my time with griya kinasih · 2019. 6. 28. · kinasih. the home is in malang, a city on the island...

-1- My Time with Griya Kinasih My name is William Latham and I am a member of First United Church in Owen Sound. This past January I travelled to Indonesia for two months with my friend Gustaaf Van Beers to help support a foster home named Griya Kinasih. The home is in Malang, a city on the island of Java. Upon arrival we met Hananto Jonatan, a strong advocate for the poor in Malang. Gustaaf and Hananto have worked for over a decade to sustain the Griya Kinasih Organization with a mission to support children who lose their parents or who live in exceptionally poor conditions. Miss Carla, a sponsor from the United States, established the organization in the year 2000 and in 2006 they were able to begin building their own home with two dormitories, a kitchen, and a large space for gathering. It is currently home to 40 children as well as a family hired to look after them with outside support. I joined this effort in 2017 and first travelled to Indonesia in January 2018. This was primarily a learning experience and a chance to make connections. A year later I embarked on the same trip with a goal to deepen my involvement. I was to listen to the children (sometimes through translation), offer advice or direct them to someone who could help, participate in activities, and share ideas with the home and those who run it. Faith in God and the teachings of Jesus Christ are very important to many of the children. As we gathered in the home we prayed for guidance and peace, that the healing power of love may protect and replenish. Education is also important as it gives them a good opportunity to end the cycle of poverty. They will be able to get a good job if they pass high school, and many are aiming for scholarships so they can attend university. It will be awhile before I return to Griya Kinasih, but I am staying connected and spreading the message that these children have been offered hope and perseverance amidst adversity. F F I I R R S S T T N N E E W W S S 435-21 st Street West, Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 4E5 519-376-1736 Published by Communications Committee Edited by Fiona Misener ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~ creating an open and welcoming community, led by the Love of God ~ THE SUMMER EDITION JUNE 2019

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Page 1: My Time with Griya Kinasih · 2019. 6. 28. · Kinasih. The home is in Malang, a city on the island of Java. Upon arrival we met Hananto Jonatan, a strong advocate for the poor in


My Time with Griya Kinasih My name is William Latham and I am a member of First United Church in Owen Sound. This past January I travelled to Indonesia for two months with my friend Gustaaf Van Beers to help support a foster home named Griya Kinasih. The home is in Malang, a city on the island of Java. Upon arrival we met Hananto Jonatan, a strong advocate for the poor in Malang. Gustaaf and Hananto have worked for over a decade to sustain the Griya Kinasih Organization with a mission to support children who lose their parents or who live in exceptionally poor conditions. Miss Carla, a sponsor from the United States, established the organization in the year 2000 and in 2006 they were able to begin building their own home with two dormitories, a kitchen, and a large space for gathering. It is currently home to 40 children as well as a family hired to look after them with outside support.

I joined this effort in 2017 and first travelled to Indonesia in January 2018. This was primarily a learning experience and a chance to make connections. A year later I embarked on the same trip with a goal to deepen my involvement. I was to listen to the children (sometimes through translation), offer advice

or direct them to someone who could help, participate in activities, and share ideas with the home and those who run it.

Faith in God and the teachings of Jesus Christ are very important to many of the children. As we gathered in the home we prayed for guidance and peace, that the healing power of love may protect and replenish. Education is also important as it gives them a good opportunity to end the cycle of poverty. They will be able to get a good job if they pass high school, and many are aiming for scholarships so they can attend university. It will be awhile before I return to Griya Kinasih, but I am staying connected and spreading the message that these children have been offered hope and perseverance amidst adversity.

