nea news 22

PLANET BLUE: Towards the Sun The energy which radiates from the sun to the earth is at least 10,000 times more powerful than mankind's current energy requirements. Therefore, the solar sector was one of the boom sectors in the recent past. The political will to reduce CO2 emissions resulted in sup- port measures which stimulated the expansion of solar installations. Photovoltaics development has gained considerable self-momentum, in particular in the field of electricity. Photovoltaics – Mainstream of the Future According to prognoses by the Federal Association of the German Solar Industry , solar electricity's share of German electricity requirements will rise from currently 2% to about 10% by 2020. In line with the forecast by the Association of German Machinery and Equipment Constructors (VDMA), European electricity generation will be covered roughly fifty-fifty by conventional and renewable energies by 2030. Taking 2007 as a basis it is expected that the share of regenerative energy in European electricity production will even have tripled by then from 16% to 48%. Solar electricity should Edition No. 22, November 2011 NEA NEWS NEUMAN & ESSER GROUP

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Planet Blue: Towards the Sun

The energy which radiates from the sun to the earth is at least 10,000 times more powerful than mankind's

current energy requirements. Therefore, the solar sector was one of the boom sectors in

the recent past. The political will to reduce

CO2 emissions resulted in sup-port measures which stimulated the

expansion of solar installations. Photovoltaics development has gained

considerable self-momentum, in particular in the field of electricity.

Photovoltaics – Mainstream of the FutureAccording to prognoses by the Federal Association of the German Solar Industry, solar electricity's share of German electricity requirements will rise from currently 2% to about 10% by 2020. In line with the forecast by the Association of German Machinery and Equipment Constructors (VDMA), European electricity generation will be covered roughly fifty-fifty by conventional and renewable energies by 2030. Taking 2007 as a basis it is expected that the share of regenerative energy in European electricity production will even have tripled by then from 16% to 48%. Solar electricity should

Edition No. 22, November 2011




& E




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therefore develop to become a mainstay of the sustainable energy system.From a global view, China, the USA, and Southern Europe are the future growth drivers in this market segment; to a significant extent now Korea, Taiwan and India, too. Analysts expect growth rates of up to 130% per annum on these markets.

Application of the NEA Solar Compressor: Mirroring the Market TrendThis trend is also reflected in the population of NEA compressors for manufacturing polysilicon: half of the some 300 installed NEA systems world-wide are in China, a few in Southern Europe and the remainder evenly spread between the USA and South-East Asia. Orders from these coun-tries are often for higher quantities from two to over 20 units per order. NEA serves this market with the range of sizes 20 to 320, whereby the actuating power varies between 25 kW and in excess of 3,000 kW. First references in the field of polysilicon date back to the mid-1980s. Back


NEA GROUP in the Area of Tension of the Moves in Energy Politics

The symposium under the leitmotif "PlANET BlUE" which attracted record numbers of visitors to the NEA GROUP headquarters demonstrated the diverse application options for NEA compressors and grinding systems in regenerative energy generation applications. The topic of "sensible and sustainable dealing with our resources for maintaining the environment" has gained a new explosive nature during the past years within the scope of supplying energy. In addition to energy savings, the expansion of renewable energies will be the long-term solution. However, the energy quantities required can only be generated, stored and transported using innovative technology. Two aspects must be observed in this context:▪ In particular in Germany, numerous companies have intro-duced highly technical niche products to the market for several decades and established global technology and market leadership for themselves. These companies are called on to develop solutions for the generation and storage of renewable energies in the short-term in collaboration with research institutes.▪ The modernization of the energy supply network, without which the expansion of regenerative energies is not pos-sible, was decided on by the EU Heads of State and Government at their last summit meeting. According to information from the German Energy Agency, 3,600 km new high-voltage power transmission lines are needed for this. Numerous citizens' initiatives currently hinder the expansion; however they are in favor of the move in energy politics! Clarification is required here.Conclusion: only synchronized implementation of these two aspects which lie both in the entrepreneur's hands and the politicians' responsibility will result in the desired success.The next NEA NEWS issues will discuss the regenerative application areas in detail and the corresponding technolo-gies where NEA products are used. NEA already supplied machines for the polysilicon manufacturing process, ex-plained in greater detail in this issue, as early as the begin-ning of the 1980s. Specialist contributions on the topic of biogas feed and gas storage will follow. We look forward to new challenges and feel well equipped for them with our strong R & D team.You can also read about the successful development of our Thailand location, about global investments and internal NEA activities. Enjoy reading it!

