national anti-slavery standard, year 1863, feb 7

iymiTTEtl tattkit VOL. XXIII. NO.- 39. Rational gmti-Stemi Stanton pdbusded weekly. on saturday. mieiuojui ht'i-suvehv socibti, PESSSYLViSlA jSTKLAVElir SOCIETY, IDC Vvrlh-Ttnth BtrUi, PMla,Wpbla. ,r nubUMllon. or lolsllng, "ME^TynRKTSATURDA Y, FEBRUARY_7 , 1863. WHOLE NO. 1,183. * 1,0 lll'lll gtrj-^liivcty. 11i^.,'.J( il.t of Slavery mu ",lr" ci. ,iiiiiuna and Apologls". Md lb. Il.b.l Coogicw. .< R1^" 1""1!' °?„ " Tun ,.™l» =t lb. C.i,Mor.» BUM ol bloody ""'I iiiinNiur-il ««""" "^ i,:,;;V--i. '."""'!'/ -i i.., t cf.";«nd,inv,ewo| Hi, i.ddn.onn :»tlf Haiavo.v.di.ppOIICntB ol °' r..t..„,„:<d friends "f peno> In Hi B„d'd.'|...iral.1o mi. m.wtr.'. 1'v "••'-" ind lastly, o monopoly of TLiM That 'he Pfftira] lie shall approve I chusolbcm lo bo promulgated he States of tho ^orl'' b>' BU<:,i *" ,,„, „,« r.dior"ii; soil Ihnt he accompany '"' n,,. f |,„H .'hint. ,1 -..Ivi.nhU-. «iili -'"•!' «" 7' lr'.'-" ]„„,,,,.„ -.:...„t.-.n ol the mailers embodied ^, jr; „.i b.,llj,,i ... most suitable and proper. rn,, ih- die before iiL-oiTii-tJ 11"? ab-.-.-c relations, Hi C«d« . n»»h. "bi=b i,o riribrtd u.. id» or. lordcr Confederacy. H«™ rutin J^^rt* £*£ XaTyTn^ Sortli-wes.era Stale* lb.i would lay down ncr n,mSand 1, noeld nsiki nut] protest ««1i State nK"ln'1 ,llD I*™'' ihc Lincoln cofeminent. Hi thought "in< <". proper '"J" ™«i nml m.T.'.oifs "if .Vo«A.^-,((c-™(d&(dl(j'o(nrd fm AW Behind ri"ri 'A« ««'"•' S4t,a ,:i "'" '""' '" "*) , citlv ilmjl." Tho" proper Inllo,-'ices" i' 11"1 "I"" nr0 C^rsOlbosO which are employed l.y Co*. Valsudlgbe w,)Cd. so,. . -ni ...i.«r J*.*™, -"'i-;'";" ;; t.ts-cn, Btil.stqimitiy.lii .i ui-i-ci. en Jill. ua-iss "' Hatory threap nanlo.t officers of Iho Colon ajialu, M One point bo de.ire.l especially to nolico. It could miUl» «PP"*"t io U.-n ooo how these men- aureu of relnlinlion would result—the mill of !td ,,"l ^i^o,-'' v; ! ^ Wi'iIiraJ '"''" --J"-V''-<' ;"' " C'J'""1T""IW,"/ '"," ;\ ", rCn( ^nca p r(y .^,kft.! "^ ; Ti-'-'S'^^/^ A'orrfi ond tf«i'j' <"""«" rA» Harlh-vicitern "'-" forpet THE REBEL* TAKING COVfpltr ttF TUtilR XOJirHERX ALLIES. j Norlh-Wtst cf Hi" "nilnl ch of llr. Merrick The nigna from (ho S :W»rTf f '"" -*"*1"' ,„„! l, r \:,lli.i.i).-l....". ;,,!.. ,i,,,„l of bim. Mr. M,-rrick lulls tbe nbui tboy bBYudf-- - have no sympMb luUBt bu perrar ea\t\.\>*» uol Iwlpeil tbo mailer in und il iine »ovor been «a rliQicnlt id M»i»ncbuscite, na at ibis mot rag Ihll gnabinp; rbulorio of our liout conclusion is wq must (bo war(in ninny of (betu \ loon ns potribb Let CoiiKretr ,""" "of'lli nnd of Ibo border alnvu Sl.iles loo. Tbero ,.ro tliunmndi" of Konl.ern tolotpd men who will makoaooa uldicn without much drilling. Many of ib^m am liilt ' ' freebly . Nonb aid Soul 1, notwilhsliinrt- crnor. Tbo ob- o Ibo nsgroca in b llio emplovment of balf a 3 soldiora, inkiog not only Ibo negroes " .led, but ibu fres m illowlng.wl HeBoUcd, Tint wo bi govoronifiit of (be r.,icp. ., .jlclligencu nn'd chsrne- itoonia odicora. niid ibo Soulhn Id buled by men of ibeironn race, in pofoible. Tb- j>!iic<-B wo now b Poulb, Kuw Url.-Fius, Hilton LIvrid, Mcniphii-r.^llv B il, |.r.,-|..r. ll,r.vl, P M"l.,Iv ami \ iek«- burg-abould b..' pi".:. * of rendcEfouis tl.ene urf(J negro Hrraies nnd if lb.- buMi.-n ol .:r,linin B :.r..i ,,,.„,.,.,., !;„,,„, w-y.,u.l a !u- npolog I,,,.,.,,, tin- tb.TD I,.- P..I i\ atone.'. Ijv lh- ..urn- [vll (ou ,, „.,„!,] i„|:l. ,bu wind 01 iu.-rwi'iai> bi\o blru-l: iirmw? cuponl..' i.'-H m-rvly ,UU111 ,,f tlJ[1; K,,r ,l„-r.. i, ..liricmn^, who w re«rrwonduty Bi;cordioKtolbi.iiiiiidi'Uf;gMiionof| 1 jlJi Dnbn r(:;fe,!( i itmt ..livery may 111' rrtM.l.ii., t.'it <! r.nrr;in,' u" II" a.-'ivei> ,.....'. w „1,1 .jilfojm, uen; I. :,. il,- ...-.IK... nr.J '-. ~ " _ ,., y „l..,in [|,.j Hi lend in Hit Slate o^Jtoufrtinu/ llotia adopied by ihe ineeilnK was i received w|ib load snd loneeonilne prepwed to all msaiinres ftdopled for .a of Ibo rebellion, and ibal lully rovo tba war moiur'S t^i o>ji in tb; protlnma- cf Ibo President of Jan. 1. 16S3. a^ oo^ ei.lkil by the i-Tic.'ncies ol ll.o caao. contniuunhr,.; lit ....S an act of juslico lo on« olasa, and .odiclmg nl ibo eamo Umo on iiii.-.tber dun [.crtisima •>' •'•''' lioo ibo blow be;t calculaled lo reduce tbem to ohedienoe <o ilm laws. , , Jan. 16.—We bud nncih" CT-ind l.-i" >n demoii- tiration boro on Balurd»y nigBt, in ibo St. Uirlea Tbualro. Geo. Diuki. and 3-mU ^^rolberein a Bide - "-- c boploy and Gen. Ilimilloi. on tlie ii,di;pob*d lo lake any pan n. tb.^ ,i,l : I,..-, in- !:- il' ..»!"-,-. Ntarly nil tbo able-bwlied men am j been employed bylbu govornmoni or .' inr tbo liut eicbl nionlLs. Common ii% Cvo dollsn a months, h. -i.ln a on. Mechanic- nro paid $3 lo S12 a n Bidei ibo ration. DaIn, in payment, liorrov. 1!(d by tho nteUgeiiDo of suboreliiini. Capl. Hoopcr"d conclusion! am sumnwU U oflkure pmpt.-J.-. 'O.iHI i' Rh^allbydoiuiud.- ,, U"r„'.'v! L',.c!ici:'-'.'li^i.r,,-c.-i- At Old Point C Ion tl.oio a nnon anil eliihlren mi Gva buinlred a: nj falibfullr (TdmliiWerKl ultli !' :c"- i.i , -.elf-iiii>i«'ri B.i! rMUooniie-i of Vir- nbout nina bundre 1,11,,it ok ihn n jinjl'h. t<jicci'i£ ... e pmple are r'- And if il.eLim.i.l.. yovo I- - —''I ''<"" id dBiuonincul nnd hellish ''] " rrj.. r ,\n'7,M hi hi ;. lie •""*? If ,-r ,',,! f/l"d (."fif.f-J ^.ni.-N^ I" 1*0 W'lt'--' «/"'' ,..,,,„.,', v ;..,...... ' ''' ie r'cJuto urouii ^rL'ianl/y oppetir. !i(0».)l- nCon grefbb ! of public aenliuient il vaii.^W^ui! thai ihey W )ir.i,>,[ are f.-ln co and for feilcrnlc &IOH.-S o 1. Tliere is nc loruierlv known people of tl.o Co \VrongB too grie ,P .!... U-iltrnl Union, lo wliieli Hie ,ImI,t:iIi- Siniia will t-vtr cooteiit. out Hi.d niulli|.li<:d Imve l'<:cn ion.- :..| i(|,nii our die ribbed ri^bi?. I,_v a . tl.i.- uiipro.-Nt.--d and )*, «ici:.'l :, n„i|-..i.|of ill- [«u|jIu ot'llii: Norlti- -' o ibeii.seUcJ u- br i,tr..,lnoed by Mr. a recoDBlrnelion of onr govern- witli Iho Sovtb-wtalern Suibh, wo solemnly lo proles I nejiinat, and ** T" „dl l.e tiOded b) Ibe Conbdern o Cogf. Ihcy arc laken up lo bo considered. \ iog tbi* "i« for 3..utbeni iud;-|«ii Olhor nations 6r State*. Etna Oil free States xnlouur Union il not only repugn™* . us &»< it will bo on'.; u (.jniii.u.niM v/ i'm( *»« ^'"l has bioutiht en rAt', i tc'ne/i lo yet rid of u tjwWiO. 11 Hit K.,rih-«estururilnleS.houl ,11 tha North and Easl. nnd rel up for thee i new eov.-rim.enl, and fl-.-iro to tio at peni with iho South, no barrier will bo placed in tbe way by our government, mid we ahall be willing "h Ibtm na nit ind.-pLi.dutit goM-rnuieoi, WMmmB . .braM >n,btr b. -»W nor ,»J,™"1 '" lb. Nor.bc™ ba.u.c bv oiJ.t Irom >.* „ey woul- l lie would suDi ISSf, ,li™..i b.„.fi. ih-.fti""-: will help win i's Victoria E:S ! uS™;J',,S'S.™, to .b.,, l,ul lo uiaktflbu mo?l ot hull. Wd'NiaginL in liil. p»lm as to check iho BRITISH FEELISG. gel a livicg." flood of ^q' iJruwn roporta fi duMined couree. rtoadB) tluit Ihero a— ' ,d eigbly-one negi llliurl) il.. ,.|,:il.b- of r,-lfg"virr..inei. or all Ihe fuDilnmeiiial prim:i].b-i " r.r.ul.l.'.•'." "if -"" -"' ''' '" o long a period of Inugly nyinpathled J-,ii'.i„lu,^ =:,o!b to spill TREASON AT THE NORTH. S.Y. Erp«Hprciisliuad!iorK*iilMlloflr.r,d rmlcJ niter hold Tiililon ;) and tbo eslcem 2. Wl ud sympalhy o ivdil-.d dChri Conalil Stales, and that in broken bis own pie ll.:.'. llwi.el"...-. broken pledges. \ ngainBl that e.itl.n ir lo think, is t -mid. wl,..'ii volumi-ei-iiift from beni;; .i„c» s.iLdii:r,lioi..-ver l.u-sbinriijlu i ibu bnyonola on iho R ipoibiiin.cfc nnd will think—that President Lincoln oral pledged I al-o pla.'-'l b. f.,re ll.. ,et of Mr. nrk<vl^t»i-.C-iiwr!^- Ui»..p'>'S r!111!"". ,; ,r ,'",.'. ^ n li-s'ler 1,1 ibo Norib.rn ],.., Ii:i- [.!'. -L I'l neet llini mesaure with his plan. It « well .t ahould bo start, d, null Ihat the p.-»| b «t el I'l begin to consider it ub ono indinpi-nsablo preeedetit 10 tbo eslnblu-bmenl of pence. To ihat completion they "ill have at bint to tome. . Tbattbe jealoiiH) ot N.-w Englar,.l nod Ihe impn- lieneo of her lyrnnuy is K ro»irig Mnm-er in tbo great valle, ol" (Ikp Upper M iwfitsippl 18 plain. That" il may beeonn! --u(li. ie.,il> •! ! and wnk-aiTtad lo overwhelm New England and break up tbo North- ern Union must bo. regarded on probnble by all who have. obBcrved Ihe coor-e ol ov.-i.ts, and aiudiedthe m„, -ill and relations of Ihe Norlh-W obi. The PharaoliB of ihe laud ol ihe PunlnilH will essay to bind Ibo cords light.. r upon their nihiite-puyei-s ol the Dpper Mis-i.sippi, nod iliin will mnko lb LITTLE DELAWARE. and grat.ryUis ^ontrMl wH illion, and lie pledge* [ ..... wilh the Nniiunal go' realoru iho unity of eon will continue their nnd throw oil the yoko, n il r M. rriek aaya. For uaof ihe .-routli, w unrcltniiog opprea- iiiona uulil iboy -!up (or ihemselve: i|,e Confiidertife fintea sponsible lbribeoKiniu it all times ready lo porlicipali ,. v.uutd Li I...Bt;,il.led 10 bl-B - ,„„„„:, eu.i.i.tetn with Ibeic own Bafoty and , (bnj- could not yield their ei a Ws in go' j-lMO.-il. w oil in uoh tc Cabii t. ur,id, n unrevoked mkle pnvn i the ... jib lueh Bucctus { ome limo lo Ibe Northern hydra. It will t ut the mounter—an event which urouiut* ^..f^-^'.'.J-.l :- -t I-- -' irtliea to ridicule tbo ''— Inuoi ',',"!!," 1 '' MV EE..R Em: I ,eud » gP'^'.^J^ .o the- clergy. fleci """ol" il fori of the real opini pniliy with ill', iiilnslavry pollCV of tin) Ait.i-ri Fie feeling on Ihi. i-iilo ol tin.' Allaotio. Wo b iilured the tiiiirepr.iientulioas of certain organ: , Crancy Mand (.llBinplOU lluil dep'l ihirtee.i '™^\ C) - aroall J wiUing lo work One hu.i- action oi mo u ^ ^ .^ ^ rf ^ |a|n|i|[] „, iiolhiiig, but many bavo dr,dil..ll:ir,id.ll"ir;ll.,' past .pnonunily of working for ,. di to -oi Norib ; oven ,! oiler oi iV'.i'd ""fics nnd ^a.iuhivforiboSoulh- Ile goia over the inueu oaivd or, mad of ihe n-'ui..,-il righi ol =,:ee.-?ion, as ie reatilt of Stale sover.igui; ns understood by the _lave Democracy, :.nd saliMlnctorily ennoses its fallacy. In Ibia part of hia speech be tally contra, verla Iho poaitioiis lak.n I,, hi- dinluyal p redeem i.t, and brings in a.i army ol historical factfl which oiuiedly cupoi-c the weakness of the ground on l,i..l,..:lt,: l Jtighla olhem But Blwnya ,v dcler, Sen,.. ArL, Mr Dr. favors Mm* oof coloni- ,t ihe of the p 5ident in bit January proclamation I„.oeural p!el;i. cpmy would o ip negot ion of ILeir ii.ilipi'.i 3. Whenever the friei.i' shall grow alrong ... tbo North train Abraham Lin- withdraw enidpro- lioo upon the of Ihe Confederate Stnle ic'maStoTall existing did ,o brought ,ould freely comer ntualljadVHiilBgeoi When tin broke h'ui t..,.u„, have damaaded of him, ihnt no relieved tht ulsdnr/ ai-mi'cs and prewired the co/unfai-y enliilmenl oihsrs 'upon hitprvictpb efths "~ Daily, wo nro lold, Ihere are I Bnada ol men ihat heliuve ia :.- ; mid Bach niea ouglil those who volunteered for other porporjes ahould be relieved. * . . When Iho proclamation put the war y 01, the R.,piihlie:..,-Abolilioi. iraek, Ihe Rcpubll- 1,9 ought t.-'.luiiieii to be d. pendid apon for all Ibe! es, except Xew England—i v'hoic iyK/bk lore of gold n this di*/r,nxftil tear Iui*mai Mtidiralion of. uhiehfattjhip* :., Aboli usanila and thou la fighting lo frei »6me ol thi.* unpniri. ihern Democratic papers, thai New Eogland taay ho leli by other N— -thtn. .-late, out in Tbe cold, lie boaste that bIio will nol slay out if she ia pat oal. but will poke her long nos- into tiny nrrange.iient ihnt may be formed l'„r aoi *:i-A> porpose. SVuhuvo ,-,uhi of lb- fip.ieitv ot V;.i,l:. imp.i.ler,.,e, and ngas we can keep ibem out ol our own borders, a of eoLuparatiio ii.diil'.teiae .'hat oih-;r irv ha-, the henvlii of tb-ir c.,.apainon;hi|i. foot a.l.e .po'^iiom-d whoihrr the n'fl ..I" the North. aiicf iho agency which New [Dn-iand hni oncrled in -nil 'in about" the division of Ibo country, ami her nersiatent purpose to make all iho rest of mankind ibularyto her own will aud interest ttniion of p,-nniiiiag aueh a root of bitterness lo lain any further asceudancy in their councils. The Puritan breed would not bo contented hoaven itfolf, anlesa thoy coald role aapreme. They ever bsvo heea contented nnder any """" hether lhar of England, or of Holland_ ,f his Stale, I lenca of aoldiera at ibo polls a fact which gato llm lornier Go .yancB. Gov. Cannon justifies I „,.„ of, and dcclnre? ihat, ahould arisain Ibo i'utute, bo would not hesitate lo invoke the aid of lh« Cciural jo.v-ruiia at lo ouppn tie. v.oleac:, whi-lb.r at the pulls or else the mailer of arbitrary arre.U he is of the opinmn .LaiTxilovfll •-'; •''' ; ""1 --'I"!'"; n '"^;," ",'i'.l'. J 'it"' ,d disloyal havo no right to complaii With "- --•- - from ibe beginning, ihe best of our joornaU have remained true to tbe anti-slavery causa; that The Sfir. Dado Asuj, ir-;!.r.iri.s!cr- WcuiVb, Spectator, Xonwm/unniil. British ^t.i<id.jrd. Dial, Dirm-itg ham Foil. Mnnch-M- r Ex ini...., A' •??&& Chroni- cle, Caledonian Mercury, BetfiiH Whig, and a hud of other reprtseal alius of the i"..urtli eslato, have ptiiled from iho puro faith. The work- ing classes also have proved 10 ho Bound to the tore, whenever rh. ir opinio., has been tested. Wit- ness tbo nohlo demon-! ration of Muoehester opera- tives Ibo other day, when (hreo ibousanil ol these noblo sons of Isbot (many of whom weio aciual Sufferers from Iho eotion limine) adopted by accli- mation na addroit lo President Lincoln, sympathis- ing wilh bis proclamali whs present on the ( inU- tlie Democratic party longer ibu friend offighling undor Lincoln Luui.-i; , Net li.,» l.ot of fo-r-fifll... Ol ,^,n of officer", cv. a. ei.linied to Ggbt for iho Union /eel that :en duped in bti'-g forud io fi-jht lo Jr la.vr, ai.di'beni^r,™. ibe G...ernoi- grapples boldly. He shows that it it decided!) for the interest of choose the side ..f freedom. L ind commerce a.a with tho North, and her p is iiidir-olnblv linked with Ibal of iho (re He lakes high ami unequivocal ground foi ilion, reeommei a adual aboliiioi port of this thing gb Ihat I of tho iO Ibat the hot in" Ibe passago of a law foribt of slavery, and bring! lo ibo Cup I. Mr. Tb. Iiire lately, atuTtho meelinga ha-< addrc^e-l'e bee.. atLeialcl wilh the FITllU Bulls. Our eiperi.ti'.e in Lund.... I,as been ^ii.lly Hiafactory. It would have done you good it" you bad heard Baptist Noel's apech, er attended ihc- ..i<.--.:i wh..h «. :,-. I'l f freedom. New- of the porta Ihat four thousand, of whom oi Iretlnreniun. One thousand are ployed by tho ovenme..I, but 520,000 hack pay i= doe them. Mr. lawyer says these contrabands compare very (itor- ,bly with tho "poor whites "uf iln- s-jutb, ot whom ,e his had mtitiy opponuniiic-s ol jndgiag. Oliiiplnins Fiieh and iu,Le n report Irom tho Arkansas dittri.t ta'.-'aniiall. iho stimu as that o( Mr. Sawyer, bat fix the amoaot of back pay duo the contraband*. b> the s ,.lctarueat at SJU.OOO. " 3, EJupninKndant of the Comrabaad iporb, that Ihreo thousand three hun- dred and eighty-,.... enntrabaoJo have p..-.-.d throu-h that camp wiihin the las-! si, moiUliM. Five bundled remaia. Out of tho whole number, Mr. Nichols says, " I have not been able to persuade more than fifteen or twenty lo go North, notwithstanding tho inosl l.b- era! oU-ra have been made to them. adds. . " They desire lo reiuniu oa the noil where, [hoy wero bora, i( they can do -o.aadjjnj > their freedom^ ^ Tllia ia Iho geliorft' League. The aoin of tbo whole oi put by iho Bobtoo Cora durivo toeBo Blalemenla, oiKmuiM'ti Jn-JbooVr*' oVine huinan .tniii.T^r deal justly with them, as you would with auv olhor -hey will lake care of ihern- a the 31at of December—-the e' ...j strong argnaienIs. And address, instead of whining about liuoV'iiv'rrc.-iidein*. illegal nrresie, baalili-a, aad kabtai corpus, he utters Iho lollowiag patriotic aud vho cilculalci Ihot a nnllon eon hs luTOlvcd In a best i.ill's spv.-h oed to. the f of tb. CO.VHON SENSE, of the ,.l, ,.,, I, r,.l ,:ll„..|' i,- :y civil war ilioold t.vvepo.'Ti, id 1 rial of lis progress. Ihi iiie the United Si u-ftwe people, "«d bndifyingfutLati- %'L ',l: C- o>r.o.,-o[,' Slates cf Ai ,iiti. (r,it'h reio'r.-J ..' >t„xi .(' inlcrcourte hereafter, eilh:-r .,',rftv ,r ...o'.. ^W^'™^^"™ D TnoI'%' i |i'.oJi''-' >" 't ": <'-• """ J S!alc' o/ Ar,,lnli.:r ihi),...-Lie thcT>t« r-xident. i It, fi.i.iiu,'.i of ihe Cahalerate Slates. (" f J,.,»ge l<: puWi. tenliment which has octurrrJ '. s i-r i.'o/ (As Aorihern Statu, ichere- ,'.','" '.,.•; .re (, a reauil-j h-ld—sympi- l!,i-i-i i '-' ' n. ,''"y •<*th th;t b<i m-m.'i/ ,J.-r- iious ( (A-cye h.n &.<-. brought aboutwould bo willine to tjiielude n iu.l ami hunorahlc pence with nnv one or mure ,d Banl fti.." s who (renouncing all political coti.acuoa will. New England) may be found willing lo stipulate, for desisting M onea from tho forlher pro.eo.uon ..I the v. at ,,^,.,-1 lb., . ..u.l, Ihe „...ldi ^r^Vvvhom; ,,, more ihey have potion will, them, Iho ...on- unlit bey no thoy are for any *ort of Wdom. Hundred, of il,,-,.. do not hes.tats to Bay I " We havo been eululod under falao pre- fight lor Abolition, which to become dominnut. What t under their influence, every which tbey are permitted t. Democrats at least of ihe Si. sSrlb as°ni tho South. A vi pie of this coniinont would it vegelato upou their own bar loathing ol all civilized ninal ermittcd jbc^ ; Obrlsi every coneeivalde arcam^at which had been urned in favor of ibe sLive i.: .mideraey, or against the policy of Ihe Federal K,,v, rorueni ; and then .' .* .,.__. .,.- (jemolLbing every eophialr) ehood, uniil tha alavocracy had really not a rug left wherewith lo il the revolting dofeela of their odious cause. The Emancipation .<„,.etv mclurtca, you will have Bcen.bome ol the bast a.ei. ... the country, with- „ut diM.nction of sect or parly- I he name of John Smart Mill-^one of the in Laglai.d—tnods at the head of tho liat We are now arranging for a demonstration in L\eler II ill. lo tike platf. 291(1 lost. Our friends in Manchesl. ham are organizing branch M Wbss Ihe war broke ou tha General government, -eches, " There in but on t of ibis inip.-ndiiig a n-.i>nlion under the ma Mfe, Then the go. President, Mr. Lincol saying, "This rebelli nists said to !tiliona aud iid safe way through its Mr. Seward, ,w,isaw - abb-i oBiill.s YAKCETS POBTItAIT OP TUE KORTBBSS DLiWCRACY. llo hli reconi ipeech before Ihe Legislature orAlabami detections. withdraw ?"?? aveliue-HSeUi.hlei- 1 j.-.cli hone in tho Norlhc-t irih.rn Uemoerncy. If I in prods ma lion ol Emane oclttim ihm be would upl in Ihe States, Iho North, 1 hia Btnndard, an' while il r upon THE NEGRO IN THE WAR. rrJD.Tt..Bprl f.a,lJ Hfpotllcis. Tbzbe is a ion before Cor.grc-i lo aid 9 the rais.oe oi 1 JtJ.ilDO „,-.'r,,E ,,' lit ihe ' 11,..and -lnivimi Jple."-3Vi"lnoit. orgaaiiing an: poorir.g in from all ql i'i°77ie Advocate, and in private bat not less Useful, lelli i those import- iagi anddepu-l Inli.o tunli A7O0.1 c.-b-r ways more mo that Professor nhoot lo pa.«a mlo tr; " must ho put down conaliluiionaly ; and the premier, who ia fond of prophesying, added, In .:.. aineiy Jms, n.e will l-.- Tailored. ,iRt;.- a Ic.rl'ul mistake-" relur I ihe Abo- " this is ihe veriioble irreprcsihlc con- bi.h bin. predieied-lhe deaib-grapple he- „. », .,; ,„» „i d..rk.K=s and lis tn—not a p-.'tty if Slates. To ignore tho primal c- . Comprehend tho truo ur'"c!"ib' , ..-'."!.'rnin i:s were unheeded. When indprincipnliiies t eve T rjetre«lytoh^ tad Blrike Oft vpo read, I may Bay ll ful -attempts lo oblu library {thu greateat largo m --- was, that c Mrs-Slowe's e Theai cry copj ind beautiful addt ess to thi nojoen^of t.-'chu,| in ^ ,:•• .t lot-n-t. and inleresting assemblages 1 was eaBM| ,„,, [0J ,{„ „„„!, E,J0r). it waa published by took place Ih.r. .,ve.ii«.g. In the large +Amftion Low k Co. on IWdnesday, intho - thu top of Ihe Cii. II..II L' It wis vl,, urlJL rlT,J i, l,.-. ,u,ce been reprin on the occasion of Gov. II .mil '. hong .....ted I" ,„ „,„ toIu , u( The M'n.nrj Mar and /7ie D.iit;; a,[l]ri.-: ihe Colonics ol" New Chans or. Ihe a reM hV,.,r,_ft ^ru.irkihle tribute lo tl«i p.,pol..rit; ..I of Iho day. ,. , Mrs-Siowem ihi* country, ,i- "oil a, n piool ol h. o tho naluro of the subject to he di.cuv-.d. ^„rl.,..i ;„, which these jiurnals lake in lh< locality in which ibe would lake d ...... .., ....I. I,. I....II,,,' nnd 7 ,1 ihe" e.irpente pOKO B i'rfix .. --ids; th'o North "aid to tha Aboh- Biids oi ill-omen, ccaso jour croakiagSj .wenty million of people W hip tun, without touching the coaloanded nigger?' Wo almost m the close oi our.-ecind year ot civil war One noble army baa vanished—where 7 Another is melting away rapidly as ibo snow in Snrinrr-lime. Two hundr.d n,,n-and loyal men, w,.o. "twenty months ago, were animate with life, enlbusia-tic. now sb.ep the -kep of deaih. ,era of Kentucky and on ibe green plr their bones lie bleaching blood makes Virginia . eyards of the Caroh .joT-u- ubject to be diaouaseil, :uurruneu would lake of public feeling, and Holccedenla of ihe ,he negniis must he t.-li. .1 u for a Inryo .hare ... ihe vre..- m _ ^ ^ ^ j ^ [q ^ ^ tbe;; "..iligr.-s oe.d I10L l.e-.tate 11 ice, .. , ,- j t ,, boisterous one „fa-„ [.-imh.r pr.ju.lico aeaii.t i.c,..i soldier,. t >»h '" j A m.ue ord.-rh. ii.n.'ll,- ,„ much k-.-s than il.-y think .tided lh- people ar- >.->cr ^ ,|„.u..h,|„l a-seu.llage neier e,:„.-n,ii> .-mi.," ii..' 1; """"-""\'- j" IJ 11 ";;il ;,, .'..'. i' il; ,„, ;,:.-, .,„. ;... .., K .i.- '-- " j itaoir Culion of tbo war upon Ihe South Euccoflsful, would only h.ivu the t their own heal innrkel), 10 guaru moat eQcctual and saOsfactory nupied navign'ii ;r and iln iributoucs. and to open the markets of Ibe Soulb. greatly eul to Ibeto as tbey would he by-jho po: idly ing upon the Mis- ill hivo declared tbo further prOBO- nhioli, could it be ect of destroying leeto thein.inlhe inner, the peaceful f ibosuiJ M* J.-.1 in i.ui.oed by tho Sun .,.. b would at my opinion, put [ 1 to tho war and make peace. Ihero were . iv bo hniol'.-.n l.ei'iiil.-d by the |.roininn ol Ihi- ,....- ---r- noernoy to hold out term, ol" p.-a.-e whit- ih.'v a.'.d ..po- ns a'-fp'rodiiiaied' by Mr. Vaa Buren and *Ir.l-S«lfaM '-1" if the South will agree dur- the govern Bull. irl, if "ng ill ler's .. w.jllld It...-. „,'l". Pro. ,,[,p ,,rt ib. »hall go la Wnshinglon. lake the oniu to = i-,,,,,;;,,,,,,,, of tin. United Slates, take the ret* and P *- ' r-'i" ,":iin " '" ''D,C,"I ""' Ll: 1 Tbe.e propooiiions must bo piu-etd by Ihirdaof alllhememb.-r«ofet ' :efouitha sgrefl, they b «.ll i.e.. ihoOonlcb Reljel u llvlml'lr tiado wilh all tho nations nf ihe eaiti, nuuitiatogrorrljinaid power that has rryn Tbej ih .,....„( tl.- $111, omo u pan of tho tain three*fourth1 „> course 1 Ton 10 goiera.ueat of one back mlo 1 tity.Buve Iho p What u erosh of a people I No el party. The i execution. But it Ihnt -.all. uutbii There can say very rapidly. U mm.™ oa foldiers on tho pay rolls ; divinien of the ealion. But what is past eaauot liaving adopted n polity at lrisl, il,t |".-l' 11 loldll and at "ECU, or a penny, in for a pound"; it has ,wd ..._ jfladi.. 1, [,,jt intend in naf'r— the apeeob of Gov. ' ,| -,.|'.vb' b i .' 1 lull reporl el-)c u —\,-.,ond sajmg tui.t 11 waa marked by nil tch^tho' speaker is so Eorei- I,,a arguments were, they were introduced exceeding t.ict and dolieicy, and dtvw rapluroue I^RrrtSl ta« ^liffened the backbones of Northern pairiols, and brought a blush -headed old genii, ;tbat paying -.eerhalf ao.llio-n Ihe eovcruui-nt ia - £ the ... -.ugbyli. ,e Biieihecs who followed. ,.,,-ir.)i,tlieriinre and slav The uraveyards of t neopled wilh Ihoje v Nortbtra homea are beautiful, thu bra It has been f Now ' rivery. f„r ibe How ,ble moment, for o. ..... a maniacal folly, i inaligniiy, published an ;ion for slavery, and perhaps a Tuesday l«si The Ti. s often „ke..l wilh Juty, 1 against the 'Z,'-ZtTujrt%: i^i'l has mii'le it'=cli the .,u,u u. ,.„„_.,,, Ml |1lo Irecloii ilself. Very trnly WlU.UK LlOTD OARBISftit. lift, ..-it. 1 ,ng, tbo oally in lorn of 1 marly if not quite io hospital or absent with and we s ia il,,- r.ruiv. It is i-ptimuled ihat 10 k p to half a million wo need 123,000 ually. Where are we to get thcuiT era. of tbo 300.(100 aiao months men e Inrioa, aad at least liliy re(;,u^nta ol f .ill march hum... before the liret 0! J iii.-diull" of ,,nr tne-eut ni'my will be e har-e before the 1st of July next i 1 ulnces to bo filled 1 Thai ia n t|uesiion Congrcsa rbn.'kieVin' by !b. r ;''"..',.' "',i,k"s within thl ji 310,000 10 S30,000 daiform, and raising FACTS aONOBRXINQ TUB OOXTRABANDB. Tbc Emsncipation League o( Boalon receni ie following effect addressed a ci of South, making it.q.i.r.c-. to 1. The number of freedom.. .., 2. Are Iboy willing to work t 3. Do Ihcy 10 g, i. Whit 1." But tho Area u, much drosa, and wo aland n. mark. Slop by slop, ihe puverni.,.: - position. Though it sir iVOl-J ad. " pelled it onward I. :..u, ;.;...1 lw uvents. Judgo vbich waa iho eagle, a was Ihe far-fbiu;., and bo-.u Iho aarro.- and On iho opening of ihia now year-day ov, - (ll,|e iu ihe annals of humanity for the new t race—tho govern toonI of the Dulled Si ,B..|f loose forever from the pohey of slnve diet of Emancipation marka n new era 11 lory. Henceforth, freedom ia to JieUle a icv The deed is done—ll __,!,„ ...:., nmenl is fully its ships belli- 1 :' AbolitfonietB them and tho id which tbe .omprehensWo thi .0 lonrnt ral olhe Ijioiu clement ot iln aids thu mustei subordi their tijiacity 1 characler, ihe (eel ted. It In otilh ban nrttaed people who I. nolbin; , i„.A..d ,': luodcsily informed ago, called all ' ~ jrenl Change mid be grniiic a that ho hs.c only a few day. told ll ES.ty.m par ,«iS not war ce upon Bin sar will go l,:i to the platform bB 'V """." °"\\ "\ ", ''oineluing lo bono, however, from ihia Tho patriol "T. "r'^'d .-.'.: the i„u s of our enemies- fro,, their It ou. prcer aodWu.ur^.ncrce parly strife aud jealousies. _ OpoQ .thu. bopa| f io parallel a party strllo and jcalous.C. upon in build our own unity—apon then lealoa calculating wilh any c esa. Congress muni nnsn« 1 pretty much na it hsi. and f ana accordingly, or wo shall Spring ia aa bad a lil aa wo w, of the country in not clean go niea khall achieve important 1 tbo Winter campaign a newcill^ With* e response. Ii thing* of cmplaUd, uud given lh. r±"J?r.;,..,b,.c ,«-* r .'"«» ,nccs—words igbt ol all ihey had ' endured and were enduring-of their properly , lust, aJeclloa, rooleJ up. and all ,. pure devotion to their country, and ! 1™'-,P'« ,. ,,l ., rmmrMSnrably did their palr.oUMU ,oar above La of those noisy, ranling.time-ier.uig^-" allv e first glori^u, "end na the hr-1 tour. .Ir.olur was addreasi ihtrboll, altera! Wail "" ,., a '.'.-I nee iho proclaro iiioi, and erly lor immediila roeulta .„»_iDg ones, losing palieuw, is nothing hut a harmless thun- Pope'a hull againat the oamot. reason. Suppose a sick man, ;ited for a long time to the liesdment •haul o( medicine, beo.mes coovtooed ,1-..-= ., .. s officii -eeords freedmi Below we give ihe leading points taut of Ihcsodocuuienl that the lb.-, iouih Of these, I...... aii ibousjtiid at Ker„ W poi y a dillor- Doea bo retain hia old physic in U-or ol tb" treit-ji ;;^'V' ,, -;..Tr :"1lo d,.N,^;'ri'im'. r a'oJ cti.r uf the new ecbool. Common *£><"'' tVh.-o Loth.-r conquered Ni iiors of tbeciiy paper* UBl .hem? No. lie 1 naked n.l quenched, and that Ihcy iaall. profcased loyally, did ho how negroes, almost [heso document*. n.-,— nm,,nlaeluro Union scntii - TZl." Si. SS c„.,i r J by -j-to, ;b«« b. Ri West Fernauilioa and oib.-r p„rj,o-.- '" B nt lo V'-tore tbe Union iJfl. W Uoop.-r si)s lb,, .heo ^ ; ;j;r;7;" ^^ al „,„ p rid,.uiliUO.butd0 s. without enc-pnoti. »>uld '^i''.'_ i ^.i;; v,. u, ;.. ,",(, t ,^.,,bl. .he new o.d,r en. ,„U:: a,.'! jOo'lS-ll.-..'""'!'"-; '....'.,...,,-,,,,, ., ,,b Bl-.-am-:.-! « t> J H'.' l^.l.d-.T The President "u surrounded before he had an nnt.-sl .very let by p..) ' m &Ss^^S^t^-^^«^

