nebraska herald. (plattsmouth) 1871-12-21 [p ]. · 2019. 2. 6. · sardrinuhatn announces tbut thi...

.1 --1 1WL NEBRASKA HERALD I". ri 5U3.iro TE2ILT FT B-- toss' BL& si m m g KJ HATHAWAY & tfKYPOLT. nr.o. l. BKVr.or.T B. 3. IIATTT .If T. fci I.. KKTIIjt.' 1. OCieeeonicr Main and Second cud eTory. TERHS: Weekly. 52.00 per aomitt tf paid irarlce. ttUk) if not paid in advance. IHK AJU HMir.Nr. In ordor to settle the finest Ion of thrt adjournment of the legislature, the Oir.aha Jiet reproduces the following concurrent resolution of adjournment, which passed Loth Houses oh June 7th 1 iT 1 . ns shown by the official records ? ' Reunited, Dy the Senate, the Honse 'eiieiirrinjr. therein, that from and after half past : o'clock p in, cf this flay, the Lgi-Uttu- re stntri adjourned to the fecort ! Tuesday of January, le72, at 2 o'clocl:, p. nt." Mill 111? "Ve lind ths following dispatch in tr.s 'regr.lar Associated Press Reports to the On thx Herald of Saturday evening : "TI'T of the Uiiion Pa-cil- e f.aiIroad Company, al a meeting in tfcl ciy to-li- y, for tin? onM Jcn'tion of donation iif etrtairi I'.hn county bond :i'i J (h put grounds a? Omaha, on th.j iir-- t v of January, by that city, ras-iiyc- i to make that p!:e;c l!ie aetu.i! t of the Union Pacific Kai'road." An i th i f.!!orvii) in t!i:j -- tue dis- patches to tho Cjui.i-I- iiia.Ts Xunp-irel- l : ''Tito executive eo:niii:i:tei f.f the Un- ion V x.'Viv; iluilroud (Jo.iipar.y at !hir mooting in this ciry to-ila- y, in consi iera-lio- n of tin? rfu-a- ! of Onviha to Mirr- - n-l- er tho 'lomiian of crtain Donulas founty boriJ-- nnl grounds at )iuih:i, on tlie lirst J-j- of January, ly th it city, refused to m;'.L? that place the nctual tcriu;:iu. of the U.'iicn I'uciSc .ruilroad." Will soaishody p'ca.w c.-p-Lin without ti-i'- n ? V"hat h tiu ma'lcr of the IltrnH'! It repeats week after week that the pco-p- i arj I'cinj robhed; thtt f?oice of the icvcnts ure d'viiin.s interest witlj li; that the prison i::spectors are in piHtner.diip with "the ''risen contract- ors, and ii;at the AyJun) FUCr'ntendcnt lis iisir. l s p.itiou to fleeco thb k?tatc. .N'i'v ?o a. tho L;is!atura.:n in- - vi..'fhja!e nx- - ec-- e if tliis l.? true ; and li" trne no ot.c lit the Legislature can put i rt,-.- f to it. Vet the Ifcrald is Utterly ippo.--- d to a 5son. of the IjOgis!atfire. It niuot he in favor of thid ttate of t hilars whii-- h it so l.ud'y condeusn.. I fas the Herald irot some of the If nor, will one Le kind enough to ted us wnal the matter is? A itcx:):-?!- . The S''':.'-..iri- .j ij beginning to j,'ot it.i op-ine- on the Dr. Mil'cr question-Loo- k out for n in the Herald in the way of an assertion that the St:'lrcrtim 'm the "p-ji- apologist and defender" of ftU public ra.-ca-!. Ajcordln to di.-p!ch- cs cf b"..:t vreek, Ajkertuan has tenigned his position of Att--r-.- G;icral, and Hon. Geo. II. YVji-ia- of Oregon. Las been appointed in hi:; stoad. Of the h;ter, the Ottuu:-w- a Co u iter says: "JunKc Williams wa one of tlie Do-- i iccr atio Territorial Judres of I uvr. and L i held United fc'fate tJourt in Ottum-v.- a, anil triil be recollected l y many of our older -- :tizn-'. At an ear!v day he emigrated i'rom Keokuk to Oregon aou din ctly tin reafter hoc :iuq the leader cf bar of that Territory. wh?n the it broke out he eschewed the Democra- cy r.r.d ;as a prominent loyalist and an ouring the coitlhct, at the fios f-- wliitJi he was triumpliant'y eleet-- 1 I'nitti State r in the piaw of N--'- i, :'. If U not too much to s::y t'lut t:o trr.r: . vrr made a rjpv.ialion faster r brt r in one fern: in f be Senate tl.antr n't';:i :r.-,- . lis wa una liiu'C-u-t- r.?ii vciv: '.?!:'. Oiiad Lv ti.o Ileptit,':; o;i tho IV.:.:uc S:.pc fjr a i pi i b: ti.'ti'l (irr.r.'':. :; tho ii:- - j A v. ::)' : . bwi: i v.u- - ueee.-s.-ai- to j vi" y'v- - lountry over to ..!". t; 1:ro-.t- Ibr tl.eir ri'hure, Ity a .tVr.tinnn-hip- . to m.,ko up Vhe'.JoiU i I! I ith Ct.stii:.-.5!!!- , h"! v selecUd ly I .i!iu:o:i .j: t r.s having jut exactly the p:-t!:- s of .;, t and triucation to t b'y . ry his country in that r.r.-- l k'.ieate u:jty. Iii.!.'o "kV;'i!.;:. i- - i: the prirr.e of life, possc-:-4.-- s one i fti;e finest j : m;i:i!s in the country, haic!egant yhy.pie. and ii i r.-i-.- e presence, most oxcnivbiry hYL'ii. and inoproachable purity r.f niiv-- ? and public ciiaractor, vwbich will ail cot iLine to make bis .'ipp.ointmcnt honorable t ") tha ad.niuistration and bmcfioial to the countiy at larg?." The Tuflfcr Mntcli. The indention of our present Iaeifer ioatc! vas'irreat because it was so small, an 1 it now turns out that the production of this most useful, but at the tame time nioxt dangerous lirework, was due to a happy thought that rhishcd through the l.ra:.i of Mr. Isaac Ilolden, who so terms the idea in his evidence before tho pat- ent committee. Mr. Holder, had to lise at tour in the morning to pursu? his studies in the chemistry, and expr--i ieneed the eravest ineonvonieneo iVom bis ti;di-ou- s oHorts to obtain a liht from Hint and stv.-el- . He was giving lectures at ibis tine, tQ very laro cca'fn;y. lie Kies cn to- - say: Of course, I knev., as o'her chemits diJ, the explosive materi- al .that was necessary to produce instant- aneous light; but it was verj-difficu- lt to ottrtin a iisht on wood by that explosive al, and the idea occurred to roe to put under the explosive mixture, sul- phur. I did that, and published it in ray Lst lecture, and showed it. Tiiar? wfsa young man in the menu whose fa"h?r was a chemist in London, and he i; mediately wrote to his father about it, And thortly afterwards Invifer Uiatchcs wer issued, to tho world.' " I'dl Mill G'jzctle. The of how old a cirar should bo before being sreoked i often a dis- puted nna. Cubans' like a grem cigir. The workmen, who ought to know, srnoke the cigars as they make them. If you go to a certain cigar store in New York, already quite celebrated lor "its Cuban cigars made in the city, and buy a cigar there, before handing it to you the very courteous Cuban will, with great deliberation, first apply the cigar t his car. You ask, ''What is that for?' '"To see, or rather to hear how dry it i. A sreen cigar is soft and makc no noic." 'How old ought a cigar to le?" "In two or three weeks in this climate a cigar is dry enough ionger than that does not improve it?' A lady had her dress trimmed with "bugles7' before going te a halL Her httlc daughter wanted to know if the busies would blow when fhe danced. Oh, no," said the mother," papa will Ja tJ? chtn he sti$ tbs kill!'1 VOL. TEJGjARjlC,- - Geneva, Decetuhcr T. The Commission for the arbitration of the Alabama Claims held a formal meet- ing to da The Count Zlopi, Italian member of the Comtuission, wis chosen President, and the lioard adjourned un- til Jane loth next. Indon, Dec. li 5 a. tn. An oScia' UifpatcJi from oardiinrlnm tinted 1 o'clock this morning, says the Prince of Wales is less rc."tL's. There is no increase of eshau-tin- n, and he h:is had sonic and is ju':et. The Princess Aloxaniria continues cell. Prince .Lewis, of IIoss, lias arrived at ?ardrinpi-am- Archhi:-hc- i Mar.nir:g hr.s ordered praj'ers in the C.itholic Churches fjr the recovery ol tne runcu. The illness tf the Prince creates anxiety throughout tie land. The Mepublicans and Puniocrats of Jjondon are ubout to fend an addrtM of condoicuce to the (jucea. The following buiiutins wera issued to- day : The Prince sk-p- t dar- ing the night. Some abatement . of giaver symptoms. Nocn. '1 he Prince lias been tranquil t:!i the morning. The gain of last night is maintained. The report that Parliament will be convened in January is contradicted. 2 30 p. m. No further changes in the Prince's condition are reported. Hopes of his rc.ovL-r- are freely expressed, and the public feeli? g is more confident. 10 a. ta. Ar cfiicial bulletin frotn Sardrinuhatn announces tbut thi Prince ol Wales has passed a quiet afternoon, and ail sympiutu. itavc remained cd rui'.y morning. London, r-cem- ber 15 G P. M. Th latest from Satujngharj. o.'iO p. m. The Prince has bucn tranquil. At S p. in.: Tiie course cf the frcr eeniiJ'it'f lavoratle. Ti:e Queen will return to Windsor to morrow. This bulletin wi h gicat cheeiir.g wherever posted up. A feeling of profound re- lied' prevails in all quarter?, L?ndon, December 5 a. m. La-la- r dispatches from Sar Iriughamsay the Princ? of Wal ts is decidedly better, and takes his fo:d well. IIU strcr.qht is greater, and there are strong hopes of bis continued progress toward recovery. The and Princess Ijiui.-i- a visited th,-roo- of the; Prince, ho is improving. The Times this rnorniutr contrcdicts the report that the L'nirod States tover-mc- ut intends recalling as Min-ii-t- er to Knghind. N nrly ait the telegraphers wh.i recent- ly .'truck-hav- e ed their duties. The govcrniint intends suppre.-sins- r alt outdoor dcTnonstratioti? at Londonderry, arid ttoops have been despatched to that place to suppress ail disorder that may A now c. atian is organizing hero :o res-u- c the Krie R .il way horn the- - pre-vn- ;t direction. It i- - prop;;sedu iriaug-urat- e energetic ma.i-ure- s ituai-jdiat-dy- . London, deccusler lo Tlie tViloiviog bullet in 3 were isst:-?'.- to-d-i- y : Sard'. inghara, 8 r. v.'.. The Psinechrs h id a quiet night. There are symptom" of debility, hut his condition may be considered mere favorable. Xoon Tho Prince c irinnc :. in c tra:p;ii stt'.tc, ;nd u s.owly but stcau;! i.. improving. the Pr:i...c i. so iir hir-cne- d that a h-- i - Lc n sent to Pi lace?.? Victoria, at Bci'lhi ccu' tho unnuntts !i-- U c ui; to ndrir.gham. (Voir;; it I. as F)vi-?- r;:i!i '.'xtKiue litizai Frl--' f.r the Print's K.yr- - "7 ,n UlC a-c- cf ftr:J-- rs 110111 itr.i'p. Lidv Charlotte Dourre-Jnc- , wife cf Marshal Pcu.ecine, died last nieht. L'.r.dort, December lo. Tho Trine? is- - progressing so well that its is propo.'-e- that Princes Arthur an I Leopold f;:id Piivc's Iiiatiiee leave oai:di-irigha- for Wiu-.l-orCast'- to day. Prince Alfred will soon foilov.-- . Lend an. Dee. TI:2 Tixc to day in an editorial t:pon American affairs its topic being Presi- dent (j runt's message and accompanying doe'umcnts, fall copies of which have-bee-n received by mail says it is struck with astonishment at the exposition ol unbounded faeiiitios for production in tl o United States, and cxire5rs the be!i f that as a general thing the f ropoitir.n of the Treasury should be adopted. It nevertheless hopes that Congress v.i'il re ject Mr. Uoutweir? proposal for giving subsidies io per.-on- s employed sn bun.l "!r roa steamsh.px l t.c iime.-approv- es I Ol l.u preposition tor ineorporattutr the tcle-iT-- ph with the postwneedepartnu-nt- , in relation to t lie establi-hmet- it of S.iv mg i.mks, and lor modification of the civil service. A special bulletin from Sandringham s-- yo the Prince of Wales has passed a quiet day. Blecg. the Prince's-groom- , died to-d- ay from typhoi ferer contracted about the same time of the Piir.oe. New York, December 1G. The Grand Jury f the Court of Gen- eral Ses-ion- yesterday found indietmo it against Win. M. Tweed, IS. li. Conno'ly, and it is sta'cJ, o'! ers eonnct d with the Ring fraud-- . The ivlictmer.t against Tweed charge d him wi h felony. Rec- order Hackctt imuiediatly isucd a war- rant for his arrest, and abcut 5 o'cloek hst evening fie Sher.ff found Tweed at kis rooms at the Metropolitan Hotel, and irreited hixa and left him in custody of his deputies, no bail having been fixed in the warrant. Thj warrant was an en- tire surpri-- e lo Tweed and his friends, none of whom suspected anything of the sortwaon foot. Tweed will be arraigned in the Court of General Sessions at 11 o'clock to-'ls- y, and tho question of bail will then be settled. The i!!dicfm?r.t against Connolly charges him with f ro-- misdemeanors in office. It is understood that the prccccd-ine- s are based upon affidavits made by Jchn II. Kcjser, who is reported to have Icjo promised immunity in any pro-ecutio- ns that may be instituted on the condition that he would bring defir-it- c charges against the fcuspected patties. Keyser is said to have come from South Carolina, where he has been stavi-jj- ' for ijhe becetitcf hU hcahh. PLATTSMOUTII NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER '21 SS7L There was a large crowd at the Court of General Sessions this morning, to wit- ness the trial of Tweed. Tweed appeared at Pi o'clock, in charge of two Deputy Sheriffs, and accompanied by John Gra- ham, ex-Ju- dge Fuiler'on and David Dudley Field as counsel. II appeared nncouccrned, but immediately entered into consultation with his counsfd. District Attorney Garvin announced his readiness to proceed to trial. Graham asked an extension of time to plead. Garvin had no object ion in giving reasona- ble- time, the prisoner, meantime, being committed in the usual way. Time was granted, and Tweed sent to the Too tubs prison to await a hearing in his ev.S'j as to whether will le allowed. Later. Judge Barnard has just grant- ed a writ of habeas corpus to bring Tweed before htm immediately, on a motion that bait be idlowi-- J. Thcvo was great excitement among the politicians over the action of the grand jury and the arrest o Tweed. Judge Barnard, this afternoon, admitted Tw.