new york state digital library - 14/long island... · it the handy man by iii...

IT The Handy Man By III lilt \HI» COBB _ MIMIMIIM, K \IH \ IOKS If you happen to hav* raffia* tor or warm air register that hasn't got" around to x «• I I I n a warm as yet, you t*an begin to assume that it plana to go right through the winter in this same frigid condition unless, of course, you do something about It. Usually It, is the radiator or register fsr removed from the heating plant that is at fault, and in the mm at a nicnm system this tan mom*- times lie Hfggjttl by a slight inrioasi* In tlw boiler pressure. In a hot water system things are more complicated but you can install a force pump in the lines. This pump is run by a •mail electric motor and Increas- es the circulation of the hot water either throughout the en- MJV '' ' *m or Just at distant I point*. The pump is wired to a thermostat so that it will know when t,o go on and off. The same general arrangement can be applied to a warm air sys- tem, but here you use an electric fan Installed right in one of the air ducts. Forcing the circulation of air with this fan will jazz up the heating system considerably. •a saw " ..." *" l' !»"HP"!' "PI W"' "I'll m -I aan IB" ipp» !" FRIDAY, JANUARY 2. 194* Obituaries Henry A.Btwk Civic Worker Sorvlce* foi Henry A. Hock, W, In o t h i r of Auguot Bock of Klmhiirat. J\\ill l>.« held at 8 to |> M. today In Jijtio- funeral home. _24 .(:• Jamaica avenue. Queens Village. Burial at jl:30 P. M. tomorrow will Jbe in jst. Michael's Cemetery, AMorla. - Mf. Boi k. a printer for the G. J Miiyes Company, died Tuesday. ll<- held vauuujevolhYcs in ihe Rocky Hill Civic Association for years. Also surviving is his daUKtitet. Mrs. Mil- dred F.bert. Drat.) iloticrs WUI bt sceepte.t untj 11 * U del mt publication Citone VI illwell « net*. rtu*Mng S B94» flAWO— Msrtartt B.8atiw>tb teaevwd »,fe "t (fnrf CI>IMI> as i •MM. ef| p*t Hargae'-e tad OwfijMMM ' from MrCraUi f*aa#caJ K/taats r. * 1H >>rd an MAStm loes-pii j . Hi I I 1*11 Iu'*«1*t IW SH ft |)ia Uli Kiln.) M «. be I poou <.! ady. i', i» .. > nd Joseph J Bri hemp*. Ji Funeral trims Walter B W..' II mi 11 «• 14»'.fi j> . F.utti.i. Jan. 3, I9I> at Ht. Patrick a R C Church I I . II 10 «. M Itilumml in SI Charles* Cemetery nuKxnJ i • t tvn i»l( Katrmntd Pursers. a. cm Saturday ! * »• A. v. Requiem auuuf Cove atla _____ af S4*t ei*n*ra. .. ,aaaaaaaaaaaaa-—aaaaaa^--^-——-----_-—3'"- iw Jackson f\* am; Satwcdov at a»>\*» at UM Patv-BiU CRaaayf' 141 a » * « a Jtmn req«*«i matt a' CHavfJt' era t»*w F"gga Sag, L I . ess nl O H K ea*~* •«-«•«• »• » a M ; e M lni»ii»w..< in i i u i i>—tetery l ""•'"" -*• "" "'" ""' '"' _. . ..,„ - SMsm«JMSv..ra t - awimtijy w S Mart •• taw. I I PM Is ami **.«*•• **»>*• •***—* •* «iaa*8Sh » nl -r ana • , • • i > l«j»iag au'»/ «< 'C«>ll*«i« *i*4 a«ivra a >»» i««.a>K. 3a /• s*ta at lis! K*" MI » »» at W A Vt «.>.»^»B r««>«KtMM aaaaa a t f t Uai>f.**« Ctoai-h a* t« A ki t-ti"-"n#><! ta i"« »ar« Oaa*»#'r »aa»»f tlw *: m-oor. «4 Theaaaa J aUyamma mt Mm* EimfiuraT » ' «al«i>«at * at •MS) « **t«.WI ta a M a i #r»»i« i i t».i IH* r«awia. »•• - .- H. V4S f IN |.««t»a?vd of Mra Arnold R. Martin Missing Persons Detective The Rev. Heber C. Benjamin of fa. on Ti>iii»4a> Jan 1 "I AUIIUI. Mavlat nn'ti •<l M. i.o » h. .• M . lam Hruur aial KatlKTinc Krit>..n(. HI HI.I M I I lM"it»ri1 Will Air.- K . , d.una.-i <>J HfliTl Ki M Si'iinirdri. Matilda Attdrraon ' Thrraaa I M M .n« Critrudf Bulk! Kdwa d W .lam' *' •avl On ,.:d Urunln. alao »u:« >»d 0} I' "' a<«ai\«it« *** a «* :•«*• »«•.-•<«•< «f TiMaawa «# Hatenitd K %>•»* .4 I . *.t»rr t R . en Oar * '*•* »».-«r»d Sa-*in« at "s» H* *tt Ka««#a1*a4 l«Wl St ra H«*aB*n ar*«*a ?»t«*f. anal Waatlxia fee>* rSaj^-taa. U I . «a Vr-««i frata- « F M , - : a»t5i at i^ua* laBmssnM » rrta«f j»« 3 . » r M Vi'j;4i) a i r at Ufa* Mt \% m i u IX*-1• » til *•• < !im>r. « HARI» W KW'l'. Slriiiaay »: , aBtaXtt i and funeral lat«; r agtarta n-oiat. «"K14.1 'in» on J«e. HU « H-.f > * I Mt Oaora 4 | •iiO.'f .4- L Information pOiMM 1 e»tni:*t at i"»ti"iir. *' ! .ift# '^Trsn*- - ' '• L I. on «unda milK ll'i:it A on W "»7~1»4:, <>f J»-M In?rrm«:t r»w „_-_ , SMh ave . g.H'vit. Vlilaft tx-ioved ta!*-.f.* «f' NJ— , _, . __ . | Mildred Ktwrt, brother af Aufu»t »' ,< " ll M> SflLUtB—Tb#w«orr B . aiaaatBlT on Tannet? St John's Episcopal Church. Hush- srrwra at Ihr Stu'rman Funeral H^rrr W4- DH so l**r *-.t«! ann *f tTaeraaa and ,«,. M,II fi«i,i»tr. nt «r>rvire« tot » Jamaica ave. 4Jur»na VlSUs*. on Frlaay t .^, it i>r,«d<3rr naMKwd a w t h e s; Mr. ing, will onii late ai ser\ic«s IOI gw p M r j Hopiuna. Jaatrpa ana ta* jita **». former Detective Arnold R. Martin lnietmrni in st Mict-.aeia Ctmn*rf on satnr-'' w .:»• of Kluslli.lC at 8 P M. today in his _ d »> " i •"L P "..___« -——r-^:— r, ^ e S f % - S * 5oVS?rn* Sx^^fSffi ^ Benjamin C t»n Jan i. laaa | L — ~_ ».^__^_. ..* - .-— ..•• - *: •• 14» a*e*-~S(oaaa»*a *. aaSMl » jaaM^aa of nar rfc»„"t»t awaaam isma BATS a Bnawafaoa. . r*r t: :•»• _ a^r:a. »••»"-» •» etnar Ja» 1 at *S r w • «« ' «. ••• »•• ranara. m aa r.«*n:a* -t 1 eaal aaJa»«4'» anrana».-» •• aane' a' ivt-»*» i- "" :• r Mm at taanra. ta pas Uar^- a* - lasjwji'ti BBKsrt tatrxint t. ana tiaaJ- Chocolate soda?—yea, ma'am! ASTHMA SUFFERERS At Lost Relief Con Bt Yours, to You Who Suffor From tfco Discomforts and Anguish of ASTHMA Tears af Scientific Ratrarck Hart Fiaalljr Rctulltd in lilt Crtatioa of ids attracts far Attassa "ASKEPHEDRINE" 1X7 ASKEPHEDRINE AND REL,EVE SUFFERING T«T ASKEPHEDRINE AND BE REBORN ASK PHARMACAL CO., Inc. 29-35 30th AVENUE At KLEIN'S PHARMACY ASTORIA. L. I. RArtaiwaoe! 8-8658 YOU MAY BUY fik. STANDARD A PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS ROYALS UNDERWOODS REMINGTONS SMITHS WOODSTOCK* NOISELESS L1MITBD QIANTIT1 fMl TERMS Phont STIII 4-4644 - Exptrt Rtpainnr UUEEN51TYPEWR!TERT[0 25-20 41 st AVENUE LONG ISLAND CITY I Rack Marta el l.a.T. * l.M.T. Oawms riaaa laawar Italian DON'T SELL YOUR VALUABLES Anything Y ti S> M Todoy W I! Cost Yo>i Moic Tomorrow LOANS ON Diamonds Watches Furs Musi'al Inst. Cameras Binoculars Clothing Typewriters JAMAICA LOAN CO. oAtb STRIfT Af J a n t o i f ci A v t n u < JAMAICA 6 SURE WAYS TO CUT f vmin vtrvr HIT T C « YOUR FUEL BILLS 4 1 Install Storm Windows Install Clock Thirmostat 2 Insulate Your Attie . Riplaco Inefficiont 3 Oil Burnor ) 5 6 Chick Your Firs- bay Ovirhaul Iniffl- citnt Oil Burnsr Far farlkar information oa hoar cat ynar faal kills, aaaas FLushing 3-0400 YOUR HEALTH: Blocked F^ood Tube Pain Eased by Heat B> H. N. switaMBsanr, M.D. Whrn a patient comes to thr doc- tor- complaining of pain in the pit of the stomach, vomiting and dif- ficulty in swallowing or brtftthlng, the doctor will suspect, among other things, a condition known as c a r d i o s pasm. Where the e s o p h agus or food-tube l*' a ^" ing from the mouth. Joins the stomach there If a mus- ,* cular ring or j| valve known as Ithe cardiac I valve. Ordinar- ily, this valve o.pens to permit food to entei the stomach but sometimes—espe- cially in highly nervous people it fails to relax when and as it should. Long-Continued Attacks' » Complete blocking is the excep- tion rather than the rule, but enough food and fluids are held hack by frequent and lortg-eon- tinued attacks to dilale or stretch the esophagus. Difficulty in swal- lowing may begin suddenly or gradually, and the severity of the attacks varies from time to time. Occasionally, there \s complete blocking so that no food can be swallowed for several days. Apples, popcorn and carbonated beverages seem to cause the greatest diffi- culty. Sometimes food may be brought up during sleep and the food ma- terial breathed into the windpipe, causing strangulation and lung in- fection. The pressure of the dilated esophagus may be responsible for shortness of breath and coughing. Heal Application The pain of cardiospasm may b" relieved by the application of heat over the lower end of the bieast bone or by taking sips of warm water. Sedatives or quieting drugs are not, as a rule, effective, and such preparations should not be given. Diagnosis of this condition is not difficult to make. X-ray exami- nation of the esophagus is helpful in distinguishing the cardiospasm from such conditions as cancer of the esophagus or herniation of the stomach into the rhest cavity. Cardiospasm develops more often in men than in women, the symp- toms usually appearing between the ages of 20 and 30. They are always made worse by emotional strain. Ulcers may develop in the lower end of the esophagus because of the collection of foods and fluids in the lower end of the esophagus. The treatment of this condition consists in stretching the ctrd C valve by using dilators. One or two such treatments seem to give re- lief to about three-quartets of the patients. There maybe recurrence BURKE ASSAILS MOSES ON J DREAM CntY' (Continual from 1'dar One) —~—dM Dream City wax to be built In the area bounded by Main §tre'et. Kis- aena boulevard, Barclay avenue, Bowne afreet, and Booaevelt ave- nue. The huve ahopplng center wan to Include a large theatre, nfflee building*, roof-tup parking. More* and night clubi * Burke's letter today Was his sec- ond public attack on Opponents of the Dream City. Hefcsailedthe City Planning Commission and the Estimate Board immediately after they "tossed out" thJ fcWKTO.OOO proposals and charged Jjiat the ac home, 33-17 148lh street. Burial •tj B ?. f , ^**j G « l t" 2 P. %. tomorrow will be in Flush- ___ jing Cemetery. Mr. Martin, who served in the Navy during World War I. died Tuesday in thV Alexandria. La.. Vet- erans' Hospital after a long illness. *janastS—Dana* »' «• Jan 1 IS* homr. MSMant fcaaaaat nt Cara Utaar af Ltrw *ar»«in4. Daota. J- Mr* Bt**: Vrrr <*a Mra MaiTr. 