■ PLANET BLUE: the Solar Market – Mainstream of the Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3■ Company Profile of NEA South East Asia in Thailand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5■ Infrastructure Investments in the USA and Thailand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 ■ Borealis in Focus: Hyper Revision in Record Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9■ The Polysilicon Day in China: a Step Towards the Sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12



Managing Partners ofNEA Holding

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then, NEA delivered the first "solar compressor" as a size 80 boxer. Demand increased so dramatically during the middle of the past decade that NEA decided to serve the new market with mature technical developments. Since then, the vertical dry running compressor convin-ces worldwide with its space savings and longer ope-rating life.larger frames dominate supplies increasingly during the past two years. This is not really surprising because the global market is hard-fought and manufacturers can only survive through "economy of scale". "In the Middle Kingdom, according to Manfred Vesely, Area Sales Manager and China expert, the government really prohi-bits the construction of small silicon factories. The con-sequence is "Monster factories in the gigawatts range" which integrate the upstream and downstream proces-ses in the value-added chain". An announcement from Taiwan recently also made the headlines: the first delve of spade for a factory with a capacity of 900 million com-ponents per annum with an output of 3.2 gigawatts has been made. Arnd Viets, Area Sales Manager for South-East Asia refers in this context proudly to the latest

chlorosilane (TCS) reacts with pure H2 in the reactor. The result is pure silicon as a polycrystalline and a gas mix consisting of 90% H2 as well as a residue with HCl and the three Si-Cl-H2 compounds dichlorosilane, tri-chlorosilane and silicon tetrachloride (STC). The gas mix runs through several "cooling cascades" in order to dehydrate components. Then, the pressure is increased to approx. 12-18 bar as the aim is to collect the exhaust gas from the reactor and separate its components through condensation. The thus recovered hydrogen (H2) is fed to the CVD reactor again for crystal formation. The hydrogen chloride (HCl) is used to manufacture TCS. The released STC is, for example, converted to TCS in the "cold conversion" process, the initial sub-stance for crystal formation.PlANET BlUE is applied in two senses during the par-tial process of gas development: on the one hand through energy-saving as the developed gases no long-er need be generated expending energy and on the other hand by the hindrance of letting off the gases into the earth's atmosphere. Thus, NEUMAN & ESSER also looks forward to a "radiant" future.

orders from Korea and Taiwan, where he can

install 18,000 kW power next year.If China also plays one of the first fiddles on the

photovoltaics (PV) market, the production plants originate from the "Who is who" in solar plant construc-tion from Germany and the USA. They have a command of the technology along the entire value-added chain from the extraction of the raw material silicon up to turn-key factories.

PLANET BLUE: High-tech for Future EnergyWithin the complex process of manufacturing purest polysilicon, NEA compressors from Germany provide a considerable contribution to environmental protection. The leitmotif PlANET BlUE - synonymous for NEA applications in the area of regenerative energy – refers to the partial processes of gas preparation from the reactor and vapor recovery, also referred to as "vent gas" or "off gas recovery" during polysilicon manufac-turing. Simply explained, these function as follows: tri-


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increase the office size to 420 m². In 2007, the second 5 MW unit was ordered for a Malaysian refinery as well as smaller packaged units for a steel mill in Taiwan and a refinery service in Korea. In order to relieve congestion in the workshop, a new plot of land was purchased to build a new fabrication shop and to expand the office to 600 m². This shop was fortuitously completed at the same time when NEA SEA was asked to assist NEA Gulf by bidding for two offshore vapor recovery compressor modules for their region. This offer quickly turned into an order which again broke all NEA SEA records in terms of value and physical size, weighing in at some 180 tons per module when finally shipped. Aftermarket also landed its biggest yet order for the manufacture and replacement of liners up to 0.8 m diameter for a Borsig unit operating in Thailand. 2008 – Ten Years in ThailandA Compressor Day and the ceremony for the inauguration of the new fabrication shop were held in early 2008 and coincided with the celebration of 10 years of NEA GROUP presence in Thailand. Within weeks of the inauguration, both shops and the car park were full with the construction of the vapor recovery modules which grew within the next 12 months to some 10 m and it became necessary to demolish the perimeter wall to move the assembly to the port.The year also saw multi-million EUR machine orders being placed for refinery service and NEA’s first ever direct sale of polysilicon compres-sors to a production plant in Korea.ConsolidationWith the world in a financial crisis, the only prime sale for 2009 was two small 300 bar units for a Caprolactam plant just 5 km from NEA SEA but with considerable foresight the decision was made to proceed with the purchase of significantly more adjoining land for the con-struction of a new packaging workshop and a new office. Further investments included the refurbishment of the original service shop and establishment of a Repair Coordination Center with a state-of-the-art valve test machine.

After a slow start, sales in 2010 picked up with orders received for two 300 bar

hydrogen compressors for a Korean petrochemical plant, two hydrogen

compressors for a Bangkok re-finery and a small ethylene compressor for a polyethylene de-bottlenecking project also in Thailand.New RecordsThe log jam of projects from 2009/10 started to break early in the year with an order for two fuel gas booster compres-sors for a power station expan-sion in Thailand. This was quickly followed by a plethora of multi-million EUR orders for one complete polysilicon plant in Taiwan and two similar sized plants in Korea, boosting sales

