neur/o,i nervous system,nervous tissue neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی neuro/logy...

Nervous system

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Page 1: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Nervous system

Page 2: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Central nervous system

Page 3: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous
Page 4: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Nerve cell(neuron)

Page 5: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue

Neuro/allergy عصبی سیستم حساسیت

Neuro/logy شناسی عصب

Neuro/arthro/pathy عصبی بیماری مفصلی

Allergy in nervous system

The branch of medical science concerned with the various nervous systems

Any disease of joint structures associated with disease of the nervous system.

Page 6: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Neuro/surgery جراحیاعصاب

Neuro/blast رویانی یاختهعصبی

Angio/neuro/pathy رگی ناهنجاری

اعصاب اختالل به وابسته خودمختار Angio/neuro/tomy عروق بریدگی

ناحیه یک واعصاب Dermato/neuro/sis عصبی پوستی

Surgery of the nervous system

An immature nerve cell

A vascular disorder attributed to an abnormality of the autonomic nervous system fibers supplying the blood vessels

Incision of both nerves and vessels of a part

Any cutaneous eruption due to emotional stimuli

Page 7: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Neuro/cardiac به مربوطقلبی اعصاب

Neuro/cranium استخوانهای

جزاستخوانهای جمجمه صورت

Neuro/dermat/itis بیماریدلیل به پوستی مزمن

روانی اختالالت

Neur/algia بافت درد عصبی

Neuro/plasty جراحیاعصاب ترمیم

Relating to the cardiac neurosis

Those bones of the cranium enclosing the brain as distinguished from the bones of the face

A chronic lichenified skin lesion localized or disseminated

The pain of nervous tissue

Surgery of the nerves usually signifying more than neurorrhaphy

Page 8: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Gli/o Neuroglia

Glial سلولهای به مربوط پشتیبان

Angio/glio/mato/sis نوعیرگی گلیومای

Glio/ma توموردربافتنوروگلیا سازنده

Glio/mato/sis ازحد بیش افزایش

نخاع در نوروگلیا

Pertaining to neuroglia

Occurrence of multiple areas of proliferating capillaries and neuroglia or a condition of multiple angiogliomas

A tumor composed of tissue which represent neuroglia in any one of its stages of development

Diffuse formation of gliomas

Page 9: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Gangli/o , Ganglion/o


Gan/glia تجمعگانگلیون هاGan/glio/ma تومور گانگلیون Gan/glion/itis عفونت

گانگلیون Poly/gan/glion/ic گانگلیون تجمع

Gan/gli/ectomy عقدهبرداری

Plural of ganglion

Tumor of a ganglion

Inflammation of a gnaglion

Containing or involving many ganglia

Surgical removal of ganglion

Page 10: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous



Meningo/cele مننژ فتق Meningo-osteo/phleb/itis وریدهای عفونت پریوستیومMeningo/cephalo/pathy مغزومننژ ناهنجاری

Meningo/rrh/agia مننژ خونریزی

Hernia of the meninges

Inflammation of the veins of the periosteum

Disorder affecting the meninges and the brain

Hemorrhage into or beneath the cerebral or spinal meninges

Page 11: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Myel/o Spinal cord (also bone marrow)

Hemato/myelia نشتدرنخاع خون

Encephalo/myelo/neuro/pathy دربرگیرنده بیماری

مرکزی و محیطی اعصاب Myel/algia درد نخاعMyelo/blast/emia وجود

خون در میلوبالست Myelo/rrh/aphy بخیه

نخاع ودوختن

Hemorrhage into the spinal cord

A disease involving the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves

Pain in the spinal cord

The presence of myeloblasts in the circulating blood

Suture of a wound of the spinal cord

Page 12: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Radicul/o Spinal nerve root

Radiculo/pathy بیمارینخاع عصبی های ریشه

Myelo/radiculo/dysplas/ia ریشه و نخاع تکاملی نقص

نخاعی عصب های

Radliculo/gan/glion/itis عصبی های ریشه عفونت

ها گانگلیون و

Any disease of spinal nerve root

Congenital maldevelopment of the spinal cord and spinal nerve roots

Inflammation of roots and ganglion

Page 13: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Encephal/o Brain

An/encephal/y جمجمهعصبی بافت فاقد


مغز ر Electero/encephalo/graph

مغز نوار ثبت دستگاه

Electre/encephalo/grapy مغز نوار ثبت Encephalo/dyniaسردرد

Absence of the brain

The record obtained by means of electreencephalograph

An instrument for performing electroencephalography

The recording of the electric currents developed in the brain


Page 14: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Encephalo/scopy تست مغزیEncephalo/tomy مخ تشریح Polio/encephalo/myel/itis خاکستری ماده عفونت