-- d to bail in .5,000, which vv;is promptly furtii-hc- d. It is understood that iuiienuents have been found again-- t twenty or more persons, among whrmi, it is said, will be men not heretofore publicly known, as Isaving been connect- ed with the city frauds and ballot-bo- x stuair'g. It is stated that two indi.tments have been found a gain.-- 1 Thos. C Fields, and one or rjore against other parties con nected with too City 1'urk tunnngemcnt. It is statcd.tliat trom the eh tractor of thii indieswents agar nt Tweed and Con - nohy the indictment ot Mayor Hall must foilow. J he opinion of Judge Learned, ot Albany, uenyiPtr tr. motion to vacate I j.h? orderof ancst in the case of Twee i I ilMlu) iiJ '" iii'j Uill l iii.-- i ill ci'ii: nil ti poii which the order was issued must i.e true, as the defenJcnt makes no aff- idavit hiinc.clf- - The opinion . is very long, and refers at I.Murth lo Tweed's connection with the frauds. It is st it. d that Fisk ha paid Miss Mansfield $'5,'JjO for the settlement of her b cl : uit at.-ins- t him. When Tweed appeared at the Court of Sessions io-d.- iy he lonkej pale and civs'T iHon-- , and tried vainly to smii plea5antly when a frien-- grasped h;s band. His face hml all the appearanee of a man who was complcte'y scared, and too ;dr of jtieasautness he tried to assume m-id- e bim iuok all the more ha t'y. Politicians of ail classes dense- ly CiuT'ded tho court-roo- As Tweed entert,d, tii" adherents raised a cheer in his favor, but the chwrs were soon drowns! thb hist? of ids opponents. It his leaked oat that Jds. l. Swee- ney has been indicted for tel'uy ; that proof ajain-- t him are even stt?oer than against Tweed. An indictment' is said to have been found aeainst one notorious fellow, who voted CO:) repeaters at. the last election. A well kno'-v- n police judge has also been indicted tor his connection with ballot- -box stuffing. The grand jury expect to got through with their Lhors o:j Tuesday next, when suii j thirty or forty sealed indictments are expected to make their a; j The anxiety is verv great as to exj ec-tc- djrcl.ipmetits, an:( a greater excitement than any heretofore created, is expected when the f.icts are all made known. New York. D . 17. A c.ib'o special says that ilng'i-- mer- chants, when the illness of the Piincc of Wales was alarming, bought th? entire ?ff:k of biack dove. c artificial lowers, dry i;cods and j t oinatracnts io Paris. Cheyenrif-- . W. T., December i". The trial of Frank Woolcor, reviver of jintnic money.-- y was continue ' until Tue-d.i- y, on hi.- - appbeatiou for a ing j of ve.une. A sicord wa-ra- nt for bis art- e.-? '.T.i - tiiis nfternoon. Tin. L.'.L'i-i-.'o- ri ! i j inrn-'-- at 12 ;'eoek Saturday night, tlanii-bei- l has rcii jmiuat'-d- , J II. I lay ford, auditor, and ,1. U'. I)nnr:!;on, treasurer, who were unani'tiausiy cmiirmcd by the irtun-:d- , t hu-- i dij'O-in- g of tli5 chargesof fraud bvouiht 1 them at the coaoocrie-men- t ot' i lie sea-io- n. The commit te. of Investigation made no report Ail the Governor' nominations were unanimous- ly confirmed. S2NATK Vv'ashington, December IS. In the Senate several petitions were referred, including one by Mr. Sumner, of the negroes of Rhode Island, stating that they are outraged and degraded, and asking the passage of a suppjemeat-ar- y civil rights bill. Mr. Cotikling o Ire red a resolution the Retrenchment Committee to investigate Scliurz's charges of fraud in tne iNew iork Custom house. Ln- - sijeration postponed till the commit te0 vvas ar,p0inted. )!r. Anthony moved that Messrs l;iekiuham, Pratt, Howe, Harlan, Stewart, Root and Bayard hi appointed the Retrenchment Committee. Mr. Sumner asked why the Senators who originally moved lbr investigation were not on the committee, which gave rise to debate, extending beyond the morning hour, unfinished business being postponed to reach a vote. HOUSB. Washington, Dec. IS. In ihe House a large number of bi!Ls w?re introdueed, including the following: To punish Bank, Insurance, State and Government otficials for bribery and cor-ru- p ion. By Mr. Wilson, of Ohio, to prevent cruelty to animals in transit by rai'road. By Mr. Stevenson, to prevent the ap- pointment of dishonest and incompetent government officials, and making oiheers appointing and members of Congress recommending them responsible for their misconduct. The following were among the bills in- troduced and referred : By Mr. Arthur A bid to abolish ex port and bonded warehouses for tobacco and snurf. and for the repeal of the spe- cial tax on manufacturers and dealers in tobacco and cigars. By Mr. Shanks A bill for the pre- liminary survey for a ship canal from Southern Point, on Lake Michigan, lo the Mississippi river, near the mouth of the Ohio. By Mr. Blair of Michigan A bill to legalize polyamist maniages in Utnh and to dismiss sll criminal proceedings in Utah atrainst polygamists. By Mr. Sutherland To authorize the Caicago and Northwestern Railroad to change the direction of their road in Michigan. By Mr. McCreary For the improre- - ment of tho navigation of Des Moines :api Is. Py Mr TafFe A bill for the admission of Utah as a State. Tho House took up and fasscd Mr. Cox's resolution directing the Committee on Library to inquire into the whole sub- ject of international copy ight. Mr. Cronger, from the Committee on Commerce, reported ?i bi'l modifying the steamboat act so as to allow boatson t!io Mississippi and its tributaries to car- ry l."0 instead of Ho pounds of steam to the square inch on standard boilers of forty two inches in diameter smd on plates of a quarter of jt iti'di in thick tic-- . Passed. Thursday next was asined to general debate. Kcliogc, of Conn., nskej len ve to of-f- r a rrsrintion in -- trnctifig the ConAnit-tc- c of Wnystitid Means to r p'.rt n bill ear'j in Jnnuniy next for the iiniuedinte repeal of the in ouie tax, and for the re- peal of other revnu't taxes-- , exec pton-- j bipiors, cigars, tobaeco ami st.mipv Mr. Jhivies -d that the resolution ha simply referred to the (Nunmittoe, as it did not give fncon anytime; f.oc n sidcr the matter, but insreLicl them to a bill t!;:'.t hunk taxation and other taxc " rS' Mr. Kehoirg nmdifie 'oh po as to repeal the incsc. catUe ty. ariJ then moved to su-n- e m busincx Mr. Spear, cf Ga.,-r- fa-a- i a Ijoorn, which was acrreed to luy to W). ' Pending the vote, Mr. Butler, of Mass., introduced a bill dcv.U ring women entitled to suffrage under the Fourteenth Amendment Adjourned MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Special CewpftleSi io Jam. A. Connor, (imin Dealer. Chicago Dec. 14, 2 P.M. Gold closed at 100;. Wiikat Firm No. 2 closed at $1191 cash; $121 for January. Corn Steady nt 41 1 cadi and order; sClier January, dig. Oats Quiet at 31 J. Rrr Firm at G3. Barley Firm ; closing at C2. Chicago, Pec. 13 2 p. 'in. Gold closed at 1;0L Flour Quiet, unchanged. Wheat Weak; cash,! 19J: ia?t half, $1 VI; January, $1 20j. Corn Actire ; cash, 4uJ ; January, Oats -- Finn atSli. Ryu Steady, at C2. Barley Cl. Chicago, December, 1C 2 p. in. Gold closed at 109i. Wheat Weak; cash. S.1 10l ; Janu- ary. $1 20f. Corn Firm; cash, 41c; January, 41 Je. Oats Firm, at ."2c. Barley Steady, at CIS?. Rye Dull, at C2h Chicago, Dec. 18. CnidDS. Wheat Weid;; cash, January, 20 Corn Cnsh, 41; January 41. Oafs 31 Rye Steady. C:2), BarLy Dull, o-- :. Chicagf, 39. G..ld clo-e- d at ICO Wheat Weaker; c..-- Ii $1 IS; Jan- uary. $1 19. Corn Dull, January, 41c. Oats Firm. ."lie. Rye Firmer, C2c. Barley Selling at Coe. Pot k $13 4 3. Lnrd-- 8. Ttie Saline S,nii eiitarmctl. The U. S. Land Department Ot Wash- ington has cOTifomr.d the selection of Sa'ine Lands by the State of Nebraska, and r.ll who have purchased such lands from the State may nov rest in peace. This incln les all but the two salt w;d!s of J. Sterling Morton fame, and six sec- tions to each well. These the Land Office will not interfere with until the suit now pending is settled- This is a most important decision as the amount of lands involved was very great.. Gov. James as instructed by the Government, has made a selection of twelve sections to go with the two wells or basins in con t ro ve r.-.- Statesman. From the Lincoln Jouru.-il- , Dsc.lTlli.J ATTL-i- r i LI) VftHl'tllt; AT Til E PrXITE.MIART. l ive Prisoner "ren! Tlirougli Itic X'enitcnt inry tinte. TJey nrc All Rc?ap( sired. Ou Fiiuay evening five convicts at the Penitentiary gathered at tho South gate of the Prison yard .and at the precon- certed signal, the ringing of th;; 4 o'clock bell, they rushed at tho gate with a pick that they had concealed for the purpose, and in a moment broke through the bul- wark of boards and ran a race for libety. The warden and guards were on their tracks in an in.-tan- t. Two of the five ran across a cornfield and sruck into a ravine south of the building, while the other three took a south easterly direc- tion up the hill One of the three was of African extraction and the most act- ive of the flying ciowel, but a chance shot from the guards coming in close proxi- mity to his left car, he halted, threw up his hands and succumbed. The other four were pursued by the guards atid af- ter a most exciting and protracted foot race were overtaken and brought Lack to ruminate-ove- r their bad luck in their ceils. Much credit is due to Warden Camp- bell, the Deputy Warden, and the guards who were so prompt to prevent this wholesale escape. -- Three other convicts, when the gat-wa- s broken, started cm a run for the t reach.. The Deputy Warden, however, was the swiftest on foot, and urrived there in time to head them off. Then they said they "were not trying to get away, but thought there was a fight down at the gate." (ileal vigilance is enforced by Warden CVuipllI, and the prisot "and surround ings are kept in excellent order. The ''Neglected Married Woman's Society," passed a resolution inviting respectable young taea to attend the weekly icecti-i- f s. OUR FILLMORE LElTER. liEAVV SSOW AJfDSLEET STORM. Mrrtfrnl Lives Lost on I lie RepablieMii IIesperia, Fillmore Co., ) December 13. 1 ST 1 . f Hditors Herald : For a few weeks past we hare been regularly rejoiced on aecount of the safe arrival of the AI.n, at our humble domidl, on the "barks of the Blue." We have had one wedding here iu our beautiful valley, and consequently ar. having delightful weather, after the 4 cld snap," and the seemingly untimely storms of snow, sit et and hail of last month. If the joining of "forty coup- les" caused the recent old spell, we move that an injunction he served cn the "bonds of wedlock" in Cass county, for what tcill the weather bo if a few more couples are j .lined in said wedlock. It. does seem as if a yours couple could get married down in your city without our having our potaffjcs and oher veg- etables all frozen solid. We are half in- clined to think the Herald is mistaken in regard to wedlock and weather. 'Here, in ihi part of the State, we' have Lad na wedlock experiences, i'ct we have h-.- the mo t tcvere weather for a month pa?:t, ever known ; so the oldest settlers -- ay. We charge the severity of the weather to the old bachelors, who have f.iiily inundated our county.