FF II RR SS TT NN EE WW SS 435-21st Street West, Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 4E5


Published by Communications Committee Edited by Fiona Misener ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

~ creating an open and welcoming community, led by the Love of God ~


JUNE 2019

Page 2: My Time with Griya Kinasih · 2019. 6. 28. · Kinasih. The home is in Malang, a city on the island of Java. Upon arrival we met Hananto Jonatan, a strong advocate for the poor in



(as read during worship Sunday, June 16, 2019) Good morning. I’m Nancy Petanowitch, your chair of Council and I’m happy to report the highlights of our June 11th meeting. Our treasurer’s report shows an unencumbered balance of $5,547.39 as of May 31st. The Reference Group report was presented to Council and it is obvious that we will need more time to transition from the Reference Group to Council. We have asked the Reference Group and Cathy Stewart, our facilitator, to meet with us in July and we are in the process of establishing a date. I know last month I mentioned we intended to have a report for the congregation in June but I ask you to be patient. Your thoughts, priorities and ideas to move forward have been heard and we request the time to deal with them in the respectful and prayerful manner they deserve. Your survey responses showed that Sunday worship is a clear priority. We are blessed to have your strength and commitment behind us as we gather together. On behalf of the Reference Group, Cathy Stewart and Council, I congratulate you on your response to our surveys and interviews. In the past we have had approximately 27 responses to a survey and this time there were 51. This is an excellent result. Feel good, feel confident and feel the Spirit. Doors Open Owen Sound introduced new people to our church, our Book and Bake sale and the Wiidosendiwag-Walking Together Tour. Total revenue raised is $2,040.20 which includes $500.00 from the Bake sale. Thank you to everyone who contributed their muscles, their books, their time and their baking skills for this successful community outreach event. A motion was passed to donate $500.00 to “Books for Kids” through Rev. Kathy Underwood’s spiritual/pastoral care ministry at the hospital. Laurel Dinsmore and Fiona Misener have updated our Rental agreement which reflects an increase in our insurance requirements for groups using the church. Laurel has asked Owen Sound Glass to assess the doors going into Griffith Hall so they will operate smoothly. Thanks for keeping everyone safe! Kristal, Pat McDonough and Mary Jeanne Carmichael attended the Western Ontario Waterways Regional Annual Meeting on May 24th and 25th. Needless to say, the United Church of Canada is in transition so it is essential to be present at these events. Thank you for keeping us informed. And now, summer is upon us! Remember to live in the moment, to make memories that will last forever and know that God is in your every breath. Here’s a little limerick to help you slow down.

There was a young lady named White Whose speed was faster than light.

She went out one day in the usual way And returned the previous night!!

Page 3: My Time with Griya Kinasih · 2019. 6. 28. · Kinasih. The home is in Malang, a city on the island of Java. Upon arrival we met Hananto Jonatan, a strong advocate for the poor in



A large part of First’s annual budget is spent to keep the building in good repair and literally keep the lights on. Is that important? What do people say when you mention you belong to First? Do they ask if it is the white building on 4th Avenue? Do they ask about the solar panels, the garden, or the sculpture on the lawn? These are the bricks and mortar things but it is what happens inside that is vital. Our Vision statement says we are “Creating an open and welcoming community, led by the love of God”. Part of the way we do this is providing a sunlit sanctuary with good preaching, joyful music and a warm welcome for all. As well as hosting our own church activities we rent the facilities to 8 community groups on a regular basis and variety of occasional users. We have leased space to a licensed day care for several years. They know we welcome them with a clean accessible bright space. Last year we received $15,000 in rent from tenants and $12,000 from the daycare plus a portion of snowplow expense. Future projects will include replacing a fire door at the gym entrance, recaulking all the windows in the office area, attention to leak prevention for windows on the north side of the sanctuary and the lower hall, deicing cables for the north side of the roof, LED lights for the lower hall, and if funds permit sidewalk repair and painting some areas. All these things help to protect our property and make it a safe attractive place to be. I am very pleased our building is in use every day by our own community of faith and is serving the wider community. I think it is worth the effort. Thank you for your donations that help us to provide a welcome to strangers and demonstrate a love of community.

Laurel Dinsmore Chair of Property and Finance

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Thank you to all who were able to “fill a baggie” with toiletries for mental health month in May. The baggies were received with gratitude.

Never give up on someone with mental illness.

When “I” is replaced by “we” - illness becomes wellness.