Por/encephal ایجادیاوجودحفره

مغز در طبیعی غیر

Megalo/encephal/y اندازه غیرطبیعی افزایش مغز

Examination of the brain

Dissection or incision of the brain

Inflammation of the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord

The presence of one or more cavities in the brain

Enlargement of the brain

Page 15: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Cerebr/o Cerebrum

Cerebro/logy شناسی مخ

Infra/cerebral مغزی تحت Cerebro/spinal مغزی نخاعی

Cerebro/tomy اناتومیمغز یاتشریح

Cerebro/sis مغزی بیماری

The sum of knowledge regarding the brain

Below the cerebrum

Related to the brain and spinal cord

Incision of the brain

Any disease of the cerebrum

Page 16: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Cortic/o Cerebral cortex,outer portion

Cortico/spinal قشری نخاعی

Cortico/medial قشریمیانی

Cortico/thalam/ic تاالموسی قشری

Cortico/pleur/itis جنب پرده عفونت احشایی

Pertaining to the cerebral cortex and spinal cord

Cortical and medial

Pertaining to cortex and thalamus

Inflammation of the visceral pulmonary pleura

Page 17: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Cerebell/o Cerebellum

Supra/cerebell/ar فوقای مخچه


مخچه النخاعی بصل ای

Cerebello/pontineمغزی پل ای مخچه

Cerebello/rubr/al ارتباطمغزمیانی و مخچه بین

Above the cerebellum

Relating to the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata

Relating to the cerebellum and pons

Relating to the connections of the cerebellum with the red nucleus

Page 18: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Thalam/o Thalamus

Thalamo/tomy تاالموسی تشریح


قشری تاالموسی

Incision of the thalamus

Relating to the efferent connections of the thalamus with the cerebral cortex

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Ventricul/o Cavity,ventricle

Intra/ventricul/ar میان بطنی

Ventriculo/scope های بطن اندوسکوپی

کورویید مغزوشبکه

Ventriculo/puncture تزریقمغزی های بطن به

Within a ventricle

An endoscope for examining the cerebral ventricles and for cauterizing the choroid plexus

Insertion of a needle into a ventricle

Page 20: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Medull/o Medulla oblongata (also spinal cord)

Medulla/ry مغز به مربوطمیانی

Pertaining to the medulla

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Psych/o Mind

Psycho/genic منشا دارایروانی

Medico/psycho/logy روان

پزشکی Psycho/genesis های بیماری

روان ساخته

Psychi/atric روانی

Psycho/somat/ic روحی جسمی

Originiating in the mind

Psychology in its relation to medicine

Production of a symptom or illness by psychic

Pertaining to or within the purview of psychiatry

Pertaining to mind-body relationship

Page 22: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Narc/o Stupor,unconsciousness

Narco/sis و کرختی حالتداروی ی وسیله به گیجی

مسکن و مخدر

Electro/narco/sis بیهوشیی وسیله به خواب حالت یاهای الکترود که رقی جریانگذاده شقیقه روی آنبرای روش این میشودبکار اسکیزوفرنی درمانمیرود

State of stupor it used by drugs

Production of insensibility to pain by the use of electral current

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Somn/o,i Sleep

Somno/lense خوابی کم In/somn/ia خوابی بی Hyper/somn/ia خوابی زیاده Somni/facient آور خواب Dys/somnia در اختالل خواب


Inability to sleep

A condition in which sleep periods are excessively long

Causing sleep

Disturbance of normal sleep or rhythm pattern

Page 24: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Term Term Analysis Definition


-ar=pertaining toVascul/o=vessleCerebr/o=brain

مغزی عروق

Cerebrospinal fluid

-al=pertaining toSpin/o=spinal cordCerebr/o=brainFluid= a liquid that can flow

نخاعی مغزی مایع

Page 25: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Term Term Analysis Definition

encephalitis -itis=inflammationEncephal/o=brain

مغز التهاب


Pathy=diease مغزی بیماری


cephal=cerebral us=condition hydro=water

عادی غیر ازدییادمغزی مایع

Page 26: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Term Term Analysis Definition

Meningitis Itis=inflammation mening

های پرده تورم مغز

poliomyelitis Poli=gray matter myel=myelin it is= inflammaition

فلج بیماریاطفال


Neur/o=nerve muscle ar=pertaining to

عضالنی عصبی

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Term Term Analysis Definition

Neurology Neur/o=nerve logy=study

شناسی عصب

Anesthesia An=no esthesia=sensation ia=conditin


parasthesia Para=beside esthesia=sensation

موضعی حسی بی

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Term Term analysis Definition

Aphasia A =non phasia=speech

تکلم قدرت عدم

dysphasia Dys=dis phasia=speech

سخن در دشواری

Hemiplegia Hemi=half plegia

بدن نییمه فلج

Page 29: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Term Term Analysis Definition

paraplegia Para= beside plegia=paralysis

بدن نیمه فلج

Tetraplegia Tetra=four plegia=paralysis

اندام چهار فلچ

dementia De=lack of ment=mind ia=condition


Page 30: Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuro/allergy حساسیت سیستم عصبی Neuro/logy عصب شناسی Neuro/arthro/pathy بیماری عصبی مفصلی Allergy in nervous