- - Talk about "compulsory education." in a community of old bachelors, who have neither "chick nor child." Far better to pas an act with a death penalty at- tached, compcling every bachelor to build, marry t.nd support a wife, or hang. Just think of it, four hundred and fifty homesteaders in one county, without a woman or a baby ! No wonder we have premature cold weather' It's enough to chill the blood in one's vein-t- o contemplate such a state of affairs Now, friend Hathaway, because you e passed the ' slippery paths of youth," don't, find fault with the young folks, and charge nil the cold weather that wo have this winter to them, if a few couples do happen to "pair off." Out here we have been hoping anil pray- ing that a few couples would "go to house-kecmng- " just to moderate the weather for the holidaj-s- , when we in- tend to kill the fatted pig and have a general rejoicing. It is currently reported in this part of the State that the Omaha Herald is to be rqoved to southern Utah, to Cedar Ci'y or Grafton, and "Brother Young" admitted as associate editor, ami the Doctor received as fual partner in the Harem cf Young's. For our own paTt, we do not credit the report, but adu:!' i that more wonderful things have hap- pened in the world. We rather pity the old sinners, but they have made their Led, d'c. Permit us to correct Mr. Jarrei's state merits in regard to th; depth , of the snow "on a level, in Fillmore county." In the month of November, 1ST I , just six and one-ha- lf inches of snow, sleet, hail and rain ft 11 in Filimoro county, by aetual measuruuent The snow drifted in the cuts along the B. x M. ahnostas twbd as the earth itself. We have fa.l ;d to see any drifts six feet deep. It is true that we had a terrbl? storm f.r the time cf the year, and it is also true no pei.suu living may ever so- -' such an- other storm in the month of Ncvtrmiicr, in southern Nebraska. We di.-li- ke to have the climate of our State misreprc-stiite- d to the readers of tho Herald' The news from the extreme south- western coun i 's of the State, is sad Several parties of buffalo huntcis who left the icttlemtntseluring the warm weather in October, were out in the storm, and being totally unprepared for such severe weather, many of theui have perished. We have not been abis to learn the exact number or the names of any, positively. T!i3 number will not probably exceed nineteen (19). There has been a fearful amount of suf- fering among the hunters, and very re- cent settlers in the Republican valley, the past month. Yet another such an occurrence may never be known in the history of our State. Notwithstanding the cold weather, emigrants continue to arrive in these "diggings." It beats the "Dutch" how the country is settling up. It is a query in our mind where all the people come from there appears to be so many this year. We are fully convinced that they come from some place, as they all ap- pear Jb be rt, intelligent, well-t- o do people just tho kinl we like to see here on the frontier. We are receiving letters fioin parties in Pennsylvania in- quiring in regard to Nebraska. We send them a copy of the Herald and urge them to hurry up, if they wish to get a farm this side of sun set. At IIes peria we have a new commodious hotel, three well filled stores, which are doing a good paying bumess, a 11 icksinith shop, Jl. & 31. depot bnilJings, "and you know how it is yourself," "aim it," j four dwellings in tlis town proper, and nbout forty more in sight a well regu- lated po.'t-offic- soon to bo called Fair-mou- nt (?) (f n a dea l level prairie) In fact, we have a!' the modern improve- ments in Fillmore county except schools and burying grounds. No one seems to be public spirited enough to ctart either of the above iusiitutionfi. Several abor- - tive efforts have been made for a school, i and perhaps we will get one next year, i It is six years since the first settlement j m this county, and no schools yet, which J I speaks volumes (?) for the energy, Intel- - Jigcnce and public spirit of our people If 6onie move is not made soon to cdu . t .l . - . . c v.imj mu yuutiis pi our county, ct 'which thtr.-- e art to-'J- jy ceurly 400 vi-- a ! shall b"! able to furnish candidates for the jails, penitentiary and the gallows, if not for the other positious in the gift of the country and State. We blush with shame for our county, on neeount of her backwardness in this matter, and hope that the time is near at. hand when her tei will awake from this lethargy and bestow Upon the youths of our county, that boon of which they have for so long time been robbed Sinee writing the above we have been ! shown a loiter from the Republican val- ley, stating that many whom it was sup- posed had perished in the late storm0, are safe and well. The number lost will not exceed eight, in all. Yours, An.Z. ft r. w A li v a : st t i & e th e J. Wai.muk. l'rofir!tor. R. H. McnLt A Co., tlrttfft.u ft Gen. AgcnU, Sab Francisco, Cal., tul 34 CoiuuMrco trt. N. T MILLIONS Hear Te:iu:onr to l.icif Wonderful Curative K.IICct. They are not a vile Fancy Oi-ink- , Mmlcor Poor Rum, WliisUc r I'roof Spirit nml Itcl'iino I.lqnorn iloctoreHl, spiced ami sweetened to plensc tlio lastc.oalied "TotilcV "ApiietizeTS," 1lestorprVtc., that lemt the tipileron toilniiikcnticvnnil ruin. lint nro a true MedicincinnOc from ttie Native Itnots ntu! lferb? cf California, free from nil Alcoholic ?liinu" Istnl. Tlior r.rollicf-IJEA- lll.OOll 1'I ml A I.I I T. filVlNC ri I Xt'I I'LE, ft jiorfrct Renovator ami lnv ior.itor of tlie System, earry'msoff all poirronotis matter ami resforini,' tliotulooil lo a liealtliy condition. No person can take these Dit-te- r rccordirR to directions mid remain long unwell, ftovidcil their tones are not destroyed ly mineral 'iio!ior other, and the vied orca:' .vast,! Ijeyoml the point of Thcr nro rt (Jcnilc I'nrtalivcrn v. rll r.n a 7ouir, !Kscssin;r, r.Iro. the eciilii,r merit of aelin r. a p'uwetrnl r.tent in leliexiiiK ('iKt.tlmi or IiiUair.; rnatio;! of the Liver, ntnl all the Viw-era- l Orsans. I'tlit FE.VIAI.E t O.IH'I.AINTS, inyomiKor ol'l, m:irricd orni'iKle, nt the dawn of womanhood or at Uin turn of life. UitseToiiic Bitlers have no equal. For Inflammatory cm! C'lironic lieuinn-iIhi- ii end (lout, J)y !epi:i or I d u CM i 041, Itillou. Krmittciit I r.ierinll lent I'c-Te- r, fHscnjir"! cl" llic lilood. Liter, Kiel oers mid I5li:'llcr, these Eiillerx have lieen most micccKsrul. Surl: Disrisos nrc canned hy V ii intrcl lilood, which isReiicrylty pro.liiti d hy iVrani;enicnt of the IH;rclivc 1YSI'KISIA till INDICF.STION. Hca-J-tch- Tain hi the Shouhicrs. UoiijrhK, of tho Chest. Uizzine, Sr.ur Lnictatioiis .f the Stoinaeh. IJad Taste in the Mouth. Ililinus AttacU-:- . I'aiiiitntion ot Ihe Ilenrt, Irflamniation of the l.unifv I'ain in the re- gions of the RiJuey. am! a hnmlrti! utlier pamfitl rmp-tu- nro ihs ofi.:riacii ef t.'j'pep-i- r. Thcr invigorate the FtouiaeU a:;d ii!ti!:ite the torpid Liver anl JloneU. vruir'i runner tlicni of uiieiualle l tfTieacy in cleansirg the blood of u i:.ipiirities. and nc lifa enJ visor ta tho n liole usteln. FOit SUIX illSEASiiS) Erupt 'or.. Tetter. Salt Rheum, ntn-lics- . Spft. riinulv. riiln'es, liuili-.Cor- - (tir,el,-- . Kir5-VVor- Scald llc.1.1. Purs Hyes. Kryslpe-- Iteh-iKUIt- IJIscoI'.'IBlmlif. ..fill" Skip, lluh-orxan- imener of llio Shin, cf trhnt'-V- jiauie or nature. ar iteraM duff up and cnrriinl ut of tlie syrtm in a short time bjr the ue pt : fivse lilti.rH. One tKjttl- in mieh ton wiii eonvHic tli ings? mcrtMt:iu3 ,f ihcir eura pre eflec!. Cleanse Ui Viilated EIooJ nlier.'Ter yu Tud it bursting tttroui:7i the sLiu in l'implcfl, Krup-tio- or Sores; clcanaa it hen Cud it obstructed rul sl,!j;ih i:i tho veins : cl.-an- it when ft is fn!. knd rour f?rios '"i.l t il you when. Keep the Mood ouri-- . anl ths health of the will foilow. I'iu. Tope, anil otiier Worms, iurkin? In the System of so many;'is. ar-- j effectually dostrored eml r'mnved. Says a ditiiiirnivhe-- pliyioln:p, Ihere ik wrareelr an individuul ii'iou the face of the earth whoso IkmIv is eS"mpt fenn ttie prfenee of nrnu. It in not uiwmi the lienlrhy b'menti of lli. body That worm-exi- t. but iitx'u Oii- - i!iseiiK"d ltiimfM atid 5limy.,leo-i- t' that breHl tlu-s- livinff ninnsters uf disease. No r..-- of MHlirine, no vermifuges, no antliplm'ulios will frc: the feysttni from nvimi i:ke these Bitterj. J. WALK Kit, Troprietor. R.n. McTOXAt.D A- - CO Xr::g?ie!s and lieu. Arent. Snn Fnnrisi-o- . Culifornia, and JS and 31 Coiniiierce S'rect. New Vork. te3S01.D UY ALL lKUt!GISTS AND l'EALERS. Sws TAEiuL SV3 S A T MARKET, THE UXDbiSICXFD HAS 0PKNLD TITE STAR MA RELET. At his new stand On Main Street, between 4th mid oth gouth side, rhcre ho is ready to serve all his old customers, and ad tuuny new ones as may (rive - him a call. I keep on hand r.othiwe bat tut very BEST OF MEATS HIGHEST PRICKS PAID FOR FAT CATTLE Contra;ts made tor furnish inr lares quan- tities of meat. Call and see us. teblt'.idwtt. A. O. II ATT. CT( BEST IN THE WORLD. tT tVDvjTHERS MfiKEB5' MEBJPiw' S" f0R achiculas JpHU- - Hew York OSce, 27 BEEKMAN ST. CITY fvSeAT MAKKtT, in BY MAIN STREET, P2ntt9i3iou1h; - IVtforasiSi.a. The best cf Fresh Meats altrsra ou hahd il. . their season. f.T ... . A. ... at JUlguest iTISO i.lia tor &'Z rtattlO n;,!,a r.i, P,.n,i,i n v- i- rj 44jrMf Legal Notices. T- - John F. I'.ryan and Harriet A. Brrni. teter.lnnt. will t ik notice thut o,&uriV Pistrk-- t ".! t-IJ- ieml Hi-'ri- in nml for v couniy, "s". u..iiiisr you, tr.c oujocl u u iiiiij Li k'i .in' u i " i, j , 11 vf Cl'll.'l rest MS uj'on his title to the xouihwe-- t quarter el ftefion S. thiny-si- x t; t. in town. !), N.. ranee 12. in Cif courty, ehrajka. c.uned bv reason of an error and mistake in n critRiu deed, mide hv John ilrynti i.n.1 llatriet A. bis wite, to plnintitt'. on the 3nl day of Juio, 1S.'iS. for t!;o tmn of tsw 1. 1 n which dec-- Faift land tr r JcFi-nbei- l nt lyhie in r:ii'g l t.wlicn lit sane; rli-jn- l I hive been ! VI ir. Cus maty, and which mi.akn John I', liryau and Harriet A. Ilryan have tailed and relu ed to cotTts t. I'l.ii.itiff n.--k that lii title to il teal eJatc in-i- te nuietml tij.l 'n hiui Y'-i- i are required to rrtswrr :!: 011 or before the loth Uuy .':i!i,mr , liTJ Win. am Ai.Trrrn. Py A'atwel' A Cbotn.-on- . u. Attorney . Lena! Kotico. District Court d ss I'or.n'r. Nebr kk. llora.-- e ?.!uitroc, Plaimifl, vs. r.ien.ird il. .'i"er;inl M.i-iet!- n JliPcr. h:a wile: i'iii.k od .V Miilrr, . J.Mni oc..I 'ijii II Mjxnn iilid Owr Mwr!i ,t Co., To t:ie above rnme.l wcrnrntnn's. nn re-- i deutu of tbc iState t Nebmskn r.u kard .v Mil- ler, J" J. Mouue, Joiiu Ii. .VI:i.ou and Ke-e- 3J 01 ris A Co. : Tako notic? that you brtn J:uJ in this court lor M:c jd'riios" of M'ltwcj u eort i n tlewis. cxreated b? the 'f iciisuitT nt Cioy e iuti-t- y to Parknrd .v Miller, nnd n deed by them ui'idp to ,'. J. Monroe, ard lo 'o set um Io llif trut de it made to Jidin ll.Maxon.ns trustee lor Ober Mor'is A- - t'.i. lroi!i 11. l. Miiier Mini wile, nd tor tich 1'n rt her relief a miy be tiiiituhle. The LmJ and premiiios decribo.l in all ol 9:1 id neeJs is f.dlovvs: The souihciist J , of section No. five in tnwnj-hi- eleven, rar.pc '(. twelve, east offith P. M. You ore reqnirrj o aprer.r and defend, on or bet'ore the loth day of January. IsTJ. or the petition will be taken us true, and jud(ru:eiit rendered ucoorJiuuly. O. 15. cortrLa, PlaintiiTV All '7. Dec. 4th. Is 1. irderea the bovo notice to be puLli-Iie- d in t'lo br.itka llkKALD four ecu. eutive week', a;i'OTdinir to lair. lec. l;i, 1ST1. D. W M. KIXXOX Clsrk of District Ceurt Cusa coua'.y , Nebra!ta Dee. 14 w5 herifFs Sale. Shugai t Jk I.ininscr ) iiKionst Eiecut tion. C. K. r'orgr J Notice ! hereby eiven that I will oflur for mile at public- - auction at the front d'or of the t'ourt Ju.i;so in i'iattuiouth on ihe 3.1 dny et January, ,. 1. it'l. t t.iio o'clock t. 14. nl eid tiny, the following Kciil Mutate, situated n f c City of Piuttsiuout'u, Cit.-- s Co .Nebraska, o w it : The undivided One half (;i of Lot Xo in iilcck No. 1 hir and llieiinii-vide- ii lino half of Lot No. Ten 10 in llloek No Nine (f;; and tlie undivided t.fue half i.!ti ol Lot No. Twelve tl2i in liloi-- No. Forty-fivc'-l- i) t:ilc:i as the irncrtv ot C. K. Foriry, im 1111 Kxecu'ion in favor of sjliURart and l.inineei. is.-u-i d by the Cleik of tho ln-iric- t Couri woiitii and lor Cass Co. Nebraska, and to nn; directed as Sheritl" of .aid CouDty. Given under my hand this."0lh day of Novem- ber A. i. J. vv. Johnson, sheriir. Cds.s Co. Ni biaski. Fox A, ritff's Attorutys. Nov. 30 w o SberifiVsTfe. : Jacob L. Thillij). ltr:.inst William L. Wells and Jennie K. Wills. Order of smIo Notice is hereby iven that I will offer for sale rt public miction at the front ctoor of the Court House in I'l iitsniouth, Cass County, Ne- braska on the 27th day of December A. 1. at tho hour of two o'clock r m of djy the following Ial Estate, to wit : Lot No. Nine'V'iu Pl"C-- No. Twenty ('y) in the City of Pl.ttt.-roottt- h Cn? Co Nebrsca. to be as the property of 'Vill'iim I.. Heils ni.d Jennia It. Vell on an Order of Sal- - in favor ot Jacob L. i'lullip. by the Dis- trict Court of the "Jd .lu iii ,.il District within and lor Ciiss County Nebraska, and to me lis hrriiV ol sai I Couuly. tjiven liii er my bund this day of Novem- ber A. D.1S71. J. W. Jetiifox. .Shcr:rt. C:i-e- 'o Ne'ira.