A Seed is PlantedIn 1998, NEAC South East Asia ltd. was established in Rayong, Thailand, following a series of orders for NEA equipment for the expanding petrochemical facility in Maptaphut. The original service shop was less than 200 m² but provided a base to establish NEA GROUP presence in the region of South East Asia.Seeing the huge potential of the Asian market, the deci-sion was made to expand the Thailand facility by estab-lishing a Sales & Application Center with a 300 m² office building and manufacturing workshop of 780 m². Initially the whole enterprise was staffed with a total of just 15 people but was tasked with carrying the NEA GROUP flag to a sales region spanning many languages, cul-tures and applications. Some initial market penetration was achieved with the supply of new equipment to Taiwan and Malaysia. Merge & Market TakeoverAfter reorganization of prime and aftermarket opera-tions under the name of NEUMAN & ESSER South East Asia ltd. with one management structure, prime sales grew steadily with several million EUR sales into Malaysia for both the petrochemical and air separation markets and lower air separation machine sales in Thailand. A similar expansion occurred in the aftermarket, particular-ly in Malaysia and Taiwan.The year 2005 saw the handover of the Korean and Japanese markets from NEA USA to include the ANZAC countries into the NEA SEA territory and thereby estab-lishing NEA SEA as the local center for the entire Australasia region. This proved to be a watershed in terms of sales growth, providing access to the major Korean EPC market as well as to a large installed base, opening opportunities in both the prime and aftermarket. With significant annual sales in the region, the first of many facility expansions took place with the purchase of new land to build a second entrance and a bulk material lay down area.The Biggest YetThe year after was highlighted by the sale of two six- crank 500 frame units to a petrochemical plant in Taiwan, the biggest single order to date and the largest NEA units ever to be installed in the region. Other sales included a 3.2 MW lNG compressor and a small re-finery unit to Korea, a 1.5 MW fuel gas compressor and two 300 bar hydrogen units for fatty alcohol production in Thailand. This led to the first building extension to



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NEUMAN & ESSER South East Asia in Thailand

to a new record high for the year to date. Fortunately, the decision had been made to proceed with the new packaging facility which provides over 1,200 m² of covered area and 1,400 m² of lay down space. This was completed just in time to commence the packaging of thirteen polysilicon and two fuel gas compressor skids which have completely filled the facility, now fully utilized throughout 2012. At the same time, aftermarket activi-ty skyrocketed in service work, spares and repairs with sales to date exceeding 300% of this year’s budget.


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INvESTMENTS in the USA andin Thailand

In addition to sub-stantial investments in

Research & Development as well as Sales, NEUMAN

& ESSER has already inves-ted in its own locations world-

wide since 2000. With this local commitment, the NEA GROUP

shows its customers that the partner-ship is designed for the long-term.

Own locations mean optimum working conditions for the employees as local needs

are taken into consideration when building. The second or third expansion phase respec-

tively has now started in Thailand, India, Brazil and the USA.

Here to Stay



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◄ On Nov. 18, NEA South East Asia had good reason to be happy as, following 52 intense weeks' coordination and monitoring, their large-scale construction project in Rayong was successfully com-pleted. It was planned to expand the existing 1,600 m² compressor skid packaging hall by a further 1,125 m² including a 30 t overhead crane and 50 t package handling equipment required for the com-pletion of large compressor sys-

◄ Since the acquisition of the Penn Process Compression line (PPC) in Sept. 2010 and the associated extensive documentation, the NEA gRoUP in the US was confronted with a space issue and started initial planning for an expansion in late 2010, finalizing the basic concept in early 2011. On Aug. 23, 2011, in Katy, TX, de-molition work was started in the existing area planned for the build-ing extension, after which the whole construction process ran in ac- cordance with the estimated time

tems. Additionally there will be two staff offices, a storage room, fac-tory washroom facilities, a 10 m wide entrance road, a new gate house as well as various roads and parking on the premises. On Dec. 2, Stefanie Peters, Managing Partner, will inaugurate the operat-ing facility in its new outfit within the scope of the Compressor Day in front of some 100 guests. This will set the foundation for further growth in Australasia.

schedule. The expansion of the building comprises 275 m² on two floors. The new space will host four offices and two large employee areas, each with four employees and space for six to seven. The new structure will be ready for move-in prior to Dec. 15 and work can then proceed on changes to the existing office. This includes the relocation of several walls and adding a rolling shelving system to store most of the PPC documentation. Following this, the NEA GROUP in the US will have adequate space for future growth!


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BoB o r e a l i s

Top Project Management Paves the WayWithin the scope of a major shutdown of the entire pro-duction, the first meeting regarding full inspection of the 30-year-old GGH Hyper Compressor at Borealis in Schwechat, Austria, one of Europe's leading plastics manufacturers, was scheduled for the NEAC Compressor Service.After NEAC had already successfully carried out the overhaul of an identically constructed machine in the previous year, they were entrusted with the task of the revision of a second compressor. This time, the chal-lenge was an increased scope of work and delivery with a reduced time window.In the first round of discussions, the aim was to define

mechanism repair and the revision of the "bypass units" had to be coordinated, implemented and controlled. This required professional project management.NEAC Knows How to Make Proper Use of the Time AvailableNEAC demonstrated its special creativity for this project in order to catch the critical path. Thus, the company took on the demanding and complex processing of the crankcase for the first time with a new partner company in Austria and used new 3D laser equipment which proved to be an invaluable instrument for the precisely accurate and efficient installation of the driving mecha-nism. The coordination of repair measures required directly with the customer at the components concerned

