new york school of finance brochure

Catalog, Vol. 1 Summer 2016 Learn. Intern. Prosper.

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Learn. Intern. Prosper.

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I just wanted to say thankyou again for a great

experience. The course taughtme so much, and it has confirmed

my interest in trying to purse a career in finance. I also want to, again, thank you for all the help

on my resume, the difference is night and day.

– Hale



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We are committed to providing world class finance training and maximum exposure to the

investment banking, venture capital, private equity, and hedge fund industries. Our goal is to give you the best experience and to make you

as marketable as possible. We act as your career mentor, aiming to best position your resume, experience, and skills towards a full time job.

Paul PignataroFounder

world class training

1-888-775-3072 5


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Located on Wall Street, NYSF is a program coupling real world finance training with valuable internships ininvestment banking, private equity, and hedge funds.

By participating in the NYSF program, you gain valuableeducation, insight and experience from the samecompany that delivers training and education services to some of the industry-leading companies where you could start your career.

What is the NYSF Advantage? What does this mean for you?

We have a proven placement rate of our graduates into analyst roles in banks and firms of 90%

Does this give you an advantage?




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Paul:I accepted the job offer with a firm in New Orleans. Thanks again for all of your help Paul, I couldn’t have done this without you or the NYSF program. I am very excited about this opportunity, and I am going to stop into NYSF this week to visit.

- Tony

Hey Paul,I just wanted to let you know that I have been fortunate enough to have received three offers, and have decided to sign with JP Morgan for an IB analyst position

- Mark

Paul,How are you doing? I hope every-thing’s well. Just to give you a little update on myself. The recruiting season is pretty much over, and I decided to join Citi group in Hong Kong for summer. I am really excited about this opportunity and my experience definitely helped out a lot throughout the interviewing process.

- Sofie

Hi Paul,I’m happy to tell you that I got an offer from RBC Capital Markets that I plan on accepting! I definitely couldn’t have done it without the experience that I had this summer through NYSF, so I just wanted to send an email thanking you.

- Kevin

Paul,Hope the program is doing well. Just want to say thank you for your help this summer. I just got a summer offer from Credit Suisse NY and a Canadian bank, also waiting for other firms.

Take careJason

Hi Paul,This summer was pretty intense but well worth it. Morgan offered me a job at the end and I accepted. I decided to stay in the Chicago Office since I liked the people and also because analysts seemed to do pretty well after the program. Thanks again for all your help.


Real Jobs.Real Graduate Stories.

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The New York School of Finance is an intensive finance training program. The program consists of continuous corporate finance, banking, and financial modeling training in addition to a finance internship. The courses are held over approximately daily from Monday through Thursday.

• Courses are taught by seasoned Wall Street professionals.

• Unique method takes a hands on approach, makingsureyoucanbuildeachfinancialmodelefficiently andeffectivelybeforethecoursesarecomplete.

• Trainershavehad“bulgebracket”firmexperi-ence and instruct using real-world simulations tocreateavaluableteachingenvironmentthatcan’t be found anywhere else.


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Experience at an investment bank, private equity firm, venture capital fund, or hedge fund is offered to each candidate. Here the skills taught in the training program will be honed as they work on real-world business transactions. Throughout your experience, you will continue to have educational support from the NYSF team.

• Continued training to hone your skills and en-sure peak performance during the program.

• Supportandhelponcomplexassignments.

• Resumecritiqueandinterviewpreparationtobesureyourexperienceisasmarketableaspossible to future recruiters.

For more information please see the tentative schedule that follows this section.

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Educational Integrity


The New York School of Finance curriculum is designed with the Wall Street analyst in mind. Over 130 hours of training ensures a candidate not only knows how to construct financial modeling for stock analysis, merger and acquisition scenarios, and leveraged buyouts, but understands the concept to interpret and utilize models and on deals and transactions.

The curriculum is taught out of a series of textbooks, published by Wiley finance, designed to ensure the most complete technical training. Technical and interpretive skills are honed as real world cases and scenarios are applied. All the while candidate are learning and strengthening excel and PowerPoint skills. Tests simulating final round case study interviews are given at the end of each topic; and students are scored and ranked tracking their progress.

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The Ideal StudentGeared towards post-graduates and career transitioners: those looking for full time positions in investmentbanking, private equity and hedge fund industries.