3*r» r»« m Mnba? ant tin - « •• " a faa.a*n*» J*".-Hi «atn iharifemy. ttaat *>f arr*>r» ji»r «*:>»? aV HaAatl. tax Otanaetaas. pi . Mailwtli. I. 1 of H>!rn. drv«ird tatrier <ri He.rn s,*a. Jean Dunn Maty Alrd. Benjamin t J Ttiomaa and Robert brother o*'Sg• n *r ~ Oawtord. also auraivrd by 11 jtrand Funeral f-orn 5kr;if!n* Oiape! as-oa Hroad- a>. neat- Queenk blvd . K.mhur»t L 1 ' c^n M'»i'i(1*y at 1J WtmM Inlermrni 1 r, Ml O.iwt Crnir-. - After 18 years service as a poliee-i , -* I t.r N » h */»«7. ^"^"^"i 1 Tu J "ZV man. he retired four years ago from 3 dausntrra r. t. •* > •• •,•.,;. i and 1 aon. Charlea. «:»•• 3 awtci. 3 t:oUaara Hej and anvatat o^aar wJaUaaa. WHS hom in Sheho\j;an, Wis -.w<iK«meia! .er*!,* on aatarda». Jan I. a M j AtaUM Interwer at est ataa* at s* a%a-*n ita a- i« :* A J * M m C».T»'»-» ^aer^r ,i taat1l , V.. an Dae #t Lea Mr isar «va«Mt af Ha. M-a Ha-ary C aUnahw \TmmrtU fraaa tna *'a.te- Caaae [ a t . r%- ias-u "*irta#m ai»a naafc- Itervuaaa an »atar«a» a: i t M the. Missing Persons Bureau. and I moved to New York ("il\ in I•>!V II. wn* a lorniet vie* president of the Police Department Square. CIUJV and a member "of the Astoria Masonic Lodge. Surviving are his wife, the former Evelyn Herman, and a daughter, MimiH-.-'Hd Catward It Dw T. lt«" Beinraa buitavnd cf Ma;i a n « S«J Meir.Vr o? ajnervaa CoauaB. P ** _ _ A anaaa. p^t t'asd *rr<"- <•>> \ y «-a> •_______*_.,-_. v~\m'nmr m isa- *er- s!o rra. r..». t.^feara*: «r*e«4 \ W Ttt£z2?r *hL T' r»I.2r».,-. ~m£5Z- -r ZZ taNaawal- bsaa *f Wt:!*- Canae tar 'fi«irJ?»ieHr«. aLf^T * * * . - . tJZ raa*«*i W-aaa. Ma-SB K..««a a»« Jaaaaira. \H r * f . , . ^ L ^ «J2L w^ t : •" ••*»'*•» at IS A M Rea.ieaa <" r- . *-. a< A M Men a; I Vu Mrs. Joan Perroux of| Lottie. I.a I •LBs tion was the result Of "personal animosities. .* • «'NKW YORK LIIKJas you ex- plain," Burke's letter W Moses to- day said, "agreed to hii|ld a garage south of the Manhattan carbarns 'if the city would ptoiBde for the widening of the Iwi bordering streets and sell the exAss land for the garage at public auction.' In otheV words, the city to use, its power of eminent domain to pro- vide New York Life wlh the land needed for the garagdli "Exactly 4he name arrangement waa proponed by the |»roponents of the Flushing ahopping center. In connection with widening afreet a adjoining lh« Fltiahlng 1l7 years, died Wednesdav in Queens, n * ]<i *' -, S -• , , . . . w, , . . . , Interment In CaUara C emete (.cneral Hospital, Previous to hit srtrzrJSV; ,— rr~~ Wedne«d«y. Oat Si I»«* he-laved tiunband H Ja' Herlpert Srimpson In Flushing 17 Years Services jfor Herbert E. Sampson, •48. of 134-04 35th avenue. Flushing, will, be held at. 3 P. M. tomorrow in the Cooke Funeral Home, * 158-14 Northern boulevard, Flushing. Mr. Sampson, wh« was born,In Pennsylvania and lived in Flushing Hi V, Rr tin In M family »f J n a e p b Mahood J' •JH» >•' » HAI'eK«l—tlerman G„ en We«ne»da«. De/ SI 1S47. et ^.*)•2:* Siat ave.. Wt-^d* <1e U. J aetoa-t^i rui'band <it Jlulsa l^Mt-.t ta* 1 *-'' ' Herman R Haupert brother of ',.<>ui»e JRoaaiiei Knllurtnr S'na. Mar<1< ;-,» T..n» arid llauptrt Kia'i-rtm' r>idet «f Catr'e* Si on Friday eveninr at a • <»* rwut aet^'ire and funeral *'t\ saiurri*^ Ja- at r." W V M »•• rr rhupe "' lb* ORI AI ciiAmts wrvntr: A VIS IN< :w •« .sieinnray at Aatorts I ! Interment In St Mlrhae! * On>ete-t formation call AStoryi S-0124. , ' ... * *«\s- -^f , c eaaaaafr asaaar - %' Q - a *••'•»» Mavcaai-F '-' » r ?»* loved MM nf fHa.* *>*4 ***• Ve . Tubtu : tovtitt arethrr n* An'.tway. \»- r •.•- -r , ,~i r. re-e ';>• I 'Ift• „ K * ' '"'* * 5 ' , * i'*e aan ta-' i r i n,,. w .^ t ,, xiut ritetMAS at dH'tst a *r»*» wvvttkmi. #«»*» :u « «*"•*- I •** Qiaeena VUlajpt. t t 3 r U A'-tr-twaaawta -a-sd*- dtfwttaaa mt j Thonaaa Sat Oafne * «ae» lac. Se- — ' ' " -** »1ll i ini.^-Uafcar I ^ R'>^ -i « -» THOVkS It dJLTsm aV ajostt r-'^triiAi notn. '*-» »,«*«» at ., .--••--. T ^«" *a-j-ita» !J * r M A'' *M» A A"*^A. tna** «MaatlMai -af Mas tn KERB—Thomas S.. on Thursday Jan ] beloved husbanal at Julia »»e* Crewlfci-i: devoted father of Thomas and Mm Jtattia O'Hamtnn: brnthar «t Mm. Martha M'tiehel! and, Mn 'Mai'y Thownann,. Funeral from Ihr Cmnara* ,e*|n#i».l Home a' 1 I •t and NofthrVn hlvi. Jarlumt Me-r'"" ^ r Monday. Jan. ^. ai » A V Tfotiletn mass at St.. Msry'i Churrh Win tela Waller B. Coote short, illness, he hid 'been' employed as a shipping clerk % a .surgical supply house. Surviving Mri> his wife, Eleanor; a son, Arthur, and twti sisters, Mrs. Albert F. Koelle and Mn. Henry C. Ilandow. "Cremation will he In Fresh. oPnd Crematory, Fresh Pond. FUNERAL INFORMATION I.Vi-lH A*e JA 14ST Frifiar. Jar 1 i At riA\O %if-ea a -a a M mt. c*>*mt M» v t • , i b»• e. i aa A H 'at Baaa* S*-af<0a* Jar S Kilt) Kara* a an % n. ai C'l*a»l TOCO. Harry ! * f • > «* rfca*«l iac. J. R. Nierenberg Box ..Manufacturer Fyneral services were held mdden'.y nn TSrd *t*f tavoted fa : thf* af Mr*. Mary Dcmantck. Mr* Ju:i* Ojar. Jnba AWlra* and the late Joseph K.lm- rmw htt "eajftenoe IW-U I s ' " »*"' _ , ... \ v , on Ra tarda* '*" * ,; , i«u* ai I A M Requiem Wtaratea a»r I y#na at at Wrhnta* *wa»i*n. Orth#d« |Jtft>14 N o r t l M r m Blvd.. -F1* rhiiiWh a I 1* A M Inteimenl In Ml Ottvrt femeff ry f If 111 M !»il'|%-i—• 1 1'Ml tit A :t " i ' „]&••'• .':*4*' Pi 1 '' loved '•'unhand of ' Adele (net Grant *>•• potno I<tiMaar<r ,I*:IS AM, at Saaaa* voted father af Mr». Vtneant P. Oi v«r-' •- Loan A Ji Mr» Gewfr CtTvaHki ••"'•< S»'.u«tar **n ,J t iurvlvad bv S aUlera and 3 brother* aw! 0 L;gt . f4i tm„ tmrmi % .m r M at rkaaaa S iiandcl-i!dien - ,_.,.,,.,., a ', ___________ funeral frnai the THOMAS M m'l\S * " " HON* FX-NKRAt. MOMK. 3«-U> »road*a- i-onr Island Ctt* Armntt - «« «"", a rertlon of Tho—ia« M. Qui"" * ~ ' _____ PtMiaT. Jan S H*nOAn r*n*tant » aa A.M. at ffcapal TAVixni rumnrniRii WASHINGTON UT) Senator morning for Julius R. Nierenherg; 50, A pre«ident of the Shelton Manu- Nurturing Company of Long Island, center parrel* of land! bordering j n ,. y _ ,,,„ ,. jvPd at 232 Easi Mt hi Glen Ta>lor, ihe, smginf «om;h«) the widened streets #ere to bo I st reel., Brooklyn, and died Tuesday f rom Idaho, .says. !t •may be "polll afler a brief tlinetw. He was a mptn"- ( ,,, U i C :ide'" II he accepts the vm» ber of the Masons, Knight*, of Pytb-1 - ••-— - '< acquired and anld at public au< tlnn. ,. "Webb and Knapp vv#-e to take the same chance at such an auction that you say New York'Life is will- ing to. Webb and Knapjk too, were to pay all taxes, wjthoill atiy ques- tion of a free/e of axsd&sed valna lions. I ^on'l know wll your idea to the cont letter to me dated Au and I am aewiing you case you haven't seen 1 Knapp said: " 'This development pleted will call for no tion whatever, either buildinK, and no subs character in connectio parkinR'." ire you get try. In a 21. 1047 IB ropy In rWebb and ion com lax exemp las. Elks and-the Queens Chamber of Commerce. • Surviving' are bis wife. Lillian; two children, Albert Nierenberg and Anita Katcher: a brother, David NicrcnherR, and a sister. Mrt.. Ftebecca Schoenfeltl. Legal Notices COOWTT l.M PRAVER. IAN. ft al. foreclosure mber 19th. iinn on the Courthouse maira. B"t- f ity and I3r<i day ot property in If New York. the Horoiiah. Ik, 7039, t^iL rember 10?h. 147. Charles A. Jacob- 163-11 Ja 'ork. -9-U-lfild SUPREME COURT. KlNOMCOVIiTY SHOREWOOn REALTY C'OllP , Plaintiff, against ALBERT KOEHLEftJ et al. De- fendants. MORRIS CORNM/JB. PlatntifT 'l Attorney, 16 Court atreet, •inoklyn. New York Pursuant to judrment da#d December 23. 1047. I am aell at puhlA auction at the BrooJtlyn Exchange BrtleHjiKun. No. 1R9 MontaguA street. Brooklyn, Mew York, on January 20. 1948. at i2 o clack noon, by David Cohen. Auctioneer. Jpe premise* - .. , , .directed by aakl Jurlsmenl M be anld to or the symptoms, but these are [wit AU those certain »a_Hi "f i»nd. ' with the biiildinaa thereon Jy'racted. de- NOTICE or 8AJ SUPREME COURT. Ot'EE* SAM PRAVER nnA WILLI Plaintiffs. T»; JOHN T. Mt Defendants. Pursuant; to juditment and nale enirred herein 1947. I will aril at public *\ steps of the Querns Ornrrl at S8-11 Sutplun boulevard, ough and Cnuniy of Quea| State of New York on ihfl January. I94R, a! 11 A , M I lie Rorotmll of Queen* City described on the tax- Map o| •if Queena aa Urction 31. Hi I as said Tax Map was on N4 1941 Dated December 26th, J W Metsel Referee. AbrabJ son. attorney for the plaintif maica avenue, Jamaica. Nei dec 31-jan. vt KIM IN MANILA MANILA «UP> Unutn employe* at two large reflneiies atruek to- day, demanding wartime pay at a 30 per cent general increase. The vlvike threatened to shut off Ma- land oilnila's tnolnr fuel supply, paraly/- of ftii) mg the motor trarllc on which the with thisjeity Is entirely dependent for pri- vate and public transportation. Maspeth. Bnr»tiKh of Querns,, New, York for the election of directors and for the a of nil other business !ti^t niay •o'nte hetnir the »aid meeiina. ALEXANDER I FRONTERA, President. FEUX A JAMROZY. Secretary. dec 26-Jan.3W presidentia'L spot -on Henry .A Wailice's third party ticket. * The ; Idaho, 'Democrat." who fought and sang his way up from a vaudeville trouper and a radio cowboy to the 11. S. Senate, .said' he still, hadn't decided whether a third party was a healthy thing for the "liberal" cause. •3-K Forest A*enue. Er«la». J«B * it i u HI » Le-wa s-4* r.M, al CSaa-t