the scope of work and the project plan with Borealis. At the same time, interfaces were defined and responsibili-ties established. The experience gained by all parties involved during the first revision was also transfered to the upcoming project. As a result, work procedures, processes and logistics could be optimized. Stoppage of the system and the simultaneous major revision of the neighboring OMV refinery proved to be particularly complex. The result of this was that some 3,000 employees from third-party companies worked on two premises at the same time. The top priority, there-fore, was to work independently – the right "playground" for NEAC.During the standstill, NEAC held the sole responsibility for the coordination of the various disciplines and work on the lD4 booster. Foundation refurbishment, driving

helped considerably to save further time as, speaking from experience, these procedures are often lengthy during everyday business.In addition to repairing the crosshead assembly group, the repair of "shoes" was a special requirement for the areas of planning and coordination. All the work was carried out in the NEA machine factory. All six shoes could be provided with a new babbitt layer in record time and the remaining bypass unit components repaired. Completion, alignment and approval of these units took place using a 3D laser system and was conducted by an in-house laser specialist and the Quality Department at the company's Übach headquarters. Simultaneously, crankcase machining and foundation refurbishment took place in Vienna, the latter under the responsibility of NEAC.

The NEAC Masterpiece: Revision of a "Hyper" in Accordance with an Ambitious Schedule




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The Factors of SuccessNEAC was especially happy to have found a competent local partner for crankcase machining. Moreover, the detailed specifications and constant exchange with Borealis regarding the repair measures resulted in the repair of the crankcase with no complications whatso-ever. Even unplanned incidents such as damages to the outer bearing or the influence of the local weather could not adversely effect the completion date. For this project, special attention is given to the re-installation of the drive mechanism and the new bear-ings for the crankcase. They were precisely aligned and controlled to a few hundredths of millimeters using the 3D laser system.

The NEAC specialists had a new and positive experi-ence in the field of work safety with the use of bicycles on the company's premises. The high health and safety standards from Borealis required a special bicycle driver's license and wearing a special protective helmet for this purpose. To conclude, NEAC was also able to impress once again during the final meeting and subse-quent review: you couldn't overlook the customer’s joy when they already held the entire documentation inclu-ding all the reports in their hands only two weeks after completion.


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Welcome to the Era of virtual WorldsPlatforms for Knowledge Management and Global Presence

CRM and ERP are gaining groundThe NEA GROUP has been consolidating its interna-tional know-how systematically for a decade. Systems such as a Content Management System (CMS), with which an Intranet is maintained and a centrally used 3D CAD help here. A CRM/SMS system in use since the beginning of 2009 goes still further: it enables central administration of all activities associated with the custom-er, the employees involved and the machine itself. With the help of a SharePoint interface, all types of docu-ments such as drawings, user manuals or files of all types can be stored for the entities such as the customer or the machine. From searching to finding - that's NEA’s motto! It creates a panorama view of the events and enables optimum customer care. However: systems only function as well as their users maintain the data. Therefore the administrator team Andreas Hirschter and Hartmut Wintrich are currently travelling in Asia to acquaint the local team with the NEA philosophy and the software and simultaneously to inform the key users already trained a year ago of changes. It is important that all NEA locations recognize the added value of the central and cross-product system.One of the next milestones will be the selection and introduction of a central ERP system for all Group loca-tions. The implementation of this challenge will take several years - but it denotes the next logical step in the structural further development of the NEA GROUP.

Website Relaunch Using CMSSimultaneously with the organization of the PlANET BlUE event series, a relaunch of the current NEA GROUP website was planned. Since May this year, the company presentation captivates its readers with its novelties regarding the topics covered, structure, design

and user interface. The task given to Marketing was already to anchor the NEA GROUP's technological leadership in products and markets on the homepage, winding its way through the sections like an "NEA blue" thread. An additional aim was to provide visitors with a platform for fast, efficient information and contact searching. Results can be seen under Therefore, attention was paid to anchoring image topics already on the homepage which reflect the latest innovations, references and the corporate culture when implementing the concept. To support user-friendliness and quick searching for information, clear structuring and positioning of main sections and sub-sections was selected, which in particular are supported by dropdown menus below the top navigation and third information level animated navigation. Each product page is flanked with second degree information such as Contact, Trade fairs, Brochures and Product trailers. Special attention was paid to the "Contact" section: by mousing over the flash-animated world map, the visitor is immediately "named" his contact person worldwide and has the option of copying the relevant business card directly into Outlook. The "Global" section in the menu bar with the company profiles provides a further contact search option. If the user wishes to take a look at brochures, the NEA NEWS or other printed items, he will come up trumps in the download center. Thanks to the programming by CAP.IO, the visitor can use the "page flip" application for virtual browsing in the media - completely in keeping with "E.NEA.RGY to provide solutions".

