The date for the District Winter School Sports is Thursday 5th June. Drouin West Primary School will send one Football team

and two Netball teams. The competition is being held at Dowton Park in Yarragon with games commencing at 10am and

concluding at 2pm. Children will travel from school by bus and need to return permission forms and payment to the office as

soon as possible. Please wear school (sports) uniform and take warm clothes, lunch, snacks and your water bottle.

Parents are encouraged to go along on the day and support and watch. Any offers to help coach and prepare teams still

welcome. Some children have elected to play Hockey and will go straight through to the Division competition on Tuesday

17th June.

Good luck to everyone competing and remember that good communication and team work will make the day more fun and

successful! Jane Strickland—PE teacher

Beautiful Bug Mosaics for our Maths Garden Last Wednesday during our open morning, our Prep/1 classes enjoyed an art

session in which they created mosaic bugs for our Maths Garden. The bugs

will decorate the number line in the garden and will be placed in groups with

corresponding numbers to help students to recognise values. The other classes

will also have a chance to create mosaics for the garden in the near future. We

would like to thank the parents that got involved on the day and were able to

offer time to work with the students during the session: Julie Thom-

as, Carolyn McIntyre and Sharon Archibald.

Jasmin Baker—Art teacher

Page 5: Newsletter - · Thursday May 29th Selected students to attend the ross ountry at hairo. Apologies for the incorrect date in last weeks newsletter Tuesday June

Chaplain’s News A couple of weeks ago some of our parents in our school community attended a CASSE

Information night which helped us understand the role of CASSE in our school.

CASSE is an effective and preventative Peaceful Schools Program aiming to create a supportive

and safe environment in our school. It promotes empathy, inclusion and kindness across the

school community.

Thanks to our students Hollie Walker, Holly Anderson, Josh Mills and Tahlia Pemberton for

sharing about their involvement in the program. The students were very brave talking in front of

so many adults.

One of the strengths of the night I think was the networking that has occurred with parents since the evening. I have

been privileged to be part of some of those conversations. We all want our kids to be kept safe at school and we want

them to know what to do when things go wrong.

Kasey Bayne is the coordinator of the program at our school and I would like to say thanks to Kasey for organizing an

informative night which has generated a lot of healthy discussion since.

If ever you are concerned that your child is struggling with a confronting or hurtful issue at school, then please let us

know. We are here to work with you, to get problems sorted.

If you are concerned that the issue has been going on for some time the CASSE team gave us some information you

may find helpful in finding out

When to really worry:

If you child has become withdrawn from friends/family

If your child is having trouble sleeping or staying in bed

If your child is eating more or less

If your child’s standard of work has dropped and teachers are concerned

If your child seems reluctant to go to school for favourite sports/activities

If your child seems depressed or miserable or cranky

If your child is hurting themselves or involved in risky behaviour

If you notice that school books or uniform are lost or damaged

If you feel concerned then please see your GP ASAP for a referral to counselling.

Please come and talk to us, if you are not sure. We really do want to help.

Take care!

Wendy Ronalds School Chaplain (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Friday)

Acknowledgement: National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program have been funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.

CASSE Parent Night

What a fantastic start to education week with the CASSE Parent Night, which was

held on Monday 19th May.

The night was a huge success with a great turn out from many interested parents.

The session began with

CASSE student members

Tahlia, Josh, Hollie and Holly speaking about their experiences

in CASSE over the years and how CASSE has helped them to

be more confident and to become a role model upstander to

their peers.

CASSE Facilitators, Ineke and Therese gave a very informative and engaging presentation about how to assist your

child if they are having bullying issues and gave helpful tips and steps to work through the process.

The most beneficial part of the night was parents having the opportunity to talk to others about problems their children

might be having and to see that they are not alone and have a support network available to them.

A huge thank you goes to the following parents, grandparents and guests who made the effort to attend on

Monday night; Petra Whitmore, Cally Walker, Julie Thomas, Alissa Mounsey, Kerry Nicholl, Donna

Mills, Kerri Anderson, Shantel Morsink, Katie Pemberton, Lori McMillan, Rhiannon Trimble, Vivienne

and Jemimah Hall, Karen Kensley and Wendy Ronalds.

Kasey Bayne—CASSE Co-ordinator