t"0\*rnt^E. tUtaa#*a . ^^ IP . law iWa '^^i i, aPa a. aW^B : tlP^i'™ II)IMI»HL r r auk 1 it* P * at Ck*a»l OUEENS PL) Pal-1 AL HOMES I5«-U HiQaakW A » a . - J A mt7w 1S4V14 HaatUra »Wl. ! ra ns« proper JL & usually relieved completely by an- other dilating treatment. Opera- tion, such as cutting of the nerves which run-to the valve, is not usu- ally successful. WKATHKR Ml IT! WKATHKR . BOSTON (AP) — The weather even delayed the^Boston Weather Bureau's regular New England forecast today. The bureau said "New England weather will be a little late because of storm." The weatherman explained that the course of the storm caused a re- arrangement of rharts, forcing a delay in the foracaat. jtiie B>>rouah Lot 13 signaled o'n the Tax Map o or Brooklyn as follow* Parrel L-_arriion 31 Bloc||e!»e4 aa aaid map was-on May K i t 1945. Parcel 2 Section 21. Blot k tS.VS. I ^ l s M) and 52 aa aaid map wax on povernber 10, 1940 Parrel 3 Seel Ton 34, Blo# 8257, L«t S3 as said may «»a on MMV m. 1945 Parcel 4 Section 21. Blafk 7149, Lot 48 as said m a p WAs on May JO. 1945. Each parcel will be sold •para'tety. Dated, December 29, 1947. Anthony Roi_pi«, Referee 0-Jan.f« dec 30- -9^13-lfit6 NOTICE MASPETH FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE th§t the annual rneet;n« of the members of the Masprth Frrlrrsil and L«.an AVArlation will be heW on January 81al : ._p48. at 2 on P M on aaid date, at Ml t| 6»tli atraat ¥h-SS^i alWIWPt Wmtainini money Iiat vicin- ity of Dltmar'a station Hal and *itat .•Mb lyard RA »-445f i (i-41 • Vu nityo of tint drive, near loath at., Eoraat HUU. re- ward WE US4 tOK TfRiri It -ImaTr: -olai-i " and wtittt. «ur»day vlnnita tatrd at.. Fluati- tflf, child t pet, rtward *• Kmahini 7-aaaa. WASD-ffNtT r*4 woolen aweatar whli* temdter fi»ur»a loat vleinity tilth at and Northern bird , fliiahinf, rtward FLiuhlni S-TlTt. rJlWI |otd watcb 'frtOTON' vlrmity "Sunnyaide. angravad "Xmaa IMS" at Horn*** ht 5mt§ ASTORIA Hmman tar Sal* -4-3550. 1-5 after ST. 4 CXgVYTT j"re'en eya fl. rlnlty on Dag 27. raward MeOr yiclnlty Aa- 3raaor, RA S-flS.IT. ting •tori -»-M 34-h it Aatorla LADY'S gold wrlat watch gift tCyma., taaehbarat. Whittatona. Fiaahing ylrinlty. -an/eatt fubway Daeembef HHh, Raward rLushlng 3 6245 HUTU amall Waltham Wahh InarriM , s1MH-LT.•• yklnity Woodaida Rt- ward Call Mary Mrlbar 41 II Mth at, IIAvrrntyri J345 POPPY - Ptmait vlrlnhr •« avt 14i n at,. Aatorla, waarlng red and biut bow tm ate*, aaawarg to Penny. Pleaat Call SA 4<H» _ KbTCldOK No 1.1M91 on L. LW, S*vtcgi Bank. Astoria Branch. Payment •Sapped Return to bank .. BANKBOOK No." »44SS'''oa'"T"TT~'rity laving* Bank Payment itopi>ed piea»e '•turn to bank IMNXBOOK No " litS2 r, I t Ciiy Sawing! Barta Aat-.fla Branch Payment It 11 Broadway, [, j City. AS » ftttCI !I»PP*<« -f'** 1 * r » ,uf »* *" "*"> tUtnlUA < family "bitrV and itu -^-r-*-* IT * -j» r'-wma aaaeaaad valuation lU.oon, rwaaar 1 1 m | , detached, naar tranaportation: tilSH StTTiR feniate. alvrut « m-mtha prlra |ln.?4» « eud round between dttli and 05th at on i ^WAGNER a KKI.LY. Inc. Woodaida a*e Call Ntwtown B-«*M at»-ot Rooatveit *ve Wdadt HA 9-4t5? •aa?l' , l , rrTr ,i a>ir.' 1 " " *' A'ffOatA - 6-'tamily aaml^ detacEad ayaaaaaa rrar <aaaa w. erick. J-car garage AlrTCrttri-Musf -smut "ISfXtT' I 4-ftQplt 3-Family ahingle. Id rooma 3 ba'ha. oil twimar. l-e*r garage 1 bloca Sth avt tab-ray Renti II 300 prlet SI.50ft '*) lamiiy apartment houat, t3'4'l, S'l'a araaa plumbing, Income 17,756. Price IM ooo 5- family apartment hotaae: caeelient liwallrtn, convenient to everything, a modern imprueementa. 117,a», Aakln 115 «^) KDW. E. DANGLER 17 oi S'oinway il "WA a 3930 ASfoftlA, Brick Detached 3 family, 11 room*, all heat. 6 ROOMS EMPTY Near achooi ahoppinf. baa Price 112 000 Ttrmi arranged. OAPPNtY 60-16 Ronte-fit ave tL. 7-4717-HA «-MO0 ASToBfA-rNflStMlMf ~ T-PAMILY. I roomi vacant. Income! 12 244 Price 111 000 1 FAMILY delarhed, heal I garag-a •T.ftOS 2 PAMil.Y BUffK oil beat, 13 rooma, 3 garagei. II.» Inn B E MOTt. 31 11 301 h avt AS « 2377 AdTftfttA-^One-ianlly,""T rooma all 1m piovemanti, on* Uock Sth ave. aubwav achoou and ahopping. Ear quick gale price 11.790. Term*. HARRY KAPLAN 30-09 3UI it RA. S-06JW Evening* AS. 6- 7009 AIT0*H"" - l a - i a l n l ~ i - famft?'~i5rTek Store, "~I»t6R U-WA ItCitT^ no leaae, a and 4-rooat apart- mania nil heal. 111500 OR M1MONE MANAGEMENT CO, INC. "Aak for Pat" _^ 34-09 Broadwa* Aalnrla ASTORIA—2-family brick bouae: i-4 A 1-1-room aott ; 3-car garage. braaa plumbing, irlaulattd roof, combination link* (Mtaaeaaion. Prlet 111 600 MANCUSO & ALFSSIO ASTORIA—6-family brick. 4-roowi apart-1 u 05 154th at menu automatic haat. $15,750. ffaatag far Smlm BAYSIDE - Only 3 left, tolld hrlc* 3 family two 4',-roorn apartment*, full tiaaement. garage |>i heal Prtre tic. arm Coat only $34 50 i>er month to carry 315th at and i.'nd ave W1IXARD L BKROMAN 40-33 Main at Fl.uhlng 9-3313 colt oil i oonsg hood SUPREME COURT. QUEENS COUNTY SAMUElt DAVIS, plaintiff. atalaat SSTELLE PERTBL.. 'tt al., DaftndsnU. Inrlax No t*S»~ 1.947. Purauant Judgment tntrrrd herein necember 5, 1947. I, ihr ttndtralgrte-d, tht Referee therrin numed will aeli on the front at apt of the Genefal Court.houat, 11 Sutphin boulevard. Jamaica. Boroiith of Queena, New Y-ork City, on Januarr 1. 194S, at 10 A, M... premiatR described on the laic map of tht Borough and Count? of Qireeni, City and State of New York as Ward I, Block 547, Lot 72, situate la- the Fifth Ward of the Borough and Cotlii- :v of QueenR- on* tho easterly ltd* ' ot Beach 76th Wfwpt, 103 ftet more or leas, north of Rockaway Beach boulevard, plat 50x100 and mora fully described In ta.d judgment. HARM i H Bam i ts\jrr, Reftrta, dec 15-19-33-36-2«-jan 216 iliili » aimim I ' i i in i « - FRANCIS X. HATT0N FUNERAL HOMES ISM Ball Blvd.. Statist. L I . Pa-one BAyndt §0744 12-IS IStta Si., Wkile.loae, L I. Phone FLuihint 3-2SS1 FL WRAL H0W5 III EVtll iOtOLGU AMI 8UPHKMB COURT. KINOS COUNTY. PAUL CU8ANO. Plaintiff, against ELLA MacGAVOCK WILSON. tt\ al., dlefendant*. John B, Blellitrey, plaintiff'* attoratf, *6 Court glmtt, Brooklyn. N. T. Pursutnt to iudtrntnt dttttt Ilertmber 3nd. 1947, I ail! aell at public auction, st Brooklyn Real Estate Racltante, No. Itf Montague .street. Brooklyn, New York, on the 14th day of January. 1B4S. at 13 o'clock noon, by Jack J. Duberstein, auc- tioneer, the premise* described by said judgment'to bt'toM, to wit: Tai Lien No. 77117, CitF of New York, Borough of Brooklyn, new description, Section <M, Block 7134, Lot 111/old description, Ward, Block. Wsrd No. Assessed to, or Registered In the Name of: I..O. Burke, also desert* bed •* all that lot In. Kings County, City and State of New York, known as Lots 15 and 16. Block 7934. on a certain plan of lots callad "Rugby _"• aurwyad lor Wood Harmon Si C o . 1901, by Pred L. Bariiett. C E. and. flied tn tht Register's Office of Kings County, August 7th. l»03, MS Map. No 1399 Dated. Decani bar 8th. 1947. CHARLES J. BUTTlJIIIa, Referea; ia*| 1 34/-a«.|l..l*n.,.a.1.|ti •••awa->l -. in mm. .,i„, _ •J.MJILL 1 iiL ILULiJ __ _ .JL 1 .^ 1-J ..-. , 'I! -1L !•»** l^obrrt #. lakf anDfton,3m* PLNERAt marcTORs Batak. tsas 103-16 BOOSEYELT AVE CORONA -' = ™^'u_.~^'^m »!••,, i ati_t tai id Matol ftvnol Vowlt QUAtANTftD TODAY. AS ALWAYS, WE KEEP m FUNERAL PRICES M W N S H ^ iON4» 1*1 4 v p CTTY 36-19 Broadway AStatta l-t-tt n i «.nivr. I6J-14 aaaterd A«a. PtwatftM 1-34 at aix imiTtni rt^EBAX at : ^t*a»i *» W% :% $W&~ma $J»Ja»_B»ta^iW B*a WALTER I. WILLIAMS FUNERAL DIRECTORS { ; ESTABLISHED ISM 4l 3D I49lh PI^CE n.l'sHINO •4wa Onfiaa! ami 'Oil Siaxt 1M7 HORAK CHARLES WEYDIG & SON, Inc. FUNEWAL DIRECTORS CHARLES WEYDIG. Sr. - C H ARLES WET DIG, 3rd. BOB ALL OCCASIONS FLOWERS RT WIMM . ANY WMEM AStoria 8 -4401 "RE IN HOLD A. SKELTON 86-08 Broadway, Elmhurst e Tel. HA*emeyer 9-3MM Caaftt faaerat Direrfar DiGMrtin mm EXACT H NERAL DIBECTION '.QHJilijIit URBAN Funeral Home COSVEMENTll MICATBB« 4t-17 faHfa ST- HOOl>SII>E FUNERAL SERVICE JOSEPH V. \ \ I II •wMBr*atB»r% •• ttia 419%. fg«. ttaa HA, J Wooaei far Sal* f | ffaattt Far Sal* S-'fe'iiily. 4<iOi«i j rar gatagr |»'l Mlli'R^I '. o:<1 ,.. t, aalahed t'lirii In rellai filhungalnw pttjl acanl l>ec. ir>. mlartl nriglilKir BEECHfiJ'RST S roomg,k I batlu. 3-rar garage, suitable for mnyerttng to 3 family, tgctllent lotallon 111000 ANNA B. MEECJf rt.uatrng I-I7IS st» IN A ro'-rna ga rage, fill heat rented hatemrnt apart meul. many eatrrrliai ealiaa $H. TflO. J. P. CLARK 7% 30 Rmrtrvelt ave. NKwlnat Ill.tlW it IIKOfUir: I'AN'OAHT iwi aajp..iihfiii biv«i it. H asv t iwifl EAST ELMHURST—1-lainlly frame. 40. s 100,"? rooma, 3-car gaiagt. gas htat. I Kl.MHUWST — One large d >uble atudlo occupat|ry. "* Sacrlflcf lor quick salt.! i'^m, one alogle ri»im aeml-pnvate J. aCAlllMil, 99 IK <1»l in liath rriiate home near all transit HAvemeyer 9 *OH9 ] ai <T Vtrit.)tt AVh HA 1 I'm KLllllURSr BARGAIN! Haaaa* tar SmU VIA -SHlNiJ-Sr. Afuirc ft ua, auiomarir neat, »i.) I . _———.— . .—— i «j., r RiniARD T IVWITF BEECHHURST - Brick bungalow, 4«4 IVit_HAKIJ J. Wrlll t Irfjoma and aaaanalon attic. 40«100, price! NE. 9-A992 7S-<y3_Rr>oatyelt ave ASTORIA IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY NEW 3 rAMILY HOMES VICTORY HOMF.S, INC. 471 n at., between Duman A Astoria hlvrl ASTORIA—Vacant I-room apartment In 3 family. 7 nwm ttnmt Rtaam heat, re- deem atari Price for quick sale $5 9*) KI.M RKAI.TY M It Broadway. Elm- hunt IIAnrniryei a " l * S7 _„ ASTORIA-_-famtly~ brick, a rooma. 3- car garage, modern, nice section. $10,500. _ ._ ^ ---ij/ir A8. 