Suffix Meaning Example Definition of the example

-phasia Speech heterophasiaUtering words that are

different from those intended

-lalia Speech,babble Coprolalia Compulsive use of obscene words

-lexia Reading Bradylexia Slowness in reading

-plegia Paralysis Tetraplegia Paralysis of all four limbs

-paresis Partial paralysis,weakness Hemiparesis Partial paralysis of one

side of the body

-lepsy Seizure Narcolepsy Condition marked by sudden episodes of sleep

-phobia Persistant,irrational fear Agoraphobia Fear of being in a

public place

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Cancers of the CNS Primary brain tumors

Benign or malignant Most pediatric brain tumors are primary Examples are astrocytoma, glioblastoma

Secondary brain tumors Metastases from other sites Most common tumors of the brain

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Alzheimer’s Disease

Etiology: unknownS/S: previous section, end-stage is complete inattention to selfDiagnosis of exclusionTreatment: some meds slow progression, supportive care of patient and family

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Parkinson’s Disease

Movement disorder characterized by muscle rigidity & tremorsUsually males over 65 YOAEtiology: unknown, related to dopamine deficiency in brain

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Parkinson’s Disease

S/S: bradykinesia, involuntary tremors, muscular rigidityTreatment: dopamine replacement meds, PT, supportive

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Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Chronic, progressive, demyelinating autoimmune disorder

Makes antibodies to myelinFemales (2:1)Occurs during adult years, not geriatricAbout 25,000 new cases/yr in US

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S/S: variable, may last hours to weeksClassically: eye symptoms, paresthesias, paralysis, mood swings, balance problems, often sudden onset with relapsesTreatment: beta-interferon products, corticosteroids, glatiramen acetate (synthetic myelin protein)Usual cause of death is due to chronic disability issues

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Etiology: most frequently strokeAlso intracranial tumor or hemorrhage

Other S/S: weakness of half of the face, aphasia, agnosia, apraxia, agraphia, alexia, etc.

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Paraplegia & Quadriplegia

Etiology: most commonly spinal cord injuries due to traumaOther S/S: loss of bowel & bladder control, sexual dysfunction

S/S of quadriplegia also include:Low blood pressure and pulseVariable loss of respiratory control

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CNS Infections

Acute Bacterial MeningitisAcute inflammation & infection of the CSF & the meningesEtiology: bacterial, viral, or fungal

Source may be spread from blood or nasopharynxMost severe type = bacterial

Most common bacteria involved are Strep pneumoniae & Neisseria meningitidis

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DuraOutermost layerThick, fibrous

ArachnoidThin, filmy like a spiderweb

PiaThin, vascular layer of loose connective tissue, inseparable from the outer brain surface

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Any pain occurring in the headAcute or chronicNumerous etiologiesVery common condition

May be a symptom of other diseasesInfections, neoplasms, inflammatory diseases, etc.

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Due to irritation, inflammation of any pain-sensitive structureBrain itself is not a source of headacheDiagnostic procedures and testing:

Physical exam (PE), CT scan, LP (lumbar puncture or spinal tap), EEG, routine x-rays, MRA, MRI and more

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Migraine Headache

Recurrent, usually severe headache of vascular originMore common in females (3 to 1)

Family history in 70-80%Onset common in adolescence or early adulthood

80% have first migraine by 30YOAUsually become less frequent with age

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Migraine Headache

10-20% US population have migraines2nd most common cause of HA in US

Muscle tension HA is #1S/S:

Intense throbbing headache, uni-or bilateralNausea, vomiting, dizziness, tinnitusVisual disturbancesWith or without aura (classical vs. common)Duration from 4-72 hours

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Migraine Headache

Etiology:Vasoactive chemicals (peptides) in brain (serotonin and dopamine)Stimulate inflammatory cascadeThis causes vasodilationSerotonin appears to be most important factor

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Etiology: most frequently strokeAlso intracranial tumor or hemorrhage

Other S/S: weakness of half of the face, aphasia, agnosia, apraxia, agraphia, alexia, etc.

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Paraplegia & Quadriplegia

Etiology: most commonly spinal cord injuries due to traumaOther S/S: loss of bowel & bladder control, sexual dysfunction

S/S of quadriplegia also include:Low blood pressure and pulseVariable loss of respiratory control

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CNS Infections

Acute Bacterial MeningitisAcute inflammation & infection of the CSF & the meningesEtiology: bacterial, viral, or fungal

Source may be spread from blood or nasopharynxMost severe type = bacterial

Most common bacteria involved are Strep pneumoniae & Neisseria meningitidis