never winter nights hotd shifter

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  • 8/8/2019 Never Winter Nights Hotd Shifter


    ******************************************************************************Neverwinter Nights

    Unofficial Shifter FAQversion 1.15 - FINAL

    Copyright 2003 Douglas CrewsValid for NWN/SOU/HOTU v1.64


    =================================================================================== IMPORTANT UPDATE===== This FAQ is no longer updated by its original author (that's me).===== I have switched to playing PnP Shifters, using the Hak packs provided by===== the Prestige Class Consortium ( Thanks to all the readers who contacted me with questions, comments, and===== tips.===== If anyone has an interest in maintaining this list please contact me,===== [email protected].==============================================================================

    *****************Table Of Contents*****************

    Introduction(1) Character Creation

    (1.1) Race(1.1.1) Human(1.1.2) Elf(1.1.3) Dwarf(1.1.4) Halfling(1.1.5) Half-Orc(1.1.6) Gnome

    (1.1.7) Half-Elf(1.2) Statistics(1.3) Planning For Feats(1.4) Shifter Builds

    (1.4.1) The Pure Shifter build(1.4.2) The Druid/Shifter/Monk build(1.4.3) The Druid/Shifter/[Fighter-type] build(1.4.4) The Druid/Shifter/[Rogue-type] build(1.4.5) The Druid/Shifter/[Arcane-type] build(1.4.6) The Druid/Shifter/Cleric build(1.4.7) The Druid/Shifter/Weapon Master build(1.4.8) The Druid/Shifter/Dwarven Defender build

    (2) Equipment(2.1) What equipment properties merge?(2.2) What Shapes merge Weapons? Items? Armor?(2.3) Choosing your equipment

    (3) Which tertiary class abilities transfer to Shapes?(3.1) Barbarian(3.2) Bard(3.3) Cleric(3.4) Druid(3.5) Fighter(3.6) Monk(3.7) Paladin(3.8) Ranger

    (3.9) Rogue(3.10) Sorcerer(3.11) Wizard

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    (3.12) Arcane Archer(3.13) Assassin(3.14) Blackguard(3.15) Champion Of Torm(3.16) Dwarven Defender(3.17) Harper Scout(3.18) Pale Master

    (3.19) Red Dragon Disciple(3.20) Shadowdancer(3.21) Weapon Master

    (4) Unarmed vs. Armed Shapes(5) The Shapes

    (5.1) Greater Wildshape I [Shifter Level 1](5.1.1) Wyrmling, Red(5.1.2) Wyrmling, Blue(5.1.3) Wyrmling, Black(5.1.4) Wyrmling, White(5.1.5) Wyrmling, Green

    (5.2) Greater Wildshape II [Shifter Level 3]

    (5.2.1) Harpy Shape(5.2.2) Gargoyle Shape(5.2.3) Minotaur Shape

    (5.3) Greater Wildshape III [Shifter Level 5](5.3.1) Basilisk Shape(5.3.2) Drider Shape(5.3.3) Manticore Shape

    (5.4) Humanoid Shape [Shifter Level 7](5.4.1) Drow Warrior Shape(5.4.2) Lizardfolk Whipmaster Shape(5.4.3) Kobold Commando Shape

    (5.5) Greater Wildshape IV [Shifter Level 10](5.5.1) Dire Tiger Shape

    (5.5.2) Medusa Shape(5.5.3) Mindflayer Shape

    (5.6) Epic Greater Wildshape II [Shifter Level 13](5.6.1) Epic Harpy(5.6.2) Epic Gargoyle(5.6.3) Epic Minotaur

    (5.7) Epic Greater Wildshape III [Shifter Level 15](5.7.1) Epic Basilisk(5.7.2) Epic Drider(5.7.3) Epic Manticore

    (5.8) Epic Humanoid Shape [Shifter Level 17](5.8.1) Epic Drow Warrior(5.8.2) Epic Lizardfolk Whipmaster(5.8.3) Epic Kobold Commando

    (5.9) Undead Shape [Shifter Level 10, Chosen Feat](5.9.1) Risen Lord Shape(5.9.2) Vampire Shape(5.9.3) Spectre Shape

    (5.10) Outsider Shape [Shifter Level 10, WS 25+, Chosen Feat](5.10.1) Azer Chieftain Shape(5.10.2) Rakshasa Shape(5.10.3) Death Slaad Lord Shape

    (5.11) Construct Shape [Shifter Level 10, WS 27+, Chosen Feat](5.11.1) Stone Golem Shape(5.11.2) Demonflesh Golem Shape

    (5.11.3) Iron Golem Shape(5.12) Dragon Shape [Shifter Level 10, WS 30+, Chosen Feat]

    (5.12.1) Ancient Red Dragon Shape

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    (5.12.2) Ancient Blue Dragon Shape(5.12.3) Ancient Green Dragon Shape

    (6) Feats(6.1) Ratings(6.2) Non-Epic Feats(6.3) Epic Feats

    (6.3.1) Bonus Feats available to an Epic Shifter:

    (6.3.2) Other Bonus Feats available to other Epic classes:(7) What's The Best Shape For...?

    (7.1) Vs. Spellcasters(7.2) Melee Damage Potential(7.3) Vs. Undead/Construct/Dragon(7.4) Defense(7.5) Attack Bonus(7.6) Rogue-ishness, Disarming Traps, etc.(7.7) Searching(7.8) Vs. Fire(7.9) Vs. Cold(7.10) Vs. Electricity

    (7.11) Vs. Acid(7.12) Vs. Sonic(7.13) Vs. Invisible(7.14) Vs. Poison(7.15) Vs. Low Damage Reduction(7.16) Vs. Medium Damage Reduction(7.17) Vs. High Damage Reduction(7.18) Vs. Epic Damage Reduction(7.19) Druid/Shifter/Monk(7.20) Smaller Or Larger Opponents

    Appendices(A) Definitions & Acronyms(B) The Monk Unarmed Attack Bug

    (C) Relevant Scripts And Toolset Objects(C.1) How to examine scripts:(C.2) How to examine objects:(C.3) Shape Items & Scripts(C.4) Alternate Shape Items & Scripts(C.5) Iznoghoud's Greater Wildshape script(C.6) Rod Of The ArchShifter hak pak

    (C.6.1) Using the Rod in a user module(C.6.2) Using the Rod in all modules(C.6.3) Uninstalling the Rod

    (D) Some options for alternate Shapes(E) When And How To Boost ST, DX, CN(F) The Multiclassed Shifter XP Penalty Bug(G) Other Bugs

    (G.1) The Bonus Attacks Bug(G.2) Bonus Spell Items Bug(G.3) The DR Attacker Bug(G.4) The Epic Pink Soft Bunny Please Kill Me Now Bug (fixed in 1.64)(G.5) The Persistent World Save Bug (fixed in 1.64)(G.6) The CasterLevel Bug

    (H) Revision History(I) Who am I? Where's my car? And did I do this all alone? (Hint: no)



    A kobold walks warily down a twisty underground corridor. A small and

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    unassuming figure, he would not strike fear into the hearts of his enemies, evenif they could detect his quiet, unseen movements.The kobold peers into a large chamber roughly hewn from the solid undermountaingranite. A large number of fearsome Orcs mill about, unaware of the diminutiveinvader in their midst. And there, upon a dais at the far end, stands thechieftain, secure amongst his warriors that his treasure and his life are safe.But he has a surprise in store.