-ka- . Mawcu & Ciiapm.i.v AttyV lor 1'lifl. Nov 'Si w 5 Attachment Notice. C. W.Catn. rtaintiff vs. Kniery WiNr.n. Uefore V. II: ltolerton, n ins tee of thel'eaee, in nnd i'orrsirny Cotin y. Neb, To Emery Wilson: You are hrt,'iy notified that .'' It h.. commoni-e- i crain1 yeu bl'.,rc J il. lloiic.-.s"- a Justi v nl the J'c'iee in srvi umw C- - unty. Ivy C. W. t'ai'i. for the utiit of .hi if '.wo and seventy eeTi 7o. A 11 .r !e- - ol At-t- a' hieent was at, mist yon ssmi .lit on ih- - 1 !t:i d ; of N v en.bcr lor tn- - vie said sum Si d jts-- . Miir ni 1 li'.-t- i t, - been d January Oth i,t ten '.In o'clock A. M. C. V. . C.UN. Dec 6 1'w CONSISTING OF FIFTF.EX VOLUMES FILLTD WITH CHOICE PIANO MUilC. Vocal collections. SLinint: Lichts. A hoicccotIeot.ior, of D H beantilul S.ieret otiffs. I A llu.irlU and Home, !' iesid E-- ie ec. t? and weet ourelii. Three volumes of f l easy S0115 by Wcjsfer. I'cr.sley. etc. TZ ' CioMcu Leaves. Volu-f.'- i. II. DThe twi volumes contain all of Will S. C .'.-- ; ossr v OP. i !ijs vJcui". A colleetior 0" brautl- - ET Ililhidsby Wiiilace, Thomas Keller, - s t:; u &1 ?NSTItUMETAL COLLLCTION'S. J Fl-'aii- Finders. Mokio Circle, nnd Q Tiabi-t- . Three t f very easy Mu-i- e for yunit Id- - ers I'earl Drops ami Miisicul Itperea lions. Dance Musi;-- . Two collections bf iiiouernto dif- ficulty. t lciisint Memories. A errJleet ion of beauti ful pieces by yman. Jiaci. lresler. Me. Gotden Chitnts. A ooilee ion of brilliant parlor Music by tharles Kinki 1. Itrilliant Gens A splendid co lectiod. br Vilbre. Allard, Pacher K inkel. etc. Price, il'rO per vo'unic.'.ly bound in "loth with Ri.t idea : if iu pmin cloth: 1.7j in boards. Address, J. It. FlTERS, C99 It ndway. No -- Y .rk. We wonlJ also cull attention to Th j Opera at Home, a collection of over 0110 tun mcd bvauii-u- l opira songs, price in cljth and tfi t. Trade price, SI- - Nor. gu d.Vw lino. "Luxuries of lodern TaYe!.,, In these days the taste of the Travel eg Pub-li- e has become exceedingly fastidious. In order toootuin their fHirimas'e. a Kailroed lino must be aole to insure, Safety, Speed and comfortable transportation. by possessing the necessary gual' ficationsof a tirnt-elas- s equipment of coaches and locomotives, a solid rond-be- d and heavy iron Pullman's i'sllace r cars. I'iiilm:in, dininz cars, a direct route, good connections and caretul manaecnicnt The Uurlini-'lo-u loute is making every effort to possess ali these qalileations to a hiyh dcRree, ind otters a route to all points cast, wc.--t, north tf.nth. byHr.eaus ot its cjp nee! ions im follows: At Omaha with the I'aci'ie re s. '. At l'lattsmouth with the 11. A- - M. It. P... la Ncbaaska. 3. At itnmburir. with :hcSf Joseph Ptailroad for all points iu Kansas. A-- 4. AtOttumwa. with the Dcs Mo Valley and north Missouri rai:roiis. 5. At Uurlington with the JS.. C. R. & 11, K. R-- , for I.iven port. Muscatine, &c. 0. At Monmouth, witii thrt J'. It. I. ,fc Pt. L. and Western L niou Railroads, tor St. Paul, and points in the uorta. and for ct- - LouU end poiritv the s itilh. 7. At Peoria, with the short line IMrriJrl'njr-to- n route to luttianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville and all poiuts south and east. 3. At Peoria, with the T., 1. & W. It. R., for Loirrin-P'ir- t. Cojumbus. Ac. lb At Men I'.itji. with nil the Illinois Central. 10. At CHICAGO, with ail Trunk lines lor the Las'. No better novice can bo Riven then, thau to TjvJ1 ho liurliiiKton Route." dtf. Notice of Application for par-de- n. "VJolice is hereby given that applicition vri'l ! be made to the (jovtrnor ot tho Mule of Nebraska, on the iibtn t iy ot December 1ST! th pard'.n ot Jubn vv. Uea-ily- , convicted cf j larceuyt at the term of the Uis.ri-- t C'jurt. held j Piattsraoutn. Nebraska. -- Noi eiDber. Inij!. nud ! sente'.ced to me feaiteutwry tor the term cf soTen year?. i'iatUUuruUi 2 U lit iff, U I iWriw. r' f orai ?t.i nnJ e4u1 ie:. " 1 EH SI 5 : Paily JW.QO iff kr-i'i- . v? ?t:'" jitr month. AISfiftBMCE frO 8.3. ! K , , .. , j 'assC'l Stitl Approveil. 1'eC. Vt I l,.; ame-nd- i At, )rdir,:.,c cntHivd An Ordinance Iivtido.g Ker- - j cnUC lie it Ord'iiifd l' tlie M-iyi- and Com;-- - cllmen nf the Cit'J cf Jf t'Hsnioiiii. Sr.'. 1st. Ordinan.'e No s! v. etil lib d .A .1 Ordinance Providing Kevenne, por.tve l .lti;f 171. be nnd tho mtun is hereby atnemied read as follow: Src. 2, Th-'- t a ycirly s'ipc'.fjc foil t.'X if u uV:!'' hjll be nstsi-- on every id lo l odli d neilc eitu n Het-ec- iho tees of ti.rry-- i im and iiity ye.-rs- . Se- -. 1. That rj.- - person, firm, eomjuny or shall be cd'hwI i", pnseu;c. or en"ry on nny tr;ide business, or profe':ot. herenftcr uienl imicd. in the c ty cf Pia'tsinoie !i until he or they shad Liteep-i- l i lirene tr. t tnerttor in the in hircin.'if cr r. vi,icd kc. 4. That ii: y i who sli .il ( im, i carry en anv tr:i!c. , it or n.i nny m-- i I erriuaftcr uiiiiti ned, ; r ti.o exu-ci-ini- f. on t r dtii:; ot woiih a Iktn.-- ' tX Id iilipo.-- e i by law. w ill tit p. yn:i i,t t',!e,w t ll required, shall, p.r every sn li elVi.sf. i i les ui li il te to the inM.i 'iitol the Ins'. lo f tibjtv! it a line or pi uii'ty A iet ly ;!i;;n t. .i no"- - tnere if ep one ! i ' i - I Si:v .r. That cvely per. nti, linn. fotrr.!ltr ef co i'or u eiu':vi'd iu nny I riil-- . biisios rt proTeFsitif. eh ltil !l H lieoii'e f ilil' i,y liiw. f ll dl HI ply to the for u o: v. h cli shsll be KMitdi'd f-- t tlie term of aeo vi-- if upon ; t reity iim-;u-- of t Ii v sum o money i s is hereinnftcr pror ded f ? e:ie!i p nit rtliiiiv. busim..-- s or prn:pssioi. SkC. b't 'I he Jlnyir ni.rl iieik slia.i en h eiimleii to a fee of let ? eenis for n.;'i li.'ei?- - sued in acc-- r i inco with the proii ions i f '.hi Att. ,S: r. 7. i Tint lloca tnr 'if.".i li? re. 1 e ly isinijiesed OS "'diows, 1. sJ ill pity fN"i to Vi dol'nr" Kvory person ' all b it"-io- l tin ntic! ioiiet r whh'e is la offer proper'y nt to theh:shest eroe-- t hid i- - r. 2. Itrot. er. hn!l pay ten doll.irs. 3. Keeper of 5liP.ll p-.- y flvs uo'lnr?. 4. RtMlEjtato Afents or Krokors hl! t if ten dollars. 5. Keeper of riiitclier'j stalU or boiHi fi the :iie of mPit shall puy ten dolbirs, l. K.eepei. of liilliarl Tildes or Ten lid Alley, tor the tmr, ose of publi "iiiun iinu t. shiill p:iy till en dolbi'S for biliiarJ tnbia or ten pin alley kept. 7. l iveiy keepers shall par ten dol- lar S. Hotel keepers s!i:i!I tep clnlin". 0. h 1 i!.'ui-an"- Compmy doii.if b isin('-I- 3 fur the Insiiraiico oflileor property slnill p-- y ten do'liiras. 10. Ka.-- nr.d every r.eron rairy;n(r ir trunspor: intr. in vehictes. p'tipcrty or pc i' inr, for hire : hail pny ns f. Hows : lor every c;.rt Ur;iy. hack, or wipon ten dollar.-- f lor om- nibus ten dollaii: and ii shall be the .iu'y t t tti! priipri-'to- r ol any dray, hack, cart, or wiiMn nn -- mediately e.f'ier txkiiiKout the license here fur. to have the number ot the sai'J vehicle pine-- , tl upun it. 11. v he!c3a!e or retail shell piy ten 11. Jienler ill dry goods, croceriei. tjbar-.v- i con.'ecl ionery oroliier iner Imndise, citi.ll p ir ten doihsrs. 1!. Luinoer dealer?, grain tnvrs. fcrnitt -- o ( deal 'r. s iildlo ..r h ioko ..c tiers, eltn.p r-- i and jewcb'rs shall pay ten dollars.' II. i'.ankors sl 'O n " ty Ii e dollar. 1". HardtTaie dealers shall pav ten iioii.tr3. hi Xrerv express c.ti.tny shall pay leij dollars. 17, Merry telegraph rcaipany shall pay t.-- (lobars. ' IS. ilvery aacr.t for the sale of tfc'"Pu'l inii'lements sba'l jiay ten dollaes. 10. Dealerf in spirituous linuors shall fisytv.-i- y hundred dollars Kvery pi rt whoshMll ill or otl'er fur sale foreiirn or loiiiestic spirit, wir t, ale, beer, or other malt litiuors, shall bu deefueii, ndealerin spirituous liipirs: nnd tt 'ry meti dealer in spirit jous liiiuors stitill fde with th city clerk his bond to the city in thi e u tit of or. "I thousand dollars, with (rood nnd piir,iei,.nl secur- ity, to b approved by th? Mayor, enndi' ioiutr that during t e ecntinimnct of bis li en- - . ,iu will not keep a tiiso derly h:m ;c. anl that I.J will pot hII..T quiliblinn wish dice, or ther implellien' tir de his bou-- e .d' btis inns', prutidi 'I. that in no c:nc shni! li'is isse to a dea'er in spil'lluous Iisboi s uniil too applicant theref, r sball h'e with the ci;y clcrlr the pe'ition of at lo int ten ficehtlderi of i 'i,i ciiy. "itfiied and atle-te- d belin e ll justice of I H'u peace or ot'i'-- r co'j. potent officer, tetiti: IViM'i that the applica- - t lor the le-e- io is a niae of rvspeetuMe cliaructi r an l slutubr nr.d n rei-de- ut tf this '.i'y, and pr;ivit:s tl: it po" issue to him. -- ii. Kveiy p:r.on or persons w'io f'.n'il or i, conduct t r Joaiiiifco lor train, wnbi'i the pmv liir-it- any 'n-ils- , faiav .'."h. 6r oil ehow or exhibition; or exhiuit wnv show orna-vtc- e of any kind, rr Kiveauj rn tliull piy from 11 ve to h,.y rbn!::rs. I lit! amount between said limits, to b( tlxed by tho mayor; roridrtl, that all mid liierr lecture an'l entertainments soell tie i ci'r,tf., ns well. also, as cuneorl and other tnfi."-- ei ci;'.' tertiiinuii'nts ki en esclisive'y by llie tt'liSi of the ci'j-- . IT. i eiiulers shall piy fmui five to fifiy uol-lar- s, the u mount to b de;" :i)iuc--l by the in .jor. Kvery person who a mil s'l: i r ollei- - any rfu. oV orwaresor Sii-- articles fm snio. tmrter or r -- ehanfre nt uiy place in, upon, along or tln 'y the pa lie iri-els- , alleys, oro l ur pb shall op ' ec, i,e- a peitdier; pr c iUJ. tiu.i ''. Section liiil not hnconFtnicted to :t XltJ- - io any pe-so- n or j er.-op-s eoiuiiii.' int.. lii.i H liiiia .In; j eountrr with tt:i'ns or vvi-- ir.i.i proouei; j tor market, or o any soiling anv vege tables, oerries, oroitier pro,iu:ie ot their own farm cr pr' nii-e- .!-- . s. A il oi- - p:;rl': ,f r'.!iinc,-c,- i corllie-ir- i;li art r.r.i hereby tt-p- i'-. t i; f llie i.nieii.lio. n ' repeal oi f or pa Is ol ordi nance i f I it.s ;y y),..ll in no u ny s tT t any r?yiil. et-ii- i.i - . ac- tion or liabd:iy whica may h:-v- e iiecra il ' ii my j'.n'Ei.H r.t. i ecvn aicn ir linn trd:i inadc, bail orcntered t.pun, nt.der ppy provisi..e of the urdin j.oci. or p.n ts ordira ,e !.( . by icpcitPd or niiK,rid.j 1. And ml i'i,r-- . p ;:! ,i-- and firieitni'-- s heretofore iucnrretl. bu pr.'secuted :.s th t.jch Mj Piii'oilment or lepiid b id been tiirpfp. ."ie". II. l.aeh .tml every lic"rso hcreif,-- c in with the provisions of or- dinance No; 0. iiiproeed Auir. J T 'iedl ro- - maiii in full lor-- c lor a ofi-ri- e je-i- r r!i the '.ie'f liei-n--- ce !. This act to t ike efT'-e- t from anl rd"u-- r' iis pu a, prescribed by law. Approve!. Li's. O'h. P.71. M.'L WIITC. Meyor. AUc t. It II a.vatta. City clerk. Detllw2 NATIONAL HOTEL' CORNEH MAIN AND THIRD STS DUKKD Si FALL AN" - - Propriclo:- -: JiiFt opened t tlie public, for both day aid week bordcr. Tables set wiili tno best ijo nini ket ntiords. Acconiod.itioriS sc on.! to oobi! in tiro city, docltidiwtf SIXTY FIVE 1st P3I2E MEDALS AWARDEO Till OF! MAT MANUFACTORY. JIanuf.tcturer rf GRAND, SQUAKt: AN ft CPKIGIIt i atto r it r , Baltimore Mtr.TLvxa. These Inst umenta have been before the I lib lie tor nearly thicty years, and upon their ex-c;l- li ece aj.irie nltilirloi an vnon rinr:t which pronoJnCts iuefu unecj-iale- d in Toiiv, Tuurh. 'irkm'inh!f nml Juruuilil. JAll our Piano have .dir New Uvtrstiung .Scale .".nd ihe Aeraffe X e- - We tvou'd all Fpieial aUeptioo to onf lute I'aienled Iioprove rent In Orsnid K ane and Square Grinds fonnd irl nO other P ano. which brinst too riimo tieurer pt--i feet ton than hiiityet been nttaincd. i'r'fi. P1A0 f'u'V Wo ?? or t'irr )if.tri . Iltnstra :cd Cat loenes. arid price lists pronr tJ ly furnished on applr-eiio- t' WSI. KI-A3- i CO.. Baltimoro. Md. Or any of "ur reyu'ar c.tabli'-e- d u;enc e. NovJOivbmo. Psbkivs' New St hcM Boe'ki "The fjete)." ii pronoutie-e- d best w irh cf its c!at 4 for the following reasons: "T) e 4 JViostc is all new and fresh: ev,-- y is a Well known fiec.e Melody ie!i as. ,!lJivei O trein hotae," 'Write tn fi L iter' ( 1 ''Li't'elirown liuich.' ft VV cunt tiii i twice an mitaj' r'.-ns- nt cr-- te fi .md io otrnr wiiiks The tnuste iesclecto t fo:a ri -- ly T" four auihors, nnd are noi filed "IL"! -N nptritlv oHe S'lthur'a cotnj o. i- - JL-- if ii 3. trir.f.j cents fai-u- , er f7..--'t per tiez- - l! MUlpie ci fi'M mailed to TVachers tor Ci t . f ' Ju icrat u;r iiie.uicnts iut inti j- - o vj oOiticn. Alir. W9Brtadwr, "Fi 1