Christian Action

Page 4: My Time with Griya Kinasih · 2019. 6. 28. · Kinasih. The home is in Malang, a city on the island of Java. Upon arrival we met Hananto Jonatan, a strong advocate for the poor in



I want to thank all of you who have responded so generously over the first half of the year to help us meet our financial obligations. As a community of faith, we understand that our willingness to offer gifts of time, talent and money to the mission and ministry of First United Church, is a critical aspect of membership. For each and every one of us, the level of our engagement in the life of the church plays a direct role in determining how we will carry out God's mission in the world. Every one of us is important... every one of us can make a meaningful contribution. As of May 31st, the church's bank balance stood at $24,426.36. Our liabilities/accounts payable were $18,272.78, leaving an unencumbered balance of $6,153.58. As we move into the summer holiday period, the steady flow of donations will be important to our financial health. I urge all of you to remember the needs of the church and continue to give generously through the offering plate or through pre-authorized remittance (PAR). If you would like to set up a giving program that will support the church through those weeks when you can't be present, please see Pat McDonough or Chris Miller to get the information you need for PAR. I want to acknowledge the contribution of revenue from the Trustees and the investment account that they manage on our behalf. Our annual premium for property and general liability insurance for 2019 was $6,240.24. The full amount of the insurance premium was remitted by the Trustees in May. On a related note, I bring to your attention one of the many ways in which you can plan to support First United Church through your estate planning. In May, the church received a bequest from the Estate of Amelia Duncan totalling $93,600.00. Amelia played a vital role in the life of First throughout her long years of membership; she believed in active stewardship and made arrangements in her estate to ensure an ongoing financial contribution. Amelia's thoughtful gift will enhance our investment account and continue to support our church in years to come. We are grateful for Amelia's steadfast faith and commitment to First. Similarly, just a week ago, the church received a financial gift of $2,970.00 from the Bumstead Family Endowment Fund of the Community Foundation Grey Bruce. As members of First United, Mary and Charles Bumstead made provision to support our church in perpetuity, through the Community Foundation. We are thankful for the Bumstead's forethought and generosity. On other fronts, you have been active stewards of First United through various fundraising events. In early May, we celebrated Stewardship with a special worship service, an auction and a communal meal on May 5th. 107 items were offered for auction and total revenue was $3,436.00. About a month later, our Book and Bake Sale took place in Griffith Hall on June 1st. The bake sale raised over $500 and the book sale generated over $1,500, for a total of $2,040.20. My deepest thanks to all who contributed to the success of our fundraising events this spring. I want to share one final word of commendation with you - about our Memorial Fund. The Memorial Fund is administered by Don Sweatman, with help from Laurel Dinsmore and Mel Knight. It was created to enhance the ministry and mission of First United Church. The fund may be used for capital improvements, outreach, scholarship, lay education, promotion of ministry and programs to the wider community or other special events. The Memorial Fund has supported a wide range of endeavours at First United; if this sort of stewardship appeals to you, please speak to me or to Don Sweatman to find out how you can contribute. In the Spirit and with thanks for your generosity.

Pat McDonough, Chair of the Stewardship & Finance Committee...and other stuff.

Page 5: My Time with Griya Kinasih · 2019. 6. 28. · Kinasih. The home is in Malang, a city on the island of Java. Upon arrival we met Hananto Jonatan, a strong advocate for the poor in


LIFE BEGAN IN THE CHOIR In 1987 our family started attending First United and it wasn’t long before I was welcomed into the choir. The choir was a welcoming place then and continues to be now. First Folk evolved after that and added more singing opportunities; as did, duets with Janice Crawford and the women’s quartet. Oh, the fun we had singing tunes from “Sister Act”, with Susan King and Jean Galbraith at that time, and years later singing for “Santa Pat”, with our boas! Singing in a choir has been an important part of my life since I was a young girl. For me it is one of the most well rounded activities I engage in. It is physical in using breath and expression, it is mentally challenging in learning notes and rhythms. Most of all it is a Spiritual experience as I sing from my heart. Singing can be a release for anxiety and fears. It is one of the best things you can do for your mental health. I sing my prayers, give expression to my faith, and give breath to my hopes and dreams. After choir practice, I’m often left with an “ear worm”, that little phrase and melody that gets stuck in my head. An “ear worm” can wake me up in the night or repeat itself over and over as I walk, usually with a good message, but sometimes it’s just a fun little bit that gets stuck! Singing is fun and is good for my soul! And, because it is done with a group of like-minded people it is a bonding experience too. Thank you to all my fellow singers, and choir directors who have been such an important part of life at First United over the years.