    The kobold sizes up the situation and makes a decision. Quietly and slowly hewinds his way through the middle of the throng of Orcish warriors. Though hepasses but inches from them at times, they are oblivious to his presence.Reaching the dais, the kobold raises his short sword and plunges it deep intothe back of the Orc chieftain. The mighty Orc bellows in pain and surprise, butalthough grievously wounded he is still strong. He raises his sword, preparingto cut his tiny attacker, now running away, in two. His triumph is short lived,however, as the kobold draws the shadows about him and *disappears*.Shrugging his mighty shoulders the Orc chieftain turns back to his dais, only toonce again feel the bite of a sharp blade deep in his back. And what's this?Poison, sapping his sword-arm strength! Sensing victory, this time the koboldstays for the coup de grace.

    The assembled Orc bodyguards howl their rage and quickly surround the tinyassassin. They know that, surrounded by foes, he cannot disappear quite soeasily this time. Grinning in anticipation of vengeance well earned, they closein for the kill.But then a strange thing happens. The kobold makes an arcane gesture,concentrates for a moment, and *Shifts*.Suddenly the crowd of Orcs faces a young dragonling, who promptly begins tobreathe fire into their midst. Several Orcs are killed or badly wounded, butthey also have a secret -- they too have been trained in the dark art of thesneak attack. With so many attacking a single foe, they find their sneakattacks finding the mark again and again. They will pay a price for victory,but they know they will kill this shapeshifting intruder.But the intruder has another trick up his sleeve. Pausing for a moment to

    gesture again, he once more *Shifts*. Suddenly the Orcs find themselvessurrounding a Vampire. A Vampire who regenerates his wounds and is immune tosneak attacks. Many Orcs fall to the razor sharp claws of the Undead-Dragonling-Kobold-What-The-Hell-Is-It?, while others have their very lifeessences drained by the Vampire's bite. In the end, only the Shifter remainsstanding.But there is still work to be done. If these Orcs were trained in the Roguearts, then it is likely that they knew how to set a trap. An examination of thetreasure chests reveals nothing, but the Shifter is suspicious.Once again Shifting, he becomes an Illithid, an obscenely intelligent brain-sucking abomination of the Underdark. Re-examining the chests with a vastlyincreased intellect, he sees and disarms the deadly traps he had missedbefore.One last problem remains for our intrepid shapeshifting adventurer: he cannotpossibly carry all the treasure without dragging it a few inches at a time.That just won't do.Moments later a heavily muscled Minotaur is seen carrying a large bag of bootyout of the Orc lair. He smiles to himself in satisfaction.

    Are you sold yet? The Shifter is a very powerful and fun class to play inNeverwinter Nights. A Shifter is the master of many skills, but specialist innone. Whatever situation or opponent a Shifter faces, he or she has a Shapeappropriate to the challenge.

    Your damage potential will never be the equal of a high level Weapon Master, butthat Weapon Master will have trouble against Critical-immune foes. You won't.You have other options.

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    Your offensive spells will never be as mighty as a high level Sorcerer, but youhave several options he doesn't: unlimited use breath weapons of various types,petrification, domination, mass charm, mind blast, Spectre attack, etc., etc.,etc.

    Your defensive spells will never be as powerful as a high level Cleric, but

    again, you have many powerful options they don't: immunity to Critical Hits-Death Magic-Disease-Level/Ability Drain-Mind Spells-Paralysis-Poison-SneakAttack, Damage Resistance, Damage Immunity, Spell Resistance, etc., etc., etc.

    Your Rogue abilities will never be the equal of a true Rogue, but you have theoption of Hide In Plain Sight, Improved Evasion, Improved Invisibility, +8 toIntelligence, etc., etc., etc.

    Up against spellcasters? Take a Shape with Spell Resistance. Facing hordes ofdumb fighters? Use a mind attack that targets their low Will power. Whitedragon? Choose a Shape with 100% immunity to cold. Invisible opponents? TrueSeeing. Backstabbers? Undead or Construct is immune to their most powerful

    trick. Same goes for Poison, Level Drain, Disease, Paralysis, Critical Hits,and Death Magic. Whatever they've got, you've got an answer for.

    That is the essence of the Shifter class: adaptability. And it makes for a lotof fun and challenge. But the Number One Rule of Shifters is:

    \vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv/>********************** ** KNOW THY SHAPES ** **********************Claw->Claw1d6] (1d6 slashing/piercing(20/x2))Bite nw_it_crewps005 [Creature Items->Bite->Bite1d6] (1d6 slashing (20/x2))Skin nw_it_creitem042 [Creature Items->Skin/Hide->Troll Properties](Regeneration +5)

    (C.4.4) Epic Troll Shaman

    Claw nw_it_crewpsp005 [Creature Items->Claw->Claw1d6] (1d6 slashing/piercing(20/x2))Bite nw_it_crewps005 [Creature Items->Bite->Bite1d6] (1d6 slashing (20/x2))Skin nw_it_creitem042 [Creature Items->Skin/Hide->Troll Properties](Regeneration +5)Spell# 133 = PrayerSpell# 371 = Negative Energy RaySpell# 38 = Death Ward

    (C.4.5) Beholder

    Bite nw_it_crewps003 [Creature Items->Bite->Bite2d4] (2d4 slashing/piercing(20/x2))Skin x2_it_beholprops [Creature Items->Skin/Hide->Beholder Properties] (Dodge,

    Mobility, Freedom Of Movement, Immune: Knockdown, Immune: Sneak Attack)Spell 252 = Daze GazeSpell 260 = Fear Gaze

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    Spell 261 = Paralysis Gaze

    (C.4.6) Epic Beholder Mage

    Bite nw_it_crewps003 [Creature Items->Bite->Bite2d4] (2d4 slashing/piercing(20/x2))Skin x2_it_beholprops [Creature Items->Skin/Hide->Beholder Properties] (Dodge,

    Mobility, Freedom Of Movement, Immune: Knockdown, Immune: Sneak Attack)Spell 58 = FireballSpell 25 = Cone Of ColdSpell 167 = Sound Burst

    (C.4.7) Wererat

    Claw nw_it_crewpsp005 [Creature Items->Claw->Claw1d6] (1d6 slashing/piercing(20/x2))Bite nw_it_crewps002 [Creature Items->Bite->Bite1d4] (1d4 slashing (20/x2))Skin nw_it_creitem018 [Creature Items->Skin/Hide->Shapechanger Properties] (DR10/+1)

    Weapon nw_wswmsc005 [Weapons->Bladed->Other->Scimitar Of Speed] (1d6 slashing(18-20/x2), Bonus +1, +1d6 sonic, Haste)

    (C.4.8) Epic Werepenguin

    Skin x0_it_fm_pdrg19 [Creature Items->Skin/Hide->Pseudodragon Familiar Level 15Hide] (Immune: Paralysis, Hide +4, SR 24, True Seeing)Weapon x2_wswmsc004 [Weapons->Bladed->Other->Scimitar +7] (1d6 slashing(18-20/x2), Bonus +7)