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National Anti-Slavery Standard, Year 1863, Feb 7


iymiTTEtl tattkitVOL. XXIII. NO.- 39.

Rational gmti-Stemi Stanton

pdbusded weekly. on saturday.

mieiuojui ht'i-suvehv socibti,


IDC Vvrlh-Ttnth BtrUi, PMla,Wpbla.

,r nubUMllon. or lolsllng,


* 1,0 lll'lll


11i^.,'.J( il.t of Slavery mu "» ",lr"

c i. ,iiii i.1 u na and Apologls".

Md lb. Il.b.l Coogicw. .< R 1^" 1"" 1!'°?„

"Tun ,.™l» =t lb. C.i,Mor.» BUM ol

bloody ""'I iiiinNiur-il ««""" "^


-i i.., t . :»

c f.";«nd,inv,ewo| Hi, i.ddn.onn

:»tlf Haiavo.v.di.ppOIICntB ol °'

r .. t ..„,„:<d friends "f peno> In Hi

B „d'd.'|...iral.1o mi. —m.wtr.'.1

. 'v"••'-"

ind lastly, o monopoly of

TLiM That 'he Pfftira] lie shall approve I

chusolbcm lo bo promulgated

he States of tho ^ orl '' b>' BU<:,i *"

,,„, „,« r .dior"ii;soil Ihnt he accompany '"'

n,,. f |,„H .'hint. ,1 -..Ivi.nhU-. «iili -'"•!' «" 7' lr'.'-"


]„„,,,,.„ 1 -.:...„t.-.n ol the mailers embodied

^, jr ; „.( i b.,llj,,i


... most suitable and proper.

rn,, ih- die before iiL-oiTii-tJ 11"? ab-.-.-c relations, Hi

C«d« . n»»h. i» "bi=b i,o • riribrtd u.. id» or.


lordcr Confederacy. H«™ rutinJ^^rt* £*£

XaTyTn^Sortli-wes.era Stale* lb.i would lay down ncr n,m S

,and 1,

noeld nsiki nut] protest ««1i State n K" ln ' 1 ,llD I*™''

ihc Lincoln cofeminent. Hi thought "in< <". proper '"J"

™«i nml m.T.'.oifs "if .Vo«A.^-,((c-™(d&(dl(j'o(nrd fm

AW Behind ri"ri 'A« ««'"•' S4t,a ,:i "'" '""''" "*)


citlv ilmjl." Tho" proper Inllo,-' ices" i' 11" 1 "I"" nr0

C^rsOlbosO which are employed l.y Co*. Valsudlgbe

w,)Cd. so,. . -ni ...i.«r J*.*™, -"'i-;1'";";;

t.ts-cn, Btil.stqimitiy.lii .i ui-i-ci. en Jill. ua-iss "'

Hatory threap nanlo.t officers of Iho Colon ajialu, M

One point bo de.ire.l especially to nolico. It could

miUl» «PP"*"t io U.-n ooo how these men-

aureu of relnlinlion would result— the mill of

!td,," l

^i^o,-'' v;!^

Wi'iIiraJ '"''" --J"-V''-<' ;"' " C'J'""1T""IW ,"/ ' "," ;\",

rCn( ^n ca p r(y .^,kft. ! "^;Ti-'-'S'^^/^

A'orrfi ond tf«i'j' <"""«"

rA» Harlh-vicitern"'-"




j Norlh-Wtst cf Hi" "nilnl

ch of llr. MerrickThe nigna from (ho S

:W»rTf f '"" -*"* 1" '

,„„! l, r \:,lli.i.i).-l....".

;,,!.. ,i,,,„l of bim.

Mr. M,-rrick lulls tbe

nbui tboy bBYudf-- -

have no sympMbluUBt bu perrar

e a\t\.\>*» uol Iwlpeil tbo mailer in

und il iine »ovor been «a rliQicnlt

id M»i»ncbuscite, na at ibis mot

rag Ihll gnabinp; rbulorio of our

liout conclusion is wq must

(bo war—(in ninny of (betu n» \

loon ns potribb

Let CoiiKretr


nnd of Ibo border alnvu Sl.iles loo.

Tbero ,.ro tliunmndi" of Konl.ern tolotpd men

who will makoaooa uldicn without much drilling.

Many of ib^m am liilt '


freebly .

Nonb aid Soul

1, notwilhsliinrt-

crnor. Tbo ob-

o Ibo nsgroca in

b llio emplovment of balf a

3 soldiora, inkiog not only Ibo negroes"

.led, but ibu fres m


HeBoUcd, Tint wo bi

govoronifiit of (be r.,icp.

., .jlclligencu nn'd chsrne-

itoonia odicora. niid ibo Soulhn

Id buled by men of ibeironn race,

in pofoible. Tb- j>!iic<-B wo now b

Poulb, Kuw Url.-Fius, Hilton LIvrid, Mcniphii-r.^llv

B il, |.r.,-|..r. ll,r.vl, P ,M"l.,Iv ami \ iek«-

burg-abould b..' pi".:. * of rendcEfouis tl.eneurf(J

negro Hrraies ; nnd if lb.- buMi.-n ol .:r,linin B :.r..i,,,.„,.,.,., !;„,,„, w-y.,u.l a !u- npolog

I,,,.,.,,, tin- tb.TD I,.- P..I i\ atone.'. Ijv lh- ..urn-[vll (ou ,, „.,„!,] i„| :l. ,bu wind 01

iu.-rwi'iai> bi\o blru-l: iirmw? cuponl..' i.'-H m-rvly , UU111 ,,f tl „J[1; K,, r ,l„-r.. i, ..liricmn^, who wre«rrwonduty 1

Bi;cordioKtolbi.iiiiiidi'Uf;gMiionof|1 ,jlJi Dnbn „ r(: ,;fe, !( i itmt ..livery may U«

111' rrtM.l.ii., t.'it <! r.nrr;in,' u" II" a.-'ivei> ,.....'. w , „1,1 .jilfojm, uen; I.

:,. il,- ...-.IK... nr.J '-. ' ~ " ' _ ,., y „l..,in [|,.j Hi

lend in Hit Slate o^Jtoufrtinu/

llotia adopied by ihe ineeilnK was i

received w |ib load snd loneeonilne

prepwed to

all msaiinres ftdopled for

.a of Ibo rebellion, and ibal w« lully

rovo tba war moiur'S t^i o>ji in tb; protlnma-

cf Ibo President of Jan. 1. 16S3. a^ oo^ ei.lkil

by the i-Tic.'ncies ol ll.o caao. contniuunhr,.; lit

....S an act of juslico lo on« olasa, and .odiclmg nl

ibo eamo Umo on iiii.-.tber dun [.crtisima •>' •'•'''

lioo ibo blow be;t calculaled lo reduce tbem to

ohedienoe <o ilm laws., ,

Jan. 16.—We bud nncih" CT-ind l.-i" >n demoii-

t iration boro on Balurd»y nigBt, in ibo St. Uirlea

Tbualro. Geo. Diuki. and 3-mU ^^rolberein a Bide

- "-- cboploy and Gen. Ilimilloi. on tlie

ii,di;pob*d lo lake any pan n. tb.^

,i,l : I,..-, in- !:- il' ..»!"-,-..

Ntarly nil tbo able-bwlied men amj been employed bylbu govornmoni or .'

inr tbo liut eicbl nionlLs. Common

ii% Cvo dollsn a months, h. -i.ln a

on. Mechanic- nro paid $3 lo S12 a n

Bidei ibo ration. Da In, in payment, liorrov.

1!(d by tho nteUgeiiDo of suboreliiini.

Capl. Hoopcr"d conclusion! am sumnwU U


pmpt.-J.-. 'O.iHI i'

Rh^allbydoiuiud.- - ,,

U"r„'.'v! L',.c!ici:'-'.'li^i.r,,-c.-i-

At Old Point C Ion tl.oio a

nnon anil eliihlren ;.

mi Gva buinlred a:

nj falibfullr (TdmliiWerKl

ultli !' :c"- i.i

, -.elf-iiii>i«'ri B.i!

rMUooniie-i of Vir-

nbout nina bund re

1,11,, it

ok ihn n

jinjl'h. t<jicci'i£

... e pmple are r'-

And if il.eLim.i.l.. yovo

I- - —''I ''<""

id dBiuonincul nnd hellish




r,\n'7,M hi hi ;. lie w« •""*?

If,-r ,',,! f/l"d (."fif.f-J ^.ni.-N^ I" 1*0 W'lt'--' «/"''

,..,,,„.,', v I ;..,...... ''''

ie r'cJuto urouii ^rL'ianl/y oppetir.



! of public aenliuient il


thai ihey

W )ir.i,>,[

are f.-ln

co and for i

feilcrnlc &IOH.-S o

1. Tliere is nc

loruierlv knownpeople of tl.o Co

\VrongB too grie

,P .!... U-iltrnl Union, lo wliieli Hie

,ImI,t:iIi- Siniia will t-vtr cooteiit.

out Hi.d niulli|.li<:d Imve l'<:cn ion.-

:..| i (|,nii our die ribbed ri^bi?. I,_v a

. tl.i.- uiipro.-Nt.--d and i )*, I«ici:.'l

:, n„i|-..i.|of ill- [«u|jIu ot'llii: Norlti-

--'—o ibeii.seUcJ u- br

i,tr..,lnoed by Mr.

a recoDBlrnelion of onr govern-

witli Iho Sovtb-wtalern Suibh, wo

solemnly lo proles I nejiinat, and ** T"

„dl l.e tiOded b) Ibe Conbdern o Cogf.

Ihcy arc laken up lo bo considered. \

iog tbi* "i« for 3..utbeni iud;-|«ii

Olhor nations 6r State*. Etna Oil

free States xnlouur Union il not only repugn™*.

us &»< it will bo on'.; u (.jniii.u.niM v/ i'm( *»« ^'"l

has bioutiht en rAt', i tc'ne/i lo yet rid of u

tjwWiO. 11 Hit K.,rih-«estu rurilnleS.houl

,11 tha North and Easl. nnd rel up for thee

i new eov.-rim.enl, and fl-.-iro to tio at peni

with iho South, no barrier will bo placed in tbe

way by our government, mid we ahall be willing

"h Ibtm na nit ind.-pLi.dutit goM-rnuieoi,

WMmmB. .braM >n,btr b. -»W nor ,»J,™"1'"

lb. Nor.bc™ ba.u.c bv oiJ.t Irom >.*

„ey woul-l lie would suDi

ISSf, ,li™..i b.„.fi. ih-.fti""-:

will help win i's Victoria

E:S!uS™;J',,S'S.™, to .b.,,

l,ul lo uiaktflbu mo?l ot hull.

Wd'NiaginL in liil. p»lm

, as to check iho


gel a livicg."flood of ^q' iJruwn roporta fi

duMined couree. rtoadB )tluit Ihero a— '

,d eigbly-one negi

llliurl) il.. ,.|,:il.b- of r ,-lfg"virr..inei.

or all Ihe fuDilnmeiiial prim:i].b-i "

r.r.ul.l. '.•'." "if -"" -"' ''' '"

o long a period of

Inugly ny inpath iled

J-,ii'.i„lu,^ =:,o!b to spill


S.Y. Erp«Hprciisliuad!iorK*iilMlloflr.r,d

rmlcJ niter hold Tiililon ;)

and tbo eslcem

2. Wl

ud sympalhy o ivdil-.d i dChri


Stales, and that in

broken bis own pie

i.. id ll.:.'. llwi.el"...-.

broken pledges. \

ngainBl that e.itl.n

ir lo think, is t

-mid. wl,..'ii volumi-ei-iiift from beni;;

.i„c» s .iLdii:r,lioi..-ver l.u-sbinriijlu

i ibu bnyonola on iho R ipoibiiin.cfc

nnd will think—that President Lincoln

oral pledged I

al-o pla.'-'l b. f.,re ll..

,et of Mr. -....-

nrk<vl^t»i-.C-iiwr!^- Ui»..p'>'S r!111!"".,;


• ^ n li-s'ler 1,1 ibo Norib.rn ],.., Ii:i- [.!'. -L I'l

neet llini mesaure with his plan. It « well .t

ahould bo start, d, null Ihat the p.-»| b «t el I'l

begin to consider it ub ono indinpi-nsablo preeedetit

10 tbo eslnblu-bmenl of pence. To ihat completion

they "ill have at bint to tome..

Tbattbe jealoiiH) ot N.-w Englar,.l nod Ihe impn-

lieneo of her lyrnnuy is Kro»irigMnm-er in

tbo great valle, ol" (Ikp Upper M iwfitsippl 18 plain.

That" il may beeonn! --u(li. ie.,il> •! ! and wnk-aiTtad

lo overwhelm New England and break up tbo North-

ern Union must bo. regarded on probnble by all who

have. obBcrved Ihe coor-e ol ov.-i.ts, and aiudiedI

the™m„, -ill and relations of Ihe Norlh-W obi.

The PharaoliB of ihe laud ol ihe PunlnilH will essay

to bind Ibo cords light.. r upon their nihiite-puyei-s ol

the Dpper Mis-i.sippi, nod iliin will mnko lb


and grat.ryUis ^ontrMl wH

illion, and lie pledge*[

..... wilh the Nniiunal go'

realoru iho unity of

eon will continue their

nnd throw oil the yoko, n

il r M. rriek aaya.