Thank you choir, quartet and Stephen for all the music in The June 23rd service. It was a gift!

“When in doubt, sing!” Joy

Page 6: My Time with Griya Kinasih · 2019. 6. 28. · Kinasih. The home is in Malang, a city on the island of Java. Upon arrival we met Hananto Jonatan, a strong advocate for the poor in



I have always appreciated the work that our custodian Malcolm Long does to keep our facility clean and tidy. Custodians fall into that category of "unsung heroes", the people who work behind the scenes, who quietly go about their duties without making a fuss...the people we rely upon to keep things on track. My appreciation has evolved to something more: a combination of deep respect and gratitude. As hard working as Malcolm is, from time to time he tries to take some time off. In previous years, Jerry & Doug Davidson usually filled in during Malcolm's holidays. This year, a crew of three or four rookies will try to fill the gap. I'm one of that crew...I'm the Monday morning janitor. I've done two Monday's now and I'm starting to get the hang of things. My routine, if I can call it that, is to start on the main floor, go to the top floor, and finish in the basement. Especially on a Monday, most of my effort is concentrated where people tend to concentrate - at the

entrances, in the sanctuary, in the kitchen, in the bathrooms and in Griffith Hall (our gym). I try to get started before 8 am so that there aren't many visitors. My checklist includes:

• vacuum the parking lot, centre and narthex entrance stairs and landings.

• clean and disinfect washrooms on all floors, including toilets, counters, sinks, mirrors and waste baskets.

• vacuum and wet mop the "hub" outside the offices and in the washrooms.

• dry mop Griffith Hall. • vacuum and wet mop the kitchen. • vacuum the sanctuary and chancel

carpets. • consolidate and gather garbage and

waste paper.

It takes me about two and a half hours to get through those chores and it's not hard to work up a sweat doing it. My perspective on our church has evolved too. It's not just a place where we come to worship; it's a place where people work, children play, many of us eat, some people work out, others sing, knit, craft and tell stories. There isn't much that doesn't take place in our church. That's a good thing. Please wipe your feet. Thank you.

Pat *** ** *** ** ** *** ** *** ** ** *** ** *** ** ** *** ** *** ** ** *** **

Message from Kristal

Friends you have been inspired- filled with the breath of the Spirit – moved by words and actions that reflect the justice, peace and love you long for in your life. Perhaps your inspiration has been through lyrics, melodies, movies, TED Talks, music videos, articles, poems, Scripture, images, lecture series, experiences, fellow creatures, safe spaces, green places, transformed lives… In whatever manner the Spirit has inspired you - consider sharing. We could incorporate in worship or in our community life, opportunities to view videos, listen to music, share links or post articles that inspires. This will enable us to become closer companions to each other through learning about sources of inspiration. Send your sources of inspiration to [email protected] and convey what stirred, filled, awed and blessed you. Share your inspiration.

Page 7: My Time with Griya Kinasih · 2019. 6. 28. · Kinasih. The home is in Malang, a city on the island of Java. Upon arrival we met Hananto Jonatan, a strong advocate for the poor in