    (C.4.9) Succubus

    Skin nw_it_creitem024 [Creature Items->Skin/Hide->Succubus Properties] (DR

    20/+2, DR 20/- acid/cold/fire, DI 100% elec, Immune: Poison, SR 12)Weapon nw_wplmss004 [Weapons->Polearms->Heartwood Spear] (1d8 piercing (20/x3),Bonus +4, +1d6 acid, OnHit: Daze DC=14 75% 1 round)Spell 15 = Charm MonsterSpell 46 = DoomSpell 304 = Summon Tanarri

    (C.4.10) Frost Giant

    Weapon x0_wblmhw001 [Weapons->Blunts->Hammers->Warhammer +4] (1d8 bludgeoning(20/x3); Bonus +4)Skin nw_it_creitem026 [Creature Items->Skin/Hide->Frost Giant/Winter WolfProperties] (DI cold 100%; DV fire 50%)

    (C.4.11) Rakshasa Crossbow Specialist

    Bite nw_it_crewps005 [Creature Items->Bite->Bite1d6] (1d6 slashing (20/x2))Weapon x2_it_crewprakxb [Creature Items->Melee Weapons->Rakshasa Crossbow] (1d10piercing (19-20/x2), Bonus +4, Point Blank Shot, Massive Criticals 1d8,Unlimited +4 ammunition)Skin x2_it_shraksprop [Creature Items->Skin/Hide->Shifter Rakshasa FormProperties] (DR 15/+5; Immune: Spells 0th to 8th Level; Skills: Discipline +5,Hide +10, Move Silently +11, Spellcraft +15, Spot +10; True Seeing)Blessed Crossbow Bolt Vulnerability - x2_s3_slayraks.nss

    (C.4.12) Shifter Iron Golem

    Slam nw_it_crewpb017 [Creature Items->Slam->Slam2d10] (2d10 bludgeoning

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    (20/x2))Skin x2_it_shirongolp [Creature Items->Skin/Hide->Shifter Iron GolemProperties] (Feats: Knockdown, Power Attack, Weapon Proficiency Creature; DR20/+4; DV fire 50%; DI elec 90%; Immune: Critical Hits, Death Magic, Disease,Level/Ability Drain, Mind Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Sneak Attack; SR 26)Spell 263 = Golem Poison Breath, nw_s1_golemgas.nssSpell 715 = Golem Slam, x2_s1_golemslam.nss

    (C.4.13) Ancient Green Dragon

    Claw nw_it_crewpsp027 [Creature Items->Claw->Claw2d8] (2d8 slashing/piercing(20/x2))Bite nw_it_crewps020 [Creature Items->Bite->Bite4d6] (4d6 slashing (20/x2))Skin nw_it_creitemdrl [Creature Items->Skin/Hide->Ancient Green DragonProperties] (DR 15/+2; DI acid 100%; Immune: Mind Spells, Paralysis, SneakAttack; SR 26; True Seeing)Spell 798 = Green Dragon BreathSpell 412 = Dragon Fear Aura

    (C.4.14) Ancient Blue Dragon

    Claw nw_it_crewpsp027 [Creature Items->Claw->Claw2d8] (2d8 slashing/piercing(20/x2))Bite nw_it_crewps020 [Creature Items->Bite->Bite4d6] (4d6 slashing (20/x2))Skin nw_it_creitemdre [Creature Items->Skin/Hide->Ancient Blue DragonProperties] (DR 15/+2; DI elec 100%; Immune: Mind Spells, Paralysis, SneakAttack; SR 26; True Seeing)Spell 796 = Blue Dragon BreathSpell 412 = Dragon Fear Aura

    (C.4.15) Ancient Red Dragon

    Claw nw_it_crewpsp027 [Creature Items->Claw->Claw2d8] (2d8 slashing/piercing(20/x2))Bite nw_it_crewps020 [Creature Items->Bite->Bite4d6] (4d6 slashing (20/x2))Skin nw_it_creitemdro [Creature Items->Skin/Hide->Ancient Red DragonProperties] (DR 15/+2; DI fire 100%; DV cold 50%; Immune: Mind Spells,Paralysis, Sneak Attack; SR 28; True Seeing)Spell 797 = Red Dragon BreathSpell 412 = Dragon Fear Aura

    (C.5.16) Chicken From Hell

    Claw x2_it_crewpsp033 [Creature Items->Claw->Raven Familiar Claw Level 30] (1d4monster (20/x2), Bonus +5, OnHit: Slow DC=26 5% 5 rounds, OnMonsterHit: PoisonShadow Essence)Peck x2_it_crewps019 [Creature Items->Bite->Dire Rat Animal Companion level 30Bite] (1d10 monster (20/x2), Bonus +5, OnHit: Disease DC=22 Filth Fever)Skin x2_it_creitem030 [Creature Items->Skin/Hide->Raven/Faerie FM HD 35Properties] (DR 5/+2, Immune: Mind Spells, SR 18)Spell 267 = Cluck Of DeathSpell 271 = Cluck Of ConcussionSpell 269 = Cluck Of Fear

    (C.5) Iznoghoud's Greater Wildshape script

    The script which controls your Greater Wildshape Shifting in the game has a

    couple of bugs, and some "features" which many players don't agree with. Forumparticipant "Iznoghoud" has posted a script which fixes these items and makessome enhancements to the Shifting of your items & armor. You can read what it

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    does by reading the comments in the code.

    If you choose to use this script, it will override the existing script. Youhave two options:

    1) Use the script in your own module, or a someone else's module you modify.

    This is easily accomplished by copying the script into the script editor inthe Aurora toolset and saving it as "x2_s2_gwildshp" as a module script.

    2) Use the script in all modules, including the Official Campaigns.

    This is accomplished by copying the script into the NWN "override" directoryas "x2_s2_gwildshp.nss" and compiling it with the command line compilerprovided by BioWare. Open up a DOS window in the[NWN install directory]\override directory and type the following:

    ..\utils\clcompile x2_s2_gwildshp.nss

    If it compiles without errors you'll see two new files, x2_s2_gwildshp.ncband x2_s2_gwildshp.ncs, and you're good to go. If for some reason it doesn'tcompile it will simply be ignored.

    Iznoghoud's script modification can be found here:

    (C.6) Rod Of The ArchShifter hak pak

    After creating the instructions to modify Shifter Shapes in Appendix D, Idecided to make it a little easier on everyone and configurable during gameplay. Thus was forged the (drumroll, please)

    Rod Of The ArchShifter

    This is a hakpak consisting of an item (you can guess the name), a dialog, andover 250 scripts to completely control your Shifter experience. Using the RodOf The ArchShifter, you can:

    * Override Shapes to use Polymorph Self, Shapechange, and any other Shapelisted in the polymorph.2da file. In addition, I've added the alternateShapes in Appendix C.3 and several others.

    * Control whether to use Iznoghoud's modifications or not. I do. They'reawesome.

    * Control whether to require a Concentration check to use the new mergingpower from Iznoghoud. This tries to balance the huge additional powergranted by Iznoghoud's modifications by requiring you to spend Skill pointswhere you otherwise might not. Fail your Concentration check, and maybeyour belt doesn't merge correctly.