For uaof ihe .-routli, w

unrcltniiog opprea-

iiiona uulil iboy- !—

up (or ihemselve:

i|,e Confiidertife fintea

sponsible lbribeoKiniu

it all times ready lo porlicipali

,. v.uutd Li I...Bt;,il.led 10 bl-B -

,„„„„:, eu.i.i.tetn with Ibeic own Bafoty and

, (bnj- could not yield their ei

a Wsin go'


w oil in

uoh tc

i Cabii

t. ur,id,n unrevoked ;


pnvn i the

... . jib lueh Bucctus {

ome limo lo Ibe Northern hydra. It will t

ut the mounter—an event which urouiut*

^..f̂ -^'.'.J-.l :- — -t I-- -'

irtliea to ridicule tbo ''—




MV EE..R Em: I ,eudJ«

» gP'^'.^J^.o the- clergy.


"""ol" il


of the real opini

pniliy with ill', iiilnslavry pollCV of tin) Ait.i-ri

Fie feeling on Ihi. i-iilo ol tin.' Allaotio. Wo b

iilured the tiiiirepr.iientulioas of certain organ:

, Crancy Mand (.llBinplOU

lluil dep'l ihirtee.i y'™^\

C)- aroall

JwiUing lo work One hu.i-

action oi mo u

^ ^ .^^ rf ^ |a|n|i|[]

„, iiolhiiig, but many bavo

dr,dil..ll:ir,id.ll"ir;ll.,' past

.pnonunily of working for

,. di to -oi Norib ;oven

,! oiler oi iV'.i'd ""fics nnd^a.iuhivforiboSoulh-

Ile goia over the inueu

•oaivd or, mad of ihe n-'ui..,-il righi ol =,:ee.-?ion, as

ie reatilt of Stale sover.igui; , ns understood by the

_lave Democracy, :.nd saliMlnctorily ennoses its

fallacy. In Ibia part of hia speech be tally contra,

verla Iho poaitioiis lak.n I,, hi- dinluyal p redeem i.t,

and brings in a.i army ol historical factfl which

oiuiedly cupoi-c the weakness of the ground on

l,i..l,..:lt,: lJtighla

olhem But Blwnya,v dcler,

Sen,.. ArL, :

Mr Dr. „ favors Mm* oof coloni-

,t ihe

of the p

5ident in bit January proclamation

i I„.oeural p!el;;i. cpmy would

o ip negot

ion of ILeir ii.ilipi'.i

3. Whenever the friei.i'

shall grow alrong

„ ... tbo North

train Abraham Lin-

withdraw enidpro-

lioo upon the

of Ihe Confederate Stnle

ic'maStoTall existing did

,o brought

,ould freely comerntualljadVHiilBgeoi

When tin

broke h'ui t..,.u„,

have damaaded of him, ihnt no relieved tht ulsdnr/

ai-mi'cs and prewired the co/unfai-y enliilmenl

oihsrs 'upon hitprvictpb efths "~Daily, wo nro lold, Ihere are I

Bnada ol men ihat heliuve ia

:.- ; mid Bach niea ouglil

those who volunteered for other porporjes

ahould be relieved. * . .

When Iho proclamation put the war y

, 01 , the R.,piihlie:..,-Abolilioi. iraek, Ihe Rcpubll-

1,9 ought t.-'.luiiieii to be d. pendid apon for

all Ibe!

es, except Xew England— i

v'hoic iyK/bk lore of gold •

n this di*/r,nxftil tear Iui*mai

Mtidiralion of. uhiehfattjhip*

:., Aboli

usanila and thou

la fighting lo frei

»6me ol thi.* unpniri.

ihern Democratic papers, thai New Eogland taay

ho leli by other N—


-thtn. .-late, out in Tbe cold, lie

boaste that bIio will nol slay out if she ia pat oal.

but will poke her long nos- into tiny nrrange.iient

ihnt may be formed l'„r aoi *:i-A> porpose. SVuhuvo

,-,uhi of lb- fip.ieitv ot V;.i,l:. imp.i.ler,.,e, and

ngas we can keep ibem out ol our own borders,

a of eoLuparatiio ii.diil'.teiae .'hat oih-;r

irv ha-, the henvlii of tb-ir c.,.apainon;hi|i. foot

a.l.e .po'^iiom-d whoihrr the n'fl ..I" the North.

aiicf iho agency which New [Dn-iand hni oncrled in

t -nil 'in about" the division of Ibo country, ami her

nersiatent purpose to make all iho rest of mankind

ibularyto her own will aud interest

ttniion of p,-nniiiiag aueh a root of bitterness lo

lain any further asceudancy in their councils.

The Puritan breed would not bo contented

hoaven itfolf, anlesa thoy coald role aapreme. They

ever bsvo heea contented nnder any """"

hether lhar of England, or of Holland_

,f his Stale, I

lenca of aoldiera at ibo polls a

fact which gato llm lornier Go.yancB. Gov. Cannon justifies I

„,.„ of, and dcclnre? ihat, ahould

arisain Ibo i'utute, bo would not hesitate lo invoke

the aid of lh« Cciural jo.v-ruiia at lo ouppntie. v.oleac:, whi-lb.r at the pulls or else


the mailer of arbitrary arre.U he is of the opinmn

.LaiTxilovfll •-'; '..•''' ; "" 1

--'I"!' 1

";n'"^;," l


,d disloyal havo no right to complaii

With "- --•- -

from ibe beginning, ihe best of our joornaU have

remained true to tbe anti-slavery causa; that The

Sfir. Dado Asuj, ir-;!.r.iri.s!cr- WcuiVb, Spectator,

Xonwm/unniil. British ^t.i<id.jrd. Dial, Dirm-itg

ham Foil. Mnnch-M- r Ex ini...., A' •??&& Chroni-

cle, Caledonian Mercury , BetfiiH Whig, and a hudof other reprt seal alius of the i"..urtli eslato, have

ptiiled from iho puro faith. The work-

ing classes also have proved 10 ho Bound to the

tore, whenever rh. ir opinio., has been tested. Wit-

ness tbo nohlo demon-! ration of Muoehester opera-

tives Ibo other day, when (hreo ibousanil ol these

noblo sons of Isbot (many of whom weio aciual

Sufferers from Iho eotion limine) adopted by accli-

mation na addroit lo President Lincoln, sympathis-

ing wilh bis proclamali

whs present on the (


tlie Democratic party

longer ibu friend offighling undor Lincoln

Luui.-i; , Net

li.,»l.ot of fo-r-fifll... Ol

„ ,^,n of officer", cv. a.

,ei.linied to Ggbt for iho Union /eel that

:en duped in bti'-g forud io fi-jht lo Jr

la.vr, ai.di'beni^r,™. ibe G...ernoi- grapples boldly.

He shows that it it decided!) for the interest of

choose the side ..f freedom. L

ind commerce a.a with tho North, and her p

is iiidir-olnblv linked with Ibal of iho (re

He lakes high ami unequivocal ground foi

ilion, reeommei

a adual aboliiioi

port of this

thing gb Ihat I

of tho

iO Ibat the hot

in" Ibe passago of a law foribt

of slavery, and bring! lo ibo Cup:

I. Mr. Tb. .

Iiire lately, atuTtho meelinga

ha-< addrc^e-l'e bee.. atLeialcl wilh the FITllU

Bulls. Our eiperi.ti'.e in Lund.... I, as been . ^ii.lly

Hiafactory. It would have done you good it" you

bad heard Baptist Noel's apech, er attended ihc-

..i<.--.:i wh..h «. :,-. I'l

f freedom. New-

of the

porta Ihat

four thousand, of whom oi

Iretlnreniun. One thousand are ployed by tho

oven i me.. I, but 520,000 hack pay i= doe them. Mr.

lawyer says these contrabands compare very (itor-

,bly with tho "poor whites "uf iln- s-jutb, ot whom

,e his had mtitiy opponuniiic-s ol jndgiag.

Oliiiplnins Fiieh and iu,Le n report Irom

tho Arkansas dittri.t ta'.-'aniiall. iho stimu as that

o( Mr. Sawyer, bat fix the amoaot of back pay duo

the contraband*. b> the s,. lct arueat at SJU.OOO.

" '

3, EJupninKndant of the Comrabaad

iporb, that Ihreo thousand three hun-

dred and eighty-,.... enntrabaoJo have p..-.-.d throu-h

that camp wiihin the las-! si, moiUliM. Five bundled

remaia. Out of tho whole number, Mr. Nichols says,

"I have not been able to persuade more than fifteen

or twenty lo go North, notwithstanding tho inosl l.b-

era! oU-ra have been made to them. H« adds. .

" They desire lo reiuniu oa the noil where, [hoy wero

bora, i( they can do -o.aadjjnj > their freedom^^

Tllia ia Iho geliorft'

League. The aoin of tbo whole oi

put by iho Bobtoo Cora

durivo toeBo Blalemenla,

oiKmuiM'ti Jn-JbooVr*' oVine huinan .tniii.T^r

deal justly with them, as you would with auv olhor— -hey will lake care of ihern-

a the 31at of December—-the e'

...j strong argn aien Is. Andaddress, instead of whining about

liuoV'iiv'rrc.-iidein*. illegal nrresie, baalili-a, aad

kabtai corpus, he utters Iho lollowiag patriotic aud

vho cilculalci Ihot a nnllon eon hs luTOlvcd In a


i. ill's spv.-h

oed to. i the f

of tb.


of the

,.l, ,.,, I, r,.l ,:ll„..|' i,-

:y civil war ilioold t.vvepo.'Ti,

id 1 rial of lis progress. Ihi

iiie the United Si

u-ftwe people, "«dbndifyingfutLati-

%' L

',l: C- o>r.o.,-o[,' Slates cf Ai

,iiti. ( r,it'h reio'r.-J ..' >t„xi .(' inlcrcourte

hereafter, eilh:-r .,',r ftv ,r ...o'.. ^W^'™^^"™


|i'.oJi''-' >" 't " : <'-• " I

""J S!alc' o/ A''

r,,lnli.:r ihi), ...-Lie thcT>t« r-xident.

i It, fi.i.iiu,'.i of ihe Cahalerate Slates. ("

, . f . J,.,»ge l<: puWi. tenliment which

has octurrrJ '. s i-r i.'o/ (As Aorihern Statu, ichere-



'.,.•; .re (, . a reauil-j h-ld—sympi-

l!,i-i-i i'-' ' n. ,''"y •<*th th;t b<i m-m.'i/ ,J.-r-

iious ( (A-cye h.n &.<-. brought about—would bo

willine to tjiielude n iu.l ami hunorahlc pence with

nnv one or mure ,d Banl fti.." s who (renouncing all

political coti.acuoa will. New England) may be

found willing lo stipulate, for desisting M onea from

tho forlher pro.eo.uon ..I the v. at ,,^,.,-1 lb., . ..u.l,

Ihe „...ldi

^r^Vvvhom; ,,, more ihey have potionwill, them, Iho ...on- unlit I bey no thoy are for any

*ort of Wdom. Hundred, of il,,-,.. do not hes.tats

to Bay I" We havo been eululod under falao pre-

fight lor Abolition, which

to become dominnut. What t

under their influence, every ,

which tbey are permitted t.

Democrats at least of ihe Si.

sSrlb as°ni tho South. A vi

pie of this coniinont would it

vegelato upou their own bar

loathing ol all civilized ninal

ermittcd jbc^

; Obrlsi

every coneeivalde arcam^at which had been

urned in favor of ibe sLive i.: .mideraey, or against

the policy of Ihe Federal K ,,v, rorueni ; and then.' .* .,.__. .,.- (jemolLbing every eophialr)

ehood, uniil tha alavocracy

had really not a rug left wherewith lo il the

revolting dofeela of their odious cause.

The Emancipation .<„,.etv mclurtca, a« you will

have Bcen.bome ol the bast a.ei. ... the country, with-

„ut diM.nction of sect or parly- I he name of John

Smart Mill-^one of the in Laglai.d—tnods

at the head of tho liat We are now arranging for

a demonstration in L\eler II ill. lo tike platf.

291(1 lost. Our friends in Manchesl.

ham are organizing branch M

Wbss Ihe war broke ou

tha General government,

-eches, " There in but on

t of ibis inip.-ndiiig a

n-.i>nlion under the maMfe,

Then the go.

President, Mr. Lincol

saying, "This rebelli

nists said to

!tiliona audiid safe way

through its

Mr. Seward,,w,isaw

- abb-i



llo hli reconi ipeech before Ihe Legislature orAlabami




aveliue-HSeUi.hlei- 1

j.-.cli hone in tho Norlhc-t

irih.rn Uemoerncy. If I

in prods ma lion ol Emane

oclttim ihm be would upl

in Ihe States, Iho North,

1 hia Btnndard, an'while il

r upon


rrJD.Tt..Bprl f.a,lJ Hfpotllcis.

Tbzbe is a ion before Cor.grc-i lo aid

9 the rais.oe oi 1 JtJ.ilDO „,-.'r,,E ,,' lit ihe '

11, ..and -lnivimi

J ple."-3Vi"lnoit.


an: poorir.g in from all ql

i'i°77ie Advocate, and in

private bat not less Useful, lelli

i those import-


iagi anddepu-l

Inli.o tunli A7O0.1c.-b-r ways more

. mo that Professor

nhoot lo pa.«a mlo

tr; " must ho put down conaliluiionaly ;and

the premier, who ia fond of prophesying, added, In

.:.. aineiy Jms, |n.e will l-.- Tailored.

,iRt;.- a Ic.rl'ul mistake-" relur I ihe Abo-" this is ihe veriioble ' irreprcsihlc con-

bi.h bin. predieied-lhe deaib-grapple he-

„. », .,; ,„» „i d..rk.K=s and li s tn— not a p-.'tty

if Slates. To ignore tho primal c-

. Comprehend tho truo



..-'."!.'rnini:s were unheeded. When




tad Blrike


. read, I may Bay ll

ful -attempts lo oblu

library {thu great eat i

largo m ---was, that c

Mrs-Slowe's e

Theaicry copj

ind beautiful addt ess to thi nojoen^of t.-'chu,| in ^ ,:•• .t lot-n-t. and

inleresting assemblages 1 was eaBM| ,„,, [0J ,{„ „„„!, E ,J0r) . it waa published by

took place Ih.r. .,ve.ii«.g. In the large +Amftion Low k Co. on IWdnesday, intho -thu top of Ihe Cii. II..II L' It wis „ vl,, urlJL

, . rlT ,J i, l,.-. ,u,ce been reprin

on the occasion of Gov. II .mil '. hong .....ted I",„ „,„ toIu , u( The M'n.nrj Mar and /7ie D.iit;;

a,[ l]ri.-: ihe Colonics ol" New Chans or. Ihe a reM hV ,., r,_ ft ^ru.irkihle tribute lo tl«i p.,pol..rit; ..I

of Iho day. ,. ,Mrs-Siowem ihi* country, ,i- "oil a, n piool ol h.

o tho naluro of the subject to he di.cuv-.d. ^„ rl .,..i ;„, which these jiurnals lake in lh<

locality in which ibe would lake d...... .., ....I. I,. I....II,,,' nnd 7

,1 ihe" e.irpente



.. --ids; th'o North "aid to tha Aboh-

Biids oi ill-omen, ccaso jour croakiagSj

.wenty million of people(

W hip tun, without

touching the coaloanded nigger?'

Wo almost m the close oi our.-ecind year ot

civil war One noble army baa vanished—where 7

Another is melting away rapidly as ibo snow in

Snrinrr-lime. Two hundr.d n,,n-and loyal men,

w,.o. "twenty months ago, were animate with life,

enlbusia-tic. now sb.ep the -kep of deaih.

,era of Kentucky and on ibe green plr

their bones lie bleaching

blood makes Virginia .

eyards of the Caroh


ubject to be diaouaseil,

:uurruneu would lake

of public feeling, andHolccedenla of ihe

,he negniis must he t.-li. .1 u for a Inryo .hare ... ihe vre..-,

m_ ^ ^ ( ^ j ^ [q ^^

tbe;; "..iligr.-s oe.d I10L l.e-.tate 11 ice,1 ..

, ,- jj t ,, boisterous one

„fa-„ [.-imh.r pr.ju.lico aeaii.t i.c,..i soldier,. t,>»h '" .• j A m.ue ord.-rh. ii.n.'ll,-

,„ much k-.-s than il.-y think ;.tided lh- people ar- >.->cr^ -

,|„. u ..h,|„l a-seu.llage I neier

e,:„.-n,ii> .-mi.," ii..' 1; i""""-""\'- |j"





" i


' 1



i' il; ,„, ;,:.-, .,„. ;... .., K .i.- '-- " j i


Culion of tbo war upon Ihe South

Euccoflsful, would only h.ivu the t

their own heal innrkel), 10 guaru

moat eQcctual and saOsfactory

nupied navign'ii

;r and iln iributoucs. and to open

the markets of Ibe Soulb. greatly eul

to Ibeto as tbey would he by-jho po:


ing upon the Mis-

ill hivo declared

tbo further prOBO-

nhioli, could it be

ect of destroying

leeto thein.inlhe

inner, the peaceful

f ibosuiJ M*

J.-.1 in

i.ui.oed by tho Sun

.,..b would at my opinion, put [

1 to tho war and make peace. Ihero were .

iv bo hniol'.-.n l.ei'iiil.-d by the |.roininn ol Ihi- ,....- --- r-

noernoy to hold out term, ol" p.-a.-e whit- ih.'v a.'.d ..po-

ns a'-fp'rodiiiaied' by Mr. Vaa Buren and *Ir.l-S«lfaM


if the South will agree dur- the govern

. Bull.

irl, if

"ng ill

ler's ..

w.jllld It...-.



,,[,p ,,rt ib.»hall go la Wnshinglon. lake the oniu to =

i-,,,,,;;,,,,,,,, of tin. United Slates, take the

ret* and P1*-

' r-'i",":iin " '" '' D,C," I ""' Ll:

1 Tbe.e propooiiions must bo piu-etd by

Ihirdaof alllhememb.-r«ofet '

:efouitha sgrefl, they b

«.ll i.e..

Reljel u


tiado wilh all tho nations nf ihe eaiti,

nuuitiatogrorrljinaid power that has


Tbej ih

.,....„( tl.- $111,

omo u pan of tho

tain three* fourth 1

„> course 1 Ton10 goiera.ueat of

one back mlo 1

tity.Buve Iho p

What u erosh of

a people I No'

el party. Thei execution. But

it Ihnt-.all. uutbii

There can

say very rapidly. U mm.™oa foldiers on tho pay rolls


divinien of the

ealion. But what is past eaauot

liaving adopted n polity at lrisl,

il,t |".-l' 11 loldll and at "ECU, or

a penny, in for a pound"; it has


..._ jfladi..

1, [,,jt intend in naf'r— the apeeob of Gov.'

! ,| -,.|'.vb' b i 1 1 .' 1 1 lull reporl el-)c


u —\,-.,ond sajmg tui.t 11 waa marked by nil

tch^tho' speaker is so Eorei-

I,,a arguments were, they were introduced

exceeding t.ict and dolieicy, and dtvw rapluroue

I^RrrtSl ta« ^liffened the backbones of

Northern pairiols, and brought a blush

-headed old genii,



-.eerhalf ao.llio-n

Ihe eovcruui-nt ia

- £ the

... -.ugbyli.

,e Biieihecs who followed.

,.,,-ir.)i,tlieriinre and slav

The uraveyards of t

neopled wilh Ihoje v

Nortbtra homea are

beautiful, thu bra

It has been f




f„r ibe


,ble moment, for o.

..... a maniacal folly, i

inaligniiy, published an

;ion for slavery, and

perhaps a

Tuesday l«si The Ti.

s often „ke..l wilh

Juty, 1

against the

'Z,'-ZtTujrt%: i^i'l has mii'le it'=cli the,u,u u.

. ,.„„_.,,, M l |1lo


ilself. Very trnly


, lift,

..-it. 1

,ng, tbo

oally in

lorn of 1

marly if not quite

io hospital or absent with and we

s ia il,,- r.ruiv. It is i-ptimuled ihat 10 k

p to half a million wo need 123,000

ually. Where are we to get thcuiT

era. of tbo 300.(100 aiao months men e

Inrioa, aad at least liliy re(;,u^nta ol f

.ill march hum... before the liret 0! J

iii.-diull" of ,,nr tne-eut ni'my will be e

har-e before the 1st of July nexti


ulnces to bo filled 1 Thai ia n t|uesiion Congrcsa

rbn.'kieVin' by !b.


"',i,k"s within thl

ji 310,000 10 S30,000

daiform, and raising


Tbc Emsncipation League o( Boalon receni

ie following effect


addressed a ci


South, making it.q.i.r.c-. to

1. The number of freedom.. ..,

2. Are Iboy willing to work t

3. Do Ihcy 10 g,

i. Whit —

1." But tho Area u,

much drosa, and wo aland n.

mark. Slop by slop, ihe puverni.,.:

- position. Though it sir

iVOl-J ad. "pelled it onwardI. :..u, ;.;... 1 lw uvents. Judgo

vbich waa iho eagle, a

was Ihe far-fbiu;., and

bo-.u Iho aarro.- and

On iho opening of ihia now year-day ov,

-(ll,|e iu ihe annals of humanity for the new

t race—tho govern toon I of the Dulled Si

,B..|f loose forever from the pohey of slnve

diet of Emancipation marka n new era 11

lory. Henceforth, freedom ia to JieUle a

icv The deed is done— ll

__,!,„ ...:., nmenl is fully

its ships belli-1 : '


them and tho

id which tbe



.0 lonrntral olhe

Ijioiu clement ot iln

aids thu mustei


their tijiacity 1

characler, ihe (eel

ted. It In

otilh ban nrttaed

1people who I.


, i„.A..d ,':

luodcsily informed

ago, called all ': ~

jrenl Change

mid be grniiic

a that ho hs.c only a few day.

told ll

ES.ty.m par

,«iS not warce upon Bin

sar will go

t l,:i

to the platform

bB 'V """." °"\\"\ ", ''oineluing lo bono, however, from ihia Tho patriol

"T. "r'^'d .-.'.: the i„ u s of our enemies- fro,, their It ou. prcer

aodWu.ur^.ncrce parly strife aud jealousies._OpoQ .thu. bopa| f


io parallel

a party strllo and jcalous.C. upon in

build our own unity— 1apon then lealoa

calculating wilh any c

esa. Congress muni nnsn«1 pretty much na it hsi. and f

ana accordingly, or wo shall

Spring ia aa bad a lil aa wo w,

of the country in not clean go

niea khall achieve important 1

tbo Winter campaign a newcill^

With* e response. Ii thing* of

cmplaUd, uud given lh.

r±"J?r.;,..,b,.c ,«-*r.'"«»


igbt ol all ihey had'

I endured and were enduring-of their properly

, lust, aJeclloa, rooleJ up. and all

,. pure devotion to their country, and!1™'- ,P'« ,. ,,l

., rmmrMSnrably did their palr.oUMU ,oar above La

of those noisy, ranling.time-ier.uig^-"


e first glori^u,

"end na the hr-1 tour.

.Ir.olur was addreasi

ihtrboll, altera!

Wail I""

,., a '.'.-I

nee iho proclaro iiioi, and

erly lor immediila roeulta

.„»_iDg ones, losing palieuw,

is nothing hut a harmless thun-

Pope'a hull againat the oamot.

reason. Suppose a sick man,

;ited for a long time to the liesdment

•haul o( medicine, beo.mes coovtooed


., .. s officii -eeords


Below we give ihe leading points

taut of Ihcsodocuuienl

that the

lb.-, iouih

Of these, I......

aii ibousjtiid at Ker„ Wpoi

y a dillor-

Doea bo retain hia old physic in U-or ol tb" treit-ji






cti.r uf the new ecbool. Common *£><"''

tVh.-o Loth.-r conquered Ni

iiors of tbeciiy paper*—

UBl .hem? No. lie 1

naked n.l quenched, and that Ihcy


profcased loyally, did ho

how negroes, almost

[heso document*. n.-,— nm ,,nlaeluro Union scntii

- TZl." Si. SS c„.,ir .J by -j-to, ;b«« b.

, Ri West Fernauilioa and oib.-r p„rj,o-.-.'"


B. , nt lo V'-tore tbe Union

iJfl . W Uoop.-r si)s lb,, .heo ^;

;j;r;7;" ^^ al „,„ p r .id,.uiliUO.butd0

s. without enc-pnoti. »>uld '^i''.'_ ,



^. i ;; v ,. u , ;.. ,",(,t,^.,,bl. .he new o.d,r en.

,„U:: a,.'! jOo'lS-ll.-..'""'!'"-; '....'.,...,,-,,,,, ., ,,b Bl-.-am-:.-! « t> J H'.' l^.l.d-.T

The President "u surrounded

before he had an nnt.-sl .very

let by p..) '


bo also "

ml even hostile! I' i" fatuity; ti

*iil only oiort "" " lirii> Mr."


;)'\"" "avery policy.

nlitei. Mr.l<V,ro7u.,ll!-eiil<

,.„ .!!,"


Ijfk.ludy. Sonet... Ill i.t-Im-. -_

.nili-bivcryfii-lnTiil v.lm Il'-'

proclnuintion. Tint)' «"''"-' Mi'-i 1 "1

earni'iine's ivtu'u ]>rii-"l:ui-rv ^

true leaders no". 1* ' 'he °*'* '''''

U,e .ngha with il w-b..m l-eh

ntti.u ['rrti.iHi':-. "^< l,r;-- 1-

,': " 11

lunmler-iu-l.'hiel. ;u "' ,T " U nh-'nui

emblem, WB may Tat lie HSVCd.—

sof llieL'ilh

i'itli |-'.,',„I,H

,nt llio eama lime. If it bo true lint Oi

ia to bo sent back ngnin to Now Orleans it

or n blnek nnny, and if "Lb policy of Iho p

tion bu entrusted only to Qonnral* lo em

, WO think that llio beart of Ibo rebellion i

be reached. Anil tint Ibis is la be done, wo in

from the pntout filet of its being the only thing we

have to depend upon. Whoever opposes it, in thi

Ciibinet or out of it, is a convicted Irnitor. Bu

shoold this Inst resort fail or the success, it doservci

ftnd aboold the rebel* bave Hlrength enough, froi

witbin or from wilboiif, lo compel u» to eomo I

i with them, wo have little fenr of Ibo worst dil

grace and ontreineat cnlntttity wbioh

fatioiwl »tttJBwwijl ftimflatil,


ii :'

Ken Von ."

