mum - evols at university of hawaii at manoa: home · collections and conduct a general banking and...

A.sf-- 1 W I HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. FKIDAT. MAY 2, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. w : i justness (farts. eui Sllnjcrtiscmcnts. 3Mwrtittmtnt. INTERESTING MILLINGS. IHB DAILY Commercial Advertiser PCBUSHED Australian Mail Service T73TTC3 J. B. CASTLE, Commission Merchant. Office Cartwright Building, ESTABLISHED 13- - 1 Wing Ecpt Sundays, Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. 1. FOR SAN FRANCISCO, mum My HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY, Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. GENEE AL AGENTS, EXPERT ACCOUNTAJSTTS AJSTD COLLECTORS, REAL ESTATE, FIEE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, CUSTOM HOUSE, LOAN AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. ,jio.6 Merchant St. UEMOMfMEB rflD rhri new and fine Al steel steamship TONE a DURABILITY WILLIAM C. ACHIV HCBSCBIPT10NH : New York, Sept. 25, 1889. Attorney and counsellor at law, Z EA.C A.TS7DIA. 99 Wtoen Car Bi-aBha- Grata. ; "Conductor!" It was in a Fourth avenue car, and jail the other passengers looked up : when an elderly man, with the linger-- . ing fragrance of hayseed suggested by his apparel and the irritability of an j overtaxed brain or crotchety dlsposi- - tion apparent in his tone, snapped out ; that imperative summons. The con-- I ductor, a pleasant faced, gentlemanly ! looking fellow, glanced at the speak-- i er, ana stepping forward politely in- quired what he wanted. 'Tell that driver to take the brake off immediately," snarled the excited j passenger. I first thought he was a "crank," as I had noticed nothing un- usual in the application of the brake, ' but, rather to my surprise, the polite conductor vouchsaf edf a soft answer, which failed, however, to diminish the old man's wrath. "He has to use the brake in order to Hawaiian News Co.. Honolulu. Sand. f 6 00 one year. prWtisKE. wich Is. Notary Public and Keal Estate Broker. 3 00 60 6 00 month. Gentlkuen: We take treasure in ac- - per Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due O.mxK.oneyr... Office 36 Merchant Street. 131-3- m at Honelulu from Sydney and Auckland on or about 6 00 Knowieagmg your acceptance of the Sole Agency of the "Fischer" Pianos in the Sandwich Islands and we hereby confirm the same. postage) J. M. DAVIDSON, We farther direct you to notify the een- - .- -. in 4iiTiince May 3, 1890, )e Iuri"J erai pudiic tnat yon are tne sole agent for the " Iiischer " Pianos and that anv Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. . .. i.i Pi t isementa must ianos bought from any other source will mnsu-iii- " i. attended by a treat risk to the nnr- - And will leave (or the abve port with malls and Office Kaahumanu Street, chaser by not receiving the Genuine Departments ; of Business : Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted. Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly made. Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished Legal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and handsomely engrossed. Copying and Translating in all languages in general us? in this Kingdom. Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured. Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected. Fiee and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurauce Companies. Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. Any Article Purchased or sold oh commission. Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention. passengers on or abou t that date. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to (In office formerly occupied by Mr. C be withdrawn from the same. oa-i- y itogers). avoid running on the horses1 heels," UAffilUN GAZETTE CO., 46 Merchant at., meet with great success in the sale of these : JPiainea tne Knignt of the nickel. Win. G. Irwin & Co., AGENTS. instruments, and wishing you all pros- - lne Drake on this car is new and will GARDNER K. WILDER, Honolulu. H. I. penty, we remain, gentlemen, xours very truly, J. & C. FI8CHEB. .Ajttornev'at-Law- . rPre-eminentl- v the best instrument For Sydney and Auckland. Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street. made. Endorsed by all the leading musi- cians of the age. Will stand hard usage in any elimate and guaranteed by. the ALL 77 12G4-l- y ILLIAM C. ACH1, BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION AT MODERATE CHARGES. and Lit Counsellor at Law, PROF. Gr SAUVLET, Ml Estate Broker. Tne new and fine Al steel steamship the courts of the Kingdom. pian0f Violin and Singing Lessons. makers for 5 years. (Ill'd Catalogues free.) " Sold on Monthly Installments " AT THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT HAWAIIAN NEWS CO 35-- tf Having had an extensive j business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years in New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfully solicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS . AGENCY. Merchant St., Honolulu. 99 At Residence 195 Nuuanu Ave.: Tele. MAEIPOSA 599, or will visit pupils at their residence. 84-l- m grate like this for a day or two until Ft gets worn smooth. It can't be help- ed?1 Then he resumed his station on the rear platform and after several ir- ritable imprecations the dissatisfied passenger followed him, cursed the driver, stopped the car and alighted. After my attention had thus been called to the jarring wheels I, too, suffered somewhat from the contin- ued grating, and before leaving the car I inquired if passengers often com- plained of new brakes. "Yes, some one will remark upon it nearly every trip," said the conduct-- j or. "However, it don't happen very often. I don't know how long a car I brake lasts, as we change cars so fre--j quently, but whenever I have the ill j luck to strike anew brake there is j sure to be some unpleasantness over j the grating noise. The driver is ; obliged to keep his car in check all the j time, and a rough, new brake is not i pleasant for 'high strung.' nervous peopledNew York Herald. What Tlxey Bought. One of the talkative people that I've ;WERS & COOKE, Lwon to Lewers & DIckBon) C. B. WELLS, O the Oceanic steamship Company 4 will be . dne at Honolulu from Ban Francisco or or about May 10, 1890. CASTLE & COOKE, L and Dealers iu Lumber ii Kinds of Building Materials. HARDWARE, 3TRLET, Honolulu. 151 And will have prompt dUpatcn with malls an fEGJ" Bell Telephone No. 274. 29 1304--it : CASTLt & COOKE, IAPORTEKS, Shipping and f Commission Merchants, PLANTATION j&ND INSURANCE AGENTS. V DEALERS IN Wholesale Grocer and Provision Dealer assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC Shipping and Commission Merchants 1 T. WATERH0USE, COMMODATIONS, apply to Importer and Dealer in IMPOBTEKS AND DEALERS IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE. AND Win. GL Irwin & Co., AGENTS AL MERCHANDISE. Plantation Agents, Commission Merchant. V-- Jl Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf Win. Q. Irwin. Clans Hpreckels Life, Fire and Marine HACKFELD & CO., usance Agents, ly clads spkeckels & CO., BUILDERS' AND GENERAfMDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, met at this busy, cheerful place, this week, is a drummer. "I call this a pretty slow town," said he. "Youdo,ehr "I should say so. In a town of this size, out west, there would be five or six big hotels, three or four newspa- - 153 42 Queen Street, Honolulu. Commission Agents BANKEES. fort k Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire and Marine IIjA.N-TA.TIO- N SUPPLIES, Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, ' HAWAIIAN ISLANDS HONOLULU Bell 67) ' wu or vuree elevators, nan a OTTelephonea Mutual 630; 1S0S 103m AVER SALOON, uuzeu nuiroaoa, aaozen oeer iraraena. three or four shooting galleries and a W, Opposite Wilder 4k Co.'s, I cruwu uu buu Hixeet an vue ume. xo a Draw Exchange on the principal paruo the J. SOLTE, PROPRIETOR. BECHSTEIN PIANOS! HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS world. Insurance Agents ! baches Served with Tea, Coffee, man that s been traveling in the west, this town seems like a country village. It's so all through the east Dead. Witer, Ginger Ale or Milk. Will receive deposits on open account, make ram 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. AGENTS FOR: dead, dead. Can't sell any goods. No use to try. ingoing to skip for the collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. Requisites a Specialty. ltf TJAVING BEE APPOINTED SOLE i live west, again, right off. The last New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. 3 IRON WORKS CO.. Agents for the sale of C. Bechstein's celebrated Pianofortes, we beg - to solicit orders for either Horizontal or Upright Deposits bearing interest received In their Sav Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and G-ener- al IMIercnandise. Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, lags Department subject to published rules and western town I was m was a daisy. 1 sold four customers hills of six or eight hundred dollars apiece in less than four hours and didn't half trv. urana. fam Engines, regulations. 17oc3tf OP BOSTON. Mnz Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. UNION ;r Mills, Coolers, Brass TE8TIMONIALS : I Tt would n(rcA ma in find n fnrrn i4 Lead Castings, ANDERSON & LUNDY, Dentists. fT of every description made to PSlu attention tiald to hlna' hlaek. "Fortwentyightyeara thatlharenow like that in the east Confound the used Bechstein's Pianos, they have main- - TZ vTlJ tTXat tained their superiority. . Lisct." fast, anyway. tell you. I " A noble inexhaustible and sympathetic fc!! i? m fulness ot tone, together with an exquisite ; P1.8,1! 1 Insurance Company Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines, Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines. ' ' ' ' ' 14041-- 7 fobwork executed on the shortest ltf FIRE AND MARINE, OF SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. 1304 l-- y fUOYAlj SALOON, ARTIFICIAL TEETH from one to an entire set in- serted on gold, silver, allnm-inn- m and rubber bases. suuon, wmcn aamiis ot ine mmost variety ; ua uu jruu pcajli nuwauiuu of shade bears testimony to the fact that ' mannered little man in one corner, the manufacture has attained the tni8t "Coffins," said the drummer, brisk-- mfnTmakm1rrfeCUOn to BrSmiiS1 ly.-- "He brinff me a yard and a oWer of ciistWe ajtid io flies on f a and Merchant streets Crown and bridee work a specialty. To J O HN 1ST OT T, DIMOND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STBEET. l-F- or further particulars sddIv to Wiy Dorr JLfiwiston Journal. Fader the Management of P. Wolter, The Liverpool and kn- - SrftK Pbof. Q. Sauvlkt, Nuuanu Avenue, or to nock a varietT of th h a Wl dm. VI LI til IkllU llUlUV, TWliV A Vv -- -- 111! Prophylactic Metal Plate. All performed in accordance with the H. HLA.CKBKt.X 6c CO., Sole Agents for the Uawn. IsL 19 1307-3- m PJ-Mi- lea cold beers on draught at latest improvements in aemai Buienuc. Tnaih aTtraot&A wifhnnf. rvnin hv the nse of ti5ilnd See Us.'S ltf TNSTTRANOE CO Nitrous Oxide Gas. NEW HONOLULU MEAT MARKET JUUIlCl I9U1 vfa V F 55-l- y - I E. 601IE8, Whoso Eye Is Itr Paste or pin several newspapers to-- Cut a number of holes in Sther. eighteen inches apart and i each a little larger than the human eye. Now fasten this big paper ! around three , sides of a clothesnorse. 8omeof the party go inside and look j through the holes in the paper, plac- ing their faces close to it The rest re-ima-in outside and try to decide the owner of each of the various eyes ESTABLISHED 1838. Locatedt the Fish Market, e of Gomes & Wichman.) j. mc'qxjekn. H. B. HITCHCOCK. fr Block, No 79 Fort Street, Aet S 40,000,000 Net Income. 9.079.000 Claim. PId 112.569,000 c HAWAIIAN TRANSFER COMPANY. Waring -:- - Jeweler, M. K. LIVINGSTON, : .Prop. TVka Acrainat Long or Damace by Fire beaming upon them, btrange to say. (Formerly of Metropolitan Market) fefPtly attended to. Office next door to B. More, King St. Bell Tel. 160; Mutual Tel. 565. on Building", Machinery, Sugar Mills.Dwellingi 48-3- m - . -- vuuij ill. and Furniture, on tne moatiavoraoie inu. " . , however familiar all the players may Family & Snipping Butcher be, theywUl find this a very difficult ' task. Try it and see. The same is Ps- - L. G. PKAY, & Co. Bish.op 1188-6- m m well worth the very slight preparation Our Sausages a Specialty. required. .New xoric xiail and juc- - and Roman Baths, pSt-Chi- nese ChurchYard. All orders wilt receive prompt attention and delivery to any part of Honolulu. OIVB3 AIXC A. TRJJLJJl Telephones Zlatnal 622, Ball 400. 22-3- m SOMETHING NEW 1 To be able to get your Stoves, llangos and Housekeeping Gooas. residence. SPRlNft RF,nS & PARLOR SETS ERn0 Monl V of aFUh Wet. : , Tuesday - the drawtender on the Or-- : Ciond bridge rescued one of his chil-'.dr-en from drowning in a remarkable raanner. Tne child, in, playing, fell jcff cnd would have immediately per-ipie- d, as. the water in the channel is Very deep, but, catching up his csst ; ttt ha flung it skillfully over the ihild and drew it in i easily as a brg3 fish. Halifax (Flo.) JourcaL j And Every Description of Furniture, i,iie, raiama. JAMES NOTT, JR., FBACTICAIt Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work Restirffed. and Covered, r Mutual 608; Bell 475. TINSMITH &PLTJMBEE At Reasonable Kates and in the Beat Manner. . DRAYMEN. All orders for cartage promptly attended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing and Shipping of Goods in Transit to Other Islands.' Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti-tie- s to suit, at lowest prices. 2--ly CALL FOR DIAMOND CREAMERY '... " .!'"... "V 1 " . Corner of Klnc and Alakea 8ta.. Peal direct with the workman Honolulu, IL. I. The strangest canal in the world is New Goods, ex Bk. John D. Brewer iUE OFFICE, D.M.CROWLBY,WorkiBg Upholsterer - i - a uuvcr hh usauoosu la hit TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261; bocfc or newspaper. It is a canal tlx-- "UMD0N. 128 Days from Boston. resiaence, ju.unuu zwo. 1 :iccazuiiC3 lonir, DCSWCCa wor&iey&na. 110 King St., near Alakea, directly opp. Cala. Fruit Store. New Bedding, Lounges, etc., to order. Designs and estimates submitted. 129 8t Helens, in the north of nmand. blished 1710. furnished on all classes I &i is underground from end to end. of Plumbing and Tmsmithing work. First : In Lancashire the cool mines are very class workmanship and material euaran w teed in all the above branches of my busi- ness at reasonable rates. ' 44-l-y BUTTER Dry Goods, : Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Stationery, Wrapping Pape r HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES. ALSO jr. & c. fischer apiGsros B1886 327 !m tnn f?tJttT Wallter & Bedward; (Limited). GENERAL MERCANTILE In Ub., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins. Finest A.rticle for "Warm Climates. extensive, half the county being un- dermined, and many yean ego the Duke of Bridgewater's managers : thought they could cave money by. itrsssporting the coal underground in- - dead of on the surface. 80 the canal was constructed, the mines connected . end drained at the came time. Ordi- nary tv boats, ere used, but tha I power is furnished by men, On the ; roof of the tunnel crcV are crcas ! pieces, end the men who do tea vrcrir of Mopulsion lie on their bac!p on tha coal and push with their fast c-s- iast the crocs bars ; on tho roof. Lis cr I Etc., Etc., . Etc. ; v: - tTFOR SALE BY ;r.V ; ; : - 7 ED. H0FFSCHLAE6ER Ci CO., 129F ioo-l- y : - King and Bethel Streets. Contractors &Bnildero -- UBa COMMISSION AGENTS. Ris S.FOSTER & 1 OA ; Briek, Ctoae aad Woodaa Emilias 1 a i r . ' Cattawtea Glvea. 4 Kef nil n Jobkims ht men will, draw train cf four cTflve beats, end as teara era two di- - 11 : -- wi The Weekly Gazette and ;Daily P. 0. Advertiser LIST OF OFFIOEB8: f . O. Jone. Jr........... President and Manager O. Carter Treaaorer and Seoretary Hon. w. f. Allen. .Auditor DIRECTORS: 73 KING GTQEZ3M , Wholesale Grocers, SOLE AGENTS. 36 and 8 CaOiforI St.. Smn Franeieco. fe lSb245-l- y vuicas in tea tanael ccaa pan caca ether. withcatdiClealty.Iaia la fX Icub GlaDaecrsL 4 F. O. Bax 4S3 Ball TelepaoM ro. S. til, O. a0t 2o7. tUtf i ABK THE LEADINO PAPMIS CI' THE KINGDOM oa. a. b. Bishop. lion. H, WaUrhoaM 5 f"