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Page 1: Nebraska Herald. (Plattsmouth) 1871-12-21 [p ]. · 2019. 2. 6. · Sardrinuhatn announces tbut thi Prince ol Wales has passed a quiet afternoon, and ail sympiutu. itavc remained cd

.1 --1

1WL NEBRASKA HERALDI". ri 5U3.iro TE2ILT FT B-- toss' BL&si m m g KJ

HATHAWAY & l. BKVr.or.T B. 3. IIATTT .If T. fci I.. KKTIIjt.'

1.OCieeeonicr Main and Second

cud eTory.

TERHS: Weekly. 52.00 per aomitt tf paidirarlce.

ttUk) if not paid in advance.

IHK AJU HMir.Nr.In ordor to settle the finest Ion of thrt

adjournment of the legislature, theOir.aha Jiet reproduces the followingconcurrent resolution of adjournment,which passed Loth Houses oh June 7th1 iT 1 . ns shown by the official records ?

' Reunited, Dy the Senate, the Honse'eiieiirrinjr. therein, that from and afterhalf past : o'clock p in, cf this flay,the Lgi-Uttu- re stntri adjourned to thefecort ! Tuesday of January, le72, at 2o'clocl:, p. nt."

Mill 111?"Ve lind ths following dispatch in tr.s

'regr.lar Associated Press Reports to theOn thx Herald of Saturday evening :

"TI'T of the Uiiion Pa-cil- e

f.aiIroad Company, al a meeting intfcl ciy to-li- y, for tin? onM Jcn'tion of

donation iif etrtairi I'.hn countybond :i'i J (h put grounds a? Omaha, onth.j iir-- t v of January, by that city,ras-iiyc- i to make that p!:e;c l!ie aetu.i!t of the Union Pacific Kai'road."

An i th i f.!!orvii) in t!i:j -- tue dis-

patches to tho Cjui.i-I- iiia.Ts Xunp-irel- l :''Tito executive eo:niii:i:tei f.f the Un-

ion V x.'Viv; iluilroud (Jo.iipar.y at !hirmooting in this ciry to-ila- y, in consi iera-lio- n

of tin? rfu-a- ! of Onviha to Mirr- -n-l- er

tho 'lomiian of crtain Donulasfounty boriJ-- nnl grounds at)iuih:i, on tlie lirst J-j- of January, ly

th it city, refused to m;'.L? that place thenctual tcriu;:iu. of the U.'iicn I'uciSc

.ruilroad."Will soaishody p'ca.w c.-p-Lin without

ti-i'- n ?

V"hat h tiu ma'lcr of the IltrnH'!It repeats week after week that the pco-p- i

arj I'cinj robhed; thtt f?oice of theicvcnts ure d'viiin.s interest witlj li;

that the prison i::spectors arein piHtner.diip with "the ''risen contract-ors, and ii;at the AyJun) FUCr'ntendcntlis iisir. l s p.itiou to fleeco thb k?tatc..N'i'v ?o a. tho L;is!atura.:n in- -

vi..'fhja!e nx- - ec--e if tliis l.? true ; and li"trne no ot.c lit the Legislature can puti rt,-.- f to it. Vet the Ifcrald is Utterlyippo.---d to a 5son. of the IjOgis!atfire.It niuot he in favor of thid ttate oft hilars whii-- h it so l.ud'y condeusn..I fas the Herald irot some of the

If nor, will one Le kindenough to ted us wnal the matter is?A itcx:):-?!- .

The S''':.'-..iri-.j ij beginning to j,'ot it.i

op-ine- on the Dr. Mil'cr question-Loo- k

out for n in the Heraldin the way of an assertion that theSt:'lrcrtim 'm the "p-ji- apologist anddefender" of ftU public ra.-ca-!.

Ajcordln to di.-p!ch-cs cf b"..:t vreek,Ajkertuan has tenigned his position ofAtt--r-.- G;icral, and Hon. Geo. II.YVji-ia- of Oregon. Las been appointedin hi:; stoad. Of the h;ter, the Ottuu:-w- a

Co u iter says:"JunKc Williams wa one of tlie Do-- i

iccr atio Territorial Judres of I uvr. andL i held United fc'fate tJourt in Ottum-v.- a,

anil triil be recollected l y many ofour older -- :tizn-'. At an ear!v day heemigrated i'rom Keokuk to Oregon aoudin ctly tin reafter hoc :iuq the leader cf

bar of that Territory. wh?n theit broke out he eschewed the Democra-

cy r.r.d ;as a prominent loyalist and an

ouring the coitlhct, at thefios f-- wliitJi he was triumpliant'y eleet-- 1

I'nitti State r in the piaw ofN--'- i, :'. If U not too much to s::yt'lut t:o trr.r: . vrr made a rjpv.ialionfaster r brt r in one fern: in f be Senatetl.antr n't';:i :r.-,- . lis wa unaliiu'C-u-t- r.?ii vciv: '.?!:'. Oiiad Lv ti.oIleptit,':; o;i tho IV.:.:uc S:.pc fjr a i

pi i b: ti.'ti'l (irr.r.'':. :; tho ii:- - j

A v. ::)' : . bwi: i v.u- - ueee.-s.-ai- to j

vi" y'v- - lountry over to ..!". t;1:ro-.t- Ibr tl.eir ri'hure, Ity

a .tVr.tinnn-hip- . to m.,ko up Vhe'.JoiU i

I!I ith Ct.stii:.-.5!!!- , h"! v selecUd ly I

.i!iu:o:i .j: t r.s having jut exactlythe p:-t!:- s of .;, t and triucation tot b'y . ry his country in that

r.r.-- l k'.ieate u:jty.Iii.!.'o "kV;'i!.;:. i- - i: the prirr.e of life,

possc-:-4.-- s one i fti;e finest j : m;i:i!sin the country, haic!egant yhy.pie. andii i r.-i-.- e presence, most oxcnivbiryhYL'ii. and inoproachable purity r.f niiv-- ?

and public ciiaractor, vwbich will ailcot iLine to make bis .'ipp.ointmcnt

honorable t ") tha ad.niuistrationand bmcfioial to the countiy at larg?."

The Tuflfcr Mntcli.The indention of our present Iaeifer

ioatc! vas'irreat because it was so small,an 1 it now turns out that the productionof this most useful, but at the tame timenioxt dangerous lirework, was due to ahappy thought that rhishcd through thel.ra:.i of Mr. Isaac Ilolden, who so termsthe idea in his evidence before tho pat-ent committee. Mr. Holder, had to liseat tour in the morning to pursu? hisstudies in the chemistry, and expr--i ieneedthe eravest ineonvonieneo iVom bis ti;di-ou- s

oHorts to obtain a liht from Hintand stv.-el-. He was giving lectures atibis tine, tQ very laro cca'fn;y. lieKies cn to- - say: Of course, I knev., aso'her chemits diJ, the explosive materi-al .that was necessary to produce instant-aneous light; but it was verj-difficu-

lt toottrtin a iisht on wood by that explosive

al, and the idea occurred to roeto put under the explosive mixture, sul-phur. I did that, and published it inray Lst lecture, and showed it. Tiiar?wfsa young man in the menu whosefa"h?r was a chemist in London, and hei; mediately wrote to his father about it,And thortly afterwards Invifer Uiatchcswer issued, to tho world.' " I'dl MillG'jzctle.

The of how old a cirar shouldbo before being sreoked i often a dis-puted nna. Cubans' like a grem cigir.The workmen, who ought to know,srnoke the cigars as they make them.If you go to a certain cigar store in NewYork, already quite celebrated lor "itsCuban cigars made in the city, and buya cigar there, before handing it to youthe very courteous Cuban will, withgreat deliberation, first apply the cigart his car. You ask, ''What is thatfor?' '"To see, or rather to hear howdry it i. A sreen cigar is soft and makcno noic." 'How old ought a cigar tole?" "In two or three weeks in thisclimate a cigar is dry enough iongerthan that does not improve it?'

A lady had her dress trimmed with"bugles7' before going te a halL Herhttlc daughter wanted to know if thebusies would blow when fhe danced.

Oh, no," said the mother," papa willJa tJ? chtn he sti$ tbs kill!'1


TEJGjARjlC,- -

Geneva, Decetuhcr T.The Commission for the arbitration of

the Alabama Claims held a formal meet-ing to da The Count Zlopi, Italianmember of the Comtuission, wis chosenPresident, and the lioard adjourned un-til Jane loth next.

Indon, Dec. l i 5 a. tn.An oScia' UifpatcJi from oardiinrlnm

tinted 1 o'clock this morning, says thePrince of Wales is less rc."tL's. Thereis no increase of eshau-tin- n, and he h:ishad sonic and is ju':et. ThePrincess Aloxaniria continues cell.Prince .Lewis, of IIoss, lias arrived at?ardrinpi-am-

Archhi:-hc- i Mar.nir:g hr.s orderedpraj'ers in the C.itholic Churches fjr therecovery ol tne runcu.

The illness tf the Prince creates anxietythroughout tie land. The Mepublicansand Puniocrats of Jjondon are ubout tofend an addrtM of condoicuce to the(jucea.

The following buiiutins wera issued to-

day :

The Prince sk-p-t dar-ing the night. Some abatement . ofgiaver symptoms.

Nocn. '1 he Prince lias been tranquilt:!i the morning. The gain of last nightis maintained.

The report that Parliament will beconvened in January is contradicted.

2 30 p. m. No further changes in thePrince's condition are reported. Hopesof his rc.ovL-r- are freely expressed, andthe public feeli? g is more confident.

10 a. ta. Ar cfiicial bulletin frotnSardrinuhatn announces tbut thi Princeol Wales has passed a quiet afternoon,and ail sympiutu. itavc remained cd

rui'.y morning.

London, r-cem- ber 15 G P. M. Thlatest from Satujngharj. o.'iO p. m.The Prince has bucn tranquil. At S Tiie course cf the frcr eeniiJ'it'flavoratle. Ti:e Queen will return toWindsor to morrow. This bulletin

wi h gicat cheeiir.g whereverposted up. A feeling of profound re-lied' prevails in all quarter?,

L?ndon, December 5 a. m. La-la- r

dispatches from Sar Iriughamsay thePrinc? of Wal ts is decidedly better, andtakes his fo:d well. IIU strcr.qht isgreater, and there are strong hopes ofbis continued progress toward recovery.The and Princess Ijiui.-i- a

visited th,-roo- of the; Prince, hois improving.

The Times this rnorniutr contrcdictsthe report that the L'nirod States tover-mc- ut

intends recalling as Min-ii-t- er

to Knghind.N nrly ait the telegraphers wh.i recent-

ly .'truck-hav- e ed their duties.The govcrniint intends suppre.-sins- r alt

outdoor dcTnonstratioti? at Londonderry,arid ttoops have been despatched to thatplace to suppress ail disorder that may

A now c. atian is organizing hero:o res-u- c the Krie R .il way horn the-- pre-vn- ;t

direction. It i- - prop;;sedu iriaug-urat- e

energetic ma.i-ure- s ituai-jdiat-dy- .

London, deccusler lo Tlie tViloiviogbullet in 3 were isst:-?'.- to-d-i- y :

Sard'. inghara, 8 r. v.'.. The Psinechrsh id a quiet night. There are symptom"of debility, hut his condition may beconsidered mere favorable.

Xoon Tho Prince c irinnc :. in ctra:p;ii stt'.tc, ;nd u s.owly but stcau;! i..improving.

the Pr:i...c i. so iir hir-cne- d that ah-- i - Lc n sent to Pi lace?.? Victoria,

at Bci'lhi ccu' tho unnuntts!i-- U c ui; to ndrir.gham.

(Voir;; it I. as F)vi-?-

r;:i!i '.'xtKiue litizaiFrl--' f.r the Print's K.yr- -

"7 ,n UlC a-c- cf ftr:J-- rs 110111

itr.i'p.Lidv Charlotte Dourre-Jnc- , wife cf

Marshal Pcu.ecine, died last nieht.L'.r.dort, December lo.

Tho Trine? is-- progressing so well thatits is propo.'-e- that Princes Arthur an I

Leopold f;:id Piivc's Iiiatiiee leaveoai:di-irigha- for Wiu-.l-orCast'- to day.Prince Alfred will soon foilov.-- .

Lend an. Dee.TI:2 Tixc to day in an editorial t:pon

American affairs its topic being Presi-dent (j runt's message and accompanyingdoe'umcnts, fall copies of which have-bee-n

received by mail says it is struckwith astonishment at the exposition olunbounded faeiiitios for production in tl oUnited States, and cxire5rs the be!i fthat as a general thing the f ropoitir.nof the Treasury should be adopted. Itnevertheless hopes that Congress v.i'il reject Mr. Uoutweir? proposal for givingsubsidies io per.-on- s employed sn bun.l"!r roa steamsh.px l t.c iime.-approv- es


Ol l.u preposition tor ineorporattutr thetcle-iT-- ph with the postwneedepartnu-nt- ,

in relation to t lie establi-hmet- it of S.ivmg i.mks, and lor modification of thecivil service.

A special bulletin from Sandringhams--

yo the Prince of Wales has passed aquiet day.

Blecg. the Prince's-groom- , died to-d- ay

from typhoi ferer contracted about thesame time of the Piir.oe.

New York, December 1G.

The Grand Jury f the Court of Gen-eral Ses-ion- yesterday found indietmo itagainst Win. M. Tweed, IS. li. Conno'ly,and it is sta'cJ, o'! ers eonnct d withthe Ring fraud-- . The ivlictmer.t againstTweed charge d him wi h felony. Rec-order Hackctt imuiediatly isucd a war-rant for his arrest, and abcut 5 o'cloekhst evening fie Sher.ff found Tweed atkis rooms at the Metropolitan Hotel, andirreited hixa and left him in custody ofhis deputies, no bail having been fixedin the warrant. Thj warrant was an en-tire surpri-- e lo Tweed and his friends,none of whom suspected anything of thesortwaon foot. Tweed will be arraignedin the Court of General Sessions at 11o'clock to-'ls- y, and tho question of bailwill then be settled.

The i!!dicfm?r.t against Connollycharges him with f ro-- misdemeanors inoffice. It is understood that the prccccd-ine- s

are based upon affidavits made byJchn II. Kcjser, who is reported tohave Icjo promised immunity in anypro-ecutio-

ns that may be instituted onthe condition that he would bring defir-it- c

charges against the fcuspected patties.Keyser is said to have come from SouthCarolina, where he has been stavi-jj- ' for

ijhe becetitcf hU hcahh.


There was a large crowd at the Courtof General Sessions this morning, to wit-ness the trial of Tweed. Tweed appearedat Pi o'clock, in charge of two DeputySheriffs, and accompanied by John Gra-ham, ex-Ju- dge Fuiler'on and DavidDudley Field as counsel. II appearednncouccrned, but immediately enteredinto consultation with his counsfd.District Attorney Garvin announced hisreadiness to proceed to trial. Grahamasked an extension of time to plead.Garvin had no object ion in giving reasona-ble- time, the prisoner, meantime, beingcommitted in the usual way. Time wasgranted, and Tweed sent to the Too tubsprison to await a hearing in his ev.S'j asto whether will le allowed.

Later. Judge Barnard has just grant-ed a writ of habeas corpus to bringTweed before htm immediately, on amotion that bait be idlowi--J.