.* knt

lli.-v bmiliary

SunacmiiKiw lo Tin: SuXn.uin in Pennsylvania iv

please remit tbeir does without delay to J. M. MoTCi

Anti-Sloven- Olllee, 10G Norlh-Tcnth at, Pull. Su

scribora living in that city will confer 1 f"vor by n

waiting hi heretofore lo be called upon by n colleelc


TnK reaction against Ibo war, or rather in favor of

the rebels, has fairly scl in. It was aa an y. ^ ^

SKi.-lh-'tt- tituwrfliWi'ii. vfifff'tfiiVl hVi -rJiW : -ear 1-J;.'

Like, all reactions it is noisy, impudent and bluster-

ing, and hopes to prevail raflior by Ihe moral weak-

ness ot true men tbnii by lis own intrinsic alriaiglil.

It has this great advantage, that it know N exaellj

what it wnnlB, jusl aa lb- rebels do, and, like ibi'm

M l.uTTiiliMi.m of Hi- oi oin- rlonroiH righls that tbe

Democrats— lo say nothing of loo many Kepublioan

) not prepared to make to purchaso pence,

likely they will consent lo come back on tl

thoy know (buy might have only nt tl.

price of staying where they were. They secede

"i its becaiiKO they bitted us ; nud it is not probi

Ibat Ilioy lova us sny heller now Ibun lilt

They haled us because of our Agitation of Ihu »hwei

question, and they know that thin war will not ha*

quieted Hint. They halo us for our prosperity and

wealib, whieh they believe they can Iruntf

selves, if they can but cut loose ftom us.

no question of the sincerity of their " unr

lne," aa Mr. Sumner aptly termed them, i

nnd in Boston. But ttiey beliuvo it is bo

men long to bo ngaili Bucking the lift-bloi

voiojjfef,.which Iboy sinrcrely believe i

ImvO grown fnl. It is po^uible that tlie'

these retniucra of theirs n little loss thi

their opec

fccllne tu fnvur ol cumnelpBtion dllpl


Mr. Ahajb then replied in the fol1owinn terms


Gekti.kmus: I receive thi« cipreislon of the

lents of bo rcEpeetnble a body with great [iliiMiin

rent BntUfnetion. I need not Bay tiow eneoomging

.neb ninnifcilotions will be lo thoio pcrsom lo myitod by Hie Preu'dent ot the Doited

Stales, who have been driven Into the ncwmUJ Ol

iinlnlainlngfiichnpiilnful sli-ii^iile v Ii ii !> • < irri"

u by tbem In America in devution to frem j.riiielple!

,t publlo liw and public order. 1 inn very nt««l

ncourncod by the oirolimitaitco that there in groWnS

loro, nod In Buropo generally, a bettor CDDceMOt

tun ban heretofore prevailed of the pi-ineiiilesio

volveil in the Blmgitle. The election ol Up|Kb5oIl

,rs> :-. nrent rl. clarnllon ot tho majority ol tlivf tple

i.i llif L'nlii-d finite* in fnvnr ol I principle ni'huninn

it vrna thnt the pi

the a (o

..;,! i,iim- of Ihi.-i

id bowie-knives, ill r. d) for ns. II IViiiiijlm

a this melhoil b a he n iriumphi. d [ivoniiJec

be ao in Ulinois That il did no sue ceil er[iiall>

ell in Ibis Slate sow -, p.:iii:ir- rat er lo wanl

[duck in the Go eriior to second the d i-mii:. of ihi

iceroyoverhim- -hid reator, Mr. For indo W'ooi

-than to nny a (unl -treni;tti ill (he be tier toft

not ainly <

l,„|.|.nSince tl-is Ship ol Slate linn tided

rocks that Ihreatcucd her with wreck, we are wil

ing to belieipo it was through her strength rutin

thnn her luck, and because of llio. trustworthiness <

llm crew rather limn of Ihu timorous treachery of Ihe

pilet. For yol nnoiln-r fl;i;.-i <>'. minds Ihe horrors e

of treason and deserving no worsa puniahment (ha

de.'ilb, were pul for a brief lime to keep them out i

the way of meriting ihcir doom yol more decpl]

Tho innocent vielima were only conspiring the deal

of their country, and tun much indignation could nc

he expended on the President who had put them

under lock and key by virtue of martini ti

by (ho dexterous sinuosities of civil process Iboy

would have escaped scot-free I

Another, bnit laid for tho sillier sort of gudgi

and, especially, those of the Itepnblicnn variol/—is

(he new Marlyrclnjy by win. h ^nints receive their

, eunoninalion by virtue of (heir auflerings rather thnn

their works. Proved iiirnnipi'lency is Ihe prime ma-

terial necessary fur (he manufacture of an idol of

sn. To have had every

!?7 and to have grossly

inty of want of ability

of ibclination, ia (he bigh-

of ilia newly awnkened

iun for any (iene-

to tbe Generals in

y ebiss Is not lo be

icd l

, phj,

t, |.Tu:

it the defeat of these plotn of privy oouspiwey

treason will not execute itself. Honest

: be alivo to the necessities of the hour nnd rendy

down traitors nt linino ua well as rebels in I'

Il is n tiuio above nil Others when .ill w!

halo slavery, nnd who feel it to be Ihrir duly to [

that it does no (ni-iher iltlrimrnt lo the Republic,

ehould he alert nnd nclive in llie viui.iie. ;[-!' -r- ..;

nclion which (hey have chosen. We rejoice tu learn

that the old pioneer Massachusetts Anli-Slavery

Society assembled in larger numbers and in a more

determined spirit than in common yciirs, and seemed

fully to feel that their day of labor wns no! over as

long im a slave remained on the soil. At tho Anti-

Slavery fleuiiion held the night before, too, for the

porposc of raising foods for tho American Society,

the attendance wns larger, the con tr ihu I ions mote

liberal than in any former year. We linve reason to

believe, therefore, that a good light will be main-

tnincd by all Ihe Auli-Shivery hosts, in till their vnri-

tbo reward of a. crowning victory.


ould bo m eertnln by llnl; i, Ibmiyli [ierli.i>

lioh slower, Hint drove them into tho .l.-iperalu nicl!

iro of slopping it nt tho Hire ill eld by violence. Till

itiBiquenee wna thai Ihe govornmeut wn» Mlncked tfj

1 very fniinibiliaos. The sliugijle to precerr ' '

:cn going on from (hit lime to this. If, Hi

lore has been what might utherwiae bo thougli

,lii,r,,y Iinnte and pn-ciniisle energy in nny of the

cuburea which have been taken by the goveiument,

lui-. not been owing so much to nny will of their own.

i to ibo fact that the violence of the resistance bn-

luued Ihe necessity for (hem. I think llio idea which

1, deiirablo (0 pre-ont dlktlnctly U this-tlmt the

rugglo has been one of self-defence against tho litres-

re ayalcm that was tbre.ilenlnjt deslruotlon to tilt

hole cdllico or govornmont na it atood, for the rcssun

int It waa loo rnvornble to freedom. Anil Willi rcqinl

l^.feilftf'ine'-tiLiiu-ly ln-llevc, 1101

pnlion nny faster limn i>npiilar utiiiiment in llio'ilave

States would demand, uoe iiiij- fji.ier llinn Ihe tmer

geney should dlotato, or, In other words, simplj- io te

net at to prevent ili'-te very convubdnns mbieh war l:

too opt to prccijiLtnte, Therernrn, in nil tuatlcralnci

ill ninl In tho niiiinlennnco of his policy, regard \mI . ii it i.lilv had (o the pnttlblo



.'il'.-'-iin;; ..I' tl,.- MmanthuielUAuti^lnvcrj- Society wni the Mnilc Unit in

Koslon, on Thursday. Jnn. 2!)tb, ISC3.

D Qitisct, t'resideni, called Ihe mrellog It

order nt 10* o'clock.

Flev. Wu, ti. DABCOciti of Sdluate, offered prayer.

Tlie Treasurer of the Society. Eejiukd Ji&xswt, ii*q-

preieoted bis Aniinul Hep.jrt, duly certified by Wu. I

CowDiiciii Eiq., the Auditor. It showed receipts foi

the year of 32,388 Di ; t.spend! tares, 52,331 9S. Ea

lance in Ihe treasury, S6 Do,

The Report wu accepted.

BillVKt. Miv, Jr., (rum the Committee of A*j-»oge

menu, presented tho following lism or Committee)

CammiittM on Siwfness-William Lloyd Onrrlsor

Theodore 0. Weld, tVouuoll PhUlins, John H. Stephen

...ii I'arker PlUsbury, Charles L rtemood, Andrew T,


--.;( a S. Poster, Henry C. Wright, Qcorgo W.

s llrown, Snrnh J. Nowell, EUsaboU)

i, Ite.'olxd. Tim! Mii; r""!--"' 1 " rtl,L ;l! "' 111 «' '!"" "'r >"

dllie Iriamph of freedom over all On- i-.nlli, v fir J.

Is iinllon Ij concerned, lias never K-ra • l.riuin .v nt

o civil iinr, enr Mill. In Hn- priii'-i|.li of ihe rn"al»T of

in u- lo nniurnl rtghla tl uoilinti- 1, and uur hearts ore

idc plnd by every Hop taken by tbe government iowords

llvcrml cnianclpalloo.

He moved (heir reference to the llujiness Committee,

hlcb nu voled. Tboy were subsequently reported

biok to Ihe Society by the Comoiittco.

m Tnowrsox nuked fur the reading of the rcaobi-

previoinly reported to tlie Society, and Ihey weic

. .ill!,,-

inelceptioliablu and unsn»werah|.

Ur. riemoud'B reinarks in Ihe mmenkinp of the equsl riuhlj, as i

lalarcd people now enjoy no vxicnsltel]

. juilgmenl,

1-I.k-li thi

i lis . i. 1

1 r i

dBSles has bi-en, n

Os Thursday, .Tan. lOlli, a Di.iputallnn from tho Ex-

ccutli-o Cummiilee of llie Hrili-ili I-jnaueipatUin ?nciely

wnited upon the lion. CdJJILKs Fn^XOIS ABAUS, Ihe

American Minister, nt his residence In Porttnnil Place,

lor the purpose of presenliug him with a resolution,

ngi-oed upon at a special meeting of the ConlinllK

nuproving President Lincoln^ Piaehiniallnn.

Among the gentlemen compoalnj,' the deputation we

Ihu Hon. nnd Iter. Iiaptist Noel, M.A.. llr. P. A.Tayh

U.P., Mr. Denjumin Kcott, I'.RJIA., Chimberlnio

London ; Rev. Newman Hull, LL.U., [lev. ft. Evcre

Rev. J. H. Rylance, Mr. W. Evans |Chnlrinnn of tbe

Mr.E™ npni prW '; Introduced the Dcpul

We ; that

mad over Gen. MeClellnn, (hi

in the frenzy lui":' Itepiibli.-iiiir. nod wcll-nie.inino

men. And lo >och a beigbl bns ih-ir ndubiiioiicoue,

thnt they have really left nothing for (ho ercutct

claims of Cen. FilzJohn Potter when bis turn comes

It is affirmed thai that city was i

Thnt Ibis Committee, i

m.liticnl party or social


s-jtii!A-lii!.-.'. :,'': iv,"' y?^-;vvA^v.

I'rii.iJi'nt Lincoln's Proclamation, dcclnrius the

:dnm of nd held ni rduves in tho Sin'

ii-n-l-i ->1" SMI'--, 'hi •<'' Hi"" III.; I'liite.l

! riini.-ni. Tint the I'resid-iu'D iojnin.ll.iii

l„'i.-,.n-'. ,li .-1 irvd (tee tu lib 'l:iin frniii i i.i[i:n.c,

in ...||-:].-1..i..?i-, niiJ In .l'T..pi r.M' t-.L-ui^ ..

...niti- «iih the offer of military '


inipillnlii i, Il


ii I . .

Hall hy tho wmoastr^nccs of ono of ill

nent public men af Uassaobu sella, binisclf one of the

General'* friends, but wboeo knowledge of utTnir

made him Beniiblo of ihe impropriety of Such a

allention to m officer in his po'ilion. Thus our ow

city government will not have a rivftl in the compl

ment olTercd lo ex-Gen. Porter, which they have

launched nt him, unmindful of the

hibilion of. cruel nnd unusual punishments. To bo

d by Courl-Marlial was bnd enough


npprc dbyo 1. 1, n, It of tl

cry greatest crimina l

itlona have but o


All these demonstrations have but one purpose,

though many of those jjiniuj' hi them aro blinded to

the fact, and that ia, to weakeo (ho bands of Ihe gov-

ernment and to strengthen the;,- ..I' the enemy. Their

primary purpose is lo bring Ihe war to nn end by

such submissions (o (ho rebels nil shall ninko (hem

conlent to return nnd undertake ngain the ovcrscer-

ohip of the National plantation. Falling of this,

they then design to divide and distract the counsels

of the Nation in such n way as (o scants (he Indepen-

dence of llio ConiVilomey, before slavery hna received

its death-wound. What is (be reasonable prospect

of their succeeding in their Ireason J Wo think thai

their elinnce is but stunli, provided (he loyal men,

those who lovo (ho Union more than they halo Ihe

black man, are but aware or the conspiracy nnd

alivu to counteract and defeat it. VWahould remem-

ber that there in no mom treason now nt tho Narlh

than there wns eighteen mouths ago. The ouly dif-

ference is that wherever it was then skulking in holes

loyal hypocrisies, it isjiow blatant and rampant. On

the fifteenth day of April, Fernando Wood and his

gang, everywhere over the land, were us secure of

carrying llie Northern cities, and compiling the

rural districts to follow them, ia tbeir treasonable

sympathy with the rebels as they are now, and with

more reason. During months belore, while Stale

after Slate was needling, the pru-slavery venom was

never more virulent, bunding i,nh in mobs wherever

there was opportunity, and, even in Boston, seeking

iho life of Wendell Phillips for Sunday after Sunday

in hioad noonday. But what a change had come

over ihcm on the Seventeenth I An overt act of trea-

son had been committed, whieh nimtu ull honest men,

everywhere, start to their feet, and tho bellowing

traitors do,appeared like ghosts at coelt-erow. Webelieve that any actual d emo nat ration, any incarna-

tion of treason into net, would unite the natioa as it

bim done by (he firing on Bomter, and (hat it wouldfaro harder with ihe traitors by much than at that

earlier day. Wo chink vrc see signs of this, in tho

deep disapprobation, bo in;; up iri.uu bin own parti-

sans, which made Gov. Seymour shrink from his

ntlack on the Metropolitan Police, nnd caused Fer-

nnodo Wood lo withdraw his bravots from Albany,

Then, tignin, we see grounds of hope In llie recog-

nized necduily of calling in the aid of black Union-

ists for (be salvation of Ihu Nation. What we have

seen and proclaimed In.m tlie Inclining is now seen

and acknowledged of all men who do not prefer tho

preservation of slavery (o ihat of their country. It

o late, though near it, to save the ilepub-

snrily mn by nil thoughtful pemnnu ilurinjr (h?

eforc, while alirajp kccplnfj (o i,. w it,

laikab'e, anJ,

itkt (o AWinale Officers /•.

Spooner, Plymouth ; William Anhby, Now

port; Samuel May, Jr., Leicester: Jotiali Hoyward,

SalemiJohn Clement, Towosond i Samuel Hycr, Ablng-

n; Samuel fiirrelt, Concord; Jonntbun Bufltim,

;nn ; Ellna Richards, WeymouthiAlvnii Howes, Bnrn-

iblo ; Mary Willey, Boston.

CWuniUie on luiaiico—Jntues N, Helium, Lynn j E.

D. Draper, Hopcdnlo iLawlt Ford, Went Brookueld ;

Joseph Morrill, Danrcra; Itcuben H. Ober, Boston.

Anittqnl Secretaries-Samuel Hay, Jr. ; Wendell P.

After so

Commit tei

man sly elected.

Mr. May, in behalf of tho Committee of Arrangl

meols, mnde a Blntomont with regard lo tho holding of

thi., Annuo] Minima but i -;e'= l- ""'•

.,.,..t,ni v.'eie rend li-.nii A. Jl, Puivti

V., and Hon. S.iuuei. G.ile, of Montr

having been nddr-c-c,! lo Mrs. Child, in behalf of Iho

,r. i to nu ;e a distinct

in,;i i'.-t -thai while, for


"iv.i; I the '' thi in i.'..ii-

ympalliy and nld;

.-in upri Ingot iho

de, before our fluid iidvni

reeognitiou of n in«t el

uyely yravil.itin- tui

aod diapoicd lo giv

nee the kinpdiini, tli

Iro*, the vlrtuoiu,

real opinion:! of Ihe people, En ilronu lymplthy ntlh

iIil- Ainericiin Rovernment, and in decided cotideinna.

of ihe retrellioo. Partienlarly noticeable ii the

of Iho noble, Butferinir, sinninjt opeinllvcs of

Lancashire and other Counties, whu oi-. p r. : nih... i.,

Id tho sublimcjt speclarlo ol Ihh-lilv to tho

right under Iho sereroul IrinI; for if nnylhlng wiil

l::idi- Suhs

T. Foss,

resting nccoont of

of Maine, nnd itn e

lite pulpits and e

;cry cordially op

if Msocho.ler, N. IL, gnvo an

is recent lecturing tour in tho Stale

icoiirnging results. Ho had found

uCchcs uf different denomini'

,had spoken Iivice

II bo

Inally reached, not, pcrbapi. i,

pcrhapa, today or lo niorroiv, or Iho next day, but

ilely, by a steady perseverance m one coursa,

may force Hie con«uut of all pnrtic^. aaJ yol

the fearful eouscqucncci whlih wo mi^bl onlu-

apprchend. I ™ extremely gratified in the

inoes which bu. been given by tetcrat gentle-

men With rtspeel 1 1 Iho rtn u uf popular feeling in

lglnnd CD this subject. 1 bat o myself had occasion

.".^.'i^1 -:''..--:

ceedingly birsh upon iho Unt:id Slates, yet (hat

hen opportuully ottered lor nu appeal to the peo-

ple theniM-Ivrs llie i miliiiient Inn unit.irmly reitpnndeil

" policy ivhieh tlie (init.,d s-iate-i government have

enuncialed. I am, therefore, encouraged to hope!

which hove hitherto gathered, nnd nt tii

portentously, over the ainienhlu i-elnlinn.

mnlries have now more and more the

of vanishing from Ibo «ky. I feel »anB i

(pressloil of sympathy from here, whit

hnru been lately Ihe uieiliuni of repeatedly camru

rymeii, wlllhnvc the ell'ect of eh

[miMiioni thnt mny have been

Ihe attnekfl ol I lostilojournals, and

inch na the true expression uf tho

people. I think, by understanding

distinctly—which they will now have Ihe opportunity

that the policy of Great lirilain is not rod

grade on the subject of shivery, wherever it may )

c.vint, and that it is Imo to the former pledges It


,iu,i (re i -the geo

SInte nouBC at Augusta to Inrge nudier

(ho public thanks or the same, arid, best of all, li

found nine-tenths .1 ihe people strongly in favor o! t

Euinneipntlon policy of (he Prcaldent.

Edwin Tikuipbok, of Wulpole, epoko earneslly a

igly upon the prospects of the country, nnd

the Auli-Slavcry cause. He adduced many inslnni

version to right principles, nonio of them public

and conspicuous, aa fully supporting the view he took

Garbison reported The billowing resolutions from

the Business Committee


fhcrcaa (lo.iiiiiiu tin.- Iniieunge nfJuhnQaincy Adams),

dliinry nuiboriiy lakes, for the time, llio place of ull

municipal hiitlliitions, mul idnvrry among llie rtslj tbatj

"ityiiyi-'-^iw.','.'!- ....'. .- ':...:.:!.. :-^-.r MiO.iurl. uol only llio President of II. e United

, but Hie Doiumoodar of lliu army, has power to

tlio iiniici-il cinniiL-lp.iiliin id (tio slaves; and Hint

he Instant dim tin: sliivohi.ldiiic. Stmcii become the

rkcilruaruwflr.clvi], icrviloor rorrlgn, from Instant

ar powers or Coogresi extend lo Inierrercnca irlih

lolerfeivlivilh"; and,

Whereas, (be slave! ling sectiuii of Hie Union Inn for


ili.oHlrelr io Miliaetiu

. ,1 the bollot-boa, in Ibo lh

ml Iron J cars nnd nil public conveyances, ele., said hwas astonished to heir Mr. Iteinond nny thai tho pre

vailing enmity (o ihe colored people ivni as great here

to-day as it had ever been.

Mr. Osoooo, of Salisbury, continued bia remarks ol

tho morniog, closing Willi a confident prediction of Ihe

speedy triumph of tho principles ot liberty.

Tho Pinnace Cmuuiitiee announced that they would

call Upon tho members and friends present for their

annuo) donations io ihe Society.

Bpoicn addressed the Society

lenient in the character, condition, and

i of tho colored pei

States. Ho spoke especially of the capability of Ihe

ored people lo maintain lli.non.lve? comfortably a i


ipcelnbly, and to contribute lo the general wella

Of "tho country. He npoka of the wretched food de;

of the South-west, and said thai, .then

freemen, they would require very different Rod.chuh-

le.| and so open a new nnd vsai market for the

imoiurea of the Bust, and the produce ol tho

North-went- Ho cloned with some entertaining anec-

dotes of his ie/ii!( relation* In Kentucky, etc.

looumirlna sin »i the present prospWw "t "»uae ol freedom, llu dilTereil from Mr Wright that

ivcry could not be put down by bulleU; it never

ould bo put daivn e.veept by bullets.

The Committee on the nomination of officers pro-

.nlcd their report as follows:

President— fjuiscv, of Dedham.

Pfci-frisi'ltnls—Bourne Spooner, Plymouth 1Wil-

liam Ashliy, Nuwburyport ; Adin Bnllau, nopcdnlej

JefTerson Church, Springfield ;-losinh Hcinhaw, West

Brookflelil ; Henry I. Bowilllch. Uoaton ; James N. Buf-

fum, Lynn; Juhn T. Hilton. Brighton ; Ellis Allen,

MedBold ;George S. Flint, ItntUnd ;

John Bailey,

Lynn ; David F. Harmon, Havtlrhlll ; Tliouins T. Stone,

Bollon ; Eiekiel Thacber. Barnstable ;Charles Lenox

Itemood, Sileui ; John Clement, Townseud ;Atkinson

Stnnwood, Nowburyport ; Jolliun T. Bvorett, Prince-

ton; Benjamin Snow, Jr., Fitehburg ; Ocorgu Miles,

Weatniinslor ; Timothy Davis, Framinghnm;


H. Small. Harwich ; William Pope, Jr., Dorchcsler.

Oorrttpondiny Htcretat'J—S.DieEI. M.iv, Jr., Leicester

l:.r.,nlii"j .^crrfori/—UoiiEUT F. W.H.l«nT, Benton.

TVfOiurer—Enuuro JiOKO-V, Boston.

/Iiii'i'or— W.^l.bewiorrji/l-.;..!.;,;',--; „.,.,„„.|, rldl-

il'Morhi W. Chapman, Chiirlei K. Whipple, Ai ff

eston, John T. Sargent, Charles B. nodges, Elrn H.

Hey wood.

The Report wns onanlraonaly accepted, and the per-

ms named duly elected officers ol Iho Society.

The PnttatoEsT spoke of the great loss whieh the

Society hud sustnlned in Ihe death nf Ita Se

President, AtvnUKW RonsSOS of Muiv Bedford,

nobly and unchanged In spirit the var

naperous fortune, and of los< or- properly and

friends, continuing a faithful

IT. 'I

1,1.. HI.. "I


ved purpose of cru-liliig (i

,-cry being..lllni rel'ell

rpotunHng shivery, from tho

hols compelled tho capitulation of 1'orl Si

rol only llif mnrilal prorognllvo but theconslllnll

.I ihe Prcsldcnl to decree the tolnl nbollih

ivcry slave alale, In order lu stop a frlRbtlul

if Slav

:rof liie;, reliellion !

ol lli.11

me ili..>^

2. Resolved, Tint In di-lni in; 1" .urtlto nn nnriltilhilii

tilnw nt shiver)', and treating tl as something loo sarri

ovenlbrlholtrongnrmofmllliary poivcrln touch, and

endeavoring lo eom-llinle nnd win tmek lo Ihelr alleglsni

the reljcllioin 'hivelrnnlckcr* of ihe South, bi- .

aneeol the prompt cnloreemenl of Iho o

e President mill






; vthis



Mr Tivwn, MP exp eased Ihe gre

i in regnrd to slavery. That cour

enlighlen the people ot Ibis country

icen misled n-i to the origin and ri

Slavery had been one uf tho causes i

dimensions between llie two counlrie

believed that Ihe proclflumtiun would

is of III

lie therefore

on 1 1nuance ol

io Onion, but Ihnl it would greatly conduce lo a lasl-

g peace between LngUml nod Ami ricn (hoar).