„I like“ Social MediaWith its decision also to be present in social media, the NEA GROUP belongs to the pioneers in the B2B area. The primary objective of the Facebook presence, which




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Welcome to the Era of virtual WorldsPlatforms for Knowledge Management and Global Presence

exists under its own domain since Oct. 20, is to present the company neutrally and to strengthen the corporate culture, both internally and externally. This is an impor-tant aspect in the area of staff recruitment and also for the orientation of NEA staff via informative and, in part, amusing stories in the big, wide NEA world. The Facebook presentation draws on the further develo-ped corporate design from the website relaunch, there-fore visualizing the topics of the NEA image, careers and references through transparent coloring, image tracking and lineage. These are chapters which show interested persons both the range of services and the corporate image in a concise manner. English was consciously selected as the language in order to reach visitors world-wide. The "Careers" chapter remains an exception: job vacancies are entered here in the respective native lan-guage.Tab navigation underneath the main topics fulfils the function of the known "Breadcrumb path", i.e. speedy orientation for the visitor. Each chapter includes a short

"teaser" text which is supported visually. A special ani-mation awaits the visitor here: when "rolling over" with the mouse, the picture in the teaser text assumes the movement of a piston – an inspired idea from Domeniceau Design! More sophistication followed as the designers placed an excerpt from the NEAC trailer in an extra win-dow in the "Global" chapter. This is another "feature", which contributes to the dynamism of this presentation. All these technical novelties which are not, as such, sup-ported by Facebook, could only be realized through the relocation of the NEA presence to an external server structure. Now it's time to post loads on the wall and all visitors are cordially invited to act. It already holds funny contributi-ons and comments which can be seen under: Facebook and other social media platforms, too, will enjoy an enormous boost at NEUMAN & ESSER in the future. At the very latest when an online editor will support the Marketing team at the beginning of next year.


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chinaThe Polysilicon Day in

There are several reasons why the Polysilicon Day in China on July 12 stood out from the NEA GROUP's specialist events to date. Not only did the agenda which was well-packed with technical speeches stimulate lively discussions, but also the excursion program held some genuine surprises for the guests in store. 35 participants from nine well-known solar silicon manufacturers in China accepted NEA Beijing's invitation to Hohhot in Inner Mongolia in order to gain first-hand compressor knowledge.Therefore, with Timo Kitschen, NEAC Spare Parts Manager, and Manfred Vesely, NEA Deutschland Area Sales Manager, technical sales reinforcement from Germany traveled over in order to introduce the interested parties the distinguishing features of the NEA piston compressors for use in the solar silicon sector.NEA Beijing's Managing Director Ping Lang provided a detailed overview of the range of services they offer, in particular giving information about the special services provided by NEA Beijing in the aftermarket area through local servicing and a spare parts warehouse which they will soon hold available for Chinese plant operators.Steffen Pampel, compressor specialist and technical advisor to NEA Beijing, rounded off the series of lectures with his presentation on compressor technology as well as the ser-vicing and maintenance of these machines. Impressed by the depth of this information, intense discussions ensued, during which the participants also developed great interest even for the smallest of technical details.A common excursion to a Mongolian camp in the steppe was organized for the next day. Equipped with boots and helmets, the group set off on a two-and-a-half hour horse ride including a full gallop. Following this, everybody deserved a reinvigorating lunch in line with traditional Mongolian cuisine. Before dusk set in, the evening program also included a horse show and a Mongolian duel which encouraged active participation by the guests. Most of the excursionists spent the night in the colorful tents specially prepared for this purpose.The result of the Polysilicon Day: it couldn't have gone better as all the participants showed their extreme satisfaction with the program, making NEA Beijing optimistic with regard to new partnerships in the aftermarket area for the solar silicon sector – always towards the sun.




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The traditional "local trade fair", the 40th Turboma-chinery Symposium from Sept. 12-15 in Houston, was again crowned with success for NEA USA and NEAC USA. The booth, an impressive peninsular booth of some 50 m², attracted plentiful existing, but also new customers. Thus, it could not be denied that, following the takeover of the PENN - Pennsylvania Process Compressors (PPC) - business by NEUMAN & ESSER last year, in particular the operators of these machines visited the NEA booth with great interest in order to gain a picture of the range of services offered.A few weeks later, NEA GROUP USA was drawn to the gMC (gas Machinery Conference) in Nashville,

Large Exhibits Convince the American MarketTennessee. This year, the Texans chose a larger booth in order to present the same large and striking exhibits – a 130 size boxer as well as a 500 frame connecting rod and crosshead – as at the Turbo Show. It created a lot of attention, convincing both Managing Directors Manfred Salgert and Brian Bertelsen that they have set positive impulses for the American Natural Gas Compression market with this trade fair. Following the inquiry from the organizer GMRC, NEA USA has now also become an active member in the committee for the preparation of a "High Speed Compressor Package Specification and Guideline" for this particular industry.