1-1919 30-01 30th get R. W POKORIi pitimbtng. good .oration; cssri srranged CANTORE 4-BOpM VACANCY NEUFlS.D AGENCY ,««3 30th s*e L I. City AS. I-SSSS Wm A rVrah- A' Snn 1 nr ! AIT6RIA-IS-room "house Wroatnsys WTITI. -.. rvranc ot Don, inc. rtn , oll M,. tr _ m piumbloi. $11 ooo »-«• Broadway. L. I. City R B. I40TL. «-li SWli t»t, AB. I-33T ASTORIA—7 family brick. Tucca orl heat refrlgeratora. table too atoves. -___, __.. r t t t t a l - $ 3 WIS; estate must sell quickly, steam heat and tot water, tinker braaa Eagle Realty Co . NEwtown 9-0495 prlet 113.300; !. ASTOR j A _ a4.|, m bargain stoker. table top stoves, refrigerators Inclntrstor. ir me over $10,000; cSSh $13 000 price <«' BRlfKR, AKt'U-i* n MM ASTOniA -3 S-tamily buck houses an htat. gsiag>« $i;i ono SCARANE-RIPLEY CO 71-00 Grand ave. NE. 9-oaoe 6A Yslui—Rr ickr~saml-altacntd J-fam- ily, 11 rooms plus 3 enclosed porches, brsss plumbing. 3-car garage plot 30* 130. gttam gas heat, insulated. Posses- sion one floor. Prtct $14,000. PLANNELLY, REALTOR IS!-34 Northern blvd PL 1 AS90—7793 BAYitTM vrm ~K' Rtrr'NTrir fwwt NOT A P1LI OP STICKS, CALL BAy- tldt l-SMMI PRANK PURINTON. RBAITOB price I19S00. rooma snd expansion attic. sOiTOO, price $13,300. ACORN REALTY 14« -«S 4Sth avt. PL I 2092-9-333k COtLECE POINT - POSSESSION OM TITLE. 2-famlly brick, ft and I rooms, hot water heat oll burner, an tscellent buy. Prat $• fttMP also 1-familv. Immediate nnssesslon, esslly converted Into 3-fsmlly I moans, 3 baths. Urge flnlshed attic, hot water htat. garage, large plot. Priced for quick aale. IS. MM E. E. SUYDAM 1S-30 122nd tt. College Point 000 33T7 I COLLEGE POINT-«-faml!y with grots Income over 12.700 per year Por quick ssle will ssrriflce for $13,000. Hat all Improvements K B SUYDAM 15-30 123nd at toll, gr P(,|nt ., ...—» al .. COLLEGE -POINT - 4-family dwelling. each apartment I rooma nil turner, 3- car garage plot ftOaloO beat location Price $13000 EUGENE WEBER 18-33 132nd tt. IX 9-308X block 2 f AMILY-U WOOMs umhing oil burner, rcfi'teraior Ave sub , schools Si churchts ONLY $1! 000 GEO. LUTZ eens nivd NEwtown t-2440 hest. IS rooui» porrhes. gsrafV auhwsy. Inomr $1,700. Pi let CORONA—108-37 53rd ave—Entire house available on title: 3-famtly frame, de-' rererttl tached. rubberold shlnglea: 5 and < kin he rooms: sll improvements. mg Price. $8 M» HOlECrK. 33-13 30fh ttt brsss p.umb- AS 3090 RENT IT BELL. IT. BUY IT IN QUICK TIME. THROtrC.H rTHE STAR-JO.CR- NAl.'S CI.ASMfIEf) ADS $13.0S|4J 1 famljl hi irk like nra ¥\rn mutein i 'nirnttliir Poasesslon 111900 OCONNKIJ, ta 38 Jroadwsv Pi-nil i-M NK 9 1840 tl.MllfllST 2-faml.y brick, srni.-de- ta. hedi oruy *. yr/n\ oht ;* t) s r.-»"n apartrallnts. plus a-room basement apart- mept an»dern kitchen. Hollywood baths, oll b«g|per. rerrlgeiatinn. garage. Good iriromta-Move In. $22 000 FRANK O'HARA. INC. j_^______\ at Jarkaon HI* NE 9-7000 ItlylTlBnPr-Varanl. 0 rooms, flniahed sun.leck snd gs It heat braaa plumbing, nirr Pii.r |13 •kin K.I M RKM TV. .nrtwav Ktmhurtl HA I. \n n i i "towis anil iH>i• 11, vacant brick, aeml delai tied $3 000 G. I . excellent nrlthborhood ROSEN-RKALTOR sevelt ave. NE 9-3077 ST—1-famlly detached. S r».,ms, decorated (4 bcdronmsi. modern near subway. Priced for quirk 800 Call John F"lev. NE 9-S8»it. AV APF1I.1ATP.S 40 14 71th St. S*T 5 familv i lerri hriik da larhed, 10 rrKima nil. lira' large garden, refrlgeailor, » mom* m arable $1J TKtO KAPLAN 39 3t 43_* at. 11. 8 7i»9-NE I 3473 FLUSHING-BROADWAY COLONIAL AOxlOO. alt heal ? rat garage eatra lav ut floor, finished basement stall shower.o best location $19,500 FRED W. MADIGAN U3 -M Noithern blvd rL I «C03 Pl.t'MllNC. lU.?8aH PRE-WAR BRICK BUNGALOW on a*,|<<0 ffaaats far Salt $ timaart tar Sait f KH'NHING—New. center nail Colonial detached buck, living room with Bra- . . . . . plare 3 twdrooaus terrace o(! snastei I <»n * a.-, r^ -,-. . <t a-. bedroom, eatra lavatory picture wso- etl hu.ner WWM| ba-r.iaf Bragrtacw Saw* uilra-mtdern k'tehan. gas htat bedr,«.aas 1 l a g * ftr.^riaat rwean » a*'w : 4\f" Re_!fv - B( ) R **' earatt many estraa; naar R B 3 blocka H.use hat been kept in ~»«Je~. road. ,••-*-»-"•!- P*raHV OS'. O eta. Kevins $l«>.ono Modal Rouse s t t . . i^ ISwaeawi.-.a or. i i <** E, D. Higifin* Rrilt*. Im: cured for quick aale. Oetachad, rvmeaa 1159-4aT WartSatta bl»-d BLwa^.ng S garage near public. parmrhiai| FtTffW^i". "Hn^KWV~ m ' •a t, a atsiaa < , <<«*•*» eat-IAU. itwi a ra t 9k*o|S« Kevtna *• -—1182nd at and *Srd road Sl» "iJ s.3rd I rem HTN7?- v A T A V T tils. 5tli mLLS-4iOOo 0 Jackaon Hrights— $9,490 BeauM rut de?arb*« l-Caau.'y tstet pataaaiM IV. and R R lio hoc A KnPHKH Hia Ii - ..i. tin •».'• n r P: 9 112.1 rwns ta tatrtt 1 ca* mmr ae***-.* gtwras tas) traafi* ND IMMKDtATB PTaiaVE .* ag» a*, tat M> Kt'iye n l>a ga heat. RINGEL 137-28 Northern_J>lvd PL. »-2*O0 PTJJRITING"—KlssensTsrk " sectiori; snoaT ern brick, center ha.', all hest. an a lovely corner plot, very desirable loca- t:.>n This would make a - wonder fu. Xmaa preaent for your family at the . ., . very last price of $17 500 Better tee iami,y] tt now immediate occupancy PLUSHING Bungalow 4 flniahed basement, completely furnished In awcellent taste. 9 months old. gacrt- Sce sale, garage and automatic heat H i 000 cr.mpjele or fum.ture optional. HARRINGTON WALTPB.S garage, modern, ouut 1M3. a*ot 113-411 No: i hern tlvd PL 7 *AM Ptica S23 ooo B.'sera coacairauoa ra Ft fMti.NG-Dettchad 4" room, tflrae- |-i" ! _?. u .P' < "j J!lintyr ' ' w -»» *** •*• live whitt ftame houat. garage etaam FLUSHING—veca~t deta< oil htat. new unit brass p'.amMng. and porch ti.e t!tct*e« anal batf •treens and storm windows. Immediate tage Prtct $18 MW r»isp.i.r% wKERaao: ^ a*a At JO'-4 al Ki »NS UIBINt; lnssd 5 sot tosioe. ktwaiy -faaii.j. 4 and.I ^ ^luTBeT-B * A'•esalTT* l ** J » * M«ph,'. Re*itO« -wna m t-JT» -BS-H Bjattatttt att. Ha * i^^^^^rZ^^^aTJ- Jackson "Hp,ght»:^14,7543" mer.t. ou tveat araas p umt>:rg 3-cwr E.~atssatt To«: taaaw W a m s t . modern, buut 1M3. aaat gStlta i Lot*ltd_ $ ktecaa froon alt gastaeaya la a Isastty S-rttta arsca ba-.t garage « - "a- • ; • » ' e»- •»- ac» andacaped plot, leaturing 3 bedrooms pottaatlon A' 1 "'"!, * IS ^Ji..-».,, „* Wat plua 3 finished rooms' In e»- ... ,. _ KI :* N>K v' v . m. ' T ! L a-«.'il*. »..,»!•... stlfr all ele.t,u kitchen 3-tar '*',?*.. N « ,h *' B blvd . , T l - i " T ^ ^ r,t taragt (ovtrhted doorsi. Insulallon. til FLUSHING —». nrnti Wl.k. attached. 7ip»ot tr "" aale < RROA ft.Mll WM. M. SMITH, INC. <a Main al H i on MIINIIIUU Hio;i«1\vav North bsSS; Richard P. \\>ber, Realror •*• .-• IJ a »•#-» a»» «CKM3M HSU^IITS—1 U rooaae aad I paratsaa beast aCaaaaaea __j___S? j JJfPaHSaJf A-S^SW-rSirM OK TTTLB. <3tst btaw* bt IM. tt. ggj». ttea. naar tan - ENC >:SH\-TC»K 3R Baailea _ _ ___ ^^ _ __ . ._. rwoasa. gat aaaL bedroom, center hal:. modern kitchen OSSPOBBELT and bsth. garage, nil heat. Immediate 1*3-19 Depot rd. EX. 9-4U0>—t WOt occupancs Pr..c girvm Cavansgh A " p_01jfT^c\_VACAirf" ._, . . -^ ,. Maher. tnr . to ;a 82nd street Jackson aj ROOMS StTtPORCH 'CABAGB »-!» wooatwttt, awt. CTv^-'fai. J??™ »-T" J '" l F^V'^-^" 1 ^y in l ** ,aE « e , « JAtrBMOeg BBCSt»TS~tWisaealuiie n.T'BHING SoTid brick coT-Trad tr.e ROBERT A. POGaRTT {aeon of 4V-toata apt. S-lasni:y hath 3-csr garage gas heat, convenient[ 151-13 R«**eev*.: •*» PL l-tBt»—aS13 ' ii r~om» 7 p~rehe« C B 00 to bus. alorea. 8 minutes to L- I R B fl.L*iJlTNG - : F».x... ssbestas atung e; 4ir»aa pcaasMng retlgwratioo Only $13 000 isc » good ©ondi'soa, 7 romrui gaa neat :«ca >-• 1 bkK% trwm guoway MILLS & Mil FS " »sde . •<H10« Prtct f.SABl. a. . » $3IBM •'" ' ' *- v , ***'« '' (.II.arRT AJEBOr-laTEJ) CBO 4*HfJ San'ord a>» A ia:'nd a: >: 1 »«:« < naooit'l t'sttlNG Vi.inttv - a year-otd I liiiitgai..« aOalcO. a room* oil bra: T ••! I p.unitiiiis 1 <ar brick garage overhead Pront entrance, center hail 8 room* | ,: "' >r _ redecorated. Immediate possession porch, new oil unit woodburnlng fl?c-ill3 "50 p;»re. 50sl00 roof and basement tnsu-1 tated. gavagc Priced right at 314.500 11*134 N. M. BARBOUR 1157-10 Northern blvd PL 3-14*0 I flVWmfK:~ -~ "Tmmedtalt pr«esslon' 113.800 S rooms, brick, garage, oil heat atsll ihnwtr. recreation ronm. at- eelient condition. M T rrVHBAN. REAITOB ISO-SI Northern blvd. PL. 9 1460—SAM Masai. bartstr C'laaata -.47 ot *._,,,:< rLrt.h-g t<«c« -sas R*««.i a.» Mwaa '- '—• mTam^\tartWt» OTtmfT* IsaaatAiatt t.--e. > •> ac« Rr I'.a^i ivm In aaaearw-' skxi tl IH ro-taa MS aaaatBt* vVrtttttt ml burner H >wwod battu naar St j tm'.ba ewtra aavaaory asrgre yard Kevin t Churr. 119 oof On* Bar tee:~T gansge aiL Today a bast bav '*'"*"1-L f **P»rNA.. ll" i _l_''^r" __» n4.54t) PI.ANNELLY REALTOR I pTFyrffrNf.'"- 'ISSitrtTfai""'"i-faa»a«y''Iwataw".'' ' p t p u t n n I u/uiTT Nurthem bud PL 3 -*'.90—77*3 j rooms oil tnirw*. aataaje. g-od Sow- i l\ IV. fa ~iJv L» J. " f l l l t ItrsHIN'C VJiyf HlrtHT : \ " tstm. wear t.-ansut Barga.n $»MB '.ta-aa RcioataWt awe. n M urtt'P R ml heat a rooms detached oil heat, garage new. j COLCAN n a a n i a i J_^$Bs__ ' JraiTTI^ I13a^lfli^^ > r P.,:.ed tosid. sod ou a Bay tt p , ^ M i | u \V«t—$ 12.OOO Zm^aa^SamTm 1st? M^r*™^ b^ DR,Ix:t PL"r^L^ m ', b 'Z mt ^^ , *^ M \^ M r!Sa\aaTt^ sL*rU£ :, lU :^t2r. , P r .*r,r; 'Saon— ^ M BI N I AMIS REISER ^"c^H^^ OEORGE PANCOAST Pl_ 13839-4-10981190 IS 4>ae*ns bird . P SL B_ S-493SS &ROAt>WAY APFILUrBB 4SV14 IttB at, t .* _ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: New York State Digital Library - 14/Long Island... · IT The Handy Man By III lilt \HI» COBB _ MIMIMIIM, K \IH \ IOKS If you happen to hav* • raffia* tor or warm