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Page 1: mum - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · collections and conduct a general banking and use to try. ingoing to skip for the Requisites a Specialty. ltf exchange business


1W I


: ijustness (farts. eui Sllnjcrtiscmcnts. 3Mwrtittmtnt. INTERESTING MILLINGS.IHB DAILY

Commercial Advertiser


Australian Mail Service T73TTC3J. B. CASTLE,

Commission Merchant.Office Cartwright Building, ESTABLISHED 13- -


Wing Ecpt Sundays,Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. 1. FOR SAN FRANCISCO, mumMy

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu,

Hawaiian Islands.




,jio.6 Merchant St.UEMOMfMEB rflDrhri new and fine Al steel steamship


New York, Sept. 25, 1889.Attorney and counsellor at law, Z EA.C A.TS7DIA. 99

Wtoen Car Bi-aBha- Grata.; "Conductor!"

It was in a Fourth avenue car, andjail the other passengers looked up: when an elderly man, with the fragrance of hayseed suggested byhis apparel and the irritability of an

j overtaxed brain or crotchety dlsposi- -tion apparent in his tone, snapped out

; that imperative summons. The con--Iductor, a pleasant faced, gentlemanly

! looking fellow, glanced at the speak-- ier, ana stepping forward politely in-quired what he wanted.

'Tell that driver to take the brakeoff immediately," snarled the excited

j passenger. I first thought he was a"crank," as I had noticed nothing un-usual in the application of the brake,

' but, rather to my surprise, the politeconductor vouchsafedf a soft answer,which failed, however, to diminish theold man's wrath.

"He has to use the brake in order to

Hawaiian News Co.. Honolulu. Sand.f6 00one year.prWtisKE. wich Is.Notary Public and Keal Estate

Broker.3 00

606 00

month. Gentlkuen: We take treasure in ac--per Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueO.mxK.oneyr... Office 36 Merchant Street. 131-3- mat Honelulu from Sydney and Auckland

on or about6 00Knowieagmg your acceptance of the SoleAgency of the "Fischer" Pianos in theSandwich Islands and we hereby confirmthe same.


J. M. DAVIDSON, We farther direct you to notify the een- -.- -. in 4iiTiince May 3, 1890,)e Iuri"J erai pudiic tnat yon are tne sole agentfor the " Iiischer " Pianos and that anvAttorney and Counsellor-at-La- w.

. .. i.i Pi t isementa must ianos bought from any other source willmnsu-iii-"

i. attended by a treat risk to the nnr- -And will leave (or the abve port with malls andOffice Kaahumanu Street,chaser by not receiving the Genuine

Departments ; of Business :

Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted.Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnishedLegal Documents and Papers of every description carefully drawn and handsomely

engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languages in general us? in this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Fiee and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurauce Companies.Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.Any Article Purchased or sold oh commission.Inter-Islan-d Orders will receive particular attention.

passengers on or abou t that date.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR

ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to(In office formerly occupied by Mr. Cbe withdrawn from the same.oa-i-y itogers). avoid running on the horses1 heels,"


46 Merchant at., meet with great success in the sale of these : JPiainea tne Knignt of the nickel.Win. G. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

instruments, and wishing you all pros- - lne Drake on this car is new and willGARDNER K. WILDER,Honolulu. H. I. penty, we remain, gentlemen,xours very truly,

J. & C. FI8CHEB..Ajttornev'at-Law- .

rPre-eminentl- v the best instrumentFor Sydney and Auckland.Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street. made. Endorsed by all the leading musi-cians of the age. Will stand hard usagein any elimate and guaranteed by. theALL77 12G4-l- y


andLit Counsellor at Law, PROF. Gr SAUVLET,Ml Estate Broker.

Tne new and fine Al steel steamshipthe courts of the Kingdom. pian0f Violin and Singing Lessons.

makers for 5 years. (Ill'd Catalogues free.)

" Sold on Monthly Installments "



Having had an extensive j business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years inNew York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfullysolicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS . AGENCY.

Merchant St., Honolulu. 99At Residence 195 Nuuanu Ave.: Tele. MAEIPOSA599, or will visit pupils at their residence.84-l- m

grate like this for a day or two untilFt gets worn smooth. It can't be help-ed?1 Then he resumed his station onthe rear platform and after several ir-ritable imprecations the dissatisfiedpassenger followed him, cursed thedriver, stopped the car and alighted.

After my attention had thus beencalled to the jarring wheels I, too,suffered somewhat from the contin-ued grating, and before leaving thecar I inquired if passengers often com-plained of new brakes.

"Yes, some one will remark upon itnearly every trip," said the conduct-- jor. "However, it don't happen veryoften. I don't know how long a car

I brake lasts, as we change cars so fre--jquently, but whenever I have the ill

j luck to strike anew brake there isj sure to be some unpleasantness overj the grating noise. The driver is; obliged to keep his car in check all thej time, and a rough, new brake is noti pleasant for 'high strung.' nervouspeopledNew York Herald.

What Tlxey Bought.One of the talkative people that I've


Lwon to Lewers & DIckBon) C. B. WELLS,O the Oceanic steamship Company 4 will be .

dne at Honolulu from Ban Franciscoor or about

May 10, 1890.CASTLE & COOKE,L and Dealers iu Lumberii Kinds of Building Materials. HARDWARE,

3TRLET, Honolulu. 151And will have prompt dUpatcn with malls an

fEGJ" Bell Telephone No. 274. 29 1304--it :


Shipping and f Commission Merchants,


Wholesale Grocer and Provision Dealerassengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR ACShipping and Commission Merchants


Importer and Dealer in IMPOBTEKS AND DEALERS IX


Plantation Agents, Commission Merchant.V--Jl Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf

Win. Q. Irwin.Clans HpreckelsLife, Fire and MarineHACKFELD & CO.,

usance Agents,


met at this busy, cheerful place, thisweek, is a drummer.

"I call this a pretty slow town,"said he.

"Youdo,ehr"I should say so. In a town of thissize, out west, there would be five orsix big hotels, three or four newspa- -

153 42 Queen Street, Honolulu.Commission AgentsBANKEES.

fort k Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf CASTLE & COOKE,

Life, Fire and Marine

IIjA.N-TA.TIO- N SUPPLIES,Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, '

HAWAIIAN ISLANDSHONOLULU Bell 67) ' wu or vuree elevators, nan aOTTelephonea Mutual 630;1S0S 103mAVER SALOON, uuzeu nuiroaoa, aaozen oeer iraraena.

three or four shooting galleries and aW, Opposite Wilder 4k Co.'s,I cruwu uu buu Hixeet an vue ume. xo aDraw Exchange on the principal paruo the

J. SOLTE, PROPRIETOR. BECHSTEIN PIANOS!HOUSE FURNISHING GOODSworld.Insurance Agents !baches Served with Tea, Coffee,man that s been traveling in the west,this town seems like acountry village.It's so all through the east Dead.Witer, Ginger Ale or Milk.

Will receive deposits on open account, makeram 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. AGENTS FOR: dead, dead. Can't sell any goods. No

use to try. ingoing to skip for thecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.Requisites a Specialty. ltf TJAVING BEE APPOINTED SOLE i live west, again, right off. The lastNew England Mutual Life Ins. Co.

3 IRON WORKS CO..Agents for the sale of C. Bechstein's

celebrated Pianofortes, we beg - to solicitorders for either Horizontal or Upright

Deposits bearing interest received In their Sav

Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

G-ener- al IMIercnandise.Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

lags Department subject to published rules andwestern town I was m was a daisy. 1sold four customers hills of six oreight hundred dollars apiece in lessthan four hours and didn't half trv.

urana.fam Engines, regulations. 17oc3tfOP BOSTON.

Mnz Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.

UNION;r Mills, Coolers, Brass TE8TIMONIALS : I Tt would n(rcA ma in find n fnrrn

i4 Lead Castings, ANDERSON & LUNDY,

Dentists.fT of every description made toPSlu attention tiald to hlna' hlaek.