    * Control the difficulty of the Concentration check.* List currently overridden Shapes.* Reset all Shapes to original.* Override groups of Shapes as a package. Packages include+ Unarmed Frenzy (Monks will love it)+ Weaponmaster (most Shapes now have a weapon)+ Dragon (replace the nerfed Adult dragons with Ancient ones)+ Disguise & Infiltration (not big on combat, but great for roleplaying)

    + Elementals (replace some higher level Shapes with Elementals)+ My personal favorites (hey, I created the thing for me, not for you!)

    * Does not allow access to higher level Shapes until you've earned them (so,

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    for example, you can't override Red Wyrmling with Balor until you've gainedthe Outsider Shape Feat, since a Balor is a high-level Outsider creature).

    All of this can be done without exiting the game, simply by activating the SelfUse Unlimited power of the item. Due to game engine limitations, you can't usethe Rod while Shifted, but when in human form you can use it as often as youwant.

    The latest version of the hak pak can always be found on NWVault:

    The only game resources overridden by this hak pak is the Greater Wildshapescript, x2_s2_gwildshp.nss, and the Polymorph data file, polymorph.2da. IfBioWare chooses to modify either of these files as part of a game update, it islikely the Rod will malfunction. Use at your own risk. All other scripts anditem templates are new.

    There are two ways to use the Rod:

    (C.6.1) Using the Rod in a user module

    If you're comfortable with creating and editing modules, it's as simple asadding the hak pak to the module and providing the Rod to your playercharacters. Hak paks are added to modules like this:

    Edit->Module Properties->Custom Content

    You must also make sure that the OnActivateItem event (also in Edit->ModuleProperties) is set to use the "x2_mod_def_act" script. This script looks for ascript with the same name as the item activated, and runs it if found. Pre-HOTUmodules from BioWare and user-created modules may not have this set correctly to

    use the Rod.

    (C.6.2) Using the Rod in all modules

    This will enable your Rod Of The ArchShifter to be used in any module, even theOfficial Campaigns. Simple use the hak pak utility, nwhak.exe, located in the"utils" directory, to open up the Shifter Rod hak pak. Then choose

    Resource->Export All

    and export them into the "override" directory. In order to create a Rod Of TheArchShifter to use, you'll have to resort to Debug commands. In the game, typethe following:

    `DebugMode 1`dm_runscript get_shifter_rod

    (it will say "Entered Target Mode" -- target yourself)(the console should say "acquired Rod of the ArchShifter")

    `DebugMode 0

    Examine your inventory to see if you have it.

    (C.6.3) Uninstalling the Rod

    If you chose to export the Rod into your "override" directory, but don't want it

    any more, delete the following items from "override":

    shifter_rod.* (item template, item activation script, dialog)

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    shft_*.* (scripts used by the dialog)x2_s2_gwildshp.* (overrides the default Greater Wildshape script)polymorph.2da (overrides the Polymorph Self/Lycanthrope/Shifter

    data file)

    NWN should now revert to original behavior.


    (D) Some options for alternate Shapes

    Bored with your early-career Shapes? Wish you could truly Shift into *any*Shape you desire? It's possible, but not for the faint hearted. You'll need toget into the raw data guts of the NWN engine, but you can do it (UPDATE: seeAppendix C.6 for a game item which makes this *much* easier). I have faithin you. Ready?

    Open up the following file in a text editor (if you insist on using Word or someother word processing program, make sure you save as file type "plain text"):


    You may have to extract this file from the [NWN_install_directory]\data\2da.biffile. This is not for the faint of heart. But if you're feeling adventurous,here's how:

    1. Make a copy of [NWN_install_directory]\data\2da.bif.2. Edit the copy in a text editor. I use TextPad; you can't use Notepad

    due to file size, but you could use WordPad as long as you remember tosave as file type "plain text".

    3. Search for "POLYMORPH_TYPE_".4. Copy the block of text from "2DA V2.0" all the way down to the last

    "POLYMORPH_TYPE_" line. Save it in the [NWN_install_directory]\override

    directory as "polymorph.2da". Make sure to save as type "plain text".5. Continue with the modifications listed below.

    I've heard rumors of programs which will extract resources from BIF files, so ifyou have one, more power to you.

    If your text editor has an option to not wrap long lines, make it do so. Nowyou should see some data with column headings like this:

    Name AppearanceType RacialType (...)

    Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to modify certain lines to changethe Shape you Shift into. For example, if you choose to switch Minotaur toGelatinous Cube, change the line that starts like this:


    Your radial Shifter menu will still list it as "Minotaur" but now you shouldShift into a Gelatinous Cube instead. Following are several suggestions tospice up your Shifting experience.

    Alternately, you could download my hak pak, Rod Of The ArchShifter, fromNWVault. See Appendix C.6 for details.

    (D.1) Gelatinous Cube

    This is one of the more visually stunning Shapes to take.

    Suggested replacement: Basilisk

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    ST:15 DX: CN:19 IN: WS: CH:AC: 10 (+0 Natural)HP: +30To Hit: BAB+2Attacks: Slam 1d6+6 (20/x) +1d6 acid

    OnHit: Gelatinous Cube Poison, level 6

    Special: DI 100% elecImmune: Critical Hits, Knockdown, Mind Spells, Paralysis, Poison,

    Sneak Attack; True SeeingParalyzing Touch [Fort DC=14], unlimited use, like Pale Master

    Unarmed: YesMerge: Armor, Items

    Spell# 625 = Paralyzing Touch x2_s2_undgraft1.nss (like Pale Master)Spell# 282 = Disease Spores nw_s1_pulsspore.nss (Large radius, Soldier Shakes)Spell# 524 = Acid Skin x2_s0_acidshth (Mestil's Acid Sheath)


    201 POLYMORPH_TYPE_GELATINOUS_CUBE 470 29 365po_jelly x2_it_cregelcslm **** ****x2_it_oozeprop **** 15 19 **** 0 3035 625 **** **** **** 1 1

    (D.2) Epic Gelatinous Cube

    Suggested replacement: Epic Basilisk

    ST:17 DX: CN:19 IN: WS: CH:AC: 20 (+10 Natural)HP: +30To Hit: BAB+3

    Attacks: Slam 1d6+7 (20/x) +1d6 acidOnHit: Gelatinous Cube Poison, level 6

    Special: DI 100% elecImmune: Critical Hits, Knockdown, Mind Spells, Paralysis, Poison,

    Sneak Attack; True SeeingDigest (paralyze & slowly consume any opponents in range)

    (located on the Cast Spell menu)Invisibility, unlimited useDisease Spores, Soldier Shakes, Large radius, unlimited useAcid Skin (Mestil's Acid Sheath), unlimited use

    Unarmed: YesMerge: Armor, Items

    polymorph.2da:202 POLYMORPH_TYPE_GELATINOUS_CUBE_EPIC 470 29 365po_jelly x2_it_cregelcslm **** ****x2_it_oozeprop **** 17 19 **** 10 3035 90 282 524 **** 1 1

    (D.3) Troll

    Like the Gargoyle's Damage Reduction but hate his awful melee presence?Trade your DR for Regeneration and be a Troll.

