
Nauryz Celebration in Kazakhstan One of the most ancient holidays in the East, with its origin dating back to the Zoroastrian religion, Nauryz is reputed by the Kazakh and is one of the most long- awaited and joyful events. This holiday appeared in the I millennium B.C. Nauryz is a holiday of renewal and spring. It is also called as eastern New Year. According to the Oriental calendar Nauryz falls on 21 March - vernal point day, which was considered as the first day of spring before adoption of the Soviet calendar. This holiday represents not only spring renewal but also friendship, love and fertility. According to popular belief the people were getting rid of winter hardships, were pleased with well-being and preservation of their animal stock the main wealth of the nomads. By that holiday people cleaned their houses putting everything at its place, reconciled and ceased all fights and wars. Merrymaking, joy and peace are prevailing on that day. The Kazakh celebrate Nauryz in the same manner as other oriental peoples but they have their own individualities. The main dish of the holiday is nauryz-koje or nauryzdyk which consists of seven ingredients symbolizing vital elements. The number 7 is a fortunate number for the Kazakh that is why many festive ceremonies are connected with it. As a rule, Nauryz began with a competition a game between a girl and djigit, which represented a symbolic struggle between winter and spring. Different kinds of games and competitions were organized during the three days of the holiday where adults and the youth, children and women took an active part. During celebration of Nauryz, the Kazakh visit their friends and relatives, you can often watch people saying “Koktem Tudy” – Congratulation on Spring Day! Absolutely unknown people are greeting you wishing well-being. Contest of folk singers akyns who glorify Nauryz in their songs are also held during the holiday celebration in Kazakhstan.

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Page 1: Nauriz

Nauryz Celebration in Kazakhstan

One of the most ancient holidays in the East, with its origin dating back to the Zoroastrian religion, Nauryz is reputed by the Kazakh and is one of the most long-awaited and joyful events. This holiday appeared in the I millennium B.C.

Nauryz is a holiday of renewal and spring. It is also called as eastern New Year. According to the Oriental calendar Nauryz falls on 21 March - vernal point day, which was considered as the first day of spring before adoption of the Soviet calendar.

This holiday represents not only spring renewal but also friendship, love and fertility.

According to popular belief the people were getting rid of winter hardships, were pleased with well-being and preservation of their animal stock – the main wealth of the

nomads. By that holiday people cleaned their houses putting everything at its place, reconciled and ceased all fights and wars. Merrymaking, joy and peace are prevailing on that day.

The Kazakh celebrate Nauryz in the same manner as other oriental peoples but they

have their own individualities. The main dish of the holiday is nauryz-koje or nauryzdyk which consists of seven ingredients symbolizing vital elements. The number 7 is a

fortunate number for the Kazakh that is why many festive ceremonies are connected with it.

As a rule, Nauryz began with a competition – a game between a girl and djigit, which

represented a symbolic struggle between winter and spring. Different kinds of games and competitions were organized during the three days of the holiday where adults and the youth, children and women took an active part.

During celebration of Nauryz, the Kazakh visit their friends and relatives, you can often

watch people saying “Koktem Tudy” – Congratulation on Spring Day! Absolutely unknown people are greeting you wishing well-being. Contest of folk singers – akyns

who glorify Nauryz in their songs are also held during the holiday celebration in Kazakhstan.

Page 2: Nauriz

Наурыз Праздник в Казахстане

Один из самых древних праздников на Востоке , с его происхождением восходит к

зороастрийской религии , Наурыз , как считают на казахском и является одним из самых долгожданных и радостных событий . Этот праздник появился в I тысячелетии до Р.Х.

Наурыз это праздник обновления и весной . Он также называется в качестве восточной Нового

года. По восточному календарю Наурыз приходится на 21 марта - точка весеннего день , который

был рассмотрен в качестве первого дня весны до принятия Советского календаре.

Этот праздник представляет собой не только весеннего обновления , но и дружба, любовь и

плодородие. По народному поверью народ избавление от зимних невзгод , были довольны

благополучия и сохранения их поголовья скота - главное богатство кочевников. К этому празднику

люди чистили дома положить все на своем месте , примириться и перестал все бои и войны. Веселье , радость и мир преобладают в тот день.

Казахский праздновать Наурыз в том же порядке , как и другие восточные народы , но у них есть

свои индивидуальности . Основное блюдо праздника является наурыз - koje или nauryzdyk

который состоит из семи ингредиентов , символизирующих жизненно важные элементы . Число 7 является счастливое число для казахском , поэтому многие праздничные обряды связаны с ним.

Как правило, Наурыз начался с конкурса - игра между девушкой и Джигит , что представляет собой

символическую борьбу между зимой и весной. В течение трех дней праздника , где принимал

активное участие взрослые имолодежь, дети и женщины были организованы различные виды игр и конкурсов.

Во время празднования Наурыза , казахский посетить своих друзей и родственников , часто

можно наблюдать , как люди говорят " Коктем Tudy " - Поздравление на весенний день !

Абсолютно незнакомые люди приветствуют вас желаю благополучия. Конкурс исполнителей

народных песен - акынов , которые прославляют Наурыз в своих песнях проводятся также во время празднования праздника в Казахстане.