"Fortwentyightyeara thatlharenow like that in the east Confound theused Bechstein's Pianos, they have main- - TZ vTlJ tTXattained their superiority. . Lisct." fast, anyway. tell you. I" A noble inexhaustible and sympathetic fc!! i? m

fulness ot tone, together with an exquisite ;P1.8,1! 1Insurance Company

Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.' '' '' 14041--7

fobwork executed on the shortestltf FIRE AND MARINE,


fUOYAlj SALOON, ARTIFICIAL TEETHfrom one to an entire set in-serted on gold, silver, allnm-inn- m

and rubber bases.

suuon, wmcn aamiis ot ine mmost variety ; ua uu jruu pcajli nuwauiuuof shade bears testimony to the fact that ' mannered little man in one corner,the manufacture has attained the tni8t "Coffins," said the drummer, brisk--mfnTmakm1rrfeCUOn to BrSmiiS1 ly.--"He brinffme ayard and a

oWer of ciistWe ajtid io flies onf a and Merchant streets

Crown and bridee work a specialty. To J O HN 1ST OT T,DIMOND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STBEET.

l-F- or further particulars sddIv to Wiy Dorr JLfiwiston Journal.Fader the Management of

P. Wolter, The Liverpool and kn-- SrftK Pbof. Q. Sauvlkt, Nuuanu Avenue, or to

nock a varietT of th h a Wl dm.VI LI til IkllU llUlUV, TWliV A Vv -- --

111! Prophylactic Metal Plate. Allperformed in accordance with the

H. HLA.CKBKt.X 6c CO.,Sole Agents for the Uawn. IsL

19 1307-3- mPJ-Mi- lea cold beers on draught at

latest improvements in aemai Buienuc.Tnaih aTtraot&A wifhnnf. rvnin hv the nse ofti5ilnd See Us.'S ltf TNSTTRANOE CO Nitrous Oxide Gas.


Whoso Eye Is ItrPaste or pin several newspapers to--

Cut a number of holes inSther. eighteen inches apart andi each a little larger than the humaneye. Now fasten this big paper

! around three , sides of a clothesnorse.8omeof the party go inside and look

j through the holes in the paper, plac-ing their faces close to it The rest re-ima-in

outside and try to decide theowner of each of the various eyes

ESTABLISHED 1838. Locatedt the Fish Market,e of Gomes & Wichman.)j. mc'qxjekn.H. B. HITCHCOCK.

fr Block, No 79 Fort Street, Aet S 40,000,000Net Income. 9.079.000Claim. PId 112.569,000 c

HAWAIIAN TRANSFER COMPANY.Waring -:- - Jeweler, M. K. LIVINGSTON, : .Prop.TVka Acrainat Long or Damace by Fire beaming upon them, btrange to say.(Formerly of Metropolitan Market)fefPtly attended to. Office next door to B. More, King St.

Bell Tel. 160; Mutual Tel. 565.on Building", Machinery, Sugar Mills.Dwellingi48-3- m- . -- vuuij ill. and Furniture, on tne moatiavoraoie inu. "

. , however familiar all the players mayFamily & Snipping Butcher be, theywUl find this a very difficult

' task. Try it and see. The same isPs- - L. G. PKAY, & Co.Bish.op1188-6- m m

well worth the very slightpreparationOur Sausages a Specialty.required. .New xoric xiail and juc--and Roman Baths,

pSt-Chi- nese ChurchYard.

All orders wilt receive prompt attentionand delivery to any part of Honolulu.

OIVB3 AIXC A. TRJJLJJlTelephones Zlatnal 622, Ball 400.



To be able to get your

Stoves, llangos and Housekeeping Gooas.residence. SPRlNft RF,nS & PARLOR SETSERn0

Monl V of aFUh Wet.: , Tuesday - the drawtender on the Or--:Ciond bridge rescued one of his chil-'.dr-en

from drowning in a remarkableraanner. Tne child, in, playing, felljcff cnd would have immediately per-ipie-d,

as. the water in the channel isVery deep, but, catching up his csst ;

ttt ha flung it skillfully over theihild and drew it in i easily as abrg3 fish. Halifax (Flo.) JourcaL j

And Every Description of Furniture,i,iie, raiama. JAMES NOTT, JR.,FBACTICAItPlumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron WorkRestirffed. and Covered,

r Mutual 608; Bell 475. TINSMITH &PLTJMBEEAt Reasonable Kates and in theBeat Manner. .

DRAYMEN.All orders for cartage promptly attended

to. Particular attention paid to the

Storing and Shipping of Goods inTransit to Other Islands.'

Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti-tie- s

to suit, at lowest prices. 2--ly


'... " .!'"... "V 1 "

. Corner of Klnc and Alakea 8ta..Peal direct with the workman

Honolulu, IL. I. The strangest canal in the world isNew Goods, ex Bk. John D. BreweriUE OFFICE, D.M.CROWLBY,WorkiBg Upholsterer - i - a uuvcr hh usauoosu la hitTELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261; bocfc or newspaper. It is a canal tlx--"UMD0N.128 Days from Boston. resiaence, ju.unuu zwo. 1 :iccazuiiC3 lonir, DCSWCCa wor&iey&na.

110 King St., near Alakea, directlyopp. Cala. Fruit Store.

New Bedding, Lounges, etc., to order.Designs and estimates submitted. 129

8t Helens, in the north of nmand.blished 1710. furnished on all classes I &i is underground from end to end.of Plumbing and Tmsmithing work. First : In Lancashire the cool mines are veryclass workmanship and material euaran

w teed in all the above branches of my busi-ness at reasonable rates. ' 44-l-yBUTTER

Dry Goods, : Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Stationery, Wrapping Pape r


jr. & c. fischer apiGsrosB1886

327 !m tnnf?tJttT Wallter & Bedward;(Limited).


In Ub., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins.

Finest A.rticle for"Warm Climates.

extensive, half the county being un-dermined, and many yean ego theDuke of Bridgewater's managers

: thought they could cave money by.itrsssporting the coal underground in--dead of on the surface. 80 the canalwas constructed, the mines connected

. end drained at the came time. Ordi-nary tv boats, ere used, but tha

I power is furnished by men, On the; roof of the tunnel crcV are crcas! pieces, end the men who do teavrcrirof Mopulsion lie on their bac!p on thacoal and push with their fast c-s- iast

the crocs bars ; on tho roof. Lis cr


Etc., Etc., . Etc. ;v: -

tTFOR SALE BY ;r.V ; ; : - 7


129F ioo-l- y : - King and Bethel Streets.

Contractors &Bnildero-- UBa COMMISSION AGENTS.

Ris S.FOSTER &1 OA ; Briek, Ctoae aad Woodaa Emilias1 a i r . ' Cattawtea Glvea.

4 Kef nil nJobkims ht men will, draw train cf four

cTflve beats, end as teara era two di--11 : -- wi The Weekly Gazette and ;Daily P. 0. AdvertiserLIST OF OFFIOEB8:

f. O. Jone. Jr........... President and ManagerO. Carter Treaaorer and Seoretary

Hon. w. f. Allen. .Auditor



Wholesale Grocers,


36 and 8 CaOiforI St.. Smn Franeieco.fe lSb245-l- y

vuicas in tea tanael ccaa pan cacaether.withcatdiClealty.Iaiala fX Icub GlaDaecrsL 4

F. O. Bax 4S3Ball TelepaoM ro. S.til, O. a0t 2o7. tUtfi ABK THE LEADINO PAPMIS CI' THE KINGDOMoa. a. b. Bishop. lion. H, WaUrhoaM

5 f"

Page 2: mum - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · collections and conduct a general banking and use to try. ingoing to skip for the Requisites a Specialty. ltf exchange business

"'-- it

v .


posite side of the house, that theycommimiiy as well as from that ofJ3ji 2lutl)orttt3.

Roval Hawaiian


:o:- -

The Only Steam Soda Works JUoTirollOll 1 r.1 1UUIIUUIU1 --USlclUUS.


It has pleased His Majesty the King toappointHon. RICHARD FREDERICK BICK

ERTONto be Second Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, vice Hon. Edward Preston,deceased, and . . .. - . .

Hox. SANFORD BALLARD DOLEto be Third Associate Justice of the Su-preme Court, vice Hon. Richard FrederickBickerton, appointed . Second AssociateJustice.

Iolani Talace, April 29, 1890.102-- 3t 132l-- lt


May, 1890.

GiDger Ale, Plain, Sweet and tatCHAMPAGNE CIDER, 8AR8APJ



12 3 May 4; Full Moon.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MlylT1

11 12 13 7TTT 16 IT Q"L.,. May 18

IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 New . Moon.May 26

25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 Fiat Quarter.

Factory : ISTo. 23 NuuMUTUAL TELEPHONE 360; BELL 372.



54" aJ

mi tv t it 1 1rne mi v Advertiser aim wmk tbj .



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We do not hold ourselves responsible for thestatements made, or opinions expressed by ourcorrespondents.

Bush and Cummins.

Mr. Editor : Hon. J. : A. Cummins, m a lengthy imperfectly constructed Hawaiian manifesto to, thevoters of the -- District of Koolau- -

poke, states that he supports heartand soul Mr. J. Jx, iusns princi-ples, which appeared in yesterday'sAdvertiser, and his candidateshipfor the said district. .Look at tneunprincipled hero of the NationalParty! Hawaiian.

May 1st.

Disturbing the Quiet of the Night.

Mr. Editor: A number of idiots,you cannot call them anythingelse, thought it was very smart togo around town late Wednesdaynight in a carriage blowing fishhorns. The police ought to havearrested them for . disturbing thequiet of the night if they hadbeen Chinamen they pronaoiywould have done so. Up Nuuanustreet they made a frightful noise,and disturbed a cood manyneonle's rest.. A frisky youngdude, whose brains have always been missing, appeared to bethe ringleader. ree JjAnce.


Baseball.Mr. Editor: All who may have

read the editorial in yesterdaymorning's Advertiser must certainly admit the justice of most ifnot all the arguments used. Thebaseball league have a right tohave some sure ground on whichto calculate their basis of expend!ture and as every one must admitit is simply unreasonable that theboys who give their time to thesport they love, should apart fromtheir own pleasure be expected tobear the expense of providingamusement for the general public.

To meet these and other expenses which might accrue throughbringing outside teams down here,no doubt caused the steps whichhave been taken by the associationin order to have some safe plan onwhich to meet these expenses.

On the other hand our commun-ity is peculiarly constituted. I amconvinced that a payment of anyfee will prove a serious drawbackof itself alone. There are numbersof our fairly well --to do familieswho are in the habit of driving outwhere and how they please. Sat-urday afternoon comes with itsbaseball and that is taken in as amatter of course pat a ten-fo- ot

fence there and demand a fee ofonly a quarter for a whole carriageload and you touch a tender spot.No one surely would bo boldenough to assert that the amounthas anything to do with the ques-tion. It is simply that the freedomof going and coming as one pleaseshas met something which feels likea check. Twenty games at twenty-fiv- e

cents admission would be fivedollars for the entrance of thatfamily carriage. A very differentlight is thrown on the whole mat-ter when you ask the owner of thatcarriage to subscribe, five dollars(mark the word not pay) for agiven object which does not inter-fere with his sense of freedom.

I am aware that many may saythat I am at a distinction withouta difference, but 1 trust that myremarks may be taken in all fair-ness for it does seem to me that alittle energy might put this thingin such a shape as would be acredit to the usual magnanimity ofour community.

If a guarantee fund should bedeemed feasible by the manage-ment I would most willingly guar-antee twenty dollars a year forthree years. Yours obediently,

W. F. Reynolds.May 1, 1890.

m m

The Political Situation.Mr. Editor: In spite of the seri-

ous nature of the political situationand the disgust that one feels withthe ridiculous and false statementsmade by the anti-Reform- ers in sup-

port of their nefarious work, someof their literary productions are sosupremely ridiculous as to be reallyludicrous. Particularly in the ex-

tent to which they have carriedtheir "missionary" cry. If theyare not careful they will soon be inthe condition that the British werewith their tune of Yankee Doodle.

Don Caesar Celso Moreno's grand- -illoquent letters read so much likea chapter of Don Quixote that onebegins to wonder whether the fel-

low isn't really craeked, or whetherhe is only keen and cunning enoughto be amusing himself with the per-petration of a huge joke at the ex.pense of his self-conceit-

ed protege,R. W. Wilcox.