    Suggested replacement: Gargoyle

    ST:23 DX:14 CN:23 IN: WS: CH:AC: 19 (+7 Natural +2 DX)

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    HP: +30To Hit: BAB+6Attacks: Claw/Claw 1d6+6 slashing/piercing (20/x2)

    Bite 1d6+6 slashing (20/x2)Special: Regeneration +5Unarmed: YesMerge: Armor, Items

    polymorph.2da:203 POLYMORPH_TYPE_SHIFTER_TROLL 167 18 306po_troll_ nw_it_crewpsp005 nw_it_crewpsp005 nw_it_crewps005nw_it_creitem042 **** 23 23 14 7 3035 **** **** **** **** 1 1

    (D.4) Epic Troll Shaman

    Suggested replacement: Epic Gargoyle

    ST:25 DX:16 CN:27 IN: WS: CH:

    AC: 25 (+12 Natural +3 DX)HP: +35To Hit: BAB+7Attacks: Claw/Claw 1d6+7 slashing/piercing (20/x2)

    Bite 1d6+7 slashing (20/x2)Prayer, unlimited useNegative Energy Ray, unlimited useDeath Ward, unlimited use

    Special: Regeneration +5Unarmed: YesMerge: Armor, Items


    204 POLYMORPH_TYPE_SHIFTER_TROLL_EPIC 167 18 306po_troll_ nw_it_crewpsp015 nw_it_crewpsp015 nw_it_crewps010nw_it_creitem042 **** 25 27 16 12 5035 133 371 38 **** 1 1

    (D.5) Beholder

    Another rather stunning visual Shift. No melee presence to speak of, butit's a cool Shape to try out.

    Suggested replacement: Manticore

    ST: DX: CN: IN: WS: CH:AC: 18 (+8 Natural)HP: +20To Hit: BAB+0Attacks: Bite 2d4 slashing/piercing (20/x2)Special: Dodge, Mobility

    Freedom Of MovementImmune: KnockdownImmune: Sneak AttackGaze Attacks, unlimited use

    Daze, Fear, ParalysisUnarmed: YesMerge: Armor, Items

    polymorph.2da:212 POLYMORPH_TYPE_BEHOLDER 401 20 701

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    po_behold nw_it_crewps003 **** ****x2_it_beholprops **** **** **** **** 8 20372 252 260 261 **** 1 1

    (D.6) Beholder Mage

    Suggested replacement: Epic Manticore

    ST: DX: CN: IN: WS: CH:AC: 18 (+8 Natural)HP: +20To Hit: BAB+0Attacks: Bite 2d4 slashing/piercing (20/x2)Special: Dodge, Mobility

    Freedom Of MovementImmune: KnockdownImmune: Sneak AttackGaze Attacks, unlimited use

    Fireball, Cone Of Cold, Sound Burst

    Unarmed: YesMerge: Armor, Items

    polymorph.2da:213 POLYMORPH_TYPE_BEHOLDER_MAGE 401 20 701po_behold nw_it_crewps003 **** ****x2_it_beholprops **** **** **** **** 8 20372 58 25 167 **** 1 1

    (D.7) Wererat

    Personally I have a hard time moving around as a Drider. How about a wereratinstead?

    Suggested replacement: Drider

    ST:16 DX:22 CN:16 IN: WS: CH:AC: 21 (+5 Natural +6 DX)HP: +20To Hit: BAB+3Attacks: +1 Scimitar Of Speed

    1d6+3 slashing (18-20/x2) +1 slashing +1d6 sonicHaste

    If Disarmed:Claw/Claw 1d6+3 slashing/piercing (20/x2)Bite 1d4+3 slashing (20/x2)

    Special: DR 10/+1Unarmed: No (unless disarmed)Merge: Armor, Items

    polymorph.2da:214 POLYMORPH_TYPE_SHIFTER_WERERAT 170 23 315po_Wererat nw_it_crewpsp005 nw_it_crewpsp005 nw_it_crewps002nw_it_creitem018 nw_wswmsc005 16 16 22 5 20**** **** **** **** 1 1 1

    (D.8) Epic Werepenguin

    Hey now, what're you doing so far from home, you cute little Aaauuugghh! Runaway! How many did we lose? Hector, Gawain, and Bors, that's five. (Three,sir). Three. We'd better not risk another frontal assault -- that penguin's

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    Suggested replacement: Epic Drider

    ST:22 DX:19 CN:18 IN: WS: CH:AC: 24 (+10 Natural +4 DX)HP: +40

    To Hit: BAB+6Attacks: +7 Scimitar 1d6+6 slashing (18-20/x2) +7 slashingSpecial: Immune: Paralysis

    SR 24True SeeingHide +4

    Unarmed: NoMerge: Armor, Items, Weapon

    polymorph.2da:215 POLYMORPH_TYPE_WEREPENGUIN_EPIC 206 8 564po_a_penguin **** **** ****

    x0_it_fm_pdrg19 x2_wswmsc004 22 18 19 10 40**** **** **** **** 1 1 1

    (D.9) Succubus

    Seems a natural progression from charming song to charming looks. Oooh, butshe's a nasty one, she is.

    Suggested replacement: Epic Harpy

    ST:18 DX:23 CN:17 IN: WS: CH:AC: 25 (+9 Natural +6 DX)HP: +35

    To Hit: BAB+4Attacks: +4 Heartwood Spear 1d8+4 piercing (20/x3) +4 piercing +1d6 acid

    OnHit: Daze [DC=14] 75% 1 roundSpecial: DR 20/+2

    DR 20/- acidDR 20/- coldDR 20/- fireDI 100% elecImmune: PoisonSR 12Charm Monster, unlimited useDoom, unlimited useSummon Tanarri, unlimited use

    Unarmed: NoMerge: Armor, Items, Weapon

    polymorph.2da:216 POLYMORPH_SHIFTER_SUCCUBUS 163 20 187po_DmSucubus **** **** ****nw_it_creitem024 nw_wplmss004 18 17 23 9 35**** 15 46 304 1 1 1

    (D.10) Frost Giant

    Dire Tiger is soooo boring. Claw, Claw, Bite, yeah, yeah, yeah. I want to

    smash things with a big, nasty hammer!

    Suggested replacement: Dire Tiger

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    ST:29 DX: CN:21 IN: WS: CH:AC: 23 (+13 Natural)HP: +100To Hit: BAB+9Attacks: +4 Warhammer 1d8+9 bludgeoning (20/x3) +4 bludgeoningSpecial: DI 100% cold

    DV 50% fireUnarmed: NoMerge: Armor, Items, Weapon

    polymorph.2da:206 POLYMORPH_TYPE_SHIFTER_FROST_GIANT_M 81 18 216po_GntFrost nw_it_crewpb017 **** ****nw_it_creitem026 x0_wblmhw001 29 21 **** 13 100**** **** **** **** 1 1 1207 POLYMORPH_TYPE_SHIFTER_FROST_GIANT_F 350 18 647po_uppsala nw_it_crewpb017 **** ****nw_it_creitem026 x0_wblmhw001 29 21 **** 13 100

    **** **** **** **** 1 1 1

    (D.11) Rakshasa Crossbow Specialist

    An interesting modification. I think this was actually the original plan forthe Rakshasa, but it was changed to a +5 staff by BioWare.