IT The Handy Man By III l i l t \ H I » C O B B _

M I M I M I I M , K \ I H \ I O K S

If you happen to hav* • raffia* tor or warm air register that hasn't got" around to x «• I I I n a warm as yet, you t*an begin to assume that it plana to go right through the winter in this same

frigid condition unless, of course, you do something about It.

Usually It, is the radiator or register fsr removed from the heating plant that is at fault, and in the mm at a nicnm system this tan mom*- times lie Hfgg j t t l by a slight inrioasi* In tlw boiler pressure. In a hot water system things are more complicated but you can install a force pump in the lines. This pump is run by a •mail electric motor and Increas­es the circulation of the hot water either throughout the en-MJV ' ' ' *m or J u s t at distant


point*. The pump is wired to a thermostat so that it will know when t,o go on and off.

The same general arrangement can be applied to a warm air sys­tem, but here you use an electric fan Installed right in one of the air ducts. Forcing the circulation of air with this fan will jazz up the heating system considerably.

•a saw " ..." *" l ' • —!»"HP"!' "PI W "' "I'll m -I aan IB" i p p » —!"

FRIDAY, J A N U A R Y 2. 194*


Henry A.Btwk C i v i c W o r k e r

Sorvlce* foi Henry A. Hock, W, In o th i r of Auguot Bock of Klmhiirat.

J \ \ i l l l>.« held at 8 to |> M. today In Jijtio- funeral home. _24 .(:• Jamaica

avenue. Queens Village. Burial at jl:30 P. M. tomorrow will Jbe in jst. Michael's Cemetery, AMorla. -

Mf. Boi k. a printer for the G. J Miiyes Company, died Tuesday. ll<-held vauuujevolhYcs in i h e Rocky Hill Civic Association for years. Also surviving is his daUKtitet. Mrs. Mil­dred F.bert.

Drat.) iloticrs WUI bt sceepte.t u n t j 11 * U d e l mt

publication Citone VI illwell « net*. r t u * M n g S B94»

flAWO— Msrtartt B.8atiw>tb teaevwd » , f e "t (fnrf

C I > I M I > as i

• M M . e f | p*t H a r g a e ' - e t a d O w f i j M M M '

from MrCraUi f*aa#caJ K/taats r. *

1 H > > r d

a n M A S t m loes-pii j . Hi I I 1*11 Iu'*«1*t I W SH f t |)ia U l i Kiln.) M «. be I poou <.! ady. i', i» .. > • nd Joseph J Bri hemp*. Ji

Funeral trims Walter B W..' II mi 11 «• 14»'.fi j> . F.utti.i. Jan. 3, I9I> at Ht. Patrick a R C Church I I . I I 10 «. M

Iti lumml in SI Charles* Cemetery

nuKxnJ i • t tvn i»l( Katrmntd

m» Pursers. a. cm Saturday !

* »• A. v. Requiem auuuf Cove

atla _____ af S4*t ei*n*ra. . . „ , a a a a a a a a a a a a a - — a a a a a a ^ - - ^ - — — - - - - - _ - — •

3 ' " - i w Jackson R» f\* am; Satwcdov at a » > \ * » a t U M P a t v - B i U CRaaayf' 141 a » * « a • Jtmn r e q « * « i m a t t a' CHavfJt' era t»*w F"gga Sag, L I . ess nl O H K ea*~* S» •«-«•«• »• » a M ; S» e M

lni»ii»w..< in i i u i i>—tetery l ""•'"" • -*• "" • "'" ""' '"' _. . ..,„ - SMsm«JMSv..rat- awimtijy w D » S

Mart • • taw. I I PM Is ami * * . « * • • **»>*• •***—* •* «iaa*8Sh » nl -r ana • , • • • i >

l«j»iag a u ' » / «< 'C«>ll*«i« *i*4 a«ivra a >»» i««.a>K. • 3a / • s*ta at

l i s ! K*"


» »» at • W A Vt «.>.»^»B r««>«KtMM aaaaa at f t Uai>f.**« Ctoai -h a* t« A ki

t-ti"-"n#><! ta i"« »ar« O a a * » # ' r »aa»»f t lw *: m - o o r . «4 Theaaaa J aUyamma mt Mm* EimfiuraT

» ' «al«i>«at *

at •MS)

« **t«.WI ta a M

a i #r»»i« i i t».i

I H *

r«awia .

»•• -

. - H .

V 4 S f IN |.««t»a?vd of Mra

Arnold R. Martin M i s s i n g P e r s o n s D e t e c t i v e The Rev. Heber C. Benjamin of

fa. on Ti>iii»4a> Jan 1 "I A U I I U I . Mavlat nn'ti •<l M. i . o » h. .• M . lam H r u u r aial

KatlKTinc Krit>..n(.

HI HI.I M I I lM"it»ri1 Will Ai r . - K . ,

d . u n a . - i <>J HfliTl Ki M Si ' i inirdri . Mati lda Attdrraon ' Thrraaa I M M .n« Critrudf Bulk! Kdwa d W .lam' *' •avl On ,.:d Urunln. alao »u:« >»d 0} I' "'

a<«ai \« i t« *** a «* :•«*• »«•.-•<«•< • *» «f TiMaawa «# Hatenitd K %>•»* .4 I . *.t»rr t

R . en Oar * '*•* »».-«r»d Sa-*in« at "s» H* *tt Ka««#a1*a4 l«Wl St ra H«*aB*n ar*«*a ?»t«*f. anal Waatlxia fee>* rSaj^-taa. U I . «a Vr-««i frata- « F M ,

- : a»t5i at i^ua* laBmssnM » rrta«f j»« 3 . » r M V i ' j ; 4 i ) a i r at U f a *

Mt \% m

i u IX*-1• » t i l *•• < ! i m > r .

« H A R I » W K W ' l ' . S l r i i i a a y »: , aBtaXtt

i and funeral lat«; r agtarta n-oiat.


'in» on J « e . HU « H-.f > *

I M t Oaora 4 | •iiO.'f .4-

L Information pOiMM 1 e»tni:*t at •

i " » t i " i i r . * ' ! .ift# '^Trsn*--' '•

L I. on «unda

m i l K l l ' i : i t A on W "»7~1»4:, <>f J » - M In?rrm«:t l» r»w „ _ - _ , SMh ave . g.H'vit. Vlilaft tx-ioved ta!*-.f.* «f' NJ—

, _ , . __ . | Mildred Ktwrt, brother af Aufu»t »' ,<" l lM> SflLUtB—Tb#w«orr B . aiaaatBlT on Tannet?

S t J o h n ' s E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h . H u s h - s r r w r a at Ihr Stu'rman Funeral H^rrr W4- D H so l**r * - . t « ! ann *f tTaeraaa and , « , . M , I I f i « i , i » t r . nt «r>rvire« t o t » Jamaica ave . 4Jur»na VlSUs*. on Frlaay t.^, i t „ i>r,«d<3rr naMKwd a w t h e s ; Mr. ing, will onii late ai ser \ ic«s IOI g w p M r j Hopiuna. Jaatrpa ana ta* jita **». former Detect ive Arnold R. Martin lnietmrni in st Mict-.aeia Ctmn*rf on satnr-'' w .:»• of K l u s l l i . l C a t 8 P M. t o d a y in h i s _d»> " i •"L P " . . _ _ _ « - — — r - ^ : — r , ^ e S f % - S * 5oVS?rn* S x ^ ^ f S f f i ^ Benjamin C t»n Jan i . laaa | L — ~_ ».^__^_. ..* - .-— ..•• - *:

• • 14» a*e*-~S(oaaa»*a * . aaSMl » jaaM^aa of nar rfc»„"t»t awaaam

isma BATS a Bnawafaoa. . r*r t: :•»• _

a^r:a. »••»"-» •» e t n a r Ja» 1 at • *S r w • «« ' «. ••• »•• ranara. m aa r.«*n:a* -t 1 eaal aaJa»«4'» anrana».-» • • aane' a' ivt -»*» i- "" :• r Mm at taanra.

ta pas Uar - a*- lasjwji'ti BBKsrt ta trxint

t. ana tiaaJ-

Chocolate soda?—yea, ma'am!

ASTHMA SUFFERERS At Lost Relief Con Bt Yours, to You Who Suffor From

tfco Discomforts and Anguish of ASTHMA T e a r s a f Scientif ic R a t r a r c k H a r t Fiaall jr R c t u l l t d in l i l t C r t a t i o a of ids

attracts far Attassa "ASKEPHEDRINE"





RArtaiwaoe! 8-8658





Phont STIII 4-4644 - Exptrt Rtpainnr


I Rack Marta e l l .a .T. * l .M.T. Oawms r iaaa l a a w a r I ta l ian

DON'T SELL YOUR VALUABLES A n y t h i n g Y ti S> M T o d o y W I! C o s t Yo>i M o i c T o m o r r o w


Diamonds Watches Furs Musi'al Inst.

Cameras Binoculars

Clothing Typewriters

JAMAICA LOAN CO. oAtb STRIfT Af J a n t o i f ci A v t n u < JAMAICA


4 1 Install Storm

Windows Install Clock Thirmostat

2 Insulate Your Attie

. Riplaco Inefficiont 3 Oil Burnor )



Chick Your Firs-bay

Ovirhaul Iniffl-citnt Oil Burnsr

F a r f a r l k a r in format ion oa hoar | « cat ynar faa l k i l l s , aaaas

FLushing 3-0400


Blocked F ood Tube Pain Eased by Heat

B> H. N. switaMBsanr, M.D. Whrn a patient comes to thr doc­

tor- complaining of pain in the pit of the stomach, vomiting and dif­ficulty in swallowing or brtftthlng, the doctor will suspect, among other things, a condition known as

c a r d i o s pasm. W h e r e the

e s o p h agus or food-tube l*'a^" ing from the mouth. J o i n s the s t o m a c h there If a mus-

,* cular ring or j | valve known as I t h e c a r d i a c I valve. Ordinar­

ily, this valve o.pens to permit food to entei

the stomach but sometimes—espe­cially in highly nervous people it fails to relax when and as it should.

Long-Continued Attacks ' » Complete blocking is the excep­

tion ra ther than the rule, but enough food and fluids are held hack by frequent and lortg-eon-tinued attacks to dilale or stretch the esophagus. Difficulty in swal­lowing may begin suddenly or gradually, and the severity of the attacks varies from time to time. Occasionally, there \s complete blocking so that no food can be swallowed for several days. Apples, popcorn and carbonated beverages seem to cause the greatest diffi­culty.

Sometimes food may be brought up during sleep and the food ma­terial breathed into the windpipe, causing strangulation and lung in­fection. The pressure of the dilated esophagus may be responsible for shortness of breath and coughing.

Heal Application The pain of cardiospasm may b"

relieved by the application of heat over the lower end of the bieast bone or by taking sips of warm water. Sedatives or quieting drugs are not, as a rule, effective, and such preparations should not be given.

Diagnosis of this condition is not difficult to make. X-ray exami­nation of the esophagus is helpful in distinguishing the cardiospasm from such conditions as cancer of the esophagus or herniation of the stomach into the rhest cavity.

Cardiospasm develops more often in men than in women, the symp­toms usually appearing between the ages of 20 and 30. They are always made worse by emotional strain. Ulcers may develop in the lower end of the esophagus because of the collection of foods and fluids in the lower end of the esophagus.

The t reatment of this condition consists in stretching the ctrd C valve by using dilators. One or two such treatments seem to give re­lief to about three-quartets of the patients. There m a y b e recurrence


(Continual from 1'dar One) —~—dM

Dream City wax to be built In the area bounded by Main §tre'et. Kis-aena boulevard, Barclay avenue, Bowne afreet, and Booaevelt ave­nue. The huve ahopplng center wan to Include a large theatre, nfflee building*, roof-tup parking. More* and night c l u b i *

Burke's letter today Was his sec­ond public attack on Opponents of the Dream City. He fcsailed the City Planning Commission and the Estimate Board immediately after they "tossed out" t h J fcWKTO.OOO proposals and charged Jjiat the ac

home, 33-17 148lh street. Burial •tjB?. f,^**jG« lt"

2 P. %. tomorrow will be in Flush-___ jing Cemetery.

Mr. Martin, who served in the Navy during World War I. died Tuesday in thV Alexandria. La.. Vet­erans' Hospital after a long illness.