New NEA Test Center for grinding & Classifying Experiments in BrazilAs of April 2012, a modern technical center with a Pendulum Mill PM 00 will be available on an area of 150 m² for the newly founded NEUMAN & ESSER Sistemas de Moagem e Classificação ltda in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Its extension with an NEA CSF classifying system and a grinding system with impact clas-sifier mill ICM is already planned.Furthermore, the existing administration building will be extended by a third floor with 400 m² which will be moved into by the new company in summer 2012, therefore providing ample capacity for expansion.Both experienced “mil-lers”, Managing Director Marc Giersemehl and Sales Manager José Edu- ardo, serve the South American market locally and at close proximity to their customers together with a motivated and flexible team.

EXPoSIBRAM 2011A Mining Show in Belo Horizonte

This year, NEA took the opportunity to participate in Brazil’s largest mining show from Sep. 26-29 in Belo Horizonte as an exhibitor. After all, there was news to present to the Brazilian market such as the newly found-ed NEA company for grinding and classifying systems in Brazil called NEUMAN & ESSER Sistemas de Moagem e Classificação Ltda and NEA was awarded the patent for its Direct Drive for the Pendulum Mill. Accordingly, this novelty was focused on with posters and video animations integrated into the booth layout. As a result, the NEA booth was well frequented and José Eduardo and Leandro Noronha were kept busy explaining this new technology to the numerous interested visitors. Several new projects could also be acquired, providing NEA the opportunity to introduce the PM Direct Drive to the Brazilian market.

New NEA Test Center for grinding & Classifying Experiments in Brazil

EXPoSIBRAM 2011A Mining Show in Belo Horizonte


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NEA Gulf had set itself the target of presenting its success story to a wide public within the scope of a repeated Compressor Day in Saudi Arabia. For this purpose, important key customers met at the Mövenpick Hotel & Resort in Yanbu on Oct. 3. This event was characterized by technical lectures on complex topics such as modernization, diagnosis and foundation refurbishment. In particular, the Managing Director Emad Tabaza's presentations and those by Messrs. Norbert Helling, Mohammad AbuRayan and Ra´ed Dahouk reflected the expertise existing at NEA Gulf.During the past three years, the NEA Gulf Team could profit from one of the most experienced construction engineer's, Norbert Helling's know-how. Following his secondment from Germany, he established the certified Repair Coordination Center (RCC) with the highest level

of "C", enabling NEA Gulf in the meantime to repair or refurbish gas end parts such as valves and piston rod sealings, but also cylinder and crankcase parts indepen-dently.This development shows that NEA Gulf can offer their Middle East partners a wide range of local services which distinguishes itself through expert competence including professional assembly staff and equipment.The customers showed their extreme satisfaction with the depth of information at this Compressor Day and expressed their high esteem of the NEA Gulf Management.

Even if the summer this year was rather rainy, the autumn festivities didn't suffer from rain. Celebrations took place in bright sunshine, high temperatures and with cool drinks on Aug. 26 in Wurzen. The manage-ment with Stefanie, Alexander and Klaus Peters, Hanns Begass as well as Franz Ritzen welcomed both the Wurzen and the Staßfurt colleagues who had accepted the invitation. Following short speeches by Alexander Peters and the works councils from Wurzen and Staßfurt with Frank Perner and Dennis Kranert, STASSKOl handed over a small present to NEA Wurzen as a thank-you for the invitation. As tradition has it, the guests were spoilt with food fresh from the barbecue and tasty salads and everybody's thirst was quenched with freshly tapped hops and tasty wine.

The Compressor Day in Saudi Arabia

The marquee proved to be a good idea as it enabled those present to conduct pleasant conversations despite the mid-summer temperatures and, as the day became older, to shake a leg on the dance floor again. Good music was provided for by their own NEA DJ Christian Schunke and, for the first dance round, by the STASSKOl colleagues, in particular Lothar Bode.In order to establish a link to the last year at STASSKOl; a really spontaneous dodge ball game took place. The rivals fought hard for every point, however "unfortunately" STASSKOl did not leave as the winner. The victory was duly celebrated in Wurzen, making this year's autumn festival a very successful event once more, incorporating several interesting impressions and humorous contribu-tions. They all hope that it will be just as enjoyable next year, too.

Wurzen Locals Know-How to Exploit Non-Stop Sunshine and Home Advantages




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Summer Time Sensationwith Selected "Forties"

The annual and eagerly awaited barbe-cue festival for the work force in Übach-Palenberg took place on Sep. 8, also the Managing Partner Alexander Peters' 40th birthday.

1971 – a good YearAs an original surprise, Stefanie Peters was proud to present her brother an NEA compressor from his year of birth, 1971. Thanks to the committed efforts expended by some employees, they had been able to dig this compressor out. In her speech, Mrs. Peters pointed out some funny parallels between both "40-year-olds": they are both robust, persistent and run slowly. But they are also highly reliable.As expected, his father Klaus Peters availed himself of the opportunity to remind those present of the highlights of the past 40 years.