    Suggested replacement: Rakshasa

    ST:15 DX:22 CN: IN: WS: CH:AC: 28 (+12 Natural +6 DX)HP: +30To Hit: BAB+6

    Attacks: +4 Rakshasa Crossbow 1d10 piercing (19-20/x2) +4 piercingMassive Criticals 1d8Bonus Feat: Point Blank ShotUnlimited +4 ammunition

    Special: True SeeingDR 15/+5Spell Immunity: 0th through 8th level spellsDispel Magic, unlimited useIce Storm, unlimited useMestil's Acid Breath, unlimited useDiscipline +5, Hide +10, Move Silently +11, Spellcraft +15,

    Spot +10Blessed weapons will kill you, no saving throw

    Unarmed:Merge: Armor, Items

    polymorph.2da:217 POLYMORPH_TYPE_RAKSHASA_MALE_CBOW 293 20 281po_Rakshasa **** **** nw_it_crewps005x2_it_shraksprop x2_it_crewprakxb 15 **** 22 12 30**** 41 368 523 1 1 1218 POLYMORPH_TYPE_RAKSHASA_FEMALE_CBOW 290 20 565po_Rakshasa_f **** **** nw_it_crewps005x2_it_shraksprop x2_it_crewprakxb 15 **** 22 12 30**** 41 368 523 1 1 1

    (D.12) Shifter Iron Golem

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    A beefier Iron Golem more like the real thing.

    Suggested replacement: Iron Golem

    ST:33 DX: CN: IN: WS: CH:AC: 25 (+15 Natural)HP: +90

    To Hit: BAB+11Attacks: Slam 2d10+11 bludgeoning (20/x2)Special: DR 20/+4

    DI 90% elecDV 50% fireImmune: Critical Hits, Death Magic, Disease, Level/Ability Drain,

    Mind Spells, Paralysis, Poison, Sneak AttackSR 26Knockdown, Power AttackPoison Breath [Fort DC=17] 2d2 CN/death, 10 ft coneGolem Slam, unlimited use (similar to Bigby's Forceful Hand)

    Unarmed: Yes

    Merge: Armor, Items

    polymorph.2da:205 POLYMORPH_TYPE_SHIFTER_IRON_GOLEM 89 10 229po_goliron nw_it_crewpb017 nw_it_crewpb017 ****x2_it_shirongolp **** 33 **** **** 15 90**** 263 715 **** **** 1 1

    (D.13) Dragon, Ancient Green

    The Dragon Shapes all shared the same skin, with pitiful 5/+1 DamageReduction and no fear aura, and although it claimed to be an Ancient dragonskin it was actually Adult dragon skin. This fixes that.

    Update: version 1.62 replaces the original Adult Red Dragon skin with AdultGreen Dragon skin, but still allows only 5/+1 DR and no fear aura.

    Suggested replacement: Green Dragon

    ST:48 DX:36 CN:32 IN: WS: CH:AC: 43 (+20 Natural +13 DX)HP: +100BAB: +19Attacks: Claw/Claw/Bite 2d8+19/2d8+19/4d6+19 (20/x2)Special: DR 15/+2

    DI 100% acidImmune: Mind Spells, Paralysis, Sneak AttackSR 26True SeeingBreath Attack acid (see Section 5.9)d6 + Poison [None]

    50 ft cone, unlimited useDragon Fear Aura, unlimited use

    Unarmed: YesMerge: Armor, Items

    polymorph.2da:209 POLYMORPH_TYPE_ANCIENT_GREEN_DRAGON2 48 11 197po_DrgGreen nw_it_crewpsp027 nw_it_crewpsp027 nw_it_crewps020nw_it_creitemdrl **** 48 32 36 20 100

    29 798 412 **** **** 1 1

    (D.14) Dragon, Ancient Blue

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    The Dragon Shapes all shared the same skin, with pitiful 5/+1 DamageReduction and no fear aura, and although it claimed to be an Ancient dragonskin it was actually Adult dragon skin. This fixes that.Update: version 1.62 replaces the original Adult Red Dragon skin with AdultBlue Dragon skin, but still allows only 5/+1 DR and no fear aura.

    Suggested replacement: Blue Dragon

    ST:48 DX:36 CN:32 IN: WS: CH:AC: 43 (+20 Natural +13 DX)HP: +100BAB: +19Attacks: Claw/Claw/Bite 2d8+19/2d8+19/4d6+19 (20/x2)Special: DR 15/+2

    DI 100% elecImmune: Mind Spells, Paralysis, Sneak AttackSR 26True Seeing

    Breath Attack elec (see Section 5.9)d8, 50 ft cone, unlimited useDragon Fear Aura, unlimited useUnarmed: YesMerge: Armor, Items

    polymorph.2da:210 POLYMORPH_TYPE_ANCIENT_BLUE_DRAGON2 47 11 192po_DrgBlue nw_it_crewpsp027 nw_it_crewpsp027 nw_it_crewps020nw_it_creitemdre **** 48 32 36 20 10029 796 412 **** **** 1 1

    (D.15) Dragon, Ancient Red

    The Dragon Shapes all shared the same skin, with pitiful 5/+1 DamageReduction and no fear aura, and although it claimed to be an Ancient dragonskin it was actually Adult dragon skin. This fixes that.

    Suggested replacement: Red Dragon

    ST:48 DX:36 CN:32 IN: WS: CH:AC: 43 (+20 Natural +13 DX)HP: +100BAB: +19Attacks: Claw/Claw/Bite 2d8+19/2d8+19/4d6+19 (20/x2)Special: DR 15/+2

    DI 100% fireDV 50% coldImmune: Mind Spells, Paralysis, Sneak AttackSR 28True SeeingBreath Attack fire (see Section 5.9)d10, 50 ft cone, unlimited useDragon Fear Aura, unlimited use

    Unarmed: YesMerge: Armor, Items

    polymorph.2da:211 POLYMORPH_TYPE_ANCIENT_RED_DRAGON2 49 11 198po_DrgRed nw_it_crewpsp027 nw_it_crewpsp027 nw_it_crewps020

    nw_it_creitemdro **** 48 32 36 20 10029 797 412 **** **** 1 1

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    (D.16) Chicken From Hell

    She's got a sneaking suspicion that someone's been stealing her unbornchildren, and when she finds them, they're going to PAY!