Thcvo was great excitement amongthe politicians over the action of thegrand jury and the arrest o Tweed.Judge Barnard, this afternoon, admittedTw.-- d to bail in .5,000, which vv;ispromptly furtii-hc- d. It is understoodthat iuiienuents have been found again-- ttwenty or more persons, among whrmi,it is said, will be men not heretoforepublicly known, as Isaving been connect-ed with the city frauds and ballot-bo- x

stuair'g.It is stated that two indi.tments have

been found a gain.-- 1 Thos. C Fields, andone or rjore against other parties connected with too City 1'urk tunnngemcnt.

It is statcd.tliat trom the eh tractor ofthii indieswents agarnt Tweed and Con -nohy the indictment ot Mayor Hall mustfoilow. J he opinion of Judge Learned,ot Albany, uenyiPtr tr. motion to vacate I

j.h? orderof ancst in the case of Twee i I

ilMlu) iiJ '" iii'j Uill l iii.--i ill ci'ii: nilti poii which the order was issued musti.e true, as the defenJcnt makes no aff-idavit hiinc.clf- - The opinion . is verylong, and refers at I.Murth lo Tweed'sconnection with the frauds.

It is st it. d that Fisk ha paid MissMansfield $'5,'JjO for the settlement ofher b cl : uit at.-ins- t him.

When Tweed appeared at the Courtof Sessions io-d.- iy he lonkej pale andcivs'T iHon--, and tried vainly to smiiplea5antly when a frien-- grasped h;sband. His face hml all the appearaneeof a man who was complcte'y scared,and too ;dr of jtieasautness he tried toassume m-id- e bim iuok all the more

ha t'y. Politicians of ail classes dense-

ly CiuT'ded tho court-roo- As Tweedentert,d, tii" adherents raised a cheer inhis favor, but the chwrs were soondrowns! thb hist? of ids opponents.

It his leaked oat that Jds. l. Swee-ney has been indicted for tel'uy ; thatproof ajain-- t him are even stt?oerthan against Tweed.

An indictment' is said to have beenfound aeainst one notorious fellow, whovoted CO:) repeaters at. the last election.

A well kno'-v- n police judge has alsobeen indicted tor his connection with ballot-

-box stuffing.The grand jury expect to got through

with their Lhors o:j Tuesday next, whensuii j thirty or forty sealed indictmentsare expected to make their a; j anxiety is verv great as to exj ec-tc-

djrcl.ipmetits, an:( a greater excitementthan any heretofore created, is expectedwhen the f.icts are all made known.

New York. D . 17.A c.ib'o special says that ilng'i-- mer-

chants, when the illness of the Piincc ofWales was alarming, bought th? entire?ff:k of biack dove. c artificiallowers, dry i;cods and j t oinatracnts ioParis.

Cheyenrif-- . W. T., December i".The trial of Frank Woolcor, reviver

of jintnic money.-- y was continue ' untilTue-d.i- y, on hi.- - appbeatiou for a ing jof ve.une. A sicord wa-ra- nt for bis art-

e.-? '.T.i - tiiis nfternoon.Tin. L.'.L'i-i-.'o- ri ! ij inrn-'-- at 12 ;'eoek

Saturday night, tlanii-bei- l hasrcii jmiuat'-d- , J II. I lay ford, auditor,and ,1. U'. I)nnr:!;on, treasurer, whowere unani'tiausiy cmiirmcd by the irtun-:d- ,

t hu-- i dij'O-in- g of tli5 chargesof fraudbvouiht 1 them at the coaoocrie-men- t

ot' i lie sea-io- n. The commit te. ofInvestigation made no report Ail theGovernor' nominations were unanimous-ly confirmed.

S2NATKVv'ashington, December IS.

In the Senate several petitions werereferred, including one by Mr. Sumner,of the negroes of Rhode Island, statingthat they are outraged and degraded,and asking the passage of a suppjemeat-ar- y

civil rights bill.Mr. Cotikling o Ire red a resolution

the Retrenchment Committee toinvestigate Scliurz's charges of fraud intne iNew iork Custom house. Ln- -sijeration postponed till the committe0 vvas ar,p0inted.

)!r. Anthony moved that Messrsl;iekiuham, Pratt, Howe, Harlan,Stewart, Root and Bayard hi appointedthe Retrenchment Committee.

Mr. Sumner asked why the Senatorswho originally moved lbr investigationwere not on the committee, which gaverise to debate, extending beyond themorning hour, unfinished business beingpostponed to reach a vote.

HOUSB.Washington, Dec. IS.

In ihe House a large number of bi!Ls

w?re introdueed, including the following:To punish Bank, Insurance, State andGovernment otficials for bribery and cor-ru-p

ion.By Mr. Wilson, of Ohio, to prevent

cruelty to animals in transit by rai'road.By Mr. Stevenson, to prevent the ap-

pointment of dishonest and incompetentgovernment officials, and making oiheersappointing and members of Congressrecommending them responsible for theirmisconduct.

The following were among the bills in-

troduced and referred :

By Mr. Arthur A bid to abolish export and bonded warehouses for tobaccoand snurf. and for the repeal of the spe-cial tax on manufacturers and dealers intobacco and cigars.

By Mr. Shanks A bill for the pre-liminary survey for a ship canal fromSouthern Point, on Lake Michigan, lothe Mississippi river, near the mouthof the Ohio.

By Mr. Blair of Michigan A bill tolegalize polyamist maniages in Utnhand to dismiss sll criminal proceedings inUtah atrainst polygamists.

By Mr. Sutherland To authorize theCaicago and Northwestern Railroad tochange the direction of their road inMichigan.

By Mr. McCreary For the improre- -

ment of tho navigation of Des Moines:api Is.

Py Mr TafFe A bill for the admissionof Utah as a State.

Tho House took up and fasscd Mr.Cox's resolution directing the Committeeon Library to inquire into the whole sub-ject of international copy ight.

Mr. Cronger, from the Committee onCommerce, reported ?i bi'l modifyingthe steamboat act so as to allow boatsont!io Mississippi and its tributaries to car-ry l."0 instead of Ho pounds of steam tothe square inch on standard boilers offorty two inches in diameter smd onplates of a quarter of jt iti'di in thicktic--

. Passed.Thursday next was asined to general

debate.Kcliogc, of Conn., nskej len ve to of-f-r

a rrsrintion in -- trnctifig the ConAnit-tc- c

of Wnystitid Means to r p'.rt n billear'j in Jnnuniy next for the iiniuedinterepeal of the in ouie tax, and for the re-

peal of other revnu't taxes--, exec pton-- j

bipiors, cigars, tobaeco ami st.mipvMr. Jhivies -d that the resolution

ha simply referred to the (Nunmittoe, asit did not give fncon anytime; f.oc nsidcr the matter, but insreLicl them to

a bill t!;:'.t hunktaxation and other taxc " rS'

Mr. Kehoirg nmdifie 'oh poas to repeal the incsc. catUe ty. ariJthen moved to su-n- e m busincx

Mr. Spear, cf Ga.,-r- fa-a- i a Ijoorn,which was acrreed to luy to W). '

Pending the vote, Mr. Butler, ofMass., introduced a bill dcv.U ring womenentitled to suffrage under the FourteenthAmendment



Special CewpftleSi io Jam. A. Connor,(imin Dealer.

Chicago Dec. 14, 2 P.M.Gold closed at 100;.

Wiikat Firm No. 2 closed at $1191cash; $121 for January.

Corn Steady nt 41 1 cadi and order;sClier January, dig.

Oats Quiet at 31 J.

Rrr Firm at G3.

Barley Firm ; closing at C2.

Chicago, Pec. 13 2 p. 'in.Gold closed at 1;0LFlour Quiet, unchanged.Wheat Weak; cash,! 19J: ia?t

half, $1 VI; January, $1 20j.Corn Actire ; cash, 4uJ ; January,

Oats -- Finn atSli.Ryu Steady, at C2.Barley Cl.

Chicago, December, 1C 2 p. in.Gold closed at 109i.Wheat Weak; cash. S.1 10l ; Janu-

ary. $1 20f.Corn Firm; cash, 41c; January,

41 Je.Oats Firm, at ."2c.Barley Steady, at CIS?.Rye Dull, at C2h

Chicago, Dec. 18.CnidDS.Wheat Weid;; cash, January,

20Corn Cnsh, 41; January 41.Oafs 31Rye Steady. C:2),BarLy Dull, o-- :.

Chicagf, 39.

G..ld clo-e- d at ICO

Wheat Weaker; c..-- Ii $1 IS; Jan-uary. $1 19.

Corn Dull, January, 41c.

Oats Firm. ."lie.Rye Firmer, C2c.Barley Selling at Coe.

Pot k $13 4 3.

Lnrd-- 8.

Ttie Saline S,nii eiitarmctl.The U. S. Land Department Ot Wash-

ington has cOTifomr.d the selection ofSa'ine Lands by the State of Nebraska,and r.ll who have purchased such landsfrom the State may nov rest in peace.This incln les all but the two salt w;d!sof J. Sterling Morton fame, and six sec-tions to each well. These the LandOffice will not interfere with until thesuit now pending is settled- This is amost important decision as the amountof lands involved was very great.. Gov.James as instructed by the Government,has made a selection of twelve sectionsto go with the two wells or basins incon t rove r.-.- Statesman.

From the Lincoln Jouru.-il- , Dsc.lTlli.JATTL-i- r i LI) VftHl'tllt; AT Til E

PrXITE.MIART.l ive Prisoner "ren! Tlirougli Itic

X'enitcnt inry tinte.TJey nrc All Rc?ap( sired.

Ou Fiiuay evening five convicts at thePenitentiary gathered at tho South gateof the Prison yard .and at the precon-certed signal, the ringing of th;; 4 o'clockbell, they rushed at tho gate with a pickthat they had concealed for the purpose,and in a moment broke through the bul-wark of boards and ran a race for libety.The warden and guards were on theirtracks in an in.-tan- t. Two of the fiveran across a cornfield and sruck into aravine south of the building, while theother three took a south easterly direc-tion up the hill One of the three wasof African extraction and the most act-ive of the flying ciowel, but a chance shotfrom the guards coming in close proxi-mity to his left car, he halted, threw uphis hands and succumbed. The otherfour were pursued by the guards atid af-ter a most exciting and protracted footrace were overtaken and brought Lackto ruminate-ove- r their bad luck in theirceils.

Much credit is due to Warden Camp-bell, the Deputy Warden, and the guardswho were so prompt to prevent thiswholesale escape.

-- Three other convicts, when the gat-wa- s

broken, started cm a run for thet reach.. The Deputy Warden, however,was the swiftest on foot, and urrivedthere in time to head them off. Thenthey said they "were not trying to getaway, but thought there was a fight downat the gate."

(ileal vigilance is enforced by WardenCVuipllI, and the prisot "and surroundings are kept in excellent order.

The ''Neglected Married Woman'sSociety," passed a resolution invitingrespectable young taea to attend theweekly icecti-i- f s.



Mrrtfrnl Lives Lost on I lie RepablieMii

IIesperia, Fillmore Co., )

December 13. 1 ST 1 . f

Hditors Herald : For a few weeks

past we hare been regularly rejoiced on

aecount of the safe arrival of the

AI.n, at our humble domidl, on the"barks of the Blue."

We have had one wedding here iu ourbeautiful valley, and consequently ar.having delightful weather, after the4 cld snap," and the seemingly untimelystorms of snow, sit et and hail of lastmonth. If the joining of "forty coup-

les" caused the recent old spell, we

move that an injunction he served cn

the "bonds of wedlock" in Cass county,for what tcill the weather bo if a few

more couples are j .lined in said wedlock.It. does seem as if a yours couple couldget married down in your city withoutour having our potaffjcs and oher veg-

etables all frozen solid. We are half in-

clined to think the Herald is mistakenin regard to wedlock and weather.

'Here, in ihi part of the State, we' haveLad na wedlock experiences, i'ct we haveh-.- the mo t tcvere weather for a monthpa?:t, ever known ; so the oldest settlers-- ay. We charge the severity of theweather to the old bachelors, who havef.iiily inundated our county.- - Talk

about "compulsory education." in acommunity of old bachelors, who haveneither "chick nor child." Far betterto pas an act with a death penalty at-

tached, compcling every bachelor tobuild, marry t.nd support a wife, orhang. Just think of it, four hundredand fifty homesteaders in one county,without a woman or a baby ! No wonderwe have premature cold weather' It'senough to chill the blood in one's vein-t- o

contemplate such a state of affairsNow, friend Hathaway, because you

e passed the ' slippery paths ofyouth," don't, find fault with the young

folks, and charge nil the cold weatherthat wo have this winter to them, if afew couples do happen to "pair off."Out here we have been hoping anil pray-

ing that a few couples would "go tohouse-kecmng- " just to moderate theweather for the holidaj-s- , when we in-

tend to kill the fatted pig and have ageneral rejoicing.

It is currently reported in this part ofthe State that the Omaha Herald is tobe rqoved to southern Utah, to CedarCi'y or Grafton, and "Brother Young"admitted as associate editor, ami theDoctor received as fual partner in theHarem cf Young's. For our own paTt,we do not credit the report, but adu:!'

ithat more wonderful things have hap-

pened in the world. We rather pity theold sinners, but they have made theirLed, d'c.

Permit us to correct Mr. Jarrei's statemerits in regard to th; depth , of thesnow "on a level, in Fillmore county."In the month of November, 1ST I , justsix and one-ha- lf inches of snow, sleet,hail and rain ft 11 in Filimoro county, by

aetual measuruuent The snow driftedin the cuts along the B. x M. ahnostastwbd as the earth itself. We have fa.l ;d

to see any drifts six feet deep. It is

true that we had a terrbl? storm f.r thetime cf the year, and it is also true

no pei.suu living may ever so- -' such an-

other storm in the month of Ncvtrmiicr,in southern Nebraska. We di.-li- ke tohave the climate of our State misreprc-stiite- d

to the readers of tho Herald'The news from the extreme south-

western coun i 's of the State, is sadSeveral parties of buffalo huntcis

who left the icttlemtntseluring the warmweather in October, were out in thestorm, and being totally unprepared for

such severe weather, many of theuihave perished. We have not been abisto learn the exact number or the namesof any, positively. T!i3 number will

not probably exceed nineteen (19).There has been a fearful amount of suf-

fering among the hunters, and very re-

cent settlers in the Republican valley,the past month. Yet another such anoccurrence may never be known in thehistory of our State.