The Hon. nnd Rev. Hunter NoEfc said he cordially np-

-oved Mr. Lincoln's policy. He had observed Air.

incolu's honest int.iiii.iii io niiinlniii Ihe Con-litutinn

i the one linnd, and to do what llio l.oii..titutlun

lowed on the Dlhor, for the liberation i.l the -Ime

The Presi'ient bnd used Ihe war power whieh hilt, .n

put into his hands, anil he (Mr. Noel) hoped that under

God's blessing It might be the meaas of bringing Iho

jj.iao. In a beta In big from taking Ihe

the Border loyal Sinie.n lie iveoDnb.ed

lubiui'jion i.j Ihe Cuiisiituiioii. But ho

(Mr. Noel) hoped and trusted Iho luyil States would

leeopt tho liberal ofl'er which the goveinmont bnd

mnde, nnd thai, beloro long, America would bo free

•om Ihe stain of slavery (applause),

Tho itov. NewuAS' Ilii.i. said the opinion of this

country On llie American struggle had been greatly

ited. The leading neivspupera, which woro

supposed to represent public opinion, really did nut

represent the feelings of the manes. Many of the

upper and middle classes had beeu misled nn the

tlon, but the working classes had not. No mooting*

called in support ol slavery, whilo llie meet-

ings that had been hold against it had boon of the

moal triumphant diameter. All Ibo opposition that

had been attempted bad been an utter failure.. He

would Jnst give ono illuslralion nt tlie inconsistency ot

those who misrepresented public opinioa- In TV

n Iroduc ntohithnt there ia

or other friend or

welcome to tho freest of li


Of Mr Phillips's epeeeh ivi

worthy of the cause and of Ilia omcisi-d the A.liiiiiiiiii-iiii'in in n pivlriul jiwiicu alike to principles and

felled ihe people to be -e eiinieiit

x.—We have space only

rm, was greeted by cnlhusias

ii introducing him, said .

"1 i.a

,o Itov. Henry Witrrl Hcether

tention to be upon Ihu plattorra

of his lamented falher llndet

to bus delegated njo lo wr>onio

[form of Plymouth Uhurch, and

nndieoec ; nnd In doing no, I feel

frequenter of Plymouth Church,

> broadest humanity, who will net

it of lice speech, Wendell Phil-

iloived llio strength of Ihn entire Slav

ively and uneeasiogly wielded la sat

n.andlo theillseoniflturoofllio Fctle

lejolved. Tl .1 while diplorlng a pr

it whb danger, siiircilne. nnd guilt, i

I," nlibjjy," thnial In

Hurtrair.ed, un the lit dny of Jnnunr

it of hi life.

a stricl

Mr. Qaiuhton- fulhi

Committee ns fuUows

7. Resolved, That vvli

raatlonof January 1st,

ui»n the President to s

the bunds of those win

fulness nnd necessity


i Ihe Business

-..'.-'biii'ii iV'n


e (ho glorlmu prlnclii,1.'

','.'i'i' u'lii.'li

t suggest an

;1 "Coostitu-

co ntequeue


tlonnl right left, oseei

it delay (applause).

fJIsunionist, on morn

nua Unionist {loud

that the South shall g—nut to do hoc any

tbe Independence ot tho Southern Con-Iho conlrnry—" Liberty and Union—ono

and Inseparable—now and forever!"

Lot niu soy, Mr. President. Ihat I think Wo, xi Abolt-

lionlits, have aright lo bo jubilant in Spirit on thin

occasion. I do not understand how it is pondblo for

nny man, white or colored, being eonversanl with the

history of uur great struggle, to come here nnd talk In

mlciponding strain, as though, utter muru thnn (birly

years of sneridco nnd toll, "in season and Dut nt son-

son," Ihe Anii-Slivery eniin: hail virtually mada no

progress! Why, I would not continue lo giro my an p.

n that


n Cod I

ln90.) Our

e uf Miller

ibo are ready iodic, if nee

mie dimensions

n llie Depitimi

i- lor Ihe

earnest and vigilant tbne

country. The speech i(

ihe dally papers, hut wo obey tho wish o

siting fur him to revise it for uur columns

. Phillips bnd concluded, Sir. Til ton nrou

/;„,-,., .f tl

-U ity ur pie o fend a message to the Presi

United State !•'

Ves 1Yesl" Then

v'^u?:, ";;,",'li.-IM

wherever yon ico a bluein io - .v.- iiu- Republic i


Will i- that i solution 1" (Voters—

) All In favor will say

iany ayes).

said "I^!t write

mscirn and go homo " (applause).

Tho cl Ir the Miss Proctor's John

nin, and the nudienco retired.

The SrJBsoiiiiTioN Asxivi:m.ikv.—The Tweutyrointh

AntiSUvecy Subsei-ipiien Aiiniv.i-.iary was ho

.Mu-ie liill, Boston, un Wednesday evening, Jan. '1

boat. hi p:iper says ;

il„. |, mi., .in n.M.l, , ,.i; .'- uf lh

largo painting oi .l-ilm Iti-ivn, n\id above thes

busts of w.-il- known Irii-nJs nl Ihe Kucietv, i

Itrm k.-t'j bust ol llrown. The b.innen, whi.

1 Iho opproval nud

,d giving a Moggcilnf

liniiors. and (boso i

ill bo iinoycd og.itr.s

eneilii li o" every true

blow lollio rcbelli niel

io are in synuniiiiv i.irli

it tho ciiccr.cioi. Mr.. j.,1111.

I try.

8. Ilcsolred, Thai Iho quojiloi

tho proclnmallon, Is nssunilna sach gig i

iiiijitreii!.:!)- to require n new I"

guonilnglha rlijlllJ nod Inlereit; of the liberated bond-

man, providing Ihcm Willi land nnd labor, oiel (riving

them a fair chance to develop their Faculties and puivers

Ihroogb llio nccessjry i-luriiiii-nul iiijlumienlalities, and

wo urge ujion Congi-ess tho vast ImporlanCD of Inctllullng

such a Burcnu wiihoiit delay.

Wekoku. Puit.i .nvrtp.-lte hrieilv in their support, and

of Iho results of the obtervntlon ho hid within a Tow

days been enabled lo make, at Washington, of Ihe pur-

poses! ol the President nnd Ihe Adminis tral ion.

Adjuiirncil l<

—Met again nt tho Mus loll, ihe Pnrsi

Nothing, I mean, in regard lo men, or num-

illuence. What is it now t Tho commanding

the nation (applause). Then, Ihero was unly

hero and there a person willing In n whisper lo acknow-

ledge himself an an I i-s In very mnn ; now we linvo holts-1 nil the True Stuti-j—ihey ore (o ho counted by huu-

ruJa of lliouinodji—more or leu deeply baptized inlo

lie spirit of ourglorious enterprise, nnd ready to moot

lie final isauo with the Slave Power. Thirty yenra

go it was midnight " iih the Ann Slavery er

.right m li Ihe si .'mill.:

iplendor (applause}. Thirty years ngo, wo

to-day wo nro In the tropics, wild the IliiworB bloom-

ing nnd Ihe birdi singing around us. I say this simply

as a matter nf contrast and comparison.

When oar enterprise won commenced, nr courao it

wns lo be put down! Everybody enid it most be put

down. All over the country, North andSouth, there

waa n solemn deter in inn tion the hated emso oi

Abolitionism idiould be put down. The Church said,

" It must bo suppressed''; tho clergy told, " II must

bo suppressed," ; Ihe commercial nnd ni^nufnetnrlng

power nf (he Inild said. " It shall be mir.pre i "'d "; all

rxiiopiid in the President's p-eelaninllon ; nnd to this end

irocorneMtylniploioibc Presldsnt, seconded by Congress

before llsdltsohiilon on llio till ol March, Io " proehiim

liberty Ih rou ghoul all ihe land onto nil Iho inhabitants

thereof"; so shall ihe issue presumed lo mankind Dortour

nnd delinlle beloveii Inipirllitl I'r.e'loru and slnveholding

deipolism, iho Amorlcnn ling niu'k- ihe sy „1 or genuine

denioer.iey, iho u>e lie lui. I ni tbe root ol ihu rebellion, the

ccn.iln nnd glorious triumph of iho Federal government

tic lo tho Pacific every dweller upon the soil shall ho in

full po,.;e-.rlnn ..fills iiiimrnl, Iniiliciinbie, Hod-given rig Ills.

SmrtlES S. Foster, of Worcester, addressed tho

Society in regard lo the proper position and existing

duties of Abolitionists. Mr. P. a speech wns a strong

nnd eloquent plea lor ft thor.iugli Union of tho North,

il.ivery men, upon tho ground of abso-

the c

„,Lll (

y portion of

that the ollleors of tho

I military, nluill be men1 enforce tho most radical

i integrity and lo make it a Hopuhlic worth ph

aph of which the President bad

been condemned, on ihe high ground nf philanthropy,

for not issuiog tlie proclamation, while in the noit

paragraph he bnd been condemned lor w Int In hid

done on the groun.l Hint In: invaded the Comtitu-

con I radio led another, he did not think there was much

danger that the great body of the people would fall

Into error on tho question (hear).

Mr. Jteou llmoiir ii.iid he concurred ia what had

already been sold, In Lsncaib ire, where they should

find Opposition lo tho continuance of (he war, if they

were to find it anywhere, the working clones were

almost unanimously in favor of the North, lie hail

quealioo tested in Uoelnlnle nnd many otherj

who will heartily su;

nnti slavery policy.

Cmaxla L. RRUOMD, of Salem, thought that the Bote

slavery peoplo were far loe much disposed lo be satis-

fled with limine... in: m-i whieh do not recog-

tilie and proteel the colored man's equal rights ia this

country, as a man and oiliien. At one moment wo

are called to rejuiee for the proeluuutton of Emanci-

pation, and at another aro told it is only a piece of

parebmeot. it no time have tho spito and hatred

lowatds the colored man been more venomous than

llr. Osaooo, of Salisbury, denounced Ihe existing

Democratic parly of the coontry as folso to every Idea

nnd principle for which the rccoguined fathers and

leaders of Uouioer.ioy had ever contended.

8, S, l-'o.-ii:ii rose lo rouko an inquiry of Mr. Osgood,

relafiog to his post coarse in supporting men (or offleo

whohave not been faithful lo tho principles of true

democratic anti-slavery, llr. Osgood yielded tho floor,

JlULj N. Bum'ii i indicated the Natiunsl Administra-

tion, and tho President in particular, from charges

ninli-' viln-'t lln-ui by »um« oi (he s.peakers.

i • I. RkUdmd replied, iviieialiiig his dissalis-

ii. i, .i with Iho Anil Slavery S

ioUcj- oi

with Iho a

io places ho bad si

A private Idler says: "The Subscription Annivi

snry exceeded all our anticipation.!-" As the subser

lions nro not yet closed, however, we du not nnmo t

suui Ihey have reached, hut request those who ha

not made their contrihutioas to do so nt once, addrc

ing Itev. Samuel May, Jr., til Washington sire

" iton—or, if more convenient, Oliver Johnson, Ar

eery Ufnee, New York.

i\ p.m.

Met according lo adjournment, tl

io Society in the chair.

iriiit ollei-ed Ihe tolluwing risolutior

iitedinsomn brief and earnest remark

int tlio l.=ne between freedom a:

tllullons and slave In dilutions, free lab

mv being irlcd in Ihu nation, can nevwar of bolleu, hul must be rental in

warol ideas; iberefore, tbe friends ot Impartial Jnsil

nnd frtcdom bave no canw io be dtshraitencd by tho lo:

piirarynnd parllnl reverses thai have oitcndcd ihe moi

menu of Ihe federal armies.

;, lt...,.lve

:,!,-, i.Je.t in il

this niccling.anil look inlo Iho faces ot the

sells AbolitionistB. He spoke easily, clearly

evil.nili k.. n iiere.piion of Ihe renl position

Whereas. Tho inosi nnilriiig tilorli. bare liecn mtnlo by

ihat lnorecimrv nnd depraved sheet, tho Loudon Timet,

and by leading JouruOli Ibranghoul the kingdom, In com.

mil the public scnlimoni of Enelaml i.. il.c side or the trnt-

torons Confedcralc Mtnles— nnd, for a lime, with sech np-

parcnt laceess os 10 make 11 seem as though dial scrub

t wrfs nvenvbeliningly ]irg-.hiverv, lo tlio Jierplexlty,

•ami nsloiii.hment of the friends of free Insllluliom

ers-illy ; therefore,

riciolved, Thai It gives ui iin.ipciit.alilu snllsfnrilon

a Hint n powerful reaction 1= Inking

nutspokcn sympathy:l.ell..!.|.


ry. bol Ibmughoal (1

defmlgable rrTortn ol

J, ins Ihuonv. Prof. CunSG

ivurlu. h sljfimlly indehicil i

ich men us Geo nor. TnoMi-flo

, Prof. Nkwmjs, Joan Sren

speellng tlio real In

mil lo ki

civil nnd religions liberty mis'. lu.:ed by ihe i, ile, oi

in, and nnliribed by the leinpunions uf commercial

.iinlj. (urine cupldlly.

e resolutions more supported In a speech of

great power and vluqnenee hy Mr. Harrison.

Speech of illr. Garrison,

Ma. PitBSipExi : I am proud nnd delighted hi follow

the footsteps of my venerable predccosior [Jessie

STEMiu.ts, Esq , of Vermont], who has just lakeo his

I sots an Inspiring example to men muchyoangcr lhan himself, in his devotion to liberty, bis

.promising abhorrence of slavery, and his desire

man recognixed and treated an man Ihe world

y exccllenl friend

eslcd a putting


It is capable of meeting

,and resisting every temptation. If

a humnn being may plead his or her

the right pul aside because principle

onnl considerations of isfety, divine

and eternal; and I fcc no conflict between the most

thorough non-resistance aad tho application of it in

any auppo^ible cose ot violence aad outrage. N'evor did

I have a strougor jisjuraoce in my own soul tlisn now,

that it is true Christianity, and cannot be overthrown;

but it is a doctrine greatly mi understood, often wan.

tonly caricatured, and so rendered ridiculous In the

down by Ihe combined powi

yenra ngo, when it had tea

n hat party shall hope to succ

il down at the present lime,

advocates ore luiiltiludinaun

- of Ibis naiiun, thirty

cely a single adherent,

ed in any effort lo putlow ihat its friends andThe idea ii absurd


one thing ii

. Who can put down the c

successfully meaauro weapon'

ixs given us strength and v

', seeing we have bad un


.1 Cod I

:tory I God I AndconuueriDg flnd to


hearts and

ciencesof ihcpenplcf Because that Imth is of God.The AtmlylJy has no offrloufe Ihat eon Ink* ahli3 wUAit staithoUter I " That is the ac-eret of nnti-olevery

acccm aad the cause of pro^lavery defeat. Whomnde Ihat declaration I Thomas Jeflerson. WhatS(ato gave birth lo the man who otlercd il 1 Virginia


and Vlrgioia, to-night. In Ibis hall, is ft witness to tho

liriue naturu of the Anli-Slavery cause, and lesllBes

that no weapon ngalniil it can prosper, i'ubllc mcahavo irlcd io put down tho Auti-Slatcry came, andround themselves put down. Parties have tried despe-rately lo cillnguL-.h It, nnd they have been broken hi

irecea..-Aad so it will bo lo Ihe end. Why, then,

ihould wo not always ho in a hopeful state of mind 1

tVbut (hough, temporarily, tho heoveus nro dark I

(leavy clouds moy he now nnd then between us andJ io sun, but iho sun ie still behind, shining In bi.i

itrengtll. Tlie clonds are ephemeral and will poait

iway, but the sun shall cuuio out again in tho fullnces

if his mid-day glory. So, however dark may bo (ho

iltlos in a certain quarter— and il dependu very muchipon die stand-point an individual occupies, what ho

ie&iand what is his conclusion — nererthole-ji.llio Anti-

jlavery cause Is growing in strength and numbers

ivory day nnd every hour. It baa at last so changed

tho great Northern heart as to make it Impouible (or

tho slave- traders nnd slave-drivers of tho South any

longer to remain in partnership with the North. It It

\ mighty moral clinogo ihat lias produced this convnl-

r land ; and wo need not *brink from Iho Im-

putation, malicionsly thrown by those who wish to

cunvey the idea that wo have dono »n evil work, llial

u, .. Aimiliioni.ui. !• »(irHioUtite the present rebol-

n of Ihe South. Cdrlilnly, ilr, under (iod. It is

no; but not to oof condemnation. What ha* been

,r crime 1 Is there a decent man in this anaombly,

there n truly honorable mnn in tho world, who will

nlure to stand up here, or anywhere (Lo, and assert

at when wc say, " The laborer It worthy of bin hire,"

it is fanaticism !— that when wu «iy tlio marriage

iriilltolion ought not to he'hed to give unlimited

lease lo lust, but ucredl) maintained, we are guilty

fanaticism I—thst when w« say. Cod made tho hn.

n intellect to bo developed, and, therefore, Ibero

.ght to ho the condillnni of development secured, it

fanaticism T— thai when wc say, there should he uo

traffic in human flesh— the babe Udongi to Iho molher

-,. ii, !!ic liu band haa a anonril right to hi>

j right tv^ier husband—wc

i be branded ns fanatics and eilreuiists! 1

I, sir, that wc havo dune nothing more thnr

j hive adrocolod eimplc honesty, einiple liu

.i r. i

L- jostico t •_- i.

--—-.-1man and man

, fannllcs, dl


Inlldcls and Irai

o, In a nio;t

their application lo iho negro race, nnd ciidcavoi

il.irld (rem infamy llic accursed system of slaverj

he South (opploUKO).

I'hnl n ehcerlno, gathering wc boil hint evening ii

i halt I What a collection oi brains and of hearts

nl n nllllngne: i lo come fui ward again, nml on tin

of c.

... 111.; .

[This speech way bo expected Id appear in full

Ilia phonographic report.]

Jlr. (jinnuos- ropm-ied from Ihe Butiacss Committee

tin' following additional resolutions :

II. Resolved, Thai In the Invitation or Gon. Geurgo 1). (ho olforfng to lilm n pnbllo in-

to f-ICt II I'llllV

1al:eri lo .

oved li


I light Ii d; thm

\OI|.-i.|V, ,1 •-

coling the conscience anil tbs lifli

confirming it more nnd more in ft

universal eman el nation


My friend, Jlr. Fouler, on bei

n tlio Bl

m; Ml.. I


So do I.think the cause of Liberty will

know it will triumph. In nny fnlr Held, when wLiberty over vanquished I Wherever freedom

npeech was left, when, I nsk, wtu Liberty defeated

argument, or driven back villi aliamo I 1 know III

the oppressed nro lo bo set tree. Bo I know precise

sotllod a fact na Ihe law of gravilalion, Hint the time

coming—I bclicvo it In near—when every chain sin

fall, nnd every bondman stand (

the Lord (loud applause.). Vet, i

any II

ilness thai I have never taken

change, however hivm-ohlo to our eiin-e, very OKti

cantly ; nnd if I have been less conspicuously oxu

in view of Ihe President's Eoinncinfltion Act, it i

bccaiiso I lime not full) realized (lis vast import

of the measure ; it is not because 1 do not regard

having ii moon-moon bciirjruj tipon Iho success o:

Anti-Slliverj eauso7nna the suppression oi the r

lion. Truo, mere parchment it nothing ; nod if the

government means lo leave it just as il is, nnd lo allow

men lo lend ibs armies who Imvo no sympathy Willi the

proclamation, and no regard for tho opprcssod, I do

not know that much will come of it. But, sir, I take

it (or granted that the government, having com millet!

itself to an Anti-Slavery policy, and declared more

than Uiree-fourtha uf the slur.- population free, means

lo be equally earnest and consistent in carrying Ibal

proclamation into effect ; and iho cheering news Ibnt

comes to na to-day tliot no less than eighty officers ol

the nrmy of the Potomac arc to be " sent lo Coventry,"

because of llitir opposition to Ihe proclamation (ap-

plause), indicates n determination on Ihe port of the

government to tee thai Ihe right men, like I'hclps and

Fremont (applause), nro put in Ihe right places.

Sir, I do not forget, for one moment, the work Unit

remains lo be done. Gentlemen, personally unknown

to me, and but recently converted, frequently say to

mo— evidently very sincerely — " Mr. Onrrison, wccongratulate yon on Iho termination of your labors !

You can now disband ihe Anti-Slavery organisation,

I ha • no doubt Ii girt

ny this ; but it is

They do not yet

your work lo done."

gentlemen real pleas'

too rose-colored—that

stand the nature or Iho power of the monster to be

nlaln. It is truo that be has been speared through nod

through many time, and lhat be begins lo spout blond

—which Indicates Ilia! be is in his d) ing agonies ; bill

1 must see him dead and buried ln-fore I shall consider

my work done (applause).

aud bolder overy day.

impossible lo teach certain of our Repi

nny wisdom/ There -I M be no longer a doubt on Ihi

subject. Rvery man in tho army or navy, and in thi

lec of the government, who utters one won:i[':im-i tin- proclamation should hi

itanlly turned out, nnd the place lllled by nn Ei

n ill..' lieldn tbin

o God that lliis might be Ihe last

meeting et the Miiinachiistfit* Anti-Slavery Society—

Ibnt the annual meeting uf the American Anti-Slavery

Society, in May neit, might be the ln-t meeting of thai

Society, in consequence or Iho instant and eternal

overthrow of slavery in our land ;but, however cheer-

ing the signs of the limes, nu rely, while millions are

still in bondage, we mast not dream even nf a respite.

We have n great deal yet lo do. Our 'minion i«a very

distinct one. Nobody accuses iij. of looking afler the

loaves and fishes of ofllee. We Imvo made ourselvca,

for Ihe slave's sake, outlaws for tliu Inst thirty years,

and by our principle! cut ourselves on" from all hope

of worldly preferment or emolument. Wo arc not

DarlisBtis, in a political sense;we are not sectarians,

iua l 1;.|..u- We

d tects, and beynnd thei

il partiality, an

.Nop.they ai

a, and speak ol them i


il party, o

seeks lo effect a nim-nl regeneration ol Ihe people ; bul

it il, or may be. Ihe product of such a regeneration

A great deal is said about Ihe potency of the ballol

Granted, that it has i*a volno eoj importacce In Ih;

termination of a strngile like oute. Hot there It

eooi' thing bi-bioJ lln ballot. It ii that truth whicl

,.,!.,... ,.., o il., de«piied and haled »bvo. i

* feel (Ittt In

n./rht i nm-o.brr tkiwe in bonds a-! bnon.l v. Ill

them," ; I to .n liii vote, ibecetore, lo strike tl.i

.o..s.hat, jio.1

iu. It i-


by the Abolilioi

poliiieal result

and eflecL

A great deal

nnn-itnrnl nnd unelirintian f |drii uf complexion a i cjspo

in our country. Vet my friend, Mr. Reinond, win pei-

(ectly right in ssjlog there la still a vast amount of il

in existence ;malignant, active, uimp [.eatable, ever

jeekiog occasion to" inaull and hrow-bcat the colored

man,- and drivo him to the wall. Oar work, therefore;

is still to testify against this wicked spirit ; lo show

bow utterly unmanly and brutal it is;and, by a eon-

sUint presentation of the claimi of our colored brethren

lojunticennd humanity, at Inst get those claims ac-

knowledged nnd allowed, in every pari of the country.

Again, sir, we sec cropping out at this time, all ovor

Iho North, n great deal of sedition— licuncralic tedilion I

Think of a demoeraoy which goes for Ihe slave-auc-

tion—for making man Ihe proporty of man !—which is

ready to ilck tho feel of n bloody, rebellious and most

impious slave oligarchy !—which loborn by day nnd by

night to pul down freedom of speech and of Ihe press

at Ihe North, nnd to protect nnd perpotuato chattel

slavery at tho South! That sir, is all Iho democrnc

left in the land. I hold it to be from hell, nnd that

ought to be tent thilher (loud applause). It is impi

dcnt.dellaut, factiou.i. devilish to the last degree, n

talks of successful oppoilllon to Ihe government— ol

winning back the rebellious South, by concession nnd

compromise, lo werei.e absolute miprenney over Hie

There is n reserved moral power In Ibis mighty N„ r ili

ot oure, will, in the huur ol extremity, sweep

onward like Niagara, and overwhelm every vestige of

this Satanic democracy (applause). Uur duly ii lo

brand it by iis right name—not for any party purpose,

bul because such a democracy is Iho synonym of Cru-

elly, of Robbery, ol Adultery, ot Lust, of Murder—in

a word, ol accursed Slavery.