*janastS—Dana* » ' « • Jan 1 I S * homr. MSMant fcaaaaat nt Cara Utaar af Ltrw *ar»«in4. Daota. J- Mr* Bt**: Vrrr <*a Mra MaiTr. 3*r» r»« m Mnba? ant tin

- « •• " a faa.a*n*» J*".-Hi «atn iharifemy. ttaat *>f arr*>r» j i » r

« * : > » ? aV HaAatl . tax Otanaetaas.

pi . Mai lwt l i . I. 1 of H>!rn. drv« ird tatrier <ri He.rn s , * a . Jean Dunn Maty Alrd. B e n j a m i n t J Ttiomaa and Robert brother o*'Sg• n *r ~ O a w t o r d . also auraivrd by 11 jtrand

Funeral f-orn 5 k r ; i f ! n * O i a p e ! as-oa Hroad-• a>. neat- Queenk blvd . K.mhur»t L 1 ' c n M'»i'i(1*y at 1J WtmM

In lermrni 1 r, Ml O . i w t Crnir-. :» -

After 18 years service as a poliee-i,-*It.rN»h*/»«7. ^"^"^"i 1 TuJ"ZV

man. he retired four years ago from 3 dausntrra r. t. •* > •• •,•.,;. i and 1 aon. Charlea. «:»•• 3 a w t c i . 3 t:oUaara

H e j and anvatat o^aar wJaUaaa. W H S h o m in S h e h o \ j ; a n , W i s -.w<iK«meia! .er*!,* on aatarda». Jan I .

a M j AtaUM Interwer at

est ataa* at s* a%a-*n i ta a- i« :* A J * M m C » . T » ' » - » ^aer^r , itaat1l ,

V.. an Dae #t Lea Mr

i s a r «va«Mt af H a . M-a Ha-ary C aUnahw

\TmmrtU fraaa tna *'a.te- • Caaae [ a t . r%-ias-u "*irta#m ai»a naafc-

Itervuaaa an »atar«a» a: i t M

the . M i s s i n g P e r s o n s B u r e a u . and I

moved to New York ("il\ in I•>!V II. wn* a lorniet vie* president of the Police Department Square. CIUJV and a member "of the Astoria Masonic Lodge.

Surviving are his wife, the former Evelyn Herman, and a daughter,

M i m i H - . - ' H d Catward It Dw T. lt«" Beinraa buitavnd cf Ma;i a n « S « J Meir.Vr o? ajnervaa CoauaB. P ** _ _ A anaaa. p^t t 'asd *rr<"- <•>> \ y «-a> •_______*_.,-_. v~\m'nmr m i s a -* e r - s!o rra. r..». t.^feara*: «r*e«4 \WTtt£z2?r *hL T ' r » I . 2 r » . , - . ~m£5Z- -r ZZ taNaawal- bsaa *f Wt:!*- • Canae tar

' f i « i r J ? » i e H r « . aLf^T * * * . - . tJZ raa*«*i W-aaa. Ma-SB K..««a a»« Jaaaaira. \ H r * f . , . ^ L ^ «J2L w^ t : •" • •*» '* •» at • IS A M Rea.ieaa

• <" r- . *-. a< • A M

Men a; I Vu

Mrs. Joan Perroux of| Lottie. I.a

I •LBs

tion was the result Of "personal animosities.

• .* • «'NKW YORK L I I K J a s you ex­

plain," Burke's letter W Moses to­day said, "agreed to hii|ld a garage south of the Manhattan carbarns 'if the city would ptoiBde for the widening of the I w i bordering streets and sell the exAss land for the garage at public auction.' In otheV words, the city • to use, its power of eminent domain to pro­vide New York Life w l h the land needed for the garagdli

"Exactly 4he name arrangement waa proponed by the |»roponents of the Flushing ahopping center. In connection with w i d e n i n g afreet a adjoining lh« Fltiahlng

1l7 years, died Wednesdav in Q u e e n s , n*]<i *' -, S -• , , . . . w, , . . . , Interment In C a U a r a C emete (.cneral Hospital, Previous to hit s r t r z r J S V ; , — r r ~ ~

Wedne«d«y. Oat Si I»«* he-laved tiunband H Ja'

Herlpert Srimpson In Flushing 17 Years

Services jfor Herbert E. Sampson, •48. of 134-04 35th avenue. Flushing, will, be held at. 3 P. M. tomorrow in the Cooke Funeral Home, * 158-14 Northern boulevard, Flushing.

Mr. Sampson, wh« was born,In Pennsylvania and lived in Flushing

Hi V ,

Rr tin In


family »f Jnaepb Mahood J'

•JH» >•' »

H A I ' e K « l — t l e r m a n G„ e n We«ne»da«. De/ SI 1S47. e t .*)•2:* Siat ave . . Wt-^d* <1e U. J aetoa-t^i rui 'band <it Jlulsa l^Mt-.t ta*1*-'' • ' H e r m a n R Haupert brother of ',.<>ui»e JRoaaiiei K n l l u r t n r S ' n a . Mar<1< ;-,» T..n» arid l lauptr t

Kia'i-rtm' r>idet «f Catr'e* Si on Friday e v e n i n r at • a • <»* R» r w u t aet^'ire and funeral *'t\ saiurri*^ J a -at r." W V M »•• rr rhupe "' lb* ORI AI c i i A m t s wrvntr: A V I S IN< :w •« .sieinnray at Aatorts I !

Interment In St Mlrhae! * On>ete-t formation call AStoryi S-0124. ,

' ... * * « \ s -

-^f , c eaaaaafr asaaar - • • %' Q - a *••'•»»

Mavcaai-F ' - ' » r ?»* loved MM nf fHa.* *>*4 ***• Ve . Tubtu •: tovtitt are thrr n* An'.tway. \ » - r •.•- -r , ,~i r . re-e

• ' ; > • I ' I ft • • • „ K * ' '"'* * 5 ' , *

i'*e aan t a - ' i

• r i n,,.w.^t ,, xiut ritetMAS at dH ' t s t a *r»*» wvvttkmi. #«»*» : u «

«*"•*- I •** Qiaeena VUlajpt. t t 3 r U A'-tr-twaaawta -a-sd*- dtfwttaaa mt

j Thonaaa Sat Oafne * «ae» lac. Se- — ' ' " -** »1 l l i ini.^-Uafcar I

v» ^ R ' > ^ - i « -» THOVkS It dJLTsm aV ajostt r- '^tri iAi notn. ' * - » »,«*«» at

. , „ . - - • • - - . T ^ « " * a - j - i t a » !J * r M

A'' *M» A A"* A.

t n a * * «MaatlMai - a f Mas


K E R B — T h o m a s S.. on Thursday Jan ] beloved husbanal a t Jul ia »»e* Crewlfci-i: devoted fa ther o f T h o m a s and Mm Jtattia O'Hamtnn: brnthar « t M m . Martha M'tiehel! and, M n 'Mai'y Thownann, .

Funeral from Ihr Cmnara* ,e*|n#i».l Home a'1 I •t and NofthrVn h l v i . Jarlumt Me-r'"" ^r

Monday. Jan. . ai H» » A V Tfotiletn mass at St.. Msry ' i Churrh Win tela

Waller B. Coote

short, illness, he h id 'been' employed as a shipping clerk % a .surgical supply house.

Surviving Mri> his wife, Eleanor; a son, Arthur, and twti sisters, Mrs. Albert F. Koelle and M n . Henry C. Ilandow. "Cremation will he In Fresh. oPnd

Crematory, Fresh Pond.


I.Vi-lH A*e JA 14ST Frifiar. Jar 1

i At r i A \ O %if-ea a -a a M mt. c*>*mt M» v t • , i b»• e. • i aa A H 'at Baaa*

S*-af<0a* Jar S K i l t ) Kara* a an % n. ai C'l*a»l TOCO. Harry ! * f •> «* rfca*«l


J. R. Nierenberg Box ..Manufacturer

Fyneral services were held

mdden'.y nn • TSrd *t*f

tavoted fa:thf* af Mr*. Mary D c m a n t c k . Mr* Ju:i* Ojar. Jnba AWlra* and the la te Joseph K . l m -

-» rmw htt "eajftenoe I W - U I s ' " »*"' _ , . . . \ v , on Ra tarda* '*" * ,; ,

i«u* ai I • A M Requiem Wtaratea a»r I y#na at at Wrhnta* *wa»i*n. Orth#d« |Jtft>14 N o r t l M r m B l v d . . - F 1 * rhiiiWh a I 1* A M

Inteimenl In Ml Ottvrt femeff ry f

If 111 M !»il'|%-i—• 1 1'Ml tit A :t"i' „]&••'• .':*4*' Pi1''

loved '•'unhand of ' Adele (net Grant *>•• p o t n o I<tiMaar<r ,I*:IS AM, at Saaaa* voted father af Mr». Vtneant P. Oi v«r-' •- • Loan A Ji Mr» Gewfr CtTvaHki ••"'•< S»' .u«tar **n ,J t

iurvlvad bv S aUlera and 3 brother* aw! 0 L ; g t . f 4 i tm„tmrmi % .m r M at rkaaaa S i iandcl- i !dien - ,_.,.,,.,., a ', _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

funeral frnai the THOMAS M m'l\S * " " HON* FX-NKRAt. MOMK. 3«-U> »road*a-i-onr Island Ctt* A r m n t t - « « «"", a rertlon of Tho—ia« M. Qui"" * ~ ' _____

PtMiaT. Jan S H * n O A n r*n*tant » aa A.M. at ffcapal

TAVixni rumnrniRii • WASHINGTON U T ) — Senator

morning for Julius R. Nierenherg; 50,Apre«ident of the Shelton Manu-

Nurturing Company of Long Island, center parrel* of land! bordering j n , . y _ ,,,„ ,. j vPd a t 232 Easi Mt hi Glen Ta>lor, ihe , smginf «om;h«) the widened streets # e r e to bo I s treel., Brooklyn, and died Tuesday from Idaho, .says. !t •may be "polll •

afler a brief tlinetw. He was a mptn"- ( , , , j»UiC:ide'" II he accepts the vm» ber of the Masons, Knight*, of Pytb-1 - • • - — - '<

acquired and anld at public au< tlnn.

, . "Webb and Knapp vv#-e to take the same chance at such an auction that you say New York'Life is will­ing to. Webb and Knapjk too, were to pay all taxes, wjthoill atiy ques­tion of a free/e of axsd&sed valna lions. I on ' l know wll your idea to the cont l e t t e r t o m e d a t e d A u and I am aewiing you case you haven't seen 1 Knapp said:

" 'This development pleted will call for no tion whatever, either buildinK, and no subs character in connectio parkinR'."

ire you get try. In a 21. 1047

IB ropy In rWebb and

ion com lax exemp

las. Elks and- the Queens Chamber of Commerce. • Surviving' are bis wife. Lillian; two children, Albert Nierenberg and Anita Katcher: a brother, David NicrcnherR, and a sister. Mrt.. Ftebecca Schoenfeltl.

Legal Notices

COOWTT l.M PRAVER. IAN. f t a l .

foreclosure mber 19th.

i inn on the Courthouse

maira. B"t-f ity and

I3r<i day ot property in

If New York. the Horoiiah. Ik, 7039, t^iL rember 10?h. 147. Charles

A. Jacob-163-11 Ja

'ork. -9-U-lf i ld


against ALBERT KOEHLEftJ et al. De­fendants . MORRIS CORNM/JB. PlatntifT 'l Attorney, 16 Court atreet, • i n o k l y n . New York

Pursuant to judrment d a # d December 23. 1047. I a m aell at puhlA auction at the BrooJtlyn Exchange BrtleHjiKun. No. 1R9 MontaguA street. Brooklyn, Mew York, on January 20. 1948. at i2 o clack noon, by David Cohen. Auctioneer. Jpe premise*

- . . , , .d i rec ted by aakl Jurlsmenl M be anld to or the symptoms, but these are [wit AU those certain »a_Hi "f i»nd.

' with the biiildinaa thereon Jy'racted. de-


Plaintiffs. T»; JOHN T. Mt Defendants .

Pursuant; to juditment and nale enirred herein 1947. I will aril at public *\ steps of the Querns Ornrrl at S8-11 Sutplun boulevard, ough and Cnuniy of Quea| State of New York on ihfl January. I94R, a! 11 A , M I lie Rorotmll of Queen* City described on the tax- Map o | •if Queena aa Urction 31. Hi I as said Tax Map was on N4 1941 Dated December 26th, J W Metsel Referee. AbrabJ son. attorney for the plaint i f maica avenue, Jamaica. Nei

dec 31-jan.

vt K I M IN MANILA MANILA «UP> Unutn employe*

at two large reflneiies atruek to­day, demanding wartime pay at a 30 per cent general increase. The vlvike threatened to shut off Ma-

land oi lni la 's tnolnr fuel supply, paraly/-of ftii) mg the motor trarllc on which the

with thisjeity Is entirely dependent for pri­vate and public transportation. Maspeth. Bnr»tiKh of Querns,, New, York for the election of directors and for the

a of nil other business !ti^t niay •o'nte hetnir the »aid meei ina .


F E U X A JAMROZY. Secretary.

dec 26-Jan.3W

presidentia'L spot -on Henry .A Wailice's third party ticket. * The ; Idaho, 'Democrat." who fought and sang his way up from a vaudeville trouper and a radio cowboy to the 11. S. Senate, .said' he still, hadn't decided whether a third party was a healthy thing for the "liberal" cause.

•3-K Forest A*enue. Er«la». J«B *

it i u HI » Le-wa s-4* r.M, al CSaa-t t"0\*rnt^E. tUtaa#*a . ^ ^

IP . l a w iWa '^^i i, aPa a. aW^B:tlP^i'™

I I ) I M I » H L r r auk 1 i t * P * at Ck*a»l


I 5 « - U HiQaakW A » a . - J A mt7w • 1S4V14 HaatUra » W l .

! ra ns« proper

JL &

usually relieved completely by an­other dilating treatment. Opera­tion, such as cutting of the nerves which run-to the valve, is not usu­ally successful.

WKATHKR M l I T ! WKATHKR . BOSTON (AP) — The weather even delayed the^Boston Weather Bureau's regular New England forecast today. The bureau said "New England weather will be a little late because of storm." The weatherman explained that the course of the storm caused a re­arrangement of rharts , forcing a delay in the foracaat.

jtiie B>>rouah

Lot 13

signaled o'n the Tax Map o or Brooklyn as follow*

Parrel L-_arriion 31 Bloc| |e!»e4 aa aaid map w a s - o n May K i t 1945.