The inaugural meeting of Western Ontario Waterways (WOW) Regional Council took place on May 24 & 25th. There was over 550 individuals present when the court was convened. The meeting was held at the UNIFOR Centre in Port Elgin. Mary Jeanne Carmichael and I attended as lay representatives; Kristal attended as Minister. It was apparent in many ways that the new regional structure is forcing us to adopt new ways of being church together. That being said, it was also clear that there is considerable uncertainty about the path ahead and not a small degree of resistance to change. There are 138 faith communities in WOW and the territory is vast (all of Bruce, all of Grey, parts of Simcoe, Waterloo and Wellington, over to the 400 and up to Midland. Our regional President is Rev. Gary Clark. Our regional M&S staff person is Dave Jaeger. Our regional Executive Minister is Cheryl-Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa. WOW has adopted governance and oversight practices that are similar to those used by NWP, including annual reviews/updates of our mission articulation profile - now titled LIVING FAITH STORY, and an annual self-assessment at the community of faith profile. Our church Council will need to consider how comply with these requirements. The highlight of the weekend for me was keynote speaker Rev. Cameron Trimble (link here to find out more about her: of the United Church of Christ in Atlanta, Georgia. She gave two compelling presentations on church renewal and "re-construction", a term she used to describe when there is the necessity to basically start over...from scratch. I offer some of her key comments which might be appropriate to our own situation at First United:

• leadership is the one essential ingredient in defining who we are as church.

• when faced with challenging decisions, which voice will we listen to...the fearful one or the hopeful one.

• we need to differentiate between problems and conditions...problems can be fixed, conditions need to be treated.

• current society and culture are like a centrifuge, fracturing the relational fabric of our communities...churches need to focus on rebuilding those community connections, within and without.

• be a place where people can meet, can be together.

• the form of church we currently have does not reflect our desire to be doing new things.

• as leaders, our job is to be clear when we are be simple and straightforward and rediscover our spiritual authenticity.

• "what we feed grows". • loosen up on the tiller when we hit

turbulence...failure is part of the process.

• we must work together to build a level of trust that will support the scope of our vision. Trust is a function of credibility, reliability and can be earned or granted...we need both.

• develop leadership that is based on "challenger/creator/coach" skill sets and relationships (as opposed to "caretaker/reactive/rescuer").

Pat McDonough, WOW Regional Council Representative for First United Church

Page 8: My Time with Griya Kinasih · 2019. 6. 28. · Kinasih. The home is in Malang, a city on the island of Java. Upon arrival we met Hananto Jonatan, a strong advocate for the poor in


Trustee Report - Minute for Trustees

(as read during worship Sunday, June 2, 2019)

Good Morning; I am George Prentice, chair of Trustees for our Church. We currently have 7 Trustees with five required for quorum and the minister attends our meetings. We meet 3 times each year and for additional meetings as needed. Myself or a designate attend Council meetings to update investments status and other news. Trustees are elected for life, unlike others who serve on Council or other committees in the church. As you know, just recently with sadness, our friend Ken Smith passed, who was a long term trustee and served as chair. The Trustees are responsible for the church building (contents), major maintenance items and insurance, being responsible for all land and real property. Here at First United the Trustees are also responsible for receiving bequests and gifts of money from individuals and estates. Since 2004 we have received 18 bequests and an additional 11 that were directed to the church’s General Fund. In 2004, First United Trustees placed the money with Royal Bank of Canada, Dominion Securities with the leadership of Bert and Christie Leader who advises the Trustees on investments which are within the policy adopted by First United in 2004, amended in 2016, and approved at the church’s annual meeting. This policy is based on guidelines of The United Church of Canada. The Trustees make the decisions on all investments, which are disclosed in the church’s Annual Report every year. We have received an advance of $2,500 of the Amelia Duncan’s estate and, just recently notice of a balance of $91,100 which we gratefully receive. There is currently $288,000 invested. The Council can request money at anytime from these investments. Over the last 15 years the church congregation through Council has withdrawn $485,831 for annual insurance premiums which is approximately $7,000 to $8,000 per year, roof repairs, boiler replacement, two new furnaces and Griffith Hall upgrades (LED lighting). Last year as you know, we completed the major elevator upgrade at $122,684. It is noted that fund raising has made significant contributions to these major expensive projects. We are very fortunate that these funds have been established and are available to cover these major necessary expenses in order for us to maintain and keep our church in safe operation. Also, the Trustee policy was established with ongoing yearly payments of the fund interest and 50% of capital gains given to the church’s General Fund. Over time this amount has ranged from $7-15,000 annually, in 2018 this amount was $20,589. The Trustees play a vital role in providing an aspect of our financial health to ensure that the church building and property are maintained and insured. You can be confident that including a bequest to First United in your will or through your estate planning, will contribute to the future ongoing ministry of your congregation.