Lot us go on, anti slavery roca aud women, rejoicing

that thus far we have been enabled to continue, by the

help o( God ; and lei us not dream of disbanding our

organization or furling nur banner, unlil from Ihe

Atlantic to Ihe Pacific, every human being shall rejoice

in his Irecdom (applause). Then, and not until Ihcn,

will our work as Abolitionists be accomplished. Then,

indeed, we shall no longer need an American Anil

Slavery Society, or nnii-slavery papers, or nny anti'

slavery agitation ; but we shill all be united as bre-

thren In tho spirit of Justice, and sluing under Ihe troi

of Liberty, with none to molwt or mnko afraid.

m-oV^nCi!11. riejolved, Thai in

r il.e I-Yilrr

he denllis afiwo of the oldest an

idonts of ihls Society— Asphci

HonEiOM.of Neir fledford, nnd Willuii Wmrwo, of Cor

cord-wo have jiislnlncd a lo?s which wocan hnrilly expect

lo feorcpslreil loourcneso orourn'jocuilion. Tbclr ripe

ami niiinly rirliics, their 'Icnilfast and firm ndberei

antl-sl.ivory |iriitcl|ile in inn'hliie and In floole, Ihelr

ol ye I fen'l«; telf cooicernllon lo Ihe cnnlo of the

lion of slavery in all cliciinismneos of prlvalo Irh

.plallon, endear their memory lo in, an

The resolutions before the Society wby a general vote, ami without dkwnl

On molion of Jons II. Sri:rui:v:ioy,

^thon adopted

Ssti,, of Uoston,

id was

Voted. That the resolutions Ii

1, which rclnle to Iho esecutio

id to the establishment of a Dn

j fairly engrossed and transmit

io United Slates, tigued by the

,rlca of this Society.

of tho Proclamation,

eau of Km unci nation,

id in iho President ol

President and Score-

Enunvn (Jtjixrv, Prtsiiltnt.

(0»i- ^Vn5luunton ttirjtrfisiioiulfucf.

Wmiiisotos, Feb. 2, 166J.

Vinos tho Democrat began to fllibuslar the oilier

itghl In the House, the " dilatory niotioni " wore com-

aenecd, by Cos of Ohio, by a molion Ibnt he be

vcuscd from voting. np..ii which Vidliindighaui asked

tho yeas and nays. Coro-le of Pennsylvania roue

inalnntly lo liii feet mid nsked I he Speaker if an amend-

nent lo Cos's motion would bo in order—an amendnent Ibal ihould relieve the Interinr IJeparlinent nf

he furlber services nf tho said Cos's brother 1 There

*'»s a good deal of laughter over this personal thrust,

ind some Of the licpntiiiei mlH-n. perhaps, thought

t loo personal. Cut ij.ivode knew what ho was about,

ind he did not hit Mr. Cox half as hard ns he did Mr.

jincoln. Tho point bo mndu was thin : hero is Mr. Cox.vorking in tho Interest of tho rebels ; a whSto-fonthor

lemoerntj nliusinir New K, island, and taking every

ipporluiiily to embarrass tho Adniinietrnlion. Yet

hrough his personal influence at thi* very timo ho eon-

rives to keep hit brother in a fine office under Ihe

. The 1 1,' me.: rain

pationiat. I w I! fllltl.ei

a Iho

laucipatinii n part of his war

rtily supported, should hold

n-ity of Republicans in Cm-—so do the Republican pco-

t there is a slrange ami unaccoiintablo baclc-

ss en the part of the President and the heads of

mints in enforcing il. Tho jjeJlcu of tho Presl-

eshim credit. He in coming up nobly to tho

lies of (ho times, so far as tho enunciation of

les is concerned, but he fails lamentably when

s iu cliuo-.ini! agenLi lo carry out his policy.

inll'lel preach Cbristiunily with nny effect!

oul.l l!,e people think of a temperance lecturer

r drunk hiin-eif three limes n weckt Yet this

( 1'iviie. I


1 Iho

i nbou isible. Shall r

ir powt 10 tho li rated b<

cation—Uial Ihey nro fully protected on the soil whthey belong, in nil their rights and intsrests— [bat Ihey

are fairly paid lor Iheir labor, nnd nllowed'

land nnd become freeholders, hit,., others wl

different complexion. Dutas AuolitlonSg, Ol

Republieam rather than Peace Democrats have the

nili.:-c:i under n ll' in Administration I

Not three days ago Mr. Lincoln nominated to the

mate sixteen Justices of tho Peace for this District,

id nearly every one of tho number are villainously

-o-slntery in Iheir views, nnd some have been sus-

pected of holding scccsion views I Yet we havo just

ancipatcd the .lares in this District. Wc are sur-

.nded by n slave enuniry, and there are slave cases

cocetaolly coming up before Iheie petty courts, nnd

the President ol the Oniied States nominates for tho

odlee of Justice men who would delight in the business

of si avo-c a lolling! It is a monstrous piece of folly and

wickcdncsj. I can chnrneleriie it in no other way.

Very likely it was an oversight—that the President did

uot know ihe character of these men— that Atlerney-

Getoral Bates made (he selection—nn milter what the

excuse, it is i.ol a good one. I do not wonder lhat The

lYulfonol Jnttlligtaeir, in view of this nnd many other

facte, has the effrontery lo in-inuate that Ihe Proiiden',

dors not mean to cai ry out an an li slavery policy, but

rather that be means i" ko Ike people elck of Hint

l.aliev. I do not wonder at Iho loioleiico of TI.C Mrlil-

gtnctr, bul of eoori.- there in no foundation for the base

insinuation. The President is in earnest, lie is honest

in thla milter. Hut ho blunders dreadfully in bis selec-

tion of men. An noli slavery policy in Iho hands of

pro-slavery men tcil! fail! I hazjrd the prediction

here, and will appeal to our history during the next

Mr. Conway ol Kansas has made a remarkable speei

within a lew days— a speech I do not agree with at nil

-but full of ability and eloquence. After listening I

tho speech, I confess lo ilejeeiiun, Ihtrt teas so much

Irulh in it. Tho fuluro will tell whether Mr. Conway

right or not, but 1 think ho did great injustice to tl

President. Mr. Lincoln hnn-.-stly desires the overtbro

of slavery— the salvation of tho Union. Ilo errs, n

In his purpose^ but in his acts. Mr. Cunway favors (

early separation from Iho South for tho simple vcaei

that ho has salt rely lost eoofldonco in the ability

this AdmlnLst ration to w.<s;e a successful war, and he

thinks we had bettor slop before wo are entirely

. This is my version of his speech. While every

lit admit Hint this n a dark boor, yet it should

forgolten lhat we msy soon win gr.-at victories,

which will put nn entirely different (ace upon our

aat affairs. A great victory at Vieksburg would

o West on lire, nnd il Jue Hooker shall win a

on liu- flappahann >rii. it will raise the dropping

a ol the nation. Successes within Iho next Ihrce.

lis, it important, will put new lite into the people,

and they will resolve anew Hist tho rebellion skill be

put Joien, and that slavery shall ho destroyed.

The groat debate in the Homo upon the bill to raise

colored regiments has been tho only work ot import-

ince in Congress during the past nook,

ttracted vast audiences, and it is not a very pleasant

ign of tho times that pro-slavery

ixeito applause. The audiences seem to bo about

qiially divided between pro-nod ami-slavery men, and

I think it is n fact to-day that a majority of tho office-

holders in this city would bo nioro likely lo applaud a

sentiment from Crittenden than one from Lovejny.

Mr. Wright ni Pennsyfvanin called for tho rein-

statement of McClellan in command o! tho Army of tho

Potomac, the galleries burst out with tremendous


I was slrnck with " ['.isiago In the speech nl

Kelley of Philadelphia, one of our itonneh anti slavery

nbers of Congress. This ii

Sir. I am but a poor snd

e lillle duly ot a mililar

Ihi" gltmp I" 1 Inline

ill, i.iieiiieJH ..f military .

"' Speaker -

e family of a man w in .until then, had•capon ho held, r

,.. ..,,,,:

,1 the In

ile to Ih

by t ns ol tho u> and). 1.. mil.

ile- rel.elli.iu i territut v to furnish

lyrii ..-. if.-v «^ ';; i

; ;


; ;



R , will ii" longer be nhlom

" ':: ',r



:l l„l|lil,ill|M( Hill

elab. . indie Iheir

tood, inako their

a the record allows they have

e war—(0 light their killW l,e

w before tho country, if they eau

c negroes should -I I loyal—

ahuiii ii-alioi-., ; and when they htako out a patonl for their own loyally.

llero is tho argument in favor of tho bill— in the list

few sentences of the paragraph—and in a small cini-

pass. Tho bill is expecled to pass to-day.

Times havo changed very essentially since tiiolay

when Charles Sumner was struck down upon the foor

ofthe Senate by the ruffian bund ot Brooki. I Ihe.ght

of this last Monday when I saw tho graceful forji of

Wendell Phillips in the Senate Chamber of Iho Uliled

Slates, In Iho House he was greeted as a conquciar—

id is ho not conqueror t The long time Abolilimist

n coiuo nnd go with safety In Washington nt net


indeed lie is honored. These changes nr.e hardly n,pre

cialed in Ihe whirl uf events. A few days ago I siw n

iindins In one ol iho doors loading ti the

door of Ihe Ilouse. listening to Ihe anli-idaver.v dihate,

door pushed slightly open. Ho tins nn

employee, bul he was deeply interested in tho lebato

upon his race. In the old time I suppose that he iionld

pulled out by Ihe heels if he bad been caught

Hun reader* all know, personally or by repute, MrPiUNCKi D. G.iiik, of Ohio, nnd most of tl^m are prob;lily aware that, uuaie time since, she went lo SouthCarolina, to a Haiti, :n way might open, in the care an,

Instruction uf the Freedmen. Her experience asi

aou>owifo, her acknowled^d literary ability, and he:irdent devotion to every good canse, coiiimend'd liel

io all her acquainlanees as an eminonlly suitable perion for ih" work which there needs to bo done. Wiire ii. .1 i-urprnvd, Ihoreloro. to learn that, upon Hu""'- iieml.lion uf Prof. Zaobos, General SuporLitsndnit, fiou. Sailon has appointed lier a« Snpcrintonden

if the plantations; six in Oumbor, on Paris Island. Thi

'island, at lis upper end, is six miles from Beaufort, nm'

i lower extremity six miles from Uilton Head.

Gage's eiiii is iho only white person with hor.

! are on the bland three hundred and fifty men,in and children. In n private letter the soys:

y are the lowest nnd saddest oondilioaod people

e f.niii'l/' (l.i nee it ot Ili.-.-.r isolated condition

Imvo not received so much attention ns othcra wholore favorably situated, and Iheir wanls are vcry

prossing." Mrs. (."ago saya : "Can you not, throughgood wife and lady friends, send mo n bo.v of

t Among the articles needed nro thread (linen,

black and whito), cotton spoof* of the coarser num-?3, cast-asido children's clolhes (if not too much•rn), old drones, men's coal*, nnd other garmen Is,

. II yoor friends can help Ibn poor people bi life

1 hope, 1 think Ihey will do ilieumilvi-s a great

|l::|e( ,|,l,(

tllorfer. Why si icf


s connected with I

Pr.-deriek D.inelit-i will talk on l'|-ei;liiuiilion nnd Ihe AMen. in the Cooper Institute, on Pridaj

week. Give him a full liou .e.


be directed lo

lleekmnn sire

idle of clolhini

A barrel of elothii

Clllirohi Harlem.

rel of clothing, Ang

boy, N. J.

li, £ S. Oagnod, New V

C.ii!i, Thomas Garrett. WiMiry Pel ino ek, Kennel t, P

nley of Norlh Carolina is paid to have I

igning ns a reason liii opposition lo I

nation. Hie adminis I ration has be

ra—nn.offeiice to nil truly loyal ci

ragoment lo Ihe rebels.

Rov. Robert Collyer has received n very urgent call

i Music Hull, lloston, to ho setllcd over Iho 2Slh Con. Society (late Theodore l'ark.-r's) ; hut lie,

la declined It, from his strong attachment lo his

jciely in Chicago, nnd interest in Ihe great Western

r fns

under I of ihe Mercantile Library A^soe

a-oa lull. We understand lint I

tame associnlion lias invited Mr. P. to deliver his It

will probably do so ere long.

.1 IV:,-: ingtun ncjiuoh'oaii says: "It may nnl be

Mrs. Lincoln has contributed more than

Washington, from her private purse, to

sufferings of our wounded soldiers ; and

that day by day li

of Ihe wliei

uvilh her own hand* delicacies propai

i While House. Tho fear of contagion and the

outcries of pestilence fall unheeded upon tho ear of

lose whose mission is mercy.

Theodore D. Weld lectured twice recently in Con-

cord, N, 11. 7/ie /iidejH-ndenf S)/ says : " In both

i oddreaaes, Mr. Weld spoke with great power,

i first address he analyzed clearly and logically

tli- ta.edi.eirloe ..r secession, uiid iho bare-faced Hi*

ihe eonspinilors ; in his la=t, he poinled out the

ny hindrances to

v Hampshire. Mr. Weld's style

fi rd by c

log, and not of a

veil a

clear, and his reasoning is profound.'' Ceisodvertls

apeak in Portsmouth on Sunday and Monday evenin;

fob. Sill and 9th.

Boston TVffliiMripl 'notices with a wnrm I

proper indignation, certain slanders which are wide

circulated. It says :

'Within Ihe lust two years there have been thr

,ilient pers-'lei io hied pin. .. wlieui

in, far more iii.mii nnd ulear ili.n lhat nl worn,

i iula uslr Hi. I Willi. .ill I-..,[i.!.ilioil. (.lure... I wi

unkenness. Wc -|.e;ik plainly, lor lma been I

plain slander. ""

l,k ha:,

»e« ne.

,leri have be.

malignant and Ihongni

ly ollleera, one ol whoicalumny bee,, h

publicly t<

'November I.

...iel, .

1 1 tie til. .»li. i bin i.e.- ii iii I lie and most .

;lh L j... - . ,i ,-.i witli Hooker foe eighteen

until-. Ih it II ,iv bus been, even in the

,,.., . I ., 1 ,. t • hie, a single instance ol bin being

i.I.t Ih mil'!, ii ol "Irons drink : .in.l Ihey author

e us to say further, thai lliei* never ,..ul.l have been,

. lhat lime, Mieh ..» inst-.ii.-- willeell lle.-ir Ijinvin;; il

- hearing it. " IVo have Ibe weed ..( nii.-.thei' able ulu-

>r. with whom the l.ieiieial led. I Idrhly responsible

lice for two years in California, (hut ho never knowr heard of such an instance.

"it is with lepiil-ieii we write Ihi-

iithoritniive refutiti ii n which venomtI idle ili.iughi|i.-.,iieis li.ii. '|.i.:el so widely ns tc

iake im duty to Iel I tho truth."


lull ni .


allowed or i.i.l i ., .,

0'.. n,. ^r ma, 1. -

I : o Hull -i<

Dived toio ihe nunc,Slates

;nor shall there be iv.

either of tl o Stales of liel mginia, Kv'.lueky. Trontejc-..,

flrst nl

Tlioamerdmeut lo ll-.c MIssqui

as ropoi'.til by Senator llirri.

.fits of a Bubttn

JJins, ,> do Willi can iu roF-rion-e lo Ibis

eiidi in Ihij city, and we

iihe Judicial

ill.. .v.- 1 for Ihoadoption of an Eciincipalloo Oct ; a prohibition ji payfor any sieve introduced Into Hie Stale mibteqicntly to

the pnuage ( tliis .ict. and nn incrca o ol i I.OQO

000 appropriation, ..: .Iflfl

iii'lca.l ..I -.ol for nch -Lave.

i ..i

The venerable Thomeinlribntions, (ays :

" I have long known Franc

Ga^o, and 1 think her one nf tho most noble speci

i handiwork of Iho Almighty. She is willi

any sacrifice io help the d(-; : pi.ji-d mil nppre:ied

id. May alio havo her reward, and 1 know sh

1 doubt whether in all the land another womoo found as well qualfQed as she is lor the uudei


s. Ketcbum,of Harlem,

il the Ladies' Society oi Ihe Congregntionnl Church

at place, says : "Being

icon able In accomplish much ; but if our small

Ibution can iii: e inv .if Ihe-ie p. .or despised p(

- ^ «fe*~--iR?' '-** -'•'

n M.oida) evening. ^ n >" f™issing of Heaven n

her, nrc spending the

With the money placed in uur hind ; lor Jtrs. Gjge

e are able to buy the nrlicles sliu needs for less than

the market price. Three good iii/id boxes of clothing,

tie., are already packed, ready to he sent by Iho

essel lhat ?ails lor Beaufort. Further c o ill ribulimn

,re reeded.

Ex-Gov. limns D. Moihim was, on Ti

ecled U. H. Senator from this State, la

Hon. 1'iesloii King, whose lerm expires on

March next. He is nut of the aluff of

aipire State ninrlit to inibe her Senator.

ncn this, hut it i. said that he standi pledged lo

pporl the Proclamation and nil 111

it lo give it effect.

eceil the

10 till of

hlch the

t ll,i Stnatt. on the 2!ltfi, the semi-trailorous Saui

y of Delaware made nn apology for his outragen

i.-inr two days before, tl is s.lid lie wot lain

denounced tna iiii-l.-

I'le'ekot and when, u

died to order nnd finally po

displayed n pistol and threatened to shoot iho Ser-

geant-! I-Arms. IIi3 conduct waa worthy of a cham-

[ alavcry. On the same day there was n spirited

ilon ol tho bill to aid the State ot Missouri in Ihe

ipatlon of slaves. Mr. Wilson (Hep., Mnss.) said

.1 came from the llousn, where it passed under

d of a member from Missouri, providing Tor Ihe

payment of ten million with immediate emancipation,

slaves to be y .id for who are brought into that

fter the war. It went to the Judiciary Commit-

lcc of Ihe Senate, and comes back amended lo allow

here for thirteen years longer, ftnd

doubling the amount lo he paid ; and iniloadofrcfuafng

to pay for slaves br-'imlit inio theStaio after the

purposes to pay for all al.nc3 not freed under the Con-

nidation net. Ho was willing to dn all ho could t£

make Ihe great State of Missouri n freo State, but he

' is bill uilli Ih


or. All tin

twenty millio.

>souri I

Jago I

.- would not

of dollar

|,|..b.fe.| Il


iaj :

the said (

r. gula!

ihey m .. I. , , i.

clolhine . .1 (,,„;,.,-„;.,.

ifflcercd by wbiio i.rl.:mil- .


(he ruli ,i. : .,• ,.


regulatiu^ as may le prl'rovid, I, Thai no I. I

rules or nrth !. . ,.f r ,r.


rj-lonO. West Vlr-

rotectlon if 1 would give ,,.. u in.-.ii nueiiinn nr.,1'iluivlimiivi ..Verowin'lolW .,',',. „,' '<Z!coiil.l not dev lorn ciinsletu.'i ly «,| ni.iv you llndio onprolccled under II, e I'd. i-. 1 <,.,,. riiTi,.,r,t amibandioncd by my only flrolher for mv j. ,Kti, l- he ii

under the Confederate an I I among iIk t, |, v i. „-,.

sepprated in sorrow and nmnv leiir.i i io the I. „,|.,i' .hing fhufy 1 .-ill ..I vmi for advlso nn,1 Einipathi.'e like ,i Son il 1 looio myilh your aid feek (i.iuie r.-ipeet.-ihte

i ... ill.

I'lKi, "XT-B A«l Sl« BOY r in-. -VinoI .- V 1 -

The Aoti-Kluvory Pntlrclj out 01 p.iat.n id 1 . ... t knon v. h -

a slngl .eh.l. of the nut

hit II rtillconse 1 1..

Will CO for a .. Il t .b.

tludncj i to III above ollnd.-l t,

irieo f

olllee. 1 will no,, ,


Anti-SavtT!/ QJJic At.

triijted liii

) our peep!

'lease oblig me by a call a moment If ever In i

r to servo or oblege you I will iviih the gtvjt,

nro May the Blessings uf our IL-avenlv mlilh and conduct yon Ihrougli llfu is tho pi-ayerllumhle Servantdviso Irtiuis lo bo n good tellow nnd tako care


Notice.—The call for copies of " The Anil-Slaver

nistory of llic John Brown Year" has been so consii

irnble, that no more copies can be rent for the niuoui

•f postage, ii hereiolure offered.

Foit GnATuirors Drsriimrrriox.—The valuable and still

timely tract, by Mrs. L. M.iria Child, entitled, "ThoRight Way tho Sare Way. proved by Emancipation in

the British West lndlca, and elsewhere " (10S pages),

111 be sent by nihil to any person requesling il, and

iclo.'ing nix ctiits in j.ojtage stamps. Ad-

re&i S.i-'ttiKi, M.iv, Jr„ 221 Washington Sitttt. RotUm

lLaiiiv Siirrn'.; Siv.tioi.—Ibc ediiiinible speech " OnCountry,*'dcliteredhy Mr. Smillmt the Cooper lusli

tute, Dec. 21. liar, h .-en published In pininblct form, amlemnllcil, po.t paid, f.-r a iIiree-ccntBlnmp dent b

nT(m,nn5~(n nif war.

n.-nr,etl'i Ilm,'A .., We,hie-:.t.iv in.inio- Imiik.llei fr.iio |.lnrle.,tuo, |.ii|-|...rliie; I,, have 1

opied fi-oni the Uie >IH,:,^I,:A -i ll.nel.ii

il.el.ire.l that en Saturday morning laarube' ll.ei '.( i':h.irl.-Ht..ii.eiiaii.tiii- nl two

piilch.d up iron-elads and line.- smill allending" upon our blockading ro.uad-

— lii-e and cripplciln, sunk two of the shi..IMlutlelf".,leiu..-I Ihe reulile.i.luf ..very ..

e ...f .1 blockade, The itoiv ii inherently iiuprub:

to-day, nnd to iithret the tluek imtkel

i. McCIernno.l has landed hi--. Ion:

ide, die milcn belnw the mouth o

Timo will tell,

i on Ihe Louiti-

the Vawo, and

two tie.i.h - were engave lie

bank full It \'


t tin" entervt-.-nt nl pel


Jen. V..-t:'i. -

n.-.|intely .],. them,,on! adv,liu across tl

n. The (k'bltng apnea

el ..n, pr oiien weie e.,pt„re,l. t;. . Corcoranhad commiiid of our forces.

The Army and llic Ktegrocs.

if.-,,,if.', i„

i.ixr/.vnox ui lli.ui. I'luimi^t-;

(ion. Curtis ha< orgnniied one l.lael; regimenana, and i.i unking pied j..i'ee--r^ \i iih anteleltcra from Hie Heel .,1


state tint be i., filing up hi-: crews will,

builied fie. .linen i.l Aekmi m.-j in.I ,Mi .ii-jJippi.of

groat numbers arc scckin.. Ferviee under tho UnitedSlates. It i.- Ihoueht th it half the men who nun il'" "rnllolilln will noon be ot African descent- I

competency a-t sudors and gunners, no doubt

by our Admirals or

-Wash. Car. THdun

Sspomlont of TBc 'A^

the Atlanlie during

aid the States

pay foil

prico for all slaves. That Stalo

;lavery would have been Ihe greatest State west ol the

All. glmiicii. He offered, as n substitute foi

general bill, giving aid to Iho States of Missouri, West

Virginia, Delawnre and Maryland. Mr. Fessendei

(Hep., Mc.) eaid the bill, as passed by Ihe House, pro

Tilled that n good and valid not of emancipation should

be passed by the State before any money wna paid.

Hat this bill simply provides for a law by tho State,

lie was not willing to vole fir making nn approprii-

l"ion for tho deportation nf thoso slaves. This was o

palicy he had never pledged himself to adopt. It would

be entering upon n boundless ocean ot expense, which

he doubted lhat wo would be able to carry out. In

Tl "C particulars ho preferred the House bill to the

ubititnlo of the Committee on tho Judiciary. Mr.

.lerson [ urged the Senator from Massa

etts not to attempt to put Maryland and Delaware

.eVl ii, Is State, has been i

and ihe troops beforeUrleniH. 1 liuve re. J..iil.t I, ,t il.,

ind skillful defenders of the

.ailed up. ii will do ..... j-1 service.''

Tun Nkojioto I'iout os Horn Sin

ing Jeff. Davis's well affected hoi

execrable measure recorded in Hi

man," there is good evidence thai

selves have been the llrut to uso the

have* larger black army than tin

they have only employed the n

- and , „,« ,,

'1 ed lilinil lie raroe-l ]

ike myself, lie ein.e no mont i..e imi rcjlerday ho ,

Meaning of Such a Step a.

er from Ihe Weather 1 wi

i M.i e -It 1 ,Ihi.-I|[.t ! :l„, ,.11 :.,1 -

ill on by Ihe Moroy ol

ir brielller anil'

-My brother t.;lil liim li,— Wltl, me

all would loownit Kegrnn if

io promlit not to lento mo an: year and did not leavo mo 1

i ho wan taken last year bvId not stay he runaway ml

"lie. Sivru.': TcrtmoKY.—Gen.Saii following short account of his ell

.il volunlter Iroaps to the ^ccrelar ,.f War i

Ban. B. il. Btsjvtos, Srenlary of War. '

in Sin I Imi.- Hie Iiunnr lo i-ejMii i lul the i, reinii ,.f the lit Regiment „f -.-eiitli r.,,-,ion V.,l„ r ,

i-i I1..H ...lufl-leil. The regiu.eiit is light ilit.ililry

Oi.-d of ten conipliii.-,.. uf nl.eul .-i,;lilv -l.i ...el

armed with nio-Weln, in. I „iik.-re I by whit.In erj u.;.'.Hi d-itl. -1. riplini ei,

1 1 me rile. I,.

.l.i;lll -1 lillle it 111. bee,, ii. ssri ! .-. ll.l r, v-'ii.-.u

t ui,.|,i-.„-.,l be one „-.- reeii.ient in ll,i , |i'.- 11a , .

. bl.o.jl.J itei.r bi- ,1-. i;...l I. tune lo get int

n, I bavo no fiarj but it » ill .via its own way 1

tho confidence ..f Ho,-,- win nr.. i.illiag to rreognirmurage an 1 niar.hcnd, and viodici", Hie oi-.- |..,||,


it lllu Adi .iraie.o in pniiin- ili-so men into IhDeld,.-.ol ci.i-r ll.eoi n ehsrr u t„ itrlke a blo.v t..

