nepal youth policy review from youth perspective

National Youth Policy from Youth perspective Brabim Kumar K.C General Secretary (2010-2012) Association of Youth organizations in Nepal (AYON) [email protected]

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Nepal youth policy review from youth perspective


Page 1: Nepal youth policy review from youth perspective

National Youth Policy from Youth perspective

Brabim Kumar K.C

General Secretary (2010-2012)

Association of Youth organizations in Nepal (AYON)

[email protected]

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Youth refers to the period when, - mental and physical development - from being children to being adolescents. In this period, while experiencing various troubles and emotional conflicts, adolescents establish their livelihood bases as the standard-bearers of society, contribute to society through their participation in public affairs, and widen the scope of their activities both domestically and internationally in accordance with their skills, aptitude, and so on.

- Youth Policy Development Definition

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What are Youth issues ?




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Youth in different transitions

Source: mark Hamilton

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Status of Youth in Nepal

By population - 38.8% (16 - 40) (15 - 29) 27 % 0.4 have physical and mental

disability 83% youth live in rural area (Youth status report-


17 % live in urban area

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Youth status

More than 1000 young people travel to aboard everyday

Everyday more than 1000 (estimated) young people leave Nepal through open boarder

Every year about 4,00000 young people enter in job market

Unemployment and underemployment rate is 54%

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Youth status

Only 27.87% are receiving the vocational training

Only 41.8 % have been able to reap any financial earnings

80.33 % don't know - have not participated on any life skills training (Youth

status report -2010)

Youth Education: School drop out rate is 70-80%

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How youth policy respond to this problem?

? ?

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राष्ट्रिय युवा नीति


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याष्ट्रिम मुवा नीति मुनेस्कोका अनुसाय फनाउनु बनेको तनम्न ऩाॉच कुयाहरूराई स्ऩरट ऩानु ु हो - UNESCO

(१) सफैरे स्वीकाय गयेको मुवाको ऩरयबाषा ककटान गने; (२) मुवाहरुको आवश्मकिा िथा आकाॊऺ ाहरु ऩहहचान गयेय मुवा

वववयण (youth profile) िमाय ऩाने; (३) मुवाकारागी यारिको ऩरयकल्ऩना, रक्ष्म िथा उद्देश्महरु िमाय

ऩाने; (४) ववभबन्न सयोकायवाराहरुसॉगको याष्ट्रिम ववभर् ुगयी

सहबागीिाभूरक प्रकिमाफाट मुवा नीति तनभाुण गने; (५) याज्मको साॊस्कतिक, आर्थकु, बौगोभरक य साभाष्ट्जक

अवस्थाहरुराई ध्मानभा याख्दै मुवा नीति िथा कामिुभहरुका रागी प्राथभभकिाका ऺेत्रहरुको ऩहहचान गने;

(६) मुवा नीति आपैं भा स्विन्त्र दस्िावेज बएिा ऩतन मुवाका भुद्दा िथा नीतिराई याष्ट्रिम ववकासका मोजना िथा अन्म ऺेत्रगि नीतिहरुसॉग भूरप्रवाहहकयण गने ।

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(१) सभावेर्ी प्रकिमाभा सफै सयोकायवाराहरुको सहबागीिा; (२) अवस्था िथा आवश्मकिाहरुको ऩहहचान; (३) जोखिभभा ऩयेका मवुाहरुराई सम्फोधन; (४) आवश्मक श्रोिहरुको रेिाजोिा; (५) फजेट तनभाुण; (६) ववगिको अनुबवफाट भसकाई; (७) स्ऩरट ऩरयकल्ऩना; (८) सॊस्थागि सॊयचना; (९) सफै सयोकायवाराहरुसॉग साझदेायी; िथा (१०) अनुगभन य भलु्माकॊ न ।

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राष्ट्रिय युवा नीति यारिरे आफ्ना मुवाराई हने दृष्ट्रटकोण य उनीहरुको मुवाकोरागी दयुगाभी ऩरयकल्ऩना झल्काउने दस्िावेज हो ।

कभनवेल्थ मुवा कामिुभका अनुसाय "याष्ट्रिम मुवा नीतिरे मुवाको वववयण िथा फुझाइ प्रकार् ऩादै उनीहरुको अवस्था, बूभभका िथा सभाजभा उनीहरुको अर्धकाय य ष्ट्जम्भेवायीहरु स्ऩरट ऩादुछ ।

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राष्ट्रिय युवा नीतिका फाइदाहरु यारिको आफ्नो मुवाहरुको बववरम प्रतिको ऩरयकल्ऩना ऩरयबावषि

गदुछ । मुवाहरु प्रति सभाजको प्रतिफद्धिाराई प्रतिबफम्फीि गछु । मुवाको आवश्मकिा िथा आकाॊऺ ाहरुको ऩहहचान गदुछ । सभान रक्ष्म िथा साभूहहक कामकुोरागी कामनुीतिहरु िम गन ुय

मुवा ववकासकारागी सयकायी, गैय सयकायी िथा मुवा सॊस्थाहरुको यणनीति य कामहुरुको सभन्वम गदुछ ।

मुवा आवश्मकिाहरु ऩरयऩूिॉ गन ुसयकायी श्रोिहरुको सभानुऩातिक फाॉडपाॉडकोरागी आधाय िमाय गदुछ ।

नीतिराई अन्म ऺते्रगि नीति िथा कामिुभसॉग भूरप्रवाहहकयण गने अवसय प्रदान गदुछ ।

मुवाराई प्रबाव ऩाने नीति िथा कामिुभको मोजना अनुगभन भुल्माङ्कन गने आधाय हदन्छ ।

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Youth in Global



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International Background

• From mid 1960 UN has started talking on the youth issues

• 1985-1995 was declared as the International Youth Decade by UN with the slogan “Youth for Participation, Peace and Development”

• From the year 1994 onwards, after International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) at Cairo youth issues were taken into consideration seriously

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National Context

Constitutional provision on youth – 2019 B.S.

◦ Youth were mobilized on National Development Service

Establishment of National Youth Fund – 2042

Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture established – 2052

Youth Section was established under Ministry of Education and Sports – 2058

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National Context

Youth issues were highlighted and special programs for youth were incorporated in the 9th

Five Year Plan of Nepal

Separate youth chapter in interim plan of National Planning Commission

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Previous initiation to formulate Youth Policy Ministry of Youth and Sports for the first time

tried to draft youth policy on 2052 B.S.

Ministry of Education and Sports tried to draft youth policy on the year 2059, 2062 and 2064, after Ministry of Youth and Sports dissolved

Those four times initiations have contributed in the formulation process of the youth policy

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International comparisonCountry Youth Definition

Zambia 1994

South Korea 1997 - 2008 (Review)

Siyera Leone 2003

Maldives 1997

India 1998 - 2003 (Review)

Bangladesh 2003

Pakistan 2008

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नेपाऱमा राष्ट्रिय युवा नीति ! चौिपी िथा एकीकृि मुवा दवाव

ष्ट्जल्रा स्ियभा ऩतन सकिमिा

सॊजारहरुको गठन

अन्ियाष्ट्रिम दािाहरुको चासो य सहमोग

मुवा िथा िेरकुद भन्त्रारमको गठन

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Page 24: Nepal youth policy review from youth perspective

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Page 25: Nepal youth policy review from youth perspective

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Page 26: Nepal youth policy review from youth perspective

Implementation Mechanism


Executive Vice President


Deputy Director

(At Central Level)Counseling Information Skill development & Employment

(At District Level)

Office Secretary Counseling Information Skill development and Employment

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Implementation update

Action plan in drafting process

Youth participation in development

Youth information centre

On the job training

Youth responsive budget

Youth status research

Youth exchange visit

Page 28: Nepal youth policy review from youth perspective

Nepal - Youth PolicyPositive Weakness

Youth Consultations

- Next slide17 Strategic Sectors

Gender Inclusive

Women's participation

Provision of Review in 5 years

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Youth Policy - A critical view

It demands the review of other sectoralpolicies

Some confusions on Education ((a) says the

education will be free up to +2 level (b) talks about the

education up to S.L.C)

The mainstreaming of existing educational, vocational training can solve many problems of youth & education

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critical view... contd

Huge age group (Youth age can be defined on 5 basics

(Entering job market, participation in education, SRH- Physiological issues, marriage age, socio-cultural responsibilities )

Youth Mobilisation ?

Youth Employment - Provision of foreign employment

Ethnic issues - issues of federalism

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Attempt to include everything which has doubt in implementation level

We " YOUTH" can be a critical mass who can monitor the implementation of policy from AIP perspective

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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." – Margaret Mead

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Page 34: Nepal youth policy review from youth perspective

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Page 35: Nepal youth policy review from youth perspective

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