Hitherto, in order not to imposetoo often on the good nature of theeditor by an implied request for theuse of the columns of his paper, Ihave refrained from congratulatingmissionary Cecil Brown" on his

success at the late election. ;But, having read Moreno's second

letter, I am moved.with a renewedimpulse! to do so now, and to wishhe may make it-s-o hot for some ofhis eminent colleagues on the op

will wish thev naa never Deeu uum.I beg further to modestly suggebt

in tho Rev. Cecil Brown that someof his friends would bo delighted tosee a synopsis of his latest sermonrmhlifihed in the GAZETTE.

it. annfiflrs irom some leittua tua.have lately been written to theftAZTrrra. that some carping crmware dissatisfied with the last Hawaiian directory that was brougntout, and don't want no more of thatkind, because uninese couko.made too prominent in its pages.and the "wealthy," "grasping."avaricious." "selfish," "hypocritical"

"tnlnainnnrv merchantsjauu.i.- - r ja j 1 I

don t have no snow at an.Now for once those carping cri

tics are correct, but they must notgo too fast. "Occupants of thesame boat," etc. It is true theChinese are not very popular justnow (among a certain class) but so,

ffnifnroiift" and--UCIbllul Bib vuv w.w-- w

everything else-in-t- he - vocabu larv"missionary merchants" very popular now (among a certain otherclass.)

! However, we all will agree thata directory, of all books, snouia De

truthful, and of course impartial.Furthermore, it should be thorough.No prominent class of citizensshould be slighted, no matter howunpopular they may be, and theCaesar Moreno-JJusn-- w ncox emanations are a sufficient evidence thatthe missionaries occupy a conspicuous and influential position in ourmidst, much to their disquietudoAs we appear to abound in missionaries iuet now, the larger part of

m 1 J! A. 111

the iortncommg new directory winprobably run somewhat as follows:

Rev. Cecil Brown, attorney-at- -

law, and representative elect for thethird term for tho district of Honolulu: res. office No. 1 Chaplainstreet. Rev. P. C. Jones, mission-ary by marriage, member of thefirm of Brewer & Co., merchants,Dlantation agents, late donor of$5,000 to the "Hawaiian Band."(see S. F. papers). Rev. W. A.Kinney, attorney-a- t law, anti-Chi- n

ese agitator, . forthe district of HamaKua, a promin-ent member of tho wicked Reformparty, etc. Rev. H. Waterhouse,another missionary by marriage,and prominent member of the W.R.P., importer and dealer in generalmerchandise, for two terms memberof the legislature for Honolulu, andas a participator in quelling theWilcox insurrection, is now candidate for the gallows, if the Wilcoxparty succeeds. Rov. H. A. P.Carter, another missionary by marriage, said on the authority ofMoreno, to be now making himselfa laughing stock in Washington bytrying to convert the President tothe doctrine of annexation and appointing him to the American Senate as representative of Hawaii.

To be serious, the anomalous condition we have come to is this: thatin the estimation of the mad Opposition, no man who makes a profes-sion of religion, or in any mannerfraternises with church go?ng peo-ple, should take any active interestin politics, or be permitted to havea voice in the government of thocountry through the polls or any-where else.- In other words tho country shouldbe run by the devil, every chnrghshould be a cloister or tomb andover every church door should beinscribed the words: "Whoeverenters here leaves life behind." Nomore engagement in profitable per-suit- s,

no more interest in what isgoing on about him, no voice inwhat concerns his own welfare.

As for the Attorney-Genera- l, outwith him, no matter if he has beena personal friend.

This is a Reform government andwe want it to be continued on Re-form principles. When a man canno longer support it except as ameans to personal aggrandisementor that of his friends, and blocks itswheels to attain that end, he simplyputs us on a retrograde movementtoward the old corrupt state ofaffairs, and the country can betterget along without him.

Hawaii, April, 1890.


FROM THE PASTURE OF H.M. Whitney, on Monday, April28th, a light bay Colt, about 2years oia. a suuaDie reward will

be paid to any person returning the same.103-- 3t


82.50. per Bbl.


104-t- f SOLE AGENTS.

CIGARS AND TOBACCOOf the best quality and cheap.


ICED DRINKS,At 87 King Street, near Fort St, Honolulu.

104-l- m , H. PETERSEN.

; Notice of Eemoval.

L. SMITH... HAVING REMOVED.4n 4Vt A 1 " 1 4 Tl A.w we new ones store on jrort street.TiPTr. in If o T .nk'. 41 :n I i 1

from April 30th to on or about May 5th. inoroei'to re-arran-ge the stock. Due noticewill be given in Monday's paper of theopening day. 102-l- w .

the small boy.In making these remarks we are

by no means giving voice to ourown personal tastes or ldiosyncra- -cies merely, but are expressingwhat we have heard from.manyquarters, and what'wo believe tobe the general sentiment cf thecommunity.

If the grounds now in use arekept in order, as they probably willbe, and are still used for at leastsome of the games, many of theobjections hitherto .urged againt anenclosed ground will be removed.It will not be necessary t haveevery game played on the newgrounds, and when they are playedthere, a low admission fee will probably as a rule furnish all the revenue which is desired.


In the attitude of the NationalEeform Pary to Mr. Bush we havean edifying repetition of the situation before the election, with, however, one important difference. Before the 5th of February, the National Beform members were politi-

cal expectants. They were onlycandidates thencandidates whohoped to be elected by virtue oftheir, association with, and countenancing of, this same Mr. Bush whois now running again in Koolau.There was an appreciable motivethen which prevented their disclaiming the compromising alli-

ance. That motive does not existnow. Why do they not come outand condemn the incendiary anddemagogic appeals of their politicalassociate? Have they no motivefor doing so?. Surely, yes. Beyond a doubt they feel the connec-

tion to be a thoroughly uncomfort-able one. It compromises them almost beyond hope of recovery.Docs anjone suppose that Mr. E.C. Macfarlane, for instance, findsMr. Bash's political diatribes anyless revolting to his common senseand appreciation of the fitness ofthings than they are to the mostorthodox member of the BeformParty? The mere doubt suggestsa most injurious inuendo. A con-demnati- on

of Mr. Bush just at thisjuncture would help also to per-

suade the community that the de-

cent and intelligent minority of thequeerly-name- d National BeformParty will insist on a voice in itscounsels. It is the doubt as tothis which casts on the . party ashade likely to last until that partyitself is nothing but a memory.Why do not tljp respectable mem-

bers of the organization condemntheir demagogic brethren of ailcolors, and so lay the foundation toa share of the public confidence ?

Probably because they areashamed to do so. The question isnot without difficulty, and we pro-

pound this explanation only pro-visionally, as the most likely solu-

tion which the facts in our posses-sion admit. Who can search outthe secrets of the hearts. Humannature has not changed much sinceJob was written. He would nomore have been able to made heador tail out of them than we are.And we cannot pretend ourselves,to having much of an idea as towhat goes on inside of them.

One thing is certain they arebetween the horn's of a dilemma.Not to repudiate Mr. Bush, is toperpetuate a base humbug andhypocrisy. To repudiate him is tobe guilty of an equally base in-

gratitude, as well as to make an'open confession. Our friends of theNational Beform Party are be-

tween the devil and the deep sea.At present they cannot pluck upthe courage to Qpnfess. They pre-fer to " cheek it out."


BEFORE BICKERTON, J.Thursday, May 1.

The Metropolitan Meat Companyvs. John Boss. Assumpsit for $600.Tried before a foreign jury. F. M.Hatch for plaintiffs; C. L. Carter fordefendants. Verdict for plaintiffsfor the amount.

AT CHAMBERS BEFORE MCCULLY, J.In probate Estate of John L.

Blaiadell. Petition of W. R. Castlefor probate of will, etc. Continuedfrom April 30th. Ordered that thewill be admitted to probate and thatletters testamentary be issued to H.P. Baldwin without bond.

In the case of E. B. Thomas vs.G. B. Norton, in banco, April term,1890. The Court files a decisionsustaining the defendant's demurrer.

The Court in banco in the case ofJ. Kamai vs. A. G. Trask dismissesdefendant's appeal from the commis-sioners of private ways, etc., for thedistrict of Honolulu.

pHE ADVERTISER IS THEX leading daily paper of the Kingdom

OPERA HOUSEL.J. Levey Lessee.Chirr Phillips Manager.

Last night but one of the Season !

On Saturday Evening, May 3d,

THE - BIJOUComedv& DramaticCo.

Will appear in the five Act play,entitled


EST Box plan now open.

n-- r k xrr r a ttKTC"R trill h riven onuivau " o- -

SATURDAY when will be presented.



Which was so well received on Thursday.

Door3 ODen at 2: commences atZZiSHfO ClOCK. xrrv


Book,. News and Stationery Store


Full Supply of

Spalding's Baseball Goods,

Including Bats, Masks, Gloves, LeagueBalls, etc. Fine new line of

Croquet, Lawn Tennis, Indian Clubs,

all weights; etc,


Ete., Etc.

Sole Agent for the

Merritt Type Writer.An Instrument which has no equal forthe money price $17.50. Circulars for-warded on application.





Agent to take Acknowledgments.Office No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono-67-l- y

lulu, H. I.


Dealer In Choice Manila and Ha-vana Cigars, Cigarettes,

AREATED WATERS, Etc.Cor. Bethel and King Streets.

98-3-m -



THE RESIDENCE OP VUJ. LILL1E on Lnnalilo Street, con-taining Double Parlors', Large DiningHoora, 4 Bedrooms. Dressing and Bath

rooms, Kitchen and 2 Pantries, Detached Ser-vants House, Stable, Coach House and ChickenYard.

The Grounds are 105 feet front and about 325feet deep, and are all laid out with Palms, Rocesand Choice Plants. Will be vacant on the 9thSlav.

The Fernery and Ferns to be removed unlessagreed on. 87 1317-l- m


J. N.-S- . Williams and R. More& Co., and imported the heavy machinerynecessary in order that we may be able todo all classes of work in our line, we areriow prepared to carry on a business asEngineers and Iron Founders, manufac-turing Sugar Machinery, Irrigating Ma-chinery, Steam Engines, etc., etc. Wemake a specialty of manufacturing Diffu-sion Machinery in all its branches, andguarantee all work to be done on the short-est possible notice.

Special attention will be paid to cityorders for making or repairing Machinery,and the work done at reasonable rates.

We trust that by a close attention in ex-ecuting our orders we will soon gain ourshare in the foundry work of the Kingdom.

UNION IRON WORK8 CO.,J. N. S. Williams, Manager.

Office and Works, Esplanade, Honolulu.1319 92-2- w

'fell''Pioneer Steam


F, HORN Practioal Comectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.No. 71 Hotel St. - . Telephone 74.

1209 35--tf

NOTICE.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT11 I nave day sold all my right, titleand interest in my present line of businessas Merchant Tailor and Drv Goods Dealerat No. 59 Nuuanu street, Honolulu, to GooHim & Co.

All accounts due to or owed by me priorlot 11a.. 10Y1A A i

."-- - wxw lllJU KIM


White FacedRlnnlr Rnanl.k Jf i "F. " M1U1 O Ovlib org PJ Orders taken for allbred Poultry from the yards of one of the

S. P. 8IMONDS,1308 34-3-m 182 King Street

13 EAD THE DMLY ADVJSIITIBEIIif yon want the latest netra. "T


These Filters are easily kNEVEU become Cracked

by change of Temperature.

'ltie entering aieuium a

STONE, mined from the

unlike any other stone.

Tn --rrici VAT iPCAL11 XJKJEjO iWl iwv- -i


it, but lie on the surface,,

the Btone remains as mafter years of use asfW'the mine.

"The Gate City Stone J:success. It is the on vr

ever seen. I would not kjjany consideration. Meffiwater into ineoesiui.-- -,world. Ursa M.

633 West Adana


Hawaiian B

OnnoRite SpreckeliC4-11

127-- tfA


Just BecejPerS.S. Oceanjcand l

China I

IfDiJiwe aiiu vr

Silk Handkercfci


Flower Pots



Boston Lineal

...... i., on 1bento .win no icmw - .(jimj




Band Concert By the Roval HawaiianBand, at the Hawaiian Hotel, at 7:30p. M.

I. O. O. F. Polynesian Encampment, No.1 i '.OU P. M.

St. Andrew's Cathedral Service at 7p. M.

A. L. of H. Oceanic Council, No. 777,' ati :3U P. M.

Honolulu Ariox Regular monthly meeting at i :cy p. m.

Honolulu Rifles Drill Co. D, at 7:30P. M.

Woman's Board of Missions Meeting atp. m.


Pacilc Commercial Advertiser.

Bo iua t and fear not :

Let all the ends thou aim 'at at beThy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.

FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1890.