    Suggested replacement: Green Wyrmling(yes, CFH is way more powerful than GW, but she's just for fun anyway)

    ST:34 DX:34 CN:30 IN: WS: CH:AC: 32 (+10 Natural +12 DX)HP: +50BAB: +12Attacks: Claw/Claw 1d4+12 (20/x2) +5 slashing/piercing

    OnHit: Slow [DC=26] 5% 5 roundsOnMonsterHit: Poison, Shadow Essence

    Peck 1d10+12 (20/x2) +5 slashingOnHit: Disease [DC=22] Filth Fever

    Special: DR 5/+2Immune: Mind Spells

    SR 18Cluck Of Death, unlimited useCluck Of Concussion, unlimited useCluck Of Fear, unlimited use

    Unarmed: YesMerge: Armor, Items, Weapon

    polymorph.2da:208 POLYMORPH_TYPE_CHICKEN_FROM_HELL 31 2 168po_Chicken x2_it_crewpsp033 x2_it_crewpsp033 x2_it_crewps019x2_it_creitem030 **** 34 30 34 10 5021 267 271 269 1 1 1


    (E) When And How To Boost ST, DX, CN

    Shapes which don't override your base Strength:Gargoyle, Kobold Commando, Epic Kobold Commando, Mindflayer

    Shapes which don't override your base Dexterity:Red Wyrmling, Blue Wyrmling, Green Wyrmling, Epic Harpy, Minotaur, EpicMinotaur, Basilisk, Risen Lord, Azer Chieftain, Stone Golem, DemonfleshGolem, Iron Golem

    Shapes which don't override your base Constitution:Black Wyrmling, White Wrymling, Harpy, Epic Gargoyle, Basilisk, EpicBasilisk, Epic Manticore, Drow Warrior*, Epic Drow Warrior*, LizardfolkWhipmaster, Epic Lizardfolk Whipmaster, Kobold Commando, Epic KoboldCommando, Medusa, Mindflayer, Vampire, Spectre, Rakshasa, Stone Golem,Demonflesh Golem, Iron Golem

    * (does modify by -2, however)

    Shapes which DO modify IN, WS, or CH:Mindflayer (IN +8, WS +2)


    (F) The Multiclassed Shifter XP Penalty Bug

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    Currently (as of version 1.61 at least), Shifters with a tertiary base class(i.e., Druid/Shifter/Fighter or Druid/Shifter/Monk) suffer from a nasty bugwhich penalizes them 20% of earned experience points. Why? Simple enough, fromgame mechanics: since you actually *become* a Minotaur, Wyrmling, Basilisk,etc., you are no longer Human or Elf or whatever. None of the races you Shiftinto lists Druid as its Preferred Class. So you're earning experience points asa Minotaur, but since Minotaur is your Preferred Class while Shifted you suffer

    the 20% multiclassing penalty, no matter what race or class you are naturally.

    As always with the 20% XP penalty, if you're careful to keep your base classeswithin 1 level of each other it can be avoided.

    Pure Druid/Shifters of any race do not suffer from this bug, nor do Shifterswith a tertiary prestige class (i.e., Druid/Shifter/Champion Of Torm orDruid/Shifter/Assassin).

    Currently the only known solution is to cheat: at level up, use debug commandsto grant yourself 20% of the XP toward the next level. For example, if you'vejust made 15th level, you'll need 15,000 XP to make it to 16th. And 20% of

    15,000 is 3,000. So type this while in-game:

    `DebugMode 1`GiveXP 3000

    (the cursor changes to a select cursor - select yourself)`DebugMode 0

    (check your character sheet to see if it worked)

    Let's hope they fix this pronto, especially for Shifters on Persistent Worldswho may not even have access to the debug commands.


    (G) Other Bugs

    (G.1) The Bonus Attacks Bug

    FAQ reader Jamie ([email protected]) reports a Shifter bug while Hasted:

    It would appear that Haste, which should give an extra attack at your highestAttack Bonus, instead just gives you an additional attack at the low end of yourexisting attack sequence.

    Unshifted +24/+19/+14/+24Shifted +24/+19/+14/+9

    ^---Haste bonus attack

    This bug also affects Monk/Shifters using Flurry Of Blows, but for some reasonthe standard -2 AB penalty for Flurry Of Blows is not applied:

    Unshifted +18/+15/+12/ +9/+6/+18/+18Shifted +20/+17/+14/+11/+8/+5 /+2

    ^ ^---Haste bonus attack+-- Flurry Of Blows bonus attack

    I think you'll agree, +9 is not nearly as good at +24, and +2 is no substitutefor +18. Let's hope BioWare fixes these bugs soon.

    (G.2) Bonus Spell Items Bug

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    FAQ reader Jeremy Jones reports that items which grant bonus spell slots seem tolose their settings after each Shift.

    (G.3) The DR Attacker Bug

    According to the PnP rules, creatures with natural Damage Reduction face noDamage Reduction penalty when attacking creatures with Damage Reduction equal or

    lesser to their own. Since several Shapes have natural Damage Reduction (evenas high as 5/+20 for Epic Manticore and Epic Drider), this rule should apply tothem. Playtesting, however, shows that only a magical weapon is sufficient tobypass Damage Reduction; natural DR does not.

    This makes a difference for all unarmed Damage Reduction Shapes (Gargoyle, EpicGargoyle [if the bug gets fixed], Epic Manticore, Spectre, Death Slaad Lord,Stone Golem, Demonflesh Golem, Iron Golem, and Dragon), since by definition theydo not have a magical weapon, against any opponent with Damage Reduction.

    Furthermore, it affects the armed Shapes which have higher DR than their weapon(Epic Drider is the only one). If and when this bug is fixed, the Epic Drider

    (with DR 5/+20) even beats the Dragon against DR 20/+20 opponents!

    Update: FAQ reader Larry Strope1 suggests a solution for this problem: takeenough Monk levels to get Ki Strike. Ki Strike +1 is gained at Monk 10 andmaxes out at +3 at Monk 16. With WS 21+ you can take Improved Ki Strike twicefor +5 total.

    (G.4) The Epic Pink Soft Bunny Please Kill Me Now Bug (fixed in 1.64)

    The game resource listed as the Epic Gargoyle's skin, x2_it_egargprop, ismissing from the game. Whatever properties are defined in this skin (verylikely including some form of epic Damage Reduction) are therefore missing fromthe Epic Gargoyle.

    Effectively this turns your Epic Gargoyle into an Epic Pink Soft Bunny PleaseKill Me Now. Yes, I am copyrighting that name.

    No real game effect, as I can't imagine anyone spending much time in EpicGargoyle Shape anyway.

    Fixed in version 1.64. The Epic Gargoyle now has Damage Reduction 25/+7 andDamage Resistance 25 against piercing.

    (G.5) The Persistent World Save Bug (fixed in 1.64)

    In playing on a Persistent World, I've noticed a bug which occurs when theserver pauses a moment to save all active characters. It's good that they dothis, but unfortunately to do so they have to unShift you momentarily, thenShift you back. When the engine automatically Shifts you back, it fails toproperly merge your item properties.

    So, for example, if you have a weapon with +1d6 acid damage you will see itlisted in your character sheet when you shift into Minotaur. But after theengine saves your character all you have is the standard +1 battleaxe.ReShifting will fix the problem easily, at least until the next save sequence,but with a limited number of Shifts available this could be a problem on aquick-saving world.

    Version 1.64 claims to have fixed this:"Fixed problem with shifters losing their merged item properties while inshifted form after a server save occurred, and when switching directly from one

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    form to another using the radial menu."

    (G.6) The CasterLevel Bug

    There appears to be a bug in certain Shapes (notably the Rakshasa) which cancast normal spells (as opposed to the Vampire's Dominate gaze, etc.) where thecaster level is calculated using the first class you took, rather than the

    highest spellcasting class. So, for example, if you start your career as a Monkfor one level, then take 10 levels of Druid and 19 levels of Shifter, yourRakshasa's Ice Storm will do a whopping 1d6 of damage (using Monk as thespellcasting class rather than Druid). Breath weapons and monster abilitiesappear to be immune to this bug, so the spells which should theoretically beaffected are Darkness (Drider, Drow Warrior, Epic Drider, Epic Drow Warrior),Dispel Magic, Ice Storm, and Mestil's Acid Breath (Rakshasa). The ImprovedInvisibility available to the Spectre is a special version, and is immune to thebug.