Page 9: My Time with Griya Kinasih · 2019. 6. 28. · Kinasih. The home is in Malang, a city on the island of Java. Upon arrival we met Hananto Jonatan, a strong advocate for the poor in


A Gift of a Furry Companion

“Animals too are God’s children...just furry!” ~ Anne Tettenborn “In his hand is the life of every creature...” ~ from Job 12:10 “They too, are created by the same loving hand of God which created us...It is our duty to protect them and promote their well-being” ~ Mother Teresa

Many things have been changing in my life. Recently I lost a pet cat due to illness. His name was Tigger. He would have been seventeen this August. I chose to adopt another cat. Her name is Jazzy She’s two years old. I adopted her from the Owen Sound Animal Shelter. It did not feel right without a beloved pet beside me in my home. And my family members and members of my Church family supported me. I love you all for that. God Bless You. Many of you have contributed to the Mission and Service fund. And among them are Gifts with Vision. A wonderful catalogue with many gift ideas. With Mission and Service you can also give a gift/donation to our local animal shelter. And help an animal find a new forever home with someone who would very much like to have a furry companion in their lives. That is indeed a gift of love and from the heart. Through our Mission and Service partners we also support animal shelters throughout other parts of the world. A gift of a four legged companion brings an expression of joy and love to those in need and would love to have a pet. And never had a chance to have one in their lives. This is one of the many ways of giving gifts through Mission and Service. And what wondrous gifts they are! Our Mission and Service is heart, hope, joy and love in action. By making Mission and Service a part of our giving, we are each answering God’s call for us to mend the world. Your generous giving made a difference in people’s lives. Thank You. Wishing All of You at First United a Wonderful Summer. It truly is a blessing to be a part of this loving and wonderful Church family. Take care and God Bless, Anne Tettenborn Mission and Service Enthusiast

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Farewell Message from Joy These words of Frederich Beuchner are in my heart today, "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world`s hunger meet" I am so grateful the Spirit called me and led me to serve at First United. This has been a place of deep gladness for me and challenge too. It has been a place for me to grow and continue my education through workshops and courses and through the school of life! And to my great delight what I had to offer was welcomed. Growing from Sunday School, to hospital and hospice visits, nursing home and retirement visits, hospital chaplaincy, worship leadership, small group leadership and individual accompaniment, I felt purpose in being here which was good for all of us. You have been tremendous companions along the way, encouraging me and supporting me with each new adventure I undertook. The stories you have shared have had an impact on me, inspiring and encouraging me. It has been a privilege to sit with you and listen and share. Thank you for trusting me. This has been a place of deep gladness because of the people I have worked with I think of Jack Tweddle`s wise ways and gentle manner, I think of Stephen`s musical leadership, I think of the thoughtful and fun Christmas pageant`s and services that Kathy Underwood shared the past two years, I think of the many set ups and cleanups of tables and chairs, that I asked of Malcolm, I think of the office support I have received from Fiona and the many hours she and Kristal put into compiling 17 years worth of photos! Thank you all! And I thank my husband Paul for his support and encouragement to do things I thought I couldn`t do! This has been a place of deep gladness because of my Ministry and Personnel Rep. Bob Fletcher. Bob has been my rep for over 10 years. We have waded through piles of paper for annual evaluations, as well he has kept track of my comings and goings and has been available for questions and concerns along the way. A meeting day with Bob was always a good day because I knew there would be laughter involved, and there`s even been a bit of kayaking too. We have grown together over the years as we have shared our stories of life. Bob always supported my trying new things and reminded me that change was good. Together we wondered, and puzzled over life at First. I am so thankful that we had this time together. Keep paddling Bob. Being in ministry with Kristal has been a place of deep gladness! We have grown to be a good team over the last years. Together we have accomplished some things that we might not have on our own. Kristal is a wise woman full of good ideas and some of them I picked up on!! She has been my Spiritual companion and mentor. She is always ready to offer affirmation and a new perspective. We have listened to and supported each other, we have debriefed challenges, we have prayed, dreamed, wondered and laughed and yes we have shed our share of tears. In the course of seventeen years we have grown to been almost like sisters, watching our children grow and mature. As hard as it is, I leave this place with the assurance that “all will be well” and with these words from a favourite hymn, “From the past will come the future what it holds a mystery, unrevealed until it`s season, something God alone can see.”