Wo give it up. AVe helped Wil-cox along in his electioneering cam-paign by publishing his' speecheswithout charge, whereupon he gotmad and abused us Then ourfriend Crowley blossomed out as anorator and Ave extended the helpinghand to his bright young genius,and passed on his scintilations ofwit and manly-patrioti- sentiments,to a wider audience than he couldreach while balancing on the Fishmarket fence, and ho was so unkindas to say that we lied for coin. Andnow comes the third member ofthis delightful trio and publishes inhis own paper, under the heading"Hauoli nui," (great joy) a categor-ical statement of the sentiments forwhich his soul yearns, and whenwe tender him the good offices ofour valuable editorial space to helphim along up the ladder of ambi-tion, he too joins the chorus and

'says that wo lie, although all thatwo did was to translate his edito-rial, and ho does not deny that thetranslation is correct.

Ye gods and little fishes ! Whereis this thing going to end? IfBush's reports of his own speechespublished in his own paper are tobe characterized by Mr. Bush thenext day as his by Mr. Bush, whatis there left in this deceitful worldthat can be depended upon?Ileal ly, if this kind of thing keepsup wo shall begin to lose faith inMr. Bush.


The crusado against the newbaseball scheme takes tho formchiefly of an attack on the proposedten-fo- ot fence. There is no doubtthat this proposition is the weakpoint of the affair. A fence of somekind is necessary, and it


must beone which will keep out the crowd.Ten feet, however, are at least twomore than are needed for that pur-pose, and those who have the-- mat-ter in hand may rest assured thatif they put up a ten foot fence theywill merely be doing something inhaste which they will afterwardsrepent at leisure. The moneywhich is thrown away, and worsethan throvyn away, on the extratwo feet,' would serve to plane and

. paint an eight-foo- t fence, and thusturn a hideous abomination intosomething neat and decent. A fenceeight feet high, painted some darkquiet color would not offend the

, eye, and would answer every pur- -pose which it is intended to serve.

To make the town hideous, mere.: ly to keep 'the small boy from

climbing, is an act of gratuitousspite from the point of view of the

Ex Bark Join D. Brewer



Offer For Sale,

A Variety of Vehicles

Consisting of "

Side Bar and Corning Buggies,

Extension Top Cabriolet,

Village Carts,

... Ext Top 2-se- at Side Bar,

From the Celebrated Manufactory of Geo.L. Brownell, New Bedford. Also,



MTJXjE carts,Of the well-know- n Dole & Osgood make.

CThe public are invited to inspectthese Goods at the store ot


101 1321-l- m 3t Queen Street.

Grand Opening of Summer Goods.

Latest Styles of

HATS " BONNETSLatest Fashions in Ladies' Broad Rim

Lace Hats, Bonnets and Toques.

Pine Assortment of Children's Hats.


Latest Novelties in


N. B. By the 1st of May I ' willREMOVE my Millinery Parlors to thebrick store next door to Wenner & Co., onFort street. - :

MRS. B. C. GOOD, Fort Street- 054m


Merchant Tailor,MAHUFACIUBMl OF

Geutlemen'o Underclothing.'JLnd Suraislxiiie Goods.

Woolen and Pongee Coats, Wool, Calico,- German and Linen Shirts. .

Fuissl Bruid3 cf Hires tad Utaila (Sgtrs.. 99 Ring 8tr t. My

r wu iiri.iiirirTnvni11

v. J JD "B.aMKiMSS'O

fVaJh1Tff,L N'tl'on Uoopc or SUolV - feprtnei ! Eft tovw. Thiseelebnttd

ot rati cik r.i g-- - r.

All HlMal UmmmM t I A- -

SSSSSff9' ua5lA I'.iM m cw N

AdTcrtiio jGzzt xzziti in tho Duly

.v mm

Page 3: mum - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · collections and conduct a general banking and use to try. ingoing to skip for the Requisites a Specialty. ltf exchange business


An energetic young man wants asituation. IS IT SUICIDE ? "WM. Or. FISHER'Sr. M.

The Kinau sails at 2 o'clock thisafternoon for Maui and Hawaii. Mark Twain tells the story: that at the

inquest held on the body of Buck Fanshaw Wrought Steel Cooking Eanges;!:

,V:,w 4:00b-"---.:::-



i;Sa-- .lO:lJ :k 4:05


11:00 J;JJ 4:53lSa"'11:4S


II. Meek the Hawaiis Pitcher lie-instat- ed

A Protest from the StarsA meeting of the Hawaii Baseball

League was held yesterday after-noon at the Chamber of Commerceroom, the President, Hon. W. F.Allen in the chair.

The minutes of the previous meet-

ing were read and approved.A letter was read from Mr. W. B.

Oleson, stating that he was confinedto his bed and unable to be presentat the meeting as a delegate for theKamehamehas. He asked that Mr.H. S. Townsend be allowed to behis substitute.

A letter was read from the man--

With Broiler and Hot Water Attachments.

who during the delirium of a ragingtyphoid fever had taken arsenic, shot him-self through the body, cat his throat, andjumped out of a four-stor- y window, break-ing his neck the jury, after due delibera-tion, sad and tearfnl, but with intelligenceunblinded by its sorrow, brought in a ver-dict of "death by the visitation of God."

Buck undoubtedly cuunfitted suicide, andro does every one who neglects the firstsymptoms of approachiug sickness and dis

Mr. Morgan will sell thirty cordsof hard firewood at noon to-da- y.

The Pacific Hardware Co. offerHawaiian lime at $2.50 per barrel.

The members of Engine Co. No. 1will have drill this evening at 7o'clock. ease. Mature blways gives ample notice of

I. any disturbance of physical processes ;sometimes it is neuralgia, sometimes asharp shooting pain in the abdomen or side,

H. Peterson at 87 King street hasor a dull or throbbing headache : no twocigars and tobaccos of fine brands

for sale.C. I. IiW'3

persons get the same symptoms. What youhave to do is to attack the first symptoms,for if consumption. droDSV. cancer or &

Take the children to Bright's disease once gets a start, you cansee Uncleafternoon. of the Hawaiian Tramways

Of the Uliuokalani Educational So-ciety Held at Washington Flace.

The fourth annual meeting of thefirst" division of the LiliuokalaniEducational Society was held Thurs-day afternoon at the residence of H.E. H. Princess Liliuokalani, Wash-ington Place. It was presided overby the Princess who is President.

The report of the secretary, Mrs.J. H. Brown, was read and showedthe progress made during the year.Very satisfactory reports had beenreceived of the three little girlsbeing educated by the society. Oneis at East Maui seminary the othertwo at Kawaiahao.

Miss Louisa Brickwood the treas-urer reported as follows:

RECEIPTS.Dues 64 50Dividend Ice Stock 20 00Donation, Mrs. Jones 5 00Cash on hand May 15, 1889 189 10


Tuition of three little girls .$150 00Postal Order .55Stationery 2 05Printing. 4 25

$156 85Balance on hand. 121 75

The officers were all re-elect- ed forthe ensuing year, and are as follows:President, H. It. H. Princess Liliuo-kalani; Vice-Presiden- t, Mrs. H. R.Macfarlane; Secretary, Mrs. J. H.Brown; Treasurer, Miss LouisaBrickwood; Directresses, Mrs. A.

not stop its headlong course to tne grave.Tom's Cabin SaturdayThey will enjoy it.

11 li ii p

- Pi Kj "T - j 01

:r Ss LT--;-These are facts there is no disputing, forall the medical skill in the world cannot do

Company, in answer to an applica-tion for free passes to players to the much for you when real organic disease hasThe S. S. Australia is due at noon bet m.grounds.

P &o


00 ST

a.m.6.24 1.466.24 2.2'J6.25 3.08

6.25 3.40

6.2G 4.176.26 4.536.2H 5.32

.i c on s.3o We emphatically recommend Clementsri)1 5.0O!. tA it rM 5.30 A petition from the Hawaii baseto-da-y from San Francisco with six-teen days later news. Tonic because we know .by personal exper-

ience and by the evidence of influential andball club asking that Meek be re-

instated was read, also a petition ofa similar nature signed by a number

.00 .00j4.3

30 rehable people who have used it that it willdo good and prevent disease. Clements'



Meek will probably pitch for theto. .50! 8.30Tonio is a medicine that invigorates andHawaiis on Saturday in their gameuol S! of citizens. strengthens the entire corporal organism ;against the Honolulus. The prayer of the petition was it does not only affect certain members butSteam Planing

!fffb?!!S signal from the!Lit st Ilonolalu mean noon

strengthens the whole system, thus prevent-ing the attacks of disease. Consuming one-thi-rd LESS FUEL, either wood or coal, than any other StoveA very nice cottage on Beretania granted and Meek is re-instat- ed, the

captain of the Hawaiis to file apledge with the secretary, that Meek The Tumut and Adelong Times says :1,1 33 sec. pa x. 4 28 mi n.

Ki time, to correspond street nearly opposite the RiflesArmory, is advertised to let. "Clements' Tonio certainly deserves the

popularity it has acquired, we have had proofwin play noneswy ana iainy wnueriven "y cuti"""""" -- --

.ast is especi-Suer- ?

.m jewelers.

in existence. No bnck work about it. just a clean cut Stove,whose Baking qualities are unsurpassed.


Reversible Grates.This Grate is of a triangular form, having three surfaces which are reversi

positive, in oases (under our notice) in thisin the league.A reward is offered for the return neighbouroood, oi its valuable properties.".ill The following petition was then Mr. . Garrett, M. r., says : " I haveof a light bay colt, which has strayed read: taken Clements' Tonic with great advant

age.away from premises on Beretaniastreet. Mr. President and members of the ble, so that a separate top surface can be used on alternate days: or if the one

surface in course of use shows any wear then the other can be turned up. and soMr. John Plummer, (Fort-stre- et PublioHawaii Baseball League.Gentlemen: The Star baseball on the other, making it equal in durability to three distinct Grates.School) says: "Mrs. Plummer has fre-

quently derived great benefit from the useof Clements' Tonic."

Mr. Fred. Harrison has beenclub by its captain would respectawarded the contract for erecting a


- -- r is 5 n

""Tu n CO 751 fr HE 1

SlS 81 8tOK 1

Sf &0

4' 10. JsSl g SKI $

Mr. S. D. Wood (Verger of All Saintsfully enter their protest against theten-fo- ot fence around the new base Cathedral, Bathurst), writes: "That he fi-FO-R SALE BY THEresult of the game of baseball playedball grounds. found Clements1 Tonic a grand pick-m- e-

Rosa, Mrs. W. E. Foster, Mrs. Mal-colm Brown, Mrs. Afong, Mrs. A. up and it completely cured him of low IT A T7 A TT A T XT A DTW A TT?on Saturday, April 2b, lyu, between CO.,spirits indigestion, giddiness ana humming nA M I I H n t IV I f ww j V iij? ernandez, Miss Mary Buckle.The Hawaiian band gives a public the Kamehameha baseball, and the

aforesaid Star club, on the grounds noises in ine ears."The second division will meet atconcert at the Hawaiian Hotel this Mr. li. swan, danee) unction, wnosuner i oi.f FORT STREET, (opposite Sprockets' Bank), Honolulu.- i it tthe same place on Saturday morning tbat 0ne, Robert Pahau, captain ofat 10 O'clock. oaA lToaViamfthn hnsnlmll rlnh. did

evening at 7:30 o'clock. Programmeelsewhere.

ea irom aeoiniy, caraiaa weakness anu ner-vousness, following on typhoid, took Clem-ents' Tonic and says, " That after takinglFISG INTELLIGENCE. . a m il a

6 or 7 bottles his health was folly tne nrst nan oi ine iourxninning when there were two men B. IT.EHLERS &CO.Mr. Walter Jones, the Supreme

Court stenographer, leaves on theAKK1VALS.out, and no runs scored, but a

and that be can now eat anything and doany reasonable amount of work, whereasbefore taking Clements Tonio he could donone at all."

Uncle Tom's Cabin.Quito a large audience assembled

in the Opera House last evening towitness the play of Uncle Tom's

Kinau to day, to report the proceedThursday, May 1.

Cummins. Xeilson. from Koo- -

e Morris from Koolau.

man on third base, also a man (lio-be- rt

Pahau) on second base, inter-fere and prevent, contrary to Rule

Clements' Tonic oan be obtained from 99 Fort Street, Honolulu.HAVE JUST RECEIVED A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF

all medicine dealers or fromCabin by the Bijou Comedy Com48, Section 7 and 8, the shortstop of

HOLLISTER & CO., 109 Fort SLpany. There are very few people inthe world who have not seen this

PEI'AKTUHKS.Thursday , May 1.

&o for Kauai. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS!1320 102-l- m

the Star Club, (Jhas. Wilder, fromfielding a batted ball, i. e., by run-ning into him and pushing him insuch manner that it was impossiblefor him to consummate an easyplay,

play; it is a very interesting onewhen well put on. Certainly the


r f. T nlioi ?nikena, MaliuKon:t, jvawuiuuu,

Bijou Company must be congratu- - and one that would have retired thelated on the success they made in third man, and prevented any runstheir presentation yesterday even-- in that inning, but by such act threeing. Mr. Walter Adrian personated ns resulted, thereby winning the

ings at the Hilo term.

Mr. L. J. Levey will make hisfirst appearance on the stage at thematinee Saturday afternoon as theauctioneer in Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Every member of the HonoluluAnon is requested to be 'present atthe monthly meeting this evening at7:30 o'clock. Business of importance.

Mrs. Joseph D. Oilman gave abathing party and dance at Oneonta,AVaikiki, last evening. A most plea-sant evening was spent by a numberof invited guests.

The regular monthly meeting ofthe Camera Club will be held at 8o'clock this evening at the club

l'cpeekeo, Onomea, anaR. BARNFIELD WILL RESUME All will be Sold at Reasonable Prices.MLBUhop, he Claire, lor waia- - Classes on TUESDAY. May 6th.

TTnola Tnm tlm nlrf nmrrn in a vflrv &aJ?e iro.m Drawing and Painting in Oils and WaterNow, therefore, the Star Baseball

,iar.J Koolau at J a. m.ikeaouli for KuLala.Eov for Ewa.

Colors Light and shade, bull L.ue ana Our Dressmaking Department under the management of MISSClub prays the league to set aside Figure Painting. CLARK, will be re-open- ed about May 12th.irrforHanalei, Kauai. Tuesday. Friday, ana Saturday alter--the foresaid game, and mate suchorder regarding it as they may deem noons, trom u to a o ciock. biucuo,

Spreckels' Block, Fort street. 100-2-wVESSELS IN FORT. just and equitable to all parties conhampion, St Claire, Hilo. cerned. Y. U. VVILDEB, Jr.,.Martin, Jio!irsong. illslew Siimer Dress MateriCastle, Hubbard, San FranciscoRodin. San Francisco.

GEORGE GRAY,(Late of the Customs)

Capt. Star Baseball Club.Honolulu, April 26.Mr.Wilder, the Stars' captain, said

faithful manner. Frank Cleavesshines brightly in villianous partsand his Simon Legree was no excep-tion. Horace Ewing, as LawyerMarks, was simply immense andcreated roars of laughter. W. H.Hoogs took the part of Tom Lokerwith credit. He looked as if he wereabout to start for Kahuka ranch toaccept a position as luna. TheMisses Lizzie Lingham, Eberle andAtwood were excellent in their re-spective parts. The surprise of theevening was the acting of little

Men, Thompson, San Francisco. room. A full attendance of memlampson,So(lergren, b Irancisco.kA.itore. Humboldt. DEGS LEAVE TO INFORM THEthey would like to have the matter

. . . i m

bers is requested.

The schooner Olga leaves for San(Queen, Winding, San Francisco. A public, merchants and others, that he

is prepared to undertake the collection ofBrewer. Josselyn, Loston. IMMENSE VARIETY! LATEST DESIGNS Isettled as prayed ior in tne pennon,and moved that the chair appoint acommittee to investigate and report.

bills, appraiser work, and making invenhant. Jacobsen. San Francisco. Francisco about May 7tb, and hasIraing Star, Garland, Gilbert lids. tories ot bankrupt and other stocks.

103-l- m P. O. Box No. 333.superior accomodations for passen NOW OPEN ATThe motion carried and the presiiiker.Carty. Hongkong..Iqarter, Dreyer, Eureka. . erers. Messrs. Theo. H. Davies & dent appointed H. M. Whitney, Jr., 104 Fort Street.Co. are the agents. Masquerade Ball. N. S. SACHS',Dena Wolter as Eva. She is eight of the Honolulus, and M. K. Keoho- -

years of age, and had only three or kalole of the Hawaiis, they to ap--ESSELS EXPECTED. The regular monthly meeting of!i. Where from. Due. four days in which to get up the part, rjoint a third memberthe Hawaiian Mission Children's bo- -wdale. . . Liverpool Apr 15 LATEST COLORED AND WHITEbut notwithstanding this, she took Mr. G. K. Wilder thought that anJohn....ewcastle, 14 3 W ciety will be held Saturday evening

at 7:30 o'clock at the residence ofA GRAND MASQUERADE BALLwill take place on WEDNESDAY,Bremen the part in the most wonderful Arbitration Committee of three

manner, the audience being com- - would be a good thing to have on WASH MATERIALS. .rg... ew York May 14. 1890. at the Honolulu KinesHon. W. R. Castle. Annorv. Beretania street, the procv iork pletely carried away with hex clever the grounds daring the games, thei . mi it xi I , . i . .1 r i ;unders.l'uget Sound ceeds to be given to the Portuguese Ladies

Charitable Association. Tickets of adacting, xne part couia not nave same as tney nave . in tne uaniorniafi Puget Sound SATING I A" the 1&r' andl SATINESLeague. All disputes are referred ton rusret aounu.... been done better. The other char-acters were faithfully represented.tlenton.Newcastle

mission $1.00, and can be had of HawaiianNews Co., Hollister & Co., Benson, Smith& Co., T. G. Thrum, C. J. McCarthy, and

that committee and settled by them.ter Delaware.... FANCY FIGURED PERSIAN MULLS: a fine assortment of

F'l Sun Francisco. . . H.J.Nolte. W-t-d FANCY LINEN LAWNS and INDIA LINOHS ;On Saturday evening Tom Taylor's

play "The ticket of leave man," willbe given. The box plan is now open 3to 2tf)rtiscntfnts.p Welch San Francisco...

F?r San Francisco. . .

ft San Francisco... .May 2 Dividend Notice.kndia . .Colonies May 3 The Care of Lawns!

at Mr. L. J. Levey's omce.

A Very Pleasant Kvent.


in Stripes and Plaids.

WHITE GOODS!posa...San Francisco.... May 9Perkins. Peru. ..April 30

There will be a meeting of theWoman's Board of Missions at 2:30o'clock this afternoon at the parlorsof the Central Union church. A let-ter will be read about Micronesiaand the latest intelligence from theislands will be presented.

Three natives, one a woman, andtwo Chinese were arrested just be-

fore midnight in a house on Beretania street, near Kaumakapilichurch, for having opium unlaw-fully in possession. A quantity ofsmoking apparatus was seized.

The Bijou Company will present

Fifty-seve- n years ago yesterday, A DIVIDEND WILL BE PAID TOV the Shareholders of Paia Plantation atMUTING NOTES.

We had a lawn with flower beds upon it.Oar neighbor had a dog with fleas upon the office of Messrs. Castle & Cooke, onthe Rev. Dr. Lowell Smith landed in

Honolulu from the bark Mentor, it with the added desire to roll on our Thursday, May 1, 1890.T. W. HOBRON.

P S.C. Allen, Capt. Thompson,h Saturday for San Francisco. Victoria Lawns, Nansooks in plain and checks. Batistes, Confection, plain and

Captain Rice. He was accompanied flowerbeds. Secreta"ner Marv arrived on Wednes- -103- -:He also had a family of small and evil Honolulu, April 30, Mr8..Smith. At that time, therebags sugar from Hanalei.

boys.were no hacks or street cars, andmer Kob ilov sails to-d- ay withamber for the Ewa Plantation. Pianos For Rent.The result was, that finally the flower

beds vanished and the dog and small boysMrs. Smith was taken up town in a


EMBROIDERED BOX SUITS, in Wash Materials; and Silk EmbroideredWool Materials.

Embroideries, Embroideries.immense assortment at very low prices.

fwwhip Australia. Capt. Houd--hand cart, while the doctor walked. seemed to imagine the lawn their own ex

elusive real estate.The anniversary was celebrated yes-terday at the residence of Mrs. B. F. PIANOS IN GOOD ORDERWe battled their idea awhile, but gave itC.I). Bryant, Capt. Jacobsen,

on Tuesday next at 2 o'clock from $4.00 to $7.00 per month.InfifrHup m despair.We let the lawn, which had once beenDillingham, daughter of the vener EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES, latest beirimedstitched designs, entire new pat--

. It 1 4l.rancisco. MUSIC DEPARTMENT OFTHE HAWAIIAN NEWSable doctor. It took the form of a onr unde and iov. eo "to the dogs" inAwner Allen A.. Cnnt. Sirfo on 51 a 123-- tfCOMPANY.dead, cold earnest.lunch, and there were present on thisV Kahului, Maui, to load sugar We couldn't stand one ot those wretched

terns at exceptional tow pnctj, uh iuo

POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSEinteresting occasion, Hon. S. N. and wooden fences. To such a monstrositydogs and small boys were much td be pre Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms,Mrs. Castle, Mrs. Cooke, Mrs. Mary

Rice, Mrs. Mary Rowell, Mrs. TersisTavlor and Dr. Lowell Smith. All

ferred.But that weed-erow- n lawn worried us.FOR:QR0LOGICAL RECORD

APRIL. Its unkemp waste was a wormwood to our Cor. Queen and Xuuanu Sts.of those above mentioned have been artistic soul. We tried to protect it iromthe trespassing: foot of man and doe.on the islands over fifty years. Of Goods of all descriptions sold on

course they had a great deal to talksmations Made at OaUu Col-- W

Prof. A. B. Lvnns. commission."Nettings" of various types proved worsethan an imaginary boundary, for nettingcosts money and that dog of Jenkinsbroke it down the first day. A happy

about, and before parting, prayerwas offered up. Mr. and Mrs. Di--


Mutual Telephone G31. 31-l- yTEMPERATVRE OF AIR. thought ! We went to our hardware merDimond and Mrs. Parker were not

the strong play "Ticket of LeaveMan," Saturday evening with thefollowing cast: Bob Brierley, Mr.Frank Cleaves; Jem Dalton, Mr.Walter Adrian; Hawkshaw, Mr.Wm. L. Roberts; Melter Moss, Mr.Horace Ewing; Maltby, Mr. Fred, J.Atwood; Mr. Gibson, Mr. LawrenceEarl; May Edwards, Miss LizzieLingham; Mrs. Willoughby, MissImogene Eberle; Sam Willoughby,Miss Lillie Atwood. .

A rieasant "At Home."Yesterday afternoon Capt. Mc-Curl- ey

and officers of the U.S. S.

Nipsic gave the first of their seriesof " at homes." A large number of

invited guests were in attendanceprincipally of the fair sex, and theywere conveyed to and from the Nip-si- c

in the ship's boats. The decora-tions of flags and flowers were not ex-tensive,-but

neat. Dancing was indulg-ed in to the strains of the Hawaiianstring orchestra, led by Mr. Berger.His Majesty the King was present,attended by Mr. Jas. W. Robertson,Vice-Chamberlai- n. Capt. McCurleyand officers received the invitedguests and made all feel quite, at

chant and noured out all, and opened ourwell enough to be present. Dr. heart and asked his advice, which resulted NOTICE.Minimum. Aver. Lowell Smith , is now eighty-seve- n in our enclosing our plot with a "Hart- -man" Fence, and our lawn is now as veivetv as of vore and our pansy beds as gay,


April 135 April 8

--I5iipril 17

and a half : years old.

May-da-y Social.63.72. TTAV1NG BOUGHT OUT MR. W. H.April 2

April 3April --Li. Page in the Honolulu Carriage ManuThis fencing is as delicate as a gossamer to

look at and as mighty as one of those old


73.43factory, at 128 Fort Street, I am preparedto continue the above business under thelumber monstrosities to repel intruders. ItThere was not a large attendanceC9.8 April 9

pre of earth old name of Honolulu Carriage Manufacdidn't cost as much, either; not as muchas a home-mad- e wooden concern wouldat the May-da- y social given by the

Y. W. C. T. U. last evening in the tory, and being an old experienced carnaihave, bv a lontrshot.N Moisture e oiP lowest (V) ; 8ril118 P builder I solicit the patronage of my old Fine Chemicals, Toilet Articles,cubic foot. We believe in "open gardens," but we friends and the public in general, and withY. M. C. A. hall, but it passed off also believe most firmly in putting a dain- -ontbelf,th mv thorough knowledge of the businessatknmidiX Say Per cent. very pleasantly. The following jpro-- ty "rteXFlU2liache8rbL5Perct.

and with experienced workmen and usingonly the best material 1 guarantee generalsatisfaction. Please call and see me before

m a r mmr iiina i k f m . - - .gramme was given: x itmu bviu, mioo when it can be done so thoroughly and PH0T0GBAPHIC SUPPLIES of all kinds.Widdifieldi vocal solo. Gertie Whit easily by using the Hartman Mfg. Coon ine ta.rteen Jll .A?"1 during the Dre-- going elsewhere.

(Signed) GIDEON WEST.Honolulu. Oct. 28. 1889. 103-- tf

- "ir mcne8.j ney, piano solo, Mary Weir; vocalduet, Misses Helen and Hattie Mc-Guir-e;

piano duet, Misses EllenTTnnnftr and Lottie Parmelee. All

Steel Fence.' E3?ot sale by the

-- HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,104-- lt Fort St., opp. Spreckftls' Bank.

WANTED.homo. Notice to"the nnmbers were well rendered.

i iI Public Concert. Refreshments were served consisting

20.91 April 9 This evening tne itoyai uawauau.w April 9I 'U83in ....


30.033Tlie M. A. Seed and the Carbutt Dry Plates.THE MORE SATISFACTORYT?ORBand will give a concert at the Hawaii

of lemonade and ginger snaps

;Nttu uTJcrtiscmcnts.29.832 April 9 ENERGETIC, CAPABLE, YOUNGAN wants a position in a store or accommodation of our patrons we beg4--P57 an Hotel commencing at 7:30 o'clock. to suggest to them that in cases whereother employment. Several years exper-

ience as salesman. Good recommenda drays are required for shipping goods toFollowing is the programme :out going steamers ana coasters, or in any SOLE IMPORTERS OF TUB CELEBRATEDtions. Address " N. M. sr. C. AdvertiserF. D.

regularcase where required, at 1 o'clock sharp ofthe day, they will find that by ringing upoffice. 104-- 3t

1. March Vienna........ ...... vV..Schield2. Overture ..Light Cavalry. .... ..Sappe3 KoWfinn "M innmntn Ihv reOUest).. . . For JPreiglit or Passage. Mutual Telephone oba or Bell leiepho

100 between the hours of 7 a. m. and 5 p.of

WFiPresentave3of thev.vr. ..7.. . . ...Fiiiette

4. SelVrYinWRohemian Girl Balfe TO X.ET. their wants will be promptly attended to. STRAITON & STORM SEGARSPoh Pnmeh.anA. Little Annie Rooney.Ke;e;:pheid which will thereby greatly facilitate busi-ness to the better satisfaction of all conTHE FAST SAILING SCHR.

will leave for San Fran5. Medley Black Brigade. .... .. .... BeyerWrBellTer, Cisco on or about WEDNESu. w aitz syrens. ..............7. Polka A Good Kiss: . . : . . . ..Waldteufel

A COTTAGE OF TWO ROOMS,situated on Fort street above KukniApply at this office- - 102-3- t

cerned.21-3-m HAWAIIAN TRANSFER CO.DAY, May 7th. uooa passen-- And Kimball's Vanity, FairHawaii Ponoi. eer accomodations. Apply tolffineor

aiini ' nTQeeJtoK. ,ent Firewood For Sale,to the Agents. -the Master or .

I04.3t THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.the NOTICE.... Police Court. .. 0'"".''--

: --" f Thtjbsd at, May 1.- -

Moon, charged with the. unlawhorsed kc, Cigarettes & To"baccosi! by .the TOioofeti: ALL PERSONS ARE FORBIDDEN TO

or to allow fowls or cattle on3" AND SPLIT FOR STOVE USE,CUT per cord, at theHAWnVCOMMERCIAL SALESROOMS,

eporn. ful possession of opium, was finedthe land of Kawelo. Waikiki.' All partiespresent.'found on the land after 8 o'clock at nightmiif nnTTAGE ON BERE- - Cor. Queen and Nnuanu Sts.u k 40-- tf

$50 with $3 costs and sentenced toone honrs' imnrisonment at - hard will be prosecuted to the full extent of the. --.f tin . now occupied

KTonoluliilabor 109 Fort St.,by Mr. TR Key Hmij law. - uu w Diflu wai- per Lam Chung Wa.. Honolulu, April 4. 1890. , 80-l-m

The Advertiser is the leadingjournal of the Kingdom.

mn spoditoll A nolle pros, was entered against W104-l- V

ijong John, charged with vagrancy

Page 4: mum - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · collections and conduct a general banking and use to try. ingoing to skip for the Requisites a Specialty. ltf exchange business

'v ' ',


- ,3 i:v . 3Ktt 5Uttrtisemtni8.3Tcu) lliccrttscmcnts. (General SUiDertisemmts. :p&misjmt!tis.

Honolulu and San Francisco Mail Service FILTER PRESSES.John Esa, Vice-Preside- nt.

Cecil Brown, Auditor.-i V 7 "VE. 11. Hendry, President and Manager.Godfkey Brown, Secretary & Treasurer. WA1ALAE BREEDING RANCH llljlHorses Kept.


Opp. Spreckels' Bank, - - Fort Street, Honolulu,

Importers and Dealers in General V

HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERYGenuine Haviland China, plain

Ware; Piano, Library

Chandeliers and Electoliers,Lamp Fixtures of all kinds ; a complete assortment of Drills and Files ;

Pedigrees of all


The following Fine Animals will standfor Service at the Ranch, Waialae:

Well-fcre- d Stallion " MARIN."Norman Stallion

" CAPTAIN GROWL."Thoroughbred Stal. "MIDNIGHT."

Two Native Stallions

"PILIAOAO" and " .'

A "Well-bre- d. Kentucky JACK.

PAUL R.1314 -lv

rrnirninxT nnnnr inna imiy i i i , i1I111U 1 UUl 1 IJlUkJ1 Ullll

3 Ji t

The "Gazelle" Riding Plow and Equalizer, Bluebeard Rice Plow,Planters' Steel and Goosenecked Hoes .

OILS: Lard, Cylinder, Kerosene, Linseed.PAINTS, VARNISHES and BRUSHES, MANILA and SISAL ROPE,

HANDLES OF ALL KINDS;HOSE: Rubber, Wire-bou- nd of superior quality, and Steam.

Agate Iron Ware' Silver Plated Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery,Powder, Shot and Caps, The Celebrated "Club" Machine-loade- d Cartridges,

AGENTS FOR:"New Process" Rope, " New Process " Twist Drills,

Gate City Stone Filters, Neal's Carriage Paints,Hartman's Steel-wir- e Fence and Steel wire Mats,

Wm. G . Fisher's Wrought Steel Ranges,Hart's Patent "Duplex" Die Stocks

MESSES. KING BEOS.Invite the inspection of their Large Stock of SHEET PICTURES



100-l- y




JL tractor, and is now better prepared to do any and all kinds of workappertaining to contracting or any other class of work belonging to his trade, in


Picture Mloiildingsthe same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed my shopexpenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain-ing to the building trade that may be entrusted to my care. I am enabled to dothe same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same time

Lately imported, of the latest designs in

at the very

Old Pictures Renovated and Made

bearing in raind that what is worth doing

Thanking theI


E. O. HAUL Thev are DreDared to furnish WINDOW POIVE HORNTHFR in Ah Fhnnvand California Walnut, with Brassproporuonaiiy iow prices, eitner oi walnut, nusn, unerry, Abu, H.bony, lite.

Readv-mad- e FRAMES for Cabinet Photos, alwava on hand in crpnt. variAtvTl V-- vr-A 1 a 1-- 1 T. T--l .

ui jtiusu, iNuiurai wooa, nronze, ii.ic., Xiic.

WaU Brackots, Book Shelves, Easels,

IN FANCY GOODS thev ran fihmvgraph Albums, Plush Toilet Sets, Japanese Ware, Bronzes, Toilet Mirrors, LeatheruruuuB, jruraes, xrocKet,jooKs, nana Jtsags, etc., etc.

A Complete StockAlways kept, at the lowest prices. Winser & Newton's Oil Colors, ordinary tubesi,wu tor to ceuia, omer coiors in proportion, uanvas from 75 cents per yard up

Hawaiian Scenes in Water and Oil Colors in Great Variety,By different Artists. Also, Scenes by their special Artist, who is prepared at altimes to fill orders for Menu Cards. Small Sketches suitable for mailing. .


Hardware Merchants s CjL-FTh- is firm devotes itn vhnlAouppiies, and Art (jrooas crenerallv. Git 1

KING BROS. ART STORE, Hotel St. near Fort.

Paauhau Plantation,. Hawaii. March 9, 1B88. 1

Blsdou Irou and Locomotive Works, San Francisco. -

n.nt1.m.nV. V n n.aJ turn nf VCitlT 30

are convenient, easily handled and are workingentirely to oar satisfaction, l can iwuiuawu--no improvement on them,

very respectiniiy yours.(signed) A. Moons,

Manager Paauhau Plantation.

Bekia. Sept. 28, 1889.

Mb. Johst Drat, Agent Bisdon Iron Works,iionoiuiu.

Ttwt'-- St-b- Dlua. ah in Tim ADA at VOUT 30

Compartment Filter Presses, 240 square feetsurface, same as the one supplied us last season,which I am pleased to say has given us entiresatisfaction. oxmtxMj.

Manager fleeia Agricultural Co.

ti.... i'mmai ma made extra heavy forhigh pressures, occupies a floor space of llx4 ft., and presents a filtering surface of240square ieet. a umitea uuiuum awa.Honolulu ana are som at very tow nccn.

Bisdon Iron & L.oco. Works,San Francisco.

JOHN DYER HonolulBoom No. 8 Spreckels' Block:

234 W. G. IRWIN & Co., Agents

Baldwin Locomo b i

The undersigned having been ap-

pointed Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin Locomotives

From the Works of

Burnham, Parry, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Penn.,

Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, of anysize and style.

The, Baldwin Locomotive Works arenow manufacturing a style of Locomotive particularly adopted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing PlantationAgents and Managers with particulars ofsame.

The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughout theUnited states.

WM. Or. IRWIN & CO.,.Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

21 1307

THE RISDOTSTIron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,

San Francisco CaliforniaW. H. TAYLOR PresidentB. s. MOOSE Superintendent

Builders of Steam Machinery

In all Its branches.Steamboat, Steamship, Land Engines & Boilers.

liign nressare or Compound.STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete.

wiiii ii una ot wooa, iron or composite.OEDINAKY ENGINES compounded when ad

rlsable. -

STEAM LAUNCHES. Eartren unri Rtnam Tnn obstructed with reference to the trade in whichthey are to be employed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

SUGAB MILLS and Sugar Making Machineryuiau-- j utoi mo wool approved plans. Also, all

, rouer iron won connected therewith. .

WATEB PIPE, of Boiler o Ahpf Twin nr .-- .size, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.

HYDRAULIC BIVETING, Boiler Work and Waterjripeu maae oy inis establishment, riveted byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality of

uoiuu tar auperior 10 nana wore.SHIP WOBB. Shin and Rtfiam (ktutmi. atA.m

Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps', made. .iwi uiv musk npprvvea pians.SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PacificCoast of the Heine Safety Boiler.PUMPS Direct. Aettnff Pnmm fn imi.Mi'.mt " few. vaa uicity works purposes, built with the celebrated

aive aohod, superior to any other. pump. :

JOHN DYER. .'. ..Honolulu13m Boom No. 3. upstairs. Spreckels' Block

NEW GOODSA Fine Assortment.

We have just received per S. S. Mariposa,. a fine selection of New Goods,

comprising, one- elegant

Hand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set.

A few of those fine hand-embroider- ed


Assorted colors and patterns of CredeSilk Shawls. Elegant Tete--a te Cups

and Sancers. A fine lot of


A few of those handy Mosquito Urns.Also, an assortment of new styles of

Rattan Chairs and. Tables- Also, a small selection of JAPANESECOSTUMES.

'Call earlv and examine this finassortment of New Goods. ;

WING WO CHAN & CO.No. 22 Nuuanu Street.

155-l- y.

Big G has given univer-salCwih I satisfaction In thecure of Gonorrhoea andUleet. I prescribe it andfeel safe in recommendZ.j I Xral7bTtt I Ins; it to aU sufferers.

, V qndTiTistfJL L3 km J. STONEB, BJK,Oaeater, III.

PRICE, 81.00.hUrVi Sold bv DruStirl.t.

Hoixistee & Co., Wholesale Agents.Behsok,8iuth & Co.. Wholesale Agents

61-li216- 1y


Oceanic Steamship Co.

From San Francisco, 12 O'clock, Noon.Leave Due atS. F. Honolulu

Mariposa. ..Saturday... May 3.. ..May 10I

Zealandia . .Satarday...May 31. ...June 7Alameda.. .Saturday,. .June 28, ...July 5Mariposa. ..Saturday.. July . Aug. 2Zealandia. .Saturday. .Aug. 23. . ..Aug. 30Alameda. . .Saturday.. Sept. 20 . ..Sept 27Mariposa. . Saturday.. Oct. 18 .'. ...Oct. 25Zealandia. .Saturday . .Nov. 15. . ..Nov. 22Alameda.. .Saturday . .Dec. 13.. . Dec. 20

To San Franeiaco.Leave Due at

Sydney HonoluluZealandia . . Wednesday .. Apr 16 ... .May 3Alameda. . . Wednesday. . May 14 . . . May 31Marinosa.. Wednesday. .June 11. .June 28Zeala'ndia. .Wednesday . .July 9.. July 26Alameda...Wednesday.. Aug 6... Aug 23Mariposa. . Wednesday :. Sept 3. . .Sept 20Zealandia.. Wednesday.. .Oct l,...Oct 18Alameda... Wednesday:. Oct 29.. .Nov 15Mariposa. . Wednesday..Nov 26. .ec 13Zealandia . . Wednesday . . Dec 24 ... J an 10

Intermediate S. S. Australia. 13 31.Leave San Francisco Leave Honolulu.Friday.... ...Apr. 25 Friday May 9Friday.... ...May 23 Friday June 6Friday ... ...June 20 Friday July 4Friday.... ....July 18 Friday ..Aug. 1

Friday .. .Aug. 15 Friday Aug. 29Friday.. .. ...Sept. 12 Fridav Sept. 26Friday .. ..Oct. 10 Friday Oct. 24Friday ...Nov. 7 Friday Nov. 21Friday ....Dec. 51 Friday. Dec. 18


Of San Francisco.

Practical Piano, Pipe and Reed Organ


Having worked in some of the largestpiano and organ lactones in tbe UnitedStates of America, I am fully able and prepared to do all kinds of repair work m themost satisfactory manner.

Orders can be left at H. F. Wichman's Jewelry store, Fort street, at theAdvertiser onice, or through Mutual Telephone No. 347. 67-l- m

LOVE'S BAKERY.Wo. 73 Nnnann Street

MKH.KOBT.LOVE, . . - Proprietress.

Every Description of Plain and Fancy

Bread and Crackers,F RES H

Soda CrackersA N D

Saloon Bread

Alwnj't ou Ilaiiil.


tilantl Order Promptly Attended fc.


RESORTXing St, opp. Oahu Railway Depot,

1 illiards, Bowling AlJ ey


Cold Lunches! Cold Drinks!

The Best of Coffee, Tea and Chocolate.Finest Brands of


Oypters and Game bv evervCalifornia steamer.

E. M. SNIFFEN,Hl-l- y Manager.

Ttel'hte' Moniy.

For April, 1890.

TABLE OF1 CONTENTS:Filitorial Amenities.Letter of Inquiry al.out Cane Soils andCane Planting.Removing Scale on Boilers. -Dr. Stubbs on Diffusion.Report of Mr. V. J. Forsyth on the sui-

tability of Land for Coffee and Cin-chona Culture.

Coffee Cultivation A Proposition froma Coffee Planter.

A Visit to the Botanic Gardens CaneSeed and Seed Canes.

Florida Sugar Industry.The Sugar Industry. 'More about Ramie Fibre.Cuban Sugar News. r .

, TERMS :Yearly subscription. . . . . ...'. . . 2 50Foreign " 3 00Bound Volumes, i ... .... ... ...... 4 00

Back Volumes bound to order.


46 Merchant St., Honolulu. '


and decorated ; Wedgewoodand Stand Lamps,

nn minnu nilit


for Pipe and Bolt Threading.


at all is worth doing well.

public for past favors,remain respectfully yours,


& SON, L'd,

Corner of Fort and King Streets.

Gents New Silk Umbrella cost $4 75 2 50.Ladies' Umbrella cost $5 $2.50.Ladies Colored Parasols $1 25 each.Children's Colored Parasols $1.Ladies' Balbriggan fine Stockings embry.

each side 30c. a pair. 'Ladies' Balbriggan fine Stockings embry.

each side 25c. a pair.Ladies' Balbriggan fine Lisle Stockings

embry. each side 25c. a pair.All Colored of Worsted low price.Window Curtain by yard and pair below

cost.Gents' & Boys Colored Shirts 35c.to50c.

each.Ladies Fine Woolen Shawls 75c. each.All kinds of Woolen Shawls $2.50, $3.Large Size Col. Double Blankets $4 to $5.Large assort. Embry. Silk Hdfs. $1 to

$1 25.Large asst. Plain Hem st Silk Hdfs. and

colored border 50c. to 75c.Chin.Silk Crepe (black & white) low priceLadies' Kid Gloves (white) 75c.Ladies' Colored Mitts all kinds, cheap.

; Ladies' Col. & White Lin. HandkerchiefsAll kinds Ostrich Feathers 75c. to $1.All kinds Ostrich Tips 50c. to 75c.All kinds Embry. Laces sale below-cost- .

, Chinese Pajamas Suits $3 50 a suit.Chinese Cotton Pajamas Suits $1 50.Geats' Suits, Coats & Pants below cost.Gents' White Suits. Coats & Pants $2 50Gents' Light Coat & Vest $1 00.Also large assort. Diagonal, Blue Serge,

Black Cloth suitable for suits, etc.Colored Mosquito Netting at 50c. pc.

10 yds. a piece. ,

Ladies' & Children Straw Hats all kindscolor. '

Kucbing in Black and white below cost,3 yards for 25c. ; .

Ladies' Bags (all size) and assort. Fisher's :

black and cream." Large assort. Satin Ribbons (all colors).Gents' Plain & Embry. Woolen Shirts.Ladies' Chemise Night Gown & Draw. ,

Large assort. Crockery, Etc., Etc., Etc.


FOR SALE:Stallions of Various Breeds.

Mares with, or without FoalHorses Tor any Purpose.


A Skilful BREAKER and TRAINERis employed on the Ranch.

Satisfaction is guaranteed in Breakingand Training Horses.

ISENBEEG.62-6- m


great variety, personally selected for this

Lowest Prices.

Look Like New at Very Small Cost

fittings at $1 per set; and 10 foot Poles at

' J

Hat Racks, Boquet Stands, Mirrors, Etc

t.h heat. linAn nf Antncminh on Plmtn.

of Artists Materials

nitAntinn fn PiotnKo an av t.hpm n. null han" mm.m vv WW HIIUV CKrU J liUlUIL U


1296 -ly



TTK ,' ::r m:' .

JOHN GRACE, Proprietor.

Have on hand, a Large Stock of MANILA ROPE 6 Threadto 9 inch; IRON WIRE, and Flexible STEEL ROAMS, all sizes; BoltRope, Lanyard Stuff, Ratline, Spunyarn, Marlin, Hambroline, IIou9line,Seizing Stuff, Wire Seizing, Whaleline, Oakum, Felt, Pitch, Coal and

Stockholm Tar, Pitch Mops, and Tar Brushes.

BLO C KS-Com- mon and Patent, all sizes and styles ;

SHEAVES Common, Patent and Metaline bushed;A Large Assortment ot

Galvanized and Brass Ship Hardware,Hubbucks White Lead, Zinc, Black Paint Boiledand Kaw Oil, Woolsey's & Tarr & Wonson's Copper Paint, Galvanizedand Black Chain, all sizes, Anchors, Oars, Boat Boards, Yellow METALSHEATHING and Nails, Copper and Galvanized Boat Nails, PatentLogs and Lines. COTTON and FLAX CANVAS, Nos. 0 to 10, BoatSail Drill and Raven's Duck, and in fact everything that should befound in a well stocked Ship Chandlery Store. We sell FIRST-CLAS- S

Goods at LOWEST Market Rates. Call and see for yourselves at

V' 4

'. ' ; k

4 f

'.; -

W A7. ; '.; i

' "i

I ?


:, ..:

m"V" 'i


3 r .

V I.

1 r i' - 'i

7; ' . t

I; ;


it 4


; J





57-2- m GMjNger ale,Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Cream aiid Plain Soda,

Champagne Cider, Etc., Etc.

131 Days from ip



Anchors, Chains,Cocoa Mats, Kettles,

Sauce Pans, Frlt.Bedsteads,

Fence Wirt,

White Lead, Red Leu!,

Boiled Linseed Oil,

Castor Oil, Belting,

Coal Tar, Water Tanks,

Fire Brick, Alum,

Red Ochre, Fire Clay,

Bags, Twine,Filter Cloth,

Soap, Groceries,Boots and Sloes,

Perfumery, Flags,

Rope Brashes,



. Bridles, Felts, Whips,

Blankets, Sheeting,

Dry Goods, Merino

Shawls, Handkercbieh

Victoria Lawns,

Mosqaito iMeiung,

Laces, Ribbons, Hats,JVelvets, Embroidered

Flannel,Basket Trunks,

n TTflmnerSi

Underwear, Braces,

Sofa Pillows.Gloves, Flottncing.

Embroidery. CorUM

Table Napkins

Table Cloths,Water-pro- of


Artificial Flowers.

Dust Cloaks,

Pajama Suits,

Dinner Sets,Tea Sets,

Umbrella Stan.Decanters,Salad Bowls,

Mush Sets,FlowerPota,Filters,Etc.. Etc., Ev

H. Wr

Theo. : i



troceries, Provisions and FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

, ,)"-..'- - :

New (Joods received by every pacset from the Eastern States and Enrope tesh Calif oralproduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postoffice Box No. 418Tele'" Nn. 0ao17

Grand Clearance Sale!utual 330--TELEPHONES---






72 Ladies' asstd. Embroidered Suits, inboxes, tine and very cheap.

Ladies' Balbriggan Under Vests, 50c. ea.Lambrequins, formerly $3, now 75c.White Flannel, all wool, 50c. yer yard.White Flannel, all wool, 35c. per yard.Ladies' Silk Gloves, asstd colors, long

and short, 50 and 75c.Dress Goods, Cotton Flannel, 8 yds. $1.Pink Marsalles, 10 K. UK.Honeycomb, I0i, 124, all wool Merinos, 50 to tOc. yard.Black Spanish Lace, $1 yard.90 in. Jdosq. Netting 10 yds. at $1 50 a

piece.Best White Cotton 16 yds. $1.90 in. of White Sheeting at 33c. a yard.Brown Cotton 16 yds. $1.Fast Colored of New Prints 16 up to 18

yds. $1.Brown Linen 6 yds. $1.White Heavy Moleskin at 50c. a yard.20 in. G rey and White Flannel 25c.a yard.Chinese fongee Silk (yellow and blue)

$5 a niece.ju in. wme White Fierure Linen Tahl

Uloth 50c. a yard.2x1 White figure Linen Table Cloth

S1 ft rtipno1x1 White Figure Linen Table Cloth

75c. a piece.lUxiyi Garnet Figure Linen Table Cloth

$1 50 apiece.Fine Colored Satin at .50c. a yard.Fine Colored atin at 75c. a yard.Fine Garnet Velveteen at 50c. a yard.Gents' Unlaundried Shirts at 50c. a piece.Boys' Unlaundried Shirts at 35c. a piece.Gents' Socks embry. each side 20c. a pair.Grey and Merino Socks 25c. a pair.Gents India Gauze Undershirt 50c. piece.Gents' India Gauze Undershirt 25c. piece.Gents' Balbriggan Undershirt 75c. piece.Gents' Cotton Flannel Shirt and Drawers

$1 a suit. u .1 TT7IGOO KIM, NUUANU STREET. i ancv OTiittm62--tf

y 0