The OverviewLearn the hard skills necessary to pursue a successful career in investment banking. The program provides exposure to financial modeling, valuation mergers and acquisitions, and leveraged buyouts. You’ll not only learn technical modeling from an analyst perspective, but how to interpret and utilize a model in the context of an investment banking transaction like an associate. The program also strengthens interview knowledge and confidence. Resume critique, interview preparation, and mock interviews to aid in interview performance. You’ll enter our coveted internship during the course of the program, gaining real-world experience at a boutique investment firm.

The OutcomeCandidates will learn the fundamentals of financialmodeling, valuation, Core M&A, Advanced M&A, and Leveraged Buyouts.

The Ideal StudentThis program is geared for those that need the core financial modeling and valuation skill set required forEquity Research, Asset Management, and Stock Valuation.

The OverviewGain a thorough understanding of the formulas behind financial modeling and valuation. You will not only learn technical modeling from an analyst perspective, but how to interpret and utilize a model for the purposes of company or stock valuation. The program alsostrengthens interview knowledge and confidence. Resume critique, interview preparation, and mock interviews aid in interview performance. Students are tested, scored, and ranked for progress. During the internship phase of the program students

The OutcomeStudents gain real-world skills, interview experienceand exposure to the workplace outside of the classroom.



Full-Time Analyst InvestmentBanking Training and Internship

Full-Time Analyst FinancialModeling and ValuationTraining and Internship

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The Ideal StudentThe Summer Analyst Investment Banking program is geared for students looking for the ideal summer analyst experience; the ideal way to boost resume credentials for full-time recruiting.

The OverviewThis is one of the few summer courses with internship covering the topics of financial modeling, valuation, mergers and acquisitions, and leveraged buyouts. You will not only learn technical modeling from an analyst perspective, but how to interpret and utilize a model in the context of an investment banking transaction as an associate would. The program also strengthens interview knowledge and confidence. Resume critique, interview preparation, and mock interviews to aid in interview performance. You’ll experience our coveted internship during the program, gaining real-world experience at a boutique investment firm.

The OutcomeLearn the fundamentals of financial modeling, valuation, core M&A, advanced M&A, and leveraged buyouts. Gain required skills for front office Investment Banking roles.

The Ideal StudentThis program is geared for those that need the core financial modeling and valuation skill set required for Eq-uity Research, Asset Management, and Stock Valuation.

The OverviewGet a head start on your career this summer. Ourabbreviated program, based on the full semester, gives you a solid foundation of study in financial modelingand valuation. You will not only learn technical modeling from an analyst perspective, but how to interpret and utilize a model for the purposes of company or stock valuation. The program also strengthens interview knowledge and confidence. Resume critique, interview preparation, and mock interviews to aid in interview performance. Tests are recreated from actual final round investment banking case studies. You are also placed into our coveted internship during the program.

The OutcomeGain extensive training in Financial modeling and valuation, as well as critical internship experience ata boutique investment firm.



Summer Analyst InvestmentBanking Training and Internship

Summer Analyst FinancialModeling and Valuation Trainingand Internship


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Summer Analyst FinancialModeling and Valuation Trainingand Internship

What is the cost of the semester program?The program cost varies depending on the length of session. The semester long course is priced akin to a semester at business school. Why? This program

not only brings hand on practical courses, but intense and valuable work experience to be most competitive in the finance industry. Our program is designed for those candidates considering something more than just a business school degree to get your foot in the door.

Do you offer discounts?We do not offer discounts. However, you are able to take a portion of our program at a portion of the price. Contact us for more details.

What is the duration of the program?Our semester programs last 12 to 16 weeks which includes continuous morning training and an intern-ship. We offer the ability to take half or a portion of the semester program. We also offer the opportunity to take the program on a part-time basis to accommodate busy work or class schedules. Please contact us for more information.

What will coursework cover?We will ensure you will work on real transactions in the

investment banking, private equity, and hedge fund industries. All work will involve financial model building, valuation, presenting and interacting with the firms the dedicated firm works for.

Do you help with placement after the internship?While the purpose of our program is to provide actionable skills and experience that make you more attractive to hiring companies, we cannot guarantee any trainee a full-time job. We are proud of our trainee success rate. Since 2009, we have helped students land jobs in the toughest job market ever on Wall Street.


~ Online Registration ~ www.nyschooloffinance.comPlease submit your resume along with any questions orcomments to: representative will contact you.

~ All others ~Please mail your resume toNew York School of Finance157 William St.New York, NY 10005or call 1-888-775-3072

R e G I S T R A T I O N

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Through the New York School of Finance program, students gain valuable education, insight andhands on experience working with real-world

business transactions.

New York School of Finance157 William St. NY, NY 10038

Tel: 1-888-775-3072 ~ Fax: