needs analysis: a valuable tool for designing and maintaining effective esp curriculum

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An essay that defines need analysis and an elaboration of how the process is utilized to improve the curriculum.


  • Needs Analysis: A Valuable Tool for Designing and Maintaining Effective ESP Curriculum

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    Needs Analysis: A Valuable Tool for

    Designing and Maintaining Effect ive ESP



    Abdeslam Badre

    May, 2005

  • Needs Analysis: A Valuable Tool for Designing and Maintaining Effective ESP Curriculum

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    Table of Content

    I - Introduction:

    II - What is Needs Analysis

    III - Types of needs assessment

    IV The importance of needs analysis implementation

    V - Steps in implementing needs analysis:

    1 - Who Will Conduct the Study?

    2 - What Kind of Information Needs to Be Collected?

    3 - How Will the Information Be Collected?

    4 - The interpretation of Findings

    VI - Approaches to needs analysis

    VII - Components of needs analyses

    VIII - Techniques used in needs analysis

    IX - Conclusion:

    X - Bibliography

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    I - Introduction:

    With the advent of the communicative approach, views on language

    teaching started to incorporate communicative features into syllabus design.

    Accordingly, a central question has been raised: what does the learner need/want

    to do with the target language? Rather than, what are the linguistic elements the

    learner needs to master? This movement has led in part to the development of

    English for Specific Purpose. Thus, the focus has no more been only on

    language function but also on experiential content.

    In order to cater for the learners specific purpose, it has become urgent to

    collect information about the learners: their needs and wants. For so doing,

    relevant techniques as well as procedures have been developed by needs

    analysts. These techniques have been borrowed and adopted from other areas of

    training, particularly, those associated with industry and technology.

    In this respect, the present paper attempts to shed light on the field of

    needs analysis as a method of not only analyzing the needs of given individuals

    (learners) or communities; but also as a tool that can help in predicting future

    decisions about a targeted population. And before indulging in the hows and

    whats of needs assessment, a clear and well-rounded definition of the concept

    has to be provided.


    The word "assess" comes from the Latin term "assidere," which means to

    "sit beside." Process-minded and participatory-oriented adult educators "sit

    beside" learners to learn about their proficiencies and backgrounds, educational

    goals, and expected outcomes, immersing themselves in the lives and views of

    their students (Auerbach, 1994).

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    The needs assessment process can be used as the basis for developing curricula

    and classroom practice that are responsive to these needs.

    The research to date has considered the concept through various

    perspectives and proposed various interpretations accordingly. In this regard,

    the concept of needs is viewed as irrevocably value laden and felt and

    prescribed needs are considered within this concept. Learner needs assessment

    encompasses both what learners know and can do (learner proficiencies) and what they want

    to learn and be able to do. Richterich (1983: 2) notes the difficulty of reaching an

    agreed on definition of needs analysis is in that The very concept of language

    needs has never been clearly defined and remains at best ambiguous. Berwick

    (1989: 52) offers a simplified conventional definition of need as the discrepancy

    between a current state of affairs and a desired future state. If this controversy

    is meant to reveal anything, it should be the ambiguity loaded within the phrase

    needs assessment.

    III - Types of needs

    Berwick (1989: 55) views perceived needs as those that the educators

    make judgments about in other peoples experience, while felt needs are viewed

    as the ones that the learners have. Brookfield (1988: 221) defines felt needs as

    wants, desires and wishes of the learner. Brindley (1989) and Robinson (1991)

    consider all factual information about the learner (language proficiency,

    language difficulties, use of language in real life) as means to collect data about

    objective needs; whereas cognitive and affective needs of the learner in language

    learning (such as confidence, attitudes, expectations) are considered as data

    about subjective needs. Hutchinson and Waters (1993: 54) define target needs

    as the ones the learner needs to do in the target situation, these are necessities,

    lacks, and wants. What the learner needs to do in order to learn is referred to

    learning needs. Peck (1991) categorizes the concept in terms of academic,

    social, and emotional needs.

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    Richterich and Chancerel (1987: 3) ague that experience shows that in

    general the learner is little aware of his needs and, in particular, he is unable to

    express them except in very vague terms. Kopp (1986) and Pennington (1980)

    (quoted in Knox, 1997: 56) maintain that adults may be unaware of some of

    their educational needs, which may be implicit in their attitudes and choices, and

    may be aware of other educational needs, which they can state explicitly in

    response to some questions. Accordingly, it would be helpful to use needs

    assessment procedures to confirm and discover both implicit and explicit needs

    important to adult learners.

    Richterich and Chancerel (1987) point out that due to the fact that needs

    vary too much from person to person, the system should be continually adapted.

    Porcer (1983: 129) emphasizes the fact that speaking of a need (language or

    other) is not the same as speaking in general of what is lacking. A need does not

    exist prior to a project; it is always constructed. The researcher also believes

    that the process of learning is obviously affected by the attitude of the learner

    towards the teaching itself. Therefore, the relationship between the learner and

    the content of learning should be considered as a prerequisite in specifying and

    analyzing the needs of a learner.

    IV The importance of implementing a needs analysis

    Learners and teachers may have different needs. This why needs analysts

    should be cautious in collecting information from various sources due to the

    multiplicity and diversity of the views on prerequisites for an ESP. Hutchinson

    and Waters (1993) hold that the relationship between necessities as perceived by

    a sponsor or an ESP teacher, and what learners want or feel can be at extreme

    poles. They suggest that learners perceived wants and wishes should be

    considered carefully, and due to objective and subjective reality of needs, each

    learning situation should be considered uniquely and systematically.

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    Bearing in mind a wide range of needs due to the influence of different

    social and cultural factors on students learning (Peck, 1991), a needs analysis is

    considered as a prerequisite in any course design (Richterich and Chancerel,

    1987). According to Knox (1997: 56), needs assessment enables researchers to

    justify their assumptions as to whether or not potential educational needs are

    sound, to design a program in terms of topics, materials so as to be responsive to

    the needs of participants. "The curriculum content and learning experiences

    should be negotiated between learners, teacher, and coordinator at the

    beginning of the project and renegotiated regularly during the project" (p. 20).

    At the beginning of the program, needs assessment might be used to determine

    types of appropriate program and course content. During the program, it

    assures that learner and program goals are being met, and allows for necessary

    program changes. At the end of the program, it can be used for assessing

    progress and planning future directions for learners and the program. This can

    maximize the likelihood of students' participation. Finally such focus on

    satisfying learners needs will help the learners to insist on learning and applying

    what has been learnt.

    Richards (1990) deals with this issue from the point of curriculum

    development, and he thinks that the data to be collected from learners, teachers,

    administrators, and employers in the planning process will help to identify

    general and specific language needs and content of a language program. Besides,

    it will provide data to review and evaluate the existing program.

    Yet, it is recommended that needs analysis should be carried out during

    the life of each course (Richterich and Chancerel, 1987), because as students

    become more involved with the course, their attitudes and approach may

    change (Robinson, 1991: 15). Therefore, identification and analysis of needs

    should be a continuous process (Richterich and Chancerel, 1987; Knox, 1987).

    This can help both administrators and teachers to adapt necessary changes.

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    IV.1. A needs assessment serves a number of purposes:

    It aids administrators, teachers, and tutors with learner placement,

    developing materials, curricula, skills assessments, teaching approaches, and

    teacher training. It assures a flexible, responsive curriculum rather than a

    fixed and linear curriculum determined ahead of time by instructors.

    It provides information to the instructor about what the learner brings to the

    course (if done at the beginning), what has been accomplished (if done

    during the course), and what the learner wants and needs to know next.

    When learners know that educators understand and want to address specific

    needs and interests, the former are motivated to continue learning.

    V Steps in implementing a Needs Assessment

    To undertake a needs assessment study, one must plan ones strategy. The

    four steps to the needs assessment process require that one should determine

    who will conduct the study, what kind of information needs to be collected, how

    the information will be collected, and how the information will be used.

    V.1. Who Will Conduct the Study?

    The first step in performing a needs assessment is to decide who will conduct the

    study. A needs assessment study can be carried out by needs analysts, outside

    consultants, practitioners, or educational members, such as teachers. Needless to

    say that available resources, time frame, and comfort level with performing

    research may influence decisions.

    V.2. What Kind of Information Needs to Be Collected?

    The second step in performing a needs assessment is to decide what you hope to

    learn about your community and what kind of information you plan to collect.

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    For example, do you hope to perform a broad-based study or one that is focused

    on a particular area? A needs assessment for use with adult learners of English is

    a tool that examines, from the perspective of the learner, what kinds of English,

    native language, and literacy skills the learner already believes he or she has; the

    literacy contexts in which the learner lives and works; what the learner wants

    and needs to know to function in those contexts; what the learner expects to

    gain from the instructional program; and what might need to be done in the

    native language or with the aid of an interpreter. The categories of information

    one might be interested in collecting include: Demographic Data, Social, Cultural,

    Educational and Recreational Organizations.

    V.3. How Will the Information Be Collected?

    After deciding on the types of information the institution wants to collect about

    its community, it needs to determine how to collect that information. Data can

    be collected by: 1) interviewing key informants (also known as "gatekeepers"):

    these are people who hold socially responsible positions, such as educators, 2)

    holding a community forum, 3) researching social indicators, 4) consulting

    demographic information from public records and reports, 5) and performing

    field surveys. It is best if the needs analysts can use more than one of these data

    collection methods in combination.

    V.4. Interpretation of Findings

    In order to make use of the information collected, the results have to be

    interpreted. To interpret the data, some statistical analyses are often applied to

    identify the most important needs for the majority of the informants. An

    important feature of the results should be a reflection of whether or not the

    current goals of the given institution do meet (and will continue to meet) the

    needs of the community. Crucial to be covered in the finding also is the question

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    as to whether the institution has collected information about the present or the

    past needs of the community. When the data analysis is completed, it should be

    possible to produce a rank-ordered list of the most important changes identified

    by the community. This ranking can be used to set budget priorities. At the end

    of this process, it is a good idea to share the findings with the community in

    some way: holding a group meeting, creating displays at the institution, or

    writing articles to appear online or in the local newspapers, or through teachers


    VI - Approaches to Needs Analysis

    A careful needs analysis should involve Present Situation Analysis

    (PSA) and Target Situation Analysis (TSA). PSA aims at finding out the

    students English proficiency level and their existing language requirements at

    the beginning of a language program, whereas learners language requirements

    regarding the target situation are identified through TSA (Robinson, 1991: 8-9).

    Bloor (1984) defines the former type of analysis as a learner-centered needs

    analysis, and the latter one as a target-centered analysis. Bloor emphasizes that

    operation of both analyses during a term is certainly desirable. Robinson (1991)

    also holds that TSA and PSA are complementary and form an efficient form of

    needs analysis.

    Jordan (1997) proposes a tri-chotomy of needs analysis which

    comprises: 1) deficiency analysis, 2) strategy analysis, 3) and means analysis.

    Deficiency analysis is concerned with the necessities that the learner lacks;

    strategy analysis seeks to establish the learners preferences in terms of learning

    styles and strategies, or teaching methods; means analysis examines the

    constraints - local situation - to find out the ways of implementation of a

    language course.

    Furthermore, various analyses and approaches to needs assessment were

    put forward: analytic view of needs analysis which examines expert opinion, and

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    diagnostic approach which examines the learners needs to be used in social

    services (Berwick, 1989); discrepancy analysis which attempts to examine what

    people know and what they ought to know, and democratic approach which is

    based on learner points of view (Stufflebeam et al, 1985, quoted in Berwick,


    VII - Components of Needs Analyses

    Many needs assessment tests are available for use in different employment

    contexts. Sources that can help you determine which needs analysis is

    appropriate for your situation are described below.

    Context Analysis. The important questions being answered by this

    analysis are who decide that a given training should be conducted, why a

    training program is seen as the recommended solution to a business

    problem, what the history of the organization has been with regard to

    employee training and other management interventions.

    User Analysis. Analysis dealing with potential participants and instructors

    involved in the process. The important questions being answered by this

    analysis are who will receive the training and their level of existing

    knowledge on the subject, as well as what is their learning style, and who

    will conduct the training?