Notwithstanding the cold weather,emigrants continue to arrive in these"diggings." It beats the "Dutch" how

the country is settling up. It is a queryin our mind where all the people comefrom there appears to be so many thisyear. We are fully convinced that theycome from some place, as they all ap-

pear Jb be rt, intelligent, well-t- o dopeople just tho kinl we like to seehere on the frontier. We are receivingletters fioin parties in Pennsylvania in-

quiring in regard to Nebraska. Wesend them a copy of the Herald andurge them to hurry up, if they wish toget a farm this side of sun set. At IIesperia we have a new commodious hotel,three well filled stores, which are doinga good paying bumess, a 11 icksinithshop, Jl. & 31. depot bnilJings, "andyou know how it is yourself," "aim it," j

four dwellings in tlis town proper, andnbout forty more in sight a well regu-lated po.'t-offic- soon to bo called Fair-mou- nt

(?) (f n a dea l level prairie) Infact, we have a!' the modern improve-ments in Fillmore county except schoolsand burying grounds. No one seems tobe public spirited enough to ctart eitherof the above iusiitutionfi. Several abor- -

tive efforts have been made for a school, i

and perhaps we will get one next year, i

It is six years since the first settlement j

m this county, and no schools yet, whichJ


speaks volumes (?) for the energy, Intel- -

Jigcnce and public spirit of our peopleIf 6onie move is not made soon to cdu

. t .l . - . . cv.imj mu yuutiis pi our county, ct'which thtr.-- e art to-'J- jy ceurly 400 vi-- a !

shall b"! able to furnish candidates forthe jails, penitentiary and the gallows,if not for the other positious in the giftof the country and State. We blushwith shame for our county, on neeountof her backwardness in this matter, andhope that the time is near at. hand whenher tei will awake from this lethargyand bestow Upon the youths of ourcounty, that boon of which they havefor so long time been robbed

Sinee writing the above we have been !

shown a loiter from the Republican val-

ley, stating that many whom it was sup-posed had perished in the late storm0,are safe and well. The number lost will

not exceed eight, in all.Yours, An.Z.

ft r.wA liv a : stt i & e th e

J. Wai.muk. l'rofir!tor. R. H. McnLt A Co., tlrttfft.u ft

Gen. AgcnU, Sab Francisco, Cal., tul 34 CoiuuMrco trt. N. T

MILLIONS Hear Te:iu:onr to l.icifWonderful Curative K.IICct.

They are not a vile Fancy Oi-ink- , Mmlcor PoorRum, WliisUc r I'roof Spirit nml Itcl'iinoI.lqnorn iloctoreHl, spiced ami sweetened to plensc tliolastc.oalied "TotilcV "ApiietizeTS," 1lestorprVtc.,that lemt the tipileron toilniiikcnticvnnil ruin. lint nroa true MedicincinnOc from ttie Native Itnots ntu! lferb?cf California, free from nil Alcoholic ?liinu"Istnl. Tlior r.rollicf-IJEA- lll.OOll 1'I ml

A I.I I T. filVlNC ri I Xt'I I'LE,ft jiorfrct Renovator ami lnv ior.itor of tlie System,earry'msoff all poirronotis matter ami resforini,' tliotulooil

lo a liealtliy condition. No person can take these Dit-te- r

rccordirR to directions mid remain long unwell,ftovidcil their tones are not destroyed ly mineral'iio!ior other, and the vied orca:' .vast,!

Ijeyoml the point of

Thcr nro rt (Jcnilc I'nrtalivcrn v. rll r.n a7ouir, !Kscssin;r, r.Iro. the eciilii,r merit of aelinr. a p'uwetrnl r.tent in leliexiiiK ('iKt.tlmi or IiiUair.;rnatio;! of the Liver, ntnl all the Viw-era- l Orsans.

I'tlit FE.VIAI.E t O.IH'I.AINTS, inyomiKorol'l, m:irricd orni'iKle, nt the dawn of womanhood or atUin turn of life. UitseToiiic Bitlers have no equal.

For Inflammatory cm! C'lironic lieuinn-iIhi- ii

end (lout, J)y !epi:i or I d u CM i 041,

Itillou. Krmittciit I r.ierinll lent I'c-Te- r,

fHscnjir"! cl" llic lilood. Liter, Kieloers mid I5li:'llcr, these Eiillerx have lieen mostmicccKsrul. Surl: Disrisos nrc canned hy V ii intrcllilood, which isReiicrylty pro.liiti d hy iVrani;enicntof the IH;rclivc


Tain hi the Shouhicrs. UoiijrhK, of thoChest. Uizzine, Sr.ur Lnictatioiis .f the Stoinaeh.IJad Taste in the Mouth. Ililinus AttacU-:- . I'aiiiitntion otIhe Ilenrt, Irflamniation of the l.unifv I'ain in the re-

gions of the RiJuey. am! a hnmlrti! utlier pamfitl rmp-tu-

nro ihs ofi.:riacii ef t.'j'pep-i- r.

Thcr invigorate the FtouiaeU a:;d ii!ti!:ite the torpidLiver anl JloneU. vruir'i runner tlicni of uiieiualle ltfTieacy in cleansirg the blood of u i:.ipiirities. and

nc lifa enJ visor ta tho n liole usteln.FOit SUIX illSEASiiS) Erupt 'or.. Tetter. Salt

Rheum, ntn-lics- . Spft. riinulv. riiln'es, liuili-.Cor- -

(tir,el,-- . Kir5-VVor- Scald llc.1.1. Purs Hyes. Kryslpe--Iteh-iKUIt- IJIscoI'.'IBlmlif. ..fill" Skip, lluh-orxan-

imener of llio Shin, cf trhnt'-V- jiauie or nature. ariteraM duff up and cnrriinl ut of tlie syrtm in a short

time bjr the ue pt : fivse lilti.rH. One tKjttl- in miehton wiii eonvHic tli ings? mcrtMt:iu3 ,f ihcir eurapre eflec!.

Cleanse Ui Viilated EIooJ nlier.'Ter yu Tud itbursting tttroui:7i the sLiu in l'implcfl, Krup-tio-

or Sores; clcanaa it hen Cud it obstructedrul sl,!j;ih i:i tho veins : cl.-an- it when ft is fn!.

knd rour f?rios '"i.l t il you when. Keep the Moodouri-- . anl ths health of the will foilow.

I'iu. Tope, anil otiier Worms, iurkin? In theSystem of so many;'is. ar-- j effectually dostroredeml r'mnved. Says a ditiiiirnivhe-- pliyioln:p,Ihere ik wrareelr an individuul ii'iou the face of theearth whoso IkmIv is eS"mpt fenn ttie prfenee of

nrnu. It in not uiwmi the lienlrhy b'menti of lli.body That worm-exi- t. but iitx'u Oii- - i!iseiiK"d ltiimfMatid 5limy.,leo-i- t' that breHl tlu-s- livinff ninnsters ufdisease. No r..-- of MHlirine, no vermifuges, noantliplm'ulios will frc: the feysttni from nvimi i:kethese Bitterj.J. WALK Kit, Troprietor. R.n. McTOXAt.D A-- COXr::g?ie!s and lieu. Arent. Snn Fnnrisi-o- . Culifornia,

and JS and 31 Coiniiierce S'rect. New Vork.te3S01.D UY ALL lKUt!GISTS AND l'EALERS.


STAR MA RELET.At his new stand On Main Street, between 4th

mid oth gouth side, rhcre ho is readyto serve all his old customers, and

ad tuuny new ones as may (rive- him a call.

I keep on hand r.othiwe bat tut very


FAT CATTLEContra;ts made tor furnish inr lares quan-

tities of meat.

Call and see us.teblt'.idwtt. A. O. II ATT.


MfiKEB5' MEBJPiw'S" f0R achiculas JpHU- -

Hew York OSce, 27 BEEKMAN ST.




P2ntt9i3iou1h; - IVtforasiSi.a.

The best cf Fresh Meats altrsra ou hahd il..

their season.


... . A. ... atJUlguest iTISO i.lia tor &'Z rtattlOn;,!,a r.i, P,.n,i,i n v- i-

rj 44jrMf

Legal Notices.T- - John F. I'.ryan and Harriet A. Brrni.

teter.lnnt. will t ik notice thuto,&uriVPistrk--t ".! t-IJ- ieml Hi-'ri- in nml forv couniy, "s". u..iiiisr you, tr.c oujoclu u iiiiij Li k'i .in' u i " i, j , 11 v f Cl'll.'lrest MS uj'on his title to the xouihwe-- t quarterel ftefion S. thiny-si- x t; t. in town. !), N..ranee 12. in Cif courty, ehrajka. c.uned bvreason of an error and mistake in n critRiudeed, mide hv John ilrynti i.n.1 llatriet bis wite, to plnintitt'. on the 3nl day ofJuio, 1S.'iS. for t!;o tmn of tsw 1. 1 n whichdec-- Faift land tr r JcFi-nbei- l nt lyhie in r:ii'gl t.wlicn lit sane; rli-jn- l I hive been ! VI ir.Cus maty, and which mi.akn John I', liryauand Harriet A. Ilryan have tailed and relu edto cotTts t. I'l.ii.itiff n.--k that lii title to ilteal eJatc in-i- te nuietml tij.l 'nhiui Y'-i- i are required to rrtswrr :!:011 or before the loth Uuy .':i!i,mr , liTJ

Win. am Ai.Trrrn.Py A'atwel' A Cbotn.-on-. u. Attorney .

Lena! Kotico.District Court d ss I'or.n'r. Nebr kk.

llora.--e ?.!uitroc, Plaimifl,vs.

r.ien.ird il. .'i"er;inl M.i-iet!- n JliPcr. h:awile: i'iii.k od .V Miilrr, . J.Mni oc..I 'ijiiII Mjxnn iilid Owr Mwr!i ,t Co.,

To t:ie above rnme.l wcrnrntnn's. nn re-- ideutu of tbc iState t Nebmskn r.u kard .v Mil-ler, J" J. Mouue, Joiiu Ii. .VI:i.ou and Ke-e-

3J 01 ris A Co. :

Tako notic? that you brtn J:uJ in thiscourt lor M:c jd'riios" of M'ltwcj u eort i ntlewis. cxreated b? the 'f iciisuitT nt Cioy e iuti-t- y

to Parknrd .v Miller, nnd n deed by themui'idp to ,'. J. Monroe, ard lo 'o set um Io lliftrut de it made to Jidin ll.Maxon.ns trustee lorOber Mor'is A-- t'.i. lroi!i 11. l. Miiier Mini wile,

nd tor tich 1'n rt her relief a miy be tiiiituhle.The LmJ and premiiios decribo.l in all ol 9:1 idneeJs is f.dlovvs: The souihciist J , of sectionNo. five in tnwnj-hi- eleven, rar.pc '(. twelve,east offith P. M.

You ore reqnirrj o aprer.r and defend, onor bet'ore the loth day of January. IsTJ. or thepetition will be taken us true, and jud(ru:eiitrendered ucoorJiuuly.

O. 15. cortrLa, PlaintiiTV All '7.Dec. 4th. Is 1.irderea the bovo notice to be puLli-Iie- d in

t'lo br.itka llkKALD four ecu. eutive week',a;i'OTdinir to lair.

lec. l;i, 1ST1.D. W M. KIXXOX

Clsrk of District Ceurt Cusa coua'.y , Nebra!taDee. 14 w5

herifFs Sale.Shugai t Jk I.ininscr )

iiKionst Eiecuttion.C. K. r'orgr J

Notice ! hereby eiven that I will oflur formile at public-- auction at the front d'or of thet'ourt Ju.i;so in i'iattuiouth on ihe 3.1 dny etJanuary, ,. 1. it'l. t t.iio o'clock t. 14. nleid tiny, the following Kciil Mutate, situatedn f c City of Piuttsiuout'u, Cit.--s Co .Nebraska,o w it :

The undivided One half (;i of Lot Xo iilcck No. 1 hir and llieiinii-vide- ii

lino half of Lot No. Ten 10 in llloekNo Nine (f;; and tlie undivided t.fue half i.!ti olLot No. Twelve tl2i in liloi-- No. Forty-fivc'-l- i)

t:ilc:i as the irncrtv ot C. K. Foriry, im 1111

Kxecu'ion in favor of sjliURart and d by the Cleik of tho ln-iric- t Couri woiitiiand lor Cass Co. Nebraska, and to nn; directedas Sheritl" of .aid CouDty.

Given under my hand this."0lh day of Novem-ber A. i. J. vv. Johnson, sheriir.

Cds.s Co. Ni biaski.Fox A, ritff's Attorutys.Nov. 30 w o

SberifiVsTfe. :Jacob L. Thillij). ltr:.inst William L. Wells

and Jennie K. Wills. Order of smIoNotice is hereby iven that I will offer for

sale rt public miction at the front ctoor of theCourt House in I'l iitsniouth, Cass County, Ne-braska on the 27th day of December A. 1. lS.ilat tho hour of two o'clock r m of djy thefollowing Ial Estate, to wit :

Lot No. Nine'V'iu Pl"C-- No. Twenty ('y) inthe City of Pl.ttt.-roottt-h Cn? Co Nebrsca. tobe as the property of 'Vill'iim I.. Heilsni.d Jennia It. Vell on an Order of Sal- - infavor ot Jacob L. i'lullip. by the Dis-trict Court of the "Jd .lu iii ,.il District withinand lor Ciiss County Nebraska, and to me

lis hrriiV ol sai I Couuly.tjiven liii er my bund this day of Novem-

ber A. D.1S71. J. W. Jetiifox. .Shcr:rt.C:i-e- 'o Ne'ira.-ka- .

Mawcu & Ciiapm.i.v AttyV lor 1'lifl.Nov 'Si w 5

Attachment Notice.C. W.Catn. rtaintiff vs. Kniery WiNr.n.

Uefore V. II: ltolerton, n ins tee ofthel'eaee, in nnd i'orrsirny Cotin y. Neb,

To Emery Wilson:You are hrt,'iy notified that .'' It h..

commoni-e- i crain1 yeu bl'.,rc J il. lloiic.-.s"-

a Justi v nl the J'c'iee in srvi umw C- - unty.Ivy C. W. t'ai'i. for the utiit of .hi if '.wo

and seventy eeTi 7o. A 11 .r !e- - ol At-t- a'

hieent was at, mist yon ssmi .liton ih- - 1 !t:i d ; of N v en.bcr lor tn- - viesaid sum Si d jts-- . Miir ni 1 li'.-t- i t, - been

d January Oth i,t ten '.Ino'clock A. M. C. V. . C.UN.

Dec 6 1'w



Vocal collections.SLinint: Lichts. A hoicccotIeot.ior, of DH beantilul S.ieret otiffs. I

A llu.irlU and Home, !' iesid E-- ie ec. t?and weet ourelii. Three volumes of

f l easy S0115 by Wcjsfer. I'cr.sley. etc. TZ' CioMcu Leaves. Volu-f.'- i. II.DThe twi volumes contain all of Will S. C

.'.--; ossr vOP. i !ijs vJcui". A colleetior 0" brautl- - ET

Ililhidsby Wiiilace, Thomas Keller, -s t:; u&1 ?NSTItUMETAL COLLLCTION'S. JFl-'aii- Finders. Mokio Circle, nnd Q

Tiabi-t-. Three t f veryeasy Mu-i- e for yunit Id- - ers

I'earl Drops ami Miisicul Itperea lions.Dance Musi;-- . Two collections bf iiiouernto dif-ficulty.

t lciisint Memories. A errJleet ion of beautiful pieces by yman. Jiaci. lresler. Me.