    It appears you can avoid the bug by taking your spellcaster class before yournon-spellcaster class.


    (H) Revision History

    The most recent version of this FAQ can always be found at

    Things that need to be checked are marked @CHECKThings that need to be fixed are marked @FIXThings that are 100% verified are marked @VERIFIED

    Date Version Comments-------------- -------- --------------------------------------------09-MAY-2005 1.15 FINAL VERSION.22-OCT-2004 1.14 Fixed a bug with the Dwarven Defender build (DD requiresDodge, which requires DX 13+). Added Section 7.20 onShape size. Updated for Bioware bug fixes in 1.64.15-JUN-2004 1.13 Added racial types affected to the Harpy's cry. Added

    commentary on Cleric build with Divine Power. Added KiStrike commentary for DR Attacker bug. Added a DwarvenDefender build. Updated Knockdown/Improved KnockdownFeat commentary. Added Azer and Death Slaad to ZenArchery commentary. Added rating to Great Cleave.Added CasterLevel bug. Added Introduction. DisableTrap uses IN rather than DX (the manual appears to bewrong).

    13-MAY-2004 1.12 Added the Persistent World save bug. Added commentaryon the Monk/Shifter and the official HOTU campaign[SPOILER ALERT]. Added a new Weapon Master build.Added more discussion of Monk levels pre- and post-Epicstatus.

    19-MAR-2004 1.11 Moved Epic Greater Wildshapes to their own categories.Updated Druid/Shifter/[Fighter-type] andDruid/Shifter/[Arcane-type] recommended stats.Expanded section 3 to list all tertiary class Feats &abilities, not just Monk. Added Appendixes G.3 and G.4.

    Revised section 7 for DR opponents -- since having DRdoes not help in attacking DR opponents, the originalnumbers were correct.

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    09-MAR-2004 1.10 Updated Dragon Shape to reflect bug fixes in v1.62.Added Bonus Spell Slot bug to Appendix G.

    03-MAR-2004 1.09 Added Bonus Attacks Bug appendix. Damage Reductionhad been listed everywhere as Damage Resistance -- theyare different. Fixed section 7 stats for DamageReductive Shapes -- they should have no penalty againstDamage Reduction equal or lower to their own. Added

    a Best Shape Vs. Epic Damage Reduction section forPvP'ers.

    01-MAR-2004 1.08 Fixed the Best Shape vs. Undead/Dragon/Constructsection. Added Vampiric Regeneration to Risen Lord'scommentary. Upped "Valid for" in the header toversion 1.62, since the release notes don't claim tohave fixed any of the bugs described herein.

    06-FEB-2004 1.07 Added URL to Iznoghoud's script instead of the scriptitself. Cleaned up some SR percent signs left over.Fixed a typo on Undead Shapes and negative energy.Reordered Vs. Acid list from best to worst. Fixed atypo in the Half-Elf table of contents listing. Fixed

    Medusa attacks. Misc anal-retentive formatting fixes.Added instructions for uninstalling the ArchShifter Rodand using the Rod in a user module.

    04-FEB-2004 1.06 Weapon Finesse working for unarmed claws & bites isnot a bug. Cut down the Table Of Contents forAppendices C and D. Updated URL for ArchShifter hakpak.

    21-JAN-2004 1.05 Fleshed out the Chicken From Hell. Removed % fromSpell Resistance display. Removed Elf racial abilitiesfrom Drow & Epic Drow. Fixed spells for Epic GelatinousCube. Modified Epic Troll Mage into Epic Troll Shaman.Added a link to for the most recent versionof this FAQ. Fixed infinite Greater Wildshape levels.

    Fixed Undead Shape vs. negative damage. Added ShifterRod hak pak.

    13-JAN-2004 1.04 Reworked section 2 to add more info and aWeapons/Items/Armor chart. Fixed the Weapon Finessediscussion (Rakshasa? Minotaur? What was I thinking?).Fixed a suggestion to use Red Wyrmling for rogue-ing(Black/White has DX, not Red), and a typo about theMinflayer's IN bonus searching, rather than lockpicking. Fixed Wyrmling breath DC formulas. Fixeddescription of how SR works. Added Construct Shapesto Epic Will discussion. Vampires aren't quite as goodas I first calculated for raw melee damage potential(not that I'd want to meet one in a dark alley anyway).Updated the multiclassed XP penalty discussion inAppendix F. Added Iznoghoud's script to Appendix C.Actually tried out the Alternate Shapes in Appendix Dand it's really cool! Updated Appendix D to match.

    09-JAN-2004 1.03 Fixed Epic Minotaur and Vampire damage. AddedDemonflesh and Iron Golem BAB. Reworked section 7to include Epic Shapes and take into account theproper number of attacks per round. Added some moreinstructions to Appendix D. Added more info to section2. Added DR to Dragon. Fixed DR on Epic Manticore.

    08-JAN-2004 1.02 Fixed a typo in the Drow Warrior commentary. AddedIce Storm to Rakshasa commentary. Fixed an error in

    Iron Golem commentary. Standardized format of DI, DV,and DR. Standardized listing of Kobold Commando andLizardfolk Whipmaster in section 7.

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    08-JAN-2004 1.01 Fixed a typo in the revision history date. AddedImproved Critical to the suggested Feats in section 4.

    07-JAN-2004 1.00 Initial version.


    (I) Who am I? Where's my car? And did I do this all alone? (Hint: no)

    Your humble author, Doug Crews, can be reached at [email protected]. Allcomments, suggestions, corrections, retractions, elocutions, visions, and evencriticisms are welcome. I will not accept money under any circumstances, unlessit is offered to me.

    Thanks to Stephen Hawking for suggestions on Zen Archery & Manticores, EpicDamage Reduction, a low WS build, Empowered Ice Storm, and some errorcorrections.

    Thanks to PyroDrew suggestions on stat settings, and a error correction on RogueShifters.

    Thanks to Dark Delirium for insight into the Fighter build, gauntlet merging,and for correcting the DC for Wyrmling breath.

    Thanks to Dyss for pointing out that although Spell Resistance is displayed as apercentage, it is really calculated as d20 + caster level.

    Thanks to Iznoghoud for posting an excellent modification to the merging script,which I have blatantly and unceremoniously plagiarized for my own nefariouspurposes.

    Thanks to Zelle Qyllvan for pointing out that apparently you don't get KeenSenses as a Drow Warrior. Bunk!

    Thanks to Mrcdbph for clarifying the multiclassed XP penalty.

    Thanks to ReneP for pointing out that Weapon Finesse is designed to work forunarmed claws and bites -- it's not a bug.

    Thanks to Ben Escoto for pointing out an error in the Best Shape vs. Undead...section, and for reminding me that Damage Reductive Shapes should face nopenalty in melee against Damage Reduction equal or lower to their own (laterproved false, probably due to a bug).

    Thanks to Jamie for discovering the Bonus Attacks bug.

    Thanks to Jeremy Jones for reporting the Bonus Spell Slot bug.

    Thanks to Bradley Sprigg ([email protected]) for suggesting a powerfulWeapon Master build.