my ten rules of management by don ivey

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  • 7/31/2019 My Ten Rules of Management by Don Ivey




    By Don Ivey

    1. All things are continually evolving, changing and growingHistory shows us thatnothing ever stands still. Advances, particularly in our own lifetimes, are coming so quickly

    that our knowledge and understanding is changing almost daily. This is true in all things;

    even our knowledge and understanding of God is continually changing and evolving. I

    myself was reminded of this during my visit to Romes Pantheon. This incredible structure

    originally built to honor the 12 pagan gods of Romewas later modified to accommodate

    the Christian saints. And what will come, I wonder, to replace them? And furthermore, our

    reactions to these changes, indeed, in even all of our decisions in life, can take either one of

    two forms: either we can embrace the change and progress with love, or we can recoil with

    fear and resistance (for fear, not hate, is really loves opposite.) And which one, I wonder,

    willyou choose?

    2. History is fundamentally a story of progress, not regressIn this same vein, take a look

    at the world around us, and you will soon realize how far we have come in human history,

    the amazing technological advances, advances in science and medicine, and even in the ways

    that we look at and treat our fellow human beings. Yes, history does tend to move in

    cycles, and yes, there will from time to time be steps backward in human development (i.e.,

    World Wars I and II), but even those conflicts resulted in bringing out tremendous change

    and ultimately, progress. So beware the civilization that seeks to retrench itself in what was,

    for that is a sign of a decaying state. Seek progress and improvement because ultimately,

    things are getting better in our world, not worse.

    3. History is a story of both instruction and inspirationAnd finallyand most

    importantlyknow this: there is nothing that you can go through in this life that someone

    else hasnt already experienced and come through successfully. Whatever the challenge,

    whatever the difficulty, whatever the circumstances, someone has already experienced it and

    came out successfully on the other side of that experience. Take heart then, from their

    experiences and learn from their stories, for history is one of the greatest teachers for our, or

    any, age.

  • 7/31/2019 My Ten Rules of Management by Don Ivey




    By Don Ivey

    1. Create an atmosphere of mutual respect, openness and kindnesswhere people work together

    as a team to achieve common goals. Do this, and watch the returns grow.

    2. Treat your colleagues as you would like to be treated, because whatever you give will come

    back to you.

    3. ALWAYS share credit and give credit where credit is due; for they who do the work shall

    get the credit.

    4. Everybody makes mistakes, so if you mess up, admit it. Never be afraid to say Im sorry,

    because he who is never wrong is seldom ever right.

    5. Three of the most powerful words in this world are please and thank you.

    6. Listen to others, and they will listen to you.

    7. For every expert, there is an equal and opposite expert; so in the end, after getting all the

    facts, go with your gutand your heart.

    8. If you can conceive it, you can achieve it! Never be afraid to dream, for dreams, combined

    with organization, planning, perseverance and some good old fashioned hard work, are the

    keys to success.

    9. Plan your work and work your plan. You cant plan for everything, but if you plan for

    nothing, youre sure to fail.

    10. And finally, when all else fails, ask God for help.