-oniry sod liter:,. In no reglnion1 ever seen doty p.rfoi med ivlih so much cheer

fulness nnd alacrity. As Boollaols, ihey are peculiar).

I have never seen in any body of men .m, h entlni i

io and ,le.-p.M-:ili-i| l„ tll.-ir r.llleers n: evi-it

Ihis, They will surely go wherever they are led.

volunt. .

if the Importance of his service I.

organization nf Ihls regiment I hdifficulties which might have dfscoi

less faith in the wisdom of the nios

to report that ihe experiment in i

My belief Is lhat when we get n l

---* regiments may bo raised n

a fully|

".-1 ':':.''

oast ot Georgia

I havo the lit

icnced Ihe orga

The expedition ut" bring

Ihoreaiiliof wldeh 1

nor aldo lo report II

lizitfon of the 2d Itcg

by Col. Montgomery,great respect, your ol

jr. .11 vol. -. lor lb

liven for Iho

KegliiionLi. ., -...! ii .mi ii., ,|..uht I... ni iirent us ul niiilar one undertaken last Summer.Tub FiuajoiiiLv or Suith— II i^ inidei-.l.nil.

.ys the corredpuo.leoi ..I Th' <W i.i il..- l-..ii1i,.,-ii

Deparlnient, Ihitfieii lluiuei- will direct tho ainocu-'" of the uf cotton oo Hie plantnlious

iCfl coder Ihe uu.pi..ei .,|" ih,- i;ov.?i i.nieiil .l.irin-

. . _ inline oca-ion. Ile proposes lo lnvo all Iho *oil

devolcd to ihe raiding ni eorn. iu order to afford eotne,'

relief to the SiiW<ienc.> li.-p iriment, nnd de-i-. nun. h -' [."'ibl.- the dii'fii "1 ihis llepnr

for the1""1


'„clal profibi of lost yi

capital inve"

a it. it Is true. iii„,.|,!|-uil

lad moat to do wiih the i

io pr.ieiil strailened e.-.iel

, it Ij will ni-giie.l, tiiuili


lihiblu' |!.r'.

-ible. l.'.,n

in... Hi.,

juihoriied liy

. disconiile-

r reason i.i Ihe.le^rv ul lien ll,,..i..r

of the able-bodied phinlali.

rice in the army and, elc, can be well railed byM..oii'"Fiori- ii already hard "t work

\rieu- ;.|nolii[i..r.:, fur recruits.

-The report that -Gov. Andrew had'-- War Department lo eob-.i .:..l-

ea correct, as the following order

ii Iii:r.iiirur..-JT. IV.Miiwiros Crry,)

urJtml, (hut iloe. An.lrer,-, ,.

.•I until iiirllicr ook-l' to rah..

.|l,|.,.|.i.:.-: ..|" urtlllerv f-r .lull

ills and clscivhetc ~ '-

lie: lull.

111. IV , nil

dunleera lo ho enlisted for dire.largetl, an, I may hu-lude |;,t. -->... .,1 \ ik-toul, bilo inrpi. lie .. ill llnille Ihe usualre, hut re.|iiliiioii. ...ii i lie .i

;ipro|-.riiite niniV, bureau] and

ofllccr*, for ill,: |.l..|,:r tr..l, |..,ri item. of;.'.. Hi. nil.,.,, -Il|e

nil.., illl.-lslei,..-, -irm-i Kiel . .,. lie. iii ill . .,1 Mieli lolllii-

--O. Lon-isil.Kri>aov. Ji.ereii.vul War.

ti'ixmo RrmMECT iv* run Diirnirrr or CoU'uuri.—


iveiuent ii alrc.uly on am -n-.. ihe culorcil p.-uple

this District to urgnnil.e a regiment ninong Ihem-ves, nnd when the hid noiv pemliog lieforu Congress

shall havo become a law, lo lender their nervicos la

Pr.-,iileiillii->!.. -,. i..TL-.-.-.- ....J. ,-. I." Th..,,l

in'i"''.«i.i"- 11''!-,'. •'-".'


Wi: i.i. Said—A correipondonl of tho Providence |IL.) Journal—nn ufflcer In tho Army ot Ihe 1'oi.nni. -loses a letter to ihe ediior ol p .per as follows :

"I am no negro wor.ihi|iper. I hue iKvayi believed

that a white man is as good na a negro, If he behavedwell. Negroes are an much iuiere iel in ihi i


while men are ; Ihey ni

iv h, ,i

ry ! guiltyrebels tli.un.

il ns soldiers,

oui-j). Tho n.bef-i luire ihem lo U tht agnini! un : v

not give Ihem an opportunity lo llghi tor

-e are » in ,,7„..J- rjf.iu.-i irAo or; iiuri.fl

ii'i/iwi nh'mhl jJ.jht ./",.,- rtv, t't Ihnncomt itntlfyht Ih

tho mncbin

o iho b

Stoics ir.oi

to! -'


,ff,ng cast, ..ol Sonwork of a day. Whsicao Reel flngora'do

now I Yards in nalls-fe.t to Inches ate lb.- .hileru

r.-s.ilts, ned yet tin- lif.l. bird ^mg' on—a plnytht

fur ii child a reh.i lor the Weary - Ho: bul fru-i

ihe ther— the eonipjiiion oi ibe dangtiler, mid a

blessing to nil in the house.

'One trial will suffice to prove the truth uf

word', mid mini' lint e-er Ime.inie the poj<e.'-'

willii.elv pun null the Utile. .Iiiiple sewer lll-it

host with a nee. 11...i>.

.ei'.. i-niine hitlierto

ileemed impossible -lie.: r iioi; illltell ! and therefol

acting iu the iii.1 I., nil re wing-in nehi—- -

nssisliiig them to aceoniplish their great work

lo this unholy rcbellio

Tub New GiJiNisnci— Dr. Dio Lands, aulhor of

New Gymnastics and Principal of the lloilon Normal

Institute for 1'hyiienl Culture, will give a lecture

tho subject In the Cooper Institute, on Wednesday ovi

ing neil. A largo number uf ladies nnd gentlemen,

members ol Mrs. Plumb's Privato Class (meeting

Dodworth's Hall), wltl bo present, tn lull gymnai

costume, lo illustralu Ihoeyotem. Tho growing iu

eject will nu doubt inauro n crowd

Tuk Ri

her of that iyof tl

lb. ii vup-tiel.oi. Ir

,. ol I'.-nii

receive the blessing oi Almighty God nnd the approv-

ing verdict of nn admiring world I (Loud applause.) |

LUox fttcoiiD, Part XXVI, is moslly ocoi

pied Willi " DocuniuriLs," connected with the progrc

ot ihe War, on the rebel as well as the loyal lido. Si:

teen pages, however, nrc filled with " Poetry and Inc

douls." Theporiralla prefixed are those of CommodoreTheodorus B:illey and Mnjoi-Gen. Josoph Hooker

a.lverinemvrii ol thi, wurii io another column.

Tug Asn St.ivF.nv Costectios for the State

of New_York will, wo undentand, bo held at Albany

n Wednesday and Thursday, Teh. iSlh nod 2lltl)

1 ihnll give iniil.vr pnrlieiilar-] nevl week.

pay t

,- when they ask for it. His Slato

ard nnd asked help to rid herself of

d break down a system which binds them

of moral indignati..

anient prupoiei to em [.ley iiecroe-on Ihe

lo the q-.c of ni-jti "ci io die Southernletter from an otllcer ol the Cinks eupc-

ditlonnt Baton Itouge,says


The formication, ill l'..rt lludon aro said to he

very, ihe heavy aitillerj gang ..I men in-on-

7u'U)"'a'dmi'tted. inako ihe bent " soldiers in llic

1 tor berivi artillery :erviee, heiii: very 10., bit

The ,...iiind ..I ihe .. en does re. Ialfeei ll.eir

, nnd they can endure faiiguc

Mow 1 s the 1, If Co:

grew mennl lo do nnyiuing to carry out its pledge* to

abolishing shivery. It" this ohjeat wore

out. ho bolioieil tile rebellion would lose nil it

In Mtsiouri. Refuse this and he might be dri

mile, nnd slavery might become stronger Ihi

On the following day tho discussion was resumed, and' " tho Judiciary Coui-


Ileuat on Ihe 2Sth, there was 111 eJciled dis-

upon tho bill authorising the employment of

troops of Alrlosn descent. TI10 frioods of

mined lo put tho queition upon the passage

of Ibe bill, nnd ils opponents resolved to preveot it by

motions. The struggle was pro-

jraclnl through the night. unlil el o'clock on Thursday

1a House adjourned vwith the

iat the bill should ho open for forthi

r debate. The bill was further debated

ud 30th ;Messrs. Slovens, Sedgwick and

,15 r."..... ml

others in Intor, anil sev

cHllie and Hovder State

deoitc was continued on

onMondsy. Those who adv.1

1 .1 MB D --

RniCOcConWUngof New Voik.Tnml.,- 01 '... .i'i.. -

ofllaMachnsctus, Davis ol l'n., Olhl ol New \ .,rL. 1\ H-

son 01 lown, and Stevens of Pa. Those who opposed it

vfcroMciBr*.ThDiu.i.ti.r Mi 1., Riddle of Pa., Pendlolon

| Ohio, Maynard ot Twin.., Allen, Cos and While of

Ohio. Mr. Slovens of Pa., flic author of Ihe bill, closed

the debate in u very able speech, in which be rephed



lb- I' Il 1...

Negro i-l

111 ib... 11. and oegro (davi

..f I'oi-l lind, nod .or

luly bur

R,.__._clly hi th..

avyguns within thefortifieatiuin.

are liejiuuing to realize this fact.

I it. Phillip are now being manned;s. mere are now nheut 3,Ci')0 of them.drilled in j.ronri.1 movements as infantry,

rms, by Gem Phelps, who fully resiiiod whatnmo 10 In regard to employing negroes as

Gen. Boiler could not eoiupreheiid Ihis fact,

isult was that Gen. Phelps resigned and went

homo. Gen. Duller changed entirely his opiuioo, armed

thee verv men Gen. Phelps hid (rained and disci-

plined, mid it 1- folly .uloiitb.d ib;

while working ihe

and forts Jnckton f

r discipline, and who to

who a

those who had spoken agub

I as follows, yeas Si, nays ao :

rU-i Ui thi ;*..anrV' .mi Ool.ti- ./ Brprt-ttnU

lor t : JaekiuO 1110] el ewhere, I i:iiv y e . Ie rd, l"y a c.

nany ol ,oiw .-eventy-llte, who had been a.-lee

wiliiiu the last eighteen by fieri. Wierm:

or,lerl> .anil were being drilled by him, nr,d they ,-e

showed pr.'iiei. -"ey m company inoveni-.

Tlii. ...oipiu.v i, to be tilled up t.. 111 ininoii.oi,

and ii to wort Ihe heavy gum un 1 lurtificatien.'

Fnnu IIiTOS Kocie.—The correspondent of T7ic

tiinr, wrilinn fruio liJlon I-'''.'-'. I-'-, .'.in- 1-. ''

i-n|.'iti'oi"..r lid.' b... .oi..

' « r .. v unloid voisell. di

muh-' act a. -ereiinl-. mid .lo ,iiiv work we put them

it. wanting judicious s.i|,erii.t-.-.i.leii.:e. Uo tho night

..ur arrival I .iH.-n.le.l .1 -inir. .Irel ' perlornunr

,-., , .i.u.eelteiit.lii'.iin i...illy, :ii -i.iyt - J-

t's. Done by while folks. I coi

entertainment, but I laughed I


The l.llle ,.r)rre,p-,:|.iell!.,

.-i, says; As an illustration bolh uf

[lie abject conditio.-' ol' dep-ndeiiee of the whites upon

their shives, and uf the working! uf ihe proclamation,

1 appe-ml a teller receive I by Lip! ^e.inisns, our D"vosl-Slarshsl. and wi-illen -•• hun by J widow, t

deotol tliiiphiee. It Ul-ri'i pr-perly to 7"... Vr.'.i.a-.

ndl have copied it liter. .IU- lie.idn.jf it, .me -• -

Hie ,....

liwj' a) taTUnHtii'^aitl of Am-W'.l, That the President be, ao.

ri:ed, to enrol, arm, equip nnd

ii '.'uo ;.- ae is herebyeiva into tho laud


'lb. .1

r'ighttul rS. Cllt COUimtu. .1 pu|..-i

ii.1lt1.11 liugue January 2


1 lli.'ll

while III




I N RECORDr aitemiuN k,>m


ra .1 ,;-i ..-:

1SC3. To the Honorable i





'"r°S I'—'!

o'-''.'[>''' '"


''"" ll '''"'

njOaH.tnS^BYo.v.', ktajit.^'h!,"

Q , fi"

C '


psttllaucmig gjsimrtwetrt,

NEW YEAbroke the Jocii

DAY, 1963

lornlng o'er iba ei

b (he- mailer 1 Every lady sees tl.M «L- i.i.J

...... lu*...., wa-

.if- n Tei-ilioU

" tllC il HO! llble I" enlBmntld the l.-l

, ,„ „,,,„.,,{ i,,...,,, ,., .veiidi ..i u most delicate n.Gwnt perfori

ho is shut What he goea

Klo "cull SlehaS[bur fear or respect. freedom. U

will shun til

eilciuenl, mm„ r,

n.^.nv,. lutlc r,lLiig..ras.

ind I imd FQltiuhinim only. "T "

ved won. "aa i' dor.o.

,„... Not. lionCTor, without

|,,"r-M.T.lV-.--- II..' -hob-' carted

1' llio vocal forces; ii

ii' hia habitual sbrit.l

,, contributed t!u;

ml (...„(

,,v])- rlilns fro" 1

™Jj, '-Thou dost work



York could God n

.CorlDahiSfashionably laie.

nJudcanlJUial OSTl"! thli golden mon

itc.isi mill forlor

.. seraphic, ' ChrlJI, tbr Lord, to-day

Cbrfttof Freedom oomiib, lu, ibe awe

dear c'l.ild' I did not Chide you, dlil not dure to tell y<


r.ju raid. re some angel ringing li

,.. (il.iry II

'cr Ihcio blcjacd ildlues opened ivldo oppi

Mull end ihe crying and ibu bondage ell n

trc-Chlli from Hi mother should lie pin

jho. nnnontcd glndueis ahhilufi lo III hnllo 1

n my duple Iteming, did transflgure nil

loiindlng bean of nature dmpt


" Caulr chewed lobooOl

nil)' who aunt to Netiding " for her alupid

as she came at nn hour

!, appropriated. She

nub « ruodo-l couple

BtcltCll her suBpioioiia

re ak 111*1, 'd wilh " comniiini

. ibe Irani. .1 thai

" lion." 11" neither

in-liile.': in other ci]-- beaiuginrj

Ibu (jovcra

he won only a qniut pentleman aiiuportiog

tiy honorable burin ess, too bl

to occupy himself "lib tboso

Codfish was indignant. Up



iho National I .lb c



..„ ...jked (but so

ider Ibo moat nninvorinj; circutnsb

bieh the Indies and p.-nrti'mvn oi the chorus poured

out full bcurtu in their anup— all with no reward

but the!

such m


i rcd-e]IM

Tho weak—Tbuy stem to Imv

Moilly lo bis cmbi

TOoy llndil

with I


inlly) b

SWEET UDERTV.lhn rn hir*

Will 1

>mtu Cbt'vhliBr a

i. but «ii nil-

infn madhonie. [,i rhnt Ji msJhtf htill remsim.

ji word ns to IbeproTho atiilk of the plant WDHO to

cnllcdjbo shore or boon, and nn:ullj luu nlnsiB

. Z^rr

In the i

people." No. Mrs. CodGsu ; tbo»o «bo know jou

do not deem you . ^pi.ld.i u! i;(.i«miitnij> um-h « tnnw.

Mm. Luilfch is huw u-attd toller mind. Tobsnuro.

tlio " bend " of her tnbla in a very puriijn

ll,i bIoiioWb into Ibo dininp-hnll «iih his blind a id

pocbela ; bo piiumlu ibo labia ; be alorme - "'


.nil ye linlebillsllbelnmhl!

:litd ullh sleO]i

mby.wlsdom all II re

Iiib'IIE ln inu-erao no

rrgni nor bieclii'C

Mm. Cod

I 11 .or. 1B i.,l! ihit.i.-i, II.- Imn.hia filled will.

;g. " Ludiiw on the fourth Goor !" the exelnimi d.

.pn»sihle ! Tliero may b; uoin^/i theie, Wi«irl" Liulo Mr*. , na she tits in hor eunny

parlor uii tho fourth floor, iho embodiment of quiet

rrrnco and refine nil' ut, would be tUirhily nsioninlied

it tuld by the bud, vul K ai- voice of Mru. Codfiub thitl

Bho ia not a lady, but wilb n nico estioiato of ii*

aourco, bIih would m.r re-vet tin., imputation. I'ruy.

Mrs. Codfish, ic*o BTe you? If your K ra_ndfnther

wan not Lunged, I d.,re wy thai be deserved to bu.

And if ho win a n-puliibl.; uiaii.liito mi,be mi migul

of, how ho muBt blush on ibu hij;li lloor of henvon

ov«r the mean liltl. l i-.» a of hi^ar-ii.d-duuybHirl I'odr

old wouisti 1 Powder your liieu ; color your bsir;

friillo it up till it l.n.kit like m. i.Jeillaling pyramid

toppling ahovu your (orobond ; deck m f,ny Bilki

niul luces your well-preaeri

fntcaofliiov""yuurMngunttho-fini !lo

mid dump, in

of Ihe Naiioi




Janunry 22, 1863.


iri Inirly intio^nrntei).

alraoat Btnotb^red with n

have oome to the Capital

of alnring HC eaeh otber.

Imr, slandering eileb ..Iber, nod ttuu-

ith the eplei..l"i !' a ni'W lire* 1

' '- death -ptruggle.

The WiuhuiBton"«TV li'.li.lniii over, we(huul ol ht-hiiinnbli-s, '

for the cxpre=B purni

envying cnel '

ning B,^ihle pu,.„,, night. I-L

StHtenncn nro bene..! and Hilf lit. Mililury chiefs

hn-gard and desperaW. 3oldiera nro diing like

ttheep Irom wouude and privniions. Their fami-

lies urn eufjiiring ibu eMrcmca of oicknees nnd want,

for lu>:k ol ibu money and comfort* which tbc bua-

band and fathet could -jhcq tupply, but the soldiers

of tho republic lo-d.ay bavo no money. Sixty mile=

away, one of ii? muai gnlhiiit nrmii s, unpaid, unehel-

terad, half-fed, di^.our.oe-i, noul-sn-k, Innguiahea on

tho bants of tbe R,|ij>»ljaiioock. This ia thu unex'

aggerated Ufa ol tbe hour.; but la thcte new-conien

it m lifu to route c.'ilU in :t earrmge. lo mabu n oho»

at dinner, a aem-aiion in tli^ parlor; to wall*, tc

flirt, lo doze and dream, and to waste, lime. Yes

the Benson hitfl commenced. IV« who did not comt

lo the "National" to be fashiennblc are folly eon

ecioua of thia fact, aa wo mute over the quiet days

that »re no mora ; tho cozy chats with congenial

friends in still parlors, wilh no bui;-buz: lo break

our pi el iearnest (toughte into eoipty Bound ; tbe

lonely, niedimiive (.r.ju.ei.'ili-- tbr-opti Bilent anloona,

wboeu crimson shadow wa» broken only by tho Bufliia-

ing eunabinc of tho early Souihern Winlcr. Now.they ore filled with loungers and laughter


fashion and lolly; with belles nnd beaux ; with

magniDcent matrons sud pji'e widows waiting to

bu consoleo for (heir " irreparable loss."

Vel tbeae hilarious days bring Iheir reoompenso.

it going to abu-e theui. nor iheir silly peoplf


hopeieaaiy ugly, and


,.[111 tiiiiirlebiful Jnrrlnsl

null cml tbls iv.i-ful« ;irrl[) B .

a, all forjjelful of h.

mleols'nestb bert!

igwllh jeweled bai

:r feel bet eblldrcn, i.„ir,irln(

. Li

and 3.

and did tb..ii

li.i.-nini: H-ii|

Ibau the nu.l

Pbo progTnrume, nflor lill iho tbrealonirJgii, ttuod

Otnotj and only ibu absdow of n doubt reiuained

Uut it would co through well Erery piece

it it is good music, iti ib'-L hi^hcsi fento of Art; yet

id mak« iln lioolio nda itati n f, tb.; occaaion Fcit.

Tir,,., wh.i rislttd for ., ... .- l-if ' nt.M i« not ,;o.,.l

mtbu npalrioib: u'ii.:ii.i...'e or .ebbration withoul

Jationnl Airs," "tunes Hint everybody nnR!,J

Slar-ripan^li il Ilanner," " t-.le.ry. Uallelujiili," and

rlnt not, forgot tbeii wish aa tie grntid niuhic car-

lid ihem along, and were in too mueli eestucy t(

thiikof it when i' wna over. Tbo appeal in this

--ii was from Philip eob.-r to Fbilip drunk. It wastriuiuptiniit prnciieal iJ.-worisirnti.iii Ibal ihe bij;li-

il, under proper cire urn -tain- en. spenliu to all; Ibat

,-ii-at Ail. urea! mo-ie, like the nir, thu sunlight and

nil liiieji hloMings, i- or i- to be, tho ,-oa.mon boon

of Man; nnd Hint He aru.t nl,. i„. -' irusia his pub-' ' Blcadofaioopincto ii. .boll sorely be rtiwardcd.

UnilColumbi.iB" .and "John Broihiis are all

v^ell in their wa, awl in tl.. r p-J-r places; but

they bnvo no right in uii artislic programme, any

moru than cabbages and turnips m a bouquet ul

flowers. Thuy will be all, o

iieirtly ply !

With heart and volte ui

In sonsi of Jubilee.


, ofru ufaclur

» for oi ; for ci

Juit lildollm ei

i-clmid'a golden frlnB"

At tho appointed

rahn tupped upon h

to Ibeir bearings, m

of Iho opportunity, \

ibroiL-li «-

: :/,irc\(r.s..

1 I.I......I "l

in F. P. V. seems burst-

clieek of mow. It U• ihat ihe crsii'l-.l'iu.-b

i, ,n her power lo anul

o. But renierii'-'i". .bur

Ponr Mrs. Yellow ii

.11 -. Ii. r r.-.-utu

and tbi

Your llowi i" 'be rieb

i-in-i. i" tl"' > 'usoliii- .-..i.-.-iou--

i„li.„tl> lb.- -ii|i-ii." -f "r;. I'-l-

lib aAhot


.ill. ,1-J

...-in I c

,b.-r.i in neubliiuiij of

,ui-b. Nobody dare or

ih y.:mr fen' Do hum,d who need yon, tho

So In

billing il

vc and dutiful,

Illicit hlglnr, i.ietnT.

In . in the .a of It tSepte

under lie purple hhndi.w* uf the Vi Dnhilii we waited l..r Jackson's Caonon to pour shell

upon our bends, how tbe golden butterflies flew in

and out of my window ;how lie humming-bird* fed

from the hearts of the dower-, llickeliug liko fial

of (lame awny llo-.-.u v-h Ihe mini air. ll seemed so

kind in God to brighlpn ibu world with their wingedovanctesat beauiv. if call- lo beguila ibo oya »nil

ebarm Ihe thoufibt for u rn'omnit, u the suspeusu

nnd agony of the bour. I knew thut when the bel-

lowing batteries pound lln.ii buruiiig hail upon oui

hoUEes, they could not crush tbeso Hilling pulsus o:

gossamer life. Untouched amid bunting shells Hut

raining bullets, the. would palpitate away, to drink

aunahine and honey in some b.autilul valley which

war had not touched. So wilh tbesu human bulter-

flk'9 nud humming-birds ; thu war doea not trouble

them. The greal shock of Borrow from the bntllo-

field, tcnlhing so mani lives, eannnt touch crcaturei

lighler than nir. Rachel weepa for her children, loi

they arc nol ; yet tbe-e i natures dunce and sirig.nnd

dress nnd dream. What is ihe war to tbero, but a

column to yawn over in tho morijing papat


their esialenes mu-l have a purpono in the mind of

God, us well as those butterflies uf His which liu

malcea mil ol caterpillar*. Tocisely thu tamo purpose; and though it would he

very presumptuous to suppoto that God made themla amu.«) you and me, Btpubli&m, yet they do. tbeea creatures in their gay gyrations,

above ibu surface of society, many a moment they

wile inc to lori;ei ilm siis|ieiite .1 tbe hour ]the awlul

ft-Hlill.of our lime. The world is crowded withir,B ,

tbcugbllui, aonnirt. -,-,-J.. .;- neoplo,

pridu" lut"it. Aacend .„ ..

ill find ihe world bene

bio only to your Gud, the

hearU .who luvo you.