The God of all creation loves and goes with us. A wise woman said, when you think of the love of God, “Don`t think thimble, think bucket.” God`s Spirit can fill us every moment. We can ask to be filled with grace and love to overflowing, not just a little grace but a whole bucket full, a bucket full of grace for ourselves that we may respond to the needs in our lives with love. And finally these words from the Artist`s Way, “Within me I carry God. Within God I am carried.” With that in mind First United – God is within each of you and will carry you. May God bless you with buckets full of grace as you journey on. Joy

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Canada Day Five Good Qualities of Fellow Canadian Game and Others

For Canada day, think up five good qualities about a fellow Canadian and yourself. Get help if you need it. • Then the two of you draw or write each quality of your own, separately down on pieces of

cardboard. • Then you put your opponents’ five cards behind your back and your opponent puts your five cards

behind their back. • One of you puts one of the five cards in their hand behind their back and the person guesses which

hand it is in. • If they guess right, they get the card and guess again. • If they guess wrong, the roles are reversed. • Back and forth it goes until one of you has all five of their good quality cards and says they are the

winner and says what their five good qualities are. • Then the other person says “I am not a loser but a winner too because I helped you play the game

and be a winner” and see what each other five good qualities are in an act of celebration. Mine are... and say your five good qualities.

Don’t worry if you cannot find someone to play with. I did not find someone to play this game with until the fourth generation of my life. Please have a happy a Canada day as possible. And remember, you can play this game anytime. Please pass this along. I hope this game is played in Canada and as many countries as possible... in as many languages as happily as possible. Megwitch, merci, thank you God Bless Murray Beech ** *** ** *** ** ** *** ** *** ** ** *** ** *** ** ** *** ** *** ** ** *** ** ***


Teach your children what we have taught our children -

that the earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the earth

befalls the sons and daughters of the earth. If men spit upon the ground,

they spit on themselves.

This we know the earth does not belong to us,

we belong to the earth. This we know

All things are connected like the blood which unites one family.

All things are connected.

Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons and daughters of the earth.

We did not weave the web of life, we are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web,

we do to ourselves . . . .

Chief Seattle (1786-1866)

Page 12: My Time with Griya Kinasih · 2019. 6. 28. · Kinasih. The home is in Malang, a city on the island of Java. Upon arrival we met Hananto Jonatan, a strong advocate for the poor in



Sunday, July 7th 10:30 – 11:30am

Worship with Kristal-there will

be a celebration of baptism.

Sunday, July 14th 10:30 – 11:30am

Worship with Kristal & Mark Hendry will be on piano.

Thursday, July 18th 1:30pm – 3:00pm

Participate in conversations that matter. Join Kristal and others in the upstairs lounge to discuss the June edition of

Broadview (formally the Observer).

Sunday, July 28th 10:30 – 11:30am

Enjoy your time at worship

with theologian, Bruce Worthington, instructor at

U. of T. and musician.

Sunday, July 28th 6:30pm ‘til dark

Annual Campfire at the McDonough residence, 113 Kingston Beach Rd.

Please bring your own chair and roasting stick. Hotdogs, lemonade & marshmallows

will be supplied.

Sunday, August 11th

10:30 – 11:30am

Worship with Rev. Kathy Underwood & Stephen will be

on piano.

Thursday, August 15th 1:30 – 3:00pm

Participate in conversations that matter. Join Pat and

others in the upstairs lounge to discuss the July/ August

edition of Broadview.

Sunday, August 18th 10:30 – 11:30am

Worship with Kristal & Mable Williamson will be on piano.

Sunday, August 25th 10:30 – 11:30am

Special worship at Harrison Park with Council.