    Work analysis. Analysis of the tasks being performed. This is an analysis

    of the job and the requirements for performing the work. Also known as a

    task analysis or job analysis, this analysis seeks to specify the main duties

    and skill level required. This helps ensure that the training that is

    developed will include relevant links to the content of the job.

    Content Analysis. Analysis of documents, laws, procedures used in the job.

    This analysis answers questions about what knowledge or information is

    used on this job; and the sources of the information ( does it come from

    manuals, documents, or regulations.) It is important that the content of

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    the training does not conflict or contradict job requirements. An

    experienced worker can assist (as a subject matter expert) in determining

    the appropriate content.

    Training Suitability Analysis. Analysis of whether a training is the desired

    solution. Training is one of several solutions to employment problems.

    However, it may not always be the best solution. It is important to

    determine if training will be effective in its usage.

    Cost-Benefit Analysis. Analysis of the return on investment (ROI) of

    training. Effective training is expected to result in a return of value to the

    organization that is greater than the initial investment to produce or

    administer the training.

    VIII - Techniques used in needs analysis

    Several basic Needs Assessment techniques include:

    Direct observation


    Consultation with persons in key positions, and/or with specific


    Review of relevant literature


    Focus groups


    Class discussions

    Records & report studies

    Work samples

    1. Surveys

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    Surveys are usually in the form of a questionnaire. A comprehensive

    survey of the information needs of your institution would seek information on

    the types of information users (physician, nurse, administrator, etc.), the types of

    information sought (factual, reviews, in-depth, clinical, research,

    administrative), the frequency of the need (daily, monthly, annually), and where

    the information is currently found (hospital library, other library, personal

    library, consultation with colleague, not found, et c.).

    Other surveys may be on a more narrow aspect of service. Recent surveys

    at Dartmouth have assessed 1) satisfaction with the current awareness service,

    2) the desirability of a change in Sunday hours, 3) and satisfaction with the

    Learning Resources Center. Satisfaction with and the need for additional

    educational workshops are regularly assessed after each workshop.

    2. Interviews

    Interviews may be formal or informal. Formally, you may visit department

    chairs, administrators, and/or managers annually to ask if the library, for

    example, is currently meeting their needs and how things could be better.

    Informal interviews are often done as you greet people entering the library or

    check materials out, and ask them if they have found what was needed. If you

    take it a step further, making a note of the conversation and any action taken in

    response. This way, you've already initiated done a needs assessment.

    3. Analysis of statistics, records

    Libraries have always been faithful record keepers, gathering statistics on

    every aspect of their operations - circulation, reference, acquisitions, interlibrary

    loan, etc. Analyze these records regularly to see what they tell you about the

    needs of your institution. You probably already analyze interlibrary loan

    requests to determine titles to which you should subscribe.

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    5. Suggestion box

    A suggestion box is a very basic needs assessment tool. Complaints -

    whether received through a suggestion box or not - can fall into this category of

    needs assessment tool.

    6. Meetings, Reports, Newsletters

    Attending meetings, reading newsletter, and getting on as many

    distribution lists as possible are all useful ways to find out about the level of

    efficacy of new programs and services, and the new direction is heading to.

    Any of the aforementioned tools may be used in the continuous quality

    improvement process to uncover areas in need of improvement and to measure

    progress toward improvement. With all of the above needs assessment tools, it is

    important to document how you measure need for knowledge-based information

    and how you respond to the measured needs.

    IX - Conclusion

    An ongoing needs analysis should be a prerequisite for any

    program/course design in order to achieve effective instructional outcomes.

    Besides this, it can help educators and administrators to gain awareness of the

    context variable (Chaudron, 1990) and program designers - to provide

    appropriate instructional input to foster effective learning. Needs of

    administrators /educators and students generally vary across time, instructional

    contexts, the requirement of an ongoing needs assessment for any educational

    institution becomes crucial in order to promote effective teaching and learning


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    Weddel, Kathleen Santopietro - Van Duzer, Carol Adjunct ERIC Clearinghouse

    for ESL Literacy Education.

    Van House, Nancy A. and Thomas A. Childers (1993). The Public Library Effectiveness

    Study: The Complete Report, Chicago: American Library Association.

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