I presented Iba only type of aoeiety which

on +is brought t Ob no, my fiepuMiom.

en, pure, benuiiful women meet in Ibese gay

In thu shado of this crimson curtain sila the

,f "IdaMnv," her black (jar incuts coin rant-

ing almost painlully will, tbe- marble whiteness e.

her face. L'.si July ibu very 1,1- of her ifil »"" I?™

fromberon tbo field or battle- Now, like a spirit

from another .pl.e.e, ='ne fii.z.s on itiia „,.,

luro of life Oh could «> have helped it. the thadow

,f death Bbould never have fallen on tbofehei.utilul

-,ea ;yet we know that in ibis sorrow will ripen the

Iruit which will help enrich tbe world. Mrs, Burn-

,huwireuf,l.'lk.„.Mr loi.i.b-.mof Conned-

is anolher renliiatioii of tbe highest lypu of n

Mew Ei.jjland woiiia... rJlvesnt. intellectual, will

form head and face firccian in Ihe.r beauty, I can

],„ t ,ll. tell why, but .be remit..!:* me ol tboportrmw

of the first Mrs. Judson. The National has tts sbara,

too of wedded nnd unwedded belles. Mrs. Judge

Miller, of Iowa, gleeful, oeuivl r.ud gay, is the focoi

of vivacity nud sui.sbn-.-. drn-sinj; nnd d.nitmg «itl

ibo abandon of a girl of siiic-en, while ahe disarm

all criticism by tl„> .---. r.uoua sweetness -I ber nn

lure Then we have tm- nry brilliant Mra. Whiting

if Uarrishurg, the pretty nnd stylish Mim Esau

,i New Us uii, -hire, ibe graceful M-- »

ul mill ulglier,

WakliiB all cmib more beuullfUL

I war on ciirjlu's ivlogi up, up the moiinm

Wnero fiuib tlic IIvIhk «alen from tbo To


Wbilu voleea eiet eb.g liatn bud and bbu

In bird-like lones, " Fear nol, lo bH own

Ood yel will lold lib own."

' WLo arc Cud's ovlill " I Bik, and myrlo

Atiiwcr myqucitloii, IVblle my =aubr.-Jo|.

__ ..itioall

mi of three Mr. Conductor Zer-

deaknnd brought the orchestra

if lo attack the overture. Thia

eulion thus secured, Mr. Josiah

f of tho Committee, came for-

t'a.-i>on, who would hini'elf

,ol n, ibe hills; Iho Commille*,

i--cei-ity, had kept it hack for a

'u(( ihe imperative splendor

ih tho Muse, to compromise

mouuee m ent witlonil niilbor-

ily of her own aign manual, t wil tb" aeiual " arri-

val ol ihe |io,-„i '; in ...piiii beariiljf be said yes, hut

ily for Ibc Mm.', the eapriMou-.

uowing one. to say yes in Inet. At the

eleventh hour, bowev,. ; t -'.(.! [...eiuj-m raJA'i*

QftWrswiibeomi.le.e i- '!i«as a byuiuof Liheri)

d Jui-lief, wild and -t y. and musical and very

ort, and in bis rich tones spell-bound the great

l.-The'" Egmont" overlure then began in earnest,

(3 went tbtougb at n beat; a fiery, heroic, pntn-

ic thing, in Ihe right temper lot ihe limes, uu^esl-

g gloom, opprc;=i,in. popular ilivi-ion. fear nod

uni.urs tlin sir lo in.. I lbs irimiij h of tho right,

e vision of lib. riy ami counlry to tba dying hero,

owning him wilh laurel.

2. Then came voices. The txlnilit from the " Hymnfl'raiau" conveyed, by us words, the keynote ol

the occasion ami ut lb.- "bole inimical em redpoiideiicc

,f the nrn.r.inime. Mul Hiu was tbo crilieul piece,

.bicb hnd tf. be ri-l..-d ulmo-.i wiihout rehearsal,

be done nn it wen: by laiib. being

il,. I in. .at d.tfl- ul". and 'oil ol ij.di-

"ma has been called an ago of revivals. We have

1 r.juvals in the Church and in ihe theatre, in

lions nnd in tins. The hoops of our great-grand-

ibers have been resumed, ami it" one may believe

tain rumors from aqr-^s thn powder and

ehea nro not fAr ofl. Gothic nrchileciure. net

n-lv in ib, ecelesiasliei.l, but in ii.i t.ctilar tornit.

. rrMrm-l to favor. Mime of the lost ficcreta of

..Ivor rile—-tamer eniuueller an. Ifivsi.-ii-painter


. .. , J ind thouo crafis and mysleric

,, „ „ ,. popular. Indeed, to such n

ui. 1 bus r. vivalatu been carried, that a learnc

n'.i. ..nth-roan M- Kournier, lias written silver;

Imaei to prove tbat *i.;rUbi.i|- wotlh saying, lb

• -,ut. has been said, done, ur [ound o.

eady ; and that, in ohon. thu Bo-called"

mo. b 'ii day. are only a eerie

one plagiarisms from the pnat.

However ibis may I.e. .1 .. |.t,.o.iui- um- •>"

ubii.b b-loi.g-i I. nib to agrieiilniro and lo ninnula.

lurca. It ia evident tbat auionu other aources i

relief to which our ic.iile .n am, li.c lurca must lui

iu the present crisis, is Hie produrlion ol lli.x. Uui

upon a time, oi course, the |.lai.t was cultivated

almost every part of thu kingdom, and homc-ppi

linen entered b.r,- ly into Ihe clolWg of ihepcopl;

hut during tho last century, it

Sowing supreu.ney of cotton,

"ngbtitwa '

eiternal fibre ; and3 divorce thesn two

as to leave Ibu latter sound, soft andlengthy. The old iv.h1..j..1 of ic-eomplishing this wasby " rclting," that is, stee|.iug tht, stalks in stagnant

ponds, or sprfadiiii; Ib.u. over imsdows, Fo as to

iposo them lo ihe action of tha dew and rain. Thodtcompotilinti thus |.ii-luced dissolved thn gluiinous

slier which hound together tho coro aud the fibre,

id left Idem free lo separate when lha wooden-bladcd "sk older" was applied. This proce.*.*, how-

iclious. uii,. ttiiin and iiiiy.rieet. Severalubstiiuics ior, or modifitaiiont of. the" rut-

ting " tystem have li.-en proposed, Mr.lVD Scbeockdiscovered llial n large pe.rOcni*gn of ftbro may buobtnincd ia good comluion. and nub grcst ennainiv,

' Blalks in water bentcil artiHeially io

ih'u lempsraturo reiiuired lo produco fetnmuiniion.

Tbo Chevalier Clauisen pea rid of Iho con- and iho

gum by soaking tbe lias in a series of chemical sulu-

lion*, and repealed maceration. Uo thus produces n

suhalanco called "lib, ilia" or llsi cotton, whieU pro-

genia a closo resemblance lo cotton, nnd can bo

woven with wool into slafls of superior quality.

Only » very slight alteration in thu col lon-machinory

is (aid to bo nccens-ary in order lo work ibis newmaterial, and under present eir. mu nances it is sorely-

worth a trial. What ia now wauled is, that aotue

enterprising man. i1"-iet nn- rs should odnpt their

„ of rtax,

eslablisbed in llax-growing i

and (.repaintjoii ol tbo fun

tl tbat should bcepliol

a of grand, u

il heti

u manufacturers

•and more profitable ..

n ; nnd the farmers, engrossed

wilh tho cull ivat ion of cereals, and Ibu

Iteck, lent a willing ear lo caluinni. * sp

ia ngricultural prejudieu iigain-t it.

G'eo.ijic.i.guiii.-d sli. ngih The farm- :




U . lu ; .-I. --;', I he yf.lC. I

S...-. Y.,.L ., L.ln 1. I. : Mi



. I...,-, r.. I'.~. , tl'. - ii I . S: •--

hey once ndmillet it upon b.-ir in -..i ,"' i *'o

often plnced undohe tenant felt ti o t",";- let.





who Is


'lily; MissStebb

..., goods and dinmo

ibo lovely faces of Li

Leant. ful mother ia unco uioro tuu a,

frieudB, and Iba envy of tho inulignt

-,„ ber for having" idle;:. Ther too many gra.

,i,e aud Lu.;

u again

la their

be c

i if aI long n

ii had n


V!t had Ihe groat pleasure of hearing ibis i

from the Old World ii. bis sp. vcb or. rbo Am,-ebelli..,,. Tbe poet m- novelist must eveaie-

philosopher is io originate. 1 be (iropbet ui

*Ir a gTBat occaslou, great musie, great audience

full of joy Ibat craven expression, il* inspired per-

formance, helped by coi:i._i.,u-ne,s ol -igaal triumph

over feaiu and difflculites, mating 'bu bioTory ol tho

celebration reflect thai of tbe event celebrated, can

maku a ooncert, iben the concert in the Bosloii llu-ie

Hall, on ibonfteriiooii of January 1, 1B63, '_' in honor

of Iho Day, the frovl mon. the etna.,. i|.an .i, ol

the slave, Ihe spirit of the t'aiher. and tbe Constitu-

tion" was in tbe most ei.uiplete s- nua a success, and

must retnaia incmornblo among our leBtivals ot

music Tho idea of celebrating the day of ihe renf-

firmntion of the i'ltsidenl'.. Ii iputioti prDclama-

lion whereby the ni.lion tell .-lean Lvlore

God' and the world, was noibing strange. But the

„!„, of ...jui.lii.Ej .vi'b socb jobib-.-, the lugbest art,

ii id notion- meaner or more commouplaec, aa the rent ti

',.„., medium of c.vpre,sioti, was, for these parte

somewhat novel, a- e-ell »» .bllieull of exeeulmu

The whole plan nnd programme of th.a jnb.lea wal

based upon tbo conviction ibat thu £ reat thought!

of humanity nnd frerdoui, tbe progressive moral

,.,!„=,. af 111. kho, si, lio nub lo Ibis day Spit UBUll

ml cruuiQ.-'l or") -' iolioo'lo i.lliAliee Alld

ii'ii;,..ib. With 'be [oftieal iii-pitatiotiu and ul,

i.-i.uc.ueot, ol cliiative aud arl— .nuSl.^.l

specially. The iu.irrii.g-.- ol tbe two is tbo pr,

ion of nil history. Tl.ei need and tb.-y imply cnel.

ther. Art propbcsles. assumes tbo milder heights

,f humanity ; as long n» art breathea, lucre is «

hope, a chance fur freedom, anil tyranny nnd mean,

ncis feel rebuked. Un H,e other b.ind, Ihe glorious

instincts Of a liberty and jinticft-loviug people need

art Tor a language ; no meaner and more prosy dia-

lect caa worthily interpret ihem.

II.. nee tbe propriety oi ,...-1. btnting ibis new year

of the nailon's truer life, thia day; of jubilee, by

loucerl of gi

CMte points mquiiing nice agreement between voice

and orchestra, especially m tho " watehmon recita-

tive, so lull of Iivtii.-.n. Heeotuiuit.iments. pauses, nnd

wild, ntaiiling repli.e of wind in-ltumeuls to the

aiiKious, almost a ii.-d i..i|iiirie.s ;" W ill the nigbi

soon pass?" But it waa known, that if it did not

avlually brrak down, tbu magoiliceiitjdramalic cli-

max ol" the mniie, and its wonderful adaptation to

-~ ibo occasion, would be ;«r, to tell upon ibo audience,

!ditdid. Mr. Krcissmaiin, «ho had iba most to

sk. did hia part nriisticall; and leelmglj;and

hen the clear soprano voieo of Miss Hou,t..n l.Ve

Btrearn of suusliine. aun-..u..eed "Iho uigut is

deparling!" llio audience were in raptures, and the

Morions caJcfHlo of tbe thorns, Hooding the world

with daylight, in spite of feeble enlcriugs in some

parte carried all before it in a blaie of high-pitched

drawback to tbe culiivation of tbe plant was, that

before it Could ho takeo lo market it had to pass

through cerluio prelim.,nr. -u,- - t " inufacture,

which unca formed one ..I tb. r.^u-i, uiploy mnuisl

has fallen into ...-gleet in tbe United Kingdom ;and

even iu these days or railway travelling, when tie

most honn-biding aa.uiigst us innki'-s ai least bta twt

or tjr.- ioumeis i, v-ar tbu connlry, ninety

nine men out of a hundred lave never set cyva on t

field of Qax-lbe prelliest or crons a waving inn*

of bright given leaves and bright blue flowers, grow

ino about ne bigb as wheat-. ,

1'he agricultural objection to lli.v, sciunee, ,-'biel

nowadays governs ihe livrni no k-=s than Ibu bictory

baa dusked of. it baa heeu lately abinv.i that .

tho crop has heeu of a peculiarly exhaustive- naiur.

it has been only beeao-e thu farmer, having no ait

cbioery for crushing Ihe seed, allowed

Iho plant, instead of coave

cattle, aad (bus returning it to ths land,

too ia which flax has been suak- d ia good tor ma-

nure; and cattle arc p.v.-i unicl,- fond, not only ol, but of the gra-s on which Ihe lias has

been laid oal. Tbe cull, vail,.,, ol ll a cerlmolv ott.-rs

the temptation of a lar^c profit. An outlay of from

£10 to £1.4 per acre ,vill yield a net profit of from"

o £L0, and even £15. The seid - -f

as tbo BWlb. At present, it for

cbief imporl,; and Hull, il- ebiel |...rt

-At, r.imJWii^.T^w^i.';-,..! ". ''.-'

o cake for the

Thenceforth nil waa safe.

Beethoven Concerto was also well adapted

eroie temper of tho ibemea in tho Allegro,

enly peace of lie Adagio, and tbe joyous

sunshine of the Rondo finale. It is ono of the rich-

est and finest of B-.-.-Hiovoi, 's works, crowded with

thoughts, and so full of ext-uisile '"^ of oicbealrnl

' • ing pa> -

„.._ .ounds. 'and buildinglnrgi

new docks on ibe Btretigtb of tbo trade.

Under Ibe preseurc of the cotton famine, Ihe man

oiaetunng objeeiion to llti.t is also subsiding. A

very sensible saw. which ia 10 bo found in Iho pro-

verbial philosophy of le-arly every nation, lelb

that when we cannot ge' -*•"

for ci ; and aa that is, for thu tin* ai

reach, wo must inquire wheiher

a found for it. There ia flax, lot

grow the plant on oar on

iurape prodoees it in nbund;

nJc 10 serve instead of

„ for tho pi.

~ plav'lo follow it. Con-id-rino i

it waa new lo most, and that a

half of the audience were not particularly mi

really a wonder lo note lha brealhlcss,

with hicli ul! lisleaeil ibrough so'" Dreael gave a

ho fur as the

otbiag, indeed,

o shading, vi

s, but it Is bylast century, enl

i which uecthov

What ,gloc

mfler ccaure ihcy r

orld v mid 1,:,.

through the

last Sepleu:

Farloio afl L

go to tho

u* debt to tho " old National.'Itiblill.i a.l.melui.iit. Win- sbonblto beenlerluinGd? Wilhoul '

yjeudelssobn and Handel, only auch great masters,

should apeak for us through sueli ot tlittir sublime

inauiratioiio as should eeem practicable. Uut Ibe

practical pur. of the plan was almost as forbidding.

'^Ueol-a waa exciting. Not Ibat It needed I

|„ t.,;,,,g for s..|.|...rt aiel." ..nhi. -M-..i.g l,^

ly problem was lo keep the list ot ,ign.Tj .v

,ul,j.e Head i

> from

larper's, or Vanity Fair 7 Mrs. Jlagnujcent bmbiiioa. ll is to reflect iho wealth of Mr. Ment, and to be iho moat gorgeously dressed v

tl Washington. If lo be over dressed is a b

whole .ul.,,,-! (ie.n-well as eyes of ilu, undoveyed tbe whole origin, .

rius aad lendeneiea of luis wi...

the whole Held or visiuu wilh tht Dtruth, juBlicc, humanity and freedom. WJones ...i-l.t give Ibis lecture in every lovr

of tho Union. It grinds to i.o.v.l-r Ibe ireaaon that

lurka in Northern reins, ami brands as they deserve

tboae who would bcII their country without money

ami without prion.

Mr. Jones is a frank, hearty, warm-blooded Irish-

man, and none iho worst) for thai. II o is of good

long head ; alronc, healthy

in.lii.g ; and having sur-

h'O, history, wroi.L-s. mi-e-

^; u ;i u.r be liglited up

ioua lighta of

,_. We wish Mr.

every town aud city

l of i

,1 tjo.-n-on.-

„ failblul

Bludent, taaaler

laid up thu mil

1. .l.e oil,.


rooms. Huro and there a lady bows haughtily urcarelessly. One will address a few words to her,

Ihen lun. away indifjercnily. Amid all these gaygroups of chattering women, there seems to be noplaco lor hur. She appears to belong to nobody.

'tb,'' aiuluiioa of a noble

illy and ntraighlforwnrd.

His worda are strong and well chosen, with - ~

sioasl Latinism, like t/cJiJrrnfs, which re.,

dicliouary for tha commonality to itilerprol, and

which Ihey like tubenraa a cOmpiimont tolheir sens.

Uii bearing is!, si.i.|.tiiLelie, iui|,.assi,iiie.

and commanding, Ll ul hi, passion is the key *» h

ll-supporled by

m.d.uliui-.- called f.

aupporlcr'ol the schei

aa it was called, tiovi

petlicoate. The wci-

against tbu material

prevailed on them to

liar eiperimenU wennot merely with " -

i, got Bl of the

a of Port li.iynl. which was as good as a procli

lion, and when the iiiil.n-iiL-m bad given all the

;rt il could to ilioll ia ilB owa way, it subsided

jiscs capable of buoio pur

CBpected ciliisaa " ~

tely the fifth, lo give it point fot

ll as to lit it lo Mr. Dread.) musi-

overs two verses. The melody,

KreiBsmnnn, is very simple and

refrain ill ehorus lifio one up byIl was

i uiuff for wamleoats a

rs however, bud a prejudi

,nd il waa only as a gr,

Iouantiti.s.lbal her ladyship

oit. Tbinyyeimdo ia Austria

successful. It does not appear, b.

-ver, that the process survived tbu eipenmer

'Sht tlhl»T™i"f. di.'eu^d





Firsl Napoleon, with bis keen, practical eye, fttll;-

aopreeiated the impuriatiee of the question, an

oilered a reward of a million franca fur lha disc

varyntumelhedi.y wl.iebll.-m_t.' I 1 to-

ns COtton. One Philippl! . IV luclusn lolve

lie problem just as llic * ,s lot enng lo il

(all. His claim for Ibe rewind . tun 1 . l ' tne go

eminent of tbe H. storatiou. .vbn b, with sh

ehabbincss, refused io lullil Ibe decree, otl,

over, a loan of sums 7,000 or B.tlOO frao,

out lite iovenlioa. at such

Giratd quilled his country, and settling

.--labile I a eotion-mill. wlil.-b (ir,.M ,.-r.:o no

than,, time a liltl- .dlage (aov. callvl Cir.

ro=e it. Among other idea Ao/-,:

wbieb Ibe lire-sent Etu|ieror of ll.e French b.

lilled b-ia beet, the payment ol compensation

fwnily ol Gi.ard.

Of lale years, it number of otber in-, i.ioij.. \.

Iinnl devoied tbeamelv.i, lo ibe sul.j. Q..^.

children I i (long . i they

in, and Ihe

city.' And

if thu P£flt» Syi

gloriously il euma up

itrugglu and the triun

eil lonpologito for the imroduc-

itcll If

mil lypifiea all pljai

.(ill of ibu good instil

s of the

j. That

s bis a.

en be begin, no

j factitious arte or adverlrsingn

imbly; they cam.- Mo willing ami taking all

for granled, sure ibat Ibe day and art would justify

themaelvea ; the only fear and trouble waa to meet

-b expectations, to really produce the music, fitly

ended, easily enough ,-, but by no mean!

so easy of escculion. Little did ibr'

aa ihey Bat there on thai splendid Winter Hay (one,1

ol tho moat beautiful Ibal was ever Iotii of a sioruiy

ni.rhl) amid tbe tlag- anil pi.triol ' -: b.t

iBAtefully adorned tbu hall, in uuM of a .lage *a-\

vered wilh singera ami mu ,.emus, a., lo i..og tuba, t

and the majestic lorn, ol Ibetboi.T, r,-,,^_


Ihem, Iho ocore of the ' J"> ^ynipbiai; in bis bauO.

himself nnoblo ty| I If 'edoin— ibe el.n.-l type m

ibat union of un with fr..-eJoni, ol which wo baio

been speaking—little did ihey dream what annoy-

ances and d lea bad Ibau one- w.ll uigb

balked Ihe whole plaa ol (he eeb lirai.on .- I ir u.

hut acaaon ; tbe want I ..- y organii 1 W elf ol

-fell it more Ibau

is "occasion, I "r "bieb indeed it woub

,vo wailed. Did nol lha [Jeelhov.

ik ali - a,,.l nob at, i to bear it, as much I

ibis is "bat I meant! Tba orchestra played

wiib remarkable spirit, aa if they too felt tho

3 Tbo' eoothin" Angel clorua from " Elijah," fall

of lenvenly trust, lell like .. sweet, i•'-


: iiii-l a of L

fur the etudy of applied chciuia.

mMlfespeomlly to luoao branafaai

'tbu borewhich tho latter

iligeuous plan



PltlZi: iliillAL awarded laId lo London, In 1841, for bit


-. Jon

,,,, ,ng.roe-e,...Ill.g lor

.ml delib.

.(theCurran. Go aadtruth.

When ho first

hia circulars containing ibe critic sms of iho London,

Liverpool aud Dublin press, wu inferred that ho

a genius made by Ihe nuwapapor types. But

7. Bu! a bright, patriotic,

iHT.Mtion piece, waa needed ami iu ivv mu iu,™,-

sin down Bnd lei the audience dispone; and for

|,.,t what could be belter tilted than ibo beautiful

be brilliant overture to "Tell"! The cool, placid

;,<iss Ink" -cue of its opening, n t L> lb,) violoncellos

mlsils smart seeiilar conolusiop far enough away

lupplv of which Europe ini^iit i. man, indcneirl. ul o

Berf or slave." In order lo render Iho mm 111 fo:

u»o ia [hia way, he devised a very ingenious anu

efleetunl prcrcess, of which we shall speak presently.

Fire! ol all, bo brought tbe mailer under, the notice

of tbe Danish gov. -ut (be being a Unite, by birlbl,

and ueMhe went w.tb his scheme to .be t reach gov-

ernment. From tbe one bo received tbo red ribbon

of the L gion of Honor ; from ihe other, iho empty

title of Chevalier. Both were profosu eoough in

pioinisce for thu futuru ; but as Claussen was jr.

of BOmelb.i.^ more MiLnti.nml ami imtnedialo

i„e to hi. .'land, 'fl.e U .cut l.iliibn lot, ot lc.1

.bsn tho wonder and admiraima of Ihe world ;

and Iho enthusiastic youug Dane was conGdi

in ibe temple of industry, to wbic

lands had been iav :- '

the* ould t.,. i bo up plied to;the n.-cessii of

ng a chorus of led or 'JUO ioics bi individual

alion, in cooal cases pcrsenally made ;Ibe

is i impoiijil.iliiy ol bnilir.g tunes Va

,en music lo r. hearte Irom, finally, Ibu rifting

oi .no whole thing without nay rehearsal of dinger*

aad orchestra together ; then tha alonn of lha pre-

ceding night ill" oul, r-u/ rehearsal of tho vol

alone and Ilm threat, mii'i.; indications that Iho sn

loei-i-i-.tUJ ll.igbl bl. i kade our orchestra, playin;

„,.-.„" InSpromueld all uight ut a Sew lenr's b.

limn the ju^i.fiable iiervunauess of arti.ta and c

Joclora ,111.1.11 risking ln UD tfl orl «,

prepared—all thin lu.o-e ibo eue.-.-.a of the coat

ono of the brighl rewards of faith. For by failh

long remembered. It will

Wheiher regarded an a

as a alrietly musical oeca-

ora spontaneous expressions

al ikntmost of m remember.

is of all

t with dututhru


_ REMOVAL—LeMiUa Bullock

HEiVEXL* TttWASnt—Wo ne-ed not doubt tho fact

tbat angels whose home is heaven viMt oar earth and

Va-ar a Dart in our Irnn-uctions ; snd we lave good limit; uuout i

reason to heliove, if wo obtain admission into grow »carcc, I'

heaven, we shall still lave opporl unity, not only to. .hat *^°™\relurc 10 earth but to view Ihe operation ol l-iod in afgnmenl ol t

distant epheree', and bu his ministers iu other world). Ihe eaierpruia

— Ghanning. 'talMsa ,UJD '"

,l,',i..i,. v. Li Ii sit» b,:;hlv e-immended;and wb.

, xnlained thu [.rocesses by which ho derived

beautiful materials from the straw of the Baa: plant,

ihey were pronounced by competent persons io bu of

a llorooghly practical character. A company was

formed, under a parliamentary tub- lo work tbe

ualeat. Nearly £iU.(KJ(J was c*pe"dcd in efforu, lo

develop il bul Ibe manufacturers wen, shy and apa-

thelic. Cotton was cheap and plentilul. fha au Pi ,]y

qiGS of the MAMM" i H I'h'S, No. Ti S. *^'£*'™£

^'u's,'..I, SjUj..,!.!!.-:.....:'. o. ...., OiCNi '«"••

J1"} •-"'

""' fi,™iJ.;

U"^Kr.'"*i^« irfS"'i™aS."J" (-fit. ml{

'^^^'^.!'""-'.''i'|.'- !,':,-.' ...

UMHUUI lav, li»«n- -I— .'' .1-^1.1-1-111.


would Do limo enough Up M y could be turned. Such rial

lie Bpinners. Bo ihe company gnv

io despair. Claussen had receiveu »rcash, when his patent was first Wken I

J0NF3 & CO.,..... :.i

Hi. Ismui, nwl t«l;J«l, L.... &ij» *ipr«'l

11),,. I..'i-e.e..iil One I'rlie- Clothing

, >°>rw>MMUUIi in