A Present for High-FlyersThe German workers councils came up with an unusual idea together: Alexander Peters will participate in a parabolic flight at the DlR, the German Aerospace Center, together with VIPs from the areas of research, the economy and the press next year. The workforce hopes that he enjoys it and that he has a robust stomach at some 30 parables under "zero gravity"!The works council from Wurzen presen-ted Mr. Peters a homemade clock for the wall made by the apprentices with the NEA logo made of mosaic stones. The JAV at the headquarters had a simi-lar idea and made him a present of a table clock produced in the apprentice-ship workshop. Mr. Peters was over-whelmed by the multitude of congratula-tions and presents and he surprised everybody with "Planet Blue" coffee mugs.Not only physical well-being was ensu-red, the risible muscles were also undu-ly strained by the comedian Roberto Capitoni’s performance. Everybody agrees: this summer festival will remain unforgettable!

Summer Time Sensation with Selected "Forties"

1971 – a good Year

A Present for High-Flyers


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Not without the Employers' Liability Insurance Association In the title story in the previous NEA NEWS, we reported that all the NEA GROUP companies wish to address the certification of their work protection system according to

OHSAS 18001 through Det Norske Veritas (DNV). The opportunity also arose to have the work protection system examined by the competent Employers' liability Insurance Association at the German locations. Therefore, both production sites and NEAC Compressor Service were registered directly for two "work safety competitions". The idea behind this is a detailed response regarding the NEA system's status from different perspectives: on the one hand the comple-

teness and functionality of the work protection system within the scope of the OHSAS 18001 standard should be tested, also with regard to all legal regulations and on the other hand the practical side of work safety, i.e. improved health protection for all employees. All partici-pating companies passed the "fitness test" with flying colors, first and foremost NEAC due to its experience with the SCC standard for many years. The woodworkers' and metalworkers' Employers' liability Insurance Association has already issued the certifi-cates for the NEA production site and NEAC in Übach-Palenberg. The certificates for Wurzen und Staßfurt are being processed. These companies may then officially use the quality seal "Systematic safety".Matrix Certification: All are Sitting in the Same BoatThis year, NEA Beijing will also be incorporated into the matrix qualification for the quality system according to ISO 9001. Before the first audit at the end of October, the Chinese colleagues had a little "stage fright", how-ever this proved to be without reason.The "certification marathon" continues. After the com-panies NEA and NEAC in Italy and NEA South East Asia in Thailand already introduced the OHSAS 18001 stand-ard in mid-October, the auditing hurdle according to ISO 9001 must be taken for NEA Gulf in Dubai in December, and for the companies in Brazil according to ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001, too. At the same time, quality abroad and work safety grow together step-by-step in the "Integrated Management System". Here and there, a few small rectifications still need to be made. The matrix certificate can only be issued after these have been successfully implemented by all parti-cipating companies. This means that the audited com-panies should take a deep breath and continue as safe-ty and quality mean continuous improvement – not only from an economical view.

The "Certification Marathon" According toohsas 18001 and iso 9001



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A Healthy Back"We want to 'back' our staff“. NEA has taken this literal-ly and offered their employees several opportunities to strengthen their back. Firstly, the employees could have their backs checked. Muscle strength and function, balance and stability as well as flexibility are checked here. NEA has borrowed the devices required from PHYSIOFIT and installed them in the training room. It couldn't have been easier. This way, the employees practically needed only to go one door further and were able to take the test sup-ported by the PHYSIOFIT team. The response to this offer was so overwhelming that the appointments originally planned for two days had to be extended to eight days. More than 100 employees, including Management and also Klaus Peters, have voluntarily

pushed and pulled for the "Back Check". Based on the assessment of the back check, everybody can then take individual measures for a healthy back. NEA currently offers three such courses. The courses "Ergonomics at the Workplace" and "lifting, Bending over and Carrying" show how to go easily on the back during the course of every-


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Series on Health and Work Protection ohsas 18001:2001Part II: Ergonomics at the Workplace

Emergency Drill as a Further Piece in the Work Protection Management Puzzle In order to avoid anything serious happening "if the worst happens", possible emergencies must be planned and drilled. Therefore, appropriate measures were worked out with fire protection and work safety experts for possible scen-arios, e.g. in case of a fire. At the beginning of September, the wait was over: the joint evacuation drill for the Übach-Palenberg location took place. Selected observers recorded the drill. The result: most employees were informed in good time and left the building calmly going to the next assembly point. Conclusion: practical drills are a necessary emergency management component and the notification chain at the Übach-Palenberg location has room for improvement. Please don't push - the next drill is sure to come!

day work and also some exercises to relieve and strengthen back muscle whilst working. The "Spinal Gymnastics" course is especially devoted to the muscle groups which are decisive for a healthy body posture. This enables effective avoidance or work against complaints. Here, too, there were so many applications that the courses must now be offered several times to satisfy demand.