Parcel 2 Section 21. Blot k tS.VS. I ^ l s M) and 52 aa aaid map wax on povernber 10, 1940

Parrel 3 Seel Ton 34, B l o # 8257, L«t S3 as said may « » a on MMV m. 1945

Parcel 4 Section 21. Blafk 7149, Lot 48 as said map WAs on May JO. 1945.

Each parcel will be sold •para'tety. Dated, December 29, 1947. •

Anthony Roi_pi«, Referee 0-Jan.f« dec 30- -9^13-lfit6



rneet;n« of the members of the Masprth Frrlrrsil and L«.an AVArlation will be heW on January 81a l : . _p48 . at 2 on P M on aaid date, at Ml t | 6»tli atraat


a l W I W P t Wmtainini money Iiat vicin­ity of Dltmar'a station Hal and *itat

.•Mb l y a r d RA »-445f i (i-41 • Vu nityo of tint

drive, near loath at., Eoraat HUU. re­ward WE • US4 tOK T f R i r i It - ImaTr: -olai-i " and wtittt. «ur»day vlnnita tatrd at.. Fluati-tflf, child t pet, rtward *•

Kmahini 7-aaaa. WASD-ffNtT r*4 woolen aweatar whli* temdter fi»ur»a loat vleinity t i l t h at and Northern bird , fliiahinf, rtward FLiuhlni S-TlTt. r J l W I |otd watcb ' f r tOTON' vlrmity

"Sunnyaide. angravad "Xmaa IMS" at

Horn*** ht 5mt§

ASTORIA Hmman tar Sal*

-4-3550. 1-5 after ST. 4 CXgVYTT j"re'en eya fl. rlnlty

on Dag 27. raward MeOr yiclnlty Aa-

3raaor, RA S-flS.IT.


•tori - » - M 34-h it Aatorla

LADY'S gold wrlat watch gift tCyma., taaehbarat. Whittatona. Fiaahing ylrinlty.

- a n / e a t t fubway Daeembef HHh, Raward rLushlng 3 6245

HUTU amall Waltham Wahh InarriM , s 1 M H - L T . • • yklnity Woodaida Rt­ward Call Mary Mrlbar 41 II Mth a t ,

IIAvrrntyri • J345 POPPY - Ptmait vlrlnhr • «

avt 14i n at,. Aatorla, waarlng red and biut bow tm ate*, aaawarg to Penny.

Pleaat Call SA 4 < H » _

KbTCldOK No 1.1M91 on L. L W , S*vtcgi Bank. Astoria Branch. Payment •Sapped Return to bank .. BANKBOOK No." »44SS'''oa'"T"TT~'rity laving* Bank Payment itopi>ed piea»e '•turn to bank IMNXBOOK No " l i tS2 r, I t Ciiy Sawing! Barta Aat-.fla Branch Payment It 11 Broadway, [, j City. AS » ftttCI !I»PP*<« -f'**1* r» ,u f»* *" "*"> t U t n l U A < family "bitrV and itu

- ^ - r - * - * I T * - j » r'-wma aaaeaaad valuation lU.oon, rwaaar • 1 1 m | , detached, naar tranaportation:

t i l S H S t T T i R feniate. alvrut « m-mtha prlra |ln.?4» « eud round between dttli and 05th at on i ^WAGNER a KKI.LY. Inc. Woodaida a*e Call Ntwtown B-«*M at»-ot Rooatveit *ve Wdadt HA 9-4t5?

•aa?l' ,l ,rrTr , ia>ir.'1" " *' A'ffOatA - 6-'tamily aaml^ detacEad ayaaaaaa rrar <aaaa w. erick. J-car garage

AlrTCrttri-Musf -smut "ISfXtT' I 4-ftQplt 3 - F a m i l y ahingle . Id rooma 3 ba'ha. oil twimar. l - e * r garage 1 bloca Sth a v t tab-ray R e n t i II 300 pr le t SI.50ft

'*) lamiiy apartment houat , t 3 ' 4 ' l , S ' l 'a araaa plumbing, Income 17,756. Price IM ooo 5- family apar tment hotaae: caee l i ent liwallrtn, convenient t o everything , a modern imprueementa . 1 1 7 , a » , Aakln 115 «^)

KDW. E. DANGLER 17 o i S'oinway i l "WA a 3930

A S f o f t l A , Brick Detached 3 family, 11 room*, all heat.

6 ROOMS EMPTY Near achooi ahoppinf. baa Price 112 000 Ttrmi arranged.

OAPPNtY 60-16 Ronte-fit ave tL. 7-4717-HA «-MO0

A S T o B f A - r N f l S t M l M f ~ T-PAMILY. I roomi vacant. Income!

12 244 Price 111 000 1 FAMILY de larhed , heal I garag-a

•T.ftOS 2 PAMil.Y BUffK oil beat, 13 rooma,

3 garagei. II.» Inn B E MOTt. 31 11 301 h avt AS « 2377 AdTftfttA-^One-ianlly,""T rooma all 1m piovemanti, on* Uock Sth ave. aubwav achoou and ahopping. Ear quick gale price 11.790. Term*.

HARRY KAPLAN 30-09 3UI it RA. S-06JW

Evening* AS. 6- 7009 A I T 0 * H " " - l a - i a l n l ~ i - famft?'~i5rTek

Store, " ~ I » t 6 R U-WA ItCitT^ no leaae, a and 4-rooat apart-mania nil heal. 111500


_ ^ 34-09 Broadwa* Aalnrla ASTORIA—2-family brick bouae: i -4 A 1-1-room aott ; 3-car garage. braaa plumbing, irlaulattd roof, combination link* (Mtaaeaaion. Prlet 111 600


ASTORIA—6-family brick. 4-roowi apart-1 u 05 154th at menu automatic haat. $15,750.

ffaatag far Smlm •

BAYSIDE - Only 3 left, tolld hrlc* 3 family two 4',-roorn apartment*, full tiaaement. garage |>i heal Prtre tic. arm Coat only $34 50 i>er month to carry 315th at and i.'nd ave

W1IXARD L BKROMAN 40-33 Main at Fl .uhlng 9-3313

c o l t oil i oonsg hood


SSTELLE PERTBL.. 'tt al., DaftndsnU. Inrlax No t*S»~ 1.947.

Purauant l« Judgment tntrrrd herein necember 5, 1947. I, ihr ttndtralgrte-d, tht Referee therrin numed will aeli on the front at apt of the Genefal Court .houat, M» 11 Sutphin boulevard. Jamaica. Boroiith of Queena, New Y-ork City, on Januarr 1. 194S, at 10 A, M... premiatR described on the laic map of tht Borough and Count? of Qireeni, City and State of New York as Ward I, Block 547, Lot 72, situate la­the Fifth Ward of the Borough and Cotlii-:v of QueenR- on* tho easterly ltd* ' ot Beach 76th Wfwpt, 103 ftet more or leas, north of Rockaway Beach boulevard, plat 50x100 and mora fully described In ta.d judgment.

HARM i H Bam i ts\jrr, Reftrta,

d e c 1 5 - 1 9 - 3 3 - 3 6 - 2 « - j a n 216 iliili » aimim I ' i i in i • « -


I S M Bal l B lvd . . S t a t i s t . L I .

Pa-one BAyndt § 0 7 4 4 1 2 - I S I S t t a S i . , W k i l e . l o a e , L I .

Phone F L u i h i n t 3 - 2 S S 1



MacGAVOCK WILSON. tt\ al., dlefendant*. John B, Blellitrey, plaintiff'* attoratf, *6 Court glmtt, Brooklyn. N. T.

Pursutnt to iudtrntnt dttttt Ilertmber 3nd. 1947, I ail! aell at public auction, st Brooklyn Real Estate Racltante, No. Itf Montague .street. Brooklyn, New York, on the 14th day of January. 1B4S. at 13 o'clock noon, by Jack J. Duberstein, auc­tioneer, the premise* described by said judgment'to bt'toM, to wit: Tai Lien No. 77117, CitF of New York, Borough of Brooklyn, new description, Section <M, Block 7134, Lot 111/old description, Ward, Block. Wsrd No. Assessed to, or Registered In the Name of: I . . O . Burke, also desert* bed •* all that lot In. Kings County, City and State of New York, known as Lots 15 and 16. Block 7934. on a certain plan of lots callad "Rugby _"• aurwyad lor Wood Harmon Si Co. 1901, by Pred L. Bariiett. C E. and. flied tn tht Register's Office of Kings County, August 7th. l»03, MS Map. No 1399

Dated. Decani bar 8th. 1947. CHARLES J. BUTTlJIIIa,

Referea; ia*|134/-a«.|l..l*n.,.a.1.|ti

- » •••awa-> l- . in mm. . , i „ ,

_ •J.MJILL1 i i L ILULiJ _ _ _ .JL1 . ^ 1-J ..-., 'I! — -1L ! • » * *

l^obrrt # . lakf anD fton, 3m*

PLNERAt marcTORs Batak. tsas 103-16 BOOSEYELT AVE CORONA

- ' = ™ ^ ' u _ . ~ ^ ' ^ m »!•• , , i at i_ t

t a i id Matol ftvnol Vowlt



iON4» 1*1 4 v p CTTY 36-19 Broadway

AStatta l - t - t t n i «.nivr. I6J-14 a a a t e r d A«a.

Ptwat f tM 1-34 at

aix i m i T t n i rt^EBAX at : t*a»i *» W% :% $W&~ma $J»Ja»_B»ta iW B * a


4l 3D I49lh P I ^ C E n . l ' s H I N O


O n f i a a ! ami ' O i l

Siaxt 1 M 7






AStoria 8 -4401


SKELTON 86-08 Broadway, Elmhurst

e Tel. HA*emeyer 9-3MM

C a a f t t f a a e r a t D i r e r f a r DiGMrtin mm


URBAN Funeral Home

COSVEMENTll MICATBB« 4t-17 faHfa S T - H O O l > S I I > E



\ \ I II •wMBr*atB»r% • • •

t t i a 419%. fg« . t t a a

H A ,

J Wooaei far Sal* f | ffaattt Far Sal*

S-'fe'iiily. 4<iOi«i j rar gatagr |»'l Mlli'R^I '. o:<1 ,.. t, aalahed t'lirii In rellai filhungalnw pttjl acanl l>ec. ir>. mlartl nriglilKir

BEECHfiJ'RST S roomg,k I batlu. 3-rar garage, suitable for mnyerttng to 3 family, tgctllent lotallon 111000

ANNA B. MEECJf rt.uatrng I-I7IS

st» IN A ro'-rna ga rage, fill heat rented hatemrnt apart meul. many eatrrrliai ealiaa $H. TflO.

J. P. CLARK 7% 30 Rmrtrvelt ave. NKwlnat

Ill.tlW it IIKOfUir: I'AN'OAHT

iwi aajp..iihfiii biv«i it. H asv t iwifl EAST ELMHURST—1-lainlly frame. 40. s 100,"? rooma, 3-car gaiagt. gas htat. I Kl.MHUWST — One large d >uble atudlo occupat|ry. "* Sacrlflcf lor quick salt . ! i'^m, one alogle ri»im aeml-pnvate

J. aCAll lMil , 99 IK <1»l i n liath rriiate home near all transit HAvemeyer 9 *OH9 ] ai <T Vtrit.)tt AVh HA 1 I ' m


Haaaa* tar SmU VIA - S H l N i J - S r . Afuirc

f t

ua, au iomar ir neat , »i.) I . _———.— . . — — i « j . , r R i n i A R D T I V W I T F B E E C H H U R S T - Brick bungalow, 4«4 I V i t _ H A K I J J . W r l l l t Irfjoma and aaaanalon attic. 40«100, price!

NE. 9-A992 7S-<y3_Rr>oatyelt ave


VICTORY HOMF.S, INC. 471 n at., between Duman A Astoria hlvrl ASTORIA—Vacant I-room apartment In 3 family. 7 nwm ttnmt Rtaam heat, re­deem atari Price for quick sale $5 9*) KI.M RKAI.TY M It Broadway. Elm-hunt IIAnrniryei a " l*S7_„ ASTORIA-_-famtly~ brick, a rooma. 3-car garage, modern, nice section. $10,500.

_ . _ ^ - - - i j / i r A8. 1-1919

30-01 30th get R. W POKORIi

pitimbtng. good .oration; cssri srranged



NEUFlS.D AGENCY , « « 3 30th s*e L I. City AS. I-SSSS

W m A rVrah- A' Snn 1 nr ! AIT6RIA-IS-room "house Wroatnsys WTITI. - . . rvranc ot Don, i n c . r t n , o l l M , . tr_m piumbloi. $11 ooo » - « • Broadway. L. I. City R B. I40TL. « - l i SWli t»t, AB. I-33T

ASTORIA—7 family brick. Tucca orl heat refrlgeratora. table too atoves.

-___, __.. rttttal-$3 WIS; estate must sell quickly, steam heat and tot water, tinker braaa Eagle Realty Co . NEwtown 9-0495

prlet 113.300; ! . A S T O R j A _ a 4 . | , m u » bargain stoker. table top stoves, refrigerators Inclntrstor. ir me over $10,000; cSSh $13 000 price

<«' BRlfKR, AKt'U-i* n M M ASTOniA -3 S-tamily buck houses an htat. gsiag>« $i;i ono

SCARANE-RIPLEY CO 71-00 Grand ave. NE. 9-oaoe 6 A Ys lu i—Rr ickr~saml-altacntd J-fam-ily, 11 rooms plus 3 enclosed porches, brsss plumbing. 3-car garage plot 30* 130. gttam gas heat, insulated. Posses­sion one floor. Prtct $14,000.

