nauticus project - a management tool for shipbuilding

Nauticus Project – Teamwork Counts Management of Shipbuilding Projects April 2012 Richard Tao Maritime Advisory / Norway

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Seminar presented by Richard Tao in Ri ode Janeiro on April 2012


Page 1: Nauticus Project - A Management Tool for Shipbuilding

Nauticus Project – Teamwork Counts

Management of Shipbuilding Projects

April 2012

Richard Tao Maritime Advisory / Norway

Page 2: Nauticus Project - A Management Tool for Shipbuilding

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Main Characteristics Developed in 2004 as Nauticus Construction, focused on shipbuilders.

Renamed in 2011 to Nauticus Project, reflecting broad coverage to shipowners, designers, etc.

Fully Internet based (software, database and document files stored in DNV/Norway servers). No need for IT homologation, no deployement.

Special version for shipyards (software and database in DNV/Norway, document files stored in the shipyard server). No need for renaming document files, renumbering of documents, etc.

Indepency from shipbuilder, classification society, shipdesigner, etc.

Can be fully downloaded for read-only at end of project.

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The stroke of genius behind NP is not just its simplicity and flexibility but also its shift of focus towards deliverables. The project breakdown structure atomizes the project into manageable deliverables. A project based on such tangible deliverables is far easier to manage than one based on activities alone. It allows one to be precise about what has to be delivered and helps track progress in a concrete way.

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Newbuilding Dept.

Finance Charterers




Site teams


The Newbuilding Departments’ Headache


Presentation Notes
This is the situation most newbuilding departments describe and Nauticus Construction (NC) has been designed specifically with this in mind.
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Describe how you will: - Standardise construction survey procedures - Support information pooling and analysis - Improve process efficiency - Simplify the plan, review and approval process - Handle Non-conformities - Control Change Orders - Track vendors - Ensure requirements compliance

Describe your Quality Control System - How will you implement a real-time process management and control system

using an extranet.

Charterer’s Requirements

Presentation Notes
We recently received a tender specification from a prospective charterer. The same document was given to prospective ship-owners. Tenderers were invited to describe how they would manage their newbuilding process. The questions were very similar to the requirements of ISO 9001
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Shipbuilding is a Process !

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The Site Team’s Work is a Process

Request for inspection

Application form from QC Dept.

Ready for

inspection ?

owner’s inspection


Standards Rules


Corrective action taken by the Yard

Update owner’s files • Technical Documentation • Manufacturers’ manuals • Contract specification • Previous surveys comments • Inspection report

• Computer database





• NDT reports • Survey status of subassembly • Tech, doc. • Measurement reports • Inspection plan

Change Item status to “accepted”

Owner’s inspection process

• INspection report + comments • Computer database


Check status

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Documenting and Supporting the Process

The vessel

Top level folder

Item (Blocks, Tanks, Zones, Components, document etc.)

Folder (Any number of sub-levels)



Attachments (Drawings , approval letters, photographs etc.)

Not started In Progress Accepted

Not Accepted

Not started In Progress Accepted

Not Accepted

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Fabrication Block

Item Activity Comments

Nauticus Project Fundamental Structure

File attachments File attachments

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Activity Status Detail

Project model


Activity statistics

Activity list

Coment list

Attached documents

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The Site Team’s Work is a Process

Request for inspection

Application form from QC Dept.

Ready for

inspection ?

owner’s inspection


Standards Rules


Corrective action taken by the Yard

Update owner’s files • Technical Documentation • Manufacturers’ manuals • Contract specification • Previous surveys comments • Inspection report

• Computer database





• NDT reports • Survey status of subassembly • Tech, doc. • Measurement reports • Inspection plan

Change Item status to “accepted”

Owner’s inspection process

• INspection report + comments • Computer database


Check status

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Weekly Activity Chart

Weekly Statistics

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Progress Chart

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Activity Overview

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NP Gives Simple Product Life Cycle Support

Project definition

Design Approval




Vendor Prequalificatio


Make available approval comments in the building phase to assure vessel is built to correct design

Important Hull, Paint and Outfitting - comments can be made available to the guarantee and operational phase to facilitate experience feeback.

Define and track process; store results for future projects

Documents and status immediately available on completion of project

Experience Feedback to new projects, hull maintenance, conversions

Visualise the complete project in a tree structure

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A Completed Project – All Lights Are Green !

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Well Structured But Not Fully Checked Out

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Typical Progress Chart – Shows Lag

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Typical Activity Chart – Only Shows Completed Tasks

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Typical Overview Chart – Very Useful for Filtering

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A Typical Projects – Bulk Carrier


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Typical Project – SFI Coded


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Typical Project – Multi-Discipline Approval


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Typical Project – Simple Offshore Project

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Typical Project – FPSO Project

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Some Nauticus Project (or Construction) Customers

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João Henrique VOLPINI Mattos Engenheiro Naval DNV Software - Maritime & Offshore Solutions Regional Sales Manager – South America [email protected] +55 21 3722 7337 +55 21 8132 8927

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