Gotden Chitnts. A ooilee ion of brilliantparlor Music by tharles Kinki 1.

Itrilliant Gens A splendid co lectiod. brVilbre. Allard, Pacher K inkel. etc.

Price, il'rO per vo'unic.'.ly bound in"loth with Ri.t idea : if iu pmin cloth: 1.7jin boards.

Address, J. It. FlTERS, C99 It ndway.No -- Y .rk.

We wonlJ also cull attention to Th j Opera atHome, a collection of over 0110 tunmcd bvauii-u- l

opira songs, price in cljth and tfi t.Trade price, SI- -

Nor. gu d.Vw lino.

"Luxuries of lodern TaYe!.,,In these days the taste of the Travel eg Pub-li- e

has become exceedingly fastidious. In ordertoootuin their fHirimas'e. a Kailroed lino mustbe aole to insure, Safety, Speed and comfortabletransportation. by possessing the necessary gual'ficationsof a tirnt-elas- s equipment of coaches andlocomotives, a solid rond-be- d and heavy ironPullman's i'sllace r cars. I'iiilm:in,dininz cars, a direct route, good connections andcaretul manaecnicnt

The Uurlini-'lo-u loute is making every effort topossess ali these qalileations to a hiyh dcRree,ind otters a route to all points cast, wc.--t, northtf.nth. byHr.eaus ot its cjp nee! ions im follows:

At Omaha with the I'aci'ie re s.'. At l'lattsmouth with the 11. A-- M. It. P... la

Ncbaaska.3. At itnmburir. with :hcSf Joseph Ptailroad

for all points iu Kansas. A--

4. AtOttumwa. with the Dcs Mo Valleyand north Missouri rai:roiis.

5. At Uurlington with the JS.. C. R. & 11, K.R-- , for I.iven port. Muscatine, &c.

0. At Monmouth, witii thrt J'. It. I. ,fc Pt. L.and Western L niou Railroads, tor St. Paul, andpoints in the uorta. and for ct- - LouU end poiritv

the s itilh.7. At Peoria, with the short line IMrriJrl'njr-to- n

route to luttianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisvilleand all poiuts south and east.

3. At Peoria, with the T., 1. & W. It. R., forLoirrin-P'ir- t. Cojumbus. Ac.

lb At Men I'.itji. with nil the Illinois Central.10. At CHICAGO, with ail Trunk lines lor the

Las'.No better novice can bo Riven then, thau to

TjvJ1 ho liurliiiKton Route." dtf.

Notice of Application for par-de- n.

"VJolice is hereby given that applicition vri'l! be made to the (jovtrnor ot tho Mule of

Nebraska, on the iibtn t iy ot December 1ST!th pard'.n ot Jubn vv. Uea-ily- , convicted cf j

larceuyt at the term of the Uis.ri-- t C'jurt. held j

Piattsraoutn. Nebraska. --Noi eiDber. Inij!. nud !

sente'.ced to me feaiteutwry tor the term cfsoTen year?.

i'iatUUuruUi 2 U lit iff, UI iWriw.

r' f orai ?t.i nnJ e4u1 ie:. "

1 EH SI 5 : Paily JW.QO iff kr-i'i- . v? ?t:'"jitr month.

AISfiftBMCE frO 8.3.! K , , .. ,j 'assC'l Stitl Approveil. 1'eC. Vt I l,.;

ame-nd- i At, )rdir,:.,ccntHivd An Ordinance Iivtido.g Ker- -

j cnUClie it Ord'iiifd l' tlie M-iyi- and Com;-- -

cllmen nf the Cit'J cfJf t'Hsnioiiii.Sr.'. 1st. Ordinan.'e No s! v. etil lib d .A .1

Ordinance Providing Kevenne, por.tve l .lti;f171. be nnd tho mtun is hereby atnemied

read as follow:Src. 2, Th-'- t a ycirly s'ipc'.fjc foil t.'X if u

uV:!'' hjll be nstsi-- on every id lo l odli dneilc eitu n Het-ec- iho tees of ti.rry-- i imand iiity ye.-rs- .

Se- -. 1. That rj.-- person, firm, eomjuny orshall be cd'hwI i", pnseu;c. or

en"ry on nny tr;ide business, or profe':ot.herenftcr uienl imicd. in the c ty cf Pia'tsinoie !iuntil he or they shad Liteep-i- l i lirene tr. ttnerttor in the in hircin.'if cr r. vi,icd

kc. 4. That ii: y i who sli .il ( im, i

carry en anv tr:i!c. , it or n.inny m-- i I erriuaftcr uiiiiti ned, ; r ti.o exu-ci-ini- f.

on t r dtii:; ot woiih a Iktn.-- 'tX Id iilipo.-- e i by law. w ill tit p. yn:i i,t t',!e,w tll required, shall, p.r every sn li elVi.sf. i

i les ui li il te to the inM.i 'iitol the Ins'. lof tibjtv! it a line or pi uii'ty A iet ly ;!i;;n t. .ino"- - tnere if ep one ! i ' i - I

Si:v .r. That cvely per. nti, linn. fotrr.!ltr efco i'or u eiu':vi'd iu nny I riil-- . biisios rtproTeFsitif. eh ltil !l H lieoii'e f ilil' i,yliiw. f ll dl HI ply to the for u o:v. h cli shsll be KMitdi'd f--t tlie term of aeo vi-- ifupon ; t reity iim-;u-- of t Ii v

sum o money i s is hereinnftcr pror ded f ?e:ie!i p nit rtliiiiv. busim..--s or prn:pssioi.

SkC. b't 'I he Jlnyir ni.rl iieik slia.i en heiimleii to a fee of let ? eenis for n.;'i li.'ei?- -sued in acc-- r i inco with the proii ions i f '.hiAtt.

,S: r. 7. i Tint lloca tnr 'if.".i li? re. 1 ely isinijiesed OS "'diows,

1. sJ ill pity fN"i to Vi dol'nr"Kvory person ' all b it"-io- l tin ntic! ioiiet rwhh'e is la offer proper'y nt pitblics.doto theh:shest eroe-- t hid i- - r.

2. Itrot. er. hn!l pay ten doll.irs.3. Keeper of 5liP.ll p-.- y flvs

uo'lnr?.4. RtMlEjtato Afents or Krokors hl! t if

ten dollars.5. Keeper of riiitclier'j stalU or boiHi fi

the :iie of mPit shall puy ten dolbirs,l. K.eepei. of liilliarl Tildes or Ten lidAlley, tor the tmr, ose of publi "iiiun iinu t.

shiill p:iy till en dolbi'S for biliiarJ tnbiaor ten pin alley kept.

7. l iveiy keepers shall par ten dol-lar

S. Hotel keepers s!i:i!I tep clnlin".0. h 1 i!.'ui-an"- Compmy doii.if b isin('-I- 3

fur the Insiiraiico oflileor property slnill p-- y

ten do'liiras.10. Ka.-- nr.d every r.eron rairy;n(r irtrunspor: intr. in vehictes. p'tipcrty or pc i' inr,

for hire : hail pny ns f. Hows : lor every c;.rtUr;iy. hack, or wipon ten dollar.-- f lor om-

nibus ten dollaii: and ii shall be the .iu'y t t tti!priipri-'to- r ol any dray, hack, cart, or wiiMn nn --

mediately e.f'ier txkiiiKout the license here have the number ot the sai'J vehicle pine--, tlupun it.

11. v he!c3a!e or retail shell piyten

11. Jienler ill dry goods, croceriei. tjbar-.v- i

con.'ecl ionery oroliier iner Imndise, citi.ll p irten doihsrs.

1!. Luinoer dealer?, grain tnvrs. fcrnitt -- o(

deal 'r. s iildlo ..r h ioko ..c tiers, eltn.p r-- i

and jewcb'rs shall pay ten dollars.'II. i'.ankors sl 'O n " ty Ii e dollar.1". HardtTaie dealers shall pav ten iioii.tr3.hi Xrerv express c.ti.tny shall pay leij

dollars.17, Merry telegraph rcaipany shall pay t.--

(lobars. '

IS. ilvery aacr.t for the sale of tfc'"Pu'linii'lements sba'l jiay ten dollaes.

10. Dealerf in spirituous linuors shall fisytv.-i- y

hundred dollars Kvery pi rt whoshMll ill orotl'er fur sale foreiirn or loiiiestic spirit, wir t,ale, beer, or other malt litiuors, shall bu deefueii,ndealerin spirituous liipirs: nnd tt 'ry metidealer in spirit jous liiiuors stitill fde with thcity clerk his bond to the city in thi e u tit of or. "I

thousand dollars, with (rood nnd piir,iei,.nl secur-ity, to b approved by th? Mayor, enndi' ioiutrthat during t e ecntinimnct of bis li en- - . ,iuwill not keep a tiiso derly h:m ;c. anl that I.Jwill pot hII..T quiliblinn wish dice, orther implellien' tir de his bou-- e .d'

btis inns', prutidi 'I. that in no c:nc shni! li'isisse to a dea'er in spil'lluous Iisboi s uniil tooapplicant theref, r sball h'e with the ci;y clcrlrthe pe'ition of at lo int ten ficehtlderi of i 'i,iciiy. "itfiied and atle-te- d belin e ll justice of I H'upeace or ot'i'-- r co'j. potent officer, tetiti: IViM'ithat the applica- - t lor the le-e- io is a niae ofrvspeetuMe cliaructi r an l slutubr nr.d n rei-de- ut

tf this '.i'y, and pr;ivit:s tl: it po"issue to him.

-- ii. Kveiy p:r.on or persons w'io f'.n'il or i,conduct t r Joaiiiifco lor train, wnbi'i the pmvliir-it- any 'n-ils-

, faiav .'."h. 6r oilehow or exhibition; or exhiuit wnv show orna-vtc- e

of any kind, rr Kiveauj rn isic.iltliull piy from 11 ve to h,.y rbn!::rs. I lit!

amount between said limits, to b( tlxed by thomayor; roridrtl, that all mid liierrlecture an'l entertainments soell tie i ci'r,tf.,ns well. also, as cuneorl and other tnfi."-- ei ci;'.'tertiiinuii'nts ki en esclisive'y by llie tt'liSiof the ci'j-- .

IT. i eiiulers shall piy fmui five to fifiy uol-lar- s,

the u mount to b de;" :i)iuc--l by the in .jor.Kvery person who a mil s'l: i r ollei- - any rfu. oVorwaresor Sii-- articles fm snio. tmrter or r --

ehanfre nt uiy place in, upon, along or tln 'ythe pa lie iri-els- , alleys, oro l ur pbshall op ' ec, i,e- a peitdier; pr c iUJ. tiu.i ''.Section liiil not hnconFtnicted to :t XltJ- - io anype-so- n or j er.-op-s eoiuiiii.' int.. lii.i H liiiia .In;

j eountrr with tt:i'ns or vvi-- ir.i.i proouei;j tor market, or o any soiling anv vege

tables, oerries, oroitier pro,iu:ie ot their ownfarm cr pr' nii-e-

.!-- . s. A il oi- - p:;rl': ,f r'.!iinc,-c,- icorllie-ir- i;li art r.r.i hereby tt-p-

i'-. t i; f llie i.nieii.lio. n ' repeal oi or pa Is ol ordi nance i f I it.s ;y y),..llin no u ny s tT t any r?yiil. et-ii- i.i - . ac-tion or liabd:iy whica may h:-v- e iiecra il ' iimy j'.n'Ei.H r.t. i ecvn aicn ir linn trd:iinadc, bail orcntered t.pun, nt.der ppy provisi..eof the urdin j.oci. or p.n ts ordira ,e !.( . byicpcitPd or niiK,rid.j 1. And ml i'i,r-- . p ;:! ,i--

and firieitni'-- s heretofore iucnrretl. bupr.'secuted :.s th t.jch Mj Piii'oilment or lepiidb id been tiirpfp.

."ie". II. l.aeh .tml every lic"rso hcreif,-- cin with the provisions of or-

dinance No; 0. iiiproeed Auir. J T 'iedl ro- -maiii in full lor-- c lor a ofi-ri- e je-i- r r!ithe '.ie'f liei-n---

ce !. This act to t ike efT'-e- t from anl rd"u-- r'

iis pu a, prescribed by law.Approve!. Li's. O'h. P.71.

M.'L WIITC. Meyor.AUc t. It II a.vatta. City clerk.



DUKKD Si FALL AN" - - Propriclo:- -:

JiiFt opened t tlie public, for both day aidweek bordcr. Tables set wiili tno best ijonini ket ntiords. Acconiod.itioriS sc on.! to oobi!in tiro city, docltidiwtf


Till OF! MAT


JIanuf.tcturer rfGRAND, SQUAKt: AN ft CPKIGIIt

i atto r it r ,Baltimore Mtr.TLvxa.

These Inst umenta have been before the I liblie tor nearly thicty years, and upon their ex-c;l- li

ece aj.irie nltilirloi an vnon rinr:twhich pronoJnCts iuefu unecj-iale- d

in Toiiv, Tuurh.'irkm'inh!f nml Juruuilil.

JAll our Piano have .dir NewUvtrstiung .Scale .".nd ihe Aeraffe X e- -

We tvou'd all Fpieial aUeptioo to onflute I'aienled Iioprove rent In Orsnid K aneand Square Grinds fonnd irl nO other P ano.which brinst too riimo tieurer pt--i feet ton thanhiiityet been nttaincd.i'r'fi. P1A0 f'u'V Wo ?? or t'irr )if.tri. Iltnstra :cd Cat loenes. arid price lists pronr tJly furnished on applr-eiio- t'

WSI. KI-A3- i CO.. Baltimoro. Md.Or any of "ur reyu'ar c.tabli'-e- d u;enc e.


Psbkivs' New St hcM Boe'ki"The fjete)." ii pronoutie-e- d

best w irh cf its c!at 4 forthe following reasons: "T) e 4JViostc is all new and fresh: ev,--y

is a Well knownfiec.e Melody ie!i as. ,!lJiveiO trein hotae," 'Write tn fi L iter' ( 1

''Li't'elirown liuich.' ft VVcunt tiii i twice an mitaj' r'.-ns- ntcr-- te fi .md io otrnr wiiiksThe tnuste iesclecto t fo:a ri -- ly

T" four auihors, nnd are noi filed "IL"!-N nptritlv oHe S'lthur'a cotnj o. i- - JL--

ifii 3. trir.f.j cents fai-u- , erf7..-- 't per tiez- - l! MUlpie ci fi'Mmailed to TVachers tor Ci t .

f ' Ju icrat u;r iiie.uicnts iut inti j- - ovj oOiticn. Alir.W9Brtadwr, "Fi