PLANNELLY, REALTOR IS!-34 Northern blvd PL 1 AS90—7793 BAYitTM vrm ~K' Rtrr'NTrir fwwt NOT A P1LI OP STICKS, CALL BAy-tldt l-SMMI


price I19S00.

rooma s n d expans ion at t i c . sOiTOO, price $13,300.

ACORN REALTY 14« -«S 4Sth avt. PL I 2092-9-333k COtLECE POINT - POSSESSION OM TITLE. 2-famlly brick, ft and I rooms, hot water heat oll burner, an tscellent buy. Prat $• fttMP

also 1-familv. Immediate nnssesslon, esslly converted Into 3-fsmlly I moans, 3 baths. Urge flnlshed attic, hot water htat. garage, large plot. Priced for quick aale. IS. MM

E. E. SUYDAM 1S-30 122nd tt. College Point

000 33T7 I

COLLEGE POINT-«-faml!y with grots Income over 12.700 per year Por quick ssle will ssrriflce for $13,000. Hat all Improvements

K B SUYDAM 15-30 123nd at toll , gr P(,|nt

. , ...—» al .. COLLEGE -POINT - 4-family dwelling. each apartment I rooma nil turner, 3-car garage plot ftOaloO beat location Price $13000

EUGENE WEBER 18-33 132nd tt. IX 9-308X


2 f AMILY-U WOOMs umhing oil burner, rcfi'teraior

Ave sub , schools Si churchts ONLY $1! 000

GEO. LUTZ eens nivd NEwtown t-2440 hest. IS rooui» porrhes. gsrafV

auhwsy. I n o m r $1,700. Pi let

CORONA—108-37 53rd ave—Entire house available on title: 3-famtly frame, de-' rererttl tached. rubberold shlnglea: 5 and < kin he rooms: sll improvements. mg Price. $8 M» HOlECrK. 33-13 30fh t t t

brsss p.umb-

AS • 3090


$13.0S|4J 1 f a m l j l hi irk like n r a ¥\rn m u t e i n i ' n i r n t t l i i r Poasesslon 111900

OCONNKIJ, ta 38 J r o a d w s v Pi-nil i-M NK 9 1840 t l . M l l f l l S T — 2- faml .y brick, s rn i . -de -ta. hedi oruy *. y r / n \ oht ;* t ) s r.-»"n apartrallnts. p lus a -room basement a p a r t -mept an»dern k i t chen . Hol lywood baths , oll b«g|per. rerr lge ia t inn . garage. Good ir iromta-Move In. $22 000

FRANK O'HARA. INC. j _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ at Jarkaon HI* NE 9-7000 It ly lTlBnPr-Varanl . 0 rooms, flniahed

sun.leck snd gs It heat braaa plumbing, nirr

Pi i .r |13 •kin K.I M RKM TV. .nrtwav Ktmhurtl HA I. \n n

i i "towis anil iH>i• 11, vacant brick, aeml delai tied $3 000

G. I . excellent nrlthborhood ROSEN-RKALTOR

sevelt ave. NE 9-3077 ST—1-famlly detached. S r».,ms, decorated (4 bcdronmsi. modern near subway. Priced for quirk

800 Call John F"lev. NE 9-S8»it. AV APF1I.1ATP.S 40 14 71th St. S*T 5 familv i lerri hriik da

larhed, 10 rrKima nil. lira' large garden, refrlgeailor, » mom* m arable $1J TKtO

KAPLAN 39 3t 43_* at. 11. 8 7 i » 9 - N E I 3473


AOxlOO. alt heal ? rat garage eatra lav u t floor, finished basement stall shower.o best location


U 3 -M N o i t h e r n blvd r L I «C03 Pl.t'MllNC. lU.?8aH PRE-WAR BRICK BUNGALOW on a*,|<<0

ffaaats far Sal t $ timaart tar S a i t f K H ' N H I N G — N e w . center nail Colonial detached buck, living room with Bra- . . . . . plare 3 twdrooaus terrace o(! snastei I <»n * a . - , r^ • - , - . . <t a-. bedroom, eatra lavatory picture wso- etl hu.ner WWM| ba-r.iaf Bragrtacw Saw* uilra-mtdern k'tehan. gas htat bedr,«.aas 1 l a g * ftr.^riaat rwean » a*'w : 4 \ f " R e _ ! f v - B ( ) R **' earatt many estraa; naar R B 3 blocka H.use hat been kept in ~»«Je~. road. ,••-*-»-"•!- P*raHV O S ' . O eta.

Kevins $l«>.ono Modal Rouse s t t . . i ISwaeawi.-.a or. • i i <** E, D . Higifin* Rr i l t * . Im:

cured for quick aale. Oetachad, • rvmeaa 1159-4aT WartSatta bl»-d BLwa^.ng S garage near public. parmrhiai| F t T f f W ^ i " . " H n ^ K W V ~ m '

• a t, a atsiaa < , <<«*•*» eat-IAU. i t w i a

ra t 9k*o|S« K e v t n a *• - — 1 1 8 2 n d at and *Srd road

Sl» " iJ s.3rd I

rem H T N 7 ? - v AT A V T

t i l s . 5 t l i •



Jackaon Hr igh t s— $ 9 , 4 9 0 BeauM rut de?arb*« l-Caau.'y • tstet pataaaiM


and R R l i o hoc A K n P H K H Hia Ii -

. . i . t in •».'• n r P: 9 112.1

r w n s

ta tatrtt

1 ca* mmr ae***-.* gtwras tas) traafi*

ND IMMKDtATB P T a i a V E . * ag» a * , tat M> K t ' i y e

n l>a

ga heat.

RINGEL 137-28 Northern_J>lvd PL. »-2*O0 PTJJRITING"— K l s s e n s T s r k " sectiori; snoaT ern brick, center ha.', all hest. an a lovely corner plot, very desirable loca-t:.>n This would make a - wonder fu. Xmaa preaent for your family at the

. ., . very last price of $17 500 Better tee iami ,y] t t n o w immediate occupancy

PLUSHING — Bungalow 4 flniahed basement, completely furnished In awcellent taste. 9 months old. gacrt-Sce sale, garage and automatic heat H i 000 cr.mpjele or fum.ture optional.

HARRINGTON WALTPB.S garage, modern, ouut 1M3. a*ot 113-411 No: i hern tlvd PL 7 *AM Ptica S23 ooo B . ' s e r a coacairauoa ra Ft fMti .NG-Dettchad 4" room, tflrae- | - i" ! _? . u .P ' < " j J ! l i n t y r ' ' w - » » *** •*• live whitt ftame houat. garage etaam FLUSHING—veca~t deta< oil htat. new unit brass p'.amMng. and porch ti.e t!tct*e« anal batf •treens and storm windows. Immediate tage Prtct $18 MW

r»isp.i.r% wKERaao: ^ a*a A t JO'-4 al K i • »NS

UIBINt; lnssd

5sot tosioe. ktwaiy -faaii.j. 4 and.I

^ ^ l u T B e T - B * A ' • e s a l T T * l * * J» * M « p h , ' . R e * i t O « -wna m t-JT» -BS-H Bjattatttt att. Ha • *

i^^^^^rZ^^^aTJ- Jackson "Hp,ght»: 14,7543" mer.t. ou tveat araas p umt>:rg 3-cwr E.~atssatt To«: taaaw Wamst .

modern, buut 1M3. aaat gStlta i Lot*ltd_ $ ktecaa froon alt gastaeaya la a Isastty S - r t t t a arsca b a - . t garage

« - "a- • ; • » ' e » - •»- ac»

andacaped plot, leaturing 3 bedrooms pottaatlon A'1"'"!, * I S ^ J i . . - » . , , „ * Wat plua 3 finished rooms' In e»- . . . , . _ K I : * N > K v ' v . m. ' T ! L a - « . ' i l * . »..,»!•... stlfr all e l e . t ,u kitchen 3-tar ' * ' , ? * . . N « , h * ' B b l v d . , Tl - i " T ^ ^ r , t

taragt (ovtrhted doorsi. Insulallon. t i l FLUSHING —». nrnti Wl.k. attached. 7ip»ot tr ""

aale < RROA f t . M l l

WM. M. SMITH, INC. <a Main al H i on

MIINIIIUU Hio;i«1\vav Nor th

bsSS; Richard P. \ \ > b e r , Realror •*• .-• IJ a »•#-» • a»»

«CKM3M HSU^IITS—1 U rooaae aad I paratsaa beast aCaaaaaea __j___S? j J J f P a H S a J f A-S^SW-rSirM OK TTTLB. <3tst btaw* bt I M . t t . ggj». ttea. naar tan -


> : S H \ - T C » K 3R Baailea

_ _ ___ ^ ^ _ _ _ . . _ . rwoasa. gat aaaL bedroom, center hal:. modern kitchen OSSPOBBELT and bsth. garage, nil heat. Immediate 1*3-19 Depot rd. EX. 9-4U0>—t WOt occupancs Pr..c g i r v m Cavansgh A " p_01jfT^c\_VACAirf" ._ , . . - ,. Maher. tnr . to ;a 82nd street Jackson aj ROOMS StTtPORCH 'CABAGB » - ! » wooatwttt, awt. CTv^-'fai. J??™ »-T"J '" lF^V'^-^"1^y in l * * , a E « e , « JAtrBMOeg BBCSt»TS~tWisaealuiie n.T'BHING — SoTid brick coT-Trad tr.e ROBERT A. POGaRTT {aeon of 4V-toata apt. S-lasni:y hath 3-csr garage gas heat, convenient[ 151-13 R«**eev*.: •*» PL l-tBt»—aS13 ' i i r~om» 7 p~rehe« C B 00 to bus. alorea. 8 minutes to L- I R B fl.L*iJlTNG - : F».x.. . ssbestas atung e; 4ir»aa pcaasMng retlgwratioo Only $13 000 isc » good ©ondi'soa, 7 romrui gaa neat :«ca >-• 1 bkK% trwm guoway

M I L L S & M i l F S " »sde . •<H10« Prtct f.SABl. a. . » $3IBM • ' " ' ' *-v • , * * * ' « '' (.II.arRT AJEBOr-laTEJ) CBO 4 * H f J

San'ord a>» A ia:'nd a: >: 1 »«:« < naooit'l t'sttlNG Vi.inttv - a year-otd

I liiiitgai..« aOalcO. a room* oil bra: T • • ! I p.unitiiiis 1 <ar brick garage overhead

Pront entrance, center hail 8 room* |,:"'>r_ redecorated. Immediate possession porch, new oil unit woodburnlng fl?c-ill3 "50 p;»re. 50sl00 roof and basement tnsu-1 tated. gavagc Priced right at 314.500 11*134

N. M. BARBOUR 1157-10 Northern blvd PL 3-14*0 I flVWmfK:~ - ~ "Tmmedtalt pr«esslon' 113.800 S rooms, brick, garage, oil heat atsll ihnwtr. recreation ronm. at -eelient condition.

M T rrVHBAN. REAITOB ISO-SI Northern blvd. PL. 9 1460—SAM

Masai. bartstr C'laaata

-.47 ot * ._ , , , :< rLrt.h-g t<«c« - sas R * « « . i a.» Mwaa '- • ' — • mTam^\tartWt» OTtmfT* IsaaatAiatt t . --e .

> •> ac« Rr I'.a i i v m In aaaearw-' skxi t l I H ro-taa MS aaaatBt* vVrtttttt ml burner H >wwod battu naar St j tm'.ba ewtra aavaaory asrgre yard Kevin t Churr. 119 oof On* B a r tee:~T gansge aiL Today a bast bav '* '"*"1-L f **P»rNA.. l l" i_l_''^r" __» n4.54t)

PI.ANNELLY REALTOR I pTFyrffrNf.'"- 'ISSitrtTfai ""'"i-faa»a«y''Iwataw".'' ' p t p u t n n I u / u i T T Nurthem bud PL 3 -*'.90—77*3 j rooms oil tnirw*. aataaje. g-od Sow- i l \ IV. f a ~iJv L» J . " f l l l t

ItrsHIN'C VJiyf HlrtHT : \ " tstm. wear t.-ansut Barga.n $»MB '.ta-aa RcioataWt awe. n M urtt'P R ml heat a rooms detached oil heat, garage new. j COLCAN n a a n i a i J_^$Bs__ ' Jra iTTI^ I 1 3 a ^ l f l i ^ ^

> r P . , : . e d tosid. sod ou a Bay t t p , ^ M i | u \V«t—$ 12.OOO Zm^aa^SamTm 1st?

M^r*™^ b^DR,Ix:t PL"r^L^m', b'Z mt^^,*^M\^Mr!Sa\aaTt^ sL*rU£ :,lU:^t2r.,Pr.*r,r; 'Saon— ^ M BI N I AMIS REISER ^ " c ^ H ^ ^ OEORGE P A N C O A S T P l _ 1 3 8 3 9 - 4 - 1 0 9 8 1 1 9 0 IS 4>ae*ns bird . P SL B _ S-493SS &ROAt>WAY A P F I L U r B B 4SV14 I t t B at,

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069