Emergency Drill as a Further Piece in the Work Protection Management Puzzle


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Short Circular Marc giersemehl ■ As of Jan. 2012: Managing Director of NEUMAN & ESSER Sistemas de Moagem e Classificação ltda in Belo Horizonte, Brazil■ Born on 23 June 1970 in Hanover, Germany, married, one daughterEducation:■ 1991-1995: Process Engineering degree at the Hochschule Niederrhein [lower Rhine University], qualified as a Dipl.-Ing. [Graduate Engineer]; thesis on the NEA "Cyclone Classifier"Professional Career at NEA Mahl- und Sichtsysteme:■ 2010-2011: Manager for Project Engineering and Contract Handling, Authorized Signatory and Deputy Managing Director■ 2004-2009: Sales Manager for ICM new machines and after sales■ 1998-2003: Sales Engineer for ICM grinding systems, power of attorney since Jan. 2002■ 1996-1997: Applications Engineer in the Test Center and responsible for commissioningHobbies■ Cycling, walking, badminton, reading, cooking and travel

NEA buyers from the USA, Brazil, Italy, India, Thailand, the UAE as well as the German locations Übach-Palenberg and Wurzen met at the headquarters for the second GlOBAl PURCHASE MEETING from Nov. 6-8. The target of the annual meeting is the optimization of global purchasing and shaping an international supplier structure.At the beginning, each participant presented the pre-vious year's experiences and results. Special attention was paid to the current international buying structure. Following discussions which rounded off the meeting, changes to the purchasing framework conditions were established.During the further course of the meeting, primarily the legal aspects of purchasing were on the agenda. A speech by the legal Department and a workshop with a discussion round helped to develop a common under-standing of supply management details.The visit to a NEA compressor plant for the storage of natural gas at THYSSENGAS in Würselen-Broichweiden was a highlight of the event. The participants were visib-ly impressed by the size of the plant and, above all, by the sound level of a running compressor system. The meeting was perfected with two successful evening events in Aachen.All buyers were happy to have experienced the useful event and now work together to attain sustainable suc-cess for global purchasing.


40 Years' Service

Martin Nief Dieter Mingers

25 Years' Service

Jörg Feiten Helmut Hoch Hubert Sander Ralf Schursevolker Hertzer Kurt Fronert

LI Hong Wei Beniamino Marino

Kesorn Sukavipat Kiattisak Chotpanang Dong BuadaengBanjong Suwanla Atthawut PanyosSamorn Sukavipat

Patricia BockJuan velazquez Allen Pennington

10 Years' Service

Eduardo Wagner Salerno Lara

NEA Anniversaries

10 Years' Service

Ahmed AbdelwahabEssam Eldean



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gLoBAL NEAC SALES MEETINg 2011NEAC Managing Director in Übach-Palenberg, Bernd Wagner, was able to welcome colleagues from 12 countries to the Global NEAC Sales Meeting from Nov. 2-4. Initially, Hartmut Wintrich, Service Manager, and Thomas Kloke, IT Manager, reported on the CRM activities. Items such as machine files and order over-views were demonstrated based on genuine CRM systems. Representatives of the NEACs in the USA, Brazil and Italy explained the status quo of the systems in their subsidiaries. During the ensuing discussion, initial improvements were already entered into the CRM structure.Following the intense exchange regarding the globally certified Repair Coordination Centers, Harry Lankenau,

Engineering and Technical Consultancy Manager, provi-ded an update on the assembly standards status. Here, he elaborated the important subject of "Bolt replacement and surface quality requirements" in depth.The practical case from the past presented by each sub-sidiary which appeared to be interesting both from a technical and a commercial view – a positive global exchange of experiences between colleagues regarding customer service cases - ensured lively discussions. last but not least, the two project engineers Stefan Damberg and Ilya Asser presented the current NEAC competence status based on the 3D laser measurement for processing piston compressors.Each day was perfected with a pleasant evening event. Brian Bertelsen, who emerged as the “crowned” winner

of the billiards and darts tournament after several exciting rounds, received an award.


Mohan SengarAbhijit ZendeNitin Kothawaleganesh LawandePrajakta DeshpandeSrabani Mukhopadhyayvinod Patil

Lucas Quinaud LaraSândalo de oliveira Novais Júniorgustavo Leite LageJunio Cesar da SilvaAlex Junio ReisRosana Monteiro NogueiraArthur Fantaguzzi Almeida NovaisFagner Patricio LucasRaphael Mendes de CarvalhoCaroline Detoni Cerceau IsaacBruno Amâncio Corrêa

Laura SaccardiAntonella Stefanetti Renata Bianchi

Andrey RiabtsevNatalia Zubareva

Sandra AlvaradoNicole Blankenship Ronald Furley Ajit KulkarniMarc Priebe

Kanida WanraruenBoonsiri Thairattawin Phetlada SaengnaKanchit Choenghom

5 Years' Service

Balu Arekar

Mohamed Amin

5 Years' Service


Page 20: NEA NEWS 22


NEUMAN & ESSER GROUP Werkstrasse ▪ 52531 Übach-Palenberg, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 24 51 / 481 01 Fax: +49 (0) 24 51 / 481 100 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Editor in Charge: Martina Frenz, Marketing Manager Publishing Dates: Twice a year, available free of charge on request Layout and Printing: Werbestudio Rang, 52134 Herzogenrath, Germany